Cheeky gas mask. Civilian filtering gas masks. Using a gas mask in case of fire - application features, classification

Everyone knows what a gas mask is. Why it is needed is also no secret. And, despite the fact that in the present, relatively peaceful time, the population is not subject to mass infections and attacks from chemical and bacteriological weapons, gas masks are in considerable demand - the risk of getting into an emergency always remains. And if people whose profession involves at least having the skills to work with this tool personal protection, can easily cope with its use, then the ordinary civilian population very often has a number of questions, including naive ones, about gas masks.

In order to expand the understanding of the general population about what a gas mask is and how to handle it, representatives of one of the largest companies producing personal respiratory protection equipment, Breeze-Kama LLC, gave answers to a number of popular questions asked not only by their clients, but also by people who have never seen a gas mask in person.

1. Is there a universal gas mask?

This is probably one of the most popular questions from people who have never used a gas mask. There are even cases when, without a clear idea of ​​the scope of its application, people ask the question: “Which gas mask will always help?” and are persistently looking for universal gas masks. Universal in their understanding is a gas mask that will suit anyone and protect against everything.

Only filter gas masks are intended for the civilian population, which are quite easy to use and affordable. Such devices are equipped with a filter element designed to protect only from a specific type of substance. Besides this device It only purifies the air entering the body, so another limitation when using it is the presence of the required proportion of oxygen in the contaminated atmosphere. It is clear that it is necessary to choose this kind of gas mask solely within the framework of the purpose of the filter element.

To more or less universal type These include insulating gas masks that do not interact with the environment and work with any composition and concentration of hazardous substances in the air. However, this kind of devices are not intended for the civilian population, because require special training before their use and in the event of a sudden accident or during an emergency evacuation, an unprepared person simply will not be able to use it.

2. What does a gas mask NOT protect against?

A filter gas mask that does not have the ability to enrich the air with oxygen will be absolutely useless in conditions of insufficient oxygen for human body(less than 17%). Also, the composition of standard filters does not provide protection against organic gases, including carbon monoxide. Therefore, it is always important to pay Special attention composition of filter elements and, if necessary, purchase additional filters aimed at more extensive protection.

In addition, you should be very careful about the proper use of a gas mask. Since any mistake in its use - for example, breaking the tightness of the front part, using a gas mask with a damaged filter or any other element - can lead to harmful consequences.

The release of carbon monoxide during a fire poses a greater danger than the danger of an open fire. The standard filter gas mask is equipped with filters that protect against many types of toxic substances, but is not capable of filtering the air from carbon monoxide, so it is useless in case of fire.

To protect against carbon monoxide, there are additional filter elements that are purchased separately. But since most often their action is aimed at filtering the air only from carbon monoxide, and they do not protect against other combustion products, then these types of filters should be used in conjunction with the standard ones included in the basic gas mask kit.

4. Is it possible to suffocate in a gas mask?

You can suffocate without a gas mask. The device itself does not pose a direct threat, but there is a very important nuances, which should be taken into account before you start using a gas mask.

Firstly, if the rules for its use are not followed, death is quite likely due to the penetration of toxic substances into the submask space. For example, if a rubber mask is damaged or does not fit tightly to the face, be it a filtering or insulating gas mask, the effect of its protective elements becomes useless.

Secondly, in filter gas masks, the operating time of the filters is always limited, and their use after the stated operating time has expired or after they have been fully used also leads to undesirable consequences. Do not forget about the purpose of the filters - if the filter element is incorrectly selected, the gas mask will also be ineffective.

As for insulating gas masks, work in them can begin strictly after activation of the starting device, which releases the first portions of clean air.

In addition, it should be remembered that while working in a gas mask, breathing resistance and pressure on the front part are noticeably felt, which significantly affects the performance and functioning of the entire body. Therefore, you should study all contraindications to the use of this type of device.

5. Is it possible to clean filters in gas masks or refill oxygen cylinders at home?

All gas mask filters are disposable, because... contain an absorbent layer of activated carbon and paper membranes that cannot be cleaned. Therefore, after working out, the filter elements must be replaced with new ones.

As for refilling oxygen cylinders, such work can only be carried out in specially equipped laboratories, because Oxygen filling occurs under pressure, and this is impossible to do at home.

The history of mankind knows many disasters and wars. One of the most terrible cases was the episode of 1915. Then WMD was used for the first time - a weapon that can kill in a short time a large number of of people. In 1915, the Germans sent a cloud of chlorine at the French army near Ypres. Thousands of people died then. Subsequently, weapons of mass destruction began to be used more and more often. This was the impetus for the creation of protective equipment. In particular, they were created different kinds gas masks and respirators. We'll talk about them further.

Domestic personal protective equipment

Russia is not the initiator of the use of toxic substances. However, it was in our country that the gas mask was invented. Its author was Nikolai Zelinsky. The scientist tested the device on himself. Zelinsky spent several minutes in a room that was filled with chlorine and phosgene (the most common toxic substances at that time), and came out alive.

