Why do you need a surface pump? Surface water pumps: types, design features, rules for selection and commissioning For irrigation, surface pump connection

The surface water pump gets its name from the installation method. Distinctive feature and the advantage of this type of pump is that it is located on the surface; only the water intake hose is lowered into the water.

The big advantage of the pump is its ease of installation and maintenance; at the same time, the disadvantages of the pump include its small (up to 10 meters) suction depth.

In other words, the pump can lift water from a tank at a depth of no more than 10 meters. This type of pump is often used in pumping station equipment.

This limitation determines the scope of application. The pump is ideal for a summer residence, and will also perform well in supplying a cottage with water from a well or borehole.

Due to their characteristics, pumps are widely used for pumping water from tanks, for example, for filling or draining water from a swimming pool, pumping water from a flooded basement, etc.

Surface centrifugal pump for a well is especially popular with most homeowners. Indeed, unlike a submersible well pump, a surface pump is easier to install and much more convenient to maintain. With the help of such a pump it is possible not only to pump water, but also to create optimal pressure in the water supply system.

Surface well pumps are designed for relatively shallow depths, about 8-9 meters, which can be increased by installing an ejector.

The ejector in the pump is a special structural unit that is necessary for more efficient fluid supply. The operating principle of the ejector in the pump is based on creating a rarefaction zone (vacuum) inside the housing, where water rises.

Surface water pumps for wells are not designed to pump liquids even with minimal contamination. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the electric motor of most units is not protected from water and must operate under load. So unless the pump has a self-priming effect, there must always be water in it.

To start the pump, connect a hose to it. A check valve is mounted on the other end of the hose and the entire structure is lowered into the well. Special attention You should pay attention to the tightness of the check valve; if it becomes depressurized, the pump will stop working.

Self-priming surface pump for well

A self-priming surface pump pumps water while on the surface. For such a pump to operate, it does not have to be filled with water at the time of start-up. The water rises due to the fact that in the central part of the body, due to the movement of wheels with blades, an area is created low pressure. Trying to fill this area, the water rises up creating a suction effect.

Being on the surface, the pump is connected to the source by special fittings - a pipe immersed in water below the dynamic fluid level of the well or borehole. A special unit, an ejector, can be installed on the discharge pipe of a self-priming pump.

The ejector increases the degree of vacuum at the end of the suction pipe, thanks to this it is possible to lift water from a much greater depth - about 15 meters.

A self-priming surface pump with an installed ejector is quite noisy, so it is advisable to install such a unit away from residential premises. Currently, it is possible to use equipment with a remote ejector; such pumps operate almost silently, but with a significantly reduced productivity.

Surface pump for dirty water this is another most common area of ​​its use. Such pumps are in most cases used for:
drainage of basements residential buildings;
drainage of basements and cellars in the private sector;
pumping dirty water from drainage, storage and sewer wells;
draining fountains, swimming pools, artificial reservoirs or ponds;
drainage of pits construction sites;
application at industrial facilities for pumping wastewater.

The surface circulation pump for dirty water is used for pumping wastewater from premises, reservoirs, tanks and reservoirs with dirty water with a particle size of no more than 15 millimeters. In addition, specialized models of surface pumps for dirty water are capable of pumping media containing chemically non-aggressive substances, in relation to the materials from which the pump parts are made.

A surface pump can be stationary or mobile. In the first option, the pump is installed for permanent or frequent use. For example, for pumping out storm drains or for watering a garden

In the second case, mobile movement of the pump is assumed. Such models are designed to be portable or equipped with special wheels for transportation and are used in rare or emergency cases, for example, draining a swimming pool or pumping water from a cellar.

Domestic surface pump for dirty water it is divided into fecal and drainage.

Surface drainage pumps are used when pumping water from pits or basements - where the liquid is not too heavily contaminated.

Superficial fecal pumps are used if it is necessary to pump out heavily contaminated liquid. Such equipment is equipped with special cutting devices for grinding large contaminants.

Surface Pump Design Types

Any structurally consists of three blocks:
Pump motor
Hydraulic block, the place where fluid is pumped into the pipe
Pump control, a block in which the pump controls are located.

Surface pumps They have a simple design and consist of a shaft on which an impeller with blades is mounted and an electric motor that rotates the shaft. This entire system is located inside a housing mounted on a frame. A mesh filter is attached to the suction pipeline, located in the tank from which the pump pumps water, to retain sand and other suspended matter.

