What does business etiquette include? Follow the rules of business correspondence when sending emails. Send separate thank-you notes to all negotiators

In any area of ​​a person’s life it is necessary to observe established rules. This allows for productive dialogue and promotes more positive communication. For business representatives, it is especially important to follow the rules of business communication etiquette. The success of negotiations, conditions satisfying both parties and the possibility of further cooperation depend on correct behavior.

The norms of business communication are not as difficult to learn as many people think. There are no complex standards in this area. Everything is balanced and understandable for business people.

Business etiquette: basic rules and principles

There are general rules of behavior that all business people must follow.

In the business sphere, there are certain regulations for conducting business negotiations and organizing meetings. It is necessary to consider the location of the event. If a delegation of potential partners arrives from afar, it is necessary to organize a transfer (from the airport, from the train station) and take care of the hotel in advance.

If we're talking about about delegations from other countries, you can use the services of specialized companies that will help organize a meeting of partners, taking into account the peculiarities of their national culture. It is important to provide for meals, the accepted dress code and other details.

When communicating, you should remember that you should not spend more than 2 hours on a meeting and discussion. Decide in advance on your negotiation strategy and find significant arguments to support your point of view. Focus on benefits for both parties. Also follow the prescribed rules of behavior at all stages of the meeting:

In business, it is necessary to comply with established regulations. Business Etiquette does not tolerate wasting time, showing disrespect or ignorance of current rules. It is important to organize meetings in accordance with accepted norms.

Relationships within the team play an important role. Subordination should always be observed. Communication between a boss and a subordinate and between managers and each other will be different. However, in both cases, adherence to hierarchy should not diminish the dignity of a person. The atmosphere in the team should be calm so that employees can carry out their duties properly.

Decent behavior during communication is a direct indicator of the level of our culture. And in modern society rules of behavior play an important role. The general impression of a person has a direct impact on his reputation and status. Knowledge and compliance with the rules and norms of etiquette, the ability to make a pleasant impression, and build effective communication are significant elements in a person’s life. That is why many business partners pay special attention to the behavior of the people around them.


Etiquette includes moral and moral concepts, norms and principles of behavior and communication of people, which we must use not only in society, but also in the family, when communicating with colleagues at work. Business etiquette is of particular importance.

It is not enough to simply be an educated, cultured, well-mannered or polite person - you must follow a whole set of rules in order for you to be valued in society as a professional. Compliance with business etiquette is the key to success in a business environment.

Conscientious work, a high awareness of public duty and mutual assistance - all these qualities in business ethics must be cultivated and improved. And correct and competent speech, image, ability to behave in society and understanding of the intricacies of non-verbal communication will help to win people over.

Key Features business etiquette.

  • In business etiquette, the concept freedom it is implied that ethics should not interfere with the free will of all partners. In a business environment, you should value not only your freedom, but also the importance of trade secrets and the freedom of action of your partners, that is, not interfere in the affairs of other companies and not interfere with the choice of methods for executing agreements. Freedom also presupposes a tolerant attitude towards religious and national characteristics interlocutors.
  • You need to pay special attention to your speech, this will help politeness. When communicating with colleagues, partners and clients, the tone and timbre of your voice should always be welcoming and friendly. A respectful attitude helps not only to preserve a good relationship, but also helps to increase the company's profits.
  • Tolerance and Tolerance consist in understanding and accepting the shortcomings or weaknesses of partners, clients or colleagues. This attitude helps to establish mutual trust and understanding.

It is important to remember that communication should be completely focused on good. Rudeness and unkindness are not applicable when communicating in a business environment. Even a dishonest partner must be treated favorably, control oneself, and remain calm and ethical in all situations.

  • Tactfulness and delicacy are expressed in the ability to listen and hear the opponent. When communicating with your interlocutor, you should always take into account age, gender, religious beliefs; moreover, when communicating, you should avoid inappropriate topics. This fact must be taken into account when negotiating with foreign interlocutors. The customs and traditions of other countries may seem strange and incomprehensible, and their behavior and actions may seem unceremonious or familiar. It is customary to give compliments, but it is important not to cross the fine line of delicacy and not turn into hypocrisy. It is only important to be able to hear and make the right counteroffer.
  • Punctuality and responsibility- one of the key principles of culture. People who do not know how to manage their time and are late for meetings leave an indelibly negative impression. The day of modern people is scheduled literally to the minute: time is valuable not only for you, but also for business partners, colleagues and subordinates. Being late by more than 5 minutes is regarded as a gross violation of business etiquette. And even the most sincere apologies cannot make amends.
  • Justice consists of an unbiased assessment individual qualities people and their work. We need to respect their individuality, their ability to accept criticism and listen to recommendations.
  • Performance and responsibility means the ability to take responsibility and complete work on time.

Further cooperation with people depends on compliance with the basic principles of etiquette. By violating certain rules in society, you risk your image, and in the business environment, the reputation of the company, and such mistakes can cost a lot of money or your career ladder.

Each environment and industry has its own rules of etiquette. For example, for people working in an international field, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of good manners adopted in other countries.


Basic functions of business etiquette.

  • Socio-cultural: acceptance of the individual and the group increases the efficiency of business interaction and optimizes work activities: the formation of rules and norms of behavior is necessary not only in the business environment, but also in all aspects of human life.
  • Regulatory allows you to navigate in a complex or non-standard situation, which ensures stability and order. Standardization of behavior facilitates the process of establishing communication in any typical business situation. This allows you to avoid mistakes, troubles and stress. Helps to achieve mutual understanding and save time during negotiations. Formation of a positive image of the company and the manager in the eyes of employees, clients and partners.

  • Integrative function ensures group cohesion. Socialization allows even a beginner to cope with assigned tasks with the help of a working template. Promotes the development and formation of personality, allows you to solve a disciplinary problem and master the rules of business etiquette in a short time.
  • Communicative function correlates with maintaining good relationships and the absence of conflicts.

Business is the coordinated activity of many people. And the company’s performance depends on the ability to establish connections and maintain good relationships not only with employees, but also with partners and clients.


The rules of business etiquette must be observed in all life situations, regardless of the circumstances. Business etiquette applies:

  • At work;
  • in telephone conversations and business correspondence;
  • at official receptions or business dinners;
  • while traveling.

Basic moral and ethical standards must be observed in any situation. There is a so-called “first second” rule, when you can create the first impression of a person. It includes greeting, handshake, introduction and first address.

Body language reveals much more about character than words and appearance. Nonverbal signs reflect the essence and inner world of a person, for example, crossed arms or legs signal mistrust, tightness or uncertainty.

One cannot fail to note egocentrism, which is often attributed with negative connotations; on the contrary, such behavior says that this is a professional in his field, he can negotiate and not forget about his point of view. Such a person is interested in a positive outcome of the dispute, but will undoubtedly defend his point of view.

Basic rules and regulations

Ignorance of the basic tenets of etiquette creates many problems and sometimes leads to the destruction of a career. Today, business in Russia has its own specific ethical features - this is how new culture business communication.

There are many rules and requirements that must be followed. Some components have already lost their relevance. For example, it used to be that a woman should get out of an elevator first, but Now etiquette standards say that the first person to exit the elevator is the one who is closest to the doors.

There are eight main areas of business etiquette.

