Small mirror section tile design. Mirror tiles in the interior of your apartment. Mirrored interior of a dining room or bathroom

How stylish, fresh and elegant the mirror looks tiles in the interior! Photos and ideas may well inspire a change in design of both one of the rooms and the entire apartments. Availability can radically change the appearance of any room, adding light, volume, dynamism and depth.

And mirror tiles are considered a unique finishing material, with the help of which you can visually transform space, play up areas of complex or irregular shape, complicate the interior, make it more thoughtful and sophisticated. This type of decor is equally suitable for living rooms, kitchens, hallway, and among the many shapes and designs it is easy to select products desired design, ideally complementing interiors of various styles.

Types of mirror tiles

Modern mirror tiles can have the most different shapes, not limited to standard rectangles. These may be large or mosaic squares, rhombuses, triangles, crescents, bricks, planks.

For its production use:

  • glass;
  • polished metal;
  • high quality plastic, such as polystyrene.

Depending on the material, the installation method will change. But in most cases, installation is carried out using special glue or ordinary liquid nails. There are also options with a self-adhesive layer.

Main types

Even those made from same material tiles can differ significantly from each other. Among the most popular options are:

  1. Smooth mirror tiles without any relief. When laying it, the joints are almost invisible, which makes it possible to create a solid mirror surface, not limited by the shape of a standard mirror. This finish will fit perfectly into modern styles interior (,).
  2. With facet. A slight bevel of the edges (chamfer) of such mirror tiles greatly facilitates installation, but most of all this type is valued for its ability to create a complex surface that reveals the full potential of the interior. Mirror tiles with bevels look expensive and elegant in the interior, giving any room a noble and luxurious look, and the light refracted on the edges creates a lot of glare. This decor will ideally complement classic interiors, especially those made in palace or baroque style, and neoclassical And
  3. With imitation of a metal surface. Polished bronze, copper, silver, gold, chrome will fit perfectly into both modern and classic interiors. May be present on the surface patina or other "traces of time".
  4. Tinted mirror tiles, in which the color of glass or amalgam can be any shade - from smoky gray or beige to rich pink or black.
  5. With an image. All kinds of ornaments, designs and patterns on such tiles are obtained by sandblasting or using a laser. This option will give the interior individuality and expressiveness.
  6. WITH textured surface. Volumetric drawings, pronounced texture or unusual relief will serve perfect decor for a wide variety of interiors.

  7. Advice! Not costs abuse abundance mirror surfaces V home, This Maybe depressingly affect on psyche, call irritation, feeling anxiety. Room With big quantity reflections will uncomfortable.

    Techniques for using mirror tiles in the interior

    Mirror tiles effectively cope with tasks when you need to transform the interior as much as possible, make it more comfortable and thoughtful. Located on the walls, it will help to visually expand the space, creating the illusion of continuation of the room, which is especially important for rooms that are small or too narrow.

    Thus, it is worth decorating a long wall, thereby correcting the incorrect proportions of the room. It can also be just part of the wall, for example opposite a window, to let more light in.

    Advice! SimultaneouslydoroomhigherAndwidercladding will helpone andhwallsmirrortiles, laiddiamondsordiagonally.

    On opposite walls, it is better not to place areas with mirror tiles directly opposite each other to avoid the appearance of “endless corridors”.

    Using mirror tiles on the ceiling, you can make the room higher, but it is better to cover it not with the entire surface, but to limit it to the perimeter or center, complementing everything. The main thing is that there is no effect of “inverted space” when entering the room. You should also pay close attention to the environment that will be reflected on the ceiling.

    Advice! For too much big premises decor ceiling With with help mirror tiles Not recommended, because the Maybe create Effect emptiness, coldness.

    Composition Basics

    To make the interior look harmonious, it is better to use mirror tiles to focus attention on one of the walls or ceiling, column or wall. In this case, reflective elements can occupy both the entire area and individual areas.

    Advice! TomirrortileworkedonattractionAndreflectionSveta, hercostsdisposeagainstwindows, lamps, to complement.

