5 manara water. The meaning of the minor arcana tarot manara. element of water (direct position according to Kotelnikova). Tarot Manara: Five of Water

Image: Map takes us to new level relationships or love games. Can you feel how serious and tense the situation is getting? Assol's partner is tired of staying away to avoid conflicts and encouraging her inaccessibility. Calmness is grossly violated by an attempt to "drown" a too distant beloved in a sea of ​​​​feelings and emotions. Resistance provokes even greater activity - the partner, as it were, says: “We are together because we felt and loved each other. I am the same, and you? storms!" Who will endure?

Who will sink and who will stay afloat? The Five of Water is consonant with Arcana XIII, which depicts the dance of Death. The tricks of the previous cards no longer work. And the partner does not seek to save you, but rather pushes you down, into the depths, provoking very strong backlashes.

Meaning: Fight. Psychological game. Fives always talk about a turn, a sharp and critical situation. In the Erotic Tarot, this feature of the number 5 is especially pronounced. Fears, a collision with unpleasant events. Jealousy, often for no reason. A kind of test of a partner's love "for strength". Methods are different, including not very correct ones. If only to make a partner feel, for this you can even play on instincts.

Condition: Only one person will remain "afloat". The other after the Five Water is likely to "pick himself up" for a very long time. Partners are actually far from being indifferent to each other, they are connected by very strong feelings. If love - then to death, to complete submission. If the gap, then along with the destruction of the partner. Anger, aggression. The difference is in the depth of emotions.

Relationship characteristics: Painful relationship with a close, caring person. permanent conflict. There can be loud scandals and even a gap when anger dictates the rules of the game. Someone wants to "drown" a partner in their instinctive desires.

The physical state: Intense sex against the backdrop of conflict, maybe with elements of violence. Exciting environment.

Feelings: Self-deception and fear. Dangerous passions. Love to death. I will die, but I will prove how indifferent you are to me. If they part on this card, then a mortal insult. The struggle of love and hate, baseless jealousy.

Warning: Do not drown yourself by drowning another. In fact your insane hatred - flip side love.

Tip: Dive into this water yourself, respond to your partner's feelings, don't wait to be drowned. Direct energy from destruction to creation, building relationships.

Astrological correspondence: Mars in Scorpio. The first dean of Scorpio. An aggressive planet in the sign of depths and extremes is a truly dangerous combination. No restrictions or taboos.

I continue to share my developments on Manara.


We have already considered the connection of the Devil with Temperance. Since the swamp stability of the 14th lasso leads us to the temptations of the 15th.

What can be seen in the source of the Temperance drawing. From one woman - bright and pure, but insipid, a man is drawn to a she-devil.

At the same time, we see that the character of the Temperance and the Devil cards is one, the women with him are different. Well, he is different from them. A man in a case on the 14th lasso and dancing the last tango with a demon - on the 15th.
What does the Devil mean in the layouts? Usually just sex. Obsession with him with a specific person, this is not just a womanizer, most likely, in Moderation - this person is modest and clamped, but there is someone with whom he liberates utterly and this liberation drives him crazy.
It looks like a midlife crisis in men, when they have young mistresses, cheat on their wives recklessly, become young with all their might and usually experience their last bright love and passion.
The man on the Devil's card is amazed at what he saw, his face is surprised, he himself did not expect this from himself and his partner.
Bright colors - the predominance of fire - indicate that the fire is difficult to extinguish.
There is no usual negativity in the Devil of Manara, since there is only one sin - lust. And this lust immediately burns both to ashes.
Judging by the classics, where the Devil is a logical continuation of the Lovers, only it already shows relationships that have come to a standstill, but people are still tightly connected, here the two are also connected, but the man is more attached. The demoness can find another victim for herself.
To the question "Does he love me?" - “No, but he really wants to” or “Yes, but he loves himself more in your reflection.”
To the question of the couple’s separation: “No, you will be together, but it’s not a fact that you will be fine.”
The devil prophesies an interesting romance, a storm of passions, a long but unstable relationship.
Moreover, we understand that the man on the map leads a double life. With a "holy" partner on Temperance and a "sinful" partner on the map. And he has no intention of giving up either. So look what the Devil means in the layouts for love triangles. A man is satisfied with everything, but is he satisfied with women?


A completely inexpressive card, given the energy of an ordinary Tower. Here the Tower is dull, filled with rain (longing, bad emotions).
The gray-brown background speaks of depression and longing. This destruction is not external, but internal, when a person eats himself.
Usually this Tower has meanings: illness before the hospital, divorce, destruction of relationships. For sex, - oddly enough, realizing that usually 16 lasso just for sex shows very positive things - there is nothing between people. There may be a psychological or physiological problem associated with intimacy. If we draw parallels with the Hermit, then his character-beast brought himself to such an extent that he came to a hospital or ... a prison.
Dullness, sadness, melancholy, death...
It falls on emaciated people, morally exhausted, who, due to physical or mental problems are no longer able to build relationships. They live out their lives.
However, this Tower does not carry the usual explosive negative.
Probably her message: you can destroy yourself quietly. Much more terrible is not external cataclysms, but the slow destruction of the soul.
Sad map...