All pumps are divided into 2 types: vortex and centrifugal.

Surface vortex pump

This type has less power and is capable of working only at shallow depths. It is often used when the water pressure is insufficient. A surface vortex pump is capable of increasing the pressure several times. The advantages of the equipment include, first of all, simplicity of design (and therefore ease of care and maintenance) and relatively low cost (unlike other types of similar equipment).

The disadvantages of a vortex pump include low efficiency, about 45%, as well as sensitivity to solid inclusions in the pumped water (for example sand), which quickly leads to breakage of the impeller blade. In this regard, vortex pumps are not suitable for pumping water from wells and tanks with silty and sandy bottoms.

Centrifugal pumps

This type of surface pumps will come in handy, by the way, if you need a more powerful and efficient equipment. This pump has a much higher efficiency and is suitable for supplying water from a pond or shallow well (approximately 10 m). To increase the suction depth, an ejector (external or built-in) is additionally used.

The advantages of centrifugal pumps are their small size and weight, the ability to operate when present in the pipeline air jams, self-priming ability. In the vast majority of cases, they are used to provide water to a private house or cottage and/or to draw water from shallow wells.

A surface multistage pump is another modification of a centrifugal unit. It is equipped with several impellers and is capable of showing great importance pressure at the required flow.

How to choose a surface pump

Surface pumps are selected based on two characteristics:

Consumption pump determines the amount of water you need. For a family of three people using an average shower (bath) of about 10 liters per minute, a kitchen faucet - 7 liters per minute, a toilet - 5 liters per minute, the maximum flow rate will be 22 liters per minute. For a family of four, with the same needs, an average of 30 liters per minute is required, i.e. 1.8 m 3 /hour.

Pressure To calculate the required pressure, add the height of the house in meters and the headwater of 5 meters, then multiply by the reserve of 15%. Let’s say the height of the house is 10 meters, then you need a pump with a pressure of (10+5)*1.15 of at least 16 meters.

Having made a choice a certain model it is necessary to provide for his place of work. If this is a garden surface pump for irrigation, which is installed for just a couple of hours, then a flat area near a source will be suitable for its installation.

If you choose a surface pump to supply water from a well, you will also need to take into account the temperature at the installation site - such equipment must be placed indoors.

Where to buy a surface pump

Manufacturers modern pumps.

There are quite a few manufacturers represented on the modern pump market today. The most popular, reliable and high-quality pumps are Wilo, Grundfos, DAB, Whirlwind and Gilex Jumbo.

In our catalog we have prepared the best surface pumps, which you can easily select based on parameters such as pressure, flow, price, power, trademark and etc.

Video: spare parts and repair of a surface pump.

Sooner or later, any equipment wears out. Each manufacturer in the technical documentation for their product indicates the service life, as well as a list of possible faults and methods for troubleshooting.

In an open market, it will not be difficult for any owner to carry out repairs and find the necessary spare parts for a surface pump.

During the installation of equipment for wells, submersible structures are often used. But surface aggregates are often used. The described structures are not lowered into water, so their body is not exposed to negative impact environment. Surface devices are divided into vortex and centrifugal. The first type of devices is used to lift water with increasing pressure, and the second are designed to lift liquid from shallow wells. It is worth remembering that if a artesian well, it is worth purchasing more expensive and powerful equipment, since only powerful units are capable of lifting water from a depth of more than 20 meters.

Advantages and disadvantages of surface mechanisms

In the case where a shallow well was drilled at the site, surface devices are used. Such mechanisms have many advantages when compared with deep-well electric pumps:

The disadvantages of the described electric pumps include the ability to operate only at shallow depths. Another disadvantage is that for normal operation of the device it is necessary to install special filtering equipment. If this is not done, the mechanism may fail.

Before turning on the surface pump, you should make sure that it does not start pumping air during operation. Disadvantages also include high level noise during pump operation. It is worth remembering that surface self-priming pumps can only be installed in insulated structures.

How to choose

Before choosing an electric pump for a well on your site, you need to learn about the criteria on the basis of which it is worth purchasing such products. First of all, you need to know how much water will be pumped daily. For water supply country house a more powerful pump than the design for water supply to the greenhouse will be required.

When choosing, the following data must be taken into account:

  1. If 4 people live in the house for which the mechanism is purchased, you should choose a device that pumps 3 cubic meters of water per hour. This volume is enough for the whole family. If it is necessary to pump water also to supply water to the greenhouse and vegetable garden, the consumption doubles.
  2. When installing a surface mechanism to provide water to a townhouse, you need to purchase devices with a capacity of more than 5 cubic meters.

