Lamps from scrap materials. Simple ideas for creating a table lamp. Homemade thread light

Decorating the house yourself is a favorite pastime of many housewives; this article reveals how to make a lamp with your own hands. You can revive the interior of a living room, bedroom or hallway using improvised means, just by changing the shade of a chandelier, floor lamp or table lamp. Do-it-yourself lamp shades can be used not only in residential interiors, but also in cafes, pubs, and pizzerias.

Selection of materials and lamps for the lamp

Products made for children's rooms must be made from natural, non-toxic materials and painted with environmentally friendly paints.

When manufacturing, you should also remember fire safety, so lampshades made of flammable materials made from paper, plastic, feathers or threads should only be used with lamps that have a low heating temperature.

Need to use LED or fluorescent lamps. They have a number of advantages:

  • long service life;
  • minimal heating of the base from the glass part;
  • the light has three shades: warm, cold, neutral.

In addition, such lamps are also called energy-saving; their only drawback is their high cost.

It is also advisable to have a specialist connect the wire to the socket. You should not try to perform this operation yourself, as this may lead to undesirable consequences. It’s more convenient to decorate already existing frame lampshade or make it from durable and not very heavy materials.

To create lamps they use following materials: scissors, mounting knife, fishing line, wire, pliers, hot gun, in some cases it can be replaced with super glue. They should be used by an adult; it is unacceptable to involve a child in gluing. Since in one case he will get a burn, and in another he may glue his fingers together or stick to the parts of the future product.

What can a lampshade be made from?

Many craftsmen make lamps from completely unnecessary materials:

  • from plastic or glass bottles;
  • newspapers, thin or colored paper;
  • artificial or natural threads;
  • dried branches of unusual shape;
  • disposable spoons;
  • old disks.

Plastic lamp

From plastic containers You can easily create a homemade chandelier of different sizes.

  1. For the base you need to take a 5 liter bottle. The bottom is cut off from it. Then circles with a diameter of 1.5 cm are drawn on the surface. They need to be cut out assembly knife or small scissors.
  2. The bottom of the bottles for decoration is cut off and the entire surface is cut with scissors into strips 0.5 - 1 cm wide, then the workpiece is heated over a lit burner. When exposed to heat, the stripes will take on a chaotic appearance.
  3. Then the blanks are inserted into a 5-liter container with holes, and with inside The lids are screwed on. Then a wire is threaded through the large neck and the lampshade is installed. For such a lampshade you need to use an energy-saving lamp.
  4. In some interiors you can find a fancy lamp made on the basis of an ordinary hanger or straw hat. In general, nothing can limit the scope of imagination of both home craftsmen and professional designers.

Glass bottle lampshade

Very interesting option homemade chandelier obtained from glass bottles. They are used to decorate the halls of catering establishments. Also this a good option for the kitchen in a residential building or apartment. This can be a lampshade consisting of one or several bottles, the bottom of which is cut off. You can do this yourself, but it is better to use the services of a workshop where they cut glass and mirrors.

How to use thread

For a lampshade made of threads or ribbons you will need: a ready-made frame made of strong wire, threads different color, scissors, glue.

  1. The frame consists of two rings connected to each other by metal pieces. You can make it yourself from strong wire.
  2. One color or several shades of thread is required.
  3. A thread is secured to the bottom, then it needs to be pulled through the top ring, lowered down and thrown through the bottom ring. You need to make sure that the thread is taut and the turns fit snugly against each other. As soon as the thread runs out, you need to attach the next piece to the bottom ring.
  4. Carefully trim the remaining threads and glue them on the back side.

Spoons for lamp

You can make a multi-tiered, colored lamp from ordinary disposable spoons.

  1. It is necessary to make a frame from wire; for a round small lamp you need to make three circles with a diameter of 12, 18, 26 cm. Then the circles are fastened together using fishing line. The largest diameter will be at the top; there should be the same distance between them.
  2. Needs to be done in spoons small hole with a thick needle at the top of the handle.
  3. Spoons color acrylic paints in three colors, for example, yellow, orange, red.
  4. Assembling a homemade chandelier: cut the fishing line to a length equal to the distance between the circles. A spoon is tied to one end of the fishing line, and the other to the frame. You need to tie spoons to the lower circle of small diameter yellow color, to the middle - orange and to the top - red.