The lady from the Star is much more fun. But ... cold to the point of impossibility. And upon closer examination of the picture, it seems that this is not a woman, but a transvestite.
No wonder this card in layouts often indicates a non-traditional orientation.
Plus, a female star doesn't need the sexual side of a relationship. She is frigid. He can play hard to get with men, and indeed he is. What is interesting in the layouts is often the lasso shows the same hard-to-reach men. In general, it falls more often on men than on women.
Often men who have not figured out who they love: boys or girls.
The veil on the head of the heroine speaks of how important official relations and status are to her.
Compare with 2 air.

And we see that the girl is most likely the same. And the value of 2 air is marriage of convenience, commercialism, lack of sexual attraction and feelings. Partners are needed for the collection and confirmation of their own beauty, significance, desirability. But if on the 2nd relationship, including intimate ones, exist, you just need to understand their motives. On the Star - they are not and will not be. Here, egocentrism and really STARS go wild.
Interestingly, 2 air usually describes women as opposed to the Star.
To the question: “Does he (a) love me?”, The answer is: “No, he loves only himself.” To the question: “Will there be a relationship?” “No, don’t make plans, the person will just waste your time.”
At the same time, the character himself, described by the Star card, is quite satisfied with himself and his empty life, unlike others, he is not tormented by feelings or regrets and is not going to change anything, because he is already excellent.
On the description of the personality - an egocentrist, a narcissist, a person who does not care about the feelings of others, living "on Olympus" and despising everyone around.

Taro Manara. All colors of love Nevsky Dmitry

5. Water (Water)

5. Water (Water)

Keywords, meanings: self-deception, emotional dissonance, unwillingness to show true feelings, causeless resentment and jealousy, nit-picking.

The reason for the event lies in the development of the plot described in 4 waters. The partner did not wait for the cooling of relations and tried to force the situation. A lot of emotions, resentment, discontent is the path to a complete break in relations.

The consequences of the event can still be changed. It is already more difficult than it was “yesterday”, but it is possible if you leave the person alone and let emotions calm down. It is a pity that few people are capable of this.

The value of the card in the upright position

The card indicates that a person is engaged in self-deception.

His fear, which begins to control his emotions, only reinforces this tendency.

In relationships between people, this card indicates a boundless passion that absorbs both. But at the same time, she instills in them the fear that everything may someday end. And this fear begins to emerge in the relationship in the form of jealousy and mutual resentment.

Live event

In reality, the situation looks rather silly. One of the partners is engaged in criticism, pours out his grievances, is jealous, finds fault. The other is abstracted and does not participate in the plot. It's not that he doesn't care, but maybe it will be like that after a while.

Description of the situation, plot, setting

This is how people often act, trying to draw attention to their feelings. But when they don’t find a response, they get angry, annoyed, using tools negative emotions. Not from evil, but this does not change the essence, because the hole that has arisen between partners is getting bigger and bigger.

The act of a person in work, deeds

At work, a person behaves “like a fish in a jar”, ​​he completely renounced the surrounding problems and worries. Around the vanity, excitement, irritation - everything from which he tries to hide.

An act in cash and financial matters relationships

A lot of problems have accumulated in money, which on this moment time is impossible to decide. A person runs away from them, tries to hide, otherwise his nerves will not withstand such a load.

Cause psychological state and behavioral aspect

The reason for human behavior is hidden in the same nature of the Personality. A person is overloaded with information, emotions, events. He cannot, is not able to perceive what is happening around him. And to protect himself, he “stalls” emotionally.

Fears and concerns

In this case, it is not fear that prevails in the plot, but the instinct of self-preservation, which prompts the right behavior. Driven by this instinct, a person will try to save himself, his Personality, and his psyche. But other? We'll see how it goes.

Relationship reaction of people

Most people, especially practical-pedantic individuals, do not share this position. There is an opinion that problems should be faced face to face. It's probably right. But when there are forces and opportunities. Otherwise, it borders on suicide.

Love is a form of expression of feelings

AT love relationships a breakdown has occurred. One of the partners does not take into account the state of the other and demands, tries to get, forces. In general, he does everything that aggravates the situation and does not allow him to be considered from the positive side.

Family act

AT family relationships the card predicts a deep crisis, accompanied by "rolling scenes", tantrums, a showdown, scandals. There are few reasons. Most often they are not. But for some reason the situation pushes one of the spouses to take such steps. It is important that the other has the strength and endurance to survive this whole nightmare.

Magic signs of influence

In magic, a card can indicate a squabble or lapel. But you need to look at the background of what is happening, and both actions are done in the interests of a certain person.

From the book Complete Feng Shui System author Semenova Anastasia Nikolaevna

Weakening of Water Strong Water, especially with weak Fire, can be a source of trouble in the family. Then it is required to weaken the power of Water, to remove its overwhelming heavy impact. And here the well-known cat will help. There are a lot of cats in the world. They are all great

From the book of Tarot Manara. All colors of love author Nevsky Dmitry

1. Water (Water) Key words, meanings: anticipation, emotional expectation, new emotions, novelty of feelings. The reason for the event is perspective, opportunities, the future, which can open horizons and fill a person’s life with new sensations. The consequences of the event are quite

From the book The Big Book of Secret Sciences. Names, dreams, lunar cycles the author Schwartz Theodore

2. Water (Water) Key words, meanings: control or manipulation with the help of emotions, fake or unnatural emotions, feelings that a person cannot understand, confusion. The cause of the event is the situation in which the person is located. He is experiencing

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3. Water (Water) Key words, meanings: enjoyment, enjoyment, emotional satisfaction, joy, euphoria. The reason for the event is ordinary enough to be described in detail, a person gets pleasure. From what? For everyone there are

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4. Water (Water) Key words, meanings: self-doubt, emotional stagnation, detachment, plot (causal) anger.

