Abstract: Subject and tasks of engineering psychology

The scientific direction is divided into two stages.

    First stage associated with the emergence of a new field of knowledge and the active accumulation of practical research (20-60s of the 20th century). This was due to the development of technology and experiments that prepared the basis for the emergence of engineering psychology as a science. The founders of engineering psychology as a new scientific direction American and English psychologists became: A. Chapanis, McFerdan, W. Garner, D. Bronbet. In Russia, the first research of an engineering-psychological nature was the developments carried out in the twenties of the 20th century in the field of occupational psychology and psychotechnics. In October 1959 A laboratory of industrial psychology was organized at Leningrad State University, where B. Lomov was the director. In 1963, his monograph “Man and Technology” was published. Exactly this work became the scientific work that served as an impetus for conducting large-scale research on the main problems of engineering psychology. This stage is characterized by a “machine-centric” approach, when empirical material was actively accumulated. It was these developments that later became the basis for various methodological recommendations, engineering and psychological standards, all kinds of textbooks.

    Second phase associated with the theoretical formulation of engineering psychology (60-90s of the 20th century). The “anthropocentric” approach becomes predominant, according to which a person is considered as a subject, and technology is a means of labor. This stage is characterized by a transition from an impersonal person to an individual person, in whose hands there is a control panel.

    Third stage characterized by systematic research in engineering psychology (90s of the 20th century - present). A person is considered not just as a link in the “man-machine” system; the emphasis is shifted to the design of human activity in “man-technology” systems.

Goals and objectives of engineering psychology

Definition 1

Engineering psychology is a scientific discipline that studies the objective laws of the processes of information interaction between man and technology with their further use in the design, creation and operation of the “Man-machine” system.

The main goal of the direction is to ensure effective information interaction between the human operator and the technical means. The objectives of the discipline are divided into two groups: general theoretical and specific practical.

The first group includes the following points:

  1. Adaptation of technology to humans.
  2. Human adaptation to technology.
  3. Rational distribution of functions between man and technology.

The second group includes the following tasks:

  1. Diagnostic: analysis of the main components of the operator’s activity; knowledge of the essence of information transformation by a human operator; studying the influence of psychological factors on the effectiveness of human-machine systems.
  2. Operational: creating principles for the functioning of operator workplaces; studying functional states operator; development of fundamentals for professional training of operators; engineering-psychological design and evaluation of human-machine systems.

Engineering psychology and other sciences

As a new field, engineering psychology emphasized psychological content and practical orientation. The main difference of the scientific discipline was its creation on the border of the humanitarian and technical spheres of knowledge. To date, the interaction of engineering psychology with cybernetics, communication theory, theory automatic control and regulation, technical aesthetics. In addition, the basis for solving problems of engineering psychology became general and experimental psychology, hygiene and occupational psychology, social Psychology, technical aesthetics.

Engineering psychology is the basis of such a field of science as ergonomics. The subject of ergonomics is related to human labor activity when interacting with technical systems. Another science that closely interacts with engineering psychology is occupational psychology. Its main task is to focus on the psychological characteristics of human work, while the tasks of engineering psychology include adapting technology to human capabilities.

  • Analysis of human tasks in control systems, distribution of functions between humans and automatic systems, including with artificial intelligence.
  • Engineering and psychological design
  • Study joint activities operators, communication processes and information interaction between them.
  • Analysis of the psychological structure of operators' activities.
  • Study of factors influencing the efficiency, quality, accuracy, speed, reliability of operators’ actions.
  • Study of human information reception processes, study of human sensory “inputs”.
  • Study of the formation of commands for the execution of control actions by a person, the characteristics of speech and motor “output”.
  • Analysis of the processes of human information processing, its storage and decision-making, psychological mechanisms regulation of operators' activities.
  • Development of methods of psychodiagnostics, professional guidance and selection of camera specialists.
  • Development of methods to protect operators from emotional burnout.
  • Analysis and optimization of operator training processes.
  • Using research results for the design and operation of human-machine (human-information) systems.
  • Using research findings for virtual psychology.

The initiators of the creation of this direction were American and English psychologists A. Chapanis, McFerdan, W. Garner, D. Bronbet and others. In Russia, the first studies of the engineering-psychological type were carried out in the twenties of the 20th century within the framework of occupational psychology and psychotechnics.

In March 1957, at the All-Union Meeting (Conference) on Work Psychology in Moscow, engineering psychology was defined as an independent field of research. In the same year, a laboratory of industrial psychology was created at the institute under the leadership of D. A. Oshanin.

