If the damage was caused by the mother-in-law, the son fell ill. A conspiracy if the mother-in-law does not allow you to live in peace. How to remove damage caused by mother-in-law

We had a very beautiful love story, and my husband, he is Spanish, always loved me a little more than I loved him. We were best friends ideal lovers, trusted each other with the slightest secrets, felt each other at the level of telepathy. The only thing that scared me was that my mother-in-law was jealous of him, and somehow not in a motherly way!
The nightmare began after the wedding. One day my husband came in a rage and started yelling at me to stop bewitching him, I naturally went nuts and asked if he really went to see his grandmother, and started laughing. But he was absolutely serious and began to accuse me that I wished him and his family harm, that I was practicing magic, etc. No matter how I cried or tried to reason with him, the effect was 0. From that day he was replaced. He became aggressive, embittered, and also began to constantly get sick and had a series of terrible misfortunes, lost his job, got into several serious accidents in one month, was kicked out of the football team, contracted an unknown virus and was hospitalized for 3 months, was released barely alive.
Then I got pregnant and decided not to tell anyone anything for the first month. Suddenly my mother-in-law calls me and says that she had a dream that I was pregnant, but I would lose the child. I just collapsed! I was so careful during pregnancy, but alas... I almost went crazy with grief. I will never forget how her eyes shone when she came to see me in the hospital and called me a dry tree...
After that, I remained in Spain for some time, enduring open bullying from my mother-in-law about the fact that I was not fit to give birth to a child. At this time, the husband changed beyond recognition. I don’t know where my warm, dear boy, whom I knew inside and out, went to. It seemed to me that I was living with a complete stranger. At some point I couldn’t stand it and returned to Moscow. While I was in Moscow, several more serious tragedies happened in my life, I don’t know how I’m even still alive after all this. All this time he continued to call, saying that he loved him, that everything would change...
3 years have passed since then, we tried to meet several times. But strange things happened as soon as it came to bed. Once, both of us had a sharp rise in temperature to almost 40 degrees, and we vomited for almost a day while we were together; in our other attempts, the symptoms were the same, but only in one of them, and other times he simply, excuse me, did not got up, despite the fact that the boy is very hot.
He doesn’t hide the fact that his mother goes to see his grandmother, but in the context that I’m supposedly bewitching him, cheating on him, sending illnesses to him, and she just goes to tell fortunes, to find out reliable information about me. I tried several times to talk about living together again, but his eyes just glaze over, and he says that my mother is against it, that she will never forgive me for bewitching my son. And after a while he calls and cries when he hears my voice. I understand that we will always love each other, our love has been tested by 10 years of relationship, and family tragedies, and poverty, and serious illnesses, but we still look into each other’s eyes - and a flame lights up... next to it I want to grow old with a man and have children from him. Now everything is pah-pah-pah for him, and I continue to be haunted by failure after failure, I don’t have time to recover from one - a new shock. Now I have neither moral nor physical strength to somehow fight for my life, I am completely demoralized.

Girls, I’m sorry that I wrote so much, but this is the story of 10 years, I’ve already reduced everything as much as possible and I’m very sore. I am a normal modern girl, and if all this had not happened to me personally, I probably would not have believed in such rubbish as damage. I'm in despair now, I don't know what to do, I beg you, if anyone knows how to get rid of this, please help

When happy moments in our lives are replaced by a series of failures, misfortunes and illnesses, only one thought comes to mind - a person has been jinxed or used witchcraft against him. Sometimes even a skeptic thinks about the influence of otherworldly forces for life. Today we will talk about how to recognize who caused damage and the evil eye on your own, what signs of damage and the evil eye indicate a negative impact and how they manifest themselves, as well as how to recognize the enemy who wished you harm.

How to find out who caused damage

Hexes are made on illness, separation, money, misfortune and even death. Usually on negative impact indicates:

It is worth taking a closer look and listening to the person. And if you noticed similar symptoms, immediately save the person and . It is not always possible to turn to a professional healer. You can reveal your enemy's name yourself.