Lightweight and elegant lampshade

For a paper lampshade, paper or thin cardboard is suitable. Such a lampshade can be either rectangular or square. First you need to think about the size of the lampshade; the larger the room, the wider the structure can be. In a small nursery or hallway, a lampshade with a diameter of 30–35 centimeters will look good.

The frame can be made of wire; it will consist of an upper and lower part; consider making a lampshade in the shape of a cylinder.

  1. You need to make two circles of wire required diameter. They are connected to each other using a fishing line, the distance between the lower and upper frames is 12 - 15 cm, the hoops are fastened with fishing line in three or four places. The larger the diameter of the base, the more connecting elements need to be made.
  2. On a piece of paper you can draw circles of different diameters and figures of cartoon characters. Outline drawings can be taken from the Internet and printed, then redrawn using carbon paper. A special ruler is suitable for drawing circles, or you can outline lids or buttons of different diameters. Some designs are cut out completely with a stationery knife, others are cut along the contour.
  3. The paper is tried on the base and glued with an overlap. Then glued to the wire; it can also be secured with thin wire. To do this, first make a hole in the paper with a thick needle or awl, then thread the wire and carefully tie it to the frame. It is advisable to glue thin paper, as it can easily be damaged.

Exclusive lampshade made of metal basins

  1. Cans made of any metal are used; an interesting option would be made from copper or aluminum containers. An old, used basin will also work. If there is a through hole in it, it needs to be welded or sealed, for example, epoxy resin.
  2. Inner surface needs to be painted in light color so that the light reflects as much as possible from it.
  3. The outer surface can be painted in a dark, rich color that harmonizes with the interior.
  4. A fringe about 5 centimeters long is glued to the bottom of the headband with hot glue. In the central part of the basin you need to make a hole for the wire. It can be drilled with a drill or pierced with a nail.

Such a lampshade can be decorated with a mosaic of CDs. To do this, the discs are cut into small fragments with sharp scissors, which are glued onto outer surface pelvis You can glue only the bottom outline and paint the rest. Or decorate the entire surface of the lampshade with such a mosaic. The more convex the surface, the smaller the disc fragments should be.

Natural materials

An original lamp can be made from a dry branch of an unusual shape. It needs to be cleared of bark and covered with stain, then, if desired, treated with clear varnish. The branch must be attached to the hook on the ceiling using regular fishing line. Then I wind the wire with the lamp onto the branch several times. A branch entwined with several wires looks beautiful.

You can make a lamp from plastic hangers. Described in detail in the video:

Lamps for different rooms

DIY bottle chandeliers are more suitable for the kitchen. Structures made of glass or plastic will be easy to clean from dust and wash if necessary. For the kitchen, hallway or living room, a lamp made of natural wood.

For a children's room, a lampshade made of painted plastic bottles, a floor lamp made of bright threads, or a paper composition would be more suitable. The last option cannot be called durable, but this is the option that children will like. Girls will like a lampshade with butterflies and plant elements; boys will like designs with cars, superheroes or bright plastic lampshades.

Some cafes and pubs use original lamps made from bottles to decorate the hall. These could be beer bottles. They can serve as a lampshade for light bulbs or be interesting frame for a lamp.

Ideas for homemade lamps by location

With your own hands you can give new look floor lamp. You can decorate the lampshade with fabric, threads, paper with cut-out designs, and you also don’t need to ignore the base and leg of the lamp. They can be painted with acrylic paints, glazed, and decorated with beads. The decor of the lower part of the floor lamp should echo the elements in the upper part. The simplest option is to decorate the lampshade in a single color with lace or guipure.

Decorating lamps

The lower part of the thread lamp can be decorated with pom-poms of the same size hanging on a thread. They are glued to the inside of the frame with glue. Pompoms can hang on both the same and different heights. They can be made in one color or combined several shades.

To decorate paper lamps you can use lace, thick tulle, beads different sizes. You can decorate glass jars or bottles with glass pebbles, which can be purchased at hardware stores. You can also use buttons of different sizes and colors. Small buttons can even be glued to PVA.

