How to make a corner wardrobe with your own hands? Do-it-yourself corner cabinet: secrets, tips, diagrams, assembly steps. How to make a corner cabinet with your own hands? Do-it-yourself triangular cabinet in the corner

Instead of struggling with the selection of furniture in small apartment, better learn how to do corner cupboard DIY coupe. After all, no matter how little space there is, the corners in the hallway, kitchen, and rooms remain empty. A hand-made cabinet will not only solve the problem of placing things, it will elegantly decorate the interior.


There is no exemplary standard design that a corner wardrobe must comply with. It can be built-in (when you only need to install doors) or framed, have various sizes, different quantities sides (triangular, trapezoidal, L- or U-shaped).

IN last years The radius sliding wardrobe has become popular, which is a furniture structure devoid of sharp corners. Lovers of beauty will undoubtedly appreciate the curved doors that slide along the corresponding profiles. This layout allows you to save space and elegantly solve the storage problem. large quantity of things.

In Fig.2. angular are diagram No. 1 (concave), No. 2 (convex), No. 5 (convex column of a massive furniture structure or a free-standing small wardrobe). All other options for radius sliding wardrobes can be obtained by combining the 6 initial types listed above.

Radius is beautiful and functional

The movement of the radius cabinet doors is smooth and almost silent. Similar characteristics are provided by the profile included in the sliding mechanism. Manufacturers offer it in steel or aluminum. We recommend choosing the second option for the following reasons:

  • increased resistance to damage;
  • minimizing noise when the door slides.

Price aluminum profile higher than steel. However, over time long-term operation you will appreciate your choice.

The wall thickness must be at least 0.12 cm. A thicker profile increases the reliability of fastening. High-quality components are produced by Komandor, Absolut, Raumplus, Aristo, and others. If the height of the radius cabinet is above 3 m, we recommend taking the Raumplus profile.

Doors radius wardrobe may be with top system sliding or from the bottom. In the first case, the doors hang on rollers. Movement is carried out along the upper guide. The initial impression of the suspension system is excellent. However, the large load on the upper horizon causes its gradual sagging. Hanging system wears out quickly, without regular Maintenance can suddenly lock the door at the most inopportune moment.

The second sliding system looks preferable for daily household use. The sash slides along the bottom guide, the door is attached and fixed along the top. The load is distributed evenly, the assembled structure will last longer.

Door elements

Assembling corner wardrobes with your own hands without a diagram reflecting exact dimensions, is impossible. Particular attention must be paid to the moving part of the structure - the doors. You cannot miss anything or take the wrong size; in such a case, the doors will not be able to be used normally.

Before assembling your closet, let's take a closer look at the elements of doors with a bottom sliding system:

  • Vertical side profiles can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. During operation they are used as handles. Symmetrical profiles look the same on both sides, asymmetrical ones create a difference between the outer and external parties.
  • The asymmetrical rollers located at the top are designed to fix the sashes in the opening.
  • The upper door frame is necessary for attaching wheels to it, as well as for subsequent fixation of the structure.
  • The lower door frame is used to install the lower wheels and ensure proper sliding of the doors.
  • The internal door filler (wood, glass, mirror) performs a decorative function and gives the entire interior a personality trait.
  • The seal attached to the vertical side profiles, in addition to softening the impact of the door on the cabinet wall, protects the moving structure from dust.
  • The door plug is used to secure the side vertical profiles.
  • The assembly and adjustment screws allow you to change the sliding speed of the sashes.
  • The stopper makes it possible to fix the door and avoid unintended opening of the doors.

Calculation of cabinet capacity

Any step-by-step instructions will give you confidence in the work you have started, but without a preliminary assessment of capacity, the result will be disappointing. Before drawing drawings and studying the assembly manual, decide what you will put on the shelves or hang. Then it will be difficult to move the functional sections; a beautiful-looking cabinet can become a source of bad mood.

