How to plant orchid seeds from China. Growing orchids from Chinese seeds. Purchasing environment: types and characteristics

In an effort to be as close to nature as possible, people try to surround themselves with indoor flowers. For this reason, many are interested in how to grow an orchid from seeds at home from China, how labor-intensive and effective it is. this process. Taking into account a number of rules that must be followed when growing an orchid, you can become the owner of an unsurpassed plant.

Description of the plant

The Chinese orchid is one of the most delicate and fragile indoor plants, which is distinguished by its delicate pink tint. There are certain varieties characterized by unique colors. In modern flower shops you can purchase a ready-made plant, so to speak. But a more favorable option for many is growing an orchid from seeds from China.

Landing rules

In order not only to plant seeds at home, but also to get excellent results, you need to purchase tools and properly prepare the soil.

Necessary equipment

According to many fans indoor flowers, planting an orchid in strict accordance with all the rules is much more difficult than other plants. The main tools that may be needed in this case include:

  • jars, 100 ml volume. (glass flasks may be an alternative);
  • covers;
  • cotton wool;
  • foil.

The correct use of this container comes down to the fact that small holes are made in the lids (if you read numerous reviews on the forums, all components of the containers must undergo a sterilization process), which must then be closed with cotton wool.

Soil preparation

Planting seeds will bring results only if the nutrient medium is prepared taking into account the characteristics of the plant. It is possible to grow a flower both on specially purchased soil and on independently prepared soil. In the second case, you will need the following components:

  • 10 grams of glucose and fructose;
  • about 7 grams of agar-agar;
  • a little more than 1 gram of potassium phosphate fertilizers;
  • a couple of drops of a substance that will help the orchid root germinate (phytostimulant);
  • about 1 liter of purified water.

The technology for preparing the substrate in which the orchid can later be planted is carried out in stages.

  1. Water (0.5 liters) is boiled and nutrients are added to it. Everything is mixed and cooked until the agar-agar is completely dissolved.
  2. The remaining part of the water must be heated in another container, add fertilizer, coal and phytostimulant.
  3. The dishes are sterilized (carried out for about half an hour, at a temperature of 120-130 degrees).
  4. About 30 grams of the substance is poured into specially prepared flasks.
  5. After this, the environment for germination of the orchid is neutralized.
  6. In the following days, the planted material is monitored, helping to understand how correctly everything was carried out. previous actions. If traces of spores and fungi are visible, planting seeds in this soil is strictly prohibited.

How to germinate seeds

You can grow a beautiful flower at home provided: the right choice seeds Contrary to popular belief, they do not look like seeds, but slightly resemble dust particles, there is no protection in the form of endosperm, so they are easily vulnerable (photos of damage can often be found on thematic sites)

In order to ensure a significant effect in the germination process, it is recommended to sterilize the seeds. Initially, you need to prepare a 10% chlorine solution (so that the crystals of the substance dissolve well), it is advisable to shake the container as hard as possible. The corresponding material is kept in liquid for no more than 8 minutes, after which they can be planted in the soil.

It is also possible to grow seeds using special devices that help bring everything together possible risks to a minimum. To do this, you need to place a grid on a container of water, and on top of it the substrate in a special container. Seeds that have undergone the sterilization process are pulled out of the solution using a pipette and placed on the soil from which they will subsequently germinate. Orchid flowers look good if you take into account the temperature level (the optimal mark is 20 degrees) and the length of daylight (at least 50% of the day).

Anyone who seeks to germinate seeds should know that the waiting period for results ranges from several weeks to several months. Once seedlings have formed, the sprouts can be planted in new soil. At this stage, you can introduce an infection and nullify all efforts made. That's why experienced gardeners It is recommended to wait a year before taking more serious actions.

You need to grow an orchid only in specially prepared soil, for the preparation of which you use:

  • pine bark;
  • charcoal;
  • peat;
  • humus (all in equal parts).

To plant the sprouts in a healthy environment, you need to soak the moss in water for one day, this will help get rid of insects. It is necessary to carefully approach the choice of dishes in which orchid flowers are sprouted. At its bottom, drainage is made using crushed stone, foam plastic and pieces of brick. Half the container is filled with substrate, then drainage and substrate are added again.

Features of care

An orchid grows well only if it has sufficient quantity light, therefore, at times of the year when the duration of daylight is less than 12 hours, it is necessary to provide artificial lighting. The orchid must be replanted in the spring at least once every two years. Another important area of ​​care is proper organization of watering.

In order for the flower not only to grow, but also to bring joy for a long time, it is better to add less water. Excessive flooding will lead to rotting of the roots and, as a result, the death of the flower itself. For irrigation, you must use thawed water or carefully filtered water.

It is possible to germinate a flower and ensure its full existence only if fertilizers are used correctly. It is important not to oversaturate it with nutrients and fertilize it no more than once every three weeks.


In order for a plant to bring joy for a long time, it must not only be germinated, but also replanted from time to time. The orchid should be washed well 30 minutes before the procedure so as not to have problems getting the roots out. Drainage is laid out in the new pot, and the plant itself is carefully placed in the substrate (you need to ensure its distribution as even as possible). Watering should be done the next day, provided that the substrate is already dry.

It is difficult to find an amateur gardener who is indifferent to orchids. This is a masterpiece created by nature itself. They are deservedly called "aristocrats" flora" Flowers simply fascinate with their tenderness and elegance, as well as their variety of shapes, colors and aromas. They can resemble tropical butterflies, birds, ballerinas, even slippers and lizards. Despite the fact that orchids are demanding to care for and are rather reluctant to propagate at home, very few gardeners are willing to give up their pets. Until recently, it was believed that it was impossible in principle to grow them from seeds, but now there are chances, although the technology is complex and the procedure requires strict adherence to it. But even in this case, success is not guaranteed.

How orchids grow

Orchids or Orchids (Orchidaceae) are a family of herbaceous perennials. They can be found everywhere, from the tropics to the forest-tundra, but, of course, the brightest varieties, captivating with their exotic coloring and the shape of large flowers, live in tropical forests. It is impossible to calculate the exact number of representatives of the family - at the moment, about 35,000 different orchids are known, including natural hybrids (plants have the ability to cross, including interspecific ones) and varieties bred through selective breeding. The eight hundred genera included in the family make up approximately 10% of all plants in the world.

Humanity has been familiar with orchids for a long time. They were first “domesticated” by the Chinese around 2000 BC. e. The name comes from the Greek orchis (“testicle”). The plant owes them the characteristic shape of thickened stems. The Greeks own beautiful legends about the appearance of orchids on Earth. According to one of them, these are fragments of a rainbow that fell from the sky. According to another version, the first orchid grew where Aphrodite dropped her shoe.

Orchids obtain the necessary moisture and nutrients from the atmosphere, absorbing them using a developed system of aerial roots covered with a thick layer of special tissue - velamen.

Based on their growth characteristics, they are divided into two groups:

  • Monopodial orchids. The growth point is the apical bud of the shoot. It persists throughout the life of the plant, disappearing only when it ages or dies. Such varieties stretch upward, peduncles and side shoots are formed from buds “hiding” in the axils of the leaves. Most often, adult plants resemble vines or their leaves gradually gather into a rosette.
  • Sympodial orchids. As soon as the youngest shoot is recognized by the plant as sufficiently developed, having reached a certain size, the growth point at its top dies. At its base, the rhizome forms a new one, from which another shoot or peduncle appears. These orchids only grow in one direction.

