How to make a dressing room from a closet. Spacious dressing room from a storage room in Khrushchev with your own hands. Key points of arrangement and design

Quite a few storage rooms have remained in the secondary housing stock since Soviet times. The placement of a dressing room in the pantry will be the best solution. Although the area is not large, it is possible to place a fairly spacious and functional product here.

There are quite a few types of this furniture, but the most common is made from chipboard. This is a universal structural furniture material, allows you to create almost any furniture to suit your parameters.

The flexibility and versatility of laminated chipboard gives us the opportunity to design furniture exactly to customer needs and take into account the size of things, their quantity, even the height of customers. Our designers take all these factors into account and create an individual and unique project.

Order a dressing room for the pantry

To order a dressing room for your closet, you will need to call a surveyor and get a measurement of the room for installing the product. A specialist will advise you on the dimensions of the product right at the installation site, functional areas, the best option for storing things.

In the company’s showroom they will create a 3D furniture design project for you and offer various options internal layout and accessories. We will take into account all the features of your premises and storage, contact us!

The closet-pantry takes on the basic functions of storing things throughout the house, making it possible to relieve the situation in living quarters.

The choice of location should be approached carefully. For a small room, the design will become bulky and overwhelming, even if it is made of cutting-edge materials.

Owners of Khrushchev apartments do not need to worry: their houses have storage rooms that can always be dismantled and the area increased for new projects. In apartments with redevelopment in favor of separate rooms, useless space is created in the lengthened corridor, which can also be used. The wardrobe is harmoniously built into the niches provided at the construction stage.

In any home, if you look hard enough, you can find a blind corner or other suitable area for storing things; you just need to choose the right cabinet configuration taking into account the specific area.

Features and Benefits

A pantry is fundamentally different from a sideboard, a pencil case, a rack, even a built-in closet, and this is its peculiarity. In terms of capacity, it is inferior to any piece of furniture.

Before you start organizing your closet, you should know in advance what things will be in it. You cannot store clothes with canned food, shovels or even a bicycle.

If you are planning a dressing room, in addition to clothes and shoes, you can find space in it for a mirror, pillows, blankets, an ironing board and drawers with small items. It is better to place a utility closet closer to the kitchen and keep all kitchen utensils in it, including winter supplies.

Storage for working tools, garden tools, vacuum cleaner, bicycle, etc. should be in the hallway or in a country house outside the city.

The closet-pantry has only one drawback - it takes up a lot of free space. But these meters are used with maximum efficiency.

For everyday life, such a structure has many advantages:

  • A large number of things are concentrated in one place, which makes it possible to unload the apartment from excess furniture.
  • In a properly planned pantry, every item knows its place, which makes it easier to find.

  • Modular system storage and mesh structures allow you to realize space taking into account every centimeter, which increases the capacity of the dressing room and reduces the loss of usable space.
  • This type of cabinet is exclusive; it is built for a specific area to store specific items, taking into account the tastes of the owners.
  • The whole family can use it, there are enough storage systems for everyone.

Types of structures

Pantry cabinets are divided according to their functional accessories: a dressing room - for clothes, a pantry - for kitchen utensils, a workroom - for tools, a vacuum cleaner and other household items.

The division by type of structure is closely related to the location where the structure will be located:

  • A niche, if its dimensions are at least 1.5 by 2 meters, is suitable for a closet-type storage room. Sliding doors will separate it from the rest of the room.
  • The dead end of a blind corridor can be easily transformed into a closet by fencing it off with plasterboard. Doors should be selected of the same type for all rooms.
  • You can remake a storage room in a Khrushchev-era building by removing all the contents from it and filling it with trendy modules. The front door is moved due to circumstances.

  • In big square room will do corner option designs. The facade is made straight or round in shape.
  • If the room is rectangular and there is a blank wall, part of the room is given over to a dressing room.
  • Sometimes insulated, well-equipped balconies or loggias become storage systems.
  • In private houses, a storage room under the stairs leading to the second floor is well equipped.

Once the location has been chosen, you should begin directly building and arranging the storage closet.


