Water pump to increase pressure in the apartment. Pump to increase water pressure in an apartment: how to choose the right equipment and install it yourself. Which pump to install


Poor water pressure in the water supply is a common occurrence, especially for residents multi-storey buildings. This causes not only the inconvenience of a long wait until there is enough sufficient quantity water, but can also cause damage household appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers. And insufficient water flow in the gas water heater can lead to burnout of the casing. You can improve the water pressure directly at home; for this, a booster pump is installed in the water supply system, which builds up pressure.

Pump types

There are two types of boosting units, depending on the control mode:

  • automatic;
  • manual.

Automatic units have sensors in their design that detect the presence of flow in the system. When the tap is opened, the water begins to move and the sensor, reacting to this change, connects the forced pumping system. Such a pump will be able to independently provide the necessary water pressure to the washing machine and dishwasher, which themselves open the intake tap. Some automatic models have a switch from operating mode with a flow sensor to continuous pumping mode to maintain constant pressure, regardless of whether there is water consumption or not.

Manually controlled models operate only when a button is pressed, and continue to operate until switched off. This type is much cheaper, but it household use quite inconvenient. After all, in addition to opening and closing the tap, you also need to turn the pump on and off. The connected manual model will continue to operate even when there is no water in the system. As a result of dry running, it will quickly fail. In this case, automatic units will stop the operation of the injection motor, thereby protecting themselves from damage.

Depending on the type of cooling, there are models with a dry and wet rotor. In units with a dry rotor, the electric motor is separated from the direct pump housing, where the liquid is pumped. Therefore, for cooling, an impeller is used, which blows on the engine housing air flow. Such models are noisier and cannot be installed in small technical niches, since there is limited air exchange, which will lead to overheating.

Models with a wet rotor use liquid that is pumped for cooling. It's much more efficient system cooling, and less noisy. The disadvantage of such models is the more complex requirements for repairing the electric motor, since it becomes necessary to remove the entire unit from the pipeline.

Selection criteria

When buying a booster pump, you need to pay attention to its capabilities in order to choose optimal model for your needs. The main criteria are:

  • operating temperature;
  • power;
  • method of connection to the water supply.
  • noise level;
  • maximum pressure;
  • throughput.

For maximum operating time, it is necessary that the unit does not operate at the limit of its temperature capabilities. So if the model specifications indicate Maximum temperature 60 degrees, then it will be better for it to work up to a maximum of 40, which will extend its life several times. If a booster pump is required hot water, then you can choose a model with a range of up to 100 degrees, which has a high margin.

Engine power is a direct indicator of its energy consumption. Of course, a powerful model will easily maintain the required pressure, but at the same time consuming quite a large number of energy. Therefore, if it is necessary to slightly increase the pressure over a short distance, there is no need for an overly powerful unit.

The method of connection to the water supply also plays an important role when choosing, because in most cases the blower must be connected secretly so that it does not spoil the interior. The inlet and outlet pipes should be located in such a way as to best suit the location of the line that you have prepared for installation. In addition, the cross-section of the pipe that can be connected to the supercharger is important, especially if it is not possible to use adapters.

Noise levels are particularly important for use in small apartment. If the pump is installed on a water supply in a basement, storage room or other technical room, then this criterion can be omitted, since the noise during its operation does not play a special role.

The maximum pressure is one of the most important criteria when choosing. It should be noted that power is not always an indicator of high pressure, since there are models that are quite economical in terms of energy consumption, which have high levels of generated pressure.

Throughput is a direct indicator of how fast the pump can fill the container you need. This value is measured in cubic meters/hour.

Installation Rules

For efficient work pump must be connected correctly. If it is installed in a pipeline on a common line, it will increase the pressure on all branches of the water supply system that disperse throughout the house. As a result, the created pressure away from the supercharger decreases, since it is spent on large area pipes

As a result, the pump operates at the limit of its capabilities and the effect on the final outlet of the pipes is insignificant, especially if several consumers are open at once. The solution would be to install a more powerful unit, but this will be quite unprofitable in terms of noise and energy consumption.