Orchid flowers vary greatly in size (from a few centimeters to almost a meter in diameter) and color (the expression “all the colors of the rainbow” does not even come close to describing this variety of shades and tones), but their structure is approximately the same. Top part consists of three sepals, which often grow together to form one “petal”. The lower one consists of two true petals of a smaller size, between which there is a third one - the so-called lip, which sharply contrasts in color with the overall color of the flower. It contains a nectary. In shape it resembles a bag, a shoe or an elongated gramophone horn. Often the flowers are collected in inflorescences (each with an average of 4–16 buds).

When can you collect seeds?

If pollination is successful, fruits ripen - boxes or pods filled with seeds. They are so light that they do not fall to the ground, but glide, caught by wind currents. In order for the seeds to germinate when they reach the soil, it is necessary to have a mycelium in this place, which will provide them with the necessary nutrition.

Orchids have simple, monocotyledonous leaves, most often a rich dark green color. There are no petioles. On each stem thickened at the base (tuberidia, more often called pseudobulbs), from one to three leaves are formed. The shape of pseudobulbs resembles cylinders, spindles, and eggs. In them, orchids store moisture and nutrients.

Video: popular varieties of orchids for growing

What you need to germinate orchids at home

Mostly at home, orchids reproduce vegetatively. Until recently, it was believed that they could only be grown from seeds in laboratories with special equipment. But now an amateur florist can try it, thereby gaining a unique experience. Success, of course, is difficult to achieve, but if the instructions are followed exactly, it is quite possible.

Collect seeds

To carry out manual pollination, you will need two orchids blooming at the same time. Pollen from the stamens of one of them is collected with a soft brush or cotton pad and transferred to the pistil of the other. A pollinated flower will fade, this is normal. If it falls off, it means the procedure was not successful. Otherwise, after about 1.5–2 weeks, positive changes will be noticeable - the fetus will begin to form.

Each orchid pod or capsule contains more than a million seeds. Accordingly, they are very small. It is impossible to see them with the naked eye, only through a microscope. The contents of the fruit resemble dust. Collecting seeds at home is problematic, although provided artificial pollination(including interspecific), pods and boxes are tied quite easily. Therefore, most often seeds are purchased from online stores. The main supplier is China.

It is quite difficult to create not just greenhouse, but “super-greenhouse” conditions and absolute sterility at home without special equipment. In addition, to see the result of your own work, you will have to be patient. Orchids grown from seeds bloom in at least 4–5 years.

Equipment for propagation of orchids

Regular pots or containers are absolutely not suitable for germinating orchid seeds. You will need transparent glass flasks specifically designed for this purpose, or dishes for chemical reagents with a narrow neck with a volume of approximately 200–300 ml. A conical Erlenmeyer flask, for example, would work well. If you don’t have any of this, you can use regular glass jars with screw-on lids.

Containers must be closed absolutely hermetically. Stoppers are most often included with flasks. If you don't have any, you can make them yourself by twisting a very tight cotton or gauze swab and wrapping it in several layers of aluminum foil. Be sure to check how tightly the homemade stopper fits to the neck. It is necessary to drill 3-4 holes with a diameter of several mm in the lids of the jars and hammer them tightly with the same cotton wool.

Nutrient substrate for sowing seeds

Ordinary soil, even one specially designed for growing orchids, is completely unsuitable for seeds. Some gardeners recommend sowing them in moist, finely chopped sphagnum moss, but it is better to use a special nutrient mixture (moss is very difficult to maintain complete sterility, the necessary acidity and at the same time provide nutritional value).

It is based on agar-agar, a mixture of polysaccharides obtained from certain varieties of brown and red seaweed. After extraction it is a white or yellowish powder, but when dissolved in hot water it turns into a jelly-like mass. The best option for the amateur gardener - the so-called Lewis Knudson nutrient medium. The same “substrate” is used by those who grow orchids on an industrial scale. It allows you to grow flowers without creating a symbiosis with fungi.

If it is not possible to purchase it, prepare the mixture yourself. Each flask should be filled approximately halfway. Required components:

  • distilled water (200 ml);
  • agar-agar (10–15 g);
  • glucose and fructose (10 g each);
  • solution of potassium carbonate or potash;
  • orthophosphoric acid.

The last two ingredients are used to ensure that the medium acquires the necessary acidity. The optimal pH for orchid seeds is 4.8–5.2. You can find out the initial value using special indicator strips made of litmus paper. They are easy to purchase at any chemical store. Acid and alkali are added a few drops at a time and after each operation the acidity of the mixture is checked again.

It is prepared like this:

  1. Pour agar-agar into a glass of plain water. Leave for several hours to swell.
  2. Boil distilled water, add glucose, fructose and agar-agar. Stir constantly in one direction (clockwise or counterclockwise).
  3. Continue heating over low heat or in a double boiler until all the powder has dissolved and the mixture has a jelly-like consistency.

If there are a lot of seeds and you want to experiment, you can try to germinate them in a more exotic “substrate” (the ingredients are calculated per liter of distilled water):

  • 0.5 kg fresh tomato puree (peel, grind in a blender, squeeze out the juice), 0.5 l coconut water(not milk), 1–2 ml liquid fertilizer for orchids, 20 g of agar-agar or 200 g of potato starch;
  • 450 ml of freshly squeezed potato juice, 40 g of powdered sugar, 7 ml of orchid fertilizer, a teaspoon of lemon juice, 15–20 g of agar-agar;
  • 10 g each of brown sugar and honey, 1 ml of orchid fertilizer, 5 g of agar-agar;
  • 200 g of peeled potatoes crushed in a blender into a pulp, 15 g of granulated sugar, 1–2 ml of orchid fertilizer, 1–2 g of peptone (hydrolyzed protein obtained from milk or animal meat) 10 g of agar-agar;
  • 10 g of sugar and honey, 200 g of starch, 3 tablets of activated carbon, ground into powder, 70 g of banana puree, 2-3 ml of fertilizer for orchids.

When preparing such mixtures, half of the water is used to make agar-agar jelly. The remaining ingredients are placed in hot, but not boiling water (temperature about 95ºC). Stir well for 2-3 minutes and pour the mixture into the jelly. The components of Knudson's medium are added to it in the order in which they are located in the package.

Video: preparing nutrient substrate

Preliminary preparation

The main preliminary preparation is to create complete and absolute sterility. The dishes, the nutrient mixture, and the seeds themselves are disinfected.

In laboratory conditions, special autoclaves are used to sterilize dishes; at home, you can get by with a regular oven or pressure cooker. Flasks and jars are heated for at least half an hour at a temperature of 130–150ºС. Homemade plugs must first be heated by immersing them in boiling water.

Then the containers are sterilized again, along with the contents. 30–40 g of hot nutrient mixture per 100 ml of total volume is poured into each of them and closed tightly. The second procedure will take about the same time. When pouring it into a container, make sure that it does not get on the walls - this way you will create a nutrient medium not for orchid seeds, but for bacteria.

You can also place the vessels in a pan of boiling water and keep in a water bath for about 20 minutes. Allow the vessels to cool, repeat the procedure twice at intervals of 24 hours.

The finished jars are left for 4–5 days in closed to check the quality of sterilization. If during this time the nutrient mixture does not become moldy, the disinfection was successful. The plugs need to be additionally wrapped with a layer of foil. Do not tilt the container until the jelly has set. If there are no seeds, the vessels can be stored in the refrigerator for 2–3 months. To make the jelly liquid again, it is melted in a water bath.

