How to get rid of lice. Quick methods to get rid of lice. Combing as a method of combating head lice

Even the cleanest and most squeamish person cannot be 100% sure that lice will not appear in his home.

These bloodsuckers are hardened by evolution and know how to poison your existence.

Below we will tell you how to get rid of them at home using folk remedies.

Insects and their offspring

There are 3 known types of lice that plague people:

The latter are introduced into the hair in different ways:

  • your hair accidentally came into contact with lice;
  • you used someone else’s comb or headdress;
  • your baby hugged Stuffed Toys V in public places(cafes, shopping malls);
  • there was a contaminated pillow under the child’s head (in a camp, kindergarten).

Lice bites are accompanied by itching, which provokes scratching. This is how micro-wounds appear on the skin - conductors of infections:

  • from boils to typhus.

Their eggs, called nits, cling to the hair roots with a sticky substance.

After 10 days the nit becomes a larva, which after a week turns into a new sexually mature individual (up to 5 mm in length).

To eliminate lice, the war against them must be waged on all fronts:

Removing pubic lice

These blood-sucking claws and increased tenacity resemble tiny crabs, tightly holding triangular hairs in the pubic and anal areas, in the armpits, on the chest and abdomen.

As a rule, insects migrate to another person during sexual intercourse, less often they are transmitted through:

  • bathrobes,
  • towels,
  • washcloths used in public baths and hotels.

Lice are removed from infected eyebrows and eyelashes manually or with tweezers. On the pubic area and other parts of the body, the hair is simply shaved off.

If insects manage to bite you, disinfect the bite site with any available preparation.

Getting rid of body lice

This type of blood-sucking creature inhabits bed linen and clothing, hiding in the folds and seams in order to occasionally make their way to the body and drink blood. The skin after linen lice bites also itches and itches (read how to get rid of it), depriving a person of sleep.

The destruction of insects involves total disinfection (chemical or thermal) of mattresses, bed linen, upholstered furniture and clothes. It could be:

  • Washing in very hot water(boiling).
  • Freezing outside (in winter) or in the freezer.
  • Steam treatment.
  • Exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Placing things in a vacuum, for example, in a plastic bag.
  • Spraying with Medifox or A-steam.

The final step should be a complete disinfestation of the home.

Over many years of local battles with lice, people have invented their own effective recipes.

Auxiliary tools necessary for any method of removing insects are a hair dryer, a fine-tooth comb, forceps, a comb with a low current and a magnifying glass.

Not every body tolerates the active chemical components present in factory sprays and shampoos. These tools cannot use:

  • allergy sufferers;
  • children under 5 years old;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • asthmatics;
  • patients with skin diseases.

Many people refuse chemistry for reasons of principle, believing that folk remedies harmless and more effective.

Oils against lice

This product blocks the path of oxygen:

  • insects cannot breathe and die.

Any vegetable oil will do:

  • olive (),
  • mustard (the benefits of oil for hair have been written about),
  • corn,
  • sunflower (find out about the composition of unrefined).

Tea tree oil

To prepare the medicinal mixture you will need:

  • 30 ml alcohol (medicinal);
  • 25 drops of oil;
  • 20 ml water.

Everything is mixed and applied to the head.

The hair is covered with a film, washed after 2 hours with shampoo.

Lice are combed out with a fine comb.

The procedure is repeated until the insects are completely removed, remembering that the oil does not kill them, but temporarily paralyzes them.

Geranium oil

It is believed that bloodsuckers are afraid of the peculiar aroma exuded by this flower.

A few drops of essential oil are combined with burdock, the composition is applied to the hair, wrapped in polyethylene. Wash off with shampoo and comb out nits.

In addition to geranium and tea tree oil, you can take essential oils:

Acid and phytoncides

Cranberry juice

The acid present in the berry dissolves the “glue”, with the help of which nits cling to hairs, and cranberry juice is saturated with elements that adversely affect insects.

Two handfuls of mashed berries are mixed with natural honey so that the mixture is enough for one application. Reusable procedure:

  • it is repeated for several days until the nits disappear.

Mint and pomegranate

This method will not only remove bloodsuckers, but also heal the head:

In the third step, mint oil is added to enhance the effect (if desired).

Lemon juice

It is used in the same way as cranberry juice, but due to its greater “wateriness” it is considered less effective.

Garlic and onion juice

If you are not afraid of the characteristic garlic-onion aroma, smear your hair with this composition and do not wash it off for several hours, wrapping it in film.

