How a person's appearance affects their success

In the modern business world, the ability and ability of a person to make a good impression is very important. For business person what matters is how he looks in the eyes of others, what impression he makes on his colleagues and partners, since the effectiveness and efficiency of his activities depends on this, therefore he strives to create (form) a certain “attractive” image.

An image is a purposefully formed image with the help of which a person presents himself to the world, a kind of form of self-presentation that contributes to the impact on others. It is the art of managing the impression a person makes on others. On the one hand, we try to give information to others, on the other, we pursue some goals.

The concept of image includes not only natural personality traits, but also specially created ones. Many people have good looks, but, as a rule, people's sympathy is acquired through the ability to present oneself. It is not enough just to have attractive external data, they should also be skillfully disposed of, and their absence does not block the road to creating a favorable personal image. To do this, you only need a desire and ability to best express your strongest personal qualities.

One of the conditions for creating a positive image is knowledge of the rules of etiquette and the ability to behave in accordance with them. Possession good manners communication contributes to the achievement of a person's goals. In manners, the image of a person is recreated, those of his qualities that are assessed by people as positive or negative are visually manifested. A man with good manners is universally respected by both men and women.

The style of thinking and demeanor is important, as well as the ability to communicate with people. Communication tactics are very important for the image of a business person. It is necessary to have several options for behavior in the same type of situation and be able to quickly use them. In any communication, primarily business, one should not allow any confrontation, and even more so - conflict. Of course, heated debates and differences of opinion are possible, the main thing is that this does not develop into personal hostility. It is very important to understand the motives of your behavior, to determine exactly why you need it, what you want to get as a result.

To create an image, you need to consider that when forming a first impression, the first thing people pay attention to is your appearance and your manners. To create the desired image, it is very important to be able to master and control your non-verbal language: facial expressions, gaze, gestures, posture, posture, gait, etc. It is necessary to accustom yourself to restraint in expressing emotions using facial expressions and gestures. Remember to smile, because a smiling face always evokes sympathy. Your posture reflects in many ways how you feel in specific situation, and the gestures and postures you take speak of your attitude to this situation or to people. You can be tastefully dressed in expensive things and perfectly built, but if you do not know how to keep calm, your posture out of habit represents a willingness to defend yourself, and your face is gloomy, then your partner will be uncomfortable in your company.

The appearance of a person and the harmony of all components of his wardrobe (color, silhouette, fabric and various accessories) are the main component of the image of a business person. Clothing is one of the most important conditions for the opinion of you, it carries certain information about a person, and in accordance with it we are correlated with one category or another, determine social status, economic opportunities and belonging to professional field... Very often, clothing is a kind of visiting card; it can have a psychological effect on communication partners, often predetermining their attitude towards each other.

Business style - clothes for work, important meetings and business negotiations... This is a strict, conservative, restrained style that belongs to the category of international standards. In a business suit, preference is given to classic models clothes of good quality, restrained color combinations, classic shoes. It is best to refrain from using bright, eye-catching color combinations in your business suit, but at the same time, the clothes should not be completely black or white.

However, when choosing a color, you should take into account the time and place of stay, your occupation. You should not wear too bright clothes if you have a business meeting.

The colors are mostly monochromatic, but there may be options for dim stripes in a blue-gray, blue-brown palette, a cell is only medium in size, low-contrast. Brightly colored clothing can overwhelm a person, especially if they have the most pale skin color. It is possible that, having paid attention to your loud colors, people will not look at you.

When choosing business attire, stick to neutral colors to suit your color scheme.

Dark neutral colors (dark blue, dark gray, brown, black, blue-green) will make your look more significant, while warm neutrals (beige, brown-yellow, light gray) are pleasant and calm.

The most important color is the one closest to the face. Shirts, blouses, ties should be of such shades that suit the complexion, shade it. Usually, the color of the clothes is selected with the following calculation:

1) shades of blue are most suitable for blondes;

2) brunettes - shades of yellow;

3) white suits people with pink tint skin on the face.