Subsequent inventions

Gas masks (types and purposes will be discussed below) during the First World War were not particularly diverse. They all became prototypes of Zelinsky's invention. The types of gas masks differed in the shape of the mask, name and country of origin. At the same time, absolute protection was provided only if the device was put on on time and the material was not damaged. The world was waiting for the next war. The states remained in this state during the 20-30s of the 20th century. In the Soviet Union, meanwhile, constant civil defense exercises were conducted. The purpose of the maneuvers was to train not only army soldiers, but also civilians, workers involved in industrial enterprises. It was then that filtering gas masks appeared. The purpose, types, composition, and operating principle of these devices were described in the instructions and explained during the exercises. These means of protection were developed, one might say, for everyone. So, there were not only adults, but also children’s gas masks. Types of protection have been developed for horses. These animals acted as the main draft force and were used in cavalry. Even for dogs, protective devices were developed.

World War II

Soldiers of all armies had, among other things, gas masks as part of their uniforms. Every fighter knew the types and purpose of these protective equipment. However, during the Second World War they were never needed. The Nazis were defeated without the use of poisonous compounds. The Germans themselves located OV in sufficient quantities. However, they did not use them, knowing that the Soviet Union would immediately respond in kind.

Cold War

After World War II, a new battle began. In the course of it, such toxins appeared against which any type of filtering gas masks were useless. Molecules of toxic compounds, most often binary, became smaller and were not retained by activated carbon. Designers invented other, insulating gas masks. The purpose, types, composition, principle of operation of these funds differed from previous models. In fact, the new devices were an element of an underwater or space suit. It contains a source of oxygen. All types of insulating gas masks are completely sealed internal space. These devices provide complete respiratory protection.

Types of gas masks and their use

All devices are used to protect the respiratory system, facial skin, eyes from negative influence radioactive and toxic compounds, toxic fumes, bacterial aerosols, dust, smoke that may arise in industrial or other conditions. There are gas masks:

In addition, there are industrial and combat types of gas masks.

The simplest models

Filtering gas masks, as mentioned above, are equipped with a special box. The air entering the respiratory system is purified through the process of adsorption, catalysis, and chemisorption. In addition to the absorption box, the device has a front part. All items fit into a bag. The kit includes anti-fog films or a special pencil to protect the glasses, as well as insulating cuffs for glasses. The box is connected to the front part directly or with the help of an elastic tube. The cleaning element contains the charge. It consists of activated carbon, which acts as a chemical absorbent and catalyst, as well as a smoke filter. The front part includes a rubber mask (or helmet-mask) with goggles, a valve box with exhalation and inhalation compartments.

Samples used

Filtering gas masks for combat purposes are represented by models of the MO-2 type. GP-4u samples are used for the population. For children from 1.5 to 14 years old, gas masks DP-6m and DP-6 have been developed, and for children up to 1.5 years old - special protective chambers. For victims who were burned or wounded in the head, ShR helmets were created, presented in the form of a hood. In filter gas masks industrial purposes boxes of brands BKF, KD, B, A and others are used. They absorb vapors and aerosols of specific toxic substances. The latter, in particular, include hydrogen derivatives of sulfur, arsenic, phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, acid gases, and so on. Protection against dust is provided by respirators P1B-1, F-57, PRB-5, RPP-57 and others.

Features of use

A filter gas mask has a negative effect on the body. It is determined by:

  • Breathing resistance increases when working.
  • Limitation of field of view.
  • The presence of space in the facial area filled with part of the exhaled air enriched with CO2.
  • The pressure of the mask on the fabric.
  • Difficulties in perceiving sound and transmitting speech.

Filtering gas masks reduce performance, but do not prevent the continuation of activities of a production or combat nature. To increase endurance, you need to exercise regularly. In low temperatures and windy conditions, protection against possible frostbite must be provided under the mask in the neck and chin area.

Insulating gas masks

These devices are used when toxic compounds are present in the air in elevated concentrations. Also, these types of gas masks provide protection against substances for which the devices discussed above are powerless, as well as in the case of insufficient oxygen in the atmosphere and during underwater work. There are 2 types of these devices. They differ in the way they supply oxygen for breathing. In models of the first type, it is supplied from a cylinder in which it is in a compressed state. In gas masks of another type, the supply is carried out from peroxide compounds, in which oxygen is in a chemically bound form. The duration of work in these protective equipment will depend on the intensity of the load and can reach several hours. In mine rescue operations and production conditions, the following types of gas masks are used:

Features of operation

In an insulating gas mask, a gas mixture is supplied to the respiratory organs, in which the content of CO 2 and O 2 is increased, as well as the level of humidity and temperature. The front part of the device also has a negative effect. Insulating gas masks are characterized by a complex design, bulkiness and heavy weight. As a result, work in them is significantly difficult. To prevent accidents, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules for using protective equipment and provide medical supervision.

