Which blocks are best to build a house from? What types of blocks are there for building a house? Which wall blocks are best to build a house from?

The appearance of masonry blocks was caused by two main reasons: the desire to reduce the labor intensity of building walls and improve their energy-saving characteristics.

Traditional clay bricks are no longer suitable for modern builders due to their size. However, it was unrealistic to increase its dimensions several times and reduce its weight without changing the technology of molding and firing. Therefore, all the efforts of researchers were aimed at searching for substances that create a large volume of gas or foam under certain conditions.

The search ended with the creation of the two most popular types of masonry blocks: and (gas silicate).

In addition to them, construction science offered the market, and. The most “ancient” species was not forgotten either artificial stone– , the basis of which was originally blast furnace slag.

Looking at the existing variety of wall materials, it is difficult for an inexperienced person to decide which blocks are better for building a house. To answer this question correctly, it is necessary to consider their main characteristics, sizes and prices.

Physical, cost characteristics and geometric dimensions of blocks

What are the most important properties of artificial masonry stone? The answer to this question is obvious:

  • Compressive strength;
  • Density;
  • Thermal conductivity;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Price.

The easiest way to compare the characteristics of different blocks is to summarize them in a common table:

Characteristics Aerated concrete Foam concrete Arbolit Expanded clay Ceramics cinder block
Strength (kg/cm2) 20-50 15-50 20-50 50-250 35-50 35-100
Density (kg/m3) 300-900 300-900 600-900 500-1800 750-800 500-1000
Thermal conductivity
0,08-0,20 0,14-0,29 0,12-0,25 0,16-0,85 0,14-0,29 0,25-0,5
Average frost resistance (cycles) 25 30 35 35 35 20
Average price, rub./m3 3800 3500 4500 3700 4500 2700

For those new to construction, we will make a few explanations. To assess thermal conductivity, you should know that the higher its coefficient indicated in the table, the less heat the material retains. For frost resistance, the opposite is true: the higher its value, the longer the block resists freezing and thawing.

Analyzing the table, it is easy to notice that the types of building blocks presented in it, with the same density, are quite similar in their physical parameters. The same cannot be said about the price, since it differs quite significantly. Therefore, the optimal one can be called a wall material that, with strength characteristics comparable to other types of blocks, will be cheaper. We will discuss other important nuances of choosing wall stone below. For now, let's look at its basic geometric dimensions.

Foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks have a common standard- 60x20x30 cm (length, thickness and height) for walls and 60x10x30 cm for partitions (semi-blocks). Manufacturers produce cellular blocks in other sizes. They are needed so that builders can build walls. different thicknesses without using multi-row masonry.

Expanded clay and cinder blocks slightly smaller in size. Here the main standard size (rounded) is 40x20x20 cm for walls and 40x12x20 cm (40x9x20 cm) for partitions. Arbolite blocks They can be produced with the same dimensions, but they are more common - 50x25x30, 50x25x20, 50x20x30 cm.

Arbolite blocks

Expanded clay (expanded clay concrete) blocks

Porous ceramic blocks are available in four most popular formats:

  • 510x250x219 mm – for the construction of external load-bearing walls, which will not be insulated;
  • 250x380x219 mm - for the construction of external load-bearing walls, which will be insulated, and internal load-bearing walls;
  • 380x250x219 - for external walls 2 bricks thick (380 mm - ceramic block + brick cladding 120 mm);
  • 510x120x219 mm for the construction of non-load-bearing partitions with a thickness of ½ brick (120 mm).

Comparative analysis and nuances of choice

Before buying any wall blocks, you need to not only study their price differences, but also take into account the features of production and masonry technology.

A competent specialist will not categorically assert that some types of blocks are fundamentally better than others. He will advise you to pay main attention to their origin. Quality and durability depend most on it.

In this regard, gas silicate and porous ceramics are the most predictable. Their production cannot be organized in a handicraft way, since this process requires expensive and complex equipment. Accordingly, the quality of aerated concrete (gas silicate) and porous ceramic blocks in most cases corresponds to what is stated in the certificate.

