Do-it-yourself seam roofing: detailed description. Seam roofing. Its installation and instructions Seam roofing drawings

Seam roofing is usually understood as a roofing covering that is made from sheet metal and is connected to each other using latches in the form of gutters. In this material we will talk about how to make a seam roof and what materials are used for this.

The concept of “seam roofing”

The method of joining sheet metal to cover roofs, invented by the Germans, has been popular in our country for a long time. And if quite recently the folds were connected manually, now it is possible a large number of mechanical and electric tools for rolling them up. So making a seam roof has become much more convenient and accessible for non-professionals.

Among the advantages of this coating are:

  • Low weight, allowing you to do without a reinforced rafter frame.
  • tightness, reliable protection from leaks. Due to the absence of through holes, the metal does not corrode for a very long time.
  • In the presence of necessary tools You can assemble a seam roof yourself.
  • The design is equally suitable for simple roofs with a slight slope, and on roofs of complex configuration.
  • The material goes well with all types of building materials.
  • The service life of such a roof is more than 20 years. Since all joints are reliably sealed and the seams are hidden, water does not leak under it, and snow rolls freely from the roof surface.


To be fair, it is worth pointing out the disadvantages of a seam roof, which arise mainly as a result of incorrect installation:

  • Since the covering is metal, rain falling on a seam roof creates quite a lot of noise. To avoid this effect, it is recommended to use perfectly even bars for the sheathing, to which the metal sheets will fit tightly.
  • The seams on the roof must be periodically checked and, if necessary, repaired.
  • If snow retention devices were not provided during the installation of the roof, the snow will fall off it very quickly and intensively.
  • Seam roofing is not available in a wide variety of colors and textures. However this best option for those who are adherents of minimalism and do not seek to stand out.

Design elements

First of all, it’s worth defining some terms.

So, roofing pictures are called rectangular sheets of metal with seams. Such sheets are assembled into a seam roof.

The term “rebate” is usually understood as a kind of seam that is formed as a result of joining individual sheets of material. Such a connection does not require additional sealing with glue or sealants. In addition, such seams serve as stiffeners.

Clamps are special fasteners that are fixed to the base of the roof. They can be simple, that is, repeating the shape of the fold, and also movable - they compensate for the thermal expansion of the metal.

Types of materials for paintings

There are various types of seam roofing available on the market, which have significant differences. In most cases, modern seam roofing is made from materials such as:

  • Steel. There are products that are not galvanized, zinc coated, or with an additional polymer layer. Such materials are characterized by durability, resistance to oxidation and low price. However, during operation, such a roof gradually loses its shine, so in order to maintain a presentable appearance, it is worth choosing materials with a colored coating. In addition, it is important to ensure that the products are covered with a film to protect them from scratches and damage.
  • Copper. What material are they made from? beautiful roofs, which literally shine under the sun. Moss or any other plants do not grow on it. Since copper paintings are quite flexible, they can be used to make roofs of any configuration, from simple to the most complex.

However, this material is quite soft, so it should be handled very carefully. In addition, the cost of copper is quite high.

After some time, a layer of oxides forms on the copper, creating a film dark brown. For this reason, copper roofing cannot be combined with any other material.

  • Zinc. Zinc paintings are additionally coated with another protective layer of zinc carbonate. During operation, this coating becomes silver-gray. However, the service life of such a seam roof is not very long (up to 50 years), so European countries Such materials are practically not used.
  • Aluminum. This metal is resistant to oxidation, so a seam roof made of aluminum usually lasts about 100 years. In addition, it has a very beautiful silver color. However, when installing a seam roof made of aluminum, it is worth remembering that it is very susceptible to thermal expansion.
  • Zinc-titanium. Original solution connecting 2 metals together made it possible to obtain a material that is reliable, ductile, and resistant to oxidation. Over time, the alloy develops a layer of patina, which is highly valued by modern designers.
  • Aluminum zinc. An alloy of zinc and aluminum, which covers steel paintings, protects the material from corrosion in places of mechanical damage, and is also characterized by the ability to self-heal.
  • Copper, zinc and titanium alloy. Additional inclusion copper in a concentration of 0.005% allows you to achieve the plasticity of the material, which is so necessary for its profiling.

