"A Journey Through Space." Sports festival for children of middle preschool age. Project (preparatory group) on the topic: "Travel through space"

Celestia program is a virtual planetarium. Many of us looked at the night starry sky with interest and saw many stars that we wanted to see closer. In the recent past, this desire could only be realized with the help of a telescope.

Nowadays, astronomical programs have been created for this purpose to view the starry sky from your computer. One of these programs is the virtual planetarium of the Universe - the Celestia program.

The Celestia program displays both individual planets and stars, and galaxies, allowing you to freely move through the expanses of the Universe. In the program you can see space objects not only solar system, but also about 120 thousand stars, the trajectories of which are known to astronomers.

All space objects are made in the program in three-dimensional form. With the help of beautiful, realistic graphics, you can see the beauty of the Universe that you will not see when looking at the starry sky from Earth. As you travel through space using the Celestia program, you can speed up, slow down, or reverse time.

The Celestia program can be useful not only for astronomy enthusiasts, it can also be used for educational purposes. The 3D universe is very beautiful and interesting. I think many will be interested in seeing and learning what familiar and unfamiliar space objects look like.

For example, I was interested to know what, for example, the star Betelgeuse looks like. The heroes of Pierre Boulle's famous novel "Planet of the Apes" ended up on the planet Sorora, in the Betelgeuse star system, and not on Earth, as in the famous 1968 film of the same name (a remake of this film was released in 2001) and in subsequent sequels of this film (7 films were released in total) , most recently Rise of the Planet of the Apes in 2011).

The free Celestia program has a Russian interface. There are versions of the program for Windows, Mac OS and Linux operating systems.

Celestia download

You can easily find a portable version of this program on the Internet.

After starting the program, the program opens in windowed mode with a view of the Earth from space.

Celestia Settings

On the right top corner displayed current time and date. In the upper left corner of the program, brief reference data about the space object is displayed (distance to the object, its radius, apparent diameter and phase angle). In the lower left corner the speed of movement in space is shown (now it is zero). In the lower right corner, information about actions in the program is displayed (currently this is the observation of planet Earth).

When you press the "Shift" button + left-click + move the mouse back or forth, the object will increase or decrease. To switch the program to full-screen mode, click on the “View” menu => “Screen mode...”.

In the Screen Mode window, you can select the appropriate screen resolution for your monitor. In full-screen mode, the menu bar will not be visible, which is not very convenient. The menu bar will only appear when you move the mouse cursor to the top edge of the monitor screen. Therefore, it is more convenient to maximize the program window in the traditional way for the operating system.

In the menu “View” => “Texture Resolution” you can change the quality parameters for displaying objects. Higher settings affect the performance of the computer.

You can choose the optimal settings for your computer experimentally by changing the program settings. In the “View” menu, you can also configure other display parameters (how the stars will look, diffuse light parameters, more or less stars will be displayed in the program).

In the “View” menu => “View Settings...”, in the Settings window, by checking the appropriate checkboxes, you can enable or disable the display appearance space objects.

Navigating the 3D Universe in Celestia

In the “Navigation” menu => “Solar System Catalog...” a window with Solar System objects appears. If you are in another star system, then in this window there will be objects located near the specific star (if any) that you will be near.

Select the desired object, and then click on the “Go” button. In this case, you are moving towards the planet Saturn. By rolling the mouse wheel forward or backward, you can bring a celestial object closer to you or further away from you. You can navigate around a space object in different sides by moving the mouse and simultaneously pressing the right mouse button.

To rotate around the selected object, press the “Shift” + button and the arrows on the keyboard at the same time, the rotation will occur in the corresponding direction (you can press two arrows at the same time).

When you hover the mouse cursor over an object, clicking on it with the left mouse button will give you help information, and by right-clicking in the context menu, you will see the name of the object and can go to this object. If you click on the “Information” item, then the program will send you to the site for background information about this object.

When you go to the “Navigation” menu => “Star Catalog...” you can select a star from the list in the “Star Catalog” window, and after clicking the “Go” button, you will be moved to this star.

By moving the slider along the axis, you can adjust the number of stars in this list. By activating the corresponding item, you can change the criteria for searching for stars (“Nearest”, “Brightest”, “With planets”). Select the star, and then click on the “Go” button.

This is what one of the largest stars looks like, the red supergiant Betelgeuse, located in the constellation Orion.

In order to go to an object within the Solar System, in the “Navigation” menu, click on the “Go to object...” item. In the “Select Object” window, enter the name of the star - “Sun” (Sol), and then click on the “OK” button. Only after this will it be possible to move within the solar system.

If you enter the name of an object in the solar system while outside of it, the movement will not occur. First you will need to move towards the Sun. After moving to the Solar System, enter the name of the planet in the “Go to Object” window, for example, “Neptune” and the program will move us to this planet.

If you want to save the image to your computer as a graphic file (JPG and PNG formats are supported), then press the “F10” button on the keyboard (or from the “File” menu => “Save image...”). In the Explorer window, select the format and location where you want to save the image and click on the “Save” button.

To remove background information from an image, simply click on the information and it will disappear. Once the image is saved, you will be able to view it using the operating system without using the Celestia program.

