How to properly remove old paint from a door. How to remove paint from doors - make new out of old. How to make new doors out of old ones. Chemical compositions for removing paint from doors

Doing redecorating at home, many owners are thinking about new interior doors. It could be entrance doors in the corridor of, say, a private house. Ordering new doors will require financial costs and time to wait and install the door leaf. At the same time, old doors can still serve for a considerable period of time. Having put them in order, they will harmoniously fit into the interior of the room and perform their functions.

The process of removing paint from an old wooden window

How to remove old paint from the doors? This will require a little time, tools and some materials. For the process, there are several ways to bring the door into proper shape.

To update the door new paint, it is necessary to remove the old one, because it was once applied in 2-3 layers to brighten and protect the door material. Time has done its work. In some places the paint was swollen, in others it was cracked, and in others there were small streaks.

Removing paint from old door

If a new layer of hard hat is applied to such a base, then the doors will not have a normal appearance. All the bumps will appear brightly and clearly, just as the cracks will look like they were copied from a picture of dehydrated soil.

The second explanation is the paint base. After painting a door, a considerable period of use passes, during which it is forgotten what the paint was based on. When applying new paint to a layer of old paint, the paint begins to come into contact with the base; it may simply not lie down, but appear in drops; when drying, the new layer may crack, and so on. This is one of the many reasons why old layer paint from the door surface.

If you decide to repaint the door a different color, then you should also prepare the base by removing the old paint. When applying a new color to an old one, a dark color may appear old color dark spots, or vice versa, dark tone It will take away light elements from the old paint - after drying, you may get the effect of salt coming out.
Another reason for removing old paint is the build-up of layers on the ends of the door, which can cause the door to rub and close poorly. This can lead not only to deformation of the door leaf, but also to problems with the lock.

You can also remove the old paint in parts, say, only from the end of the door leaf, on one side of the door, since the other half is insulated and lined with leatherette.

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In any case, before carrying out work, you should familiarize yourself in more detail with what tools are applicable for removing paint, as well as what products need to be applied to facilitate the process.

Chemical compositions for removing paint from doors

One such composition is a special product for removing paint from doors. It is sold in construction supermarkets and construction markets. Before purchasing, you should find out what kind of paint this product is suitable for; the liquid is intended for a wooden or metal surface.

Special paint remover

When choosing a paint remover, you should remember - the more toxic the liquid, the more damage it can cause to the surface of the door and the person doing the work.

Special chemicals for removing paint are available in such forms as dry mixtures, liquid solvents, paste and gel concentrates. After choosing a chemical remover, you should read the composition and precautions.

There are some products that require working only with a respirator and gloves to avoid getting burned or poisoned by toxic gases. This is very important, especially if the work will take place indoors and not outdoors.

Chemical compositions for removing paint from wood

The dry mixture is diluted with water or other liquid specified in the instructions. After this, the finished mixture is applied to the surface of the door and left for some time. It all depends on the type of mixture, the manufacturer, and the quality of the product. After reading the instructions for use, you can decide whether this product is suitable or not.

The gel and paste are also applied to the door with the old paint and left for a while. After using some products, you should rinse the surface with white spirit or plain water.

The chemical composition can act on old paint within 20 minutes, or it can take up to 4 hours. To avoid getting into trouble, before purchasing this product, you need to consult with the seller, as well as read the instructions.

Regardless of the consistency of the product (liquid or dry), the remover is applied to the surface of the door, which has already been prepared for this procedure. To do this, you should use a spatula to remove all the “inflated” paint, and that which is easily removed, and then apply the product exactly to those areas where the paint cannot be removed.

The process of removing paint with a special gel

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How to remove paint from a metal door

A metal door needs to be updated more often than a wooden one (especially if the door opens directly onto the street). Temperature changes high humidity in cold weather - all these components act on the door covering. The paint peels off, swells, and rust can form on the door under the paint.