The well for the surface pump, which is created on the site, must have a depth of less than 20 meters. If the depth is greater, you need to take a closer look at more powerful types of devices. Typically, for wells deeper than 25 meters, centrifugal pumps are purchased.

How does the installation work?

Installation of the electric pump is quite simple. In order to start using the device, you only need to select a location for installation and then connect the pipes. To perform such work it is not necessary to hire specialists, but to install the pump you must have minimal experience work with plumbing equipment.

The pump is installed as follows:

  1. At the first stage, the location for the equipment to be installed is selected. It is best to prepare a separate structure for installation. It is worth placing it near the well. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to insulate the created structure.
  2. After this the creation occurs concrete foundation for the mechanism. Metal fasteners for the described equipment are installed in the base. Metal studs allow you to neutralize the load that constantly affects the structure during operation. If equipment is not protected, vibration can cause it to become unusable in a short time. At this same stage, the installation of a surface electric pump occurs.
  3. Then the equipment is installed to control the unit. Many automatic systems are already configured and ready for installation. If you have the knowledge, you can assemble the pump control unit in parts. If you are not familiar with the structure of such mechanisms, you should not assemble them yourself. This unit includes sensors as well as control relays that control the water level and other parameters. When the water supply stops, the relays help stop the pump.
  4. On next stage the pump connection is connected to plumbing system. During connection it is necessary to install on the pipeline check valve. This device prevents water from overflowing and draining after the pump is turned off.
  5. Then the installation occurs expansion tank. Before you start connecting, you should check the pressure in the chamber. This indicator must correspond to that declared by the manufacturer. If the pressure does not match, it must first be adjusted.
  6. On last stage The cables for the installed surface electric pump are connected. In this case, it is important to make a dedicated line for supplying electricity.

After connecting the surface pump to the well, it is necessary to check its functionality before turning it on for continuous pumping of water.

The basic principle of operation of surface pumps for water supply is that such units are not lowered into the water. Only the water intake suction hose comes into contact with water. Such units are used for the following purposes: ensuring the operation of autonomous water supply systems in dachas and country houses; garden watering.

Among all types of pumping products, surface water pumps are distinguished by their simplicity in design and operation. Thanks to its small dimensions, it can be easily moved and installed in the right place; for example, surface pumps for a 220-volt garden will be very convenient.

1 General characteristics

Surface water pumps are used for irrigation, filling tanks with water, water supply country houses.

If you have a question about choosing: a submersible or surface pump, remember that the main selection criterion should be the depth of the water. Maximum depth, from which a 220 V surface suction pump is capable of sucking up liquid – 8 meters. Therefore, it is not suitable for deep wells. But it can be perfectly used for transporting water from reservoirs (ponds, rivers, lakes) and shallow wells. It is also suitable for pumping water out of basements.

If such a unit was used to pump contaminated liquid, it should be washed immediately after completion of work. It is important to remember that such a pump is not designed to work with chemically aggressive liquids or liquids containing solid particles. To prevent solid impurities from entering the device, a water filter must be installed at the inlet. In order to clean or replace the filter, you do not need to open the unit housing.

As for the materials from which the body of such devices is made, they can be the following: cast iron, stainless steel, plastic.

Pumps with cast iron casings have high reliability and are silent in operation. Characterized by low cost. But with prolonged downtime, the first portions of water may be dispensed with rust.

Devices from of stainless steel very reliable. They keep the water clean, but at the same time they are noisier than cast iron and are more expensive.

The plastic pump body allows you to pump liquid with a temperature not exceeding 50C. They do not rust, operate silently, are lightweight, low price. At the same time, they are more susceptible to mechanical damage.

1.1 Types of surface models

Based on the suction principle, such units are divided into two types:

  1. Normally absorbing.
  2. Self-priming.

For the first one to function, it is necessary to fill the 220 V electric pump and the pipeline with water. You can use a hand pump. A check valve is installed at the inlet of such a unit, which does not allow water to flow back into the well (river). Sometimes this valve prevents the pump housing from filling with water. In this case, you need to unscrew the plug, the surface of which is located at the top of the device.

When operating a self-priming device, only the pump housing must be filled with water. There is no need to fill the pipeline. This type of apparatus has an ejector system in which a zone is formed low blood pressure. Thanks to this we have a greater suction effect.

