Should I use a corrugated stainless steel pipe for heating? Stainless steel corrugated pipes for heating Stainless steel pipes for heating

Stainless steel is a material with maximum utility and excellent performance characteristics: it is durable, does not corrode, can be used at any temperature, has long term services.

It is these advantages that have given stainless steel heating pipes their current popularity. Today we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of stainless pipelines, consider their installation, and also analyze current market prices.

Product Features

Without getting carried away with overly colorful descriptions, we will immediately consider all the pros and cons regarding stainless steel heating pipes.


  • Stainless steel pipes for heating have a long service life. This is explained by the fact that stainless steel, as a material, is absolutely not afraid of corrosion: neither from exposure to liquids, nor from an acidic environment;
  • Stainless steel pipes are not subject to linear expansion during operation. For this reason, on their basis, installation of in-wall heating systems made of steel pipes can be carried out;
  • The stainless steel corrugated pipe for heating has sufficient elasticity. Corrugated stainless steel allows its use in laying heating lines where there is a large number of bends.
  • Heating pipes from of stainless steel have high hardness and rigidity, as a result of which they can withstand water shocks of up to 15 atmospheres for a short period of time, and are not afraid of mechanical influences from the outside;
  • Such pipes have wide range operating temperatures: they are not afraid of freezing, and can transport media whose temperature exceeds 400 degrees;
  • The installation of heating registers made of steel pipes is different high efficiency, since stainless steel has a good heat transfer coefficient.
  • Installation of a stainless steel heating system is extremely simple: it is not necessary to use special fittings or equipment, all connections are made using ordinary fittings.

This type of pipe has much fewer disadvantages than advantages:

  • It is worth recognizing that a corrugated stainless steel pipe for heating has a rather specific appearance, the installation of which will not suit the design of every room;
  • Price: Stainless steel is a very expensive material, so such heating pipes and fittings for it will cost you quite a lot.

Regarding the last point, we note that high density stainless steel allows manufacturers to produce high-quality, strong pipes and fittings that, at the same time, have a relatively small thickness, thereby reducing their final cost.


GOST for heating pipes 3262-75 stipulates quite strict requirements for stainless steel products. According to it, high-quality stainless pipes and fittings for heating must meet the following technical characteristics:

  • Normal operating pressure– 15 atmospheres;
  • The maximum permissible pressure in the pipeline is 50 atmospheres;
  • The pressure followed by deformation and destruction (rupture) is 200 atmospheres;
  • The most low temperature working environment: – 50 degrees;
  • The minimum acceptable bend radius must be equal to the diameter of the product.

The manufacturing technology of corrugated stainless steel pipes is fully automated, which contributes to highest precision each stage of production. Let's take a closer look at the manufacturing stages:

  • First of all, the stainless steel sheet undergoes pre-treatment, after which it is fed to the forming conveyor, where it is given a cylindrical shape.
  • Next, the cylinder joints are connected by welding, which is performed in a special gas environment.
  • At this stage, the formation of a corrugation (ribbed coating) occurs - for this, the workpiece is rolled over rollers of different diameters.
  • The pipe, which already resembles the final product, undergoes a special heat treatment, which gives it the required elasticity characteristics.
  • The last step is cutting the segment into pieces the right size(mostly 50-meter pieces), which are wound into coils.

Installation nuances

It is worth remembering that one of the main advantages that a steel corrugated pipe for heating has is flexibility, but at the same time it is its Achilles heel.

During installation, you should not subject the structure to repeated bends in one place. Also, if there are children in the house where a stainless steel heating system will be installed, you should think about how to reduce their contact with the pipes to a minimum.

If children use flexible pipe and its fittings as a support or crossbar, then the gradually accumulated “fatigue” of the material will exceed permissible norm, and the structure is deformed.

Welding steel pipelines stainless steel heating is not necessary - generally such structures are connected using special fittings.