  • Positive attitude and a friendly attitude towards employees and partners allow you to positively win over people.
  • Subordination: For different people There are different ways and manners of communication; you must always remember with whom you are conducting a dialogue. For example, you can have friendly relations with the project manager and communicate with each other on a first name basis, but at a meeting with partners it is only permissible to address them as “you” and by name and patronymic.
  • When greeting You should not limit yourself to just the phrases “Hello” or “Good afternoon”; you should also use nonverbal gestures: bow, handshake, nod or wave of the hand. Also don't forget about in simple words politeness “Thank you”, “Sorry”, “All the best”, etc.
  • Handshake– an obligatory element of greeting, farewell and conclusion of an agreement, which gives the mood for further communication. The first person to extend his hand is the one who is younger in status or age. But if there is a dialogue with a woman, then the man extends his hand first. But a woman is always the first to greet her boss or manager.

  • In a business society there is no division of people by gender, Only service ranks are taken into account. In any circle, the person of junior rank or age is the first to introduce himself and say hello. There is the following order: first, the youngest is introduced to the elder, the man is introduced to the woman, the lowest in status is introduced to the leader, latecomers are introduced to those who are waiting. During greetings and introductions, it is necessary to stand, but the woman can sit. But if you are the leader and the host at the same time, then you should say the first word.
  • To any person with whom you have a business relationship, you must treat with respect, you also need to calmly and adequately accept criticism and advice from outside.
  • Don't say too much– secrets of an institution, company, partners or colleagues must be kept as carefully as personal ones.
  • Accepting or giving flowers, gifts and souvenirs is permitted within the framework of business ethics. The occasion may be personal events or corporate achievements. It is better for a leader to make one gift from the team. It is better to give a personal gift when behind closed doors and on special occasions. A presentation to a colleague or co-worker can be made for any reason - but in this case, as a rule, the principle “you - to me” applies; I - to you." Congratulations from a manager to a subordinate are usually done individually or publicly, but then all employees are given the same gifts.

Business correspondence

Educational and cultured person can always competently express his thoughts not only orally, but also in writing. The main requirements when conducting business correspondence are brevity, conciseness and correctness. There are basics of formatting business letters and documentation.

  • The letter must be correctly composed without spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors. Communication style is businesslike, using bureaucratic language.
  • It is necessary to decide on the type and urgency of delivery of the letter.
  • Any official appeal must comply with accepted and current templates. It is advisable to draw up the letter on the official letterhead of the company or department. Each request or response must be personalized and personal.
  • You must indicate the recipient's initials, position, division or department to which the letter is sent. The sender's details with detailed contact information, indicating the name of the company and the position of the employee are required.

  • Should not be used a large number of professional terminology, and ambiguous expressions and jargon should be avoided.
  • The main part of the letter consists of an introduction and a description of the purpose and subject of the conversation. The text must be convincing with sufficient argumentation and not exceed 1.5 pages. The sender's signature is placed at the end of the letter.
  • If the letter has an international focus, then it must be written in the recipient’s language.
  • When sent by email, you should pay attention to the “subject line” field. The line indicates: document type, topic and summary.

Business conversation

Etiquette directs communication in the right direction, ensures the professional activities of managers and subordinates with appropriate standards, rules, and norms. As Dale Carnegie stated, only 15% of success depends on professional achievements and knowledge, and 85% depends on the ability to communicate with people.

Business protocol is governed by rules and regulations. There is technology that allows you to quickly and easily establish contact, here are the main recommendations.

  • Avoid conflict situations - do not use categorical statements, criticism and take into account the interests of all parties in resolving the case.
  • Take care of your wardrobe - a careless appearance, a shabby suit and an unkempt hairstyle are regarded as neglect and are assessed negatively by others.
  • You should definitely have a few business cards in your jacket pocket. Their absence is considered a sign of bad taste and will be perceived in a negative way.
  • If you are just applying for a job, then try to behave calmly and confidently during the interview. Watch your posture and walk into the office with your head up. Do not rush to sit on the first chair, wait until you are asked to do so. Communicate politely and confidently, keep your legs parallel to each other and do not cross your arms.

5.1. Business etiquette: essence, requirements, principles

The word “etiquette” (from the French etiquette) comes from the name of the cards - “labels”, which in France when Louis XIV handed out at social gatherings. They outlined the rules of behavior, the observance of which was monitored by the masters of ceremonies.

Etiquette- a system of rules of conduct in in public places when in contact with other people.

On etiquette a huge impact influenced by ideological and socio-economic factors.

Modern etiquette determines the norms of behavior in various circumstances: on the street, at work, at a party, at official receptions. There are several types of etiquette: diplomatic, court, civil, official, business, professional. The most official are diplomatic and court etiquette. Professional – regulates the performance of duties of representatives of any profession.

Business etiquette is a set of rules and norms for the appropriate behavior of partners in a joint business, ensuring respect for the human person and strict compliance with legal, financial and ethical obligations.

TO generally accepted principles behavioral cultures include: the priority of the elder and the woman, the principle of hygiene and the aesthetic principle.

Professor E.A. Utkin identifies the main requirements business etiquette:

1. Politeness and correctness.

2. Tact and delicacy.

4. Punctuality and commitment.

Gross failure to comply with any of these requirements is sure to lead to serious problems in business relationships.

There are five main principles of business etiquette

1. Principle reasonable selfishness– while performing your work functions, do not interfere with others performing theirs.

2. The principle of positivity - if you have nothing pleasant or positive to say, it is better to remain silent. Here are other manifestations of this principle:

- Do not gossip or spread rumors. You think you are throwing a spear, but in fact you are throwing a boomerang;

- do not allow discussion of the physical strengths or weaknesses of anyone, as well as discrimination based on gender or race. Remember, what Peter says about Paul says more about Peter than about Paul;

- if your wit humiliates others, refrain from such wit.

3. The principle of predictability of behavior in various business situations.

4. There are no men and women at work, there are only status differences.

5. The principle of appropriateness: certain rules at a certain time, in a certain place, with certain people.

Business etiquette - basic functions, principles, rules and norms of business etiquette

In professional activities, business etiquette is of great importance, which is important for maintaining an image, building business relationships and moving up the career ladder. There are certain principles and rules of behavior that are important to understand and study.

Business etiquette concept

The developed procedure for behavior and communication in business and when establishing business contacts is called business etiquette. A person who wants to build a good career must know the rules of decency, be able to behave in a team and in any situation in order to earn respect and not offend anyone. Modern business etiquette helps to avoid mistakes and smooth out conflict situations using available methods.

We can distinguish two main functions of business etiquette, the first being the formation of certain rules of behavior that facilitate the interaction of people during communication. The second function includes convenience, that is, rationality and practicality in interaction, that is, applying etiquette not because of what is needed, but correctly from a respectful attitude.

History of the development of business etiquette

For the first time about the rules ethical behavior steel speaks during the craft division of labor, and this is approximately in the 11th-12th centuries. Certain moral requirements were described regarding the profession, the nature of work, and the like. The rules of business etiquette were formed on the basis of everyday experience and the need to regulate relationships between people different professions. Big influence public opinion had a bearing on the formation and dissemination of professional ethics at that time.

Etiquette and image of a business person

These two concepts have a direct connection with each other. Image is based on the image of a business person/organization, which highlights valuable characteristics and traits. Business etiquette in professional activities implies that a person must fit harmoniously into the contingent of workers. It is important to dress with taste and choose the right color scheme and accessories. Image is one of the factors influencing business success. It has the following properties:

  1. Capable of influencing the creation, emotions and activities of people.
  2. It is flexible, quickly responding to different economic conditions, psychology and social factors.
  3. Can be transformed and changed taking into account changes in a person.

