TTK. Construction of a sidewalk covered with concrete slabs. Concreting paths and sidewalks - technology for making concrete paths Construction of sidewalks and paths from slabs


Status: active

Designation: TR 158-04

Date of introduction: 2005-03-09

Designed in: State Unitary Enterprise "NIIMosstroy" 119192, Moscow, Vinnitskaya st., 8

Approved in: Department of Scientific and Technical Policy in the Construction Industry (12/27/2004)

Area and conditions of application: These recommendations apply to construction in summer and winter period in Moscow there are environmentally friendly sidewalks, pedestrian and garden paths, pedestrian streets, parking lots, entrances to residential and public buildings, coverings in social and cultural areas (hospitals, clinics, schools, kindergartens, nurseries), at gas stations and sites for various purposes from prefabricated coverings.
For the installation of prefabricated pavements, slabs and small-sized shaped paving elements are used, made of heavy and sandy concrete, as well as concrete using products from the processing of various industrial wastes, reinforced with metal and basalt fibers.

Replaces: VSN 15-95 “Instructions for the installation of sidewalks from concrete slabs»

Table of contents: General provisions
2. Preparation roadbed and installation of shallow drainages
3. Construction of a sandy underlying layer
4. Installation of side stone
5. Base structure
6. Construction of coverings from slabs and small-sized elements
7. Quality control of work
8. Safety requirements
9. Security environment
10. Operation of sidewalks
Appendix 1. Characteristics of small-sized elements
Appendix 2. Characteristics of lattice slabs made of small-sized concrete
Appendix 3. Nomenclature of curved side stones for sidewalks, pedestrian streets, paths
Appendix 4. Layout diagrams for rectangular slabs
Appendix 5. View of coating fragments from square slabs with decorative surface
Appendix 6. View of coating fragments from small-sized elements
Appendix 7. View of fragments of coating and seams with filling of holes with lawn grass mixture
Appendix 8. Layout of expansion joints in the pavement covering made of small-sized shaped elements
Appendix 9. General view of the Optima slab laying machine
Appendix 10. Vibrating plates for compaction and planting of prefabricated pavements, equipped with a frame on rollers (a) and without it (b)

Text of document TR 158-04

Asphalt concrete is most often used to cover sidewalks and garden paths in cities. Asphalt concrete coverings on sidewalks and pedestrian paths are installed on various bases: brick and crushed limestone; metallurgical slag; soil treated with cement; from ordinary cement concrete and lean concrete.
In table 80 given Various types bases for sidewalks covered with sandy (3-5 cm thick) and cast (2.5-3 cm thick) asphalt concrete and their thickness.

The thickness of the sandy underlying layer for sidewalks with asphalt concrete pavement is taken depending on the group of underlying soils in accordance with Table. 81.

Technological process installation of sidewalks and pedestrian paths includes the following operations: leveling and rolling the subgrade; delivery of sand for the construction of the underlying layer; distribution and compaction of sand; delivery of materials for foundation construction; distribution of base materials; base compaction; delivery and laying of asphalt concrete mixture in the top layer of the coating.
The leveling of the subgrade on sidewalks is usually done using motor graders using shuttle passes. The roadbed is rolled using motor rollers with smooth rollers weighing 6 tons.
During the process of leveling and rolling, the levelness of the subgrade is checked using wooden slats, and the required slopes are checked using geodetic tools.
Sand and other materials are delivered to the finished subgrade by dump trucks. Sand and other bulk materials are usually distributed by motor graders, and in cramped conditions, sometimes by hand. Compact the sandy underlying layer and bases of crushed stone, slag and other loose materials lightweight materials motor rollers with smooth drums.
Cement-concrete bases on sidewalks and paths are installed using small equipment. The concrete mixture is leveled using special equipment mounted on the boom of the Belarus tractor. The concrete base is compacted with special vibratory screeds or platform vibrators. Concrete care is carried out according to general rules Conducting concrete work.
Asphalt concrete pavement is laid on wide sidewalks using a DS-1 (D-150B) asphalt paver or a lightweight D-464 paver, and compaction is performed with rollers weighing 1.5-6 tons. On narrow sidewalks and paths, as well as in cramped conditions, asphalt concrete the coating (mainly from cast mixtures) is arranged by laying out the mixture manually and rolling it with hand rollers.
For covering sidewalks and pedestrian paths, colored plastic concrete is also used, which is prepared in mixing plants at asphalt concrete plants. It consists of crushed stone, sand, mineral powder, pigment and binder. The quality requirements for sand, crushed stone and mineral powder are the same as for asphalt concrete mixtures. Iron oxide pigments are used, which have sufficient light, weather and heat resistance. Coumarone-indene resins with a softening point of 80-90° C are used as a binder. Table. 82 shows the approximate composition of colored plastic concrete.

A coating of colored plastic concrete 3 cm thick is laid on various bases using a DS-1 asphalt paver. The length of the laying strip when installing a covering made of cold plastic concrete is not limited. The mixture is compacted with two motor rollers weighing up to 6 tons each. If there are longitudinal mating strips, rolling begins along the mating line in such a way that the freshly laid strip is also rolled to a width of 15-20 cm. To compact the layer of plastic concrete, the number of passes of the roller along one track should be 20-25. The evenness of the coating is checked with a three-layer strip, the clearance under which should not exceed 3 mm. In Moscow, sidewalks made of blue colored plastic concrete were built near the choreographic school on 2nd Frunzenskaya Street, red sidewalks were built near the monument to Karl Marx, in parks on Sverdlov Square, etc.
For the construction of sidewalks and pedestrian paths, monolithic cement concrete can be used, which is indispensable for the construction of curved platforms and free-form paths, which have become widespread abroad in landscape architecture in recent years. Such coverings are made of concrete no lower than M300. The concrete mixture is prepared at cement-concrete plants. Hydrophobic Portland cement of at least M400 with the addition of granulated blast furnace slag up to 7% is used as a binder. When using non-hydrophobic cement, to improve the basic properties of concrete, surface-active additives are introduced into the mixture: plasticizing additives - concentrates of sulfite-yeast mash and its derivatives, hydrophobizing additives - various technical soaps: abietates (vinsol soaps), soap naft, etc.
Sand is used natural (mountain, river) in its pure form or with additives. Artificial sands, stone fines and seedings are used as additives. The sand fineness modulus must be at least 2. Crushed stone for concrete pavements is used only clean, obtained by crushing durable frost-resistant rocks. The compressive strength in a water-saturated state of igneous rocks must be not lower than 1000 kgf/cm2 (100 MPa), of sedimentary rocks - 800 kgf/cm2 (80 MPa). The loss in mass during abrasion in the shelf drum of igneous rocks is 25%, of sedimentary rocks - 30%. Crushed stone is used in two fractions: 3-10 and 10-20 mm. Approximate composition of the concrete mixture: cement M400 - 430 kg, crushed stone - 1380; sand - 500 kg; water - 160 l. The mixture is delivered to the site by ZIL-555, MAE-503 dump trucks or concrete mixer trucks.
For the construction of sidewalks and walkways, colored concrete is becoming increasingly common. It is obtained by using special colored cement as a binder or by introducing coloring pigments into a dry concrete mixture during the preparation of the concrete mixture. White and colored cements must be hydrophobic and comply with GOST 10178-62. The grade of cement must be at least 400 in terms of compression when tested in compacted solutions, tensile strength - not less than 55 kgf/cm2 (5.5 MPa). The beginning of setting is no earlier than after 2 hours.
Pigments produced by the domestic industry are of two types: mineral, including synthetic and. natural, obtained by fine grinding of paint ores, and organic. Pigments are fine powders, insoluble in water, oil and other solvents, capable of imparting color to materials when mixed with them. The higher the dispersion of pigments, the higher the coloring ability of pigments.
For the production of colored concrete, pigments are suitable that have a specific gravity close to the specific gravity of cement to ensure high homogeneity of the mixture; great coloring power; resistance to alkalis; sunlight and atmospheric influences; the absence of harmful impurities soluble in water, which, when mixing cement with water, negatively affect the setting time, the hardening process and the strength of the cement stone; the absence of easily soluble salts that can form efflorescence; clean, bright color and low cost.
When laying pavements and walkways, colored concrete can be laid to the full thickness or to upper layer coatings with a thickness of 4-6 cm. The installation of a two-layer coating with colored concrete in the upper layer is carried out in two ways: 1) the installation of the lower (of ordinary concrete) and upper (decorative) layers of the coating is carried out without a break in time, which allows compaction of two layers at the same time; 2) the installation of the lower and upper layers is carried out separately and is divided into two stages - laying concrete in the lower layer, compacting and maintaining it; laying colored concrete in the top layer no earlier than 7 days after installing the bottom layer.
To ensure good adhesion of the layers, the surface of the concrete of the lower layer is treated with a 30% solution of hydrochloric acid with immediate rinsing with water, and then apply a 3-5 mm thick layer of activated cement-sand mortar with a composition of 1:1, after which the top layer of concrete is laid. Caring for colored concrete, like regular concrete, is carried out by covering it with plastic film, glassine, kraft paper, etc., followed by filling it with sand, which is periodically moistened.
Expansion joints are installed using the same type and method as for conventional cement-concrete pavements. When laying concrete in two layers, the seams made in the bottom layer must also be in the top layer.
To the ready concrete pavement When putting it into operation, a number of requirements are presented. The coating must be carried out in accordance with the project and current regulatory and technical documents. Upon acceptance, you should check the thickness of the base according to the acts on hidden work, the grade of concrete laid according to laboratory tests, the evenness of the surface of the coating with a double lath at least after 20 m. Permissible deviations from the design in thickness - no more than ±5 mm, in terms of evenness - the clearance under the double lath should be no more than 3 mm, on the coating there should be no shells or cracks; covering width - no more than 5 cm; along the transverse slope - no more than 5%; according to the difference in the level of seams - no more than 3 mm; in terms of concrete strength at 28 days of age when tested in bending - no more than 5%, when tested in compression - no more than 10%.
Coverings of sidewalks and pedestrian paths are also made from small stone blocks (mosaics), clinker bricks, asphalt concrete, silicate, ceramic, cement-concrete and stone slabs. Coverings of a wide variety of patterns are made from stone blocks - in transverse and diagonal rows, along arcs of a circle, etc. Clinker bricks laid in transverse and diagonal rows, as well as in a longitudinal and transverse tree. Stone slabs are made mainly in square shape with sides measuring up to 75 cm or rectangular shape with a larger side size of up to 1 m with an aspect ratio of 1:1.5. Such slabs are laid without bandaging or with bandaging of the seams. Asphalt concrete slabs are made in size 20X20X3; 25X25X4; 30X30X4 cm.
One of the promising types of prefabricated pavements and walkways are coatings made of small-sized concrete slabs. The production of slabs using the industrial method makes it possible to make this type of coating cheaper and more widespread. In turn, mass production will contribute to further reduction in cost and progress in the development of prefabricated coverings. With this manufacturing method, concrete slabs are more durable and hygienic and can replace natural stone. The front surface of the slabs, in addition to its coloring, can be treated with various special matrices. Concrete slabs are extremely varied in shape: square, rectangular, hexagonal, round, and trapezoidal, triangular and all kinds irregular shape. Prefabricated pavement and walkway slabs are laid on various bases, the thickness of which (in cm) is given below.