When choosing clothes, a woman must adhere to certain rules:

1) Extra long blazers / jackets in contrasting colors are suitable for short skirts, and shortened ones - to long ones. With a short stature, the skirt should be the same color, up to the middle of the knee or slightly higher;

2) skirts, slightly flared, trapezoidal cut or straight, sewn from soft, colored or dense fabric;

3) trousers of a straight cut, without cuffs. Possible vertical or horizontal lines depending on height;

4) blouses with elegant sleeves made of flowing, lightweight, plain fabrics or with fine, elegant patterns;

5) if the budget is limited, have only one or two suits in your business wardrobe, but of excellent quality and impeccable cut, which can be combined with each other;

6) in clothes business woman there should be two, maximum - three objects of the leading tone. If you put on a black suit, it is advisable to wear black shoes to it and there should be some other black detail, for example, a bag;

7) simple stockings (thin, transparent, without patterns), in harmony with the color of the skirt. A common mistake is that our business ladies wear sleeveless clothes in the summer. Sleeves should always cover the shoulders, and they should not be flashlight or too short. If you have chosen a skirt or dress, then an indispensable rule business etiquette is the presence of tights (5-12 DEN). The gross and common mistake is their absence in the summer;

8) jewelry: earrings classic style, an engagement ring, a chain with a pendant, a watch - this is the acceptable minimum in a business suit. It is necessary to refrain from bright, large and shiny jewelry. In Europe, it is generally not customary to wear jewelry for work, all the more expensive.

You should not, of course, completely abandon everything feminine. Your colleague or partner must perceive you as a woman (since communication with a man follows one then external reference points. It should only be remembered that the business style of communication requires minimal use of elements of sexual provocation in clothing;

9) knitted tight-fitting products, maxi skirts, products from fabric with glitter, from transparent materials are excluded from the business wardrobe. No nudity is allowed: neckline, mini-skirt, bold slit, slit on the skirt, bare shoulders, belly;

10) The best choice of footwear for a business woman is shoes in classic colors, that is, black or dark brown, without pretentious decorations, with a medium heel of a fashionable configuration. Shoes must match the color of the suit. If the suit is light, then you can wear light (not white) shoes that match the color of the suit, and the same color and texture as the handbag.

According to the rules of etiquette, summer shoes with an open heel are allowed, but not with open toes, no matter how impeccable the pedicure is.

Overly defiant makeup is not recommended, but the complete absence of makeup on the face is also undesirable. It is better to use makeup paints that are close to natural. Makeup, especially during the day, should not be conspicuous.

The golden rule when using perfume is moderation. When choosing a perfume, a scent that suits you personally is preferable, even if it is not the most fashionable.

It is very important to be able to correctly determine the style of clothing for different cases, so that, firstly, not to feel insecure, and secondly, not to attract undue attention of others to your appearance. You can have fashionable clothes, but not make a decent impression.

Men can wear any suits of dull colors:

1) the jacket is preferable to the classic "English" (with two slots in the back). Unlike "European" (without slot) and "American" (with one slot), it allows its owner not only to stand elegantly, but also to sit elegantly;

2) trousers should be of such length that they go down slightly on the front of the shoes, and at the back they reach the beginning of the heel;

3) a shirt under a jacket is allowed only with long sleeves. Do not wear nylon or jersey shirts.

The collar should be one and a half centimeters higher than the collar of the jacket;

4) the vest should not be too short, neither the shirt nor the belt should be visible;

5) the belt, naturally, excludes suspenders, and vice versa;

6) socks for a business and festive suit are matched to the tone, in no case white and long enough.

A man's clothing style affects his success in business contacts, and a suit that is properly issued helps to create the right working atmosphere.

The art of combining garments must always take color and line into account. The line is not so much the general silhouette of the clothes as general direction lines on a jacket, shirt, tie, on a suit, they are located either in vertical stripes or in cells. Ties are available without a pattern, with an abstract pattern or with a clear direction of the stripes: horizontal, vertical, diagonal.

The main thing is that the lines of clothing elements do not sharply intersect with each other and do not merge.

Ties with polka dots, diamonds, triangles, etc. are more suitable for a striped suit with a plain shirt.

Style consistency is easiest to achieve by choosing solid color items. A solid-colored suit should be the main element of a business man's attire. Such a suit has the property of combining well with solid colors and patterns of other elements of clothing, which makes it easier to choose the right combination: suit - shirt - tie.

The suit can be blue, gray, beige, brown. Any shirt pattern is combined with it. If you add a plain tie here, you get a wonderful trio: monotony - pattern - monotony. It must be remembered that the same patterns are never combined, they must always be separated by a monochromatic element, if the combination of a suit and a shirt is pale, then it can be revived with a brighter tie, for example: a gray suit, a blue shirt and a dark red tie.