For foam blocks, expanded clay concrete, wood concrete and cinder blocks, the picture is less joyful. These materials can be produced using primitive equipment, without strict adherence to technology. Therefore, when choosing them, the developer must be especially vigilant and attentive. Having purchased one of these materials, be sure to take several blocks to a construction laboratory, where their grade of compressive strength will be accurately determined. This indicator is extremely important, since it indirectly indicates other characteristics: durability, thermal conductivity and frost resistance.

Now let's say a few words about the specific properties of wall blocks made from different raw materials. Despite their fairly high strength (for low-rise construction), ceramic, foam and aerated blocks are quite fragile. To prevent the formation of cracks in the walls and destruction under the floor panels, they all require a monolithic reinforced belt made of concrete. It is clear that his device is an extra expense and time. In this regard, expanded clay and cinder blocks are preferable.

High-quality wood concrete (not sawdust concrete!) also does not require pouring an armored belt. This material is not only quite strong due to the presence of a cement binder, but also elastic, since its base is wood chips. Unfortunately, it cannot be called cheap, and its strength can vary greatly depending on the integrity and technological equipment of the manufacturer.

Regarding durability, the following can be said:. If the manufacturer has not violated the technology and added as much cement or lime to the initial mixture as required, then the service life of the building from all types of blocks considered until demolition will be at least half a century. Exact date no one will tell you, because during the operation of the building the work involves whole line factors (quality of foundation, roofing and protective finishing, climatic characteristics of the construction area).

The least durable blocks are those based on blast furnace slag. They contain substances that decompose over time and reduce the strength of cement stone. If we take into account that today, instead of slag, dozens of different materials are used for their manufacture (sand, perlite, sawdust, ash, broken bricks, etc.), then it is impossible to unambiguously determine their service life.

Geometry is another characteristic that needs to be taken into account when choosing. If the size deviations of the block are minimal, this means savings in mortar, finishing compounds and a reduction in the labor intensity of masonry. The best geometry is characterized by foam-gas and ceramic blocks. Expanded clay stone, cinder block and wood concrete have uneven surface and quite noticeable deviations from the standard size.

If you use a complex “price-quality” characteristic to compare blocks, then preference can be given to foam concrete and expanded clay. These two materials have a low cost and at the same time quite high levels of strength, frost resistance and energy saving.

Another proven reference point is reviews from developers. Using them you will not be able to determine the durability of the material, but you will be able to do enough accurate assessment its heat, moisture and sound insulating qualities. House owners speak quite eloquently about them, talking about the microclimate in the premises (damp, dry, how much fuel is required for heating, does the house hold heat well).

Building blocks - types structural elements which are manufactured at the factory. Their goal is the construction of suburban or multi-story buildings. In addition to houses, these blocks can be used to build foundations, various partitions and almost any other buildings.

This one was originally used only as a replacement for brick. However, now the scope of their use has increased significantly. This is because new types of building blocks are emerging that are easy to work with. They can be cut into any desired shapes or slots can be made for electrical wiring. The main component of the block is concrete. Products come in different sizes - from the smallest to the larger. Whatever their external dimensions, the quality always remains at a high level.

Many people probably don’t even know what types of concrete building blocks there are. In fact, there are many more of them than might seem at first glance. So, the types of blocks:

  • Arbolite.
  • Expanded clay concrete.
  • Sawdust concrete.
  • Cinder blocks.
  • Foam concrete.
  • Gas silicate.
  • Polystyrene concrete.
  • Sand concrete.

Areas of application

Since different kinds building blocks were first used in construction, they became increasingly popular, and today they are a material that is used in many fields.

In monolithic construction, they are used to install internal and external structures. When constructing low-rise buildings from blocks, installations are erected that serve as the main wall element. Also, these materials are among the best for the construction of various industrial premises.

Building blocks: types, sizes, price

Each type has its own properties. These are strength, frost resistance, weight, thermal conductivity, wall subsidence time, shrinkage, water absorption and cost. Also different types building blocks have different composition. For example, they consist of cement, sand and a foaming agent. Gas silicate ones are made without cement at all. It contains only sand, foaming agent and astringent silicate material.

Price policy

The cost of blocks, accordingly, is also different. For example, one cubic meter of aerated concrete product will cost an average of 3,600 rubles. An expanded clay element measuring 390x190x188 mm will cost about 37 rubles per piece. The larger the dimensions, the higher the price. A cheaper option is cinder block. Its price ranges from 22 to 37 rubles. But you can find it more expensive. One foam block will cost an average of 100-115 rubles.