  • to arrange things according to the season, provide at least 2 sections for outerwear;
  • when installing recessed lamps, the upper horizon of the cabinet is moved forward by 12-17 cm;
  • not only convenient, but also functional when the depth of the shelves is at least 60 cm;
  • shelf widths of more than 65 cm increase the risk of them sagging;
  • the intershelf distance should be no more than 35 cm;
  • accept a door width of 50 cm; smaller sizes may cause the guides to fall out;
  • the number of functional compartments should be proportional to the number of sashes;
  • designing dimensions drawers, please note Special attention on the location of the door frames, too wide it will be impossible to reach;
  • doors must be the same width;
  • depends on the thickness of the chipboard appearance and cabinet strength;
  • the material for the roof, side walls, doors will be chipboard, back wall can be made from fiberboard 3 mm thick.

The most practical option is the production of a built-in radius wardrobe. This design will easily blend with the walls, hide possible defects, and require less material consumption and time. Housewives will appreciate the absence of gaps between the wall and the cabinet, where dust constantly accumulates

Assembling the closet

To install the designed cabinet you will definitely need:

  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • square;
  • drill;
  • pencil.

Before you begin assembling the structure, also make sure you have:

  • drawings;
  • furniture board in 18 mm;
  • doors and guides;
  • “insides” of the cabinet (drawers, hangers, handles);
  • door hardware, screws, dowels;
  • side, bottom and top false panels.

Step-by-step assembly order:

  1. Taking measurements and drawing “on the ground” where the cabinet will be installed (you will need a pencil and a level). Vertical posts are marked on the wall, profiles are marked on the floor and ceiling.
  2. Determining the location for the shelves, drilling holes for the dowels, hammering them in with a hammer.
  3. Fastening profiles for shelves to the wall, installing their lower holders.
  4. Marking the mezzanine shelf and fastening it with self-tapping screws.
  5. Adjusting the side wall to size and installing it.
  6. Installation of internal “filling” (shelves, drawers, etc.).
  7. Installation of pre-prepared false panels, attaching them to the floor, ceiling, side wall with a screwdriver.
  8. Cutting and bending the upper and lower profiles (don’t forget to insert 1 stopper per door), attaching them with screws to the false panel.
  9. Installation assembled door. The description of the actions is as follows:
  • decorating with self-adhesive film (if necessary),
  • installation of vertical profiles with screws,
  • installation door seal,
  • securing the upper and lower door frames,
  • attaching the bottom and top of the rollers,
  • inserting the top guide, then the bottom,
  • checking the correct sliding, adjusting it (if required) with a hexagon.

You can make a corner cabinet with your own hands in one day or even in a few hours. It all depends on the skills of the performer and the quality of the instrument used. Even a beginner who has never dealt with creating furniture can do this task.

A corner cabinet is a convenient piece of furniture that allows you to store things and at the same time save space. The dimensions of the product depend on where it is planned to be installed. For example, for small room make narrow products with swing doors, and if you have enough space, you can afford a full-fledged wardrobe.

Tools, materials and general operating principle

The work will require the following tools and consumables:

  • carpentry boards (humidity no more than 15%), chipboard or plasterboard;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • sandpaper or angle grinder;
  • paint and varnish products and tools for their application;
  • furniture conductor;
  • dowels;
  • wood glue or PVA;
  • hinges or guides, depending on the selected type of opening;
  • door handles and other fittings;
  • furniture edge (for chipboard);
  • plywood or fiberboard (for the back wall);
  • measuring instruments.

You can make a corner cabinet with your own hands from wood, chipboard or plasterboard. The principle of working with the first two materials is the same, the only difference is that chipboard does not require additional processing. A plasterboard cabinet will cost as little as possible, but it is necessary to create a clear drawing that will correspond to the specific installation location.

Cabinet made of wood or chipboard: step-by-step guides

The number, height and location of shelves can be changed at your own discretion. The presented drawings suggest the possibility of choosing doors - you can make both hinged and sliding ones.

