Business for the production of decorative concrete fences. Production of concrete fences: features of the technological process. Paint application technology

Today people have become very sensitive to the issue of registering their property. And in this regard, the demand for various original decorative and design elements is increasing every day.

Owners of various cottages, townhouses and just homeowners face some problems with individual design. The fact is that most projects of such buildings are created according to a certain template. Therefore, it is very difficult to stand out in any way from other similar buildings.

Decorative fences made of concrete come to the aid of modern homeowners. These structures will not only help to fence your property, but also give the site individuality. And since the competition in this business is minimal, you can make good money on this. It is the production of fences that we will discuss in this article.


Actually big competition led by manufacturers of forged gratings and similar products. But before iron structure Concrete fences have at least three advantages: strength, lower cost, and ease of use.

After all, forged products must be constantly painted, covered with protective enamel (against rust), and in extreme cases replaced due to various types of deformation.

Concrete decorative fences are more unpretentious in use and more durable in design. The number of low-rise buildings is constantly increasing (at least in Russia). But, to our great surprise, the number of companies that provide construction services concrete fences, remains relatively small.

And those companies that are engaged in this business work in a direction that is very different from the topic of this article. From all this we can conclude that the market lacks narrowly focused manufacturers of decorative concrete fences.

Business Features

Many people are surprised by one very strange fact, namely why the production of fences does not attract large enterprises? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Perhaps the owners of large companies do not see prospects in this business, or the overwhelming number of companies are simply not satisfied with this job profile.

In any case, the lack of dominance of individual enterprises is even better. Due to the lack of large companies in this business, clients have to turn to small manufacturers who do all the work manually. And, as you know, the cost of such companies is clearly inflated. To achieve rapid growth, it is necessary to produce goods in large quantities, thereby reducing the cost of one unit of production. We must not, of course, forget about the quality of the buildings (more on that a little later).

Individuality and wholesale

One of the most difficult aspects of decorative fence production is the combination of mass production and individual characteristics each product. It is necessary to create the illusion of a personal approach to each client.

It is worth noting that most of them will be middle-income people who are trying to stand out. As you can see, there are a lot of difficulties in this business, so you need to carefully think through every step. Everything that happened earlier concerned only the general aspects of this matter. Now it’s worth talking about production technology and special equipment.


During the production of any product, one of the most important points is careful preparation starting materials. The final product will directly depend on their quality. The next most important factor is correct selection necessary equipment. This list includes molds, molding equipment, vibrating screens, etc. The entire production of fences can be divided into three main stages, which we will discuss further.

First stage

The main components of concrete are cement and sand. It is from these elements that production begins. The first step is sifting sand and cement. This is done using special equipment called a vibrating sieve. It is equipped with an electric drive, and the materials themselves pass through cells no larger than 5 mm in size.

All equipment for the production of concrete fences of this type must be present in several copies. A single production (to order) requires no more than 2 such machines. If you are counting on wholesale sales, then you will already need 3-4 (or maybe more) vibrating sieves. The cost of one such machine depends on the power and amount of resources it can accommodate. The average price is $500.

Second phase

The second stage of work consists of mixing ready mixture made of concrete. Carrying out this process manually is inefficient, so it is necessary to use automated tools. For this work, so-called concrete mixers or, as they are called differently, concrete mixers are used.

There is a huge selection of different manufacturers on the global construction equipment market. of this device. Here we will not discuss all types of concrete mixers, but will only highlight two large categories: gravity and forced. The first type of concrete mixers is distinguished by its low price. The cost ranges from $350 to $2,000. Also, many such devices are portable and do not require industrial voltage for operation.

The exception is the most powerful gravitational devices. Another category of concrete mixers (forced) are much more expensive. Naturally, along with the price, all other characteristics increase: voltage consumption and performance. Also, most forced mixers are stationary, and in some cases an additional light foundation is required. Non-portable concrete mixers are often equipped with a lift called a skip.

The production of a concrete fence will be greatly accelerated with this addition. The skip allows you to pour concrete mixture even at height. The lift also automates the process of loading materials, which frees up one manpower (otherwise it would require 1 person to carry out this operation). The control system consists of a guide winch and a movable hopper.

Third stage

The fence production process is completed by pouring the finished mixture into a pre-prepared mold. It is at this stage that ordinary building materials begin to take on their usual appearance.

The form for the concrete fence itself must be made without any defects, including no welds or other types of defects.

If these conditions are not met, you may end up with a low-quality product. This can ruin all the work done previously. The form for a concrete fence comes in two types: blank and openwork. The price for this equipment is approximately $350. When starting a business producing concrete fences from scratch, forms are practically the most expensive element.

Imagine how many types of this equipment you will need to buy to increase the variety of finished tiles. Medium-sized companies must have at least 50 types of forms in stock, plus each type must be in several copies (to speed up the production process).

Business expansion

Every businessman should strive to increase production. In this case, you can offer your clients various additional services. For example, design decoration(which will correspond to the general appearance of the building), installation (and dismantling of old fences).

Further expansion will depend only on you. You may want to keep things more mid-range by adding various small decorative elements. Or you will serve large companies, producing only unique concrete decorative fences. In any case, the scale of your business depends only on you.


As a conclusion, it is worth mentioning the search for employees. This matter must be approached with some imagination. In addition to the workers who will make the fences themselves, you need to find a creative designer. As your business develops, you may need to additionally purchase (or make your own) various elements decor: borders, fountains, urns, flower beds. The production of concrete fences is one of those business areas that can turn into a gold mine with the right approach.

Concrete fences: features of do-it-yourself production and installation

Concrete as a material for the production of fencing is characterized by the following advantages:

  • ease of processing (the vibration casting method allows you to produce products of any size and shape in a relatively short time); low cost of raw materials (production uses so-called Portland cement - a mixture of limestone-clay pellets (clinker) and gypsum obtained by firing);

    high strength indicators (fence elements made of reinforced concrete under normal operating conditions last at least 20 years).

Typical concrete fence

Manufacturing of fences using vibration casting method

The main method of producing fence sections and pillars from concrete is vibration casting. Its essence lies in the fact that the solidification of raw materials in the mold occurs on a special vibrating surface - a vibrating table. Thanks to this technology, bubbles are removed from the concrete mass, which, when hardened, turn into pores and negatively affect the strength characteristics of the finished product.