Price fluctuations for construction market quite noticeable. This is because the cost is affected not only by the type and quality of the block. Much depends on the brand and authority of the manufacturer.

Basic dimensions of blocks for external walls

  • Length: 400, 600, 900, 1000, 1200, 1300, 1500, 1800, 2100, 3300 mm.
  • Height: 300, 600, 800, 1000, 1500, 1600, 2200, 2500, 2700, 2800, 3000, 3300, 3900 mm.
  • Thickness: 200-600 mm.

For interior walls

  • Length: 400, 900-3300 mm.
  • Height: 300-600, 1100, 2100, 2500, 2800, 3000, 3300 mm.
  • Thickness: 160, 200, 250, 300 mm.

We have already figured out what they are building blocks. But how to choose the right type?

Advantages and disadvantages

Different blocks are used in construction. What to choose so that the building lasts reliably for a very long time? Let's consider each type of block separately.

Expanded clay concrete has a higher level of strength and frost resistance compared to others. These advantages ensure long service life and reliability of the design. Due to the absence of shrinkage, in the future you will not have to deal with such problems as cracks and changes in the geometry of the walls. The advantages also include affordable price. The disadvantage is the relatively uneven surface.

Foam block. Its installation is much easier thanks to the most ideal (of all options) geometry and relatively low weight. The frost resistance of this block is low, therefore, for a greater margin of safety and prolongation of service life, it is necessary to properly insulate and insulate the structure. Also, the disadvantages include high cost, favorable environment for fungal formations and inconvenient fasteners.

Gas silicate block. First, let's look at what its advantages are. Of all other types, this material has the lightest weight and ideal geometry. The blocks can be mounted with glue.

Now the disadvantages. The material has a low level of strength and frost resistance. As a result, it can only be used in dry and warm rooms. Over time, cracks form due to shrinkage.

These blocks are used in the construction of single-story and multi-story buildings. They are also used to build country houses, utility buildings and garages. This building material is completely safe for human health, since only harmless substances are used in production.

The worst types are slag and sawdust blocks. Their advantages lie only in the low cost of the material. There are many more disadvantages. These building materials are short-lived, as they have low level frost resistance.

Advantages of blocks over alternative building materials

  • It takes about 5 times less time to build from blocks than to build a brick structure.
  • The consumption of mortar is reduced.
  • Due to the lighter weight of the blocks, laying out the foundation is much cheaper.
  • This material provides a high level of heat and noise insulation in finished building. Also, the building will last much longer.
  • Their density is much lower than even the density of brick. This helps keep the house warm and reduces heating costs.

Building blocks - types and characteristics

Gas silicate and foam concrete elements are often used in construction. The most big advantage These interchangeable blocks have a porous structure. Also this is perfect smooth materials same size. They are used as insulation, as well as for laying walls and various partitions with wooden floors. The number of floors when using these materials is not at all limited. The differences lie only in production technology.

These blocks are universal. With their help, external and internal, load-bearing and non-load-bearing wall structures are erected. They serve as the basis for partitions and lintels in the house.

In second place in use are expanded clay and sand-cement, which consist of sand, cement and other additives and are very durable. Therefore, they are often used for the construction of foundations and basements. However, such a block is cold. And this does not allow the construction of residential buildings from it.

The composition of expanded clay concrete blocks includes: cement, sand, expanded clay and other additives. Production consists of two stages. First, vibration compaction occurs. Then the resulting material is steamed. The filler is baked clay granules, which significantly reduce weight and increase strength. Good performance heat and sound insulation allow the blocks to be used to build walls and partitions even in rooms with high levels of moisture.

Sawdust concrete elements are also produced using the technology of expanded clay blocks. The main difference is that instead of clay, wood sawdust and other wood waste are used.

Cinder blocks are also produced using this technology. However, the composition includes, accordingly, blast furnace slag.

There are different building blocks, types, the characteristics of which also differ significantly, so the material should be selected very carefully, taking into account all the pros and cons of each type.


Before they appeared Various types modern blocks, only concrete ones were used. Today they are somewhat inferior to newer analogues, as they have a low level of thermal insulation. However, despite the fallen demand, they are often used for the construction of foundations and utility buildings.