Paint with metal door can be removed with improvised means, a grinder, or a chemical agent. Before removing paint, you need to prepare the door. For this:

In order to remove paint, you also need to prepare materials and tools:

Without a chemical reagent, it is difficult to remove old paint from a metal door; you can also damage the door leaf itself by scratching it. If scratches are left behind, a new coat of paint will outline the scratch. It may stay that way.

The process of removing paint from a metal door

After the paint that has come off the base on its own has been removed, you should apply chemical agent for the specified time. There is no need to do anything to the door during this time. After the hours have passed, the old coating is carefully removed with a spatula. The remaining small “islands” can be cleaned with sandpaper. As a result, the door leaf needs to be processed with a grinder for evenness (so that there are no small burrs).

A hot air gun is suitable in the sense that hot air melts the paint; immediately after using the gun, use a spatula.

When processing a metal door, the metal heats up, so you need to be careful when working with the door leaf.

You can only remove paint from a door using a hair dryer, blowtorch or other heating objects from a metal door leaf.

Removing paint with a hair dryer

When using heating objects on a wooden surface, there is a high risk of fire. When inserting a peephole into a metal door, you need to be careful so that it does not deform or melt. It must either be removed or tightly closed. If the metal door stood in doorway When entering the apartment, it should be taken out into the yard, warning neighbors about the work, because there will not only be a lot of garbage, but also unpleasant odors.

The renovation is coming to an end, the funds allocated for updating the house have run out, and some old surfaces do not harmonize with the new finishing. We have to update using improvised methods and make new things out of old ones. The question arises - how to remove paint from a door? There are several ways, but each has its own difficulties, and this whole process is quite labor-intensive. But nothing is impossible for home handyman, equipped with tools and knowledge of the simplest technologies.

Why remove old paint from a wooden or metal door?

High-quality painting is impossible on an unprepared surface, and old paint was often applied to doors in several layers, with bumps and smudges. And no matter how high-quality the new enamel is, the end result leaves much to be desired.

It is also important to remember what reaction occurs between old and new paint. It's not always possible with full confidence tell what type of solvent or base was last applied. And when painting is done with a new composition, it reacts with the old layer. The result is bald spots, cracking, folding and other troubles. And then it becomes clear that it would be better to remove the paint from the old door.

The next time you tint the base with a different color, you often end up with sloppy strokes or an uneven color, especially if lighter paint is applied to a dark surface. If the paint is rare, then any other color can be guessed under a new layer.

Multi-layer painting has another drawback - the doors close worse and worse each time, as new layers are built up at the ends. It is not necessary to remove the upper and lower ends of the door leaf, where the layer of old paint is strong enough, especially since these areas are not visible. In such areas, sanding is sufficient if the type of paint matches the new one. All peeling areas and cracked areas require careful preparation doors to renewal.

Sometimes it is necessary to remove paint partially, namely from the ends or only from one side of doors covered with dermantine on the outside. But this is still a labor-intensive process, and for an excellent result you will need to put in a lot of effort. The easiest way is to use wood paint stripper, but prepare the metal door for repainting a little differently.

Chemicals for effectively removing paint from doors

The chemical method of removing paint is quite effective; the easiest way is to buy a special liquid at a construction supermarket. However, this base (solvent) must be suitable for your type of wood or metal paint. For oil paint wooden door A chemical directive intended for metal paint will not work.

Tip: So as not to waste a lot of time searching suitable liquid, it’s easier to consult with the store’s distributor. As a rule, the more aggressive and effective the “wash”, the more harmful it is, so it is important to take all precautions.

Attention: Chemical paint strippers are harmful to health, regardless of the form in which they are produced:

Once a particular composition is suggested, be sure to carefully read the instructions for use. It might be highly toxic liquid product, which is handled only in a respirator and work gloves. Or a convenience store consultant will offer a ready-made liquid product for removing paint from a metal door. No worse than a gel or a dry mixture of components that needs to be diluted.

