A bed under the ceiling is a fashionable novelty in a modern interior. Bed under the ceiling: a functional design in your interior Bed under the ceiling in a studio

In small one-room apartments, you have to save every centimeter of living space. How to arrange a small home, a one-room apartment, so that the necessary areas fit in - kitchen, living room, bedroom, and have some free space left?

An excellent solution in a room with a high ceiling is a sleeping mezzanine or a hanging bed under the ceiling. How to implement such ideas, photos of interesting solutions, tips on how to make a structure with your own hands - this will be discussed in the article.

Do-it-yourself mezzanine bed - how to plan?

If the ceiling is high, perfect solution, saving room space - a bed on the mezzanine. Correct design The mezzanine gives the bedroom a unique character, the room becomes functional. It is important to properly plan the design of the mezzanine, determine the cost in advance, and find out the possibilities.

Mezzanine – universal solution, perfectly presented in small rooms and spacious houses where there is no shortage of space. The possibilities of the mezzanine are great; it can be organized in almost any room:

  • living room;
  • bedroom;
  • children's room

In which room can a mezzanine be made?

The height of the mezzanine on which the bed is planned must be at least 120 centimeters. If the height is less, it will be uncomfortable. The optimal height for comfortable use is chosen in accordance with the height of the people using the room, usually 1.8-2 meters. This design allows you to walk underneath it freely.

IN high rooms, with ceilings of 4 meters, it is convenient to organize the mezzanine structure in the form of a mezzanine. It is convenient to use the bed and the space below by organizing:

  • recreation area;
  • cooking area;
  • working mini-office.

Hanging double beds on the mezzanine, photo

You can create an ideal cooking area under the mezzanine, or create a wonderful sleeping bed in the attic. In the photo below, the kitchen is illuminated by halogen bulbs installed on the mezzanine. Under the mezzanine the ideal space has been created for a small, comfortable kitchenette. The cabinets are made to order from painted MDF boards. The 3 x 2.4 m mezzanine is so large that access to the mattress is provided from 2 sides. The mezzanine provides enough space for 2 bedside tables with lamps, providing the necessary light for reading.

The next mezzanine bedroom, with a height of 110 centimeters, is a little low for walking, but sufficient for lying down and sitting. One wall is finished in oak paneling with shelves replacing bedside tables. Illumination is provided by a lamp attached to the shelf.

The next bedroom, located on the mezzanine, is high (1.8 m), allows free movement, includes a bed, desk. The ingenious headrest above the mattress attracts attention - soft panels are glued to the wall.

The next mezzanine is located above the hallway and kitchen. Leading upstairs is a simple wooden oak staircase, similar to the wood from which the ancient Kitchen Cabinet.

Approximate price

The cheapest offer is wooden children's beds located under the ceiling, measuring 90 × 180 centimeters, the height does not exceed 1.3 m. A pine bed costs 25,000 rubles. An additional expense is the purchase of a mattress; the cost of a cheap mattress is 2000-3000 rubles. Models made from MDF can cost a little cheaper or more, depending on the quality of the material and design.

Models with dimensions of 90 × 200 cm and a height above 1.6 m will require a little more expense. The structures are conveniently used by children and adults, and are equipped with stairs and steps. Such models cost from 30,000 rubles.

More expensive models include:

  • cabinets;
  • tables;
  • bedside tables.

The store offer includes wide choose models. Under the mezzanine there are multifunctional tables, cabinets, and shelves. Beds measuring 90 × 200 and 1.8 m high cost from 35,000 rubles (depending on the type of equipment).

Large expenses will be incurred by installing a mezzanine with a double bed (minimum width is 140 cm). This type of mezzanine is made only to order according to the size of the room. The area under the mezzanine is used to place furniture and as a practical seating area. It all depends on the needs of the residents, the size, and characteristics of the room.

How to make a mezzanine?

During production load-bearing structures wood is usually used steel profiles. A separate small bed, located on the mezzanine, is additionally secured to the wall. Stairs are used to climb up simple designs, as for ordinary bunk beds.