Installation of a heating system made of steel pipes is carried out as follows:

  1. A corrugated stainless pipe is connected to a device that supplies the heating system hot water, through universal polymer, or rubber seals included in the kit.
  2. Next, at the site of the first connecting node, the pipe is cut using a special roller pipe cutter (if it is not available, you can use a regular grinder), after which all burrs are carefully cleaned from the cut end.
  3. At the end of the segments that will be connected (the diameters of the steel heating pipes must be identical, of course), fittings are put on and screwed into each other. Check that union nut was properly tightened.
  4. The pipeline is fixed in the desired position on the wall using special brackets.
  5. Upon completion of installation, supply water to the system and check the tightness of the connections.

Nuances of installation (video)

When purchasing stainless pipes, you should carefully look at the following details:

  • The outer coating of the product should be as smooth as possible; there should be no chips, cracks or dents on it;
  • Carefully inspect the entire length of the segment - there should be no cracks or breaks that form due to excessive bending, because it is in such places that, over time, deformation occurs, and, as a result, depressurization of the system;
  • Each of connection fittings must be equipped with a special sealing gasket; if it is missing, the fitting can be thrown into the trash bin.

Having analyzed the offer of manufacturers on the plumbing market, we can conclude that the price of stainless steel heating products depends, first of all, on their diameter, as well as on the “brand” of the company producing them.

We will not advertise good or bad manufacturers, but simply recommend paying attention only to products that comply with GOST Russian Federation 3262-75 (as evidenced by the presence of an appropriate license), which is a sufficient guarantee of quality.

There is a large assortment of stainless pipes on the market that will satisfy all segments of the population with different financial capabilities.

Another question is how long is the service life of stainless steel heating pipes, which are sold cheaper than plastic ones. Typically, products of this type serve without problems for at least 20-25 years, provided that the operating rules are followed and there is no mechanical stress.

Trying to find the minimum cost of steel products for heating, you are playing a lottery.

Cheap products can last for many years, or they can start causing trouble at the very beginning of use.

So it’s better to immediately purchase good stainless pipes, even if choosing not the cheapest option.

And finally, let’s mention specific numbers.

The price of steel heating products made of corrugated aluminum in a minimum diameter (15 mm) starts at $2 per meter, and increases in accordance with its increase.

You can buy steel pipes for heating with a diameter of 50 mm (2 inches) for $20 per linear meter.

Galvanized steel pipes for heating are presented on the market in the price range from $1.5 per linear meter of a product with a diameter of 15 mm to $6 per meter with a diameter of 50 mm.

Some heating schemes provide for sections of the pipeline that are complex in configuration. In fact, making them using steel or plastic pipes is problematic, and most often impossible. An alternative is stainless steel for heating: corrugated pipe, corrugated pipe, corrugated pipe. What are its advantages, and what performance properties should be taken into account before installation?

Features of stainless steel corrugations for heating

It should be immediately noted that not every stainless steel corrugation for heating is capable of withstanding the maximum permissible pressure in the system. This is due to the peculiarity of its design. For production use steel sheet grade SUS304. After forming, a pipe is formed using a special welding mode. Subsequently, it undergoes additional firing, which gives it the required degree of reliability, mechanical strength, elasticity.

The main advantage that a corrugated stainless steel pipe for heating should have is the ability to bend to a minimum radius. It can be 1-1.5 times the diameter of the product. When choosing, you also need to consider the following parameters:

  • A high-quality corrugated stainless steel pipe for heating must withstand an average pressure of up to 15 atm, a maximum of up to 50 atm;
  • Temperature range - from -50 to 110°C;
  • The degree of elongation is small - up to 2-3% of the total length;
  • The presence of connecting components at the ends.

The latter is relevant if the length of the section of the main line where the pipe will be installed is known exactly. If this parameter is not accurate, corrugated stainless steel is best suited for heating in coils. Their maximum length is 50 m.

A significant disadvantage of corrugated stainless steel for heating is its cost. Therefore, it is not recommended to make the entire system from it - it is enough to install it in difficult areas of the system.

