Growing garden balsam. How should you care for balsam at home to preserve the beauty of its flowering? Correctly pinch balsam

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​ Not everyone has the opportunity, or even the desire, to grow garden balsam in seedlings on a windowsill. You can, of course, sow the seeds directly into the ground, but in this case flowering will occur much later, but the balsam will require much less care.
​When picking, bury them down to the cotyledon leaves; sometimes the plants even have to be slightly twisted.​

​After the seedlings appear, do not rush to remove the film, let the seedlings get a little stronger. But the seedlings need to be ventilated several times every day. When the roses stretch out slightly, add a little soil to cover the exposed roots.

There are two ways to grow this plant from seeds:

​It’s good to plant in tablets, then when they sprout well, then in a glass, when the glass is filled with roots, then in a pot and don’t overcrowd; pinch the tops for bushiness. and what you pinch off can be immediately cut into a tablet.​

They love moisture very much, but it is not necessary to allow it to stagnate in the soil, otherwise the plants will not receive enough air and may rot. Grow the seedlings for another couple of months, and when it gets warmer, plant them in open ground and wait for flowering.​

​As the seedlings grow, they need additional feeding. Soluble fertilizers with a complete set of nutrition are diluted in small doses and fed with balsams. Seedlings are planted in the garden when the threat of freezing from spring cold snaps and frosts has passed.

Impatiens are considered unpretentious flowers to grow. But the seeds of this colorful crop require “respectful” treatment.​
For this purpose it is better to use balsam cuttings; it takes root well.

​Water. ​​ This plant is quite whimsical, so seeds are sown in greenhouses only in early May. If there is no shelter, then it is better to sow at the end of May or even the beginning of June.​ ​The picking was successful.​ Gradually accustom the seedlings to fresh air and finally remove the film completely. Monitor the humidity; the soil should always be moist, but not flooded.​


  • ​When to start planting?​
  • ​Growing through seedlings.​​For primary growth, you need to grow it in small containers and only then plant it in a pot. Then it comes out beautiful and lush. You probably have a garden balsam. It’s okay that the seedlings have stretched out - they can be buried along the cotyledon.
  • ​Balms​
  • ​Sowing seeds and caring for seedlings​​ This flower is surprisingly easy to take cuttings and flower growers use this ability to preserve their favorite varieties in winter. To do this, in the fall, cut off several shoots and place them in water or immediately stick them in a pot of soil for cuttings. Cuttings take root equally well in water and in soil. Don’t forget to water, but water moderately. Excess moisture can cause root rot.​

Are you planting balsam seedlings? Any difficulties?

ღ M@rin@ ღ

​ ​
​ The plant tolerates picking well, but still keep the cups in the shade for several days, do not immediately expose them to the sun.​

Polina Shubina

Grown seedlings need to be sprinkled.

Lyudmila Krai

​ On average, three months pass from seed germination to the beginning of flowering. Considering that balsam is planted in the OG at the end of May or beginning of June (in different regions in different ways), it is most advisable to start planting in early or mid-March.​

Lelya Casanova

​Sowing seeds in open ground.​

Natalia Solovyova

Impatiens grow very quickly and stretch out. It's probably better to sow them in April. Then, in the flower garden you will need to pick off the leaves, otherwise the beauty of the flowers will not be visible.​
​In the garden they will grow up to be “giraffes” - the plant is quite tall. I prefer Waller's balsam (wet vanilla). Now there are so many interesting varieties and colors. Perfectly preserved at home winter period- by spring, you can cut a bush you like and plant it in an outdoor planter.​


- very beautiful, but capricious flowers. They are even called “touch-me-nots” because when you lightly touch the ripe seed pods, they burst and scatter tiny seeds far away. Therefore, balsams are most often propagated by cuttings. But if you have patience, you can try growing them from

Valentina Barzakovskaya

To sow seeds, you need to buy ready-made soil or prepare it yourself. It must be loose, moisture-absorbing and have neutral reaction(pH 6.2...6.5). When the soil is acidified, the seedlings will “lie down.”​

Tina Ezdakova

Rooting cuttings in water.

Elena the Wise

​ Take a closer look at your plants, they themselves give signals if they don’t like how you care for them:​

I want to sow balsams today. Do you need them through seedlings or directly into the pots?

Victoria Tchaikovskaya

​Where to plant. ​
​ ​

Natalya Sludnikova


​ If you really want to see flowering at the beginning of May or you are growing flower seedlings for sale, then you should start sowing at the end of January.​
​ This flower is heat-loving and afraid of frost, so it is most often grown through seedlings. Some gardeners consider balsam to be a capricious plant that is difficult to grow at home. Others claim that it is a flower, like a flower, and they do not have any problems with it. So what is the reason for the failures when growing impatiens from seeds?​


​I only grew mine from seeds for the first time, but now, in order to fuss less, I leave 2 plants in the house for the winter and propagate them in the spring.​


​Do you mean Balsam impatiens (garden)? It can be sown in the ground, and if you want earlier flowering, grow seedlings in a panic. But the giraffes can be buried, but now we need to add more light

Polina Shubina


Nina Ablalimova

​Before sowing seeds, the soil must be disinfected. You can use a solution of potassium permanganate, phytosporin, maxim. Small balsam seedlings are very sensitive to fungal infections (blackleg).

