Preparing the microwave for first use. Rules for operating a microwave oven. Myths about microwave ovens

The first microwave oven was sold half a century ago. But you can still become an unwitting witness or participant in a heated debate about the dangers and benefits of microwaves. Opponents scare everyone with harmful electromagnetic radiation, and supporters, laughing, enjoy the benefits of household appliances. We are not going to convince either one or the other. Armed common sense the former, as well as the experience and resourcefulness of the latter, we have created a small list of rules on how to use a microwave oven as safely, comfortably and profitably as possible.

Rule one - proper installation

Correct installation will help avoid damage, short circuit, fire and even explosion.

What you should pay attention to:

  1. A strong, flat, stable, suitable-sized surface for installation. You must be sure that the device will not fall or tilt.
  2. Separate grounded outlet. A microwave is a fairly powerful device. Grounding will protect you in case of network overload or short circuit.
  3. Free ventilation. Do not move the stove close to the wall, leave a gap of at least 15 cm to avoid overheating. If you are installing the device in a cabinet, drill ventilation holes in the back wall.
  4. "Conflict" of household appliances. Microwave on the refrigerator will force it to work at full capacity to cool the food. Near the TV or radio receiver will interfere with electromagnetic waves. A washing machine, wringing out your favorite jeans under the stove can easily spill freshly heated soup.

Cleanliness rules

Proper, timely care will help avoid many breakdowns and problems:

  1. After each use, wipe the inside of the oven with a damp, clean cloth or sponge.
  2. For care, use specialized soft remedies.
  3. Do not use chlorine, lye or other aggressive, abrasive cleaning agents.
  4. Do not scratch the enamel or mica plate with rough brushes.
  5. Periodically remove all internal removable parts for cleaning: grates, tray, crosspiece - grease and dirt also accumulate on them.
  6. Don’t forget to regularly wipe and vacuum the ventilation grill so that it does not become clogged with dust and grease.

Emergency cleaning

Have you neglected the operating instructions and one of the ingredients of your future meal exploded? Proven tricks will help eliminate the consequences of the valiant death of a tomato or sausage. Place a container of water in the oven, after adding to it, of your choice, not a large number of soda, lemon juice, citric acid or vinegar. Heat for five minutes. The moisture will settle on the walls, soften the dried residues, and you can easily remove them with a soft sponge. Do not abuse this method - the acid can gradually destroy the enamel, and you will have to scrap the microwave ahead of schedule. Therefore - only for emergency cases! Always unplug the appliance before manual cleaning.

Instructions and more instructions!

Some operating instructions take up more space in the box than the device itself and can be quite tedious to read. But mastering household appliances using the scientific method is also not the best option, you can break or get hurt. Therefore, do not neglect this useful document, because each model is unique in some way. Moreover, each microwave comes with a sign indicating the time for defrosting and cooking common foods, and recipes for quick and healthy dishes that can be prepared in your oven. As well as error codes and unlocks (if you don’t remember how to unlock child lock). If for some reason you do not have this wonderful book, you can download it for free on the Internet. You may find links to resources, useful.

Rules of use, universal for all brands:

  1. Do not operate an open or empty microwave.
  2. Do not place metal objects or dishes with gold rims inside.
  3. Don't heat the eggs!
  4. For products with a dense shell (sausages, fruits, vegetables), pierce them in several places.
  5. Do not heat baby (adult) food with closed lid, canned food, juices in vacuum packaging.
  6. Cover the dish being heated with a special plastic cap.
  7. Wear oven mitts before removing heated food.
  8. Do not microwave dry your pets. Take my word for it - don't even try.
  9. Do not use a defective device. If there is external or internal damage, sparks, suspicious sounds, unpredictable behavior - grab it and get it repaired! Or a handyman for your home. Do not operate until the cause has been officially eliminated.

First use - how to turn it on?

The microwave oven was first introduced to the public in 1947 and became popular in the mid-70s. Today, without this democratic technology in everyday life it’s like being without hands. We'll tell you how to use a microwave so that it serves for a long time and without failures. Let's start with the unusual principle of heating food in it.

When a substance heats up, the molecules in it begin to move faster. First, those molecules that are closer to the heat source accelerate, then they transfer energy to the others. This is clearly visible when you need to quickly stew frozen vegetables in a frying pan. At first they are warm on the outside, but icy on the inside.

But with a microwave it’s the other way around. The waves penetrate 2-5 cm deep into the food, “encouraging” water and fat molecules from there. When we take the heated, covered jam pie out of our lg oven, it is warm on the outside and hot on the inside.

Microwaves are short electromagnetic radio waves. They are approximately in the same range as the radiation from a mobile phone. Microwave ovens most often use a frequency of 2.45 GHz, in models made in the USA - 915 MHz.

What to look for when installing a microwave

At the microwave simple instructions for installation: put the stove on and plug it into the outlet. But the details are important. For example, is it possible to place a microwave oven on a refrigerator or dishwasher? If there is very little space, then it is possible.

But pay attention to the following points:

  • must remain air gaps for ventilation on all sides oven, up and down;
  • do not install the stove near radio equipment, this will cause interference;
  • do not place the microwave oven near heating devices, this shortens the service life;
  • Please note that the microwave oven creates slight vibration, so it itself can cause malfunctions of the devices on which it is installed;
  • The surface under the microwave should be as flat as possible, without a slope.

How to prepare for use

Microwaves are invisible, but the result of their work is quite noticeable. Therefore, even before the first connection to the network read the operating instructions carefully Microwave ovens.