Using the program you can record video files in AVI format. To do this, in the “File” menu, select “Save video...”. In the “Save As” window, select a location to save. Give the video file a name, select the video resolution, and then click on the “Save” button.

In the next “Video Compression” window, in the “Compression program” section, “Full frames (uncompressed)” is selected by default. If you leave this point unchanged, the video file size will be very large.

Therefore, to compress video, it would be better to choose one of the proposed codecs. After that, click on the “OK” button.

In the program window, the video size you selected will be marked with a red frame. To start recording video, press the “F11” button on the keyboard, and to end recording, press the “F12” button.

To manage the program there is a large number of commands To familiarize yourself with them, go to the “Help” menu, click on the “Program Management” item, and in the “Program Management” window, get acquainted with the commands.

There are quite a few different commands here, and mastering them will take some time. Time spent on this, in my opinion, will not be wasted.

A large number of add-ons have been created for the Celestia program that allow you to add new objects (both real and fictional) to the program. The size of the add-ons is many times larger than the distribution of the program itself.

On the official Russian-language forum (https://celestiaproject.net/ru/forum/viewforum.php?f=27) dedicated to this program, you can download a special version of the program with the Celestia Extended Pack add-ons.

Conclusions of the article

The Celestia program is a beautiful virtual planetarium in which you can admire the stars and planets and travel through our Universe.

Nowadays everyone can make dreams of Space come true: 35 million dollars - and you rush into the stars, leaving Baikonur somewhere below. How to become the eighth space tourist - detailed instructions, stages of preparation, prices and attractions of Big Black.

  • Tours for May Worldwide
  • Last minute tours Worldwide

The momentous day has come when we can offer our beloved readers a completely new tourist destination. Close - only 100 km and limitless, visa-free, but with the strictest customs rules, attractive and completely without attraction. You can see it simply by walking up to the window, and you can go on a journey from one single point on our planet. Tours are offered only a couple of times a year and only for 10 days, and preparation for the trip will last at least 6 months. Accommodation on site is almost like in a closet, and you will have to go to bed with the command “draw the curtains!” Night life is completely absent, but during the day you can see the sunrise 16 times. There really is a utopian ideal society: nothing can be bought or sold, from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. Moreover, local population consists of only six people. In addition, this is the most exclusive exclusive: to date, only seven tourists have visited there, and the cost of the trip starts from 35,000,000 (thirty-five million) USD. In general, we won’t torment you with uncertainty anymore - Welcome to space! Prices on the page are for October 2018.

Yuri Gagarin

Where is space

Space is the only country that can be seen from anywhere on the globe, simply by raising your head and gazing at the heavenly heights. Strictly speaking, the bottomless blue dome above our crown is nothing more than the Earth’s atmosphere, and already beyond its boundaries Absolute Nothing (or Absolute Everything, as you like) begins. Due to the refraction of the sun's rays in it, the natural color of the Cosmos - black - turns into the wonderful azure of a sunny day or the delicate gray veil of pre-dawn twilight. True all-consuming blackness is revealed only when leaving the inner layers of the earth's atmosphere - and on this moment This was seen by just over 500 people out of 7 billion living on the planet. This happens gradually: as if an invisible artist is rinsing watercolor brushes in a transparent bowl - first stained with blue paint, then blue, then deep purple and finally black.

The boundary of space is considered to be a conventional height of 100 km above sea level, scientifically called the Karman line. This, so to speak, is no longer our homeland, but also not a foreign land: it is at this height that one of our most beloved natural attractions is born - northern lights, A outer part the earth's atmosphere extends tens of thousands of kilometers upward. Reaching the hundred-kilometer mark by an aircraft is the main criterion by which a flight is defined as a space flight.

The distance from Earth to the ISS is almost half the distance from Moscow to St. Petersburg - 350-370 km.

How to get to space

The workhorse that delivers space tourists to their destination is the Russian manned Soyuz spacecraft paired with the launch vehicle of the same name. To date, they have made more than a hundred successful flights. The transfer is carried out “to the hotel’s doorstep” - that is, the Soyuz with a tourist on board docks directly to his place of residence for the next 10 days (the usual duration of a space tour) - the International Space Station.

The transfer as a whole cannot be called super comfortable, but everything necessary for a safe and acceptable journey for the human body is available on board the Soyuz. The length of the ship is just over 7 m, the width is about 3 m when transported by a launch vehicle and almost 11 m with deployed solar panels(when moving independently and when docked to the ISS). The Soyuz consists of three compartments: instrumentation, descent module and household. Space tourists, like cosmonauts, are located in the middle module being lowered. The cubic capacity of its living volume is 3.5 m, in which three people can easily be accommodated - literally sleight of hand and no fraud! In the descent capsule, space travelers will then return to Earth. Another important place for tourists - the toilet - is located in the household compartment, which is also stuffed with life support and rapprochement systems. There is also a docking station and a hatch through which the space tourist passes from the “bus” to the “hotel”.

The journey from the “roof of your house” to the ISS takes about six hours, and the return “transfer” from the ISS to the Kazakh steppe takes only 3.5 hours. How beautiful it is, the gravity of the Earth!

