Installing a soft roof with your own hands - detailed instructions. Preparing a roof for a soft roof - features of the technology How to cover a soft roof with your own hands

The process itself is quite simple and does not require the use of complex devices or professional tools. Before installation soft roof do it yourself, read the advice of experts on performing such work.

Soft roof installation base

A strong homogeneous base can be built different ways.

  1. Almost all manufacturers strongly recommend using moisture-resistant fiberboard, OSB or moisture-resistant plywood as a base for a soft roof. These materials provide maximum strength, perfect surface, greatest convenience and safety of walking on the roof during roofing works. It should be noted that fiberboard, OSB and plywood are completely unsuitable for fastening with nails. Therefore, for slabs, instead of a hammer, you will have to use a screwdriver, and for plywood, an additional drill. Otherwise, there is a risk of sheet delamination at the place where the screw is tightened.
  2. The second option is an edged board. Is it cheaper than plywood? particle boards, easy to process and suitable for nailing. When installing edged boards, it is necessary to provide technological gaps of 2-5 mm, compensating for changes in the size of the wood due to humidity and temperature. The smaller they are, the less the roofing material heated by the action will sag in them. high temperatures. But, if you forget about these gaps, there is a risk of the boards protruding, which will inevitably lead to local destruction of the soft roof. It is especially great if you lay the boards in hot weather with elevated temperature, which is incorrect, since the tree dries out. During rain, the boards will swell from the humid air and, due to lack of space, will begin to bend in an arc and ruin the roof.
  3. The most convenient and the right option will be the use of tongue-and-groove boards as a base for a roof, which is largely devoid of the disadvantages described above. It is available in all regions of the Russian Federation, and its cost is not much higher than a regular edged board.

Tools and materials for work

To work you will need:

  • a knife with a thin blade (the resinous base of the soft roof sticks more strongly to a thick blade);
  • hammer, nail gun, screwdriver - depending on the hardware used;
  • blowtorch for tarring roofs - when using roofing felt to cover the roof;
  • sealant, bitumen mastic or other adhesive materials;
  • roofing nails, screws;
  • work gloves;
  • if necessary, safety ropes and other safety elements.

Soft roof installation technology

The word “soft” in the name of the roof characterizes it physical properties. This name includes not only modern coatings from all possible bitumen shingles, but also a slightly outdated classic roofing material. Do-it-yourself soft roofing from these materials is laid in different ways, so we will consider them separately.

Ruberoid. A budget option

Since domestic roofing felt is quite cheap, roofing from it fits well into the lowest budget. Moreover, roofing felt or its cheaper analogue - roofing felt - can also be used as a lining layer. Unlike soft tiles, roofing felt does not have a self-adhesive layer. Therefore, it is laid on molten resin, or hot viscous bitumen mastic. Installation of a soft roof according to the second option is preferable, since you can do without the dangerous use of a special burner directly on the roof to melt the resin.

Roofing felt base

Under roofing felt, experts recommend installing a double sheathing with the direction of the boards of the upper and lower layers shifted by about 45 degrees. The low price allows you to lay it in two, three or even more layers. Therefore, such a durable roof is used even on flat roofs, naturally, while turning Special attention to ensure thorough gluing and sealing of all seams, joints to walls, pipes and other protruding structures.

Calculation of the quantity of materials

The amount of material is calculated very simply. The roofing area is divided by the area of ​​one roll and rounded to the nearest whole number of roofing material. The consumption of mastic and resin greatly depends on the type of base, the planned number of layers and the chosen type of roofing.

Laying a soft roof with your own hands

On flat roofs, roofing felt is laid parallel to the eaves line. Laying begins from the bottom, and each subsequent layer overlaps the previous one. The amount of overlap is 10-15 cm. Steeper slopes are covered from the ridge to the eaves. Depending on the design of the roof ridge, a strip of roofing material is thrown over it or adjusted to the ventilation system of the ridge strip.

