What is detox? What is detox and is it necessary at all? Who needs a detox program and what is it?

IN Lately the word "detox" appears in beauty blogs much more often than the familiar word “diet”. Gwyneth Paltrow, Demi Moore, Drew Barrymore, Renee Zellweger, Madonna and Beyoncé proudly lead the “green” army, and on the Internet the number of offers to go on a detox retreat, try a detox menu or do a detox workout is off the charts. Wonderzine decided to figure out what detox is and who needs it.

Dina Popova

What is detox

Whether we like it or not, something extra is constantly deposited in our body, be it unnecessary kilograms or toxins, which the entire civilized world has recently declared cold war. Toxins are poisons harmful to the body that lie in wait for us everywhere: in poor quality water and food, in inorganic cosmetics and household chemicals, in the environment (especially if you live in a metropolis), in medicines and even in synthetic clothing and furniture. Toxins are declared the main culprits of most diseases, poor immunity and digestion, dull and dull appearance and depression and stress accompanying all of the above. In theory, our body is designed in such a way as to independently get rid of everything unnecessary. But when his own resources are no longer enough, all sorts of cleansing programs, detox gurus and nutrition specialists, who have recently begun to appear like mushrooms after rain, come to the rescue. So it is precisely detox that is the “reset” button for the body, by clicking on which you can start natural functions to cleanse and restore our body.

What's the point

Despite the existence of many programs and methods of cleansing, they are always based on several unbreakable rules - if you follow them, you can carry out a real spring cleaning in your body. These include a certain diet, the exclusion of unhealthy foods and the addition of foods that promote - or at least do not interfere with - the detoxification process (first on this list are all kinds of green cocktails and smoothies, freshly squeezed juices, green salads, creamy soups, superfoods, minimally processed legumes and grains), and physical exercise, SPA treatments, healthy sleep, relaxation and minimizing factors that contribute to body pollution and stress. It is also recommended to drink plenty of fluids in the form of plain water or herbal tea. Banned are all processed foods, products made from white flour and sweets, fast food, soda and packaged juices, fried and fatty foods, meat and dairy products, and sometimes seemingly innocent foods such as potatoes and bananas. In the detox blacklist you will also find all the famous bad habits like alcohol, smoking and a cup of aromatic espresso in the morning. As a result, chlorophyll, antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins and fiber should become your best friends, and unhealthy fats, empty carbohydrates, dyes and flavor enhancers, including all foods containing sugar and salt, are officially declared enemies.

But the game is worth the candle: as a reward for food asceticism, an endless list of bonuses awaits you, including getting rid of excess weight and allergies, improved complexion and skin, solution to almost all digestive problems, strong immunity, great mood and a charge of energy that will last for at least another six months.

Director of the Green School
in Gorky Park

I learned about detox from my friend Zhenya Kazarnovskaya. Her slimness and sparkling eyes made me think about cleansing - before that, I had never tried a single diet in my life. For several years I kept fasts, but this is a religion, and dieting for the sake of changing my appearance never came into my life. I really liked the state that you experience during detox: I didn’t drink a single gram of coffee, and I had more strength and inner excitement than on the busiest working days, when the number of things to do is such that you become reactive (albeit, while drinking a ton coffee). And here - not a bit. The hardest part was giving up bread. It was not difficult, but simply unbearable! But despite this, I will definitely undergo cleansing again and advise everyone to try it at least once.