Industrial vibrating table

It is worth noting that vibration casting as a method of producing concrete products is divided into two types:

  • instant formwork; exposure casting.

The second type is used when casting textured fence elements from concrete: for example, with imitation of wild stone or brickwork. The difference between exposure casting and instant formwork is that the production uses matrix molds with a relief bottom, the texture of which determines the texture front side products.

Stages of production of concrete fences

The technological process for casting fence elements from concrete is as follows:

The first stage is preparing the matrix form. In the production of concrete products, molds made of either PVC or so-called ABC plastic are widely used. Matrices of the second type are more expensive and are very convenient for casting textured fence elements (fence sections such as “braid”, “cobweb”, etc.). Also, molds made of ABC plastic last longer than their counterparts made of polyvinyl chloride (if the wear life of a PVC matrix is ​​on average 50 cycles, then a matrix made of ABC plastic can be used for production about 200 times).

The matrix is ​​installed on a vibrating table and lubricated from the inside with a special composition, which ensures easy removal of the product after hardening. The most commonly used lubricants in production are Separen and Lerossin.

The second stage is pouring raw materials. The vibrating table is turned on and Portland cement is poured into the matrix mold installed on it, brought to the desired consistency in a concrete mixer. Excess raw materials are removed from the edges of the matrix.

Reinforcement frame

The third stage is the installation of reinforcing mesh. All fencing elements are manufactured with reinforcement inside, which allows the load of the raw material to be evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the product. The reinforcement is placed on the surface of the future product and “goes” into it under the influence of vibration.

The concrete hardening process is considered complete when there are no bubbles on the surface of the product. Then the vibration table turns off.

The fourth stage is the extraction of the finished fence element from the matrix form. If all technological nuances production is met, the product comes out of the mold without difficulty.

Installing concrete fences with your own hands: sequence of work

DIY installation of concrete fences is a completely doable task if you are not afraid physical activity. The technology for installing concrete fences is relatively simple when compared, for example, with the installation of wrought-iron fences that use formwork.

The first stage is marking the territory. A rope is stretched along the perimeter of the future fence, and the places where the posts are driven in are marked with pegs.

Fixing pegs in place of future supports

The second stage is the installation of support pillars. You should start from the corner post, not from the middle post. At the site where the support is installed, a hole is dug with a depth of one third of the height of the post (when driven in, the support will go into the ground for some more of its length), and the so-called. sand and gravel cushion. Next, the support is installed in the ground with mandatory leveling and compaction. The final touch installation of support pillars - concreting the hole.

The concrete mixture with which the pillars are poured must be of a very liquid consistency, with a sand to cement ratio of at least 1:4.

The third stage is hanging the fence sections. Elements of the fence sheet are inserted into the grooves of the supports. If standing nearby The pillars are installed in the ground parallel to each other, hanging will not cause any difficulties, being carried out in the manner of assembling a Lego constructor. If the fence model involves the use of two or more sectional elements in height, the sections should be hung “floor by floor” along the perimeter to avoid distortion of the fence.

The vertical joints of the sections are sealed with cement to eliminate cracks, and the gaps between the slabs and the ground are filled with fine gravel.

Concrete fence manufacturing technology

  • Casting method
    • Manufacturing technology
    • Continue the workflow

The main purpose of any fence is to enclose an area.

Standard scheme construction of a concrete fence.

That is why a concrete fence must have high strength, reliability and, if possible, beauty.

Casting method

Let's consider the injection molding method for manufacturing concrete structures. The concrete mixture prepared in a special mixer has high mobility, non-segregation, excellent casting qualities, and concrete products are quite durable, waterproof and frost-resistant.

In order to make concrete fences, you need:

Approximate diagram of a rectangular concrete plinth for a fence.

  1. Special mixer (concrete mixer).
  2. Portland cement M500D0 (without any additives).
  3. Sand with a particle size modulus greater than Mkr 2.0 (ideally, the fraction should be 2.5), the content of clay particles in this sand should not be more than 3%.
  4. Granite crushed stone brands more than 800, with a fraction of 0.5-1 cm.
  5. Plasticizers.
  6. Water.
  7. The trolley is manual.
  8. Vibrating table
  9. Forms.
  10. Special graters.
  11. Brushes.
  12. Trowel.
  13. Brush.
  14. Pallets.
  15. Fittings. For pillars: 50 cm - B - 1 4 mm, 100 cm - BP - 1 4 mm, 150 cm - 0.6 cm, 200 cm - 0.8 cm, 250 cm - A3 1 cm, for frame: steel BP - 1, with a diameter of 0.4 cm.

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The ingredients are loaded into a special mixer in the following sequence: sand - cement - water. To make pillars, you need to wash the gravel in a concrete mixer. Once the gravel is clean, the water should be drained. Next you need to add sand to the gravel, and then cement. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed (dry) until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Then water is poured into the mixture proportionally. Humidity should be checked visually (squeezing the mixture in your hand). For the slab, the mixture must be made a little thinner than for stove masonry, for pillars - a little drier. Visually, the post mixture should be slightly lumpy.

Manufacturing scheme concrete pillar with your own hands.

If the mixture begins to “boil” during vibration, it means that this solution contains excess moisture, which subsequently leads to “swimming” of concrete products, which is especially dangerous for pillars, because during setting the internal section of the pillar begins to sag.

In a special mixer you need to pour 0.5 parts of crushed stone, a plasticizer solution and approximately 0.5 parts of water. All ingredients should be mixed for 1 minute. Afterwards, cement is poured in and the mixture is mixed again for 1 minute.

Afterwards, the remaining crushed stone and sand are poured in, and the mixture should be mixed again for 3 minutes, gradually adding water to this mixture. Water is added until the concrete mixture reaches the required plasticity.

This process will take approximately 5-7 minutes. The total time for mixing the concrete mixture in a concrete mixer is about 10-20 minutes - it all depends on its volume.

The mixture for making slabs can be prepared in a forced mixer, provided that it is unloaded from a height not exceeding 50 cm. The mixture for making pillars is best prepared in a pear, observing the unloading conditions.