Principles of business etiquette

Experts identify a number of basic principles of business etiquette:

  1. Punctuality. The behavior of a person who does everything on time is considered normative. Experts believe that when distributing working time, it is necessary to complete 25% of the time allotted for completing a certain task.
  2. Confidentiality. When describing the basic principles of business etiquette, this point cannot be overlooked, since good employees must be able to keep the secrets of the enterprise and the interactions of colleagues and managers.
  3. Attention to others. People must respect the opinions of other people, take into account advice and criticism, both from colleagues and managers. It is important to value the experience of others.
  4. Literacy. Business etiquette is based on the ability to correctly express one’s own thoughts and compose official letters without errors.

Business communication etiquette

The rules of communication in business circles are of great importance for negotiating, building connections, and so on. In most cases, the “first seconds protocol” is used, which includes a greeting, introduction, address and handshake. The etiquette of a business person does not allow for familiarity, so you need to address yourself either by your first name or patronymic, or only by your first name. There are a number of rules for business communication:

  1. If the conversation is about a third person, then he/she should be referred to by his/her first name and patronymic, and not “he/she”.
  2. It is important to exclude any emotions, that is, only cold calculation. Control the volume of your speech because people need to hear everything clearly.
  3. In business etiquette, it is forbidden to interrupt the interlocutor, since it is important to allow him to fully express his thoughts.

Business correspondence etiquette

It’s impossible to imagine office work without correspondence, so it’s important to know the basic rules for doing it. There are many examples where mistakes made while creating a letter caused serious consequences. Business letter etiquette is based on the following postulates:

  1. Must be written clearly and clear topic. It is important that the recipient understands that the content of the letter is relevant to him.
  2. In correspondence, it is better to use a professional postal address, which should include the name of the person conducting the correspondence. According to business etiquette, there should not be any diminutive words, nicknames, or the like in the address, since this is undignified.
  3. Get a signature, indicating, for example, full name, position, company name and contact details. The main thing is not to get carried away.

Business telephone etiquette

Talking on the phone is an important part of office work. The ability to conduct such conversations can be considered a certain talent, since not everyone can win over a person and influence his decision when he is at a distance and there is no visual contact. Business etiquette standards include the following features of telephone conversations:

  1. You need to start with an introduction, which should be formed in the following form: “welcome words, company name, position and last name.” Only after this can you move on to the purpose of the call.
  2. It is better to clearly plan the essence of the conversation in advance. For this purpose, you can use a text or schematic conversation plan. As the conversation progresses, you can mark the topics discussed.
  3. Business etiquette means that telephone calls will not be made early in the morning, during lunch breaks or in the evening.
  4. The conversation should not be prolonged and on average it should be no more than three minutes. If you can’t invest this time, then perhaps the conversation plan was drawn up incorrectly.

Etiquette of business negotiations

When conducting business negotiations, a certain strategy is selected, which involves a certain presentation of certain information. If a person is negotiating, then he must thoroughly know the entire topic of the meeting in order to be able to answer any question. The basics of business etiquette and negotiations often include additional meetings that are implemented at the stage of making the final decision. The rules of behavior are based on composure, balanced perception of information and the absence of any emotions.

Gifts in business etiquette

There are certain principles regarding the selection and presentation of gifts, thanks to which business relationships can be strengthened. Presents can be given on anniversaries of employees and bosses, on significant dates for the company, on generally accepted holidays, in the case of business meetings and as signs of attention or encouragement. Features of business etiquette include the following facts:

  1. In many countries, expensive gifts are perceived as a bribe, so you should not buy expensive things.
  2. You need to give a gift without lengthy “pre-history”, but you shouldn’t refuse short wishes.
  3. If you receive a gift, then it should be unwrapped immediately, and not put away in a drawer. It is important to remember to express gratitude.
  4. When presenting a gift, no familiarity should be shown, since everything should be as correct and sincere as possible.

Rules and regulations of business etiquette

In the business environment, as well as in social life, there is a set of laws and rules called etiquette. This is a kind of pass to the world of business people, a standard of communication in the business environment. Failure to comply or ignorance of business etiquette often becomes a stumbling block, a barrier in conducting successful negotiations, promoting your company and product on the market, and building a career. The image of a professional is not formed immediately or suddenly, and business etiquette, along with experience and expertise, plays an important role in this. A person is judged by his deeds, by his behavior and ability to build competent relationships in a business environment.

Rule one

Time is money

Punctuality, respect for other people's time and competent knowledge of the basics of time management are the basis of the foundations in the business world. You can be a bright, charismatic presenter, an excellent negotiator, a professional manager, but constantly be late, steal other people’s time, waste your life on expectations, empty chatter that is not on point. It is unlikely that in this situation it will be possible to build long-term cooperation with large companies: unpunctual people are not respected in the business world.

Partners, employers, colleagues, having realized that a person is constantly late, can pass a verdict on such a sufferer: unreliable, behind time, behind the rhythm modern life. Excuses and apologies will strengthen this impression, since politeness and respect for others do not need such companions.

There is only one way out: Every business person must know and master the basics of time management, be able to plan their work day, competently sort tasks into important and urgent ones, delegate some routine tasks and control the course of events.

Rule two

Compliance with the dress code

The first impression of a person is easy to form by his appearance: business suit, neat hairstyle, harmoniously selected accessories. Appearance determines the status and position in society, can tell about the character and inner world there is much more to a man than his words. Information is conveyed not only by speech, but also by clothing, hairstyle, and toilet details. Challenge and provocation in appearance is a protest against society, its laws and foundations.

In many large companies, a separate chapter is devoted to the dress code in the corporate sales book. If an enterprise or organization does not have strict standards regarding the appearance of personnel, it is necessary to adhere to generally accepted norms and rules accepted in the business world.

Rule three

The desktop as a mirror of the inner world

Order on your desk means order in your head. This old postulate should be carved in golden letters on the doors of any business office. You don’t have to be a psychology guru to understand how and which employees work just by seeing their desktop.

Littered with unsorted papers, with a thick layer of dust on the table.

Pristinely clean, without a single unnecessary thing.

Lined with photographs of children, loved ones, flowers, souvenirs.

Strict order, even stacks of papers, books and folders. Everything is in its place.

Which employees, owners of these desktops, are of primary interest to the employer?

Rule four

Grammatically correct speech, business style letters

Having learned to speak beautifully and competently, it is not difficult to transfer thoughts to paper and learn to write business letters. The main thing is not to fall to the other extreme: official letters written in the dry language of textbooks cause boredom and a desire to quickly close them and throw them in the trash.

Rule five

Respect for your interlocutor, partner, client

A selfish person who thinks only about himself, his own benefit and income is not respected either in the business world or in his own company. A clerk who slammed the door in the face of a client who approached him at the end of the working day or before lunch. An employee talking loudly on the phone in an office where his colleagues are working. A leader who does not know how to listen to his subordinates. A director who uses strong words and expressions towards others.

All these psychological portraits characters who do not know business etiquette, people who are unable to understand another, hear him, help him, or solve the problem that has arisen. The ability to respect other people's opinions - important component business etiquette.

Rule six

Compliance with trade secrets

Almost every company has confidential information that is not subject to disclosure. An old poster from 1941 by artist Nina Vatolina “Don’t talk!” Today it is getting its second life and fits perfectly into the interior of many modern enterprises and organizations.

It is important for every manager, from the very first days of work for his employees, to issue an order on non-disclosure of trade secrets and collect signatures from the entire team to familiarize themselves with it. It is clear that such a step cannot completely solve the issue of maintaining secret information of the company, however, this rule of business etiquette can serve as a marker for identifying disloyal employees.

Rule seven

At work - work!