The seeds are sterilized in a solution of calcium hypochloride, also known as bleach (10 g of the substance per 100 ml of distilled water). They are left in the liquid for 10–15 minutes, continuously shaking the vessel. Then they are sown immediately.

Step-by-step instruction

Compared to everything else, sowing itself is a relatively simple procedure. But even here it is necessary to maintain complete sterility. The time for emergence of seedlings, depending on the type of orchid, varies from a week or one and a half to 6–9 months.

At all stages of cultivation, the required conditions do not change. Orchids are provided with bright diffused light, placing its source approximately 30 cm above the plantings at a slight angle, daylight hours of at least 14 hours, a temperature of 25–28ºС without sudden changes and humidity of at least 70%.

  1. Place a wire rack or mesh over a wide pan of boiling water. Securely fix the vessel with the nutrient mixture on it. The lid from it should be located here, above the steam.
  2. Using a sterile syringe or a special chemical pipette, remove the seeds in small portions from the solution in which they were sterilized and distribute them over the surface of the substrate without touching it. Everything needs to be done as quickly as possible.
  3. Gently rock the flasks to distribute the seeds more evenly. Close the containers tightly and place in the chosen location. A home mini-greenhouse, florarium or homemade “greenhouse” is suitable for them.
  4. First, tiny green “balls” should appear. They then form hair-like rhizoids (to absorb nutrients). Next, leaves appear and, lastly, roots (when the plant has 2–3 true leaves).
  5. After about a year, remove the seedlings from the jar using tongs in a circular motion, as if twisting, and carefully wash off the nutrient mixture from them. An alternative is to pour some warm water into the container and shake lightly in a circular motion. Pour the mixture with the sprouts into a shallow, wide container, add 2–3 ml of a 0.5% Fundazol solution. Let stand for 10–15 minutes and remove the seedlings with a soft, thin brush.
  6. Fill in plastic cups drainage material. The height of the container should approximately coincide with the diameter of the roots. It is better if they are transparent - this will make it possible to control the condition of the root system.
  7. Transplant the orchids into a substrate of crushed sphagnum moss, fern rhizomes and pine roots (1:1:1). The more uniform it turns out, the better. To prevent the development of mold, add activated carbon crushed into powder (10 tablets per liter of the finished mixture). First, all components of the substrate must be poured with boiling water and left for half an hour.
  8. Do not water the seedlings, but regularly spray them with soft water warmed to room temperature. Do not let the substrate dry out completely.
  9. After about 4–6 months, replant the stronger orchids into soil for adult plants and care for them as usual.

Photo gallery: germination of orchid seeds

At first, the germinating seeds look like green balls. Last of all, the orchid seedlings develop leaves and roots. Such orchids are ready for transplanting into the ground

Some orchidists recommend plucking seedlings after the appearance of the first and each subsequent leaf, and when the plant forms four, planting them in individual containers. But with such frequent transplants, it is difficult to maintain the necessary sterility.

If you have not the seeds themselves, but the fruits of orchids, and they have not yet burst, wash them thoroughly in hot water and soap and cut them with a sharp, disinfected scalpel over steam. There should also be a ready-made flask into which you can sow the contents of the “box”.

When the fruit has already cracked, pour its contents into a sterile container and fill with distilled water. Add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and shake vigorously for 10 to 15 minutes. Then remove them with a syringe or pipette and sow them immediately.

Video: sowing orchid seeds

Possible problems

An attempt to grow orchids from seeds at home ends in failure much more often than in success. The first problems may arise already at the stage of purchasing planting material. Since it is most often ordered directly from China, no instructions in Russian are included. Sometimes it is not clear whether the seeds are collected (germination lasts no more than a year), or the type of plant, or even whether they are orchids or lawn grass.

  1. Prepare a new agar-agar jelly.
  2. Add some warm water to the flask and shake the liquid.
  3. Pour the contents of the vessel into a shallow bowl, add 2-3 drops of a 1% solution of any fungicide (Fundazol, Skor, Abiga-Pik), hydrogen peroxide and biostimulator.
  4. After 10–15 minutes, remove the seedlings and place them in fresh substrate as described above.

When young orchids are already transplanted into the ground, they are often exposed to a pathogenic fungus that provokes the development of rot. Often the grower himself is to blame for this, because he is overly zealous with watering. If the room is also quite cool, it is almost impossible to avoid the appearance of pathogenic microflora.

Rot is treatable, but at the earliest stage of the disease. You need to start acting as soon as you notice the first black-brown spots on the roots and leaves. If they have already blurred, the soil is covered with mold and spreads an unpleasant putrid smell, the orchid can only be thrown away.

  1. Remove the plant from the pot, clean the roots from the substrate.
  2. Inspect them carefully, cut off all areas affected by rot to healthy tissue with a sharp, disinfected knife. Do the same with the leaves.
  3. Soak the roots for half an hour in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate or any fungicide (5-7 ml per liter of water). Sprinkle the “wounds” on the leaves with crushed activated carbon, chalk, colloidal sulfur or cinnamon.
  4. Sterilize the pot and prepare a new substrate. Disinfect it too.
  5. Replant the orchid by adding Glyocladin and Trichodermin granules to the soil when replanting.
  6. Water it for 2–3 months, alternating regular water and a solution of Baikal-EM, Alirin-B, Maxim. The dosage of the drug is reduced by half compared to that recommended by the manufacturer.

Before planning to purchase orchid seeds for growing them at home, you need to soberly assess your own strengths and capabilities. This is a painstaking and time-consuming procedure that requires care, accuracy and strict compliance with all conditions. The result, and especially the flowering of new plants, will have to wait a long time. On the other hand, all the inconveniences and difficulties are more than compensated by the satisfaction of success, because it is so nice to realize that you succeeded in what many did not succeed in, and to be the owner of a truly unique flower.

Hyacinth at home

If you want to give someone an unexpected and exclusive gift for Christmas, then let it be hyacinths that you grew at home.

And I'll explain how to do it.

Many bulbous flowers that you may have seen in someone's garden in the spring can also be grown as houseplants. Surely there are people for whom their love for indoor plants began with growing bright hyacinths in a small bowl.

Hyacinth is the most common bulbous plant used for indoor gardening. Tightly knit small flowers of various colors, do not fade for 2-3 weeks, look impressive and exude a pleasant fragrance.

To grow hyacinth at home, you should choose bulbs of certain varieties. They should be large, healthy and dense.

Along with the bulbs, I advise you to purchase soil suitable for them. Pour soil into a bowl and plant the bulbs tightly, but so that there is a little free space between them, the tops must remain above the surface of the earth.

To get hyacinths to bloom at home by Christmas (December 24-25), you need to plant the bulbs as early as September.

After planting, the bulbs must undergo a rooting period in complete darkness at a low temperature, about 5°C. If you have a basement or garage, you can place a bowl of bulbs there, but be sure to wrap it in a dark bag. I put my bowl right in the refrigerator, it’s dark and cold there, but not in the freezer. Keep the bowl in a cool place for 6-10 weeks and occasionally check to see if the soil in it has dried out.

When the hyacinth shoots rise to 3-5 cm, you will need to bring the bowl into the house (no later than December 1), but preferably in a cool room where the temperature is not higher than 12°C. First place the bulbs in a shaded place, and after a few days move them closer to the window.