The quality of the concrete mixture must be determined by eye. The high-quality mixed mixture has no dry inclusions and does not separate during vibration. Also, a properly prepared mixture should easily roll into a so-called “bun” with slightly swollen sides, in other words, it should have the consistency of dumpling dough.

If the mixer and vibrating table are spatially separated, then the mixture should be unloaded into hand carts. If there is no space, then the best option there will be a stiffening sheet located under the stirrer. From there the mixture is taken.

Scheme for manufacturing a decorative concrete block.

The formation process begins with the installation of the mold on a special vibrating table. The mold must be lubricated manually using brushes or spraying. If excess lubricant has formed, it simply needs to be drained.

Approximately 40% of the volume of the concrete mixture must be placed and leveled in a well-greased form until a layer of protective reinforcement is formed. Compaction is performed by turning on a vibrating table for 20 seconds. After the mixture has been compacted, pre-welded or tied reinforcement should be laid.

Next, you need to turn on the vibration table again. Using trowels, the reinforcement must be deepened into the concrete. After total immersion reinforcement into concrete, the vibrating table is turned off and the surface is rubbed using a float until it is perfectly smooth.

During the manufacture of pillars, during the final filling of the special form, it is necessary to install an upper groove former.

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The form should be filled 1/3 with concrete and turn on the vibrating table for 30 seconds. Then you need to install a couple of reinforcing bars, add another 1/3 of the mixture and a couple more bars. Next, the rest of the mixture is added.

Between these actions, the vibrating table should be turned on for 25 seconds. After the mold is completely filled, you need to place an internal insert, the end of which must be deepened across the mold using a board and turn on the vibrating table. Next, using a trowel, you need to smooth the surface around the groove, holding the board level with the form itself.

Technological scheme for the production of concrete products.

Then you should turn off the vibrating table and finally smooth the shape. After compaction has been completed, it is necessary to float the exposed surface of the concrete. The surface of the resulting product and mold must be cleaned of concrete residues using brushes.

Stripping is carried out by tipping the form onto wooden pallets. Then you should slowly lift the first side of the mold until the product separates, then you need to lift the edges one by one and remove the mold.

Future concrete fences do not require heat treatment. Their hardening occurs due to the heat of hydration of cement. The microclimate necessary for hardening is created using the design of the pallets. The longitudinal ribs and the flooring create a volume (closed) in which the material hardens.

Pallets with future concrete fences must be installed in a stack, the height of which is no more than 10 pallets. The topmost product should be covered with an empty tray in order to create the same hardening conditions. If the outside air temperature is less than 5 degrees Celsius, then the stack of pallets must be covered with film.

The product can be removed after it has gained 50% strength (about a day). They can be transported only after a couple of weeks. Fence panels should be stored vertically and posts horizontally. The fence is painted only with façade dye. So, the fence is ready, all that remains is to install it.

Production and installation of concrete decorative fences

IN Lately for fencing summer cottages and private houses began to be found wide application concrete decorative fences. They gained their popularity due to the decorative structure of the surface of the slabs, ease of installation and relatively low price. There are many enterprises and workshops engaged not only in the production of concrete fences, but also in the installation of structures at the customer’s site. Such fences do not require the manufacture of strip foundations and can be installed in areas located on steep slopes.

Materials for the manufacture of fence slabs

When installing a fence on a property, any owner dreams of its strength and durability. They depend on the quality of the materials used in construction. Without a doubt, such a structure will be a fence made of natural stone. However, the time to manufacture it and the financial costs are very high. Not every person can afford to build such a fence. Concrete fences combine strength, design and price. Most owners of plots and houses would like to do the work of installing a fence with their own hands. This allows you to significantly reduce cash costs. Mount concrete blocks For the fence, you can do it yourself, with the help of family members.

The material for the manufacture of slabs is lightweight concrete, which contains water, Portland cement, sand and fine crushed stone or screenings.

In some cases, plasticizers and coloring pigments are used. To give the fence block strength, it is reinforced with wire mesh. After the product dries, pores often appear on its surface, which affect the ability to absorb moisture. IN winter period this affects the frost resistance of the structure.

In order to avoid the occurrence of such defects, they began to use Kevlar concrete. Plates made from this material do not have such shortcomings, and the surface comes out glossy. This building material is manufactured using pellet production technology for ferrous metallurgy. The technology is simple and consists of enveloping a core, consisting of one or several large particles of granite screenings, with a semi-dry mixture of cement and sand. This process occurs in a concrete mixer at high rotation speeds. The preparation time for Kevlar concrete is no more than 1 minute.

At the final stage, water is added to the mixture at the rate of approximately 0.1 liters. for 3 kg of mixture.

The resulting mass is evenly distributed over the mold and vibrated. Due to the small amount of water in the mixture, air bubbles do not form, which can cause defects. After the product has dried, painting can be done at the customer's request. It is usually done from the front side. After this, the fence slab is ready for installation. To install it, profile pillars are used, into the grooves of which decorative concrete blocks are inserted.

Manufacturing technology

The production of fence slabs is based on vibration casting technology. The concrete mixture is prepared in a concrete mixer with the addition of sand, Portland cement M 400 or 500, crushed stone of fraction 5–10 or screenings. The finished solution is distributed over metal or plastic forms. Its consistency should ensure free movement of the mass throughout the matrix. The final shrinkage of the mixture and filling of the entire volume of the mold is carried out on the vibrating table. Vibration time should provide output maximum quantity air from concrete. The finished form is sent for drying naturally or for steaming in a special chamber. With method 2, the product will be completely ready in a day, and after drying it will gain full strength in 28 days. The standard dimensions of the finished fence fabric are 200 x 50 x 4 cm, and the weight is about 70 kg.

Recently, double-sided slabs have begun to be produced for European fences. They differ from standard ones in size and texture location on both sides of the canvas.

Such products are painted with ordinary facade paints on both sides in different colors that are in harmony with the interior decoration of the yard.

Surfaces can be painted during manufacturing by adding dye only to the required areas. This method allows you to reduce the consumption of coloring pigment by half.

These slabs measure 200 x 30 x 8 cm and, due to their large thickness, weigh up to 90 kg. Double-sided fence blocks are installed in special stacked posts that can support their weight. Such fences have fairly good strength characteristics, which allows you to protect the area from the penetration of uninvited guests.