Step 1. Make sure that the cookware you are going to use is suitable for microwave oven. After all, to understand how to use a microwave, you first need to know what not to do. Do not use metal utensils, since microwaves do not penetrate metal. By the way, this is why the oven of a Samsung microwave oven and any other brand is made of metal, creating additional protection. Utensils made of wood, bamboo, aluminum foil, and paper bags are also not recommended.

Step 2. Check installed on dashboard power (“power” button). For different products she is different. Maximum is good for popcorn. For defrosting, it is better to set the power to 30-40%.

Microwave power levels for cooking different foods can be seen in the table:

Power level output power Usage
High 100% 700W
  • Boiling water
  • Browning minced meat dishes
  • Cooking pieces of poultry, fish, vegetables
  • Cooking cuts of non-tough (“tender”) meat
80% 560W
  • Heating of all dishes
  • Roasting large pieces of meat and whole poultry
  • Cooking mushrooms and seafood (shellfish and crustaceans)
  • Preparing dishes containing cheese and eggs
Average 60% 420W
  • Baking pies and scones
  • Cooking eggs
  • Preparing sweet cream
  • Cooking rice and soups
Medium, Low
40% 280W
  • Defrosting all products
  • Melting butter and chocolate
  • Cooking Tougher Cuts of Meat
Short 20% 140W
  • Softening butter and cheese
  • Softening Ice Cream
  • Rising yeast dough

Step 3. Stock up on containers in which you can cook without harming the microwave oven. Do not place hermetically sealed items or sealed bottles in the oven. When using special containers, make sure the steam release valve is open.

Step 4. When using frozen or prepared foods, read the label for instructions on how to microwave them. If there is no description, reheat in several stages. Large raw vegetables Slice them so they cook faster.

Basic rules of use

A microwave cannot be compared in terms of danger to a car, or even gas stove, but still there are rules that should be followed. There are not so few of them, we counted 7 that are universal for all models:

  1. Do not start the oven empty; put at least a cup of water in it.
  2. Before using the grill in the microwave, remove the protective layer from the element. It must be heated for 5 minutes in a working oven, putting water there.
  3. Do not turn on the microwave oven with the door open!
  4. For fruits with skins, such as potatoes, or sausages wrapped in cellophane, first pierce them with a fork in several places.
  5. Do not leave food unattended while heating, it may burn or start to “shoot”, then you will complain that the paint has peeled off in the microwave. It is best to cover the food with a special plastic cap while heating.
  6. Wait a little before removing the heated dish. There is a danger of getting burned by the vapors that accumulated during heating. The edges of the pan may also be hot.
  7. When caring for the surface, use only soft products and a sponge.

Which in most cases simplifies the daily life of most people, especially those who do not like to tinker in the kitchen for a long time, and love comfort in all its details, namely - microwave oven, or as people say - microwave. In this article you will learn: what is microwave, what types of microwave ovens are there, how to choose a microwave oven, and other nuances that relate to this technique. So…

Microwave . orMicrowave ( English Microwave oven ) - a household electrical appliance intended for instant cooking or rapid heating or cooking, defrosting food, and also used for industrial purposes to heat certain materials, such as glue.

Unlike classical ovens (for example, an oven or a Russian oven), heating of products in a microwave oven does not occur from the surface, but throughout the entire volume of the product containing polar molecules (for example, water), since radio waves penetrate deep enough into almost everything food products. This reduces the heating time of the product.

The history of the discovery of the microwave oven

Like many other discoveries that have had a significant impact on people's daily lives, the discovery of the thermal effects of microwaves happened by accident. In 1942, American physicist Percy Spencer worked in the laboratory of the Raytheon company with a device that emitted ultra-high-frequency waves. Various sources describe the events that happened that day in the laboratory in different ways. According to one version, Spencer put his sandwich on the device, and after removing it a few minutes later, he discovered that the sandwich had warmed up to the middle. According to another version, the chocolate that Spencer had in his pocket when he was working near his installation warmed up and melted, and, struck by a lucky guess, the inventor rushed to the buffet for raw corn kernels. The popcorn brought to the installation soon began to burst with a bang...

One way or another, the effect was discovered. In 1945, Spencer received a patent for the use of microwaves for cooking, and in 1947, the first devices for cooking using microwaves appeared in the kitchens of hospitals and military canteens, where the requirements for food quality were not so high. These Raytheon products, as tall as a man, weighed 340 kg and cost $3,000 apiece.

It took a decade and a half to perfect the oven, in which food is cooked using invisible waves. In 1962, the Japanese company Sharp launched the first mass-produced microwave oven, which, however, did not initially cause a consumer stir. The same company developed a rotating table in 1966, used a microprocessor oven control system for the first time in 1979, and developed the first microwave oven with Internet access in 1999.

The experience of using millions of microwave ovens in many countries over the past decades has proven the undeniable convenience of this method of cooking - speed, efficiency, ease of use. The very mechanism of cooking food using microwaves, which we will introduce you to below, determines the preservation of the molecular structure, and therefore the taste of the products.

The principle of operation of a microwave oven, or how food is heated using a microwave

Food contains many substances: mineral salts, fats, sugar, water. To heat food using microwaves, it must contain dipole molecules, that is, molecules that have a positive electrical charge at one end and a negative one at the other. Fortunately, there are plenty of such molecules in food - these are molecules of fats and sugars, but the main thing is that the dipole is a molecule of water - the most common substance in nature.