There are several ways to find out whether damage has been caused to a person and how to identify the culprit of the misfortune. Such rituals provide an answer to necessary question . You are required to have faith in own strength and focus on results.

How to find out who caused damage in a dream

For this before going to bed, read a special prayer-spell. You need to relax and completely get rid of all thoughts. There is no need to imagine a potential enemy. The main thing for you is to find out who could have sent you negative messages.

Having said the words quietly, go to bed. The image of the offender will appear to you this night. And in order not to forget anything, put a sheet of paper and a pen by your bed. When you wake up, immediately write down what you see.

How to find out who damaged or jinxed

If a person has been damaged, there is another way that tells you what to do and how to find out about it. To you you will need wax, a container and water.

Melt the wax in a water bath. Slowly pour it into the bowl and say the following words: “I pour wax, I pour out the enemy”.

Then carefully examine the resulting pattern. If the figure resembles a bear or other wild animal, then your enemy is a man. If the figure is more reminiscent of a woman, or you see a flower, most likely magic ritual committed by a woman. In the case where the poured form does not make it possible to determine gender, you should contact a healer.

How to find out if a family has been damaged

Very often, a happy, strong family causes envy among others. If you are faced with terrible events and find yourself on the brink of collapse, you may not even understand what happened. Unexpected illnesses, accidents, quarrels and showdowns, as well as the deteriorating well-being of the family may indicate magical influence. And the reason for this is human envy and curse.

Often one family member is responsible for death random person. And the family becomes hostage to his behavior, causing the curse of the injured party on the entire family. Sometimes a lover's jealousy can cause discord. She can perform a ritual that will lead to the man wanting to leave the family. Spouses stop understanding each other, the union breaks up. It is necessary to find out whether there is an otherworldly influence on loved ones.

Go to church and buy church candles for each family member. Stand them up for health, calling all the names one by one. In the case when the candles smoke heavily and crackle, a witchcraft influence is exerted on the family.

How to find out if there is a witchcraft effect on an egg

You can identify negativity using the usual egg. His composition is identical to the human body . Therefore, all changes in the body will be reflected in the egg. Carefully break it into a container of water and, tilting your head, place the bowl on the crown of your head. Sit without moving for a few minutes. Now look at the egg.

If the damage is severe, you should contact a professional magician. He will help neutralize the threat and provide protection. It will also help you accurately identify your enemy. He himself will come to you soon.

How to find out that the mother-in-law has spoiled her daughter-in-law

If the mother-in-law does not like her daughter-in-law, then she is ready for any tricks just to separate the young people. She can turn to a magician or perform witchcraft herself. If you suspect something is wrong, it's worth checking.

Ask someone you trust to help you. Sit on a chair. Let your assistant walk around you with a lit candle. Strong black smoke and soot, crackling, melting of the candle - this is damage.

How to find out who caused damage using a nail

There is a way to force your abuser to come to your house. For this it is necessary go to the cemetery and find a nail. Don't take it with bare hands, use gloves. Bring a nail into the house and hammer it into the threshold while reading the plot:

Cemetery, coffin, I'm waiting for you, an invited guest. If you don’t come in three days, you’ll die in six months.

Soon the enemy himself will come to you. He will be exhausted and nervous.
This method can lead to serious mental disorders from an ill-wisher, so it is better to seek help from a specialist.

How to identify damage to a home

This is a common type negative influence. If you noticed that there were problems with work or health, your pets are behaving strangely and won’t come into the house, house plants have begun to dry out and disappear, check your home for damage.

Take a wax church candle, light it and walk around your house or apartment. In the place where it smokes and crackles heavily, look for lining. It could be a stuck needle, a bag of hair or sand, etc. Use any of the above methods to determine the person who harmed you.

Since ancient times, our ancestors used for protection - Slavic amulets-, the meaning of which was of great importance to them. The talismans had powerful protective effect, they protected a person’s life, home and family. As a talisman against damage and the evil eye, a red thread on the wrist has been considered a common means of protection since early childhood. But in order for her to fulfill protective function, you need to know how to tie a red thread correctly.