Based on their mode of action, the following types of surface pumps are distinguished:

  1. Vortex.
  2. Centrifugal.

Vortex pumps are characterized by small dimensions, which does not require much space for their installation. The principle of operation is simple: the engine transmits rotation to the shaft, which, in turn, causes the wheel with blades to rotate. The rotational energy of the engine is transferred to the pumped liquid, and due to the compression of water in the pump, its outlet pressure increases. At a similar impeller rotation speed, the first vortex pump creates a pressure 3-7 times higher than a centrifugal pump.

Vortex-type units are self-priming, which makes operation easier, since there is no need to fill the supply pipe with water before starting work.

Among the disadvantages is low efficiency - no more than 45%. In addition, such units are not suitable for pumping water with a large amount of impurities: this will lead to rapid wear of the wheels and blades. Centrifugal pumps are similar in design to vortex pumps, only fluid circulation occurs due to centrifugal force, and not due to the movement of the blades.

Used for pumping liquids with a small content of impurities. They work well even when air pockets and bubbles form in the water supply system. Centrifugal pumps use built-in or external ejectors, which pump air out of the liquid supply system before starting work, and are also used to increase pressure.

Centrifugal pumps are slightly more expensive than vortex pumps due to the large number of stages.

1.2 Selecting a surface-mounted installation

Before you start choosing a pump, you need to decide for what purpose you need it. For watering flower beds or vegetable gardens, a unit with a lower productivity than for autonomous water supply systems is suitable. To water the plants, a capacity of 1 cubic meter per hour will be sufficient. To provide economic needs families of 3-4 people, the productivity of the device should be about 3 cubic meters/hour.

You also need to take into account such characteristics as suction depth. On average, it is 8 meters. The further the 220 V pump is from the water source, the smaller its actual suction depth will be. For calculations, use the formula 1:4 - 1 vertical meter equals 4 horizontal meters. For example, when the unit is removed from the water source by 8 meters, its actual suction depth will decrease by 2 meters, and as a result it will no longer be 8, but 6 meters.

The next indicator you need to know is pressure. The unit of measurement is meter of water column. Usually at pumps that serve the needs country houses, the pressure is 30-80 m (or 3-8 atmospheres, since 1 atmosphere equals 10 m of water column).

The required pressure depends on the distance between the pump and the farthest point where water will be supplied. It is believed that 100 m horizontally equals 10 m vertically.

The difference in levels between the pump location and the top point source of water. If there is a hydraulic accumulator that maintains pressure in the system, then this will be the difference in levels between the pump and the hydraulic accumulator.

In addition, the maximum pressure to which the control pressure switch is set must be reached. Often this is 2.8-3.5 atm.

An example of pressure calculation: the difference in height between the accumulator and the pump near the well (the well is located in a lowland) is 5 m. The distance to the well is 50 m. Max. pressure in the water supply system is 3 atm. Calculation: 5+5+30+10=50 m water column.

Another criterion for selecting a pump is the mains voltage. If in your country house it happens to be low, then it is better to choose a more powerful pump, than required by the above parameters. Otherwise, at a time when the voltage is low, the performance of the device may be lower than what you need.

1.3 Where and how to install?

When choosing a location for installing this unit, consider the following factors: temperature external environment should not be below 0 degrees; air humidity must correspond to that specified in technical specifications; suction depth does not exceed 8 m.

If you will use the device only in the warm season, then connecting the surface pump is possible next to the well, under a canopy. The water supply pipeline can also be placed directly on the ground. In winter, this installation will have to be dismantled and moved to a warm, dry place.

To simplify the task, you can install this unit in a room that is heated in winter (you can install it in a house, but you should take into account the noise level) or in a deep pit, where heat will be maintained from natural temperature soil.

1.4 Equipment of the caisson (pit)

If you decide to place the pump in a pit near a well, keep in mind that its depth should be half a meter below the freezing level of the ground. Often this is 1.5-2 m. The caisson must be large enough for the smooth installation of equipment in it.

Set up a pit concrete bottom and waterproofed walls. The walls can also be made of brick, but then with outside you need to protect the brick from the ground with two layers of rubyroid. A caisson is being built around clay castle– a towering waterproofing structure that prevents melt or rainwater from flooding the pit.

The top of the caisson must be covered with a waterproof lid, which will ensure water drainage. For good insulation, the lid must have at least 5 cm of polystyrene foam. In addition to installing the pump, an outlet is made in the pit for priming the pump with a filling funnel in case the water supply from the reserve in the house fails.

