Daisies - growing from seeds. Perennial daisies: varieties, cultivation and care Daisies growing

The daisy is a flower about which legends are made. Many gardeners have been growing it in their flower beds with success for a long time. To date, more than 80 daisy honeycombs are known. These flowers come in a full range of colors. Therefore, they are very loved by landscape designers. With the help of daisies you can create very beautiful compositions.

Daisies belong to the Astrov family. This plant is native to Australia, Europe and America. Almost all modern species of these flowers originate from one species, Perennial Daisy.

Garden daisies develop a rosette in the first year. In the second year, peduncles appear that reach a height of 20-30 cm. Beautiful inflorescences-baskets appear on each peduncle. The number of such inflorescences on one plant can reach 25-30 pieces.

Gardeners use about 30 species of daisies. There are early and late varieties. In addition, daisies can have inflorescences of different shapes and sizes. Flower growers are especially fond of double varieties of daisies.

The most popular varietal series are:

  • "Rominette" An early form of daisies. Large, densely double inflorescences are among the first to appear in the garden. These daisies can be planted in flower beds and borders. When planted in groups, these daisies can be used to create a beautiful thick carpet. They are also used in container gardening.

This type of daisy can be painted in one of four colors.

The most popular is “Carmine Rose”

  • "Habanera" Another very popular type of double daisies. This flower has lancet baskets with a diameter of 6 cm. The most beautiful daisy of this species is painted in White color with red tip "White Visa Red".

This variety of daisies looks great next to ferns and low-growing plants. coniferous plants. White Visan Red daisies are combined with early tulips, forget-me-nots and some varieties of hyacinths.

  • "Tasso" Unlike previous series, daisies of this type have pompom-shaped baskets. Tasso daisies usually bloom early and are compact in size. Most varieties of this species can be used as carpet plants.

There are red, pink and white varieties of Tasso. Prefer sunny open spaces, but in hot weather direct sunlight can depress the plant. At proper preparation tolerate winter cold well.

  • "Robella" A variety that was bred not so long ago. Daisies of this variety have salmon-pink terry baskets of folded flowers. Rarely reach a height of 15 cm. This variety was awarded the highest award by the International Organization of Ornamental Floriculture.

Robella daisies will look beautiful in flowerpots, on a rocky hill and in the foreground of a mixborder. This variety of daisies can be combined with tulips, forget-me-nots, daffodils and violas.

The variety is also popular among Russian flower growers "Pomponette". It is distinguished by bulbous flowers.

Etna daisies have orange centers and dark purple petals.

Variety "Schneebel" known for producing up to 20 large pom-pom flowers on one bush.

Most Popular early variety daisies is "Rosa Gigantea". And later "Beethoven". Varieties of daisies are suitable for container keeping or indoor forcing "Dresden China" And "The Pearl".

Daisy flowers: legends and beliefs

The word "daisy" is derived from the word "margarites". Which means “pearl” in Greek. According to one legend, the little Virgin Mary loved to look at the sky in the evenings. She wanted the stars to become flowers that she could play with. The stars sparkled in the droplets of emerging dew like pearls. And the next day, in place of dew drops appeared beautiful flowers- daisies.

Russian legends also mention this flower and pearls. The legend about Sadko says that when he came ashore, his wife Lyubava rushed to her lover and scattered her pearl necklace. In the places where the pearls fell, daisies appeared.

The daisy is sung by many poets. Shakespeare said about this flower, “Her white robe represents naivety.” Pliny named this flower Bellis"beautiful". This is the word used today to call the genus of this flower.

Daisies are revered throughout Europe. In France, it is customary to give these flowers a week before Easter (analogous to our Palm Sunday). Daisies decorate the windows of houses, gardens and parks. It’s a pity, but today these beautiful flowers are gradually being replaced by tulips, daffodils and hyacinths.

Daisies are very popular in England. Songs and legends are dedicated to them. With their help, girls tell fortunes by tearing off the petals of a daisy “loves or dislikes.” In German culture, due to this, daisies are called "measure of love". And boys, for the quick onset of spring, they must step on 12 forget-me-nots.

Medieval knights, who received consent from their lovers for marriage, placed an image of this flower on their shields. Most likely this legend is associated with Countess Margaret, who gave the Count Orlando before being sent to Crusade this flower. The count fell in battle, but his friends brought a flower to his beloved. It was stained with the blood of Count Orlando. Margarita planted the seeds of this flower in memory of her beloved.

Since daisies are the first to bloom buds in the garden, they are also called "eye of the day"(eng. Day's eye). The English shorten the name of daisies to Daisy.

There is another legend associated with this flower. One rich old man fell in love with a beautiful but young girl. Her poor parents were not averse to giving their daughter in marriage to a rich old man. But the girl didn’t want this and ran away. And in order not to be found, she asked the earth to hide her. The earth turned the girl into a daisy that blooms all year round.

At the beginning of the 20th century in Europe, daisies were used to raise money to fight tuberculosis. This experience was first gained in Sweden, where these popular flowers were sold and the proceeds were donated to hospitals. Later other European countries joined in. In Moscow, such an action was carried out in 1910. The sale of daisies generated 150 thousand rubles. Russian newspapers were full of headlines that Muscovites “threw flowers at death.”

Surprisingly, with such a love for daisies, these flowers also had a black stripe. In 1739 in Germany they were called poisonous and called for extermination. But daisies survived and delight us today with their magnificent beauty.

Are daisies annual or perennial?

When grown wild, daisies are a perennial plant. But, flower growers grow this plant as a biennial. The fact is that already in the third year the varietal differences in daisies disappear, and the buds become small.

When to plant daisies: pompom, cape, little darling, African, terry with seeds for seedlings?

Since gardeners most often use biennial varieties of daisies, those sown in open ground the flowers will bloom only after a year. But, for those who want to enjoy the flowering of daisies earlier, it is best to plant them in open ground using seedlings.

For seedlings, daisy seeds are planted in special boxes or pots. They can be planted in late January - early March. The sooner you do this, the better. But, since the seedlings of these flowers require sun, it is advisable to increase daylight hours with the help of artificial lighting. Especially if you plant daisies in January-February.

When the air temperature warms up to 15 degrees during the day, the seedlings can already be taken out to the balcony so that the seedlings can “prepare” for planting in open ground.

When to sow daisies in open ground?

Pretty daisies unpretentious plants. They feel good on any composition. The exception may be soils that are excessively acidic and alkaline. A sunny area of ​​the garden is best for daisies. These flowers, blocked by bushes or trees, feel worse than those that receive more light.

It is also important that the soil has good drainage. After clearing the ground of debris, pebbles and plant roots. Today you can buy regular daisy seeds or so-called panned daisies. Such seeds are covered with a special coating that contains nutrients and protects the seeds from pests.

If you are planting pelleted daisy seeds, it is very important to frequently water the area in which the seeds are sown. Water will gradually dissolve the shell and the sprout will sprout faster.