Fence installation

A decorative concrete fence does not require any special equipment for installation, and the work usually comes down to installing pillars, the dimensions of which depend on the number of mounted sections in 1 span. Usually a fence 2 m high is installed. It does not allow the site to be viewed from the street, and for ventilation and making it light, an upper openwork section is installed. Facade fences are installed with the textured part facing outwards. To give the inside aesthetically pleasing it is being painted.

Depending on the topography of the site, the installation of the fence can be done in steps or evenly. This is achieved by selecting supports of different sizes. Cast poles are made in 4 standard sizes for installation of 1 to 4 slabs. The size of the lower concreted part is 50 cm for 1–2 slabs and 75 cm for 3–4. The supports have 2 longitudinal grooves 4 cm deep for installing slabs. In the corners of the site, 2 supports are mounted in 1 hole with the grooves located towards the fence line. Painting of the posts is carried out together with the entire fence.

After marking the boundaries of the site, corner supports are installed.

They are leveled, the holes are filled with stone or pieces of brick and filled with cement mortar. The distance between the centers of the pillars should be 2.06 m. If the size is larger, the slabs will not stay in the grooves, and if they are smaller, they will not be inserted there. To install the posts, holes are dug with a shovel or made with a hand drill. After all the pillars have been installed and the concrete has hardened, the fence blocks are installed. This part of the work is carried out by at least 2 people. Each subsequent slab is laid with its lower surface on a cushion of cement mortar. After installing all sections of 1 span, excess mortar is removed. In the grooves, the fence panels are wedged, and the remaining cracks are filled with mortar.

When installing slabs in prefabricated poured supports, the work is carried out slightly differently. First, a foundation is made for all the pillars. It is inserted into reinforcement cage, which should rise above the concrete surface by at least 40 cm. After the solution has dried, the first section of the support is installed on the surface of the foundation. These actions are carried out alternately on all columnar bases. Then double-sided fence slabs are installed in the grooves of the sections, after which the support blocks are filled with concrete. Work is carried out in this sequence until the required height of the fence is reached. After the installation of the slabs is completed, caps are installed on the upper sections of the supports. Afterwards the entire structure is painted.

Installation errors

The main mistakes when assembling a fence are:

  • destruction seats slabs;
  • sections falling out of the span.

If fence posts are installed incorrectly, the panels become bent in the vertical plane and, as a result, the corners of the slabs break out. This situation can be avoided by constantly monitoring the horizontal position of the seats in the grooves of adjacent supports. To do this, when installing supports, it is necessary to check the horizontal position of the elements. In this case, a 2 m long rail and a building level are used. At the same time, the distance between the pillars will be controlled.

The more accurately the supports are placed, the smoother the fence line will be.

Sections fall out due to the large interval between adjacent supports. The groove in the pillar has a depth of 4 cm; accordingly, the slab must fit into it at least 3 cm on each side. Such a defect cannot be eliminated without completely dismantling part of the fence. Usually, all the mistakes made during installation appear in the first year after winter. Only negligence during installation can lead to the appearance of such defects, and, as a result, to additional work and unnecessary costs.

A concrete fence for fencing the local area is not only reliable protection, but also an additional decoration of the architecture of the house. Today, concrete fences are considered one of the most reliable and durable, and you can make them yourself.

What types of concrete fences exist

First of all, they are distinguished by purpose and design, secondly by manufacturing and installation technology.

The functional purpose of the fence is to enclose an area, which also has a decorative meaning. So, next to a wooden log house, this fence will look out of place, but the architecture of a stone building will harmoniously combine with concrete panels or brick.

Currently, fences are constructed not only from ready-made flat-shaped concrete panels - they can be made independently using various shapes. In addition, decorative fencing can imitate natural material, have different colors and a certain style.

Possible options in the photo

A stone structure on a solid foundation will protect the local area from prying eyes The hollowness of concrete blocks allows the use of a large number of elements due to their low weight The simplest of fences is monolithic with one decorative side Embossed inserts provide a refreshing pop of color A double-sided fence can easily be used on personal plot Contrast is created by support pillars dark color, echoing the color of the roof of the house Both the design itself and the finishing are expensive, but justify their service life

Types of fencing

These include:

  1. Monolithic.
  2. Typesetting.
  3. Decorative.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of concrete fences

Type of fencingpros Minuses
MonolithicStrength, durability, large sizes, the ability to decorate surfaces with paintLarge weight, the block cannot be lifted (the use of lifting machines is required), the need for a solid foundation
Self-sufficientThe height of the finished blocks is up to 3 m, ease of assembly due to the one-piece panel design, the possibility of installation without a foundationHeavy weight (up to 2.5 t)
typesettingEasy to assemble, has a decorative (outer) side, can be installed on or without a foundation. Decorative design fence, standard sizes. Can be double sidedThe need to install additional support pillars for fastening the panels, the relatively large weight and the need to use a crane
DecorativeLightest weight, variety decorative species, the ability to use materials that imitate any surface, ease of installation and the ability to install a fence without the use of special equipmentHigher cost (with additional surface decoration)
BlockyLight weight due to the hollowness of the blocks, no need for additional installation of support postsNecessary requirement: laying blocks on cement, followed by decorating or plastering the surface and the mandatory construction of a solid foundation; the cost is higher than for a fence made of prefabricated panels

Monolithic fences are used, for the most part, by large enterprises, institutions and even guarded parking lots - organizations for which the protective function of the fence is primarily important. Such fences have a rough external texture and are panel fences. They cannot be stacked on top of each other like a construction set, since the panels are heavy. A prerequisite is the construction of a solid foundation.

Recently, monolithic reinforced concrete slabs have been installed on sites, thanks to which the fence is called self-standing. A characteristic feature is the mandatory wide horizontal base of the slabs for installation; in some cases, self-standing fences can be installed with spikes on the “glass”.

A stacked fence is a fence consisting of several slabs. The stacked slabs have both a different texture and a decorative side, and one of the parts of the sections may differ from the other - as a rule, these are the upper rows of the fence.

One section can have up to four assembly panels installed in grooves. For a concrete fence, it is also necessary to construct supports - special pillars to which the sections will be attached.

