Functions of a political party and their examples. Test: Parties and political systems in modern society

The place and role of parties in the political system is largely determined by their functions. Functions reflect the main tasks and activities of political parties, their purpose in society.

The most common functions of political parties are:

Representation social interests;

Development of program guidelines, the political line of the party;

Formation of public opinion, political education and political socialization of citizens;

Participation in the struggle for power and its implementation,

Training and promotion of personnel.

Social function political parties is associated with the representation of the interests of the classes, social groups and layers. As an intermediary between civil society and the state, the party is called upon to ensure articulation, public expression, formulation of the interests of various groups, their aggregation, highlighting the most socially significant demands and their presentation on the political agenda. The social function also involves the integration and mobilization of group members, their unification and organization around common goals.

Changes in the social structure of society over the past decades have led to an increase in the instability and uncertainty of the social base of political parties, a weakening of party identification of voters. However, despite the expansion of the social base of the parties, differences remain between them both in terms of the forces they are primarily guided by and in terms of ideological and political orientation.

Ideological function political parties is associated with the development of program guidelines, political course, strategy and tactics of parties. The party, as a rule, has a long-term political program based on certain ideological principles. Ideology acts as theoretical basis party activities, guidance to action.

The degree of party commitment to ideology can vary. The ideological and pragmatic styles of the party's activity are distinguished. World outlook (ideological, doctrinal) parties rely on a strictly defined ideological doctrine, defend the corresponding ideals and values, strive to implement them. Pragmatic parties are focused on the practical feasibility of actions, on the solution specific tasks and do not impose strict ideological requirements on their members.

Parties strive not only to develop and update their political doctrines, but also to disseminate them widely in society. Any party is interested in recognizing and supporting its political line. An integral part the ideological function is political propaganda and agitation. The publication of party materials, speeches of party leaders on radio and television, at rallies and meetings contribute to the formation of public opinion on topical issues public life and politics.

Educational function a political party presupposes political enlightenment and education of its members and supporters, their upbringing in the spirit of certain values ​​and traditions, and involvement in political life. By participating in party work and various party events, citizens receive socio-political information, assimilate political norms and values, gain experience and skills in political activity. Thus, the parties contribute to the political socialization of the individual.

The most important task of a political party is to fight for the conquest and use of state power in the interests of the groups supporting it, i.e. political function. This feature includes:

Participation in the preparation and conduct of elections to government and administrative bodies;

Party parliamentary activity;

Participation in the process of preparation and adoption of political decisions by state bodies;

In a democratic society, political parties act as an important and sometimes the main subject of the electoral process. Elections are the main arena of rivalry between parties, a legitimate way to achieve power. The organization and conduct of an election campaign requires the party to know the basics of political marketing and to be familiar with electoral technologies. Participation in elections allows parties to declare themselves as a political force, to use the possibilities of the election campaign to explain their ideas and program goals and, most importantly, to get candidates from a party to government bodies.

The parties that have won deputy mandates form their party factions in representative institutions. The factions participate in drawing up the agenda, direct the course of debates and debates, submit various proposals to parliament, make inquiries to the government, and have other powers. Taking into account the number of parliamentary factions from different parties, the governing and working bodies of the parliament (commissions, committees, bureaus, etc.) are formed.

In Western countries, as a rule, the principle of autonomy of party factions in parliament operates, according to which factions are not directly subordinate to party bodies, including party congresses and conferences. They put into practice party programs and guidelines in accordance with specific conditions. But since effective work a parliamentary faction presupposes the presence of internal discipline, party factions often adopt rather strict rules of conduct and impose sanctions for their violation. For example, at a plenary meeting of a faction, a decision may be made obliging the members of the faction to vote in a certain way (a decision on "faction coercion" and "voting discipline"). Such a rather tough model of relations within the faction and strict party discipline are characteristic of parliamentarians in Great Britain, Canada, Australia, etc. The American model of relations between deputies within the faction is distinguished by greater freedom of action and weak party discipline.

The ruling party exercises power not only through an initiating role in parliament, but also by influencing the formation and operation of the government and other executive bodies. Political parties carry out the selection and placement of management personnel, participate in the formation of the ruling elite, i.e. perform the function political recruiting. They are the institutions within which political leaders and statesmen are educated.