Arranging closed space To store things, you should take care of ventilation and lighting. Then think about what the cabinet will be filled with, draw a diagram of the location of racks, shelves, individual modules and various devices.

When arranging a pantry, the lower tier should be left for large things: a vacuum cleaner or boxes of boots. It is better to store summer shoes on shelves with a slim slant system.

In the central part there is best zone access, so it is necessary to place the most necessary things here. These could be shelves with clothes, towels or laundry baskets. The upper tier is filled with rare items. The most easily accessible place for the hanger rod is chosen.

When arranging a cabinet, you should know that the fillings can be cabinet (wood, MDF), mesh (drawers, racks based on metal mesh), loft (aluminum). The main elements are rods and pantographs, hangers for trousers and ties, modules for storing shoes, gloves, hats, scarves.

It is convenient to store things on racks in drawers or baskets, for example, for Scandinavian style In the interior, this method of filling shelves is mandatory.

Some people think it is not rational to leave an unoccupied space in the center of the pantry in order to be in it. The idea of ​​retractable modules standing close to each other solves the problem. This can be a block with a bar and hangers, a module with shelves or mesh drawers.

Such structures are equipped with reliable wheels, move completely out of the closet and are installed in the right place for the duration of use.

How to do it yourself?

In order to build and equip a closet, you don’t have to turn to specialists, but try to do it yourself. If there are pipes and boards in the house, it is not necessary to pile them in the closet. Specialized stores sell all kinds of storage systems and accessories. For an ergonomic pantry, it is better to use mesh structures, they take up less space. If necessary, you can use scrap materials to reduce costs.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to convert an old storage room into a modern, practical design:

  • It is necessary to draw up detailed diagram With exact dimensions storage rooms and all equipment. Identify repair work that may involve remodeling or finishing walls, consider ventilation and lighting.
  • Carefully level the walls and floor, otherwise all structures will be skewed. Wallpaper or paint the interior of the room water-based paint.

  • During repair work it is necessary to lay electrical wiring to lighting sources and sockets.
  • It is important to provide ventilation holes for proper air circulation.
  • Ready-made mesh racks, boxes, rods, pantographs and other storage system elements required sizes can be bought in specialized stores and installed in a closet.

  • If you decide to make a structure from laminated chipboard, it can be easily ordered from construction stores. There, having ready-made dimensions, they will carry out maximum savings computer modeling of the sheet and make its precise sawing.
  • To install racks and shelves, there are special fastening systems (corners, shelf holders). When installing long shelves, you can use a chrome pipe as a stand to avoid sagging.
  • The door, depending on the capabilities of the pantry, is either a sliding door or a regular door leaf.
  • The finished closet must match the interior of the room in which it is located.

With modern construction and furniture market opportunities, it is not difficult to order cabinet filling in stores and assemble it yourself. You just need to have the desire.

Stylish interior ideas

Wardrobe-pantry - maximum functional device. This is not grandma's old closet in the back corner of the house; this design can perfectly harmonize with modern interior. Let's look at examples of successful integration of storage spaces into the surrounding space.

A cozy, bright room, most of which is dedicated to a dressing room. The scope of the room allows you not to cling to every centimeter; everything is neat, thought out, and placed in its place. Sliding glass doors zone the hall and simultaneously combine its two parts into a single whole.

An example of a corner square closet. Such a mini-room can only be afforded by large room. Behind the strict sliding doors, shelves can be seen both in the dressing room itself and on one of its walls.

The corner is interestingly designed with internal and external system storage, which is the head of the bed. Two symmetrical entrances create additional ease of use.

Modern trends in interior design include a minimum amount of furniture. Only what you can’t do without. Because wardrobes, wardrobes and other cabinet furniture disappear, and all things are placed in special rooms - dressing rooms. Moreover, its equipment does not necessarily require a large space. You can even refurbish your closet. How to arrange a dressing room in a pantry is in the article.