Sand is used as the underlying layer, the layer thickness of which is assumed to be up to 25 cm. The slabs, depending on the accepted width of the sidewalk, garden or park path, are laid with or without bandaging the seams, as well as diagonally.
Laying the slabs should be done using the “pull” method. To maintain the slope and evenness of the surface when laying the slabs, it is recommended to begin work with the installation of a milestone course, laid along the side stone or edge of the lawn or across the sidewalk; laying should be done in one or both directions of the milestone course and towards the slope.
For the installation of coverings from slabs measuring 50X50 cm, a vacuum gripper of a round shape d = 400 mm, weighing 7 kg, is used, which can lift a load of up to 100 kg. To ensure complete adherence of the slabs to the base, the final landing of the slabs to the design mark is carried out using a special vibrator weighing 44 kg.
The width of the seam between the plates must be at least 5 mm. The width of the seams is controlled using templates. The excess of the edges of adjacent slabs should not be more than 2 mm. The seams between the slabs are filled with various materials according to the design. The evenness of the coating is checked with a three-point lath at least every 20 m; The clearance under the rail should not exceed 3 mm.
To mechanize the work of laying small-sized paving slabs, we can recommend a replaceable vacuum gripping device mounted on an E-153 forklift or excavator. The traverse is a frame on which 1-4 vacuum grippers are attached. The distance between the centers of the vacuum grippers on the traverse should vary depending on the size of the plates used. Using this device, up to 400 slabs can be laid per shift.
Laying of paving slabs with a side size of more than 75 cm is carried out using truck cranes using the technology used in the construction of road surfaces from prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs.

NIImosstroy has developed a machine for laying paving slabs. The layer forms the base of a given profile, compacts it and at the same time lays the slabs. This ensures the combination of three operations, which significantly increases labor productivity. In Fig. 114 shows a diagram of a machine for laying paving slabs. The equipment of the machine consists of an inclined guide 6 with calibrating ribs 15 and a support plate 5 and a vibrating plate 3 connected to the guide by rods 4. In the upper part of the guide there is a receiving device 9, which serves to place a container 10 with a package of slabs 11. Feeding slabs from the receiving device the guide is carried out by a device consisting of pushers 12 with a hydraulic cylinder 13, which is controlled automatically using a lever with a roller 8 and a hydraulic distributor 7. Vibrators 1 of the paver working element are installed on the vibrating plate 3. The vibrators are driven from a hydraulic motor through a V-belt drive 2. The equipment is installed on the base machine using a hinged coupling device 16, which ensures the adaptability of the base plate to the surface of the foundation being laid due to the longitudinal and transverse hinges of the coupling device. The guide is installed in the transport position using a hydraulic cylinder 14 and ties connecting the guide to the screed plate.
The vibrating plate is transported in a trailer to the stacker using a trolley. In this case, the working body of the paver is suspended through the walls to a guide, which in turn rests on the vibrating plate. This reduces the cantilever load on the drive wheels of the tractor. The container is a welded structure consisting of a beam with ribs and side panels. Shoes are attached to the ribs, ensuring the inclined position of the slabs in the container. In the center of the beam, eyes are welded for the hook of the lifting mechanism, which feeds the container with slabs into the receiving device.
The equipment works as follows. While moving, the paver uses its working body to form a base from the required material, for example a cement-sand mixture. At the same time, slabs are supplied to the base formed by the stacker with a guide in a continuous flow, which move under the influence of gravity and the mass of the overlying slabs. The vibrating plate makes the slabs settle. The plates are fed onto the guide from the receiving device by pushers controlled automatic device. This device is acted upon by plates located on the guide.
The equipment ensures the laying of paving slabs measuring 25X25-50X50 cm, for which the calibrating ribs have the ability to move along a guide with their fixation in a given position. The drive of the working parts of the equipment is carried out from the operator’s cabin of the base machine. The proposed machines and devices make it possible to reduce labor costs when installing sidewalk surfaces. However, to further increase labor productivity when constructing prefabricated pavements, work should be carried out to create light, high-speed machines.





1.1. A standard technological map (hereinafter referred to as TTK) is a comprehensive organizational and technological document developed on the basis of methods of scientific organization of labor for performing the technological process and defining the composition of production operations using the most modern means mechanization and methods of performing work using a specific technology. TTK is intended for use in the development of Work Performance Projects (WPP), Construction Organization Projects (COP) and other organizational and technological documentation by construction departments. TTC is integral part Work production projects (hereinafter referred to as WPR) and are used as part of the WPR in accordance with MDS 12-81.2007.

1.2. This TTK provides instructions on the organization and technology of work on constructing sidewalks covered with concrete slabs on a crushed stone base.

The composition of production operations, requirements for quality control and acceptance of work, planned labor intensity of work, labor, production and material resources, industrial safety and labor protection measures have been determined.

1.3. The regulatory basis for the development of a technological map is:

- standard drawings;

- building codes and regulations (SNiP, SN, SP);

- factory instructions and technical conditions (TU);

- standards and prices for construction and installation work (GESN-2001 ENiR);

- production standards for material consumption (NPRM);

- local progressive norms and prices, norms of labor costs, norms of consumption of material and technical resources.