Application of corrugated pipe

The main criterion for choosing stainless steel corrugation for heating is its quality and properties source material manufacturing. Not allowed external signs deformation, creases or signs of corrosion. But more difficult is checking the quality of welding - the durability of operation depends on it. On average, if the installation rules are followed, a corrugated stainless steel pipe for heating can last up to 20 years.

  • With numbered length. Fittings must be complete;
  • With arbitrary length. You need to check the quality of the cut. The edges of the pipe cannot be damaged.

Each corrugated stainless steel pipe for heating has a certain diameter. He has standard size so that additional hydraulic resistance does not arise on a specific section of the highway. To calculate the volume of coolant that a stainless steel heating pipe of 1 m.p. can contain. you can use the data from the table.

The scope of application of corrugated stainless steel pipes for heating is varied. In addition to complex sections of the main line, it can also be installed in other heating elements.

During installation, there is no need to stretch the pipe to its maximum length. This can cause its premature destruction due to excessive surface load.

Warm stainless steel floors

The main property of stainless steel is its high corrosion resistance. Considering the flexibility, great temperature regime and maximum pressure indicators, most often a corrugated stainless steel pipe for heating is used to organize a heated floor.

The advantage of this scheme is the high thermal conductivity of the pipe. It can heat evenly concrete surface 10 cm screeds. For installation, it is best to use special mats with guide grooves.

Basic installation rules:

  • The distance between the turns at which it is achieved maximum efficiency– 20 cm;
  • It is not allowed to twist corrugated stainless steel pipes for heating in certain areas. This creates surface tension, which can lead to damage;
  • Installation using additional polymer casings is not recommended. They will not increase strength, but will lead to a decrease in heat transfer.

Cutting a stainless steel pipe for heating can be done using a grinder. To do this, you need to fix the product using clamps or a bench vice.

For corrugated stainless steel pipes for heating, you need to purchase special fittings. Their design is designed for installation on an uneven external surface.

Lead to heating devices corrugated pipe

Due to its flexibility, a corrugated stainless steel pipe for heating can also be used to connect radiators. With its help, you can minimize the complexity of installation and reduce the length of the entire highway.

One of the disadvantages of such a connection is the complexity of manufacturing the bypass unit. Installation shut-off valves will be problematic.

Unlike a heated floor system, corrugated stainless steel must be carefully insulated before installation in heating. Large heat losses will reduce operating efficiency and lead to uneven distribution of thermal energy throughout the house.

The installation technology consists of following the following steps:

  • Using a grinder or a special pipe cutter, a corrugated stainless steel pipe is cut for subsequent installation in heating;
  • Installation of a previously selected fitting. To fix it to the surface, you need to tighten the nut. It is important to control the force - damage or deformation of the pipe is possible;
  • After final installation the tightness of the unit is checked.

To select a high-quality stainless steel corrugated pipe for a heating system, it is recommended to purchase products from trusted manufacturers. Currently they are Kofulso, Lavita and EasyFlex. The average cost of their products ranges from 160 to 270 rubles/m.p.

What else needs to be taken into account when choosing and installing stainless steel for heating: corrugated, corrugated pipes, corrugated? Due to the properties of the manufacturing material inner surface will practically not form limescale. This will significantly increase the time between mandatory heating system cleanings.

Stainless steel for heating: corrugated pipe, corrugated pipe, corrugated pipe

Properties and characteristics of stainless steel for heating: features, application in warm floors and supply to heating devices.

Advantages and disadvantages of stainless corrugated pipes for heating

We are all accustomed to the fact that pipes used in heating networks are smooth structures. At least that's how it was until recently. Although we need to remember cast iron samples with fins, which were connected to each other using flanges and rubber gaskets. True, they could be called pipes conditionally, because their main purpose is heat transfer. Why did we bring up this topic? Because completely new types of pipes have appeared on the market, which have turned the idea of ​​them upside down. For example, a stainless corrugated pipe for heating.

