Arrangement of shelves in the steam room. We build a bathhouse with our own hands: how to make shelves in a steam room. General information about the shelf

Bath – perfect place for relaxation of the human body and soul. To make your time in it pleasant and comfortable, you must take care of installing convenient and practical wooden shelves. Of course, they can be made to order, but the cost finished design will be quite high. The way out of this situation is to do it yourself. To make your work a little easier, you should take the time to read this article. It presents step by step description Total technological process for the production of bath shelves with photos and video materials. Familiarize yourself with them and your work will become exciting and interesting.

Characteristics of bath shelves, their features

Before you start making bath shelves with your own hands, you need to do some work. It includes the following steps:

  • selection of product type;
  • preparation of a design drawing;
  • determination of layout;
  • choice of material.

Selecting a product type

Today there are three types of bath shelves:

  • benches: bench shelves are the most common option for such bath structures. They are ideal for both spacious steam rooms and small rooms.
  • beds - they are less popular than benches, but they can also be found in baths. They are often chosen by people who like to steam not only while sitting, but also while lying down.
  • sun loungers - their design is practically no different from their beach counterparts. During bath procedures, they are used as a bed, when unfolded, or as a chair, when assembled.

Making a drawing

Once the type of bath shelf has been selected, you can begin to build a drawing future design. He will help you make a really high-quality and practical product with your own hands.

Important! To make a drawing of a bath shelf, you don’t need to be a professional, just use one of the profile computer programs(or remember how to use a pen and ruler correctly).

When constructing a shelf drawing, you should definitely take into account dimensions the steam room itself. Also, do not forget to indicate on it all the design parameters that will help to correctly calculate the amount of material.

Determination of regiment layout, options

Determining the layout of the regiments is the next stage of work. He has a large number of nuances that should be taken into account during the work process. Since shelves are often made with three tiers, it is worth remembering a few points:

  • the height of the shelves is significantly affected by the number of tiers;
  • in a small steam room, the lower tier of shelves should be placed almost at floor level, leaving minimum clearance for natural ventilation;
  • experts recommend making the top tier a little wider than the other two (it can be used as a bed);
  • the distance from the ceiling to the third tier should not be less than 100-120 cm (based on medical recommendations);
  • It is not recommended to install shelves near windows, as there is a risk of injury due to glass cracking.

Experts, based on many years of experience work on arranging steam rooms, it is recommended to place shelves according to one of the proposed options:

  1. Two- or three-stage. Such shelves are ideal for arranging spacious steam rooms. It is recommended to place them near a blank wall. The lower level of the structure is designed for people who prefer cooler air, but the upper level is for those who like high temperatures.
  2. Compact coupe-shaped. It is suitable for small baths that have practically no free space. The design of such a shelf provides for the presence of two tiers that fold out, like in a train compartment.
  3. Universal L-shaped three-level. To install it, you will need to use two adjacent walls, they will serve as the basis for attaching the shelves. This shelf is suitable for large double rooms.

Selection of material, brief description

After the craftsman decides on the type of product and the placement of the shelves and makes a drawing of the future design, you can begin to select the material. It must meet several criteria:

  • have low thermal conductivity, which is very important;
  • do not contain resins;
  • its fibers must have high density;
  • tolerates high temperatures well.

Important! In the process of making shelves, you cannot use coniferous wood, plastic or plastic!

  1. Linden is an ideal material for shelves. It is easy to process, does not crack, tolerates moisture well, and has a very pleasant specific aroma. Its only flaw is that it quickly becomes dark when exposed to moisture.
  2. Aspen – budget material for regiments. Although it is praised for its beneficial properties for the body, it has a significant drawback - rapid decay in a humid environment.
  3. Abashi is the highest quality wood, but very expensive. It warms up slowly, has a long service life, and maintains a presentable appearance for many years.

Do-it-yourself shelf manufacturing technology: step-by-step instructions for craftsmen

Making a shelf for a steam room - not so much difficult process, as it might seem at first glance. It includes several sequential steps that should be followed clearly and confidently.