More details

Home orchids - care and propagation

Types of orchids, photo

Whatever type of orchid you choose, it requires not so much love as special knowledge and experience. It is worth noting that today there are several thousand varieties of orchids, and growing this exotic plant at home, only those who are willing to patiently accumulate skills and knowledge can do it.

Legend has it that this beautiful flower was born from a fragment of a broken rainbow. Home orchid Phalaenopsis is incredibly beautiful and unpretentious when compared with other species. The color of the flower is from snow-white to dark purple, dots and spots are allowed, the size in diameter varies from 2 to 13 cm. The number of flowers on one peduncle can vary from 3 to 40 pieces, and depends on the condition of the plant, as well as on the number of branches.

The leaves of this species vary in color and size: they can be short or elongated, have a dark green color with spots, or be very light.

This is a beautiful and unusual light-loving plant. The name Dendrobium comes from Greek and means “tree-dwelling.” At home with proper care and in bright diffused light, the airy Dendrobium Nobile pleases fragrant flowers with a diameter of 6-8 cm. The color of the plant ranges from white and yellow to bright lilac. A two- or three-colored plant is often found. The trunk height is from 40 to 90 cm, the leaves are elongated. Dendrobium loves a lot of light, but direct sunlight can harm the plant - protect the leaves from burns.

This flower likes to hide from the sun's rays in a cool, shaded place. The Cymbidium orchid prefers moist air and heavy soil, which is why growing the plant in a pot is quite problematic.

Cymbidium is distinguished by narrow elongated leaves and long peduncles, each of which can grow from 6 flowers. Color ranges from yellow, white and soft pink to bright red and even brown. The older the Cymbidium is, the larger its flower size.

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Now Chinese websites provide a huge selection of orchid seeds and other plants.

I couldn’t resist and ordered it too, and only then read that you can grow an orchid from seeds only in laboratory conditions. Moreover, there are a lot of positive reviews about the seeds, but nowhere is it written whether anything has sprouted from anyone. And how were they grown and germinated?

The seeds arrived and they don’t look like orchids at all. The seeds are large, about 4 mm long. I can’t hope for an orchid anymore, what could it be?

Can amateur gardeners tell you how to germinate and grow them? In what soil, etc.?

I attach a photo of the seeds

A year ago I ordered phalaenopsis seeds from China, they arrived large, similar to yours (phalaenopsis seeds are more like dust in size)! Now a huge bush has grown (quite beautiful even without flowering) and the first flower has bloomed today! The flowers look like pleasant irises lilac color, quite large (9.5 centimeters in diameter, 3.5 centimeters in height). They write on the forums. that this is Belamkanda Chinese (although the flowers of mine are all slightly different). A valuable medicinal plant in our country is listed in the Red Book. It has no dormant period and can be grown as indoor plant. First flowering a year after sowing. The soil should be selected as for epiphytic orchids with a small addition of peat or humus (moss, pine or cedar bark, humus). “Earth” from the taiga (right with twigs and fallen needles) will also work.

Photo of our first flower:

This is what the sprout should look like:

God, what a beauty! Did you germinate the seeds in advance or plant them in the ground? Can you PM me or write the landing process here? Thank you) - more than a year ago

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Flower seeds from China.

Today I had to take my son to school in the morning. I walked to the door, gave the control center, and turned to go back. And then the grandmother of his classmate says to me in the back: “He’s knitting and knitting, but she herself has abandoned children! We need to take care of the children!” That’s why it’s so, because I do needlework to the detriment of my free time, I sleep mostly, and not when I’m with the kids.

My mother really likes to watch things or read useful various tips. And so she shared with me another piece of advice on how to clean up the drawer in the kitchen with shopping bags. I want to share my MK. I hope it will be useful to someone. And why was it inspired by Flylady’s posts, well, because I like reading these posts and seeing the results. Just 20 minutes and our house is already cleaner and tidier.

My grandmother is 90 years old and has 5 children. My grandfather has been gone for more than 40 years. He cheated, there were even children on the next street. What am I talking about? Moreover, my grandmother always tells me that if the same thing happened to a man, then even if you were baking pancakes, he left it and went. People, honestly. Who does this? Who gives up everything and goes, even if they don’t want to? Those who have a “headache” can also write.

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Persimmon - care, cultivation, pruning, planting. Diseases of Persimmon. Persimmon photo.

All posts dedicated to the plant “Persimmon”

Planting and growing persimmons

Persimmon is a southern deciduous fruit tree, comes from South America(Virginian), China (eastern) and the Caucasus. The latter has taken root in the south of the Krasnodar Territory and is best suited for growing in open ground. Virginia persimmon is also frost-resistant. But it is possible to grow persimmons at home. High in natural conditions, indoor persimmon can correct pruning do not exceed one and a half meters in height. If in open ground If seedlings or germinated cuttings are planted, then planting indoor persimmons begins with seeds. For planting, take seeds from a ripe fruit; before planting, the seeds need to be kept a little in a solution of potassium permanganate or treated with a fungicide. Then keep for 3 to 8 weeks in the refrigerator in a damp cloth. This includes stratification and seed hardening. The seeds are stuck into a loose substrate, covered with film or glass, and kept in the warmest place until germination. When the sprouts appear, you need to remove the film, leave the tallest and strongest sprouts, carefully separating the seed from them, if it does not fall off on its own. The sprouts are transplanted one at a time into pots with a loose and nutritious substrate, with a thick layer of drainage and the addition of charcoal. Replanting is carried out once a year or when the roots fill the tub.

How to grow orchids from Chinese seeds (aliexpress)?

How to grow orchids from Chinese seeds(aliexpress)?

You can grow orchids at home, but I would take a little risk buying seeds on Chinese sites. To successfully grow orchids, you need to buy a special mixture of soil and peat. The seeds of this plant take quite a long time to germinate. In your photo they don't exactly look like orchid seeds. Most likely, you have something different.

I ordered seeds on Aliexpress, you need to be prepared that the orchids that will grow are not at all as expected. There you constantly order one thing and another comes. So I can’t say specifically about orchids. When my mother ordered orchids and some other seeds, I think she received cornflowers and something else similar to rose hips. Therefore, those seeds that you came need to find out for sure whether they are orchids and if not, then plant them in the ground and see what grows.

You must have a lot of patience. One of my friends took orchid seeds somewhere, boiled a jar, poured some water into it, and put the seeds. I added a little peat to the water; the water level was about 1-2 millimeters below the seeds. She had to add water about once a week. Only after 3 weeks did the first signs of germination appear, then after about another 2 months it became clear that only two of all the seeds had sprouted. About a year later, she began to transplant them into a pot, the soil was also mixed with peat, but they did not get along. As a result, a year of waiting was in vain. It is worth taking a closer look at this issue.

The fact is that orchid seeds contain almost no nutrients and are therefore not suitable for self-cultivation. Almost all orchids require a special substrate. In addition, a very specific type of fungus lives on the roots of orchids. In the wild, orchids produce thousands, even millions of seeds, and only a very small fraction of them germinate when they find a favorable location. This makes growing orchids a very difficult and expensive task.

Orchids are grown in sterile rooms, a nutrient mixture is prepared for them, and the roots are treated with special means.

It may take 5 or more years (for some varieties - up to 10) before the orchid begins to bloom.

As a tip, it is much easier to divide the roots of an orchid and grow a new plant than to try to germinate seeds.

