Making a square round or how to bend a profile pipe. How to bend a profile pipe: secrets and little tricks Bending a profile pipe with your own hands

It is quite possible to bend a pipe from a profile on your own and without the help of rather expensive machines. Therefore, if you have a need to bend a pipe, then a special article on the site will allow you to learn how to bend profile pipe at home without a pipe bender.

Bending a pipe using a grinder

In order to bend the profile pipe, you will need to use a grinder, and welding machine. Below we describe the details of such a process.

  • Before you start this work, the pipe should be fixed (using a vice). This procedure is necessary to find the product in the same plane. If there is a weld seam on the pipe, then place it with outside bend. This must be done, otherwise the metal will separate.
  • It is necessary to determine the calculation of the radius of the future bend and clean the place of this bend. To do this, you need to use a grinder and make several cuts along the length of the marks. After carrying out this work, you can easily bend the pipe.
  • The resulting cracks should be welded and then cleaned. This work must be done slowly and with extreme care. Thanks to this, you will not spoil the product, and the resulting result will please you.

Bending a pipe using a spring and a blowtorch

In this article we talk about how to bend a profile pipe. Here we present the methods that can be used if there is no special device designed for this purpose. So, in order to bend a profile pipe in the following way, you will need steel wire 2 mm thick. It needs to be shaped like a spring in order to pass deep into the pipe. It is worth saying that such a spring should not dangle inside the profile pipe.

In order to bend the pipe, you can buy a spring from finished form, which will be designed for bending pipes. Then you will need to place it in the pipe and mark the bend. Next, heat the product blowtorch. After this procedure, you can easily bend the pipe using a grinder. If the result does not please you, then you can correct it by redoing your work again, but with more accuracy.

Bending a pipe using sand and a gas torch

If you don’t have a pipe bender at home, and you need to bend the profile pipe urgently, then use the means at hand. In this part of the article it is worth talking about how to bend a profile pipe without a pipe bender using a gas torch and sand. It must be said that this method will give the pipe the desired bend without cracks or deformations appearing on it.

  1. To carry out this work you will need sand (preferably quartz), and a gas burner, a drill and two wooden plugs. Next, we perform the following actions in the established order:
  2. If you don’t have quartz sand, you can use regular sand after first cleaning it. The sand should be sifted and dried by heating it with a burner or fire. Heating must be done after the smoke has completely stopped. The finished sand needs to be cooled and poured into a clean container.
  3. One edge of the pipe must be closed with a wooden plug. Next, we pour sand into the pipe, and also seal its second edge with a second plug. Remember that such a filler will help avoid various deformations and the appearance of cracks. If the pipe is empty, it will deteriorate.
  4. Need to do small hole in one of the plugs, so that air comes out of it during the heating process.
  5. Now you should make a mark of the place where the pipe will be bent and heat it with a burner.
  6. Next, we give the product the shape we need.

When carrying out this work, it is necessary to ensure that the metal does not overheat. This may cause scale to appear, and the material will lose its original quality. When the pipe reaches its desired shape, the wooden plugs should be removed from the holes and the sand should be poured out. To remove plugs more easily, you need to slightly heat the ends of the pipe.

Additional pipe bending methods

Exists a large number of methods for bending profile pipes without a pipe bender. consisting of special materials, which you can apply. Let's list them below for our readers.

So, in order to bend a copper (or brass) pipe, you need to use water and exposure to low temperatures.

  • One end of the pipe should be sealed with a plug.
  • Then you should fill the product with water and close the other edge of the pipe.
  • You can fill it with either rosin or lead.
  • Now you should place the pipe in a cold place or in the frost so that ice can form.
  • After this, the pipe will take the required shape.

In order to bend a pipe made of metal-plastic, you need to take regular table salt.

  • Before starting work, the salt should be heated in a frying pan. This procedure must be carried out until the salt crystals begin to explode.
  • Then pour salt into the pipe. As soon as it gets inside, our product will accept the required form and will bend with ease.


Now you have learned how to bend a profile pipe with your own hands. In general, remember that various methods bending pipes can allow this work to be done at home, without the use of expensive equipment and without the services of those people who do this professionally. We hope that our tips will help you bend a profile pipe using handy tools. So watch the process of your work and try to do it carefully and without haste. And the result will definitely please you.

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During the construction of small architectural forms When making canopies, awnings, or installing heating (water supply) systems, home craftsmen are faced with the need to bend a corrugated pipe.