Coverage type

In order to protect the roof from harmful effects environment, but they apply a special protective covering. Particularly for regions with very hot and humid climates, where acid rain is frequent and the intensity of ultraviolet radiation, folded paintings coated with pural are ideal.

How is seam roofing made?

Pictures for seam roofing can be in the form of individual sheets (cast) or rolls. In our country, it is the cast construction that has gained the greatest popularity. Such sheets are very convenient to connect even without special tools, and the result is a seamless, seamless coating.

As for rolled seam roofs, they appeared quite recently. This material is a strip equal to the length slope, which already has prepared edges. When connected, a double lock of a seam roof is obtained.

There are several designs of paintings for standing seam roofing:

  1. With two stiffening ribs and double fold. It is used primarily for industrial construction, for covering warehouse buildings and workshops with various roof slopes. Standard width is 5.57 m, of which usable area– 5.45 m.
  2. For residential construction, paintings with a double seam and two stiffeners are also used, but their total width is 3.52 m, and their working width is 3.4 m.
  3. There are paintings with double folds, but without stiffeners. They vary in width - 5.57 m and 3.52 m. They are used in housing construction.

In addition, there are starting, row, parallel and trapezoidal folded panels.

Famous manufacturers

The most reputable manufacturer of seam roofs is the Finnish company Ruukki. In Russia, the Insi plant produces such material. Their products are more affordable, and they offer a fairly wide range of products.

Method of laying a seam roof

The technology for installing a roof made of seam panels includes several successive stages.

How to make a roof base

Seam paintings can be mounted on a solid or open sheathing. You can use it for wooden slats or metal profiles. It is noteworthy that the distance between the rafters should not exceed 2.5 meters so that the sheets do not sag during operation and the folds do not separate.

Stacking pictures

The selected material, be it cast panels or rolled steel, must be raised to a height, placed on top of the sheathing along the eaves and fixation must begin from the center.

Manufacturing of auxiliary elements

For arranging conic, cornices, valleys, as well as joints with chimney or window opening, special additional elements will be required. They must either be purchased ready-made, or made from rolled steel yourself.

Making folds

The folds can be single, double, lying (horizontal) or standing (vertical).

Double folding means double folding of the edges. Such a connection is advisable in places where snow and rain accumulate - in valleys, valleys, joints and other structural elements. This seam is considered the most reliable.

Recessed seams are made if it is necessary to mask the seams between individual panels. In addition, the horizontal connection is also made using lying folds, with maximum girth. Please note that if the grip of the steel strip cannot reach the depth of the rebate, the seam will weaken over time.

On roofs with a slope of more than 25º, an angular standing seam or an L-shaped one is used. Making such an element is even easier than a regular one - you just need to correctly bend the top edge of the seam.

As for the height of the seam, it should be such that standing melt water does not penetrate into the joint. Rainfall is not a problem for folds, but standing snow can cause considerable harm. Consequently, in regions with a large amount of snow precipitation, the folds are made quite high. In addition, when laying the paintings, sealing gaskets are placed in the folds. These elements withstand the thermal expansion of the metal and the forces during seam rolling.

It is also worth paying attention to the fastening elements - you can only use components with an anti-corrosion coating, otherwise rusty spots will soon form on the roof.

A hammer is used to connect the fingers and wooden blocks, as well as manual or electromechanical machines. First, the picture is attached to the base with a narrow strip, fixing its position. Then the recumbent fold is folded in front and behind, and vertical half-folds are folded on the right and left.

Fastening the folds is carried out mainly with clamps. They are put on by 2.5 cm, after which the panels are nailed with right side. The clamp is made of galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.5-0.7 mm and a length of 80-120 cm. These elements are placed along the edges of the panels in increments of 60 cm and screwed with 4.8 × 28 mm self-tapping screws.

Therefore, the installation looks like this:

  • the panel is placed on the sheathing;
  • fix it with clamps;
  • cover with another panel on top;
  • then the three layers of metal are bent in one direction, the folds are folded until they stop and pressed.