Suborbital flights are planned to be carried out on spaceships specially designed for this undertaking - even if they try, they will not reach the ISS, but they may well overcome the border of Space, soar for 5-6 minutes in weightlessness and return unharmed to Earth. Virgin Galactic will use the SpaceShip spacecraft paired with the WhiteKnight booster aircraft. Six space tourists will be seated on ergonomic multifunctional chairs in the spacecraft cabin; in addition to them, there will be two crew members on the ship. Inner space The diameter of the spacecraft is slightly larger than the cabin of a conventional airplane - so that there is no crowding in zero gravity. The journey from Earth to the Karman line will take about an hour, and the space journey as a whole will take 2.5 hours.

Space Adventures is going to send tourists on suborbital flights on a undockable module and an Armadillo launch vehicle. The principle of the flight is identical to delivery to the ISS by Soyuz, the difference is that the module with space tourists will only reach the boundary of Space, after which it will return to Earth. The cabin is designed for two travelers. The flight will be autonomous, controlled from the ground, from the Mission Control Center. In total, the dive into Space will last approximately 1 hour.

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Visa to space

Tourists do not require a visa to visit space. Any inhabitant of planet Earth, regardless of citizenship, can overcome earthly gravity without unnecessary bureaucratic delays. Meanwhile, the start of space travel is made from the territory of the states of the Earth that have not yet overcome the bureaucracy - therefore, to arrive at the “separation point” it is necessary to obtain a visa from the corresponding country. Today, space tourists set off to “travel the expanses of the Bolshoi Theater” only from the territory Russian Federation(the Baikonur Cosmodrome is actually located in Kazakhstan, but until 2050 is under the jurisdiction of Russia) - therefore, those wishing to launch under the only currently operating Space Adventures program will need a visa to Russia.

Russians, of course, do not need a departure visa. Moreover, to enter the territory of Baikonur you don’t even need a foreign passport - an internal Russian one is enough. True, this rule applies only if the tourist arrives on a direct flight from Moscow to Baikonur.

Those who plan to go on a space Odyssey in the near future using the Virgin Galactic service will need a US visa - launches will be made from the spaceport in New Mexico.


Compared to the “customs rules” for space tourists, even a personal search of suspicious individuals at Tel Aviv airport will seem like baby talk. Almost nothing can be brought into space: food, cosmetics, equipment and electronics, biological materials, clothing and shoes - all this will certainly be taken away before being sent to the Gagarin launch. However, taking your favorite flowered underpants and other “nostalgic goods” - a book, a photograph or, like Guy Laliberte, a clown nose - on a trip into orbit is quite possible: the item must be presented to a special commission, which will issue an opinion on its safety and send it for processing to a state of complete sterility.

Impressions from flying into space - main reason, according to which many are ready to part with a tidy sum and undergo serious, sometimes unbearable physical training.

Rules for suborbital travelers have not yet been announced. Apparently, they will be even more liberal: the flight is short, everything necessary is provided by the “tour operator,” and even the most sentimental space tourist can spend a couple of hours without his adored plush dog.

Where to stay

The International Space Station is an “all in one” for space tourists: a hotel, a restaurant, and an attraction. 15 countries around the world participate in the ISS program, some of them have their own separate modules as part of the station. Space tourists are accommodated on the Russian segment of the ISS - and this is not the case when a hotel can be replaced by another due to overbooking. Perhaps a flight to Space is the only tourist trip in which the vacationer is 200% guaranteed a predetermined “number”.

The structural center of the Russian segment of the station is the Zvezda module. It is in his not too spacious rooms The space tourist will have to spend ten unforgettable days. The internal living space of the crew members (two professional cosmonauts and one tourist) is 46 cubic meters. There are all the necessary human life support systems at the station, a power plant, individual cabins (single accommodation, by the way, although the size of a “hotel room” is more like a shallow closet), a fitness room (!), a kitchen and a two-in-one dining room ”, as well as a toilet - however, there is only one. One of the advantages is the absence of cockroaches, mosquitoes, mice and other living creatures that spoil the mood on vacation, as well as preliminary acquaintance and almost six months of communication in Star City with future “cellmates” at the hotel.

The Italian module “Cupola”, mounted with the station in February 2010, is an observation deck of the Cosmos. Seven portholes located on the slopes of the virtual dome and in its crown allow you to enjoy a view that, without any exaggeration, has no equal in beauty. Glass thickness – 10 cm.

Read about where space tourists will be able to stay in the near future on our page Hotels in Space.

Safety of space tourists

Space - zone increased risk: extremely rarefied atmosphere outside the spacecraft, huge temperature changes, low maneuverability of the ISS in the environment cosmic speeds, the psychological pressure of a confined space - all this can turn an insignificant incident into a catastrophe that threatens to take lives. That is why all materials and equipment on the ISS have a multiple safety margin, and for absolutely any emergency situation on board there is a clear action plan.