Regardless of which drawing is selected, there is general order work. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Preparing parts.
    • Preparation of walls.
      • The canvases are cut out in accordance with the sizes suggested by the selected patterns.
      • Wooden materials if necessary, leveled, then sanded.
      • Holes are made on the canvases for subsequent fastening of the parts together with screws. For this purpose, a furniture jig is used - it will allow you to clearly observe the indentations and prevent the recesses from mismatching.
      • If there are shelves in the wall, then the easiest way to attach them is to put them on dowels. Blind holes are made in the walls for them. Depth – half the length of the dowel. Installation is done using glue.
      • Wooden walls are covered with paint and varnish. If the cabinet is made of chipboard, then you need to attach a furniture edge to the end - a special tape that will protect the material from moisture.
    • Making shelves and other cabinet parts. The work is done in the same order.
  2. Cabinet assembly. If all the parts are made correctly, then assembly will not be difficult.

If you are making a cabinet out of wood, it is important to take your time and let it dry. paint coatings.

How to make a cabinet from plasterboard

Only a built-in wardrobe can be made from plasterboard. This material is not structural, but finishing; its sheets cannot be fastened together - any connection will be unreliable. Therefore, furniture made of gypsum board is created according to a different principle than furniture made of wood or chipboard. First of all, a frame is created onto which the material is subsequently sewn.

For work you will need:

  • Screwdriver.
  • Metal corners. You can also use wooden slats, but this is a more labor-intensive option and less reliable.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Hardware.
  • Connection fasteners metal corners.
  • Measuring tools, level.
  • Paint and tools for applying it.


  1. Planning. It is necessary to create a drawing for a specific installation location. In this case, you can use existing drawings. Schemes should be as detailed and accurate as possible. If you can’t do them yourself, it’s better to ask a specialist.
  2. Marking. Most important stage work. It is necessary to note the location of all frame slats. The “evenness” of the future cabinet directly depends on the accuracy of the markings. Therefore, everything needs to be drawn, controlling the level. It should be remembered that measuring seven times is much easier and faster than assembling a crooked cabinet, and then dismantling it and doing all the work again.
  3. Frame assembly. The corners are attached to the walls with self-tapping screws and fastened together using special fasteners. Everything needs to be controlled by level. At this stage, the curvature can still be corrected.
  4. Carrying out lighting. If it is provided, then before creating the housing it is necessary to run all the wires and make conclusions for the light bulbs.
  1. Creation of the corpus.
    • Drywall is cut to fit the ruler using a sharp knife.
    • Sewing plasterboard sheets. They are attached using special gypsum-metal or gypsum-wood self-tapping screws (depending on what the frame is made of).
  2. Strengthening corners. They are the most vulnerable point of the structure. To prevent the cabinet from chipping at the edges and to prevent gypsum dust from appearing in the house, it is necessary to protect it with a corner metal profile. A layer of plaster is placed on top of it.
  3. Doors are made of chipboard or wood. It is better to give preference to a sliding wardrobe, since attaching the hinges is more problematic. After the products are created, the guides are installed and the doors themselves are installed on them.
  4. Painting the product in the desired color.

Corner wardrobes are extremely ergonomic: due to their beveled shape, they do not appear bulky and, at the same time, are extremely spacious. Let's look at examples of how to make a corner cabinet with your own hands - what models can be implemented, what they can be standard sizes, content and how to calculate parts using the example of ready-made drawings and diagrams.

Designs, drawings and photos of corner cabinets

Conventionally, corner cabinets can be divided into two categories: beveled trapezoidal and strictly rectangular shape, with diagonally and perpendicularly located facades. In both cases, the cabinet can be:

  • Symmetrical and asymmetrical.
  • With separate mezzanines and without mezzanines.
  • Combined filling and allocated exclusively for shelves or hangers.
  • With internal or external drawers.
  • With a different number of facades (one-door, two-door, three-door).
  • In the form of display cases, open shelving and designed for storing clothes.

We will only consider do-it-yourself wardrobe (dressing) corner wardrobe designs.

Corner cabinets with perpendicular doors, most often, represent an attached composition of two ordinary cabinets of a slightly modified design. In rare cases, there may be cast structures, especially if the front part is sliding, like an accordion.