Analysis of the functions of political parties allows us to conclude that in a democratic society, parties act as an intermediary between civil society and the state. On the one hand, they represent the interests of various groups of the population in government bodies, on the other, they explain (or criticize, if it is an opposition party) government policy. Through political parties, citizens put forward their group demands to the state and at the same time receive appeals from it for support in resolving certain political issues. Thus, the parties are connecting link between public authorities and citizens.

The modern stage of social development is characterized by significant renewal and reform of parties. In the development of political parties, such tendencies as the erosion of the social base, their loss of social identity have become apparent; "Erosion" of party support; gradual de-ideologization of parties, the growth of pragmatism in their activities; decentralization, weakening of party discipline; transfer of certain functions of parties to the media and other institutions. In this regard, some researchers have declared about the crisis of the party as a political institution, its loss of its role and influence in society, and even about the “end of parties” (D. Broder, J. Barber, etc.).

However, these claims have not received widespread support in the scientific literature. In the conditions of the transition to a post-industrial society, the functional and organizational characteristics of classical parties are indeed undergoing significant changes, a new generation of “postmodern” parties is being formed (universal, cartel, media parties, parties-movements, etc.). But, despite some modification of parties and party systems, party rule remains the dominant institutional form of modern democracy.

Political parties perform a number of functions that can be grouped into three groups: political functions, ideological, social.

Political functions: power struggle, recruiting political leaders and the ruling elite. Parties participate in all political processes and are, in fact, one of the main mechanisms of distribution and redistribution political power... They have their main goal the conquest and use of political power to achieve the goals that are set in their programs. Selection from the leadership of political parties to the political elite of all levels is carried out. In addition to the professional politicians nominated by the parties, party analysts and experts very often participate in the management of society (in particular, in the creation of state programs, in the development of a strategic state course, etc.).

Ideological functions: creation of party ideology and political doctrines, party propaganda. Each party develops and corrects its ideological and political orientation. At the same time, it can nominate its own ideologues offering new, original views, but it can also support well-known ideals in the field of social development. The ideological and political orientation of parties to certain concepts and ideals: democracy, socialism, authoritarianism, liberalism, conservatism and others - allows us to judge the attitude of parties to basic social values, and, consequently, classify their programs as progressive or reactionary, conservative. In this group of functions of political parties, an important role belongs to party propaganda. Its purpose is very broad and includes, first of all, active informing of the masses about the advantages of the program put forward by this or that party, as well as the formation of a favorable public opinion towards this party.

Social functions: social representation and socialization. Each political party relies on certain groups and segments of the population and expresses their interests. Many parties in the recent past have tried to emphasize this. Examples include the Bulgarian Agricultural Union and the Polish United Workers' Party. However, in modern conditions, practically every political party seeks, as far as possible, to unite and represent wide layers of society. Obviously, those parties that express not narrow-group, but national interests can count on success.

Among social functions political parties play an important role socialization of citizens. It is about the inclusion of the individual in the world of politics. Fighting for the voter, promoting awareness of the population in every possible way, parties contribute to the assimilation of certain knowledge, norms and values ​​by citizens. This allows citizens to become full participants in political relations. The socialization process is structurally represented by a number of elements. It:

1) assimilation by the population of certain political knowledge and skills of social and political activity;

2) the transformation of acquired knowledge into beliefs;

3) the formation of the ability to defend this knowledge;

4) the acquisition of political orientation by citizens;

5) development of behavior adequate to the prevailing political conditions.

When are parties most energetically performing these functions? During the pre-election and election campaigns. At this time, parties not only nominate their candidates to various government bodies, but also actively disseminate certain political ideas. Even small political parties that cannot nominate competitive candidates use the election campaign for ideological purposes, trying to form a positive image of their tasks and programs among the population.

For the parties that won the elections (or those that received a certain number of seats in legislative bodies), the most favorable period begins for performing one of their main functions - strengthening in power and using it to achieve their goals. They gain real opportunity promote their cadres to government structures, participate in the formation of the political elite. As a result, they get the opportunity to take part in the process of making government decisions and monitoring their implementation. After the election campaign, political parties usually become more active in terms of the formation of alliances and blocs of the winning parties, various party coalitions, and the conclusion of numerous inter-party agreements.