To protect yourself from any negativity, use a regular “evil eye pin”, sprinkle salt under the threshold of your house, and periodically clean your home with church candles and holy water, protect yourself with the power of thought.

Your protection is at your fingertips. And remember, the best punishment for the offender is your forgiveness. Share with us your proven methods of identifying the enemy, tell us how you protect yourself from magic and witchcraft. What rituals and amulets are the most effective.

There is every reason to believe that my mother-in-law is casting a spell and casting a spell on my husband and me.
Somehow she immediately disliked me. I am modest, tactful, without "trailers", without bad habits. I met my husband at the age of 18 and then decided to get married.
She is the complete opposite in character: impudent, obscene, smoking. Her first husband also left her with a child (this is my husband) and did not pay alimony, and you can often hear from her: “Why is it given to some, but not to others?”, “Why am I worse?” That is, why to someone? they leave with the child and are not interested in him, and someone runs in front of the child, rushes around with him.
My husband and I didn’t have children for a long time, it didn’t work out. And so I went to my grandmother, she told me that the woman was doing the damage, on the part of her husband. And in general she said that it is better to give birth to someone else, you would have given birth to someone else long ago, it’s just that the relatives on your husband’s side were doing bad things and supposedly because of this we don’t have children.
I went to one woman, a friend gave her address, she also said that I was damaged and told my husband: “Your family is eating you up.” I asked what that meant, she said they were jealous. But she said that we would have children (we went to her, she took something from us). And she said it’s easy to communicate with them less. She said not to worry about the children, we will have them, but next time she said that all three of us should come to her. I was still surprised why. Now it's clearing up.
Then one day my mother-in-law told me that their grandmother was involved in magic or something (I didn’t understand), and she told her: “You’re the third child in the family, you can do it.”
And she began to tell me that she told her husband to have a sore throat in childhood, etc.
In general, a few years ago we had a child. My husband was suddenly diagnosed with health problems and began to lose a lot of weight. Doctors cannot name the reason; examinations do not give much results. He is losing a lot of weight.
So, in Lately With intimate life somehow it didn't feel right.
My mother-in-law is turning my daughter against me and my husband. When she arrives, she whispers about me to him, and he starts swearing at me. And when my daughter was born, I advised him to go to sleep in another room, because he was sick, and I didn’t take care of him. He needs to rest. We were just arguing.
Then, however, he returned and said that he couldn’t do this, he missed him. She had just sewn our bed linen.
Recently, my mother-in-law began sending black peppercorns in parcels. It seems very eloquent to me. But not just black pepper, but a friend of hers went somewhere abroad, and she sent a mixture of peppercorns (black and white) with a non-Russian label, the package was opened. I just know that when they make something like this, they usually open the package. My husband didn't remember this pepper. I threw it out and put regular peppercorns in there.
Once we came from the store during my mother-in-law’s next visit, my husband began to fall asleep and said: “Here, this is just your pepper!” She looked and said: “This is not my pepper!” The husband says: “No, this is yours, from your pack!” She says: “This is not mine, it’s a mixture of white and black!”
Just a question: if you just sent me pepper, do you really remember exactly what it looks like?
Apparently, she realized that I threw it away. Recently, her husband asked her to send us vegetables from their garden.
We were waiting for the parcel and the day before yesterday, you know, the thought flashed through my mind that she would again send a package of peppercorns. I'll open it. And then I walked around like this and thought: “Noooo,” I think, this is too much.
Imagine today we received a parcel and, among other things, (an opened package of some foreign) tea, an opened package of some dried fruit and, voila, an opened package of black peppercorns.
I want to throw out both pepper and tea. It's just kind of creepy and scary. What to do?
P.s. I know that now my comrades will attack with malicious comments, I am ready for this, I will filter them. I would like to hear real advice.

Damage most often comes from close relatives who want to solve their problems in this way. Mothers-in-law interfere with love relationship their children, destroying the existing connections by any means. As a result, they receive kickbacks in the form of illnesses, destroy the families of their children, which affects their grandchildren, because along with negative attachments, ancestral protection collapses.