When installing such a unit in a caisson, it is recommended to ensure a uniform slope of the suction pipeline towards the water source. This prevents the formation of air pockets in the pipeline. The emergency fill point must be higher than the highest point in the suction pipe.

1.5 Device connection

Before you start using the pump, you must do the following:

  • Connect the suction line to the pump hermetically with mesh filter and check valve;
  • lower the end of the pipe into water;
  • fill the line and the unit body with water (this can be done using a hand pump);
  • check for water leaks and air pockets;
  • connect the 220 V pump to the water supply or irrigation system through the supply pipe.

2 Model characteristics

Let's look at some of the most common surface pump models.

2.1 Surface unit PN 370

Whirlwind PN 370 is used for watering garden plots. The design has a flat base designed specifically for easy installation of the unit.


  • productivity: 45 l/m;
  • power: 370 W;
  • suction depth: 9m;
  • lifting height: 30m;
  • max liquid temperature: 50 °C;
  • body material: cast iron;
  • dimensions: 260×165x185 mm.

2.2 PN 650

The whirlwind PN 650 is used to operate the irrigation system and to drain pools. Has a flat base. Acceptable rate solid particles in the pumped medium – 150g/sq.m.


  • productivity: 55 l/m;
  • power: 650 W;
  • suction depth: 9m;
  • lifting height: 45m;
  • max liquid temperature: 35 °C;
  • body material: cast iron;
  • dimensions: 350x270x245mm.

2.3 Leo EKSm 60 – 1

This vortex self-priming pump is designed to transport water from wells and other reservoirs, to operate an irrigation system, supply water to the upper floors of multi-story buildings, and also increase pressure in an automatic water supply system. Very sensitive to small particles. Their entry into the unit leads to rapid wear of parts. Therefore, it is necessary to use special filters.


  • productivity: 35 l/m;
  • power: 370 W;
  • suction depth: 9m;
  • lifting height: 40m;
  • body material: cast iron.

2.4 Review of Aquario models (video)

Most owners of country houses and dachas install a well or well on their plots, which allows them to always have the required amount of water available both for domestic needs and for watering green spaces. If the depth of the source does not exceed 10 meters, surface-type pumps are used to equip it. Various models Such devices offered by modern industry differ from each other in both design and technical characteristics.

It is very important to know how to select surface pumps for the solution certain tasks to ensure the required efficiency of this equipment. In addition, in order for a surface-type pump to function without emergency situations for a long time, it is necessary to put it into operation correctly, as well as ensure its regular maintenance.

Surface pumps are perhaps the most popular type of equipment, problem solver water supply garden plot and a country house

What are surface pumps?

During operation, surface pumps are not immersed in the pumped liquid medium - they are located on the surface of the earth, in close proximity to the water supply source. More often pumping devices of this type are used for pumping water from well sources, since the depth from which they can effectively pump out a liquid medium is no more than 10 meters.

A surface pump is also used to pump water out of basement or cellar at home, as well as for pumping liquid media from wells located on quicksand. Surface water pumps are easy to operate. To carry out maintenance of such devices, there is no need to remove them from the pumped medium. They are also distinguished by their versatility: they are equally successfully equipped with water supply and sewerage systems, as well as drainage systems and systems with the help of which watering of green spaces on a personal plot is carried out.

Design features and varieties

The design of any surface water pump is based on three components:

  1. power unit, the basis of which is the drive electric motor;
  2. a pressure unit, through which a vacuum and pressure zone is created in the working chamber of the device;
  3. a block with the help of which the power and injection units of the hydraulic machine are controlled.

In my own way design and operating principle, a surface water pump can be one of the following types of devices:

  • vortex type equipment;
  • centrifugal surface pump;
  • pumping units equipped with an external ejector.

A vortex-type surface water pump is an inexpensive and compact hydraulic machine that is able to generate a water flow with a pressure exceeding that of centrifugal-type models. Meanwhile, an inexpensive vortex-type surface pump is characterized by low efficiency (about 45%); devices of this type cannot be used for pumping a liquid medium that contains a large number of sand or other solid insoluble inclusions. The basis of the design of surface pumps of this type is an impeller equipped with a large number of blades, which form the flow of the pumped liquid medium with the required characteristics.

