How to fill out a diary report on industrial practice. Examples of a report on industrial practice: writing together. Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kostanay Pedagogical College

Practice is part of the educational process at the university, without which you can get a diploma higher education Not sure it's going to happen. Many students treat such practical classes superficially, systematically skip classes and simply do not take them into account. For them, industrial practice is an additional vacation when they can do nothing.

In general, there is some truth in this, but a carefree life ends with practice. When all your fellow students have already signed a completed diary and a well-written report, but you have nothing, it becomes really uneasy.

But even greater fear arises when, unexpectedly for yourself, you realize that you don’t even know who your practice manager is or, for example, what he looks like.

Then panic sets in, and then expulsion is just around the corner. To prevent such an unpleasant situation from happening to you in the future, dear reader, I strongly recommend that you take the practical part of your studies more responsibly.

What is a practice diary?

This is definitely a document that is much more important during the internship period than a grade book. The practice diary is issued by the curator at the university, after which the student must regularly carry it to the enterprise.

This is done for a reason: every day, while in production conditions, the trainee must make notes on the work done, reporting what new things he learned, for example, today.

Filling out this document is mandatory, and it is better if you do it gradually than then spontaneously remember what was new.

Upon completion of the internship, the student must fill out a diary in accordance with the requirements and standards of the Ministry of Education.

Later, after defending the report on the internship, this document is confiscated and stored in the university archives for a long time (until graduation for sure).

Main rules for filling out a practice diary

So, practice is in full swing, what rules exist for filling out the diary so that in the end you can only count on a positive assessment?

Rule one. It is advisable that the work practice diary be filled out with a pen of the same color. Corrections, blots, and going beyond the boundaries of tables are also not welcome.

Rule two. Each such diary must contain entries from the “production manager”.

These are notes for a university teacher, so that he has at least a vague idea of ​​how his student showed himself and how he distinguished himself.

Rule three. The accuracy of the information in the diary about industrial practice must be recorded with the personal signatures of the head of the practice and the seal of the enterprise.

This required condition, without which the trainee is not allowed to defend his report at the university.

Rule four. The head of the internship must write a character reference for his student, and, of course, a self-critical intern can help him with this.

Rule five. At the end of the internship, the supervisor can write in the diary the final grade that a particular intern deserves. Of course, it does not go into the grade book, but it significantly influences the final grade on the practice, which after the defense is given by the teacher responsible for practical classes at the university.

In general, there is nothing complicated here, but it is important to understand that failure to comply with at least one of the rules can reduce the final grade, which already goes into the grade book and, like the exam, affects the receipt of a future scholarship.

So it’s too early to relax, but, on the contrary, it’s worth pushing yourself, because practice is a real chance to “pull out” a session for a scholarship, and you should definitely take advantage of it.

Example of filling out a practice diary

Already on the first page of the diary about industrial practice the following background information is presented:

Student's name. ________

The name of the practice, for example: “Visit to a high-voltage equipment plant for the purpose of in-depth study of the on-load tap-changer device for power transformers.”

Passing period. (“The training and production practice lasted from ___ to ___”).

Place of internship ( official name the enterprise where the student did his practical training and was therefore absent from the university during the educational process).

Head of practice from the enterprise. Full name, position.

Head of practice from the university. Full name, position.

The official seal of the organization where the student completed an internship for a certain period of time.

Then follows a plate indicating the full range of work performed in one’s specialty and for the benefit of a future diploma or course work.

It looks like this:

date of completion List of completed tasks and assignments Manager's Notes
02/02/14 Introduction to the enterprise, practice manager and equipment (the impression of the practice manager about the trainee, his comments and encouragement is indicated here)
02/03/14 Study of technical documentation of equipment in workshop No. 2
02/04/14 Personal visit to site No. 2 and observation of testing of high-voltage electrical equipment
02/05/14 Participation in the technological process, preparation of factory specifications
02/06/14 Taking notes on the background information required to complete the future diploma
02/09/14 Selection of drawings as an example for a future graduation project
10.03.147. Filling out a diary about completed factory practice

Let me clarify right away that the number of rows in the table is not limited, but is transferred even to subsequent pages of the practice diary, so you can describe in detail all your knowledge and achievements within the framework of the production process.

Everything should be written down in detail and accurately, so that in the future, when checking, no insidious additional questions arise from the strict teacher.

The cover of the work practice diary also contains standard fields that require mandatory completion. This:

University name;

Faculty name;

Name of specialty;

Student course;

His academic group number;

Last name, first name, patronymic of the student.

In general, everything is the same as in the grade book, or very similar.

Useful information for student trainees

When a student comes to practice, the amount of new information in his head may make a mess. There is no need to talk about filling out a practice diary in the first days of your work - it’s just not the time.

This is understandable, but there is no need to aggravate the situation, and advice to every student is to take with you a blank notebook in which to briefly write down the following information:

Date of issue of the task;

Its detailed name is;

Problems posed and short description methods for their effective solution;

Approximate results.

This small plan will help you navigate in the future when filling out your practice diary, and you will have much fewer questions for your new supervisor; which also characterizes the student as an intelligent, agile, sociable and intelligent student, a promising young specialist.

According to the standard, there are only four columns in the practice diary, however, each university dictates its own rules and may have additional requirements for the student intern. Accordingly, the number of columns can be increased several times at the discretion of the higher education institution.

One more point: after filling out all the columns of the table in detail, it is very important that at the end there is a seal of the organization in which the student underwent practical training.