When the mother-in-law, dissatisfied with the wife of her beloved son, decided to destroy the marriage at all costs, using spoilage for divorce, you need to resist her, but not engage in a magical war, because all this is reflected in all members of the clan. It is best to prevent your mother-in-law’s negative attitude and learn to smooth out rough edges using the advice of a psychologist, not a black magician.

How to find out that your mother-in-law wants evil

The confrontation between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is as old as time. The mother always tries to protect her son from greedy girls, to whom the newly-minted relative was also registered. To do this, she can use the most different methods: from constant “dripping” on my son’s brains to magical rituals.

If the mother-in-law used magic against her daughter-in-law, the latter can only determine the presence of negativity and eliminate it. There are also quite a few ways to do this.

The cards will tell the truth

To diagnose the damage caused by the mother-in-law, you can use fortune telling. If you suspect that the mother-in-law has worked, you need to visit a professional fortune teller and ask her to make a reading. For those who do not have such an opportunity, you can find out the truth at home by taking a new deck of cards and asking them if there is damage on me. Then 7 cards are pulled out in order, asking each one:

  • What is?
  • What happened?
  • What will happen?
  • By evening?
  • For the whole night?
  • How will it end?
  • How will everything calm down?

If in this situation the majority of cards come out with spades, and with them a queen, this indicates that there is a negative, and the question of whether the mother-in-law can cause damage remains open for discussion.

Ask the pendulum

If a woman has been struggling with her mother-in-law for a long time, and feels that after every communication with her husband’s mother, her health worsens, this is a sign of a negative program. The subconscious senses this state and associates it with a certain person. When fortune telling with a pendulum, the subconscious gets the opportunity to point out to the conscious mind the existing damage done by the mother-in-law or another person.

Prepare a list of questions so that the answers are clear, “yes” or “no.” First, the pendulum must be adjusted. To do this, the first questions must provide obvious answers. For example: I have a husband, mother-in-law, mother, and so on. Once the connection is established, you can ask questions. The main ones will be:

Do I have enemies? Am I damaged? Did your mother-in-law do some damage? By communicating with a pendulum, you can discover a lot of interesting information.

Diagnostic ritual

You can find out about damage using another ritual. For it you need:

  • 3 wax church candles;
  • a clean plate without a pattern;
  • pen;
  • a sheet of white paper;
  • wall.

In the evening, after sunset, a conspiracy is written on a piece of paper:

I will open the blue sky. I will part the dark clouds. I will open up the black earth. I need to see my mother-in-law. Yes, that’s what she wanted to do to me. Fire to you, I command you to serve me today. To show me with a dark shadow everything that is hidden from my eyes. What is secret and obvious, what is close or far. Let it be so today. May it always be so. Amen.

The paper is crumpled, making a loose lump. They put it on a plate, place it on a high stand, level with the eyes. The lights are turned off. 2 candles are placed near the wall, 1 is picked up and the paper is set on fire. As soon as it starts to burn, shadows will begin to appear on the wall. They need to be watched carefully. If there is damage, then gloomy pictures will be displayed on the wall. Among them you can see:

  • coffin;
  • cross;
  • cat;
  • bird;
  • bat.

When the paper burns out, do not rush to throw it away. The last image will have the most significant meaning. When the fortune telling is over, the ashes are collected and thrown into the toilet. If there is negativity, they say:

Where there is ashes, there is damage.

If there is damage, then its signs are noticeable. You need to learn to distinguish them so as not to confuse them with somatic diseases.

Signs of damage to divorce

There are certain symptoms that indicate damage from the mother-in-law. If the negativity comes from her, then conflicts between husband and wife will begin only when her name is pronounced. Irritation with each other after a reminder of its existence becomes constant, and achieving the opposite effect over time becomes extremely problematic. The relationship reaches a dead end, the spouses understand that if this continues, then separation is a matter of a short time.

If the mother-in-law has caused damage, a symptom of this can be considered the fact that after a conversation with her an attack of an unknown illness begins. When a husband returns from his mother irritated and begins to sort things out, this a clear sign, that damage was done to the daughter-in-law, which is reflected in the husband’s behavior. The power of damage coming from the mother-in-law can lead to long-term illnesses children.