Potential threats

When selling personal respiratory protection equipment, sellers and manufacturers must indicate the scope of permissible use of the product. However, neither the USSR nor then the Russian Federation established any restrictions. In this regard, in order to increase turnover and attract maximum profits for advertising purposes, some manufacturers and sellers unreasonably significantly overestimate the effectiveness of their products. Thus, consumers form a misconception about the safe use of gas masks. Choice is not enough effective devices occurs in cases where OT training programs do not include these issues. Many gas masks that were produced during World War II had filter frames made from cellulose fibers containing asbestos. This material has a dense structure. However, despite this, if the filter is damaged, the concentration of material components may increase.

Instructions for use

1. Stowed position. The gas mask is in the bag at waist level on the left side. All buttons must be fastened.

2. Ready position. If there is a threat of infection, the command “Attention” should be used to move the bag to the abdominal area and unfasten the buttons.

3. Combat position. At the command "Gases" you must put on a gas mask. This is done as follows:

  • When a command is received, you should hold your breath without inhaling air.
  • Close eyes.
  • Holding the bag from below with your right hand, take out the gas mask with your left.
  • Remove the plug from the box.
  • The thumbs are located on the outside of the face, the rest are on the inside.
  • The lower part of the mask is applied to the chin.
  • The gas mask is pulled sharply from bottom to top.
  • Exhale.
  • Open eyes.
  • Check that there are no wrinkles on the mask - the glasses should be at eye level.

Removal of the device occurs as follows:


The development of personal protective equipment was not only stimulated by military threats. The 20th century was also a period of man-made disasters on a large scale. The development of qualitatively new methods of providing protection was due to the rapid development of radioactive production, the chemical industry, and the launch of nuclear reactors. As a result, types of gas masks began to appear that could not be used in battles. However, they quite effectively provide protection for workers of enterprises involved in hazardous production. In certain cases, depending on the nature of the contamination, simpler respiratory devices can be used. They can provide protection against dust inhalation. Essentially, respirators are a simple analogue gas masks. For military purposes, more expensive and complex designs, the release of which is economically unprofitable for the civilian population.

Gas masks are necessary to protect the eye area, respiratory organs and facial skin from the toxic effects of nerve gases and other toxic substances. Such compounds may be released into the air during military operations.

The history of the development of personal protective equipment goes back several centuries. Now there are new, improved gas masks used in various fields. Their classification includes many different modifications and types, which can be difficult for the average person to understand.

In this article we will look at the most common types and models, understand their purpose, and consider distinctive features and provide information on how to use them correctly to obtain optimal protection.


Modern protective devices They are externally a helmet - a mask with a special breathing element (filter or compressor). It should cover not only the face, but the entire head. The filter box is included in the mask itself in most models, but the compressor is attached to the belt. A hose is required to connect it to the helmet.

Such air filtration devices are mandatory equipment for civilian and military specialists whose activities involve toxic substances. In addition, gas masks are required to be used during emergency situations with the release of chemical fumes.

According to the type of device and method of providing protection, gas masks are divided into 2 main types: filtering and insulating .


Such air purification devices use a filter box that performs mechanical filtration. However, they are not universal and do not protect against all existing chemical threats. They need to be replaced after the specified period of use. The period depends on the degree of air pollution and the type of toxic substances. It often ranges from 10 minutes to several days. Read and see an example in our material.

Gas masks of this type are marked on the box, by which you can determine the type and degree of protection. Digital symbols indicate the level of concentration of harmful compounds in the environment at which this gas mask will be able to provide protection.

For example, a device marked “1” can only be used if the vapor concentration is no more than 0.1%, that is, with a low level of contamination. The number “2” allows you to breathe without risk at a level of up to 0.5% concentration of toxic compounds.


They come with a box with a compressor. This type is considered more reliable and provides optimal protection for any degree of contamination and types of toxic substances. It can be used in situations where there is a lack of oxygen in the air, for example when extinguishing a fire.

Main distinctive feature from filtering means of protection is that when breathing, not atmospheric and purified air is used, but pure oxygen obtained from another device.

According to the method of obtaining air, insulating gas masks are divided into:

  1. Autonomous - a cylinder with a supply of compressed oxygen is used
  2. Hose - air is transmitted through a hose from a pipeline or other source

There are also combined options devices. They are especially in demand during emergencies. In this type, the main type of air supply is a hose, but there is also a cylinder that can be used if necessary.

Classification by application

Safety devices are used in a wide variety of applications. Based on this factor there are:

Military (army)

Specialized models are versatile and reliable. They are a mandatory element of the standard kit for equipping specialists consisting not only of military service, but also on combat duty in emergency response units, such as the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

In modern military gas masks, it is extremely important that the employee can clearly hear orders and speak, so the mask itself has a sealed intercom. In addition, the ear part is freed from sealing to ensure optimal operation of intercom communications.

A distinctive feature is more long term services, compared to civilian models. Safety glasses for the eyes are covered with an additional film designed to protect against negative impact light radiation. Some military models may include an additional autonomous source of air.