    An interesting effect can be achieved if you cover adjacent surfaces with mirror tiles, for example, a wall and a ceiling or two adjacent walls. But in this case, it is recommended to use products of different types (faceted and contrasting shades, or smooth and patterned).

    Finishing using mirror tiles should be done taking into account that a minimum of objects are reflected, otherwise it will not be possible to visually expand the space, giving it lightness; on the contrary, it will create a cluttered effect.

    In order not to overdo it with mirror tiles, it is recommended to combine them with other materials. For example, wall decoration can be done in the form of a checkerboard or honeycomb, where mirrors alternate with wood, ceramics, cork, metal.

    Mirror tiles in the interior of the house

    You can use mirror tiles in the interior in absolutely any room, regardless of its purpose. It could be , or , or , hallway or . But in everything you should know when to stop, carefully considering where, how and in what quantity the reflective surface will be located.

    Living room

    Mirror tiles in the living room interior will help to correctly zone the space:

  • Can be designed multi-level ceiling, decorating its individual areas with tile inserts. This will slightly raise the height of the room and add volume.
  • will emphasize the sophistication of the decor, expand the space, and add depth. A wall like this would look best opposite a window or to the side of it.

  • If the living room has interesting furniture or interior items, flowers, then you can “double” them by placing them so that they are reflected from tiled areas. Such mirror elements can be located inside bookshelves, in the walls, niches.
  • or can also be highlighted by tiling the space above them various forms and flowers.

Kitchen and dining room

Mirror tiles in the kitchen interior look equally good both in the work area and in the dining area. The work area will be decorated and complemented by practical different elements. It may be small mosaic, bricks or large diamonds - it all depends on the size of the kitchen and the desired effect. With such an apron finish you will need a good one so that decorative surfaces not covered with a layer of fat and soot.

Advice! Mirror tile Wonderful combines With ceramic And even , That's why apron And all wall V working zone Can trim With using straightaway two materials, picking up their By size.

You can also get an interesting effect if you make 2-3 vertical stripes or large rectangles of mirror tiles on one of the walls of the dining room, imitating windows in a restaurant or cafe.


Mirror tiles in the bedroom interior should be placed in such a way that the bed and sleeping people will not be reflected in it. Therefore, it is not recommended to cover the entire ceiling and walls with it.

It is best to use it to decorate the wall at the head of the bed or the partition near the window, as well as wall niches, plot next to, .

Both smooth tiles and beveled or ornamented tiles are equally suitable for the bedroom - it all depends on the style of the interior.

Advice! Before how do choice V benefit mirror tiles For decor bedrooms, costs attach To necessary areas mirror. This will help to avoid discomfort V future, because the like decor fits Not to each.

Bathroom and toilet

Mirror tiles in the interior bathroom it will come in handy. A mirror is already necessary in this room, but with the help of tiles you can make the atmosphere more interesting. You can use it to lay out one of the walls (above the bathtub or), while using regular ceramic on the rest. It will look impressive:

Advice! IN bathrooms impressive will look mirror tile With aged effect, which will complement plumbing, faucets And other accessories V vintage style.

Entrance hall and passage areas

Mirror tiles in hallway interior- this is not only beautiful and stylish, but also very convenient, especially if the room itself is not very large and there is no space to install a standard mirror. This type of finish should be used on the walls of the hallway so that a person can fully see his reflection, and it is not necessary to limit himself to standard forms. For example, you can completely decorate one of the walls with mirror tiles, complementing it with suitable lighting, or lay out vertical, inclined or complex shapes.

In the hallway, mirror tiles can be combined with finishes made of wood, stone, porcelain stoneware, etc. The products will look interesting in the interior big size, for example, mosaics or chamfered diamonds.

Advice! At registration hallway take into account, What Not costs dispose reflective surfaces against entrance. According to philosophy Feng Shui, This adversely affects on energy streams. Except Togo, incoming Human Maybe simply get scared his reflections.