  • Prepare the wood for further work (sanding, processing corners).
  • The surface of the material is covered with a special liquid with antiseptic properties (this will eliminate the possibility of wood rotting in the future).
  • They make a frame: install supporting wooden posts in a vertical position at a distance of 60 cm from each other, perform horizontal strapping (for stability, attach the shelves to the walls).
  • Prepared thin boards that will form benches are attached at a minimum angle (2-3 degrees). To fasten the boards, you must use special oak wedges (unlike nails or self-tapping screws, they do not heat up), which will reliably fasten the structure.
  • Fasten the shelves, leaving a small wall gap of 8-10 cm (it is intended for natural ventilation).

Important! You should definitely worry about installation waterproofing material between the bottom edge of the shelf and the floor surface (it will provide reliable protection material from moisture).

  • Install additional accessories that will definitely be needed while relaxing in the bathhouse (for example, special footrests or headrests).

These simple manipulations will allow you to independently produce high-quality and reliable shelf for the steam room. Try to implement the proposed instructions, the result will not be long in coming!

Frame for a shelf in a bathhouse: video

How to make shelves for a bath: photo

A standard steam room shelf consists of two parts: a seat and a support stand made of durable timber. The latter consists of two beams placed along the seat and connected to each other. The boards that are placed on the frame must be thin, and the distance between them is usually one or two centimeters.

When making shelves, attention should be paid to fastening parts. In this case, it is extremely undesirable to use screws or nails, because if they come into contact with them, a person can get burned.

Stage 1. Decide on the size of the steam room

The bench for the steam room must be at least 1.5 meters. Regarding the size of the shelf, they will all depend on the dimensions of the particular bathhouse. However, its top step is in any case the largest - about 0.9 meters, while the rest are from 0.4 to 0.6 meters.

Optimal dimensions of a shelf for a steam room - diagram

The height of the shelves is determined according to the following criteria: a person must be comfortable both lying and sitting. It turns out that the distance between the ceiling and the top step should be at least 1.2 meters.

It should be remembered that the ceiling should be placed as high as possible so that a person has the opportunity to fully enjoy all the delights of heated air.

Stage 2. Select wood for the steam room

The bath shelf is extremely important element, because it comes into direct contact with human skin. Therefore, the choice of wood for its manufacture should be given due attention. So, let's look at the options:

1. Linden is ideal for our purpose. It is easy to process, it does not crack and smells quite nice. Moreover, linden is known for its healing properties, and is relatively cheap. The only drawback is that at high temperatures it loses its properties over time. original color.

2. Aspen also has healing properties. Due to its low cost, as well as its ability to “suck” all the negativity out of a person, it is quite popular today. There is also a drawback: aspen begins to rot from the inside, so it is extremely difficult to distinguish high-quality wood from low-quality wood by eye.

3. Abashi is a tree native to sunny Africa, which has whole line beneficial properties. It is resistant to impact high temperature, to moisture. During use, the color of the wood practically does not change. The only negative is the cost of Abashi.

Abashi - material for finishing baths

Stage 3. Build the frame

The manufacture of a shelf must begin with the structure wooden frame, for this we will use beams, to which we will subsequently attach boards. We will need five racks and, accordingly, ten bars. The beams are fastened to each other with the same beams, and to the racks with special screws, two for each piece.

For flooring we will use boards (the gap between them should be at least two centimeters). So, the bottom shelf requires three boards, and the top one requires seven boards. Their approximate length is about 2.96 meters (this is explained by the fact that some gap should be left between them and the walls, because then you will have to cover them with clapboard).

Frame for a shelf in a bathhouse - photo

Stage 4. Connecting the frame

To connect all the parts, oak wedges are used, which must be driven into pre-made holes. At the same time, many builders avoid such a troublesome procedure (meaning fastening without using nails), resorting instead to traditional self-tapping screws, but with deep recessing.