Every piece of vegetables, meat, fish, and fruit contains millions of dipole molecules. In the absence of electric field the molecules are arranged randomly. In an electric field, they line up strictly in the direction of the field lines, “plus” in one direction, “minus” in the other. As soon as the field changes direction to the opposite, i.e. change polarity, as the molecules immediately turn over 180 o.

So, the microwave frequency that almost all microwave ovens use is 2450 MHz. One hertz is one vibration per second, a megahertz is one million vibrations per second. During one wave period, the field changes its direction twice: it was “plus”, became “minus”, and the original “plus” returned again. This means that the field in which our molecules are located changes polarity 4,900,000,000 times per second! Under the influence of microwave radiation, molecules tumble at a frantic frequency and literally rub against each other during revolutions. The heat released during this process is what causes the food to warm up.

Microwaves heat up food in much the same way that our palms heat up when we quickly rub them together. There is one more similarity: when we rub the skin of one hand against the skin of the other, heat penetrates deep into the muscle tissue. So are microwaves: they work only in a relatively small surface layer of food, without penetrating deeper than 1-3 cm. Therefore, heating of food occurs due to two physical mechanisms— heating of the surface layer by microwaves and subsequent penetration of heat into the depth of the product due to thermal conductivity.

This immediately follows a recommendation: if you need to cook in the microwave, for example, big piece meat, it is better not to turn on the oven at full power, but to work at medium power, but at the same time increase the time the piece remains in the oven. Then the heat from the outer layer will have time to penetrate deep into the meat and cook the inside of the piece well, and the outside of the piece will not burn.

For the same reasons, it is better to stir liquid foods, such as soups, periodically, removing the pan from the oven from time to time. This will help the heat penetrate deep into the soup container.

I would like to note that the radiation frequency in some industrial microwave ovens (the so-called variable frequency microwave, VFM) may vary and may not be 2450 MHz

Microwave oven device

Main components of magnetron microwave oven:

— a metal chamber with a metallized door (in which ultra-high-frequency (microwave) radiation is concentrated), where the heated products are placed;
— transformer - source of high-voltage power supply for the magnetron;
— control and switching circuits;
- direct microwave emitter - magnetron;
— a waveguide for transmitting radiation from the magnetron to the camera;

Auxiliary elements:

— rotating table - necessary for uniform heating of the product from all sides;
— circuits and circuits that provide control (timer) and safety (mode locking) of the device;
- a fan that cools the magnetron and ventilates the chamber.

Harm from a microwave oven

Actually, this is a broad question, but everyone should have their own opinion on this matter. I found a bunch of information on the Internet, both “Pros” and “Cons” of using microwave ovens. But personally, I am still inclined to believe that a microwave oven is no more dangerous, and perhaps less dangerous, than a CRT TV. Therefore, I didn’t decide to write another hundred lines. At the end of the article, you can read a couple more lines on this topic in “Myths about Microwave Ovens.”

The only thing I noticed, and that basically two “camps” of supporters and opponents agree, is that you can’t heat breast milk in a microwave oven and then feed it to a baby, because. to some extent the formula of this milk changes slightly.

By the way, on this occasion, I found a photo that shows the range of the harmful influence of a microwave oven. It shows how safe it is to have a microwave in the house.

Precautionary measures

— Microwave radiation cannot penetrate metal objects, so it is impossible to cook food in metal utensils. Metal utensils and metal utensils (spoons, forks) placed in the oven during the heating process can damage it.

— Liquids in hermetically sealed containers and whole bird eggs cannot be heated in a microwave oven - due to the strong evaporation of water, high pressure is created inside them and, as a result, they can explode. For the same reasons, it is undesirable to overheat sausage products covered with plastic film.

— When heating water in the microwave, you should also be careful - water can overheat, that is, heat above the boiling point. A superheated liquid can boil almost instantly from careless movement. This applies not only to distilled water, but also to any water that contains few suspended particles. The smoother and more uniform the inner surface container of water, the higher the risk. If the vessel has a narrow neck, then there is a high probability that at the moment of boiling superheated water It will spill out and burn your hands.

— It is undesirable to place dishes with a metal coating (“golden border”) in a microwave oven - even this thin layer of metal is strongly heated by eddy currents and this can destroy the dishes in the area of ​​the metal coating.

Now let's turn our attention to the microwave characteristics that you need to take into account when choosing a microwave oven.

Microwave types separate design, and in the form of built-in equipment.

Household stoves are divided into:

Solo. An ordinary microwave oven that only performs the function of defrosting or heating food. Has no additional functions;

Microwave with grill. A microwave oven, which in addition to defrosting and heating food, also has a built-in heating element (as an additional a heating element) and a spit with which you can cook, for example, grilled chicken;

Microwave with convection. This microwave oven has the function of blowing a hot air stream over the cooking product, which is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the product, which gives the effect of cooking food like in an oven. Thanks to convection, food is better baked and fried. In such a microwave oven you can bake chicken, stew meat, bake pies, etc. I just want to note that pies will still be baked better in a real oven, because... an oven is an oven.;

Multifunctional microwaves. The most expensive microwave ovens among household microwave ovens, which in addition to standard features, have additional ones - grill, convection, and many additional modes and others technical solutions cooking.

Important! There are microwave ovens that combine grilling and convection functions.