How to prepare
and go through detox

Preparation for detox can take from a week to a month, it all depends on the initial data and innate love for green salads and freshly squeezed juices. If the latter is not your cup of tea, you shouldn’t rush headlong into detox: the body may simply not cope with the amount of toxins that have accumulated in it, and then the idea of ​​cleansing will have to be shelved. During preparation, you need to gradually give up prohibited foods and add as many recommended ones as possible: for example, replace White bread to whole grain, white rice to brown, and grains containing gluten to gluten-free. The detox itself can take from several days to several months - it all depends on your goals, capabilities and willpower. It will take about a week to come out of detox, during which you need to add familiar products and observe your body's reaction. If you suddenly feel uncomfortable after eating, for example, bread, then this is a sure sign that it is better to give it up altogether.
Best time to undergo detox - the beginning of spring and/or autumn. It is at this time that the body, according to experts and nutritionists, gets rid of everything unnecessary without much difficulty. It is also advisable that during detoxification you are not distracted by thoughts of upcoming deadlines, dinner parties and breakfasts with colleagues, during which it will be difficult for you to deny yourself a cup of forbidden cappuccino and croissant. So it is advisable to plan the upcoming detox in such a way that it coincides with your vacation or, at least, with a quiet work schedule.

Detox retreat

If you have unlimited financial capabilities and time, but your willpower has let you down a little, it’s better to go to one of the detox retreats scattered around the world, where you don’t have to worry about the quality of the products, their preparation and the search for a yoga teacher or fitness trainer. Such retreats are usually held in picturesque places, and all that remains for you is to enjoy the beautiful views and eat miniature dishes served by the best chefs on expensive porcelain dishes. The hottest destinations are Henri Chenot's clinic in Merano and English naturopath Lisa Jeans' Complete Retreat in Spain. The price of lost kilograms and acquired health will be 4,170 euros per week in the first case and 1,750 euros in the second. As a rule, during detox retreats the schedule is planned in such a way that you simply do not have free time not only to think about food, but even to read a book. Light meals (mostly raw food), fresh air, walks in the mountains, yoga, strength exercises, meditation, dancing, massage and other pleasant SPA treatments - this is an approximate list of activities that await you throughout the week. Many movie and show business stars are fans of such programs, where they leave about four to five extra pounds after or before filming the next film masterpiece.

owner of Jean Louis David salons

I learned about detox many years ago, after my friends visited Lisa Jeans in Spain. My first detox was at Kalari Kovilakom in India. Unfortunately, I was unable to stay for the full period (21 days) and reduced the program to 14. Detox is a serious process that requires serious treatment. In India, Panchakarma is offered, where the removal of toxins is carried out through ghee - warm ghee mixed with herbs and medicines, which you drink for four to seven days. On the second day I started to experience real withdrawal symptoms. My whole body ached, it was difficult to find a place where the pain would go away. But it’s worth it: the result after 14 days is not only a cleansed body and minus a couple of kilograms, but also a brain detox: much of what seemed important after the clinic turned out to be complete nonsense. After this trip, detoxing once or twice a year became a must for me. Here it is at the beginning next year I’m planning either Chiva-Som in Thailand, or Villa Paradiso on Lake Garda. I recommend detox to everyone - you don’t even have to fly overseas for it. You can cleanse yourself at home, there are many different detoxes, the main thing is to strictly follow all the rules.

Detox delivered to your home

If you have time to walk in the mountains and bask under strong hands You simply don’t have massage therapists, but you still want to get rid of hated toxins; specially designed nutrition programs will come to your aid, which a pleasant-looking courier will deliver to you directly to your home or office. The market leaders in Britain are The Pure Package, whose clients include Lily Cole, Florence Welsh, Mark Fast, Hugh Jackman and others. Also, juice detox, the so-called juice cleanse, is now gaining great popularity: companies like BluePrint, Liquiteria, Ritual Cleanse and Organic Avenue offer delivery of freshly squeezed juices and smoothies with the telling names Skin trip, Killer x, Royal flush, Transition and Booster. In our country, Just For You and its more budget-friendly version, Green Diet, do an excellent job of this task. In this case, you are also relieved of any concern about the quality of products and finding recipes, because the courier’s large black bag will not only contain a variety of fresh juices, smoothies and salads, but also an exact schedule for when all this should be eaten and drunk. You choose the duration of the program yourself, but the recommended period is from five to seven days, after which you can talk about some visible result.