It's practically a substitute for an expensive one copper pipe for heating. After all, stainless steel is not inferior to copper in its technical characteristics. But in terms of price, it is several times cheaper. So it turns out that the appearance of stainless steel corrugation solves the problems associated with the high cost of the best heating pipes. We all receive high quality products at reasonable prices.

By the way, here are the technical characteristics of a corrugated stainless steel pipe for heating from the famous Korean manufacturer Kofulso:

  • Working pressure – 15 atm.
  • Allowable pressure – 50 atm.
  • The pressure at which the pipe begins to collapse is 210 atm.
  • Coolant temperature +110C.
  • Diameter from 15 to 32 mm.
  • Wall thickness is from 0.25 to 0.3 mm.

These are simply excellent indicators, especially the pressure. These pipes can also be used in city apartments with a centralized heating system.

Standard delivery

Attention! There is one unique indicator of this type of pipe - its bending radius is equal only to its diameter. If you remember plastic pipe made of cross-linked polyethylene, which is considered the most flexible, and its bending radius is equal to six diameters.

Why is this type of pipe so highly flexible? It's all about the thickness of the material from which it is made. It is thin, and the stainless steel itself is very durable. Therefore, it turns out that when bent it does not break. Although it is the strength of the material that affects the loads it can withstand, that is, the temperature and pressure of the coolant.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Such pipes are made from high-alloy steel. The most commonly used grade is SUS (AISI) 304, which is used in the food industry.
  • These pipes do not corrode, and colonies of mold and fungi do not form on them. And if you compare them with steel pipes for heating, then it’s just heaven and earth.
  • Ease of implementation installation work. For this you will need a set wrenches and certain fittings.
  • A stainless steel product can withstand several defrosting cycles.
  • Since this durable metal, then it is too tough for rodents.
  • Small specific gravity, and this is ease of transportation and installation.
  • High thermal output of the material.

Corrugated pipe in a heating system

By the way, I would like to return at a temperature that can be maintained. We mentioned the Korean manufacturer, and it has one of the lowest indicators, because European manufacturers guarantee +150°C load. By the way, even at this temperature nothing happens to the pipe, and this limitation is associated only with the O-rings that are used to connect the pipes. They are designed for such temperature loads.

Attention! For information, on the market you can find O-rings that can withstand temperatures of +300°C.


  • High price of the product.
  • High price of fittings. By the way, manufacturers of stainless steel heating pipes do not produce fittings.
  • Stainless corrugated register

    Production process

    • A steel billet is rolled into a strip.
    • Then the pipe itself is formed. The tape is welded according to latest technology called TIG.
    • The next stage is corrugation.
    • And in the end finished products undergoes heat treatment. By the way, it is at this stage that the pipe acquires its special flexibility.

    Attention! Do not think that this flexible pipe can be bent as much as you want. We warn you that after 10-15 bends (it all depends on the manufacturer) the product will simply break. So be careful.

    Stages of the installation process

    Assembly metal pipe for heating made of stainless steel is made using brass fittings. The photo below shows the order in which the parts of the connecting elements should be connected.

    Assembly sequence

    Let's go through the numbers:

    The assembly of the unit occurs according to the following scheme. A nut and two rings are put on the pipe, and a gasket is placed on the fitting. Then the pipe is inserted into the fitting as far as it will go and clamped with a union nut. In this case, the retaining ring clings to the corrugation and prevents it from jumping out. By the way, it is the stopper that is responsible for the safety of the connection during a water hammer. The silicone gasket ensures the tightness of the joint.

    Application area

    The fact that these models are used in housing construction today does not raise any doubts. But their small diameter and length create some inconveniences, so they are not used in large boiler houses. But for a private house it is perfect solution. Especially when it comes to the “warm floor” heating system. This is where corrugated stainless steel pipes will show all their advantages. Do not forget that these are products with very high heat transfer.