The glue and sealant for the base is BN-U or BN-1U bitumen, diluted in kerosene to a thick viscous consistency. To glue the strips together, you need to use hot bitumen mastic.

Roofing from soft tiles technology

Unlike roofing felt, soft tiles are produced in the form of separate figured elements - shingles. This type of coating has a multilayer structure, reinforced with fiberglass and polymer bitumen, which maintains its viscosity for several decades. Each shingle is generously sprinkled with mineral chips, basalt colored sand or ground quartz on top. The sand coating of the roof protects the viscous base from overheating by the hot sun and does not allow bitumen resin to drain off even with the steepest roof slope.

Calculation of the quantity of materials

Each manufacturer gives its own recommendations for calculation required quantity material. To calculate roofing materials complex configuration you will have to make a drawing of the surface to be covered and calculate the number of shingles using a graphical method. The number of rolls of underlayment material is equal to the roof surface area.

Soft tiles are usually fastened with nails, less often with screws. Their mass in kilograms is equal to the total area of ​​the surface to be coated (in sq.m) divided by 10. The amount of glue used at the points of attachment to protruding elements (pipes, walls, ventilation, etc.) is determined based on the total length of all adhesive seams .

Soft tile roofing, installation procedure

Before installing the tiles, a special durable and waterproof underlay material is laid. If the slope of the slope is less than 20 percent, the lining is laid over the entire surface. With a greater slope, it is mounted only along the ridge, along the cornice, at the ends and in places where it is connected to protruding elements. The lining is laid parallel to the cornice line, starting from the bottom, with an overlap of the layers of about 10 cm. The first row is glued along the cornice and secured along the perimeter of the canvas with nails in increments of 20 cm. Last layer also glued along the ridge. Bituminous mastic is used at the ends of the roof.

After the roof lining is laid, the shingles themselves begin to be installed. In order not to cut the shingles and save on material, for the first under-eaves layer a strip of the same collection as the tile itself is taken. As a last resort, to get such a tape, you can simply cut off the protruding petals of the soft tiles.

The next layer is overlapped so as to cover the joints and seams of the bottom strip. For the same purpose, each subsequent layer is shifted relative to the previous one by half a petal. To avoid differences in shades of material from different batches, all shingles must be mixed before installation.

Bottom line

If we take into account all the described nuances, the installation of a soft roof is easy, quick and does not require the involvement of large quantity workers. A beautiful, modern, reliable roof will become a source of pride for the owner for the important and high-quality work done with his own hands.

Do-it-yourself soft roofing can be done without much difficulty. To do this, you should use materials that are designed for laying on a solid base.

Installation of a soft roof using flexible tiles

The use of bituminous shingles can only be done if the roof flat type the smallest slope relative to the horizontal, it should be 12 degrees or more. If this parameter is lower, then moisture will stagnate at the joints, which will cause damage to the coating.

External conditions

Do-it-yourself soft roofing using bitumen shingles can be installed at 5 degrees or higher. This is due to the characteristics of the sheet, which contains several elements. It can be attached to the surface using nails or using a self-adhesive layer. The latter is located on the inside. Absolute impermeability of the material becomes possible under the influence of solar heat. Under its influence, the sheets are mated with each other and the surface. At sub-zero temperatures This effect cannot be achieved, so the insulation will not be of high quality.

When installing a soft roof with your own hands, a photo of which can be seen in the article, a positive temperature is also necessary because the fragility of the sheets in cold weather will not allow installing the material with overlap, and this is necessary, especially on the ridge.

Preparing the base

If you are installing a soft roof with your own hands, then you can use it as a basis for flexible tiles. edged board. It can be moisture-resistant plywood, OSB or other construction material, which has flat surface. The permissible base humidity can be 20 percent. At the joints, the boards must be fixed to the supports and at least two purlins must be overlapped between them.

As for the seams of the lower skin, they must have gaps, the width of which is 2 millimeters. If the sheathing is made of edged boards, then the grooves should be slightly larger, their parameters vary within 5 millimeters. When installing edged boards, you must ensure that tree rings were located upward with rounded parts.