On new year holidays It is customary to decorate the Christmas tree, but you can also decorate the shades of lamps and floor lamps. Here you can use regular rain, hand-cut snowflakes, Christmas tree figures, decorative balls and a regular garland. If a wall or floor lamp is installed Powersave lamp, then its lampshade can be decorated with paper snowflakes.

Wall sconces installed in living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms. After repairs, you can use old sconces only by changing them appearance. You can paint the body of the lamp in a light color, and apply bronze or silver paint on top with a hard bristle brush to create a patina effect. If the lampshade is glass, the desired pattern is applied to its surface using a glass stencil. Here you can use contour paints (they are used to create stained glass) or aerosol paints.

Handmade items fill the home with special warmth and comfort. In addition, they turn out to be exclusive. We offer an overview of lamps that will completely change the atmosphere in the room, turning into the envy of friends and relatives. Moreover, they are made from everyday items that are usually thrown away.

Cardboard bags for juices or other drinks are a fairly common thing in most homes. Most often it is thrown away. But Malayan designer Edward Chu spent a lot of time cutting them into hundreds of strips and making amazing lamps from them without a drop of glue, a simple origami principle.

Yaroslav Olenev proposed making lamps from disposable plastic spoons and became the winner in the Ecology and Design category from the Future Now magazine.

Natalie Simpson also found an equally original use for ordinary wooden hangers. But they look amazing in the form of a chandelier.

Kevin Champeny must be given his due; not everyone has the strength and patience to string 14 thousand bears to get a chandelier.

Tira Hilden and Pio Diaz have their own vision of the problem of housing lighting. Their lamps make the room look like a forest. All the walls come to life and turn into trees.

A talented welder, Matt Ludwig also turned out to be an excellent designer. For the restaurant "JJ's Red Hots" he made an incredible original chandelier from an old drum kit.

Texas artists Joe O'Connell and Blessing Hancock used parts from old bicycles to create stunning lamps and hang them in a tunnel under the highway.

It will probably be difficult to find a more original chandelier than one made from a pumpkin by a Polish artist. He carves stunning patterns into the peel that never repeat.

Lampshades made from felt hats from Jeeves & Wooster look original and stylish.

One day, Heather Jennings saw an amazing Rhododendron chandelier in a store, but it cost more than $800. Then the designer decided that she could do no worse with her own hands. For this she needed paper cupcake liners.

11. Chandelier for the kitchen

A chandelier made from ordinary metal tetrahedral graters will look incredibly beautiful.

Vases and candy bowls made from openwork napkins are still fresh in my memory. Now it's time to knit chandeliers.

Fansua Lego offers a strange option; he believes that the best way to store cutlery is a chandelier.

A large cloud is cut out of wood, but the rest and the switch are made of cardboard.

Several globes can make a wonderful cascading chandelier, great way illuminate the staircase.

If you want an ordinary metropolitan apartment to resemble a place of unique beauty in appearance, then in order to achieve this, you can use one of the most popular methods today.

Some invite designers home, while others simply take the initiative own hands and is looking for how to make a lamp with your own hands in order to quickly and easily transform the space in the apartment to your liking.

Of course, in order to get started, in any case you will need a certain amount of various available materials, as well as certain knowledge in the assembly and subsequent installation of electrical appliances.

If you have never encountered the latter before, then you should not be upset right away, since absolutely all the rules can be found freely available on the Internet and there is nothing complicated about them.

Basic principles of proper lighting in a room

Using absolutely any lighting fixture First of all, it must meet the main principle - ensuring precise access of light in a predetermined space.

Where and how the lighting source will be located will subsequently have an impact on the overall perception of the interior of the room.

Moreover, if you look at the photo of the lamp, the following goals become obvious:

  • Achieve the maximum working atmosphere;
  • Create an interesting decorative effect for relaxation;
  • Focus on a specific part of the room;
  • To illuminate locally a space needed, for example, exclusively for personal needs.

Thanks to the installation of a table lamp, you can easily achieve high-quality lighting access in a specific place.

What color scheme will be fashionable this season?

Of course, a lamp shade plays a special role in the external transformation of a room. So, for example, if the design of the room was initially made exclusively in dark shades, then in order to liven it up a little general form room, you can, for example, make the table lamp bright green.