The advantage of trapezoidal corner cabinets is their large capacity and functionality. For example, the width of the outer sides can be reduced to a minimum and this will not interfere with placing hangers with bulky clothes - after all, the inner part expands towards the center.

Do-it-yourself corner cabinet: deciding on the dimensions

Before wondering how to make a corner cabinet with your own hands, you need to decide overall dimensions. Ergonomic shapes attract many, but it is not always possible to achieve what you want if the allotted space for placement is too small.

The smallest dimensions of a corner cabinet with your own hands can be compared to the typical dimensions of a kitchen wall unit. It occupies 600x600mm from the corner. In order for the facade to be of sufficient width (400 mm minimum), the depth of the pillars (sidewalls) is set to no more than 300 mm. Naturally, with such dimensions there is no question of placing the barbell under the hangers. Only shelves or hooks for clothes.

For a corner wardrobe with a compartment for hanging clothes, the distance from the corner, at least on one side, must be at least 800 mm. Then the depth of the stand can be set at 450mm, which is quite enough for hangers with light clothes (for “men’s” and outerwear, 500mm is required). Do-it-yourself corner cabinet diagrams are approximately the same, in the ratio of the depth of the stand and the remaining space for the facade.

With asymmetrical options, it is quite possible to implement your plan with dimensions ranging from an angle of 850x650mm, 800x700mm, etc.

How to make a corner cabinet with your own hands using the example of a drawing

Let's consider a typical symmetrical model, with overall dimensions 2100x900x900mm. A do-it-yourself drawing of a corner cabinet will look like this.

Along one of the sides, the width of the body allows for the placement of shelves; they must be made taking into account the required space for hanging the rod - from 500mm minimum. Drawers can be built into the section with shelves. The only nuance that should be taken into account in the future is the placement of hinges on the facade. The loop should not “get” into either the drawer or the shelf!

The height of the cabinet allows for the placement of two rods under clothes. A distance of 900-1100 mm is sufficient for short jackets and shirts, and the hem of long dresses can simply be “thrown” over the lower rod. Or you can make a shelf at the top or bottom, for hats or shoes.

How to calculate the details of a corner cabinet with your own hands

After you have decided on the dimensions of the corner cabinet with your own hands, internal filling, you can start calculating the details. The simplest option is in the form of a table in the Excel office program.

  • We write down all the details in strict accordance with the texture of the drawing, first the length, then the width. If you enter the formula into a tabular form for calculating the square footage of each part, you can sum it up and roughly estimate how much volume the cabinet will “flow into.”
  • At the same time we denote visible sides, which will need to be rolled up with an edge in units. Formulas will also help you pre-calculate the footage of the end tape.
  • I recommend highlighting the details irregular shape so as not to lose sight of them (for example, as in the table below - yellow). And also clearly show along which side they will be rolled with an edge.
  • You can see how to calculate the size of the fronts for a corner cabinet. Strictly speaking, the facade part can be made of another material - for example, MDF or solid wood.
  • A similar method is considered to be detailing fiberboard.

DIY corner cabinet cutting cards

The calculated dimensions of parts from Excel are transferred to a special cutting program. Parts for which the direction of the pattern is unimportant (for example, stiffeners, plinths, internal shelves) can be rotated to minimize waste. In our case, there is a reason to make the front part from a different material - the body of the corner cabinet with your own hands economically “lays” on two sheets.

The cutting can be ordered from a third party along with PVC seaming. Typically, such services are provided by all companies selling chipboards. At home PVC conditions rolling it up is quite labor-intensive and it’s unlikely to work neatly. You will have to be content with melamine tape, the only advantage of which is its low cost. The table shows that 28.83 linear meters will be needed. But it’s better to take it with a reserve, + 10-15%.

How to mark cabinet parts for drilling

If you correctly mark and drill all the parts for the corner cabinet with your own hands, then in the end it will be assembled very simply, like a construction set. The most convenient way to do this is in special furniture programs, for example, Basis Furniture Maker.

The principles are simple:

  • Furniture is assembled using Euroscrews (confirmats).
  • The parts are drilled into the end and with front side.
  • The distance from the edge of the front side part should be the same. For example, 50 mm. Or in the center.