It makes no sense to recommend a specific product; it is easier to buy what is available in stores in the region. Paste and gel are applied to uneven, carved and profiled surfaces. You can select a suitable reagent from the catalog; it is also worth purchasing mineral kerosene along with them, which removes the applied product with the remnants of old paint. Sometimes additional washing of the surface with solvent, white spirit or water is required, depending on the instructions in the instructions.

The chemical may not begin to act immediately, but will show results after a few hours. Read the instructions carefully so as not to say that the product did not work. During the specified period, the “wash” will soften all layers of paint to a solid base. Only then can you carefully remove the door paint with your hands using a spatula. A regular metal brush or any suitable device will also work.

Attention: Any reagent is applied to the prepared surface, from which the peeling layers are first cleaned, which themselves lag behind and are easily peeled off with a spatula. The “wash” is applied only to a durable layer of paint; this reduces the consumption of the chemical reagent.

We remind you: When working with reagents, wear protective clothing, safety glasses and a respirator, rubber gloves and closed shoes.

How to remove paint from a metal surface?

If a wooden door can be painted many times, then the metal surface rejects repeated repainting, especially if it external door exposed to temperature changes. We have to renew the surface - remove the paint from the metal door. It is removed with special or improvised devices. For example, a grinder or universal tool with attachments capable of removing paint.

Before processing, the door leaf must be removed from its hinges, the fittings must be removed from it and decorative overlays and taken out into the yard for further processing. To remove paint in the simplest ways, use a heat gun (construction hair dryer), a special paint remover, kerosene, sandpaper, a spatula and a sander. There should be no illusion that this is very simple - with any tool and effective chemicals you still have to make some effort.

Without a suitable liquid, it will be difficult to remove old paint from metal doors with just a spatula or a hard nozzle. Using only one tool, it is easy to damage the smooth surface of the metal, and even a layer of fresh paint will not hide the defect. After processing the door for painting, it is advisable to sand the metal surface with a special nozzle or sandpaper, although this is less effective by hand.

A sander is an excellent tool for removing old layers of paint, provided the right choice nozzles If there are no other options, install a head with medium coating and operate at low speeds, that is, at low power. It is important to monitor the process so as not to damage the doors. If the nozzle and the load on the tool are chosen correctly, then the work will not take much time. Only the nozzle needs to be periodically cleaned of dry paint, which quickly clogs the head. The cleaner the nozzle, the more efficiently it works on the surface.

When processing with a sander and other tools, there will be a lot of suspension from the paint being removed, even outdoors. Abrasive attachments clog quickly and require cleaning, so it is important to consider that this is quite a “dirty” job, which is why it is done in the yard.

A heat gun is also suitable for this type of work; if you don’t have it on hand, you can rent it or borrow it from friends before removing paint from a door prepared for work. This tool melts the paint, which is then carefully removed with a wire brush or spatula. For the same purposes, a construction hair dryer is used and blowtorch, directing the hot jet towards the surface to be treated.

Attention: Take all precautions as the surface of the metal door becomes hot during heat treatment. Try not to touch the door with your hands so as not to get burned, especially since immediately after warming up it is most effective to work with paint that bubbles and melts.

Treating an old painted surface with high temperature only possible on metal. If you clean a wooden door this way, it may burn out. Stained glass windows You also have to remove it first to prevent the glass from melting.

Tip: When thermal removal When applying paint, a burning smell and a pungent odor of chemicals are inevitable, so all work is carried out in an open space. It is not recommended to burn paint on a balcony or loggia. apartment building- remove the doors from the entrance to the yard.

It is advisable to warn family members and neighbors so that there is no discontent, allergic reactions and the likelihood of smoke poisoning through drafts in the window.

When processing with a sander and other tools, there will be a lot of suspension from the paint being removed, even outdoors. Abrasive attachments clog quickly and require cleaning, so it is important to consider that this is a fairly “dirty” job. Of all the “hot tools”, only a hair dryer is suitable for removing old paint from a wooden door. But they also need to work carefully.

Advice: Whatever method you choose to remove paint from old doors, there will be costs and unpleasant moments. Don't be disappointed and leave the job in the middle. There is a possibility that you need to change the tool, attachment or temperature regime. In any case - it will be useful experience. There is a video at the end of the article about how professionals work to remove paint from doors.