Microwave internal working space volume

Microwave ovens can be divided into groups based on volume:

- up to 20 l. Suitable for small families, and if you are not going to cook large dishes in it, such as baked fish or turkey;

- from 20 to 28 l. The most common volumes, thanks to which you can simultaneously heat a couple of small plates of food and cook medium-sized dishes. Such microwaves are suitable for families from 2 to 4 people;

- from 28 l (up to 42 l). In these microwaves you can cook most of a wide variety of dishes, and also heat up from 2 to 4 plates of food at the same time. In fact, a microwave oven with this volume is best purchased for families of 4 or more people.

Grill type

Tenov grill. Outwardly it resembles a black metal tube with a heating element inside, located in the upper part of the working chamber. Many microwave ovens are equipped with a so-called “moving” heating element (TEN), which can be moved and installed vertically or inclined (at an angle), providing heating not from above, but from the side.

The movable heating element grill is especially convenient to use and provides additional opportunities for preparing dishes in grill mode (for example, in some models you can fry chicken in a vertical position). In addition, the inner chamber of a microwave oven with a movable heating element grill is easier and more convenient to clean (as is the grill itself).

In some models, in addition to the upper heating element of the grill, there is also a lower grill.

Quartz grill. Located at the top of the microwave oven, it is a tubular quartz element behind a metal grid.

Advantages of quartz grill:

— Unlike a heating element grill, a quartz grill does not take up space in the working chamber.
— The power of a quartz grill is usually less than that of a grill with a heating element; microwave ovens with a quartz grill consume less electricity.
— Ovens with a quartz grill roast more gently and evenly, but a grill with a heating element can provide more intense operation (more “aggressive” heating).
— There is an opinion that a quartz grill is easier to keep clean (it is hidden in the upper part of the chamber behind a grill and is more difficult to get dirty). However, we note that over time, grease splatters, etc. They may still get on it, and it will no longer be possible to simply wash it, like a heating element grill. There is nothing particularly terrible about this (grease splashes and other contaminants will simply burn off the surface of the quartz grill).

Ceramic grill. In combination with traditional and quartz, a ceramic grill (heating element) allows you to cook even faster, and also find optimal conditions preparation for any products. Using a ceramic grill also allows you to retain more moisture in your food and heat and cook the food inside and out more evenly thanks to deep penetration far infrared radiation.

Type of inner covering

Inside the microwave oven chamber may have different coating, which you also need to pay attention to when choosing a stove.

The walls are painted to resemble enamel. Exactly this cheap coating. It cannot withstand high temperatures and long cooking times.

Durable enamel. It is easy to keep clean, it makes the walls smooth, eliminating porosity. This is an inexpensive coating.

Special coating(antibacterial - LG, bioceramic - Moulinex) is a special compound that is sintered at high temperatures, making the chamber coating an absolutely smooth surface.

The special coating has undeniable advantages:

Very durable;
perfectly smooth;
it is difficult to scratch;
has high resistance to soot;
better retains nutrients and;
retains more heat in the oven, since the thermal conductivity of the chamber is 2-4 times less than that of a stainless steel chamber, therefore it consumes less energy;
Everything from such a surface can be washed off without difficulty.

The disadvantages include the fragility of the coating and its high cost.

Stainless steel- durable, beautiful coating that can withstand any temperature (this is especially important when working with grill and convection). However, it is more difficult to care for, keep clean, and maintain shine. Stainless steel can be cleaned with abrasive agents.

Types of microwave oven controls

There are three types of control:mechanical, push-button, touch.

Mechanical- the simplest type of control using knobs, without an electronic display. Use two handles to set the radiation power and start the timer. Mechanical control is the simplest, most reliable, less likely to break down, and cheaper. But the mechanics do not provide the necessary accuracy in setting the time, and a difference of a few seconds can ruin the dish.

Push-button— the time on the electronic dial is set using buttons. Less reliable than mechanical, but more reliable than touch. Allows programming. Has a beautiful appearance.

Touch— push-button, but the buttons are clearly not visible, there are no protruding parts. It has a beautiful appearance, you can program the cooking process. Since there are no protruding buttons, dirt does not accumulate. But it’s not very convenient to press these buttons; with strong surges in the network, the touch elements sometimes burn, which are more expensive. Microwaves with touch controls make up about 60-70% of all microwave ovens sold.

Microwave power

When choosing a microwave oven, you should pay attention not only to the volume of the chamber and the level of equipment, but also to the power of the device. The power of a microwave oven depends greatly on the heat source used. If the oven is equipped only with a microwave emitter, then its power can be 500-1100 W. When the grill is operating, the rated power will be 850-1500 W. If the device is also equipped with a convector, then its power will be 1350-2000 W.

Each oven has several modes of operation of the microwave emitter. The simplest and most inexpensive microwaves have only 4 levels, the most complex ones have 10. But most often, microwaves are equipped with emitters capable of operating in 5 modes.

The most powerful is the so-called “full mode” (HIGH). When operating in this mode, the emitter power is maximum (100%). In this mode, you can prepare various sauces, drinks, bake vegetables and fruits.

The “above average” level (MEDIUM/HIGH) assumes that the emitter power is 70-75% of the possible one. In this mode, you can cook poultry, reheat first and second courses.
“Medium” (MEDIUM) level (50% of the maximum possible power) is optimal for cooking fish, roasting meat, and cooking various soups.

The “below average” level (MEDIUM/LOW), when the power is only 25% of the maximum, is well suited for defrosting food, preparing hot snacks, and reheating food.
And finally, the “minimum” power level (10%) can be used to heat up “delicate” foods (asparagus, tomatoes, strawberries, etc.) or keep a ready-made dish hot.