After the fasteners are placed, we number the parts. If there are parts of the same size, but with different principles fastenings, we use additional marking(a, b, etc.).

In Basis Furniture Maker you can get specifications for drilling in this form.

But here you need to be careful, clearly understand where the “face” of the corner cabinet part is, and where the “wrong side” is, along the edge-rolled sides. The program does not see this nuance; it places the fasteners from left to right. And during the drilling process, you may come across parts that need to be mirrored. In principle, it is not difficult. Anyway, with the drilling specifications, the whole process will go much faster.

How much will it cost to make a corner cabinet with your own hands?

At correct drafting drawings of a corner cabinet with your own hands, all calculation stages, the risks of errors that lead to inevitable additional expenses are reduced to zero. If you make any furniture with your own hands, it always costs less. Actually, nothing prevents you from predicting costs before starting all work. Find out all the prices for materials, fittings and hardware in your city that will be required when making a cabinet with your own hands, and enter it into a simple excel sheet.

The most significant costs will be for the purchase of chipboard and cutting. We took a standard model - changes up or down by 100-200mm will not change the material consumption significantly. It will also take approximately 2-3 sheets depending on the number of shelves and fronts (whether they will be ordered separately or not).

Modern furniture has a high cost, and for its manufacture can be used various materials, in addition, models differ in size, shape, appearance and content. An excellent solution for a living room, bedroom or other room would be a corner wardrobe that does not take up much space and is distinguished by high capacity and interesting appearance. Creating a corner cabinet with your own hands is easy if you carefully understand this process.

Immediately before the process of creating a structure, you should decide on the dimensions, materials and tools that will be used, and also think about the purpose of the cabinet. Initially, a project is formed, for which drawings are created, according to which parts are prepared that are firmly connected to each other. A decision is made whether the corner cabinet will be triangular or L-shaped, trapezoidal or five-walled.

If you decide to assemble the furniture yourself, you should prepare for this process and purchase necessary materials and tools:

  • direct material for creating a cabinet, and the formation of a structure from plasterboard, which differs, is considered relevant affordable price, ease of use, environmental friendliness and durability;
  • profiles from which the frame will be formed;
  • pendants;
  • screws and glue;
  • mirrors, if you plan to decorate the closet with them;
  • accessories that ensure ease of use of the structure;
  • rollers and guides, if compartment doors are made;
  • cabinet cladding material;
  • drill, screwdriver, grinder, sharp knife for cutting drywall, level and other small tools.

Working with drywall is considered so simple that it usually does not require specific tools.


Drywall sheets

Preparing parts

A do-it-yourself plasterboard cabinet is made only after first creating a diagram. Initially, you should decide on the dimensions of the structure, for which the dimensions of the corner where you plan to install the furniture are taken into account.

You need to decide what parts the corner cabinet will consist of. Usually there is one large section for things that are placed on hangers. The other section is narrow and divided into several small compartments, which are separated by shelves. Often, an additional open pencil case is formed on one side. The standard dimensions of such elements are:

  • the height of the cabinet itself can vary from 180 to 220 cm;
  • width of two different elements corner cabinet can be from 45 to 80 cm;
  • It is advisable to leave a distance between shelves ranging from 30 to 35 cm;
  • drawers and shelves usually have a width of 40 to 45 cm;
  • It is advisable to make boxes with a depth of 25 to 30 cm.

It is considered optimal to have two large sections at the top, called mezzanines, which are used to store large and rarely used products and things, and at the bottom there is a narrow compartment for shoes.

After determining the dimensions and compartments of the structure, you need to perform the following steps yourself:

  • determine the angle where the cabinet will be located;
  • depending on its parameters, determine exact dimensions cabinet;
  • create a sketch that will allow you to calculate the base, cover and plinth;
  • divide the entire interior space of the cabinet into separate sections, for which vertical and horizontal partitions are used;
  • calculate the doors of the structure;
  • calculate required quantity ends covered with end tape.