In the mass production of metal structures, especially in specialized workshops, industrial pipe benders are used.

Such devices allow you to quickly and without defects bend a corrugated pipe measuring from 20 to 40 mm. However, purchasing pipe bending equipment for a one-time use is unprofitable; in some cases it is cheaper to go to a workshop and pay for the work of forming the profile. If this option does not suit you, consider ways to bend a profile pipe at home.

Features of molding pipes with a square (rectangular) cross-section

Unlike round pipe, in which the tension of the material occurs relatively evenly, the profile has angles of 90°. The inner part of the profile cannot bend without deforming the side walls. As a result, folds are formed on the inner radius, and tears are possible on the outside.

Without going into the technology of how to bend a pipe without a pipe bender, many “homemade” craftsmen spoil the workpieces or damage the strength structure of the material.

The basic rule is to avoid critical bends, or to force (programmed) deformation of the material.

In industrial pipe benders, to evenly distribute the load, a stamping is formed on the inner side of the radius. For this purpose, a special boss is provided on the rollers or mandrel (depending on the design of the pipe bender).

All “excess” metal is bent inward without forming folds. As a result, the load is distributed evenly, and bending square pipe possible at a fairly small radius.

We bend profiled pipes correctly without additional costs

There are many ways to bend a profile pipe at home without using an industrial pipe bender.

Sector welding

This method is available if you have a welding machine. You will also need a grinder, but you can get by with a hacksaw. The essence of the method is to make evenly distributed sector cuts along the inside.

The amount of material is reduced, and you don’t have to worry about the formation of folds and tears in the metal. After cutting out the sectors, the profile easily takes the given shape, and the resulting cuts are welded using any available method.

The method is labor-intensive, but you can bend the pipe to any radius, including a variable radius. If you are an experienced welder, the tightness and strength characteristics of the workpiece will not deteriorate.

The question of how to bend a profile pipe without using special equipment is asked by many of those who are planning to build on their own personal plot greenhouse Such structures made from bent pipes, not only transmit significantly more light, but are also highly stable and durable when compared with structures made from wooden blocks. It seems that bending a corrugated pipe, creating from it arched structure, is not easy, but if you understand the features of this process, it is quite possible to perform it effectively using the simplest devices.

What is the difficulty of bending profiles?

The essence of bending rolled metal, regardless of the shape of its profile, is that the profile pipes are given a partial or full bend. Do this technological operation in two ways: by applying only pressure to the pipe being bent or by additionally heating the section of the pipe in the area of ​​which the bend is being made. During bending metal pipe two forces act simultaneously:

  • compression force (from the inside of the bend);
  • tensile force (from the outer part of the bending section).

It is the influence of such multidirectional forces that causes the difficulties characteristic of the process of bending any profile pipes.

  1. Segments of the pipe material, which changes its shape during the bending process, may lose the coaxiality of their location, which leads to the fact that individual sections of the pipe will be located in different planes;
  2. The wall of the corrugated pipe, located on the outside of the bend and subject to tension, may not withstand the load and burst.
  3. The inner wall of the pipe, subjected to compression, may become covered with folds that resemble corrugation.

If you do not take into account the subtleties of such technological process, then instead of bending the profile pipe, you can simply crush the product, irreversibly ruining it.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take into account not only the characteristics of the pipe material, but also its geometric parameters– section dimensions, wall thickness, radius to which the bend must be made. Knowing the above will allow you to choose suitable technology and bend the corrugated pipe correctly, without crushing it and without getting a corrugated surface.

The need to take into account the profile

The category of profile pipe products includes products that have different shape cross section - round, square, oval or flat oval. Despite this diversity, rectangular or canopies are mainly used to build a greenhouse or canopy. This is due to the fact that it is much easier to install an external covering on their flat walls.

The range of modern profile pipes is very diverse. Their geometric parameters, the main ones of which are the cross-sectional area and wall thickness, determine the plastic capabilities of the product. The latter are characterized by such an indicator as the minimum permissible radius of curvature. It is this parameter that allows you to determine the minimum radius to which the corrugated pipe can be bent so that it does not suffer damage.

To determine such a parameter of a pipe with a rectangular profile as the minimum bending radius, it is enough to know the height of its profile. If you are going to bend a profile pipe with a cross section in the form of a rectangle or square, you should adhere to the following recommendations.