Transforming a pantry: procedure

Turning a closet into a dressing room is not very difficult - the walls, floor, and ceiling are already there. Usually only the doors need to be replaced. They are most often replaced with sliding ones, but regular swing ones are also good. The rest of the room is simply being renovated. Repairs can be done using inexpensive materials, and the main amount will be used to fill the dressing room. Such a distribution of funds will be more reasonable, since convenience is provided by shelves, cabinets, and drawers, and not by walls decorated with expensive materials.

The procedure for converting a pantry into a dressing room is as follows:

  • We remove everything that is in the pantry. All shelves, hooks, furniture, if any.
  • We dismantle the doors and door frame. At this stage, you need to decide whether the doors will be the same width or whether you need to widen the doorway, and whether they will be hinged or sliding.
  • Next, you need to decide how exactly you will repair the walls in your future dressing room.
    • If the walls are very crooked, problems may arise when installing cabinets. In this case, it is better to knock down the old plaster and finally level it.
    • If the walls are relatively smooth, without large differences(up to 1 cm) you can get by only with plaster, after removing Decoration Materials(whitewash, paint is cleaned to clean plaster).
    • Another option is to simply refresh the finish: paste wallpaper, paint, and correct all unevenness when installing equipment (an option for those who can find a way out of any situation, since there will be a lot of hassle).
  • We are tidying up the ceiling. It's usually painted or bleached, so it's usually just a matter of freshening up the finish.
  • We install new doors.
  • Next, we tidy up the floor. Refresh paint or lay linoleum, you can use. There is no point in using more expensive materials.

The closet in the pantry is 50% done. Repair work finished, you can start filling the dressing room. This is where the nuances begin, since the “contents” depend on the location of the dressing room and the things you plan to store in it.

Wardrobe width and door location

As already mentioned, the doors to the dressing room can be hinged or sliding. Sliding ones are good because they take up little space in open state. If the doorway is wide enough, they can be double-leaf (or even three-leaf); when opened, one part can “drive” onto the second, or all can be moved to a free section of the wall nearby.

Two types of doors to save space - sliding (sliding) and book

A dressing room in a closet can also have hinged doors. They are not as comfortable, but they cost less. If you decide to install swing doors, you need to consider the location of their installation, take into account ease of use and safety.

In general, it is more convenient if the doors to the dressing room are sliding (compartment type) and wide. If a storage system is built from scratch, the doors are most often made to span the entire width of the room and specifically the sliding system. In closets, the doors are often narrow - 60-70 cm. It is hardly worth making swing doors much wider, since this will “eat up” the useful space.

In a narrow dressing room

A little about where swing doors should be located if the dressing room in the pantry is small in width. If the room is 135-145 cm wide, the best installation option is swing doors- 10 cm from the left wall, opening inward. Taking into account the installation of a 5 cm wide platband, there will be a 5 cm wide gap left to the wall. This looks normal and there remains a 55 cm wide space on the right, in which a storage area - shelves/hangers - is set up. But it is sold in rooms with a width of at least 135 cm.

With the width of the former pantry from 135 to 150 cm

If the width of the pantry is even smaller - about 130-120 cm wide, you can move the doors close to the wall or remove the casing from the side of the dressing room altogether. It's low-tech and not very pretty, but ease of use is much more important.

To ensure that with this layout, things do not interfere with closing/opening the doors, an area of ​​shelves is installed at the entrance, the width of which is 30-40 cm. Here you can store shoes in boxes, place drawers for underwear and small items, shelves for sweaters/jumpers, etc. Then you can arrange a storage area on hangers 60 cm wide.

With medium width

If the width of the dressing room in the pantry is 150 cm or more, you can arrange a double-sided storage system - to the right and left of the entrance. In this case, the doors are positioned so that on one side there is a distance of 55 cm to the wall (taking into account the installation door frame and the casing will be 60 cm). Here you can place an area with hangers. On the other hand, make shelves 30 cm wide across the entire wall.

This layout is maintained up to a room width of 175 cm. In this case, another arrangement simply does not work. So if your closet in the pantry is 150-175 cm wide, simply change the width of the shelves, leaving a passage 60 cm wide. By the way, if the residents are large, you can leave the width of the shelves the same and increase the passage. In this case, the person big size it will be more convenient.