Based on the resulting diagram, you can prepare the main parts of the cabinet. To do this, the main elements of the frame are made in accordance with the sketches. Metal profiles are cut with a grinder, and the sections are cleaned. Next, based on pre-made drawings, parts of plasterboard are formed, and it is advisable to use a thin and sharp knife to cut this material. All elements must have the same thickness.


Selecting a location and marking

It is advisable to determine the installation location of the cabinet in advance, since the structure itself is made according to the existing parameters of a given angle. It is usually installed in the living room, but can be intended for a bedroom or children's room. The filling and dimensions depend on the number of things that will be stored in the furniture.

After determining the installation location, markings begin, which allows you to determine where the main elements of the cabinet will be located. Since the product will be created from plasterboard, all frame elements will have to be attached to the wall, so fastening areas are outlined. You will have to navigate by them during fastening and creating the frame.

Surface preparation and marking

Frame installation

How to make a corner cabinet with your own hands using drywall? To do this, you first need to start installing and fastening the frame. The whole process is divided into stages:

  • if it is planned to have lamps in the cabinet, then the areas where they will be fixed are marked, after which electrical wiring is supplied to this place;
  • shock-absorbing rubber insulation is glued to the guide profile, and it is important to place it on the part that will be laid further on the base of the furniture;
  • All guides are fixed along the lines of previously applied markings, and dowels and nails are used to secure them;
  • then direct hangers are fixed on the wall, and for this you need to constantly focus on the markings;
  • fasteners for securing the hangers depend on what material was used to create the base, since if it is concrete or brick, then it is advisable to use dowels with nails, and if the base is wooden, aerated concrete or expanded clay concrete, then strong screws or even nails are suitable, and it is also allowed use special dowels equipped with spacer whiskers and notches;
  • racks located vertically are inserted into the fixed guides, after which they are secured with suspensions, and for this it is advisable to use short self-tapping screws equipped with a press washer;
  • Strong and reliable stiffeners are installed between the rack profiles, and the more of these elements are used, the more stable the structure will be, and there should be especially many of them in areas where it is planned to store heavy objects.

It is allowed to use not only metal profiles, but also wooden slats to create a frame, but this solution is used extremely rarely, since wood can absorb moisture or dry out, so the dimensions of the cabinet will change, which will lead to distortions or increased fragility.

Pasting profiles with damper tape

Metal profile is easy to cut

Ready frame

Frame covering

A corner cabinet made of plasterboard is created quite simply, since after the formation of a high-quality, durable and stable frame, you can begin covering it with plasterboard elements. To do this, follow the steps:

  • blanks are made from plasterboard, for which parts are cut in accordance with the drawings, and it is recommended to use a hacksaw or an electric jigsaw for these purposes;
  • To create a cabinet, it is advisable to choose durable wall plasterboard, the thickness of which will be at least 1.25 cm;
  • all edges are processed with an edge plane;
  • finished plasterboard elements are inserted into the corresponding sections of the frame, after which they are screwed with special screws for metal;
  • the sheets are finally fixed, for which it is important to calculate the number of screws so that there is a distance of 20 cm between them;
  • all screw heads are recessed by 1 mm;
  • in areas where shelves will be located, furniture corners are installed;
  • rods and lamps are installed;
  • Based on the available dimensions, the creation of doors begins, which can be ordered ready-made.

After the work is completed, you will receive a full-fledged cabinet, but in order for it to have an attractive appearance, you should take care of the use of finishing materials.

Drywall marking

Drywall cut

Fastening drywall panels

Screwing in screws with a screwdriver

Finished wall


Finishing involves the following steps:

  • all surfaces outside and inside are covered with a high-quality primer;
  • joints are filled with gypsum plaster;
  • then the serpyanka is glued;
  • Painting corners are mounted at the corners;
  • putty is applied, which is sanded after hardening;
  • It is advisable to make two layers of putty;
  • then the primer is applied again;
  • after that the final ones apply Decoration Materials, which can be represented decorative panels, tiles or other materials.

It is advisable to use a mirror during finishing to increase the comfort of using the structure.