It would be a mistake to think that participation in the space tourism program depends solely on the ability to pay more than an impressive amount for the opportunity to contemplate the home planet from space. Candidates for space tourists undergo a thorough selection based on physical characteristics and psychological stability, are trained in a flight preparation program, undergo weightlessness and survival training - in a word, they almost fully fulfill the mandatory program for a professional cosmonaut. Preparation for the expedition takes from 6 to 9 months. And despite this, the decision on permission to fly is made immediately before the start, after a thorough medical examination.

In addition to the fact that all systems of the human body in space operate in a modified mode, astronauts are exposed to significant radiation: the daily dose of radiation in orbit is equal to the average annual dose on Earth. Another danger is a significant weakening of the immune system. But biological aging on the ISS proceeds more slowly than on our planet.

Compared to the “customs rules” for space tourists, even a personal search of suspicious individuals at Tel Aviv airport will seem like baby talk.

How to get around in space

The question of movement across the vastness of the Universe within the framework of space tourism programs is still rather rhetorical. Space tourists do not leave the ISS (with the exception of the planned possibility of going into outer space), moving inside it thanks to the absence of gravity in an exceptional way - “on their own four feet”.

“Suborbiters” are also inside the spacecraft during the entire journey; their flight is more of a long transfer than the standard “flight-transfer-ground” formula.

In the future, if the tourist flyby of the Moon announced by Space Adventures takes place and, it is possible, the landing of a man on the lunar surface, it will be possible to talk about the first method of transportation in Space - on foot. True, it will not be possible to go far, but even a tourist with a low level of physical fitness would be able to take a modest promenade on the lunar soil - due to the low force of lunar gravity.

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

Neil Armstrong

Space climate

The temperature near the ISS, as on Earth, depends entirely on the sun's rays. If the space station is located behind the planet, in its shadow, it can reach -150 °C outside. In direct visibility of the Sun, the thermometer can show a polar value of - +150 °C. Inside the International Space Station, a comfortable temperature for astronauts is maintained at +23...25 °C. Of course, there is no rain or snow, and the only “weather” phenomena that can be identified are satellite debris and other space debris flying behind the window. This does not happen too often (about the same as an earthly rainbow), and it only brings joy to space tourists - the cosmonauts at this time are busy calculating the debris trajectory and, if necessary, launching a debris evasion program. As cosmonaut A. Skvortsov recalls, “once I had to run away from a Chinese satellite for more than a week.”

Other important components of a weather forecast from Space are geomagnetic and solar Activity, affecting the well-being of astronauts and instrument performance.

The ISS lives in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The time at the space station is 3 hours behind Moscow.

Souvenirs from space

Any material attribute of cosmic life will be a wonderful souvenir reminder of the stellar Odyssey. Space tourists who were in orbit took away packages of space food as souvenirs - stew “on special order”, micro loaves of bread, pies in bags, hygiene items, “orbital” T-shirts and other clothes, as well as those that had expired and were replaced with new ISS parts. In addition, few people living on the planet can boast of photographs of their loved one against the backdrop of the Earth or a ship docking at the station.

According to the rules for the provision of space tourism services, all rights to use any visual materials captured by a tourist during a flight belong exclusively to the space tourist - so you can not only amaze your relatives with “copied” photographs, but also return some of the money spent on the trip by slowly selling off the exclusive .

How to eat well in space

For obvious reasons, there are no Michelin-starred restaurants in Space, but what the special enterprise of Star City offers is quite edible, varied and even tasty. One of the main requirements for space food is food safety: no perishable ingredients or plant components, such as chopped parsley. In conditions of increased radiation, magnetic fields and all sorts of extraterrestrial oddities, parsley will mutate and have breakfast as a valuable space tourist - just like in the famous cartoon: “You can’t pour water on soup.” Among other things, the food intended for astronauts is 100% natural and guaranteed to contain no nitrates or the ubiquitous GMOs. Most products arrive into orbit in freeze-dried form, completely dehydrated, so the “just add water” formula is relevant not only for dimensionless instant noodles. But they have already moved away from stereotypical tubes: there are canned goods, blisters, and vacuum packaging. Special crumbless bread is delivered to the ISS. The loaf is enough for exactly one bite. In terms of the variety of dishes, the space diet is almost no different from the earthly diet - the same first, second, third: appetizers, soups, hot dishes with side dishes, cereals, tea-coffee-milk-juices, desserts and dried fruits. Meeting the whims of wealthy space tourists, Roscosmos allows you to take some earthly delicacies into orbit (after all, money has been paid), of course, after special processing. They say, however, that Laliberte’s favorite cheese was not allowed in - it was too, so to speak, biologically active.

Due to many months of existence in weightlessness and in artificial air, astronauts’ sense of smell is greatly dulled, so that any piece of real earthly food that arrives with a space tourist gives a whole universe of olfactory impressions.

Entertainment and attractions of space

The earth is blue. Everything can be seen very clearly.

