Restoring the aura: help yourself and teach others. How to restore the human energy field

You need to take care not only of the skin of your face and hands, but also of your own biofield. Although it is invisible, it largely determines our health, mood, and appearance.

You can believe or not believe in the evil eye, damage, curses, this is everyone’s personal matter. But this does not change the situation. It is what it is, no matter how much you talk about it.

Psychics, magicians and healers (no matter what they call themselves) really heal and even save. But, of course, only those who are endowed with power from above and do not make a cash cow out of their talent.

It's like with meteorites. There is a well-known curiosity when the French Academy of Sciences in the 18th century. decided that there are no meteorites and there cannot be, since the sky is not the firmament, but an air mass.

There is nowhere for the stones to come from. Take another example: star systems, galaxies, nebulae, located at an unimaginable distance from us.

Will you see them even in a clear sky? No! The capabilities of the sharpest eye are limited. But all this exists, just look through a telescope. There is no reflexology either, they said in the 60s of the 20th century. There are no chakras, no energy channels...

Human feelings are imperfect, and neither is knowledge. And don’t forget how much ideological attitudes and habits influence us.

A person is very often unable to see something new precisely because he is convinced that this is impossible. And in the end, the one who wins or wins is the one who lives by his own mind and acts when necessary, contrary to traditions and habits.

For improvement physical condition, strengthening neuropsychic stability and protection from other people's thoughts and other people's energy that is harmful to you, a set of exercises is offered.

During the first two weeks, they should be performed 30 minutes - 1 hour before bedtime, after waking up and during the day (especially before meeting with an unpleasant person).

As your condition improves, you can “put on protection” first in the morning and evening, and then only in the morning. Under normal conditions, to ensure safety, it is enough to use one of the first three methods of protection, but if this turns out to be not enough, you need to resort to any of the listed methods in increasing order.

1. Fortress wall.

To protect yourself from harmful effects energy of unkind people, you need, as soon as you feel or notice an unkind look on yourself, to concentrate and imagine that your face is enveloped by the warm, gentle rays of the sun.

At the same time, you should quickly mentally build a wall of shining solar energy in front of you, protecting you from the penetration of anything bad from the outside.

You can also make it from ordinary bricks or stones, mentally imagining the wall of a fortress, castle, etc. You should “hold” the wall the entire time you are near the “black person” and for a few more minutes after you part with the bad person.

After all, it is believed that damage and the evil eye are easily induced from a distance. By the way, the wall does not have to be “solar” or stone, it can be built from any durable material, and best of all, from mirrors that will reflect the negative impacts of the “black man”, sending them back to oneself.

2. Closure of the bioframework.

This method, which has received such a scientific name, has been known since ancient times. If there are fears that the evil eye or damage is being cast on you, cross your legs and do the same with your arms.

Bioenergy therapists believe that the meaning of these gestures is that in this way you close the circuit of your biofield and prevent the attacker from influencing you.

3. Rings.

This is also a method that has come down to us from God knows how old. Connect the thumb and index fingers of one hand, respectively, with the thumb and index fingers of the other, forming a ring. The remaining fingers of the hands are placed on top of each other.

Or: connect the thumb and index fingers of your right hand in a ring, place the ends of the fingers in the middle of the palm of your left, and then close the same fingers inside the first ring.

This has been tested by the ancient Indians " security system" called "nested rings".

4. Cocoon.

To perform this yogic technique, you need to develop the ability to sense any objects at a considerable distance.

First, you should master “touching with your gaze,” that is, mentally touching objects and capturing the sensation from them. You can touch the object with your hand, and then try to reproduce this feeling mentally. Then, without looking at the object, “touch” it again.

You should not close your eyes while doing this. After mastering this exercise, you can build a “cocoon”.

You must first imagine and then try to feel that at the level of the intercostal space in front, behind and on the sides at arm's length there are four warm golden peas, forming a lying in horizontal plane cross, the center of which is on vertical axis bodies.