Connected frame for a bath - photo

Stage 5. Mounting the backrests

In any case, the bottom shelf should be movable - this simplifies further care for her. In most cases, it is made in the shape of a triangle, which allows for maximum compactness in the room.

The free space that remains between the levels is usually left open, but you can additionally install backrests there, preferably made of pine needles (it has healing properties).

Stage 6. Regimental defense

This The final stage our work. If you don't treat the wood chemicals, then it will soon become unusable due to constant contact with moisture. Rot or mold forms; this can only be prevented with timely prevention.

Drying oil or varnish are unacceptable for this purpose, since extreme conditions they secrete bad smell and can lead to allergies. It is better to use natural impregnation, which is freely sold in most stores. It has excellent characteristics and should be used to cover all surfaces of the bath.

Video - How to make shelves in a steam room

The Finnish sauna has a high temperature - from 90° C to 110° C, humidity 10-25%. Lovers of Russian baths prefer more low temperature from 40°C to 70°C, combined with high humidity 60-80%.

A Russian bath differs from a Finnish sauna not only in terms of temperature and humidity in the steam room. The fundamental difference between them is the different speed of movement of the heated air flow, the use of birch and oak brooms in the Russian steam room.

Patting the steam bather lying on the shelf of a Russian steam room with a broom, the bathhouse attendant occasionally increases the temperature by pouring water on the hot stones of the heater. Burning wet steam, escaping from the slightly open door of the heater, quickly rises to the ceiling and, slowly cooling, settles and gradually fills the steam room.

  • large distances between the boards of the beds are required;
  • the seats are tilted to drain water;
  • to make cleaning the bathhouse floor easier, the side walls are not sewn up or are removable;
  • you need a wide indentation of the bench from the wall of the steam room.

Differences in the basic dimensions, height and structure of the shelves also add features to the soaring process itself.

IMPORTANT: in a Russian steam room it is necessary to maintain the ratio of the height of the shelf device and the distance to the ceiling.

The height of the upper bench is made so that there is a distance of one meter between the top of the head of the person sitting on the upper bench and the ceiling - for the normal arm span of the bathhouse attendant with a broom, gaining temperature in a cloud of steam.

The length of the shelves is regulated, which must be at least 220 cm, since it is advisable to take the bath procedure while lying down, exposing the body to massaging blows and stroking with a birch broom.

A traditional Russian bathhouse has only one or two steps of shelves located along one of the walls of the steam room; the steamer lies on a wide (at least 90 cm) upper bench.

IMPORTANT: benches in a Finnish steam room must be equipped with backs made of boards so that the person sitting does not burn his body on the hot wall cladding.

In a Finnish sauna, people often sit rather than lie on the benches, so the distance to the ceiling is shorter and the length of the loungers is not so critical.

You can often see special foot rests on the walls of a sauna, usually raised above the level of the body of a person lying on the upper bench.

Since the air in the sauna must warm up quickly, the size of the steam room is usually small, so the sauna shelves occupy the entire free perimeter of the walls, except for the wall with the door and heater.

Bath shelves can be of several types:

  • compartment - when the beds in a small sauna are placed one above the other;
  • complex bath shelves - with a retractable bottom shelf or a folding top shelf;
  • in the shape of the letter “L”, when the bath seats are placed on two adjacent walls;
  • Stepped shelves for spacious steam rooms have two or three steps, on which several steam lovers can comfortably sit.

Tree species used for making stands, bath chairs, backrests

Wood plays an important role in the interior and design of the bathhouse. Various varieties trees behave completely differently at high temperatures and high humidity ambient air. Therefore, you should carefully choose the material for making shelves.

Pine and spruce

Pine and spruce can be used to construct bath loungers, provided that the pre-dried boards are of excellent quality. In Finland itself, saunas are made from these types of trees; resin secretions do not appear at high temperatures if the board is well dried and treated.

Pine and spruce give a special coniferous aroma that has a beneficial effect on general state person. The rather high price of other types of wood makes many steam lovers prefer those made from inexpensive pine wall coverings from boards - linings, bath shelves, backs.