Only the secretary at the reception can place it, where the student does not have to go. It is enough to simply contact the practice manager with a specific request, and he will quickly solve this minor problem within a day.

It is also useful to know that certain universities immediately give the student a ready-made diary, which must be filled out as they complete their practical training.

But there are also those educational institutions that strongly recommend that all future trainees create a personal practice diary in advance and independently, strictly according to given standards.

This choice depends on the workload of the department, so it depends on your luck.

Why is industrial practice necessary?

This question is often asked by many students, not understanding why they should delve into all the intricacies of their future specialty ahead of time.

In fact there is common sense, because when initially choosing a profession, the applicant is then more guided by emotions, examples from TV and childhood dreams.

Immediately there appears a unique opportunity to get closer - in reality - in touch with your future duties, responsibilities and work routine.

Accordingly, you can try on the work ahead after graduation and once again ask yourself, was the right choice made at the time?

Of course, if you don’t like the job, you won’t be able to choose another education, but at least those illusions will disappear, and a sober and objective reasoning about your future career, success and aspirations will appear.

That is why the university provides such a unique opportunity, and every student should take full advantage of it, if, of course, they are interested in their future specialty.

Conclusion: So maybe stop scolding practice and teachers? Maybe it's time to become interested in your future job, and first, fill out your work practice diary correctly and correctly?

Now you know about how to fill out a student practice diary.

LLC Training Center "PROFESSIONAL"


teaching practice

Sharipova Oksana Vladimirovna,

trainee student

professional retraining courses

“Physical culture and sports: theory and teaching methods in educational organization»,

underwent teaching practice at the State government educational institution of the Sverdlovsk region “Nizhny Tagil evening school No. 2”

in the 7th grade

during the period from January 25, 2017 to February 13, 2017.

Head of practice: Petreneva E.V. Deputy Director for HR

Head of the State Educational Institution "Nizhny Tagil Higher School No. 2"

MP / __________/ / A.B. Danilov /

signature full name

1. Brief description of the educational institution on the basis of which the internship takes place.

The state government educational institution is located on the basis of PKU IK-5 and PKU IK-12 and PKU IK-13 is focused on working with students in prison. The goal of an educational institution for many years has been the socialization and resocialization of students. The school has a material and technical base that meets the requirements of the standard, and has educational equipment that can provide high-quality psychological and pedagogical support for students.

The educational programs implemented at the institution meet the requirements of the standards, and the workload on students meets the regulatory requirements.

Students study in full-time and part-time forms of study. Students have the opportunity to study independently during extracurricular hours. The staff of the educational institution pays great attention to the formation of deep and lasting knowledge.

The state government educational institution "Nizhny Tagil Higher School No. 2" carries out educational activities on the basis of a license, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of General and Professional Education Sverdlovsk region. The educational institution has three structural divisions. The institution is independent in carrying out educational, scientific, administrative, financial and economic activities, developing and adopting local regulations in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

There are 340 students studying at the Nizhny Tagil Higher School No. 2 from grades 7 to 12. The educational process is carried out in two shifts. Classes start at 9.00 am. Lesson duration 45 minutes. All classes are taught in a 5-day school week. The educational institution is equipped with 2 stationary computer classes, three gyms, three sports grounds, and a gym.

When assessing the results of the activities of educational institutions and individual teaching and management employees, the main object of assessment, its content and criterial base are the planned results of mastering the main educational program. The assessment system assumes: A complex approach to the assessment of educational outcomes, which allows assessing the achievement of students in all three groups of educational outcomes: personal, meta-subject and subject. A level approach to the content of the assessment and tools for assessing the achievement of planned results, as well as to the presentation and interpretation of measurement results. The main object of assessmentpersonal The results are determined by the formation of universal educational actions, included in the following three main blocks: 1) the formation of the foundations of a person’s civil identity; 2) readiness to transition to self-education based on educational and cognitive motivation, including readiness to choose the direction of specialized education; 3) formation social competencies, including value-semantic attitudes and moral norms, experience of social and interpersonal relationships, legal consciousness. Achieving personal results is not included in the final assessment of students, but is the subject of assessing the effectiveness of educational educational activities educational institution.

Grade meta-subject results is an assessment of the achievement of the planned results of mastering the main educational program. The main object of assessment of meta-subject results is:

ability and readiness to master systematic knowledge, independently replenish it, transfer and integrate it;

ability to collaborate and communicate;

the ability to solve personally and socially significant problems and translate the solutions found into practice;

ability and willingness to use ICT for learning and development purposes;

ability for self-organization, self-regulation and reflection.

Assessment of the achievement of meta-subject results is carried out during various procedures. One of the procedures for assessing the achievement of meta-subject results is the defense of an educational project.

Psychological and pedagogical support for individual development of students in the educational process of school is a system of professional activities of specialists to create conditions for the development and further socialization of the individual, successful learning and re-education. The main goals of accompanying students at the educational institution are: 1) formation of a healthy lifestyle; 2) solving personal development problems; 3) socialization and resocialization of students; 4) overcoming learning difficulties.

Much attention is paid to the development of sports in the gymnasium. Physical education teachers organize weightlifting training for students.

2. Objectives of the internship : create conditions formastering professional competencies for implementing the educational process in primary school, taking into account the specifics of teaching physical culture

Internship objectives:

- Consolidation of theoretical knowledge acquired during classes, formation of professional skills.

Formation of experience of independent activity, formation of professional activity and competence, professional consciousness and self-awareness of a physical education teacher

Formation of professional skills interpersonal interaction in the educational process.