Regular seeds are best planted in open ground in March. When the soil warms up to desired temperature(15–20°C). It is best to scatter the seeds evenly over the area and sprinkle with a small layer of sand or peat. If you plant daisies in holes, there is a risk of planting them at a depth that is too deep for these flowers. This will not only increase germination time, but can also lead to the death of the plant.

The planting site for daisies should be covered with film to create a “greenhouse effect.” Remove the film after 2-3 days. The soil should not be allowed to dry out. At proper care, planted in this way, appear in 1.5-2 weeks.

What do daisy seedlings look like?

The seedlings of daisies are not fundamentally different from the seedlings of other flowers. First two false leaves appear, and then the rest.

When to pick daisies?

Picking daisies is done with the appearance of the first true leaf. For this purpose, the strongest seedlings are left. The distance between them is left at 5 cm. If the daisies were planted in open ground, then it is best to form rows of them with a distance of 10 cm from each other.

Caring for daisies in the open ground

Daisies are easy to care for. They prefer excess moisture in the soil rather than a lack of it. It is advisable to periodically loosen the soil between the bushes and water 0.5 liters of water under each plant. If the soil in which they grow becomes dry, then when they bloom, the diameter of the daisies may become smaller than usual. Also, lack of moisture can affect terry. She might disappear.

For good growth and vigorous flowering, it is advisable to feed daisies. You can use the following solution: Nitrophoska (2 tablespoons), Agricola-Fantasy fertilizer (2 tablespoons) and water (10 liters). Each bush needs 1 liter of this fertilizer. A solution of bird droppings or mullein also works well.

As for daisy diseases, these flowers are less susceptible to them than other plants. The greatest dangers to daisies are caterpillars and slugs. You can fight them with the “Hom” solution.

Daisies can also be susceptible to gray mold, powdery mildew or rust. At the first signs of these diseases, flowers should be treated with Topaz.

In winter, to prevent low temperatures from causing the daisy bushes to freeze, they should be sprinkled with peat, leaves, humus or snow.

When to replant daisies?

These flowers are replanted in the second year after planting. They tolerate this procedure very well even during the flowering period. When transplanting daisies, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 15-20 cm between the bushes.

Reproduction of daisies by dividing the bush

The procedure for dividing the bush is best carried out at the end of July, at the beginning of August. To do this, dig up two-year-old bushes and divide them into 5-6 parts. At the same time, flowers, buds and damaged leaves must be removed and the roots slightly shortened.

New daisy bushes should be planted in pre-prepared holes, sprinkled with soil and watered generously. If necessary, you need to add more soil. Under favorable weather conditions, daisies will tolerate division and replanting well.

When do daisies bloom and how long do they bloom?

Depending on the variety and climate, daisies can bloom from April to November. Most species of this flower bloom profusely in late spring and early summer. And in the hottest month of July, their flowering stops and resumes in August.

In order to encourage the daisy to produce more buds, faded flower heads should be removed.

How to grow daisies on a windowsill or balcony in a pot?

You can also grow daisies at home. The easiest way to do this is to dig up a bush of these flowers from your garden and plant it in a large pot. This is best done in the fall, when the average day temperature drops to +8 degrees.

Prepare a bud favorable for this flower. It should be loose and fertile. Add humus and sand to this soil. The pot with the transplanted plant should be placed near the window. Then the daisies will receive the required amount of light and will bloom in December.

If you plant daisies in pots made from seeds, they will begin to bloom only when next year. Best time Planting the seeds of this flower is March-April. Pots or boxes with seedlings should be placed in a sunny window and watered moderately.

When the seedlings have their first true leaves, they can be planted in separate pots or transplanted into containers with several seedlings each. When rosettes appear, daisies can be grown like other house flowers.

In order for daisies to bloom profusely next year, they need to be placed in a cool place in November and watering reduced to a minimum. At the end of February, the plants are placed on the windowsill again and watered as normal.

For a flower garden planted on a balcony, it is best to choose special containers for daisies, which are sold in hardware stores. And in order not to waste time watering these plants, you can buy and install special automatic systems for moistening the soil.

Natalia. Very beautiful flowers. But they need constant watering. Their root system is located almost on the surface and if the soil dries out, the roots can be damaged. And this arrangement of roots does not allow them to withstand dry days. We are only at the dacha on weekends. Somehow we left and forgot to water it. It was a dry week and our daisies withered.

Svetlana. Very beautiful flowers. But I heard that they are also very useful. Based on them, you can make decoctions that help with bronchitis and kidney disease.

Video. Daisies care / low-growing perennial flowers

The daisy is a flower that attracts attention in the wild and in the garden bed. Bright colors and neat bushes give the plant a decorative appearance. There are many mystical and incredible stories about the flower about its origin. Buds and petals, root and aboveground part used in cosmetology, cooking and folk medicine.

Daisies flowers

The ancestor of the cultivated varieties was a field species that is widespread on the plains of the Mediterranean. The plant is unpretentious, but spectacular. There are many varieties and types.

Variety of daisies

Origin and appearance of the daisy plant

Bellis perennial, which belongs to the Asteraceae (Asteraceae) family. The name is translated from Latin as “beautiful, wonderful”, from Greek – “pearl”. Many other countries have their own names for the flower.

The origin always begins in beautiful legends - every nation has its own interpretation. The plant is considered very fashionable, so one of the varieties can be found in almost any well-kept garden or in a good flower bed.

Wild daisies

Everyone can tell what daisies look like, since they have seen these flowers at least once in their life. There are several varieties that differ in their appearance. « Business card"A flower is the color and structure of the buds.

Description of the daisy flower

To recognize this type of flower among others, you need to know what it looks like. Its main features:

  • The above-ground part is a bush, the height of which is no more than 20 cm.
  • The stem is bare, and only in the area of ​​the ground itself can there be several narrow long leaves.
  • The root is branched, but occupies a minimum area under the bush.
  • There are many inflorescences on the bush.
  • Inflorescences can be a tongue-shaped or tubular version of the petal shape.
  • The color range includes more than 100 shades. The most popular colors are: yellow, pink, white, lilac, burgundy, as well as their combinations.

Appearance of buds and stems

Interesting! The plant has a unique “character”. For example, its buds open after sunrise and close after sunset. Bushes bend to the ground in windy weather.

When do perennial daisies usually bloom?

Gardeners are trying to grow perennials, since every year the flowering becomes more luxuriant. You can usually enjoy timely flowering in the second year of the flower's life.

Daisies bloom from late April or early May. In the first year, the appearance of buds may be delayed and may even appear at the beginning of June.

How long do daisies bloom?

If you properly care for the crop, the buds will decorate the inconspicuous bush for about 2-3 months.

Additional Information! In hot weather, daisies can stop flowering and resume when the weather returns to normal.

Some varieties have longer flowering periods - often the inflorescences can be observed until frost.

Types and varieties of daisies

There are wild and domesticated species. There are 14 species in nature, but only 2 are used in gardening - annuals and perennials. Annuals are usually planted in pots or flowerpots, while perennials are grown in flower beds and gardens. At the same time, domestic species include a lot of varieties, each of which has its own distinctive features.