​ For propagation, it is not necessary to take large cuttings; cut them into 6-8 cm pieces. Remove the lower leaves and place them in water. To keep the cuttings in an environment with high humidity, place everything in a plastic bag and leave it like that for a week or two. When the roots appear, transplant the seedlings into pots with soil and place them on the windowsill.​

​Leaves drooping means it’s too hot and there’s not enough moisture.​

​This sissy doesn’t like drafts, doesn’t like heat, and doesn’t like too much of anything (water, fertilizer). He needs it to be quiet, warm and comfortable. It will be good to grow in a place protected from the wind, so that the sun shines on it for several hours a day, but only in the morning or evening. Feels great in tree trunk circles trees, near the wall of a house or a fence (not on the south side).​

Growing garden balsam from seeds.

​Pinching balsam​

  1. ​Temperature for growing seedlings.​
  2. ​ But you will have to take much more care of early seedlings. Impatiens seedlings tend to stretch, so you can’t do without lighting + maintenance optimal temperature. When planting in the garden in May, you need to prepare a shelter in case of night frosts. So, from the beginning, think carefully about whether you need such additional troubles.​

​ As always, failures await newcomers initial stage growing. If your seedlings survived to the picking, you can assume that the hardest part is over and no further problems should arise.

Growing by seedlings

​If you want to sow now, you need to highlight it. Like all seeds, I sow it in well-cultivated soil (I bake it in an oven to prevent insects, mold, and bacteria); after sowing, I cover it with film, and when the little green faces appear, I open the film and maintain high humidity.​

I bought balsam seeds. The package says: Terry balsam Moth. I hoped it was a garden plant, but it turned out to have small seeds. It takes a long time to grow. I don’t know yet what will grow. It is written that it is for flower beds and borders.​

​The seeds are laid out on the surface of a medium-moist soil mixture and are not sprinkled, just pressed to the surface. The top of the crops is covered with glass (film) so that the seeds do not dry out. They sprout quickly, after a week, if the room temperature is about 22...24oC. At a lower temperature, 18...20°C, seedlings will appear in a few weeks.​ ​Rooted cuttings.​​The leaves turn yellow and fall off - it’s cold, there is too much moisture, check for pests.​

​Vanka is wet in the garden.​

​. After picking, young plants begin to grow quickly, but unfortunately, just as quickly they begin to stretch out again. At this time, they need to pinch the tops of their heads. As a result, we restrain the stretching and side shoots are formed, and a bushy, flowering ball is always better than a lonely, long shoot. Therefore, always pinch the shoots of balsams and form a bush.

​ To create favorable conditions for growing seedlings, the temperature must be maintained within the following limits:​ ​Seeds germinate in the light.​​ The whole point is that young seedlings are easily affected by fungal infections, such as gray rot. It is this disease that usually causes the death of balsam seedlings. To exclude the possibility of infection, it is necessary to approach the choice of soil in which the seeds will germinate with all responsibility. Namely, recommendations related to the quality of the soil are most often ignored and considered a trifle that does not deserve attention (the earth is the earth).​

​Last year I planted a camellia variety, the seedlings grow quickly, but they cannot be planted in the ground early, for permanent residence I planted them near a bathhouse with a wall 70 cm high, I had to shade it when transplanting, so this year I will sow it in a greenhouse in mid-May.​

​To the garden, where they will get stronger, you can pinch them. If you plant and shade, everything will be fine.​

​Assemble carefully and carefully planting material- very small brown-brown balls. Usually the seeds ripen 20-30 days after the start of flowering, the boxes turn white at this time. Be careful - one awkward touch, and the seeds will “shoot” two meters, scattering into different sides, collecting them after this will be unrealistic. But, if everything went well, the grains can be stored for up to 8 years - it is during this period that balsam seeds are viable and can sprout.​

​After the seedlings appear, the temperature in the room should not be lower than 18°C. Otherwise, if there is excess moisture in the soil (overwatering), the roots of the seedlings will rot and the cotyledon leaves will turn yellow. You can’t water the “babies” in the second half of the day. It is better to organize watering in the morning so that the soil has time to dry by night. Impatiens do not forgive drying out of the soil.​​ At this time, the main enemy of balsam is the spider mite; inspect the plants and at the first sign of a pest, spray with phytoverm. If there are still few ticks, then one treatment should be enough, but if it has already managed to breed, then you have to poison it according to the following scheme: fitoverm - aktara - fitoverm with weekly breaks. The bases of the stems rot - excess moisture, low temperature, lack of lighting.​