Organization of direct educational activities.

3. Internship program

Keeping a practice diary.

Introduction to the main educational program of the educational institution, work program physical education teacher, study lesson plans, work plan class teacher.

Attendance and analysis of training sessions, extracurricular activities conducted by physical education teachers and class teachers.

Development and conduct of two or three trials and one test training session(lesson, extracurricular activity)

4. Report.


An internship plan has been drawn up in accordance with the requirements


Getting to know the educational organization, drawing up brief description, study of basic educational activities, routine moments

The website of the educational organization, main documents and local acts, work programs on physical education were studied.

27 .01.

Meeting 7th grade students, studying the class teacher's documentation. Selection of methods for studying the communicative sphere of students, for studying the emotional-volitional sphere of 7th grade students

A visit to a physical education lesson in the 7th grade by teacher of the highest category N.V. Sosnovskaya.

Familiarization with the content of the subject teacher’s work plan and his teaching materials.

Questionnaire “Your temperament”. The purpose of diagnosis: to determine the predominant type of temperament. Used literature: A. V. Batarshev “Psychological diagnostics”.


Conducting testing of the communicative and emotional-volitional spheres according to the chosen methodology among 7th grade students.

Analysis of conducted psychological studies.

Conversation with class students. “Your attitude to physical culture and sports”

Familiarization with the individual and age characteristics of students attachedclass.The CBS test was used.Personal Anxiety Scale (J. Taylor, 1953), adapted by T. A. Nemchin

19 students took part


Attending physical education lessons in grades 7-9 by a physical education teacher

Sosnovskaya N.V.

Observation of the features of pedagogical skills of subject teachers.

Preparing for an extracurricular activity ""

6 physical education lessons for students in grades 7-9 were visited and analyzed. Lessons are held according to the A.P. program. Matveeva

1 .02.

Conducting an extra-curricular sports event “Olympic Movement” for 7th grade students

Lesson outline development

7th grade teams took part, the teams included 20 participants


Conducting 1 trial physical education lesson in 7th grade “Volleyball. Passing the ball from above"

Observing the activities of students in lessons and during extracurricular activities in order to assess the level of training and identify personality characteristics.

A trial lesson was conducted and analyzed.

Attended 4 lessons in the attached class


Preparation for a trial physical education lesson

Studying psychological characteristics communicative behavior of subject teacher Sosnovskaya N.V. at the lesson.

Participation in methodological training for class teachers

Mastering psychological methods- pedagogical analysis of the lesson


Conducting 2 trial physical education lessons in 8th grade “Volleyball. Upper direct transmission."

The lesson was conducted and analyzed, errors were identified, recommendations were developed


Development of a plan for conducting a credit lesson in physical education

Studying the educational work plan of the class teacher, performing the current duties of the class teacher.

Preparation of a lesson plan, development of a multimedia presentation on the lesson topic

08.02 .

Self-conducting credit lesson in physical education in 7th grade

"Volleyball. Improving and taking into account basic techniques"

The lesson was conducted and analyzed, the main errors were identified, and recommendations were developed.


Summing up the results of practice, compiling psychological characteristics class, preparation of notes for a test lesson, preparation of self-analysis for a test lesson

Conducting a sociological study for 7th grade students “My attitude towards healthy image life"

The study showed a high percentage of positive attitudes among 7th grade students towards a healthy lifestyle, knowledge of its components, and a positive attitude towards physical education and sports.


Preparation of reporting documentation. Filling out the internship diary.

During the internship, the main educational program of the educational institution was studied,organization pedagogical process in the educational field "physical culture" and individual characteristics student development. The work programs for physical education of subject teachers and the documentation of the class teacher of the assigned class were analyzed. The work is based on a system-activity approach and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC. During the internship, various modern forms and methods of training and education of students, when organizing educational activities ensured the achievement of meta-subject educational results as the most important new formations school age, the individual characteristics of students, their health and development were taken into account.

Individual and group conversations with students were conducted, as well as studies of the communicative and emotional-volitional spheres of student development. The features of the pedagogical skills of subject teachers were studied. 10 lessons were attended and analyzed. The interests of students were studied in terms of attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports. A number of extracurricular activities were prepared and carried out. Three physical education lessons in the 7th grade from the “Sports Games” section according to the A.P. program were conducted and analyzed. Matveeva.During the internship, the theoretical knowledge acquired in the study of general psychological, pedagogical and special disciplines, the theory and methodology of physical culture and sports was consolidated, and skills in teaching the subject “physical culture” were consolidated.

Many students have to fill out diaries on their own without the help of a curator, but not everyone knows how to do this correctly. In fact, it is very difficult to do this without an example or sample. You need to clearly know and navigate the types of activities of different specialties.

Therefore, We are ready to make all the entries in the diary for you.

The diary is filled out in the form of a table, in the left column you write numbers, in the middle what you did (filled out documents, got acquainted with job descriptions etc.), the director’s signatures are placed on the right.

Example of filling out a diary

Diary of pre-diploma practice for a correspondence student

5th year student, Faculty of Education and Science, specialty of State Medical University _________

date Kind of activity Signature
05.01.2014 Introduction to the regulatory framework
12.01.2014 Familiarization with the regulations on the Kandratovo village council.
16.01.2014 Introduction to job descriptions
18.01.2014 Familiarization with the Federal Law “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation” and Law of March 2, 2007 No. 25 of the Federal Law “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation in the Kursk Region”.
19.01.2014 Analysis personnel policy carried out in the village council
21.01.2014 Familiarity with the information support of the All-Russian Population Census.