Large structures are complemented by large staircases, for example, spiral ones. For safety reasons, it is recommended to use stairs with handrails for children.


A sleeping mezzanine is a great addition to many apartments. The design allows you to save space, equip a one-room apartment, room in an original way. You need to keep in mind your specific lighting requirements.

  • If there is a mezzanine in the room, you should not install intensive ceiling lighting.
  • Directional lamps that do not blind a person lying on the bed are better suited.
  • Need to think about soft lighting mezzanine (above and below).
  • A small bedside or LED strip should be installed near the bed.

Remember! Corresponding level lighting will significantly improve appearance beds, will increase functionality.

Bed with lifting mechanism

There are other solutions. This is a special bed with a lifting mechanism that allows you to lift the bed up and free up space in the living room.

The simplest model Compact Basic uses a rigid frame mattress as standard and the legs do not fold down. You can use a standard mattress. There are models with folding legs that automatically unfold when the structure is lowered.

Safe use of furniture will be ensured by certain conditions:

  • from floor to ceiling there should be a distance of at least 2.25 m, no more than 3.25 m;
  • the bed should be attached to the floor, ceiling;
  • the difference in floor level between the legs should be no more than 4 cm, between the legs and the lifting column - no more than 6 cm;
  • elements of the room should not be placed in the path of the structure between the floor and ceiling;
  • in case of side folding, sleeping area will lean against the wall or other elements of the room, preventing its destruction; if this condition is not met, it is necessary to install additional rails to strengthen the structure;
  • availability of a suitable mattress on a wooden frame.

Installing a bed takes 2 hours for an experienced person, a beginner will need 4-6 hours.

Another problem that requires attention is how the structure affects the floor and ceiling. The weight of the system lies on the floor; the column must transfer only a force perpendicular to it to the ceiling. If the floor is deformed by more than 15 mm under the weight of the structure, then the bed will hang on the ceiling mount, which is unacceptable. The load on the floor can be reduced by installing the column on the wall.

If you install the system in the middle of the room, without wall support, you need to take into account that the bolts on the floor carry an increased load because there is no wall to absorb the load. If it is difficult to securely fix the structure to the ceiling, floor, or if you have any doubts, do not install this system. When suspended ceilings a ceiling-to-ceiling wood or steel bracket must be added to provide a secure connection between the column and the ceiling. Ceiling mount secured with 2 screws and a third steel safety rod to prevent the column from falling if the screws become loose.

Below is a drawing showing how to install the structure and what forces affect individual fasteners.

The solution frees up space at the bottom of the room. The mechanism is based on the principle of counterweight. Drive unit self made ensures uninterrupted, safe, fast work. The counterweight allows the double bed mechanism to rise to the ceiling very easily.

Other options

There are other solutions for making a hanging bed. Some can be done with your own hands; others will have to be installed by a carpenter.

Bed on cables

This solution deserves attention; it is suitable for rooms with the appropriate height. You can implement the idea yourself. You should choose strong hooks, install them correctly in the ceiling, and periodically check the reliability of the fastenings.

Bed in the ceiling

Professional furniture companies offer real miracles hidden in the ceiling in the form of cabinets or entire wall blocks. You can create a specific set for the design style of a given apartment.

The solution will optically enlarge the room. The wall next to the bed, visible after it is folded, should be decorated light colors, preferably white, good decision– use a mirror. An additional trick that optically enlarges the space is the same color of furniture, walls, and floors. A space filled with monochrome color seems more spacious.

Wardrobe under the bed

An idea to save space is to arrange a bed on a low cabinet, making full use of the cubic capacity of the room. This popular solution for children's rooms is also used in one-room apartment for adults.

Lifting mechanism allows you to open a whole wardrobe that many ladies dream of.


The rising price per square meter of housing forces owners to take care of every centimeter of investment. Comfortable, spacious bed– a real space eater. How to enlarge a room without losing comfortable sleep? A bed under the ceiling is a solution that can significantly save space.