Additional functions and accessories of microwave ovens

One of additional functions A microwave oven has the ability to supply steam, which helps prevent some foods from drying out while they are being cooked. Thanks to this function, food is cooked two to three times faster while maintaining its natural consistency.

The ability to ventilate the working chamber can be called a small thing, but very pleasant. The smell of fish or meat with spices is removed in a matter of minutes, and soon after preparing a hot dish you can bake puff pastries or pies.

The multi-level plate rack allows you to heat several dishes at the same time.

With two grill grates, you will cook twice as much food in one “session”.

Some ovens are equipped with a function "auto-weight", that is, equipped with built-in electronic scales. In such models, there is no need to indicate the weight of the products placed in the working chamber - the microwave will determine it itself.

"Plate of Crusty", otherwise called "Crisp", allows you to fry food on it like in a frying pan. It is made from special metal and heats up to 200°C.

The “Dual emission” function declared by the manufacturer means that the radiation source is bifurcated. This separation contributes to more uniform heating of the products and increases the efficiency of the oven.
Sometimes microwave ovens are equipped with a dialogue mode, with which even a child can cook. A leading question is displayed on the display, and you only need to answer it for the next one to appear. Some models voice-duplicate messages displayed on an electronic display.

Electronic cookbook - this feature will greatly ease your wallet during the purchase and your life after the “smart” microwave oven is delivered home. Even a child can cook using this collection of recipes; you just need to understand how to use it. However, in our computer age, children are much better friends with electronics than adults.

In modern microwave ovens, there is a dialog mode when recommendations for the housewife are displayed on the display.


Safety from radiation, damage electric shock, from mechanical and thermal injuries is confirmed by certification according to international standards. Despite the criminal liability of developers and manufacturers of microwave ovens for your safety, installation and operation rules must be strictly followed.

You are protected from microwave radiation by a metal casing and structural traps around the perimeter of the door. The magnetron and transformer inside the microwave are fan cooled to prevent overheating. When the magnetron is turned on, the door is locked so that it cannot be opened. When the door is opened or the temperature of the chamber wall or stove casing rises, special sensors instantly turn off the magnetron. Experts say that the level of radiation even in the immediate vicinity of a microwave oven is several times lower than permissible and decreases sharply with distance.

High power consumption is another reason for increased danger. If in your home electrical network has a third ground wire, normal defense from electric shock will ensure maximum safety.

It is strictly prohibited to use water or gas pipes as a grounding wire. This could lead to the death of your loved ones or neighbors.

If there is no grounding, try to prevent the possibility of simultaneous contact with the body of the microwave oven and water or gas pipes. Your safety can be increased by installing an RCD (Residual Current Device).

To protect against children, the microwave oven is switched on. Nevertheless, the possibility of children playing dangerous pranks with oven buttons and control knobs must be excluded.

Inventory technology in microwave ovens

Very often, the desire of consumers to purchase a large-volume microwave oven is faced with the impossibility of placing the desired oven in a small kitchen due to the very impressive dimensions of the oven. In addition to the actual volume of the working chamber, there are also technical elements that ensure the functioning of the microwave oven and, unfortunately, take up a lot of space. Inverter stoves were called upon to solve the problem.

Inverter technology can significantly reduce the volume required to accommodate technical components, by replacing the conventional magnetron with more compact components, resulting in an increase in the usable volume of the chamber.

The use of inverter technology for microwave ovens is based on the principle of direct control of the output power level (as opposed to classical magnetrons, which always operate at maximum power, and power regulation is achieved by their pulsed operating mode). The advantages of inverters, in addition to smaller dimensions, also include more rational use energy, accelerating cooking processes (heating, defrosting) and reducing energy consumption.

Currently, inverter technology is used mainly in Panasonic microwave ovens (in which it was first used), but there is no doubt that inverter technology has a great future.

Myths about microwave ovens

— Many people hold the belief that an iron plate can cause a high-power microwave to explode. In fact, in the worst case, it will cause damage to the magnetron due to arcing.

— If you keep a microwave oven on for a long time at high power, its powerful electromagnetic radiation can damage all electrical appliances within a radius of several meters. In fact, electromagnetic radiation outside the working chamber is no more than from back wall system unit of the computer, although close to it it can still interfere with the reception of a signal at a close frequency. Some oven models may interfere with Wi-Max, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

— A microwave oven can cause allergies... to electromagnetic waves.

— That for the first time a microwave oven, called “Radiomissor,” was allegedly developed by German scientists during the Second World War, it was even allegedly used in the active German army to heat food, but allegedly turned out to be unsafe and was abandoned (Russian sites with in this case they refer to foreign ones, and foreign ones - to Russian studies, allegedly conducted in the non-existent Russian cities of Kinsk and Rajasthan).

—Microwaves are radioactive or make foods radioactive. This is incorrect: microwaves are not ionizing radiation. They do not have any radioactive effect on substances, biological tissues and food.

— Microwaves change the molecular structure of food or make food carcinogenic. This is also incorrect. The operating principle of microwaves is different from that of X-rays or ionizing radiation, and they cannot make foods carcinogenic. In contrast, because microwave cooking requires very little fat, the finished meal contains less burnt fat with its molecular structure altered by cooking. Therefore, cooking food using microwaves is healthier and does not pose any danger to humans.