You can have a pair of good suits and a pair of blazers and trousers, and that will be enough to always look spectacular, provided that you have at least a dozen different shirts and ties in your wardrobe. The combination of a shirt and a tie changes the overall look of any suit. White and plain shirts go well with any suit and tie. The shirt should always be lighter than the suit, and the tie darker than the shirt.

A tie is the main adornment of a man. Looking at a tie, you can unmistakably appreciate the taste of its owner. An elegant suit may remain unnoticed, a beautiful tie - never. The choice of the color and pattern of the tie allows you to demonstrate the individuality, and sometimes the mood in which its owner is. Ties of any pattern, color, size look exquisite when they are not striking. Each season dictates its own fashion for color. It should be remembered that the dominant color of the tie must match the color of the suit. The desired effect is achieved not by patterns, but by the correct selection of a tie to a suit. A solid-colored tie is suitable for any shirt and any suit, you just need to monitor the harmony of color. Avoid blacks, purples, purples, overlapping and overlapping designs, very short or chunky ties. The length of the tie should be such that, when knotted, it reaches the belt buckle. A tie with the image of symbols, emblems, newspaper text, etc. is unacceptable to a business suit.

Choose a hairstyle that's right for your environment and circumstances. Hairstyle does wonders with human face, it can hide protruding ears and an irregular skull shape. Men with dark hair are more authoritative and can multiply this impression by wearing a suit that matches their hair color, and their hair is slightly longer than usual. Blond and redheads should not wear clothes that match their hair color.

The overall look can be greatly affected by glasses. If glasses don't suit you, wear contact lenses.

The main rule that should be observed when choosing clothes is the appropriateness of the time and setting. When developing a style of clothing, you must take into account your data: age, complexion, position in society.

Skillfully selected clothes and well-tested manners of wearing them literally transform a person, making him more attractive and interesting.

Since clothes carry the main stream of information about us, from how you look, your partners or clients get an impression about your company, which is very difficult to change in the future. It is difficult to conduct serious negotiations with a representative of the company who is dressed casually or shows up in the office with worn-out shoes. And while his clothes can be very expensive, his slovenliness is subconsciously questionable. Clothes should be neat, scrubbed and ironed.

It is important to watch out not only for clothes, but also for yourself. Dirty nails or hair ruins the overall impression, even with very good clothes. A face that is too brightly painted will diminish the good effect of a skillfully chosen dress. Even a cloud of perfume can destroy a charm if it stretches like a misty train. If you take care of yourself, people around you not only treat you well, but above all you yourself feel better and more confident.

Bad taste, excessive extravagance, non-compliance with seasonality and simply sloppiness - all this is detrimental to the image. The inability to dress negates many of the great qualities and creates a false impression of them.

Sometimes a flashy style of clothing is perceived by people as a desire to attract attention in the absence of other ways to achieve it. You need to dress in such a way as to look original and not cause negative feelings in others. You can create your own unique appearance by means of clothes that suit you.

Today, with a huge choice, everyone can find something that defines his personality and strengthens his self-confidence. You must choose what adorns you. The clothes you choose should match your personality.

Business style is when everything in a person corresponds to one idea: clothes, hairstyle, demeanor.

A correctly chosen and formed image by you is the key to solving many life and business problems.


V modern world in the face of heightened competition, business communication becomes an important factor determining the success of not only an individual, but also a whole firm or organization.

"They are greeted by their clothes, they are escorted by their minds," says popular wisdom.

This rule is very often ignored by many people. However, consciously or unconsciously, we judge others by their appearance. According to some studies, 55% of the impressions we make on other people are determined by what they see (skin and hair color, appearance, posture, facial expressions and gestures, facial expressions, the nature of eye contact); the remaining 45% of impressions are determined by what people hear (the semantic load of speech, its tempo, voice pitch, clarity of speech, pronunciation, etc.).

When we meet a person for the first time, see how he is dressed, how he looks, we judge not only his appearance, but also about who he. And vice versa, knowing which person we are going to meet, we can mentally imagine him. Assuming that each category of people looks in a certain way, and seeing a person corresponding to these ideas, we automatically assign him to one category or another. And then we expect from him certain actions, appropriate behavior.

It must be remembered that clothing reflects and emphasizes individuality, characterizes a business person as a person. The choice of clothing is determined by the field of upcoming activity and position: for example, the clothes of bankers are distinguished by conservatism, which is not welcomed in creative circles.