​ ​​When seeds germinate 22 - 24 degrees​​ ​

​ Another reason for failure is low-quality, expired seeds. It must be admitted that imported seeds most often turn out to be better than domestic ones.​

Impatiens come in different types, tall and short. I grow a short one. terry. I sowed seeds for the first time, now I take one flower home and take cuttings in the spring. They take cuttings well. I plant it in the ground when the threat of frost has passed in a flowerpot or flowerbed.​

My balsams are also stretched out, I don’t even know why. There are a lot of flower seedlings on the window, a lot of sun, and warmth too. They are still dragging on. Sowing should be done in March so that the seedlings are ready by mid-June - at this time balsams, which love warmth, will feel comfortable in the open ground. Prepare or buy a peat-based substrate that is not very acidic. Regular garden soil will not work. Bacteria can grow in it. For the same reason, do not add manure to the soil, even if it is well rotted. Lighting is one of the necessary conditions in receiving strong seedlings, especially in the first 2...3 weeks. When shaded, seedlings stretch out and grow long internodes.​

  • ​Rooted plants.​
  • ​Few or no buds are formed - prolonged drought.​

​Growing in flowerpots, flower pots. ​ ​Mite on balsam.​​After picking 18 - 20 degrees​

​And what kind of balsams do YOU ​​have: if the balsam is balsam, it’s too early to sow, if Waller’s, sow, the seeds are small, it’s better to sow superficially or sprinkle just a little.​

​When I dive, I try to bury the cotyledons. Then everything is OK.​

​Balsams​​Balsam seedlings begin to be fed when 2...3 true leaves appear. It is better to use nitrogen-potassium fertilizers (potassium nitrate), nitrogen-calcium fertilizers (calcium nitrate) in low concentrations. In the early stages of infancy, phosphorus fertilizer may not be used. In February - March, you can start cutting again. Why is this necessary? In most cases, balsam shoots become very elongated over the winter and by spring the plant has no decorative look. And here there are two options left, either very short pruning or repeated cuttings. If you choose the second, then by June you will have neat, pretty bushes.​

​The leaves are pale, the stems are stretched - not enough nutrients in the soil, lack of lighting.​​This plant, like no other, is suitable for growing in hanging baskets and flowerpots. His root system easy to put up with cramped pots and lack of land. The main thing is that the soil is fertile and always moist; for this you need to add hydrogel to it. Caring for balsam in flowerpots is even easier than caring for petunia. While the seedlings are in the house, inspect them from time to time to see if mites have appeared on the leaves. Spider mites simply love balsam and appear almost always. As soon as you find this pest, immediately treat all seedlings with Fitoverm

Before sowing, level the soil in the container, moisten it and spread the seeds evenly. They germinate in the light, so there is no need to sprinkle them, just lightly press them to the ground. Anyone who has ever grown petunia from seeds knows how to do it. Spray your crops with dewdrops, place the container in a plastic bag and place it in a bright, warm place. Shoots appear in 5 - 15 days. What should the soil be like? ​

Planting balsam seeds in the ground

​I bought several varieties of balsams. Most sowing is in April. There are certain varieties where sowing is written February-March (balsam golden jungle)

​I don’t have an answer to your question, but rather some advice. I don’t sow balsams, I think there is an easier way. At one time I grew several plants, and now I take cuttings from them every year in the spring. And before planting it in a flowerbed, I root it in water. This year, suffer, grow mother plants, and in next years just take them from cuttings. Seedlings in apartment conditions are always headache. I do the same with coleus and ever-flowering begonias.​

How to care for impatiens in the garden

- very delicate plants. ​Caring for seedlings​​ After the flowers fade, a seed capsule remains on the peduncle, in which the seeds are located. At first it is green, which means that the seeds have not yet ripened and cannot be collected. You need to wait until the seed pod turns white and only then start collecting seeds.​

​The cessation of flowering, the flowers flying around - a sharp cold snap, transplantation into a pot that is too large, severe drying of the soil.​

​ ​​ ​ ​Picking seedlings.​

​Place the container in a bag.​​The simplest and perhaps most correct solution is to buy peat-based soil in the store and add perlite or vermiculite. If you nevertheless decide to prepare the soil mixture yourself, then under no circumstances add compost or humus to it. Take ordinary garden soil, mix it with sand and be sure to sterilize it. In its beauty, balsam (also called Vanka wet and touchy) can compete with many garden flowers. You can grow it indoors in pots, in hanging pots and flowerpots outside, or simply in beds. Gardeners practice growing garden balsam both through seedlings and by sowing seeds in open ground. As you can see, this plant is beautiful, versatile and not at all difficult to care for. ​