Thus, a reliable connection is achieved that protects against cold and water leakage.

The final stage

At the final stage, it is necessary to bend the cutouts and install additional elements - valleys, aprons, pediments, cornices and rebate strips.

Difference professional installation from amateur

With certain skills and experience, an amateur can install simple roof structural elements using scissors, a mallet and a pipe bender. In the same time, professional builders have in their arsenal whole line special tools - scissors, frames, pliers and other devices. Often such tools are much more expensive than a folding machine.

It is worth noting that semi-automatic tools are currently used for bending folds, which have a number of advantages:

  • ensure connection reliability;
  • the work is done very quickly;
  • it is possible to operate with material of any thickness;
  • polymeric protective layer is not damaged during operation.

Currently, panels are available on the building materials market in which the folds are equipped with special locks. That is, a simple click is enough to connect.

Seam roofs have a huge range in price. Because folding is not a material, but a technology. The material can be any - budget (galvanized), elite (copper), intermediate options. Let's consider what it is, whether it is profitable or unprofitable, what the price per m2 of seam roofing is and how justified it is.

What is a fold?

A fold is a connection between two sheets of metal in which the edges are bent together in one direction once (single fold) or twice (double). The double fold is more reliable and airtight; it is used in all critical places (ridge, nodes).

The seam is formed in two steps: folding the fold (if you are working with sheet/roll material, and not with a finished picture) and crimping.

The electric machine does everything in one go.

Two or more sheets that are joined on the ground and in this form lifted onto the roof are called a picture. Paintings are also called blanks with already curved edges. Some materials (galvanized, copper) are sold not in sheets, but in rolls: on a small roof, the picture may not have a single fold, the slope along the entire length is covered with a single strip. There will be locks only on the connections between the paintings.

The fold can be standing or lying (the lock is bent parallel to the sheet). Recumbents connect horizontal stripes metal, the lock looks down along the drain line. Standing ones are made perpendicular to the ridge (along the slope). There are also paintings with self-locking folds; they are connected to each other according to the groove/ridge principle.

Advantages and disadvantages of seam roofs

Pros of standing seam roofing:

  • light weight due to the small thickness of the metal (usually within 0.8 mm).
  • due to the small thickness - flexibility, the ability to cover curved roofs;
  • water resistance: the fold is more airtight than fastening with hardware.
  • the roof is more susceptible to mechanical damage than metal profile coatings;
  • any disadvantages metal roof: thermal conductivity, lack of sound insulation, electrical conductivity, electrostatics, the roof gets hot in the heat;
  • Snow guards are definitely needed: due to the smooth surface, avalanches of snow are possible.

Durability and cost cannot be classified as either advantages or disadvantages: they depend on the material. The more expensive the material, the more durable the roof: simple galvanization lasts no more than 10-15 years, copper and zinc-titanium last more than half a century. They look the most elegant of all.

Articles on the topic

Basic rules for installing a seam roof

The roof can be laid using continuous or sparse sheathing. In the second case, you need to carefully follow the design step so that the coating does not sag. For the manufacture of sparse lathing the following are used:

  • timber 5 by 5 cm, impregnated with antiseptic conifers, humidity no more than 12%;
  • board 3.2 by 10, similar;
  • metal profile with anti-corrosion coating (preferably used for paintings with self-locking folds).

If the sheathing is solid, a vapor diffusion film is placed on top of it, directly under the covering. If it’s sparse, then under it.

If there is insulation, the structure of the pie is as follows:

  • thermal insulation material (placed between the rafters);
  • counter-lattice;
  • waterproofing membrane;
  • sheathing.

Our works

Metal price for seam roofing

Approximate cost of material in Moscow:

  • simple galvanizing, sheet 1 by 2 meters - from 400 rubles, service life 10-15 years;
  • galvanization with a polymer coating lasts 15-30 years, depending on the polymer. The price is proportional to the durability. Polyester – from 400 per square meter;
  • purex – from 500;
  • pural – from 600;
  • aluminum - from 1.5 thousand per square, lasts up to 50 years (warranty - 40);
  • zinc-titanium from 3 thousand per square, lasts up to a century;
  • copper – from 3 thousand to 150 years.