One more in an interesting way giving the room originality is to paint the simplest lampshade with interesting lines and even geometric patterns.

Most designers recommend using this option if the room was originally designed in fairly warm colors. It is worth noting that this option is not recommended for use in children's rooms, since lighting in a certain tone will be more common for them.

Speaking of exclusively neutral color solutions, especially highlight the various monochrome shades, as well as the popular sea green color this season, gold, and shades of pink. Any of these colors can lift your mood in just a few minutes.

Sequence of actions when creating a lamp

Despite the fact that many are sure that it is extremely difficult to make a lamp with your own hands, in fact, you only need a few simple elements, which can be purchased in almost any store and, in general, creating a lamp is not difficult to work with.

The first thing you need to do is be sure to draw up for yourself detailed plan. This is necessary so that there is a clear idea of ​​how much material will be used in the future for the installation of electrical equipment.

In addition, it is necessary to take measurements in the room, namely, find out what the distance is from the location of the device to the point where it can be connected to the network in the future. This will also have an impact on how much Money will have to be spent.

It is also important to take special care to ensure that the assembly and subsequent installation process is completely safe.

If you assume that the work will in any case necessarily involve direct contact with various chemicals, then you should prepare an apron, gloves with goggles, and forced exhaust.


Safety measures are definitely not something that should be neglected, since when creating a lamp with your own hands, the process should give you extremely pleasant emotions.

DIY lamp photo



A hand-made table lamp can become the highlight of the interior, dilute the overall atmosphere and make it more comfortable. Diversity various styles and types of table lamps will allow you to choose the most suitable option.

Using a table lamp is very good for creating additional lighting in a room. In addition, there are situations when the overhead light cannot be turned on or you simply don’t want to, in this case it helps table lamp. It fits perfectly into a child's room as a night light, so that children are not afraid to fall asleep at night in complete darkness. In the office, its use is simply necessary; it significantly increases the ease of reading documents, additionally illuminating work surface. In the interior of the living room, such a lamp will give the room a cozy atmosphere, and an interestingly designed lamp can become a kind of decoration.

Table lamps can vary in shape, style and purpose. These parameters can be so varied that it can be quite difficult to single out just a few. Moreover, in modern world designers strive for innovation, so they try to mix different styles and shapes, developing something unique and unusual. This approach to creating a table lamp can also be used in making it yourself.

When choosing a table lamp, pay attention Special attention to the light source. It should not be too bright or dull. The best choice in this case would be golden mean. In this case, the likelihood of pain in the eyes will be zero.

How to make a table lamp with your own hands?

A beautiful table lamp is made from wood and veneer. Despite the lightness and simplicity of execution, this lamp looks very interesting and attracts attention.

Materials and tools for making your own lamp

You can make a beautiful and unique lampshade with your own hands for a lamp.

Manufacturing process

  1. Before starting, you should transfer the drawing markings to the base of the lamp, i.e. draw all the lines on a square piece of wood. Mark the places for installing the bars, veneer sheets and the light bulb itself. You should also mark with diagonal lines where the holes will be;
  2. There is no need to drill through the base; 0.5 of the thickness of the wooden piece is enough. Next, you need to drill each of the bars and insert dowels into the resulting holes. In the center of the stand, make a hole equal to the diameter of the light bulb socket so that it sits tightly in it and does not dangle;
  3. To make holes for placing veneer, we make small cuts in the bars and stand using a disk-shaped nozzle. It is important to make cuts not over the entire area of ​​the base, but only from one hole to another;
  4. The hole for the wire is made on the base quite deep so that it is completely closed there. It is better to make it also wide, so that later there is an opportunity to use fasteners;
  5. At this stage it is worth carrying out finishing work. Sand all elements, paint, if necessary, and varnish;
  6. At the end, we begin assembling all the lamp parts. First you need to glue the bars and let them dry, here you can install a light bulb and place a cord. Then, when everything is dry, insert the veneer plates between the bars.

Using this design for making a table lamp, you can modify its shape, color and texture. The whiter the veneer, the brighter the light will be, and vice versa. Instead of veneer, you can use other materials to play with shadows.

Based on the style features of table lamps, and using tips for making them yourself, you can create unusual lamps, turning your fantasies into reality. The main thing is not to be afraid to use materials that seem completely incompatible at first glance and to experiment.