From the author's book

5. Water (Water) Key words, meanings: self-deception, emotional dissonance, unwillingness to show true feelings, causeless resentment and jealousy, nit-picking. The reason for the event lies in the development of the plot described in 4 waters. The partner did not wait for the cooling of relations and

From the author's book

6. Water (Water) Key words, meanings: curiosity, interest, emotional involvement, flirting, emotional provocation in order to attract attention, intelligence. Just come over? This is

From the author's book

7. Water (Water) Key words, meanings: danger, hidden fear, possible threat, inattention, detachment. The cause of the event is the inattention of the person himself, who completely forgot about the danger, “bathing in his own emotions.” The consequences of the event depend on

From the author's book

8. Water (Water) Key words, meanings: attention to a person, incorrect or excessively active expression of attention, unintentional threat, danger, warning.

From the author's book

9. Water (Water) Key words, meanings: contentment, contentment, emotional upsurge, joy, carelessness. Is it necessary to look for the cause of the event when everything is fine? A person is full of joy and fun, what else do you need? Why think about something and look for

From the author's book

10. Water (Water) Key words, meanings: anticipation, joyful expectation, emotional upsurge, new sensations, new emotions. The reason for the event lies in the cyclicity that the world and the inner world of man. Old emotions gradually give way

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Water Knight Key words, meanings: misunderstanding, detachment, self-immersion, unrequited love, misunderstanding emotional state, internal conflict. The reason for the event is "mismatch in relationships." One wants, strives, desires, and the other shuns,

From the author's book

Queen of Water (Water) Key words, meanings: sensuality, emotionality, shyness, vulnerability, emotional refinement. The reason for the event is the very nature of man. This is how he perceives the world, this is how he feels, and this is how he perceives everything that concerns him.

From the author's book

King of Water (Water) Key words, meanings: egoism, egocentrism, playing on people's feelings, emotional manipulation, sensuality. The reason for the event is still the same human nature. But if the water woman takes a passive-emotional position, demanding and expecting, then the man

From the author's book

Days of water (signs of the elements of water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Nature does not skimp on rainfall, and sometimes their monthly rate falls. high humidity air is not conducive to comfort and good mood. The position of the Moon in the Zodiac circle also affects

From the author's book

Chapter 12 Water is one of the key components of human life. The water is poisonous, the water is healing. Improvement of the house and the human body with the help of water. Purification of amulets and talismans with water Water is one of the universal symbols of the universe. The Chinese, for example, believed

IMAGE. A gusty wind brings the smell of the sea and the staccato cries of seagulls. The plot intertwines lace and military uniform romance and adventure...
In A. Kotelnikova, E. Gerasimova "Erotic Tarot"
The Ace of Water girl is unusually romantic, has a strong sensual magnetism and is ready to go on a journey on the water. Water is a symbol of feelings, a fluid and passive element, but our heroine does not give the impression of an active person either. She knows how to wait and attracts precisely by external calmness. This is a state of so-called active passivity, in which there is more provocation than desire for peace.
The charm is ready to go on an exciting voyage along the waves of feelings. The thought of the possibility of a new adventure excites her. She is an embodied prize, knowing her own worth very well: if someone receives it, then as a reward worthy of the best and most courageous applicant.
Please note: the girl put on men's clothes. It appears to be a military coat. The details have deep meaning. Firstly, masculine things (especially such emphatically masculine ones as military uniforms) enhance the yang energy of a woman, the inner masculine principle, and activate the animus. The girl of the Ace of Water is internally very feminine, passive and receptive, therefore, by all sorts of external means, she tries to compensate for the lack of masculinity. Putting on a men's suit, she raises her inner potential, acquiring more active energy.
Secondly, these clothes inevitably carry the smell of a man, and the girl of the Ace of Water is unusually sensitive. Cutting, new scent it excites, giving rise to erotic fantasies. Therefore, the map can sometimes indicate the important role of aroma.

MEANING. New impressions, acquaintances, connections. The ship standing on the raid hints at the emergence of new situations. Also, the Ace of Water can indicate a specific character - a romantic and emotional girl. She easily trusts the waves of her feelings, not thinking about possible dangers.
Remember Assol and Captain Gray from the novel by A.S. Green's "Scarlet Sails"? Such Assol was introduced to us by the heroine of the elements of Water - all in anticipation of love and uncertainty. We asked Taro Manara the question: what happened to the couple in love after marriage? And they realized that the story of Assol is the story of a woman with a predominantly sensual beginning, the story of our heroine from the Ace of Water. Isn't it interesting to trace the further fate of the characters of "Scarlet Sails"? It seems that this story is in the images of the Water suit of Taro Manara.
CONDITION. Inner readiness for adventure and new feelings. Expectant position with simultaneous confidence in success.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. Relationships are very romantic. Perhaps we are dealing with the very beginning of acquaintance. If a we are talking about a couple - then one of the partners is very sensitive to signs of attention.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Attractiveness, internal magnetism, slowness in movements, languor.
FEELINGS. Emotional responsiveness. Some are ready to go on an adventure. Please note that if this card is in the position of feelings, then you should carefully choose perfumes - sensual smells can play an important role.
A WARNING. You have to be careful - one wrong step, and you can "get involved" in some kind of story with consequences. There is readiness, but there is no experience and caution.
ADVICE. Embark on new adventures, gain sensory experience.
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Element of Water. Feelings, emotions, sensations. Summer.