My own specialist

Most a budget option, with which you can carry out a detox, is to go through it yourself, with the support of sites like Salatshop

I have a friend, her name is Alena Doletskaya. From time to time, he and my wife begin to take care of my health and take me with them to various detoxes. Thanks to them, I drank cucumber juice for a month in Spain, took an enema in Thailand, and walked with a bottle of diluted suspension through the mountains in Austrian Carinthia. The most difficult thing about detox is not the process itself, but the development of its results subsequently. Moscow life washes away all its charms in two months. Without violence against common sense, detox is a useful thing: it cleanses not only the stomach and intestines, but also the brain.

PHOTO: cover photo via Shutterstock, The Pure Package/flickr.com

The philosophy of a healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular and significantly influences the minds of modern metropolitan residents. But an environmentally friendly home, a proper diet, good sleep - all this would have no meaning without the mandatory “preparing” of the body for a new way of life - detox, which is a thorough cleansing of the body. This topic is especially relevant in the post-holiday period - a period when we are tired of an overabundance of “wrong” heavy food and drinks. FashionTime will tell you about the most popular, simple and available ways detox, will help you create an individual diet and get yourself in complete order.

What is detox?

The idea that our body needs systematic medical examination and cleansing has a history of more than a thousand years. The term "detox" came to us from Greek language and means the conscious destruction of toxic substances using complex methods. It is believed that the philosophy of the “pure organism” originated as an independent direction thanks to the Indian teaching of Ayurveda. In fact, by the 21st century, detox methodology has developed so much that modern medicine has identified detox as a separate area.

If earlier detoxification meant freeing us from the consequences of drug and alcohol addiction, today detox is a general set of health and cleansing procedures aimed at putting the gastrointestinal tract, liver, blood, skin and other body systems in order. The ultimate goal of detoxification is balance and harmony of the body, which is freed from excess, becomes healthier and functions like a clock.

Depending on how they feel and their complaints, those who decide to detox choose their own system that will help them improve their health and feel great.

Who needs a detox?

Despite the fact that cleansing prevention is considered a universal health procedure, there are whole line signs that indicate it’s time for a thorough detoxification.

To begin with, pay attention to external signs: often dull skin, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes, rashes become evidence of problems with excess toxins.

Symptoms that can be easily dealt with by cleansing the body are headaches, chronic fatigue, irritability and other consequences of prolonged stress.

For smokers and gourmets, detox becomes a mandatory and systematic procedure. However, coffee and alcohol lovers and those who do not watch their diet should also cleanse their body at least once every six months.

By treating body cleansing as a therapeutic measure, many serious health problems can be prevented. And - as nice bonus- after detoxification, you will immediately feel what a complete “reboot” and real lightness means.

Detox diets

Diets that cleanse the body not only have a generally healing and tonic effect, but also help to lose weight. overweight, which are especially noticeable after the January holidays. The main thing here is to observe moderation, strictly follow instructions and listen carefully to your body.

Typically, such diets are stressful for the body. In order for the transition to a less calorie and “cleansing” diet to go smoothly, we need mandatory preparation. If you decide to follow a detox diet, you should be patient and already a month before the cleansing begins, limit yourself to eating “heavy” foods. Forget about high-calorie foods, fatty and fried foods, include vegetables, fruits, herbs, and cereals in your diet. Two weeks before the start of the detox program, you should completely switch to a plant-based diet.

When switching to a cleansing diet, it is worth remembering that without moderate physical activity and proper rest, the diet itself will not be less effective. Within 3 days of following the diet, the body will be cleansed of toxins, and soon complete detoxification will occur. You should follow a strict detox diet for no longer than 10 days.

Main foods allowed on detox diets: apples, oranges, lemons, carrots, dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots), bananas, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, ginger, peppers, herbs, green tea, olive oil, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, nuts.

As an exception, you can eat a small portion of lean fish and goat cheese once per program.

Prohibited products: alcohol, coffee, sweets, flour, carbohydrates. You should refrain from fried and salty foods. The last meal should occur at least 3 hours before bedtime.

The main rules of any detox diet: start your day with glasses warm water with lemon. Before noon, eat fiber - cereals, apples. Remember to drink up to 3 liters of water per day.