You can purchase them yourself, and they are also issued by local authorities in case of a health hazard. Their price is quite affordable. Reliability is average. The design is not very different from military models.


Used by employees and workers whose work activity involves contact with hazardous substances or in pairs. Most often they are built into a protective suit.

Children's models

Applicable for young children and teenagers. They are smaller in size. In addition, there are special models for infants (up to 1.5 years). They are rubber cameras with a reliable frame. The child is placed completely inside through special transparent holes. These devices are selected not only based on age, but also take into account the child’s height.

Modern models are varied, and you can choose the most convenient option for yourself. There are options with intercoms as well as wider eye lenses for a larger, clearer view. All models have good level moisture resistance.


Gas masks, types, characteristics

  • A gas mask is a means of personal protection against radioactive, toxic, bacterial or other toxic substances that spread in gaseous form.
  • The gas mask was invented in 1915, during the First World War.
  • Got it in the war wide application chemical weapons, as a result of which there is a need to invent such a means of protection.

Types of gas masks:

  • Currently, gas masks are divided into civil and industrial.
  • There is also a division into filtering and insulating gas masks.
  • Civilian gas masks are designed to protect people from radioactive dust, toxic substances and aerosols, for example, during military operations or environmental disasters.
  • All the most important Civil Defense facilities are required to be equipped with civilian gas masks.
  • It is recommended to have the required number of them in every private home.
  • Industrial gas masks are mainly aimed at protecting against toxic contaminants released into the air, resulting technological processes in hazardous industries.
  • Gas masks are also divided according to the principle of action, into filtering and insulating:

Filtering gas masks

  • A filtering gas mask is called so because the air passing through it undergoes filtration before entering the human lungs.
  • Initially, filters for gas masks were made of multi-layer gauze, and the masks were impregnated with special liquid absorbent substances.
  • The basis of a modern gas mask is a filter-absorbing box, consisting of 2 parts: an anti-aerosol filter and a charge containing Activated carbon.
  • Insulating gas masks are more versatile. They are usually used when the atmosphere is highly polluted, in conditions of a serious lack of oxygen.
  • The components for gas masks include an oxygen cylinder under a pressure of 150 atmospheres, a protective cartridge with an absorber of exhaled carbon dioxide, a breathing bag, a pressure reducing valve, and a front part.
  • The main parts of the gas mask are protected by a metal case.
  • Hose gas masks are insulating hose devices designed to protect the respiratory organs of the eyes and facial skin from toxic substances.
  • Their main advantage is that their protective effect is not limited by time, and depends only on the physiological capabilities of a person.
  • The principle of operation of the device is that Fresh air for breathing, it is taken from a special zone of clean air and supplied to the mask using a hose.
  • Hose gas masks are used mainly in conditions of severe air pollution, for example, when carrying out repairs and cleaning of various containers.

In addition to gas masks, special filtering respirator masks are often used in industry.

Reliable and effective means personal protective equipment are presented in our store in a large assortment. Product quality, compliance with standard criteria and long service life are guaranteed. You can buy a gas mask of one model or another and other protective equipment from us in Veliky Novgorod.

Gas masks in Veliky Novgorod are classified as personal protective equipment and have an important purpose - they protect a person’s respiratory organs, as well as his eyes and face from various toxic, radioactive, and bacterial substances.

In our store you can buy a gas mask that belongs to one of these groups.

  1. Filtering gas masks(they work on the principle of purifying the air that a person inhales, freeing this air from dangerous impurities).
  2. Insulating(a person wearing such a gas mask breathes clean air from a regenerating cartridge). It is necessary to buy such a gas mask for these critical situations when the surrounding air is not enough for normal human breathing, and the filter structure cannot provide oxygen.
  3. There are also hose gas masks, air is supplied to them from a long distance (10-12 meters). Such designs have a narrow application and can be used when carrying out work in containers. It is recommended to buy such a gas mask only for certain tasks.

The history of the creation of a gas mask dates back to the First World War. Over time, the design has been improved and now provides high level human protection in contaminated environments. Modern gas mask can be used separately or in combination with other types of protective equipment. The main elements of the product are a rubber helmet-mask, a filter box, a respirator and valve box, a spectacle unit, and a connecting tube (this element is not present in all models).

You can buy a gas mask in Veliky Novgorod with an improved design, which is equipped with intercom membranes and drinking devices. Product labeling provides basic information about the type protective agent, so you should pay attention to it when choosing.

From us you can buy a gas mask of one size or another, reliable and modern.
The offer is also beneficial in terms of the cost of the goods.

Gas mask GP-7B Breeze
Gas mask GP-7B station wagon
Gas mask GP-7

All about GAS MASK

A gas mask is a device (device) for protecting the respiratory system, eyes and face of a person from toxic, radioactive substances, bacterial agents and other harmful impurities in the air in the form of vapors, gases or aerosols. A gas mask can save your life!

