Sealing of wooden houses: warm seam. Insulation or sealing - arguments for and against Insulation of seams in wooden houses

A wooden house fully deserves the honorary title of an ideal residential property. After all, wood is called the best natural building material, which is able to create an optimal indoor microclimate, as well as provide comfortable temperature and humidity values. And today the vast majority of our compatriots planning to acquire country house, give their preference to wooden buildings.

Possessing worthy functional characteristics, wood, however, is subject to deformation, which can negatively affect the tightness of the inter-crown space. As a result, the living space is regularly blown by all winds, and its owners try to find effective method for sealing the notorious roof joints and insulating the home.

Traditional method of insulation: pros and cons

For a long time the best option The so-called “caulk” was considered insulation. This method involves sealing cracks and gaps between logs using thermal insulation materials- felt, tow, hemp, flax-jute fiber or even moss. This process is considered quite labor-intensive and is performed in several stages. The materials used for caulking are highly resistant to fluctuations in humidity and air temperature, effectively absorb excess moisture, and are also resistant to rotting processes. For example, moss is characterized by excellent antimicrobial properties and high environmental friendliness.

In addition, sealing wooden house This traditional method in most cases provides a decent aesthetic result. Log walls with flax-jute “layers” look quite organic, creating an overall harmonious image of a wooden building in the Russian spirit. However, everything positive characteristics caulking appears only if there is a qualified approach to solving insulation problems. That is, you cannot do without the services of professionals.

“Warm seam” - sealing without disadvantages

No matter how strong today's people's desire for authenticity may be, the effectiveness modern technologies forces you to pay close attention. Thus, traditional caulking was replaced by more effective way insulation wooden houses- sealing using the “Warm seam” method. More and more owners country houses make a choice in favor of this technology, appreciating it positive properties. In order not to be unfounded, let's try to compare functionality traditional caulking and progressive sealing on a number of the most important points.

What is the price?

Many new owners of wooden country houses are primarily concerned with the material side of the issue: they already had to spend a lot, and then they also need to think about insulation! By this point, at first glance, caulking has an advantage. But this is nothing more than a misconception: a single application of sealant (once is enough) costs at least twice cheaper step-by-step insulation flax jute fiber. In addition, the responsibility and labor intensity of the caulking process implies a higher cost for this service to be performed by craftsmen.

How long will it last?

The material benefit from using a sealing compound is also due to its durability. A seam applied on only one side of an insulated wall can last for several decades without the slightest loss of its functional properties. As for the operational life of the caulk, it is much more modest - about 5 years. To avoid partial loss of the sealing properties of such insulation, it is necessary to regularly update it.

How safe is it?

The next aspect of comparison is safety for human health. Of course, natural materials initially seem more good choice. But if natural insulation is exposed to regular external factors- moisture and temperature fluctuations (which is an axiom in our climate), then it will quickly turn into fertile soil for the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. Among all natural materials Perhaps only moss is not subject to a similar fate.

In addition, natural insulation is of considerable interest in the eyes of birds building their nests. And if there are a lot of birds in your region, then moss with hemp is clearly a disastrous choice. The seam polymer sealant, in turn, does not freeze, does not get wet, does not turn into mold colonies over time, and does not contain particles harmful to health.

What about functionality?

One of the unpleasant nuances that the owner of a wooden house may encounter is partial deformation of the logs. The result of such wood instability is a change in the size of the inter-crown cracks, which leads to the notorious drafts and other unpleasant consequences.

On construction forums you can often come across the question: is “Warm Seam” sealant used inside a rounded house? Manufacturers position such houses as the warmest and most reliable, since the logs in the crowns fit tightly to each other due to precisely worked joints.

But wood is a living material, and even perfectly precise connections of profiled timber can significantly change the geometry after shrinkage. In addition, sealant for insulating seams can also be used to seal deep cracks, which are also not uncommon in houses made of rounded logs. What kind of insulation is this and what are the advantages of sealing the seams and corners of the log house?

Advantages of polymer compounds

The “Warm seam” sealant for wooden houses has become a good alternative to traditional insulation materials: moss, tow, jute fiber, etc. Even a large log house can be processed much faster, and the result will be more durable.

Seam sealant is an elastic liquid mass based on polymers that can be easily placed into the cracks between the crowns using a special tool. After contact with air, it hardens and fills all the space allotted to it. In addition, due to its low thermal conductivity, it retains heat well and protects the house from the cold.