  • Pipes whose profile height does not exceed 20 mm can be bent in sections whose length exceeds 2.5xh (h is the profile height).
  • Products whose profile height exceeds 20 mm can be successfully bent in areas whose length corresponds to 3.5xh or more.

Such recommendations will be useful to those who are going to bend profile pipes with their own hands in order to make racks, canopies and various frame structures from them. However, it should be borne in mind that the possibility of high-quality bending of pipes is also influenced by the thickness of their walls. It is better not to bend products whose wall thickness is less than 2 mm at all, and if it is necessary to create structures from them, use welded joints.

At home, it is possible to bend corrugated pipes that are made of carbon or low-alloy steels only taking into account certain nuances. Such pipes after bending can spring back and return to their original state, therefore ready-made designs needs to be re-fitted to the template. The amount of springback is characterized by such a parameter of profile pipes as the plastic moment of resistance - Wp. This parameter is indicated in the accompanying documentation (the lower it is, the less the corrugated pipes will spring back during bending).

Features of the most popular pipe bending methods

In industrial or home conditions, corrugated pipes are bent both with heating and in a cold state. Heating, which is produced using a gas burner, significantly increases the ductility of the metal, due to which it is necessary to apply less effort. Pipes with a small cross-section can be bent without heating, since they already have good ductility.

Regulatory recommendations regarding the use of heat are available only for products round section. Thus, it is recommended to heat pipes with a cross-sectional diameter exceeding 10 cm before bending. In cases where it is necessary to bend square or rectangular pipes, you should rely on your own experience or the advice of other home craftsmen.

  1. Pipes whose profile height does not exceed 10 mm are bent without preheating.
  2. If the profile height of the pipes exceeds 40 mm, they must be heated before bending.

If you have a pipe bender at your disposal, with its help you can easily cope with the task of cold bending pipes whose profile height is in the range of 10–40 mm. In the absence of such a device, it is necessary to solve the question of how to bend a pipe without a pipe bender, having first carried out simple tests. They will help you determine whether the corrugated pipe should be heated before the flexible pipe or not. These tests are carried out as follows. One end of the pipe is clamped in a vice, and a pipe with large size internal section. If, with the help of such an arm, it is possible to bend a pipe clamped in a vice, this process can be performed without preheating.

Pipe bending according to various techniques The training video demonstrates it well, but it would be a good idea to first study this process in detail.

Bending of corrugated pipes with preheating

To bend a profile pipe using the hot method with your own hands, you must first fill it with sand. This will make the bending better and more uniform. Since you will have to deal with hot metal, all work should be done in thick canvas gloves. The bending itself, the implementation of which can be seen in the video, is performed in the following sequence.

  • Both ends of the profile pipe must be closed with plugs, which are made from wooden blocks. The length of such plugs should be 10 times greater than the width of their base, which, in turn, should have an area twice the area of ​​the hole in the pipe that is closed with their help.
  • After adjusting the plugs to the internal cross-section of the pipe, 4 longitudinal grooves are made on one of them, which are necessary to remove the gas that accumulates in the pipe when the sand filling it is heated.
  • The section of the corrugated pipe that you plan to bend must first be annealed.
  • Medium-grain sand should be used as filler for the pipe. If there is no purified construction sand, you can take any, even from a children's sandbox, but it should be prepared accordingly. Thus, the sand is first sifted through a sieve with a mesh size of 2–2.5 mm to remove gravel and small pebbles from it, and the final sifting is performed on a sieve with a mesh size of 0.7 mm. Final sifting is necessary in order to remove dust inclusions from the sand, which can sinter when heated.
  • The prepared sand must be calcined at a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius.
  • Before filling with sand, one end of the pipe is closed with a plug that does not have gas outlet channels. A funnel is inserted into the second end, through which prepared sand is poured in portions. To ensure that the sand evenly and tightly fills the entire internal cavity of the pipe, when filling it, it is necessary to tap the walls of the product, using a wooden or rubber mallet.
  • After the pipe is completely filled with sand, its second end is also closed with a plug.
  • The area that will be heated for further bending must be marked with chalk.
  • The pipe must be secured in a vise with a template or in a pipe clamp. In this case, it is important that the weld, if there is one on the surface of the product, is on the side. This requirement must be adhered to because it is undesirable to subject the weld to compression or tension.
  • A section of the pipe, previously marked with chalk, is heated red-hot using a gas burner. After complete heating, the pipe is carefully bent, without making sudden movements, in one step, applying forces strictly in the vertical or horizontal plane.
  • After cooling bent pipe the resulting result is compared with the template. If everything is fine, then remove the plugs from the ends of the product and pour out the sand.