Today's market building materials is unusually wide, you can choose the right building blocks without any effort. The main thing is to know what to buy, otherwise there may be unpleasant consequences if you choose the wrong material.

So, we found out what types of building blocks they have, their characteristics, how they differ, what advantages and disadvantages they have. As you can see, each of these types differs not only in cost, but also in technical specifications. The main thing is to choose exactly the option that will best suit your goals.

In many respects, a stone house will outperform wooden and frame buildings. More durable, less fire hazardous, it will last for more than one generation. Plus, the time required to construct a building is significantly reduced. There are many types of blocks, let’s try to figure out how to choose best option according to the available budget.

Building blocks: types and technical characteristics

The basis of any building block is concrete. Sometimes it is only one, more often - in combination with other materials. A classic reinforced concrete block is made from gravel and reinforced with metal to increase the strength of the structure. The building material is heavy (the minimum weight of one block is 15 kg), so it is mainly used for laying foundations and external walls in multi-story buildings.

During the construction of individual housing, a country house, a cottage, the construction of walls for internal layout indoors, blocks of so-called lightweight concrete are used, whose volumetric mass does not exceed 1800-2000 kg/m3. The “filling” here is porous, cellular and light organic fillers. Manufacturers are not just trying to make concrete lighter, but also to reduce the heat transfer of the building and increase vapor permeability.

  • Slag concrete blocks are created in special pressing machines based on slag metallurgical and ash waste, and fine crushed stone. It is a myth that such blocks are harmful to health. In the USSR, multi-storey buildings were successfully built from slag-alkaline concrete. Europe still produces tens of millions of tons of it per year. Such concrete and blocks made from it are several times cheaper. They prefer to build industrial building, warehouses, garages, sheds.
  • Foam concrete blocks are made from cement, water and foaming agent (cellular concrete). The solution is whipped and poured into molds of standard sizes 20x30x60 cm. Lightweight material, holds heat and sound well. Convenient for the construction of internal, non-load-bearing walls.
  • Expanded clay blocks. A material filled with granules of foamy baked clay is made by pressing. Variations are possible: polymer insulation and cladding (does not require additional processing and insulation), imitation brick, tile or even natural stone.
  • Arbolite blocks. The “concreteness” of the material is very conditional, since 90% of it consists of wood chips held together with cement, and often slaked lime with aluminum sulfate. A house with walls made of wood concrete - almost wooden house: dry and warm, but the material is not flammable and does not rot, although it actively absorbs moisture. Sawdust concrete blocks are similar in composition.
  • Ceramic blocks (or). In fact, they are, but wood sawdust is mixed into the clay, which burns out during heat treatment, forming peculiar pores in the structure of the material. The size of a standard ceramic block is 38x24.8x23.8 cm. They are durable and hold heat well, but they absorb a lot of moisture and have a rather fragile structure, so it is not recommended to hammer them, and you cannot use impact mode when drilling.
  • Polymer blocks consist of a concrete base and polystyrene, which makes the material durable and retains heat well. But the polymer block tends to load-bearing structure sit down. Therefore, it is better to use it for the construction of partitions or insulation, but not main walls.

Criteria for selecting building blocks

There can be three goals: structural, structural and thermal insulation, thermal insulation. Simply put, you just need to build something, insulate it, or both.

The first criterion is the strength of the material, that is, the ability to withstand certain physical loads.

In order to choose a suitable block, you need to look at the brand. So the brand of expanded clay is M - 50-150. This means that the material can withstand a load of 50 to 150 kg per square centimeter, this is very high strength.

For example, a foam block is marked with an indicator of 0.25-12.5, which means it would be a mistake to build load-bearing walls from it. On the Internet you can find summary tables of the strengths of building blocks and make the necessary calculations for specific needs.

The second criterion is the attitude to different temperatures

It is worth paying attention to the frost resistance of the material: any building block can withstand a limited number of cycles of complete freezing and thawing, after which it will begin to collapse. Even at high latitudes, the walls do not freeze completely, so the indicator is conditional. A frost resistance level (MR3) of 35 (how many complete frosts it can withstand) is sufficient; most lightweight concrete blocks reach it. For ceramic models the figure is 50.