The need for the invention of a gas mask arose during the First World War, when chemicals were used in huge quantities. The first country to equip its army with personal chemical protective equipment was Germany, which actually used the first toxic substances. The GM-15 gas mask appeared in German troops in 1915. The gas mask was made of rubber (a little later from rubberized tarpaulin), had two eyepieces for the eyes, and a small cylindrical filter was attached directly to the mask. The gas mask was stored in a cylindrical metal box, which was supposed to reliably protect the gas mask from contamination and external damage.

In Russia, the first gas mask with an activated carbon filter and a rubber mask was also invented in 1915 by the Russian chemist Nikolai Dmitrievich Zelinsky.

In the twenties of the last century, the Institute of Chemical Defense was created in Moscow, which was in charge of all issues related to the development of new means of chemical defense. Chemical protection equipment was designed here not only for adults, but also for teenagers, children, and infants.

In 1928, a gas mask was proposed for horses (you can see this gas mask in our office!), which at that time were the main draft force of the army. Horse gas masks were made in three sizes from rubberized canvas, but they were not particularly widespread and were most often replaced with canvas masks.

In 1932-1933 A gas mask for dogs was adopted. Canvas gas masks were also produced for oxen and cows.

According to the principle of protection, gas masks are divided into:

  • filter gas masks (gas mask GP-7, gas mask GP-7VM, gas mask PDF-2D (sh)), the action of which is based on cleaning (filtering) the inhaled air from harmful impurities,
  • insulating gas masks (gas mask IP-4M, gas mask IP-4MK with cartridge RP-7, gas mask IP-6), the use of which completely isolates the respiratory system from environment; breathing is carried out by air regenerated in the gas mask cartridge.

According to their purpose, modern filter gas masks are divided into:

  • military
  • civilian
  • industrial

Military and civilian gas masks are designed to protect against radioactive dust, toxic substances and bacterial aerosols; industrial - from harmful impurities in production.

The main parts of a filter gas mask are a filter-absorbing box, a front part (helmet-mask) and a bag.

The filter-absorbing box 1 contains two main elements - an anti-aerosol filter 3 (PAF), in which the air is purified from aerosols (radioactive dust, OM aerosols and other toxic substances, bacterial aerosols), and a charge 2 (activated carbon), which ensures absorption vapors (gases) of toxic substances.

The front part (helmet-mask) 5 ensures the supply of air purified in the gas mask box to the respiratory organs and protects the eyes and face from contact with them harmful substances. The facial parts are made in several sizes (heights) and are selected individually based on head measurements.

The front part is connected to the gas mask box using connecting tube 8 or directly.

The kit includes anti-fog agents for spectacle lenses (special pencil 12 and anti-fog films 13). In winter, the mask is equipped with insulating cuffs 14, worn on the spectacle clips of the helmet-mask.

Time protective action The use of an industrial gas mask depends on the brand of the box and the conditions in which it is used.

The use of filter gas masks is permitted only in an atmosphere containing at least 18% by volume of free oxygen and no more than 0.2-0.5% by volume of harmful substances.

Filter gas masks were developed during World War I, after the Germans carried out the first gas attack using C12 on the Russian front on May 31, 1915. At first, respiratory protection equipment consisted of multi-layer gauze bandages and masks impregnated with various liquid substances (absorbers) capable of reacting with certain toxic agents, such as chlorine and phosgene.

Insulating gas masks provide the greatest universal protection for the human respiratory system; They are used in conditions of a lack of oxygen in the atmosphere or extremely high gas contamination, as well as when the composition of air pollutants is unknown.

There are insulating gas masks based on compressed O2 and compressed air(in cylinders); based on chemically bound O2 - the use of drugs that release O2 when interacting with CO2 and H2O in exhaled air; hose insulating gas masks in which breathing air is taken from a clean area.

The set of an insulating gas mask based on compressed O2 includes: an oxygen cylinder under a pressure of 150 atm (14.7 MPa), a cartridge with an absorber of exhaled CO2, a breathing bag with a volume of about 5 liters, a pressure reducing valve that ensures a uniform supply of O2 into the breathing bag 3, front part 1. The main parts of the gas mask are mounted in a metal case.

The duration of use of a gas mask is 1-2 hours. In an insulating gas mask based on compressed air, the exhaled air is discharged into the atmosphere.

In an insulating gas mask based on chemically bound O2, “pendulum breathing” is realized. When exhaling, air containing excess H2O and CO2 vapors enters a regenerative cartridge filled with oxygen-containing compounds.

Air enriched with O2 enters the respiratory tract. bag 3, from it into the respiratory organs. The duration of use of one regenerative cartridge depends on physical activity performed by a person and can last from 1 to 5 hours.

Depending on the method of supplying air to the front part, hose gas masks are divided into two types:

1) self-priming hose devices, in which breathing air is supplied through a hose from a clean area as a result of human efforts;
2) hose devices with forced submission clean air into the front part using blowers, fans or from a compressed air network, after its preliminary cleaning.