A more suitable and a budget option installation, namely installation on a pipeline directly in front of the consumer, for which it is important to maintain the required pressure level. So, by placing a pump on a pipe that leads directly to household appliances or heating device, you can provide them necessary conditions work, but at the same time the pressure on other lines will remain unchanged.

In terms of savings and noise reduction, it is sometimes more profitable to install several low-power units at key consumers than one large one on a common highway. But to accurately confirm the effectiveness of such a technique for each individual case, it is necessary to measure the length of the pipes, their cross-section and the usual level of pressure that is constantly present in them. This will allow you to determine the optimal parameters as accurately as possible.

5 minutes to read.

Both residents of apartment buildings and owners of private houses face the problem of low pressure in the water supply. The most common causes are clogged lines, which can be eliminated by cleaning and prevented by timely maintenance of the water supply system, and insufficient water pressure.

It is easy to adjust and increase the water pressure level thanks to the installation of a booster pump.

Design and principle of operation

The booster pump for water supply is a one-piece, immediately assembled structure. Its main elements are the pump itself and the electric motor. Manufacturers of equipment in this category use high-quality, reliable and inexpensive materials. These include cast iron, steel, ceramics and brass - their service life is calculated in decades.

Thanks to this and modern design solutions, pumping equipment for increasing water pressure is affordable and easy to use and repair.

The pump housing is located directly in aquatic environment. That is, this segment is represented mainly by models with a wet rotor. This configuration provides automatic cooling that does not require user intervention or equipment shutdown. Modern models convenient for installation in an apartment or house, as they create a minimal amount of noise.

Household booster pumps used for modernization plumbing system, are compact and equipped with a simple control panel.

The performance indicator of equipment for increasing water pressure is determined by the presence of a membrane tank in the configuration. Classic inline models, embedded directly into the common highway, operate at full power without interruption. However, water consumption may be lower than expected due to inadequate quality of water supply at the main intake point. This provokes premature wear and failure of equipment.

Models equipped with a membrane tank or hydraulic accumulator are more productive for water supply in conditions of constant lack of necessary pressure. Diaphragm tank depending on the volume, it accumulates a supply of water, which is used first when turning on the taps or starting up household appliances (dishwashers, boilers, etc.). Thus, your local main always has the required starting amount of water, and as it is consumed, the pump will independently fill the tank.

Based on the type of control, pumps for increasing water pressure are divided into 2 categories:

  • manual;
  • automatic.

Equipment of the second type is more expensive, but its advantages include ease of settings, equipping with a large number of sensors and the absence of the need for constant adjustment of operating parameters.


The advantages of the application include:

  • compact size and relatively small size;
  • ease of installation, which can be done with your own hands;
  • ease of use;
  • increasing water pressure by 1.5-2 atmospheres and maintaining a given level;
  • possibility of pumping liquids over a wide range temperature range(-15...+100 o C), which allows the use of installations of this type not only in everyday life, but also for the implementation of industrial tasks;
  • economical power consumption;
  • low noise level.

Model selection options

The choice of booster pumps for water cannot be based only on the cost of the equipment. As practice shows, it is better to purchase a more powerful and efficient pump than to further complete the main line and pressure injection.

We recommend that you first measure all actual indicators (pressure and flow rate) and calculate the necessary ones. 2 atmospheres is a sufficient indicator for comfortable use of water supply in an apartment with one bathroom.

If the house has several bathrooms and a large list of household appliances that use water, including showers and Jacuzzis, the nominal pressure must be at least 3.5 atmospheres.

When choosing a model, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • power;
  • performance;
  • maximum pressure capacity;
  • type of pumped water – hot or cold;
  • noise level;
  • dimensions

Features of installation and testing

Installing a booster pump in a house begins with choosing its location. This is important, since the unit is turned on only if water moves through its sensor. It is best to embed it at the point where the main line enters the apartment immediately before the water intake point. In most cases, the pump is installed in basements and fully provide the 1st and 2nd floors.