It is also recommended to use mirror tiles when decorating passage rooms, for example, stairs, transitions from one room to another. As a rule, such areas are poorly lit, and the presence of reflective surfaces with proper lighting will add coziness and make the space comfortable and less enclosed.

Advice! WITH with help mirror tiles Can design risers on , deaf wall

When it comes to the future, the question immediately arises - how do future interior unusual and modern. Keep up with latest trends fashion in the field of interior design is sometimes very difficult. After all, as soon as you find an image on the Internet with a room design you like, literally a couple of weeks later famous designers find even more interesting options finishing. The win-win method still remains mirror tiles V interior. We will give some tips on how to use it in various rooms and consider its main types.

1. Classification of mirror tiles

The range of shapes and textures of this facing material is actually much more diverse than it might seem at first glance. The very first criterion by which mirror tiles are distinguished is manufacturing material. There are three options in total:

  • Mirror glass tiles;
  • Made of polished metal;
  • Made from hard, high-quality plastic – polystyrene.

The second and third types of material only serve as the basis for applying a mirror coating. The reflective surfaces of such tiles will be worse than those of a real mirror. In addition, metallic paint may distort the reflection slightly. But the cost will also be lower. The base in these cases can be self-adhesive, which greatly simplifies the installation process and the costs associated with it. Tiles from real mirror glass is classified according to the following parameters:

It is sometimes simply impossible to distinguish from what material this or that type of tile is actually made, simply by its appearance. If your goal is to purchase a mirror version, then you can determine it by weight. It will be much heavier than a plastic or metal base.

Standard sizes this finishing material allows you to easily select the most suitable option– 10×10, 15×15, 18×18, 20×20, 25×25, 30×30, 40×40, 50×50, 20×30, 30×45, 30×60 cm. However, some manufacturers can offer you tiles from 6x6 cm in size to order. Standard thickness is 4 mm. Such wide choose makes it possible to combine it with a regular one, avoiding a large difference in the lengths of the edges. An interesting option are ready-made kits, which, after installation, form entire panels. They can convey a wide variety of images or create a pattern using elements of different sizes.

Concerning mosaic version execution, then standard sizes one fragment can be 20×20, 42×20, 50×50, 149×10 mm. This type of tile is sold in sheets. The base is a flexible mesh material onto which squares of the above sizes are glued. There is a gap between them for seams, standard width which is 2 mm. Thanks to this structure, it is easy to tile radius surfaces using mosaics. Pillars designed in this way look especially elegant.

2. Advantages and disadvantages

Like all finishing materials, mirror tiles have a number of pros and cons that are worth knowing about. Let's start with good:

Now about disadvantages:

  • The material is very brittle and its edges are prone to chipping. This cannot be avoided if installation and transportation are not carried out carefully;
  • If the mirror fragments are incorrectly positioned on different surfaces, may occur maze effect, which has a depressing and overwhelming effect on the human psyche;
  • The surface is easily scratched and does not tolerate contact with abrasive substances;
  • If the room is poor, over time the surface of the tiles may darken.

As you can see, the disadvantages are easily removable and can only arise from ignorance of the features working with this material. Choose trusted sellers who value their reputation and take care of their own products. This can ensure that the cargo is individually packaged and insured during transport. This means that you, in turn, will be safe and insured against purchasing damaged goods. The installation of tiles can be entrusted to experienced professionals who provide a guarantee for their work. Our article will help you avoid mistakes in using mirror tiles in the interior.

3. Recommendations for using mirror tiles on various surfaces

Designers simply love working with this type of material. All thanks to the fact that with its help you can instantly change the interior in the most incredible way. Even small fragments can add a new mood to the atmosphere of the room. The most common surface for implementing ideas is, of course, walls. But many recommend using reflective elements on the ceiling and even on the floor.