How to properly remove paint from an old wooden door?

Many people think that an old wooden door is not worth the hassle of removing reusable paint. But this is true for cheap ones interior doors, which are still found in old houses standard layout. Yes, a frame covered with plywood is not of particular value, and it is better to buy a new door leaf to match the design of the apartment. But when we're talking about O quality product made of solid oak or a real masterpiece with carvings by a master, such a door “does not ask” to go to the landfill. With proper updating and replacement of accessories, it will serve for a long time. Perhaps the paint from the door has already been removed using the old fashioned method - a solution based on caustic soda.

Wood differs from metal, stone and synthetic surfaces in its characteristic texture, which is easily damaged when working with sharp metal objects. You must work carefully so as not to disturb the integrity of the fibers, tilting the spatula or scraper along the pattern on the wood. In those areas that are milled, it is important to work very carefully so as not to damage the design or convex surfaces of the design. In the corners they work with any wedge-shaped tool.

When working with chemicals, be sure to protect yourself:

  • long sleeve work clothes;
  • respirator;
  • glasses;
  • thick rubber gloves.

Open the can of reagent and apply it with extreme caution so that the chemicals do not get on your skin or eyes. If the drops accidentally get on open areas of the body, they should be washed off immediately and if there are signs of irritation, contact a doctor. And don’t start working until you read the instructions on how to remove paint from a wooden door with the purchased “remover”.

Attention: Each type of paint requires its own type of special chemical remover - the discrepancy between the reagent and the surface layer of paint is the main reason for failures!

With any method of cleaning the door from old layers, it is recommended to carry out all work in an open space. When using an electrical appliance, be careful to make sure that the carrying case is in good condition and that the power supply is sufficient to operate the tool. You cannot turn on the tool at maximum speed, in enhanced mode. It is better to check the effectiveness of the nozzle not on the main surface, but on the end sections - from the bottom or top of the door. With an unskilled hand and rotating the sander too quickly, it is easy to damage even fairly strong wood.

Not every heat treatment tool is suitable for heating old paint on the surface of doors - it can ignite and burn out. Do not use a gas burner with an open flame, only hot air. A construction hairdryer is suitable, where the temperature of the supplied jet should heat the paint, but not destroy the wood. In this case, specialists use nozzle attachments that create a jet that distributes heated air.

Upon completion of the work, it is necessary to remove not only the remaining paint, but also the “wash” itself. Before painting with new enamel, the wood must be sanded to a smooth state. If there are cracks, nicks or other defects, they must be filled with putty. Only after it is removed Oil paint from the wood, all defects have been eliminated, the wood has been treated with a primer, you can proceed to painting. The primer must be completely dry, and only after that proceed to updating the old door with new paint.

The most effective power tools for removing paint were:

  • vibration sander (removes a thin layer);
  • belt sander (access to hard-to-work areas);
  • angle grinder (rough grinding and access to corners);
  • scrapers and cycles (for flat surface);
  • “grinder” with brushes.

If you still have any questions about removing paint from wooden doors, we recommend this video:

Nowadays, many methods have been developed for removing old dyes from wooden objects. Very often during repair work It becomes necessary to repaint the doors in order to make them attractive, but before doing this, the old paint should be cleaned. Let's figure out how to remove old paint from a door quickly and efficiently.

Methods for removing dye

Heat treatment of the door allows you to remove old dye by exposing the surface to a hot air stream. Often, construction hair dryers or gas-burners. The advantage of this method is the absence of dust, but the disadvantages include a high probability of fire and toxicity. It is recommended to carry out thermal treatment of wood outdoors, using the necessary respiratory protection (mask, respirator). Be sure to keep a fire extinguisher or water tank with you.

Mechanical removal of dyes is carried out using metal brushes or sharp spatulas. This method can hardly be called effective, since it requires a significant investment of time and effort with a high probability of damage to the surface of the wooden door. Another disadvantage machining natural wood is a large amount of dust.