1.4. The purpose of creating the TTK is to provide a technological process diagram recommended by regulatory documents for the construction of sidewalks covered with concrete slabs on a crushed stone base, in order to ensure their high quality, as well as:

- reducing the cost of work;

- reduction of construction duration;

- ensuring the safety of work performed;

- organizing rhythmic work;

- rational use of labor resources and machines;

- unification of technological solutions.

1.5. Workers are being developed on the basis of the TTK technological maps(RTK) to carry out certain types of work (SNiP 3.01.01-85* "Organization of construction production") for the installation of sidewalks covered with concrete slabs on a crushed stone base.

The design features of their implementation are decided in each specific case by the Working Design. The composition and degree of detail of materials developed in the RTK are established by the relevant contracting construction organization, based on the specifics and volume of work performed.

The RTK is reviewed and approved as part of the PPR by the head of the General Contracting Construction Organization.

1.6. The TTK can be tied to a specific facility and construction conditions. This process consists of clarifying the scope of work, means of mechanization, and the need for labor and material and technical resources.

The procedure for linking the TTC to local conditions:

- reviewing map materials and selecting the desired option;

- checking the compliance of the initial data (amount of work, time standards, brands and types of mechanisms, building materials used, composition of the worker group) with the accepted option;

- adjustment of the scope of work in accordance with the chosen option for the production of work and a specific design solution;

- recalculation of calculations, technical and economic indicators, requirements for machines, mechanisms, tools and material and technical resources in relation to the chosen option;

- design of the graphic part with specific reference to mechanisms, equipment and devices in accordance with their actual dimensions.

1.7. A standard technological map has been developed for engineering and technical workers (work managers, foremen, foremen) and workers performing work in the 2nd road-climatic zone, in order to familiarize (train) them with the rules for carrying out work on constructing sidewalks covered with concrete slabs on a crushed stone base, using the most modern means of mechanization, progressive designs and methods of performing work.

The technological map is designed for the following volumes:


2.1. The technological map has been developed for a set of works on the installation of sidewalks covered with concrete slabs on a crushed stone base.

2.2. Work on the installation of sidewalks covered with concrete slabs on a crushed stone base is carried out by a mechanized team in one shift, the working hours during the shift are:

2.3. The work sequentially performed when constructing sidewalks covered with concrete slabs on a crushed stone base includes the following technological operations:

- geodetic breakdown;

- preparing a trough for the sidewalk;

- installation of a sandy underlying layer;

- arrangement of crushed stone base;

- installation of concrete slab covering.

2.4. For the construction of sidewalks covered with concrete slabs on a crushed stone base, the following are used: Construction Materials: crushed stone fraction 20-40 mm M 600 , meeting the requirements of GOST 8267-93; construction sand according to GOST 8736-93; concrete tile TP-5-3 (400x200x50 mm, weight P=9.6 kg, volume V=0.004 m) according to GOST 17608-91.

2.5. The technological map provides for the work to be carried out by a complex mechanized unit consisting of: JCB 3CX m backhoe loader (bucket volume g=0.28 m, g=1.2 m, H=5.46 m); dump truck KamAZ-55111 (carrying capacity Q=13.0 t); vibrating plate TSS-VP90N (weight P=90 kg, compaction depth h=150 mm to K=0.95); special equipment UNIMOBIL UM-SM for laying slabs.

Fig.1. Vibrating plate TSS-VP90T

Fig.2. Laying device UNIMOBIL UM-SM

Fig.3. JCB 3CX m backhoe loader

Fig.4. Dump truck KamAZ-55111

2.6. Work on the construction of sidewalks covered with concrete slabs on a crushed stone base should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

- SP 48.13330.2011. "Construction organization. Updated edition of SNiP 12-01-2004" ;

- SP 126.13330.2012. "Geodetic work in construction. Updated edition of SNiP 3.01.03-84" ;

- Manual for SNiP 3.01.03-84. "Production of geodetic work in construction";

- SP 78.13330.2012. "Highways. Rules for the performance of work. Updated edition of SNiP 3.06.03-85" ;

- SP 82.13330.2015. "Improvement of territories. Updated edition of SNiP III-10-75";

- SNiP 2-07.01-89*. "Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements";

- STO NOSTROY 2.33.14-2011. "Organization of construction production. General provisions" ;

- STO NOSTROI 2.33.51-2011. "Organization of construction production. Preparation and production of construction and installation works";

- GOST 8736-2014. "Sand for construction work. Technical conditions" ;

- GOST 8267-93. "Crushed stone and gravel from dense rocks for construction work";

- GOST 17608-91. "Concrete paving slabs. Technical conditions";

- SNiP 12-03-2001. "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements" ;

- SNiP 12-04-2002. "Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production";

- NPO ROSDORNII-1993 “Labor safety rules during construction, repair and maintenance of highways”;

- ROSAVTODOR-2002. "Collection of forms of executive production and technical documentation for the construction (reconstruction) of highways and artificial structures on them" ;

- RD 11-02-2006. "Requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining as-built documentation during construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects and requirements for inspection reports of work, structures, sections of engineering support networks" ;

- RD 11-05-2007. "The procedure for maintaining a general and (or) special log of work performed during construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects";

- MDS 12-29.2006. "Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of a technological map".


3.1. In accordance with SP 48.13330.2001 "Construction organization. Updated version of SNiP 12-01-2004" before the start of construction and installation work at the site, the Contractor is obliged to obtain from the Customer in the prescribed manner design documentation and a permit (order) to perform construction and installation work . Carrying out work without permission (warrant) is prohibited.

3.2. Before starting work on constructing sidewalks covered with concrete slabs on a crushed stone base, it is necessary to carry out a set of organizational and technical measures, including:

- develop a work plan for landscaping the territory and coordinate it with the General Contractor and the Customer’s technical supervision;

- resolve the main issues related to the logistics of construction;

- appoint persons responsible for the safe performance of work, as well as their control and quality of execution;

- provide the site with working documentation approved for work;

- staff a team of road workers, familiarize them with the project and technology of work;

- conduct safety training for team members;

- install temporary inventory household premises for storing building materials, tools, equipment, heating workers, eating, drying and storing work clothes, bathrooms, etc.;

- prepare machines, mechanisms and equipment for work and deliver them to the site;

- provide workers manual machines, tools and personal protective equipment;

- provide the construction site with fire-fighting equipment and alarm systems;

- fence the construction site and put up warning signs illuminated at night;

- provide communication for operational dispatch control of work;

- deliver the necessary materials, devices, equipment to the work area;

- install, mount and test construction machines, means of mechanization of work and equipment according to the nomenclature provided for by the RTK or PPR;

- draw up an act of readiness of the facility for work;

- obtain permission from the Customer’s technical supervision to begin work.

3.3. General provisions

3.3.1. Paving slabs are products with a ratio of their length to thickness h more than 4, with smaller values ​​of 4 - small-sized elements.

3.3.2. Slabs made of concrete classes B22.5 and B25 are intended for covering garden and park and pedestrian paths, sidewalks in intra-block driveways, and slabs made of concrete classes B30 and B35 are intended for covering sidewalks on highways.

3.3.3. The approximate thickness of prefabricated products for various structures can be taken as follows: in areas where only pedestrian traffic is expected - 46 cm; if the movement of passenger cars is allowed - 68 cm; in case trucks can enter - 810 cm.

3.3.4. The slabs should be laid in transverse rows from edge to edge. Before laying the slabs, two boundary lines must be marked on the base, from one of which the laying of the slabs begins. The stakes are driven along these lines and a cord is pulled between them.

3.3.5. The edges of the slabs are aligned using a stretched wire or cord located along the row being laid. To maintain the horizontality of the wire (cord) when long distance Beacons are placed under it in places where it sags.

3.3.6. The width of the seam between adjacent slabs should be 58 mm. The seams are filled with cement-sand mixture in a ratio of 3:1.

3.3.7. The leveling of the laid slabs is carried out by lightly tapping with wooden tampers. Recesses in the seams of adjacent slabs should not exceed 2 mm. The bead of sand or cement-sand mixture formed at the edges of the slabs is cut off with a hand template or trowel.

3.3.8. The construction of a concrete slab coating should begin after checking the compliance with the design of the plan position and the elevation marks of the base. The bases must not be over-moistened or deformed.