Daisy Tasso

The Tasso daisy has the following description:

  • bush 12 cm high;
  • tubular petals, collected according to the pompom principle into inflorescences;
  • The colors of the buds can be varied, but the most popular options remain white and pink.

Tasso is considered an improved version of Pamponetta.

Variety Tasso

Daisy Pompom

The pompom variety is one of the first selectively bred in France. It is distinguished by lush flowering - about 40 buds can bloom on 1 bush at one time. At the same time, the buds are small (about 2 cm in radius), but fluffy.

Variety Pompon

Daisy Habanera

Popular variety among lovers rich colors. Basically, the color of the petals is close to burgundy, but the white-burgundy version is considered especially popular. The buds have a diameter of about 6 cm, the petals are terry and voluminous.

Habanera variety

Growing daisies from seeds

Growing daisy flowers is not difficult. They are mainly bred by sowing seeds. This happens in the spring. There are 2 sowing methods - seedlings with further replanting in flowerbeds or sowing in open ground. Next, the seedlings are grown.

An ideal plant for beginning gardeners

Even a beginner can cope with germinating seeds, growing seedlings and growing flowers. The plant is unpretentious, does not require special attention, but at the same time pleases with its flowering. Flower growers recommend this crop for planting in public flower beds, where watering and weeding are done quite rarely. Even a child can cope with growing and caring for it.

Growing daisy seedlings

Growing daisy seedlings begins with sowing, and then the following stages follow:

  • preparing appropriate conditions for growing;
  • seedling care;
  • determining the time for experiencing sprouts;
  • picking seedlings;

Then the small seedlings are cared for in the open ground.

Growing seedlings from seeds

Stratification and planting of daisy seeds

The first question that interests novice gardeners is - when to plant daisies with seeds? There are several options for determining the sowing period. It is preferable to sow planting material in early January and February. It is better to choose granulated seeds, which are covered with a special coating of nutrients.

Sowing algorithm:

  • prepare containers with loamy soil;
  • make grooves in the soil at a distance of 2 cm from each other;
  • spread out the seeds;
  • spray with a spray bottle;
  • cover with film to create a greenhouse effect.

Important! Fall asleep planting material soil is not possible.

If the procedure is carried out on time and correctly, the daisies will bloom in the first year.

Conditions for growing daisy seedlings

Daisies grow from seeds to seedlings within 1-2 months. Much depends on the conditions and plant variety:

  • The room must always be +25 °C.
  • If the days are cloudy, you need to install lamps above the container with the sprouts.
  • When seedlings appear, remove the film and reduce the air temperature to +20 °C.

Daisy seedlings

Watering is carried out as the soil dries. It is advisable to spray so as not to wash the sprouts.

When to plant daisy seedlings in open ground

3 months after sowing, you can begin planting seedlings in open ground. This usually happens in mid to late May. If the weather is warm, then the procedure can be performed even in early May.

Picking seedlings

If you have no experience in picking seedlings, then it is better to initially take care to avoid this. It is enough to plant the seeds in peat cups, which are planted in the ground without removing the earthen clod from the root system.

Seedlings for planting

Propagation of daisies by cuttings

The procedure is performed in mid-May. How daisies reproduce by cuttings:

  1. Choose a healthy bush.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut off a shoot that has at least 3-4 leaves.
  3. Place the cutting in the moist soil of the greenhouse.

Rooting will occur in 2 weeks, and after a year the bush will delight you with colorful flowers.

Reproduction of daisies by dividing the bush

The bush is divided after 2 years in order to rejuvenate the plant. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Divide before or after flowering.
  2. Carefully dig up the bush and divide the root system according to the number of stems.
  3. Cut off leaves and dry (withered) buds.
  4. Trim root shoots.

Reproduction of daisies

Plant new bushes in prepared soil. The process is not too long and provides a faster reproduction option.

What you need to plant daisies

Planting is done simply and efficiently if everything is prepared for this procedure:

  • Choose a good place for landing.
  • Prepare the substrate.
  • Treat the soil.

Choosing the optimal location

Growing daisies is easy if you choose first right place. The culture prefers open areas where the bush will be illuminated by direct sunlight. But aggressive exposure can lead to sunburn, so you need to plant a taller type of plant nearby.

Selection of location and soil

Daisies in landscape design

To decorate a garden with a plant, you need to choose a suitable place for it in the landscape design:

  • Daisies look original against a green lawn.
  • They go well with hyacinths, tulips, and daffodils.
  • Harmonizes with coniferous trees.

Daisies in landscape design

To visually make the house bright, it is worth planting huge flower beds with bushes different color near the facade.

Caring for daisies in the garden

Perennial daisies, planting and caring for which are not difficult, remain in a vegetative state for a long time. But it is still worth paying attention to some nuances.

Feeding daisies for lush flowering

Grow lush bush happen if you perform a three-stage feeding:

  • immediately after the thaw - nitrogen fertilizers;
  • at the moment the first buds appear - complex fertilizers;
  • before winter - humus.

Important! The plant does not require additional fertilizing.

Features of transplantation and protection from pests

Important condition normal development- This is protection from pests. The following pests most often affect crops:

  • spider mite;
  • thrips;
  • small rodents.

If pests are identified, then it is worth immediately taking measures to destroy the “undesirable guests.”

Seed collection and disease exposure

During drought, the following diseases may occur:

  • powdery mildew;
  • gray rot;
  • red rust.

It is necessary to treat the plant with a fungicide and ensure normal watering. After healing, you need to collect seeds from daisies:

  1. Tear off the dry box.
  2. Pour the contents onto paper and dry.
  3. Place planting material in paper bags.

Important! Seeds can be stored for no more than 3 years.

Collection of dry seeds

Preparing daisies for winter

During cold weather, it is worth preparing the plant for winter:

  1. Hill up the bushes where the transition of the stem to the root system is exposed.
  2. Cut off leaves and buds.
  3. Sprinkle the specimens with dry leaves or sawdust.

There is no need to especially surround the crop with care before wintering - it is enough to carry out the simplest measures.

You can decorate a balcony, flowerbed, or garden with culture. The plant is not whimsical and blooms luxuriantly almost all summer. Typically, different varieties of perennial daisy are used for cultivation. The crop can be propagated by cuttings, seeds and dividing the bush. Many gardeners prefer this particular type of aster.

The perennial daisy plant (Bellis) is a member of the Asteraceae (Asteraceae) family. This genus includes 14 species. In the wild, this flowering plant is found in the Mediterranean. The ancient Greek word “margarites” means “pearl”, this is due to the fact that the wild daisy has small white flowers. The Latin name for the plant was given by Pliny, it translates as “beautiful, beautiful.” In some countries, the daisy is called the “eye of the day” because the opening of its flowers is observed directly during sunrise. If you translate this name into English, it will sound like “days eye”, in connection with this the British affectionately call this plant diminutive name Daisy. German girls used daisies instead of daisies for fortune telling, tearing off their petals, in connection with this, the daisy-daisy began to be called in Germany the “measure of love.” This flower crop has been very popular among gardeners for many years, which is why daisies were invented a large number of tales and legends. These flowers have almost always been considered very fashionable, since when they bloom they look impressive and cute.