Perforated angle for processing corners

Cabinet Finish

Drawings and diagrams

The most important thing when creating a corner cabinet is to create a correct and accurate diagram and drawings. If they contain any errors, then it will not be possible to build a complete, durable and stable structure.

Drawings and diagrams can be obtained in different ways:

  • independent creation, and the process can be performed manually or using special computer programs;
  • ordering from specialists, which will require significant financial investments;
  • search for ready-made drawings, but you should only use them if you are sure that they are correct and accurate.

Corner cabinets are considered an excellent solution for different rooms. They can be created from different materials, but the most optimal is the use of plasterboard, which is used to cover the frame from metal profiles. Such a cabinet will not require significant investment and is also easy to create. During independent work your own wishes and the existing dimensions of the selected angle are taken into account, so the design will be ideal for the installation location.

Corner is a structure installed between two walls.

With its help you can profitably beat free space, and fill in the empty corners.

A distinctive feature of such furniture are sliding doors, which save space and add charm to the room.


Shape and size

The shape of a corner wardrobe can be:

There are standard patterns and sizes for the manufacture of corner cabinets and non-standard ones. Standard schemes and the dimensions are considered:

As for non-standard products, it is advisable to install them in small, narrow and cramped spaces. When designing a drawing custom size do-it-yourself corner wardrobe, it is worth considering that:

  • minimum depth the cabinet must be at least 35 cm. But the maximum permissible depth should not be more than 0.9 m;
  • minimum width a non-standard piece of furniture should be at least 0.1 m. Then the doors will have a width of 45 cm. Narrower doors will be inconvenient to use and unstable;
  • height There are no restrictions on non-standard products. Depending on the wishes and requirements of people, cabinets can be made as high as the ceiling. But optimal comfortable height is 2.1 – 2.4 m.

Interior arrangement

When designing furniture, it is worth considering proper zoning of space. Namely, you will need:

  • shelves for things. They are the main filling element. They can be made stationary or retractable, solid, ventilated, half or full depth;
  • rails for shirts and other short items. Most often they are made of metal;
  • hooks for bags and robes;
  • shoe shelves. In the upper part of the mezzanine it is convenient to store shoes in boxes;
  • drawers for underwear and socks;
  • trousers. Their trousers will always be ironed and ready to put on;
  • tie bar. It will make it convenient for you to select products. They will not wrinkle or lose shape;
  • belt hooks;
  • pull-out baskets for small things. All things will be visible in them. It will be convenient to store bracelets, glasses, watches in them. The inside of the basket can be divided into separate cells.

Scheme and drawing

After you have decided on the size, shape, materials and design of the cabinet, you should draw a diagram indicating all the internal compartments, drawers, and shelves.

Advice. If you own a PC, you can make a sketch using a special program. With its help, they are created as simple elements furniture, and quite complex.

When creating a project for future furniture, it is important to consider:

  • product dimensions;
  • dimensions of the door, base and cabinet lid;
  • materials and dimensions of the rear part;
  • internal space - vertical and horizontal sections, drawers, shelves;
  • the presence of mezzanines;
  • arrangement of accessories.

Materials and tools

An important criterion in the manufacture of furniture is the choice Supplies. For the manufacture of the frame the following is used:

  • natural wood. Wooden crafts are the most durable and environmentally friendly. Such furniture will delight owners with its natural beauty, interesting texture and texture. But its cost will be quite high;
  • MDF. This material has good performance characteristics, durability and affordable cost. Distinctive features of MDF its ease of use, environmental friendliness and safety, and excellent decorative qualities are considered;
  • laminated chipboard. It is distinguished by practicality, durability, reasonable cost, moisture resistance and aesthetics. Modern manufacturers provide a wide color palette laminated chipboard. Thanks to this, stylish and original furniture pieces are obtained.

Doors can be made from:

  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • MDF or chipboard;
  • tempered glass.

Important. The durability of structures directly depends on the driving mechanisms. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the choice of fittings and guides. There is no need to skimp on these materials. It is recommended to purchase products only from well-established manufacturers.

To assemble the cabinet according to finished project You will need the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • square;
  • pencil.