    IN DHW systems these pipes are used too. Someone installs them on water supply networks, gas supply, air conditioning and fire extinguishing systems. If you have the money, why not use the best pipes available today with a long service life? All investments over such a period will be returned with interest.

    Warm floor made of corrugated pipe

    But this type pipes are increasingly appearing in various industries. They replace plastic analogues, because stainless steel perfectly withstands various aggressive liquids without changing its dimensions (especially diameter). Therefore, in the chemical and food industries, in production plants medicines Corrugated stainless steel pipes are in great demand today.

    Stainless steel corrugated pipe for heating - a new product in the field of organizing heating networks

    A new type of pipe is a stainless corrugated pipe for heating, which has excellent technical characteristics with one drawback - high cost

    It all started with a renovation and at the design stage I was puzzled by the choice of pipeline material for installation solar collectors, water furnaces and heating systems.
    Solar collectors required pipes resistant to high temperature(up to 200 degrees theoretically) and pressure (working up to 6 atmospheres). We also had to take into account the difficulty of laying a route from the tank on the ground floor to the roof. There were only two options - copper (ideally, since the heat exchanger in the collector is also made of copper) or stainless corrugation. For these reasons, any plastic is naturally eliminated.
    Aquatop also required pipes that could withstand high temperatures (especially near the heat exchanger in the fireplace hood), the route laying path was also not easy (part of it passes under suspended ceiling, hidden, part in the wall). Copper in this case is not the best option since in combination with black steel, the steel from which the firebox is made could cause corrosion. Ferrous metal pipes are also not an option due to the complexity of their installation. The plastic also fell away.
    Heating system. Small house located in Sochi, air humidity is constantly high. In the summer heat, when moist hot air from the street enters the kitchen and bathroom, strong condensation appears on the always cold walls (which are located on the side of the retaining wall and or in those places where the floor level is lower than the ground level). IN winter period In the absence of sufficient ventilation, condensation also appears. Therefore, it was planned to have a heated floor and a radiator along two walls in the kitchen and living room, as well as a heated floor and walls in the bathroom. First of all, we had to take into account the possibility of bending the pipe with a small radius, which was required when laying the route in the corners of the room and the walls of the bathroom. Here the choice was between stainless steel, Pex and copper.
    In addition, we had to take into account:
    - the feasibility of unifying the type of pipes
    - the air radiator along the walls should not emit heat when heated harmful substances to the air
    -heat exchangers in storage tanks are made of stainless corrugated steel
    -all the work was planned to be done alone
    -pipe price
    - a little theory about corrugation - it can withstand high (250 degrees) temperature and pressure (rupture at 200 atm), does not burst when water freezes in it, transfers heat very well external environment, very smooth inside, has strong resistance to coolant pumping if its speed is above a certain limit, bends with the minimum possible radius equal to two diameters (annealed), has low thermal expansion compared to many other materials for pipelines, retains its shape after bending, rusts under certain conditions (electrochemical, crevice, sub-slurry corrosion, stray currents), resistant to various chemicals, costs a lot (especially Korean), length is usually limited to 50 meters for 15, 20-30 meters for 20, although coils of 100 meters are also available) , it comes with or without a shell, the fittings for it are quite expensive, and so on
    I decided that in my case, in the totality of parameters, a corrugated stainless pipe best meets these requirements. I stopped there.

    During the cold season, a continuous central heating process starts residential buildings, administrative and industrial buildings. Despite the simplicity of the heating mechanism, high-quality stainless pipes are required to ensure efficiency. Thanks to the use of a corrosion-resistant steel grade, these products are durable and reliable.

    Types of stainless steel pipes for heating

    By manufacturing method this type rolled metal can be:

    • welded,
    • seamless,
    • thin-walled,
    • thick-walled.

    All stainless pipes are manufactured in accordance with existing quality standards and are monitored and tested. Heating with seamless products is the smartest option. After all, the process of trouble-free operation increases significantly compared to the service life of a stainless pipe with a seam. A thin-walled version of the product is perfect for a heating system. This is also the most profitable solution.