​If garden balsam (not Vanka wet) grows already in the garden, think about a garter. It has a very thick trunk, but it is so juicy, alive and thick that the wind easily breaks right at the root. Sift the soil and place it in disinfected containers, moisten it with a spray bottle, level the surface and lightly compact it. Sprinkle the seeds on top and sprinkle them with river sand, if not, with the same substrate. Cover the containers with glass or transparent polyethylene and place them in a bright and warm place (the temperature should be at least +18°C). After 5-10 days, shoots will appear; now the film or glass must be removed and the sprouts should be watered regularly. For better growth they can be illuminated with a lamp daylight, increasing daylight hours for balsams.​ ​Compact seedlings - golden mean in the rules for growing balsams. Namely, maintaining moderate soil moisture and temperature without sharp fluctuations. Water only after the top layer of soil has dried. You must not be careless about watering and allow completely dry soil. This leads to yellowing and wilting of the seedlings. Such seedlings may not recover.

​ Everything would be fine, but when touched, these boxes immediately crack and the seeds scatter almost two meters. You have to work with great care, or first put some small bag on the box and only then tear it off. With this method, although the seeds are shot out, they do not scatter anywhere, but remain in the bag.

  • ​Caring for garden balsam.​
  • ​Feeding. ​
  • ​Planting in open ground​
  • ​ Approximately three to four weeks after germination, when the seedlings become cramped in the container, they need to be put into larger containers. You won’t need too large containers for this; small plastic cups will do just fine.​
  • ​It is convenient to grow balsam in peat tablets.​

This is what garden balsam looks like.

Nowadays, balsam is a very popular indoor flower not only in our country, but also in many parts of the world. He is often called capricious and Vanka wet. These names were given to it because of the droplets of liquid that protrude along the edges of the leaves. It is also called impatiens because its seeds scatter as soon as you touch them. And in England, balsam is called diligent Lisa, since it blooms for a very long time and abundantly. The flower is quite unpretentious; it is quite easy to grow balsams from seeds; almost any gardener can do this.
The plant grows from 25 centimeters to 1 meter in height. Some annual varieties They grow up to 2 meters, they need to be grown only in the garden. Impatiens stems are fleshy and light green in color. The leaves are dark green, their edges are smooth or jagged. Balsam flowers are very beautiful; depending on the type of plant, they can be ordinary, double or similar to roses, camellias and carnations. Flower petals are red, pink, lilac, snow-white, and also two-colored. Although some consider balsam indoor plant, V summer period it feels great in the garden, so many gardeners grow it in pots and flower beds.
With suitable care, and if the growing conditions are correct, impatiens will bloom all year round. Although the flower is light-loving, prolonged exposure to sunlight, which can damage the plant, should not be allowed. It is better to plant balsam in partial shade, on a western or eastern windowsill; here cultivation takes place without problems.

Selection of seed

Now there are a lot various types and hybrids of this flower, stores usually have a huge assortment of seeds, from which it is sometimes difficult to choose one specific type. When choosing seeds, you need to remember some simple rules:

  • to decorate a flowerbed or balcony in the summer, it is better to purchase an annual balsam, and to grow an indoor flower, it is better to choose a perennial plant;
  • if in the future you plan to grow balsam from your own seeds, it is better not to purchase hybrid species;
  • there is no need to buy a mixture of species if you need to get balsam with flowers of the required shade and shape;
  • When purchasing, you need to be interested in the time of seed collection. Although each seed can take approximately seven to eight years to germinate, it is advisable to grow balsam from fresh seeds.

Preparing for sowing

Many people ask how to grow balsam from seeds, when is the best time to plant balsam? When growing balsam from seeds at home, the planting date has virtually no significance. When to plant balsam to grow it from seeds? Answer: at any convenient time. However, if you plan to have flowers decorate your balcony in the summer, then the seeds should be planted in February. Before planting the seeds, they need to be disinfected; this is done in a low concentration manganese solution, in which the seeds need to be kept for 10-15 minutes. The solution is drained, and then the seeds need to be poured clean water, in which they must spend about a day, this is necessary procedure for proper reproduction.
After this, you need to take care of the soil in which the seeds will be grown. Seeds need to be planted in light, nutritious soil. Young balsam seedlings are very sensitive to the composition of the soil; they will grow well in loose soil with low acidity. Soil for balsam is sold at any flower shop, although some gardeners prefer to make their own soil. To do this you need to mix:

If there is no garden soil, then it can be replaced with vermiculite and peat. In such a mixture, propagation of balsam will be carried out as quickly as possible; balsam seedlings in this substrate will feel excellent. Before planting seeds, the soil needs to be heated in the oven for half an hour, or maybe more, to kill all pathogens. Store-bought soil can also be disinfected in the oven, before adding river sand to make the soil loose. After disinfection, Fitosporin is added to the substrate, thanks to which the soil microflora improves, and the seedlings will not suffer from blackleg, cultivation proceeds without problems.