Fig.5. Concrete slab pavement structure

3.4. Preparatory work

3.4.1. Before the start of work on installing concrete slab coverings, the preparatory work provided for by the Labor Code must be completed, including:

- the construction site was accepted from the customer;

- a control inspection of the work site was carried out to check all visible sources of risk, such as: indicators of hidden means (do not dig, cable), distribution cabinets and manhole covers, gas and water meters, lack of external communications near objects that logically should use them, etc. and carries out the security measures provided for by the project;

- geodetic layout of the sidewalk was completed;

- construction materials in the required volume were delivered to the site.

3.4.2. The construction site is transferred to the person carrying out the construction by a representative of the technical supervision of the Customer according to the Certificate of Transfer of Land Plot for the Construction Site, in accordance with Appendix B, STO NOSTROY 2.33.51-2011.

3.4.3. Geodetic layout of the sidewalk can be done from the axis of the roadway, red lines, existing buildings and other permanent structures. Vertical marks of the coating in the profile are made using a level from a nearby benchmark.

3.4.4. To transfer the sidewalk arrangement plan designed and presented in the drawings to the terrain, it is necessary to have the same permanent objects both on the plan and on the ground. These objects can be triangulation points, intersection points with highways (edge ​​of the roadway), communication lines, power lines, etc. The alignment data, which is taken from the project, is attached to them, and from them the pavement is laid out, the process of which is as follows:

- according to the plan, the distance from these points to permanent objects located on the plan and on the ground is determined and the actual distance is determined on the accepted scale;

- the obtained points on the ground are secured with pegs and guards (callouts);

- transfer the mark of the nearest benchmark to the control posts.

3.4.5. From the center line of the sidewalk, after 20 m, measuring with a tape measure in both directions, they break a trough under the sidewalk and drive stakes at the resulting points, and string the twine between them. The design elevation along the axis (bottom of the trough) of the bottom of the road pavement (underlying layer) is determined by the formula:

Where is the mark of the top of the track surface;

Trough depth;

- trough width;

- trough slope.

3.4.6. The transverse slopes of the trough bottom must be equal to the slopes of the surface of the coating and are directed towards the roadway trays or drains. The thickness of the layers of the sidewalk structure in a dense body is applied to wooden pegs driven into the bottom of the trough.

The breakdown is made into shiftable volumes of work.

Fig.6. Layout diagram for laying sidewalk slabs

3.4.7. The securing signs (pegs) are retained until the sidewalk is handed over to the Customer’s technical supervision representative. Alignment points damaged during the work must be immediately restored. The accuracy of marking work must comply with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.03-84 and SNiP 3.02.01-87.

3.4.8. The completed work must be presented to the Customer’s technical supervision representative for inspection, and documentation by signing an Act on the layout of the axes of a capital construction project on the ground in accordance with Appendix 2, RD 11-02-2006 and obtain permission to dig out a trench for the installation of side stones.

3.4.9. Fractional crushed stone and sand are loaded at the on-site warehouse JCB 3CX m backhoe loader into KamAZ-55111 dump trucks , and concrete tiles on pallets are loaded automobile jib crane KS-45717 V KamAZ-54115 truck tractor with SZAP-93271 semi-trailer and delivered to the construction site.

Fractional crushed stone, sand and concrete tiles delivered to the site should be laid out in the brigade’s area of ​​operation, creating at least a 2-shift supply, which should be constantly replenished. Pallets with slabs are laid out along the trough in a line so that the distance of their carrying does not exceed three meters.

3.4.10. No later than the shift before the installation of the sidewalk, the work area is closed to traffic, fences are installed, road signs, preparing exits and detours.

Fig.7. Scheme of organization of work on the installation of sidewalks

1st grab - tearing out a trough under the sidewalk; 2nd capture - installation of an underlying layer of sand; 3rd grip - construction of a crushed stone base; 4th stage - laying paving slabs; 5th step - sealing the seams of paving slabs

3.5.2. Work on the construction of the sidewalk is carried out on 5 sections 50 m long.

3.5.3. When performing stone work, the team is divided into two sections. The distribution of labor responsibilities in the units is as follows.

3.5.4. The first link, consisting of structure installers of 4, 3 and 2 categories and an excavator operator, installs the slabs. A 2nd grade installer delivers the slabs. Installers of the 4th and 3rd categories lay the slabs and finally straighten them, seal and unstitch the seams.
automatically updated

Paths made of paving slabs are not only a practical landscape solution, but also a very attractive element that can transform both the site of a private household and a park or square. But in order to extend the life of sidewalks, when constructing them it is necessary to follow certain rules, starting with markings and ending finishing seams. And of course, the tile itself and the materials from which it is made play a significant role here.

Path made of paving slabs in the garden of a private house


The construction of tiled paths involves the use of various materials:

  1. Paving slabs;
  2. Sand (for arranging a pillow for laying, as well as grouting joints);
  3. Crushed stone or gravel (to provide drainage);
  4. Sidewalk curb, curb stone (for framing paths);
  5. Cement (for installing curbs).

Among the types of tiles produced, you can even get confused when choosing the best option.

Tile selection

Paving slabs are produced in two ways, which affect its main indicators, in particular its strength. Vibro-cast tiles have low strength, while vibro-pressed tiles have increased strength.

Therefore, for low-traffic areas, mainly in the private sector, the choice of vibro-cast paving slabs is justified. Accordingly, vibrocompressed can be used in in public places when constructing paths and even parking lots.

To test the strength, you need to hit the tiles against each other. A sign of strength will be a ringing sound. The deaf speaks of fragility.

It is important to know about colored paving slabs that they contain expensive dyes. Therefore, when purchasing it, you need to pay attention to the cost. It cannot be very low - this is a sure sign of low quality.

You need to purchase on average 10% more than the quantity required according to calculations. Such a reserve is laid down, providing for waste due to the presence of defects in the packages, as well as a reserve for trimming products necessary during installation. This is especially important when installation is carried out according to complex scheme, or the contour of the sidewalk is planned in a complex shape, with bends.


The construction of paved paths is a rather complex technological process. Its implementation requires the presence of special tools and devices. So, to install sidewalks you need to prepare:

  1. Wooden pegs, rope (cord);
  2. Level;
  3. Mallet;
  4. Vibrating plate with a rubber surface, or other compacting device;
  5. mop;
  6. Rake;
  7. broom;
  8. Bayonet and shovel shovels;
  9. Hose, splitter nozzle;
  10. Grinder and diamond wheel (for cutting tiles and borders);
  11. Rule.

What tools will be useful?

Sequence of work

Installation of sidewalks consists of several sequential operations:

  • outline breakdown;
  • preparation of the base (bearing and mounting layers), installation of curbs;
  • directly laying tiles;
  • compaction of slabs and sealing of joints.

Contour Stakeout

Before starting work on a paved sidewalk, it is important to check the slope of the surface. It must be level (otherwise it will have to be leveled) and have a slope of approximately 2-5 degrees (to ensure precipitation drainage). Whether it will be located along or across the sidewalk is not decisive. Next, using a rope and pegs, mark the outline of the future sidewalk.

Preparing the base

Use a shovel to remove a layer of earth 15-20 cm thick. (If increased load is expected on the paving slabs, the thickness of the layer can be up to 50 cm.) The resulting base is carefully leveled with a mop or rake. If the soil at the base is loose, its surface must be wetted and compacted.

Preparing the site for the future path

Support layer

Installation of curbs

The next stage in the installation of sidewalks is the installation of curbs. They are installed on cement mortar. First, using a cord and pegs, mark the contour along which the curb will be installed, and also set its desired level, taking into account the slope. Grooves are dug for subsequent pouring of concrete.

For tracks with complex configuration The border can be cut as necessary using a grinder and installed in sections of different lengths, following the given contour. At the same time, in places of bends, when marking, the pegs are installed at a shorter distance than in straight sections.

This stage of work can be done after the paving slabs have already been laid, but in the first option it is much easier to carry out the installation, because the base immediately receives a reliable frame in which the tiles will have nowhere to move and the sand to crumble. The border can be either higher than the tiles or placed flush with them (for example, if the sidewalk is surrounded by a dense, high lawn). When installing the curb, the sides are filled with mortar and covered with sand.