The ability of the material to absorb moisture

Concrete here is inferior to brick, so walls made of any type of blocks require external finishing of facades (cladding, plaster, siding, etc.). Therefore, the finishing procedure should not be postponed for a year, until the start of the new summer season.

Do I need to take into account the shrinkage of a house or cottage made from building blocks?

Here a lot depends on the foundation: for the construction of low-rise buildings from building blocks, a strip foundation is usually laid out monolithic foundation, relatively inexpensive and quite durable. The material also plays a role: aerated concrete and foam concrete are most susceptible to shrinkage, while expanded clay concrete, ceramics and wood concrete cope with this challenge successfully. In any case, it is necessary to follow the masonry technology, in particular, do not forget about its reinforcement with a special metal mesh or alternative material(plastic, for example) around the entire perimeter of the walls. This procedure will become something like a screed and will prevent the appearance of cracks on the walls.

Why are concrete building blocks better than wood and brick?

Building with concrete blocks of any type is much faster than with brick, even taking into account the time spent on reinforcement. Some craftsmen cope on their own without resorting to help construction crews. Much easier to calculate required amount blocks (by the way, there are convenient online calculators) than brick volumes or wood consumption.

But after the walls are erected, the question of finishing them will inevitably arise, and here again options are possible. So, for example, for gas blocks and foam blocks it is necessary to provide some ventilation space because they absorb moisture well.

Expanded clay and ceramics go well with brick facades and plaster. Siding, lining, facades with insulation, and so on are actively practiced. Here everything depends on your tastes and budget. The very construction of the “skeleton” of a building from blocks is not only faster, but it will also cost less than building from bricks.

If you follow simple rules (a foundation with minimal shrinkage, finishing that does not allow moisture accumulation), a house made of artificial stone will last 100 years for sure. A structure made of foam blocks and wood concrete, if used correctly, will withstand several dozen without major renovation.

Types of building blocks

When carrying out construction activities for the construction of buildings, various types of building blocks are widely used. They represent a serious alternative traditional brick and stone. Thanks to implementation in the construction industry innovative technologies, new materials are presented in an expanded range and allow the construction of various buildings in a limited time. Let us consider in detail block building materials, which differ in operational characteristics, structure, dimensions and scope of application.

Building blocks - what are they?

Block products used in the construction industry have the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped, significantly larger in size than ordinary bricks.

Building blocks come in different types. They are suitable for the construction of buildings of any type and purpose

Different types of blocks differ:

  • sizes;
  • design;
  • type of filler used;
  • scope of use;
  • manufacturing technology;
  • specifics of masonry;
  • technical characteristics.

The use of blocks instead of various types of brick and stone allows you to:

  • significantly reduce construction time;
  • reduce labor requirements;
  • reduce the load on the foundation;
  • provide comfortable temperature in room;
  • avoid finishing work.

Let's look at what building blocks there are and how they differ.

Types of blocks for construction and main characteristics

By functional purpose block building material is used for the following purposes:

  • foundation construction;

Many types of wall blocks are used for the construction of buildings of any type and purpose.

  • construction of capital and internal walls;
  • surface thermal insulation.

The following types of products are used:

  • full-bodied, characterized by increased weight and increased strength properties;
  • hollow, having improved thermal properties due to internal cavities;
  • smooth, not requiring finishing and ensuring the presentation of the building being constructed;
  • corrugated, having a rough surface, which contributes to improved fixation of the plaster.

The production of block building materials can be carried out under various conditions:

  • at an enterprise with a laboratory product control system;
  • in conditions construction site using simplified technology.

Technical characteristics and properties of building materials depend on the following factors:

  • filler used;
  • production technologies.

In the manufacturing process of products, along with Portland cement, sand, clay or lime, various types of filler are used:

  • expanded clay granules;

First of all, the choice should be influenced by such factors as the area of ​​application, the terrain where the building will be located, weather conditions

  • various slags;
  • sawdust;
  • granite particles;
  • polystyrene chips.

Blocks are divided into the following types:

  • expanded clay filled products;
  • products;
  • gas silicate building material;
  • block foam concrete;
  • reinforced concrete;
  • tongue-and-groove analogues.