    Features of the use of stainless steel pipes for heating

    Thinking about buying of this product, do not forget about its relatively high cost. After all, a stainless steel pipe is made from expensive grades of steel. Also used in the production process additional processing surfaces. Therefore, using stainless steel pipes for heating is not always the most economical option. Its most important advantage is its long service life. Also, stainless steel pipe is widely used in supply systems drinking water. The corrosion-resistant alloy is harmless to humans.

    The company "Verna-SK" is engaged in the sale of pipes highest quality, as for industrial enterprises, and for private clients. Optimal price conditions and high level service is what sets us apart from our competitors.

    The corrugated type of heating pipes is very popular today. Made from corrosion-resistant steel, they are distinguished not only by their quality, but also by their ease of installation. To connect pipes of this type, you do not need welding machine And complex instruments. Their advantages during installation heating systems obvious. Corrugated pipe is flexible and strong, durable and reliable.

    Using this type of rolled metal, not only the main network is installed, but also its other sections:

    • connections to radiators,
    • risers,
    • intersection and routing nodes.

    A large number of pipes are used to make compact heating batteries. After all, steel products are supplied with different parameters: diameter, wall thickness, length. Electric welded and seamless pipes are manufactured according to the following standards:

    • straight-seam water and gas pipe- GOST 3262-75,
    • seamless - GOST 8731-78 and GOST 8732-78.

    Stainless steel pipes have a number of undeniable advantages compared to similar products made from conventional steel. For all questions about ordering products, you can contact the specialists of the Verna-SK company. Our price lists for pipes are constantly updated with new items.

    Cost of stainless steel seamless pipes

    Pipe size Price per ton including VAT, rub. steel grade
    8x1 RUB 519,864.69 12x18n10t
    10x1 RUB 504,175.94 12x18n10t
    12x1 RUR 484,564.74 12x18n10t
    14x2 RUB 379,066.37 12x18n10t
    16x1 RUR 411,446.27 12x18n10t
    18x3 RUB 360,925.18 12x18n10t
    20x2 RUB 348,234.76 12x18n10t
    21x3 RUB 354,702.34 12x18n10t
    22x2 RUB 348,743.17 12x18n10t
    20x3.5 RUB 348,743.17 12x18n10t
    25x2 RUB 326,946.72 12x18n10t
    27x3 346080 rub. 12x18n10t
    27x3.5 RUB 339,778.05 12x18n10t
    32x2 RUB 336,192 12x18n10t
    38x2.5 RUB 312,559.68 12x18n10t
    42x5 RUB 319,300 12x18n10t
    48x3 RUB 298,938.96 12x18n10t
    57x3.5 RUB 296,310.4 12x18n10t
    60x4 RUB 296,310.4 12x18n10t
    76x4 RUB 296,310.4 12x18n10t
    76x4.5 RUB 296,310.4 12x18n10t
    89x4 RUB 296,310.4 12x18n10t
    108x5 RUB 302,523.36 12x18n10t
    133x4.5 RUB 319,300 12x18n10t
    159x6 RUB 303,479.2 12x18n10t
    159x11 RUR 318,772.64 12x18n10t
    168x10 RUB 308,440.3 12x18n10t
    219x6 RUB 314,949.28 12x18n10t
    219x12 RUB 328,808.96 12x18n10t
    245x11 RUR 366,708.02 12x18n10t
    273x8 RUB 349,595.18 12x18n10t
    325x8 RUB 347,824.82 12x18n10t
    426x8 350200 rub. 12x18n10t
    25x2 RUB 583,655.68 10Х17Н13М2Т
    57x3.5 RUB 536,249.31 10Х17Н13М2Т
    89x4 RUB 536,249.31 10Х17Н13М2Т
    108x5 RUB 543,701.57 10Х17Н13М2Т
    133x6 RUB 550,527.58 10Х17Н13М2Т
    159x6 RUB 573,322.72 10Х17Н13М2Т