IMPORTANT: the only condition is the absence of knots or cracks on the surface of the boards, good quality drying the material, carefully treating the surface of the sunbeds.


Aspen - used for making bath shelves, as it does not release resin when heated. It has special fame among the people, like a tree that successfully resists evil spirits, bad energy. The high cost of the material does not allow the production and widespread use of aspen bath seats, beds, and backrests.

Linden is an excellent material for making bath loungers. The structure of the wood is dense, has sufficient hardness, and low thermal conductivity.

Linden lends itself well technical processing, the design details of the shelves and backs made from it are very durable.

Abash (Abachi)

Abash is the most expensive and beautiful material for the manufacture of bath loungers. African oak is not afraid of high sauna temperatures.

Loungers made from it do not burn the human body, since the material has low thermal conductivity and heats up very slowly. Successful advertising campaign made abash the most purchased wood for making bath shelves and saunas in the homes of wealthy nouveau riche.

Prices for edged boards

edged boards

Stages of manufacturing a bath shelf

You can make bath shelves yourself if you follow a simple sequence of installing beams and boards, carefully process the material, and securely fasten the structural parts together.

IMPORTANT: the top boards of the couch must be attached to the supporting beams using oak wedges driven into pre-drilled holes in the parts. The use of metal nails or screws to assemble the deck chair is unacceptable. Hot steel caps can cause serious burns to the surface of the body.

1. Installation of racks

The racks on which the bath lounger is located must ensure the stability and strength of the entire structure. Typically, for the manufacture of the top row of beds, 4 to 6 racks are used, 1.05-1.15 m long, with a cross-section of 50x100 mm or 100x100 mm each, depending on the length of the shelf.

Frame of bath shelves (one of the options)

The racks are connected to each other along the perimeter by rectangular bars 50X100 mm, onto which the load-bearing bars and boards of the bench are subsequently attached. The racks are attached to the wall with long (20 cm) dowel screws.

The timber for the upper seat posts can be used unpolished, without cracks or chips. A gap of 0.1 m is made between the wall and the adjacent rack - inserting pieces of thick boards for better circulation of hot air and improved ventilation of the shelf.

2. Assembling the supporting structure of the shelf

The supporting structure of the upper shelf must withstand the weight of the planks of the couch plus the mass of the people on top, so it is better to use a supporting beam with a cross-section of 50x100 mm or 50x120 mm.

The top row of supporting beams with a cross-section of 50x50 mm is attached across the length of the upper plane of the shelf every 0.5-0.6 m, depending on the thickness of the upper boards. The thinner the board, the more often the supporting bars should be located so that the boards do not sag under the weight of people sitting on them.

IMPORTANT: the bars must be attached with a slight slope (1-2°) from the wall towards the steam room, for better drainage of moisture from the wooden surface of the bath lounger.

The width of the top shelf is ideally made 0.9 meters for the convenience of steamers, but the size can be reduced to 0.6 m.

Fastening can be done either using nails or self-tapping screws.

3. Arrangement of the upper bed

Smoothly planed and polished boards of the bench, from 3 cm to 6 cm thick and from 0.1 m to 0.24 m wide each, are laid on the supporting bars at intervals of 1-2 cm, ensuring the free passage of hot air.

Fastening boards to load-bearing structure need to be done with wooden (oak) wedges into pre-drilled holes.

Boards arranged along the length of the bed look more aesthetically pleasing, but you can attach the boards of the top row across the bed. In this case, material is saved, since there is no need to pierce the load-bearing bars.

IMPORTANT: do not fasten the boards of the bench with nails or screws, leaving the caps on the surface of the benches. Only by recessing the metal parts of the fasteners 5-10 mm deep into the board can the steamer be protected from possible burns.

4. Arrangement of the lower shelf

When the height of the upper bath seat is 1.1 meters above the floor surface, for the convenience of the bath attendant working with a broom, the lower bench is lowered by 0.7 m.