To lift water to a greater height, as a rule, a pumping unit is also used.

Installation is quite simple:

  • make sure that there is an outlet at the installation location;
  • make markings where the equipment will cut into;
  • shut off the water supply and drain the remaining water from the pipeline;
  • cut the pipe and equip it with an external thread;
  • screw on the adapters;
  • screw in the fittings;
  • connect the unit to the panel using a three-wire cable - naturally, you need to install an individual circuit breaker;
  • check the sealing of the joints (you can use tow, FUM tape or other sealants suitable for water insulation).

Now you can run the test. The first start of the pump is carried out only after the water circulation has resumed.

If you hire specialists for installation, be sure to be present during the test run and draw up a test report for the booster pumps.

Installation of a booster pump GPD 15-9A in an apartment (video)

The water supply is sufficient complex system pipes, valves and taps, which should uninterruptedly supply water to consumers. The quality of operation of these systems is assessed by such technical parameters as " water pressure".

According to the current standard The water pressure in the water supply network must be within 3…6 atmospheres. It is known that when the water pressure in the pipes less than 2 atmospheres operation of household appliances (dishwashers and washing machines, water heaters...) n not possible. If the water pressure in the pipes is 7 atmospheres or more, That plumbing fails and pipe joints are destroyed.

Therefore, the constant availability of the required water pressure within specified limits is one of the most important tasks in the development and further use of water supply systems. Solving this problem is especially important at the design stage of water supply systems. . Indeed, during their design, it is necessary to take into account a huge number of factors, ranging from the number of consumers to the average hourly water consumption of each facility, be it apartment house, enterprise or any other consumer.

In practice, it is extremely difficult to balance the influence of all existing factors, so in reality we have unbalanced water supply networks. Hence the constant problems with the supply of water to the population.

Why do you need a pump to increase water pressure?

The minimum water pressure that must be present in the pipes is 2-3 atmospheres. This level of water pressure provides normal operation of household appliances, fire hydrants, etc. If the water pressure does not meet this requirement, it is necessary to use special devices, which provide a given level of pressure. These devices are:

  • Water pressure booster pump .
  • .

Boost pump water pressure in the house is used when there is water in the system, but the pressure is so low that its use is impossible. If on the first floors of the house the pressure is normal, but on the last floors there is no water at all, then the problem can be solved by using a self-priming pumping station.

When choosing a device that will help solve an existing problem, first you need to determine the cause of the low pressure . Low level pressure often occurs in case of corrosion water pipes or if they clogged with organic deposits. In this case, in use additional equipment not necessary - pipes need to be changed urgently. If the problem is still weak pressure, then a water pressure pump in the house will help get rid of it.

Self-priming pump station It is assembled on the basis of the same pump to increase water pressure, which is connected to a hydraulic accumulator and uses a water pressure switch for the pump to control the entire system. In this case, water is pumped into the storage tank.

Classification of water pressure pump models

There are several options for classifying water pressure pumps:

  • by appointment;
  • by cooling method;
  • according to operating mode.

According to their purpose, pumps are divided into:

  • used only for one type of water (cold or hot);
  • universal , used for any type of water.

Depending on the cooling method, pumps are:

  • air cooling (dry rotor). The pump motor does not come into contact with water, and cooling is carried out by fan blades mounted on the shaft;
  • water cooling (wet rotor). The rotor with impeller is placed in water and isolated from the stator with a special glass. Cooling of the motor is provided by the pumped water.

Operating modes of water pressure pumps:

  • auto . The pump operation is controlled by a flow sensor. The pump is activated when any tap is opened and turns off when it is closed;
  • manual . The pump runs continuously. The pump is turned on and off manually, but it is important to avoid overheating the motor.