After rinsing your hair, comb out the lifeless insects.

When using this method, monitor the reaction of the epidermis so as not to burn it.

Black cumin

Its crushed seeds are added to apple cider vinegar to form a paste, which is applied to the head.

Then they go out into the yard or onto the balcony for half an hour so that direct sunlight falls on their exposed hair.

They do this for several days in a row. Each session ends with brushing.

Infusion and decoction

Elecampane root

You can use both fresh and dried raw materials ().

Set the proportions yourself: the more saturated the solution, the better.

Burdock decoction

Burdock roots () or fruits (dried or fresh) are thrown into a bowl of boiling water.

After 60 minutes, filter and wash the hair with liquid.

The procedure is repeated every day until the final reprisal against the bloodsuckers.

Cosmetic preparations

Tar soap

Wet hair is generously soaped with tar soap (), covered with polyethylene and a textile cap.

Soap foam is washed off no earlier than after 5-8 hours.

The nits are combed out.

Hair fixation spray

Spray the hair generously with it and leave it overnight under a film and an insulating cap.

Liquid silicone should block insects' access to oxygen and cause dehydration of microorganisms.

Stopping access to air and moisture has a detrimental effect on lice and nits.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hair dye

  • Permanent dye damages hair;
  • chemical reagents harm the dermis;
  • you don't want to change your hair color.

If these details don’t bother you, fight the evil spirits with permanent paint. Remember that it will take at least two weeks to comb out the killed nits.

It is important to know

Other methods for removing lice are also known. Despite their popularity, they are not safe for health:

  • Kerosene is a toxic substance. Can cause allergies, poisoning and skin rashes. Affects the hair structure, making it greasy.
  • Table vinegar – causes excessive brittleness and dryness of the hair. Leads to burns of the epidermis and dermatitis.
  • Tansy flowers - when using a decoction, take into account its toxicity and avoid contact with mucous membranes.
  • Ledum - used with caution due to the increased toxicity of the plant.

You can learn more details about treating head lice at home while watching the video.

Although modern society obsessed with hygiene issues, a disease such as pediculosis is by no means a rare disease. As a rule, not only children, but also adults suffer from lice. Don’t think that this only applies to members of dysfunctional families, because you can get head lice almost anywhere - public bath, city transport, etc.

There are many ways to get rid of living creatures that have settled on the scalp. These can be either pharmaceutical drugs or folk remedies proven over centuries. If you use everything correctly known methods combating pediculosis, you can achieve positive results quite quickly.

One of them is basic non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. This often happens when living conditions are not good enough, during military operations or natural disasters.

However, these blood-sucking insects can also appear in a completely healthy, clean person living in a fairly comfortable conditions. For example, this could happen upon contact with an infected person. Moreover, animals and food cannot be a source of infection, since lice feed exclusively on human blood.

There are several ways to become infected with lice. The main ones are the following:

  • through water in standing reservoirs and pools;
  • in sanatoriums, boarding houses and hotels where sanitary and living conditions do not meet the standard;
  • through personal items;
  • with direct contact;
  • on hiking trips and long business trips due to the lack of basic living conditions.

Some experts distinguish a separate type of pediculosis - childhood. According to doctors, this disease can appear in preschool children and younger children school age as a result suffered a nervous shock.

This is precisely what explains the development of the disease in a child living in a completely prosperous family, where all sanitary standards and contact with sick people is completely excluded. The first signs of the disease may appear only several weeks after lice infection.

However, it is worth remembering that not a single chemical drug will not give a 100% guarantee of getting rid of lice without mechanical removal eggs

Removing lice from a child mechanically– stages of manual nit removal:

Nuances of treating children

When choosing a lice remedy, you need to pay attention not only to its effectiveness, but also on the safety of the drug, since the components included in its composition can cause serious harm to health, especially for young patients.

Regardless of the release form (lotion, spray, etc.), these products are sufficient easy to use- you just need to apply them to the scalp, leave for a certain amount of time and rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Effective drugs

Arriving at the pharmacy, the buyer may simply be confused when he sees the many anti-lice products offered by the modern industry.

Therefore, to do right choice, you need to become more familiar with the types of drugs, as well as their general characteristics.

Exists several types pediculosis products, of which the following can be distinguished:

Shampoos and combs

Shampoos are the most reliable and popular means of combating head lice. Such anti-pediculosis shampoos have proven themselves to be excellent due to their high degree of effectiveness and ease of use.