Secrets wall decoration

It is unlikely that owners will deny themselves two pleasures at the same time - it is beneficial to emphasize individuality premises and make it more spacious. All this will be possible if you adhere to simple tips:

  • The main rule using tiles on walls - do not decorate two opposite walls with them. This will create the illusion of an endless corridor. It is in this case that it will appear negative impact on psychological health. Such a visual illusion distorts space makes our brain actively work in search of a way out of the resulting labyrinth. You can forget about relaxing in such a room.
  • Finishing can only be done part of the wall or a small fragment of it. Think about which wall you want to highlight and show off to your guests. After all, such an element will immediately attract attention. Even a small panel above is already a self-sufficient decoration. For the background it is better to use neutral or. And to further emphasize this highlight of the interior, you can dress it in beautiful frame.
  • To visually raise the ceiling the cladding is performed in the form of vertical strips of small width. Elements can be either paired or single. Repeating elements should have a smaller thickness, while a single strip should occupy about 1/3 of the wall surface. In this case, the most optimal location such an element - on the longest wall.
  • A solid mirror wall makes the room appear larger, while a few narrow stripes make it cozier.
  • To fill with light dark room, place the mirror panel on the wall opposite the window opening.
  • , back wall which are laid with mirror mosaics, will appear deeper. And with the right lighting, this effect will be transmitted to the entire room.
  • Looks very original combination ordinary tiles with mirror To achieve the best result, very important choose the same size of two elements. If this condition is met, the composition will be holistic and harmonious.
  • For facing two adjacent surfaces, for example, the corner between two walls or the junction of a wall and ceiling, use different variants tiles One can be plain, the other with a pattern, colored or plain.

AND remember that the effect of increasing space is achieved precisely due to the presence of reflection in the mirror elements. Therefore it is very important subject of reflection. The interior must be carefully thought out. After all, you must agree, if in your mirror wall infinite set times reflected massive wardrobe, it will create the feeling that you are in a cave. And a completely different impression will be created by the reflection of the window opening and sunlight. Attentively choose location– this is the key to a successful result. Also pay close attention to the placement of lighting fixtures. Glare and sunbeams can interfere and tire your vision. That's why lamps It is better to place it along the edges, and not in front of the mirrors. Then the light from them will be reflected from the surface more softly, tangentially and not create discomfort.

Mirror ceiling - yes or no?

This unusual technique is very rarely seen in the interior of apartments. This is due to the fact that it has not yet gained sufficient popularity and requires a competent approach. When is it advisable to use mirror tiles on the ceiling?

Mirror floor in the interior of the apartment

This is probably the most non-standard solution for finishing floors. However, there really is a special floor type mirror tiles. It is made from a mirror cloth of increased strength and wear resistance, which at the same time has a very large thickness. Its surface is not subject to mechanical stress. All these factors together do this type of facing material incredibly expensive.

As for residential use, you should think twice before deciding to take such a step. Laying on such a floor is simply impractical, given its cost. This means that you will always see the reflection of the ceiling on the floor... The sensations will be quite strange, it is possible the appearance of dizziness and disorientation. Therefore, no matter how interesting and attractive this crazy idea may seem to you, it is better to abandon it in time. Moreover, you will spend a large amount on purchasing the material, but over time you will spend no less on dismantling, purchasing and installing another coating.

The only thing you can safely do is use small ones mirror elements, to diversify the usual tile masonry. They are square-shaped, measuring 50x50 mm or more, and are inserted between tiles that are laid offset. This method is quite acceptable for apartments or houses. Fully mirrored floors very rarely, but can be found in huge shopping centers. This serves as an excellent technique to attract clients. Whether you like it or not, you can go in and look at the upside-down shop windows and buy something.

4. In what rooms is it appropriate to use mirror tiles?

If you have definitely decided for yourself that there should be such an element in your apartment, the time has come decide V Which or room It is worth placing such decor, and in which it is not. Let's start with the main thing - not the place mirror tiles in children's interior rooms. Let’s immediately answer the question “why?”:

  • This material is quite easy to break, crumble into small sharp pieces and cause injury. Even if you are not using real glass, but plastic, its fragments can also be very dangerous.
  • Rate fashionable and modern trend The baby definitely won’t be able to for the first 15 years. This means you are doing this solely for yourself. In this case, place a mirror panel in your room.
  • A child's unstable psyche may have ambivalent perceptions of such a technique. Reaction baby maybe unpredictable.
  • From a comfort point of view, this is not the “warmest” material for decorating a child’s room.