Daisy is a small herbaceous plant with a short rhizome. The basal leaf plates are obtuse, spatulate, crenate. The stem is leafless and only 1 head is formed on it. The development of ligulate female flowers, which are pink or white in color, occurs on a conical receptacle. The middle flowers are tubular, bisexual, and they are colored yellow. For those daisies that are grown by gardeners, the inflorescences can vary not only in size, but can also be double, semi-double or simple. The fruit is a flattened achene without a tuft.


Daisies, which are species, reproduce very well by seeds. Sowing is done in open soil in June. Sow the seeds in moist soil; there is no need to cover them, just cover them with a thin layer of sifted humus or sand. The fact is that such seeds need warmth (about 20 degrees) and sunlight to sprout. If everything is done correctly, the first seedlings may appear just 7 days after sowing. If the seeds are not planted in the soil, and the crops are covered with a transparent film on top, then the embryos will be activated, and the depth of sowing will no longer matter (seedlings will appear in any case). After a couple of days, the shelter is removed, and the emerging plants must be sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. These seedlings are distinguished by relatively rapid development; therefore, they will soon need to be planted into open soil, using a 0.2 x 0.2 m pattern. The flowering of daisies grown from seeds can only be seen next spring, and in the current season all their efforts will be aimed at forming a leaf rosette. These flowers reproduce quite well by self-sowing. In the spring, when the shoots appear, you will only need to thin them out, and also pull out all disease-affected or weak plants. However, with this method of propagation, it should be taken into account that from year to year the flowers will become smaller and smaller, and the plants will gradually lose their varietal characteristics.

A large number of daisies are grown by gardeners through seedlings. The fact is that such seedlings can begin to bloom already in the current season. Seeds are sown in February or March; separate containers are used for this, which will prevent injury to the root system of the plants during picking. The containers need to be filled with structured soil rich in nutrients; it can be purchased at any specialty store. Sowing seeds is done in the same way as in open soil, and such crops will also need good lighting and warmer (about 20 degrees). After the seedlings appear, it is necessary to move the containers to a cooler place (from 12 to 15 degrees). It should also be taken into account that the seedlings will need additional lighting, since the required daylight hours should be from 12 to 14 hours, and at this time of year the day is not long enough.

What time to plant

Daisies are light-loving plants, therefore, it is necessary to choose a well-lit area for them. This crop is not demanding on soil composition. You can plant seedlings in absolutely any garden soil. However, it will grow best in structured, light loam. Places located in lowlands, where there is stagnation of melt or rainwater, are not suitable for planting; the fact is that such plants react extremely negatively to excessive soil moisture.

Grown seedlings are planted in open soil in the last days of May or the first days of June.

Landing Features

It is necessary to plant the plant in the soil together with a lump of earth. To begin with, you should prepare holes for planting that are not very large; the distance between them should be 20 centimeters. Seedlings should be planted in them using the transshipment method, while trying not to damage the roots of the plants. The surface of the soil around the bushes must be well compacted, after which the planted daisies should be watered abundantly.

Growing daisies is not that difficult. They only need to be watered, weeded, fed and loosened in a timely manner. The root system of these plants is shallow, so they should be watered systematically. If daisies do not have enough water, the inflorescences will shrink, and double varieties will lose this quality. When the flowers are watered, it is necessary to carefully loosen the surface of the soil around the bushes, which will improve the aeration of the root system. To significantly reduce the number of watering, weeding and loosening, after the seedlings are planted, the surface of the area should be covered with a layer of mulch. Also, the presence of a mulch layer will help to avoid bulging of the root system, which occurs due to the drying of the top layer of soil.

It is recommended to feed daisies at least twice during the season. For this purpose, complex fertilizers for flowering plants with microelements are used (per 1 square meter take from 25 to 30 grams). To make flowering last longer and more spectacular, you need to promptly pick off the inflorescences that have begun to fade.

Daisies are grown not only by the generative (seed) method, vegetative methods are also suitable for this, namely: cuttings and dividing the bush. Experts recommend primarily varietal daisies to be propagated by vegetative methods, because with age their inflorescences become smaller and their effectiveness is also lost.

Experienced gardeners recommend dividing bushes in the last weeks of summer or the first weeks of autumn, and this procedure can also be carried out in the spring. Remove the bush from the soil and divide it into 4-6 parts. Pinch off all existing flowers and buds from the cuttings; you also need to remove all leaf plates, leaving the petioles, and the roots are shortened to 50–80 mm. As a result of such preparation, the divisions will be able to take root much better after planting. Divisions planted in open soil quickly adapt to new conditions and continue to actively grow and bloom. If the division does not have roots, it will still take root. After planting in the soil, new roots will begin to grow from the base of the leaf cuttings.

Propagation of daisies by cuttings is carried out at the same time as dividing the bush. To do this, using a very sharp tool, you should cut off the side shoots with foliage from an adult bush. Plant them in a garden bed where the soil should be loose. After half a month, such cuttings will take root completely. The first flowering of daisies grown from cuttings can only be seen in the next season.

Despite the fact that this flower crop is small in size, it is quite resistant to diseases and various harmful insects. But it should be remembered that it is susceptible to infection with viral diseases. Thus, in the first summer weeks of the affected bush, one can notice the elongation of the pedicels, the shrinking of the inflorescences, while the leaf plates become smaller and have a less saturated color. All infected bushes must be dug up and destroyed as soon as possible, and the area where they were grown should be disinfected, for this purpose use strong solution manganese potassium.

Very rarely the daisy is affected powdery mildew. In a diseased bush, a loose coating of light gray or whitish color appears on the surface of flowers and foliage. It is recommended to destroy plants or parts thereof affected by this fungal disease. In order to destroy such fungal disease, it is necessary to spray all the plants on the site with Topaz, a solution of colloidal sulfur or Bordeaux mixture.

In some cases, mites settle on the bushes, to combat which insecticidal preparations are used, for example, Actellik or Karbofos. Mice can also damage plants; to destroy them, poisoned bait is placed in several places on the surface of the area.

Experienced gardeners claim that if, when growing daisies, you follow all the existing agrotechnical rules of this crop, then they will be so strong that they may not suffer from anything at all, while delighting their owner with cute and beautiful flowers.

Perennial daisy after flowering

The ripening of daisy seeds is observed at different times, that is, they do not ripen at the same time. In this regard, they must be collected gradually, or rather, 1 or 2 times every 7 days. Cut off required amount wilted inflorescences, and try to do this before the ripened seeds are washed away by rain or a stream of water during watering. The seeds should be removed from the inflorescence and distributed on the surface of a paper sheet. To dry them, place them in a well-ventilated area. Dried seeds are poured into paper bags, which are placed in a dark and dry place where they will be stored.

How to prepare for winter

In order to protect the surface system of daisy roots from severe winter frosts, especially if not a very large amount of snow is expected to fall, the surface of the site must be covered with a thick layer of mulch (humus, sawdust, peat, etc.). The thickness of the mulch layer should be such that it is no thinner than 80 mm. If the bushes begin to protrude from the soil, during which their roots are exposed, the need for mulching the area increases. In spring, these bushes will need to be transplanted to a new place at a depth more suitable for them.