The chemical method is in great demand and is considered the most effective, since special products quickly and efficiently cope even with old layers of paint without harming the material.

Features of chemicals

Chemical paint removers from wood allow you to remove water-based, oil-based and other paints in a short time. They are distinguished by a high content of active ingredients that carefully penetrate the layers of dye and separate it from the surface of the wood.

First of all, you should wash the surface of the door to remove dirt. The composition can be applied manually or by immersion.

For manual processing, use a long, wide brush or roller. Need to apply product thin layer and spread evenly over the surface for the time period specified in the instructions. After the time is up, you need to remove the remaining remover and dye with detergent compounds and water. You can use a spatula. To improve the result, you can reapply the product. Be careful and do not leave the composition on the door for more than 2 hours.

It is inconvenient to use the immersion method for cleaning doors, since it requires a very large and wide non-metallic container, which is usually not available at home. After the procedure, the wash must be removed with high pressure of water or used detergents. It is fireproof and non-toxic.

Main advantages of paint remover:

  • effectively removes dyes from wood in a short period of time;
  • economical use;
  • gentle removal of dye without damaging the wood structure;
  • deep penetration into old multi-layer dye;
  • does not lose effectiveness when frozen and at low temperatures;
  • no smell.

When treating a door with chemical compounds, you should wear a respirator and rubber gloves. If chemicals come into contact with your hands or eyes, wash the affected area with plenty of water and consult a doctor.

03.09.2016 62443

In matters of repair, one of the important stages is the installation new door or updating an existing one. If you have the financial opportunity, you can replace it, but if money is short, then try to return the life to the old one door design. Read our article on how to do this.

Features of removing paint from doors

An alternative way to return them to an attractive appearance. If there are several door structures in the house, then during restoration it is advisable to give them a single (or at least similar) shade. But before you start painting the door leaf, it must be carefully prepared. And for this you will need from the surface. You will also need to prepare for painting and only then can you apply a new coat of paint on it.

Don't be afraid of updating, because when the right approach Before renovation, they can become a decoration for any room. Remember the main rule - the paint coating must be applied to. This effect can be achieved only if the surface is properly prepared for the procedure, making its structure homogeneous. It is for this purpose that it is proposed to first remove the old paint from the wood.

Compliance following rules will help you complete the preparatory procedures correctly:

  • First, try to thoroughly clean the door from old paint . There should be no traces of the old coating left on the surface of the canvas. If this requirement is not met, then in the future the previous paint material will begin to swell, and the entire surface of the renewed door will be damaged. All preparatory work you will do it yourself, so focus on its quality.
  • After removing the old coating, the canvas must be leveled, removing potholes and small cracks. For these purposes there is special material– putty. When buying it, pay attention to such characteristics of the material as frost resistance and moisture resistance, as well as information regarding at what temperature conditions the putty will retain its properties. There are varieties of material that do not tolerate excess moisture and negative temperatures. This should be taken into account when purchasing.
  • A separate issue is the purchase of varnish or paint for a restored door structure. It is better to choose cans with such compositions with one serial number - then you can be sure that the paint will not differ in its shade.

Remove old paint from wooden surface possible in several ways. If the door was painted in one layer, and the paint composition still retains its attractiveness, then the surface is only lightly sanded and a new layer of paint is applied on top. However, this should only be done if there are no cracks or damage on the old coating. It is better, of course, to remove the old paint. This process is carried out in the following ways:

  • Heat the surface and remove the old paint from the doors, because under the influence of heat it will become soft and pliable.
  • Another good remedy to remove old paint - scraping or sanding wooden canvas. This method is classified as mechanical. It is characterized by its labor intensity and duration, but demonstrates a high degree of efficiency.
  • Old paint can also be removed by applying chemical method. It involves the use of special reagents called washes.