In all other rooms you don’t have to limit your own imagination. Let's take a closer look.

Mirrored interior of a dining room or bathroom

Thanks to your positive qualities, this type of tile is great solution for use in rooms where present constant humidity and temperature changes.

For the bathroom, which often do not allow full use of various techniques for increasing space, it’s just find. You can not only diversify the interior, but also make it more spacious. In addition, if you choose a tile that is suitable in shape, you can replace it is ordinary, which you simply cannot do without. The remaining walls can be decorated with tiles with ornaments or plain ones mixed with tiles. Only in this room does the concept of “too” completely disappear. The most interesting cladding options mirror tiles in the bathroom:

The only one disadvantage using mirrors in the bathroom causes them to fog up when used hot water. You will need to constantly wipe all walls dry to ensure that there are no soap or limescale residue left by hard water.

IN dining room mirror tiles look equally good as in work area, and in the dining room.

double benefit. The space will seem much larger, and the need for an ordinary mirror will immediately disappear. In this case, you can combine two types of tiles. For example, in the middle of the wall, from floor to ceiling, lay a regular mirror one, and on the sides - tiles with patterns.

Mirror tiles in the design of a living room or bedroom

Use case ceiling mirror elements looks most appropriate in living room.

Bedroom implies proper rest and healthy sleep Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use mirrors in large quantities here. This means that only one wall should be allocated for them. But whether it will be completely covered with tiles or not is a matter of taste.

This is because for many people, having too many reflective surfaces can be a source of embarrassment.

Many people are used to doing everything renovation work in the house with your own hands. Some people save money this way, while others simply don’t trust unfamiliar craftsmen. Whatever the reasons, if you decide to install mirror tiles yourself, you need know the key points. The surface must be prepared as before. And here is the process itself installation has some peculiarities:

After successful completion of installation work, you can enjoy unique design made with your own hands.

The use of mirrors as interior decoration is not new for a long time. However, thanks to modern technologies, the mirror has become not just a decoration, but also an independent finishing material. To give the interior special expressiveness and solve many decorative problems, designers are increasingly using mirror tiles. And if earlier this type of decor prevailed in bathrooms, today it is widely used in all rooms, even in the bedroom. Look at today’s “Dream House” selection for decorating ideas with mirror tiles.

What is special about mirror tiles as a decorative material?

The main feature of mirror tiles over any other finishing material is its decorative value. The mirror surface allows you to visually expand the space and make the room brighter.

Many people believe that due to the fragility of the mirror, the tiles wear out quickly and do not have all the necessary properties. However, modern high-quality mirror tiles are manufactured strictly in accordance with GOST, and accordingly, their strength is in no way inferior to the strength of ceramic tiles. In addition, it has very good resistance to changes in temperature, humidity and chemical exposure. And, best of all, mirror tiles are much less likely to be scratched than any other material.

In addition to standard tiles with a mirror surface, beveled mirror tiles are especially popular. The peculiarity of this product is that during manufacturing, a chamfer is removed from the beveled side of the mirror, as a result of which the tile appears especially thin and elegant. Beveled tiles can be laid on the surface of walls or ceilings, either as a solid mirror sheet, or used in conjunction with other materials.

Tile of this type has only one drawback - the complexity of installation. It is best if the installation of mirror tiles is carried out by professionals, because... First you need to cut it correctly and prepare the surface perfectly. During application, you need to ensure that the seams between the tiles are as narrow as possible, since with wide seams it is impossible to achieve a smooth and solid surface. In addition, after application, the tiles are left to dry for 3-4 days, after which the joints are grouted.