Types and varieties of daisies with photos and names

Gardeners cultivate 2 types of daisies: annual and perennial. There are not very significant differences in planting and caring for perennial and annual daisies.

Annual daisies (Bellis annua)

Plants belonging to this species are recommended for growing at home, and they can become an excellent decoration for a balcony or terrace. They can also be grown in rock gardens. Perennial daisies They are more popular among gardeners, and therefore breeders have paid more attention to them, resulting in the birth of many different varieties.

Perennial daisy (Bellis perennis)

The height of the bushes is 0.1–0.3 m. The basal rosette consists of leaf plates of spatulate or oblong-ovate shape. In the second year after the seedlings appear, the bushes form a large number of leafless peduncles, the surface of which has pubescence, and they reach a height of 0.15–0.3 m. The inflorescences of the basket reach 80 mm in diameter, they can be colored pink, white or red. Along the periphery of the baskets there are large reed or tubular flowers, while in the middle there are yellow-golden small tubular flowers. The seeds are flat, small, oval in shape. This species reproduces well by self-seeding; friendly shoots that appear in the spring can be used as seedlings if desired.

All numerous varieties of perennial daisies are divided according to the structure of the inflorescences-baskets into tubular and reed. In both groups there are varieties with double, semi-double and simple inflorescences:

  1. Simple inflorescences. They consist of 1–3 rows of reed or tubular colored flowers. In the middle there is a disk consisting of tubular small yellow flowers.
  2. Semi-double inflorescences. They consist of colored reed flowers arranged in 4 rows. The center is yellow and consists of small tubular flowers.
  3. Double inflorescences. They consist of many colored reed flowers, while they almost completely cover the middle, consisting of tubular yellow flowers.

The varieties are also divided according to the size of the inflorescences-baskets: small - 20–40 mm in diameter; medium - 40–60 mm; large - from 60 mm and more.

  1. Robella. Large double inflorescences reach 50 mm in diameter. The inflorescences are quite dense, consisting of tubular rolled flowers of salmon-pink color. This species was awarded a gold medal at the Fleroselect competition.
  2. Rob Roy. Small red inflorescences grow on miniature bushes, reaching 10–20 mm in diameter.
  3. Bella Daisy. This early-flowering variety was also awarded the “Fleroselect” award. The terry basket reaches 20–25 mm in diameter and has a deep pink color.
  4. Pomponette. The bush has small pompom-shaped inflorescences that look like buttons.

Not so long ago, cultivar series of daisies began to appear; they include varieties that have many common characteristics, but differ in the color of the baskets. The most popular are the following:

  1. Tasso series. The varieties have short shoots with very dense inflorescences-pompom-shaped baskets, which consist of tubular flowers. They reach 40 mm in diameter and can be colored pink, salmon pink, red and white. There is also a variety of soft pink color, with a center of a darker shade.
  2. Speedstar Series. Plants begin to bloom in the year of sowing. White or carmine semi-double inflorescences have a rich yellow center. The variety with pink inflorescences has a white rim around the yellow center.
  3. Rominette Series. The diameter of the densely double inflorescences reaches 20 mm; they can be colored red, soft pink, white or carmine pink. The bush reaches only 15 centimeters in height.

There are now plenty of low-growing flowers for gardens and flower beds; breeders have learned to develop border varieties of almost any plant. Despite this, most lovers of low trunks for multi-layered flower beds still prefer to see daisies in the foreground, the cultivation of which does not require much effort. Flowers delight the eye in abundance bright colors, the spectrum includes various shades red and pink, white and carmine varieties are especially valued.

general description

Daisies look beautiful not only when in bloom, their unusual lobe-shaped leaves delight the eye with lush greenery with early spring until frost.

Daisies belong to the Asteraceae family; there are officially more than 80 species of this biennial, which have their roots in the countries of Europe, America, and Australia. They were the first to make their way from fields to gardens; by the beginning of the 16th century, there were several terry varieties in the selection.

They were cultivated in the palace parks of England, France, and Italy. Flowers quickly spread to city parks, and not only white, but also red daisies were known.

From Latin, daisy is literally translated as “pearl.”, this is exactly what these flowers look like on lawns when they grow among short grass. A well-groomed flower bed with daisies will look a little different,

The leaves will show off with lush greenery, flowers will delight the eye several times a season. Usually the first flowering takes place in early spring, daisies take over the baton from tulips and daffodils, the second time Asters of this species will bloom closer to autumn, when the heat subsides and there is enough moisture to restore the vitality of the trunk.

It is difficult to confuse a daisy with another flower; it has whole line Features:

  • Small in height, daisies rarely reach 30 cm.
  • The leaves sit tightly next to each other and have a lobe-like shape.
  • The inflorescence has the shape of a basket.
  • The flowers do not rise very much on the rosette of leaves, no more than 3-5 cm.
  • The center of the flower is always yellow, framed by outer petals that have a reed or tubular shape.

Each bush at one time can please you with 30 peduncles with fully developed flowers.

The stem is classified as asteraceae and is distinguished by the following subspecies:

  • simple
  • semi-double
  • terry

The flowering time will also vary, there are early and late varieties, the timing differs by 2-3 weeks. Flower size also divided daisies into small, medium and large-flowered varieties.

Daisies with large baskets bloom much later than all their relatives, but the period is much longer.


Description of varieties

For ornamental cultivation out of 80 known, only 20 are used, which are conventionally divided into seven groups. Each group may include: early species, and late, the size of the flower in one group may be different.

The colors of daisies are mainly divided into the following:

  • white
  • pink
  • red
  • salmon

At the end of the 17th century, in the gardens and parks of many European countries There were two-color varieties, the very first one was bred and planted in the parks of France, the upper petals were red, while the lower ones remained snow-white.

This country is home to small button pom-poms, which were especially popular in Russia. Very soon, Italy presented lancet varieties with tubular baskets of inflorescences for public viewing.

If you do not care for daisies, do not thin them out, and do not feed them, they will quickly lose all their decorative characteristics and begin to bloom with ordinary simple flowers, very similar to daisies.

The distinctive features of the variety can be not only flowers, some of them are distinguished by unusual foliage:

  • "Aucubefolia" recognized by yellow splashes on the leaves
  • "Shrewley Gold" has a unique golden pattern on the foliage along the veins

Such varieties will please the eye along with the others in spring and autumn, attracting more attention due to their characteristics.

Among the wide variety of varieties and species, there are the most popular ones, followed by a more detailed description of them:

Read also:

Originator of Benary

Several types of garden daisies, the popularity of which is increasing every year. Some of them are used for cutting, but in most cases they look great in the front rows of ridges and alpine slides.

The most common are:



  • "Habanera" (habarena), it is classified as large-flowered, each of its pompoms can reach 6 cm in diameter.
  • At the same time, the basket itself will not be very dense, this is what achieves the openwork, which is enhanced by the slightly curved petals along the edge.
  • The height of the peduncle can reach 15 cm, the color is varied: white, pink, red, white with red tips.