Prices are for sheet and roll materials. Metal for seam roofing can be supplied in the form of blanks with an already curved edge. In this case the price is not much higher. But the cost depends greatly on the manufacturer. 400-600 rubles for steel with a polymer coating - this is the price Russian stamps. Imported ones are 2 times more expensive. For example, polyester paintings with self-locking folds from Ruukki cost from 900 rubles per square, purals - from a thousand.

It should be noted that the acquisition expensive metals on the roof justifies itself: they are practically eternal, since they are not afraid of corrosion. From interaction with air and water, a patina forms on the surface. It does not reduce the strength of the material (like, say, iron oxide), but on the contrary, it prolongs it: a layer of patina reliably protects the sheets from corrosion. And it looks noble.

Concerning steel roofs- they, alas, do not last forever. Simple galvanizing has resistance external factors decreases as zinc is washed away.

To extend its service life, the roof is regularly painted oil paint(at least once every 2-3 years). Non-galvanized metal cannot be used on roofs (and in general for street work). Steel with a polymer coating is more reliable than simple galvanization, but the coating itself is very capricious. It is easy to scratch during installation, and if you do not immediately paint over the scratch polymer paint, corrosion will begin to develop at the site of damage.

For comparison, other popular roofing coatings should be mentioned.

Metal tiles cost on average about 300 rubles per square meter, and their service life is up to half a century.

She has too polymer coating, but there are advantages over standing seam roofing:

  • well ventilated, suffers less from condensation;
  • mechanically stronger: the profile waves serve as additional stiffening ribs.

Flexible tiles also cost about 300 rubles. Depending on the brand and model, it lasts from 20 to 50 years. Absolutely sealed. There are no disadvantages of metals: heat/sound/electrical conductivity. You cannot cover a curved roof with metal tiles, but you can with flexible ones. Unlike a seam roof (roof slope 7-30 degrees, optimal 10-15), bitumen tiles can cover slopes of any steepness, even negative surfaces.

Ceramic tiles do not belong to budget coatings, from 1000 rubles. The service life is practically unlimited: in Europe there are houses with ceramic roofs built two centuries ago and older. But, unlike all the roofings listed, ceramics are heavy. A reinforced rafter system is needed.

Price for standing seam roofing work

A distinctive roofing material among traditional ones can be called seam roofing. This metal covering is quite durable and reliable, and does not look the same as metal tiles, slate or roofing felt. Her appearance attracts attention. But reliability and appearance are not the only things that make this type of roof popular. We will talk about the advantages of the roof later. But the seam roof gets its name due to the seam with which the sheets of metal are fastened to each other. This connection is strong, reliable and sealed.

Let's find out how a seam roof works, how it differs from others and how to install it. In addition, we will find out how to repair a seam roof.

Pros and cons of seam roofing

Seam roofing is a covering made of sheets of metal that are connected with a seam seam. For the first time in Russia they heard about it more than 100 years ago. She gained popularity quite quickly. A machine was created for standing seam roofing, which made a seam on sheets.

And most accessible method became when they invented a tool for standing seam roofing, which was used to roll up the seam. After all, before everything was done by hand. What are the advantages of such a roof?

  1. Durability and strength of the coating.
  2. Price-quality ratio.
  3. Light weight.
  4. Economical material consumption.
  5. A huge number of colors.
  6. Due to the smooth surface, there is no accumulation of snow and rain on the roof.
  7. The coating is airtight, without seams on the outside. There is no way water will get under the roof.

But along with the advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  1. Since it is metal, it is noisy. In order not to hear the sound of rain on the roof, you will need some sound insulation.
  2. Difficult installation and the need for special tools.
  3. It is mandatory to install a lightning rod, as the roof accumulates an electrical charge.

Basically, a seam roof is valued not for its beauty, but for its reliability and tightness. Since there are no seams on the outside of the covering. The sheets, or as they are also called - pictures, are attached to the sheathing with clamps, and the seams are rolled up with a frame. Depending on the seam, there are several types of seam roofing.