The space above our heads usually remains unformed and unused. In the fight for lost meters, interesting solution– successfully send the sleeping place upstairs. The bed mechanism is fixed and installed on special rails. You should leave it in the evening and raise it in the morning to a height that does not interfere with free movement below. Other convenient solution for rooms with high ceilings - mezzanine-attic. There are many options ready-made solutions from furniture manufacturers.

The truth is: your bed is depriving you of hobbies, sports and normal communication. Because it steals precious space from your small apartment. Enough! Today you will understand where to find a corner in your apartment for practicing yoga at home, where to put an easel and a piano, and invite guests, finally not being embarrassed by your cramped room. Today you will think about a bed that takes up almost no space.

What to sleep on in a one-room apartment

While someone calls the existence and popularity of small films ridiculous, many people in our country continue to live in small apartments. And there are still entire families who huddle in 9-12 residential squares in dorm rooms, “guest rooms” and “sections”.

Meanwhile, many young people deliberately do not spend money on comfortable real estate, preferring, for example, to travel more. Small spaces will be popular for a long time, but this does not mean that we do not want to live in beautiful interiors.

Design websites tirelessly repeat the “commandments” of small spaces: proper planning, multifunctional and foldable furniture, finely selected colors and an abundance of mirror surfaces are necessary...

But no matter how small the apartment, everyone wants to sleep on a full wide bed. Everyone hates pull-out sofa beds! Because, let’s be honest, once we’ve laid out the bed on them, we never put them down again.

So awkward beds take up almost a third of the living space. Up to 4 square meters, by the way. It's time to do something.

Add +4 sq. m. to your small apartment!

And you just need to change your views on your sleeping place.

In fact, the area of ​​this apartment is only 24 meters (including kitchen and bathroom).

1. Loft bed

The simplest and most obvious solution is to raise the bed up. When the bed is above eye level, it seems to be invisible. But below you can place a full workplace or a comfortable sofa.

Just imagine how much space appears in the bedroom when the bed goes to the ceiling. But before, only a bed, a couple of bedside tables and a wardrobe fit here. Add curtains and a reading lamp - and now a new space has appeared in a small, cozy bedroom.

But it is not at all necessary to place the bed on long legs: for example, 2 cabinets will be suitable as a support. If it weren’t for the bed under the turquoise ceiling, it would be impossible to fit a workplace, a sofa for guests, a huge mirror and even a wardrobe into this 10-meter communal room.

2. Hanging bed

A bed that is attached to the ceiling and walls seems even more airy.

3. The bed goes up to the ceiling

Some models are equipped with lifting mechanisms, so during the day you won't even notice that there is a bed in the room.

The owner of this apartment had a very small budget and was forced to buy a tiny apartment. To save space, the bed was placed on top of the wardrobe, and in order to save money, the wardrobe has not even been closed with doors yet - the girl will be able to finish the renovation later, when she has saved up money.

And in this apartment they created a whole room within a room: the second floor is a bedroom, and on the first floor there is a work area, dinner Zone, many storage systems and even folding bed in case of guests.

Here the bed is located on deep closet, and a kitchen block was attached to the side.

The designers of this small studio apartment took advantage of the height of the ceiling and built a bedroom on the bathroom. Despite the modest dimensions for an isolated apartment (24 sq. m.), the room seems huge and light, which would never be achieved by placing a bed, sofa, many closets, a workplace and a kitchen traditionally along the walls.

5. Low ceiling is not a problem

Owners of rooms with high ceilings are lucky - but what if they are low? The same thing: place storage systems under the bed.

And in this tiny apartment there was even room for a refrigerator under the bed!

What if you hide the bed in a closet? Buying such a model has not been a problem for a long time. By the way, the area of ​​this apartment is only 6 meters! Hidden behind the green doors is a closet and a small but much needed shower.

Another version of a bed pretending to be a wall was chosen for a student girl’s micro-apartment. The berth reclines like the top bunk on a train. A work desk is hidden in the closet, and a table and poufs are hidden under the sofa.