If you take a photograph of the working day of most employees in offices and enterprises, the picture will be very depressing. Eighty percent of working time is spent on gossip, smoking breaks, drinking tea, visiting social networks, and solving personal matters. And only twenty percent - for the very work for which they pay a salary.

An employee who brings profit to the company quickly makes a dizzying career. The secret of his success is simple: he works 80% of the time while others “rest.”

Rule eight

The ability to listen and hear your opponent

A rare gift given by nature: the ability to hear another, to understand him. In business, this gift brings in millions; it has a precise definition - an ear for money. Every client, employee and business partner will definitely tell you what they need, what bothers them, and what they need help with. It is only important to be able to hear and make a counter offer. In the business world, this skill is also important because it helps save time, which more expensive than money, since it cannot be accumulated.

Rule nine

Telephone etiquette

Business communication is impossible without telephone conversations; ethics in this case helps to quickly establish relationships and conduct negotiations with dignity. Many business partners and clients judge a company based on telephone conversations and employee responses over the phone.

You need to prepare for a telephone dialogue in advance: prepare questions to ask your interlocutor, clarify the time, names and dates that may be needed in the conversation.

Personal calls during business hours are allowed only if absolutely necessary. Empty chatter on the phone bothers colleagues, distracts the attention of employees and creates the image of a frivolous, empty person.

Rule ten

Netiquette - etiquette of communication on the Internet

Without the Internet, no enterprise can exist today. The ability to communicate via email, comment on business articles and respond to customer requests and applications on the company website shows business level employee.

Each appeal must be personalized, personal, the letter must be signed with the name of the performer, full contact information must be provided - company name, postal address, telephone number, Skype nickname, corporate website address, business hours.

Rule eleven

Reception of delegations

Protocol reception of delegations – separate part business etiquette, including a long list of actions for meeting, accommodating, introducing, and introducing members of the delegation to representatives of the receiving party. Protocol for a business meeting, presentation of gifts, business souvenirs, flowers, presentation of the company and product, behavior at a buffet or banquet - all these issues are scrupulously described in thick books on business protocol.

When foreign delegations meet, peculiarities of national etiquette are added to the generally accepted set of business rules.

Rule twelve

Business meeting

One of the most important rules business etiquette – the ability to conduct competent negotiations and bring them to a specific result. For negotiations to take place high level, you need to determine before starting them clear goals, make an accurate plan, choose a convenient time and place for both parties.

At the first stage of negotiations, it is necessary to capture the attention of the interlocutor, creating a trusting atmosphere. During the conversation, you need to note for yourself the stages of negotiations and complete them immediately after the intended goal is achieved. All results of negotiations must be recorded and analyzed.

Rule thirteen

Supervisor-subordinate relationship

According to the rules of business etiquette, the manager must treat all employees equally, equally, while maintaining a reasonable distance. Reprimands to subordinates should always be made face to face; it is logical to organize a demonstrative public “flogging” after the employee has not responded to the boss’s reprimand.

You need to give orders, give oral tasks to your boss clearly, specifically, and receive feedback, control the process, analyze the effectiveness of execution.

The subordinate must follow the orders and instructions of the manager, and at the same time has the right to express own point view, give advice on how to improve the solution to a particular issue.

Rule fourteen

Relationships in the team between employees

The microclimate in the team largely depends on the kind of relationships that have developed between colleagues in the company. Smooth, friendly, respectful relationships are the basis of a healthy team. If one of your colleagues makes a mistake or mistake, it is important for colleagues to learn not to ridicule him, but to correctly point out shortcomings in their work and offer their help.

Office romances, mutual hatred, cold war, gray cardinals and office plankton, intrigues against each other - evil forces that interfere with the working environment and the solution of the main tasks of the team.

Rule fifteen

Business gestures

This part of business etiquette deserves several volumes of description with colorful pictures. Gestures, manners, facial expressions can tell more about a person than words. An employee's movements during working hours should be energetic, not sluggish, or slow. The gait is confident, but waving your arms and taking very large steps is not recommended. Straight posture, confident gaze, lack of fuss in movements are signs of a man of action.

A handshake is the only tactile gesture of touching an interlocutor that is allowed in a business environment. Patting on the shoulder, warm hugs, kisses and other gestures of friendliness are possible only among very close partners and relatives. When shaking hands, the hand should not be limp, wet or cold. It is not customary to shake or strongly squeeze the interlocutor’s offered hand for a long time.

Controlling words, text or thoughts is not at all difficult; controlling gestures and facial expressions is much more difficult. An intelligent interlocutor will instantly understand the intention or deception by certain gestures and body movements. Business literature offers help from the books “Body Language” by Alan Pease and “The Psychology of Lying” by Paul Ekman. Fool me if you can"

A note in a business notebook

68% of business negotiations and transactions in Russia did not take place due to the fact that entrepreneurs did not know the rules of business etiquette. Ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility; it leads to loss of authority, money and business.

The main difference between business etiquette and secular etiquette is that in this set of rules the priority of subordination comes first. Regardless of age and gender, the subordinate is lower in the service hierarchy than the manager.

Business is done by people who not only have smart thoughts, entrepreneurship and creativity, but also emotions. Failure to comply with business etiquette always causes negative feelings. Only ten to fifteen percent of business people achieve success, and compliance with business etiquette is always in the first place.

Rules of business etiquette

The norms and rules of business etiquette are based on generally accepted norms of behavior of general civil etiquette, but the business sphere makes adjustments to them: what comes to the fore is not gender and age, but the official status of communicating people. For example, in business etiquette it does not matter Who greets (male or female, older or younger) and no matter whom greet (man or woman, older or younger in age), something else is important - job title. Subordination in business etiquette, unlike general civil etiquette, is based not on gender and age, but on job principle.

Appeal. Communication usually begins with an address to a person. Appeals are culturally and socially conditioned. Historically, the Russian language did not have commonly used and neutral forms of address similar to forms of address in other languages ​​(madame, mademoiselle, monsieur - in French, missus, miss, mister - in English, etc.) During the Soviet period, active the address “comrade” was used, which named a person regardless of gender and could be used both in combination with a surname, profession, title (comrade Petrov, comrade director, comrade academician), and without them (“Dear comrades!”).

Currently, we can talk about an established form of address “Mr. - Madam” in official and business address, although in many cases it is preferable to address oneself by name and patronymic. In a business address, it is important to remember that when communicating with a person, it is necessary from time to time to repeat the address to the interlocutor by name and patronymic: “Yes, Lyudmila Ivanovna. Sorry, Viktor Mikhailovich. I don’t quite understand you, Larisa Ilyinichna.” Such an address emphasizes the direction of speech and means the inclusion of a communication partner in an active dialogue, and conversely, the absence of an address excludes the interlocutor from communication.

Etiquette rules for business communication also include the appropriate use you you forms The choice of addressing “you” or “you” is determined by:

The correlation between the social status of the interlocutors;

The degree of their acquaintance;

Formality – informality stops communication.

In business communication, the preferred address is “you”. Even if in informal communication with colleagues the address “you” is established, in an official setting this is unacceptable. Often, only because of his age, a senior employee considers it possible for himself to address a younger employee of equal status with him on a first name basis, which, of course, contradicts the rules of business etiquette.

The rules for using etiquette forms of addressing “you” and “you” are summarized in the following table (Table 7)

Table 7

1. To a stranger, unfamiliar person

1. To a person you know well

2. In a formal communication setting

2. In an informal communication setting

3. With an emphatically polite attitude towards the interlocutor

3. In a friendly manner, intimate relationship to the interlocutor

4. To an equal and senior (in age and position) interlocutor

4. To an equal and junior (in age and position) interlocutor

When choosing a form of appeal, along with the above, the following factors should be taken into account:

Addressing “you” allows you to maintain distance in business relationships and not cross the line beyond which familiarity begins;

Addressing “you” allows you to shorten the distance and add warmth to business relationships.