Mirror tiles photo

Mirror tiles in the interior

Using mirror tiles in the interior

Traditionally, tiles with a mirror surface are most often used in the interior of a bathroom or kitchen, but they look no less attractive in the interior of a bedroom or living room.

This finishing material allows you to bring to life any decorative delights. By decorating the walls of any room with mirror tiles, you will immediately expand its area and make the interior lighter and more elegant. However, a mirror is a rather specific material, and its use in the interior must obey strict rules. For example, if you want to maximize the space, decorate a mirror wall or a panel of mirror tiles opposite the window. In this case, the mirror surface should not be exposed to direct sunlight, so it is better to mount the mirror tiles slightly above the window level.

No matter how strange it may sound, in some cases the mirror surface does not expand the space, but, on the contrary, narrows it. A similar effect will occur if the tiles are installed not as a single sheet, but as fragmented inserts, combining them with other materials. It will look very impressive if you use mirror tiles in a similar way in the interior of a large living room, but if the room is not spacious, it is better to use a solid mirror sheet to expand it.

Mirror wall tiles

At incorrect registration Mirror tiles in the interior of living rooms can create a “looking glass” effect when one wall is reflected in another. This effect is not very comfortable psychologically, so it is recommended to design the tiles at different levels so that they do not appear in each other.

If you want to make the room taller, a mirror will do the job best. ceiling tiles. In this case, a smooth mirror surface without seams will look especially advantageous. The spot design with mirror inserts in the center of the ceiling also gives height very well. In addition, for visual increase the height of the room, it is not at all necessary to decorate the ceiling with this material. Like visual effect will arise if you use tiles to decorate only the lower part of the room.

Mirror ceiling tiles

Mirror tiles for the ceiling

Mirror ideas for the kitchen

Mirror tiles are ideal for decorating the kitchen interior, visually expanding it, making it lighter and more cheerful. You can decorate only one wall with tiles or lay it out in the form of a panel. It will look especially stylish in combination with furniture with a glossy or glass surface.

Mirror tiles in the kitchen photo

Mirror mosaic tiles

Mirror bath

Mirrored bathroom tiles should be selected taking into account the characteristics of this room. In a small and poorly lit bathroom, you can safely use it to decorate the entire surface of the walls and ceiling. If the tiles are used primarily for decorative purposes, you can experiment with patterns and combinations of different tiles color shades. For example, a mirror surface combines very favorably with ceramic tiles in black, silver or white. However, when combining mirror and ceramic tiles, it is recommended to use products of the same size.

Mirror tiles for bathroom

Mirror tiles in the bathroom photo

Mirror tiles in the living room interior

When decorating any room with mirror tiles, keep in mind that all of it decorative value can only appear in combination with the right lighting. It is especially beneficial to highlight the beauty of the interior with mirror surfaces. Spotlights with soft and diffused light.

Mirror tiles are the ideal tool for bringing to life the most unusual decorative ideas. If desired, it can be used not only to decorate walls or ceilings, but also to decorate furniture, ledges or openings. The main thing is that the mirror surface is harmoniously combined with the overall interior design.

Glare adds light and optically enlarges the space. Designers value mirror tiles for these features and often use them in decorating homes and offices. Different formats and configurations allow you to choose creative finishes, decorate walls and ceilings.
Currently there are:

  • Classic modules with matte edge.
  • Tinted with a colored sheen.
  • Samples with ornaments obtained using sandblasting.
  • Imitations of expensive and chrome-plated metals.
  • Collections with a relief surface.
Tiles with bevels and beveled polished ends appeared on the market not so long ago, but managed to become a sales leader. The edge processing technology gives it a special decorative effect. Ovals, squares and rhombuses allow you to non-trivially cover walls and create different effects. The inclusion of crystalline mufflers gives the surface a unique shine.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom

In the functional area, reflective modules are used instead of mirrors. The thinner the edges are processed, the more elegant the finish looks. One wall is laid out with finely beveled squares; for the rest, ceramics or stone of the same size are used. In combination with matte tiles, a small room is transformed. A segment laid diagonally above the sink or a strip next to the bowl is enough to make the room one and a half times larger.
Low walls will “raise” if you glue long bricks near the baseboards, a little shorter in the middle, and very small ones at the top. Transitions are masked using boundary lines decorated with identical modules.