For wider closets

With a width of 175 cm or more, hangers can be placed on both sides, allocating 60 cm under them on the right and left. In this case, a pipe for storing things on hangers is placed at a height of 200-210 cm, and a wide shelf is made above it to accommodate bulky and rarely used items (spare pillows/blankets, suitcases, etc.) seasonal clothes).

At a height of 50-60 cm, shelves or drawers are installed under the hangers for storing things and shoes. With this option, the doors usually open outward. Otherwise, when open, they block access to part of the clothing. But, if the dressing room opens into a narrow or dark room(corridor, for example), the doors should open outward. Because there is a high probability that if you forget to close the doors, you can crash your forehead into the end of the slightly open door. This is much worse than inconvenience.

If the width of the dressing room is 2 meters or more, it is already possible to place things on three sides. To do this, make three cabinets with overlap - one cabinet overlaps the other. In this case, the area on the left is made shorter and a second cabinet is installed, the length of which is 60 cm shorter than the width of the pantry. And only the area to the right of the entrance takes up space from one wall to another (see picture above).

Why do you need to do this? Because if you are right-handed, then in order to get to things located in the overlap area of ​​cabinets (in the corners) you will need to move things away and it will be more convenient to do this right hand. With your left hand at this time you will remove the desired hanger. On the contrary, it is inconvenient for a right-handed person to do this.

Location of the pantry/dressing room and its contents

Filling for wardrobes - shelves, pipes for hangers, drawers and some more special devices such as hangers for trousers, skirts, ties. These devices help to use space efficiently, but are expensive. Therefore, with a limited budget, a dressing room in the pantry will cost just fine with standard contents.

Near the front door

If your closet in the pantry is located near front door, most likely, seasonal clothes and shoes, hats, gloves, etc. will be stored in it. In this case, the filling is selected accordingly. You will need a pipe to hang outerwear. The height of this compartment is 3/4 of the height of the owners. If space allows, you can allocate space for storing jackets, jackets and other similar clothing. The height of this compartment is 1/2 of the height of the “users”. At the bottom there is always space for shoes. Here it is stored without boxes, so you need to come up with some accessories (don’t forget about the department for boots with long tops).

In the upper part of the small dressing room at the entrance there are shelves for storing hats. You can also send small bags there. You will also need a couple of boxes for small items and haberdashery. If there is space left, you can allocate a long narrow compartment for storing umbrellas.

In the bedroom

If one of the walls of the former closet opens into the bedroom, the filling in the dressing room from the closet is selected differently. For the most part, the entire seasonal wardrobe will be located here - everything that is worn in this moment. Therefore, more branches are required. Dresses, suits, skirts and trousers require compartments with hangers. If the ceiling height is sufficient (2.5 - 2.7 m), you can place two storage compartments on hangers: one above the other. At the bottom you can install regular pipe, a pantograph will be more convenient at the top. A pantograph is a pipe equipped with a mechanism that allows it to be lowered and raised.

It is more convenient to make a compartment with a lowering pipe on the side wall, but only if the width of the former pantry allows the pantograph to lower. If not, move this department to the wall opposite the entrance.

Closet closet: wire drawers and shelves or pieces

For a small dressing room in a closet, the wall of which faces the bedroom, it is worth installing several open shelves for folded things - jumpers, sweaters, T-shirts, etc. Wire boxes or shelves are less bulky and more convenient. They save space, and it’s also better to see what’s in these drawers/shelves.

You will also definitely need drawers for underwear, socks and other similar small things. They can also be wire, but this does not affect the convenience. Perhaps some people will even be uncomfortable with the fact that their underwear is visible even when the drawer is closed.

At large quantities All of the shoes don’t fit near the front door. Then you need more shelves for shoes. But usually shoes that are not worn often are stored here, so they are stored in boxes. To place them, regular shelves with a width of 35-45 cm are suitable. In this case, all the boxes will be visible and it will be convenient to get them out. To reduce the cost of the project, instead of shelves, you can strengthen two pipes on which the boxes will be placed. It is convenient, inexpensive, and everything is clearly visible.