    Cost of stainless steel welded pipes

    Pipe size Condition Price per linear meter including VAT, rub. steel grade
    16x1.5 matte RUB 146.26 AISI 304
    16x1.5 mirror RUB 189.52 AISI 304
    16x1.5 polished RUB 170.98 AISI 304
    20x1.5 matte RUB 176.13 AISI 304
    20x1.5 mirror RUB 219.39 AISI 304
    25x2 matte RUB 280.16 AISI 304
    25x2 mirror RUR 321.36 AISI 304
    32x2 matte RUB 353.29 AISI 304
    32x2 mirror RUR 396.55 AISI 304
    32x2 polished RUB 380.07 AISI 304
    38x1.5 matte RUB 327.54 AISI 304
    38x1.5 mirror RUB 380.07 AISI 304
    38x1.5 polished RUB 359.47 AISI 304
    42.4x1.5 matte RUR 362.56 AISI 304
    42.4x1.5 mirror RUR 421.27 AISI 304
    50.8x1.5 matte RUR 438.78 AISI 304
    50.8x1.5 mirror RUB 508.82 AISI 304
    50.8x1.5 polished RUR 482.04 AISI 304
    50.8x1.5 food RUB 452.17 AISI 304
    53x1.5 matte RUB 454.23 AISI 304
    53x1.5 food RUB 467.62 AISI 304
    101.6x2 matte RUB 1,165.96 AISI 304
    101.6x2 food 1200.98 rub. AISI 304
    10x10x1 matte 99.91 rub. AISI 304
    25x25x1.2 matte 210.12 rub. AISI 304
    25x25x1.2 mirror RUB 264.71 AISI 304
    40x20x1.5 matte RUB 296.64 AISI 304
    40x20x1.5 mirror RUR 367.71 AISI 304
    50x50x2 matte 607.7 rub. AISI 304
    80x40x2 matte 721 rub. AISI 304
    100x100x3 matte RUB 1,774.69 AISI 304
    16x1.5 mirror RUB 96.82 AISI 201
    16x1.5 polished RUB 96.82 AISI 201
    18x1.5 matte RUR 81.37 AISI 201
    18x1.5 mirror 95.79 rub. AISI 201
    38x1.5 mirror RUR 222.48 AISI 201
    38x1.5 polished 211.15 rub. AISI 201
    50.8x1.5 mirror RUB 296.64 AISI 201
    15.9x1.5 mirror 123.6 rub. BMT
    15.9x1.5 polished 123.6 rub. BMT
    38.1x1.5 mirror 247.2 rub. BMT
    38.1x1.5 polished 247.2 rub. BMT
    50.8x1.5 mirror 309 rub. BMT
    50.8x1.5 polished RUB 298.7 BMT

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    Flexible, hot, shiny: stainless steel pipes for heating

    In this article I want to introduce the reader to a relatively new material - corrugated stainless pipe. We will study it key features, let's get acquainted with several samples from different manufacturers, compare corrugated stainless steel with competing solutions and explore the rules for its installation.

    What it is

    A stainless steel corrugated pipe for heating is a thin (with a wall thickness of 0.3 mm) corrugated stainless steel, obtained by rolling up an endless tape. Here is a typical metal composition:

    Some grades of steel used in the production of corrugated pipes contain up to 30% molybdenum. It increases the toughness and strength of the metal.

    For installation of pipes they are used compression fittings with high temperature silicone seals. When the union nut is tightened, the silicone ring compresses the corrugated pipe, eliminating spontaneous disconnection of the connection.

    For installation in cold water supply systems, pipes are supplied with an outer polyethylene sheath. Polyethylene has a relatively low thermal conductivity and helps get rid of condensation. The same pipes can be used for heating: the shell will prevent possible burns at high coolant temperatures(for example, when installing a radiator in a children's room).