Surface centrifugal pump is more expensive device, which effectively copes with pumping a liquid medium in the flow of which there are air bubbles and plugs that can lead to the formation of pulsation processes. Despite the fact that pumping devices of this type are characterized by a fairly high efficiency, they also cannot cope with pumping liquid media characterized by a high level of contamination. The main working element of centrifugal surface pumps is the impeller, the rotation of which is transmitted through a rotor connected to the shaft of the drive electric motor.

A surface pump for a well or well, equipped with an external ejector, is practically not used today, since it has been replaced by a submersible type pump, which is characterized by higher productivity.

Centrifugal pumping equipment

Surface (external) centrifugal pumps, as mentioned above, pump a liquid medium due to the rotation of an impeller equipped with special blades. The blades of this wheel, driven into rotation by the electric motor shaft, create a vacuum in the central part of the working chamber, which ensures the suction of the liquid medium into it through the inlet pipe, and increases the pressure of the pumped liquid at the walls of the chamber, which helps push water into the pressure line.

Surface centrifugal pumps are capable of pumping a sufficiently large volume of liquid per unit of time, but are not able to generate a large pressure of the pumped liquid medium.

Most often, surface pumps of the centrifugal type, due to the above characteristics, are used to equip irrigation systems for green spaces. Another critical disadvantage of pumping devices of this type is that they produce a lot of noise during operation.

Vortex pumping equipment

Surface pumps, classified as vortex pumps, are used primarily for wells and shallow wells. A surface electric pump of this type is capable of creating the strongest possible pressure of the pumped liquid (compared to other external pumping devices). This is ensured by the fact that the liquid medium sucked from the well or well into the internal working chamber of the hydraulic machine is subject to turbulence, which significantly increases the energy of the flow.

Surface pumps of the vortex type, the basis of the design of which are the impeller and helical grooves on the walls of the internal working chamber, although they are characterized by lower suction capacity than models of the centrifugal category, are capable of forming a fluid flow moving along pipeline system under significant pressure.

Advantages and disadvantages of external pumps

The most significant advantages of surface pumps for a private home or cottage are:

  1. compact size and light weight;
  2. affordable cost (when compared with the price of other types of pumping devices);
  3. ease of installation, which can be performed even without special knowledge, skills and experience;
  4. ease of operation and Maintenance;
  5. the ability to work with a water layer whose thickness does not exceed 60 cm (if the layer of liquid medium located in a well or well is characterized by such a small thickness, then the use of submersible pumps is not possible);
  6. air cooling rather than liquid cooling;
  7. the possibility of forming a flow of liquid medium characterized by significant pressure;
  8. fairly high efficiency;
  9. no need to supply power directly to the water intake area;
  10. high reliability and long service life;
  11. high stability of operational parameters even if there are air pockets in the serviced pipeline system.

Naturally, pumping devices installed on the surface of the earth also have a number of disadvantages, including:

  1. fairly high sensitivity to the presence of liquid in the pumped medium various contaminants;
  2. restrictions on the depth of a well or well (this parameter cannot exceed 9–10 meters);
  3. a sharp decrease in efficiency and reliability when used in conjunction with an external ejector;
  4. high noise level (up to 50 decibels);
  5. the need to fill the pressure line with water before starting work.

When choosing a surface pump for a summer house or country house, you should first decide on the main tasks for which such equipment is purchased. When choosing a pump for outdoor use, you should focus on a number of basic technical parameters such a device.

For watering the garden plot

If a surface type pump is planned to be used to water country cottage area or a plot of a country house, then the main attention should be paid to the following parameters of the selected equipment.

  • Productivity measured by the volume of water that the device is capable of pumping per unit of time. In order for a garden pump to provide high-quality watering of green spaces, it is enough that its productivity is about one cubic meter water pumped per hour of operation.
  • The depth of the well or well, with a bark pump for the garden will pump out water. You should also take into account the vertical-horizontal ratio, which should be 1:4. So, if a surface pump is used to pump water from a depth of two meters, it must be eight meters away from the water supply. If the total length of the vertical and horizontal parts of the pipeline is more than 12 meters, to equip such a system, pipes with an internal cross-section increased by 1/4 inch should be used.
  • When choosing the pressure value that a surface-type pump can provide, you should focus on the most distant point of water intake.

For home water supply

Surface-type pumps are also successfully used to ensure the operation of autonomous water supply systems for residential buildings. When choosing a surface pump that you plan to use to solve such a problem, you should focus on the total volume of water consumption at all water intake points, as well as on the pressure of the fluid flow that must be provided at such points. To select a surface pump according to these parameters, you can rely on the following data.