It is enough to carry out just a few procedures, and the problem will be solved. And what’s important is that even children can use this product. This is especially important for girls with long hair when radical hair removal (haircut) is undesirable. Shampoos are very popular today Paranit and Full Marks.

Even if you use chemicals to combat lice, you still cannot do without a comb. After all, getting rid of adult individuals does not guarantee a complete cure: in any case, nits will have to be combed out mechanically.

However, there are also its disadvantages: To completely get rid of nits, you will need quite a large number of time. Combs can only act as an additional tool that is used in combination with insecticides.

Methods of combating these blood-sucking insects are determined strictly individually, since there is no universal remedy suitable for absolutely everyone.

For example, people prone to allergic reactions, asthma sufferers, and those with overly sensitive skin are advised to use only a comb.

Most people faced with this problem prefer to poison insects on our own, considering going to the doctor something shameful and unacceptable. The most popular recipes are the following:

Products that pose the greatest danger:

  • Ledum tincture is a poison not only for insects, but also for humans;
  • kerosene - contains many toxic substances and can cause poisoning or allergies;
  • flea shampoo - will help get rid of lice, but is very toxic;
  • vinegar - at a concentration exceeding 4.5%, dermatitis and chemical burns of the skin may occur.

What to do in case of failure

If treatment of the scalp chemicals and special shampoos did not give results, you simply cannot do without consulting specialists. In this case, employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station will come to the rescue and dermatologist.

In general, head lice is easy to treat, and if take action in time Without waiting for dermatological lesions, pustules and skin diseases to appear, many problems can be avoided. Complex therapy helps to quickly get rid of adult insects, and medical procedures will allow you to completely forget about lice in 1–1.5 weeks.

In kindergartens and schools, nurses must monitor the child’s condition. Their responsibilities include checking children for head lice. One child with lice on his head can become a source of infection for everyone in the group or class. As practice shows, examinations by medical workers are carried out cursorily and often not very well. Or even with a frequency that is far from the required rules. Children from different families are in the same room, eat together, walk together, and sleep in kindergartens. It is not surprising to become infected with lice within the next period of time. And if schoolchildren can complain to their parents about itching in the head, children under 5 years old will silently scratch their heads and experience discomfort. When lice are discovered, some mothers panic and don’t know where to go or what to do. Several effective methods and remedies for pediculosis that allow you to remove lice from a child’s head in 1 day.

To know how to defeat an enemy, you need to study it weak sides. Lice have them. Lice infection occurs from a sick person or through the use of contaminated items. These include combs, elastic bands, hairpins, hats, and towels. Since children often come into contact with each other while playing, pampering, and exchanging things, the risk of lice infection is much higher than in adults.

When a louse lands on a child’s head, it hurries to lay eggs – nits. They are attached to the hair 0.5 cm from the hair roots using a special adhesive. They will be there for about 14 days. Then small lice will hatch from the eggs. By their distance from the hair roots, one can judge how long ago the infection was. As hair grows, it ends up closer to the middle of the head. The favorite place for nits is the temples and forehead.

Sometimes it happens that there are no nits. This can only mean that the infection occurred very recently. Typically, lice and nits exist in parallel. One more thing - the nits are empty. You can check by simply pressing on them between the plates of the nails. If you hear a click, the eggs are full. If it is not there, the lice have already appeared.

Lice are insects that breathe oxygen and feed on blood. Smell plays a very important role for them. The spiracles are located over the entire surface of the body. So, you can kill an insect by blocking the air, expel it with smell, or kill it with insecticides. With nits, the situation is somewhat more complicated if you can get rid of adult lice in 1 procedure by selecting effective remedy. For nits, you'll need to fiddle around all day. The dense shell of the egg protects nits from insecticides and other substances that are harmful to them. The only effective method is combing. The final result directly depends on the quality of the procedure.

You can remove lice from a child traditional methods And pharmaceutical products. Currently, mothers are increasingly resorting to. They are sold in pharmacies and have high efficiency, do not damage hair, protect the scalp. Available in the form of shampoo, aerosol, spray, lotion. The products are easy to use - just apply to your hair, wait a certain time, and rinse. And then the combing procedure is carried out. And everything would be fine, but these preparations contain a share of insecticidal substances. Manufacturers claim that they do not affect the child’s health and do not worsen their well-being. Meanwhile, there is a list of side effects and contraindications.