The border will protect the tiles from shifting and the sand from falling off

Mounting layer

The prepared sidewalk base is covered with fine sifted sand (the layer should be about 5 cm thick). Next, the sand is leveled using a rake and rules. After this, the surface must be thoroughly shed with water (at least 10 liters per square meter). Let the sand settle for several hours if the weather is sunny, and about a day if it is cloudy. After this, the sand is compacted and carefully leveled. Now the surface is prepared directly for laying paving slabs.

It is permissible to use only sand, without a layer of crushed stone, but this design is suitable for places with low rainfall and otherwise will not provide sufficient drainage.

For sidewalks that have to withstand high loads (heavy foot traffic or car parking), as well as for sidewalks that are constructed on problematic soils, the base must be additionally reinforced with concrete (a layer of up to 15 cm is required). In this case, it is advisable to lay the tiles not on sand, but on a screed.

With this method, additional formwork is required from boards no thinner than 4 cm. After the concrete has hardened, the formwork does not need to be dismantled.

Distributing sand along the path

Laying tiles

The absence of sagging or protruding areas and good drainage will depend on the quality of the previous work. However, the installation stage is no less important. It is important to follow the intended installation pattern, not to disturb the level, and maintain the dimensions of the seams. To do this, you must follow several rules:

  • You cannot step on the prepared base, so as not to disturb the even layer of sand. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out installation in the direction away from you;
  • laying begins from a lower area (or from the most important elements: porch, gate, front entrance);
  • paving slabs are laid according to the developed pattern (“herringbone”, “ brickwork", "paving stones" and others). If the diagram is complex, it is better to first draw the arrangement of the elements, which will facilitate their selection;
  • the tiles should be laid approximately 8-12 mm above the planned level. This reserve is necessary for subsequent shrinkage of the surface during finishing compaction.

The process of laying the base material

In order to accurately maintain the distance of the seams, before starting to lay the first row, stretch the cord along the entire width and length of the object. Laying begins, adhering to these cords as guides. The accuracy of the seams is checked every third row.

Each tile is laid using wooden hammer or a special mallet. Twice every 10 square meters Using the rule, the horizontal position of the laid tiles is controlled. Detected defects are immediately eliminated.

To cut the slabs, use a grinder.

Surface compaction and seam sealing

The rough installation is ready. Now the surface is sprinkled with fine river sand, cleared of organic compounds (so that weeds do not grow through it in the future) and fill the seams between the tiles. A broom or brush with stiff bristles is used here. The paved surface is simply swept in different directions.

If all the tiles used are the same gray, - sand can be mixed with cement - for greater installation strength. However, cement is not suitable for colored tiles - it will be quite difficult to wash off such a mixture from it, so it is more advisable to simply use sand.

Vibropress for compacting paving slabs

Now, using a vibrating plate or other device, compact the entire surface. Excess sand is carefully washed off from the hose through the divider. If necessary, these two operations are repeated.

To help beginning craftsmen, there is a video describing the entire process:


Basic care for laid paving slabs is the timely removal of dirt and dust - periodic rinsing. But the path lined with colored tiles will have to be washed using special detergents. Because not only dirt is more visible on it, but also black tire marks.

In winter, sidewalks are cleaned with a broom or wooden shovel. To clear the surface of ice, it is unacceptable to use a metal shovel, much less a crowbar.

Snow removal equipment must be equipped with a protective attachment.

TR 158-04

The following people took part in the work on the document: Ph.D. L.V. Gorodetsky, Ph.D. R.I. Bega, V.F. Demin (SUE “NIIMosstroy”), S.M. Arakelyants, Ph.D. I.I. Davitnidze (ZAO SBM Zapchast-Service), V.N. Arakelyants (CJSC "SDM Gidroprivod").


1.1. These recommendations apply to the construction in summer and winter in Moscow of environmentally friendly sidewalks, pedestrian and garden paths, pedestrian streets, parking lots, entrances to residential and public buildings, coverings in social and cultural areas (hospitals, clinics, schools, kindergartens , nurseries), at gas stations and sites for various purposes from prefabricated coverings.

For the installation of prefabricated pavements, slabs and small-sized shaped paving elements are used, made of heavy and sandy concrete, as well as concrete using products from the processing of various industrial wastes, reinforced with metal and basalt fibers.

Paving slabs are products with a ratio of their length l to thickness h more than 4, for smaller values l/h?4 - small-sized elements.

1.2. The winter period is considered to be the time of year between the date of the onset of zero average daily stable temperature in the fall and the date of the onset of the same temperature in the spring.

1.3. To solve aesthetic, architectural and functional problems in modern urban construction, concrete slabs and small paving elements can have various shapes and dimensions that are not always multiples of the pedestrian traffic lane width (0.75 cm) adopted in GOST 17608-91*.

1.4. To expand the range of products, NIIMosstroy has developed designs for lattice slabs. The holes in the slabs can be filled with small-sized elements, which can also be used independently (Appendices 1, 2, 3). Holes in grid slabs can be filled stone materials(crushed stone, gravel, crushed stone seeding, sand, etc.), as well as soil with lawn grass seeds.

1.5. Slabs and paving elements for constructing prefabricated pavements (including those with decorative and colored surfaces) can be manufactured according to various technologies, providing physical and mechanical properties that meet the requirements of GOST 17608-91*.

1.6. The thickness of paving slabs and small-sized elements is selected in accordance with the project. The approximate thickness of prefabricated products for various structures can be taken as follows: in areas where only pedestrian traffic is expected - 4 - 6 cm; if the movement of passenger cars is allowed - ? 6 - 8 cm; if trucks can enter - ? 8 - 10 cm.

1.7. Structural elements sidewalks include: a sandy underlying layer, a base made of sand, sand-cement mixture, crushed stone and low-cement concrete; concrete covering, incl. modified products. The technological sequence of work for the construction of prefabricated coverings includes the following stages: digging and compacting an earthen trough; arrangement of the underlying layer; installation of side stone; installation of a base and covering from slabs or small-sized paving elements with subsequent filling of the joints. Depending on the hydrological characteristics of the territory and the requirements of the project, it is possible to use film and geotextile materials in the structural layers of sidewalks, platforms, etc.

1.8. Main options for prefabricated structures concrete products are presented in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Structures made of paving slabs and small-sized elements

1 - plates; 2 - loose sand or sand-cement mixture; 3 - bases made of sand-cement mixture, B7.5 concrete, sand, crushed stone, bitumen-mineral mixture; 4 - sandy frost-protective layer; 5 - small-sized paving elements; 6, 7 - polyethylene film or dornite-type geotextile; 8 - basalt mesh.


2.1. The construction of the roadbed must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.06.03-85 " Car roads"and in accordance with technical project execution of work after completion of work on vertical planning, laying new and re-laying old underground utility networks, backfilling trenches and holes with layer-by-layer compaction.

2.2. For production earthworks Excavators with a bucket capacity of 0.25 m 3 to 1.0 m 3, bulldozers with a power of 80 - 250 hp, and small and medium-weight motor graders should be used. For compaction, rollers with pneumatic tires of type DU-30, DU-31, vibrating rollers of type DU-10, DU-10A, DU-14, static rollers with smooth rollers of type DU-1, DU-11A, etc. are used. The type of roller is selected depending on the soil group of the subgrade and the width of the sidewalk, pedestrian street, path, etc.

2.3. The width of the subgrade trough, taking into account the installation of side stones, should be 0.5 m greater than the width of the coverings.

2.4. The construction of the subgrade should be carried out layer by layer. Filling, leveling and compaction of each layer is carried out in compliance with longitudinal and transverse slopes.

The thickness of the backfill layer should be assigned taking into account the safety factor for soil compaction, depending on its type at a humidity close to optimal (Table 1).

2.5. Compaction of subgrade soils, including backfilling of trenches and pits, must be carried out at optimal humidity to the required density, which corresponds to a compaction coefficient of at least 0.98 when measured every 25 m at points along the cross section. Compaction equipment is selected depending on the type of soil and the thickness of the poured layer (Table 2).

Table 1

Dependence of the safety factor for compaction on the type of soil at optimal humidity

table 2

Soil compaction machines

Note: Cohesive soil is soil containing ±12% clay particles.

Non-cohesive soil - soil containing ±3% clay particles.