The appearance of a business person is the first step to success, since for a potential partner a suit serves as a code indicating the degree of reliability, respectability and success in business.

In this paper, we will consider the features of business dress etiquette.

The work consists of an introduction, main part, conclusion and bibliography.

The appearance of a business person

The transition from the initial forms of market relations to civilized ones more and more actualizes the meaning and implementation of business etiquette. Etiquette is a set of rules of behavior that regulate the external manifestations of human relationships (dealing with others, forms of communication and greetings, behavior in in public places, manners and clothing).

To a large extent, our initial impression of other people is formed by their external data. All other things being equal, people more easily accept the position of the person towards whom they experience an emotionally positive attitude, and vice versa, it is more difficult to accept (and often reject) the position of the person towards whom they experience an emotionally negative attitude.

The office environment imposes certain requirements on the appearance of a business person. In the world of fashion, a certain concept has long been formed - "business suit". He, of course, takes into account the latest trends and trends in fashion, but at the same time remains to a certain extent strict and conservative.

Carrying out the selection of a suit in broad sense words (i.e., taking into account all the accompanying components), a business person should be guided by the following general rules: unity of style; matching style to a specific situation; reasonable minimization of the color gamut (the so-called "rule of three colors"); color matching in colors; material texture compatibility; the comparability of the nature of the pattern in various components of the clothing; conformity of the quality level of accessories (shoes, folders for papers, briefcase, etc.) to the quality of the main suit.

In the process of preparing for negotiations, you should pay attention to the choice of a business suit. Even very high quality, expensive and fashionable things can look tasteless if you do not observe the condition of style unity. Your costume and accessories should be combined not only in color and texture of the material, but also look like a single stylistic whole. You cannot mix "power" and "affordable" or sporty and purely business style in one suit.

The "domineering" or "power" style of dress (a dark suit with straight "hard" shoulders, a white shirt, a traditional dull tie, moccasin shoes) corresponds to a situation of a responsible meeting or important negotiations. However, if you need to create a relaxed atmosphere and eliminate distance, it is better to use an "accessible" style, such as a less strict gray suit with "soft" shoulders.

If you are facing a problem with clothing that is too harsh or too soft, try to solve it with color. A dark business suit can be "livened up" with a light (but not white) shirt or a slightly brighter than usual tie. A suit in an “affordable” style can be kept in one color scheme of muted tones, then it will look more formal.

At the interview, based on the results of which a decision on filling a vacant position will be made, the appearance should indicate that you will easily join the ranks of the organization's employees, since you have a corporate image (and therefore, you also value corporate values).

When seeking a promotion, dress as you would for the job you want to get. Thus, the authorities are more likely to represent you in this position.

The details of one suit must also satisfy such a requirement as compatibility, that is, correspond to each other in the following parameters:

coloring (the details of the suit should not sharply contrast with each other, the combination of "incompatible" colors, such as bright red and bright green, for example, if the situation or uniform does not require it), it is most reasonable to follow the rule of "three colors" ;

texture of the material (costume items should not be made of fabric of clearly different texture and density, for example, from heavy wool and silk);

seasonality (light summer trousers and skirts next to heavy winter jackets and jackets will look out of place).

The most important color is the one closest to the face. Shirts, blouses, ties, scarves should be of such shades that suit not only the color of the suit, but also to your face and decorate it.

For a business person, accessories often have a functional meaning: the portfolio contains Required documents, the watch helps to manage time correctly. People pay attention to these accessories because they are used constantly.

Too much a large number of accessories makes a person's appearance fidgety and can be distracting. The impression should be made by the results of work, and not by what you have in your hands. Make sure all the little things are functional. At the same time, one should not forget that sometimes it is the details that "logically complete" your image. The details should help, not interfere with the general perception of you as a qualified professional and a pleasant interlocutor.

Typically, clothing depends on your lifestyle and place of work. In industries such as finance, law, politics, accounting, consulting, wearing formal clothing is almost mandatory. In other industries, such as the media or advertising, much more freedom is permissible.

However, it should be noted that the main rule that one should strive to follow when choosing a business suit in all its components is the general impression of neatness and neatness. This should make your partner think that you will be just as careful in your business.

And we should not forget that "according to the mind" they only see off, therefore, "clothes" when meeting and communicating is in many ways a determining factor.