Due to the fact that some mothers do not trust such drugs, folk remedies for fighting lice are still used. It should be noted that it is not that cheap. And the one that is cheaper has a nearby side effects. Therefore, very often the problem lies in finances. can be done quickly or efficiently. And it’s possible both ways.

How to get rid of lice using folk remedies

In the distant past, lice on children's heads were dealt with quickly and radically - boys were cut completely, girls cut very short. No hair - no. Another radical remedy kerosene, which quickly got rid of lice. And although, today, some mothers still use it, lice can be removed using more gentle means.

How to get rid of lice with vinegar

There is such a remedy for pediculosis in every home. Sometimes women use it to soften their hair when washing. Rinse them with the solution. . This is the acid that blocks breathing, corrodes skin insects

  1. To prepare the solution you will need 9% table vinegar and water at room temperature.
  2. Diluted in a ratio of 1:2.
  3. Treat dry, combed hair with the solution.
  4. Put on plastic bag or a special cap for dyeing hair.
  5. Wrap a towel on top and leave for 20 minutes.
  6. Wash off with water and shampoo.
  7. A plastic bag on the head is needed to cut off oxygen to the lice. The towel increases the temperature inside the package, speeds up chemical reaction. After washing your hair, be sure to carry out a combing procedure. To remove lice in 1 day, you need to carefully comb each strand of hair. Dead lice that remain alive, but in a stupefied state, as well as nits are removed. Vinegar has no effect on them, but it breaks down the sticky substance. It is easier to separate them from the hair.

After 1 week, it is necessary to repeat the procedure, but not earlier. Vinegar dries out hair and has an adverse effect on the scalp. However, repetition is indispensable. Nits may go unnoticed, from which lice will appear again.

How to remove lice with hydrogen peroxide

Another effective remedy for lice in children. Hydrogen peroxide is diluted in a ratio of 1:3 with water. Do not forget that the product is actively used in medicine for wound healing and disinfection. And in cosmetology for some time now they have begun to use it for acne. Hydrogen peroxide can cause a burn on a healthy scalp or irritation of the scalp. It should be used exclusively in diluted form.

Please note in advance that your hair will become dry after using this product. It will take some time to restore the structure and put them in order.
The effectiveness of the product is 100%. In addition, hydrogen peroxide destroys the sticky substance of nits, the eggs literally fall off the head during combing.
The treatment procedure is similar to method 1 for treating pediculosis. Exposure time is no less than 20 minutes, no more than 45.
Before starting the procedure, you should test for an allergic reaction. Apply a few drops of the product to the elbow. If no negative reaction occurs within 15 minutes, you can use it.
The child must be supervised by adults during treatment. If your health worsens, a burning sensation appears, the peroxide will have to be washed off.
Instead of hydrogen peroxide, you can use hair dye based on it. Regular hair coloring is performed. Then the combing procedure is carried out. Teenage girls can remove lice with paint. This method is not suitable for boys. Unless they want to become blonde.

How to remove lice with dust soap

The louse fears this soap like fire. This one is used perhaps more often than all the others. The treatment procedure is simple. Hair must be moistened, treated with soap, and lathered. Place a plastic bag over your head and tie a towel. Exposure time 45 minutes for long hair. The room should be well ventilated. Dust can cause dizziness in a child, headache, nausea. During treatment, the mother must use rubber gloves. Rinse off the soap after the exposure time has expired. Hair after soap will be dry and difficult to comb. To facilitate the combing procedure, treat with olive oil.

Juices and tinctures for lice

To remove lice from a child, you can use berries and plants.

  • Add 1 cup of crushed cumin seeds to apple cider vinegar. Strain, rub into scalp and hair roots. Sit in the sun for about 20 minutes. Wash off the product after 5 hours. Squeeze the juice out of the cranberries and add a spoonful of honey. The head is treated.
  • Boil 1 glass of pomegranate juice over low heat for 5 minutes. Add 2 teaspoons of dry mint to it.
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of tansy pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes. The effectiveness of this method largely depends on how thoroughly the combing procedure is carried out. From pharmaceutical preparations, you can use hellebore water.