The approximate required number of passes of compaction equipment along one track for cohesive soils should be at least 12, for non-cohesive soils - 8.

2.6. The surface of the subgrade is planned so that the clearance under the three-meter lath, which characterizes the evenness of the surface, does not exceed 1 cm.

2.7. To drain the upper part of the subgrade and road pavement, shallow drainage is installed. Work on the installation of drainage is carried out immediately before the distribution of the sandy underlying layer.

2.8. Expanded clay concrete pipe filters, perforated asbestos-cement, ceramic and polymer filters can be used as shallow drainage drainage pipes, joints and water inlet openings of drains are protected from siltation by couplings and filters; stone and non-woven synthetic materials can be used as the latter.

2.9. The technological process for installing shallow drainages includes: digging a ditch, installing a cushion for pipes in it, laying pipes with filters, connecting tubular drains to water intakes, filling the ditch with sand and compacting it. Pipes with sockets or pipe filters face the slope.

2.10. Water is discharged from the drain into water intake wells, and the end of the pipe should protrude 5 cm relative to the wall of the well.

2.11. The gaps between tubular drainages and the walls of the wells must be carefully sealed with a 1:3 cement-sand mortar or sealant.

2.12. Under unfavorable hydrological conditions, to increase the bearing capacity of the subgrade, various geotextile materials can be laid on it in accordance with TR 128-01 “Technical recommendations for road construction technology using dornite and other geotextile materials and geogrids” (SUE “NIIMosstroy”).


3.1. The construction of the sandy underlying layer must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.06.03-85* “Highways” and the work plan.

3.2. The thickness of the sandy underlying layer must correspond to the design or be assigned depending on the type of soil of the subgrade and hydrogeological conditions in accordance with the album SK 6101-91, developed by the institutes of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosinzhproekt" and the State Unitary Enterprise "NIIMosstroy", and be 10 - 30 cm (±1 cm).

3.3. To construct the underlying layer, sands with a filtration coefficient of at least 3 m/day should be used.

3.4. In winter, the construction of the underlying layer begins after preliminary cleaning of the subgrade from snow and ice.

3.5. To prevent freezing of sand in winter, it must be transported in heavy-duty dump trucks.

3.6. Leveling of sand is carried out in a manual manner using bulldozers and motor graders, and on narrow sidewalks and pedestrian paths - with forklifts with attached equipment.

3.7. IN summer time the sandy underlying layer in a moistened state is compacted with rollers used to compact the subgrade (Table 2).

3.8. To prevent freezing of sand in winter, it is recommended to impregnate it with a 2% solution of calcium chloride (CaCl 2). The required amount of calcium chloride per 1 m 2 of the surface of the underlying layer with a volumetric mass of sand of 1700 kg/m 3 is given in table. 3.

Table 3

Dependence of the required amount of calcium chloride on the depth of impregnation of the underlying layer

3.9. The construction of the underlying layer should be carried out taking into account the completion of sand compaction before freezing begins. The permissible time intervals from the moment the sand begins to be distributed over the subgrade to the degree of compaction required by the standards are given in Table. 4.

Table 4

Allowable time for laying a sand layer depending on air temperature

Note: In windy weather, the specified time should be reduced by 1.5 - 2.0 times

3.10. The compaction coefficient of the sandy underlying layer must be at least 0.98. The surface marks of the underlying layer must correspond to the design ones with an accuracy of ±5 mm.

3.11. Vehicle traffic on the finished sand base layer is prohibited.

3.12. In winter, after installing the underlying layer, subsequent work on the construction of the base and covering should be carried out without a significant gap in time.


4.1. When constructing sidewalks, paths, various platforms and squares, etc. You can use side stones from rocks (GOST 6666-81*), concrete (GOST 6665-91), as well as from plastic concrete and concrete modified by products of processing concrete and reinforced concrete products, worn tires and reinforced with metal and basalt fibers, designs and technology the manufacture of which was developed by NIIMosstroy.

To improve the aesthetic appearance of coatings made from prefabricated elements and increase their durability under operating conditions, in addition to GOST 6665-91 “Concrete side stones”, NIIMosstroy has developed straight and curved side stones various sizes and designs.

4.2. The nomenclature of curved edging stones and the general appearance of curved edging stones are given in Appendix 3 and in Fig. 2.

4.3. The curb stone must be installed before work on the construction of the prefabricated covering begins.

4.4. Concrete side stones, incl. curvilinear, installed, as a rule, manually using pliers or U-shaped devices (Fig. 3). Side stones of all sizes are installed on a concrete base 10 cm thick, laid on a leveled and compacted underlying layer. After its installation, a concrete cage is placed in the formwork to a height of 10 cm. In winter, the concrete cage must be protected from freezing. Ensuring the design position of the stones in plan and profile is achieved by installing them along a cord and settling them with a wooden tamper.

Rice. 2. General view of curved side stones

Note. Curvilinear side stones for sidewalks and pedestrian streets can also be made with bevels only on the inside or without them.

Rice. 3. Manual equipment for installing side stones.

4.5. The width of the seams between the side stones, incl. and on curves, should not exceed 5 mm. The joints are filled with a cement-sand mortar of 3:1 composition, after which they are jointed with a mortar of 1:2 composition.

4.6. The edge stone must be installed no later than three days before the start of work on the construction of the prefabricated pavement so that the concrete frame and mortar in the seams between the edge stones gain sufficient strength.


5.1. Foundations for coverings made from prefabricated products are made of sand, sand-cement mixture, crushed stone and low-cement concrete with a thickness depending on design solutions or approximately in accordance with table. 5.

Table 5

Note. It is recommended to use sand with Mcr ± 1.8 for constructing the base for slabs.

5.2. When laying slabs directly on a sandy base layer or sand base, a top layer of 3 cm thick should be made of loose sand or a dry sand-cement mixture to finally seat the slabs to the specified level.

5.3. In the case of a base made from a sand-cement mixture, its lower part is made of sand-cement mortar, and the upper part, 3 cm thick, is made of a dry mixture.

Sand-cement mortar is used in grades no lower than “50” and is prepared in the factory. Approximate composition per 1 m 3 of solution of grade “50”: Portland cement grade “400” Up to - 155 kg, water - 170 l, sand - 1650 kg. A dry sand-cement mixture is prepared in the same way, but without adding water at a natural sand moisture content of 5 - 6%.

5.4. In winter, it is recommended to lay the sand-cement mixture, prepared in the factory on heated materials, at an outside temperature of at least -15 ° C.

A gap in time when laying sand-cement mortar and dry mix is ​​not allowed.

5.5. The sand-cement mortar is compacted using vibrating laths and vibrating platforms.

5.6. Bases of compacted crushed stone mixtures are made from those prepared in the factory by mixing the required amount of different fractions of crushed limestone or gravel until a homogeneous material is obtained with the addition of the optimal amount of water.

The grade of crushed stone in terms of crushability in the cylinder should not be lower than 400, and in terms of frost resistance not lower than 25.

5.7. For bases for prefabricated pavements of sidewalks, platforms, etc., a medium-grained type of crushed stone mixtures should be used (Table 6).

For paving slabs, types I and II of mixtures can be used, for small-sized elements type II.

Table 6

Grain composition of crushed stone mixtures for sidewalk bases

Mixture type

Not less than 0.05

Medium grain

5.8. Crushed stone mixtures with optimal humidity (4 - 6% by weight) are delivered by dump trucks and unloaded onto a prepared sandy underlying layer, a special platform or into the receiving hopper of a crushed stone paver used for significant volumes of work.

With a base area of ​​less than 1000 m2, crushed stone can be leveled using a motor grader or bulldozer using the “pull” method.

5.9. After preparation, the mixture is placed on the road no later than 3 hours.

Foundations should be installed in dry weather at an air temperature of at least 0 °C. At negative temperatures It is allowed to lay mixtures of special composition with anti-frost additives.

5.10. Compaction of the crushed stone base is carried out by self-propelled rollers with metal rollers weighing 5 - 10 tons or vibration rollers weighing 1.5 - 3 tons.

5.11. Foundations made of crushed stone mixtures are compacted with self-propelled rollers in at least 10 passes. In all cases, the quality of compaction of the base is checked with a heavy roller, after which no trace should be left.