Working with village council statistical data


Registration of outgoing correspondence.


Executing the assignment of legal acts to cases in accordance with their systematization.

26.01.2014 Participation in the organization of the population census
27.02.2011 Preparation of documentation on internship.

Practice manager from the organization: signature here.

Don't know how to fill out your practice diary? Don’t worry, our specialists will help you correctly and quickly make all the entries in your practice diary.

We will describe by numbers exactly what you did and what work you performed during your internship at an enterprise or organization.

You can order filling out your practice diary right now. To do this, click the button and fill out the form.

Day month Year

Place and summary work and the section of the program being studied

Analysis, conclusions and student comments on the section being studied

Supervisor's remark and evaluation of the student's work

Tour of the plant. Meeting the staff. IN industrial building There are: a hardware shop, a curd shop, a bottling shop, a diet section, two refrigeration chambers, utility rooms, a laboratory, a service technician's workshop, a foreman's room, a bathroom. unit, washing. In addition, an administrative building, a residential complex, a boiler room, and an expedition are located on the territory of the enterprise.

Introduction to the company's laboratory. The laboratory consists of chem. department and tank. department. In chem. department determine the technical and chemical indicators of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, and in the tank. The department examines microbiological indicators. Based on all the results of the analysis in chem. department makes a conclusion about the quality of the product.

General information about working in the tank. laboratories. Compound: work room, prebox, box for sowing products, box for fermentation (weighing starters), autoclave, medium cooker, washing.

Laboratory. Chem. Department. Acceptance of milk: determination of tests: density, temperature, acidity, mass fraction of fat.

Chem. Department. Determination of physical and chemical parameters of manufactured products before bottling, organoleptic evaluation.

Taking swabs from equipment (checking the quality of washing) in the curd shop and in the bottling shop. Recording information about the work done in a journal.

Tasting of finished products, evaluation and characteristics are recorded in a special journal.

Testing raw milk for antibiotics (i.e., their presence) 10 ml. Heat the milk in a water bath to t=92°C, hold for 10 minutes, cool to t=42°C, add 0.3 ml. working solution and 1 ml. resazurin, mix, put the reductant into a thermostat with t=37°C. Watch for color changes. If the color is pink, then there are no antibiotics.

Tank. Department. Expedition. Inspection of tubes with swabs, determination of coliforms. Preparation of signal sheets.

Studying magazines. Filled out:

Journal of preparation of disinfectant. solution;

Drying cabinet temperature log;

Caustic soda control log in the disinfection barrier;

Box disinfection log;

Car wash control log.

Taking swabs from equipment after finishing work in production. All data is recorded in a special journal. Test tubes with washings are placed in a thermostat (t=37°C) until the morning. In the morning, processing of the results.

Preparation of starter cultures for cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, yogurt. Calculation of the dose of starter according to the master’s request. Breeding. Control of fermentation temperature and time. In the curd shop, in the fermentation bath, the temperature of fermentation of the mixture for cottage cheese is 33°C, in the diet shop, respectively, the temperature of the mixture for sour cream and yogurt is 85°C, for kefir - 31°C.

Preparation of physical a solution of 12.2-12.3 g of sodium chloride per 250 ml of distilled water, mix and autoclave.

Preparation for inoculation and washings Kessler medium: 16g. dry medium dissolve in 1 liter. distilled water, boil for 25-30 minutes, cool, filter, pour 5 ml into a test tube. and autoclave. Production. Hardware shop: study of individual operations and elements of the technological process.

Studying the operation of an autoclave. Tasting: milk, baked milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt.

Carrying out autoclaving: sterilization time for Kessler medium is 10 minutes; for GPS-20 minutes; for KMAFAiM - 20 minutes; Whey agar - 15 minutes.

Preparation of dishes for drying in a drying cabinet: swabs with cotton swabs (for taking swabs), a test tube for analyzing the presence of antibiotics, jars, pipettes, spoons, etc. The drying cabinet operates for 3-4 hours at t=160 °C.

Conducting sowing of manufactured products: milk, baked milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese curds. Kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk are deoxidized with soda solution before sowing. Milk, kefir - 2 dilutions, sour cream - 3 dilutions, cottage cheese, cheese - 5 dilutions. Taking swabs from tanks No. 1, 4, 5 on the pasteurized line in the equipment workshop.

Weighing starter cultures for kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk. Preparation of a working solution for testing for antibiotics. Curd shop: studying the name and purpose of equipment for the production of cottage cheese. Taking swabs in the curd and whey lines.

Butter shop: Monitoring the production of “Extra” sweet cream butter with a fat mass fraction of 82.5%. After finishing work and after washing the equipment, taking swabs in this workshop, AWP (Automatic oil packaging): breaker, hopper, cells, cylinder, dispenser, piston, augers.

Tasting: milk, sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, cheesecakes with vanilla and raisins. Sowing of products on Kessler medium. Filling out a log for washing and disinfecting equipment and a log for monitoring hand cleanliness.

Bottling shop. Study of the design and operation of filling machines: polycap, elopak, OFM, OFS. Filling out a log of microbiological control of finished products, a log of control of incoming raw materials.

Expedition. Going to the warehouse (refrigeration chamber of finished products). Control of time and temperature of fermentation of kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese.

Chem. Department. Determination of moisture in cottage cheese using Chizhova’s device. Filling out a lactic acid bacteria control log, a waste material disinfection log, a microbiological equipment washing control log.