The leading role in the organization and consolidation of work on engineering psychology was played by B. F. Lomov, who headed the laboratory of industrial (engineering) psychology created at Leningrad State University.

During the 1960s similar laboratories were created at Moscow State University (headed by G.P. Shchedrovitsky), and the Scientific Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics (V.F. Venda). At the Institute of Psychology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the laboratory of engineering psychology was opened in 1973 on the initiative of B.F. Lomov and V.F. Rubakhin. Departments of occupational psychology and engineering psychology were created at the faculties of psychology of Leningrad State University (1966), KSU (1967), Moscow State University (1968)

At the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an academic school of engineering psychology was formed under the influence of ideas and with active participation in research work B. F. Lomov, V. D. Nebylitsina, V. F. Rubakhina, Yu. M. Zabrodin, K. K. Platonov, V. F. Venda, A. I. Galaktionov, and also in recent years - L. G. Dikoy, V. A. Vavilova, V. A. Bodrova.

Labor psychology- a branch of psychology that examines psychological characteristics labor activity human, patterns of development of labor skills. There is an opinion that the description of this science in the broad and narrow senses should be divided. Within the framework of this approach, in a narrow sense, labor psychology is understood as “a complex of scientific disciplines about labor as a process of functioning and development of a person as a subject of labor, as an individual; is a complex of disciplines about theoretical-methodological, psychophysiological and psychological foundations haniyah of labor, about psychological characteristics specific professional activity, about professional important qualities the individual as a subject of labor, professional crises and destructions, deformations, diseases.” Psychology of work in in a broad sense are called “a complex of scientific disciplines about labor as a cultural and social activity of a person, acting as its subject, its key component, its system-forming factor.” The last definition is quite capacious, but, in fact, it is not a definition of one science “work psychology”, but of a number of scientific disciplines - ergonomics, engineering psychology, sociology, economic psychology, etc., and therefore is not suitable for defining a specific discipline . If we try to generalize and compress all the above descriptions of this science, we can give following definition: "Work psychology is a field of psychology that studies psychological processes, states and patterns of work of the human psyche associated with work activity"

The main tasks of occupational psychology modern stage directly related to the social tasks of improving production relations and improving the quality of labor, improving living conditions, eliminating emergency situations, democratization and formation of the psychological type of the employee, an appropriate work culture. The following main areas of research are highlighted: - ways to increase labor productivity - rationalization of work and rest, - formation of professional motivation - assessment of professional suitability - optimization of relationships in labor collectives. - psychological preparation of youth for work - problems and crises professional development- professional stress and conflicts - psychology of occupational safety

The following research methods in occupational psychology are used: - natural and laboratory experiments, - observation, - interviews, - questionnaires, - psychological tests, - simulators, - method of functional tests and other methods.

Pedagogical psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the patterns of human development in conditions of training and education. It is closely related to pedagogy, child and differential psychology, and psychophysiology.

The structure of educational psychology consists of three sections:

  • psychology of learning;
  • psychology of education;
  • teacher psychology.

Subject of educational psychology- development cognitive activity in conditions of systematic training. Thus, it is revealed psychological essence educational process. Research in this area is aimed at identifying:

  • interrelations of external and internal factors that determine differences in cognitive activity in the conditions of various didactic systems;
  • the relationship between the motivational and intellectual plans of learning;
  • opportunities to manage the processes of learning and development of the child;
  • psychological and pedagogical criteria for the effectiveness of training, etc.

Subject of educational psychology- development of personality in the conditions of purposeful organization of the activities of the child and the children's team. Educational psychology studies the patterns of the process of assimilation of moral norms and principles, the formation of worldviews, beliefs, etc. in the conditions of educational and educational activities at school.
Research in this area is aimed at studying:

  • the content of the motivational sphere of the student’s personality, its orientation, value orientations, moral attitudes;
  • differences in the self-awareness of students brought up in different conditions;
  • the structure of children's and youth groups and their role in the formation of personality;
  • conditions and consequences of mental deprivation

Subject of teacher psychology- psychological aspects of the formation of professional pedagogical activity, as well as those personality traits that contribute to or hinder the success of this activity. The most important tasks of this section of educational psychology are:

  • determining the creative potential of the teacher and the possibilities of overcoming pedagogical stereotypes;
  • studying the emotional stability of a teacher;
  • identifying positive features individual style communication between teacher and student and a number of others

The general task of educational psychology is to identify, study and describe psychological characteristics and patterns of intellectual and personal development of a person in the conditions of educational activities, educational process. Accordingly, the tasks of educational psychology are (see animation):