The world is developing, the rules of life are changing and technology is improving, but the rules that determine the appearance of a business person remain unchanged. Oscar Wilde once said that only the most inconspicuous people do not judge by their appearance.

A person's appearance is, if not a mirror of the soul, then a mirror of his intentions and desires to meet certain standards, without which it is difficult to coexist harmoniously in society as a whole and with each individual in particular. That is why we say that they are greeted by their clothes, but escorted by their minds. Naturally, an impeccable appearance is not at all a guarantee of total success, but, of course, it is a mandatory attribute that complements the appearance of a business person.

The classic outer standard of a successful personality is a strict, formal suit with a tie whenever possible. This is especially true for employees of the banking, legal spheres, government agencies etc. Exceptions are sports-cut jackets that can even be worn over a T-shirt. This style is also considered a business style, keeping up with the times, young man... At the same time, depending on weather conditions and climate characteristics, it is appropriate for men, say, to change the official jacket for a light white shirt with short sleeves, for women - trousers for a strict skirt, etc.

Creating a certain image of a business person, you can not be mistaken by choosing a white shirt, three-piece suit and black classic shoes. This style is appropriate for both men and women. However, even emphatically strict clothes will look extremely inappropriate against the background of tattoos, long hair, earrings and piercings for men and vulgar manicure, overly bright and defiant cosmetics and high-heeled shoes for women. Thus, it is possible to fairly accurately determine the character of a person by their appearance. You can hardly completely trust a stockbroker in a business suit and a punk mohawk on his head. This type will be more appropriate in a company whose activities lie in the field of entertainment and show business.

Separately, it can be mentioned that in addition to the conservative dress code, there is a so-called contact dress code. It implies the principle of maintaining a decent framework of elegance and decency and is suitable for meetings with colleagues and business partners in an informal setting for informal events.

Appearance successful person- this is not a tribute to fashion. This is a more solid tradition than the one that changes every year. fashion trends... Don't run after fashion. It is much more important to just look good than fashionable and silly.

Business wardrobe and accessories

A tasteful wardrobe of a business woman is, of course, a successful self-presentation, taking care of her image and the formation of an individual, elegant style. What are the main components of a business wardrobe and is it possible to combine fashion trends and classics of the "office" genre in one clothing ensemble?

Choice of colors

For a business woman's wardrobe, the choice of color palette is one of the most important aspects modeling an ensemble of clothes. At this stage, one must be guided not only by personal characteristics and taste preferences, but also take into account the type of activity, place of work, as well as modern, fashionable trends.

When buying "office" style outfits give preference to blouses and suits in solid colors, as well as with a pattern in a small cell or strip. Perfect cut and restrained colors - they are able to decorate any female figure.

Auditing your business wardrobe, you should not at all give up colored things and accessories, giving preference to dull, nondescript, dark tones... The main thing is to choose the right scale. Modern, fashionable and sophisticated shades, distinguished by elegant depth and noble restraint, can be a bright addition to the feminine and successful image of a business woman.

Successful combinations of calm, pastel shades and a richer color palette - they will set the right tone for the entire business wardrobe and give the opportunity to look stylish anytime, anywhere.

Combinations are welcome caramel and turquoise, pale pink and light coffee, milk and dark blue, as well as ash blue, gray pink, ash pearl, silver smoky and beige and white tones.

Avoid black and dark brown shades, poisonous colors and overly bright, catchy combinations, contrasting patterns, for example, polka dot patterns, large cell, wide stripes and floral ornament- they do not correspond to the rules of modern business style.

The basis of a business wardrobe "business woman" is, of course, a classic, elegant suit straight, laconic silhouette, which is the embodiment of comfort, ease and sophistication. Its main components can be - jacket or blazer with trousers, or a skirt, which are ideally combined with shirts, turtlenecks, thin jumpers and a variety of blouses. The shape and size of pockets, lapels and buttons - must match fashion trends season.

For a business woman's wardrobe high-quality, textured fabrics will be appropriate: virgin wool, soft boucle, soft flannel, luxurious tweed, stretch jersey, linen and matte silk.

According to the business dress code- the length of the sleeve of the suit should cover the wrist, and the cuffs of the shirt must simply "peek" out from under the sleeve by one or one and a half centimeters. Sleeveless blouses, cropped styles of clothes and a revealing neckline do not fit into the office style. To pleasantly diversify your basic wardrobe, purchase several stylish straight-cut skirts with a length slightly higher, to the middle or slightly below the knee.