Every housewife dreams of a dressing room. It just so happens that women always have a bunch of outfits that require proper storage. Not every apartment can accommodate a large dressing room, so this privilege is not available to everyone. There is a way out of the situation - you can make a small dressing room from the pantry, which is found in almost every apartment.


Can't find a lot of space for storing things? Then create your own dressing room from a large number of shelves that are quite capable of replacing a full-fledged closet. A makeshift dressing room may require much less space than you think. A space with dimensions of 1x1.5 or 1x2 can accommodate both hangers and shelves with drawers. It would be great if there is enough space in the dressing room to place a mirror next to which you can change clothes.

The basic rule when equipping a dressing room in small room- create ventilation. If this is not taken into account, then the clothes may not only become saturated with mustiness, but also become damp. You should also keep lighting in mind.

Before you start installing all kinds of hangers, shelves and cabinets, you should calculate the approximate volume of all the things that will be stocked in the new dressing room. It is best to make a plan or draw a diagram of the location of all the devices so as not to miss a single moment.

Remodeling plan for a panel house

The decision to arrange a dressing room in the pantry has been made, which means you can safely take up a pencil and draw a diagram of how everything will ultimately look. Usually the pantry is in standard apartments- this is + 3 or + 2 square meters to the total area. It will not be possible to place furniture in such a small area, but neatly laying out all the clothes and shoes is quite possible.

Visually, you have already imagined what hangers and shelves will be in your dressing room. All that remains is to calculate the dimensions and enter the required numbers into the drawing. To store jackets and dresses, for example, you will need a space no more than half a meter wide and up to one and a half meters high; T-shirts and shirts will take up a little less space. For shoes, you can build a small shelf the entire length of the room, with a height of 20 or 30 cm.

On initial stage, it seems that there is not enough space, but after installation you will be surprised how spacious the dressing room turned out to be from the pantry.

Ergonomic design

In order for the efficiency of a small dressing room to be no worse than that of a decent-sized dressing room, you should plan the space correctly.

Often dressing rooms are equipped with the help sliding systems, which are very economical and allow you to fill the space to the maximum. In the niches of such systems you can easily install a pantograph or grilles for shoes. The easiest way is to divide the dressing room space into two zones and fill each of them accordingly.

Middle zone

This part of the wardrobe is the most used. Usually it is filled with rods, shelves and all kinds of drawers. The rods are placed both perpendicular and parallel to the wall. It all depends on the depth of the cabinet.

Drawers and shelves are usually located at eye level. Particularly interesting in this regard are baskets made of metal mesh and transparent models. If in the first option things will be well ventilated and will be easily noticeable, then in the second case things can only be clearly seen without guessing what lies there.

Perfect option for the middle zone - racks with open shelves. It's easier to pack things on them. In addition, the clothes will be visible all the time and will be able to “breathe”.

Upper zone

At the very top of the dressing room there are shelves or drawers for things that are worn very rarely. To access them you will need a ladder if your dressing room has high ceilings. A little lower you can put hats or shoes that will not be needed in the coming months. These oversized items don't need too much space. Square equal to length room, multiplied by 20 cm in height and 25 cm in depth, is quite suitable.

Release and finishing

It is better not to demolish the walls, since the pantry is ideal for the role of a dressing room. If you remove from it all the unnecessary junk that is usually stored there for many years, you may well find that there is plenty of space there. It would be useful to conduct a small redecorating– if required. It won't be good if old plaster will crumble and stain things.

You can carefully trim the walls and floor so that drawers and cabinets stand level. There is no point in painting the walls or doing expensive finishing. You can simply whitewash the walls with water-based paint and lay a wooden covering on the floor.

If you can’t afford wood, you can lay laminate on the floor, but its capabilities are slightly worse. Therefore, in any case, you can evenly distribute special bags with substances that absorb excess moisture well throughout the dressing room.

Ventilation and lighting

Ventilation is very important for the safety of things, while light can expand the space.