If you can associate the onset of the illness with a visit or telephone conversation with your mother-in-law, then this is a serious sign that the negativity comes from her.

If a woman suffers from infertility, and during conversations at home on this topic, the mother-in-law rejoiced at this circumstance, which is unnatural for a future grandmother, then the cause of disturbances in the reproductive system can be sought in her evil machinations.

Why does a mother-in-law harass her daughter-in-law?

Many young women get involved in a magical war and are looking for a way to spoil their mother-in-law. To win this difficult war, you need to understand why your husband’s mother behaves this way. Most likely, the daughter-in-law does not inspire confidence in the elderly woman, and she is worried about her future and the fate of her son. Everyone judges according to the extent of their licentiousness, and in this case the older woman believes that her son’s young wife will do the same as the mother-in-law herself did in her youth.

The second reason for the negativity is traditions. It is possible that the mother-in-law herself went through the hatred of her mother-in-law and is now getting even in full.

The third reason is that a woman is afraid of loneliness. This is very common reason a negative attitude towards the daughter-in-law, who turns up her nose in front of her husband’s mother and does not want to communicate with her. In any case, such a ritual is suitable for protection.

How to reassure your mother-in-law

In order for the mother-in-law to calm down, in the spring, when the coltsfoot flowers appear, on Friday, at noon, you need to pull out the flower by the roots, facing the direction where the sun rises. Holding the torn plant in your hand, first read the “Our Father” prayer, then this spell:

Coltsfoot, I tore you off. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Immaculate Holy Virgin, the Immaculateness of St. John the Baptist, the Immaculateness of St. John the Evangelist. May you serve me now and forever and forever and ever. Order your stepmother to become a mother, not to be angry with me, the slave (name), not to scream, not to growl angrily, not to push me around, not to curse me with words, not to intimidate my husband. Just as you, grass, came out of the ground, through stones and sand, through red clay, so send me, grass, beautiful mother-in-law. Not to destroy, but to love the slave (name). My word is strong, my deed is tenacious. Key, lock, grass. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then break off the flower from the root. Ground part bury it in the ground from where it was picked, and take the underground part to your mother-in-law and throw it on her doorstep.

To completely get rid of the curse induced by the mother-in-law, a whole series of traditional magical rites, with the help of which protection is established for husband and wife, their home and children. In search of how to get rid of damage, they use one of the methods. This may be going under the protection of a Christian egregor, which requires regular attendance at church and reading a series of cleansing prayers.

Removing damage

You can remove damage using runic formulas. Scandinavian stavs will help you put up protection and send negativity to the one who sends it. If the damage was caused by the mother-in-law, then after the damage is removed she will become very ill.

After removing the damage, negativity and love spells, work on positive attitudes begins. A woman needs to protect her attractiveness and work to improve her reproductive system. For a man - for success and independence.

If it is known for sure that the damage to the divorce was caused by the mother-in-law, then she needs to install a blocker at the entrance to the spouses’ house. This is done with a needle inserted into the slit. door frame. Good for delay evil people energy ball installed above the door. He does not allow a person into the apartment who is coming to the family with evil. The ball is sculpted with hands, mentally forming in the palms glowing ball. After he managed to form a bright ball glowing like the sun, he is given the task of detaining all evil people coming with negativity. This helps to get rid of all the guests who come to the apartment with negativity.

How to break ties between husband and mother

For the husband, a ritual must be performed to break the maternal connection. This will not prevent him from receiving the generic protection that comes from his father, and at the same time he will get rid of the attachments left over from childhood, when he was heavily dependent on his mother. This will allow him to become an adult, the head of the family and increase self-esteem.

Ritual No. 1

To break the connection between husband and mother, you can perform the following ritual. On the waning moon on Thursday they take:

  • small onion;
  • glass of water;
  • church candle;
  • new knife.

The ritual is carried out secretly so that no one knows about it. They work like this:

  • turn off the lights;
  • light a church candle;
  • cut the onion in half;
  • say the plot 12 times.