Unusual handmade table lamp made from a glass bottle. The process is easy and understandable to absolutely everyone, regardless of practical skills in making such products.

A DIY table lamp is one of the most available ways decorate the interior and give it individuality. As long as professional and amateur designers don’t mock them! The reason is simple: in terms of the ratio of functionality and opportunities for creative expression to the required costs of materials, labor and skill, the table lamp is firmly among the top leaders among household items. In this article, we’ll see what you can do with it without particularly straining your hands or wallet. Just a fiction.

Which one should I do?

Rack-mounted table lamps (item 1 in the next figure) illuminate a work area that does not require rapid movement of the light spot across the surface of the table: dressing table, desk. The possibilities for decorative design in this case are greatest. Technically, the design of a table lamp on a stand is the simplest. There are practically no possibilities for quickly adjusting the size of the illuminated area. Light adjustment working area is possible if there is a thyristor voltage regulator in the lamp, but the spectrum of emitted light changes significantly.

A huge advantage of rack-mounted table lamps is the ability to obtain so-called lamps using relatively simple means. cosecant-square radiation pattern (DP) of the illuminator, see also at the end. A cosecant square pattern provides almost uniform illumination of the working area within a certain angle φ (see figure on the right), which sharply reduces fatigue from intense intellectual work.

Lamps on a breakable hinged bracket (item 2) are more suitable for technical creativity. Lamps on a pantograph bracket at home are impractical and technologically complex, and making a lamp on a flexible bracket at home will cost more than buying a ready-made one.

The design of a table lamp on a breakable bracket is limited to laconic and utilitarian forms. The design is more complex than that of a lamp on a stand, primarily due to the requirement for electrical safety, see below. The possibilities for quickly adjusting the light in the work area are wide both in terms of the size of the illuminated area and its illumination with a constant spectrum.

Console table lamps (item 3) are less common in everyday life, because for stability they require a heavy base and, most often, a counterweight, which complicates and increases the cost of the design. There are fewer possibilities for quickly adjusting the light in the work area for console lamps than for lamps on brackets, but it is possible to obtain a cosecant square pattern.

Table lamps without raising the light source above the supporting surface are no longer table lamps, but night lights (item 4). The fundamental difference between both is that the night light does not have a working area with certain light requirements. Accordingly, the light from a night light can be whatever you want, as long as it doesn’t harm your health.


In any type of table lamp you can highlight the trace. design elements:

  • Electromechanical – ensures the stability of the lamp and the safe supply of power to the lamp socket.
  • Support – supports the illuminator or reflector and, possibly, allows you to change its position.
  • Illuminator - an electric light bulb in a lampshade or reflector.

Electromechanics play a role in the design of a table lamp only insofar as it can be hidden in the lamp support. The design touches come in the form of support and illuminator. In stand-mount lamps, as a rule, the main aesthetic load is carried by the lampshade, and the stand complements it; in hinged ones it’s the other way around. But there are plenty of exceptions to this rule.


The electrical circuit of a table lamp is simple: power plug, cable, switch, light bulb socket. Sometimes a voltage regulator is added. An E27 pendant lamp socket (for a lamp base of a regular width, item 1 in the figure) can only be mounted on an M10 or M12 threaded shank. The cartridge for a narrow E14 mignon base is also attached to a thread or to a lamella in the form of a steel strip; the socket for it is shown by a green arrow in pos. 2. For a table lamp, chandelier sockets (item 3) with screw-on threaded flanges are best suited: between them you can clamp a steel faceplate with a lampshade frame or a clamp for mounting on a hinge. Drawings of the E27 electric chandelier socket of various modifications are given in pos. 4.

It is necessary to make a table lamp in such a way as to ensure its electrical safety. This is especially true for hinged and console lamps. Making your desk lamp safe is quite simple:

  1. The cable must be round and double insulated.
  2. The conductive cores of the cable are flexible, made of many wires. Core cross-section from 0.35 sq. mm.
  3. Places where cables are routed through conductive or damp-prone structural parts must be protected with sufficiently strong flexible dielectric bushings, cuffs or elbows.
  4. The cable inside the lamp structure should not be stretched.