When the cross rotates, a hoop is formed, which can easily be turned into a cocoon that surrounds your body and does not allow any negative influences to penetrate inside.

The process of building a cocoon takes about 1 minute. The cocoon has very dense walls formed by several biofield shells wound one on top of the other.

You can imagine the shells different colors. It is advisable to use shades of gold, blue or orange. It is very important to clearly understand all your actions.

Training in “probing” objects is quite tiring, and therefore you should not train more than seven times a day, and the duration of one training session should not exceed 2 minutes.

Let us note right away that mastering this method requires preparation. Same as for the next method.

5. Butterfly cocoon.

It is built on visualization techniques, i.e. possession of a vivid internal imagination to create mental images.

Imagine that a silk thread begins to grow from the tip of your right big toe. You lie with your legs closed and your arms pressed to your body.

You begin to wrap yourself with this thread, leaving not a single crack anywhere. When you reach the top of your head, tie a knot.

If you train, you will be able to create a cocoon not only in the indicated position, but anywhere and anytime. Mentally, of course, you should imagine that this soft thread forms an impenetrable “shield” for the enemy.

6. Cross.

This protection is most effective for Christians of any persuasion. It will not suit a Muslim or a Jew, since this is, let’s say, religious protection.

Surround yourself on all sides with crosses, first placing them close to your body.

Slowly, with effort, starting from the head, begin to move the crosses away from you to a distance of 1 meter from you.

Compare your condition before and after moving the crosses and try to feel whether this method of protection from the evil eye and damage helps you.

7. Discarded backpack.

This is a simple method of biohygiene. All day we are on the run, all day we are in business. Some kind of “biological infection” will definitely stick to you. Or maybe it won’t stick, but will reach out for you and “figure out” your house or apartment.

We don’t know what the “black magic master” will do next. But, as practice shows, you can end up in big trouble in the most different areas. In addition, keep in mind that you come into contact with other people’s biofields all day long.

They crumple, deform, pierce, and stain your aura. Even those who are sitting in a “cool foreign car” are not immune from this misfortune, because they get stuck in traffic jams.

For information, the biofield of a healthy person, shaped like an egg, at its widest part, in diameter, is 3 meters!

Therefore, if you ran around and got nervous, do not burst into the house like a bullet.

Stop at the door, imagine that all the astral rubbish has gathered into an invisible, but tightly held backpack. Then, throwing your hands down, exhale sharply and shake the backpack onto the floor behind your back.

Then mentally imagine how it burns with a bright flame. And so - every day. After that, enter the house with a smile.

8. Water off a duck's back.

To get rid of all the bad things that have “stuck” during the day or over some time, you can use another technique.

You need to rub your palms one against the other until warmth appears in them and then bring them to your face, as if building a protective sphere around your head.

In this case, you should close your eyes and imagine that all the bad things in you are going into your hands, and then shake this bad things off your hands into the fire or onto the ground. It is useful to carry out this procedure before preparing food so as not to introduce evil into it.

9. Burning in a candle flame.

Sit alone in a room. The light is soft, you can turn on soft music, which has a beneficial effect on you.

Insert a thin church candle into the candlestick (stock up on a few more, one may not be enough) or any other one, that will also work.

Sit comfortably and, looking at the flame, quietly tell the candle about all your accumulated troubles.

Take your time, it’s good if it takes you up to 30 minutes to talk with a candle.

See how much easier it becomes for you after this.

This set of exercises allows you to restore the biofield and make the aura “impenetrable” to various energy influences.

What to do to restore the biofield?

This set of exercises effectively eliminates holes in the aura and restores the biofield. This helps prevent loss of energy, which is extremely important for spiritual growth and the development of superpowers, restores health, and gives a charge of vitality and vigor.

Exercise "Golden Skeleton"

1. Feel, sense, imagine or think about the golden energy swirling around your feet in a clockwise direction. This energy must be allowed to enter the body through the feet. The mineral composition of the bones makes the skeleton a good conductor for this purified energy.