Advantages and disadvantages of conventional types of pumps and pumping stations

In general, equipment for increasing water pressure has advantages and disadvantages characteristic of this type of equipment:

  1. Pumps high pressure for water.


  • small sizes;
  • light weight;
  • quiet operation;
  • installation directly on a water pipe;
  • low cost.

The disadvantage is the inability to increase water pressure by more than 1 atmosphere.

  1. Pumping stations.

The main advantage is to ensure the required level of water pressure. Provides the ability to fully meet water supply needs apartment building, private country cottage or cottages in automatic mode (if there is a water pressure switch for the pump).


  • technically complex installation;
  • large dimensions;
  • relatively loud noise;
  • availability of a separate room for installation;
  • high price.

Models and characteristics. Which pressure pump is better?

The domestic market for water pressure pumps is vast and diverse. It presents a large number of products from manufacturers different countries peace. The most popular models are:

Sprut 15WBX-8 .

Sprut 15WBX-8 – Photo 08

It is a vortex pump for increasing water pressure, designed for installation in an apartment. Has technical data:

  • minimum inlet pressure: 0.3 bar;
  • working pressure, no more than: 6 bar;
  • power: no more than 0.09 kW;
  • productivity: not less than 8 l/min;
  • maximum weight: 2.24 kg.

Aquatica 774715 .

Aquatica 774715 – Photo 09

Designed for use as a water pressure booster pump in a private home. Recommended for maintaining the pressure necessary to ensure the operation of geysers, washing machines and dishwashers. Pump technical parameters:
  • operating mode: automatic;
  • power, no more: 0.09 kW;
  • productivity, not less: 10 l/min;
  • maximum weight: 2.8 kg.

Euroaqua 15WB-10 – Photo 10

Euroaqua 15WB-10 .

A recirculation pump to increase water pressure in the house is used when it is necessary to create sufficient water pressure for the operation of household appliances (water heaters, etc.). Its technical data:

  • cooling method: dry rotor;
  • operating mode: automatic;
  • power: not less than 0.12 kW;
  • productivity: 14 l/min;
  • maximum weight: 3.3 kg.

Katran 774713 – Photo 11

Katran 774713 .

The circulation pump serves to increase water pressure in the house and is characterized by technical parameters:

  • cooling method: wet rotor;
  • operating mode: automatic;
  • power, minimum: 0.1 kW;
  • weight: 2.7 kg.

How to choose a pump to increase water pressure

You can buy a high-quality pump to increase water pressure in supermarkets building materials, specialized retail outlets for the sale of plumbing fixtures, as well as through online stores. Wherever pumps for increasing water pressure are sold, a potential buyer will be able to familiarize himself in detail with the operational parameters and receive qualified advice on all issues of interest to him.

When choosing a pump to increase water pressure in the house, you need to pay attention to the following: technical specifications , How:

  1. Maximum power and pressure.
  2. Maximum performance.
  3. The level of noise created during operation.
  4. Operating temperature range.

The cost of water pressure pumps has a wide price range and depends on:

  • manufacturer's brand;
  • productivity;
  • production technologies and materials used.

ATTENTION! Solving the problem: “How to choose a pump to increase water pressure?” We must not forget that water pressure pumps increase the pressure by no more than 25-40%. Therefore, their use is justified if the water pressure in the pipeline is at least 1.55 atmospheres.

Boosting pumps water in the water supply system refers to household pumps. They are in great demand nowadays. Often, due to low water pressure, various household appliances may not work, or it is simply difficult to take a shower or run a bath. What can we say about such an important matter as washing dishes?
This device- This real solution water pressure problems in a city apartment or in a private house - it increases the water pressure in the system to the required level and stabilizes it.

The presence of a pump that increases water pressure in the apartment - big advantage, because such household appliances as geyser, Dishwasher, washing machine operate without failures or breakdowns only in the presence of stable water pressure.