Planting seed

  1. To propagate balsam using seeds, you need to take a wide pot or wooden box, the height of which is approximately 7 centimeters. It is necessary to pour pebbles or expanded clay onto the bottom, which will act as drainage. The thickness of this layer should be approximately 2-3 centimeters. Then the prepared substrate is poured into the container.
  2. How to plant balsam correctly? Soaked in water, swollen seeds spread out on the surface of the soil; they do not need to be planted very often. Each seed is quite small, propagation by this method is a very labor-intensive task; it is more convenient to take the seed with the tip of a toothpick. The seed cannot be immersed deep into the substrate, you just need to lightly press it to the ground, this correct option plantings are grown this way by experienced gardeners.
  3. Using a spray bottle, the surface of the soil with seeds is thoroughly moistened, then the container is covered with glass or plastic bag. Preferably for proper cultivation do not cover it too tightly, it is better to allow air to penetrate in small quantities into the mini-greenhouse.
  4. After planting the balsam, moistening the soil and covering it, it must be placed on a windowsill so that the container is sufficiently illuminated, but direct sunlight should not be allowed to fall on the soil and seedlings. The temperature in the room should be approximately 22-25 degrees. If it is cooler, the growth of seedlings will be slowed down.


After about 2-3 weeks, the first shoots will appear if the temperature and humidity were suitable. When they appear, the mini-greenhouse needs to be opened slightly and ventilated, the condensation must be shaken off so that moisture does not get on the young plants. Ventilation and removal of condensation should be carried out every day in the morning and evening. If the greenhouse is too humid, the planted balsams will be affected by fungus.
When each seed sprouts, you need to completely remove the bag or glass from the container, and then moisten the soil with a spray bottle. Subsequent cultivation of balsam involves illuminating the seedlings with a phytolamp, especially in cloudy weather and when the days are short. If roots appear from the soil, they need to be covered with substrate. It is advisable to water through a tray so as not to wet the root collars of the sprouts, otherwise they may rot.

Transplanting young plants

Picking balsam is done when the borings have reached a height of 1.5 centimeters. By this time, they should have formed two true leaves. At this time, the balsam is transplanted into separate small cups. How to root young plants correctly? The soil for replanting should be used the same as when planting seeds. Place drainage material at the bottom of the glass. Long sprouts need to be buried a little more into the soil than short ones. After transplanting, planting seedlings grown from seeds, they begin to grow quickly if they have enough moisture, heat and light.

Removing tops

Do I need to pinch out the balsam? Yes, the pinching procedure is necessary for the formation of side shoots; in the future, the balsam bush will be more lush and attractive. How to pinch balsam? Pinching is carried out by removing the top of a young plant. It is necessary to remove above a couple of leaves.

When to transplant into permanent pots?

It is necessary to plant or transplant young plants from cups into pots for permanent cultivation only when the roots have covered the entire ground and a real bush has formed above the ground. The transplant procedure is performed after picking and pinching.
The pots need to be spacious so that the plants have room to grow for several years. It must be grown in the same soil in which the seeds were planted. The drainage layer should be 3-5 centimeters. After this, it is necessary to regularly spray and water the plants.

When can you plant it in the garden?

Some people plant balsam seedlings in open ground to have flowers in the garden. Planting balsam in open ground is done only when it is warm enough outside and there are no longer night frosts. It is best to plant balsam in open ground at the end of May or mid-June, and towards the end of June or in July the plant will begin to bloom.

Planting stems in the ground

In addition to propagation by seeds, this plant is also grown from stems, or cuttings. Propagation of balsam by cuttings is very simple, convenient and quick way flower propagation. Cutting balsam is cutting off the upper stems, the length of which is 5-6 centimeters. First, these stems are placed in water and remain there until roots appear on them. After this, the cuttings are transplanted into pots with soil and grown like ordinary plants.
So, balsam is quite popular, unpretentious plant, which blooms for a very long time and luxuriantly. This flower can be propagated and grown from seeds or from cuttings. If you follow the tips in this article, you can propagate this plant without any problems.

Vanka wet, touch-me-not, whim, light - all these are names of the same plant, balsam. And all the names are based on fairly solid ground. For example, “Vanka is wet”, a cute flower was created because of the crystalline droplets protruding on the edge of the leaves. But the “whim” is due to its capricious nature: when the earthen clod dries out slightly, the leaves of the plant hang sadly. At the slightest touch, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the flowers do not develop, and, lightly touching the fruits, they instantly shoot out, scattering seeds around. Based on these signs, people's rumor called balsam touchy. Delicate flowers of bright colors, scattered in a chaotic disorder throughout the bush, similar to lights, explain another nickname - “light”. Summarizing the above, we can accurately characterize an amazing, but such an ordinary and widespread flower as balsam. So, abundant watering, careful attitude, healthy image life (does not like tobacco smoke, it is especially destructive for young plants), adequate lighting, add mandatory fertilizer to this and we will get completely unpretentious care. It is precisely because of this that he has firmly settled in the homes of even those who are not too keen on growing indoor plants...