2. Now, bone by bone, you need to direct this golden energy through the entire skeleton: you should imagine that it rises higher and higher through the bones of the toes, the energy passes through all the bones, moves up the ankles to the knees, then goes to the bones of the hips.

4. Then you need to imagine how the flow of energy passes through the shoulders and shoulder blades, down the chest and around the ribs.

5. Then the flow of energy is directed through the bones of the arms to the hands and to all the small bones of the hands and fingers.

6. Now you should direct attention and energy up to the bones of the neck, pass it around the jaw through the teeth, and “wash” the skull with it.

During this exercise, you should be in a relaxed state and breathe deeply. It is important to allow the golden energy to pass through all the bones of the body, to feel its movement as brightly as possible.

Exercise "Golden Brain"

In this exercise you need to move all the golden energy into the brain. To do this you should:

1. Move your attention inside the brain and express the intention that the brain will absorb this energy. You need to start with the cerebral cortex (the gray matter covering top part brain).

2. Then you need to transfer the energy deeper. Just below the gray matter is white matter, the largest part of the brain. White matter is responsible for development psychic abilities. Should be allowed white matter absorb this golden energy like a sponge. Consciousness will independently distribute energy between the two hemispheres.

You need to direct the golden energy into it and completely surround this small point with it, and then express the intention that this energy will be completely absorbed into the pituitary gland.

You should also mentally voice your intention to activate the hormonal changes you desire. The pituitary gland is the first point of contact and is energetically connected to the pineal gland.

4. Now you should move your attention to the center of the brain. This area is also sometimes called the sacred chamber. This is where the pineal gland is located. This is a small, kidney-shaped dot. You need to direct energy into it and express the intention so that this golden energy is completely absorbed into this center.

5. Also in this part of the brain is the hypothalamus² and thalamus³. The thalamus is a fan-shaped organ consisting of gray matter, framed by white matter. Two sections of the thalamus are located in the two hemispheres of the brain. The thalamus is responsible for the power of visualization.

At this stage, you should imagine a golden butterfly in the center of your head. Your intention should be to enhance its radiance with the help of golden energy.

Here is an ovoid-shaped organ called the pons. One should imagine this egg-shaped organ being completely covered in radiant golden light.

7. After this, with the strongest intention you need to direct the golden energy down the entire spinal cord.

During this exercise you need to be in a relaxed state and breathe deeply.

Restoring the aura through the endocrine system

During this step, golden energy flows through the entire endocrine system. To do this you need:

1. Focus the golden energy within the parathyroid and thyroid glands, which are located at the bottom of the throat. The intention must be expressed so that the golden energy is completely absorbed into these glands.

2. Above the heart area below chest The thymus gland is located. This is the point at which all the energy of the body is accumulated. Increased energy emission in the area above the heart is one of the key points in restoring the biofield.

By directing energy to this center, we heal the energy body and restore the aura.

To do this, you should direct the golden energy to the thymus gland and give the command so that this energy is completely absorbed. By an effort of will, you need to imagine filling this gland with golden energy as clearly as possible. Subsequently, from this center, energy will nourish the entire heart area.

3. Then you need to move your attention to the heart muscle. The heart is not part of the endocrine system. But, nevertheless, the pericardial sac, which surrounds the heart, must be filled with this healing energy. This will improve the functioning of the heart and improve the health of the entire body.

4. The pancreas is located to the left of the navel; it also needs to be saturated with golden energy.

5. Now you need to move your attention to the middle of the back - to the adrenal glands or adrenal glands. They are located above the kidneys. These internal organs should be filled with energy with the power of intention.

6. Then you need to move your attention a little further down - to the ovaries or testicles, directing golden energy into them.

The energy then flows down through the thighs, legs and ankles into the feet.

Grounding energy to restore the biofield

At this stage, you should “ground” the energy. To do this, direct the golden energy that rotates around the legs clockwise into the ground. There, this energy changes due to the vibrational frequencies of the earth and comes out of it in the form of a concentrated beam (all steps must be imagined as vividly as possible in your imagination).