Spectacular pencil skirts and tulip-shaped skirts will be a fashionable alternative to a strict cut. The work dress code also welcomes feminine sheath dresses that add a touch of French chic and impeccability to a business look.

These styles of dresses look great in an ensemble with jackets, dress shirts and plain turtlenecks.

Shoes and accessories

The secret of success in replenishing a business wardrobe lies in the obligatory presence of classic elegance for all time - pumps with low, stable heels, in harmony with the colors of your outfit or neutral, dark tones.

Try to avoid white shoes and any overly bright, contrasting shades. Stop your choice on closed shoes made of genuine, high-quality leather or suede.

According to the rules of business etiquette, shoes with an open heel are also allowed, but you can afford to wear shiny, lacquered shoes only in evening time days. At any time of the year, you must wear transparent tights or stockings in flesh or dark colors.

For a complete business image, pay Special attention accessories: give preference to classic forms of handbags made of natural suede and leather, modest and graceful miniature gold and silver jewelry. High-quality jewelry, small watches, dull scarves are also quite appropriate.


1. Etiquette in the culture of appearance

2. The appearance of a business person

3. Business man suit

3.1 Jacket, shirt, tie

3.2 Men's footwear

4. Business woman suit

5. Accessories


1. Etiquette in the culture of appearance

When they first see a person, people involuntarily pay attention to his appearance. “Clothes make up ninety percent of what people see in front of them when they look at you,” emphasizes Debra Guy Cox, Image Consultant. Clothing affects others, since, regardless of a person's consciousness, it is instantly fixed by his senses. Therefore, it is not for nothing that they say that a person is first judged by his appearance, then by his conversation, and then by the interior of his office. The appearance, as a rule, reflects the inner, moral content of a person. “People judge us - that is, determine who we are, where we live and where we have been - based on just looking at our clothes,” says Cox. A person's culture is emphasized by his clothes. She is, in a way, a visiting card of a person. Clothing carries communication partners information about a person, his tastes, belonging to a particular social or professional stratum.

Tastefully selected clothes, accessories, neat appearance make him confident, collected, energetic. It was not for nothing that Rockefeller started his business by buying himself an expensive suit with his last money and becoming a member of the golf club. “The ability to dress is more important than the ability to enter a room or the ability to bow down. Nothing is so striking as a person’s clothing,” they instructed in the old days. Looking at an entrepreneur for the first time, one immediately gets an impression of himself and his well-being. The color of the clothes is of great importance. The impact of color is a powerful psychological irritant: it can calm down, set up partners in a "business way", in a certain situation, you can cause hostility or, on the contrary, positive emotions. Color signals perceived by partners on a subconscious level. This explains the "secret" power of their influence. According to M. Luscher, the creator of the color test widely known in modern psychodiagnostics, each color has its own psychological meaning. This is also confirmed by domestic psychologists. Clothing should correspond to the place, time, nature of the event. You need to know how to wear it correctly. The lighter the suit, the best quality it should be.

2. The appearance of a business person

The appearance of a business person is the first step to success, since for a potential partner, his suit serves as a code indicating the degree of reliability, respectability and success in business.

Only those who are well-dressed and well-combed, who have a sense of taste and proportion, are credible. It can be said that in the field of business, "they are greeted by their clothes," and only then other qualities are assessed - punctuality, clarity, qualifications, fidelity to the word, etc. That is why there are many requirements for the appearance of a business person, his everyday suit (not to mention solemn occasions).

At the same time, you do not need to try to overwhelm partners with the wealth of your appearance, which testifies to your powerful creditworthiness. Most industrially developed countries heavy gold rings, chains and bracelets, conspicuous watches or excessive diversity of a tie can only raise doubts about your seriousness.

True, there are regions (for example, the Arab East) where it is not only allowed, but even required from a businessman to demonstrate luxury as a clear evidence of his prosperity. Platinum monogrammed lighters, diamond watches, and cufflinks are such "signs of success." precious stones, and ultra-expensive cars.

3. Business man suit

A business suit is like business card businessman. No business suit - no for the community of business people and the businessman himself. No wonder, in the distant 19th century, the future billionaire Rockefeller began his path to success with investments not in business, but in himself: he literally spent his last money on two important acquisitions: the first acquisition was an expensive business suit, the second - a membership card in a prestigious golf club ... The suit created the image, the card gave acquaintances and personal connections. He was a wise and far-sighted man, this Rockefeller!