Ventilation features

If you install a soft roof with your own hands, with step by step photos can be found in the article. The presence of ventilation guarantees air circulation, which is necessary to prevent the formation of condensation that may occur on the lower part of the base. If we neglect this stage of the process, this will cause the rafter system to be susceptible to rotting, whereas in winter time Ice and icicles will form on it.

When carrying out work, it is important to take into account that the system roof ventilation It consists of several elements, among which are ventilation outlets and an air gap. The latter is located between the waterproofing and the base. Its thickness should be 5 millimeters. In addition to the above-mentioned components, the ventilation system has elements that are located in the curtain rod scales.

Before laying a soft roof with your own hands, you need to work on the ventilation system. If you want it to work correctly, well attic space was ventilated naturally, then the holes must be located under the overhang of the cornice evenly along the entire ridge.

Lining layer

Laying a soft roof with your own hands requires the presence of a lining layer. It should be located on the eaves overhangs, valleys and ends of the roof from top to bottom. Provided that the roof slope exceeds 18 degrees, it is permissible to limit the lining only where leakage is most likely. Skates and valleys need to be strengthened by 250 and 500 millimeters, respectively. The latter must be equipped with a lining layer on both sides; along the eaves, as well as end overhangs, it must be laid in a width of 400 millimeters or more.

If the roof has a slope ranging from 12 to 18 degrees, then the lining should be laid over the entire area, it should be directed from the bottom to the top. IN longitudinal direction The overlap width should be 150 millimeters; as for the transverse direction, this figure should be 100 millimeters or more. The lining is secured to the base using galvanized roofing nails; the distance between them must be 200 millimeters. In order to achieve better sealing of overlap areas, it is necessary to treat these areas with bitumen mastic.

Working on cornice and gable trims

If you are installing a soft roof, do-it-yourself installation technology will help you with this (it is presented in the article). At the stage of installation of the cornice strips, it is necessary to install the elements on the lining on the overhangs of the cornice. These components are made of metal and are necessary to reliably protect the edges of the sheathing. Fixation is carried out with mounting nails. It is important to ensure correct distance between them, it should be equal to 100 millimeters.

Where cornice strips will mate with each other, it is necessary to make an overlap of 20 millimeters or more. Gable crossbars are also made of steel; they must be installed on the lining material at the ends of the roof. They are designed to protect the edge of the sheathing. The installation technology is similar to that used when installing curtain rods.

If you are installing a soft garage roof with your own hands, then you should not forget about the valley carpet; it acts as protection for the entire system from the effects of precipitation. You need to choose it according to the shade of the tiles; fixation is done with roofing nails. The overlaps must be well taped.

Laying tiles

When laying a soft roof with your own hands, you should remember that before working on the lower surface of the tiles, you need to get rid of the protective film. The craftsman should be aware that the eaves tiles should be located 2 centimeters from the edge of the eaves throughout the entire overhang. The main part of the material should start from the middle. As for standard conditions, the canvas should be fixed with four nails, but if the roof slope is extremely steep or the building area is dominated by permanent strong winds, you need to use about 6 nails.

The first row is installed so that the edge is removed from the top edge of the cornice material by 1 cm and no more. Petals should be used to decorate joints. When installing the next row, it is necessary to ensure that the level of the cutouts of the previous row and the ends of the so-called petals necessarily coincide.

If you are thinking about how to make a soft roof with your own hands, then during the work process the material will need to be cut along the edge and glued to a width that is 10 cm or more. Before you begin laying, the slopes must be marked with chalk, drawing horizontal lines. This is necessary to ensure that the sheets are accurately positioned in the row. If the slope has a broken geometry or is installed on it additional elements in the form of dormer windows, then chalk markings will help align the rows.