Then this beam of energy must be directed through the entire body, passing through all energy centers - chakras⁴. The change in energy may be felt as a change in temperature or a tingling sensation.

Restoring the biofield through human energy centers

Life Center

First, to restore the aura, energy is directed to 1 energy center. To nourish it with energy, you should:

1. Direct your attention to the base of the spine (tailbone area) and feel, feel or imagine a glowing red sphere in this area. You need to imagine how a golden ray gently enters this sphere and fills it, as a result of which the sphere begins to radiate in all directions.

Then you need to direct the beam of golden energy to the next energetic creative-sexual center.

Creative-sexual center

This is the second energy center human body. It is located approximately between the upper edge of the pubic bone and the navel and appears as an orange sphere. To saturate this center with golden energy, you need:

1. Focus your attention on this center and imagine how a golden beam of energy fills the orange sphere.

2. When filling the sphere with energy, one should express the intention to bless, strengthen and balance this center. This is how we awaken our sexuality and creativity.

During the exercise, you should be in a relaxed state and breathe deeply.

Solar plexus area

Then the beam of energy is directed higher and reaches the solar plexus area. This is another energy center. It should be imagined as a yellow sphere. When filling the sphere with energy, you should express the intention to bless, strengthen and balance this center.

Breathing during work is calm, the state is relaxed.

Heart area

Next, you should direct your attention and the golden ray of energy higher, to the center of the heart. This is an emerald colored sphere. Having imbued this area with energy, you need to move your attention just above the heart - to the area of ​​the thymus gland. The intention should be to strengthen the golden light in this part of the body. When performing the exercise, you can feel warmth in the heart area.

When you feel full, you can move on to the next center.

Throat area

The throat area is another energy center of our body. It appears as a blue sphere. This center is a special gate: this is the place where the energy of heaven and earth merges together and is reincarnated into vitality person. This is the center of truth, which is why the words we speak have such power.

Having reached this center with your attention, you need to imagine how a golden ray fills the throat area and restores energy.

You can slowly turn your head from side to side while the energy feeds the throat area.

Then you should take a deep breath and turn your attention to the area between the eyebrows.

"Third Eye"

To do this, you need to concentrate your attention on this area and direct a beam of golden energy upward, through the center of the brain closer to the forehead. This is where the indigo color area is located. With your imagination, you should concentrate the beam in this center, imagining how it is filled with energy and begins to glow like a precious stone.

In this work, one should express the intention to develop superpowers, deepen wisdom and increase understanding. This area is also associated with telepathy, the development of the sixth sense.

Crown area

After the center between the eyebrows is filled with energy, you should move your attention and the beam of golden energy upward, to the center of the crown. You should imagine how the golden energy begins to swirl around the top of your head, forming a halo above your head.

"Delay and Eject"

Then, with strong intention, you need to exhale air through your mouth, imagining as you exhale a fountain of colored energy rising up through your head and spiraling down. This colored energy envelops the body, restores the biofield, and strengthens the connection with the energy of the earth.

This concludes the exercise. It is advisable to perform this practice daily. This will help not only restore energy and biofield, but also strengthen the aura, making it “impenetrable” for negative impacts⁵ which in turn will have a beneficial effect on overall health.

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ The pituitary gland is a cerebral appendage in the form of a round formation located on the lower surface of the brain in a bony pocket called the sella turcica, produces hormones that affect growth, metabolism and reproductive function (Wikipedia).

² The hypothalamus is a small area in the diencephalon, which includes a large number of groups of cells (over 30 nuclei) that regulate the neuroendocrine activity of the brain and the homeostasis of the body (Wikipedia).

³ Thalamus is a region of the brain responsible for the redistribution of information from the senses, with the exception of smell, to the cerebral cortex (

Tell me, can a candle restore the aura? Maybe you know how to restore the biofield yourself? Andrey

Good day, Andrey.

To begin with, so that there is no substitution of concepts, it is necessary to clearly define the difference between the aura and the biofield. The biofield is human cosmic energy. It is both in the physical body and goes beyond it, reaching the boundaries of the Universe. Therefore, it can be treated, just as it can be disrupted, while being far from the subject.