  • disclosure of the mechanisms and patterns of teaching and educational influence on the intellectual and personal development trainee;
  • determination of the mechanisms and patterns of student mastering sociocultural experience (socialization), its structuring, preservation (strengthening) in the individual consciousness of the student and use in various situations;
  • determining the connection between the level of intellectual and personal development of the student and the forms, methods of teaching and educational influence (cooperation, active forms training, etc.);
  • determination of organizational and management features educational activities students and the impact of these processes on intellectual, personal development and educational and cognitive activity;
  • studying the psychological foundations of a teacher’s activity;
  • determination of factors, mechanisms, patterns of developmental education, in particular the development of scientific and theoretical thinking;
  • determination of patterns, conditions, criteria for the assimilation of knowledge, formation on their basis of the operational composition of activities in the process of solving various problems;
  • development of psychological foundations for further improvement of the educational process at all levels educational system and etc.

Psychophysiology- science that studies neuro physiological mechanisms mental processes, states and behavior. Within the framework of psychophysiology, the psychophysiological problem of the relationship between the brain and psyche is also solved.

Engineering psychology emerged as an independent field relatively recently, about two decades ago. Its main task is to develop principles for coordinating tools with the mental characteristics and characteristics of a person. In solving this problem, engineering psychology proceeds from a general theoretical concept of man as a link in management and control systems. In such a system, man and machine form a single control loop - the “man-machine” system. Basic theoretical problem Engineering psychology is to clarify the patterns of human activity in receiving, processing and transmitting information circulating in the “man - machine” system.

Therefore, the problem of adapting a machine to a person appeared in a completely new aspect. If earlier, when developing and constructing machines, it was mainly about taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of a person, now the issue of taking into account mental characteristics has been brought to the fore. Designers modern cars primarily interested in the characteristics of perception, attention, memory and thinking. Questions about the optimal working posture, rational organization movements, etc. become subordinate. They are considered only in connection with the analysis general conditions human activity, the main content of which is receiving information from machines, transforming it, forming decisions and commands, and performing control actions.

The main problems of engineering psychology are the following:

  • 1) analysis of human tasks in control systems, distribution of functions between humans and automatic devices, in particular computers.
  • 2) study of the joint activities of operators, communication processes and information interaction between them;
  • 3) analysis of the psychological structure of the operator’s activity;
  • 4) study of factors influencing the efficiency, quality, accuracy, speed, reliability of operators’ actions;
  • 5) study of the processes of human reception of information, study of human sensory “input”;
  • 6) analysis of the processes of human information processing, its storage and decision-making, psychological mechanisms for regulating the activities of operators;
  • 7) study of the processes of forming commands and performing control actions by a person, the characteristics of his speech and motor “output”;
  • 8) development of methods of psychodiagnostics, professional guidance and selection of camera specialists;
  • 9) analysis and optimization of operator training processes.

In the process of development of engineering psychology, there was a transition from the study of individual elements of activity to the study of work activity as a whole, from considering the operator as a simple link in the control system to considering him as a complex, highly organized system, from a machine-centric approach to an anthropocentric one.

The problem of “man and technology”, part of which is the question of human activity in control systems (the “man-machine” system), has now become one of the most important. It is one of those problems that determine general development modern science: Specialists from various fields participate in the study of various aspects of this problem: engineers, mathematicians, physiologists, doctors.

Engineering psychology is developing truly as a complex science. But psychology, which united specialists from other fields, played a decisive role in its formation as an independent direction. This is due to the fact that it is in psychology that data have been accumulated characterizing cognitive processes human (detection, discrimination, perception, recognition, representation, memory, thinking), their basic patterns are revealed and some principles of mental regulation of labor actions are revealed.

It is also important to note the significant role of cybernetics, in which some general principles of control and the structure of control systems are formulated, and methods of mathematical description of the processes of transmission, processing and storage of information are developed. This made it possible to approach the problem of reconciling the characteristics of machines with the characteristics of humans from a single position, to consider links of control systems that are different in nature in the same terms and to use general methods research on these links. In the initial period of development of engineering psychology, groups and laboratories were created that served individual departments and enterprises and solved specific applied problems. But already at the end of the fifties there was a need to develop theoretical foundations this science. In 1959 in Leningradskoye state university The first university laboratory of engineering psychology is organized. In 1960-1961 similar laboratories were created at Moscow University, at the Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics, at Kharkov University, at the Institute of Psychology of the Academy pedagogical sciences RSFSR. Small groups of engineering psychologists also work at the Kiev Institute of Psychology, Tbilisi University, and the Institute of Psychology of the Gruz Academy of Sciences. SSR and in some other cities of the Soviet Union.