Sample detox diet menu:

First day

For breakfast - water with lemon, fruit plate, live yogurt, herbal tea.

Late breakfast - walnuts or almonds.

For lunch - summer salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs) with olive oil.

Afternoon snack - apple or orange, herbal tea.

Dinner - vegetable puree soup (with water or vegetable broth without salt).

Second day

For breakfast - green tea, live yogurt, apple, bran.

Brunch - pumpkin or sunflower seeds.

Lunch - green salad with boiled salmon and olive oil.

Afternoon snack - banana, herbal tea.

Dinner - steamed vegetable stew (zucchini, carrots, onions, tomatoes, herbs, garlic).

The third day

For breakfast - warm lemon water, fruit puree.

Late breakfast - sunflower seeds, apple.

For lunch - vegetable puree soup.

Afternoon snack - live yogurt, nuts.

For dinner - leaf salad with olive oil and cucumbers, yogurt.

All detox diets are quite simple to follow, but they are difficult to stick to due to the feeling of hunger. By properly preparing for strict restrictions, you will help your body cope with stress.

Detox preparations and dietary supplements:

Special preparations designed to cleanse and heal the body also have a quick and effective effect. Naturally, it is worth realizing that dietary supplements and vitamins will not provide complete protection and detoxification, but they may well serve as assistants in the fight for a clean and healthy body.

The first step after the January excesses is to cleanse and protect the liver, which has experienced enormous stress due to the abundance of alcohol and fatty foods. One of the new products in the industry is a product from an American company Amway NUTRILITE™ liver assets. Manufacturers promise that the drug will improve the metabolic processes of the liver, increase its protective functions and contribute to its gradual recovery.

The composition of the new product is a centuries-proven milk thistle extract, supplemented vitamin complex. Milk thistle, which is a powerful antioxidant and widely known for its protective properties and a beneficial effect on liver cells, has a simply amazing effect due to natural silymarin. This substance can safely be called synonymous with cleansing; silymarin is also a powerful antioxidant. Complex formula NUTRILITE™ liver active, in addition, supplemented with five B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5 and B12). A 60-day course of dietary supplements will help improve metabolic processes in the liver, increase its resistance to adverse effects and speed up the restoration of its functions.

The usual drug is also considered affordable and effective. "Detofit", which can easily be found in any pharmacy. The basis of the syrup composition is artichoke extract, which activates intestinal activity and removes heavy metal salts and radionuclides. In addition, the product contains the entire range of useful microelements necessary for cleansing:

succinic acid helps cleanse the body and normalize well-being. Ginger extract rids the body of almost all types of toxins: food, alcohol, radiation, chemicals. Rose hip extract has an immunostimulating effect, cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol, has a vitaminizing, bactericidal, tonic effect.

Licorice root extract contains organic acids, essential oils, lipids and many other biologically active substances. Due to its composition, this plant is used for poisoning, and is also recommended as a general tonic, antimicrobial and antiallergic agent.

Vitamins B5 And AT 6 necessary in the body for normal fermentation and metabolism of fats and proteins.

Don’t forget about the proven sorbent Enterosgele, which is indicated for varying degrees of poisoning. The gel adsorbs not only toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract, but also viruses and allergens, thereby effectively restoring the function of the intestines, liver and kidneys. In addition to the emergency detoxification effect, Enterosgel excellent for general maintenance therapy.

Hardware cleanup

In addition to diets and medications, in some cases it is useful to perform mechanical cleansing of the body. Usually the result of intoxication of the body is visible “on the face” - the skin deteriorates and becomes dull, hair and nails become weak. The most reliable - and very pleasant - way to cleanse the skin and remove stagnant toxins is bath procedures. Dedicate a whole day to yourself, steaming your skin in a Russian bathhouse, Turkish hammam or Finnish sauna. Through the opened pores, along with sweat, not only surface impurities leave, but also toxic substances that interfere with the skin’s normal functioning.