The bottom shelf should be made at a distance of at least 0.3 meters from the floor - if it is used not only as a step for the bath attendant, but also as a full-fledged bath bench.

Most often in a Russian bath, the bottom step is made in the form of an attached bench on legs, which is removed while the steam room is being cleaned. But the installation of a fixed lower shelf is quite acceptable.

To do this, it is necessary to attach four load-bearing supports to the posts of the upper deck at a height of 0.4 m from the floor surface wooden beams with a cross section of 50x100 mm, making a kind of rectangle out of them - the frame of the lower bench. This is done so that one part of the load-bearing rectangle protrudes beyond the surface of the upper shelf to a length of 0.4-0.6 m.

To the main racks load-bearing frame the bottom step can be secured with 12 cm long nails or self-tapping screws. In the corner and in the middle of the frame of the lower bench, four racks with a cross section of 50x100 mm or 100x100 mm resting on the floor are fastened with self-tapping screws or nails.

Every 0.5 m, load-bearing bars with a cross section of 50x50 mm are packed. The boards of the lower shelf are attached to them using wooden wedges driven into pre-drilled holes.

How to make shelves in a bathhouse - types of flooring for shelves

IMPORTANT: the surface of the benches is carefully sanded. The boards should not have sharp corners, chips or cracks.

The boards should not be too wide; the optimal ratio of width to thickness is four. The fifty board should ideally be 0.2 meters wide.

Video - Assembling a bath shelf with your own hands

After completing the construction of the bath beds, they need to be impregnated with a protective solution, since negative impact water, air humidity, and high temperature destroy the structure of wood quite quickly.

To protect wooden surfaces in the steam room, you must use environmentally friendly products, otherwise you risk your health. Wooden beds Finnish saunas have long been impregnated with ordinary linseed oil, which perfectly protects against mold and mildew. The shelves of Russian baths were impregnated with a wax solution, which included purified turpentine and beeswax.

Ideally, you need to apply a wax solution or linseed oil in two layers. Drying time for one layer is about 8 hours.

Bath loungers do not require preliminary preparation or processing, provided that the boards have been previously sanded with high quality. After applying the protective impregnation, everything wooden surfaces acquire water repellent properties and a characteristic matte shine.

Correct device of the heater, rational use steam room space, cozy decoration relaxation rooms and careful assembly of steam room beds will bring health, joy and satisfaction from bathing procedures.

Wood impregnation prices

impregnation for wood

Video - The process of making a bath shelf

Video - DIY steam room shelves

Video – Sauna with sliding shelves

When drawing up a plan for a future bathhouse during its construction, it is necessary to determine the optimal dimensions of the steam room, on which not only a comfortable stay depends, but also the safety of the people there.

The steam room is the main room in the bathhouse, so its length and width, ceiling height, and shelf sizes must be selected correctly. The dimensions of the steam room depend on the type of bathhouse being built: a budget option, as a rule, combines a washing room and a steam room, while in a more comfortable one, these rooms are separated. Accordingly, their standard steam room sizes will vary.

The optimal size of the steam room depends on several factors:

  • total size of the bath;
  • the number of people simultaneously in the steam room;
  • dimensions of the sauna stove;
  • type of design and size of shelves, the principle of their location.

The height of the steam room is the most important parameter, which needs to be decided. The quality of steam depends on this parameter. The steam room should not be too low so that it has a sufficient volume of stable steam. In the steam room with too much high ceiling steam will be wasted irrationally, so the recommended ceiling height is from 2.2 m to 2.4 m. In this case, you should focus on the height of the tallest family member, because with a height below 2.1 m, people with above average height will find it uncomfortable to be in in the steam room, besides, there will not be enough fresh air, and the steam will quickly evaporate. But, if you make the ceiling 2.5 m high, then the fuel consumption and time for lighting the heater will increase, because the volume of the steam room will increase by about 0.5 m3. At the same time, the entire volume of useful hot steam will accumulate not where those steaming are located, but right under the ceiling. The height of the steam room door should be standard (65-70 cm by 170-180 cm), always with a high threshold to reduce the access of cold air from outside.