Yuri Gagarin

Flight as an attraction

The impressions of flying into space are the main reason why many are ready to part with a tidy sum and undergo serious, sometimes unbearable physical training. Both astronauts and space tourists unanimously describe the first sensations of the sight of the Earth soaring in the starry blackness as delight and euphoria. Whether it's a two-hour suborbital flight or a multi-day trip to the International space station, every minute lived in space will be filled with a mass of unique impressions - visual, tactile, sound. While in space, you can not only look around the entire planet, but also watch the sunrise, when the curve of the globe slowly flares up with a blue haze, and then suddenly flares up in the radiance of the emerging star. And what about the view of the entire ISS complex, especially snow-white against the black background of the Universe? Add to this the opportunity to see volcanic eruptions and sandstorms of the Sahara, see the Palm Jumeirah through powerful optics or guess the “foot” of Madagascar among the vast ocean, photograph Moscow at night or notice a tiny dot on the horizon - the Progress space truck, which launched from Earth and will dock with the station in a few hours.


Space is also an opportunity to experience one of the most amazing bodily sensations - weightlessness. The absence of gravity is the opportunity to perform any acrobatic figures without the risk of hurting yourself, flying to the opposite corner of the “room”, only slightly pushing off the wall with your little finger, and hanging required item into the air in front of you. Even such a banal activity as washing becomes unique experience: water does not drain from the body, but is spread over its surface like a gel. They even go to bed here, having first fastened their seat belt, so as not to go on an involuntary flight around the station, moving in their sleep.


The declared, but not yet implemented, “additional ground-based mission” in space travel is a spacewalk. Theoretically, any space tourist can walk the road of Alexei Leonov. Of course, preparation for the flight in this case will take more time - after all, the space tourist will need to perfectly understand the rules of moving in outer space, learn to master the spacesuit perfectly and practice actions in emergency situations. But it is guaranteed to add unforgettable impressions: outside the ISS there is absolute, undisturbed, echoing silence, and between man and the Universe there is only the thickness of a spacesuit. The impressions are valued at an additional 15 million USD.

Lunar mission

Flying around the Moon is another announced project within the framework of commercial space flights. After an intermediate “landing” at the International Space Station, tourists are invited to fly in a special modernized ship around the Earth’s satellite, see its mysterious dark side with their own eyes, and then return to their home planet. A direct autonomous flight to the Moon and back will take about 5 days. The date of the first mission has not yet been announced, as well as the cost of the trip.

That people even built entire mythologies based on them. They are truly spectacular, and now that we have reached the Moon and will soon reach Mars, our natural desire will be to reach the stars. This journey has formed the basis of countless science fiction stories and films. Many people already think that traveling from star to star is easy - you just need to press a trigger, but not everything is so simple. Several serious problems remain to be addressed.

Faster than light

Much of science fiction space travel is based on traveling faster than the speed of light. In reality, physics prevents this possibility. And there is no way around this fundamental limitation. Even traveling close to the speed of light encounters various kinds interesting relativistic problems related to mass and energy. Our only option is to use portals - wormholes. The wormhole needs to be carefully controlled, which is currently beyond our capabilities, and we need to somehow create a second wormhole at the destination. Having to send someone to the other end to create a wormhole is not the best reason for the first interstellar journey. In addition, the physical effects of traveling through a permanent or temporary wormhole can lead to the destruction of any matter. You may well reach your destination in the form of plasma.


Classic teleportation involves a person who activates the device and disappears in order to appear at the destination. However, in reality, teleportation works much more complicated than shown in films. Even if we admit the possibility of such a principle, think about it: a person is disassembled into atoms in a teleportation machine, physically transported to his destination and reassembled. The assembly alone requires the presence of incredible machines at the destination, and elementary physical laws will not allow us to accurately manipulate matter at such a gigantic distance - right up to another star. Such teleportation will be possible only to places where we have already been. The assembly of atoms is not yet available to us, but it is quite possible. You just need to send atoms to another star, and this can be done at the speed of light - obviously faster than sending a body, but it will still take years.

Another option is to collect an exact copy of the person at the other end and destroy the previous one. But this option is unlikely to suit anyone.

Colony ship

If faster than light travel is not possible, we can build generation ships. Light takes four years to reach our nearest star, but a heavy object will take much longer. Most stars will take at least hundreds of years to reach. On generation ships, populations may be born and die until, many years later, they reach their destination. But such ships have a number of problems.

Descendants can simply forget about the original purpose of the mission, since it will turn into a legend over hundreds of years. An intelligent computer system could train the people born on the ship to avoid such a failure, but it is still very difficult to predict what will happen during the time that a generation is replaced by another generation. If something happens to the ship, it is unlikely that the generation, which has forgotten the intricacies of the engineering craft over many years, will be able to help in any way.

Mother ship

To eliminate as much uncertainty as possible in generation ships, egg ships can be used. They will carry frozen fertilized human eggs, which will be grown and nurtured by carefully designed machines, which will act as their wombs, parents and teachers. Eggs can be turned into people upon reaching a distant star or planet, and computers will teach future space conquerors everything they need to know.

Designing such machines may not be possible at the moment, but in the future - why not? In any case, like the generation ship, the egg ship will not be able to help a person who wants to go in search of new stars. And artificially grown people may not like their mission or they may be born without a thirst for travel.