When installing a type-setting type of fencing, it is necessary to accurately calculate the step between the supports, as well as secure them firmly.

Most owners of private houses use euro-concrete panels instead of conventional panels, which are lighter in weight and more convenient to install. The most common Europanel size is 2.0 x 0.5 x 0.12 m. In addition, typesetting panels are often produced double-sided - having the same surface appearance on both sides.

Decorative fences include panels erected from separate sections.

Decorative fences can imitate textures such as:

  • wood;
  • brick;
  • granite or marble;
  • cobblestone and rough stone;
  • metal forging.

How to make a concrete fence with your own hands

Fences can be installed from standard panels, purchased on construction market. Or you can make it yourself – “for yourself.” Constructing a fencing structure with your own hands will be an advantage when the owner wants to see a non-standard design on the site that harmoniously combines with the overall architecture of the house and the surrounding area.

Preparatory work

First you need to select the material for mixing the solution. For this you will need:

  1. Cement M400 or M500.
  2. Crushed stone of small fractions - 19–20 mm.
  3. The sand is coarse-grained.
  4. Water.

By mixing them in a certain proportion, you get a solution that must be used immediately - otherwise it will harden. The time required to gain structural strength is four weeks.

It should be remembered that the more sand in the solution, the lower the strength of the concrete will be.

Table: recipe for preparing concrete mortar

To make concrete blocks, a little plasticizer is added to the solution - it will give greater plasticity to the raw material and allow you to create the required shape for the blocks. Water is added to the solution until it has the texture of viscous thick sour cream.

The solution can be mixed in a large trough, but having a concrete mixer will speed up the process.

When working with a concrete mixer, crushed stone is first loaded into it, filled with a small amount of water - so that the cement does not stick to the blades of the inner drum, and only then - cement and sand.

Preparing tools and molds

The mixture for the solution is already mixed in a concrete mixer, now all that remains is to prepare the tools for work:

  • spatula, level;
  • molds for solution;
  • steel reinforcement (4 mm cross-section for the fence and 8 mm for support posts).

If possible, it is advisable to install a vibrating table at the construction site while the fence is being installed to compact the concrete forms. The molds themselves are sold in hardware stores and come in rubber, polypropylene, plastic and fiberglass.

Calculation of the number of slabs and concrete for erecting a fence

If you have already decided on the type, then you can start making the slabs. For a regular level fence you will need removable formwork and mortar. The amount of volume for one slab can be calculated based on the formula:

V = L x H x B, m 3, where V is volume, m 3; L - length, m; H - height, m; B - width, m.

Thus, for one slab measuring 1.6x1.5x0.15 m, the volume of the solution will be 0.36 m 3. The width of one slab of a homemade fence must be at least 150 mm.

The number of slabs will depend on the perimeter of the fenced area. It should be remembered that the total length of the fence also includes the size of the support pillars, the cross-section of which is 300x300 mm.

Again, for an area of ​​36 m2 (6.0x6.0 m) you will need 12 slabs:

N = P/L = (2 x (a+b) - 0.3x16)/1.6, pcs., where P is the perimeter of the fenced area, m; a and b - sides, m; 0.3 - length of one column, m; L - length of one slab, m.

The number of pillars for the entire perimeter is 16 pieces, obtained from the calculation (a-3xL)/s, where a is the side of the site = 6.0 m; s - 0.3m - pole length, m.

There are 4 posts on one side of the fence, therefore, a total of 16 pieces should be installed.

The total volume of solution on the slabs will be at least 0.36 m 3 x 12 pcs = 4.32 m 3.

On the base for the slabs (although it is preferable to arrange strip foundation) will take a little less: with dimensions of 1.6 x 0.5 x 0.3 m, the solution volume is V = 0.24 m 3. For slabs in the amount of 12 pieces, concrete will be consumed V = 0.24x12 = 2.88 m 3.

Total overall volume concrete solution will be 4.32 + 2.88 = 7.2 m 3

The width of the foundation for the fence should be twice the width of the slab.

If the choice fell on a concrete fence made from ready-made forms, then everything is simpler. You just need to follow the instructions for making the amount of solution for a specific form.

Device from ready-made molds

  • On flat surface a pouring mold is installed, lubricated with oil or a special compound that prevents the frozen solution from sticking.
  • Reinforcement is placed into the mold to ensure the adhesion strength of the concrete.
  • After laying the reinforcement, you can pour the mortar. Having filled the form to the brim, the concrete should be leveled with a spatula.
  • After drying, the finished product is removed and placed until completely dry - under a canopy. After making the required number of molds, they can be installed on the foundation, fastening the sections together using support pillars.

Video: constructing a concrete fence from ready-made forms

Construction using formwork

At independent device fence without using a form, the whole process boils down to the fact that instead of ready-made forms, you will need to install removable formwork and a foundation.

The foundation for the fence must be wider than the main structure.

This is done as follows.

First, a solid (preferably strip) foundation is built for the future fence, for which a ditch with the required width is dug, and a sand cushion with a layer thickness of 20–25 cm.

The layer is then filled with concrete mortar and left until it reaches its original strength - usually for a month. It is advisable to periodically moisten the concrete structure with water for greater strengthening.

While the foundation is gaining strength, you can prepare material for removable formwork - panels, boards and supports. The formwork is installed to the width of the planned fence, secured on both outer sides.

The fence can be built separately from standing house, and for a fence adjacent to the house

Don't forget about the reinforcement of the structure!

After cooking concrete mortar poured into a homemade mold from formwork to an initial layer height of 20–25 cm, then carefully tamped and added more mortar to the same layer height. The number of layers may be different - it is important that the fence is poured into the formwork in one day, otherwise even a newly built structure may crack.

The height of the fence can be arbitrary - it will depend on the height of the formwork structure. The poured solution is allowed to settle for at least a day, after which the formwork is removed and transferred to another area.

This construction system is the simplest. The complexity of the work lies in the preparation of the solution and the installation of the formwork structure.

Finishing of the finished building

The fence has been installed and requires finishing touch - decorative finishing, which includes:

  • painting;
  • decorative plaster;
  • brick and clinker tiles;
  • laying decorative and natural stone.