Lenght and width

The size of the steam room should be determined at the planning stage, along with the size of the bath itself. At the same time, the dimensions of the steam room should not be too large, otherwise it will take a lot of fuel and time to warm up the air. To calculate correctly optimal length and the width of the steam room, you need to decide on its type:

  1. Steam room for one person.

It can be presented in two options: for one person with a seat and with a full shelf. In the first case, the steam room may not have a window; it has a single-tier small shelf and a heater. This perfect option for saunas located directly in the house, for Finnish saunas. The optimal size in this case is 1150-1200 mm along the wall with a heater, and 840-850 mm along the wall with a shelf.

Steam room for one or two people

If a bathhouse for one person includes a lying shelf, the length of the walls can be 1800 mm and the width – 1050-1100 mm. A single-tier bed should be equipped with a step to use it as a seat if necessary.

  1. Steam room for 2-3 people.

The size of a steam room for two or three people depends on how it will be arranged - square or rectangular. The length of the walls of a square steam room must be at least 1150 mm. This shape allows you to place the entrance in the corner, the heater next to it, and in the remaining two adjacent walls you can place corner shelves with accommodation for two to three people. If the steam room is rectangular in shape, the size of the long wall can be 1450-1500 mm, the short one - 1300 mm. This is a common option, especially for small baths, when a pair of sitting loungers are used, located in two tiers or in a corner manner.

  1. Steam room for four or more people.

A steam room for 4 or more people provides a long wall size of 1800-2000 mm, a short one - 1400-1500 mm with rectangular shape. By long side Usually there are two-tier or three-tier shelves on which you can sit and lie. For large sauna for four optimal size is 2500 mm by 2000 mm, excluding the dimensions of the heater and the area it occupies.

Right size steam rooms

Shelf dimensions

The size of the beds should be comfortable for a person, both in length and width. The height of the shelves and the distance between them and the ceiling are also important.

Dimensions of shelves in the steam room

The width of a regular sitting shelf should be 40 cm with a length according to the size of the room. In order to sit on the shelf with your feet up, its size must be 90 cm in width. The length of the bed varies depending on the full height lie on it or with bent legs: in the first case, you can make it 150 cm long, in the second - at least 180 cm, taking into account the possibility of equipping it with a headrest.

If the steam room is equipped with a three-tier bed, the bottom step should be the narrowest, and the top should be the widest. At the same time, the width of the bottom one should be 40 cm, the width of the other two should be between 60 and 90 cm. Three-tier, as well as two-tier shelves, can be located in the form of a corner structure, along one wall or opposite each other. The distance between the top couch and the ceiling should be at least 1 m so that you can safely get up from it. The distance between adjacent shelves should be kept within 30-40 cm. Gaps of 3-4 mm should be left between the slats of the shelves for free air circulation, as well as quick drying after bath procedures.

If the washing room and steam room in the bathhouse are separate rooms, in relation to the locker room they should have a ratio of 1.5 x 1 x 2 m.

In order for the floor in the bath to heat up faster and maintain steam for a long time, it needs to be made 5 cm higher than the heater and 20 cm higher than the sink.

For the convenience of bathing procedures for older people, it is recommended to install a special shelf for them, at least 50 cm wide and 180-200 cm long.

There should be 1 m2 per person washing in the steam room usable area, from which 1m2 of the heater area is subtracted, including small space around her.

If the steam room is equipped with a window, then its dimensions should not exceed 50 cm in length and width, so as not to let out a large amount of hot air.

For Russian people, the bathhouse is not just a place to cleanse the body; in the steam room we are used to receiving spiritual pleasure. This room should be equipped in such a way that it is as comfortable to use as possible. One of the main components of the steam room is a bench, which can be multi-level, stationary or removable. Decide which design features Each master must have shelves for the bathhouse independently, but the technology for creating the shelves will remain the same.