The flower that I grew is called roofing iris or, in other words, butterfly iris! It used to be planted on thatched roofs in Japan and China, hence the name. There are varieties of different colors.

In our latitudes it should be grown as a houseplant (it cannot withstand frost). So much the better, not every home has irises blooming for the New Year! Propagated by dividing the rhizome, numerous offspring and seeds. The soil is the same as I indicated in the previous comment (in summer it is good to plant it in the garden, in places where other flowers do not grow: next to fir trees, pine trees and other conifers).

Personally, I am very pleased with the purchase! I'm going to buy another one, just in a different color!

Orchids are actually very difficult to grow at home. They are very picky about conditions. external environment. Indeed, they are usually grown in laboratories in test tubes, where there is temperature and humidity control, and even sterile conditions.

I'm also interested in purchasing seeds. various plants from Chinese sites. But I definitely wouldn’t risk buying orchids, although they are very cheap there.

Orchids are germinated from seeds only in a special sterile medium in glass flasks at a certain temperature and light level.

The seeds are very difficult to germinate, but once they do, it will take a long time before you can break the cone and plant the plants.

My hands are also itching to order seeds, but it’s not clear what will grow from them.

Despite the fact that the Orchid is a fairly simple plant to care for and does not require any complex manipulations in care, growing an Orchid from seeds at home is very difficult. This still requires certain greenhouse conditions and professional skills. We can say that this is simply impossible.

And seeds from AliExpress have a bad reputation. I heard from many people about buying different seeds from Ali, and from no one did I hear that anything worked.

A year ago I ordered phalaenopsis seeds from China, they arrived large, similar to yours (phalaenopsis seeds are more like dust in size)! Now a huge bush has grown (quite beautiful even without flowering) and the first flower has bloomed today! The flowers look like irises of a pleasant lilac color, quite large (9.5 centimeters in diameter, 3.5 centimeters in height). They write on the forums. that this is Belamkanda Chinese (although the flowers of my sun flower are slightly different). A valuable medicinal plant in our country is listed in the Red Book. It does not have a dormant period and can be grown as a houseplant. First flowering a year after sowing. The soil should be selected as for epiphytic orchids with a small addition of peat or humus (moss, pine or cedar bark, humus). Soil from the taiga (right with twigs and fallen needles) will also work.

How to get phalaenopsis orchid seeds?

Orchids are beautiful flowers and few people can calmly pass by this miracle. How to get this plant?

You can simply buy it in the store, or you can try to grow it yourself from seeds.

Phalaenopsis orchid seeds


Let's start with what the plant's seeds look like (photo below). The capsules growing on the orchid contain seeds. They can only be examined under a microscope. They resemble dust, they are so small. Each seed is 15,000 times smaller than a grain of wheat.

Phalaenopsis seed size.

Storage conditions

Tie a napkin to the boxes so that if the box suddenly cracks, everything from it will spill out onto the napkin.

The capsule, when ripe, turns brown or remains green. But she will definitely crack.

Then cut off the box and pour the seeds onto a sheet of paper. After divide them into several parts. Wrap each piece in white paper.

Place in small plastic containers and place in the refrigerator.

Orchid seed pod.

Grow phalaenopsis from seeds from China You can order them on the Chinese website AliExpress. This is somewhat cheaper than buying from sellers from Russia, and it is easier to order them. However, read the reviews carefully so as not to buy a fake.

Sprouting at home

Prepare 100 ml glass jars with screw caps. Drill small holes in the lids and place cotton wool in them. This sterilization technique protects against explosion.

More It’s better to take glass flasks, in the form of cones that taper towards the top. Cover the flasks with cotton balls, wrapping the cotton wool in several layers of foil.

Buy or make this solution yourself. Prepare:

  • 8 g agar-agar;
  • 1.5 g nitroammophoska;
  • 10 g glucose;
  • 5 drops of Heteroauxin or Kornevin;
  • 1 liter of distilled water.
  • Then pour 0.5 liters of water into the pan, bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat, add agar-agar, fructose, and glucose. Continuously stir the mixture until the agar-agar is completely dissolved.

    Pour the remaining 0.5 liters of water into another pan, put on the fire, when the water begins to boil, then remove the pan from the heat, add 5 drops of Heteroauxin or Kornevin, 1.5 g of nitroammophoska, 1 g of coal. Mix all ingredients. Combine both compositions.

    Ready-made nutritional mixture.

    Seeds for germination special nutrient solution, having an acidity of 4.8-5.2 pH. To determine acidity, buy a pH meter.

    If you need to reduce the acidity, then use a solution of potash, and if you want to increase it, then use phosphoric acid.

    Sterilize jars and flasks this can be done using a medical sterilizer or pressure cooker. Sterilization time is half an hour, temperature is 120-130°.

    Next, pour 30 mg of hot solution into the flasks. Cover the flasks with pieces of cotton wool and foil and sterilize for 30 minutes.

    Then leave for 4-5 days. If you have not sufficiently sterilized the solution and flasks, mold will appear in them.

    Make a 10% bleach solution. Shake the bleach solution until the bleach is completely dissolved, filter.

    Then put the seeds in a bleach solution, hold for 10 minutes, then sow.

    Place a wire rack over a pan of water and place the flasks on the rack. Separate the seeds that are in the bleach solution from the solution with a pipette and place them in flasks. Then close the flasks with cotton swabs.

    Place the saucepan with the flasks in room with an air temperature of 18-23°, good lighting should be 12-14 hours out of 24 hours.

    Sprouts can form in 2-3 weeks, or maybe in 2-3 months. When the sprouts appear, transplant them into a new nutrient solution.

    For landing prepare one of these substrates:

  • mix 5 parts of pine bark and 1 part of charcoal;
  • mix 5 parts of pine wood chips, 2 parts of sphagnum moss and coal;
  • mix charcoal, peat, pine bark, and 3 parts humus in equal proportions.
  • Before mixing the substrate, it is necessary to prepare its individual parts:

  • put the sphagnum moss in water for a day, then all the existing insects will float up and you will remove them;
  • Cut the peat into small pieces, chop the bark into chips, then pour boiling water over it and dry.
  • Place drainage made of crushed stone and pieces of brick at the bottom of a transparent plastic dish. Then pour the substrate into the bowl halfway, then add a layer of crushed stone or crushed brick, and then the substrate again. The height of the dish should be equal to the diameter of the roots.

    Then transfer the sprouts to the substrate. Pour a little water into the flask and shake it to separate the sprouts. Pour the water with the sprouts into a container, add 2-3 drops of foundationol. Carefully pick up the seedlings with a brush and transfer them to the substrate.

    Useful videos

    Watch the video from detailed description orchid seeds:

    Watch the video on how to prepare a nutrient mixture for seeds:

    The following video shows sowing seeds:

    The video below shows the result of sowing after a year:


    An orchid can be propagated in several ways, such as cuttings or a peduncle. But you can also do this with seeds. If you decide to grow phalaenopsis in this way, then remember that this is a labor-intensive process. Such plants They bloom only after 5 years of growth.

    Seeds Aliexpress 50pcs/bag succulent plant Seeds, indoor office small desk plants flowers seeds (Mixed colors) Free Shipping - review

    Review of seeds from China from Aliexpress. What grew, photo Is it worth buying succulent seeds from China on Aliexpress? About how we wanted to grow a succulent garden and what came of it.

