Plan diagram of a 3-room apartment. Typical apartment layouts: Brezhnevka, Stalin and Khrushchev. Typical layout options

Many of us have seen a wide variety of apartment layouts in our lives. And indeed, in different types multi-storey buildings You can find apartments of a wide variety of plans, which may differ not only in the arrangement of rooms or in the size of the living space, but also in their type. However, they are all subject to a fairly accurate classification, the features of which we will now consider.

Types of apartment layouts

Among the main types of apartment layouts are the following:

  1. Communal apartment
  2. Semi-hotel
  3. Hotel
  4. Little Family
  5. Studio
  6. Studio apartment
  7. Two-roomed flat
  8. Three bedroom apartment

This classification includes almost all types of apartment layouts that exist today. Now let's look at what each type of apartment plan is and what layout options it may have. It will also be interesting to learn about the peculiarities of working on designing houses in different periods.

Communal apartment

A communal apartment (or “kommunalka”, as it is popularly called) is one room located in an isolated living space of a large area. Each individual family or individual occupies one living room.

All other rooms are common areas - the entrance hall and corridor, shower room or bathroom, as well as a toilet and kitchen.

Its distribution communal apartments received after 1917, when the Bolsheviks came to power. They took away part of the living space that belonged to wealthy townspeople, and forcibly moved families of communists, military men and workers into their apartments.


Behind the incomprehensible and somewhat exotic name “semi-hotel” hides a separate apartment with a minimum area - from 20 to 27 square meters total area.

Distinctive feature apartments - semi-hotels can be considered a kitchen - hallway. This means that almost immediately at the entrance there is a small kitchenette (usually equipped with an electric oven with two burners). And just outside the threshold you can meet washing machine or a refrigerator standing under a clothes hanger - in the minimal area of ​​​​these apartments, all furnishings and household appliances must be placed very compactly.

Certainly, big family It’s difficult to fit into such an apartment, but it’s quite suitable for one or two people.

Apartment - semi-hotel


A hotel or hotel-type apartment is a separate small-sized one-room apartment with a small kitchen, which is often located in a niche. In addition, the total area of ​​the living room also includes a miniature hallway. There is only one window in the entire apartment.

Apartments and hotels also cannot boast of a large area

In the Soviet Union, hotel-type apartments were built en masse to accommodate factory workers in the 60s of the 20th century. In those days to have own apartment, even the smallest one was a great success.

Little Family

Small family - also refers to small apartments, and is characterized by a small area. So, the size of a living room can start from 9 square meters.

In essence, small-families are a type of housing intermediate between dorm rooms and separate apartments.

A small-family apartment includes a living room of a standard size (from 16 to 20 square meters) or a reduced size (9 to 12 square meters), a separate kitchen with a window, a combined bathroom with a bathtub (usually a sitting one) and a miniature hallway.

Small families can be accommodated in apartment buildings 5, 9 or 12 floors high. There are a large number of apartments on each floor (from 10 to 20). They can be reached through a long common corridor.

Interior one room apartment- small families


A studio is a small one-room apartment modern type. The peculiarities of its layout are that the kitchen and living room form a single whole.

One-room apartment - studio

This type of layout has its advantages (it creates a feeling of more space) and disadvantages - there is a need for well-thought-out design so that all design elements look harmonious.

Apartment design - studio

Studio apartment

A full-fledged one-room apartment is a separate apartment with one living room various sizes. The bathroom is often also combined - but there is a bathtub in it standard size, and the toilet is located at some distance from it.

At the same time, there is a separate corridor of varying sizes and a separate kitchen area (usually relatively small in size). And in a one-room apartment there may additionally be built-in storage rooms for storing various things and wall niches.

By type of construction of multi-storey buildings one-room apartments are divided into the following:

  • "Khrushchev"- named after one of the leaders of the USSR - Secretary General N. S. Khrushchev, under whom houses with apartments were built en masse small area, low ceilings and very miniature kitchens. Their area reached 5-6 square meters, which is clearly not enough to accommodate a family of even two or three people. But people were happy to receive even such a separate apartment.
Layout of a one-room apartment - Khrushchev
  • "Brezhnevki"- were named after the next Secretary General L.I. Brezhnev. At that time, the construction of multi-storey buildings began, in which there were apartments with high ceilings And larger area premises. In addition, the layout of the apartments is improved, and the kitchen area is increased to 7 - 9 square meters.