Conversation with the chief engineer of the enterprise. Studying issues of heat, water, and electricity supply at the enterprise. Collection of data about the technological equipment used in a given plant.

On weekends I worked with technological instructions, conditions for the production of butter, studying technological processes at the enterprise, familiarization with the necessary documentation. Preparation of a diary and report on practice at LLC "RUN"

Sample of filling out a practice diary on financial analysis, organization and planning.

Diary of industrial work and the studied issue of the industrial practice program. Industrial practice of an economist-manager at an enterprise.

Student analysis and conclusions on the practice issue being studied

Supervisor's comment and evaluation of the student's work (signature)

Accounting. Familiarization with the natural and economic conditions of the farm, its size, structure, financial condition and specialization

The farm is located in favorable climatic conditions, large in size, grain-growing and is engaged in the processing of agricultural products

Accounting. Studying the liquidity and solvency of the enterprise, the structure of its assets and liabilities

The economy is liquid and solvent, assets are represented by non-current and current assets, accounts receivable; liabilities – equity capital, current liabilities and provision of future payments and payments

Accounting. Analysis of financial stability of farms, calculation of sustainability indicators and determination of the type of financial stability

The economy has normal financial stability, and an increase in financial stability indicators indicates its strengthening and stability

Accounting. Study of the composition and structure of the enterprise's working capital, assessment of the turnover of the current assets of the economy, movement Money, debt turnover and inventory assets

The farm's current assets are represented by inventories, accounts receivable and cash and cash equivalents. The turnover of working capital shows that the turnover of funds is increasing, and the period from turnover is decreasing

An analysis of accounts receivable and accounts payable showed that, at the expense of debtors, the farm can pay off accounts payable. The turnover of inventory and cash has increased.

Accounting. Analysis of the financial results of the enterprise.

Assessment of farm profitability. Factor analysis of profit

The financial results of AF Stepanovka LLC have positive result(176 thousand UAH of profit), but this result is 3.8 times less than the level of 2002). The total cash flow increased by 25.1%.

According to the factor analysis data, it is clear that the gross profit from product sales in 2004 was. compared to 2003 increased by 393.7 thousand UAH.. Greatest influence The increase in profit was caused by an increase in production costs and a change in selling prices for sold products. Changes in cost due to structural changes in the composition of products (decrease in the quality of grain) and changes in prices for materials (increasing) had a reducing impact on profits.


Drawing up calculations of the projected amount of profit, the required increase working capital, profitability levels, self-financing and capital utilization indicators.

The calculation of the amount of projected profit is calculated on the basis of the production plan for the development of the farm for 2005 and the financial plan for 2005. The total increase in working capital should be UAH 1,362 thousand in 2005.

In 2004 the self-sufficiency ratio tended to decrease, and the self-financing ratio showed that the enterprise's own funds were greater than production costs.

Accounting. Familiarization with the sources of income of the enterprise, study of price levels and pricing procedures. Studying the order of profit distribution

The main income for the farm comes from operating activities in the form of cash receipts from the sale of finished products. The farm received its greatest profit in 2002, and by 2004 its level had decreased to 176 thousand UAH. The enterprise has an extensive network of product sales channels, conducts active marketing activities, and seeks and conquers new sales markets.

The price level and pricing procedure in the economy are based on the principle of gradation of sales channels. Average selling prices prevailing in 2004 for agricultural products are higher than the cost of production by an average of 40-50%.

The income received by the farm is distributed among various funds.

Accounting. Studying the methodology for drawing up a financial plan, the composition of the financial plan and the basic principles of financial planning in the economy.

Financial planning at an enterprise consists of calculating economic indicators (revenue from product sales; cost products sold; profit from sales; Administrative expenses; sales expenses; other operating expenses; other expenses; overall financial result). The farm plans to receive in 2005 net profit in the amount of 843.5 thousand UAH. At the same time, the profitability level will be 9.4%, which is 7.7% more (5.3 times) than the 2004 level.

After determining the planned sources and amount of profit, the profit is distributed for the following purposes:

payment of the Federal Tax Service - 74 thousand UAH (the amount has not changed, since there are no plans to change the area of ​​agricultural land); reserve fund – 42.2 thousand UAH; fund for production development – ​​30 thousand UAH; fund for social needs – 29.6 thousand UAH; fund of funds for material incentives – 18 thousand UAH; depreciation fund – 56 thousand UAH. The amount of retained earnings will amount to UAH 593.7 thousand.

Accounting. Analysis of financial prerequisites for insolvency (bankruptcy) of an enterprise

A detailed analysis of the balance sheet structure of Agrofirma Stepanovka LLC showed that the farm has a positive balance sheet structure. The farm is not in danger of bankruptcy.

Consideration of the relationship between the enterprise and the budgetary and financial system. Study of taxation practices and facts of payment of fines by the enterprise

The farm is a payer of the following taxes, recorded in such sub-accounts: 641/1 “Income tax from salary”; 641/2 “Income tax on goods and materials”; 641/3 “Income tax on shares”; 641/4 “Income tax on property shares”; 641/5 “VAT (general declaration)”; 641/6 “VAT (livestock)”; 641/7 “VAT (crop production)”; 641/8 “FSN”; 641/9 “Fish tax”; 641/10 “Pollution environment"; 641/11 “Water tax”; 641/12 “1% for the development of viticulture and gardening”; subaccount 643 “Tax liability”; subaccount 644 “Tax credit”

The farm keeps records of settlements for the following types of mandatory fees (according to subaccounts): 651 “For pension provision”; 652/1 “On social insurance”; 652/2 “Sick leave” 653 “Unemployment insurance”; 656 “Insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases.”