Cosmetics against lice

Spray, lotion - you can choose any drug at the pharmacy. It's very easy to use. No time is wasted on preparing medicine. It acts quickly, effectively, and does not harm the hair. Popular products are:

  1. oil-based spray FullMarx;
  2. shampoo, spray Paranit;
  3. Medifox shampoo;
  4. Pedilin;
  5. ParaPlus cosmetics;
  6. Nyx insecticidal cream;
  7. alcohol spray Pediculen-Ultra.

Instructions for use, exposure time are indicated in each preparation. The advantage of all medicinal cosmetics is nice smell, fast, convenient application. For a child, everything happens like regular hair washing.

In addition, you can buy a special comb for combing out AntiV in a pharmacy or on the Internet. The accessory has a special composition and structure. Fine teeth catch even the smallest louse eggs. If desired, you can do without all other drugs. Spend maximum time on the combing procedure with a special comb.

Lice tend to reappear. To avoid relapse, you should periodically check the child’s head and talk about methods of infection. In addition, it is a known fact that girls with loose hair get lice faster than girls with braided hair. Mom should pay attention to this. A head examination should be performed every week in a well-lit area. You can use a magnifying glass.

Pediculosis can appear in the most prosperous family. Gender, position in society, financial condition for insects they do not play a role. And they are more likely to settle on a clean, well-groomed head than on a dirty one. The only salvation is precautions. First of all, parents should tell about the rules of behavior, monitor the places where children go, their surroundings, their circle of friends. With age, the risk of contracting head lice decreases sharply.

20 Comments “ How to remove lice and nits at home in 1 day - can this be done, what products to use?

Caring for long hair requires a lot of effort. If the hair is affected by lice, then for the beauty and safety of the hair you'll have to fight.

Ways to fight

Whichever product you prefer, check it first before using it on your head. allergic reactions– apply to an exposed part of the body and wait a few minutes to be able to evaluate the result.

The next thing you need to do is purchase a comb with VERY fine teeth. This attribute can be found in pharmacies (including veterinary ones) and in specialized stores with hair products. Under no circumstances should you use a “massage”.

Well, the final step is to be patient.

The lice removal process looks like this:

  1. Wash your hair with your shampoo.
  2. Apply the product against lice and nits, strictly observing the dosage and following the recommendations for use.
  3. Brush your hair very thoroughly.

If everything is clear with the first 2 points, then the third raises questions. Combing should happen like this. From total mass hair needed separate one thin strand at a time and run a comb along it from the roots to the very ends of the hair.

One strand is processed in this way at least three times. After each treatment, the comb must be cleaned of “living creatures”.

Try Do not confuse cleaned hair with “infected” hair. It can take a whole day to comb out.

The duration depends on the length and thickness of the hair. It will be difficult to accomplish such a feat on your own, so it is better to find an assistant.

Therefore, the hair treatment procedure must be repeated after a week. The duration does not depend on the length of the hair. It depends on the accuracy of compliance with the recommendations for use medicines And .

This is the most complete answer to the question: “how to get rid of lice on long hair at home?”


If you get lice, don't despair. This disease can be treated in a short time and you won’t have to part with your long hair. And we told you in detail how to get rid of lice on long hair.

Useful video

Here is a useful video on how to remove lice at home, including from long hair:

Because often the problem is not the frequency of washing your hair, but the amazing vitality of lice and nits. Lice adapt to almost any circumstances - to water, to cold and heat. Only in prolonged heat of about 40 degrees do lice stop reproducing and die out - therefore, perhaps, in very hot countries, lice are not such a frequent and widespread disease. Lice have a complex respiratory system - they breathe through holes in the abdomen and sides. And nits have special holes in the cocoon for breathing.

The respiratory system of lice and nits has “special” biological devices for filtering inhaled air and a closure apparatus for closing the respiratory openings. Therefore, lice are very resistant to the lack of oxygen - therefore, classic drugs for head lice require long-term exposure to the scalp and hair (to simply “kill” the lice).

However, it is worth knowing that lice and nits can spend two days in water without the slightest harm (at a temperature of +15-17 degrees) - which means that in order to destroy them, you need a product that can “hack” the described biological defense mechanisms of lice.

Another problem is the fight against nits. When laying eggs, the female louse glues them to the hair with a special, very strong adhesive composition. And when the mother of a long-haired girl begins to comb her head out of lice and nits, she faces a truly titanic task: most classical remedies are not able to affect the “glue” with which nits are attached to the hair. And each nit has to be removed manually, with a fine-toothed comb - and not a single nit can be missed! Otherwise, the lice will multiply again.