Just as an onion and water are united, so are we, the servants of God (your names with your spouse), and no one or anything can quarrel and separate us! So that my beloved husband listens to me and listens, so that he always supports me, so that he is a mountain for me! So that in disputes with his mother he would be on my side, Yes, he was not a mother’s boy, but he could get rid of all his mother-in-law! Amen!

  • Place the two halves in a glass of water.
  • Take a candle and extinguish the wick by dipping water between the two halves.
  • The glass with the onion is placed on the window for 7 days, and the candle is put away in a secret place.

On the 8th day, the candle, glass and onion are placed in paper bag. They take White bread, honeycomb and a bottle of expensive wine, and go to the cemetery. There they find either graves from the family of the husband’s mother, or a free place, and bury a candle, an onion and a glass. They form a mound, put bread, honey and an open bottle of wine. They ask the spirits of the cemetery and the spirits of the clan to break the connection between mother and son so that he can become a man and continue the clan. Then they ask you to accept the gifts. They bow on four sides and leave the burial site without looking back.

Ritual No. 2

You can take a ritual knife, two separate photographs of your husband and his mother, connect them together, placing the photo face to face, call on the help of the Higher Powers, Guardian Angels, Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael. Pass the knife between them, as if cutting a pie, and say:

I ask Archangel Michael to cut the energetic umbilical cord connecting mother (name) and son, (name) for the highest Good (name of mother-in-law) and the highest Good of her son (name).

You can visualize that it is not you, but Archangel Michael who cuts this connection with his sword.

After the connection is cut, ask Higher power here and now to heal all the consequences of this action on all levels and realities.

Rituals for cleansing and protection

When working against mother-in-law's interference in the personal space of a young family, there is no need to go to extremes. The older generation can take the burden off a young mother and help her in raising children, but this requires establishing relationships before their birth, and not thinking that The best way to punish and silence is to damage the mother-in-law.

In order not to suffer later from the deadly damage done in response, the hatred of your children’s grandmother and not to listen to the advice of well-wishers that you need to “smash your mother-in-law and dismember”, it is recommended from the first days of life in new family work for the positive.

You can use a conspiracy that will help the mother-in-law see her daughter-in-law only with the best side. This will help a woman accept her daughter-in-law into her family and love her. Then the family will become strong, and there will be no need to think about how to remove the damage, get rid of negativity, love spells.

To work, you need to take an item donated by your mother-in-law and an item that belongs to your mother-in-law. Tie them in a knot and say:

Now I am my own mother, the one who gave birth to my beloved! So that there were no barriers between us, calm reigned and everything went smoothly! I attract the forces of goodness and love to the hearth; an envious enemy will not penetrate there! We must get rid of anger and hatred, and get rid of hostility! I have prepared a delicious pie, when you taste the sweet piece, you will love me and call me your beloved daughter-in-law! From now on and forever you will be like a legitimate mother to me! Candles will help me in the twilight, a love spell, sending it to you! Amen!

This is knot magic, which is often used in practice. The knot that tied peace in the family and the love of the mother-in-law cannot be shown to anyone. It must be kept in a secret place so that it cannot fall into someone else's hands. As long as the knot is tied, everything will be fine.

If the mother-in-law gets too involved in the life of a young family, you can perform a ritual with salt. Take a handful of coarse salt at night on the waning moon and say 9 times:

Salted salt, white salt, bulk salt! Help the servant of God (name) get away from my house, so that she can live her life, do her business, and not be interested in mine and her husband’s and not interfere. Help her get rid of her advice and complaints, save her from anger and hostility. Make her forget the way to our house and stop coming to us! Amen!

Bring this salt to your mother-in-law’s doorstep, sprinkle it there so that no one suspects you of this matter. The ritual is repeated every month until the mother-in-law stops going uninvited.

How to improve your relationship with your mother-in-law

Books by the author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna, Siberian healer, contain recommendations in this matter. It is necessary to resort less to magic in resolving family problems, because negative attachments prevent the harmonious development of all family members. A magical war between close relatives leads to fatal diseases and the accumulation of karma.