An alternative to the generation ship would be to genetically modify humans to live for hundreds or thousands of years and travel during their lifetime. All questions of life in space would be exhausted. Longevity and immortality are being studied extensively by science, but the biggest obstacle remains telomeres - the ends of chromosomes that get shorter each time your cells divide. Eventually the length of the telomeres will be eaten away, and the cells will begin to damage their own viable DNA as they divide. This means that the DNA itself contains the number of cell divisions that can occur. Cells divide to replace old or damaged cells like eyelashes, or skin, or parts of the stomach (you know about high level acidity in the stomach).

It would seem that the answer is simple: you need to store the length of telomeres. But the fact is that the only adult cells that can do this are carcinogens.


Since longevity and a new generation were not the answer to important question, suspended animation can help. In many films and books, people were kept in a state of sleep in order to be transported over long distances. In this state, people do not age, or they age very slowly; this is a kind of “sleep mode”. Unfortunately, telomeres pose a problem here too.

Our bodies always contain small amounts of radioactive elements. They emit small amounts of radiation, which is harmless to us because new cells are constantly replacing damaged ones. If a person does not age during suspended animation, his telomeres do not decrease and cells do not divide. Any radioactive elements in this state will cause permanent harm to the body, ultimately leading to death. Even slow aging will not protect you from radiation over long periods of time. It is necessary for cells to divide at a normal pace.


Even if the human problems of traveling to other stars are solved, problems of propulsion will remain. Conventional systems involve burning fuel or jet mass, but to get to another star would require incredible amounts of fuel, which is extremely inefficient. As a solution, you can pick up fuel along the way.

In space between the stars there are no ordinary asteroids or planets on which you can land and extract fuel. Fortunately, space is far from a vacuum; it contains many scattered tiny atoms, mostly hydrogen. If we move at high speed, these atoms can be collected and used as fuel in reactions like fusion (if we get there, of course). To collect hydrogen, you need a powerful “scoop”, according to preliminary calculations with an area of ​​2000 square kilometers. This size will significantly increase the ship's drag and reduce its speed to that of a conventional rocket. Similar system will be extremely ineffective and unviable. But they looked at her.


The closest star to us is Alpha Centauri. It is located four light years from Earth. If you get to it in a regular car at a speed of 60 km/h, it will take 72 million years. Even if we assume that such a car is created, during this period all conceivable periods of decay and natural wear and tear will have expired, not to mention the almost zero probability of arrival after such a long time. Speed ​​is needed, even if it is limited by the speed of light. Because of the tiny atoms scattered throughout space, any ship at high speed will be bombarded by them with such force that they will pierce even the strongest steel.

There are two options: people or machines will constantly patch holes and repair damage, which means you will need a huge amount of repair materials that you will have to carry with you, or the ship will be made of elastic materials that will repair itself. It is precisely these materials that are now being developed in space agencies. Bad news is that scientists do not believe in the possibility of the existence of such materials.


The structure of our body is seriously affected by gravity. When people do not live in conditions of normal earth gravity, their bodies begin to suffer. After a few weeks or months, bones become brittle, muscles become weak, and the long-term consequences are generally fatal. Humans can combat these effects through various exercises and diets, but after a few years or decades in space, the human body will be irreversibly damaged. Even on relatively short flights, vision deteriorates terribly. This is precisely the problem, by the way, that NASA wants to solve before sending people to Mars.

Instead of living in zero gravity, artificial gravity can be created by rotating a space object. Unfortunately, this will require a huge amount of energy and fuel, and the rotation itself will inevitably cause nausea - in the short term. What will happen in the long term is still unknown and has not been studied.

Food, air and water

People living on a ship for an extended period will need a life support system. They will need to eat, drink, breathe, urinate, defecate, wash and sleep. Much of this can already be done in space with current technology. But in case of long trips, the amount of water and food will become too large to take with you. The smartest solution would be to bring a self-sustaining ecosystem onto the ship. Plants produce air, are successfully eaten, and consume human waste. Any ecosystem is quite inefficient, but it will be able to extend the time it sustains life until it arrives at its destination.

The ship's equipment would be seriously damaged by the gases that circulate, but this could be solved by creating smart materials. Algae are being studied carefully because they have enormous potential for maintaining ecosystems. But they also have problems - if you eat algae in large quantities, you can be seriously poisoned. And again, genetic modification can solve this issue.

All that remains is to resolve the previous nine problems.

"Virtual journey into space"


Expand children's basic understanding of space, outer space, planets, stars.


To develop in children the ability to draw independent conclusions through experimentation.

To develop in children the ability to imagine and dream.

Enrich children's vocabulary with words: planet, rocket, comet, star, astronaut, solar system, etc.

To develop in children the ability to give detailed and complete answers.

Enrich children's gaming experience.

Develop children's memory, visual and auditory attention.

To instill in children a desire to take care of the world around them, animate and inanimate nature.

Preliminary work:

Reading literature on the topic. Telling children about space and astronauts.

Looking at illustrations and portraits of astronauts


Multimedia projector with presentation, basin with sand, stones of different sizes. Handouts: shells, pebbles, buttons, counting sticks, cotton pads according to the number of children, pipettes, paint (yellow, blue, green).