According to the results of 2004, the enterprise actually has a debt to the budget of 198 thousand UAH. (at the end of the year), for insurance - 8 thousand UAH. and has no debt on settlements with extra-budgetary funds.

Studying the relationship between the economy and banking system. Analysis of the company's bank accounts, consideration of the procedure for making non-cash payments.

The farm has a current account in the bank in national currency, the amount of which at the end of the year amounted to 71 thousand UAH. During its existence (the enterprise was organized in 2001), the farm did not attract either long-term or short-term loans.

Businesses carry out non-cash payments using payment documents such as payment orders and payment requests. The farm has no experience in making payments using checks, letters of credit and bills of exchange.

Day off. Work outside the company. Compilation and calculation of tables.

Analysis of control over cash discipline of the farm.

Internal cash control on the farm is carried out by the chief accountant once a month in the form of sudden inventories. External control cash transactions carried out by the servicing bank.

In 2004, the limit set for a farm was 35,000 UAH.

Accounting. Summing up the internship and completing the writing of the report

AF Stepanovka LLC is an excellent farm for practical training in financial analysis, organization and planning of agriculture. production and meets the conditions of the internship program.

The production practice diary is signed by the Chief Accountant - practice manager from the enterprise.

A completed sample work practice diary on taxes and finance.

Faculty of Accounting and Finance. Department of Finance and Credit. Diary of practical training in “tax and financial management” of a 5th year student of the specialty “Finance”

Practice start date. End date of internship. Heads of practice from the department.

1. Individual calendar schedule for practical training

Name of topic or subsection

Number of working days

Debt capital management

Cash flow management

Financial planning

Student's signature ___________________

Signature of the practice manager _____________________

Place of printing in the practice diary.

2. Completed practice work according to the program:

Analysis and conclusions about the issue being studied

Manager's Note

Financial management support system

Studied the financial management support system

Fixed Asset Management

Learned in practice how non-current assets are managed

Current assets management

Learned in practice how current assets are managed


Equity management

Learned in practice how to manage your own capital


Debt capital management

Studied how debt capital is managed in practice


Cash flow management

Learned how to manage cash flows in practice


Financial Risk Management

Studied how financial risks are managed in practice


Financial planning

Studied how financial planning is carried out in practice


Studying tax management issues

Studied issues on tax management

Student's signature_____________.

Signature of the practice manager __________________.

Place of printing of the diary.

Completed industrial practice diary on enterprise economics.

Department of Economics. Diary of practical training in the specialty "Enterprise Economics" at the State Enterprise "Morskoye" NPA "Massandra"

Head of practice from the farm.

Diary of an economist's practical training at an enterprise.

The diary of the economist's production practice is signed by the Chief Economist of the enterprise - the head of practice.

Student internship at a winery - completed sample.

Diary of a student's practical training. Date of arrival at the internship site. Date of departure from the internship site.

Individual schedule for a student’s internship at the Crimean Wine House

FULL NAME. site manager and position

Site name

Number of working days

Preparation of documentation for general and workplace safety training.

Occupational Health and Fire Safety Engineer

Human Resources Department

General familiarization with the plant, workshops, equipment, range and name of products.

Work on the bottling line as an auxiliary worker: carrying boxes for finished products, unpacking packages of empty bottles.

Bottling shop


Work in the laboratory. Control of temperature and humidity in cognac storages. Sampling of alcoholized waters for vintage cognacs. Carrying out quality analysis of granulated sugar. Performing alcohol distillations in the laboratory.

Factory laboratory

Work in storage No. 1 pumping cognac spirit from barrels in which a leak was detected

Winery territory

Cleaning and beautifying the area

Bottling shop Winery territory

Worked on a rinser for new bottles, installing bottles on a conveyor. Performing handyman work.

Bottling shop


Collecting data about the winery for writing a report

Obtaining information about procedural schemes for bottling wines with the attached name of the equipment

Departure from the factory, filling out the practice diary.

Diary of industrial practice of an economist manager - sample filling

Diary of industrial practice of a student of the Faculty of Economics and Management. Place of internship at AIC "Vinogradny". Date of arrival at the internship site. Date of departure from the internship site. The head of the practice is an associate professor. Head of practice from the enterprise

Individual calendar plan for practical training.

Study question of the practice program


Number of working days

start date

End date

Conducting safety training and registration for practice. Induction training in the workplace on occupational safety and health.

Calculation and planning department

Brief information about the enterprise.

Calculation and planning department

Analysis of the enterprise’s activities and the implementation of the business plan for the past year.

Calculation and planning department

Working with annual reports for 2005-2007.

Calculation and planning department

Studying the methodology for drawing up a business plan for the development of agriculture. enterprise, as well as the methodology for drawing up and the main indicators of the current plan for the socio-economic development of the enterprise

Calculation and planning department

Studying tax calculations

Calculation and planning department

Calculation and planning department

Head of Practice, Chief Economist.

Trainee, student.

Production work and the program issue being studied.

Day month Year

Place and summary of the question being studied in the practice program

Human Resources Department

Filling out documents for internship. Familiarization with safety precautions. Drawing up a calendar plan.

Economic department, accounting

Familiarization with the natural and economic conditions of the farm, its size and structure.

SEC "KATP Dzhankoy" is an agricultural enterprise with a narrow specialization: grain growing. The farm transfers the bulk of the harvest to its parent enterprise and only a small part is sold by the farm in retail trade to the population.