    For the first time we decided to order seeds from China from Aliexpress, we liked them beautiful pictures similar colorful succulent gardens on the Internet and also wanted to grow such beauty. The price of the seeds is very favorable for purchase, only 40 rubles. 37 kopecks per bag of 50 pcs.

    Delivery was fast, the seeds arrived within 2-3 weeks, the track number was not tracked. There was no need to go to the post office to get the envelope with the seeds; it was placed directly in the mailbox.

    In a small postal envelope there was a bag of succulent seeds and the seller included 3 more loofah seeds as a gift.

    We closed the order, gave the seller 5 *, thanked for the gift and began to grow our own magic garden succulents.

    And after about 5 days, the first long-awaited shoots appeared.

    BUT THEY TURNED OUT NOT TO BE SUCCULENTS! Which are characterized by juicy, fleshy leaves and stems that can accumulate moisture. Some grass grew on thin stalks.

    Now the second leaves are already growing, and this is obvious NOT a succulent!

    Then the first one appeared on the order page bad review where it was said that The seedlings grew up and didn't look like a succulent. And indeed it is. Then, out of curiosity, we began to look at reviews of succulent seeds from other sellers, and from time to time we come across reviews where buyers say that the seeds have dissolved after soaking that clover grew etc. Alas, sellers often deceive by sending a fake or a fake. We have not yet been able to find a 100% honest seller without negative reviews.

    Apparently now you have to make your dream come true beautiful garden succulents on our own, collecting succulent seedlings from different flower shops

    Update end of August 15.

    For everyone interested in the fate of this exotic weed, I am adding a photo of what grew from these “succulent” seeds

    Update end of September 15.

    I’m adding a few more photos of grown Chinese “succulents”

    Beginning of November 2015

    I continue to talk about the life of an unknown Chinese plant, bought with seeds under the guise of succulents. In October the sun became much less, the plant stopped growing vigorously. The new leaves have become significantly smaller in size due to lack of sunlight. The lower leaves began to turn yellow and dry out. But at the same time they began to grow from the roots new shoots , and in very large quantities. Several new shoots are formed under each stem. There are no buds. I continue to monitor the plant.

    January 2016.

    Towards the end of November, when the old plants began to fade and many new shoots appeared from the roots, we planted the 3 strongest plants in a separate pot. It was hoped that in a more spacious “housing” the plant would be comfortable and it would stop withering.

    But that didn't help them. The old plants continued to wither and wither. As a result, it is now growing second generation, These are the shoots that grew from the roots of the first generation. They were not specially illuminated, so their appearance is not very attractive:

    With the arrival of spring, as expected, the plant gained strength, became stronger and began to grow. Now it looks like this:

    Its stems and leaves became powerful again, and many new shoots appeared. Roots also appeared on the stems, wanting to give life to new plants.

    Judging by its "survivability" it is most likely some kind of Chinese weed. I really want to see it bloom, but there are no buds yet. I continue to monitor an unknown, very tenacious plant.

    UPDATE Mid June 2016.

    HOORAY. I WAITED. The plant has BUDS. A lot of small buds. Literally all the tops are strewn with small buds. The inflorescence has a very unusual shape. Here, in the north-west of Russia, I have never seen anything like this!

    In the middle you can already see that the flowers will be yellow:

    The general view is now like this:


    Now I can raise the rating from one point to three, after all, this wonderful Chinese plant was able to please us beautiful flowering! Now we will wait for seeds from him


    After the plant bloomed it was identified as Sedum or Sedum of Kamchatka!

    And yes, it really turned out to be succulent.

    Grows on rocky slopes. Extended to Far East Russia, Northeast China, Japan and Korea.

  • Kamchatka sedum- a plant up to 25 cm high, forming loose clumps and mats. In Russia, Kamchatka sedum grows on rocky slopes. Its leaves are oblong and dark green with bright yellow flowers. They bloom from the end of June throughout the month. In winter, the leaves and stems of sedum die off, and at the end of April shoot growth resumes.
  • Perennial herbaceous plant. The rhizomes are woody, thick, branched. The stems are mostly simple, erect, 15-40 cm high, sometimes with papillae. Leaves are alternate or opposite, rarely 3-whorled, oblanceolate, spatulate or obovate, 2.5-7 x 0.5-3 cm, narrowly wedge-shaped at the base, obtusely rounded at the apex, scattered serrate or crenate. Inflorescences are apical pleiochasia. The flowers are unequally 5-dimensional. Sepals are lanceolate, 3-4 mm long, wide at the base, blunt at the apex. The petals are yellow, lanceolate, 6-8 mm, pointed and pointed at the apex. There are 10 stamens, noticeably shorter than the petals; anthers orange. Nectar glands are small, almost triangular in cross-section. Carpels are straight, equal or noticeably shorter than the petals, fused at the base to 2 mm. Leaflets are star-shaped, horizontally deflected, humpbacked. The seeds are brown, small, obovate. Blooms in June for 25-30 days. Bears fruit. In culture since 1841. In culture various shapes, including variegated and white-edged.

    Thank you for your attention, happy shopping!

    Other reviews of various things from China (Ali, BIC, TD, Ebay):

    Even more interesting things in the profile Manu

    How to grow an orchid from China from seeds at home

    Features of seeds from China

    Of course, all seeds on Chinese trading platforms are much cheaper than in the domestic retail chain. However, you need to remember that such purchases are always akin to a lottery: you are never sure that the product will be of high quality and correspond to the stated description. In addition, the seed material of the Orchid family itself has a number of features:

  • they lack endosperm, which means they cannot absorb nutrients from the soil;
  • seeds are very sensitive to external influences: the slightest change in conditions and they do not germinate;
  • susceptibility to pathogenic microflora.
  • Video “Review of “orchid” seeds from China, chronology of growth”

    In this video you will learn what you can grow from fake “orchid” seeds from China.

    How to recognize a fake

    As already mentioned, when buying seed material on Chinese online trading platforms, it’s easy to get a “pig in a poke”: many sellers shamelessly slip gullible buyers something that doesn’t even remotely resemble orchid seeds.
    It is very common to receive a bag filled with large seeds that resemble buckwheat. Of course, they can be grown, and for sure they will be beautiful plants, but not orchids at all.

    True orchid seeds are so small that they resemble dust more than flower seeds.

    Rules for handling seeds

    So, the order has been placed, the package has been safely received, and what’s more, you are lucky enough to become the owner of real orchid seeds. Joy knows no bounds, but this is just the beginning of the journey. Now you have to work some magic on your cherished purchase in order to get the desired plants.
    We remember that seeds are very vulnerable - they are easily affected by any infection. Therefore, when starting work, you need to maintain strict sterility - this applies to both the gardener and garden tools.

    Soil preparation and sowing

    It's time to sow. One of the most difficult stages is preparing suitable soil. Of course you can buy ready mixture, or you can try cooking it yourself. For this we need:

    • 10 g fructose;
    • 2 g of complex fertilizer (potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen);
    • 5 drops of any root stimulating agent;
    • 1 g crushed activated carbon;
    • 1 liter of water (it is better to take distilled water).
    • Now let's find out how the soil is prepared.