In business relations, the form of address is chosen by a person with a higher position. The etiquette of interpersonal relationships always requires special delicacy in the transition from the official “you” to the simple and friendly “you”.

Greetings. Since ancient times, people have shown respect to each other through greetings.

Modern rules of etiquette impose the following requirements on the culture of greeting in their order:

When meeting, the man greets the woman first;

A passing person is the first to greet standing people;

A young man is the first to greet women, those older in age and position, but he should not be the first to extend his hand - this initiative belongs to women;

Anyone entering a room where other people are already present also greets first. This also applies to women;

In the case when people of equal status meet, the first to greet is the one “who is better brought up”;

When two familiar couples meet on the street, the women greet each other first, then the men greet the women, and only then the men;

If a man is walking down the street in the company of a woman, then leaving her to approach a friend himself is impolite. As a last resort, you need to introduce this acquaintance to the woman;

If a stranger greets you, then answer him in kind (maybe you just didn’t recognize him?);

When constantly meeting with the same person (for example, an employee of another department) with whom you are not officially acquainted, you need to greet him. Maybe the acquaintance will take place later;

When meeting with acquaintances (colleagues) several times during the day, it is recommended to use polite wording of greetings or, if everything has been exhausted, you can simply smile, politely nod your head, but you should not turn away and pretend that you did not notice him. Cervantes rightly and wittily remarked: “In terms of politeness, it is better to over-salt than under-salt”;

Asking a question to a stranger, if you want to ask about something, do not forget to first say hello to the person you are addressing.

When greetings in business etiquette, the principle of subordination is maintained. For example, students standing near the doors of the classroom are the first to greet a passing professor, and the secretary (woman) is the first to greet her supervisor (man). Of course, this does not mean that the senior in position must necessarily wait for the greeting of the junior. He can say hello not only with words, but also with gestures, facial expressions, and a smile, which will in no way diminish his authority.

Social etiquette requires a man to stand up when greeting a woman or an older person. According to business etiquette, in a business setting, a woman also greets an incoming employee (employee) by standing up, if the incoming employee is significantly higher in position.

When greeting, it is best to use the traditional “Hello”, adding to the greeting words addresses by name and patronymic: “Hello, Viktor Petrovich!”

“Good morning” is usually said before 12:00, “Good afternoon” - until 18:00, “ Good evening» – after 18.00. The last three greetings are not recommended to be addressed to superiors, although the latter can thus address subordinates.

It would be a violation of etiquette to address superiors after greeting with the words: “How are you?”, “How are you?” etc.

The greeting may be accompanied by with a handshake.

With equal service status, men are required to shake hands, women are optional. If the woman does not reach out first, the man should not take the initiative. When shaking hands, a man takes off his glove, a woman does not. Etiquette does not allow shaking hands across a table, threshold or any obstacle.

According to secular etiquette, the woman extends her hand first to the man, and the oldest to the younger. In business etiquette, where main criterion- official status, the senior in position extends his hand first, regardless of gender and age, although there may be deviations here too.

The nature of the handshake is also regulated by etiquette, which requires a sense of proportion and tact:

Shaking hands for too long can make the other person feel awkward;

A handshake that is too strong is inappropriate because it is not a competition to see who is stronger;

A handshake that is too weak indicates a lack of interest;

The procedure is also important in business relationships. representation, through which you can establish necessary and useful connections.

According to business etiquette, to introduce someone means to say his name, surname, position, and the organization in which he works.

In order to have the right to introduce people to each other, you need to be familiar with both parties, for whom the representative acts as a guarantor of the reliability of the data and the integrity of those represented.

According to etiquette they represent:

An employee who is the lowest in the job hierarchy - the highest;

Younger in age - older in age;

One employee - a group of employees.

First they turn to the person to whom they are introducing, and then call the name of the person being represented: “Ivan Nikolaevich, allow me to introduce you. "

When addressing officials with state status or military, diplomatic, religious rank, as a rule, they do not mention names: “Mr. President”, “Your Eminence”, “Comrade General”, “Mr. Ambassador”.

The presenter, introducing persons close in age and official position, can simply say their names: “Elizaveta Fedorovna, meet Sergei Ivanovich,” or “Marina Petrovna, Nikolai Tikhonov.” Any performance is accompanied by a slight bow. Deep bows and sudden movements should be avoided.

After the introduction, to confirm acquaintance, it is usually customary to exchange a few pleasant phrases, and the initiative should come from a senior person in position or age.

When introducing several people to each other at once, first introduce the one who came last, and then the others in the order in which they sit or stand.

The new employee is introduced to the team by management. Usually they use a simple and most common formula like: “Let me introduce you to Nelly Sergeevna Solovyova. She has been appointed deputy chief accountant." You can introduce yourself by clearly stating your first name, patronymic, last name and position.

In business communications there are often situations where a representative is not required. For example, when presenting to an employee from another department in the same organization, to a colleague at a scientific conference, official when visiting an institution, etc.

Business Cards. Business acquaintance begins with the presentation of a business card, which has become a mandatory attribute of the procedure for establishing business contacts.

The history of business cards dates back to the 16th century, when German students at the University of Padua, before leaving home for the holidays, visited their professors and, as a sign of respect, left them with a colored miniature depicting the family coat of arms, under which the visitor wrote his name and date. Then engraved cards appeared, then lithographic ones, and at the beginning of the 20th century. – produced by printing.

Modern business business cards perform the following functions:

Representation of business partners;

Confirmation of interest in subsequent business contacts;

Information about the organization, the directions of its activities;

Carrying out business contacts between partners (for example, when accompanying a gift, etc.).

A standard business card indicates the last name, first name, patronymic, position and title (if any), office telephone number, fax, address Email, name of the organization and its address (Fig. 12):

Rice. 12

The business card of a representative of a government agency may display the country's coat of arms, and the card of a company employee may display the company's logo.

Business cards for informal communication indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, profession, honorary and academic titles, but do not provide details emphasizing the official status (Fig. 13):

Rice. 13

Relatively recently, business cards of companies appeared, which indicate the full official name the company, its logo, postal address and Internet address, secretariat telephone number, direction and activities of the company, if there are branches - their addresses and telephone numbers.

Business cards of companies are used during presentations, at exhibitions and fairs, when sending branded gifts to clients and business partners.

In modern business practice, the rules for designing business cards adopted in secular etiquette apply:

The card paper must be white or very light in color, thick and of high quality;

The text is printed in a simple, unpretentious black font;

The most common card size is 90´50 mm.

The exchange of business cards is regulated by etiquette standards. The junior in position is the first to present his business card to the senior, in case of equality social statuses- younger than older. When visiting a company, the goth who came to the office first hands over his card.

If a business meeting takes place abroad, representatives of the host country are the first to present their business cards. The exchange of business cards is carried out strictly according to rank, starting with the most senior members of the delegation. A. A. Ignatiev, a Russian diplomat, having arrived in Paris in 1906 as a military attaché, noted that they were greeted here “not by their clothes”, but by their business card, and they were not escorted “by their intelligence”, but also by their card, accompanying the guest, depending on his position, or to the end desk, or to the office door, and sometimes even to the hallway.”

Business cards are presented with both hands or the right hand, while the presenter and recipient exchange slight bows. When presenting a business card, pronounce your last name out loud, and when receiving it, say the last name of the person presenting it, in order to avoid incorrect pronunciation.