Extreme ways to completely detox the body are laxatives, enemas and colon hydrotherapy. Despite the widespread belief about the benefits of such radical methods, doctors insist that resorting to direct intestinal lavage should only be done as a last resort. Don’t forget that along with harmful toxins, water also washes away the beneficial microflora that your body has been creating over the years.

The main thing is a sense of proportion

Detoxification of the body is a responsible and systematic process, and each stage of cleansing must be accompanied by support. Doctors advise carrying out a comprehensive detox, using several methods at once. Try, for example, combining trips to the sauna, a well-chosen diet and the use of special supplements - this approach will provide you with the desired result.

Don't forget that our body is a finely tuned instrument that can be broken with one wrong action. Don’t get carried away with fasting, don’t contradict your body, listen to it and its requests. Do not neglect consultations with doctors - in the end, only a real specialist can choose individual system cleansing that's right for you.

Don't forget to exercise - yoga, Pilates, stretching exercises will help you stay toned, energize you and speed up your metabolism, which is so important in the detoxification process.

Every day, along with food, the body enters harmful substances, which lead to the development various kinds diseases - both internal organs and skin. There is a slagging of decay products, so the process of cleansing the intestines and other organs is very important for a person.

There is now an opportunity to resolve this issue more in a modern way, as recognized .

This term refers to a certain way of eating that completely excludes harmful foods and adds to the diet those that contribute to the detoxification process. The list is dominated by all kinds of smoothies and green cocktails, grains and legumes, superfoods, puree soups, green salads, and freshly squeezed juices.

The detox complex also includes physical exercise, healthy sleep, SPA treatments, and relaxation. Plenty of plain water is recommended. All processed foods, sweets and flour products, fast food, juices and soda from packages, fatty and fried foods, dairy and meat products are prohibited. Man's best friends are chlorophyll, fiber, vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants. Harmful fats, flavor enhancers, dyes, and empty carbohydrates are declared enemies.

Who should use detox?

This complex is necessary for everyone, especially those people who live in environmentally hazardous areas, as well as in cities where there is heavy industry. It is also required by those who are not able to understand all the preservatives, GMOs, and dyes presented on store shelves.

In addition, detox is also needed for those who often take medications, especially antibiotics, or who have bad habits associated with smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

To do a general cleaning of the body, you need to include in your diet herbal teas from cardamom and ginger, cinnamon and fennel.

Drinking water

During cleansing, do not forget about taking regular drinking water without gas - at least one liter per day. The best fruits to eat are grapefruits, kiwis, apples and pomegranates. Steamed vegetables such as carrots, beets, spinach and cauliflower, will also become assistants in complex treatment.

It is best to make juices from fresh lettuce, celery and spinach, which contain a lot of green chlorophyll, which acts as a panacea for the body.

Owning useful information, a person has a chance to become strong and healthy again. By helping his body with a detox complex, he gives himself a charge of vigor and good mood.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


It is important not so much to go on a diet as to cleanse the intestines correctly and in a timely manner, ridding it of intoxication products - poisons, toxins, wastes. The dietary effect will not linger. Detox cleansing of the body, which provides radical changes in appearance, excellent health of a losing weight person.

What is detox

To lose weight, it is important to regulate the body's metabolic processes at the cellular level. Detox is effective fight with the results of holiday overeating and a passive lifestyle. The proposed nutrition course is designed for 3-5 days, and is allowed to be carried out at home without harm to health. Fasting is possible, since certain adjustments will have to be made to the daily menu.