IMAGE. Our Assol from the Ace of Water found her "captain" and boldly set sail. Probably the goal of their journey was the beautiful Castle, where they found Love and Happiness together. But soon the passionate feelings cooled down, the relationship took on an everyday coloring, and the tower, which we see in the distance, began to seem too cramped ... Beloved, although he was pleasant and courteous, turned out to be too bland. And then at night, in the light of the full moon, the girl broke out of her confinement in the castle and ran to the water in the hope of quenching her thirst for living feelings. Old fears are thrown into the bushes - and our heroine cannot turn back, she does not need meetings with the gloomy shadows of the past. She needs to dive into the water and thereby reconnect with her unconscious, sensual feminine. But the partner does not agree with the parting (and what kind of man would immediately and simply agree with such a female initiative?), He wants to keep his beloved at all costs, return her to the castle.
MEANING. Mutual misunderstanding. Relationships lack real feelings. One of the partners tries to provoke the other by hysterically drawing attention to himself. Another may forcibly hold a loved one, trying to return everything "to normal". This is a kind of "performance with hysteria", the subconscious goal of which is to stir up a loved one and make him react precisely "on the water" - violently, expressively, naturally and vividly.
CONDITION. In the plot of the map, everyone wants to achieve their own. The woman tries to change the situation by openly running away into her feelings. A man acts as an owner, wanting to keep his partner from reckless (in his opinion) steps and not letting emotions go into a whirlpool. When consulting, do not forget that male and female roles can change.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. One hero has a hysterical desire to do everything in his own way and attract maximum attention, provocative actions from the series “show that you love me, otherwise I don’t really need you”, the other has a fear of loss. The card is "water", emotional, therefore all games are played quite seriously, with the conviction that the feelings experienced by each of the partners are the only true and real ones. There is no logic, no building of these relations at all. Everything happens "at the behest of the heart" (or feelings), events develop spontaneously. The outcome of such a relationship is rarely predictable. Most likely, these people will have to learn many life lessons before they learn to live together - and love too.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. If we talk about sexual connection and consider the intimate side of the relationship, then according to this map, there is definitely no harmony in the couple.
FEELINGS. One feels the need for renewal, the desire for love, but something old and ossified does not let pure and open emotions into the world, restrains and suppresses development.
A WARNING. Are you ready to plunge into the water of your desires and feelings? What is it - a tantrum for the sake of attracting attention to yourself or a real desire?
ADVICE. You need to go into the water: taking a step, go further.
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Venus in Cancer. The first dean of Cancer. Ownership and indecision.

IMAGE. Pure clear water permeated with the rays and warmth of the sun. No more doubts and struggles. Old clothes are thrown off and left on the shore. Movement and stillness, the smooth flow of blue water and a beautiful naked woman, giving herself to the will of the measured splash of the waves. At this moment, there is only a blissful feeling of unity with the world and dissolution in feelings. There is only joy and movement, calmness and bliss, awareness of the beauty of your body and love.
This card is consonant with the XIX Arcana. But only if in the "Sun" card we saw a flight on the wings of love to the heavenly heights, then here - a joyful immersion into the depths of our unconscious and sensual beginning. "I am alone, and in order to love, I do not need anyone. I love the whole world, I love you and myself in this world, my love is pure and boundless."
MEANING. inner freedom. Comparison: me and the world around. Listen to your feelings. Ringing purity. Soft light. Inner world. This is a card of peace and self-sufficiency, inner harmony and deepening into one's experiences. In the Three of Water, the secret of the Art of Love is revealed, which he wrote about in his works great psychologist and humanist Erich Fromm. For some reason, it has become generally accepted in our lives that love (precisely love, not passion!) Arises suddenly, lasts forever and brings a state of complete happiness. The main thing is to have an object worthy of this very love. How many times have we heard: “I fell in love many times, but I didn’t really love anyone - I didn’t meet a person who could be loved.”
But... love is a state of mind and dignity not of the one who is loved, but of the one who loves. If you see the beauty in your loved one and know how to "swim" through the cold currents, whirlpools and whirlpools, which are enough in any human soul; if, in spite of everything, you know how to be happy with the one you have chosen as your partner; and in the end, if you know how to be happy on your own - because the world is beautiful in its imperfect perfection - you master the Art of Love. And this great ability of yours will be visible in your every movement, look and word. And the environment will answer you the same, and if someone cannot do this, then it will be his, and not your trouble and problem.
CONDITION. I listen to myself, I float on the sea of ​​my love in the rays of light that penetrates me through and through. Everything is light and calm. Intoxicate with your feelings. Harmony with the surrounding world, self-sufficiency. Lack of tension, overcoming internal barriers. Bathe in your own feelings.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. Freedom, mutual understanding, internal emancipation and self-sufficiency of partners. However, this card can also indicate blissful loneliness.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. This state of mind makes us listen carefully to ourselves. Is there anything more pleasant than the pleasure of being alone?
FEELINGS. Free enjoyment of your condition. A person is in harmony with himself and the world around him.
A WARNING. Do not swim too far - you may not be able to cope with your subconscious energies or those sensations that will meet you at a depth.
ADVICE. Be yourself, immerse yourself in the world of your feelings, live them. It looks like you don't need anyone right now.
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Mercury in Cancer. The second decan of Cancer. Emotional, imaginative thinking, allowing you to create your own extraordinary inner world in everyday reality.