Causes of lice on a person's head

The main causes of lice are:

The very first sign of lice infestation is itching; your head itches even during sleep.

There is a constant desire to comb your hair, to touch it, and when children encounter such a problem, they become capricious, cry, and endlessly touch their head because of the discomfort that arises.



Irritation manifests itself in the form of redness on the skin, which externally resembles dermatitis; due to frequent scratching, crusts appear that are moist to the touch, which subsequently turn into micro-wounds. Also, spots on the head may have a nonspecific, grayish-blue tint in those places where bites occurred most often.

One of the drastic methods is to cut your hair bald, of course, it is only suitable for men. For women, you can use the method of dyeing hair with peroxide-containing dyes, especially dyes of light, blonde shades.


An effective, proven method is combing out lice and nits. To do this, you need to purchase a special comb with small and fine teeth (ordinary combs are not suitable for this), dividing the hair into small strands and running the comb along its entire length.

It is best to carry out the procedure on damp hair; at the end you need to wash your hair well with shampoo. Use the method for at least 3 days in a row, with daily hair washing. When the problem is eliminated, for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to boil bed and underwear with bleach.

It is perhaps worth noting that removing lice and nits with a comb is both independent method(without the use of special therapeutic agents) - the process is very labor-intensive and lengthy. And it is only suitable for those whose hair is short and thin enough so that combing does not take too much time.

But people with thick, curly and long hair are unlikely to be able to get by with just one comb: the chances of combing untreated special means mobile lice and remove tenacious nits - let's be honest, they are quite small. Therefore, of course, before combing, it is better to treat your hair with special products.

Method No. 1

Add 2 tablespoons of tansy to 0.3 liters of boiling water and boil for 3-5 minutes, leave to infuse for a few minutes under closed lid, strain, then add 2 tablespoons of freshly prepared pomegranate juice and the same amount of mint essential oil. Rub the resulting mixture thoroughly into the scalp and along the entire length of the hair, wrap in cellophane for half an hour, then wash your hair and comb out dead nits and lice with a comb. To achieve the effect, it is enough to carry out 1-3 procedures.

Second option: combine tansy with crushed oak bark, boil 3 tablespoons of the mixture in 300 ml of water, strain and distribute warmly over the hair, wrap in a bag for 2 hours, then wash your hair in the usual way.

It is worth knowing that such herbal compositions can affect hair color - for example, oak bark can turn light brown hair into dark brown. Therefore, if hair color matters to you, keep in mind: its shade may change due to such treatment.

Method No. 2

Make juice from fresh or frozen cranberries and rub it into the root of your head. pure form, wrap your hair in a cloth, then in a plastic bag and leave for 20-30 minutes, then wash your hair well with shampoo.

The course is usually quite long, up to 8 days, with daily use. This method may also not be useful for those who are afraid of hair color changes. Plus, although an allergy to cranberries is quite rare, it still happens in children. Although cranberries will not enter the esophagus, it is still worth considering the factor of potential allergies.

Method No. 3

The method is very effective; use with caution in children under 12 years of age. Dilute kerosene with olive oil or sunflower oil 1:10, distribute evenly over the scalp and hair, wrap with polyethylene in several layers and tie a scarf tightly, leave overnight. In the morning, rinse with water, then with shampoo, laundry or tar soap several times. Often, one procedure is enough to achieve results.

The main disadvantage of kerosene treatment is the heavy and difficult to remove odor, which accompanies the “treated” person for a long time. It is also worth considering that such a procedure can - especially taking into account repeated washing of the hair with soap - seriously dry out the scalp, which in itself is quite unpleasant.

Method No. 4

For fair-haired people, you can rub lemon juice diluted with water 1:3 into your hair, leaving it for 1-1.5 hours, wrapping your head, as in the previous method, then rinse well with shampoo and water. The course is individual, 2-4 procedures.

If your hair is light brown or dark, lemon juice should be added to shampoo while washing your hair, but this method will serve as an auxiliary rather than a main one.

It is worth remembering, however, that lemon is a rather strong and aggressive allergen, and can cause allergic reactions on the skin (and if left on the head for a long time, the juice can “drain” onto the face and get into the eyes, which is unsafe).

Method No. 5

Mix 1 part of 70% vinegar with 10 parts of water, shake well, apply to the head, leave for two to three hours, wrap it in a bag, rinse the head with water, then soap or shampoo, and comb damp, wet hair, thoroughly combing out the residue. The method is effective, 1-3 uses are enough, but if there is severe irritation on the scalp, it is not recommended for use, as it can cause increased burning and burns.