This method, which is easy to implement at home, is best used in cases where a single angular bend needs to be formed on the corrugated pipe. Repeated heating of metal can cause it to lose its strength, and this cannot be avoided if you are bending a pipe for use as an element of an arched structure.

How to bend a pipe without preheating

You can bend a profile pipe yourself without preheating it, either with or without filler. Pipes whose profile height does not exceed 10 mm do not require filling with sand or rosin.

There is another technique that involves using a spring with tightly wound coils instead of a filler, which is inserted into the internal cavity of the corrugated pipe and protects the walls of the product from deformation, as well as from excessive changes in their thickness during the bending process.

For those who need to bend profile pipes with their own hands without heating them first, you can use the training video and the following simple recommendations.

  1. You can obtain the required bend on profile pipes using the simplest devices - a vice, mandrels, bending plates.
  2. Can be used for products with a round profile. In this device, it is necessary to remake the working rollers, the shape of the recess in which must correspond to the profile of the pipe.
  3. You can bend pipes most efficiently and accurately using one, which you can purchase or make yourself.

Pipe bending equipment

The question of how to bend a pipe without a pipe bender will not cause difficulties if you use the simplest devices to perform this operation. You can perform cold bending of pipes using the following devices.

  • In cases where it is necessary to bend soft (aluminum) or steel pipe with a profile height of no more than 10 mm, a horizontal plate is used with holes into which stops are inserted - metal pins. Using these pins, products are bent according to the required parameters. This method has two serious drawbacks: low bending accuracy, and also the fact that when using it it is necessary to exert significant physical effort.
  • It is better to bend products with a profile height of 25 mm using roller devices. The pipe is securely fixed in a vice, and force is applied to the part that needs to be bent using a special roller. This device allows you to get a better bend, but also requires physical effort.

The option, as they say, on a quick fix. The long lever of this extremely simple device allows you to cope with fairly thick pipes

To form a bend with a large radius of curvature on steel or aluminum professional pipes, stationary round templates are used, on which special clamps are mounted to fix the product. Using such a device, the pipe is also bent manually, placing it with force into the groove of the template, the shape of which exactly corresponds to the required bending radius.

Plywood and metal staples are all you need to make a bending template

Bending plate

To effectively bend steel or aluminum pipes at home, you can make a modernized bending plate using the following recommendations.

  1. The role of such a plate is played by a panel that is cut out of sheet metal large thickness.
  2. The panel made in this way is welded to a stand, which is installed on a special pedestal.
  3. Two holes are drilled in the panel, which are necessary for installing bolts that serve as stops for the profile pipe.
  4. A special attachment is installed on one of the stop bolts, with the help of which the bending radius is adjusted.
  5. To ensure the alignment of the pipe sections adjacent to the bend, a metal plate is placed above the workpiece, secured with bolts.

When you are not using this upgraded pipe bender, its pedestal can be adapted to perform various plumbing operations.

Mandrel bending

For bending profile pipe products at home, the wall height of which does not exceed 25 mm, you can make a special mandrel. For these purposes it is better to use overall workbench, on the surface of which there will be enough space for such a device. For selection optimal location location of the element fixing the bent pipe, frequently spaced holes are made at one end of the workbench. A special template, which can be made from thick plywood or metal corner if you are going to use it often.

Application of profile bending machine

Of course, if you have a significant amount of work to do on bending profile pipes, it is better to make a special machine for this, the drawings of which are easy to find on the Internet. We will not discuss this issue here, since it is discussed in more detail in the articles linked below.

You cannot do without such a machine even if you need to bend pipes with a large profile cross-section. The main working parts of such a machine, which is distinguished by its wide versatility, are three rolls, two of which are fixed motionless, and by changing the position of the third, the bending radius of the product is adjusted. The drive of such a device is a chain drive and a handle that the operator rotates.

Obviously, there are quite a lot of options for devices that allow you to effectively bend profile pipes for the manufacture of a greenhouse, canopy or other structures. By considering these options and choosing the one that best suits your capabilities and needs, you can always provide yourself with a convenient and inexpensive pipe bending device.