Chemical method of removing paint

You can quickly remove old paint from wood using chemical cleaning. It consists in using various removers with chemical reagents, which can be purchased at any hardware store. Such products must contain special softening components. It is thanks to them that the paint can be easily removed after applying the solvent, using the most ordinary metal spatula. Before starting work using the chemical cleaning method, be sure to prepare the following tools:

  • Chemical solution a tool that will help remove old varnish efficiently and quickly;
  • Brushes for applying solvent to the canvas;
  • Putty knife;
  • Protective glasses;
  • Gloves.

To remove old paint from a wooden surface, follow this procedure:

  1. First, remove the doors from their hinges, and then remove all locking mechanisms from them. It is best to choose a separate room or special utility room to perform such work.
  2. For convenience, place the canvas on a flat surface, evenly distribute the cleaning solution over it, using a brush prepared in advance.
  3. Leave the solution on the door for a while and then proceed to the next step. Start rubbing the surface of the canvas vigorously until the paint begins to flake and peel.
  4. Removing old paint from wood after such softening is not difficult. For this purpose, use a spatula with a metal blade. After this, the surface can be sanded if there are still traces of paint on it.

Different types of paints require the use of different chemical compositions for their removal. We advise you to select your wash carefully to achieve the desired effect.

Another effective remedy for removing old paint a special reagent called chemical paste. It is prepared from oatmeal and caustic soda. You can make the product yourself. All you need to do is prepare necessary ingredients and follow the plan below:
  1. Completely dissolve the baking soda in the water;
  2. Add oatmeal to the resulting mixture and stir everything. The composition should be homogeneous, thick and similar to toothpaste.

Chemical paste is often used to remove paint and varnish from doors. complex configuration . Experts recommend using this product to remove multi-layer paint coating or cleaning hard to reach places. To get the best effect, apply the paste to the door leaf in a thick layer. Handle the chemical with extreme caution as it can cause burns to the skin.

Mechanical method of removing paint and varnish material

Mechanical method Removing old paint requires the following tools for its implementation:

  • Scraper;
  • Chisel;
  • Grinder saw or grinder.

The mechanical method of removing paint is quite long-term and complex, and in addition, it is also extremely traumatic. At the same time, it is unlikely that it will be possible to remove stubborn paint from wood (especially in hard-to-reach places) without sharp instruments.

The essence of the mechanical method of removing paint is to use auxiliary tool, namely, a grinding machine. This method demonstrates its effectiveness only if there is only one layer of paint and varnish on the canvas. If the paint is applied in several layers, then it is better to clean it off using a grinder with special brushes.

Removing old paint thermally

You can remove old varnish from the door surface by using a hair dryer. This method is called thermal, and it consists in influencing the old paint layer warm air. Under its influence, the paint softens, and it is then easy to clean off using a wide spatula or a sharp knife.

Construction hair dryers modern production equipped with a heating regulator. If yours, then it is best to remove it, since the hot air temperature is about 600 ºC and the glass material can crack under its influence.

General instructions for removing paint

So, we found out that you can remove old paint from a wooden door only with the help of the following tools:

  • Construction hair dryer;
  • Caustic soda;
  • Blowtorch;
  • Oatmeal;
  • Water;
  • Putty knife.

By following our instructions, you can quickly, efficiently and without any problems carry out the restoration of a wooden door.

  1. Using a hair dryer, soften the paint layer on the door. To do this, direct a stream of hot air onto the canvas. Once the paint starts to bubble, it is much easier to scrape it off with a spatula. By the way, it will be difficult to remove paint from recesses and hard-to-reach places with a regular spatula, and therefore experts recommend using a triangular spatula or a shaving machine for this. It should be noted that if the wooden surface of the door is subsequently varnished, then the old paint must be removed from it very carefully so as not to harm the wood.
  2. When the door leaf is well cleaned, take soda and dissolve it in water (sometimes this component is replaced with dimethylene chloride). This method of removing paint is suitable for absolutely all surfaces, however, when performing the work, it is advisable to exercise extreme caution to avoid burns. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for paint stripping chemicals exactly.
  3. Before starting work, put on old clothes and rubber gloves. Prepare a small box into which you pour the cleaning solution. Apply the composition to the surface of the door with a brush until bubbles appear on it. Next, remove the softened paint and varnish composition with a spatula. Rinse the cleaned door leaf with white spirit or water (this will help prepare the surface for further painting with a new composition) and dry.
  4. On next stage prepare a chemical paste. Pour enough caustic soda into a container with water so that the product stops dissolving in water and the consistency of the solution becomes very thick. After that to ready mixture add oatmeal (oatmeal). This composition should not be allowed to come into contact with the skin, and if this happens, you should immediately rinse the affected area with cool water. The paste is applied to the door in the same way as regular washing. The composition is removed along with the paint, and the remaining paste is washed off the door with a stream of water.