IMAGE. The young mistress, realizing herself the owner of her feelings, took up the debugging of the economy. Assol has not lost her magnetism and attractiveness within the framework of everyday life, but now she has other tasks.
A simple dress, in which it is so convenient to do housework, changed to a lace outfit, a military tunic from someone else's shoulder returned to its owner. Concerned about the comfort of her little world, she went to fetch water. (Pay attention to the fact that feelings - water - in this card are strictly dosed by the hostess's wooden tub.) But suddenly ... out of nowhere, either uninvited helpers, or an annoying hindrance. Two young people are watching her actions with interest. The one whose eyes she has attracted in her new guise definitely wants to invade the world she created, trying to unceremoniously violate its borders. "I regard any extra movement as a provocation. I won't let anyone in."
MEANING. Four is a symbol of stability and transition to another level. Feelings are conscious, they have a well-defined place. The inner world of the heroine, shaped by her in the struggle for the right to self-perception, has acquired boundaries. She does not shift her problems onto anyone's shoulders, but she is also unlikely to allow anyone to rudely invade him and disturb peace and harmony. It was too difficult for her to become this formation. Alertness, protection of one's territory. In the pose of the heroine of the card - readiness for protection.
CONDITION. Watchful attention to the partner, defensive position. Much attention is paid household, own family.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. Relations between people are quite stable (this is indicated by the card number - four, the number of stability and closed space). Perhaps this situation is developing due to the fact that partners maintain extraterritoriality, not interfering in each other's affairs.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Refusal. Internal barriers between "I" and "you". Fear for your feelings.
FEELINGS. Restraint in expressing emotions. Along with this, responsibility for their "territory". A certain fear, but also self-confidence, in their ability to cope with impending problems. Anticipation of unpleasant situations. Alertness.
A WARNING. Do not reject the help that comes to you - it is unlikely that they want to harm you. Don't miss your chance.
ADVICE. Protect your possessions, territory, integrity; their loneliness, their niche, a corner of feelings, the independence of their small "state".
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Moon in Cancer. The last dean of Cancer. Here we move into the area of ​​Scorpio: from the watery, sensual Cancer - to the outburst of aggression and the manifestation of activity.

IMAGE. The card takes us to a new level of relationships or love games. Can you feel how serious and tense the situation is getting? Assol's partner is tired of staying away to avoid conflicts and encouraging her inaccessibility. Calmness is grossly violated by an attempt to "drown" a too distant beloved in a sea of ​​​​feelings and emotions. Resistance provokes even greater activity - the partner, as it were, says: “We are together because we felt and loved each other. I am the same, and you? storms!" Who will endure?
Who will sink and who will stay afloat? The Five of Water is consonant with Arcana XIII, which depicts the dance of Death. The tricks of the previous cards no longer work. And the partner does not seek to save you, but rather pushes you down, into the depths, provoking very strong backlashes.
MEANING. Fight. Psychological game. Fives always talk about a turn, a sharp and critical situation. In the Erotic Tarot, this feature of the number 5 is especially pronounced. Fears, a collision with unpleasant events. Jealousy, often for no reason. A kind of test of a partner's love "for strength". Methods are different, including not very correct ones. If only to make a partner feel, for this you can even play on instincts.
CONDITION. Only one will remain "afloat". The other after the Five Water is likely to "pick himself up" for a very long time. Partners are actually far from being indifferent to each other, they are connected by very strong feelings. If love - then to death, to complete submission. If the gap, then along with the destruction of the partner. Anger, aggression. The difference is in the depth of emotions.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. Painful relationship with a close, caring person. permanent conflict. There can be loud scandals and even a gap when anger dictates the rules of the game. Someone wants to "drown" a partner in their instinctive desires.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Intense sex against the backdrop of conflict, maybe with elements of violence. Exciting environment.
FEELINGS. Self-deception and fear. Dangerous passions. Love to death. I will die, but I will prove how indifferent you are to me. If they part on this card, then a mortal insult. The struggle of love and hate, baseless jealousy.
A WARNING. Do not drown yourself by drowning another. In fact, your crazy hatred is the flip side of love.
ADVICE. Dive into this water yourself, respond to your partner's feelings, don't wait to be drowned. Direct energy from destruction to creation, building relationships.
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Mars in Scorpio. The first dean of Scorpio. An aggressive planet in the sign of depths and extremes is a truly dangerous combination. No restrictions or taboos.