Detox programs

If you are overweight, you should not hesitate. The selected Detox program will help you finally get rid of problem areas, become lighter, cleanse your digestive organs, and improve the condition of your skin, hair, and nails. Since the body accumulates harmful elements, the fat burning system is today optimal solution at any age in the absence of contraindications. When choosing detox principles, it is recommended to pay attention to the following areas:

  1. Fasting on vegetable broth. Take the indicated liquid 150 ml three times a day, while herbal tea and water are allowed to be consumed in unlimited portions. The duration of this program is 4 days.
  2. Water fasting. The most complex nutrition program, which has certain medical restrictions. There will be an effect, but such a detox diet is not suitable for everyone who wants to lose weight quickly and productively.
  3. Juice detox. In the morning, afternoon and evening you can only drink fruit juices and cocktails, prepare smoothies. Nutritionists recommend diluting the diet with vegetable ingredients, since fruits contain a large number of Sahara. You can dilute the menu with vegetable salads.
  4. Vegan detox. The basis of the diet is plant foods and several liters of water. Cleansing is effective if the program is followed for 7 to 21 days. Such experiments should not be carried out during pregnancy.
  5. Detox with steamed vegetables. It is better to immediately forget about fatty, spicy, sweet and fried foods and their recipes. The best way food processing - steamed, while the range of permitted ingredients is negotiated individually.

Hair detox

If the strands are particularly oily, you need to choose a therapeutic cosmetic mask to regulate the production of sebum by the glands of the scalp. In order not to look for time-tested recipes, it is recommended to use Hair Detox - a procedure that has been relevant for many years. Its essence is detoxification, it provides a superficial or deep cleansing to choose from. According to trichologists, the detox is suitable for all hair types and has the following features:

  1. This procedure functions as a scrub, regulates the functioning of the endocrine glands, removes dust, silicone, cosmetical tools and other pests from the hair structure.
  2. The shampoo keeps hair follicles in good shape and promotes their intensive growth. Detoxifier does not have side effects, therefore, the therapeutic effect is observed on hair of different structures.
  3. It is necessary to conduct 5-7 sessions to notice real changes from the detox procedure - there will be no more questions about what it is.

Detox for face

Masks for sensitive dermis are very popular and have minimal side effects. Facial detox is no less popular, as it helps remove toxins and waste from the deep layers of the dermis. Such toxic substances accumulate excess water in their structure, which contributes to the formation of wrinkles on the face and age spots on the body. The procedure is complex, and it is not always possible to carry it out at home. It is better to contact a professional cosmetologist.

Detox at home

If you decide to conduct a session at home, the main rule is to read the instructions on how to properly prepare the mask and avoid increased sensitivity of the epidermis. The reviews are positive, the selection of cosmetics for the face and body is huge. A home detox depends on your desired results.

  1. If you need to lose weight, your diet for 3-7 days is limited to low-calorie foods and sufficient fluid intake.
  2. If you want to cleanse your skin, you should carry out 5-7 cosmetic procedures. According to reviews, home activities also effectively cleanse sensitive skin.
  3. If we're talking about about problematic scalp, brittle hair, detox is the word that can save a once dull and lifeless hairstyle. Prices for drugs vary.


Even in the absence of chronic diseases, each person can be called conditionally healthy. Why is this so? We cannot survive without three things: food, water, air. However, they can cause the body to become sludge-laden, and then we get tired faster at work, sleep poorly, are more susceptible to colds and look older than our age. In such cases, detox cleansing will help. This program is popular with many stars. Just seeing how good they look is enough to convince you that the detox is working.

What is it for

Detox - what is it? This is a shortened name medical term- detoxification, in other words, this is a comprehensive cleansing of the body from all garbage (toxins, waste, salts) that our body is no longer able to cope with cleaning system. It is easy to understand exactly when a person needs this program based on the following signs:

  • bad breath;
  • there is a loss of strength;
  • bad mood for no apparent reason;
  • frequent colds;
  • sweat smells unpleasant;
  • skin rash, boils, acne;
  • Digestive problems.

If you are familiar with at least a few of these signs, it's time to think about your health. This means that the natural cleansing system has failed and outside help is needed, i.e. detox program for comprehensive cleansing of the body.

Until the age of 18-20, the body can cleanse itself, but then it needs additional help. Detoxification is based on a system of special nutrition over a certain period of time. As a result, wastes and toxins will leave the body naturally, thanks to this unloading internal organs will be able to work as usual.

Important! The best time for detox is in early autumn or spring. In addition, you should not do such things if you are stuck at work or have exams ahead. Nothing should interfere with your plans.