The most affordable and easy look finishing - painting the fence in the color you like. True, for this you will have to prepare the surface - sand it, seal possible cracks, level it and prime it.

Concrete paint manufacturers guarantee an 8-year service life, which is quite good and inexpensive for a concrete fence. Another advantage of the paint is that it can be used not only on a flat surface, but also on a textured surface - where there are stacked fences, with a decorative surface.

It is necessary to paint the surface so that the fence lasts as long as possible, is protected from moisture, and blends harmoniously with the overall architecture of the house.

The choice of paints today is large, but you should choose from those that are frost- and moisture-resistant, resistant to temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation. The usual one meets all the requirements. facade paint- acrylic, latex, silicone. Important condition: the paint must have a low vapor permeability coefficient.

The amount of paint is purchased at the rate of 1:300 - 300 ml of paint is required per 1 m2. However, the final volume will depend on the type of surface - the more relief, the more paint will be needed.

Concerning color solutions, then those close to natural are considered the most successful - beige, green, brown, soft blue or gray. The choice of these shades will be in harmony with the planted plants, highlighting their natural beauty.

Variegated colors for painting a fence are unacceptable - a couple of shades are enough. If the fence is embossed, then individual elements can be highlighted using a contrasting color or the same shade as the fence itself, only a few shades darker.

In addition, correctly applied paint can imitate wood or sandstone - for this, use a foam sponge, dipping it into the paint different colors- dark and light. The paint is applied to a previously primed surface so that the layers adhere better to each other.

If you want some delights, you can use decorative plaster. As a rule, high quality material is selected, and in this case you can even use Venetian plaster- it is of higher quality, lasts longer, and is not afraid of dampness and temperature changes. It can imitate marble - then the surface is smooth.

You can also use marble or granular chips.

The disadvantages include the laboriousness of the process - for example, the same Venetian plaster will have to be applied at least 5 times, and for better adhesion with concrete surface Manufacturers advise applying up to 12 layers.

The third type of finishing is brick or clinker tiles. Here the complexity of the process lies in the ideal leveling of the main surface - otherwise the finish will not adhere well to the concrete and will soon fall off. That's why relief panels, stacked fences and sections with decorative patterns cannot be used.

Stone finishing is the most expensive type of fence cladding, but it is the most durable. Before laying, the surface should be thoroughly cleaned, sanded and primed, and reinforced so that the material lasts as long as possible.

The advantages of finishing with stone include the luxurious appearance and strength of the fence, while the disadvantages include the cost and complexity of the work, and a large load on the foundation. Therefore, if you plan to install a concrete fence followed by finishing with stone, the type of foundation will have to be selected at the stage of preparatory work.

Video: how to make a concrete fence with your own hands

Construction of a concrete fence to enclose a local area is a labor-intensive process, but the result is worth it: having durability and strength, such a structure will last much longer than a fence made of wood or corrugated board, and will require less costs in the preparation of materials and annual maintenance.

Modern fencing is not just a means of protecting a dacha from intrusion, but also an opportunity to declare one’s status and good taste. The easiest way to make a reliable decorative fence with your own hands is from prefabricated concrete sections.

Decorative concrete fence with stacked posts

Decorative fences are made from the same material as regular concrete fences. The main difference between decorative sections is the production method. Using specialized casting molds, concrete panels are given different textures or openwork shapes.

This is what concrete sections for a concrete fence look like
Sections of decorative fencing are made up of horizontal narrow panels (about 50 cm) installed on top of each other. Thanks to the individual sections, you can create an exclusive fence by assembling the fencing panels in different ways. It can be a solid canvas imitating stone, brick, wood or a fence with openwork carved inserts.

Dividing the fencing fabric into separate sections facilitates the process of transportation and loading and unloading operations. The installation of the fence is also greatly simplified and accelerated. Another advantage of decorative sectional fencing is the ability to adjust the height from low flower beds inside the dacha to impregnable four-meter fences.

Advantages and disadvantages of a decorative fence

Among the positive qualities sectional fencing it is worth noting:

Finding flaws in such a fence is difficult, but still possible:

  1. Concrete fences are expensive compared to wood fences.
  2. Another disadvantage is the likelihood of purchasing low-quality products from unscrupulous manufacturers.

A concrete fence will be truly reliable and durable if you use high-quality raw materials for its production and take a responsible approach to the production process.

Shape and Pattern for Concrete Fence Sections

To be sure that the technology was followed at all stages of production, you can make fence panels for your dacha yourself.

Forms for decorative fences

Decorative fence panels are produced by vibration casting from high-quality Portland cement, purified sand, gravel, and reinforcement. Often in cement mixture Dyes are added to give different colors to the finished products.

Direct casting is carried out in specialized matrix molds, which give the sections different textures and patterns. Forms for sections can be purchased at hardware stores, ordered online, or made according to an individual sketch.

Types of forms for decorative sections

Matrices for concrete panels can be made of various materials:

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

One of the most popular and available options- PVC matrices.

They are elastic and provide high quality prefabricated concrete panels and are fireproof. Such forms are often used in premises that have high fire safety requirements.

Polyvinyl chloride forms are presented in a wide range and have a good service life (can withstand about 100-150 production cycles).

Production of decorative fences

The process of making decorative sections is simple; the main difficulty lies in preparation necessary materials and tools.

Necessary equipment

  • forms for concrete sections;
  • concrete mixer;
  • vibrating table for forming concrete products;
  • vibrating sieve for cement and sand;
  • trays for drying finished sections.

To produce concrete sections on a production scale, the most expensive cost is purchasing the molds. A lot of them are required to ensure variety and a normal volume of products per shift. To make decorative sections for your own needs, you can buy one or two molds, and they are not very expensive.

Another important tool for creating decorative sections is a vibrating table. With the help of vibrations, the concrete in the molds is compacted and gets rid of air bubbles and voids, which reduce the strength of the concrete structure. You can buy a vibration table, rent it, or make it yourself. On the Internet you can find ready-made drawings of a homemade vibrating table.

This is what a vibrating table for casting concrete products looks like

When making concrete products, using a concrete mixer is preferable to manual mixing; it mixes the components more thoroughly. A mechanical vibrating sieve is designed to clean sand and cement from debris. For small volumes, bulk materials can be sifted manually.