  • To provide water to a house inhabited by 4 people, a pump is needed with a capacity of 3 m 3 /hour.
  • To provide water to a house in which two families live, a pump is needed with a capacity of 5 m 3 /hour.
  • A four-family house needs a pump with a capacity of 6 m 3 /hour.
  • To provide water personal plot, the productivity of the selected surface pump should be increased by a value equal to 1 m 3 / hour.

If a surface-type pump is operated in regions where dry periods are common, its capacity should be increased by another 40–50%.

Arrangement of water supply and sewerage in a private house is a hackneyed question, but relevant for the majority. Having become accustomed to the benefits of civilization, we can no longer imagine a full life without them. Comfortable living in a private house is now completely dependent on water supply and sewerage. At the same time, constantly carrying water in buckets is hard and exhausting work. What can we say about trying to take a bath in such spartan conditions! But, fortunately, now it’s easy to solve the problem of water supply to the house - just install a pump. The selection, installation and connection of a surface pump are discussed in detail in this material.

Why is it needed?

The name of the surface pump speaks for itself - it is a device for proper functioning does not require immersion in water. It is installed “on land”, and the liquid is supplied to the pipes using a flexible hose leading from the pump into the water. You should also install . Thanks to easy access to the device, the surface pump is easy to maintain, which is what attracts owners of private houses.

On a note! Such installations are quite weak and cannot lift water from great depths. The maximum is only about 10 m. If the well on the site is deeper, then you will have to buy a more powerful pump - for example, a submersible one.

A surface pump, in addition to supplying water to the cottage, can also be used for watering a garden plot or pumping water from the basement, which is important for areas with frequent flooding in the spring.

A conventional surface pump works like this: at the end of the suction conduit, which is not lowered into the water, a vacuum is created, and the liquid begins to rise through the hose due to the difference in pressure at both ends. Interestingly, at the suction site this figure is 760 mmHg. Art. in a complete vacuum and replacing mercury with water, we get a height of 10.3 m. So it turns out that in a complete vacuum the liquid can only rise by this amount. You should also take into account the presence of certain losses due to friction against the walls of the conduit - thus, we get a distance of only about 9 m. As a result, the actual operating height of the surface pump is very small - about 8-9 m.

When choosing a pump, it is also important to take into account the distance from the well to the pump itself, as well as the position of the water pipeline. That is, it is worth remembering that 4 m of the horizontal part of the hose will be equivalent to 1 m of water rise.

The surface pump works as follows.

  1. or the hydraulic accumulator connected to the pump, due to the design, will be filled with water to a certain level.
  2. The pump's automation will turn it off after the water reaches a certain level. The water supply will stop.
  3. When the water from the tank is used up, the pump will automatically turn on again and refill the accumulator completely, and then stop.

If you need to pump water from a shallow well or a nearby reservoir, then purchasing a surface pump will be the best option for organizing an autonomous water supply to your house. Moreover, such a device is installed very simply and does not require special conditions operation.

Advantages and disadvantages

What else are good about surface pumps? The advantages of these devices are the following:

  1. Small dimensions - such a pump can be installed almost anywhere, it will not disturb anyone, and does not require the creation of a massive foundation.
  2. Cheap - you can buy such a pump for little money.
  3. The uninterrupted operation life is about 5 years - this is a decent operating time for such a device. If you handle the unit with care, it will last longer.
  4. The payback period for the equipment is quick – a maximum of two years.
  5. Installation of such a pump is simple and quick. The only difficulty is the need to securely attach cables and hoses to it.
  6. The device is economical - it does not consume a lot of electricity.
  7. If necessary, shutdown occurs automatically - there is no need to guard the operating device.
  8. In repair, as in operation, a surface pump is very simple and cheap. And it’s convenient - you don’t even need to take the hose out of the water.
  9. Safety is another advantage of the installation. The electrical cable in the device does not come into contact with water.

But a surface-mounted pump also has its drawbacks, which you should know in order to assess the need to purchase this equipment and the justification of the monetary costs.

  1. Low power - such a device can only lift water from a depth of no more than 8-10 m.
  2. Filters must be installed.
  3. Before turning on the pump, it must first be filled with water.
  4. The equipment creates a lot of noise, so it is not recommended to install it in a residential area of ​​the house.
  5. The surface pump can only be used in a warm room.

As we see, the equipment has more advantages than disadvantages. The main thing is that the disadvantages should not be the determining factors, and then you can safely buy this equipment.