Wood selection

In steam room conditions, which are characterized by high temperature and significant humidity, such shelves should be installed, the material of which will be able to endure aggressive influences without losing appearance and their performance characteristics. The main thing is to exclude rubber and plastic, which can ignite or melt. Wood is most often chosen for shelves, but not every type is suitable for this. The main characteristics of the material include low thermal conductivity, low resin content, high density fibers, as well as resistance to high temperature and humidity. Bathhouse shelves are most often made from aspen and linden; poplar and birch are used somewhat less frequently. Relatively recently, home craftsmen and experienced professionals began to use African exotic tree, which is called abashi. These breeds meet all the rules and requirements that apply to the material for shelves installed in a bathhouse. However, before choosing, you should consider all the pros and cons of each type of wood. It must also be remembered that the shelves in the bathhouse should not be made of coniferous wood.

Use of linden

This type of wood has no flaws, there are no knots, and it is quite easy to process. Under the influence of high temperatures, linden slowly heats up and dries in a fairly short time. It does not become cracked, and sweat stains do not form on its surface. The cost of such material is insignificant, but if you do not want the shelves to change their original color, then you should not choose linden.

Use of aspen

Bathhouse shelves can also be made from this type of wood, which is considered the most budget option. Aspen, however, has a hidden defect, which is expressed in rotting from the inside. Therefore, there is a possibility of purchasing boards that are initially defective.

African luxury

Abashi is used in the manufacture of shelves for steam rooms in Lately more often. This breed is considered expensive, but is excellent for a steam room. High temperatures and moisture are not harmful to this material. It heats up slowly and is able to maintain its original appearance for a long time.

Types of shelves for steam rooms

Before you start making a shelf for the bathhouse, photos of several possible options you should definitely look into it. This will allow you to determine the design features of the product. The described piece of furniture can be made in the form of a couch, chaise lounge or bench. The height of the shelves will be determined by the number of tiers. If the ceiling height is insignificant, the lower level will be located closer to the floor, and it will be important to provide the gap that is necessary for air circulation. The top tier should be wider than the rest; this figure can be 90 cm. As optimal location for the location of the sun lounger and bench, the first or second tier is selected. The step between the third tier and the ceiling surface should vary from 1 to 1.2 meters. This will be the most comfortable distance for a person’s well-being. It is important to follow safety rules that exclude the possibility of placing shelves along walls that have windows. This is due to the fact that when it gets on the glass, hot water may break, causing injury. If you are installing shelves in a large steam room, then you need to choose the longest wall.

Features of manufacturing shelves for steam rooms

Before you start making a bathhouse shelf, you should definitely consider the drawings. Before assembling the piece of furniture we are considering, the structural elements, which are boards and beams, must be sanded and all sharp corners smoothed out. In order for the wood to last longer and not be exposed to pests and rot, it must be treated with an antiseptic solution. You need to choose the one that is made on natural basis. The use of synthetic compounds is unacceptable, since under the influence of high temperature and moisture they can begin to release toxic substances.

When starting to make a bathhouse shelf with your own hands, the dimensions must initially be shown on the drawing. This will prevent errors from occurring. Initially, you will need to assemble a frame, which consists of a number of support posts. The last elements of the shelf are made using thick timber, the cross-section of which is 50x70 millimeters. The support posts must be installed vertically, then connected horizontally using strapping to each other. In order to give the structure the quality of strength and stability, the frame posts are in some cases fixed to the wall surface. The flooring will not sag if the frame supports, which are oriented vertically, are installed in increments of 60 centimeters, but no more.

Do-it-yourself bathhouse shelves, whether they are stationary or removable, must be made from thin boards, filling them with a frame, the elements of which should be located with a gap of 2 centimeters. In order to ensure free flow of water, you need to position the seat at a slight angle of 2 degrees.