Fences, or fences as they are commonly called, come in different forms. They are built from wood, metal, mesh structures, and stone. But lately concrete decorative fences have become the most popular. This material is durable and manufacturable. Considering the good demand for such products, the production of decorative concrete fences has become a profitable business for many entrepreneurs.

Concrete fence: production technology

The popularity of concrete products among residents of private households is explained primarily by the low price of fencing. In addition, manufacturing technology allows us to create stylish products of different textures and designs. With the help of concrete fences, you can make any home more attractive, add individuality to the overall exterior and emphasize the style. To all these advantages should be added the unpretentiousness of the structures during operation. They require virtually no maintenance and do not require the application of protective or decorative coatings. The production of decorative concrete fences has the right to exist as a separate business or can be combined with the production of other concrete products, for example, paving slabs.

Technology for the production of concrete fences and equipment used

The quality of the product depends primarily on compliance with the production technology of concrete fences. First of all, it is necessary to properly prepare the working mixture. Its main components are sand and cement. They are sifted through sieves, where the cells do not exceed 5 mm. The process is automated, and the vibration of the sieve is created using an electric drive. The cost of this unit is about $500. At the initial stage, one piece of equipment will be enough. In the future, when mass production is established, 4 to 5 such units may be needed.

The next stage of the technological process is the production of the mixture in concrete mixers. Concrete mixers are presented today in a wide range. Their price depends on the power of the equipment and starts at $370. Maximum size almost unlimited, but we can say that a powerful professional device will cost about $2,000. Such equipment is usually installed on a foundation and requires a 380 V power supply. For industrial purposes and for mass production of concrete, it works more efficiently, since it can be equipped with a skip hoist. This additional mechanism optimizes the process of loading mixture components into the concrete mixer.

Vibrating table

After preparing the mixture, it enters the product forming area. This is one of the most critical processes, since the appearance of the product and its attractiveness to the consumer depend on it. Molds for pouring are divided into two types depending on the future type of the product:

  • For a blind fence;
  • For a transparent (openwork) product.

Their cost also differs according to this principle. The first designs cost $345, while the second ones are $30 more expensive. Purchasing molds is the most expensive part of the investment. Firstly, in order not to make a thirty-meter fence in one shape, you need to purchase at least 5 of them. Secondly, in order to satisfy the tastes and preferences of the consumer, there should be at least 30 types of solid and transparent fences each. In addition, you will need forms for the pillars. They are bought twice as many as the number of sections. The cost of one pole mold is $175 minimum.

Decorative fences

After pouring the mixture into the mold, it is placed on a vibrating molding table. There is forced compaction of concrete. Tables range from $605 to $1,240. Moreover, the lower price threshold is typical for equipment on belts. If you use mass production of fences, then such a table will quickly fail, so for large volumes they purchase a table with springs. For faster concrete hardening and improvement performance characteristics Plasticizers and modifiers are added to the mixture. Large enterprises also use unmolding tables, which facilitate the process of separating the product from the mold. The cost of this equipment is $550.

Concrete fences serve to protect and improve the appearance of residential buildings, as well as buildings and structures for domestic and cultural purposes. The height of a concrete fence and the architectural type of fencing can be different and determined by specialists at different stages of construction. Beautiful fence can not only protect the building from the prying glances of passersby, the owner of an exquisite fence can be proud of the beauty of the concrete fence.

When the owners country houses and country cottages begin to think about building a fence, they rarely consider the option robust construction made of concrete. Why is this happening? Many find it difficult to answer because they are accustomed to old Soviet fences made of wood. like this simple design You can build it yourself from old boards. But where is the guarantee that wooden fence can become reliable protection? But it happens the other way around: a person has a desire to make a concrete fence, but lacks an understanding of what the advantage of such a design is.

Let's consider the priorities of a concrete fence:

  1. Durability. Concrete is a durable material that is not afraid of moisture; it will not succumb to rotting processes, like a wooden fence. Therefore, such a fence will serve the owner for several decades.
  2. Strength. If the technology for pouring a concrete fence is correctly followed, then such a structure will have high strength.
  3. Simplicity and speed. You can make a concrete fence yourself in a short time and with minimal costs for purchasing the necessary equipment.
  4. Attractiveness. Previously, owners of country houses and small country houses refused boring gray fences because they did not decorate the building. Now, thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to make a mold for casting a concrete fence according to individual order. It is also possible to complement the concrete fence with metal forging or make a pattern from natural stone.
  5. You can repaint a concrete fence at any time in the color you like. The paint will stay on concrete for 5-7 years. So you can repaint the fence only after 7-8 years, and this already means savings Supplies for fence maintenance.

Necessary materials and equipment

To make a decorative concrete fence, you will need the following:

  1. Vibrating table with 2 motors for casting forms of concrete structures.
  2. Cement mixing machine (concrete mixer).
  3. A tray for drying the finished product.

This is only a minimum list of equipment required for the manufacture of a concrete fence. You also need to purchase forms for concrete fences. You can choose a simple design or purchase a basic set of forms.

They are divided into the following types:

  • for panels (double-sided, openwork, blind);
  • form for pillars.

Since the fence can have different heights, thicknesses and designs, to create a diverse range of concrete structures, it is necessary to have different shapes. In addition, to receive good profit, then at least 5 molds of the same type must be cast per day. The price of a concrete fence may vary and depend on the complexity of the design and availability decorative elements. Thus, the cost of 1 simple form can be from 15 thousand rubles, and forms for pillars - from 8 thousand.

In addition, to make a concrete fence yourself, you must have a vibrating sieve for cleaning bulk material(cement and sand) from debris. You also cannot do without a concrete mixer. The power of the device is of great importance.

Based on this indicator, equipment is divided into 2 types:

  1. Gravitational.
  2. Forced.

The first version of the concrete mixer is suitable for personal use to cast a small amount of concrete structures. Connect the concrete mixer to high voltage not necessary - this is the main advantage, as well as low energy consumption. The cost of such a device varies from 9 to 50 thousand rubles.

When a large amount of work needs to be done, it is advisable to purchase a portable concrete mixer. Although it has a high cost (from 60 to 500 thousand rubles), it has high productivity. The main requirement for operation is installation on hard surface, preferably on the foundation.