IMAGE. Fresh morning. A light foggy haze still hangs above the surface of the water. A curious girl with attention and surprise looks at a rhinoceros emerging from the water. She, not knowing his true power, tries to flirt with an unknown creature. The outcome is not clear. The Rhino clearly exudes stability, benevolence, calmness and self-confidence. I want to feel this reliability. But how to check your feelings? Just by luring him out of the water
MEANING. If we consider the Six of Water in the context of the continuation of the story about Assol and Captain Gray, then after the previous situation of the battle and insane scandals, interspersed with assurances of eternal and passionate love, one of the partners clearly began to adapt - thick-skinnedness and dullness appeared as a kind of defense mechanism against too aggressive imposition of love. Such thick skin can be dangerous for the delicate and sensitive soul of our heroine. Behind her - misunderstanding, unclear consequences. Before moving on, it is worth considering - what is your now, it would seem, so well-known partner? What has he become? What can be expected from him?
GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE of the card. Flirting with a dangerous partner. Go ahead without thinking about the consequences. Doesn't it look like a curious baby elephant from Kipling's fairy tale? Union of Scorpio and Taurus.
If we are talking about a new acquaintance, comments are almost superfluous: depending on the situation and the surrounding cards, see a warning or advice.
CONDITION. Reflection and calculation: how can a partner be useful for realizing my feelings? Mutual interest and appreciation - what can this relationship bring, what will be attractive?
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. From simple curiosity to each other to finding out what to do with the emerging prospect - is it worth contacting this person? If we are talking about an established couple - a new recognition of each other, the discovery of unexpected and curious traits in a well-known character.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Since the rhinoceros is a symbol of male eroticism, the card will speak of a huge sexual potential, but most likely not yet realized.
FEELINGS. Sensual dissatisfaction. Slight excitement from the unknown. Curiosity and mutual interest.
A WARNING. Don't piss off the rhino. Excessive curiosity can lead far: you will either scare him and he will hide, or you will provoke him to too active behavior, and with his power it can be dangerous for you.
ADVICE. Play with a rhinoceros - it can be interesting. Anyway, new to you.
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Sun in Scorpio. The second decan of Scorpio. inner strength and the ability to subjugate others.

IMAGE. A naked girl takes a shower. She is not covered by anything but a veil of water droplets, and in the foggy haze she does not see the monstrous monster that appears on the threshold. Fear is inevitable - is it possible to take a person by surprise? An obscure image can be anyone. And his intentions are unclear. In unprotected nakedness, any most harmless impulse of an uninvited guest may seem more terrible than the most terrible danger...
MEANING. The man is a dandy on the outside, a monster on the inside. The girl is outwardly a gray mouse, inside - a very bright personality. The principle of beauty and the beast. Imagination, caprice, intangible danger. Something is changing...
This card is about inner purity forced to face harsh reality. This may be either some impartial act of a partner, or a quality that unexpectedly revealed itself. Or a character trait you didn't even know existed. In general, a certain event when your partner behaved in a completely unexpected way, which made you both scared and wondering: are you and this person really from the same world, from the same civilization?

CONDITION. Feeling of impending danger, fear. There is no obvious reason for it, but there is something unconscious - feelings, premonitions, hints. Start of alienation.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. The interweaving of roles - people find in each other what they themselves lack. Imagination does its job - and instead of a living person, a certain image appears, endowed with the qualities you need. Especially if you feel so absolutely pure and innocent - you will easily find any vices in your partner, and the time is not far off when he will turn into a really frightening monster.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Fears. Internal psychological problems which may be related to appearance.
FEELINGS. Defenselessness. Fear of not fitting in with a partner - or a partner with you. The intuitive feeling that something, good or bad, must happen is not yet clear.
A WARNING. Unusual danger. Possible venereal disease. The warning situation needs to be considered, depending on the position of the card and its accompaniment.
ADVICE. Be ready for any surprises. Keep relationships clean.
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Venus in Scorpio. The third decan of Scorpio. Incorrect choice.

IMAGE. Left alone, we finally become ourselves ... Solitude. The girl in the silence of the forest did not suspect that she was being watched. And suddenly - a ringing arrow stuck into a tree. Remember the tale of the Frog Princess? The arrow of Ivan Tsarevich made it possible for the frog to become a princess. Our heroine, apparently, does not consider herself a princess or never thought about it, but such a sign of attention makes her think.
MEANING. The main theme of the card is the arrows of attention. They look after you, you arouse interest in someone. What will follow and how much you need these signs of attention, the environment will say. The map is generally calm, but promising. She can also talk about a chance that can be easily missed.
Isn't it true that sometimes, neglecting insignificant signs, we refuse great opportunities? This often happens because of the fear of "not pulling" the situation: why, I'm a frog, and he's a prince! Or: I am a princess, and he is an amphibian. (This is where sensuality turns into a complex and renders us far from the best service.) "Labeling" takes place without an assessment of the depth of personality. And this may well lead to losses.
To prevent this from happening, try to look at the situation differently - yes, a frog, but what a sweet and noble one! By these qualities, I am in no way inferior to any princess and is quite worthy to be her. Tsarevich? What about on closer inspection? Prince of blood or a cook's son with all the consequences? So this card is about the fact that you should not, without understanding who, what and where, neglect the signs of attention. Maybe your potential partner, having been looking at you for a long time (which you did not suspect), has already carefully and soberly assessed all the pros and cons of your future union and, having discovered your undeniable advantage, gave you a sign.
CONDITION. Life flows with its problems and fuss. And suddenly, through the monotonous everyday life, you notice that you are arousing interest in yourself. This interest takes a little by surprise: "Why would you suddenly? .."
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. Expression of interest, incomprehensible attention. Take a closer look. If the relationship has already taken place, then the card will talk about jealousy.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Waiting for activity from a partner. It is quite possible, against the background of everyday life, a premonition of some changes.
FEELINGS. Alert curiosity, interest. There may be confusion about what is happening. The counselor attaches particular importance to signs of attention.
A WARNING. The arrow is a warning. Be careful: you may have gone too deep into something dangerous. Sometimes it sounds like a signal that you are entering someone's territory.
ADVICE. Be attentive to surrounding signs and use your chance.
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Saturn in Pisces. First Dean of Pisces. Some mysticism of the situation, at the same time ambiguity.