GCD move:

The children are playing, everyone is busy with their own business. Suddenly they hear a knock on the window. Outside the window is a “Flying Saucer”.

Educator: approaches the window: (surprised) What is this?

Children: flying saucer, etc.

Educator: Guys, where do you think a flying saucer could have come from?

Children: from space

Educator: Do you know what space is?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: At what time of day are the stars visible?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: Yes, if we look at the night sky, we will see thousands of stars. How are stars different?

Children: children's answers.

DC 1 night starry sky

Educator: Stars emit bright light because their temperature reaches 10 million degrees. The color of stars depends on their size and temperature. The largest and hottest ones emit a bluish light, while the smallest ones are white, yellow, orange or reddish. The brightness of stars depends on their distance from the Earth; the closer a star is to us, the brighter it appears...

Educator : Oh look, there’s something here, he takes out a flash drive.

Educator: strange object, kids, what is this?

Children: children's answers

Educator : What should I do with her?

Children: children's answers

The teacher turns on the computer, inserts a flash drive

Sl.2 alien asks for help

A splash screen appears on the screen (an alien asks for help, he is lost in space, does not know what planet he has landed on).

Educator : Children, what planet can an alien get to? Can we see planets?

Children: children's answers.

Sl.3 planets of the solar system

Educator : How can we take a closer look at the planets to help the Alien find out where he is?

Children: children's answers

Educator: What do we need for this?

Children: children's answers

Level 4 rocket

Educator: But we don't have a rocket! What should we do?

Children : build, draw.

Educator : Where are rockets built?

Children: At the factory

Educator : What can we build a rocket out of?

Children: children's answers

Educator : Take what you need. Get started.

Children: build rockets from various materials.

Educator: So, the rocket is ready! Let's fly on it, but first guess the riddle:

The rocket has a driver

Zero gravity lover

In English "Astronaut"

And in Russian Children:"Astronaut"!

Level 5 Astronaut

Educator: Astronauts, take your seats in the rocket.

Fasten seat belts. Let's start the countdown: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Let's fly!

Space music plays, planets appear on the screen

Sl.6 1st planet Mercury

Educator: The first planet Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. It slowly rotates around the sun. Therefore, only one side of Mercury is almost constantly heated. So it turns out that on one side the planet is very hot, and on the other - completely cold. The entire surface is formed from depressions-craters, which were formed as a result of falling stones from the tail of comets.

Educator : (music sounds), we need to hurry, let's fly further.

Educator: It is the most beautiful and brightest planet in the morning and night sky.

I often glow in the sky,

Your next door neighbor.I am Mercury's sister,And I'm always hot...

It is shrouded in clouds because water is constantly evaporating from its surface, because the air temperature is 8 times higher than high temperature on Earth and reaches 400 degrees. What is it called?

Children: Venus

Educator : Let's fly further. Mars is the closest planet to Earth. In the sky, Mars appears as a bright orange fiery star. Until now, no one knows whether there is life on Mars. But there is an assumption that life exists on this planet. I’ll try to send my call signs to the planet, which should receive exactly the same response.

Educator in headphones: Mars – I am Earth! I am the Earth, do you hear me? Communication is broken. What should we do?

Children: children's answers

Educator : Let's go to the communications compartment and send a signal to Earth. (The teacher claps the rhythmic pattern, and the children repeat).

Educator: The connection has been restored! Let's fly further!

Educator: Jupiter. This is the most big planet in the Solar System. Its mass is 2 times greater than the mass of other planets combined. Not on the planet hard surface. It consists of poisonous gases, it is impossible to live there, so we increase our speed and fly past this planet.

Educator: Saturn. From the ground it seems that there are 3 rings around this planet. But Saturn's ring consists of many large and small rocks moving at great speed. Some of them could fit an entire country, while others are the size of a cobblestone.

What do rings remind you of?

Children: children's answers

Educator : It's time to fly on.

Uranus is one of the planets farthest from the sun and therefore cold. It was discovered only 200 years ago, and it lies on its side because it once experienced a collision. The planet is shrouded in clouds and has several rings.

Let's try to tell about this planet together. The game “On the contrary” will help us with this.

For example: black - white, sweet - bitter.


hot –

old -

close -

light –

small -

habitable –

Educator: I see Neptune! It is a dark blue planet where winds from poisonous clouds always blow. Clouds are made of ice crystals. Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun

SL alien appears

Vosp So what planet is the alien on?

Children: children's answers

Please name the planets in order to free our plishelian

Children : Finger gymnastics"Planets"

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Eighth - Neptune.

Educator: So we helped our guest………

Educator: Ours has come to an end an amusing trip . Returning to Earth Our spaceship is approaching Earth.

Educator : Earth is a special planet. It is inhabited. Who lives on planet earth?

Children: Birds, fish, animals live on it.

Educator: Why is there life only on our planet?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: What do all people need to do to keep our planet clean, green, healthy?

Look at the pictures, they will help you answer my question.

Children: children's answers.

Educator: Have you noticed what our planet looks like from space? What colors?

Children: answers (yellow, blue, green).

Educator: We don't have a camera, how can we capture all the beauty?

Children: (draw).