It’s even worse with vinegar than with lemon - vinegar “poultices” can seriously harm the scalp and hair follicles. In addition to banal irritation, in the future you may even experience hair loss for some time - until the hair follicles injured by vinegar are restored and hair growth from them resumes.

Method number 6

For such a delicate problem as lice, dichlorvos is used, the effect is achieved after one application, but the method itself is toxic and dangerous, it cannot be carried out in a residential area, and it is also necessary to cover all open areas of the skin - arms, neck, chest, face, protect the respiratory tract. The method is frankly unsafe, so it is used most likely when there is no way out.

Method No. 7

Dissolve a heaping tablespoon of salt in a glass apple cider vinegar(it is less concentrated than regular table water), add a teaspoon of 96% alcohol to the liquid. Soak a piece of gauze well with the prepared solution, place it on your head, cover it with polyethylene and leave for 4-5 hours, then wash your hair in the usual way. If necessary, comb out remaining dead lice and nits with a comb if they are not washed off when washing your hair.

There are several potential problems with this method. Both salt and vinegar are not good for the scalp and hair follicles - especially with prolonged exposure. But 96% alcohol is perhaps even worse. Since ancient times, there has been an opinion that a child’s fever can be brought down by rubbing with vinegar or alcohol. Yes, it is possible to bring down the fever - only the most powerful intoxication of the child’s body with alcohol and vinegar occurs through the skin.

So, it’s exactly the same with treating the head - extreme exposure to vinegar, salt and alcohol can result in intoxication with an unpredictable effect. After all, skin is the most large organ a person who both takes in and removes toxins, working around the clock for the benefit of our health. And even if we're talking about about just one head, but it's your child's head - it's still worth thinking a few times before reaching for alcohol, salt and vinegar.

Pharmacy preparations for lice

Today, the pharmaceutical market provides us with a good choice anti-pediculosis funds, which are simple and easy to use, and most importantly, in 1-2 applications they can get rid of the problem with which had to face.

Benzyl benzoate cream

It has been used for many years to combat lice and ticks. The product is not recommended for children under 3 years of age, since the composition of the cream is not organic, but synthetic. But the smell, I must say, is not strong in the cream. It is worth remembering that in the case of synthetic products, thorough combing is especially important.

Apply the cream to the root and scalp, rubbing and massaging with a thick ball, then tie it with a scarf and rinse after 30-40 minutes. running water, after that, rinse your hair with vinegar water (1 part vinegar to 10 parts water) and rinse with shampoo.

Usually the problem is eliminated after one use; at the end of the procedure, the hair should be thoroughly combed with a comb.

Although, judging by the reviews on the Internet and the recommendations of doctors on specialized sites, there is an experienced opinion that benzyl benzoate will not get rid of lice in one go. It will take 3-4 treatments over a couple of weeks. This is most likely due to the fact that this drug has little effect on nits - and as soon as you miss 1-2 nits when combing, the lice will again “bloom in magnificent color.”

Paranix spray/shampoo

On Russian market there is a remedy called “Paranitis” - this is exactly the same drug, differing from “Paranix” only in the name.

The spray must also be used on dry hair, applied at a distance of 10 cm to the root part of the head and along the entire length of the hair, so that the product covers the entire head well, massage well and leave for 15 minutes, devote Special attention neck and behind the ears areas. After this, without using water, apply regular shampoo to your hair and lather it well, massaging for another 5-7 minutes, then rinse well warm water, after which you will also need to comb your hair.

Users on the network also note that this product has little effect on nits - therefore, the combing stage must be very thorough in order to remove the “lice problem from the agenda” at one time. The product contains mineral oils, which effectively “suffocate” lice and “cut off” access to moisture - as if forcing the lice to die from dehydration. It is worth remembering that if you have allergies in your family, oils can cause local allergic reactions (itching, burning of the skin), due to the fact that the concentration of oil in the preparation is high.


At a distance of three centimeters from the head, spray over the entire length of the hair and onto the roots. sufficient quantity means, leave for 10 minutes without covering your head with anything. After the specified time, wash your hair well with regular shampoo and, if necessary, comb your hair with a comb. Application is allowed once a week. For preventive purposes, the spray can be used to treat clothes, bedding, comb, and hats.