To maintain your relationship with your mother-in-law, praise your husband in front of her, calling out the best things about him. best qualities. Agree with his mother when she criticizes you. It must be said that you still need to learn everything that your mother-in-law knows, and this will be true.

When discussing his mother’s actions with your husband, always speak only positively about her, looking for justifications for her actions. Remain calm when an elderly woman begins to reproach you. Perhaps she doesn't have enough energy and is trying to vampirize. It is best to learn how to breathe correctly yourself, and then teach this practice to your mother-in-law so that she does not suffer from a lack of energy.

Be interested in questions that will allow you to help your husband's mother make her life better. Talk to her about everyday things, ask her opinion. At a convenient time, promise her that you will take care of her in her old age. She may not need it, but it’s always nice to know that in case of trouble, her daughter-in-law will help. Then you will receive support from the aging woman and will be her favorite daughter-in-law.

Give your mother-in-law what she dreams of. Most often, these are everyday little things that make her life better. For every item you can say wishes for love and friendship. Over time, she will have several things in her apartment that will work for her daughter-in-law.

A wise woman will make a friend out of the most harmful mother-in-law, and a stupid woman will be able to make an enemy out of her husband’s democratically minded mother.

It is not always possible for a daughter-in-law to get along with her husband's mother. Constant scandals, clarification of relationships and nagging that the mother-in-law inflicts can pretty much ruin anyone's life. And here we have to discard all moral and ethical considerations and turn to magic for help, as effective remedy to solve various problems.

If you treat the ritual with maximum responsibility, and do not make the slightest mistake when causing damage, then soon you will be able to see the result. You should take into account that you are not immune from punishment for your actions and it is important to try in some other way to establish life situation, before damaging your mother-in-law.

How to use magic to fight your mother-in-law

Ways to find out if your mother-in-law has a magical effect on you

There are a lot of rituals, thanks to which you can tell for sure whether you have been damaged by your mother-in-law. Diagnostics on playing cards, tarot cards, diagnosing with an egg, but the most effective and popular means was and remains diagnostics using candles. To carry it out, you do not need any rare items; any woman will have everything she needs, namely:

  • three wax candles(they must be purchased at the temple);
  • a clean plate, which it is advisable to buy specifically for the ceremony;
  • ink pen and sheet of white paper;
  • rustic stove or gas stove.

For the ritual you need to take three wax candles

Things like garlic and wormwood interfere with normal diagnostics, as they repel unclean spirits, so they should first be removed. Write the following spell on a piece of paper with a pen:

“I will open the blue sky. I will part the dark clouds. I will open up the black earth. I need to see my mother-in-law. Yes, that’s what she wanted to do to me. Fire to you, I command you to serve me today. To show me with a dark shadow everything that is hidden from my eyes. What is secret and obvious, what is close or far. Let it be so today. May it always be so. Amen".

After writing, place two candles in the corner of the room in which the diagnosis is being carried out, and take one in your hand. Place the plate on the burner or stand. Crumple the paper with the spell and set it on fire with a candle on the plates. As soon as the paper begins to burn, on the screen of the stove you will see certain pictures and symbols, by correctly interpreting which you can find out whether there is damage to you.

Just trust your intuition, it will not deceive you. Your enemy has spoiled you if you see a coffin, a cross, a cat, a bird, a bat and other gloomy signs.

How to cleanse your aura from the evil eye of your mother-in-law?

This ritual is best performed when the moon wanes, on the first day (this applies to all rituals for removing negativity). Keep in mind that you cannot do without a mirror, and it is advisable that it be large and full-length. Without taking your eyes off your reflection in the mirror, light a candle and say these words to it. magic words:

“The candle flame flares up, and my spirit and mortal body are cleansed. Washed from black evil, from slander and dark deceit - the candle flame will take my damage to the underworld. As soon as the fire burns red, my body will be completely cleansed, and the human evil eye and sorrow, and any misfortunes, and insomnia will go away. I speak to you, fire - now you are my slave, take off from me the falsehood that my enemy is doing, and bring it back, branding him a hundredfold. Let it be so!".