However, most parties carry out their main functions almost constantly. In particular, they continually strive to:

Convince voters of the correctness of their choice;

Provide support for the ruling (or opposition) course by organizing appropriate media campaigns, processions, rallies, etc .;

Expand your numerical strength;

Strengthen your financial situation.

Consideration of the functions performed by political parties allows us to draw a conclusion about socially important tasks that they solve quite effectively. Let's name some of them.

First, political parties provide a link between the population and government agencies... Thus, they replace spontaneous (and, therefore, unpredictable) forms of political activity of the population.

Secondly, the parties are one of the most effective forms overcoming the political apathy and passivity of citizens.

Thirdly, advocating the distribution and redistribution of political power, modern parties most often provide a peaceful way of implementing these processes, and help avoid social upheavals.

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Functions of political parties in modern society

What role do parties play in modern society? To answer this question, one should consider the functions of parties, i.e. those types of activities of parties that are necessary for society as a system for the normal functioning and development.

First function parties is participation in election campaigns. The significance of this function is determined by the very logic of the emergence of modern political parties as a kind of "electoral machines". Even in totalitarian societies, where there are no free elections, the ruling party leads the electoral process, nominates candidates, and conducts agitation and propaganda.

The second function political parties is the development of ideological concepts, programs, bringing into mass consciousness political values. Party commitment a particular system political values, on the one hand, constitutes its essential characteristics, and on the other, it is an important direction of its activity. In an effort to expand its influence, the party actively promotes the value system that constitutes the core of its ideological and political platform. For this, various communication channels are used: from direct communication at meetings, meetings, rallies to the replication of statements and declarations through the media, print media. The significance of this function of the party for society is determined by the special place of value orientations in the motivational structure of the individual. By developing and promoting ideological concepts, the party helps to unite people around certain goals.

The ideological function of a party often contradicts its electoral function. Adherence to certain ideological principles does not allow the party to focus on broad strata of voters and requires it to either change the principles or give up the chances of getting its candidates to parliament.

The dominance of the electoral function over the ideological one leads to the emergence of “catch-all” parties, which differ in their pragmatic position and focus on the momentary interests of the population. In countries where such parties become the main subjects of political life, the ideological differences between them are blurring.

The third function political parties can be called articulation and aggregation of interests of various social groups. Unlike interest groups, parties do not simply formulate and articulate the interests of individual groups, but strive to aggregate them, i.e. to generalization, prioritization, creation of comprehensive programs that take into account and link the aspirations of different strata of society. The function of aggregation of interests allows the party to rely in its activities on a sufficiently wide social base, which becomes especially important when the party participates in public administration, requiring a certain degree of consent of the masses on the key problems of the country's development. The aggregation function allows you to streamline the requirements put forward by different groups, highlight priorities, smooth out contradictions, minimize possible conflicts claims.

Fourth function political parties - formation and recruitment of the political elite and political leaders. With the disintegration of the estate society, belonging to the political elite ceased to be conditioned by a noble origin. In modern society, every person gets a chance to rise to the top of the political hierarchy. However, the fulfillment of the functions of state and political administration always requires certain skills and abilities from a person, and parties take upon themselves the task of forming them among those wishing to engage in political activity. By joining a party, a person demonstrates a desire to actively participate in political life, moving up the steps of the party hierarchy, he masters the skills of organizing, propaganda work, the ability to defend his point of view in discussions, gets acquainted with the vicissitudes of political struggle. Almost all modern politicians have gone through the school of party work in one form or another.

Fifth function political parties - mobilizing, it lies in the ability of parties to organize the masses to decide specific tasks in society. Possessing an organizational structure, opportunities for propaganda influence, parties have a significant impact on large social groups. Depending on their place in the political system, they are able to organize rallies and marches in support of the authorities or protests and civil disobedience campaigns. In an effort to attract new supporters to their side, parties are struggling with political apathy inherent in some segments of the population.

The listed functions make it possible to quite clearly define the place of parties in society. Parties are a kind of connecting link between state structures and the population.

On the one hand, they accumulate the interests of various social groups, translate the demands of the masses into state structures, strive to implement them when their representatives enter the legislative and executive authorities.