The diagram of the mechanical part of the support with a weight of a homemade rack-mount table lamp is shown in the figure:

Before insertion, the cable from the inside (highlighted in color) is tied in a knot or pulled through the holes of the dielectric fixing washer so that by pulling it from the outside, the cable cannot be torn inside. Decorative finishing made of polymer clay (plastic, cold porcelain) on a block of trimmed plastic bottle- the best option at home, but, of course, only one of many. If you want, for example, to carve the decorative shell of a stand out of wood, please, as long as it fits properly on the mechanics. However, polymer clay as a material for a table lamp stand allows you to realize the most original ideas for its decoration and fully satisfies safety requirements: dried polymer clay is a mechanically strong, non-wetting, non-flammable dielectric.

Original supports

It is not necessary to fence the support of a rack table lamp, which is quite complex and requires turning work, if its lampshade is light, for example. made of thread (see below) or thin hard plastic, and it is not intended to place a light controller or other electronics in the support. In this case, a fairly stable lamp support is obtained from a “pot-bellied” glass bottle with a wide bottom, pos. 1 in Fig. A narrow bottle can be made heavier by throwing pebbles (item 2), steel balls, etc. into it. The lampshade holder is secured to the neck with a standard threaded plug or a piece of hard EPS polystyrene foam, ground into the neck thread.

The hole for the cable in the bottle is drilled with a tubular thin-walled diamond drill. But glass is not at all the same as tile, so you need to drill it like this:

  • The bottle is placed on its side and secured securely.
  • A plasticine side 2-3 cm high is molded around the future hole.
  • Water is poured into the resulting hole.
  • They drill under a layer of water at no less than 2500 rpm with the most gentle and smooth feed.

How to make a table lamp from a Jack Daniels whiskey bottle, see the video below:

Video: DIY bottle table lamp

Such a lamp will organically fit into steampunk and other technogenic-utilitarian styles. Just don't make the mistake of trying to make it a lampshade out of flower pot or any other utensils. Technogenic-utilitarian styles are not a meaningless pile of rubbish; their concepts are clearly thought out. Interior elements for them should be related to industrial, not agricultural or food production. A lampshade, for example, is needed from a tin reflector from an old production pendant lamp on a pantograph, car headlight, small spotlight, etc.

In Fig. shown on the right is still very original version the supports of a “real big” table lamp are made of... rope! It is done this way:

  1. The rope is taken from natural organic braid 6+1, i.e. 1 strand along the axis and 6 around the circumference;
  2. A section of rope is stretched by hand and weakened, turning at the same time in different sides against the direction of twisting the strands;
  3. The axial strand is carefully pulled out and a thin-walled one is inserted instead. copper tube with a fishing line threaded into it for tightening the cable;
  4. The rope with the tube inside is tightened by turning it with your hands in the direction of twisting the strands;
  5. The ends of the rope are firmly secured to the tube by winding with a cord;
  6. Tighten the cable into the tube;
  7. The workpiece is bent and knitted in a knot. You need to bend it little by little, carefully, so that the tube does not break;
  8. The rope is tightened once again, picking up the wrinkled strands, and soaked acrylic varnish.

Note: the tube should be taken for air conditioning systems, made of oxygen-free copper. The red copper gas or electrical pipe in the assembly will probably break.

Hinge Features

The mechanical part of a table lamp with an articulated arm is more complex. The lamp shown on the left in the figure does not meet electrical and fire safety requirements: the cable is clamped in flammable parts and may become strained when handling the lamp. Its hanging loop can be caught in the semi-darkness by a hand or a sharp object.

The cable to the light bulb socket in a table lamp on a hinged bracket should be routed along dielectric fireproof elbows either between the sidewalls of its links, or, if the hinge link is solid, along its top, in the center and on the right in Fig. In this case, the cable must be secured to the hinge link. If the hinge links are tubular, the cable is routed inside them. In any case, Ω-shaped cable loops with a diameter of 60 mm or more, but not less than 12 cable diameters, are made over the kinks of the hinge links. At the cable transition from the bracket to the illuminator, an Ω-loop is made from 90 mm, but not less than 20 cable diameters.