Hose gas masks have a number of advantages - the time of their protective action is not limited by anything other than the physiological capabilities of people, thanks to the constant excess pressure, the leakage of contaminated air into the under-mask space is prevented, etc.

A hose gas mask is an insulating hose breathing apparatus, a device designed to protect the respiratory organs, eyesight, and facial skin from harmful substances.

The principle of operation of a hose gas mask is that uncontaminated fresh air for breathing is taken from the clean air zone and supplied through a hose to the helmet mask.

Hose gas masks are used mainly when carrying out work in conditions of a lack (less than 17% by volume) of oxygen in the air, as well as when the composition of harmful substances is unknown or their concentration is high (more than 0.5% of harmful vapor-gas impurities) - when repairing and cleaning various containers (intended for storage chemical products), wells, underground premises in chemical plants, chimneys, basements and other places where harmful and dangerous gaseous substances can accumulate.

Depending on the method of supplying air for breathing, hose gas masks are divided into:

Self-priming breathing apparatus (the user inhales air using the force of his lungs)

Breathing apparatus with forced air supply using a blower, fan or from a compressor line after it has been pre-cleaned.

PSh-1, a non-pressure self-priming hose gas mask, consists of a front part (helmet-mask ShMP-1 or ShM-62U) and 2 corrugated tubes (connected in series), to which a reinforced hose 10 m long is attached. The kit includes a safety belt (belt, shoulder straps and signal rescue rope). During storage and transportation, the hose is tightly wound onto a drum, inside which all the components, including equipment, are placed. The principle of operation of such a gas mask is based on the fact that fresh air for breathing is absorbed by the worker himself from the clean area through a hose. The exhaled air is released through the exhalation valve directly into the atmosphere. The time of protective action of a gas mask is not limited. Weight - no more than 16 kg.

PSh-RV, an air-pressure hose gas mask, is available in 2 versions: with an air supply hose 20 m long (PSh-20 RV and PSh-40 RV) and 40 m. It differs from the PSh-1 gas mask in that clean breathing air is taken from outside the contaminated area, it is supplied through a hose under the front part using a hand-held blower. Created under the front part is small overpressure provides enough comfortable conditions for breathing (compared to a self-priming apparatus) and eliminates the possibility of suction of contaminated air. The blower is mounted inside the drum. The primary shaft of its gearbox is brought out and is driven using a removable handle. The weight of the PSh-20 RV gas mask is 26.5 kg, the PSh-40 RV on the drum is 24 kg, additional stowage is 17 kg.

Hose gas masks are widely used in the oil refining and petrochemical industries.

Modern gas masks are characterized by high efficiency. However, reliable human protection with their help can only be achieved if rational choice And correct application appropriate types of gas masks in a specific situation.

Here you can find any gas mask you need in Veliky Novgorod. Moskovskaya street 53A

Designed to protect the respiratory system, vision and face of a person from toxic substances, biological aerosols and radioactive dust (OM, BA and RP). The front part of the civilian gas mask GP 7 is made in the form of a mask with round viewing glasses for the eyes. The gas mask is held on a person’s head by a special headband, which significantly reduces the overall mechanical impact of the gas mask on the person’s head and, as a result, fatigue. The gas mask does not cover the ears. The existing intercom in the gas mask greatly facilitates communication during work. Regulatory technical documentation: GOST R 12.4.189-99 SSBT. Respiratory PPE. Masks. General technical conditions.

Brand: Breeze-Kama Description The front part - panoramic mask Breeze-4301 (PPM) is intended for completing industrial, civil gas masks and hose breathing apparatus. It has panoramic glass, an intercom, a self-tightening headband, and an independent shutter. The presence of a mask prevents fogging of the glass and reduces the CO2 content in the inhaled air. The design guarantees good audibility and speech intelligibility, does not reduce a person’s performance when performing work of any severity throughout the entire work shift. The mask can be used with any Breeze filters. Temperature range of use from -40°C to +40°C at relative air humidity up to 95%. Regulatory technical documentation: GOST R 12.4.189-99 SSBT. Respiratory PPE. Masks. General technical conditions.

Provides protection for the respiratory system, vision and face from gases, vapors and aerosols. Distinctive characteristics: cost-effectiveness, long service life. High degree of protection, low breathing resistance. The wide panoramic lens provides excellent visibility and eliminates fogging. Impact-resistant, scuff- and scratch-resistant polycarbonate lens. Light weight. The material does not cause irritation. The half mask is used with replaceable cartridges and pre-filters. A wide range of spare parts. The degree of protection is up to 200 MAC. Regulatory technical documentation: GOST R 12.4.189-99 SSBT. Respiratory PPE. Masks. General technical conditions.

For protection against: arosols, dust, fumes, mists, asbestos, radionuclides. Regulatory technical documentation: GOST R 12.4.194-99 SSBT. Respiratory PPE. Anti-aerosol filters. General technical conditions.