Types of coating

The installation of a seam roof is carried out in 4 different ways:

  1. Single recumbent.
  2. Single standing.
  3. Double recumbent.
  4. Double standing.

The last of them is considered the most reliable and durable. The thing is that the seam is then the most protected, and the roof will be almost monolithic. She is not afraid of external influences. For complex structures two types of seams are used. For transverse seams (horizontal) - lying, and for longitudinal (vertical) - standing.

In addition, the material from which the paintings are made may vary:

If you have already decided what material you will make your roof from, let's look at how to install a seam roof.

Making a seam roof

The instructions for installing a roof are not too complicated. Mostly hard to do preparatory work. You need to take care of all the necessary tools and materials in advance. Paintings can be bought ready-made, or they can be bent on a machine. It is better if the picture is the same size as the roof slope, then installation will be easier. In addition, you will need clamps for fastening and a frame for seaming. If schematically and step by step, then you can make a roof like this:

Note! Do not forget to make holes for the chimney in advance or ventilation pipe, protecting them with elastic penetration.

To understand how to do the work, we suggest you additionally watch the video:

Self-locking seam roofing

The task of installing a seam roof for dummies was simplified when a self-latching sheet was made. Indeed, this method is convenient, reliable and simple. Even a beginner can do everything right. The thing is that creating a folded seam does not require special skills and tools. Their structure is quite simple.

How is installation done? Everything here is similar to the technology we considered. The sheets are laid on the sheathing.

Advice! The most important thing is to install the first sheet correctly.

Next, it is fixed with clamps and another sheet is connected to it. And this is where the self-latching mechanism comes into play. The sheets simply adhere to each other without any special technique. Convenient locks seize and a seam is formed. The work is not difficult and is completed much faster than the traditional option.

The delivery set includes the following items:

  • self-latching roofing pictures;
  • lower and internal valleys;
  • side gables from rain;
  • profiles and aprons;
  • clasps and screws.

If you doubt whether you can make a traditional fold, you can always resort to new technologies that will make your job easier.

Seam roof repair

It is clear that no matter what type of roof you make, it will have to be repaired during operation. If, when working with seam roofing, you adhered to the technology, followed all the rules and chose quality materials, then you won’t have to repair the seam roof anytime soon. When will it be specific area was damaged, the paintings need to be replaced.

In the case where the roof is made of zinc or aluminum, you can use a regular patch. Tinning and soldering for zinc is not a problem. If it is aluminum, then the patch should be 7-8 cm wider than the area. It is secured with self-tapping screws. To seal the joints, you need to lubricate them with roofing glue twice and let them dry.

In most cases, repairs have to be made due to leaks. They appear after many years of use. The reasons are as follows:

  • mechanical damage or corrosion on the sheet;
  • sagging of the painting due to the large lathing step;
  • loss of seam tightness;
  • changing the geometry of the room.

To determine the cause, you need to inspect the attic. When you identify what is leaking at the joints, you need to additionally roll the seams and then treat them with sealant. If there is a leak near the chimney or in places with an apron, everything needs to be dismantled and reinstalled. In this case, you need to use a high-quality sealant. Repairs where the rafter system is rotten will cost a pretty penny. It is almost impossible to replace it, so you will have to dismantle the roof and rebuild it. To avoid this, you need to immediately eliminate any leaks and additionally treat the wood with an antiseptic.

Let's sum it up

Thus, you have learned how to make a good and reliable seam roof. It can serve you for many years. If you did everything correctly, then your seam roof will look like the photo below.

By following all the tips, you will be able to cope with the task.

Compliance with the technology for installing seam roofing allows you to prevent corrosion of the coating, its deformation and sagging. Right installed material will serve its owners for many years. We’ll look further at how to properly install a seam roof with your own hands.

Seam roofing: features and advantages

Seam roofing is distinguished by a special installation technology, which creates a reliable seam lock that prevents water leaks. The appearance of the roof is particularly attractive and gives the building an aristocratic and original appearance.

The roof itself consists of separate panels connected to each other using folds. For their manufacture, sheet steel or roll type, always with galvanized coating. To increase the durability of the structure, it is treated with a special coating of non-ferrous metals such as copper, aluminum, zinc, pural or plastisor. The most optimal and durable option is copper. Despite the high cost of such a roof, it has an amazing appearance and good performance characteristics.