"Robella" (shy)


  • Higher peduncles are characteristic of "Robella" (robella), they can reach 20 cm.
  • The pom-poms are quite large, each up to 5 cm in diameter, and the color of the petals will be special, salmon-pink. "Robella" has a gold medal from "Fleroselect".

"Speedstar" (speedstar)


  • Semi-double baskets are characteristic of “Speedstar”; the carmine color is of particular interest to gardeners, while the center remains bright yellow.
  • The flowering period begins in the year of sowing; wintering with a dormant period is not necessary for the trunk to flower. "Speedstar" (speedstar) is often used for growing indoors for landscaping balconies, loggias and simply as a houseplant.
  • The height of the peduncle does not exceed 13 cm, the main colors are carmine, pink, and white.



  • “Rominette” (rominate) is distinguished by smaller, very double flowers; they can reach a maximum diameter of 2 cm.
  • The color range is impressive: red, carmine pink, pink, white.
  • The height of each inflorescence can reach 15 cm.

"Tasso" (tasso)


  • It is derived from the well-known old variety “Pomponette” (pompom). The flower baskets have tubular petals, are quite dense, and are characterized by strong terry. Each of the flowers does not rise very much on a dense rosette of lush green leaves, a maximum of 6-8 cm.
  • By color scheme daisies are divided into:"Tasso Dunkelrosa" and "Tasso Rot" are red, "Tasso Erdbeersahne" are salmon pink, "Tasso Hellrosa" are pink, "Tasso WaiB" are pink. white, “Tasso Strawberries & Cream” (Tosso Strawberries & Cream) pale pink with a richer core.
  • The leaves of all representatives have a standard green color, are collected in a tight rosette close to the ground, and are elastic.
Read also:

Originator Floragran (floragran)

Daisies of this selection are new among the varieties of this garden plant, but have already been awarded several Fleroselect awards. Floragran (floragran) so far includes only one variety "Belladaisy", the rest are at the finalization stage.



  • The grown standard is characterized by small baskets of inflorescences up to 2 cm in diameter with strong doubleness; the stems grow up to 10 cm in height.
  • “Belladaisy” tends to completely retain the bright pink color of the petals, and flowering occurs approximately 2.5-3 months after sowing.
  • When sowing seeds, it is worth taking into account weather conditions; if the ground is not warm enough, seedlings will not appear soon.
Read also:

Originator of Kieft Seed (Kieft speed)

The selection is represented by the original variety:

"Bellissima" (belissima)

"Bellissima" (belissima)

  • It is characterized by pompom-type flowers with a diameter of each up to 5 cm. The basket is held at a height of more than 12 cm by a dense elastic stem. The whole range of colors is popular: red, pink, white, and two-color types.
  • The first flowering occurs in the year of sowing or transplanting plants.
  • An important point will be the application of fertilizers; without them, this variety will not be able to produce full flowering.
  • Some species may have a pronounced yellow core; in most trunks it is not visible behind the tightly collected tubular petals.
Read also:

Other varieties

Miniature daisies are considered less common; it is advisable to grow such varieties in small flower beds and should be given great attention. If not properly cared for, they quickly become overgrown with weeds and become almost invisible in the grass.

These include babies:

  • "Dresden China" (Dresden China)
  • "Liliput"
  • "Alice"

Such varieties are often planted in public parks in England, gradually growing in the grass throughout the park. They are not afraid of the lawnmower; as it passes, it only cuts off the tops of the flower stalks, and in this way the bush itself is stimulated to bloom again.

I would like to pay special attention to the variety:

"Hens and Chickens"

  • Which literally translates to Hen and Chicks. Main feature varieties is the fouling of the central basket with secondary ones, visually they form a sort of halo.
  • This is how the variety got its name because one daisy includes a hen, around which the chicks have settled.
  • This variety was first described back in the 16th century, where by association it was equated to a wreath. Nowadays, such daisies are rarely grown; only a few gardeners have such a Hen.
  • Small varieties are less popular, and the variety is growing every year, but some do not ignore these garden flowers.
Read also:

How to grow?

It is not difficult to grow daisies in open ground, if everything is done correctly necessary conditions The plant will delight you with regular flowering for many years and will be an excellent decoration for any flower bed or lawn.

In order for the flower to feel great, grow and have a long flowering period, it is worth regularly performing the following care measures:

If slightly wilted baskets of inflorescences are cut off or pinched, the flower will soon begin to produce flower stalks again.

The cultivation of daisies itself has several stages; following them will help you have ideal specimens that exactly match the variety.

Among flower growers, the following stages are distinguished:

1 Growing seedlings in closed or open ground

2 Transplantation to a permanent place

3 Care

Each of the points should be taken responsibly; the further growth and flowering of daisies in your garden or flower bed depends on correct implementation.

We grow seedlings

To achieve faster flowering of many varieties of daisies, flower growers practice germinating seeds for seedlings. The process is quite labor-intensive, but the results will be the best reward for your efforts.

The process consists of several steps:

1 The pre-collected soil is well heated for several days

2 Water generously and let dry a little

3 Make shallow grooves in the soil in the container, up to 2 cm

4 Seeds are pre-soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or any fungicide

5 Lightly dry

6 Seeds are placed in the grooves at a distance of about 2-3 cm

7 Sprinkle soil on top and place it on a bright, warm windowsill

8 Water the container periodically

In about 2-3 weeks the first shoots should appear, they will actively grow and develop

Babies can be planted in open ground only after hardening and only when the threat of frost has passed. Young plants will not have time to take root at low temperatures and will die, unable to withstand the stress. They begin to sow in early March, and enjoy the results in the second half of summer.

To speed up the similarity of seeds, you can create greenhouse conditions, cover the container with glass or wrap it with film. At the same time, do not forget to regularly ventilate and water the container with seeds. Under such conditions, daisies will begin to hatch in 10-15 days.

You can germinate seeds in open ground, but under a film, by building a mini-greenhouse. To do this, they usually prepare the ground in the place where daisies are planned to grow. Seeds are sown according to the same principle, and covered with film on top. On fine sunny days the cover must be removed.

Transplantation to a permanent place

When the plant has 2-3 true leaves, it needs to be transplanted to permanent place residence. This is done with all types of seedlings; they are planted completely from pots and boxes, and those sprouted in open ground under a film are thinned out.

Daisy shoots two weeks before planting

In open ground under normal weather conditions, annual daisy bushes should be 10-15 cm apart from each other. It is at this distance that they are planted in the flowerbed.

When transplanting to a permanent place, it is worth taking into account the short stature of the plant; daisies are usually planted in the first row in multi-layered flower beds, on the lower tier of ridges and alpine slides. If you plan to plant a wide flowerbed, then the daisies should be located near the very edge, otherwise they will simply be drowned out by the rest of the inhabitants.