Design of a one-room apartment - Brezhnevka
  • Modern one-room apartments apartments are characterized by increased layout comfort and an even larger kitchen area, which is never less than 8 - 9 square meters. In this case, not only a linear type of arrangement of rooms is possible, but also a “vest” (the window in the living room faces one side, and in the kitchen – on the other).

Two-roomed flat

A two-room apartment is a full-fledged separate apartment, which has two rooms of different sizes, a corridor, a kitchen and a bathroom, often separate.

Depending on the design features of a multi-storey building, the layout of two-room apartments can differ into three main types:

  • Linear layout- assumes the arrangement of rooms in the apartment in one line. Thus, all windows face one side of the house.

  • Layout "vest"- involves the location of rooms on different sides. Accordingly, the windows face two sides of the house. This is very convenient because one side can be sunny and the other shady.

Sample layout "vest"
  • End layout— takes into account the presence of a window at the end of the building. Thus, at two-room apartment there is a three-way view.

Three bedroom apartment

A three-room apartment is a separate full-fledged apartment various types layout, which consists of three living rooms, hallway, corridor, bathroom (usually the toilet and bathroom are separate) and kitchen. In addition, three-room apartments must have at least one balcony, or even a balcony and a loggia.

Three-room apartments are distinguished by a wide variety of layout types and the arrangement of rooms relative to the sides of the house. Of course, three-room apartments are more spacious and therefore more convenient for a large family.

Depending on the period of construction of the house, the three-room apartments located in it can be divided into the following types:

  • "Stalin" - three-room apartments with a total area of ​​57 - 85 square meters, spacious and comfortable, with high ceilings and a convenient location of isolated rooms. The kitchen area can reach 15 square meters. It is not difficult to guess that they were built during the time of I.V. Stalin (in the 30s - 50s of the XX century).
  • "Khrushchev" - three-room apartments with a total area of ​​48 - 56 square meters. Apartments of this layout are very small, with walk-through or adjacent rooms and low ceilings. In addition, the kitchen area is very small - only 6 square meters. Houses with similar apartment layouts began to be built during the time of Secretary General N.S. Khrushchev (since 1956) - and their construction continued until 1985. At the same time, the character of the buildings changed slightly.
  • "Brezhnevki" - These are apartments of several types, most often in high-rise buildings built during the tenure of L.I. Brezhnev, General Secretary of the USSR. total area three-room apartment this type is 48 - 56 square meters, but improved layout options have been implemented. In addition, an important advantage of this type of apartment is that the rooms are isolated from each other. Sometimes the layout is such that it is very easy to make rooms isolated.
  • "Czechs" - in Czech layout apartments the total area is 68 - 75 square meters. The rooms are isolated from each other, the bathroom is separate, and the kitchen area is 8 - 12 square meters. Such an apartment, as a rule, has a balcony and loggia.

Plan of a three-room apartment - "Czech"

Open plan apartments

The free layout of apartments presupposes the presence large quantity premises (more than three living rooms) and is characterized by a correspondingly increased area. Such apartments were built in different periods, so among them you can find “Stalin” and “Brezhnevka”, “Czech” and modern apartments in monolithic buildings.

However, in technical documents There is no definition of “open plan” for an apartment, so this name can only be heard from real estate sellers. However, for an open-plan apartment they are of great interest, because they provide the opportunity to show your imagination and realize the most daring creative ideas.

How to choose the layout of a 3-room apartment? What is the difference between the organization of space in new buildings and panel houses? Which style should you choose? Everything will be discussed in more detail later in the article.

What questions need to be addressed? Space detailing

Before starting renovations, it is important to correctly plan all the details, think about what changes will be in the apartment, where to place interior items and furniture. But, more importantly, you need to try to ensure that all family members feel comfortable and cosy.

Criterias of choice

Every person is individual, every family is unique. Therefore, the layout and design must be unique. This does not mean that you need to purchase super exclusive furniture and decor. It is important to organize your living space in such a way that it is pleasant to come home, the interior does not irritate you, you want to receive guests, every thing stands in its place and performs the necessary functions.