On the other hand, parties have a direct impact on the population through the dissemination of ideological concepts, political values, attitudes, beliefs and preferences. They can organize the masses to achieve a specific purpose... The more a party is integrated into state structures, the more likely it will bring into the mass consciousness those ideas in which the existing system of state power is interested. Thus, in the person of parties, the state receives additional levers of influence on the population.

Thanks to parties in modern societies, a special mechanism of interaction between the state and the population is taking shape, bringing certainty and orderliness into this interaction. This orderliness is achieved due to the fact that, firstly, the state is opposed not by an amorphous and unpredictable mass, but by citizens organized according to the principle of party preferences with clearly expressed demands. And, secondly, having the ability to influence the masses, parties can ensure a loyal attitude of the population towards various management decisions government agencies.

However, such stability of relations can be achieved only if the parties perform the functions listed above, without going beyond the framework of the normative order that has developed in society, beyond the framework of the law.

The place and role of a party in the political system is largely determined by its functions. Functions reflect the main tasks and areas of activity of a political party, its purpose in society. The most common functions of political parties are:

Representation of social interests;

Development of program guidelines, the political line of the party;

Formation of public opinion, political education and political socialization of citizens;

Participation in the struggle for power and in its implementation, in the formation of the political system of society;

Training and promotion of personnel.

Within the framework of these functions, it is possible to single out more specific, specific tasks. The content, forms and methods of performing the same functions may differ for parties of different types. There are also specific functions performed by certain parties due to the peculiarities of their development and position.

An important place in the activities of the party is representation of interests classes, social groups and strata. The content of this function is the identification, formulation and substantiation of the interests of social forces, their integration and activation.

As mentioned above, genetically the formation of parties is due to the differentiation of society into classes and other social education having different interests. XIX - early XX centuries. - this is the time of a sharp demarcation of social and class positions. This does not mean that the party system of society is exact copy social-class structure of society. It always turned out that there is different options class politics: social democratic and communist - for the working class, liberal and conservative - for the bourgeoisie. The formation of national and religious parties that go beyond the class framework speaks of the multidimensionality of the social structure of society, the presence of various strata claiming to be actively involved in political life as its subjects.

The last decades brought significant changes in the content of the function of representation. Western political scientists believe that class parties have been replaced since the middle of the 20th century. the so-called "popular parties" or "parties for all" began to come. Such a party seeks to avoid identifying itself with the interests of any one class or stratum, but appears as an exponent of a common interest. In order to achieve success, above all in the elections, the party must now take into account the interests of the whole bloc of forces. The parties strive to win the majority of votes and, in accordance with this, build their strategies and tactics, seeking to reconcile various interests. The face of the party is now being shaped not so much by class orientation as by certain type politicians.

This concept reflects objective changes in the life of society, however, the term "party for all", as it seems to us, cannot be understood literally: not a single party, since it represents one of possible options politicians may not satisfy everyone. Despite the expansion of the social base of the parties, differences remain between them both in terms of the forces they are primarily guided by and in terms of their general ideological and political orientation.

The interests of various social groups are aggregated and expressed in the process of developing a political program and implementing the political course of the party. Related to this is the following party function - development of program settings, socio-economic and political strategy. The party, as a rule, has a long-term political program based on certain ideological principles. Even if a party does not rely on any strictly expressed ideological system, a certain ideological commitment is manifested in its specific activities and the values ​​it defends.

Pragmatic and ideological styles of party activity are distinguished. Pragmatic parties are focused on the practical feasibility of actions, on the search for any opportunities to achieve specific goals. Parties of the pragmatic type avoid accepting dogmatized programs that claim to be strictly scientific and the ultimate truth. The program of such a party is often an electoral platform. Pragmatic parties do not impose strict ideological demands on their members. Ideological restrictions do not play a significant role for them, and they are sometimes sacrificed when concluding various kinds of agreements, forming coalitions, etc.

Ideological(or ideological, doctrinal) party rely on a strictly defined ideological doctrine. They are characterized by the upholding of the corresponding ideals and principles, the desire to model a society with certain ideological guidelines and put them into practice.

Recognition by party members of its program guidelines is a necessary condition for the strength of internal party ties. However, the existence of various political factions in the party and the struggle between them is not excluded. Ideological and programmatic differences have their limits, and violation of them can lead to organizational split and the emergence of new parties. At the same time, some parties (communist, for example) prohibit factional struggle as incompatible with the statutory goals and objectives. Experience shows that the prohibition of factional struggle is ineffective and leads to the ideological and political ossification of the party.