Finishing rounded logs with joint sealant has several advantages:

  • It does not contain any toxic components and does not harm the environmental friendliness of the home. Moreover, unlike conventional insulation, it is not touched by birds and rodents, it is not damaged by insects, rot and mold.
  • The sealant does not change color over time, so it is used not only for insulation, but also for decorative finishing log house He gives wooden building neat appearance and does not lose its qualities over time.
  • Insulating seams with sealant is the least labor-intensive process: a special tool allows you to carry out the work much faster than using conventional natural insulation.
  • Due to their elasticity, sealants do not collapse even with sudden temperature changes and changes in humidity. A wooden house “breathes”, that is, when humidity fluctuates, the logs dry out and swell again. Special compounds are able to withstand all these changes, and the strength of the insulation will not be compromised.

Manufacturers offer modern acrylic sealants in a wide range color scheme: They can be white, beige, brown of all shades. This allows them to be widely used for home decoration: they do not disturb its pleasant natural appearance.

Areas of use

Finishing seams in rounded logs is not the only option for using acrylic sealant. It allows you to spend a lot of time in an old house repair work and get good result. Here are some common ways to use it:

  1. Sealing of door and window frames in old buildings. It makes it possible to close cracks in wooden frames and protects windows from blowing. This work will significantly improve energy efficiency and rid the room of drafts.
  2. To eliminate cracks in logs. If the width of the crack exceeds 5 mm, you must first place a cord in it, then fill it with the compound, it must dry completely.
  3. For repair wooden floors and stairs, as well as eliminating gaps in any other elements and structures of the building. It is easy to use and very convenient solution.

Caulking seams using special compounds

The sealant is available in two versions: in tubes or in tapes. The first option is more convenient for working with cracks, and it is easier to fill long seams with tapes. It's easy to work with: finished tape remove protective film, after which it is firmly pressed along the entire length of the seam and rolled with a roller. After this, the protection is removed from the second side, and the composition quickly hardens in air.

In order for the insulation to last a long time and not have to redo anything, you need to take into account several rules:

Caulk modern means allows you to reliably protect your home from cold and draft. The sealant looks beautiful, it can be either completely invisible or contrasting, in which case it attracts attention as decorative element. White sealants for painting and tinted compounds are available for sale, which are selected in accordance with the type of wood. All of them must comply with environmental standards, so the atmosphere of the house will not be disturbed.

All modern sealants are made on polymer acrylic base, they are produced in the USA, Europe and Russia. The question of whether to trust to domestic producers, is controversial: many craftsmen confirm that modern Russian products are no longer inferior to imported samples and are much cheaper.

Wood sealant “Warm seam” can become the basis for the thermal insulation protection of a building. Undoubtedly, there are other ways, but this one is the most convenient. If you have started to think about insulating your home, then you should resort to this technology. Comparing with traditional system thermal insulation of inter-crown gaps, where hemp, jute or flax batting insulation is used, it is worth noting that filling cracks in the inter-crown space with sealant increases the thermal resistance of the walls and reduces heat loss. If we're talking about about natural insulation materials, they are capable of allowing cold air, which significantly reduces the thermal resistance of log walls.

Consumer reviews about the effect

Warm joint wood sealant has many advantages. According to users, with its help you can achieve a comfortable indoor microclimate. Such thermal insulation makes the temperature and humidity conditions optimal, while saving energy, because there is no heat leakage from the inter-crown gaps. House heating costs are minimal.

Owners of private wooden houses say that after thermal insulation work using the described technology, drafts disappear, log walls are not blown out during cold and damp weather. You can count on the material not being damaged by biological organisms. The gaps are sealed as much as possible, mold no longer forms in them, and insects do not penetrate inside.

If you use Warm Joint Wood Sealant, you can save money. According to buyers, they no longer have to invest additionally, which is required for periodic caulking. Among other things, you will end up with quite attractive walls, the joints of which will match the shade of the wood.

Reviews about the advantages of “Warm seam” over caulk

Previously, the insulation of wooden houses was often carried out using the caulking method, today this technology is replaced by a system called “Warm seam”. The latter technique has many advantages. For example, caulking walls is quite labor-intensive, and it must begin no earlier than a year after completion of construction. According to the owners of private houses, this cannot be called convenient. Among other things, the caulking process will need to be repeated regularly, since flax and moss are pulled away by birds, and the seams also increase due to shrinkage. Modern consumers emphasize that appearance the log house after completion of the caulking stage cannot be called attractive. Over time, the walls completely lose their aesthetic appearance.