Preparing the door for painting

So, you have managed to remove the varnish from the wooden surface, and now the door leaf needs to be carefully prepared for new painting. This process will help in the future to apply the coloring composition evenly and without any flaws. Preparatory stage do it in the following order:

  • Sand the surface of the door well. The best tool For this purpose there will be a grinding machine, which is recommended to be connected to a vacuum cleaner. If the door surface has a small plane, you can sand it using sandpaper. And if you choose the second method, then for convenience, secure the sandpaper on the flat surface of a wooden block.
  • The grinding method allows you to eliminate problems such as cracks, chips, scratches and dents on the door surface.
  • After performing this procedure, it is necessary to remove the remaining traces of paint. Small scratches are best removed with putty. It is applied to the canvas with a spatula after it has been thoroughly cleaned. It is advisable to select the putty in advance and match the color of the future paintwork.
  • The old wood from which the door was made may become very blackened over time, but it can be bleached if desired. There is an excellent remedy for this purpose - bleach diluted in water in a ratio of 1:3. The composition is applied to the canvas with a soft brush, spreading evenly over the surface.

Door painting procedure

The properly prepared doors now only need to be painted. This can be done with varnish or another similar solution. A wooden door leaf painted to look antique will look original.

If necessary, do the job with a soft brush. And the doors in large quantities painted using a spray bottle. Before starting work, be sure to fluff the brush and remove excess lint so that it does not fall out during the painting process and spoil the appearance of the door.

It's time for renovation, and you've come to the conclusion that your old doors need updating. You are not going to buy and install new ones. To begin the restoration, you will need to remove the old paint.

This operation is performed in several ways. But in any case, you will have to remove the door from its hinges. It is advisable to work outside. But if this is not possible, it is placed in the middle of the room with supports. Before cleaning the door of the old coating, you need to remove the fittings, dismantle the hinges, and clean it of dirt.

Cleaning methods

There are several ways. Let's look at them in order.

Thermal method

It is usually used in cases where there are only a few cracks and the paint is holding firmly.

To start cleaning it, you will have to get an industrial hair dryer in advance. When heated, the material being cleaned begins to bubble.

To clean the door, remove the coating with a sharp spatula. You need to handle the hairdryer carefully so as not to accidentally damage it!

The technology of the thermal method is simple, but this method is not suitable in all cases. This method can only clean the old layer if the base is wood. Plastic may begin to deform when heated.

Another disadvantage thermal method is considered to emit toxic fumes. Therefore, it is recommended to do this outdoors. As a last resort, you need to open the windows and put on a respirator.

Thermal method

Mechanical method

Many people know about this cleaning method. You will need:

  • spatulas;
  • Bulgarian;
  • wire brush;
  • surface grinder.

Unfortunately, sandpaper on a machine quickly deteriorates. Therefore, it is rarely used to remove old coating over large areas.

First it is processed with a grinder. The paint is then cleaned with a wire brush. Residues are cleaned off with spatulas. This technology is labor intensive. No application physical strength It will not be possible to clean the old coating.

Important! When a layer of paint is removed mechanically, it is accompanied by a large amount of dust. The operation must be carried out carefully so that the base does not get damaged.