When deciding on the choice of a specific building material for the construction of a building, it is necessary to pay attention to the following characteristics that determine the quality, reliability and service life of the building:

  • strength. Characterizes the ability of a material to absorb compressive loads without compromising the integrity of products;
  • degree of thermal conductivity. As the indicator increases, the amount of heat retained in the room decreases;
  • frost resistance. The parameter corresponds to the number of cycles of freezing followed by thawing, during which the structure is preserved;
  • density. As the parameter increases, the strength characteristics of the material increase, and at the same time the thermal conductivity increases;
  • water absorption coefficient. Shows the ability of the material to absorb moisture and allows you to draw a conclusion about the need for external finishing.

They have a high level of frost resistance, strength and fire resistance, are characterized by good heat transfer and ease of installation

It is also necessary to take into account a number of parameters:

  • sound insulation level;
  • dimensions;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • fire safety;
  • service life;
  • ease of laying;
  • labor intensity of work;
  • shrinkage amount;
  • vapor permeability;
  • the need for reinforcement;
  • need for finishing;
  • overall cost level.

Comprehensive assessment only performance characteristics And technical parameters allows you to make a final decision on the use of a specific building material.

What are the types of blocks for construction from expanded clay concrete?

Expanded clay blocks are produced by vibration compaction of concrete poured into special molds. The demand for this promising material is due to the use of environmentally friendly baked clay granules, which give the concrete a porous structure.

Blocks made from sand, cement and expanded clay have strength indicators equal to sand-cement elements, but are significantly inferior to them in mass

The basis of expanded clay blocks is ecological raw materials:

  • Portland cement;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • expanded clay

Solid and hollow products are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the standard regulating the following dimensions:

  • length– 120–450 mm;
  • width– 70–495 mm;
  • height– 190 and 240 mm.

The scope of application varies depending on the size:

  • the construction of walls is carried out mainly with material with dimensions of 39x19x18.5 cm;
  • The construction of partitions is carried out using expanded clay blocks measuring 39x19x9 cm.

With a specific gravity of 0.4–1.8 t/m³, the weight is 10–20 kg. The material is characterized:

  • high sound insulation coefficient;
  • light weight;
  • increased strength;
  • no shrinkage;
  • simplicity of masonry;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • resistance to aggressive factors.

In many ways, the characteristics of the material depend on the ratio of the proportions of the components used in production

Disadvantages include:

  • increased fragility;
  • increased acquisition costs.

Number of expanded clay blocks per wooden pallet determined by a number of factors:

  • dimensions of the wooden base;
  • size of products.

The maximum number of products on a pallet is:

  • 105 pieces for wall products with dimensions 39x19x18.5 cm;
  • 120 pieces for partition products measuring 39x19x12 cm;
  • 168 pieces for partitions with dimensions 39x19x9 cm.

In this case, the total volume of products in the package is 1–1.5 m³.

Types of polystyrene concrete blocks

Polystyrene concrete products are produced in accordance with the requirements of the standard based on the following ingredients:

  • Portland cement;

Polystyrene concrete blocks are a type cellular concrete, which is a composite material consisting of cement, polystyrene, quartz sand and modified additives

  • special additives;
  • expanded polystyrene granules;
  • water.

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


The material is used for the following purposes:

  • construction of capital walls;
  • thermal insulation of buildings;
  • fencing of frame buildings.

The building material has a low specific gravity of 0.15–0.6 t/m³.

The use of expanded polystyrene in granular form or powder consistency has a positive effect on performance properties:

  • degree of thermal insulation;
  • sound absorption level;
  • hygroscopicity.

With a standard size of 300x600 mm, block polystyrene concrete has the following maximum thickness depending on the specific application:

  • thermal insulation products – 200 mm;
  • wall products – 250 mm;
  • partition elements – 120 mm.

By changing the ratio of components, you can create blocks of different brands

Quantity of block polystyrene concrete per wooden base determined by the dimensions of the pallets, which are:

  • 0.8x1.2 m – for Euro pallets;
  • 1x1.2 m – for standard pallets.

Products are stacked in 5 tiers of 8–10 pieces. in each depending on the size of the pallet. In this case, the total amount of material measuring 60x30x20 cm is 40–50 pieces. with a volume of 1.5–1.8 m³.

What are the building blocks for walls based on gas silicate?

Block gas silicate is a type of construction product made from porous concrete. The basis of gas silicate intended for the construction of capital walls and the construction internal partitions, are the following components:

  • Portland cement;
  • lime;
  • quartz sand;
  • water.