Aura is a concept on a less global scale. This is the energetic part of our physiology that follows the contours of the body. It has not yet been sufficiently studied, but is already recognized even by many practicing doctors. The aura is like an invisible shell for a person, covering the influence of bad energy during direct physical contact with other people.

It is not for nothing that, for example, Filipino healers, before beginning manipulations with the human body, first remove this energy shell. A damaged aura, just like the biofield, attracts many diseases, so monitoring the quality of these two substances is as important as monitoring the condition of your heart, liver, and kidneys.

It is easier to restore the aura than the biofield. Aggravating factors in this case are injuries, marks from operations, and numerous moles. These are, to a certain extent, energy cuts. In this case, you cannot do without professionals. But if you are not burdened with these problems, then a candle can help.

How to restore your aura with a candle

It's better to take a church candle. For safety, do not forget to place a jug with clean water. Sit on your knees in front of the mirror, light a candle. Look at the fire for a long time, swaying your body from side to side, until a state of some kind of trance sets in. Then go to the mirror, taking a candle in your left hand, and circle your image with it. Pray, reading the prayer, “Our Father!”, and go to bed.

Perhaps the flame will behave restlessly, which indicates a high degree of depravity of the aura. If after seven sessions the candle still “worries,” you need to contact professional healers. And if she behaves calmly, then three such procedures are enough.

Restoring the biofield is a long process, but pleasant, since it is associated with the cleansing of the soul. Prayers, temples, meditation, essential herbs: incense, mint, lavender, bergamot, classics (preferably Mozart). This is just part of the recipe. Try to do at least one good deed for strangers every day and not ask for gratitude for it. Remember what the poet said: “The soul must work day and night!”

Everyone knows the feeling of loss of strength after communicating with someone a certain person:you feel a complete loss of strength, energy decline, stomach cramps and headache. This is a typical reaction to loss of energy.

Some people "suck" your energy, without even knowing it. But you should not indulge in energetic “vampirism”. You can protect yourself from this using the method of closing the internal energy circuit. No one can “steal” your energy if your energy flows are closed and circulate only within the body and aura.

To close the energy chain, sit cross-legged at the level of the ankle joints, and connect the pads of the fingers of both hands with each other. You can connect only the pads of the thumb and index fingers. This completes your energy chain. You have protected yourself from energy losses.

Next time you interact with an energy vampire, assume this position. Place your hands calmly in your lap, interlocking your fingers and crossing your ankles. This is a common, completely natural posture for a person, which will not arouse any suspicion in the interlocutor. By the way, it is useful to do this when communicating with such a person on the phone.

When starting to practice such protection, be prepared for the fact that many people with whom you communicate will begin to reproach you for being closed and cold, although you have not lost your friendliness and openness. You just don’t allow anyone to steal your energy!

Technique No. 2. Energy breathing technique

In order for the aura to be strong and healthy, it is necessary Fresh air and proper breathing. Inhaling through the nose ensures maximum energy flow into the aura.

When a person breathes through his mouth, his aura loses energy. It harms everyone energy system. There are no filters between the mouth and lungs, and dust, dirt and other “ethereal debris” enter there with the air. In addition, when a person breathes through the mouth, cold air, and the person gets sick with acute respiratory infections, bronchitis and even pneumonia.

Breathing through the nose charges our body with energy. The inner surface of the nose absorbs prana from the air - the life force with which the air is saturated. In many eastern breathing techniques, one deliberately concentrates attention on the tip of the nose and the entire nasal cavity during the inhalation phase. This promotes increased absorption of prana from the air, recharges the aura and activates the activity of all internal systems body.

The nostrils and nasal ducts are covered with tiny hairs that filter and sift the air. In addition, the incoming air is heated in the nasal mucosa. The air entering the lungs is purified and warmed, and the aura is charged with energy and strengthened.