Look around you and think about what you would like to change in your home, bring into it, in order, first of all, to change the quality of life. Well, now let's move on to specifics:

1 Decide for yourself how rational fashion will become over the past few years free space. Below are the pros and some of the cons of this trend.

2 Are you planning to increase your family? This is not only the birth of a child, the relocation of parents or relatives, but also the appearance of a dog or cat, fish or chinchilla. Perhaps you want to take up sewing, create a website, or organize a mini garden. All this requires proper zoning.

3 What colors does the family like? Is not abstract concept. You may like the color (fragmentarily). But are you ready to paint your bedroom a deep blue and add gold-plated plaster accents to transform your rec room into Madame Pompadour's bedroom?

4 The housewife loves experimenting in the kitchen, cooking and inventing interesting dishes. How long does it take? How to place work desks, but at the same time avoid the spread of odors throughout the apartment?

And most importantly, what finances do you plan to spend on changing your life.

Think about this as a family before making any fundamental changes, and you won't have to regret that the trendy print wallpaper in the living room irritates your eyes and you're thinking about that instead of the development of the plot of an entertaining movie.

Be very careful about combining elements of classical styles and avant-garde modern ones.

Layout options

If you are still looking for a successful layout, then our selection of options will be interesting to you.

Layout of an apartment of 60 sq.m in a panel house

If the area is 80 sq.m.

We do the arrangement correctly in Stalin

We plan in Khrushchev

Design techniques

It is easier for owners of apartments in new buildings with a large area and lack of partitions to realize any fantasies. However, the principles described below apply to any premises. Designers cannot physically change the size of rooms. So they use some tricks that can do wonders.

First of all, this is the color:

1 For adherents Egyptian style Be sure to introduce rich blue color into the interior. If you want to fall asleep without sleeping pills, order blue stretch ceiling With spotlights for the bedroom.

2 Green in pure form and all his interpretations help you relax. If you need to create a respectable interior with historical notes, use gray-green shades. Palace charm is guaranteed.

3 White is good background for antique, dark and exclusive bright furniture (this is the trend of the latest season).

4 Warm colors (red, yellow) are appropriate in rooms facing northwest, cold colors: blue, purple, green - for rooms facing south.

How to raise the ceiling

It would seem that you cannot move to your neighbors above or below. However, throughout history, architects have used simple techniques for this. The decor should have a vertical direction. I emphasize: these do not necessarily have to be stripes, arabesques and the like are applicable.

You can “raise” the ceiling using vertical lines

Great option: multi-level ceilings, at which central part the tallest and has upward-facing illumination. Trend recent years- stretch ceiling . With their help, ideal Smooth surface. For those who want to increase the height - glossy canvases. To create coziness - matte, with textile imitation.

Expand the walls

Arched passages give the effect of expanding space. Use in small rooms diagonal laying tiles, laminate, parquet slabs, the real dimensions of the room are lost.

IN narrow corridors It is enough to paint the gable walls or choose wallpaper two shades darker than the side walls and they will “move apart” before your eyes. A similar feeling is given by decorating with pilasters, vertical rods, long paintings, and lamps placed at the same distance.

Pilasters - luxurious individuality

Use columns, pylons, pilasters with capitals, and decorate the corners of rooms with darker decor: painting, wallpaper, natural or decorative stone.

Fashionable design directions (styles), trends

Marble in different interpretations is used to decorate floors and walls. However, it should not be a banal tile. It is better to use slabs, including those that imitate this material. The addition is the bedspreads, decorative pillows with marble pattern. Materials with this pattern are used to decorate countertops in kitchen areas and coffee tables.

For decoration, leading designers recommend choosing colors and shades: brown-red, purple, blue (sky color), terracotta, blue, mustard, beige, red (fragmentary). As you can see, the range is quite extensive and can satisfy any preference. But still, the king of color this year is Greenery - the color of young greenery, which personifies fusion with nature and energy.

Greenery is this year's trend color

This trend is echoed by the collections ceramic tiles. The color scheme is uniform, with a natural pattern: various shades of ocher and copper are combined with darker shades. Returning to nature requires a large number of living plants. If desired, the room can be turned into a greenhouse.