Reviews on the characteristics of sealants for performing work using the “Warm seam” technology

Wood sealant “Warm seam” is chosen by customers because it has many advantages. According to home craftsmen, these compositions are not at all afraid of temperature changes; harmful microorganisms and mold do not appear or develop on their surface. As practice shows, the described sealants are not exposed to sunlight, and over time they do not lose their properties. original color. According to buyers, sealants have high level adhesion to wood, they are characterized by elasticity, which is especially evident when compressing the inter-crown gaps. This allows you to complete these works and forget about them forever. You can apply “Warm Seam” sealant for wood, which has only the most positive reviews, at any time of the year. At the same time, residents will not experience inconvenience such as dust, odor or noise. The house can continue to be used. Using acrylic compounds, you can hide some of them, and after completion of the work, the house will acquire an aesthetic appearance.

With the use of acrylic sealants, the master has the opportunity to carry out work both outside and inside the building. According to users, the use of these compositions makes it possible to create original interior. This is also due to the fact that sealants of different shades can be found on sale. For example, in the product range you can find beige, cream, as well as white and brown shades. The “Warm Seam” sealant can be made on an acrylic rubber base; it can be used to seal seams not only in wooden houses, but also in other places. After drying, this composition can be sanded several times, as well as subsequent painting.

Why else is it worth insulating a wooden house using the “Warm seam” technology?

If you decide to choose “Warm Seam” sealant for thermal insulation work, it is recommended to read reviews about it before going to the store. This will allow you to understand that acrylic compounds can even prevent the processes of wood rotting; they will not let dampness into the house. According to users, using these compositions can be accomplished in the shortest possible time. After applying this technique, there is no need to additionally seal the crown seams, as well as eliminate cold bridges.

Features of using Neomid sealant

Wood sealant “Warm seam” “Neomid” has gained popularity among consumers; its use requires compliance with certain rules. For example, before final application it is necessary to caulk the seams, for which jute or linen tow is used. Then, using a spatula, a sealant is applied to the surface, which makes it possible to insulate the resulting gaps using a combined method.

Wooden house construction has a very long tradition and is as popular today as it was many centuries ago. However, in order for a wooden house to be a durable and reliable home for its owners, it must be carefully prepared for long service. Even with perfect processing, cracks, dents and gaps remain in the wood, and the main enemy of a log house is leaky seams between the logs. During the shrinkage process, the wood is deformed, which leads to an even greater increase in gaps through which wind, cold and moisture enter the house. Traditional way getting rid of cracks - log caulk natural materials. Today there are also other methods, one of them is sealing the seams of a log house using the warm seam technology.

Insulation of seams in log house must be done, because when constructing a log house, no matter how well the construction works, there are still “cold bridges” between the logs. If you leave everything as it is, the cracks will continue to widen. The process is especially intense during the first few years after completion of construction, when the wooden structure shrinks significantly.

Sealing seams in a wooden house allows you to:

  • significantly insulate the building,
  • rid the house of drafts,
  • create optimal humidity conditions
  • increase the room temperature,
  • reduce your heating costs.

What is sealing a log house using the “warm seam” technology?

Warm seam – modern technique, which is used for different types wooden buildings. It is used for rounded logs, for bathhouses, and houses made of timber. The technology consists of insulating a wooden house with special sealing materials. The main material is joint sealant, which is used to seal the joints between logs and cracks in the wood itself.

For insulation wooden log house They use acrylic-based sealants that provide effective moisture and heat insulation. They can be sealed sedimentary joints. Acrylic sealants well tolerated by both low and high temperatures, so they are used to seal cracks in the bathhouse. The most in demand today are American sealants that have high quality indicators.

When is the right time to seal? Sealing of seams in a log house is carried out no earlier than a year and a half after its construction. By this time, the structure will have settled down sufficiently, and construction defects that can be eliminated as a result of work. It is advisable to do both external and internal sealing. External work is carried out only during the warm period at positive temperatures.

Sealing of crown joints with sealant in a wooden house is carried out in several stages. Before treatment, the surface is carefully prepared: cleaned of dirt, debris, and knots are removed. If there is old peeling paint, it is removed and these areas are sanded. The better the wood is prepared, the better will happen adhesion of the sealant to the surface of the log.