Parties strive not only to develop and update various political doctrines, but also to disseminate them widely in society. This is facilitated by the publication of party materials, speeches by party leaders on radio and television, in the press, at rallies and meetings. The party is interested in the recognition and support of its political line by public opinion.

Ideological function A political party also involves political enlightenment of its members and supporters, educating members of society in the spirit of certain values ​​and traditions, involving citizens in political life and ultimately contributing to their political socialization.

The function of exercising power political party includes:

Participation in the preparation and conduct of elections to government and administrative bodies;

The parliamentary activity of the party, its work in the party factions of the parliament and local authorities;

Participation in the process of preparation and adoption of political decisions by state bodies;

Political recruiting, etc.

In a modern democratic society, political parties in the struggle for power reject violent methods and are guided by the electoral process. Elections are the main arena for party rivalry. V competitive struggle success is achieved by a party whose political course appeals to the majority of voters. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the party is to ensure support from voters, to create and expand its own electorate.

As a result of changes in the social structure of society, the educational level of the population, the influence of the mass media, parties are losing their stable influence on voters. There is "erosion of support for parties," as the American sociologists W. Crott and G. Jacobson define it. Many voters change their party loyalty from election to election, or support candidates from different parties in an election different levels depending on how the latter promise to solve certain problems.

The parties that have won parliamentary mandates form parliamentary factions or party groups. The factions submit various proposals to parliament, preparing draft laws, submitting inquiries to the government, participating in drawing up the agenda, and have other powers. Taking into account the number of parliamentary factions from different parties, the governing and working bodies of the parliament (commissions, committees, bureaus, etc.) are formed.

In Western countries, the principle of autonomy of party factions in parliaments and municipalities operates, according to which factions are not directly subordinate to party bodies, including party congresses and conferences. They put into practice party programs and guidelines in accordance with specific conditions. But since the effective work of a parliamentary faction presupposes the presence of a certain internal discipline, party factions often adopt rather strict rules of conduct and even sanctions for their violation. For example, at a plenary meeting of a faction, a decision may be made obliging the members of the faction to vote accordingly (a decision on "factional coercion" and "voting discipline"). Along with official coercion and other measures, the most effective are the prospects of not being among the party candidates in the next elections.

The exercise of power by the ruling party is expressed not only in an initiating and advisory role in parliament, but also in the formation and subordination of executive bodies. Political parties participate in the formation of the ruling elite, the selection and placement of management personnel. They are the institutions within which political leaders and statesmen are educated.

The ruling party, through its parliamentary faction, through its representatives in the state apparatus, participates in the adoption of political decisions corresponding to the interests of the public groups it represents. Party bodies and forums determine the goals and objectives of the party in such a way that their concrete implementation in the form of bills and other state acts remains the prerogative of parliamentarians themselves, as well as administrative bodies, the economic apparatus, etc. General practice in a democracy is such that parties do not directly invade v state system... The ruling parties seek to avoid direct linking of their policies with the actions of the government and local executive bodies, sometimes distance themselves from them in order to absolve themselves of responsibility for certain unpopular measures. Thus, the party and its organs are, as it were, "alienated" from the state and only indirectly influence it. As a result, party bodies and organizations retain a purely public character and perform their functions on a non-state basis.

A political party acts as an intermediary between the state and civil society. Parties ensure the connection of the masses with state structures, the institutionalization of the political participation of citizens and the replacement of spontaneous forms of social and political activity of the population with organized, controlled forms. Through political parties, citizens put forward their group demands to the state and at the same time receive appeals from it for support in resolving certain political issues. Thus, the parties develop both direct and feedback links between the people and the state.

This mediating role of parties is most fully manifested in a democratic society. In countries with totalitarian and authoritarian regimes, the role of the ruling parties goes far beyond such mediation. Due to the absence of real competitors in the struggle for power, a political monopoly of the ruling party is taking shape, which usurps power and political functions. The ruling party becomes over the state, establishes control over it, and through it, over civil society. The party's going beyond its functional mission, an attempt to substitute for state bodies destroys the social and political nature of the party. Such an organization ceases to be a political party in the proper sense of the word, but retains only outward signs such.