Business card in business sphere is a confirmation of the solidity and good reputation of its owner.

Gifts and souvenirs. In business communication, as in other areas of life, a gift is the materialization of a relationship, therefore it should not have selfish goals behind it, and it should not place the person to whom it is intended in a binding position. The purpose of donation is to improve business relations and demonstrate goodwill. It was in order for gifts to act as a sign of respect and gratitude that etiquette rules were developed that regulate the process of giving in the business sphere: for what reason is the gift given, who gives it and to whom, what is given.

1. First of all, there must be a reason for giving a gift. These are:

Personal holidays in the life of an employee: birthday, marriage, birth of a child, receiving a diploma;

Anniversaries in the life of an employee;

Retirement of an employee;

Worldwide holidays ( New Year, Christmas, etc.);

Public holidays (National Unity Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, etc.);

Business meeting with partners (in this case, representatives of the receiving party are the first to present gifts);

Anniversary date in the life of the organization.

2. Gifts can be individual or collective. They are made:

3. When making a gift, you need to take into account the nature of the official relationship with the person to whom the gift is given. A gift to a manager from an employee can be regarded as a hidden form of bribe. In accordance with the requirements of official etiquette in the United States, you can give gifts to subordinates, but not to your superiors.

Business etiquette regulates the cost of gifts.

In the exchange of gifts between colleagues there should be reciprocity, which implies a balance in the relationships between people. Therefore, the gift should not be expensive, maintaining a symbolic character. It is clear that these restrictions do not apply to collective gifts, for example, on the occasion of an employee’s retirement.

A number of countries have introduced certain restrictions on the value of a gift that a government official or uniformed employee is entitled to accept or give. For example, US government employees are given $25 in expenses for a business gift, and the US President is prohibited from accepting any gifts valued over $100.

4. In business, it is customary to give the following gifts:

Notebooks, diaries, notepads, business calendars;

Decorative vases, coffee and tea cups, glasses;

Photo albums, photo frames;

Engravings, prints, small paintings;

Books (gift editions), reference books, dictionaries;

Boxes of chocolates, flowers;

Vintage wines and cognacs.

When choosing a gift, you need to take into account the individual taste and interests of the person for whom it is intended. It is unlikely that a beautiful coffee cup will please a person who does not drink coffee, and a box of chocolates will not please a person who abstains from sweets.

The gift will be of greater value to the recipient if it is decorated with a company monogram or an engraved dedicatory inscription.

Gifts to the company are not of a utilitarian nature (these can be cups, models, sculptural compositions, etc.) and must be provided with a dedicatory inscription in the form of an engraving or a special plate.

Particular attention should be paid to gifts intended to be presented to foreign partners. Here you need to study the national and cultural characteristics of the country, what is and is not customary to give, the personal interests and inclinations of the person for whom the gift is being selected. Foreign business partners can be given things with a national flavor: Gzhel ceramics, Mstera painting, Palekh products, Zhostovo tray, Khokhloma gift products (with the exception of nesting dolls).

Watches, mirrors, knives: for many, giving these items as a gift is considered a bad omen;

Ties, belts, shirts, handbags, etc. (the named items are given to loved ones).

5. Etiquette places no less demands on the appearance and design of a gift than on its contents. Each gift must be packaged impeccably.

6. Gifts should be prepared and given to foreign partners according to rank, observing the hierarchy.

7. In addition to the cost of the gift, etiquette also regulates different sides the donation process itself:

When presenting a gift, you need to say appropriate congratulatory phrases;

As a sign of respect and special attention the gift is usually given with both hands, with a slight bow (exceptions include small items);

A gift is also accepted with both hands;

The person receiving the gift should immediately, in the presence of the giver, remove it from the packaging and unwrap it;

You need to express gratitude and praise the gift for its beauty and practicality, and the giver for the taste shown when choosing a gift (even if you didn’t like the gift).

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  • Organization PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE OF THE SVERDLOVSK REGION Address: EKATERINBURG, MOSKOVSKAYA STREET 21 Legal address: 620014, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Moskovskaya str., 21 OKFS: 12 - Federal property OKOGU: 1400040 - System […]
  • Hold the knife in right hand, and a fork in the left, open the door and give women a hand... The rules of etiquette are firmly entrenched in our lives, if a person follows them, then the attitude towards him improves significantly. However, business also has its own rules, on which the success of negotiations, obtaining a profitable partnership or acquiring valuable connections. The principles of business etiquette allow you to achieve great heights. Unfortunately, not everyone understands the importance of these principles. If you want to achieve something in life, then you need to behave accordingly. There are not many rules, but they can open all doors for you.

    Rules of business etiquette and criteria for success

    Business is a rather complex environment where the strongest survive. You need to have a lot of advantages - be a good speaker, experienced specialist, be able to defend your point of view. A good businessman is a combination of positive qualities that make up his reputation. Reputation cannot be created in one day, it becomes the result of hard work. An important step to acquiring a good reputation is business etiquette.

    Save time

    Precision is the courtesy of kings, says the famous proverb. In business, you need to constantly be a king - come to all meetings and appointments on time, and not make others wait. Trust in a person who is constantly late gradually decreases. In the eyes of his partners and colleagues, he looks unreliable, unable to work in the modern rhythm of life. Time Management Basics are not only about punctuality, but also about accuracy. Don't overload other people with unnecessary information and meaningless conversations. The ability to value other people's time is an integral part of business etiquette. If you can plan your day correctly, pay due attention to important matters, if you respect your environment, you will gain irreplaceable assistant in the form of reputation. It is always worth remembering that time is money.

    Organizing your workspace

    A desktop can say a lot about a person. Piles of papers, dust, garbage and a dirty cup - this is far from the most ideal workplace. If a person keeps his desk in order, then his thoughts are in order. Moreover, it significantly helps in work. Finding an important document will not be difficult. And you are unlikely to find that a sticky coffee stain has spread on a lucrative contract. Cleaning up your desk is not that difficult, even during important work. will come to the rescue Japanese 5S system.

    Politeness and respect

    No one will communicate with a boor who uses only strong expressions in his speech, and breaks into a scream at every opportunity. In business, as in life, if you know how to respect your interlocutor and do not try to insult or humiliate him, then it will be easier for you to establish contact. You need to respect the other person's point of view, even if it doesn't match yours. You should not act only in your own interests. Respect towards partners is important quality good businessman. But excessive altruism is also not encouraged, otherwise you may get a reputation for being too soft and will be crushed by competitors.

    Working spirit

    Many workers devote minimal effort to completing their jobs. job responsibilities– constantly drink tea, chat on the phone, communicate in in social networks. This negatively affects not only productivity, but also the reputation of employees. If you know how to work at work, then your career will quickly take off. Management will definitely be interested in an active specialist, and more prestigious companies may pay attention to you. And if your reputation as an employee is not trustworthy, then you can’t expect career growth.

    Dress appropriately

    Probably many people with modern views pay minimal attention to this point. However, statistics show that the best deals are made by businessmen in elegant business suits, with expensive accessories and with a presentable appearance. It's possible that human appearance- this is far from the most important thing in business, but it’s worth remembering that people are greeted by their clothes. There will be more trust in someone who follows the office dress code, rather than in someone who comes to a meeting in old jeans and a sweater. Women should not look too vulgar and provocative. These standards of business etiquette should be taken for granted and complied with. Even if it doesn't coincide with your views.