Centrifugal surface pump "Vodoley BC-1.2-1.8U1.1"

Types of surface pumps

There are three types of surface pumps - centrifugal, ejector and vortex. They differ from each other in design features and performance characteristics.

Table. Types of surface pumps.

Type of equipmentCharacteristic

Inside the body of such a pump there is a special axis, on which the so-called impeller is fixed, on which the blades are located. It is they who will transfer the energy of movement to the water during the rotation of the main axis. These are small-sized installations and are inexpensive. Their suction depth is small, so more often they are used not for pumping water into a hydraulic accumulator, but for adjusting pressure levels in the water supply system, irrigation, and pumping water from the basement during floods in the spring. Efficiency is only about 45%. Not recommended for use as a pump for filling hydraulic accumulators.

Such a pump is also called self-priming and has special wheels inside, which create the necessary pressure during operation of the device. They rotate due to the working shaft resting on bearings. The power is higher than that of a vortex pump, and therefore it can pump water from a greater depth and can be used to organize a water supply system for a residential building. This is a more expensive, but at the same time reliable and durable type of device with an efficiency of up to 92%. Can be used to create pumping station in the house.

Such a pump consists of two circulation circuits: in one of them, liquid is supplied to the ejector, where a pressure difference is formed due to the Bernoulli effect, and water enters from the second circuit. This design allows the pump to be lowered to a depth, which will solve the problem of low suction height. But in Lately such installations are not in demand, since there are more efficient submersible pumps.

Based on what was written above, it can be noted that it is best to purchase a centrifugal pump. This is the most best option. Let's take a closer look at its structure: a pair of disks are installed on the gear shaft inside the mechanism. A small hole is made in one of them, connected to the free space between these parts. In this gap there are plates inclined at a certain angle - they create special channels from the center of the free space to the edge. These “passages” are connected to a diffuser, which in turn is connected to a supply conduit. And the suction hose is connected to the disk hole.

Interdisk free space and the suction hose are filled with water, then the gearbox starts, and the vane plates begin to rotate and push out the water. This process occurs due to centrifugal force. As a result, a discharged space is created in the center, and at the edges and in the diffuser, on the contrary, the pressure increases. To even out this “skew”, the system will strive to equalize the indicators and begin to pump water. This is how this setup works.

Attention! Such pumps are usually not used independently - they are part of the design of the pumping station. This system includes a control unit and a hydraulic accumulator.

To ensure that the pump lasts as long as possible, they create. The unit pumps water as needed into storage capacity. This allows you to significantly save equipment resources, since the pump will only turn on when the hydraulic accumulator is empty. In addition, frequent activation pumping unit entails high energy consumption. And thanks to the arrangement of the pumping station, it is possible to save resources, cash and provide the house with a certain supply of water.

A hydraulic accumulator as part of a pumping unit is a volumetric tank that has a membrane or bulb inside, around which there is a certain level of pressure. That is, the water entering this container is under pressure. The design of the pumping station also includes a pressure switch, which will force the equipment to start and stop on time. And the pressure gauge installed in the system will help you keep track of the pressure level. Connects all the parts into a single organism “five-outlet” - a special fitting with five outlets.

Pumping station with built-in ejector

Prices for a pumping station

pumping station

How to choose?

How to choose a surface pump? First, you should get acquainted with certain criteria, knowing and evaluating which, it will not be difficult to make a choice.

  1. Installation performance. For watering a garden, a model with an indicator of 1 m 3 / hour is sufficient, but for the water supply system of a house you will have to make certain calculations taking into account the number of people living in it and the number of water consumption points (taps, washing machines etc.). If 4 people live in a house, then the pump must have a capacity of at least 3 m 3 / hour.
  2. . The length of the hoses, their position (vertical, horizontal), and the depth of the well or borehole are taken into account.

  3. Water pressure at the most extreme point of water consumption, furthest from the pump, must also be taken into account. It must be sufficient for normal operation. The pressure is usually indicated in the documents for the equipment and is measured in meters or bars. You can determine the indicator by calculating the entire distance that the water will have to travel. Every 10 m the pressure decreases by 1 m.
  4. Mains voltage. This is also an important indicator that affects the performance of the pump. If the voltage in the network drops, the pump will not be able to operate at full capacity, which means it will not provide power to the house. required quantity water.

It is worth remembering that for an organization autonomous system For water supply at home, you should buy a pump more powerful than for simple watering of a greenhouse. Therefore, it is important to clearly know for what purpose the equipment is being purchased.

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