1) identification and generalization of various social interests,

2) development of a policy option (political course),

3) nomination of candidates for elections,
4) representation of the interests of certain blocks of social forces in government bodies;
5) implementation of communication between civil society and the state;

6) replenishment of the ranks of their supporters;
7) familiarizing citizens with politics (political socialization), educating professional politicians.

C 26. Formulate four judgments that reveal the different functions of political parties in modern society.


1) The activity of political parties allows you to identify and generalize a variety of social interests.

2) Political parties develop alternative options politics (political course).

Political parties nominate candidates for elections

4) Political parties represent the interests of certain blocks of social forces in government bodies.

C26. Show three examples of the existence of a multi-party system in modern Russia.


There are a significant number of political parties and movements (for example, “ United Russia"," Fair Russia ", LDPR, Communist Party of the Russian Federation, etc.); deputies of the State Duma are elected according to the lists of political parties, subsequently forming parliamentary factions; periodically, the President of the Russian Federation, members of the Government of the Russian Federation meet with the leaders of political parties and movements, parliamentary factions, i.e. the influence of political parties and movements on the adoption of power decisions and determination of the directions of political development of the country is evident.

C 26. Illustrate with three examples the pluralistic nature of Russia's political system.


1) the nomination of various candidates for elections to government bodies in the center and at the local level;

2) the existence of mass media in the country defending various political views;

3) the existence in the country of a multi-party system, parties that have ideological differences in their programs;

4) in the lower house of parliament, various factions are formed and operate

From 27. In Japan, until 1993, the invariably ruling Liberal Democratic Party was constantly ahead of twice or more the second most important party (Socialist), which received about 20% of the vote. Due to the fact that other parties represented in parliament had very little in common with the socialists, liberal democrats did not encounter difficulties in organizing the work of the cabinet of ministers and approving their bills. Can we say that there was a one-party system in Japan? If not, how would you characterize this system? Argument your position.


It cannot be stated that a one-party system existed in Japan. In this country, there are many parties capable of really influencing the political life of society, which completely does not correspond to the essence of a one-party system, characterized by the functioning of one party, which eventually removes all competitors from political life. The party system in Japan can be described as "Atypical" multiparty or quasi-multiparty.

C26. Point out three differences between political movements and political parties.


Ø political movements do not strive to achieve power, but to influence power in the direction they need;

Ø political movements are more closely related to the everyday life of people;

Ø the movements have a broader, amorphous, variegated, social base than a political party;

Ø optional full ideological unity of the participants in the movement, in contrast to a political party; political movements do not have a strict hierarchy, that is, a clear distribution of functions between the center and the periphery is not found in them, etc.


C26. Scientists have determined that the choice of a voter during voting is determined by a significant number of factors. List any three factors that influence the voter's decision.


1) the level of income and education of the voter;

2) the influence of the social environment and environment;

3) the position of the media that are available to him;

4) national, religious, cultural factors.

C 26. In many states, an age limit has been introduced for the exercise by a citizen of the right to elect and be elected to government bodies. Does this qualification correspond to the values ​​of a democratic society? Give three reasons for your opinion.


1.the age qualification does not contradict the values ​​of a democratic society;

2.: -the age qualification applies to all citizens of the corresponding age, that is, the principle of equality is not violated;

The age limit does not exclude other opportunities for adolescents and young people to participate in the political life of society;

The age qualification does not violate the principle of periodic election of public authorities;

The age qualification is expedient due to the timing of the political socialization of adolescents and young people.

C26. List three ways for citizens to participate politically and illustrate each one specific example


1. Participation in elections (example: a citizen can participate in elections as a voter, using his active suffrage, a citizen can be elected to government bodies, to elective positions as a candidate);

2. submitting proposals to the authorities (example: a citizen can take part in the discussion of new legislative initiatives by sending his proposals to parliamentarians, he can apply with a letter or a proposal to the government);

3. membership in political organizations (example: a citizen can be a member of a political party, can be a member of social movements or political clubs)

C26. It is known that many democratic countries are faced with the problem of low voter turnout. Some countries impose special sanctions (for example: fines) on such voters, while others consider turnout to be a voter's right, which he may not use. Imagine what could be the reasons for the low voter turnout in the elections? What are three reasons.