    Attention to gestures

    Body language can tell much more about a person than it seems. The rules of business etiquette require a minimum of tactile contacts - the only exception is a handshake. You should not hug or kiss your colleagues or touch them during a conversation. Respect personal space boundaries. Not everyone enjoys the touch of a stranger. It is not so easy to follow gestures while speaking. Many people can detect lies or understatements just by hand movements or facial expressions. You should control yourself, be restrained and confident. No need to fuss - a straight back, clear movements and a firm gaze will set you apart from the rest.

    Unity of rules

    Rules of business etiquette exist not only for men, but also for women. They should not be confused with secular etiquette, where a woman is allowed more than a man. A business woman should shake hands with partners on equal terms, behave with restraint, and avoid coquetry, flirting or affectation. Even romantic people can become business sharks if they behave accordingly. You should not expose your character traits to everyone. If at home you love pink bears, then at work you should be strict and restrained. Otherwise, male colleagues may not want to cooperate with you. For women at work, there should be no problems such as a sick child, a conflict with her husband, or a banal purchase of a new handbag. All these worries should be left at home, this is the only way to get to the top of the business.

    Relationships in the team

    Communication with colleagues and superiors significantly affects the performance of the team and the results obtained. A boss should not publicly accuse his subordinates of incompetence, even if they made a mistake. Reprimand must be personal and take place without prying eyes. You should only resort to public reprimand if the mistake is repeated, if the subordinate does not accept your instructions. There is no need to single out favorites and scapegoats. The etiquette of a business person presupposes that the boss treats each team member equally and equally encourages or punishes his subordinates.

    Relationships between colleagues should also be smooth. You should not have affairs at work, otherwise it will lead to a deterioration in the overall result. You need to separate work and personal life. Often in groups, unique “circles of interests” are formed, victims appear who are bullied (this is called mobbing), favorites who are envied. This shouldn't happen in a normal team. Such behavior not only reduces overall performance, but also negatively affects the reputation of individual team members. You can hardly succeed if you have a reputation as a gossip. In a normal team, people are not ridiculed for miscalculations and mistakes, but are offered help.

    Service hierarchy

    Business ethics and business etiquette assume that a person's status is determined by the official hierarchy, and not by age or gender. It is possible that a man will have to work with a female boss, or an adult may be subordinate to young leader. In any case, subordination must be observed.

    Business speech etiquette

    Speech etiquette in business communication is necessary not only for oral, but also for written negotiations. Business documents must be drawn up correctly. Avoid dry phrases and clericalism that make your letters boring and monotonous. But you don’t need to use a conversational style either.

    It is important to learn how to talk on the phone. Empty calls that last for tens of minutes reveal that a person is unprofessional. If you have an important conversation on the phone, then prepare for it in advance - write a list of questions, draw up a plan for the conversation, and indicate the desired result. This way you can quickly come to an agreement without wasting your time or the time of your interlocutor. Be sure to introduce yourself first if you make a call.

    Business communication etiquette also includes netiquette - the art of communication on the Internet. With the development of technology, many issues are resolved through email. Often we are forced to respond to comments on social networks. The rules advise you to always leave your contacts - e-mail, Skype or other means of communication, so that the interlocutor knows who to contact. Moreover, you should also be polite on the Internet. Not all users leave pleasant comments, but it is not appropriate to respond to rudeness with rudeness. If you see negative reviews addressed to you, then you should explain to the user why the mistake was made and try to correct it, if possible.

    Rules for receiving delegations and conducting negotiations

    Beneficial contracts and agreements are concluded during negotiations. Often partners come from other cities and countries. Rules of business etiquette indicate how to receive delegates, how to seat them correctly, how to plan a meeting, and so on. A successful businessman must think through everything down to the smallest detail - meeting partners at the airport or train station, transfer to the hotel, choosing a conference room, excursion program. Foreign delegations pose a particular challenge. Culture European countries differs significantly from the culture of Asian or Muslim countries. Often, third-party companies are hired to receive foreign delegates who know all the intricacies of the dress code, food and communication with foreign colleagues. For example, when meeting with Muslim partners, you need to dress discreetly, especially for women. Light makeup is preferred for them, long skirts, lack of cleavage. The food for foreigners also follows the rules - no pork or alcohol, you must leave time for prayer. There are quite a lot of difficulties and peculiarities in receiving delegates; if you are unsure of your abilities, then you should invite specialists to organize it. Any minor detail can significantly damage your reputation and negatively affect the outcome of negotiations.

    Features of business etiquette also include the ability to negotiate. The time for discussion should not exceed 2 hours, otherwise the partners will get tired and the discussion will decline. The choice of strategy depends on the relationship with partners and the desired result. Before negotiations, draw up a discussion plan, logically justify your point of view, so that you can then present the necessary arguments. Use the pronoun “we” more often to indicate common interests. If your partners understand that you associate your own success with their benefit, then they will more easily accept your terms. At the end of the negotiations, be sure to summarize the results to record everything that was achieved. It is also worth making intermediate results during the conversation.

    Following the rules of business etiquette allows you to achieve success in business. This is not the main quality that a business person should have, but knowledge of these features can play an important role when signing contracts or concluding agreements. It is worth remembering that in Russia about 68% of transactions fail only due to ignorance of the rules of etiquette. If you know and follow all the subtleties, you will be several steps ahead of your competitors. With business etiquette, all doors in the business world open.

    P.S. Etiquette training at the best international schools

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    IN modern world business etiquette has long been considered economic category. If all employees adhere to high standards of behavior, then a positive atmosphere will be created in the team, accordingly, fewer conflicts will arise and employee performance will improve. What are these rules and is it worth learning them?

    Business etiquette is...

    Usually this term refers to the existing order of behavior and communication in the business sphere. Anyone to whom his career is important must certainly know the rules of decency that are accepted among the powerful and successful. With their help, you will never have problems with how to present yourself, what to say so as not to offend anyone, etc. Modern business etiquette also teaches how to smooth out or prevent a conflict from arising.


    Etiquette is a certain order of behavior in a specific area and with a certain category of people. He, like most others public knowledge, performs the functions assigned to it:

    • Building mutual understanding. Perhaps this is the main function. Formed rules of behavior help people understand each other’s intentions, and as a result, fewer misunderstandings arise.
    • Convenience. The rules are practical because they represent a system close to the one that a person encounters in life.

    Etiquette is one of the main tools that helps shape an image. As practice shows, companies that do not comply with the rules of business etiquette lose a lot, first of all, their face and level of productivity.


    The etiquette of a business person was first mentioned in the 11th-12th centuries, when the period of craft division of labor began. During this period, the basic moral requirements that relate to the profession and the nature of work are described. In general, the rules were formed based on everyday experience and the need to regulate relationships between people, which they fulfill various jobs. Also, they did not forget to take into account public opinion, which played a key role in the formation of the rules of business etiquette.

    In professional activity it is understood that a person is obliged to fit harmoniously into the professional environment. He must become part of the work contingent, and for this he needs to dress tastefully, choose the right accessories and colors. Etiquette is inseparable from the image, which has the following properties:

    1. The ability to influence the emotions and activities of others.
    2. Quick response to changes in various factors.
    3. Changes with the person.

    For what situations are there rules of business etiquette?

    Business communication standards apply in the following situations:

    • Conducting business negotiations.
    • Business correspondence.
    • Telephone etiquette.
    • Business conversation.

    Each of these situations has its own norms and rules of decency that must be adhered to in order not to fall in the face. Therefore, it is worth considering each of them separately.