Different subspecies of balsam differ from each other in the shape of flowers, leaves and even the structure of the plant. In nature there are about 600 different types balsams, but they all have common characteristic features.

Balsam in summer time year can decorate your balcony and garden plot. In the fall, without waiting for the very first frost, balsams are dug up and stored until next summer in a warm room.


In ancient times, when wars raged on earth and the strong part of humanity was forced to defend their homes and families with weapons in their hands, a beautiful girl lived in one village. She had a lover. When he once again got ready to go to war, he asked his beloved to put a light at the window so that when returning home he would not go astray. The beauty did just that. But the guy was not destined to return to his family; he died heroically on the battlefield. But the girl did not believe the rumor, did not extinguish the light in the window and continued to wait. The years flew by, she grew old and soon died. In place of the brightly glowing light, a touching plant appeared, nurtured by love, watered with bitter tears and fertilized with fidelity...


Moisture and partial shade are what balsam needs to feel good. It bravely tolerates the sun, but it is best to place this flower on windowsills facing east or southeast.
Impatiens plant is a heat-loving plant - therefore it must be kept warm, in the summer 18-20 degrees
For the sprouts to bloom, the temperature on the windowsill should not be less than 15°C, even in winter. As temperatures drop further, leaves may fall off.
Plants love diffused light; in summer they must be protected from the midday sun.
Impatiens are moisture-loving, but cannot tolerate stagnant water.
For the plant to bloom, the pot does not need to be large.
Flowering is promoted by regular feeding, but if there is a lot of nitrogen, the green mass increases, and the number of flowers decreases


I use a regular lightweight substrate for flowering plants. Heavy soil, rich in minerals and nitrogenous compounds, will lead to a lot of leaves and few flowers, and the plant may not bloom at all.

As for filling the flowerpot, there should not be a lot of soil, otherwise the plant will be late flowering, “developing the territory.” A pot of soil that is too large will cause the young home balsam to grow into a bush, and it will not have time for flowers. For full flowering, balsam needs a small pot and a moderate amount of soil. Its roots should fill the flowerpot. If I want to get beautiful bouquet on the windowsill, then I plant 2 balsam cuttings with flowers in one wide flowerpot different color. They get along great.


Don't skimp on water! Watering is the most important agrotechnical requirement for caring for balsams. The soil should always be moist, but stagnation of excess water is dangerous because sciarids - tiny flying midges - will appear in the soil.
However, from time to time you need to arrange stages: dry - wet!

In summer I water indoor balsam every other day, in winter once every 3 days or 2 times a week. You need to water along the edge of the pot so that water does not fall on the root collar of the plant.

The water for irrigation is taken to be settled and soft. If limescale has formed on the surface of the soil and the plant is sick with something, this indicates alkalization of the soil as a result of watering with hard water. Replacing the top layer in the pot can help here. You can water in a tray, then the soil will get wet, and limescale it won't be on the ground.

You should spray if the air temperature is more than 20 degrees, but avoid getting it on the flowers.

From time to time, but not too often, it is necessary to loosen the top layer of soil (to a depth of no more than 1 cm). Loosening allows the root system to breathe.


From spring to autumn, the plant is regularly fed with liquid mineral fertilizer once every 2 weeks. Do not overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers! It is also good to feed by spraying, especially young cuttings.

Feeding should be stopped in late August and not carried out throughout the winter. You should also not feed sick plants. Feed plants after transplantation only after 3 weeks.


Impatiens can be propagated by seeds, which need to be sown in moist soil and covered with a transparent film to create a greenhouse effect and retain the moisture these flowers need.
Sown in early spring, seeds germinate in the light. The plant blooms 3-4 months after sowing.

In spring and summer, balsam can also be easily propagated by apical and stem cuttings:
We cut off the top of the cutting 5-7 cm, with 2-3 internodes, remove the bottom 2 leaves, put the cutting in cold boiled water and cover it with a greenhouse. After 5-10 days, roots will appear and you can plant them in a small pot.
You can also root cuttings in the ground.

Spring cuttings produce plants blooming in summer, and cuttings cut in July-August produce plants that bloom throughout the winter.


Falling leaves.
Usually leaves fall off during prolonged cooling. Other reasons may be irregular watering and severe pest infestation.

Wilting of leaves.
Insufficient watering. Leaves may droop in summer a day after watering. The only way to combat this problem is frequent watering, but you do not need to keep the plant in a saucer of water all the time.

Weak flowering.
There may be several reasons. The most likely ones are lack of light, lack of nutrition, excess nutrition, too low a temperature or premature transplant.

Elongated stems.
This phenomenon is caused by too high temperature combined with a lack of light, although in some traditional varieties, even under favorable conditions, the stems quickly begin to become bare. Root cuttings of a modern compact hybrid and discard the old plant.