The balance of a table lamp on a hinge varies widely and it is quite difficult to ensure its stability with a weight. Because of this, manufacturers sometimes come up with systems that easier with a flashlight shine, how to adjust the light from such a miracle, see fig. left. Therefore, table lamps on hinges are often equipped with screw terminals.

A small carpenter's clamp is excellent as a screw clamp for attaching a homemade table lamp to a tabletop, see fig. on right. Better than a lamp clip from a furniture store: it costs less and holds more securely. The grip of the clamp is wider, and the lamp can be attached to a tabletop of any conceivable and inconceivable thickness. You need to ask the carpentry shop, because... jaws of metalwork clamps without a soft coating.

A clamp is converted into a lamp holder using a socket made of a steel tube with an internal diameter of 10 mm and a length of 120-150 mm. The tube contains approx. A longitudinal cut is made halfway along the length, with a width equal to the thickness of the clamp holder. The socket is attached to the clamp with through bolts. A steel pin with an eye, which is the fixed link of the lower hinge of the lamp bracket, is inserted into the socket tightly, but not tightly. Hooks for hanging chandeliers with the end bent into a ring are well suited here; the thread does not prevent them from turning smoothly in the socket.

When adapting a clamp to a lamp holder, you need to remember that its holder is made of highly carbonized steel; This is so that the jaws of the clamp do not give way under the back pressure of the compressed parts. High-carbon steel is very hard and quite brittle, so you need to drill it with a carbide drill at 800-900 rpm with a gentle, smooth feed. Do not hit with hard objects or try to bend the clamp clamp!


This desk lamp assembly should provide the right amount of light to the work area and is often the main decorative element. Here you should first of all note that compact, lightweight and economical LED illuminators (see figure) only shine well in 3D models. In reality, their light is still far from satisfying the medical and sanitary requirements for local work lighting.


The illuminators of table lamps on a hinge are made to be reflective; the lampshade for them is too bulky and heavy. The reflector needs to be selected parabolic; it gives a fairly concentrated and even light. You can make a single conical reflector yourself, but the light from it is uneven, tiring for the eyes, and a lot of it is wasted “scattered” to the sides. Reflectors of good articulated table lamps are made with a reflective surface of the 4th order of curvature (for example, “Hobby”, which has not lost popularity for more than 20 years), but it is unrealistic to build one yourself.

The solution, if a suitable reflector is not available, is to use a krypton incandescent lamp with an internal reflector; conscientious manufacturers also have it of the 4th order of curvature. In this case, the manufacture of the illuminator comes down to installing a shell of any shape around the light bulb from any sufficiently strong and lightweight material, protecting the lamp from accidental impacts.

The reflector of a table lamp illuminator on an articulated bracket must have an opening or holes at the top for the exit of heated air. Fluorescent energy-saving lamps and LED lamps seem to heat up weakly, but being in a heated air cushion reduces their service life sharply, and they are not cheap.


The illuminators of rack table lamps are made in the form of a light bulb. Its purpose is not only to be a fertile field for decoration, but also to be a partially translucent reflector, providing the required illumination of the working area of ​​a given size. The lampshade for a table lamp can be made hard frameless or soft with a frame. The frame of the lampshade is most often made of wire in the form of a truncated straight cone, on the left in the figure, with simple (in the center) and complex (on the right) curvilinear elements.

The simplest way to cover a straight conical lampshade is with pieces of tape. It is labor-intensive, but the good thing is that the outer surface turns out smoothly curved, without breaks. The seams on the rims of the lampshade are masked with ruffles (item 1 in the next figure), braid, fringe, etc.

There is no point in cutting the fabric in the form of a truncated cone to cover a conical lampshade, because... As a result of tightening the material, the lampshade will not be conical, but faceted, pyramidal. It will be easier to sew a lampshade cover from wedges, the patterns of which are built step by step without using any geometry:

  • A sheet of thin cardboard or thick, rigid paper is placed on the frame section;
  • Cardboard/paper is attached to the frame with an elastic band or tape;
  • The outline of the pattern is drawn from the inside, this will give the lack of fabric necessary for tightly covering the lampshade;
  • The fabric is taken from satin, twill or staple weave;
  • Cut so that the warp threads of the fabric are oriented along the longitudinal axis of the pattern.