Installation of ridge tiles

If you are installing a soft roof with your own hands, the instructions for carrying out the work will help you. You can get acquainted with it by reading this article. In order to obtain ridge tiles, it is necessary to work on the eaves; it is cut into three parts in the perforation area. It must be mounted on the ridge, parallel, turning the elements with the short side towards it. These parts must be secured with four nails, two of which must be located on one side.

Euroroofing felt laying technology

Before laying a soft roof with your own hands, you need to select a material. This can be euroroofing felt, which is a rolled weld-on material. It also applies to soft roofing. These sheets differ from bitumen shingles in that they can be installed on a flat roof.

Preparing the base

The roof surface must not only be hard, but also dry, it must be completely cleaned of dust and dirt. Among other things, the base must meet all requirements fire safety. Any monolithic coating can be used for work. This includes concrete plates, which can act as a base only if they are equipped with a slope for water drainage. In addition, such a surface must have cement-sand screed. You can fuse roofing felt onto a pressed OSB board.

If the work is to be carried out on old roof, which has an existing resin cake, then it will act as a good basis. The surface must be treated with bitumen-polymer mastic. It can be used as a concentrate or in a ready-made state. Mastic is not required when laying the described material on an old coating. Before carrying out work, you must carefully study the instructions for using the mastic; the packaging should indicate the amount of time required for final drying. It is not recommended to fuse roofing felt before this period. This is due to the fact that these manipulations will negatively affect the quality of the roof.

Laying work must begin from the point where the drainage line is located, that is, from the bottom. Because the drain line is parallel to the slope line, water will not flow into the joints of the strips.

Installation of euroroofing felt

If you are installing a soft roof, do-it-yourself installation technology will help you with this. If you decide to use euroroofing felt, you should remember that this material cannot be overheated. If this does happen, you will have to purchase a new one, since overheating causes damage, and the roofing material loses its ability to adhere. The finished surface should not have places that lack protective coating. You should not carry out work on a surface that has voids and black spots, high-quality coating should be uniform.

Bituminous shingles in last years has become one of the most popular roofing coverings, thanks to its original appearance, imitating classic ceramic tiles. Simple technology fixing shingles with a self-adhesive layer makes it easier self-installation material, but before starting installation work The roof structure requires thorough preparation. In this article we will tell you how the device is made roofing pie under soft tiles.

Soft roofing is called bitumen shingles, which are made from fiberglass or polyester impregnated with modified petroleum bitumen or synthetic rubber. External surface shingles are sprinkled with basalt or mineral chips to add color, texture and mechanical strength material. Soft tiles are produced in the form of tiles with a figured edge, the length of which is 100 cm, width 30-45 cm, and thickness 0.3-0.45 mm. This roof covering has the following features:

  1. A light weight. Square meter soft roof weighs no more than 13 kg, which allows not to make the device heavier rafter frame additional elements.
  2. Flexibility. The material has high elasticity and flexibility, so it can easily be installed on roofs of complex shapes.
  3. Durability. The service life of a roof with such a coating is up to 70 years, and it does not require special maintenance.
  4. Resistance to factors external environment. Soft roofing is valued for its high moisture resistance, tolerance to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes.

Note! It is not recommended to install soft roofing on structures with a high risk of fire, as it is a flammable material. To reduce the likelihood of fires, the installation of the rafter frame is carried out with mandatory treatment with fire-retarding agents.

Nuances of work

The soft roof is fixed to the base using a self-adhesive layer of low-melting bitumen on the underside of the material, protected by a polyethylene protective film. The construction of a roof made of bitumen shingles can only be carried out under certain weather conditions:

  • The ambient air temperature should not be lower than 5-10 degrees, since otherwise the bitumen layer will have to be forcibly heated using a construction hair dryer or gas burner, risking damage to the tiles.
  • The ambient temperature should not exceed 25 degrees, so that when installing the roof, the bitumen layer does not melt and flow down the slope.
  • performed in dry, non-rainy weather on a dried base to prevent rotting of the rafter frame and finishing coating during operation.

Important! Asphalt roofing shingles should be stored in a dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent the asphalt adhesive layer from melting. Remove from shingles protective film To avoid sticking of the material before installation of the coating, it is not recommended.