The basis of the product is synthetic insecticide permethrin. It itself can cause some allergic reactions such as itching, redness and burning. But something else is more important: it is now well known that permethrin-based products have proven to be ineffective (to say the least). Large-scale studies revealed this 10-15 years ago. Therefore, many global manufacturers have not produced such drugs for a long time. And in Russia, since September 2018, permethrin-based products have also been declared completely ineffective and are prohibited for use and sale.

Pediculen ultra shampoo-lotion

On dry hair, apply the product with massage movements, rubbing well, until your hair feels damp, from roots to ends, wrap in cellophane and leave for 3 hours, then comb your hair with a comb and wash your hair well with regular shampoo and warm water.

In addition, the set includes Pediculen spray, it facilitates easy combing after the procedure, and also, due to the content of essential oils, restores and moisturizes the scalp, eliminating dryness, roughness, irritation and wounds.

The basis of this product is anise oil, which is not to everyone’s taste and can cause small but obvious local allergic reactions. In any case, users on review sites note this feature of the product. It also contains alcohol, which enhances the effect of the oil, and therefore, perhaps, this product can be used by children at least 5 years old.


Perhaps this universal remedy in the fight against lice and nits. Experience and user reviews confirm its effectiveness in one application. The substances that make up Leisner act on the respiratory openings of lice and nits, removing from them the same (mentioned above) water-repellent layer: water can penetrate into respiratory system insects and leads to drowning. Lice cannot develop resistance to the drug - so it can be used to remove insecticide-resistant lice (for example, those that have survived the treatment of the head with some other drugs).

The drug also facilitates the procedure for removing nits, weakening the adhesion of nits (adhesive composition) to hair during processing. Therefore, after treatment with the product, there is NO need for tedious hours-long combing: the nits practically fall off on their own. Therefore, what comes with the product is not a fine-toothed comb, but a completely ordinary comb.

It is important that Leisner is a full-fledged washing shampoo, which washes away dirt from the hair. And there is no need to additionally wash it and rinse it with other shampoos. Containing natural substances (tropical neem tree extract), it is not allergenic and not flammable, like many synthetic drugs or those based on kerosene and alcohol.

Wet your head, apply the product, distribute it well throughout your hair and head, lather, hold on your head for 10 minutes, rinse. "Leisner" does not cause burning, does not burn the scalp, and does not have a pungent odor.

In total, you can make a short table of the mentioned pharmaceutical products:

Spray: spray from a distance of 10 cm onto dry hair, massage and leave for 15 minutes. Then, without water, apply regular shampoo, lather and massage for 5-7 minutes, then rinse well with warm water.

Essential oils for lice

Oils give a fairly quick and effective result, when they get on the scalp, they cause attacks of suffocation in lice, and those die from asphyxia, the effect extends to both lice and nits equally.

The most effective oils:

  • geranium;
  • tea tree;
  • bergamot;
  • eucalyptus;
  • lavender.

They can be used either individually or in combination all together, diluting this concentration with the usual vegetable oil(that is, dilute essential oils with vegetable oils in a 1:1 ratio).

The method of use is simple: apply with rubbing movements into the scalp, stretch along the entire length of the hair, cover with cellophane, top with a towel and leave for 3-4 hours. Rinse with running, warm water and shampoo several times.

Perhaps, when choosing oils, it is worth considering what they may cause due to individual characteristics specific person any allergic reactions. And also the fact that after treatment with oils, your hair will have to be thoroughly washed with shampoo. And not all hair can be washed well - even with shampoo - after treatment with pure oils. For example, very curly and dry hair from oil can simply stick together into a “tow” and washing with shampoo will not save you from scissors.

Therefore, perhaps you should not engage in home “self-medication”, but choose a pharmaceutical drug that suits you, which will quickly destroy lice and nits - while being gentle on the hair and scalp. Of the drugs described above, the cheapest is benzyl benzoate cream, but it is not effective enough against nits and its use will take a very long time. And the most effective can be considered the “Laisner” product, which acts quickly, is effective in the fight against lice and nits, and at the same time has natural composition, and does not require any additional manipulations such as washing and thorough combing.

Prevention against lice

It is important not only to get rid of lice, but also to prevent their reappearance in the future:

As you can see, there are many ways to combat such an unpleasant problem as lice. Observe preventive measures, pay due attention to personal hygiene, and then the chances of encountering this trouble will drop to zero.4 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)