      First, boil half the water, add agar-agar, fructose and glucose to it. Stir everything well until the agar-agar dissolves. The second half of the water is heated in another container to a boil, crushed coal, fertilizer and root stimulant are added. Both solutions are combined, simultaneously checking the acidity level (for orchids it should be 4.8–5.2 pH).
      Now it is necessary to sterilize the dishes in which the seeds will be germinated, as well as the nutrient substrate itself. To do this, it is poured into small flasks (about 30 ml), sealed tightly, and sent to sterilize for 30 minutes. The cones should not be opened for the next few days - if mold appears in them, then the substrate is unsuitable.
      Orchid seeds also need to be sterilized. A solution of ordinary bleach (10% concentration) is suitable for this. The seed is kept in the solution for no more than 10 minutes and immediately sown. Sowing is carried out as follows: the seeds are drawn out of the sterilizing solution with a pipette and carefully placed on the surface of the substrate, after which the flasks should be plugged with cotton wool.

      It is important to comply temperature regime in the range of +18…+23 °C, and also control the duration of daylight hours, which should be at least 12 hours.

      Further care

      The process of seed germination can take an indefinite period of time - it can take from several weeks to several months. When the sprouts appear, they are transferred to a fresh (just prepared) nutrient substrate.

      However, this stage is often associated with the risk of infection, which will certainly destroy young plants. Therefore, many gardeners recommend waiting with seedlings for at least a year so that the seedlings get stronger.

    Its seed and the complex cycle of plant development in nature. This knowledge, coupled with patience and hard work, will help you grow this beautiful tropical flower at home.

    How consistent are they with the fact that these are orchid seeds? Well-known Chinese sites offer products that even in appearance cannot be classified as orchid seeds:

    In order not to be deceived in expectations, you need to know what do orchid seeds look like?.

    Real orchid seeds

    Real orchid seeds extremely small, dusty. They ripen in a special fruit - a box. Scattered seeds are characterized by extreme stickiness, which is given to them by the smallest fibers, so it is quite difficult to send them outside the fruit.

    To be sure that you are purchasing real orchid seeds, they must send along with the seed capsule.

    On what resources can I order?

    Basically, as follows from the reviews, flower growers pollinate flowers themselves orchids continue to receive seeds. Real seeds can also be purchased through Chinese online stores, such as Aliexpress or Weekend deal, since various companies are represented on these sites.

    If you're lucky, you'll find real orchid seeds, although for now reviews of these and other sites are mostly negative.

    Important! When purchasing orchid seeds, make sure they are dusty and come in a seed pod.


    Anna. On the Weekend deal website (China) I saw orchid seeds of all colors. I decided to try growing it myself! The order arrived quickly, but the seeds were clearly not orchids, just some small balls. She planted it in the ground and began to wait. After about a week, shoots appeared. They grew and it became clear that these were not orchids.

    Christina. There are no traces of orchid seeds on Aliexpress!

    Olga. You can now buy anything you want via the Internet. I ordered orchid seeds and they arrived. I planted it, but something incomprehensible grew, just some kind of the new kind, but definitely not the orchid I expected!

    How to check the authenticity of a purchase?

    The main sign of seed authenticity is presence of a closed seed capsule orchids.

    The main sign of the authenticity of orchid seeds is the presence of a closed seed capsule.

    Is it possible to grow an orchid from Chinese seeds?

    If you purchased real orchid seeds, then you can. To do this, it is better to choose those orchids whose seeds are easiest to work with, for example. Compliance with all necessary conditions when preparing and conducting an experiment – required condition its successful completion.


    How to plant orchid seeds from China? Orchid seeds are impossible to grow on ordinary flower soil. They need special nutrient medium containing sugar. Our recommendations will help you plant these seeds correctly.

    Necessary equipment for germination

    Everything you need for sowing easy enough to find:

    • Conical flasks of 200-300 ml or jars of the same volume with screw caps;
    • Additionally, prepare a small jar for sterilizing the seeds. It is closed with a lid (no holes need to be made) or a cotton-gauze stopper;
    • The plugs are cotton wool, covered with gauze or rubber with a hole for a glass tube covered with a piece of cotton wool;
    • Litmus strips;
    • Hydrogen peroxide, 2%;
    • Disposable sterile syringes, 2 pcs.

    In the lids for the jars into which the nutrient medium will be poured, make a hole:

    • A short glass tube is inserted into them, the upper end of which is plugged with cotton wool;
    • Then a second hole is made in the lid, which is sealed with adhesive tape.

    Later through him seeds will be sown.

    Sterility requirements

    All items and materials that will touch the seed material, must be sterilized. This will allow you to avoid contamination of the growing medium in the future.

    Violation of the rules for sterilization of utensils or manipulations when sowing seeds will lead to contamination foreign microorganisms of the nutrient medium, which will mean the end of the experiment.

    Nutrient mixtures

    Nutrient media for growing orchid seeds can be buy in special stores or cook it yourself.

    A growing medium for orchids can be purchased ready-made or created with your own hands.

    Ready nutrient medium

    For germinating orchid seeds use Knudson's nutrient medium, which is dissolved according to the instructions.

    It includes:

    • Balanced amount of necessary salts;
    • Sugar;
    • And a polysaccharide of natural origin - agar-agar, which gives the medium density.

    Density of nutrient mixture regulated by acidity level. To determine it, use a litmus strip.

    Attention! A warm nutrient mixture will show a reduced acidity value, so it is only tested at room temperature.

    Optimal acidity ready-made nutritional mixture –5,0-5,5:

    • If it turns out to be too acidic (below 5.0), an alkali solution (baking soda, ammonia water, NaOH, etc.) is added dropwise to the medium;
    • If the acidity of the mixture is above 5.5, add dropwise a 10% solution of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid, lemon juice or vinegar.

    When checking the acidity of the nutrient medium mix thoroughly.

    Ready nutrient medium:

    • Heat until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
    • And the warm one is poured into prepared containers to a height of 2-3 cm;
    • Close with a lid (stopper).

    One 200 g jar contains approximately 60 ml ready solution. That's it ready for sterilization.

    Cooking at home

    For this need to purchase components included in the nutrient medium formulation.

    Compound Knudson's nutrient medium (g/l):

    • Calcium nitrate 4-water – Ca(NO3) 2 x 4H2O – 1.0;
    • Anhydrous ammonium sulfate – (NH4) 2 SO4 – 0.50;
    • Anhydrous potassium monophosphate – KH 2 PO 4 – 0.25;
    • Magnesium sulfate 7-water – MgSO4x7H2O – 0.25;
    • Iron sulfate 7-water – FeSO4 x7H2O – 0.025;
    • Manganese sulfate 4-water – MnSO4x4H2O – 0.0075;
    • Sucrose – 20.0;
    • Agar-agar – 15.0;
    • Water – up to 1 liter.

    All ingredients are added one by one to a small amount of boiled (chilled) or distilled water, stir until completely dissolved:

    Nutrient medium poured into prepared containers a layer of about 3 cm and cover with a tightly rolled cotton plug covered with gauze or a lid with a glass tube covered with cotton wool. Now everything is ready for sterilization.


    How to plant orchid seeds from China? Prepared containers with nutrient medium sterilize:

    • In a steamer (pressure cooker);
    • In an oven with temperature control.

    Depending on the temperature, sterilization time may be different:

    • At 120℃ this time is 45 minutes. Taking into account the heating of the oven or pressure cooker, increase to 1 hour;
    • Water is poured into the bottom of the pressure cooker and a special grill is installed (it should be included) on which the dishes are placed.

    After sterilizing the container with the nutrient medium cool at room temperature.