The products are produced using the autoclave method, which involves hardening in special vessels under the influence of elevated temperature and steam.

Aerated concrete blocks are produced in industrial conditions using special autoclaves at a certain temperature and pressure

Features are:

  • increased strength;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • durability;
  • affordable price;
  • small weight;
  • ease of masonry;
  • level of thermal insulation.

The disadvantages of the material include:

  • increased hygroscopicity;
  • the need for external finishing.

The pallet can accommodate up to 50 units of gas silicate products with a total volume of no more than 1.8 m³.

A variety of blocks for construction based on foam concrete

Foam concrete is a common building material, in the production of which the following is used:

  • foaming agent;

This is one of the most popular types. The material from which they are made is foam concrete

  • Portland cement;
  • sand;
  • water.

The technology involves filling molds with a foam fraction that hardens for 10 hours. Uniform distribution of air cells inside the concrete array ensures:

  • increased strength;
  • increased density.

Foam blocks differ in purpose and are used for the following purposes:

  • construction of foundations and capital walls;
  • thermal insulation of buildings;
  • arrangement of partitions.

Foam concrete attracts customers due to the following advantages:

  • high thermal insulation;
  • affordable price;
  • frost resistance;
  • lightness;
  • environmental friendliness

Foam concrete has important advantages. Firstly, it is safe for human health

Disadvantages include:

  • increased dimensional deviations;
  • insufficient strength.

The most common size of a standard foam block is 20x30x60 cm. The pallet can accommodate 40–50 products with a total volume of 1.5–1.8 m³.

Types of reinforced concrete wall blocks

The following products are produced from concrete reinforced with steel rods:

  • foundation elements (FBS);
  • products with cutouts for gaskets utility networks(FBV);
  • hollow building material (FBP).

Depending on the brand of reinforced concrete products, the dimensions are:

  • length – 0.88–2.38 m;
  • width – 0.3–0.6 m;
  • height – 0.28–0.58 m.

The products are characterized by increased strength, but have low thermal insulation characteristics. Advantages of reinforced concrete:

One of the types of building blocks are reinforced concrete

  • saving mortar when laying;
  • increased strength;
  • high noise absorption;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations.

The disadvantages include the significant weight and increased cost of block reinforced concrete. The increased dimensions and weight do not allow the use of standard pallets for transportation. Products with the abbreviation FBS, FBV and FBP are protected from damage during transportation by road using wooden planks 3 cm thick.

What types of tongue-and-groove blocks are there?

The popularity of tongue-and-groove elements made from gypsum mixture is associated with their low weight. This feature does not affect the operational properties and technical characteristics.

Distinctive features of gypsum blocks:

  • light weight;
  • reliable sound insulation;
  • high-quality thermal protection;
  • resistance to corrosion processes;
  • correct geometry;
  • easy installation.

Ideal appearance and the cleanliness of the surface make it possible to eliminate operations on plastering the gypsum surface.

Recently, the construction of buildings from tongue-and-groove blocks has become very popular.

The material is used when performing interior work and is manufactured in the following versions:

  • ordinary. Has a white color;
  • moisture resistant. It has a green tint.

With a product thickness of 8 cm, the dimensions are:

  • length – 66.7 cm;
  • width – 50 cm.

The dimensions of a standard pallet allow you to place 30 tongue-and-groove elements weighing up to 29 kg each and a total volume of 0.8 m³. The specified number of products is intended to form a partition with an area of ​​10 m².

Building blocks – which ones are better?

Selection of material to perform construction work depends on a number of factors:

  • climatic conditions;
  • specifics of application;
  • material properties;
  • effective loads;
  • financial opportunities.

Based on the results comparative analysis and focusing on estimated cost construction, you can determine the preferred type of large-sized material that will meet all the specified criteria.

From a wide range of large-format products with different performance properties, you can always choose the best option. Correctly selected block products reduce the estimated cost of construction and allow you to build a reliable and thermally insulated structure with a long service life.

On the site: Author and editor of articles on the website website
Education and work experience: Higher technical education. 12 years of experience in various industries and construction sites, 8 of which were abroad.
Other skills and abilities: Has the 4th group of electrical safety clearance. Perform calculations using large data sets.