A win-win option is all natural colors and shades. Return to nature is the designers' motto.

How to add coziness to large rooms

Often, apartment owners do not feel comfortable. To prevent this, organize mini-zones: relaxation, watching TV, dining room. This technique relieves psychological stress from a space without walls. Every person needs places conditionally divided by function so as not to feel empty.

For relaxation, sofas, a coffee table and armchairs + carpet are grouped together. The dining group includes a slide, a table with chairs, and can be emphasized with another floor covering (tiles).

Additional premises

It is rational to install a water heater in the toilet rooms. It is easy to hide behind a decorative removable panel. If you are not a fan of long-hour baths and there are no small children in the family, replace the bath with a shower stall or hydrobox. Install a washing machine in the free space.

Design of a three-room apartment in panel house provides four separate rooms (living room, kitchen, bedroom and children's room), albeit small. Additionally, the owners wanted to have a dressing room, as well as a sufficient number of places where things could be put away.

There were no permanent walls, which made it possible to radically change the design of the small-sized 3-room apartment: some of the walls were rebuilt to fit into entrance area storage systems, some of them were removed, combining the balcony with the big room. It also provided space for a dressing room, which will not only fulfill its direct role of conveniently arranging clothes, but will also become additional storage for household small items.

Living room

Living room in apartment design 63 sq. m. made in gray beige tones. As accent color we used black, highlighting the window opening with it. Dark wood flooring softens the cool gray tones of the walls. The illumination of the panel on which the TV is mounted serves the same purpose.

Decorative painting of the walls, reminiscent of rough aged plaster, gives the room additional charm and slightly enlarges it visually. appeared near the window workplace: a wide tabletop near the walls turns into open bookshelves. Cosy soft sofa can be expanded to turn the living room into a guest bedroom.


The design of a three-room apartment in a panel house is carefully thought out in terms of placing places where objects will be put away household utensils, household appliances, kitchen supplies.

Standard line in the kitchen wall cabinets Above the work area, mezzanines were added that reached the ceiling, thus increasing the useful storage volume. There you can keep those devices that are not needed daily.

IN small space very convenient, since the ergonomics are carefully calculated: from the refrigerator, supplies immediately go into the sink, then move to the work table for processing, and then go to the stove. As a result, the available space was sufficient to accommodate quite a big table for family dinners.


The children's room in the design of a small 3-room apartment is the largest and brightest room. It was created with two children in mind, and designed in accordance with these plans.

In order to leave as much free space as possible for children's outdoor games, the idea of ​​installing two beds was abandoned, replacing them with one roll-out: the second sleeping area At night it “rolls out” from under the first one, and each child is provided with an orthopedic bed for healthy sleep.

So far, this room only has a storage closet and a study on the former balcony. Part of the premises is reserved for sports section, they fortified there metal structure for gymnastic exercises.

The design of the apartment is 63 sq. m. bright colors were used color accents, and they are especially relevant in the nursery. Green chair cushions, a multi-color world map on the wall and a red partition near the sports equipment greatly enliven the interior. Behind this partition there is a dressing room with its own entrance.


Decorated in warm beige tones, the bedroom would not be very expressive if not for the use of contrasting black, which gives the room a stylistic completeness.

Black metal ceiling rail that holds the lights, black glass panel that runs down the wall to become a vanity, black frame bedside table- all this introduces elements of strict graphics into the interior, organizing the space into a single whole.

The design of a three-room apartment in a panel house includes a large wardrobe in the bedroom of a discreet beige shade, and in addition you can use the drawers under the bed to put away, for example, bedding.

Since the rooms are small, voluminous curtains that eat up space were abandoned, replacing them with roller shutters. Near the window working area- a comfortable invisible chair made of transparent plastic that does not clutter up the space.

The design of a small 3-room apartment has an interesting lighting scheme: under the eaves there is lighting, bright lighting dressing table, bedside lamps and general soft lighting using lights built into the ceiling.

Entrance area

Here we managed to place two voluminous cabinets with mirrored fronts - they help to “push” the walls a little and create the feeling large room, although in fact the distance between them less than a meter- however, this is quite enough for a comfortable passage through this zone.