    Ready chilled nutrient medium takes on the appearance of jelly. If it turns out to be too liquid or hard, it is necessary to adjust the acidity level again and re-sterilize the container with the nutrient mixture.

    After preparatory work everything is ready to sow the seeds.

    Preparing and planting seeds

    This the most crucial period work.

    Important! All work is carried out over the steam of boiling water in a pan. Tools and objects used when sowing seeds should not be left open or touch non-sterile surfaces.

    Before sowing seeds are sterilized:

    • Seed pod initially superficially sterilize by wiping with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Then they open it.
    • Seeds shake out into a sterile empty jar and immediately close with a lid or cotton-gauze stopper;
    • Using a disposable syringe, add a few milliliters of hydrogen peroxide (2%) and close the jar;
    • Withstand about 5-10 minutes;
    • Seed material with liquid is collected with another sterile syringe;
    • Open the hole sealed with a plaster on the lid in the jar with the nutrient medium;
    • They bring it there quickly a few drops of seminal fluid, the patch is returned to its place. The patch removed from the lid should not be placed on the table. It is held in hands while performing manipulations in the steam zone.

    Liquid distribute evenly over the surface of the medium.

    In case of infection, colonies of microorganisms will appear on the surface of the nutrient agar within a week after sowing the seeds. Such jars with seeds are discarded.

    Basic rules for caring for sprouts

    What grows from orchid seeds from Aliexpress? If the seller turns out to be a deceiver, then anything will grow, but not orchids. Well, if they actually sent you orchid seeds in a box, then it depends on your skill in planting and germinating the seeds. Either small orchids will grow, or colonies of other microorganisms that have won the fight for the nutrient medium.

    Further for the seedlings will provide them good growth and development.

    Required environmental conditions

    Seeded containers placed in diffused light at 20-23℃. The duration of light should be at least 12 hours.

    The appearance of the first signs of germination

    Seed germination period orchids depends on the type of plant and can last from 4-6 weeks to 6-9 months:

    Containers with plants are not opened, observe strict sterility regime.

    Care during development and subsequent transplantation

    Being in sterile conditions, orchid sprouts do not require special care.

    After what time is it possible for sprouts to grow into a separate container? After 10-12 months, the grown plants are transplanted into the steamed substrate from:

    • 1 part crushed pine bark (fine fractions);
    • 1 part sphagnum moss;
    • And 1 part of fern rhizome.

    Add to the mixture powdered activated carbon(10 tablets per liter of soil):

    • A layer of drainage (expanded clay, small pebbles) is laid on the bottom of plastic cups, then the prepared substrate;
    • Carefully remove the seedlings from the container using circular movements and wash the roots;
    • In another method, a container with plants is filled with a small amount of water, then everything is poured into a wide vessel. Add a 0.5% solution of Fundazol (2 ml) there, leave for about 10 minutes, then carefully remove the seedlings, cleaning the roots with a brush;
    • The seedlings are planted in the prepared substrate;
    • After planting, the plants are not watered, but regularly with water at room temperature. Make sure it always remains moist.

    After six months, young orchids transplanted into a standard substrate.

    Useful video

    Watch the video to see what an orchid’s seed pod looks like:

    Find out in the video how to plant orchid seeds at home:

    Interesting facts in the video about seeds from China:

    Watch the video to see the result after sowing the orchid seeds:


    Hand-grown orchid will please his, and the experiment itself will leave an indelible impression.

    In order to have real orchid seeds, it is better to pollinate the flower yourself with pollen according to the method. In this case, you are guaranteed to grow this tropical plant.

    On Chinese websites you can most often order orchid seeds of the most popular Phalaenopsis species; Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Vanda, and Cattleya species of various varieties are also presented. These species are hybrid, created by breeders specifically to be grown at home with the least amount of labor and to delight owners with their beauty.

    Is it possible to cultivate like this?

    If you are lucky enough to get real orchid seeds from a Chinese website, then theoretically you can grow an orchid from it. But, unfortunately, this is a very long and labor-intensive process. You will have to purchase the necessary equipment and materials, maintain sterility and the desired temperature. Some gardeners jokingly call all this a real laboratory. In addition, you will have to wait a long time for the result.

    REFERENCE: A planted seed can turn into a full-fledged adult orchid flower in 4-6 years.

    When ordering seeds from China, you can often encounter unscrupulous sellers who pass off seeds of other plants and even lawn grass or weed seeds as orchid seeds. In this case, many people feel sorry for the time and labor spent on trying to grow, and they become disillusioned with this idea.

    But, fortunately, they are inexpensive and if you have a strong desire to try growing them, you can order them again. After all, if you manage to grow a flower yourself, you will receive incomparable pleasure watching its growth, and then a beautiful adult blooming orchid.

    How do they look?

    Orchid seeds are very small and can easily be mistaken for dust.
    Their size is 15 thousand times smaller size wheat grain. In addition, they, unlike other seeds of most crops that have a reserve of nutrients or endosperm, have it in negligible quantities in the embryo.

    How do such vulnerable seeds exist in nature and enable orchids to reproduce? It's a matter of their quantity. One orchid flower can produce from 3 to 5 million seeds and due to their small weight and size, they are easily carried by the wind, settling on the bark of trees. However, not all of them will be destined to turn into adult flowers; only a few of those attached to the tree will do this. Such is the harshness of natural selection.

    Where to buy, approximately how much do they cost?

    You can order orchid seeds on popular Chinese online trading platforms in the sections “Home and Garden”, “For the Garden”, “Seeds” and the like. The cost of a pack of seeds is about 35 Russian rubles.

    How to check the authenticity of a purchase?

    After receiving the seeds, open the package and study the received material before properly planting the seeds at home. Remember that real seeds should:

    Watch a video on how to prepare a nutrient medium for growing seeds.


    ATTENTION! Seeds also need to be sterilized. To do this, prepare the 10th solution of bleach, shake, filter, hold the seeds there for 10 minutes and plant immediately.

    For sowing, a device is used that additionally sterilizes the seeds.
    Sowing occurs like this:

    1. Place a wire rack on a container of water and a substrate on it.
    2. After sterilization, draw the seeds out of the solution with a pipette and place them on the surface of the substrate.
    3. Next, cover the flasks or jars with cotton swabs or lids and set them for germination.
    4. You should monitor the temperature at all times: it should be 18-23 degrees Celsius, the duration of daylight should be on average 12-14 hours.



    After a few weeks or months, changes begin to occur in the crops. Green balls appear on them, then the first leaves. After two or three leaves appear, roots begin to appear. Only after a year can the seedlings be transplanted into. To fill the pot, a suitable substrate of moss, fern roots and pine bark is suitable.

    Should be as small as possible. The sprouts are removed from the flask as carefully as possible with tongs, washed in water and transplanted into a substrate, which is first poured with boiling water for 30 minutes. Plants need light and high humidity all the time.

    Problems and difficulties

    Problems can await you at any stage. However, the most common The reason for low germination is poor-quality seeds, the slightest flaws in sterility, non-compliance with temperature and humidity conditions. The result is the death of seeds or seedlings and the absence of a result in the form of a beautiful flower. When starting this process, it is worth analyzing your conditions, availability of time and money, as well as a lot of patience, so as not to be disappointed by difficulties.


    Many difficulties await those who decide to self-cultivation orchids from Chinese seeds. Starting from the huge number of fakes sold by enterprising traders from the Middle Kingdom, ending with a very painstaking period of their landing and growth. But still, if there is great desire, it's worth a try!

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