Educator : Since our journey is unusual, cosmic, we will draw in an unusual way, using cotton pads (we draw on cotton pads with a pipette).

Educator b: While you and I were drawing, our ship landed. And here is ours kindergarten. Children, did you enjoy our trip? Where would you like to travel next?

Children: children's answers.

Let's say goodbye to the guests!

Ivanchenko Svyatoslav, Elistratova Bozena

The revolutionary development of information, communication and screen technologies opens up attractive professional prospects for specialists in the field information technologies. Possessing IT competence is the key to a successful professional career in key areas of the economy, socio-political activities, and culture.

The most effective educational technologies are research and project activities schoolchildren who work more productively in additional education, helping the student make a conscious and meaningful choice of life path.

The guys in my class presented a project on the topic “Virtual journey through space.” It turned out to be a very interesting work, which will help organize the activities of students while studying the topic in the form of a game, and activate all students.



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Slide captions:

Virtual journey through space Ivanchenko Svyatoslav and Elistratova Bozhena Start!!!

Virtual journey through space Planets of the solar system Space exploration Questions Next slide

Planets of the Solar System Our planet, Earth, is located in the Solar System. In addition to the Earth, there are also planets in the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth (We live here), Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Menu Next slide

Mercury Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun in the Solar System, revolving around the Sun in 88 Earth days. The duration of one sidereal day on Mercury is 59 Earth days, and the solar day is 176 Earth days. The planet is named after the ancient Roman god of trade, the fleet-footed Mercury, because it moves across the sky faster than other planets. Menu Next slide

Venus Venus is the second inner planet of the Solar System with an orbital period of 225 Earth days. Named after Venus, the goddess of love from the Roman pantheon. It is the only one of the eight major planets in the solar system to be named after a female deity. Menu Next slide

Earth Earth is the third planet from the Sun. The fifth largest among all the planets in the solar system. It is also the largest in diameter, mass and density among the planets terrestrial group. Sometimes referred to as The World, Blue Planet. The only thing known to man At the moment, the body of the Solar System in particular and the Universe in general, inhabited by living organisms. Menu Next slide

Mars Mars is the fourth most distant planet from the Sun and the seventh largest planet in the solar system; The mass of the planet is 10.7% of the mass of the Earth. Named after Mars, the ancient Roman god of war, corresponding to the ancient Greek Ares. Mars is sometimes called the "red planet" because reddish tint surface imparted to it by iron oxide. Menu Next slide

Jupiter Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun, the largest in the Solar System. Along with Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, Jupiter is classified as a gas giant. The planet has been known to people since ancient times, which is reflected in mythology and religious beliefs different cultures: Mesopotamian, Babylonian, Greek and others. Modern name Jupiter comes from the name of the ancient Roman supreme god of thunder. Menu Next slide

Saturn Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in the Solar System after Jupiter. Saturn, as well as Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, are classified as gas giants. Saturn is named after the Roman god of agriculture. Saturn is composed primarily of hydrogen, with some helium and traces of water, methane, ammonia and heavy elements. The inner region is a small core of iron, nickel and ice, covered thin layer metallic hydrogen and a gaseous outer layer. Menu Next slide

Uranus Uranus is a planet in the solar system, the seventh in distance from the Sun, the third in diameter and the fourth in mass. It was discovered in 1781 by the English astronomer William Herschel and named after greek god the sky of Uranus, the father of Kronos (in Roman mythology, Saturn) and, accordingly, the grandfather of Zeus (among the Romans - Jupiter). Menu Next slide

Neptune Neptune is the eighth planet in the solar system. Neptune is also the fourth largest planet in diameter and third largest in mass. The mass of Neptune is 17.2 times, and the diameter of the equator is 3.9 times greater than that of the Earth. The planet was named after the Roman god of the seas. Discovered on September 23, 1846, Neptune became the first planet discovered through mathematical calculations rather than through regular observations. Menu Next slide

Pluto Pluto is one of the largest known (along with Eris) dwarf planets in the Solar System, a trans-Neptunian object (TNO) and the tenth largest celestial body orbiting the Sun (excluding satellites). Pluto was originally classified as a classical planet, but since 2006 it has been considered a dwarf planet and one of the largest objects (possibly the largest) in the Kuiper belt. Menu Next slide

Space exploration Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (March 9, 1934, Klushino, Gzhatsky (now Gagarinsky) district, Western region, USSR - March 27, 1968, near the city of Kirzhach, Vladimir region, USSR) - Soviet pilot-cosmonaut, Hero Soviet Union, holder of the highest insignia of a number of states, honorary citizen of many Russian and foreign cities. On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in world history to fly into outer space. The Vostok launch vehicle with the Vostok spacecraft, with Gagarin on board, was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. After 108 minutes in space, Gagarin successfully landed in the Saratov region, near the city of Engels. Starting from April 12, 1962, the day of Gagarin's flight into space was declared a holiday - Cosmonautics Day. Menu Next slide

Who listened carefully? Which planet is considered a dwarf planet? Since what year? When was the first flight into space made? Which planet was discovered thanks to mathematical calculations? What is the sixth planet farthest from the Sun? Thank you for your attention! Press ESC to exit