Popular programs

A healthy lifestyle is popular, but not everyone can stick to it. These detox programs will bring you closer to... healthy image life, and their results can be seen after the first passage. During this period, alcohol, cigarettes and coffee are excluded.


Fasting detox - what is it and is it safe? One of the radical methods to quickly cleanse the body, but this must be done carefully. You can fast a maximum of two times a week, with a break of several days between them. The program is designed for 3 days: on the 1st day you give up meat and fish, on the 2nd day you give up dairy foods, and on the 3rd day you can only drink water with lemon. The only thing you can afford is one apple. You can drink as much water as you like, but without gas.

Raw food diet

It is considered a more smoky program and is ideal for those who adore fruits and vegetables. The minimum passage period is 10 days, the most positive results can be achieved in a month. You can eat vegetables and greens in unlimited quantities; choose fruits with moderate glucose content, i.e. not too sweet. All products should not undergo heat treatment, this is the essence of the technique.


What is a juice detox and which ones are suitable? A glass of freshly squeezed juice from your favorite fruits and vegetables will be the first step to your health. You need to drink juices at least 6 times a day, and prepare fresh juices each time. During the entire course, stick to a diet and eat less fatty, fried and floury foods, so that there is no heavy load on the stomach.

Be sure to consult a nutritionist if you want to choose the 1st or 3rd detox method. These are more radical methods; they require not only great willpower, but also the absence of contraindications.

How to prepare the body

At any SPA resort you can undergo detoxification under the guidance of a nutritionist. If, of course, there are no opportunities, you can just as successfully organize a detox of the body at home. The main thing is to follow all the rules! The first rule is to prepare yourself for detox. This may take a significant amount of time, depending on how you ate before. If you preferred fatty and fried foods, and also liked to treat yourself to sweet desserts, then it will take about a month.

During this time, you need to give up junk food and give more preference plant foods and whole grain cereals, and after 20.00 there is a strict ban on food. Try to add less salt and pepper to your dishes. Drink more water, juices, and forget about coffee for a while. Start every morning with a glass of water with lemon juice.

From fermented milk products Biokefir is useful because it contains bifidobacteria, which are necessary for normal intestinal microflora.

“Golden” rules of the wellness program

Detox - what is it, a fashion statement or really health care? It is enough to try cleansing once to understand that it is necessary. You need to approach this process seriously, but in no case should you force yourself to study through force. A positive attitude and faith in success - and the result will not keep you waiting! And be sure to follow these rules:

  1. Eat small meals more often than usual, 5-6 times a day. Instead of buns and sweet pies, take vegetable salads, fruits and nuts to work.
  2. Use extra virgin olive oil for cooking.
  3. Drink at least 1.5 liters of still water daily. In addition to it, you can drink green tea or with ginger, as well as lemon water. All of these drinks will speed up the detoxification process.
  4. Play sports, just not active types. Let this be yoga, swimming or other sports where you don’t need to physically overwork.
  5. Spend enough time on fresh air. If the weather permits, take a mandatory 30-minute walk every evening before going to bed. On the weekend, take a bike ride out of town instead of sitting in front of the TV or computer.
  6. Plan your night's rest in such a way that you always have at least 6 hours of good sleep.
  7. When you finish detoxing your body, gradually return to your previous diet. First, introduce low-fat protein foods into your diet, and then gradually carbohydrates.
  8. Consider medical contraindications. Pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding should not undergo detoxification. Chronic diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and endocrine systems are serious limitations.
  9. Comprehensive cleansing is not only nutrition according to the rules, but also a reason to pay more attention to yourself. Try aromatherapy today, and do a tonic tomorrow warm bath. On the weekend, let there be a sauna or a visit to a massage therapist.
  10. Be sure to avoid stressful situations.

If you are asked: detox - what is it? Answer boldly - this is health, strength and beauty! And let the laziest people not believe you and doubt you, but try at least once. See the results and cleansing will become a must-have healthy habit.