1) Low activity can be associated with political stability.

2) Voters have lost faith in democratic institutions, do not trust the authorities.

3) People are busy with private life and business, there is no interest in politics.

4) Crisis phenomena in society, inability of the authorities to find a way out, disbelief in changes for the better.

С 7. Society and the state are interested in the activity of the individual, which "is an important condition for the development of a democratic society." Based on your knowledge of the social science course and your life experience, give three arguments confirming the author's correctness .


1) elections to government bodies are an important condition for the development of democracy. The active participation of citizens in the electoral process determines how fully the elected deputies will reflect the interests of society;

2) the activity of citizens, their participation in public associations makes it possible to create control over the government, to protect society from personal willfulness, despotism of politicians who have come to power;

3) the activity of citizens is a condition that ensures independence in matters of local self-government.

C27. At the election of deputies to a representative body of power in one of the constituencies, a struggle was waged between three candidates. One of them got 42% of the vote and became the winner. What electoral system was used for the elections? Give two arguments .


1) elections were held by majority system ;

2) two arguments: 1) elections by constituencies refer to the majoritarian electoral system;

2) under the majority system of the relative majority, the candidate who won less than half of the votes, but more than each of his rivals, can win. Other arguments could be given.

C 27. Your friend is running in a single-mandate constituency for the State Duma. 48% of voters in this constituency voted for him, and his competitors received 31% and 21% of the votes, respectively. Can you congratulate your friend on the election? Give two arguments.


1) The correct answer is given: it is indicated that the candidate won the elections, i.e. he can be congratulated on his election;

2) the following arguments are given:

Said to have won in a single-member constituency;

The elections were carried out according to the majority system, a system of relative majority.

C 27. In the state of N., representative bodies of power are created in accordance with the rule: "The winner takes everything." To be elected, a candidate is required to obtain an absolute majority of the votes cast in the constituency. What type can be attributed to the electoral system of the state of N.? On what basis did you determine this? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of electoral system?


Type of electoral system of the state of N .: majoritarian system (absolute majority).

Distinctive feature under the majoritarian system (one deputy - one constituency), the winner is the one who won 50% + 1 vote.

C 27. During the election campaign for the head of the regional administration, one of the candidates registered by the election commission was removed from the election race. The court upheld the decision of the Electoral Commission. What legal grounds could the Election Commission have been guided by when removing a candidate? Indicate three reasons


1) the election commission found out during the audit that the candidate submitted falsified lists with signatures

2) the candidate could incorrectly indicate information about his income and property

3) the candidate could have violated the election legislation during his election campaign, used illegal means, administrative resources

С 27. On the day of elections of deputies of the State Duma, leaflets were distributed at polling stations in favor of one of the candidates. How do you assess the given example from the point of view of the Russian legislation on elections? What are the rules (indicate three) should the election campaign of candidates for deputies be conducted?


1) an assessment was given, for example: such a fact contradicts the norms of electoral law, campaigning for a candidate must be stopped the day before the elections, any pressure on the voter's choice on election day is illegal;

2) the rules are given, for example:

All candidates must have equal conditions of access to the media;

Same air time for their campaign speeches,

Funds for the election campaign should go to a special fund, their spending should be transparent for society and the government.

С 27. The elections of the head of the administration were held in the region. In the second round, about a third of the votes cast by voters were cast against both candidates. Name any three reasons for protest voting in this area.


1) the situation in this area is probably difficult, and people do not trust the authorities;

2) many people did not find positions in the programs of both candidates that would interest them;

3) candidates did not take into account the interests of voters;

4) people do not believe in the possibility of positive changes in society.

С 7. Country N. is a democratic state with a dynamically developing market economy and high level the lives of most citizens. However, every year in the country N. there is a growing number of citizens who avoid participating in elections at various levels. Indicate three possible reasons evasion of citizens of this country from fulfilling their civic duty as a voter.


1) people are used to stable and rich life and do not see the difference between political leaders and parties that are in power;

2) private interest prevails among the people of this country, they are absorbed in their private life and are not interested

social problems, including political struggle;

3) in the political arena of this country there are no bright political figures that could attract the interests of citizens, increase their involvement in political life;

see those forces in the political arena that will help them improve their position.