Durable half-mask respirator for harsh industrial conditions. The fastening system of two elastic rubber straps on a cotton base and the headband is adjustable at four points. The backing made of silicone-containing material, which does not cause allergies, softly and tightly fits the clit along the obturation line. High efficiency of heat and water vapor removal from exhaled air. Compatible with eye and head protection. Dimensions S, M, L. Regulatory technical documentation: GOST R 12.4.190-99 SSBT. Respiratory PPE. Half masks and four masks made of insulating materials. General technical conditions.

K1 - protection from ammonia and methylamine up to 10 MAC with half masks and up to 100 MAC with full masks. Recommended for use with pre-filter 5911 to extend the life of the gas filter cartridge. Regulatory technical documentation: GOST R 12.4.193-99 SSBT. Respiratory PPE. Gas and combined filters. General technical conditions.

Size: 23×12.5×10.5 cm Internal pocket size: 9×9 cm Material: Cordura ® 500d (100% nylon) Weight: 182 g Slings: 100% nylon Threads: Liberty® (Netherlands) filament nylon bonded Accessories : Duraflex ® * The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the design, materials and configuration of products without prior notice to the consumer. A pouch for a gas mask (small models of the GP-5 type), is also perfectly used as luggage. Recommended for carrying the JetBoil Sumo burner. An improved model replacing the old one. Structurally, it is a complete analogue of the small luggage pouch on fastex, but with different dimensions (narrower and larger). Fastening: Third generation UniClick system. Two built-in clips. For mounting on classical system PALS / MOLLE requires three cells in width and from two to four horizontal rows of cells in height. The pouch is fastened with fastex fastex (fast, fast buckle, “trident”) semi-automatic fastener for connecting fabric tapes, slings, belts. The name “Fastex” originates from the ITW (Illinois Tool Works) division ITW Fastex... Learn about Fastex from the Duraflex ® Encyclopedia, adjustable. At the top of the valve, a small flat pocket with Velcro is sewn from the inside for a set of anti-fog films for gas mask lenses. On the new model, the Velcro is sewn in a reinforced way, and a strap grip has been added for easy opening External surface lined with PALS cells for attaching additional pouches. In the new model, the rows of PALS are located more rationally - they are shifted relative to the old position and are sewn in the classic way(with a gap between rows the width of the sling). There are only three rows in height (in the old version of the pouch there were two). The width of the cells is 37 mm instead of the old size of 35 mm. The pouch is sewn entirely from more light fabric Cordura ® 500d instead of the old 1060d option All fabric edges are edged for security and neatness appearance All ends of the Uniclick and PALS lines are hidden under the edging. There is a grommet at the bottom for water drainage. Its installation location is reinforced with a strap to protect it from being pulled out. REVIEWS: Discussion on the forum

Filters are used when the total concentration of toxic substances does not exceed 0.1% by volume. The filter resistance to constant air flow at a volume flow of 30 dm³/min is not more than 100 Pa (102 mm water column). The filters can be used in all climatic zones of Russia, the operating temperature range is from -40 to +50°C. The filter housing is made of polypropylene in the form of a cylinder. Filter weight 300g. Do not use filters to protect against carbon monoxide, low boiling organic matter(methanes, ethane, butane, ethylene, acetylene, etc.) and when the composition of the polluted atmosphere is unknown. Guarantee period storage - 5 years from the date of manufacture. A2B2E2K2P3 - from vapors of organic substances with a boiling point above 65 ° C, inorganic gases and vapors, sulfur dioxide, arsenic and hydrogen oxide, ammonia, hydrazine, organic amines, aerosols Regulatory technical documentation: GOST R 12.4.193-99 SSBT. Respiratory PPE. Gas and combined filters. General technical conditions.

Size: 23×12.5×10.5 cm Internal pocket size: 9×9 cm Material: Cordura ® 500d (100% nylon) Weight: 182 g Slings: 100% nylon Threads: Liberty® (Netherlands) filament nylon bonded Fittings : Duraflex ® * The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the design, materials and configuration of products without prior notice to the consumer. A pouch for a gas mask (small models of the GP-5 type), is also perfectly used as luggage. Recommended for carrying the JetBoil Sumo burner. An improved model replacing the old one. Structurally, it is a complete analogue of the small luggage pouch on fastex, but with different dimensions (narrower and larger). Fastening: Third generation UniClick system. Two built-in clips. To attach to the classic PALS/MOLLE system, you need three cells in width and from two to four horizontal rows of cells in height. The pouch is fastened with fastex fastex (fast, fast buckle, “trident”) semi-automatic fastener for connecting fabric tapes, slings, belts. The name “Fastex” originates from the ITW (Illinois Tool Works) division ITW Fastex... Learn about Fastex from the Duraflex ® Encyclopedia, adjustable. At the top of the valve, a small flat pocket with Velcro is sewn from the inside for a set of anti-fog films for gas mask lenses. On the new model, the Velcro is sewn in a reinforced way, a strap grip has been added for easy opening. The outer surface is lined with PALS cells for attaching additional pouches. In the new model, the rows of PALS are arranged more rationally - they are shifted relative to the old position and sewn in the classic way (with a gap between the rows the width of the sling). There are only three rows in height (in the old version of the pouch there were two). The cell width is 37 mm instead of the old size of 35 mm The pouch is sewn entirely from lighter Cordura ® 500d fabric instead of the old 1060d option All fabric edges are edged for security and a neat appearance All Uniclick and PALS webbing ends are hidden under the edge There is a grommet at the bottom for water drainage. Its installation location is reinforced with a strap to protect it from being pulled out. REVIEWS: Discussion on the forum