Yes, the disadvantage of a wardrobe bed is that you need to secure the bed with rubber bands so that it does not roll off when the bed is folded. But if you hide the bed in a podium, you don’t even have to make the bed.

The area of ​​this full-fledged apartment is 15 square meters. If it weren’t for the bed, which slides into the podium under the kitchen, it would be completely impossible to turn around. The bed can also serve as a sofa if pulled out halfway.

And this apartment for a young girl fit on 12 square meters!

Sep 5, 2016 Alexander

A chronic problem for owners of small apartments is the lack of necessary square meters. The question is how to small area apartments to equip a living room, bedroom or office, torments them constantly.

Buying a sofa will not solve this problem. It will never be an equivalent substitute for a good bed.

Top designers They are trying to solve this problem, but so far there has been no significant success. One of the few ways out of this situation is a bed under the ceiling. There are few options for its manufacture, but they exist. You need to choose just one that will organically fit into the design of your small apartment.

Optimization of living space

A bed under the ceiling will allow you to free up the necessary space in your small apartment. It is worth knowing that you need to make the bed so that it clearly fits in size into your apartment.

Having built a loft bed, you can easily move around the room, and the free space under it can be used for your needs.

Where to place

You decided to fix the problem free space in your small apartment using installation hanging bed. This structure must be installed at a height of 180 cm from the floor. You can climb it using a ladder installed vertically or at a slight angle.

Note! Considering the height of ceilings in Russian apartment buildings, the loft bed is best placed in the corner between adjacent walls.

A loft bed, located against one wall, is attached to the wall and supported by two posts fixed to the floor, or with special fastenings to the ceiling. Racks can be used to build bookshelves or anything else, it all depends on your imagination.

How to do

The bed under the ceiling can be a sleeping place for a child or an adult, or be a double or single bed. For the manufacture of such structures it is better to use hard wood, but metal parts can be used.

By making your own bed you will save money family budget and make a bed that suits your individual needs.

When starting the manufacture of this piece of furniture, you must be sure that you have the necessary carpentry skills and tools. It’s good if you have a friend who is well versed in such issues.

First of all, decide which model you want to have. To do this, look through specialized literature, go to stores where such products are sold. Knowing what exactly you want will make it much easier for you to complete the intended work.

Wooden bed

Easy to make wooden bed 195 cm long and 70 cm wide, you will need racks 185 cm high.

The frame will need to be made from bars measuring 100x100 mm. You should also have wood glue, processed boards of various lengths, slats, and metal fasteners available.

Take your choice of lumber especially seriously.

Note! The material must be well processed, dried, and have a minimum number of knots.

The posts are then connected to the tie boards, on which the bed structure will be secured using spikes. Make the nests for them at least 25 mm deep. This connection is reliable, especially if you use special wood glue.

Place a ladder at the end of the bed.

Note! Since the staircase is located vertically or with a slight slope, the steps on it should be wide and at a small distance from each other. Special attention pay attention to their stability. This will prevent you or your child from getting hurt.

When constructing a bed, make sure that the process of getting on and off it is comfortable, otherwise getting into the loft bed will turn into a problem.

Place the finished frame in the prepared place. For a loft bed, be sure to make side rails; their height should be at least 40 cm. They will not allow you or your child to fall to the floor and get injured, and the crossbar located near the wall will not allow the wallpaper to get dirty.

Provide the base of the bed with cross bars. To provide even greater strength, make several longitudinal slats, then it will withstand any load.

Use the free space under the bed at your discretion.


A few more models of loft beds:


Proper placement of furniture in small room will highlight the chosen interior style. A bed under the ceiling frees up space for installing upholstered or cabinet furniture, including a sofa, wardrobe and desk.

Advantages of placing a sleeping place under the ceiling:

  • Competent optimization of living space.
  • A variety of designs and the possibility of making a bed according to an individual project.
  • Installation of fixed furniture models with additional fall protection.
  • Furniture can be placed anywhere, focusing only on the height of the ceilings.

A sleeping place built under the ceiling is suitable for arranging a small living room. Under the bed is located here work zone or cozy corner for relax. In the children's room you can additionally equip a playground.