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It is usually necessary to bend a profile pipe at home when creating an arched greenhouse. The need for this work is created at the moment when the main frame is installed. There are many ways to bend structures with your own hands. Let's look at the main ones.

How to bend a square pipe for polycarbonate structures

When installing polycarbonate greenhouses, the design is usually used square type. In order to bend such a pipe at home, you will need the following tools:

  • Special bending machine;
  • The structures themselves for making arcs;
  • Ruler;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Welding unit.

To get started, you need to divide the structure into equal parts. Then filing is carried out using a grinder. The undercut areas need to be processed using a spot welding machine. You can bend a profile pipe using a special machine. Is not simple work, because you need to turn the unit manually.

If you don't have a machine, you can do the work yourself. To do this, two structures are fastened parallel to each other. A drawing with the desired bend is made on the ground. Then, in accordance with it, you need to bend the first structure. According to it, it is carried out similar work with a second profile pipe.

How to bend a pipe using a pipe bender

1 Type of machine is designed for radius bending of profile pipes.

Characteristics of a standard machine:

The maximum pipe cross-section is 40 x 40 x 2, 50 x 25 x 2 mm.

Minimum circle diameters:

  • 30x30x2 - 650 mm,
  • 40x20x2 - 650 mm,
  • 40x40x2 - 1800 mm,
  • 50x25x2 - 800 mm.

Drive type: manual.

Hardened rollers – all 3 pcs.

Price: 25,000 rubles.

2 Type of machine is designed for radius bending of profile pipes, round pipes and strips.

Characteristics universal machine :

The maximum pipe cross-section is 40x40x2, 50x25x2 mm.

The maximum cross-section of a round pipe is 32x2.8 mm.

Strip 40x4 mm.

Minimum diameters of a circle of profile pipes:

  • 20x20x2, 25x25x2, 15x15x1.5 –560 mm
  • 30x30x2 - 650 mm,
  • 40x20x2 - 650 mm,
  • 40x40x2 - 1800 mm,
  • 50x25x2 - 800 mm.

The maximum arc diameter is unlimited.

Drive type: manual.

Hardened rollers – all 3 pcs.

Price: 30,000 rubles.

At the Customer's request, for an additional fee, the machine is equipped with a dial indicator for the production of more accurate all subsequent workpieces.

For an additional fee, the machine can be equipped with a 220-380V electric drive

2 year warranty


Tel: 8-919-831-25-14

Saratov region Engels

Delivery within the Russian Federation.

The profile structure can be bent by pre-heating the bending point gas burner or a blowtorch. However, this method has its drawbacks: labor-intensive work, poor appearance fold.

It's much smarter to do the work with profile design for the greenhouse using a pipe bender. Bending occurs due to the pressure of the roller. In this case, you can control the bending angle. You can do the pipe bending yourself. For this you will need:

  • Three rollers;
  • Metal table;
  • Bracket;
  • Concrete mortar;
  • Welding machine;
  • Steel structures sizes from 70 to 150 mm;
  • Lead screw;
  • Channel.

The structure is made of two steel pipes. They are fixed in the slab using a solution, and then attached, using a welding machine, to the channel. A distance of 600 mm must be maintained between structures.

The rollers are mounted on axes in one line. There must be at least 50 cm between them. The third roller is installed in the middle. It is mounted above two already installed rollers by 100 mm. This roller is lifted with a jack and is responsible for the angle of bending.

When performing work, the roller is attached to a metal table. A bracket with a clamping axle is fixed to the axis. A roller similar to the profile of the structure is mounted on it. The structure itself, during operation, passes through the rollers. At the same time, she holds on with her hands. At the end of the work, you need to check the angle of the profile pipe for the greenhouse by attaching it to the template.

How to bend a pipe using the hot method

Add structure to the greenhouse desired angle at home you can by paying attention to hot method fold. It has its advantages. In particular, the bend is smooth and smooth. To complete the work, you need to place sand in the structure, then close its ends with wooden plugs. Afterwards, you need to drill holes in the plugs so that the resulting air escapes when heated. Then a mark is made on the greenhouse structure where it is optimal to bend. The area is then heated. Following this, the heated structure is placed in a pipe bender and bent to the desired radius.

If you decide to bend a greenhouse structure at home, be sure to watch the video and photos that show correct execution such work. See all required material you can on our website.