Highly efficient cleaning filter. Cleaning: dust, fog, asbestos, radionuclides. Regulatory technical documentation: GOST R 12.4.194-99 SSBT. Respiratory PPE. Anti-aerosol filters. General technical conditions.

For protection against vapors of organic compounds Regulatory technical documentation: TU 2568-176-05808014-95

P1 - pre-filter (pre-filter), protection against solid and liquid aerosols, up to 4 maximum permissible concentrations. Used in conjunction with a 3M 501 holder and replaceable 3M gas protection cartridges to extend the service life of the gas filter (from 2 times or more). Regulatory technical documentation: GOST R 12.4.194-99 SSBT. Respiratory PPE. Anti-aerosol filters. General technical conditions.

Filters are used when the total concentration of toxic substances does not exceed 0.1% by volume. The filter resistance to constant air flow at a volume flow of 30 dm³/min is not more than 100 Pa (102 mm water column). The filters can be used in all climatic zones of Russia, the operating temperature range is from -40 to +50°C. The filter housing is made of polypropylene in the form of a cylinder. Filter weight 300g. It is prohibited to use filters to protect against carbon monoxide, low-boiling organic substances (methane, ethane, butane, ethylene, acetylene, etc.) and when the composition of the polluted atmosphere is unknown. Guaranteed shelf life is 5 years from the date of manufacture. А1В1Э1К1Р1 - from vapors of organic substances with a boiling point above 65°C, inorganic gases and vapors, sulfur dioxide, arsenic and hydrogen oxide, ammonia, hydrazine, organic amines, aerosols Regulatory technical documentation: GOST R 12.4.193-99 SSBT. Respiratory PPE. Gas and combined filters. General technical conditions.

For protection against substances such as: organic vapors, paints, varnishes, enamels, pesticides, dust, fumes, mists; asbestos, radionuclides. Regulatory technical documentation: GOST R 12.4.193-99 SSBT. Respiratory PPE. Gas and combined filters. General technical conditions.

The front part of the ShMP is intended for completing industrial gas masks and serves to protect the face, eyes and respiratory organs from the effects of highly toxic chemical substances, biologically damaging agents, radioactive dust, supply of purified and discharge of exhaled air into the atmosphere. Enables continuous operation for 6 hours. Regulatory technical documentation: GOST 12.4.166-85 SSBT. Front part of ShMP for industrial gas masks. Technical conditions.

Filters are used when the total concentration of toxic substances does not exceed 0.1% by volume. The filter resistance to constant air flow at a volume flow of 30 dm³/min is not more than 100 Pa (102 mm water column). The filters can be used in all climatic zones of Russia, the operating temperature range is from -40 to +50°C. The filter housing is made of polypropylene in the form of a cylinder. Filter weight 300g. It is prohibited to use filters to protect against carbon monoxide, low-boiling organic substances (methane, ethane, butane, ethylene, acetylene, etc.) and when the composition of the polluted atmosphere is unknown. Guaranteed shelf life is 5 years from the date of manufacture. В1Р1- from inorganic gases and vapors (halogens, sulfur dioxide, cyanogen chloride, carbon disulfide, hydrogen chloride, hydrocyanic acid), aerosols (dust, smoke, fog), except carbon monoxide. Regulatory technical documentation: GOST R 12.4.193-99 SSBT. Respiratory PPE. Gas and combined filters. General technical conditions.

Serves to protect the respiratory system from dust and mists when working in high temperatures and high humidity. The most tight and comfortable fit of the respirator to the face is ensured by a three-panel design. Includes a sweat-absorbing pad on the nose clip. FFP1 up to 4 MPC. Regulatory technical documentation: GOST R 12.4.191-2011 SSBT. Respiratory PPE. Filtering half masks for protection against aerosols. General technical conditions.

Provides a tight fit to any type of face. The fastening system of two elastic rubber straps on a cotton base and the headband is adjustable at four points. The backing made of silicone-containing material, which does not cause allergies, fits softly and tightly to the face along the obturation strip. It has no replaceable parts other than cartridges, filters, and pre-filters. Compatible with eye and head protection. Regulatory technical documentation: GOST R 12.4.190-99 SSBT. Respiratory PPE. Half masks and four masks made of insulating materials. General technical conditions.