By connecting roofing sheets together, it is possible to obtain a connection called a seam. There are four types of such connections:

  • single type;
  • double type;
  • standing type;
  • recumbent type.

The first option is relevant if the roof slopes are located at an angle of more than fifteen degrees. The second option is particularly waterproof and durable, although its construction will require more material and effort, but the result is worth it. Standing seams are relevant for joining longitudinal strips.

Among the advantages of a seam roof, we note:

  • the ability to use various coatings, which give it a unique shade and originality;
  • thanks to seam joints, the roof does not leak
  • does not require additional mounting holes, so the roof becomes resistant to changes in temperature;
  • a variety of installation technologies, materials, variations in laying sheets or rolls, allows you to create an interesting roofing covering that will harmonize with any building;
  • the presence of a smooth surface ensures rapid drainage of water and snow;
  • due to the fact that the material is quite flexible, such a roof can be installed on any type of roof;
  • the light weight of the structure makes it possible not to install a rafter system;
  • such a roof is easy to maintain and repair;
  • Duration of operation is another important advantage of this type of roof.

When installing a seam roof, you also need to learn about its disadvantages, such as:

  • the need for special equipment that greatly simplifies the execution process installation work;
  • steel roofing has high thermal conductivity and therefore requires additional insulation;
  • the roof needs to be equipped with additional components that reduce its noise performance;
  • in order to protect your home during a thunderstorm, it is necessary to install a lightning rod and grounding;
  • On a smooth surface, it is necessary to install snow detainers, since avalanches will fall to the ground during heavy snowfalls.

Types and technology of seam roofing

The most durable copper roofing in use, it will serve its owners for more than one hundred and fifty years. Besides, this type roofing is attractive appearance, since it has a special textured pattern that imitates various materials. However, the cost of such a roof is quite high, although it quite pays off during operation.

Aluminum roofing is lightweight, resistant to corrosion, mechanical damage and various kinds loads. The service life of such a roof reaches one hundred years. The cost of such a roof is an order of magnitude lower than a copper one, but the performance characteristics are also at a high level.

Also, seam roofing is made of titanium-zinc coating, which is distinguished by its prestigious appearance, reliability and durability. Besides, distinctive feature this material is high level its plasticity. After a certain period of use, the roof becomes covered with a patina, which makes it even more elite.

The most affordable material for making seam roofing is ordinary metal. The great demand for this type of roofing is explained primarily by the affordable cost of the coating. The service life of this structure reaches 55 years. You can choose the color and appearance of the steel. In addition, the zinc coating protects the roof from corrosion and destruction.

Seam roofing - installation technology

Seam roofing differs not only in the materials from which it is made, but also in the technological aspects of its installation. In the process of making roofs, materials are used in both sheet and roll versions.

Using sheets - classic version, which unfortunately is losing popularity. The main rule of any installation of a seam roof is the creation in the attic space special conditions, which prevent the formation of condensation on the roof, which destroys it.

An innovative method of roof installation is the use of roll materials. This technology installation is distinguished by the presence of higher quality seams, which are easily installed by specialists.

Among the advantages of roll technology for installing seam roofing, we note:

  • installation not only steel sheets, but also a material with a polymer layer that has better performance characteristics;
  • the use of a standing double seam, ensuring a high degree of tightness of materials;
  • use of technology in various fields installation of the roof, regardless of the roof slope and its shape;
  • speed and ease of work, thanks to the mobility of the equipment used in roof installation.

Tool for installing seam roofing

Correct use of the tool during installation work ensures half the service life roofing. Main tool for the construction of a clamp, used in any installation case, both in roll and sheet. There are two types of tools used when rolling the seam:

  • mechanical equipment;
  • electric type tool.

The first option involves using a set of pliers, which contain two frames that cover the folds. With their help it is possible to create single and double folds.

The electric machine allows you to speed up the work several times, and after rolling, it automatically stops at the final section of the roof.

Also, when installing a seam roof, you will need the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • metal scissors;
  • mallets;
  • drills and screwdrivers;
  • level and other measuring instruments.