Flowering did not occur.
The usual reason why flowering does not occur in an adult plant is replanting. The balsam should sit in a tight pot.

Root rotting.
Overmoistening, especially at low temperatures and insufficient lighting. In winter, always reduce watering, water very carefully if the temperature does not exceed 15 degrees.

Fall of flowers.
The usual reason is lack of light. Other causes may be dry air, dry soil, or red spider mite infestation.


Impatiens are most often attacked by aphids, whiteflies and spider mite, which appears due to too dry air. If improperly cared for, it is affected by gray rot.

Pruning, replanting balsam

In the spring, during transplantation, balsam is cut to half the length of the shoots.

Impatiens will bloom better if you do not replant them too often and leave the plant in a slightly cramped pot.

To make the bush more compact and bloom profusely, pinch out the balsam when it reaches required length. This stimulates the development of new shoots. When the side shoots start to appear, they are also pinched. This way we form a thick bush. The more shoots there are, the better the flowering will be.

After two years of life, balsam loses its attractiveness, so once every two years the plant should be renewed by cuttings, i.e. grow new balsam.

Impatiens is an attractive flowering crop that can decorate personal plot or a window sill in a house. This depends on the plant variety chosen. Caring for a flower is not difficult, but it is worth considering some of its features. So, the plant should be pinched. How to do this correctly? What to do if the shoots of the crop have already stretched out?

Why pinch balsam?

Pinching balsams - important stage in growing a flower. The procedure is necessary for:

  • ensuring active growth of the bush;
  • lush flowering;
  • maintaining an aesthetically attractive, neat appearance culture.

Attention! No pinching required dwarf varieties culture.

As a result of a simple procedure, the plant becomes branched and neat. Many buds appear on it. During pinching, many gardeners also remove withered leaves and wilted flowers. This is right. Due to this procedure, the balsam releases more new color. In addition, such a step is an excellent prevention of many diseases and pests.

It is recommended to pinch balsams immediately after picking. It is this stage of development of a flowering crop that is characterized by intensive shoot growth. Many seedlings begin to quickly stretch. This is why you should pinch the tops of the plant.

If you restrain the process of stretching and active growth by carrying out such a simple manipulation, you can launch a new mechanism. This is the formation of side shoots. Thanks to them, the balsam becomes like a voluminous, bushy ball. Such a plant looks more attractive and aesthetically pleasing than a fragile, lonely shoot of a painful type.

What to do when pulling balsam stems?

Forming a bush by pinching is important rule cultivation of crops. However, in some cases even experienced flower growers unable to catch in a timely manner necessary moment and pinch the tops of the shoots in a timely manner. What to do in this situation?

Advice. It is best to plant the plant in open ground when it has warmed up a little from the sun's rays.

If the room where the balsams are located has an excessively high temperature level, this can also lead to the crop being stretched out. In order for the seedlings to be short and strong, they need:

  1. Sunlight.
  2. Artificial lighting.
  3. The temperature is within 15-18 degrees Celsius.

If the seedlings of a flower crop have already stretched out, then pruning the seedlings will be the optimal solution. It is recommended to move the containers with the plant to where it is cool and there is good lighting. This procedure and the current conditions will make it possible to slow down the process of growth and stretching of plant stems, since the balsam will spend all its energy and resources on rooting in a new container.

It is recommended to carefully bury fragile seedlings. To do this, they twist slightly directly in the hole during planting. In this case, it is worth using the technique of pinching the top leaf. Thanks to it, the balsam will begin to develop side shoots.

You can also stop the stems from stretching with special ready-made compounds.

Balsam care - video

Growing balsam - photo

Fragrant with aromas and colorful bright colors garden flower garden– this is not as expensive a pleasure as it might seem.

For example, balsams, which are striking in their variety of colors and can decorate even the most sophisticated flower bed, can be easily grown from seeds at home.

The result will be double savings, because you won’t have to spend money on seedlings, and from the resulting plants you can collect seeds for sowing next year.

Let's talk about balsam today garden type Carmelita, Camellia, namely, about growing seedlings for subsequent transplantation into a flower garden.

Impatiens - a plant with an easy-going character

This inhabitant of flower beds and flower beds is so charming in its shy beauty that it never ceases to attract the attention of breeders. The result painstaking work Scientists have created more than 500 species and subspecies of the multi-colored balsam family.

Despite their apparent capriciousness, balsamers are quite unpretentious. And they acquired the popular name “touch-me-not” because of their special method of reproduction: with the most fleeting touch of a mature seed pod, a whole volley of mature seeds immediately “shoots” out of it.

In order for the beautiful balsam seedlings to turn out healthy and viable at home, you need to know something about the “character” of this amazing plant.