When installing the bed, you should consider:

  • Financial expenses. The design is considered expensive because its installation requires careful preparation space.
  • Personal needs. Some people are afraid to sleep at heights, so such beds can cause not only a feeling of fear, but also physical discomfort.
  • Safety precautions. The sleeping place under the ceiling is prohibited for use by small children. Beds must be equipped with bumpers and other protective equipment.
  • Visual reduction of free space in the room.
  • The need to install additional lighting, which is mounted in the base of the bed.

IN classic interior the furniture under the ceiling looks out of place. It is more suitable for mixed or modern design premises, especially when it comes to the minimalist style.

How is a bed built under the ceiling?

The furniture placed under the ceiling is multi-component, so the reliability and safety of the structure depends on the skills of the specialists involved in the installation. Installation should only be carried out by professionals. A popular option for a sleeping area built under the ceiling is the mezzanine bed. Designers develop a drawing of this structure, focusing on the structure of the frame, decoration options and maximum loads. The functionality and comfort of the bed is influenced by the selection of the mattress.

Frame components:

  • Rovnaya wooden surface, which is used as a base for a bed. It is recommended to use pre-finished solid hardwood without any rough edges or sharp corners. If the bed is intended to complement the hi-tech, loft or techno style, the frame is made of metal.
  • Sides to protect against falls while sleeping. The headboard is also additionally used as a fence. Some owners of furniture under the ceiling refuse limiters, thereby ignoring safety precautions.
  • Fastening elements for fixing the structure to the walls and ceiling. It is possible to install a bed between two walls or in a corner (combined mounting to the ceiling and wall).
  • Wooden, metal or rope-ladder, which is securely attached to the body.
  • Additional base made of lamellas, plywood or chipboard. It is installed in the area where the mattress is laid to increase the orthopedic properties of the bed.

There are no special restrictions in terms of decorating the bed. For example, you can install a bed, traditional for a Russian hut, which is placed between the ceiling and the stove. This option for arranging a sleeping place is suitable for country houses, made in ethnic style. IN modern apartments designers recommend using carved metal or wooden sides for decoration, stylish stairs and fine linens.

The frame is assembled directly under the ceiling at a height of about 250-300 cm, so the structural components are developed according to the drawings, based on the layout of the room. Upon completion of installation, the reliability of all connections is checked.

The sleeping place can be designed in the form of a pedestal, leaving space near it for installing accompanying furniture, including bedside tables and storage boxes. In this case, the design is designed for increased loads in the region of 800 kg. If we are talking about arranging exclusively a place to sleep, which can be occupied by several people, the bed must withstand 300 kg.

Furniture built into the ceiling will become interesting and unusual solution for furnishing the interior of a living room, master bedroom or children's room. The design must be safe and comfortable, especially if it is intended for a child.

How to choose a place to install a bed under the ceiling

A comfortable ceiling bed has one or two sleeping places. If the base for the mattress is placed without a pedestal, its dimensions are equal to the dimensions of a regular single or double bed. That is, to place furniture, it is enough to be from 80 to 200 cm in width and from 170 to 220 cm in length.

Installation options:

  • Between two opposite walls there are structures designed for narrow rooms. The bed will resemble a mezzanine.
  • Placing it in a corner will allow you to attach furniture to two walls and the ceiling. This is the maximum reliable system fastenings that will perfectly complement the interior of a square-shaped room.
  • Installation in a niche – perfect solution to save space. The bed can be installed in small hallway or at spacious balcony. Fastening elements are installed on three walls and the ceiling. Additionally, a canopy is used to separate the sleeping area from the rest of the room.

Loft bed in a studio apartment: four options to choose from

By installing a loft bed in your home, you can achieve significant savings in living space and make the interior more interesting. This solution is especially suitable for rooms with high ceilings.

Below are photos four projects, in which the sleeping area has turned into a kind of mezzanine. In each case, the designers found a special approach to creating cozy atmosphere in the home.