The dressing room is a place that is closed most of the time. Therefore, it must be well ventilated to prevent the appearance of dampness and mold. If the dressing room is small, then there is no point in equipping a separate one. ventilation system. Large-scale and expensive projects more suitable for the dressing room of an actress or singer, whose dressing room may be larger in area than a standard apartment.

Ideal option for a small dressing room - installation exhaust fan or air conditioner. The second option is even better, since many air conditioning systems not only freshen the air, but also clean it of dust and germs. These parameters are very important because they will prevent the formation of mold, unpleasant air and dust on clothes.

Light is an important point. If you do the right system lighting, you can visually increase the space of the pantry. Moreover, in bright room It’s much more productive to choose outfits.

A small dressing room should not have large lamps with lampshades or shades. This will only make the situation worse, since unnecessary shadows will “eat up” half of the entire space. It is best to give preference to small lamps in large quantities, which can be evenly distributed over the area of ​​the dressing room. They can be installed both on the wall and on the ceiling.

Installation of a storage system

It is quite possible to build a small dressing room yourself. To do this you will need to purchase everything necessary materials, based on your own calculations and desires. An approximate list of materials could be like this:

  • Metal pipes. These parts can serve as both the basis of the frame and as hanger holders;
  • Chipboard with plastic coating. This item will be required as the main part for creating shelves or drawers;
  • Guides;
  • Fastening. Self-tapping screws, various plugs and corners may be useful;
  • Edge tape;
  • Additional details in the form of hooks and handles.

You can assemble the installation according to this plan:

  1. Saw metal pipes to the required segments, according to your calculations.
  2. Prepare the parts by finishing them with a special tape.
  3. Install vertical racks and secure them with self-tapping screws.
  4. Position the guides and fasteners.
  5. Install shelves and drawers.
  6. Install lighting inside (if necessary).
  7. Secure the doors.
  8. Screw on the hooks and handles.

Once installation is complete, fill the cabinets with hangers.

Doorway design

To consider the arrangement of a dressing room from the pantry complete, you need to formalize doorway. This needs to be done correctly. For a dressing room from a pantry, they are best suited sliding doors, which save space and ennoble it with their stylish design.

There are several options for wardrobe doors:

  • Swing doors; These models are suitable for spacious premises, as they take up some space when opened.
  • Screen partitions; This option looks very elegant and unique. A more simplified option is beautiful blackout curtains.
  • Sliding doors; The most convenient doors for a small dressing room, because they are ideal space savers.

The dressing room is the personal space of any girl. The planning and arrangement of such a room is everyone’s business. There are several types of standard layouts:


This option is suitable for any room. Most often they do not have doors. In the case of a dressing room from a pantry, to create it you will need to demolish one of the walls. This type of dressing room is usually intended for one or two people, as it can be easily divided.

You can easily design a corner dressing room, inspired by the following ideas:

  1. Stylish dressing room from metal frame. It looks discreet and takes up minimal space.
  2. A massive wardrobe made of wood with sliding doors fits organically into the corner.
  3. A cozy small dressing room, reminiscent of a closet, is securely hidden from view using stylish sliding doors.

Khrushchevka is small apartment, in which, as a rule, there is not enough space to place enough furniture even for two. Usually, a dressing room in a Khrushchev-era apartment is an unaffordable luxury, which has to be sacrificed in favor of other areas and premises.

However, modern design developments make it possible to make this little dream come true. Most often in Khrushchev, the dressing room is located in the pantry. We'll tell you exactly how and how it will be better.

Premises requirements

Almost all Khrushchev buildings have small storage rooms. Previously, they were often used to store unnecessary things or those items that come in handy no more than once every five years. Isn't it time to throw out the old clutter and organize your space more efficiently? This optimal solution for those who do not suffer from Plyushkin syndrome.

But in order for a room to fully fulfill the tasks of a dressing room, it is necessary that it meets certain requirements.