Determining the size of the resource potential of the farm. Identification of the main dimensions of growth in the economic efficiency of production technologies in the crop production sector.

There are prospects for increasing resource potential. Growing winter wheat has the greatest profitability.

Accounting, planning department.

Analysis of the business plan for the past year.

The farm annually develops production plans for each division and for the farm as a whole. Each foreman at the beginning of the season, before performing certain work, signs a contract agreement in which he undertakes to perform a certain amount of work or provide services. For a production plan, the enterprise must submit all necessary funds labor, including material. In this case, plans are not fully implemented.

Day month Year

Place and summary of the question being studied in the practice program

Analysis, conclusions and student comments on the issue being studied

Supervisor's comments and evaluation of the student's work (signature)

Working with annual reports for 2004-2007.

Planning department, accounting.

Study of the socio-economic development plan, methodology for drawing up

At SPK KATP Dzhankoy, a professional financial plan is drawn up annually in order to plan the development of production at the enterprise.

The current plan for the socio-economic development of the enterprise is the collective work of specialists, the manager, and the entire team of workers.

Chief specialists and heads of departments are responsible for developing a development plan for individual industries and areas of activity. The chief economist is a consultant to all employees who take part in drawing up the current plan. Before drawing up a plan, it is carried out preparatory work: the production and financial activities of the enterprise and all its divisions over the past 3-5 years are analyzed; market conditions are studied - demand for specific types products, channels and conditions for its sale; price forecast; take into account production standards, calculated and planned accounting prices, fuel and fertilizer consumption standards; the composition of the primary labor collectives and the form of remuneration that will be applied in the planning year is determined. Based on documents on the inventory of fixed and circulating production assets, the condition of the means of production is determined, and the remains of products and materials are identified.

Day month Year

Place and summary of the question being studied in the practice program

Analysis, conclusions and student comments on the issue being studied

Supervisor's comments and evaluation of the student's work (signature)

Planning department, accounting.

Study of the socio-economic development plan, main indicators.

The current plan for the socio-economic development of the enterprise is submitted to the department of strategy for the development of the agricultural economy, form 188. The plan contains the following forms: 1. implementation of agricultural activities. products and raw materials; 2. availability of agricultural lands; 3. use of arable land, sown area, productivity and gross harvest of agricultural products. products; 4. availability and use of reclamation lands; 5. the need and cost of seeds and planting material for sowing and planting for harvest next year; 6. production of industrial products; 7. economics and work; 8. property and land relations; 9. availability of social infrastructure facilities; 10. calculation of costs for maintaining social infrastructure facilities, engineering systems and structures; 11. the need for material, technical and energy resources; 12. balance of cash receipts; 13. production of food industry products.

Planning department, accounting

Studying the methodology for drawing up a business plan for the development of agriculture. enterprises.

Depending on the specific nature and conditions of the enterprise, the composition and structure of the business plan may vary significantly, but the content will be the same. A traditional business plan drawn up at the level of an individual enterprise includes the following sections: resume, business history, description of the product (service), analysis of the state of affairs in the industry, production plan, marketing plan, organizational and financial plans. In large enterprises, both a research and development plan and risk assessment and insurance are allocated.

Day month Year

Place and summary of the question being studied in the practice program

Analysis, conclusions and student comments on the issue being studied

Supervisor's comments and evaluation of the student's work (signature)


Accounting, economic department.

Study of tax calculations and organization of wages in on-farm departments

Remuneration at the enterprise is organized according to current tariff rates in accordance with the categories of work and categories of employees.


Methodology for drawing up self-financing assignments

At SPK KATP Dzhankoy, self-supporting assignments are drawn up annually for production departments. The self-supporting task regulates the mutual obligation of the team to fulfill the production task, on the other hand, the directorate of KATP Dzhankoy, which provides the team with material and monetary resources, accepts the volume of work and makes payments. The list of works, the names of the products that need to be obtained, the cost and quantity of resources necessary to implement the plan, wages, bonuses as a result of receiving the profit included in the business task are indicated.

Head of Practice, Ch. economist.

Trainee, student.

Download full text completed diary on industrial practice -

Diary on educational practicefilled out by the student to describe the internship process. The institution where the citizen is studying provides a diary form and recommendations for filling it out. From our article you will learn how to correctly describe the history of your internship in a document.

What is a practice diary?

At the end of a certain period of study, the student is sent to practice in his specialty. A government agency, such as the police or any enterprise, can be chosen as the internship location. The main condition is to complete an internship in your specialty. In some educational institutions, shortly before this period, students are offered a list of institutions that offer their services in recruiting trainees. If the student is not satisfied with this list, he can bring letter of recommendation from the organization that it is accepting him for an internship.

In the dean's office, students should be given all the information about the diary on educational practice, including the rules for filling it out and the deadline for submitting it.

So, a diary for educational practice is a document issued by the dean’s office to be filled out based on the results of the internship.

Important! If the diary is not submitted to the educational institution or does not contain the appropriate signatures and seals, and the entries do not correspond to reality, the student’s internship may not be counted.

Rules for filling out a diary for educational practice

The dean's office can issue a diary in the form of a regular document or in electronic form. Let's look at both options in more detail.

1. Electronic form.

This option is not yet very common due to the fact that it is impossible to put the seals and signatures of the educational institution on the title page before handing over the diary to the student. As a rule, without these details, the receiving organization may not accept the diary and authorized persons will not sign in it. However, there are cases when all the sheets with signatures are handed over to the student, and the inner part, which is filled out by the student himself, is dumped onto an electronic medium so that the document is neatly filled out on the computer and not clumsily written by hand.