    Business meeting

    The main purpose of conducting such negotiations is to sign an agreement or protocol of intent to cooperate. Therefore, you need to prepare for such an event with special care. To properly organize and conduct a meeting, you should refer to the rules and norms of business etiquette:

    1. Arrival. Naturally, under no circumstances should you be late for a meeting. Firstly, this is a violation of protocol, and secondly, such behavior will be perceived as disrespectful. If being late is inevitable, you will have to apologize to the receiving party. In the business world, there is such a thing as a “business niche”, that is, a latecomer will be waited for 15 minutes; if he does not show up during this time, then the receiving party has every right to cancel the meeting.
    2. Place. The main thing in business etiquette is the meeting place, since it must fully correspond to the event. In films and TV series you can often see that business negotiations take place in restaurants or saunas, but this is not exactly the place where serious issues can be resolved. Important business negotiations should be held in an office or in a room with a neutral environment. As for a restaurant, it can be chosen for a business lunch, to maintain partnerships, talk about your hobbies or celebrate a successful deal, but not for other occasions.
    3. Meeting. According to the peculiarities of business etiquette, the receiving party must be in full force in the meeting room. Meets guests and escorts them to the place business partner, who himself does not take part in the negotiations.
    4. Start of negotiations. The host CEO should be solely responsible for starting negotiations and ensuring that there are no long pauses in the conversation. If the silence lasts too long, those present may consider it a signal to end the meeting. You also don't need to go straight to main topic, you can’t ask directly: “So, are you taking the cow or not?” According to the rules of good manners, you first need to talk about other, neutral things. Also, you should not raise topics that may cause controversy, for example, politics, religion, sports. They are always taboo in the business world.
    5. Duration. In Russia, Western standards do not work at all: negotiations can last several hours, but the parties will not make any decision. The culture of business etiquette says that the event should last 40 minutes, a maximum of an hour and a half, but in this case you should definitely take a break.
    6. Completion. When the event is already coming to an end, it’s a good idea to defuse the situation. Eg, CEO may offer to continue negotiations, but, as they say, without jackets. Negotiation agreements, regardless of the forms in which they are agreed upon (oral or written), must be observed.

    Business correspondence

    A business letter is the first contact by which the person writing, as well as the entire company as a whole, will be judged. A beautiful and correct writing style makes it possible to understand not only business qualities, but also a person’s personality, so it is extremely important to establish yourself as a professional and specialist.

    First, the letter must be sent to one addressee. This will make life easier for both the writer and the reader. Secondly, you must always respond to a received letter. Leaving a letter unanswered is an unworthy act for a self-respecting company. The answer must be composed in such a way that it is perceived accurately and unambiguously, that is, there should be no ambiguous hints. And the sent message should require only one response.

    Thirdly, if the letter needs to be sent to several people, then their addresses should simply be added to the “Copy” line. If a response is needed from only one person, but several people need to read the contents of the message, for the rest, a “copy” mark is simply placed in the letter. The main addressee must send a response; the others are not required to respond. Fourthly, mass mailing is allowed only if there is no need to respond to the letter. Typically, such letters clarify the work of employees.

    Fifthly, you should always indicate the subject of the letter, you must be able to save other people’s time - this is another rule of good manners. In a letter, you should first greet the addressee and only then get down to business. If you address a person by his first and patronymic, he will automatically assume that he is being treated with respect. Sixthly, it is very important to write correctly. Before sending, you need to re-read the letter several times to ensure compliance with spelling and punctuation rules.

    Telephone etiquette

    To establish long-term business relationships, much attention is paid to telephone conversations. This is completely different from a personal meeting, and business speech etiquette is completely different. In general, the reputation of a company largely depends on how well telephone conversations are conducted. Therefore, telephone etiquette is extremely important for any company, and the rules here are not so complicated:

    • You should always greet the person who is calling. You should not forget about the greeting even when the person himself makes the call.
    • Pay attention to intonation. The interlocutor must hear that he is welcome.
    • You cannot say the phrases “bothering you” or “disturbing you.”
    • After the greeting, you need to introduce yourself.
    • Talking to specific person, first you need to find out if he has time for dialogue.
    • You must answer no later than after three calls.
    • If the caller wants to talk to one of the employees, there is no need to hang up, you need to hold the conversation and transfer the call to the person the caller wants to talk to.
    • When talking with a new interlocutor, you need to adapt to the speed of his speech.
    • During a telephone conversation, you should not smoke, drink or chew anything.
    • When finishing a conversation, you need to check with your interlocutor if he still has any questions, and only then say goodbye.

    Cell phones

    It is worth noting that the rules of business communication etiquette have also extended to Cell Phones, which have long become an integral part of our lives.

    Sometimes there are situations when a mobile phone needs to be put on silent mode or turned off completely. Turning off the device is acceptable in the case when a person cannot answer the call. If a person is among people, then business etiquette prohibits raising one’s voice; on the contrary, one must speak more quietly than usual. It is considered bad manners to conduct a telephone conversation in public catering. Only if it's something urgent. And it’s better to ask the interlocutor to wait a few minutes, go to a quieter place and call back. Also, do not forget that loud calls are unacceptable. If the phone “screams”, then you should apologize, but in no case make excuses.

    When the phone rings and a person is not alone, he can answer, but talk for a maximum of half a minute. A telephone conversation must not interfere with a private meeting. Only if a very important call is expected, a person should warn those present in advance and apologize to them.

    Business conversation

    The way people behave in society is mostly determined by legal, regulatory, administrative and statutory factors. Even the economy and the level of technical equipment enterprises. All these factors affect the level of interaction between employees and representatives of other groups (customers, suppliers, etc.).

    Typically, participants in business proceedings are influenced by two types of social norms:

    1. Formal. Regulated rules that are described in special documents.
    2. Informal. This is the manner of behavior that gradually develops in the work team. It can affect external factors and working conditions.

    Accordingly, business communication in the team is formed with these attitudes: on the one hand, the employee adheres to the rules, and on the other hand, he corresponds to the mood that exists in the team.


    The topic of business etiquette does not end there. Every self-respecting leader must follow the principles that will position him as a true master of his craft:

    • Punctuality. Man with good manners He always does everything on time. In business etiquette, punctuality also means the correct distribution of working time.
    • Confidentiality. Good employees know how to keep their company's secrets, even if they concern personal relationships between a boss and a subordinate.
    • Attention to your surroundings. A well-mannered person should always respect the opinions of others, even if it does not correspond to his worldview. Take into account advice and criticism, as well as learn from the people around him.
    • Literacy. The ability to correctly formulate your thoughts and compose official letters without errors are important skills that a well-mannered person should have.
    • Sanity. When creating certain rules within an enterprise, you must first of all be guided by common sense. Usually standard norms corporate business etiquette should increase efficiency and optimize the work process. If they don't do this, then they should be replaced.
    • Freedom. This is one of the most important principles of business etiquette. It is important to respect other people's personal space. Negotiating to sign a contract is not recruitment into a religious sect. The receiving party shows the potential partner all the pros and cons of this cooperation (at the same time, there is no need to throw mud at competitors’ firms), and he independently decides whether to accept the offer or not.

    • Convenience. All participants in a business relationship must have the opportunity for personal convenience. Simply put, a business person should not be ashamed of the fact that he negotiates in a way that suits him.
    • Expediency. Any undertaking must pursue specific goal, and not be an ephemeral short-term request.
    • Conservatism. This quality has always been associated with something stable and reliable. Even today in the business world important features stability and fundamentality are considered.
    • Ease. The norms of business etiquette should not cause tension, and during communication no one should exert psychological pressure.
    • Relevance. Business man He always does everything when needed. He takes into account time and place and knows exactly how to behave in a given situation.

    Business etiquette is those rules without which it is impossible to achieve certain heights in business. Even despite the instability in the economy and politics, the rules of good manners will always be held in high esteem.