Both for the first contact and for subsequent business meetings with important domestic and foreign partners, it is worth wearing a carefully cleaned and ironed suit with a light shirt and tie to match.

Not worth showing up on business meetings in jackets, sweatpants, jeans, as well as in leather jackets, which self-respecting businessmen wear at best for country walks.

However, there are special areas of business where extravagant outfits are allowed as a kind of brand and a sign of belonging to the shop. For example, the manager of a rock singer or the organizer of a "heavy metal" concert might sport an earring in his ear and have a ponytail tied with a ribbon. And the art dealer is quite befitting the bohemian-colored jackets and silk scarves.

Successful businesspeople keep a close eye on the details and meticulously take them into account in their conclusions. For example, the short, folded socks that reveal the white calves of a businessman when he sits cross-legged, make a monstrous impression. Clean and hole-free socks are especially needed in Japan, where you have to take off your shoes when entering a house or restaurant.

The impression is spoiled by a stale handkerchief, a half-torn button or the habit of wiping glasses with the end of a tie.

We must not forget about shoes - dusty and cracked shoes can spoil the impression even of a quite decent suit. It is necessary to discard the ingenuous domestic habit of complementing a suit pair with a tie with sandals, from which thread socks peep out, to avoid odorous colognes and aftershave lotions. And in general, the main thing to strive for is the general impression of neatness, neatness and even some pedantry in clothes. This should make your partner think that you will be so "fit" in business.

3.1 Jacket, shirt, tie

Outwardly, a businessman can be easily distinguished from all other men: he looks confident, stable, dressed rather conservatively. If a rich slacker chooses expensive and sophisticated clothes with a claim to chic, people of free professions - non-standard, workers - simple and reliable, youth - sports, then a business man is unthinkable without a man's suit, which in its entirety consists of a "three" (jacket, trousers , vest), and in the standard one - the same without a vest.

Clothing forms the appearance of a business person. She attracts the attention of people concerned interpersonal relationships... In the words of Alison Lurie, author of The Language of Clothes: "... sociologists tell us that fashion ... is a language of signs, a non-verbal communication system." The main thing in men's clothing is a suit. Most common following styles men's suits: English; European; modified European; American "bag".

An obligatory accessory of a classic men's suit is a jacket. It must be worn at any visit.

The bottom button of the jacket is never fastened. The rest must be buttoned up in an official setting - on the podium, at the entrance to any room, etc. You should also dance only in a buttoned jacket. You can unfasten it only if you are sitting at a table or in the auditorium. You can take off your jacket at official events only after the owner, the guest of honor - in a word, the first person at the reception has done so. And if this very first person, despite the exhausting heat, as if nothing had happened, sits in a jacket, those of a lower rank can only mentally send curses to this blockhead, immune to high temperatures and other people's problems. Only when visiting close friends, you can take off your jacket without waiting for the owner to do it. But first you should ask the owner for permission to do this. In late autumn, in winter, in early spring, in the evening it is better to wear a dark jacket. V daytime and in the summer, a light suit is preferable, in the heat - a cotton suit. The suit can be monochromatic, as well as in pinstripes or in a cage, but without sharp contrasts. For business negotiations, it is recommended to wear plain suits in gray, dark gray, dark blue or black. The most common in the business world is a two-piece suit, but a three-piece suit is also allowed. The black suit is designed for the most formal occasions. All other details of clothing are matched to the suit.

The cut of the jacket - double-breasted or single-breasted, with wide or narrow lapels - depends not only on fashion. A single-breasted jacket with two buttons shows the mobility of a businessman, his reaction speed, dynamism. A double-breasted jacket speaks of the ability to retain achievements, reasonable allocation of funds or investments, reliability and resilience in the event of any disasters. Double-breasted suits are contraindicated for all overweight people, even of normal or relatively tall stature. They make their owners real fat men.

In addition to the width of the smell, jackets also differ in the presence of cuts, of which there can be two, one or none at all. A jacket without a slot is called European. It only looks attractive on slender men. Fat men and even men of normal physique, but with a tummy or wide hips, the European type of jacket is contraindicated. It fits perfectly only on tall and thin people. And then if they are. You can sit in such a jacket without inconvenience, only by completely unbuttoning it.