IN breathing exercises Yogis call moon breathing go, and solar breathing - pingala. The fusion of ida with pingala gives birth to su-shumna. Our energy is characterized by two polarities - positive and negative, male and female, solar and lunar. The energy breathing technique quickly saturates the aura with energy and neutralizes the polarization of the body, improves memory and the ability to assimilate information, and also harmonizes the activity of both hemispheres of the brain. If you perform this technique before learning new material, the learning time will be dramatically reduced, and the material will be grasped much easier and faster. If you do it throughout the day, it will effectively restore your strength.

The basic technique is alternating breathing through the nose, when inhalation occurs through one nostril and exhalation through the other. (Don’t forget that by consciously focusing your attention on the tip of your nose, especially during the inhalation phase, you greatly increase the effectiveness of this technique.) The rhythmic change in the “direction” of breathing is set by the fingers covering one or another nostril.

  1. Press it to your nose thumb right hand and exhale. Place the tip of your tongue on the upper palate behind your front teeth.
  2. Close your right nostril thumb; Inhale slowly in four counts through your left nostril.
  3. Continuing to close your right nostril, tightly pinch your left nostril with four fingers and hold your breath for sixteen counts. If you have never practiced concentrated rhythmic breathing techniques, then sixteen counts is too much for you. Then reduce this number or count at a faster pace. Over time, you will develop the ability to hold your breath for longer periods of time. Try inhaling for three counts, holding the breath for six counts, and then exhaling for three counts. Experiment until you find the optimal execution time to target. initial stage performing this practice.
  4. Release your thumb, opening your right nostril. Continue to keep your left nostril closed. Exhale slowly through the right nostril for eight counts.
  5. Open your left nostril and remove right hand. Now raise your left hand to your nose and close your left nostril with your thumb. Inhale through your right nostril for four counts, then close your right nostril with the remaining fingers of your left hand and hold your breath, slowly counting to sixteen.
  6. Open your left nostril. Continue to keep your right nostril closed. Exhale slowly in eight counts through your left nostril.
  7. Repeat this cycle 4-5 times on each side alternately. Inhalation is performed through one nostril, then the breath is held, and exhalation is performed through the other nostril. The same procedure is then performed with a change of active nostril. For quick recovery, perform this technique four to five times for each nostril. At the same time, the body and aura are quickly saturated with fresh energy.
Every ten days, increase the number of repetitions by one.

Technique No. 3. Cleansing Spiral Technique

This exercise is based on visualization, it effectively cleanses and harmonizes the auric field. It is useful to do it in the evening, especially on days when you communicated with a lot of people. Completion time is five minutes.

  1. Sit comfortably and perform the technique of alternating rhythmic breathing through your nose. You can read a mantra or prayer. Then try to relax completely.
  2. Imagine how a small transparent fiery white vortex begins to form at a height of six meters above your head. It resembles a small energy funnel. As the funnel forms, imagine that its diameter is large enough to accommodate your aura. Imagine the tip of the funnel to be very thin and small. It should fit freely into the crown of the head and down along the spine.
  3. Visualize this vortex of “spiritual fire” swirling and spinning clockwise. When it touches your aura, it sucks in and burns all the energy debris you have accumulated.
  4. Imagine how this vortex descends lower and lower, entering your body and aura. It cleanses your energy field, freeing it from foreign energies accumulated during the day.
  5. Let it flow freely down your body and out through your legs into the ground.

Technique No. 4. Protecting your aura with essential oil scents

Information, which is recorded in plant cells is transferred to essential oils. Since plants have a colossal reserve vital energy, then the aromas of essential oils, penetrating into the human aura, effectively influence its electromagnetic field. These aromas increase the immunity of the aura, harmoniously distribute energy, close holes, cracks, tails and other defects in the aura that arise as a result of the aggressive influence of the energy of the surrounding world. In other words, essential oils restore the integrity of the aura, condense its field and enhance radiance.

Choose a specific oil or set of oils that corrects your energy problem that you intuitively know about. Certain oils can also be used for preventive purposes.