  • Yes, for normal height seedlings need a lot of light and warmth.
  • Just like many herbaceous plants, they cannot tolerate drying out the earthen clod.
  • In the early stages of cultivation, the insidious “black leg” may lie in wait for them, but in general, balsam bushes do not cause much trouble.

To achieve the desired result, we must first decide what exactly we want to get in the end. For growing in a flowerbed “in company” with other inhabitants of the wild blooming garden Balsam species such as the mentioned Carmelita or Camellia are perfect.

They differ from their indoor relatives in the very narrowed shape of their leaves, under and between which hide stunningly beautiful flowers of the most festive shades.

Growing garden balsam from seeds begins with the selection of this very seed material. Balsam peas remain viable for up to 8 years, depending on the species and varietal characteristics.

Considering that the seeds produce the first shoots within 7-10 days, there is no need to rush into sowing them too much.

For a region where spring arrives more or less according to the calendar, this is January and early February. Such early sowing makes it possible to obtain healthy seedlings ready for planting by the third ten days of April.

If the warmth usually comes late, you can sow the seeds in early March.

For seedlings to be viable:

  • Before sowing, seeds should be kept in a weak, warm solution of potassium permanganate for at least a quarter of an hour;
  • The best soil mixture for seedlings is store-bought for flowering plants or prepared independently from sand and peat in a 1:1 ratio;
  • Before sowing, it is advisable to disinfect the soil mixture with a fungicide against blackleg and other fungal infections;
  • It is better to sow in small plastic containers up to 7 cm in diameter - this will make it easier to care for the seedlings and remove them for picking;
  • When sowing, you need to deepen the seeds too much - a maximum of 0.5 mm, or even better, just spread them on a damp soil surface and sprinkle them with the same earthen mixture or sand (layer no more than 3 mm);
  • If containers with seeds are covered with glass or transparent film, we get a greenhouse effect. It is advisable not to forget to ventilate them, removing the cover every day for 20 minutes, and maintain the temperature inside the mini-greenhouses at 18-20 o C, soon we will get friendly shoots, after which the temperature should be raised by 2-3 degrees. Seedlings must be additionally illuminated before picking.

Another way to grow beautiful balsam seedlings without much hassle is to germinate the seeds in advance. To do this, you will need a small piece of fabric that absorbs water well. It needs to be slightly moistened, seeds “sown” on it and carefully wrapped. The fabric should be kept warm and not allowed to dry out. Carefully embed the hatched seeds into the soil, as in the first case.

The second method of cultivation is good because it significantly speeds up the production of seedlings.

Such a nuisance can happen if the seeds are planted in the ground ahead of schedule. When the room with balsam seedlings is too warm and there is insufficient lighting, the result will be just as sad.

The best way to get healthy, proportional shoots is hardening at a temperature of 15-18 ° C and artificially extending the day using daylight lamps.

It is quite simple to transform excessively long and fragile young plants into strong, well-developed seedlings and thereby correct an annoying mistake in their cultivation. So, if the balsam seedlings have become very elongated, it is advisable to:

  • Urgently pick it up - when transplanting, the plants will spend energy on building up the root mass and will “forget” about growth for a while;
  • When planting in separate small containers, you need to deepen the seedlings a little more than usual. Very long stems can be slightly bent into a ring in the planting holes and sprinkled with substrate - they will form additional roots, which will significantly increase their nutrition;
  • Pinch the topmost leaf of each plant, so they will begin to bush;
  • Treat overgrown seedlings with Atlet, a drug that inhibits stretching.

When 3-4 full-fledged leaves are formed on each green sprout, it will be possible to start picking, that is, planting them in separate 200 ml cups - such a container will be quite enough for a young plant.

Before picking, the main thing is not to forget to water the sprouts thoroughly so that you can easily separate their thread-thin roots.

Soil for flowering plants is perfect for this procedure. You can also use a mixture of sand and peat, in which we sowed the seeds.

Having planted the seedlings, we shed the soil, place them closer to the light and do not forget to control the temperature. During this period, it should not rise above 20 degrees Celsius.

Planting balsam in open ground

Having made sure that no more frosts are expected, we begin to “relocate” the strengthened and grown plants to permanent place- to the flowerbed or to the garden.

In order for balsam to please the eye with lush flowering, planting must be done in accordance with all the rules of gardening.

It is important not to make a mistake with the place: in too bright sun our beauty will simply wither, and if there is not enough sunlight, you may not wait for flowering, especially with high humidity.

In general, balsams are not too demanding: planting and care are almost standard for most garden inhabitants:

  • lace penumbra,
  • constant soil moisture (no overflow),
  • air temperature during flower formation is within 22-25 o C,
  • air humidification in case of excessive air heating,
  • pinching out the growing points at the first hint of stretching - these are the main requirements of this plant for the external environment.

Garden balsam can bring a lot of joy to those who decide to grow this plant from seeds and are able to understand its delicate nature. My next post will tell you what his family relative is like.