Independent arrangement of a private plot may sometimes require bending a profile pipe to build a greenhouse or gazebo. Some people think that without special device this cannot be done, but there are several methods that can do the job.

Nuances of pipe bending

The term “profile pipe” means hollow products of square, oval and rectangular shape. Their round analogues are also included in this definition, but they are used less frequently (more about the types of pipes -). Give the profile pipe curved configurations and at the same time preserve it specifications difficult, but doable if you do it on special device hot or cold method.

In this process, the profile is affected by two forces: c inside- tension, and from the inside - compression. To balance these efforts, several nuances are used:

  • When bending a pipe, you need to watch its outer wall. When heated, it expands greatly and may not withstand the load, which leads to its crack.
  • It is necessary to carry out the bending slowly, then the risk of breaking will be reduced.
  • After completing the process, you need to check the edges of the pipe, and if they lie in different planes, repeat the bending process to align them.
  • When choosing bending machine you need to focus on the thickness of the pipe walls and its cross-section.
  • The inner wall of the pipe after the process may resemble an accordion; this is a normal phenomenon, as contraction occurs.
  • Bending the pipe must begin from the end, and not from the middle, otherwise it will be more difficult to change the profile.

Before bending, you need to practice on unnecessary pipes to prevent defects.

How to bend profile pipes by welding?

You can bend the profile pipe in a semicircle using a grinder. It is used to make several cuts along the entire pipe profile. This method is as follows:
  • Secure the pipe in a clamping vice.
  • Make thin cuts in the places where the pipe will bend.
  • Clean the cuts from shavings and carefully bend the profile along them.
  • Weld the holes formed during bending using a welding machine. If the pipe diameter is small, a soldering iron can be used for this purpose.
  • Clean and sand the formed areas of the profile bend and process them protective composition, it will protect them from corrosion.

Using it you can get a pipe of the desired radius. When choosing this method, you do not need to use a vice; the work progress is as follows:
  • Fix one end of the pipe in the ground and close it with any plug.
  • Fill the profile pipe with sand.
  • Heat up the blowtorch. Move it near the intended bend.
  • Bend the pipe, but this must be done quickly so that the metal does not have time to cool, otherwise you will not be able to bend it.

This “hot” method allows the use of water instead of sand.

Spring method of pipe bending

This method preserves the integrity of the walls of the profile pipe. Before using the method, preparatory work is carried out:
  • Spring preparation . It is made of steel wire. The diameter of the latter depends on the thickness of the pipe walls. To wind the spring, a square blank is used, and wire is laid around it. The outer diameter of the spring must be smaller than the inner dimension of the pipe.
  • Preparing the template . Pipe bending will be carried out according to a pre-made reference workpiece.
The deformation of the profile pipe is carried out by inserting a spring into it, which will protect the material from breaking. The part is heated with a blowtorch, and when hot it is deformed to the desired diameter.

Bending profile pipes on a manual pipe bender (video)

The video below shows how to bend profile pipes with a cross-section of 25×25 mm and 20×40 mm in order to make a frame for a greenhouse from them.

The pipes come with a wall thickness of 2 mm. Homemade pipe bender is a welded structure. It consists of a base of two small rollers sandwiched between posts. In the middle of the structure rises a carriage made of corners. On their upper part there is a square platform welded into which a screw with a nut from the jack is inserted, and a removable handle is inserted onto it. A handle is also attached to the first roller, with the help of which the pipe is fed to the machine. There is a third roller inside the carriage; the deflection arrow will pass through its center.

Pipe bending process:

  • Place the pipe on the two lower rollers and stretch it to the required distance, turning the first roller.
  • Lower the middle roller by turning the handle.
  • Pass the entire pipe to the marked mark in one direction. After rolling it will become slightly arched.
  • Execute previous action only in the other direction, lowering the middle roller lower. The pipe remains in the device and you need to return it to its original position by turning the handle on the lower roller in the opposite direction.
  • Run the pipe through the pipe bender a third time. The arc of its bend will increase sharply.
  • Repeat all steps for the 4th time.
As a result, you will get a rather impressive radius of deflection of the pipe, in this way you can prepare required amount profiles.

In the next video you can clearly see how you can make and use a pipe bender with your own hands:

The described methods using sand, welding and springs are used for special cases in household. If you need to bend pipes often or plan to build a large building using them, then it is better to purchase a profile bender or make it yourself. When using a pipe bender, the process goes faster, the profile is correct without unnecessary kinks.