5.12. Deviations in the crushed stone base are not allowed more than: in height - 50 mm; by thickness of the rolled layer - ±10%; on transverse slopes - ±10%. The amount of clearance under a 3 m long rail, which characterizes the evenness of the base surface, should not exceed 5 mm.

5.13. The installation of a coating on a crushed stone base, made in winter, is usually carried out in the spring after it has thawed and additionally compacted.

5.14. When constructing a base of rolled low-cement concrete, class B7.5 (M100) concrete with a frost resistance grade of at least F100 is used.

5.15. It is advisable to prepare low-cement rollable concrete for the base using crushed limestone with a compressive strength of at least 400 MPa. As a coarse aggregate for compacted concrete, it is allowed to use crushed stone or gravel, as well as small and coarse aggregates with partial replacement of natural materials with products from the processing of concrete, reinforced concrete and asphalt concrete materials, worn-out tires in accordance with the requirements of TR 138-03 “Technical recommendations for use rolled concrete."

5.16. The low-cement mixture prepared in the factory must be delivered to the construction site in dump trucks with rear-unloading bodies and equipped with special protective equipment from the influence of weather conditions.

5.17. The transportation time of the low-cement mixture should not exceed 30 minutes at air temperatures from +20 °C to +30 °C and 60 minutes at air temperatures below +20 °C. The time after preparing the mixture and before its final compaction, depending on weather conditions, should also not exceed 120 - 180 minutes.

5.18. At negative air temperatures, antifreeze additives should be added to the low-cement concrete mixture: sodium and potassium chloride salts (CN, CC), sodium nitrite (NN), calcium nitrite-nitrate-chloride (NNHC) and sodium formate (FN) (Table 7) .

Air temperature during concreting, °C

HC (CaCL 2)

5.19. Laying out a low-cement mixture can be carried out using various concrete pavers, crushed stone pavers, and loaders with attachments.

5.20. The thickness of the distributed layer should be approximately 10 - 15% greater than the required thickness of the compacted layer and be specified during the work process.

5.21. The mixture is compacted using 5-ton motor rollers with approximately 8 - 10 passes along one track.

Compaction is considered sufficient if, when a heavy roller passes on the surface of the low-cement concrete base, no trace remains. The surface of the base of the rolled mixture must be smooth, without bumps, waves, or depressions. When checking the base surface with a three-meter strip, the clearance should not exceed 5 mm.

5.22. In foundations made from low-cement rollable mixtures, only compression joints and workers are installed at the end of the shift. Compression joints are installed in freshly laid or hardened concrete every 30 - 40 m, depending on the air temperature during concreting from +5 ° C to +20 ° C, respectively.

5.23. At the end work shift and when concreting for more than 2 hours, working joints are made in concrete foundations and coated with bitumen.

5.24. After cutting the joints in the hardened concrete, they are cleaned compressed air and filling with sealant. Filling of joints is carried out in dry weather at an air temperature of at least +5 °C. To fill the joints the following can be used: rubber-bitumen mastics (RBV-25, 35, 50); polymer-bitumen mastics (PBM-1, PBM-2); polymer sealant; hydrom.

5.25. A film-forming material - bitumen emulsion is applied to a freshly laid concrete base at the rate of 0.7 kg/m2 or it is covered with film materials. In winter, it is recommended to cover it with geosynthetic material such as dornite.

5.26. The installation of a concrete base in winter is allowed at outdoor temperatures down to -15 °C.


6.1. The choice of a structure from prefabricated products is determined by the type and intensity of the expected load, aesthetic concepts of the project, laying technology and is adopted in accordance with the technical documentation and the requirements of paragraphs 1.7 - 1.9 and Fig. 1 of these recommendations.

6.2. In urban pedestrian areas or large areas, where the alternation of laying slabs of various sizes and small-sized elements is visually attractive, the thickness of the structural layers is assigned based on that accepted for products with a smaller thickness.

6.3. When installing prefabricated pavements on which vehicles can enter, attention should be paid to the nature of the laying of the slabs, taking into account that arranging them at an angle of 45° to the direction of movement or in a checkerboard pattern will minimize the shift of the slabs. Small-sized elements in such cases must have a thickness of at least 10 cm.

6.4. Slabs and small-sized elements are delivered to the site by road in special containers.

For mechanized installation, slabs can be delivered on pallets or in bags with spacers between the pieces.

6.5. The layout of slabs and small-sized paving elements can be carried out according to various schemes(Appendices 4 - 6).

6.6. The laying of slabs and small-sized products should be carried out from some conventional line: the edge of the side stone, parallel to which the seams are located, or a milestone row laid perpendicular to the side stone, in both directions or one from it, but always towards the slope.

6.7. The products are laid from the laid covering. The edges of the slabs are aligned using a stretched wire or cord located along the row being laid.

6.8. Laying of products can be done mechanically or manually.

6.9. The width of the seam between adjacent slabs with a side size of 100 cm should be 8 - 12 mm, with a side size of up to 50 cm - 5 - 8 mm. The width of the seam between small-sized elements should be 3 - 5 mm.

The seams are filled with sand-cement mixture in a ratio of 3: 1.

6.10. When installing decorative coverings, the width of the joints should be increased to 50 mm. In this case, the seams are filled with turf or vegetable soil and sown lawn grass(Appendix 7).

6.11. If the product has a tongue and groove connection, then expansion joints should be installed in the coating every 7 - 10 m.

6.12. Expansion joints are arranged with a width of 10 mm every 50 m. The location of expansion joints in the coating of shaped elements is presented in Appendix 8.

Expansion seams are sealed with mastics.

6.13. Small-sized paving elements are laid into the coating using slab-laying machines (Appendix 9) or manually, and paving slabs are laid using truck and pneumatic wheel cranes, forklifts with attachments.

When laying slabs with a side size of 100 cm, they are leveled using rigging hooks after the lower plane of the slab is lowered by crane 2 - 3 cm below the upper plane of the laid adjacent slabs. Distortion of the slab and breaking off of the edges of the slabs are unacceptable.

6.14. The leveling of the laid slabs is carried out by lightly tapping with wooden tampers. Recesses in the seams of adjacent slabs should not exceed 2 mm. The bead of sand or sand-cement mixture formed at the edges of the slabs is cut off using a hand template.

6.15. Prefabricated coverings, especially when large areas, after preliminary settling of the products and leveling them with wooden hammers, it is recommended to compact them using vibrating plates developed by SDM Zapchast-Service and CJSC SDM Gidroprivod. In Fig. Figure 3 shows 2 types of vibrating plates for compacting prefabricated pavements, one of which is equipped with a frame with three rollers, the surface of which is wrapped in a special rubber material. The width of the sealing surface of such a plate is 700 mm. The characteristics of the basic vibrating plate are given in table. 8.

6.16. When installing prefabricated pavements in winter, it is advisable to prepare the subgrade, underlying layer and base for the coating before the onset of stable negative temperatures. The leveling layer is laid on the prepared base immediately before installation.

6.17. When laying slabs on a base made of low-cement rollable concrete in winter, its surface must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, snow and ice and then heated. To facilitate the removal of ice cover, it is recommended to thaw it using a CaCl 2 solution applied to the surface in an amount of 1 l/m 2. It can be thawed using hot sand 5-7 cm thick heated to 180 - 200 °C and then removing it.

6.18. According to cleaned and heated concrete base lay cement-sand mortar heated to a temperature of no more than 35 ° C with a thickness of up to 20 mm.

6.20. Work on sidewalks is stopped during heavy snowfall. The preparatory areas of the leveling layer are covered with mobile canopies, Dornit-type material with a film cover or special mats. It is not recommended to lay slabs at temperatures below -15 °C.

Table 8

Characteristics of the vibrating plate VP-070, manufactured by SDM Zapchast-Service and CJSC SDM Gidroprivod

Operating dry weight, kg, no more

Width of sealing surface, mm

Efficient working surface, m 2, not less

Compaction depth, not less

Compaction force, kN, not less

Vibration frequency, Hz

Productivity, theoretical at 1 pass, m 2 / h

Plate movement speed, m/min

Dimensions of vibrating plate, mm, no more

Dimensions in transport position

Vibrator oil type

Oil volume in the vibrator, ml

engine's type

Engine power, kW/hp

2,9/4,0 (2,6/3,5)

Type of fuel

Gasoline AI-92

Type of engine cooling


Engine oil type:

SAE 10 W 30, SAE 20W

Engine fuel tank capacity, l, not less

Operating time without refueling, h

Water tank capacity, l


7.1. Work on the construction of structures made of slabs and paving elements must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the project, SNiPs, current regulatory and technical documents or these technical recommendations.