Base requirements

The installation of a soft roof begins with the preparation of the base, the strength and reliability of which determines the service life and moisture resistance of the structure. The process of creating a roofing pie for a bitumen roof must be carried out strictly in accordance with the technology. The base provides flexible tiles the following conditions:

  1. Mechanical strength. Soft roofing is laid exclusively on continuous sheathing, since she is not capable of holding her shape on her own. Therefore, the base for installing the coating is made from sheets of moisture-resistant plywood or particle board.
  2. Smoothness. Bottom surface flexible roofing easy to damage, so installation is carried out on underlay carpet However, the base does not interfere with sharpening and freeing it from knots and nicks.
  3. Smooth surface. Installation of a roof made of bitumen shingles does not tolerate curvature. Any misalignment of the sheathing will result in gaps between the shingles.
  4. Ventilation. The ventilation gap between the bitumen tile roofing and the rafter frame must be at least 50 mm to avoid the “greenhouse effect” and the occurrence of condensation.

Please note that the compliance of the base the right technology guarantees a long service life of the roof, absence of leaks and mechanical damage to the frame.

Preparation technology

The roofing pie, with which a soft roof is installed, consists of a layer of vapor barrier, insulation, waterproofing, counter-lattice, sparse lathing, lining carpet and finishing coating. The quality of the design depends on the correctness of the calculation, sequence and compatibility of materials. Preparing the roof for soft tiles is as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to check the condition of the rafter frame. All rotten elements must be replaced. Re-treat with fire retardant and antiseptic.
  • Fix vapor-permeable membrane waterproofing on top of the rafters with overlapping strips. Waterproofing material fixed with a construction stapler with sagging to avoid rupture in case of leakage.
  • Counter battens 3-4 cm thick are nailed on top of the waterproofing to ensure ventilation gap. Then, perpendicular to the rafters, a sparse sheathing of edged boards is fixed in increments of 30-50 cm.
  • Sheets of plywood or OSB are nailed onto the additional sheathing, leaving a gap of 1-3 mm between them.
  • An underlay carpet is laid on a solid base, on which a soft roof is subsequently laid.

Experienced craftsmen note that installing a high-quality, reliable base makes a bitumen roof more durable and resistant to mechanical damage. Therefore, during the work process, you must strictly follow the technology and recommendations of the manufacturers.

Video instruction

A roof made of soft tiles allows you to realize the most incredible architectural ideas, since such a roof can take on almost any shape. Soft roofs can be laid on slopes with angles from 12 to 90 degrees. TO distinctive features material can be attributed to low weight, good insulating properties, durability and wide choose shades and textures. Covering the roof with soft tiles is carried out in several stages.

How to cover a roof with a soft roof - preparing the base

Before starting installation work, it is necessary to properly prepare the base for soft tiles.

It must meet the following requirements:

Preparing the roof for a soft roof - ventilation device

Ventilation - required condition high-quality and durable roofs of soft roofing houses.

A ventilation system is necessary for:

  • withdrawal excess moisture from sheathing, roofing material and insulation;
  • ventilation of the building;
  • reducing the temperature of the structure and under-roof space in the summer;
  • prevent ice from freezing on the roof.

For full implementation For the above tasks, ventilation should have a fairly large gap (at least 5 cm). The exhaust vent on the roof is located as high as possible, preferably on the ridge. The inlet opening is located at the eaves.

Soft roof - underlayment construction

A reinforcing layer is almost always laid under a soft roof covering. If the roof slope is less than 1: 3, then, according to the existing technology for installing soft roofs, it is necessary to cover the entire area of ​​the slope with a lining layer. If the roof has large slope angles, then a layer of lining is installed on the end parts, eaves overhangs, ridges and valleys.

The material is laid in layers with an overlap of 100 mm. To the base of the roof backing layer fasten with nails, in increments of 20 mm. All joints must be sealed with bitumen mastic.