The next stage is polishing the frame. If the insulation of seams is carried out in a newly built log building or in timber house, then the entire surface is sanded. In the case of sealing an old log house, only the blued areas of wood are cleaned and sanded.

An important part of the work is priming wooden surface. The primer must be applied in two layers. First, an antiseptic is applied, then a primer is applied to degrease the areas where the insulation will be installed. The material is rubbed into the joints between the logs using a coarse brush.

Sealing is necessary not only to waterproof the house, but to protect it from wind and cold. Therefore, before the log house is sealed with sealant, the inter-crown joints are caulked. Caulking of seams and casing is done using natural materials: jute, tow, linen old technology. But most often, a special polyethylene cord with a diameter of 6 to 80 mm is used to seal the joints, which serves as additional thermal insulation for the house and also saves sealant.

The last stage is applying sealant, for this they use mounting gun with nozzles. The sealant is applied in an even layer to the inter-crown joints, previously sealed with a cord. Then it is smoothed well and the finishing grout is carried out. The sealant is produced different colors, so it’s easy to match it to the shade of the wood. Subsequently, finishing is done on top of the insulation. decorative materials: with a tourniquet, rope or rope.

Insulating a wooden house with sealant has become widespread today due to its undoubted advantages, among which are:

  • high speed of insulation, subject to professional performance of the work;
  • absence of dust, dirt and noise during installation;
  • the material is not of interest to insects, rodents and birds, fungus and mold do not form on it;
  • a warm seam is made once, its service life is about 50 years;
  • The sealant withstands high and low temperature, not afraid of moisture and dampness;
  • The material is resistant to both mechanical stress and aggressive chemicals.

However, this insulation method has some disadvantages that also need to be mentioned:

  • high cost of material;
  • artificial insulation is used;
  • a warm seam on a rounded log outdoors can only be done in above-zero and dry weather;
  • For completely dry The sealant requires from twenty days to a month.

What difficulties can you encounter when working independently?

The technology for applying warm joints to wooden houses and log houses, at first glance, seems simple. In fact, this is quite a complex job, the quality of which largely depends on the knowledge and experience of the master. When faced with sealing for the first time, unprepared people will probably experience many problems, which begin already at the very first stage. It is very important to choose the right sealant and tool for the job, to choose right size cord.

Particular attention should be paid to surface preparation; if it is done poorly, it can negate all further work. Laying insulation and applying sealant also causes difficulty. Both must be done very carefully. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the technology; any violation can lead to undesirable consequences.

Log house sealing services

The Master Srubov company offers professional services for sealing wooden houses using the warm seam method. Our company has everything necessary for high-quality work - qualified craftsmen who are fluent in this technique, a sufficient supply of knowledge and experience, necessary tool and readiness to start work at any time convenient for you.

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We use only certified sealants; their price will be minimal for you, since we work directly with manufacturers. We apply a loyal pricing policy, which provides various discounts for regular customers. You can contact us using the coordinates on the page.

And everything would be fine, yeah “in a barrel of honey, there is a fly in the ointment” . It is environmentally friendly, beautiful, and even warm. But, here are the seams... Indeed, seams are the weak point in a wooden house. We have already spoken separately. But, in Lately Do-it-yourself warm seam technology for wooden houses is increasingly being used. What is her role? Here's what experts from one company say:

« Proper insulation of a log house begins with caulking. Sealant is not a replacement, but only a good addition. The insulation must be laid flush, Valiterm must be laid, and then sealed. The goal when insulating is to fill the entire inter-crown space. But it is important to do everything right. The sealant should not come into contact with the insulation. Otherwise, over time it will crack.”


So, we had several questions and the first of them: what is Warm Seam technology?

Conventional methods of thermal insulation of seams in a wooden house have 3 significant drawbacks:

  • Allow moisture and insects to enter the room;
  • Requires regular replacement;
  • Being pulled apart by birds.

How to improve the insulation system of the inter-crown space? This is why the “Warm Seam” system has been developed.

Its essence is that a special sealant is applied over the insulation and a special cord at the junction of the logs. It smoothes out beautifully and after painting (even colorless) becomes invisible. However, it protects seams well from blowing and moisture.

Required materials and choice of sealant

How much and what will be needed to carry out such work with your own hands? Taking into account the above quote, we will take into account that the initial insulation of the seams has already been done. And that means we need the following materials:

  • Acrylic sealant for wood;
  • Thermal insulation cord.