The finished lampshade is often decorated with rosettes, bows, etc. For such a case there is an interesting design technique: the main fabric is thin, highly translucent, colorful, and the rosettes are sewn in pale pastel colors or very light, pos. 2. In the light, the lamp stands modestly in the interior, but when turned on in the dark, everything lights up.

How to cover a lampshade

An embroidered cover can simply be thrown over the frame of a lampshade with complex curved ribs (with a “waist”) and tightened with ribbons (item 3), thread, and an elastic band. But according to the rules, covering a lampshade with fabric is done like this:

How about in a different way?

There are other ways to make a table lamp shade, allowing you to embody a variety of original design ideas in the material. For example, a dummy mandrel is glued from ordinary writing paper (item 1 in the figure) and impregnated twice with acrylic varnish. After the varnish has dried, lanolin is rubbed into the block several times until it stops being absorbed. The lanolin-coated blank is wrapped with a thread pulled through PVA glue, as when making Christmas tree decorations with your own hands. A device for pulling thread through PVA is shown in Fig. lower right. The finished hard lampshade cover is fixed with drops of glue onto the frame, which in this case can only consist of the lower rim, fastening ties and a faceplate for the luster socket.

On the same block a rigid seamless lampshade is made from thin synthetic fabric. A cut cut like the development of a truncated cone (with an allowance) is used to wrap the block. The fabric is fixed at the edges with paper clips and impregnated with acrylic varnish with a wide stripe in the middle. When the varnish is dry, remove the staples and saturate the edges from the outside. The paper is torn out from the dried lampshade. The inside of the cuffs is trimmed, a thick fishing line is inserted into the bends and secured with drops of glue.

A frame with curved ribs can be braided horizontally with strips of fabric (item 3) or narrow tape, newspaper tubes, straws, etc. For lighting technology, ordinary propylene twine is excellent, but its aesthetics are... not that great... Finally, a soft textile cover for the lampshade can be sewn with a simple straight sleeve along the diameter of the lower rim, and gathered at the top, pos. 4.

Quite original

The following 3 table lamp shade options are outwardly extravagant, but provide very good lighting performance. Which, by the way, cannot be said about many homemade textile lampshades. For example, we buy (stealing is a sin, as Captain Barbosa from “Pirates” would say Caribbean Sea") milky plastic lampshade for street lamp. Not that expensive, ideal light transmission with light diffusion, and does not break. And below there is a wide opening through which enough light will come out for local working lighting. We decorate the outer surface of the lampshade with decoupage on a transparent basis or paint it by hand. What happens in the end - see in fig. But this, of course, is an option for an amateur who is resistant to psychedelic influences.

A plywood or board lampshade with glue (see next figure) due to internal reflections has good light transmission and greatly softens the light. You can even put an LED light bulb with a frosted bulb into a table lamp with it. The rims are embroidery hoops of different diameters. In the same way, you can make a table lamp integrated with a lampshade (on the right in the figure). It will take up a lot of space on the table, but it looks original, “ecologically”, and the light produces a very soft, non-tiring light.

A table lamp integrated with a lampshade can also be made from the same wonderful material -; V thin layer it is translucent. The jellyfish lamp (see picture on the right) is made from this very material. The manufacturing procedure is as follows:

Green lamp

Look through old photos of Lenin, Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, Theodore or Franklin Delano, Mahatma Gandhi. Or, if you like, with Hitler, Mussolini, General Tojiyo, Chiang Kai-shek. And check out their table lamps. Really, they look like the one on the left in the picture? Which in the USSR was not sold to “the general population”? And which gave birth popular expression"green lamp"?

“Green” luxury table lamps, antique and modern

“Green Lamps” are still produced and sell out well. True, judging by the prices (on the right in the figure), they have not become more accessible to ordinary citizens. The secret of the “green lamp” is in the lampshade made of green glass painted in the mixture, coated on the inside with a translucent (more precisely, 3/4 transparent) layer. The shape of the lampshade corresponds to a very specific mathematical law. Within a wide range, approx. 3 lampshade diameters, the working area of ​​the “green lamp” pattern is almost cosecant-square, and then its illumination very smoothly turns into a greenish twilight. He slightly raised his gaze from the papers - his eyes and mind were resting.