In order for the aromas of essential oils to effectively affect your bioenergy, you need to apply them to active (acupuncture) points on the body. To do this, you need to first prepare a bioenergy mixture. This is how she prepares.

Take 5-7 drops of your chosen essential oil and mix with 10-20 grams of any massage oil vegetable oil. This can be jojoba, cedar, sesame, soybean oils, walnut, avocado, almonds, grape seeds, apricot and peach kernels, coconut, wheat germ, pumpkin, etc. After taking a shower or bath, apply the prepared mixture to the following points of the body: the “third eye” area (between the eyebrows), earlobes, occipital cavity , area adjacent to the navel, area under the chest, elbow bends, wrists, inner surface thighs, lower legs and center of the feet. Then apply a few drops of pure essential oil to the comb and comb your hair - this way you will restore the energy halo.

You can also fumigate the room you are in. At the same time, the efficiency of energy purification in the space around you increases significantly.

Now let's talk about how specific essential oils affect the aura.

  • Orange: y densifies the energy layer of the aura after heavy long illness. Opens channels for positive information.
  • Basil: rejuvenates the aura. An effective antioxidant.
  • Bergamot: neutralizes aggressive energy coming from environment, enhances the radiance of the aura. Helps achieve creative success.
  • Verbena: Reduces the size of defects in the aura. Rejuvenates and smoothes the skin.
  • Carnation: strengthens the aura after injuries and operations. Protection from other people's anger and energy vampirism.
  • Geranium: restores correct form auras. Eliminates inferiority complex.
  • Bitter Orange: strengthens the aura, increases the spirituality and charm of the individual.
  • Ylang-ylang: develops the higher chakras. Strengthens the energy of love and kindness.
  • Ginger: eliminates energy tails and restores the aura after aggressive exposure to negative energies. Develops integrity of nature.
  • Kayaput: redistributes energy in the aura, pumping it up to underdeveloped chakras. Protection from envy.
  • Cedar: restores and renews the energy of the aura after stress and overstrain of the nervous system. Develops healthy motivation.
  • Cypress: promotes the harmonious distribution of energy in the aura. Complete protection from aggressive external energies.
  • Cinnamon: regenerates and thickens the aura. Eliminates self-pity and increases optimism.
  • Lavender: relaxes energy tension in the aura and dissolves auric nodes. Frees a person from the desire to envy others.
  • Incense: Returns the black energy that invaded your aura to the one who sent it to you. Aroma against evil eye and curses. “Patches up” energy cracks in the aura. Increases the glow of the aura.
  • Leuzea: Charges the aura with energy. Helps quickly restore strength after heavy physical activity.
  • Marjoram: strengthens the aura and enhances faith in oneself and one’s own strengths.
  • Melissa: regulates the energy of the aura. Inspires optimism.
  • Myrrh: Restores radiance and symmetry to the aura. Develops the ability to forgive other people's mistakes. Oil of love.
  • Juniper: protects the aura from aggressive energy. Develops intelligence and ability to find correct solution any problem.
  • Nutmeg:increases the energy density in the aura. Develops intuition and tolerance in love.
  • Mint: Renews the energy layers of the aura. Strengthens spiritual intimacy.
  • Oregano: “darns” holes in the aura that arise due to a person committing impulsive (ill-considered) actions. Helps cope with hysteria and temperament.
  • Patchouli: brightens and aligns the aura. Helps to objectively analyze any situation.
  • Rose: harmonizes the energy of the aura. Transforms the unconstructive energy of frustration and bad thoughts into the spiritual energy of self-knowledge.
  • Rosemary: Increases aura immunity to black energy. Develops the heart chakra and returns interest in life after depression.
  • Sandalwood: condenses the energy of the aura. Promotes the development of talent and creative self-expression. Oil of love.
  • Pine: eliminates stagnant processes in the aura, promotes cleansing and renewal of the aura. Frees a person from feelings of guilt. Heals emotional traumas and fosters a philosophical attitude towards life.
  • Yarrow: guardian of the aura from aggression, theft and injury.
  • Thyme: enhances the radiance of the aura and increases its immunity. Eliminates the mechanisms of self-destruction of the individual.
  • Tea tree:resolves energy tumors, especially in the area of ​​the energy halo, resulting from unproductive thinking and the adoption of destructive life attitudes.
  • Sage: heals and renews the aura after deception in love. Expels black energies. Allows you to realize your creative potential.
  • Eucalyptus: Charges the aura with energy lost as a result of illness, curse, hatred and stress.