When transferring seedlings from a container to open ground, you should carefully monitor the weather; the process itself looks like this:

1 Make grooves in the selected location

2 Water each of them generously

3 Seedlings are also watered

4 Carefully pull the seedlings out of the container, making sure not to damage the root system

5 Place babies in furrows

6 Sprinkle with soil and lightly compact the earth around each of them

7 Watering will be the final stage of planting

If you plan to grow plants in pots and

Care tool

After transplantation, the gardener should make some efforts for successful rooting. Without supervision, the plants will quickly die; only the strongest will be able to survive.

To speed up rooting and prevent the death of sprouts, you should take the following actions:

  • water as the soil dries out
  • protect from direct sunlight, slightly shade the planting site
  • Once a week, lightly loosen the soil around the trunks

It is not worth feeding the seedlings at first, this can have a detrimental effect on their development, and high concentrations can even destroy plants.

Daisies in pots will only require watering and shady places, they will already have everything else

Other types of reproduction

Daisies can be propagated not only by seeds; dividing the bush in autumn or spring period will help with this. The time for carrying out the procedure should be chosen so that the plant has time to take root before the onset of frost or extreme heat, most often this is the first half of May or the end of August.

Dividing the bush

It is during this period, before or after flowering, that side shoots actively develop, which are usually separated in order to rejuvenate the trunk or plant it large territory garden

The bush must be divided correctly:

  • it is advisable to dig it out completely in order to better draw conditional lines for division
  • when dividing, it is important to take into account the state of the horse system; each separated mini-bush should have well-developed roots
  • the presence of lush foliage is not necessary; even from one leaf, with strong and healthy roots, a full-fledged bush will quickly develop
  • after division, it is advisable to process the cut charcoal or sprinkle them with ground cinnamon
  • Separated parts should be planted in grooves, it is advisable to make them 3-4 cm deep
  • Watering during planting is carried out with sufficiently heated water
  • As soon as the water is absorbed, the grooves are filled with soil and lightly pressed down around each plant, forming a small depression for watering
  • after 2-3 weeks, the separated bushes will take root and begin their development

If the bush was divided in the spring, you should not expect flowering this year, but next spring the daisies will delight you with riotous flowering, which will repeat at the end summer - beginning autumn. Divided in the autumn and having managed to take root, they will bloom in the coming spring if wintering goes well.

Choosing soil and planting site

Almost any soil is suitable for growing daisies in the garden and flower beds; the main condition is excellent drainage and a sufficient amount of nutrients.

If water stagnates at the place of growth in the spring or during rain, then the daisies will not take root there; they will get wet there. But lack of moisture in the summer heat can also destroy beauties.

Preparing the soil for planting

When choosing a place to plant garden beauties, it is worth considering some nuances:

In order for the trunks to feel good, grow and develop, it is worth preparing a soil mixture consisting of 2 parts sand, 4 parts garden soil, 1 part humus. All ingredients are mixed well and poured into the place where you plan to plant prepared seedlings or purchased bushes.

Plants should be fertilized periodically, this is another component of regular flowering.


All plants in the garden need moisture and nutrients for normal growth and development., without these components, most plants will not have normal flowering, and therefore seeds will not be able to form. Garden varieties of daisies are no exception; they also need feeding.

After replanting into prepared soil, in which one of the components was a small part of humus, at first there is no need to feed the plants, but later, after about a month and a half, the trunks must be periodically watered with the addition of mineral fertilizers.

To further support daisies, fertilize them every two weeks., in this case, preference should be given to water-soluble preparations with a high nitrogen content.

To feed daisies, 10 liters of water, in which 20 g of the substance are dissolved, is enough.

The second year of daisy life begins with feeding in early spring . The solution is prepared according to standard proportions for the plant, then until autumn, fertilizers are applied every 2-3 weeks. Particular attention is paid to the flowering period; there you can feed more often.

Several times during the season, gardeners recommend fertilizing with organic matter; most often for this type of garden flowers, an infusion of chicken manure or mullein is used. The product is prepared in a ratio of 1:10, if you increase the concentration you can burn the bushes, so strictly monitor the amount of substance added to the water for irrigation.

Daisy seedlings are grown on the windowsills of most amateur flower growers, fans of elegant inflorescences in tubs, flower beds and mixborders. There are several ways to propagate bushes with amazingly cute buds. However, to avoid flower degeneration, the most often used method is planting daisy seeds for seedlings.

Daisy (Bellis) is a small herbaceous plant with a short rhizome. The flower belongs to the Asteraceae family. The plant has a basal rosette with blunt-pointed leaves, many leafless stems-peduncles, on each of which 1 inflorescence is formed. Translated from ancient Greek, “margarites” means “pearl”. The Latin name of the flower translates as “beautiful.” In England, it is affectionately called Daisy, since the “eye of the day” - another name for the flower culture - sounds like “dais eye” in English.

Daisies are highly tolerant of environmental conditions. They can surprise with long-lasting flowering even in areas with 2 months of summer. Several dozen varieties of daisies are available to a wide range of gardeners, including the simplest, double, needle-shaped and multi-colored.


Florists cultivate 2 types of daisies:

  • annuals (Bellisannua) are widespread everywhere as beautiful decorations for balconies, terraces, rockeries, mixborders and garden beds;
  • perennials (Bellisperennis) bloom from the second year, they are grown by seedlings or seeds in open ground, propagated by dividing the bush or cuttings.

Based on the structure of the inflorescences-baskets, perennial daisies are divided into 2 groups: reed and tubular. Each of them has varieties with double, semi-double and simple inflorescences. Based on the size of the inflorescence-baskets, small (20-40 mm in diameter), medium (40-60 mm) and large (60 mm and more) are distinguished.

The best varieties of daisies

Robella. The color of the flower is salmon-pink; large double inflorescences with a diameter of 5-6 cm consist of densely spaced tubular petals. For its exceptional decorative characteristics, the Robella daisy was awarded a gold medal at the international competition "Fleroselect".

Bella Daisy. The flower is deep pink in color, simple medium inflorescences are 2-3 cm in diameter. The earliest flowering variety, winner of the Fleroselect competition.

Rob Roy. Red inflorescences with a diameter of 1-2 cm impress with their bright shades.

Pomponette. The bush is decorated with miniature pompom-shaped baskets in white or light pink shades.

Popular variety series

Varietal series of daisies are united by many common characteristics, while differing in color.

Tasso series. The varieties are characterized by short shoots with a dense inflorescence 4-5 cm in diameter, pompom-shaped with tubular petals. Color varies in pink, white, salmon pink, and red.

Speed ​​Star series. Flowering begins in the year of sowing. Semi-double baskets have a rich yellow center and white or carmine-colored petals. Pink varieties have a white rim around a yellow center.

Rominette series. A miniature bush 15 cm high is decorated with densely double inflorescences of small sizes up to 3 cm in diameter in red, soft pink, white or carmine pink shades.

Features and rules for growing seedlings

Daisies are valued by gardeners for their charming appearance, long flowering and undemanding to living conditions. The plant can reproduce by self-sowing; bushes can also be divided and cuttings. At the same time, most fans of beautiful compositions on balconies, flower beds and mixborders prefer to grow daisies using seedlings.