Advice! IN small room used or medium format samples. Large squares visually conceal spatial volumes.

Compared to classic analogues, mirror tiles:

  • more resistant to chips;
  • retains shine for a long time;
  • not picky about care.
For a flawless shine, just spray glass cleaner and wipe with a cloth. The surface is inert to alkalis, aggressive detergents. However, if the installation technology is not followed, the edges may darken, so it is better to entrust the cladding to a specialist.

Options for decorating the living room with mirror tiles

A reflective panel is also appropriate in the interior of the living room. To enlarge the room, choose predominantly light colors for decoration. An accent wall with decorative squares should be opposite the window opening. When the rays are reflected, numerous glares fill the room with soft light. Top lining is preferred. Then you won’t have to curtain the windows in sunny weather and you can admire the reflection of interior objects. If you decorate the joints with plaster moldings, the room will look elegant.
  • You should not decorate opposite walls. Psychological discomfort is formed in the “through the looking glass”. To give narrow room additional volume of tiles is laid at different levels.
  • Sometimes in a spacious living room with high ceilings furniture is lost. To narrow it down, large-format modules are laid not as a sheet, but in separate segments.
  • Cabinets with open shelves better to put it near accent wall. The light reflection will illuminate the trinkets and increase the number.

Advice! There is no need to place massive furniture near the accent wall - the dimensions double, and the room seems crowded.

Beveled squares will decorate columns and niches. With the refraction of rays they acquire illusory weightlessness.
The wall with faceted diamonds and diagonal engraving of the surface looks original. Enough vertical stripe or a horizontal panel to change the interior beyond recognition.
Fashion trend– mirrored ceilings framed with gilded baguettes.
Modules are made from:

  • frosted glass;
  • colored or translucent glass;
  • polystyrene plates.
Applying a stencil design bright colors or monochrome design add a touch of solemnity to the interior. With spot lighting, the effect is enhanced many times over. The living room will be even more transformed if part of the wall is covered with mosaic canvas.

Advice! A solid canvas on the ceiling creates the effect of an inverted room. It is better to decorate the central part.

The limited area of ​​the corridor can be increased with reflective trim, but this does not mean that the room should resemble a box or a tunnel to infinity.

For the passage room, medium-sized squares are chosen, which are used to decorate the opposite walls in different parts. You can get by with fragmentary decor and frame only the mirrors. Accessories in a shiny frame with side lights and a glass clock with a large dial add solemnity to the interior. It is important to think about the placement of devices. Ideally, devices should be reflected in the glass. The refraction of rays will create beautiful game shadows and highlights.
It is possible to simultaneously use modules on the wall and ceiling. It is important that the design be different. Samples with smooth and textured surfaces will create a multidimensional effect. They are laid out according to classic scheme and obliquely. A fully tiled ceiling and the lower part of the wall will also create the appearance of spaciousness.

Advice! An elementary way to decorate a wall yourself is to secure several mirrors with special clamps purchased at a hardware store.

Floors made from such tiles are laid less frequently. The main thing is that the reflection of interior objects does not irritate. In this case, similar wall cladding is inappropriate.
The staircase is often located to the side and is not always well lit. Tiled steps create the illusory feeling of steps floating in the air. Turns on in the evening LED Strip Light. Side lights create a sense of depth.

"Through the Looking Glass" in the kitchen

A panel made of rhombuses or mosaics is appropriate in the interior of the kitchen and dining area. The tile changes the design and hides repair flaws. A decorated wall located perpendicular to the window adds light and diffuses the rays throughout the room. Decorate with mirror mosaics furniture facades and countertops. Using segmental laying, a large space can be divided into zones.