Bathroom and toilet

Against the background of the accelerated growth rate of multi-apartment development, the variety of housing layouts is also increasing. A three-room apartment occupies a special place here. In a well-organized living space, people of any age can coexist for a long time with different tastes. With a little design skills and focusing on changing design trends, you can improve the layout of almost any three-room apartment.

Layout of apartments in new buildings

U large families Spacious living spaces are in high demand. The dimensions and organization of space of such three-room apartments can be varied. This housing is provided by the project in both brick and panel buildings.

The most current layout option for a new three-room apartment is a studio. It is allowed to create a living space for yourself by erecting an additional partition.

In new premium-class buildings, there are an order of magnitude more square meters, so there are often several bathrooms.

According to all the rules of modern design, the area for the toilet is allocated near the kitchen area. Sufficient quantity“squares” are given over to a balcony or loggia.

In 90% of cases, upon completion of construction, a modern three-room apartment is transferred to future owners without partitions. This is done in order to create for them the possibility of their own area modeling.

The design of typical Czech apartments consisting of three rooms is widely used. Their area is 64 square meters. m, and the main difference is the cramped corridor system with storage rooms. Often such a room is converted into a wardrobe. The balcony and loggias are quite large, and due to the fact that the number load-bearing walls minimized, it is possible to carry out the desired redevelopment in them.

In modern spacious apartments are used various schemes organization of space. The most common of them are the following:

  • "airplane" or "vest". The windows of the premises “look” at different sides building;
  • option with rooms, where two of them are made adjacent, and the third is isolated;
  • all 3 rooms are located separately.

Often now they select layouts for three-room apartments so that each isolated room has its own bathroom and balcony. Special attention is given to lighting. To maximize it, the project proposes the construction of French-type balconies.

Such apartments are mainly corner ones.

Layout of secondary housing apartments

This includes 3 types of buildings.

To Moscow and other Russian cities these brick houses“came” in the 50s. Apartments located in such buildings are characterized by 3-meter ceilings, separate rooms, separate baths and toilets, a large hall and arched openings.


The construction of such houses continued until the mid-80s. Initially, the apartments were low ceilings, combined bathroom, small kitchen area. Khrushchev buildings also had an insufficient level of thermal insulation. Later, massive redevelopment began in them, since most of the partitions were not load-bearing.

Now the Khrushchev project is being radically changed, making it out of a storage room dressing room or transforming the entire apartment into a studio. Old flooring completely changes to tiles, and adjacent rooms (bedroom and balcony, for example) are combined, unless this is prohibited by the project.


This is a slightly improved version of the Khrushchev. Among other things, mezzanines and a niche under kitchen window designed for storing food. The number of bathrooms is increasing, including separate ones. In such an apartment, the rooms are arranged according to the “airplane” or “trailer” principle.

Nuances of the created modern layout

Improved layout always includes kitchen space with an area of ​​more than 15 sq. m, and a mini-sauna should be placed in the bathroom. In this case, the width of the balcony should start from 1.2 m.

Using the example of this apartment, whose top view is shown in the diagram, you can create a living room with a kitchen on the first floor, and a bedroom on the second. It is better to provide several bathrooms on both floors - both for the owners and for possible guests.

It is also necessary to take into account additional important points.

Selected style

There are enough of them. So, for example, you can combine Scandinavian restraint with a loft or use high-tech. But the most common is classic style. It has the following shades:

  • lactic;
  • diluted brown;
  • pastel tone.

To add sophistication, bright details in the form of furniture and panels on the wall are added to such an interior.

The most good decision- combining the living room and kitchen in one shade.

Bathroom decor in modern apartments reduced to almost zero.

Selection of interior items

They are selected in the same style. So, for example, if rounded shelving is initially purchased, then the lamps should be the same, and the openings should be arched.

You can diversify the decor unusual things, for example, with a round bed or a mirror, as if made of small squares, decorate the entire space with small Japanese paraphernalia. There is no need to clutter the apartment with furniture. On the contrary, in order to visually expand the area of ​​your home, it is better to abandon large items.

In the nursery, you need to select all things based on the age of the child. It fits perfectly and saves space for playing alone. bunk bed instead of the usual two.