— Microwave ovens emit dangerous radiation. This is not true. Although direct exposure to microwaves can cause thermal damage to tissue, there is absolutely no risk when using a working microwave oven. The design of the oven provides strict measures to prevent radiation from escaping outside: there are duplicate devices for blocking the microwave source when the oven door is opened, and the door itself prevents microwaves from escaping outside the cavity. Neither the housing, nor any other part of the oven, nor food products placed in the oven accumulate electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range. As soon as the oven is turned off, the emission of microwaves stops.

Those who are afraid to even come close to a microwave oven need to know that microwaves attenuate very quickly in the atmosphere. To illustrate, we give the following example: the microwave radiation power allowed by Western standards at a distance of 5 cm from a new, just purchased stove is 5 milliwatts per square centimeter. Already at a distance of half a meter from the microwave, the radiation becomes 100 times weaker.

As a consequence of such strong attenuation, the contribution of microwaves to the general background of electromagnetic radiation surrounding us is no higher than, say, from, say, from, in front of which we are ready to sit for hours without any fear, or a mobile phone, which we so often hold to our temple. Just don't lean your elbow on a running microwave or lean your face against the door trying to see what's going on in the cavity. It is enough to move away from the stove at arm's length, and you can feel completely safe.

Utensils for microwave oven

The choice of utensils for the microwave oven should be taken very seriously. The fact is that if you don’t understand this issue, it can lead to several troubles:

- you can harm your health;
- you can damage the microwave;
- you may lose the dishes themselves;
- you can ruin the product itself.

Choosing material

Dishes for microwave ovens can be fireproof or heat-resistant. The first can withstand temperatures of 250-300°C, the second - only up to 140°C. Both types of dishes can be made of glass, porcelain, ceramics, plastic, but the properties of these materials will be different. Refractory materials are subjected to special hardening; as a result, the resulting containers can be used even on electric and gas burners. Heat-resistant materials - ordinary table glass and ceramics (as well as some types of food plastics).

Let us dwell on the issue of choosing material in a little more detail.

Glass– one of the most common materials of cookware suitable for cooking in a microwave oven. It is not recommended to use thin-walled dishes in the microwave - although stable, such glass can burst when exposed to high temperatures. Optimal choice in this case, bowls, bowls or dishes made of thick frosted or transparent glass will be used: you can conveniently place pieces of food in them.

Porcelain. Porcelain dishes are very convenient for portion-wise heating of food: just place the plate intended for serving in the microwave - and in a few minutes you will get a hot lunch. If you buy plates without wide sides and a small diameter, you can place several pieces in the microwave at once, thereby providing lunch for the whole family. Porcelain cups can be used to heat drinks.

Ceramics, faience. Dishes made from this material are suitable for the microwave oven if they are covered with glaze on all sides (when purchasing, be sure to read the labeling on the product - it should indicate that it is acceptable for use in the microwave). You need to carefully ensure that the top layer of glaze does not crack or fall off - otherwise the dishes will not be able to withstand the high temperature. Dishes, plates and bowls made of ceramics are not the best choice for the microwave: they are not transparent enough for microwaves and get very hot. However, you can use such dishes for preparing omelettes or meat dishes: on a very hot surface you can even get a beautiful golden crust, like in a regular frying pan. If desired, you can use ordinary tableware for cooking; many types are microwave safe.

Paper- a very convenient and fairly safe material for use in a microwave oven, provided that the cooking time is not long and the food does not contain a large amount of fat or moisture (otherwise they will saturate the paper too much). However, avoid dyed paper as it may stain your food when exposed to heat. Paper towels can be used to wrap food and place it in baking pans.

Plastic has become quite widespread, but many still prefer to use plastic containers exclusively for storing and carrying food. Meanwhile, only plastic dishes can be placed in the microwave immediately after removal from the refrigerator (if they are used as “storage” for food) - they can withstand such changes. Plastic food storage containers marked “Thermoplast” or “Duroplast” can be an excellent solution for office workers who prefer to carry home-cooked food from home and heat it up at work.

The shape of the container also matters. By choosing the right cookware settings, you can regulate the cooking time and quality. So, food takes longer to cook in deep dishes than in shallow ones. Round form will ensure the most even heating of food. Beware of dishes with sloped edges - the food will burn around the perimeter, but the inside will still be completely raw.

Foil It is permissible to use only for wrapping protruding parts of food. If you use too much foil, arcing may occur.

Important! When choosing dishes for a microwave oven, immediately purchase a suitable lid (of course, also made of suitable material). Covering food will retain more moisture and cook faster. So you can use special materials for better preparation food - wax paper, paper napkins, transparent film. Typically, recipes (if you use them and don't improvise them) will tell you how to wrap the food to get the best results.

Thus, right choice Using utensils for a microwave oven will not only provide a guaranteed result, but also improve the taste of the dish, as well as reduce its cooking time.

How to care for your microwave oven

— You need to wash the walls of the chamber with special detergents for microwave ovens, abrasive detergents - only stainless steel.

— If the camera is too dirty, put a glass of water in it and boil for 1 minute. The dirt will liquefy and wash off easily.

— Do not leave the inside of the microwave oven dirty, because... If the area where the door touches when closed becomes dirty, the door may not seal tightly, causing microwaves to leak out.

1. If there are frequent voltage drops in your electrical network, get a voltage stabilizer, or a source uninterruptible power supply(UPS), because When there are changes, especially in microwave ovens with LCD displays and touch controls, it is these components that fail.