Also, before installation, check the availability of:

  • finished drawing;
  • furniture board;
  • guides and fittings;
  • drawers, shelves, hangers, handles;
  • dowels and screws;
  • upper and lower false panels.


How to make elements?

Having in hand a project for a corner cabinet with all the calculations, you can go to a company where they will cut out the materials for you.

If you decide to make all the details yourself, you need to:

  1. From sheet material cut out all the elements of the product: walls, doors, shelves, drawer elements. You can make details using circular saw. It is also possible to cut with a hacksaw, but in this case chips may appear on the parts.
  2. After this, we process the edges using PVC edge tape of a matching color. Trimming of cabinet elements can be done using an iron or a hair dryer.
  3. We apply the trim adhesive surface to the part and iron it with an iron or heat it with a hairdryer.
  4. Draw along the edge soft cloth, pressing it tightly against the product.
  5. We cut off the remaining tape with a knife.

Assembly of the structure

The corner cabinet can be built-in or cabinet. Build process different designs somewhat different from each other.

To assemble a built-in product, there is no need to install the back wall and corner ends. The product assembly process will consist of the following steps:

  1. If necessary, we process and level the walls in the room. We paint them or cover them with wallpaper.
  2. We drill holes in the places of future fastenings.
  3. We connect all the parts of the body.
  4. We check the work done using a level.
  5. Next we move on to interior design. We mark the location of the internal shelves of drawers and sectional partitions.
  6. We install doors.

Frame of a cabinet product is assembled according to the following principle:

  1. We make markings at the location where the piece of furniture will be installed.
  2. We collect special device made of a metal strip and two pieces of board connected at an angle. You will also need 2 quick-release clamps. Using these tools, it is convenient to connect workpieces at right angles.
  3. We check the parts with a square and measure 7 cm from the top edge.
  4. We make marks for drilling on the upper and lower parts and drill the parts.
  5. Using a screwdriver, tighten the confirmat.
  6. After fixing the sidewalls, we place the location of the shelves and make holes for them. We install the crossbar and screw all the shelves.
  7. Next, we assemble the lower part of the furniture piece.
  8. After assembling the cabinet, a sheet of fiberboard is attached to the back of the cabinet using furniture nails.
  9. We install the door.

Door installation

The last step in assembling a corner cabinet with your own hands is installing the doors. They should be ordered separately from a company that deals with similar systems.

Sliding systems consist of the following elements:

  • top guides;
  • lower guides;
  • the top of the door;
  • bottom of the door;
  • vertical stand for the side parts;
  • sealing rubber. It not only softens the opening and closing of the structure, but also prevents dust from entering;
  • sets of upper and lower rollers;
  • brackets for securing doors.
  • vertical side profiles. They can be symmetrical or asymmetrical.
  • door filler (mirror, wood, glass). Performs a purely decorative function, giving originality general interior premises.

Important. All door components must be coated protective film, which will prevent them from being damaged and scratched during delivery.

Door assembly instructions as follows:

  1. We place the door in a horizontal position so that it can be accessed from all sides.
  2. In the upper part of the vertical stand we make two holes for fastening - the bottom hole will have a diameter of 6.5 mm, and the top hole will have a diameter of 10 mm.
  3. At the bottom we attach a roller.
  4. IN top part insert into the mirror rubber compressor and fix it with a profile. We lay the seal around the entire perimeter.
  5. Next, install a vertical profile with a handle.
  6. We join the upper profile to the cross member and tighten the screw with a hex key. The screw is not screwed in completely, since the upper rollers will be installed into it later. Only after this is the screw tightened until it stops.
  7. Next, install the lower profile and tighten it with a hex wrench.
  8. We put on the final vertical profile and tighten the screw with the upper roller.
  9. We prepare everything for installing the lower roller, tighten the spring and carefully insert the roller into drilled hole. We secure everything with a screw.
  10. Fix the top guide. We do not screw the bottom guide.
  11. We insert the lock for the door and set everything to the level. Only after checking that outside at behind closed doors a gap of the same width is formed, fix the lower guide with screws.