It must be taken into account that if there is a person in the family who works at home, then he will need Personal Area. It could be one of the rooms, since 3-room apartments are quite spacious, and on average their area is 56-80 square meters. m. You can also separate part of the space in the bedroom for work with a screen.

It's better to choose a bathroom non-standard shape. This will allow you to have additional space for installing a shower and washing machine.

How to choose housing with a layout

It is necessary to determine the required functional area of ​​the premises.

The apartment plan below shows an option with dimensions suitable for a family of 3-4 people. Shown here large hallway with wardrobes for clothes and shoes. Each room is isolated. Kitchen room And separate bathroom(if necessary, it can be made unified) are located on the left side of the apartment, and on the right there are 2 bedrooms of different sizes. In the very center there is a living room, which, if desired, can be made part of the kitchen.

Thus, in order to choose your future housing wisely, you need to pay attention to:

  • size and location of rooms;
  • number of windows;
  • the presence (absence) of a balcony (loggia), their number and dimensions;
  • remoteness of the apartment from the garbage chute and elevator;
  • development of the district's infrastructure.

If the apartment answers necessary requirements For all the above points, this is an excellent option. If for a long time you cannot find anything suitable, then you can arrange the space to suit your needs yourself, taking into account all the given nuances.

Often, in order to arrange the interior of a 3-room apartment, a person faces some difficulties and the design leads to the fact that the space is irrationally used.

Therefore, first you need to make a plan and work through the ideas step by step.

Only in this way will your home please all living family members. In the article, the photo of the interior of a 3-room apartment shows the most popular designs.

Rules for creating a project for furnishing a large apartment

For a qualified designer, a three-room apartment is a kind of dream, because here you can not restrain your imagination.

On initial stage It would be rational to divide the rooms of the apartment according to their purpose, so that everyone who lives there can have a personal space in which they will feel comfortable.

Conventional design - the project involves dividing the entire space into a living room, bedroom and children's room. For convenience, the guest room has a sofa and a work desk nearby. If there are no children in the family, the nursery is used as a library.

For creative people allocate a separate room for a workshop. The interior design of a 3-room apartment can be very different.

Before choosing a single style, be sure to take into account the wishes of all family members. The idea must fit their lifestyle and character.

The color shades for design in a project can be very diverse. Each room is a separate space, the tone of which depends on its purpose.

For decoration, it is practical to select three main shades, as long as they are not too different from each other.

The modern interior of a three-room apartment allows the use of accent inserts and prints for decorative finishing, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Each of the rooms in a large apartment is unique and each of them uses different interior and design details. Thus, it will be possible to give the premises individuality and originality.

You need to select elements with taste. Our article has a gallery beautiful interiors photo of a three-room apartment.

Arrangement of the hallway of a three-room apartment

When creating the interior of a three-room apartment, you need to start with the room that makes the first impression upon entering the house - that is, the hallway. The large space allows you to accommodate a wardrobe - a wall, a dressing table with drawers and a shoe shelf.

Set appearance Shelving will help in the corridor; you can place accessories, paintings, photo frames and books on them. Of course, such a room is poorly lit, sometimes even dark, so for quality lighting The best lighting equipment is used.

The hallway is a room that is always in sight and general design should be combined with the interior design of a three-room apartment. The harmony of the corridor emphasizes the good taste of the owner of the house.

What a kitchen should look like in a three-room apartment

Regardless of the size of the kitchen, it must be spacious and cozy. Therefore, light colors are selected for finishing. color palette, furniture is installed to a minimum.

The kitchen set is selected taking into account availability household appliances. With the help of hanging cabinets and shelves, it will be possible to store many kitchen items.

IN dining area instead of the usual chairs they use soft corner furniture, which can accommodate the whole family. And the niches in such furniture can handle storing various small items.

Design of rooms that are intended for relaxation

Living rooms are decorated depending on their purpose. If there is a bedroom, it is better to use gentle and calm shades; in the work room, strict colors are used, but for a nursery, motley and bright shades are suitable.

We have created several design projects as examples of the interior of a three-room apartment that will help you decide on the purpose of all the rooms.

Due to the huge area of ​​the apartment, you can create comfortable conditions life for yourself and your family using the interior design of a three-room apartment.

Photo of the design of a 3-room apartment