Important! The student must clarify formatting and font size requirements in advance. Failure to meet the requirements of the educational institution will result in the diary not being accepted. Many people have to redo everything and go to the enterprise again to collect signatures.

The diary is filled in chronological order starting from day 1. As a rule, the internship manager at the enterprise must sign for each internship day. As for the seal, it is not obligatory, especially the stamp one. The “For Documents” imprint can be used.

2. The printed and stapled document is issued at the dean’s office of the educational institution with pre-affixed seals and signatures. The diary, as a rule, is a table. The student must enter information about the internship in the appropriate fields.

In practice, students are faced with the fact that there is not enough space on the lines to describe each day of the internship. In this case, the training department allows you to additionally insert either blank sheets of paper or samples issued by it.

Don't know your rights?

Fill out the document with regular paste (black or purple). Most important points may be highlighted in the text (for example, by underlining). The practice manager from the enterprise also signs for each day and at the end of the diary.

Sample diary for educational practice

The practice diary includes:

  1. A title page containing information about the educational institution, student data, name of the enterprise and type of internship (for example, industrial, pre-graduate). Below is the date of the internship. Below (left or right) scientific supervisors from the university and the enterprise are indicated.
  2. Calendar plan for internship. There are cases when industrial training is carried out in several places. The student must record all periods in a diary indicating the organizations.
  3. Sheets for filling out the practice report. They consist of several columns:
  • number;
  • date of;
  • workload;
  • notes.

Important! This part is completed in chronological order starting from the 1st day of practice. The scientific supervisor from the enterprise signs for each day.

  1. Review of the student's internship from the company, containing information about the student's success during the internship. You can indicate the strengths/weaknesses of the temporary employee and recommendations.
  2. Feedback on practice from a supervisor from an educational institution.
  3. The final part, where you can provide additional information about the company or a list of references that the student has read.

This is a sample practice diary. Since approval of the document form is within the competence of the educational institution, the content of the diary may vary.

Practical aspects of filling out a practice diary

Despite the specificity of internship at an enterprise, depending on the student’s specialty, there are several points that will not be superfluous to be reflected in the diary:

  1. Getting to know the company, the internship supervisor and general information about the activities of the enterprise.
  2. Completion of safety training.
  3. Studying the internal documents of the organization, including rules of procedure, provisions on trade secrets, and signing the relevant documents.
  4. Familiarization with the company structure and distribution of functional responsibilities.
  5. Participation in the activities of the enterprise in different areas, for example, receiving mail, answering phone calls, drawing up documents, etc. It is important to reflect that the student is not only interested in gaining knowledge in the specialty, but is also ready to take on other responsibilities that relate to the main directions of its activities. All documents compiled by the student must be attached to the practice diary.
  6. Suggestions and recommendations for improving the company's activities.

Internship plan

When a student begins to practice, he is bombarded with a lot of information, and he does not know how to structure it. We recommend that you create a practice plan in accordance with the tasks facing the trainee and reflect this in your diary.

Such a plan can be attached as an additional document and thereby demonstrate time management skills when organizing the internship process.

Sample plan:

  • task name;
  • deadlines for its implementation;
  • content;
  • set goals and characteristics of ways to achieve them;
  • results.

With such a plan, it will be easy to fill out a diary and remember to reflect in it all the features of the internship.

Final control over the student

After the internship is completed, the student receives feedback on the internship from the educational supervisor at the enterprise, fills out a diary, puts down all the necessary signatures and seals, he goes to the educational institution to meet with the teacher, who must defend the internship.

The results of the internship are reviewed either by a specially created commission or on an individual basis. As a rule, this kind of certification includes several stages:

  1. Checking the contents of the practice diary for compliance with all stated requirements. This takes into account the design, content and presence/absence of seals/signatures.
  2. Analysis of the compliance of the information contained in the document with the practice program, which is issued to the student along with the diary.
  3. Consideration of the review of the practice manager from the enterprise, discussion of his comments.
  4. Questions to the student about the course of the internship in order to find out what additional skills they acquired, how the internship contributed to strengthening knowledge in the specialty they were receiving.
  5. Review by the supervisor of the student’s proposals for improving the organization’s work (if any) from the point of view of applicability.

Besides oral questioning and studying the diary of educational practice, the student may be asked to compose a document or perform another task that requires knowledge gained during the internship.

Another option for testing final knowledge may be for the student to give a self-presentation report, which will reflect all areas of educational practice and the result of its completion.

For information

In some educational institutions, it is customary to distribute individual assignments to students during the internship period. They may consist, for example, in the preparation of certain documents or an alternative management scheme for the organization. It all depends on the specialty.

We recommend that you do not forget about the individual task, but begin to complete it as soon as you acquire the appropriate skills. It will not work to collect documents in a hurry on the last day of practice - the student will have many other worries, for example, collecting signatures and affixing stamps.

Usually, individual task is given by the internship supervisor from the educational institution, who, based on the results of its implementation, leaves his feedback on the internship.

Thus, the diary for educational practice is a mandatory document that is filled out based on the results of its completion. We recommend that you take full responsibility when filling out the diary, since the presence of errors in the design or, for example, inappropriate entries may lead the supervisor to believe that the document needs to be redone.

In addition to the fact that the student must spend time drafting the document, his responsibilities also include visiting the enterprise to affix signatures and seals.