Landing dates

When deciding when to sow daisies for seedlings, choose a date two months before planting in the ground, taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region. As a rule, flowers are replanted at the end of May or the first half of June. Accordingly, sowing daisy seeds for seedlings is carried out in March-April.

In order for the perennial to delight with bright flowering in the first year, the seeds are sown in the winter months. Among experienced flower growers It is practiced to plant daisies as seedlings from the second half of January to mid-February. For full development, seedlings are provided with additional lighting. Next, the young bushes are planted in a greenhouse.

When planning how and when to plant daisy seedlings, it is worth knowing:

  • in heated greenhouses, sowing is carried out from the second ten days of January to the month of March inclusive;
  • in greenhouses, planting daisies with seeds for seedlings is carried out from March to April.

To raise pets with seeds in open ground, you must wait until May, when the ground warms up and the risk of night frosts is eliminated.

Preparing for sowing

Daisy seeds are small and stand out high level germination. Specialized companies offer seed material in its natural form and coated products. Drageeing involves covering with a nutritious coating, which promotes active shoots, healthy growth and development of young seedlings. Despite wide range proposals, they often give preference to independently collecting seeds from flowers with the most outstanding decorative characteristics.

Dried daisy seeds are sown on seedlings without additional processing. The nutritional coating contains, among other things, substances against fungal/viral diseases and protection against pests. Before sowing, simple seed material is disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate and dried on a napkin.

When deciding how to sow daisies as seedlings for growing on a windowsill, use special containers from gardening stores or homemade boxes with low sides. For reproduction rare varieties cultures acquire peat tablets or trays with cells for planting seeds. Before sowing, containers must be treated with compounds against biological threats. Next, a drainage layer is made of gravel, coarse sand, and vermiculite.

The soil for seedlings is chosen from special substrates for flower crops or prepared independently fertile soil with added nutrients. It is recommended to use compositions containing turf, humus and sand. The soil mixture is sifted and disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Sowing and caring for seedlings

When planning when and how to plant daisies as seedlings, take into account the high germination rate of the seeds. You also need to take care of additional lighting, since the growth of young pets requires daylight hours of at least 12 hours. For additional illumination, fluorescent devices, phytolamps or ordinary table lamps are used.

Features of sowing:

  1. Using tweezers, coated seeds are distributed on the soil at intervals of 1.5-2 cm.
  2. Simple seeds are poured onto a sheet of paper and scattered in a thin stream or portionwise over the surface of the substrate.
  3. The crops are sprinkled with soil mixture on top. In this case, the seeds are buried no more than 1 cm.
  4. The plantings are moistened with warm water using a spray bottle and covered with film.

When deciding how to plant daisies, peat tablets and seedlings, place 1 granule or 3 seeds in a puck. Pre-pressed peat pots are moistened with water in a tray for 30-40 minutes. After the washers are saturated with moisture, swell and take the shape of a barrel, the seeds are placed in the recess and lightly sprinkled with soil. Next, the peat tablets in the tray are sprinkled with water and covered with a transparent lid.

Temperature conditions:

  • For seed germination, the ambient temperature is favorable within +20-22°C. Mass shoots are observed 9-12 days after sowing;
  • With the formation of cotyledon leaves, the cover/cover is removed. The temperature is reduced to +15°C to prevent sprouts from stretching.

Irrigation mode:

  • crops are watered as the surface of the soil mixture dries;
  • Before germination, the substrate is moistened exclusively with a spray bottle;
  • young seedlings are watered with a watering can with a narrow spout, water is poured along the edges of the container, without touching the greens;
  • water is used at room temperature, settled;
  • excess liquid is drained from the pan.

When thinking about how to properly grow margaritox seedlings on your own, you should know that the soil mixture in the container should not dry out. It is also important to consider that when high humidity environment there is a high probability of illness and death of young seedlings.

Lighting Features:

  • Daisy seedlings respond well to an abundance of light. The container with the plantings is placed on the windowsill; if necessary, diffused light is provided to prevent burns from direct sunlight;
  • for active growth of seedlings, additional lighting is necessary in the morning and evening hours daily;
  • They also provide additional illumination to the crops on cloudy days.

According to the agricultural technology of flower culture, the duration of daylight hours is at least 12 hours.

With the formation of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings are picked and planted in separate containers. For picking, soil with a similar composition is used. Further care consists of timely watering and additional lighting. A few days before planting in the ground, hardening manipulations begin:

  • the room is regularly ventilated so that the containers with seedlings are out of the draft zone;
  • Every day the seedlings are taken out to the balcony, first for a few minutes, then systematically increase the time spent in a cool place.

Young plants are hardened off gradually, otherwise depletion, disease or death of seedlings can be provoked.

Winter-sown daisy seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse or greenhouse in the spring, followed by planting in open ground after the end of spring frosts. Perennial seedlings grown using this technology will bloom this season, decorating flower beds until the autumn cold.

Plants sown in spring in the first year delight others with the lush greenery of beautiful foliage; flowering begins in the next season. Seedlings are planted in open ground in the second half of May or early June after the cessation of return frosts.

To plant young daisy seedlings, choose a well-lit place. Representatives of certain varieties of the crop tolerate light shade well. A flower with a short rhizome grows better in loamy areas with a pH in the range of 5.5-6.2. The acidity of the soil can be easily balanced using lime. To prepare suitable soil for transplanting seedlings, add 1 cup of lime, 25 g of potassium sulfide and 50 g of superphosphate per m².

Replanting work is carried out mainly in the evening or during the day in cloudy weather. Plants are planted at intervals of 10-20 cm, depending on the variety. The holes are prepared in accordance with the size of the root ball, and young bushes are transplanted using the transshipment method. After planting in open ground, green pets are watered with warm water.

Nuances of flower care in summer

Summer care for unpretentious daisies consists of timely watering, weeding and fertilizing. Mulching helps retain moisture on the soil surface and reduce the intensity of weed growth. To resume flowering in the fall, remove faded baskets, flower stalks and dry foliage.

  • some time after planting, a solution of nitroammophoska is added to the open ground in proportions of 40 g/10 l at the rate of 1 l per bush;
  • During the period of budding and flowering, the soil is fertilized with potassium chloride in proportions of 20 g/m².

Before applying fertilizing, the bushes are watered abundantly. clean water to eliminate the risk of burns to the root system.

Prevention of plant diseases

The flower is rarely affected by pathogens and insect pests. To prevent possible illnesses, it is necessary to ensure air permeability of the soil, fight weeds, and eliminate excessive planting density. Healthy growth and development of flower bushes are also determined by timely watering and fertilizing the soil with nutrients.

The main threat is from small rodents that damage the rhizome. To combat them, baits or repellent devices are used. Effective way To eliminate the danger in the form of small rodents, an ordinary garden pinwheel is considered. The propeller device on the rod promotes the formation of low-frequency sound waves, which act as an alarm signal on the rodents, and they flee.

With proper care, daisies will decorate the landscape with a living carpet of endless blooms in a variety of colors.