2. When purchasing a microwave, it is better to immediately purchase microwave care products, because... These products are most often sold only in specialized stores, and when caring for a product, it is best to use them.

3. When purchasing, pay attention to the warranty card, because if the store where you purchased the product does not cooperate with a certain service center microwave manufacturer, in the event of a possible breakdown, they may begin to “send” you from one place to another, in search of the truth.

4. When purchasing, pay attention to the tray, which is mainly made of glass. Sometimes he may get stabbed, or with other unpleasant surprises.

5. When purchasing, always, I repeat once again, always open and look at the appearance of the product. The words of the seller, who in a hurry says that the goods have already been checked, and leave everything in it well for others, because often some representatives of the selling company are too lazy to fulfill their duties.

6. Be sure to check the package contents when purchasing. There are times when something is missing.

Video about choosing a microwave oven

Do you want a good mood? Watch a humorous video about a “talking” microwave

Well, that seems to be all. I wish you a pleasant shopping experience and may you get exactly the microwave oven that is right for you!

Today, almost every apartment has such a “miracle of hostile technology” as a microwave oven. This gadget makes life much easier to modern man, saving a lot of time. Mostly, people use a microwave oven to quickly heat up food, and in rare cases, cook entire dishes with it.

But many people probably don’t even realize that a microwave can be used not only for these purposes. Here are 25 invaluable tips to help you use your microwave to your advantage.

Chopping onions without tears

You can put an end to tears when chopping onions once and for all by simply cutting both ends of the onion and placing it in the microwave. Heat the onion on full power for 30 seconds and the pores that produce juice will dry out. Taste and everything useful material will remain in place, but the enzymes that provoke lacrimation will evaporate, and the onion will be easy to chop without shedding a tear.

Bringing back the aroma of long-stored spices

Spices, nuts and seasonings can be restored to their original flavor after long storage. To do this, just heat them in the microwave for 15 seconds at full power.

Melt the margarine

Margarine or butter can be melted in the microwave on high for one minute. It's better than leaving it on outdoors for several hours or heat it on the stove and risk it catching fire.

Bringing potato chips back to life

Those who want to restore the crispiness of chips can easily do this using the microwave. Place several disposable paper towels in it along with the chips, and excess moisture during heat treatment will be completely absorbed by them. Even a short heating will easily bring your crispy chips back to life.

“Reanimating” stale crackers

It's not just chips that can be restored to their crispness - stale crackers and cereals will also benefit greatly from the same trick! In this case, there is no need for paper towels. Simply heat the crackers for thirty seconds in the microwave and they will taste like freshly baked.

Bringing freshness back to stale bread

Stale bread can be successfully “refreshed” by wrapping the slices in a damp cloth and heating in the microwave for 10 seconds at full power. If necessary, the operation can be repeated until the desired softness of the bread is achieved.

Cooking bacon chips in the microwave is much faster and healthier than traditional cooking. Place paper towels on a plate, place a few slices of bacon on top, and cover with paper towels to avoid grease splatters. Set the time to 3 to 5 minutes on high power and you will get delicious chips without excess fat.

Typically, frozen sandwiches and baked goods become soggy and limp when reheated. This can be avoided by wrapping them in a paper towel. You will see that the moisture will be absorbed into the wipes instead of remaining on the surface of the product.

You can toast cashews or almonds much faster in the microwave than in a conventional oven. Simply scatter the nuts on a microwave-safe plate and set the timer for 1 minute on high. Repeat this operation 4-5 times, stirring the nuts in between.

If you need to test a plastic container for microwave safety, place a mug with cold water and heat for one minute. If the water turns out to be hot, but the container remains cold, everything is in order. If the container gets hot, you will have to discard it.

You can cook delicious scrambled eggs in the microwave in 3 minutes. Break the eggs into a cup, adding salt, cheese and herbs as desired, set the power to high. When you hear the ready signal, an amazing discovery awaits you - tasty dish happens almost instantly!

Does honey seem too thick to you? If it crystallizes, microwave the jar, uncovered, for 2 minutes on low power. The honey will become fluid again and will fully retain its magical taste.

The microwave can help speed up the soaking of lentils or beans, which usually takes overnight. Place the food in a special bowl, add water, add a pinch of soda and heat for 10 minutes. Then leave to cool for 30-40 minutes and you will have beans ready for further processing.

You will probably find it useful quick way preparing lump-free hot chocolate. Grind the bar as thoroughly as possible and place the chocolate pieces in a special bowl in the microwave for 15 seconds. Then repeat this operation, stirring the product lightly in between until the desired result is achieved.

To properly dry herbs, use next advice. Heat them in a container for 2-4 minutes on high power, first transferring them with paper napkins. Then you should lightly crumple the napkins with grass, repeat the operation and remove the finished dried plants.

In a hurry, there is a high risk of overcooking brown sugar, after which it turns into a fossil that is difficult to do anything with. If this happens, place it in a bowl with a slice of bread, sprinkle with water and microwave for 30-45 seconds. Raw sugar can also be saved. Place sugar in a cup and microwave for 20-30 seconds.

To cook fish fillets in the microwave, you must first dry them thoroughly. When placing the fillets on the plate, ensure that the tails intersect, creating the same overall thickness as the rest of the dish. It is necessary to remove the fish when it still retains partial transparency. This may seem strange to you, but the fact is that the cooking process continues for some time after the oven is turned off. But by leaving the fish to cook for a few more seconds, you can easily dry it out.