IMAGE. In the center of a noisy metropolis there is a girl laughing heartily, under her there is a puddle. For her, no one exists, she is not afraid of sidelong glances and condemning whispers, and therefore did not look for nooks and crannies, but freed from excess water(from unnecessary emotions) right in the middle of the avenue - this is how the liberation from unnecessary, already processed, lived and understood feelings and complexes occurs; liberation from feelings that begin to interfere with life.
MEANING. The relief that comes from releasing past feelings. Allow yourself to go against public opinion. "I calmly parted with what began to weigh me down, I am free from the past."
CONDITION. I'm happy. I feel good and completely indifferent to what others think of me. Well-being, satisfaction, openness.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. Such relationships occur in marriages, which in our time are increasingly common - a civil marriage without mutual obligations, including material ones. People live different houses, they are not burdened by any "incoming" circumstances and nothing connects, except for sincere feelings towards each other.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Relief, inner freedom.
FEELINGS. "I do what I want, and no one tells me." No frames and restrictions in the manifestation of feelings. Along with this, inner rightness.
A WARNING. Don't throw the baby out with the water. Freeing yourself, do not lose the main thing.
ADVICE. Do what you want, get rid of unnecessary water. Be yourself. Develop yourself by following your own inspiration.
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Jupiter in Pisces. The second decan of Pisces. Finally I know what I need.

IMAGE. Fire rocks. The mermaid comes out of the water, out of her native element, wanting to climb to the blazing volcano, but this is still an impossible desire. The volcano is a symbol of passion, a fiery active principle, and it seems that this is exactly what the heroine of the card has not yet experienced. She is the spirit of water, who wants to rise to a new stage of development, going from searching for herself in the depths of her feelings to a new level, to realization.
MEANING. Loyalty, perfection of the situation, harmony, purification. The need to fight, to develop at a different level, to be active. Our Assol has lived through the sensual side of her nature, but has not yet learned how to act.
"I swam on the waves of love and so far I don't know how to create situations myself. But I see that it's time to learn this." The heroine of the card understands that otherwise you can "drown" in water energies. There is a slight hint in the plot that, with all the fullness of feelings, the girl is missing something. She, having discovered a sensual beginning in herself, sees the need to plunge into other elements and is ready to try new roles.
Remember Andersen's Mermaid? Instead of a fish tail, she had legs (by the way, in many traditions, a mermaid does not have a fish tail, but legs), but every movement (action) caused unbearable pain. And in the end, without discovering the active energies in herself, she lost her happiness. One can only wish success on the path of Fire to our consulted on this card.
CONDITION. Feeling and wanting something new that you have never experienced before. Desire for action, although it may be somewhat premature.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. A new stage begins in the relationship, the stage of activity. Rekindling an old relationship or a new interest.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Good feelings, harmony.
FEELINGS. Desire for more and more specific. In any case - an improvement and a development perspective.
A WARNING. Can you exist in the new element, are you ready? Remember the unenviable fate of the Snow Maiden. The transition from one element to another is never easy.
ADVICE. Aim for the mountains, move to a new level. Change the element.
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Mars in Pisces. The third decan of Pisces. Unusual intuitive flair and ability to realize their highest goal.

IMAGE. A strong and courageous man carries a weak, exhausted woman on his shoulder. This is a friend, always ready to help. He will save, pull out of the mud. He can also cry in a vest about his ruined life and unhappy love. But he is not future husband, but only a friend who is always there at the right moment.
MEANING. Messenger, charming prince, travel companion.
CONDITION. Compassion, friendship, mutual assistance.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. Friendly, maybe with a touch of love. In such a relationship, you can safely call your partner at four in the morning with your problems.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Some people may have health issues. We remind you that male and female roles can change.
FEELINGS. Compassion, willingness to help at any moment.
A WARNING. Are you acting in the right direction, is it necessary to pull this fish out of the water? What will you do with her after?
ADVICE. Fulfill your mission, whatever it may be. According to this card, astral things may be present in the situation - alcoholism or drugs. And you have to get really serious about solving other people's problems.