How to cover a roof with a soft roof - protecting the eaves

Before installation, remove the protective film from the tiles. Then each element is glued to the base and additionally secured with 4 nails in the perforation areas. Next rows lay the ends of the tongues at the level of the cutout of the previous row of tiles. In the valleys and at the ends, the tiles are cut along the edges and covered with bitumen mastic or K-36 glue.

To carry out roofing work, a whole working team was required, since all the necessary activities took a significant amount of effort and time. Appearance modern materials The new generation has made it possible to significantly simplify these procedures.

Soft roofing is superior to many other materials in its technical and performance qualities. It is one of the most popular various configurations.

What properties does this material have?

  • Light weight ensures a reduction in the load on the building as a whole and on the roof structure in particular.
  • Excellent soundproofing properties They make even the sounds of hail or rain inaudible for the inhabitants of the building.
  • Tightness guarantees excellent protection of the house, walls and roof space from winds and moisture.
  • Wonderful appearance . This coating looks elegant and quite status-worthy, in no way inferior in appearance to natural.
  • Significant periods of use. Such coverage lasts for about thirty years on average. Naturally, it needs current repairs and carrying out preventive work.
  • Simplicity and ease of installation, as well as subsequent maintenance. Even one person can handle the job, requiring only a few days to complete the work.

What is this wonderful soft roof?

It is important to consider that it is recommended to lay soft roofing on pitched roofs with an inclination angle of more than eleven degrees. Maximum size The angle of inclination can be any, its value is not limited.

DIY roofing

As noted above, one person can handle the installation of soft tiles.

What materials and tools will he need?

  • Directly roofing material.
  • Trowel and mastic for gluing.
  • High-quality sealant for treating areas of coating adjacent to walls and pipes, as well as for finishing connecting seams.
  • Sharp knife.
  • Roofing nails and hammer.
  • Pencil and plumb line.
  • Trims for neat finishing of ends and cornices.
  • Gloves.

Preparing to lay a soft roof

What is the main difference between soft tiles and other roofing materials?

  1. The fact is that this type The roof covering must be laid on a continuous solid base.
    Let’s say it is successfully mounted on timber, and the gaps between the individual beams do not in any way degrade the quality of the coating.
  2. But it does not have a fixed rigid structure, like metal or like.
    It has to be mounted on special boards (oriented strand boards), on a tongue-and-groove or edged board, or on thick moisture-resistant plywood.
  3. If a board is preferred as a base for soft tiles, then buy it better in winter, and put it into action in the summer. This is what experts advise.
    It will benefit from “resting” in the stack for a certain time, during which time it will acquire the required level of humidity. IN ideal it should be 20 percent. It is better to choose boards about 10 cm wide; it is more convenient to use material of approximately the same size.

Features of a soft roof device

Before you begin laying and strengthening the roofing material, you need to carry out a number of mandatory measures to strengthen individual areas.

Installation of under-roof carpet

This is a kind of non-woven fabric impregnated with a bitumen mixture and treated with a special coating. It is located on the valleys, ends and eaves of overhangs. It is usually purchased in the same color as the main roofing material.

  1. The canvas is carefully glued with an overlap of 15 cm horizontally and 10 cm vertically, in the direction from bottom to top.
  2. All joints of the product are well coated with mastic. The ridges should have 25 cm of under-roofing carpet, and 50 cm on the sides of the valley.
  3. Cornice overhangs and ends are finished with it to a width of 40 cm.
  4. Secure the carpet with large roofing nails at a distance of 20 cm from one another.
  5. It is necessary to install steel eaves strips on the eaves overhangs, on top of the roofing carpet.
  6. Special pediment strips are mounted and secured at the ends of the roof.

Soft roof in winter. Prerequisites for installation

Regardless of whether the roof covering is installed with my own hands, or by specialists, working surface must be kept clean and dry at all times. This is an indispensable condition!

What else is important when laying a roof in winter?