Raw materials for the production of concrete fence

To make a durable concrete structure, you must use the following materials:

  • cement (grade M500 - without additives);
  • sand of fraction 2.5, clay particles in the sand should be no more than 3%;
  • you can use crushed stone of a fraction of 5-10 mm, grade – 800;
  • plasticizers;
  • water;
  • steel reinforcement for the frame - BP1 (strengthens the strength of the structure and the pillar), for pillars - from 0.5 mm to 2.5 mm (diameter from 4 to 10 mm).

To make 1 concrete pillar (height 2 m), it is necessary to use 11 linear meters of wire (thickness 8 mm).

All materials must be of high quality, Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to the choice of cement brand and sand quality. Allowed to use river sand. Before use, it must be sifted and dried.

See the photo for options for concrete fences:

Manufacturing technology for decorative concrete fences


A popular technology for the production of concrete fences is vibration casting. This method is currently considered one of the most effective. Suitable for the manufacture of structures of medium thickness. As a result of using this method, the concrete product is not exposed to moisture or temperature changes. We can speak with confidence about the strength and durability of a concrete fence.

The main stages of the technological chain for the production of concrete fences:

  1. It is necessary to put in the concrete mixer required quantity material (concrete, sand, plasticizers and other additives).
  2. Preparing the mold (lubrication). Laying the mold on a vibrating table.
  3. After the solution is ready, it is loaded into a pre-prepared form.
  4. Turn on the vibrator. While working on the vibrating table, the concrete mixture is distributed evenly, it spreads throughout the entire form and is compacted. Just can be tracked exact amount material and, if necessary, add more or remove excess. Excess solution is removed manually with a special tool - a rule.
  5. Metal rods are laid in sections of the future concrete fence. The work of laying the frame from the reinforcement is carried out with the device turned on. The frame is recessed into the solution by about half.
  6. The mixture is in the mold for 60 seconds with the vibrator turned on. This allows air to be removed from the solution. You don’t have to wait for the specified time, but monitor the process - as soon as air bubbles stop forming on the surface (they will gradually disappear), you can turn off the vibrator.
  7. Removing (unmolding) the product from the mold. It is more convenient to perform this part of the work on a special stripping table.
  8. Ready concrete product transferred to racks to harden. Naturally, a concrete fence hardens within 48 hours.
  9. The form is prepared for the next cycle - it is washed out of cement residues and lubricated with stripping agent.

To prevent splits and cracks from occurring during use of the concrete fence in the future, the finished product must be dried at a certain temperature. The room temperature should not be higher than +15 o C. After 5 days, the product will be ready for use, if necessary, proceed urgent installation concrete fence. When time allows, it is advisable to leave the finished product for 28 days to wait until the concrete is completely mature.

You can speed up the maturation time of concrete, and this will not affect the strength and durability of the product. Ready product placed in a special drying chamber. After drying, in about a day, the product will be ready for transportation. The drying chamber significantly speeds up the process of making a concrete fence, but its high cost can be attributed to the disadvantages. The price of a drying unit ranges from 15 to 20 thousand dollars.


The “exposure” technology is superficially similar to the technology described above, but there are some nuances. As a result painstaking work(the solution must be homogeneous), the concrete product will be obtained with a perfectly flat and smooth surface.

Stages of work:

  1. A form is installed on the switched on vibrating table, which must be pre-mounted in a permanent wooden pallet.
  2. The form is filled with the prepared mixture. Excess material is removed as a rule. The surface is carefully leveled.
  3. Reinforcing elements are laid (to the middle of the product).
  4. The structure is left on the vibration table turned on until all the air is removed from the solution.
  5. When vibration compaction is completed, the structure is sent to dry for 1-2 days.
  6. To prevent wooden stretchers from falling apart when moving the filled matrix mold, it is necessary to use wooden beam 30-60 mm or weld a strong metal structure.
  7. To prevent the matrix from falling out during formwork, you need to try to fit all the frame elements and secure the form to the pallet. If you are careless in the manufacture of pallets, this can lead to wear and even breakage of the matrix.
  8. Before pouring the solution, be sure to lubricate the mold with K 222 stripping lubricant. It will create a thin film on the surface and prevent contact of the solution with the surface of the matrix. In addition, K 222 will help accurately convey the relief of the matrix and significantly extend the service life of the mold.
  9. After drying, a clean, high-quality concrete product with a smooth (or under) surface will be obtained. a natural stone) surface.
  10. If you use coloring additives, you can get a high-quality imitation of natural materials such as marble and granite.

Instant stripping

When you need to make a concrete fence and fence yourself large territory, then you can just resort to making a concrete fence using the “instant formwork” method, when the prepared mixture is cast into molds. It is necessary to have the required number of pallets on hand. For someone uninitiated in the intricacies of making a concrete fence, this method may seem the same as the methods described above. But there are differences - as a result, the concrete structure is not so smooth, with possible unevenness. The method also differs in that it allows you to save on equipment and make a concrete fence yourself at home.

Material requirements:

  1. Concrete grade M-300 (higher possible).
  2. Filler (crushed stone), fraction 5 mm.
  3. Plasticizer.
  4. You can use filler - it will give the product the desired shade.

To lubricate the molds, lubricating mixtures “Separen” or “Lerossin” are used. It is not recommended to use self-prepared mixtures from used motor oil.

Manufacturing technology concrete slabs for the fence:

  1. A pre-prepared form is placed on the turned on vibrating table.
  2. The form must be washed in advance from any remaining mortar and lubricated with a special mixture to prevent the cement from sticking to the surface.
  3. The prepared mixture is poured into the mold, the excess is removed with a special tool.
  4. Stacked on top metal carcass. Since the table vibrates, it spontaneously deepens, you can direct it so that it is located exactly in the center of the part.
  5. After compacting the solution, the table is turned off.
  6. The form is lifted and the section is laid out on a pre-prepared pallet.
  7. The mold can be immediately cleaned of any remaining solution, rinsed and lubricated.
  8. The finished element is left to dry for 2 days.

Making a concrete fence yourself is quite difficult and expensive. But if you have enough strength and capabilities, then you can cope with any task, the main thing is to follow the instructions and be patient.