Additional tools used during the roof installation process depend on individual characteristics building and installation method roofing materials.

Seam roofing: production and installation

You should begin work on installing a seam roof by choosing the lathing for the manufacture of which you will use steel profile, board or wooden beam. The main requirement for the sheathing is its maximum evenness and absence of recesses.

Seam roof installation instructions:

1. Initially, an insulating coating is laid on the surface roof trusses. Having a light the lathing will provide sufficient ventilation of the under-roof space. The interval for laying the sheathing is 40 cm.

3. Before installing the sheets, install the eaves part of the roof.

4. Also install on the ridge area support board. In order for the joints to be evenly spaced on the roof, the first and last page, in relation to the size of the roof.

5. Install a continuous boardwalk on the valley.

6. The sheets are aligned with an overlap of 4 cm. To fix the sheets on the eaves area, the top sheathing is used.

7. At the end sections of the roof, the roofing material is fixed using self-tapping screws and washers, between which sealing gaskets are installed.

8. Snow barriers are laid at the joints between roofing sheets. To perform longitudinal joining of sheets, also use overlap.

Features of installing a copper seam roof

The ridge and ribs on a standing seam roof must be straight. If wood is used to make the sheathing, then do not forget to coat it with an antiseptic composition.

Before starting installation work, you should fix the cornices along the lower edges. Also, drainage system, installed on initial stage. The valleys are fixed on the sheathing, and on rafter system, an anti-condensation film is installed to provide waterproofing.

Before starting work on the roof, measure its slopes. Stingrays rectangular shape must have equal diagonals. When arranging longitudinal joints, the sheets are fixed in the direction from the bottom to the top. If the length of one slope is more than six meters, then it is assembled from several parts.

The sheets are installed with a slight overlap. When installing a copper roof, it is impossible to use a seaming machine, which significantly improves the tightness of the joints between the sheets.

The service life of a copper roof is more than a hundred years, however, in order to ensure that this condition is met, the roof is installed on a continuous deck.

When arranging flooring for a standing seam roof, you should be guided by the following recommendations:

  • It is imperative to ensure that you have a special ventilation gap, which allows you to remove condensate formed inside the roof;
  • thus, the sheathing prevents corrosion metal parts and damage to wooden sheathing;
  • the sheathing should help reduce noise generated during rain.

A solid base is also installed if the roof slope is less than fourteen degrees. In order to improve the tightness of the connection between the sheets, after rolling the seams, use silicone sealant.

Installation of a self-latching seam roof

In order to create a self-latching roof, galvanized steel sheets are used. The sheets must be in the form of large canvases, which are connected to each other using special grooves.

The most popular rebate options are recumbent and standing versions, used in longitudinal and transverse connections. A self-latching roof is installed much faster and easier than a standard seam roof.

In addition, this type of roofing is distinguished by a variety of color and texture shapes. Therefore, you can choose the best option suitable for a specific building.

To arrange connections between sheets, no special equipment is required, and all work can be carried out independently, without the involvement of specialists. In addition, upon completion of installation, an ideal coating is obtained in the form of a continuous flooring that is absolutely impermeable to moisture.

This roofing option is suitable even for a roof with a slope angle of 8 degrees. Among the advantages of a self-latching roof, we note:

1. Possibility of installation on various types of roofs.

2. Long service life.

3. Thanks to a special installation technology, reliable connections are ensured, and the seams are durable and tight.

4. Seam roofing is characterized by high load-bearing capacity, good resistance to the external environment.

Therefore, when choosing a seam roof for a house that you plan to install yourself, we recommend choosing the self-latching version, since such a design does not require the use of special equipment to obtain quality connection between the sheets. Repairing a seam roof will not be difficult, since if certain of its elements are damaged, it is enough to replace them.

Seam roof installation video:

Today on the market there is simply a huge selection of roofing materials: from traditional ceramic tiles to modern ondulin. However, despite such diversity, many homeowners choose metal roofs, mounted in a rebated manner.