Sparkling highlights create a festive atmosphere. More often, functional areas stylized in baroque, empire, and hi-tech are tiled. The finish complements well ceramic tiles, framed by borders and moldings, the wall turns into an art object.
There is a place for the panel in the office and nursery. You can be skeptical about Feng Shui, but it is not recommended to decorate the bedroom mirrored ceilings. If you need to “push” the walls, you can veneer the corners or top part at the headboard. Before you begin finishing, you should draw up a design project.

With the help of mirror surfaces, you can change and decorate the space of living rooms, and achieve sufficient illumination of the room. A mirror is a unique but fragile product. It cannot be applied everywhere. Therefore, mirror tiles come to the rescue, which are more functional and not as finicky as a mirror. In this article we will try to understand in more detail the features of tiles.

Depending on the design idea, you can decorate rooms using mirror surfaces different types or several at the same time. There are these types:

  • mirror glass tiles;
  • mirror polystyrene tiles. This is a typical polystyrene tile, its surface is covered with paint, the structure of which includes tiny grains of steel;
  • mirror tiles are self-adhesive. When installing this type of tile, it turns out that this option is simpler than others. It consists of 2 bases: the top one is mirrored, and the inner one can be glued to any surface. To glue tiles, the surface must be perfectly flat. Then the film is removed from the inside and glued to the base. The material adheres well, which eliminates the need for additional finishing work. However, this is a relatively expensive material compared to glass tiles.

Pros and cons of mirror tiles

  • fairly durable material;
  • universal;
  • a variety of colors from gold, silver, bronze or chrome;
  • tiles can be smooth, embossed, with various inserts (square, with stripes or lines);
  • for a wider profile, holographic patterns are applied;
  • a flexible structure is also inherent in this type, which improves work with it in curved structures (niches, columns);
  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to chemical acids or alkalis;
  • resistance to corrosion and moisture;
  • visual increase in space;
  • material safety (ceramics).

  • a rather fragile material that requires careful care;
  • ability of the product to darken. However, if you install high-quality ventilation in the room and insulate the seams, you can avoid this;
  • the price of the product is quite high compared to similar materials;
  • The reflection is of rather low quality.

Technical objective assessment of mirror tiles

  • Due to their high ability to reflect light, mirror tiles can be placed even in a dimly lit part of the house. The main thing is to position the lamps correctly and it doesn’t matter in what quantities they are used;
  • Excellent moisture-repellent properties make it possible to install tiles in the most non-ideal conditions. And resistance to chemicals gives complete freedom on the use of household detergents;
  • Another important detail to note is that the top layer of the tile does not contain copper or lead. These chemical elements used to form a protective layer in household mirrors.

Installation methods

  • It is best to install mirror tiles on a ceiling or wall. Another popular way to install tiles is to combine them with ceramics. Of course, an inexperienced person will not be able to immediately install mirror panels or mosaics. Unlike tiles, which are mounted on a rough surface, mirror tiles have a smooth texture.
  • The tiles must be laid perfectly flat surface, which will be without flaws. Uneven surface appear on the product and make the image skewed. The surface should be prepared in the same way as in other cases with cladding.
  • After preparing the base, the tiles should be laid out as they were planned to be installed. One batch may contain tiles of the wrong size (usually the discrepancy can be about 3 mm), so it is better not to rush with installation and measure everything before starting work. It is better not to trim the edges of products, so as not to spoil them appearance tiles, because they are processed in a special way.
  • In cases where you still need to adjust the product to size, a glass cutter comes to the rescue. But you need to work with it carefully so as not to damage the material.
  • Laying is done horizontally. In order for the pattern to remain throughout the entire work, it is necessary to leave joints no more than 4 mm.
  • On mirror tiles with reverse side apply adhesive composition using a spatula. They outline the boundaries of the work, applying decorative elements over and over again. The work is helped by a plastic cross that matches the width of the seam. Wide seams are not recommended.
  • Upon completion, the tiles are polished soft cloth. When installing, it is important to measure each row using a building level.