  1. If the room has an area of ​​less than 2 square meters, it is not suitable for organizing even a built-in wardrobe system. You simply won’t be able to access all the compartments and drawers; it will be uncomfortable to use such space.
  2. It is recommended to design a place where you will change clothes. An area of ​​1-1.5 square meters is enough for this. You can hang a full-length mirror on the cabinet doors; this is much more economical than a large floor structure.
  3. Your pantry should have good ventilation. Excessive moisture and lack of inflow fresh air will cause your clothes to quickly lose freshness, and foreign odors may appear. Wear and tear will also increase. With insufficient care, mold, moths, etc. may appear.
  4. A special storage area should be allocated for outer and seasonal clothing. Here are its parameters: depth more than 0.5, height not less than 1.5 m.
  5. It makes sense to create an area for casual and short clothes.

Work out the imbalances of the room! Try to make it as close to a square as possible. This way you will be more comfortable both psychologically and, in fact, all interior items will be treated equally easy access. Don't shape yourself too much narrow room, it will be inconvenient for you to use such a dressing room.

Take the first requirement on the list seriously. Better give up the idea, this is a very common mistake. As a result, you will end up with a room in which it will be difficult to squeeze through, let alone change clothes.

After familiarizing yourself with some requirements and rules, you can begin to create the room where your wardrobe system will be located.

Filling the room

A dressing room in a Khrushchev-era building is not the easiest room to fill. Do you have small space, so the organization must be on top. And no matter how small your dressing room may be, it must have the following interior items.

  1. A wardrobe or several wardrobes necessary for storing outer and seasonal clothing. There should be areas, niches or cabinets for everyday items.
  2. There should be small shelves for certain items of clothing that you use every day. It is necessary to organize the most convenient access to them. Such things should not depend on the time of year.
  3. The room needs to be organized quality lighting. Inspection of outfits and selection of clothing are carried out with good light. In the dark, you will not be able to assess the quality and cleanliness of things normally.
  4. Be sure to install large mirror. Most convenient option– floor-standing on wheels. However, not everyone can afford it. Can be replaced with a mirror on the doors. It must be located opposite the changing area.

This is just the minimum, without which you can’t do in any case. wardrobe system. But if you're lucky and you have enough spacious pantry, you can take care of additional filling. Consider purchasing a small ottoman or loveseat that you can sit on to put on your shoes or just relax.

There are several ways to organize space in your dressing room. The choice largely depends on the configuration of the original room.

  1. Linear arrangement. If the pantry is long and narrow, this option fits better Total. It is recommended to place all shelves along long walls. A large wardrobe will find its place at the end of the room, as will a mirror. Make sure there is enough space between the walls for changing clothes.
  2. Corner location. If the dressing room does not have outstanding dimensions, but there are good proportions, a corner location is best option. Place in it a spacious corner cupboard. You can place shelves and racks on the sides. It is recommended to equip the space with drawers.
  3. Parallel. Suitable only for large dressing rooms. Interior items are arranged symmetrically on both sides, and there is enough space between them for changing clothes.
  4. U-shaped. A rectangular room is best suited for this. This best option For effective use space in medium-sized rooms. Cabinets and shelves are located along all the walls; you can store a lot of things.

Measure your pantry and make right choice. Subsequently, all that remains is to purchase your own ready-made furniture or make all the necessary furniture.

Let's increase the space!

A dressing room in a Khrushchev-era building rarely has a large area. And I really want space, or at least the feeling of it. Fortunately, modern achievements designers allow you to achieve good results in visual expansion space. Using the following tools, you can change the room in a way that suits you.

  1. Use as much light as possible. The brighter the room, the more spacious it seems.
  2. The color scheme should also be clearly chosen. Preference should be given light colors. Best fit White color. It must be combined with other shades so that there is no feeling of painful sterility inside.
  3. Vacant walls should be used from a design perspective. If the room seems low, finish the walls with vertical lines.
  4. Do not clutter the space with massive furniture. On the contrary, they are welcome small items interior For example, use an ottoman rather than a sofa.
  5. You can use built-in furniture. It actually saves space. But it is appropriate only in cases where the configuration of the room allows the installation of such a wardrobe system.

If the room is not spacious enough, you can try to expand it to the detriment of other rooms. It's about about relocation or complete demolition interior partition. In this case, there will definitely be enough space for a dressing room.