From the tools:

  • Gun (manual, but preferably pneumatic);
  • 2 spatulas (small - for the size of the seam and large for ease of removing excess from the first one);
  • Brush (to remove excess);
  • Possible: sponge and spray bottle (water sprayer)

“If you work on large volumes (from 200 meters), use an air gun. Your hand will get tired much less.”

Arkady Krasnov, “Siberian wooden houses.”

Now all that remains is to choose the sealant. First of all, the sealant can be sold in buckets, usually 15-25 kg, and tubes of 600 ml.

As you probably guessed, buying in larger quantities is always cheaper.

As with Coca-Cola - the larger the bottle, the lower the price per liter.

Although, using buckets is not so convenient during the work process, and, naturally, takes longer.

The sealant also differs in color; you need to choose one that is suitable for painting.

  • Eurotex;
  • Neomid;
  • Remmers.

There are many more options, but most people choose one of the three above. As usual, American or German ones are higher in quality and price than domestic ones.


As already said, the tube is more expensive. One tube of 600 ml is enough for an average of 4-6 linear meters. It depends, of course, on the thickness and unevenness of the seam, as well as the experience of the finisher. The cost of a tube of German Remmers, for example, is 430 rubles. In this case, in the best case scenario, the cost of 1 meter of seam will be 72 rubles. A 25 kg Eurotex bucket costs approximately 7,300 rubles. When using such a sealant, the cost of one meter will be 28 rubles.

By the way, a warm seam for a wooden house can be ordered from a contractor. However, the price of such a service will cost 150-170 rubles per linear meter. In a day, a novice specialist can do 50-200 meters. (Much depends on the size/evenness of the seams and personal abilities).

If you decide to apply it yourself or check the craftsmen for lice, the technology for applying the sealant is described below.

Application technology

The technology essentially consists of 6 main stages:

  • Laying insulating cord. Its task is to fill the inter-crown space. It makes no sense to use a more expensive sealant for this, and filling the space with it is quite problematic. It is reasonable to use sealant as a top, fixing layer.

  • Applying sealant using a gun. For this purpose, the tube is inserted into the cavity of the gun (or the sealant is drawn directly from the bucket). After this, the nose is cut off at 45 degrees, to the size of the seam. Next, the sealant is applied as polyurethane foam. Some installers use tape, gluing it as a frame for the borders of the seam. This allows you to avoid staining the timber and collect excess after application. After application, the tape comes off almost immediately. However, after gaining experience, you are unlikely to need such a procedure. Professionals apply the “Warm Seam” without tape to a length of 1.5 to 2 m in one pass and very evenly.

  • If excess sealant gets on the crowns, immediately remove them with a damp rag.
  • Wet a small brush and use it to smooth out the seam layer.

  • If there is a lot of excess, you can use a small spatula to remove it.

  • Now all that remains is to go over the seam with a slightly damp cloth for final alignment.

Some people use a sponge and spray for these purposes. In this case, the seam becomes glossy.

Corners and cuts

The difficulty, especially with the first experience, is the corners and cuts. In fact, sealing such areas is carried out in the same way as straight seams.

  • Measure and cut pieces of cord of the required length in advance;
  • Place the cord (you can use a spatula or brush to tuck it in);
  • Apply sealant;
  • Carry out the alignment procedure described above.

It can be noted that in general, the application process is not particularly difficult. Although, making a warm seam for wooden houses is a very tedious job. So be patient and/or the reliable “Russian way”.

Below in a series of photographs you can see the entire process step by step.

And a video with step-by-step instructions:

Technology FAQ

Will the sealant be beneficial if it is applied to already caulked seams?

Certainly. The answer has already been given at the beginning of the article. Correct application warm seam and includes caulking, laying of Valiterm and cord. However, it is important that the insulation does not come into contact with the sealant.

Should smudges be removed immediately after leveling or after drying?

To avoid leaving traces, it is better to remove it immediately, but carefully so as not to touch the sealant.
Which seal to choose, inside or outside?

The short answer is that both types are needed. External, will protect the house from moisture, insects and blowing. External sealing also serves as waterproofing. However, the seams also need to be protected on the inside. For example, from moisture formed in the room itself.

Can it be applied in winter?

This depends on the type of sealant. For example, Accent-136 can be used at temperatures from -10 degrees. There are also more “heat-loving” analogues.