In our online store you can find out the price of a pressure booster pump and purchase it.

We present the brand of water pumps - “Vodotok”. This is a high-quality pump that is manufactured in large plant, with high quality control. Thanks to the wide range of models, you can choose an option with the required performance and pressure parameters. Products are certified. When purchasing a pump, a guarantee is provided.

An important advantage of the pump"Vodotok"- its affordable price!

Features of “Vodotok” pressure boosting pumps:

  • high efficiency and efficiency. At a given performance, the pump consumes a minimum amount of electricity.
  • reliability. According to user reviews, this pump operates flawlessly throughout its service life, fully performing its function.
  • can be used for both hot and cold water.
  • are installed directly on the pipeline and automatically maintain the specified water pressure in the system.
  • has manual and automatic operating modes. The automation relay can maintain a given pressure in the system by turning the pump on and off.
  • the body of some models is made of of stainless steel- thanks to this, the pump has an increased service life.
  • almost silent operation, which is very important for a city apartment.

Pressure boosting pumps "Vodotok" have affordable price and are of high build quality. This proven pumping equipment has solved the water pressure problem for many customers.

Main characteristics of pressure and performance.

Power, W
Head, m max.
Max. throughput, l/min

Also in our online store you can find inflating pumps from well-known brands - WILO, Grundfos and domestic manufacturer- UNIPUMP.
Let's briefly look at the features of pumps for increasing the pressure of each pump brand.

WILO pressure booster pumps

This is a long-known high-quality equipment of the European class, which has both high quality of materials used, assembly, and a long service life. have excellent technical indicators, has earned many excellent customer reviews. They can serve not only to increase the pressure of cold water in the apartment, but also of hot water.

Their features

  • "wet rotor"
  • presence of a flow sensor
  • The presence of thermal protection and protection against dry running

Model Power, W Head, m max. Maximum throughput, l/min
WILO PB-088EA 90 9,5 35
WILO PB-089 EA 110 9 2,4
WILO PB-201EA 340 15 3,3
WILO PB-250 SEA 250 18 3,9
WILO PB-400EA 550 20 4,5

Grundfos pressure booster pump

This pumping equipment is famous European manufacturer distinguished by high performance characteristics, durability and is used not only as a booster pump, but also as a circulation pump in the heating system. There is a built-in flow sensor, thermal protection and dry-running protection. It has manual and automatic operating modes, a “wet rotor” and motor protection in the form of a stainless steel chamber.

Key performance indicators

Pressure boosting pumps UNIPUMP

The UNIPUMP UPA 15-90 model also has all the attributes of a high-quality European pump, such as - high quality materials used and assembly, durability, “wet rotor”, thermal protection, automatic and manual control. In addition, the short installation length guarantees ease of installation.

Key performance indicators

How to choose a pump to increase water pressure

When choosing pump to increase water pressure, hot or cold, please pay attention to the following characteristics

  • pump power - the greater the power, the more electricity it consumes.
  • pressure indicator - each water supply system is not at the same level, the pipes pass at different levels, so this indicator is very important.
  • its performance is the volume of water pumped per minute.

Based on these parameters, you can easily select a pump to increase water pressure in an apartment or a similar pump for your home. The lineup pumps presented in our store allows you to select a device with exactly the technical characteristics that are suitable for your water supply system. Naturally, you need to know the parameters of your system - its volume, approximate water pressure, maximum height between horizontally located pipes.

If you need more information, please contact our specialists. We will expertly help you choose the model that suits your needs. technical specifications and we will advise on the operation and installation of this pumping equipment.

How to buy

Buy pump to increase water pressure You can place an order directly on the website or by calling any of the numbers in the Contacts section.

If you want to buy a pump to increase pressure in Moscow or the Moscow region, delivery within the city and the nearest Moscow region is at your service, or you can pick up the pump at your own discretion from our warehouse.
For buyers from other regions of Russia - any delivery transport company by agreement.