For a plot, find large mirror full length

After the above steps, immediately move the egg clockwise or a piece over your body. fresh meat in the air, around you. Then give any animal to eat this piece of meat or egg so that it takes away all your damage along with it. Don't forget to take a shower to consolidate the results. This way you neutralize the negativity that your husband’s mother did.

The procedure for damaging the mother-in-law

The best way out is to use damage to drive your mother-in-law away from your home. In this case, she simply will not want to come to you anymore and will stop pestering you with interference in the family.

For the ritual you will need a pinch of salt, which you need to speak, having learned beforehand magic spell by heart. As in the previous ritual, begin to damage when the moon wanes. It is better to carry out these magical manipulations at dawn, but if you need to cast the evil eye as soon as possible, another time of day will do. Exactly nine times you need to read the plot:

“Salt, white salt, free-flowing salt! Help the servant of God (name), my mother-in-law, get away from my house, so that she can live her life, do her business, and not be interested in mine or her husband’s and not interfere. Help her get rid of her advice and complaints, save her from anger and hostility. Make her forget the way to our house and stop coming to us! Amen!".

As soon as you finish reading, pour this very handful of salt on the threshold of the house where your mother-in-law lives. It is better to update the ritual every month to achieve the greatest effect.

Sometimes the husband himself causes problems - he cannot do without the advice of his mother, for him she is always the first authority, always right in everything. If this failure befell you, do not rush to be upset, because another ritual will help you, which will forever save your husband from his destructive addiction and teach him to make decisions himself.

To cause damage, you need the following items:

  • glass of water;
  • one onion;
  • three candles;
  • tablecloth of any color.

Late at night, place lighted candles on a table covered with a tablecloth. Cut the onion in half, carefully place the vegetable in a glass filled with water. You should read these magic words exactly seven times, imagining your mother-in-law:

“Just as an onion and water are united, so are we, the servants of God (your names with your spouse), and no one or anything can quarrel and separate us! So that my beloved husband listens to me and listens, so that he always supports me, so that he is a mountain for me! So that in disputes with my mother he would be on my side, but he would not be a mummy’s boy, but he could get rid of all the mother-in-law! Amen!".

Place lighted candles on the table

Leave the water on the table for a week. After seven days have passed, pour water into the ground in a place where people do not walk. Do not talk to anyone after casting the spell until dawn. And you must believe that your idea will be crowned with success, that you will be able to spoil it - this is an integral part of any magical ritual. Very soon you will notice a change in your husband's character.

So that your mother-in-law forgets the way to your house

Another effective conspiracy so that your mother-in-law forgets the way to your house and gets on with her life.

To keep the annoying mother-in-law away from your home, use the coltsfoot plant.

Anyone who wishes does the ritual at noon and always on Friday. For this, you need to stock up on a plant such as Coltsfoot in advance. You need to take the following pose: stand facing east, in front of a growing flower.

Start reading the following plot, and as soon as you finish, saying “Amen” three times, break the plant from the root, in half. Upper part bury the flower in the same place where it grew before, and place the root on the threshold of the home of your enemy, on whom you want to cast the evil eye.

“Coltsfoot, I tore you off. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Immaculate Holy Virgin, the Immaculateness of St. John the Baptist, the Immaculateness of St. John the Evangelist. May you serve me now and forever and forever and ever. Order your stepmother to become a mother, not to be angry with me, the slave (name), not to scream, not to growl angrily, not to push me around, not to curse me with words, not to intimidate my husband. Just as you, grass, came out of the ground, through stones and sand, through red clay, so send me, grass, beautiful mother-in-law. Not to destroy, but to love the slave (name). My word is strong, my deed is tenacious. Key, lock, grass. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Thus, you are now familiar with all the intricacies of diagnosing damage and casting the evil eye on your mother-in-law. It is important to read the magic spell correctly and follow all the instructions for the ritual. And the result will not be long in coming. Therefore, you can get rid of the damage that the husband’s mother herself did.