Mechanical method

Chemical method

To remove paint, you can use chemical solutions; they will make the layers softer, and they will be easily washed off. For this use:

  • solvents;
  • acids;
  • alkalis;
  • special mixtures.

The solvent is applied to the door. Then you need to wait until the coating becomes softer. If the door is painted in several layers, you may have to use the solvent several times.

The peeled layers are cleaned off with a spatula. Sometimes they dissolve completely, all that remains is to rinse everything.

Important! Solvents are toxic, so you can only wash off paint this way outdoors. It dissolves quickly, but the chemical smell will linger for a very long time.

Removing paint

How to remove paint from metal sheets?

A wooden door can be periodically tinted, but metal doors require a different approach. They are exposed all the time atmospheric influences. To update them, you need to clear the old layer. To do this, use a grinder or a drill equipped with special attachments.

Before processing begins, the door is removed from its hinges and the fittings are dismantled. It is advisable to do the work outdoors. The coating can be removed by most different instruments and means:

  • kerosene;
  • sandpaper;
  • spatula;
  • grinder.

Just don’t think that such work will not require any effort. Even when very strong chemicals are used, it takes some effort to remove paint.

You won't be able to clean it with just a spatula; you'll need a hard attachment or a good solvent. Using only one tool, you can scratch a smooth metal surface. This defect cannot subsequently be hidden even under a thick layer of paint.

The steel is processed with a grinding machine. Of course, you can do this with sandpaper, but the speed of such work leaves much to be desired.

Easily removes old layers Grinder, but only if the nozzles are selected correctly. Usually the work is carried out with a medium spray head. The head rotation speed should be minimal. The work must be done carefully so as not to accidentally damage the door.

The right nozzle helps you get the job done quickly. The head needs to be constantly cleaned - it quickly becomes clogged with debris. The efficiency of the work depends on the cleanliness of the nozzle.

After any removal method, you must sand the surface to achieve smoothness. If cracks are found on the canvas, cover it with putty. Before you start applying paint, the surface is primed. When the soil dries well, you can start practicing painting works.


How to clean a door from water emulsion?

How can I wash water emulsion? Today there are many products on the market that help remove different coatings. To deal with this material, you can use the most popular means.

"Estate" wash

Available Russian manufacturers. Suitable for working with different surfaces:

  • tree;
  • concrete;
  • metal.

The remover does not contain harmful aggressive substances, therefore it is completely harmless to wood. Since the structure is gel-like, it is easy to treat the surface. When it dries, the coating begins to delaminate.

Working method:

  1. apply the composition with a brush to the surface of the canvas;
  2. wait 20 minutes;
  3. use a spatula to clean the loose layer;
  4. Rinse the door with warm water.

Rinse products

"Set Boya Sokucu"

A special remover designed to work with water-based emulsion.

Application technology:

  • Lubricate the surface with remover;
  • wait 10 minutes;
  • Clean the raised coating with a spatula;
  • If it was not possible to wash everything off immediately, the procedure is repeated.

After removing the water-based emulsion with a washing solution, the surface is wiped with a nitrocellulose solvent and then washed with clean water.

How to remove oil paint?

To remove such a coating from a metal sheet, you must follow the following technological sequence:

  • 1.5 kg of quicklime is diluted in water until a creamy mass is obtained.
  • Cover the door with it and leave for 12 hours.
  • the old layer is washed off.

Bleaching powder

To wash away oil coating from a wooden sheet, you need to moisten the surface with water and pour soda ash. Cover the door with damp burlap. It should not dry out, so it needs to be watered every hour. The next day the layer can be easily removed.

Important! Chemical removal requires mandatory compliance with safety precautions. Rubber gloves should be worn on hands, and eyes should be covered with special glasses. A special bandage will protect your lungs from toxic fumes. Any chemical solution that gets on the body must be washed off immediately with water.

As mentioned above, you can clean the surface from the coating in different ways. It all depends on the conditions and possibilities. It is difficult to advise anything specific, because each owner has his own approach to this issue.

Comparison of the effectiveness of removal using a hair dryer and special means for washing is shown in the presented video.

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