Basic requirements for the manufacture of shelves

Before making shelves for the bathhouse with your own hands, select boards whose thickness and width are in the ratio of 1 to 4. This condition guarantees not only the strength of the structure, but also the product will dry out fairly quickly after getting wet during bathing procedures. If possible, it is preferable to make the shelves collapsible, which must be taken into account when preparing for work. This will ensure that the structures can be dried in the sun. To connect the elements of a piece of furniture, oak wedges should be used, which are driven into pre-prepared holes. The use of screws and nails when installing the steam room structure should be avoided, as they can cause burns when the steel elements come into contact with the skin. If you cannot do without the use of such fasteners, then metal screws and nails must be sunk into the wood to a depth of 6 millimeters. As alternative solution you can use the installation of steel fasteners from the reverse side.

Dimensions of the steam room shelf

Before you start making a shelf for a bathhouse, the dimensions must be provided and displayed on the diagram. If you do not want to calculate and determine the dimensions of the benches, then you can use those presented in this article. As standard sizes the minimum shelf length is used, which varies from 150 to 180 centimeters. The width can be an interval from 40 to 50 centimeters. This parameter will depend on the person’s preferred resting position. It is important to take into account the dimensions of the steam room itself. Between levels the height should be maintained in the range from 40 to 60 centimeters. There should be no less than 20 centimeters from the floor surface, while a distance of 100-120 centimeters should be provided from the ceiling. Before installing shelves in a bathhouse, the dimensions and distance from the wall should be considered and carefully considered. Thus, the tiers located at the top and in the center should be fixed to the wall surface, ensuring ventilation gap, the width of which is 10 centimeters. The lower shelf, as a rule, is installed in the form of a movable structure, mounted on skids. This will make cleaning the room easier. In those places where the shelves in the bathhouse, photos of which can be seen in the article, will be in contact with the floor, you need to lay special rubber-based gaskets. These elements will act as waterproofing. In some cases, the bottom shelf in a small steam room is made in the shape of a triangle; two sides should meet at the top of this element, which allows all the benches to be compactly arranged.

Example of making a shelf

Quite often they are made from lining, but experts recommend using timber with a cross-section of 55x70 millimeters. Let’s assume that the length of the wall along which the benches are supposed to be installed is 3.6 meters. In this case, you can install two tiers at a level of 1.10 meters, as well as 60 centimeters. Using timber, you will need to cut 12 blanks, each of which will have a length of 1.1 meters. These elements will begin to protrude with vertical legs. Using the same material, you should prepare 6 elements, the length of which will be equal to 90 centimeters. Homemade blanks will serve as horizontal jumpers. The vertical legs will be made from the same timber, which is cut into 6 separate elements, 60 centimeters each. The same number of blanks will be needed for horizontal jumpers, each of which should have a length of 1.4 centimeters. For the seats, you should prepare 11 boards with dimensions of 22x120 millimeters. Their length is 3.6 meters. Seven blanks will make up the top shelf, while 4 will make up the bottom. The gap between them should be one centimeter.

Features of the work

If you decide to make a bathhouse shelf with your own hands from abasha, then the technology for carrying out the work will remain the same. First you need to assemble the racks that will make up the top shelf. The master must obtain a design in the shape of the letter "P". Next, you should begin fixing the base for the bottom shelf. The horizontally oriented jumpers of the support, which is located below, are made longer on purpose. This allows you to balance and fasten the legs of the racks that belong to the upper bench. When starting to mount the frame for the lower and upper tiers, you need to fix the elements with self-tapping screws, not forgetting to recess them by 6 millimeters. If you are making shelves for a bathhouse with your own hands, the drawings will help you in carrying out the work.

Don't forget about safety. If you are using metal fastener, then it can be covered with a special cap. On next stage You should start strengthening the boards that will make up the seats. At this point we can assume that the design is ready.


Corner shelves for the bathhouse are made using the same technology, however, during the assembly of the frame it will be necessary to form a structure in the shape of a triangle, and not the letter “P”. Anyone can do this type of work. House master. That is why you should not use the help of specialists, which, as a rule, is expensive. You just need to familiarize yourself with the specifics of the work, purchase the material and try to do all the work yourself.