An American jacket with one slot is more comfortable when walking, less associated with a person's complexion. But it is also not very comfortable: in order to sit down, it must be unfastened. The most reliable in this regard is an English jacket with two slots. It is easy enough to sit in it, since the jacket immediately spreads to the sides from behind and does not interfere with the fit. It does not have to be completely unbuttoned. The fact is that it is customary never to put the bottom button through the loop, so as not to interfere with free movement.

"They are greeted according to their clothes, but they are seen off according to their minds" - this is how a popular proverb tells us. And indeed it is. Success in business or career depends on the qualifications of the business person, professionalism, ethical qualities, ability to, and many other components. All this directly affects the success. But there are also secondary success factors that sometimes come to the fore. It is things like the general impression you make on others. This is the manner of speaking, posture and, of course, the appearance and the image that you want to match.

How a person's appearance affects their success

This is not to say that a person's appearance and his image can provide him with a direct path to success. For example, famous all over the world Steve Jobs preferred practical clothes: jeans and a turtleneck.

I know many people who have been successful but dress like simple guys... But there are people among my circle of acquaintances who dress in nice suits and always look brand new. In their words, good clothes and a neat appearance can open a large number of doors.

Good business person appearance starts with physical health.

There is no point in putting on an expensive suit if you are already standing with one foot in an ambulance and feeling unwell. If you want to start looking good, then you need to start from the very essence.

And this means that moderate physical activity, a rational diet, full-fledged long sleep, quitting smoking, alcohol and communication with hysterical women - that's what a smart business man needs. Neglect of one of these rules can get away with at a young age, but later all this will certainly make itself felt. And the sooner you take care of your health, the better it will be for you.

A fit figure, good posture - this will always give self-confidence and make a good impression on new partners. But these are all external attributes. The main thing is that in a healthy body you will be efficient and nothing will darken your working days. It is not for nothing that they say that "There is a healthy mind in a healthy body." And it really is. Whoever would say what there, but "pregnant men" and with a crooked posture do not make a good impression. Rather, all this raises questions like this: "How could you start yourself up like that?"

I don't have enough time for sports

The phrase "I don't have enough time" is a convenient excuse for not changing anything in your life. It's so convenient day after day to be led by your habits. In fact, all people have approximately the same amount of time. At the same time, some find time to maintain their shape and follow a diet, while others eat at McDonald's. At the same time, they consume clearly more calories than is really necessary.

In fact, due to the lack of adequate physical activity, the performance of any of us will be far from the maximum value. Scientific research show that moderate exercise improves performance and also affects intelligence. In addition, sports can reduce some of your stress levels. And no one forces you to start running marathons right away. You can start small. Go to the pool once a week, start jogging once a week on Sundays. Even the busiest person can afford all this.

Ability to dress beautifully

The dress code of a business person also has great importance... Business style experts say that the look of the garment should be in line with the stated goals. If you want to be the mayor of a large city or the head of the local tax office, you will have to forget about torn jeans and piercings in the nose. On the other hand, some organizations have adopted a free style of dress and to appear there in a shirt, jacket and tie is bad manners. It depends on the head of the company (what tone he sets), as well as on the corporate culture in general.

As stylists say, the appearance of a business person speaks for him. For example, yours is able to become a decisive argument - to hire you or not. A person receives 80% of the information (or even more) through the eyes. They say that we form the first impression in a matter of seconds, when we first see a person. And it is the appearance of a person in these seconds that forms an image in such a way that later it will be problematic or almost impossible to change impressions about oneself.

Numerous studies show that beautiful people on average earn 5-10% more than less attractive colleagues.

Dress well- this is one of the, tk. this way you stand out a lot among colleagues who are used to dressing at random. Numerous success stories testify: those who started dressing as a leader, but worked like everyone else, became a leader in a matter of years. The reason is that by dressing like a director, you unwittingly reinforce your own self-confidence. Self-confidence, in turn, can affect real success at work. Not to mention the fact that colleagues begin to take such a person more seriously even before he actually becomes a leader.

The appearance of a business person is formed not only with the help of clothes, but also with other important things. Hairstyle, smile, cosmetics, accessories. I don’t know about you, but I always go with a thick silver chain on my arm. It's not a fact that this accessory is perceived by other people as a stylish attribute, but it shows, to some extent, my personality.

All you have to understand is that appearance is really important both in personal life and in business or work.