The main features of seam roofs

First, let's look at construction technology associated with this type of roofing. So, seam roofing is called a roof assembled from metal sheets connected to each other by means of special seams - seams. These seams can be either horizontal ( lying seams), and vertical (standing folds, which should run exclusively along the slope). In addition, single and double folds are used.

Sheets of metal with edges prepared to form seam joints are called patterns. Installation of a seam roof is made from sheets with a thickness of 450 to 800 millimeters and a width of 600 to 800 millimeters (the length can be arbitrary).

Seam connections are created using special hand tools or electromechanical devices. Also produced by modern industry, the installation process of which is significantly simplified and does not require the use of tools.

Pros and cons of using seam roofing

As with any other roof, installing a seam roof has both advantages and certain disadvantages.

Among the advantages of such a roof are:

  • long service life;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • light weight;
  • a smooth surface that does not allow rainwater and snow to linger.

Among the disadvantages of a seam roof, the following should be noted:

  • poor sound insulation (if there is no layer of thermal insulation during rain, the sound of drops on the metal will be heard);
  • difficult installation (without sufficient experience it will be very problematic to cope with such work);
  • low aesthetic appeal (in the case of using galvanized steel) or high cost (in the case of using copper or zinc-titanium);
  • the ability to accumulate static electricity (in this regard, the installation of a seam roof must invariably be accompanied by the installation of a lightning rod).

Types of metals used for the construction of seam roofing

The following types of metal can be used for installation of seam roofing:

Specifics of installing a seam roof

Of course, the choice of material plays an important role, but another point is equally important when installing a seam roof - an installation technology that must be strictly observed. First of all, it should be taken into account that this method coatings can be used for those roofs whose slope slope is at least 14 degrees. The use of seam roofing on flatter roofs (with a slope of 7 degrees or more) is only possible if the metal sheets are connected with a double seam sealed with silicone sealant.

In order for a seam roof to serve as long as possible, the connecting elements used during its installation (clamps, nails, bolts, wire, etc.) must be made of the same material as the roof itself. If this requirement is not met (for example, when using ordinary nails to secure sheets of galvanized steel), the roof itself will gradually deteriorate due to corroded connecting parts, which will significantly shorten its service life.

Seam roof installation technologies

To install a seam roof, two main technologies are used: traditional and modern. Let's consider each of these methods in detail.

Traditional technology provides for the following stages of work:

  • production of paintings for the subsequent assembly of the roof, as well as other roofing elements(overhangs, gutters, etc.). To do this, a drawing is made according to which blanks are cut out of metal, and then the edges of these blanks are bent in such a way that they can be connected to each other using the seam method;
  • lifting prepared paintings onto the roof and joining them using special seams - folds;
  • fastening the installed paintings to the sheathing using special connecting elements - clamps. One end of them is inserted into the rebate, and the other is attached to the sheathing beam;
  • installation of protective aprons made of the same metal as the roof itself on all openings (pipes, ventilation ducts, etc.).

In the case of using metal sheets whose length exceeds ten meters, the technology for installing seam roofing involves attaching them to the sheathing using floating clamps. Thanks to this, even in the event of temperature deformations, the roof’s tightness will be maintained.

Modern technology installation allows:

  • produce paintings of any length;
  • use a mobile rolling mill that ensures the most durable and tight connection;
  • fasten metal with hidden clamps, and also minimize total connecting elements, which reduces the likelihood of corrosion and increases the service life of the roofing.

Features of installation of roofing made of zinc-titanium and copper

One of the most specific materials from which a seam roof can be made is zinc-titanium. It has unsurpassed durability and excellent appearance, but is also extremely sensitive to mechanical damage. That's why the most important moment, which must be remembered when installing a zinc-titanium seam roof - installation should be carried out as carefully as possible, avoiding impacts or scratching of the sheets. If marking is necessary, a marker should be used. Also, working with this material requires the presence of special

The fence must not only be durable, but also aesthetically attractive so that its installation does not cause any harm. general form building. It is recommended to make it from profile pipes or similar material, painted with polymer powder paint.

When installing a seam roof, installation instructions, as well as sanitary standards and the rules must be strictly followed. Only in this case will the roof become a reliable protector from precipitation and provide warmth and comfort in the house for many decades.