7.2. Work on the construction of sidewalks, platforms, paths, etc. must be carried out with their operational control with the help of technical personnel of construction companies and periodic monitoring by specialized laboratories.

7.3. The laboratory must regularly monitor the quality of materials and products, assess their compliance current GOSTs and Technical recommendations.

7.4. When accepting structural layers of sidewalks, platforms, pedestrian streets, paths, compliance with the approved design of the arrangement of the underlying layer, base, drainage devices and drainage must be checked. The check is carried out using acts for hidden work, work production logs and laboratory data.

7.5. When accepting the finished coating, check:

Compliance of the longitudinal and transverse profile of the coating with the design (performed by control leveling);

The width of the seams and the quality of their sealing;

Excess of adjacent slabs;

If there are damaged slabs or paving elements, they must be replaced.

7.6. Deviations from the design dimensions when installing prefabricated coverings:

Coating width ±5 cm;

Clearance under a three-meter rail ±3 mm;

The excess of the edges of adjacent slabs of prefabricated coverings is ±3 mm.


8.1. Safety precautions at construction sites must be observed in accordance with the requirements of the norms and regulations of SNiP 12-03-2001 “Occupational Safety in Construction”.

8.2. Sanitary facilities at the facilities must be equipped in accordance with the hygienic requirements of the Russian Ministry of Health.

8.3. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone a medical examination, been trained in safe working methods according to an approved program and have been instructed directly at the workplace are allowed to work. Knowledge testing is carried out annually by a commission, after which workers are issued certificates.

8.4. Responsible for compliance with safety regulations during construction Chief Engineer manufacturing company.

8.5. Testing the safety knowledge of engineering and technical workers must be carried out annually. If the knowledge is unsatisfactory, the chief engineer of the company is obliged not to allow engineering and technical personnel to manage the work.

8.6. Workers must be provided with special clothing and proper hand tools in accordance with the requirements of GOST 28010-88.

8.7. When working in winter, periodic breaks of 10 minutes are established to warm workers at temperatures from -20 °C to -30 °C and a complete cessation of work at temperatures below -30 °C.

8.8. Work area needs to be fenced. At nightfall, red warning lights must be installed in the work area. Lighting lamps with a power of up to 200 W are suspended at a height of 2.5 - 3 m, and more than 200 W - at a height of 3.5 - 10 m.

8.9. Persons involved in the preparation and application of film-forming materials must work in overalls, canvas gloves and safety glasses.

It is prohibited to smoke and use open flames when working with film-forming materials containing flammable substances.

8.10. When carrying products and other materials manually during the construction, repair and reconstruction of sidewalks, platforms, paths, etc., the maximum limit for each worker should not exceed 50 kg.

8.11. Responsibility for the serviceability of machines and mechanisms used in construction lies with the site manager.


9.1. When carrying out work on the construction of structures with coverings made of prefabricated elements, as well as when performing their current and major repairs, measures and work should be carried out to protect the natural environment in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 22-01-95 and SNiP 22-02-2003.

9.2. During the preparatory period before carrying out work on constructing the structure of sidewalks, platforms, pedestrian streets, etc. Concrete products should:

Fence the work area;

Replant trees from the facility under construction;

Fence the remaining trees next to sidewalks, platforms, etc. under construction. to avoid their damage;

Equip places at the construction site for refueling road construction vehicles with fuel and water.

9.3. During the construction and reconstruction of sidewalks, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the population in the area adjacent to the facility and prevent air pollution.

9.4. All engineers and workers must undergo training on environmental protection within the facility under construction.

9.5. After completion of the road construction work, the construction site area must be cleared of construction debris and planned according to design marks.


10.1. To maintain sidewalks in good condition, you should:


Major renovation.

10.3. Current repairs are carried out every 3 years and include work to eliminate minor defects, oil stains, cracks and destruction of individual slabs and small paving elements.

10.4. Oil stains are removed using various adsorption powders, including household detergents. Aerosol paints applied to concrete products using a spray gun are removed with acetone.

Bitumen is removed from concrete slabs by mechanical means or manually. A mixture of gasoline and oil is applied to the remaining stain and the repaired area is covered with plastic film to reduce the evaporation of gasoline.

10.5. Cracks, chips, potholes, cavities, sinkholes or peeling of the surface of concrete products, incl. colored, depending on the type of defects and the scope of reconstruction work, can be eliminated using various compositions And technological methods in accordance with the requirements of TR 101-99 “Technical recommendations for the use of concrete with the material “Aquatron-6” for road construction” (SUE “NIIMosstroy”).

10.6. At current repairs, if necessary, level the base. Destroyed slabs are removed and replaced with new ones, which are laid on sand-cement mortar or dry cement-sand mixture.

In this case, the seams between the laid slabs are cleaned with compressed air and filled with sand-cement mortar 3:1 per seam height.

10.7. A major overhaul involves the complete or partial replacement of structural elements of prefabricated slab coverings or small-sized elements, the base, and the underlying layer. In this case, the subgrade must be additionally compacted (K compaction ? 0.98).

10.8. Structural elements for prefabricated coverings during major repairs are carried out in the same way as during construction (see sections 3 - 5).

Annex 1

Characteristics of small-sized elements

Unit change

Characteristics of elements for lattice slabs with cells, mm

Element sizes

Product weight

Concrete volume

Quantity in 1 m 3

35, 40 (450, 500)

35, 40 (450, 500)

Strength of concrete at the time of release of products in:

% of brand strength

summer time

winter time

not less than 200

Water absorption

no more than 6


no more than 0.8

Appendix 2

Characteristics of lattice slabs made of small-sized concrete

Physical and mechanical properties of plates

Unit change

Characteristics of products with cells, mm

Product weight

Concrete volume

Quantity in 1 m 3

Class (grade) of concrete by compressive strength

35, 40 (450, 500)

35, 40 (450, 500)

Strength of concrete at the time of release of the product in:

% of brand strength

summer time

winter time

Concrete grade for frost resistance in saline solutions

not less than 200

not less than 200

Water absorption

no more than 6

no more than 6


no more than 0.8

no more than 0.8

Appendix 3

Nomenclature of curved side stones for sidewalks, pedestrian streets, paths

Dimensions, mm





View of coating fragments made of small-sized elements

Fragment of a coating made of small-sized slabs using colored products

Appendix 7

View of fragments of coating and seams with filling of holes with lawn grass mixture

a) lattice slabs; b) decorative seams

Appendix 8

Layout of expansion joints in a sidewalk covering made of small-sized shaped elements

Appendix 9

General view of the Optima slab laying machine

Appendix 10

Vibrating plates for compaction and planting of prefabricated pavements, equipped with a frame on rollers (a) and without it (b)

1. General Provisions. 1

2. Preparation of the subgrade and installation of shallow drainages. 2

3. Construction of a sandy underlying layer. 4

4. Installation of side stone. 5

5. Foundation structure. 6

6. Construction of coverings from slabs and small-sized elements. 9

7. Quality control of work. eleven

8. Safety requirements. 12

9. Environmental protection.. 12

10. Operation of sidewalks. 13

Appendix 1. Characteristics of small-sized elements. 14

Appendix 2. Characteristics of lattice slabs made of small-sized concrete. 14

Appendix 3. Nomenclature of curved side stones for sidewalks, pedestrian streets, paths. 14

Appendix 4. Layout diagrams for rectangular slabs. 14

Appendix 5. View of fragments of a covering made of square slabs with a decorative surface.. 15

Appendix 6. View of coating fragments from small-sized elements. 16

Appendix 7. View of fragments of coating and seams with filling of holes with lawn grass mixture.. 19

Appendix 8. Layout of expansion joints in the pavement covering made of small-sized shaped elements. 19

Appendix 9. General view of the Optima slab laying machine. 20

Appendix 10. Vibrating plates for compaction and planting of prefabricated pavements, equipped with a frame on rollers (a) and without it (b) 20