Chocolate cake lovers can easily get it in one minute and forty seconds. You need to mix sugar, cocoa, salt, cinnamon and flour in a bowl. After receiving homogeneous mixture dry ingredients, you need to pour in the liquid ones one by one: water, vanilla ice cream and vegetable oil. Mix everything again until the lumps completely disappear and heat in the microwave at high power, anticipating the imminent enjoyment.

Imagine making lemons or limes juicier and easier to squeeze by placing them in the microwave for 10-20 seconds on high power. Then slice the lemons, put them in the juicer, and you'll be surprised how much juicier they are than usual.

You can make wonderful poached eggs in the microwave by cracking the eggs into a special bowl of boiling water and a splash of white vinegar. You need to insert a couple of toothpicks into the yolk, cover the bowl cling film and only after that put everything in the microwave. The dish is cooked at maximum power for 30 seconds. After this, the egg is carefully turned and the operation is repeated for 20 seconds, until the product is fully cooked.

Peeling garlic cloves can be a hassle, especially if you're in a hurry. The problem has a simple solution - put the head of garlic in the microwave and heat for 15 seconds at full power. The husks will become moist and can be easily removed.

Place the container of ice cream in the microwave and heat on high in 10 second intervals. On average it takes 30 seconds per liter of container.

Cut off the bottom of the cob and place the corn in the microwave. Heat the cob on high for 30 seconds. Once you're done, take the top end of the cob and shake it off, and you'll notice that the corn slides out of the husk with ease.

Need whipped cream for hot drinks? Simply pour the cream into the container of your mixer, filling it halfway. Close the lid and beat them until foam appears. Then remove the lid and microwave the container for 30 seconds on high. Everything is ready - you can take the foam with a spoon and place it in cups with hot drinks.

It’s not an easy task, isn’t it, to peel tomatoes or, say, peaches? Here again, a microwave can be of invaluable help! Simply heat the fruit for 30 seconds on high and leave to cool for a couple of minutes. You will witness a small miracle: the peel itself will begin to come off right before your eyes, and your goal will be achieved without effort.

It will be useful for all future and current users of microwave ovens to learn some nuances that will help them operate this equipment more comfortably.


To use microwave ovens, it is not at all necessary to immediately purchase special utensils. At first, you can get by with what you already have. Ceramics, porcelain, faience, glass, terracotta and even paper glasses are suitable here. It is only important that the dishes do not have any metal rims or patterns (i.e. those made with metal-containing paints). After all, such paints can spark, which can cause damage to the stove.

Some materials that were used to create cookware may also contain metals.

There is a safe and fairly easy way to check if specific item utensils for microwave use:

It is necessary to put the object under study in the oven.

Then place a glass of water next to it.

Now you should turn on the unit at maximum power for 60 seconds.

After that we check the results:

food moisture level,

their number,

dimensions of the dishes,

layer thickness,

what temperature the products had when they were placed in the oven chamber.

In addition, when calculating the time, it is necessary to take into account that sugars and fat help speed up the process, since they warm up more strongly in the microwave than water. Advanced users It is recommended to always set a slightly shorter time - you can always add it.

When you place a vessel with liquid in the oven chamber, keep in mind that at temperatures close to the boiling point, the released air bubbles will linger at the bottom of the vessel for some period (this is the specificity of boiling inside microwave ovens). To prevent the liquid from splashing out like milk onto the stove, you need to put a glass rod or spoon in it. Just make sure that the stick does not touch the walls of the chamber.

Those products that have a natural membrane (liver, jacket potatoes, meat, fish, sweet peppers, corn) must be cut or pricked with a fork. You can also cover such products with a special film intended for use in microwaves.

Often, when defrosting food, liquid comes out. It is likely that this liquid is not needed to prepare the dish you have in mind. In addition, the released liquid will heat up, causing uneven defrosting process. Thus, it is better to drain this liquid approximately in the middle of the process.

What harms a microwave oven?

There are a number of points that are best excluded:

Do not turn on the microwave oven when its door is open. Although the majority modern models they won’t allow this, this is still not the case when experimentation is allowed.

The oven should not be activated without power. This may lead to damage, because microwaves, not finding a target, will return back to the emitting device. It is better to always have at least a glass of water in the oven chamber. This will protect against consequences in the event of an erroneous idle switch. This will also serve as a safety net for very small amounts of food (for example, one sandwich).

Food should not be heated inside sealed containers.

You should not heat or boil eggs in their shells (except for special egg cookers). Due to the fact that the egg white and yolk are heated with at different speeds, there is a high probability that the eggs will explode.

Do not heat products with alcohol in this unit - a small fire may occur.

You should not fry food in oil (deep fry) using a microwave oven, as oil tends to catch fire.

Cleaning the microwave oven

When using the grill, be sure to place some kind of container down into which the fat will drip. Believe me, this is not difficult to do, but cleaning the oven chamber from grease is difficult.

To clean the inner chamber, you need to arrange a steam bath for the stove. To do this, boil water in it for five minutes. As a result, the dirt will be easily washed off with a soft, damp sponge (you can add liquid detergent). Well, in order for the camera to also get rid of unpleasant odors, add a little lemon juice to the water.

As for the quartz grill, there is no need to clean it at all - all foreign particles on it simply burn out. But shade grills should be cleaned in the same way as the oven chamber.

When the inside of the microwave is washed, you should not turn it on immediately - let it dry thoroughly. Moreover, you have to wait for the grill to dry.

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