By learning to strengthen and cleanse your aura, you not only destroy blockages in perception, but also increase the threshold of your sensitivity. You connect the physical and metaphysical worlds and begin to experience the more subtle aspects of life. Your intuition develops and your consciousness expands. Every new day becomes an extraordinary adventure, and life becomes a never-ending spiritual journey. This is the way to preserve youth, health and inner beauty.

It's no secret that people in modern world There is magic all around. Many of us do not notice it, but this does not mean that there is no magic. Perhaps things happened to you that were very difficult or even impossible to rationally explain. In such situations, most often we refer to chance or coincidence, which is not at all true.

Aura person, or in scientific language " biofield“like a magnet, attracts events, people and incidents to its owner. The quality of a person’s life and the events occurring around him depend on the state of the aura.

Raise your standard of living, improve your financial situation, get promotion at work, achieve career growth, establish a good relationship with others and other human everyday desires are impossible to fulfill without a pure aura corresponding to them.

How to restore the aura and biofield

Before you begin directly to cleanse and restore your aura, you should understand the reason for its current deterioration.

You need to understand exactly what is stopping you from achieving your goals and desires. These could be unpleasant people, your own reluctance to make efforts to get the desired result, lack of confidence in yourself and your strengths, fear of change and other reasons.

When you have precisely identified the circumstances that are preventing you from achieving your goals, you need to renounce them for a while. In a short period without these actions, people or habits, you can completely restore your aura.

Restoring the aura during painful sensations in the body

The simplest and in an accessible way independent restoration of the biofield If you experience pain in one or another part of the body, apply foil. The total recovery procedure time is on average one week.

To carry it out, you need to be patient and have a roll of foil. On the area of ​​the body where pain occurs, you need to apply a cut from food foil sheet. The size of the foil should correspond to the affected area on the body. If necessary, secure the foil with adhesive tape or tape.

The duration of such a daily procedure depends on personal well-being. From 5 to 30 minutes every day for 7 days is enough. After use this method You must completely restore my aura.

During the week, try not to overload, avoid contact with negative people and don’t do things you don’t like. Avoid restoring the biofield using foil if you are allergic to metal.

After suffering stress

Key role in restoration of the biofield After nervous disorders and breakdowns, stress and difficult days, complete relaxation plays a role. Give yourself a free 30 minutes. Place a small pillow on a flat, smooth surface. Lay down on it. Relax. Hear your measured and even breathing.

Imagine a large white funnel above the top of your head that sucks out the negativity, fatigue, and poor health from you. Feel how bad energy leaves you along with the funnel. Imagine a multi-colored glow around you, which becomes brighter and more saturated, filling you with new pure strength.

Rest. Mentally repeat the phrase: “Everything is fine.” When you feel complete relaxation and relaxation of the body, you can slowly rise and begin to do things with a completely restored aura.

After removing the damage

Removing damage is a labor-intensive process that greatly consumes and weakens a person’s own aura. For recovery auras after damage It is necessary to stop listening to loud music and contacts with people for several days. unpleasant people, watching TV and searching for information on the Internet.

Human condition after removal severe damage characterized by fatigue and weakness in the body, headache, reluctance to see the world. After suffering for several days in such a difficult condition, a person should feel relief and satisfaction with his living conditions.

Good relationships will help restore the biofield. Devote all your free minutes and hours to yourself and your loved ones. Spend as much time as possible with them, relax with your family, and recharge with positive energy from your family and friends.

Try not to think about problems, worries and enemies. Feel how your aura gains strength and fills your body with new opportunities to implement your plans.

Precautions that will protect against damage