Homely atmosphere of the Zoku Hotel

This project was implemented in Amsterdam. An area of ​​24 square meters fits everything necessary for arranging a living space or home office, which became possible thanks to the use of a loft bed. At the same time, the room looks spacious and very cozy, quite suitable for work and receiving guests.

The space forming the upper tier is separated from the rest of the room by a slatted partition. This move made it possible to make the sleeping area more separate and private, and therefore more comfortable.

Loft bed in a studio apartment as a way to increase the functionality of the interior

Hotel room interior in the Netherlands

The original partition hides the sleeping place from prying eyes

Lightweight ladder, very convenient for everyday use, does not take up much space

Availability of convenient gray sofa allows you to receive guests or relax in your room

There was a small dining table in the room

The workplace is located in a niche, which also helps keep the space free

The decor of the room seems almost homely, and the sculpture of a dog makes it even more cozy

There's even storage space for your bike.

Behind the partition lies not only a sleeping bed, but also convenient design, replacing the bedside table

The designers managed to arrange a small living area, placing it next to the kitchenette

Despite its small size, the kitchen contains everything you need

Lattice panels are also used in its design.

This cozy home is aimed at guests staying in the city for a long business trip

Compact but quite convenient sink also does not take up much space

Minimalism in studio design

The home of a well-known illustrator in the city is distinguished by categorical minimalism, which characterizes every element of the interior, and the image is enlivened by the author’s graphics, which are present in the decor of various furnishings. The second level, reserved for arranging a sleeping area, remains open, and high arched windows soften the severity of the design lines and fill the space with light.

Works of contemporary art, inscribed in the composition, deepen the interior, making it multi-layered and interesting. An important part of the image is the staircase, which looks like a carelessly folded giant strip of paper. Its visual lightness and fragility, emphasized by the background of snow-white walls, fascinates and intrigues.

A loft bed in a studio apartment can become a full mezzanine level

Each detail is distinguished by refined features and thoughtful design, allowing them to actively participate in the creation of a magnificent interior.

The basis of the decor is formed by unusual designer furniture

Large arched windows, modern fireplace- this apartment has a truly French character

The graphic canvases used in the design have impressive dimensions

Art is everywhere in this house - on the walls, shelves, in the outline of the furniture.

White color formed the basis of the decor, but in several places it enters into a contrasting union with black

Antique charm with a modern twist

This apartment is located in St. Petersburg, and it was possible to arrange a high sleeping place in it thanks to the presence of a vaulted ceiling. The premises are located in an ancient building, which was emphasized by the authors of the project with the help copper pipes and complex stucco molding. And although there are clearly visible features in the decoration and design of furniture modern style, the classic atmosphere of the city is perfectly felt here.

Numerous plants and minimalist aesthetics combine in an interesting way. The abundance of heterogeneous elements creates a feeling of space being filled with ideas and echoes of different times. There is an understanding that every detail was selected with love and respect for cultural heritage Northern Palmyra.

Loft bed in a studio apartment with vaulted ceiling

The rationality of this interior is amazing: every centimeter is used efficiently

The charm of design comes from the details

Even in such a small apartment, residents found room for many indoor plants

Cheerful minimalism in Sweden

At 29 square meters This studio in Gothenburg has created a project with typical Nordic charm. Big french window provides an influx of natural light throughout the day, and the snow-white walls and ceiling give a feeling of spaciousness. Similar charming furnishings are found in European hostel rooms.

Under the bed of a small bed there is a full-fledged desk with an armchair. The remaining area is rationally distributed between the tiny, but functional kitchen, nice dining room and living room. What makes this house cozy is a lot of decorative items, simple and charming.

Scandinavian design is always practical and positive

The most common loft bed of modest dimensions is used here.

A large window makes the interior light and spacious

The loft bed helped create a full-fledged workplace in a small apartment

The plan makes it clear that the bed is built into a niche

Four approaches to using a loft bed demonstrate the versatility of this idea. At the same time, a bed arranged at a height is absolutely safe and looks very unusual. Which of these examples did you like best? Share your impressions in the comments.

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