  • It is advisable that everyone necessary work were carried out exclusively in relatively warm weather. Temperatures should not fall below 5 degrees Celsius.

  • In cases where there is an urgent need to carry out work in winter, you should use special hot air heating pad. In addition, the roofing material stored for work must be kept in a room with a positive temperature (close to room temperature) for several hours.
  • A freshly laid bitumen roof needs warmth.
    Why does she need it? The point is that with inside Each shingle (a sheet of three to four individual shingles) is equipped with a self-adhesive backing made of . And although it (shingles) is nailed to the base of the roof structure, its individual components are glued together under the influence of solar heat.
    They are also firmly soldered to the roofing base.
    In cold weather this is impossible, so the reliability and tightness of the roofing will noticeably suffer.
  • During the laying process bitumen roofing must be used from several different packages at the same time.
    This is required so that there is a uniform alternation of shades of materials. Standard packages may vary slightly in color. Knowing this and specially combining material from different packs, you can get an original design. In addition, if repairs are required in the future, it will be easier to select pieces of a suitable color.

Ventilation for soft roofs

The installation of a soft roof is multi-step process, which includes several stages. One of the first is reliable equipment ventilation system. Experts are well aware that poorly ventilated (or unventilated) roofing often causes rapid damage to rafters.

Condensation accumulating on the roof, rot and mold, icicles and ice - all these unfavorable factors contribute to the fairly rapid destruction of the rafters.

How to avoid this?

Special vents and ventilation outlets under the eaves, as well as a pre-provided gap between the tiles directly and the base of the roof, provide the under-roof space with excellent air circulation. They also do an excellent job of removing water vapor.

Do-it-yourself mastic for soft roofing

This polymer bitumen material necessary for laying the outer layer of soft tiles. With its help, an elastic, uniform coating is formed that can withstand mechanical and temperature deformations of the base. According to technology, when laying for fixation roll material on the roof, hot and cold mastics will be required.

Traditionally, cold compounds are used for the internal parts of the coating, while hot ones are used to coat the outer layers. Bitumen and roofing felt are cold types of mastics, roofing felt and tar are hot types. The composition of the substance used, in addition to bitumen, must include a dust-type filler or made of fiber. Ash, lime or gypsum are often used as dust materials.

The highest quality mastics contain polymers. Ready composition You can buy it, but if you want, it’s quite acceptable to make it yourself. There is nothing complicated about this.

Cold mastic:

  1. For this you will need bitumen and filler for it.
  2. You need to take two containers, in one of which you need to place two portions of bitumen, in the other a couple of portions of diesel fuel and one filler.
  3. At the same time, both dishes need to be heated to a temperature of 180 degrees.
  4. When the water finally evaporates from the container with bitumen, the contents of both are mixed.

As a result of such actions, a cold product is obtained.

To make hot mastic:

  1. Filler is carefully added to bitumen heated to 200 degrees in small portions. The process must take place at a temperature of at least 160 degrees, this should be closely monitored.
  2. After uniform mixing, the product is ready. You can also check its quality yourself.
  3. The composition heated to 60 degrees is applied to a slope having an angle of 45 degrees.

If the mixture is good, it will not drain from the inclined surface. After hardening, the product will remain smooth, without defects and.

Soft roofing technology

During the work process, you should follow simple rules. IN different rows It is best to place individual roofing sheets so that the joints are aligned. In other words, this is called taking a running start. This type of flooring significantly improves the moisture-proofing qualities of the coating.

Each new layer should lie on the previous one with a good overlap of at least 8-10 centimeters. In those places where the coating comes into contact with pipes and other communications, as well as with the edges of the roof, the material is cut to shape. The edges of the roof are securely glued using mastic.

Around the antennas chimneys and other communications, it is not at all difficult to lay a roofing carpet if you measure and calculate everything in advance and apply the necessary markings. The so-called pass-through elements necessary for this should be ready. The joints between the pipes and the roof itself are reinforced with the special under-roofing substrate mentioned earlier, and then covered with the same mastic.