IMAGE. The Amazon got off her horse and fell into a swamp. Our warrior of passions and emotions got stuck in a quagmire. She, a capable and strong warrior, having fallen in love with a seducer, completely immersed herself in the feeling and does not want to notice anything around. The horse, her faithful companion and driving force stayed on the shore. She is unlikely to be able to get out on her own.
MEANING. An emotional quagmire from which it is difficult to get out. Having launched such a situation, you can end up in the office of a psychiatrist. Mystical knight-errant, purity, chastity.
According to this card, there is an immersion into an unconscious state, almost clouding of the mind, when a person thinks about the object of his love every day and every hour, really experiencing even imaginary situations, but at the same time does not seek to get rid of addiction. Not because he doesn’t want to, but because it doesn’t even occur to him to want or not want something.
CONDITION. Unrequited love. Hopelessness. Despair. If there is a reciprocal feeling, then, as a rule, the connection has no prospects. Such love does not purify the soul, but, on the contrary, draws deeper and deeper into a semi-conscious state. Other connections are torn, the social circle disappears, interests begin to be limited to one person, and life in his absence stops.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. Relationships are sucky and viscous.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Sexual and emotional addiction.
FEELINGS. They are very deep, but not only do they not develop, they also do not allow movement.
A WARNING. Do not get off your horse, do not plunge into the swamp. Be the master of your feelings.
ADVICE. Immerse yourself in your experiences: if you need it, then you need it. Be patient.

IMAGE. A beautiful naked woman walks slowly in the rain. There is water and slush all around, but she, immersed in herself, is not embarrassed by the rain. The cleansing shower only makes it brighter Inner Light with which this woman is full. In the figure, one feels a light, light sadness, an echo of some past suffering. They cleansed and changed her, and now a woman is not afraid to be alone. She went into herself, into her emotions, but she feels calm and comfortable there. "It's all in the past. I'm going, I'm clearing."
MEANING. Love, true friend, honesty, clairvoyance, sensitivity.
CONDITION. Sadness, rethinking, serious inner work over your feelings, purification, harmony, inner light. May refer to a specific person.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. Love for yourself. If we are talking about a couple, then we can talk about deep feelings, but which are experienced one by one.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Body cleansing. In some cases, it will indicate the beginning of menstruation.
FEELINGS. contemplation. Sadness, understanding of something higher that happens beyond the planes of everyday life.
A WARNING. Do you have that inner light that can warm you during the rainy season?
ADVICE. Pass calmly through the rain, live "here and now", carry your fortune. Everything has its value. Water cleanses, sadness makes us wiser, immersion in oneself grants clairvoyance.

IMAGE. There is something demonic about this lover-hero. He is able to lure any lady into the swamp. Selfish, but nice and takes great care of himself. Do not mind experiencing sensual pleasures. In general, the seducer is also a dangerous type for us women.
MEANING. seduction. The King of Water is a typical Don Juan, who has lured more than one unfortunate woman into his net, playing on her trust. According to his scenario, a woman exists in order to seduce her and leave her.
It should be noted that this type is usually a man brought up only by his mother. (This does not mean at all that he was brought up in an incomplete family, it’s just that the mother could be very authoritarian and not allow her husband to do such an important thing as raising a son.) Such specimens receive a certain key in childhood that “unlocks” the heart of any woman. He knows all the approaches to them, since he is well aware of the tricks and tricks that the fair sex uses to get their way. This is a true player with feelings - and at the same time an avenger for the entire male half of humanity.
CONDITION. Game of feelings. Understand the state of others and use it to your advantage. Essentially, indifference and preparation of other people's emotions.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. You have been lured into a network of relationships from which it is not so easy to get out without loss on your part. Bed interest.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Humiliation of a woman through sex.
FEELINGS. Sports interest, excitement of seduction.
A WARNING. Be careful, they want to seduce you. Be vigilant.
ADVICE. Seduce, catch men yourself. Lure into your networks. Play with the feelings of others, catch pleasure.

The next card of the Tarot Manara deck is the Five of Water. “Don’t swim, don’t sink, you need to decide something, it’s impossible, but it’s impossible otherwise. Do not shout, look, we should not rush, do not reproach luck for happiness ... "

The plot of the Five Water card of the Tarot Manara deck

This is clearly a very intense scene. With a detailed study of the faces of the characters, it becomes not entirely clear what is happening: is he trying to save her, or vice versa - to drown? The girl was clearly lost somewhere, turned out to be almost naked. She clearly does not see the guy's face - it is important for her to stay on the surface. He is depicted with a face distorted with anger. And perhaps out of jealousy. In any case, passions are heating up, and in the Five it cannot be otherwise: the period of stability is over.

The meaning of the Five Water card of the Tarot Manara deck

Direct position

And again, numerology will help us: it clearly says that the Five in itself is the number of struggle; behind the calm of the Four came a riot of colors. A real confrontation between partners begins, passions heat up, and emotions appear in the relationship, similar to causeless jealousy, which senselessly tests the relationship. One of the partners is clearly playing on the nerves of the other, and the methods of the game are not always normal, they can go beyond the decent.

Reversed position

But the inverted position will no longer indicate a struggle, but a one-sided "beating", a manipulation in pure form, like: "if you leave, I will kill myself", or something like that. Moreover, if this person still wins, then the matter will not be limited to this manipulation, the further it goes, the worse it will only be ... The meaning of the card for relationships- not the most beautiful card for relationships, given all of its meanings and meanings listed above. We can conclude that the relationship she describes is very complex - this is some kind of continuous endless conflict. And with high-profile scandals, where one partner is trying to simply drown the other in his emotions. In addition, relationships can work according to the "I love it, I hate it" pattern, which is why the other partner also begins to go crazy. Even sexual relations on this map, it looks more like rape or very hard sex. And if people did gain wisdom and parted according to this card, be sure that they will no longer talk to each other in life, since resentment here will be simply fatal.