Problems of engineering psychology for a number of years recent years Various meetings and conferences were devoted to this.

They discussed many reports on all areas of ongoing research. The purpose of the conference was to sum up the results of the work, determine the circle of the most current problems and outline prospects further development engineering psychology.

The conference showed that the flow of research in the field of engineering psychology is expanding literally every day; A wealth of factual material is accumulating in various laboratories. It becomes completely obvious that there is a need to systematize and generalize the accumulated data, develop some fundamental positions and create on this basis a theory that could serve the practical purposes of designing modern technology.

Engineering psychology research can be grouped around several major issues, a brief description of which are given below.

These include:

  • - the problem of transmitting information to a human operator;
  • - the problem of control actions of a human operator;
  • - the problem of operational thinking;
  • - memory problem of the human operator;
  • - the problem of human operator activity in monitoring and control systems;
  • - the problem of human operator reliability.

In connection with their development, issues such as the distribution of functions between man and machine in control systems, assessment of the transfer function of the human operator, determination of requirements for visual aids and controls in each specific system etc. Let us note that the listed problems are being developed unevenly.

The problem of transmitting information to a human operator is one of the most intensively developed problems in engineering psychology, which is due to the widespread development of systems remote control and control, which set the task of coordinating technical means signaling with the laws of cognitive, primarily sensory, processes. In general and experimental psychology Much attention was paid to the problem of sensory processes (sensation, perception and representation). Psychology and physiology have accumulated significant experimental material that reveals the characteristics of sensations of different modalities, their dependence on physical characteristics, stimuli, interaction of sensations, dynamics of the formation of a perceptual image, physiological mechanisms of sensory processes.

The accumulated data served as the basis for posing the problem of engineering psychology under consideration. At the same time, it must be emphasized that the problem of transmitting information to a human operator is not reduced to the problem of sensory processes in its classical formulation. It includes at least three main aspects.

One of them concerns the relationship of the properties of a physical signal carrying information to such “parameters” of the analyzer as sensitivity, dynamics of adaptation, sensitization, etc. This is a psychophysical aspect associated with the choice of the physical alphabet of signals, i.e. the question of what properties of stimuli distinguished by a person are advisable in one case or another to be used as signals carrying information.

Another information-theoretic aspect of the problem under consideration concerns the assessment of the maximum amount of information perceived by a person and processed per unit of time. It is associated with solving problems such as determining optimal length alphabet of signals, “saturation” of signals with information, estimation of the number of their dimensions (features) necessary to transmit a given amount of information, distribution of incoming signals in time, etc.

The issues of using information measures in the study of mental phenomena have not yet been completely resolved. Some researchers are trying to apply these measures everywhere, believing that they can serve as the main means of quantitative analysis in psychology. Others treat them more cautiously (and sometimes simply negatively), pointing out the limitations of information measures and the need, first of all, for a qualitative analysis of mental phenomena. The use of these measures has now proven effective only when studying a very limited range of phenomena (mainly reactions of choice and acts of identification). Attempts to apply them to other aspects of human activity encounter significant difficulties.

Needs an even bigger one collaboration psychologists and mathematicians in order to fully appreciate the power and limits of information theory methods.

The last aspect of the problem under consideration - actually psychological - concerns the study of those mental processes through which a person receives and processes information. It's about, first of all, about the formation of a subjective image of the signal and decoding of incoming information. Research conducted in terms of both general and engineering psychology shows that the formation of a perceptual image is a phase process.

Knowledge of the phases and sequence of distinguishing signal features, as well as the dynamics of the formation of its image, is important for solving such engineering and psychological problems as choosing the optimal outline of characters, determining the number of lines in a television image, signal transmission speed, frame changes in projection display systems, etc. .

In this regard, the problem of “noise immunity” of perception also arises, i.e., a person’s ability to reconstruct signals that are partially destroyed by interference.

An important role in the construction of a perceptual image is played by ideas (secondary images) formed in a person during the development process. The act of perception is at the same time a correlation of the formative image with some standard stored in memory. According to a number of authors, representation is characterized by schematization of the image and an elementary level of generalization. It can be assumed that the system of ideas stored in human memory forms a kind of “subjective scale” with which certain perceptual images are correlated. This significantly speeds up the perception process, but at the same time it can sometimes serve as a source of identification errors. The issue of the formation of “subjective scales” and their use in acts of signal perception needs to be studied, the results of which could be very useful for the development of systems for optimal information coding and principles for operator training.

A significant and decisive moment in the operation of receiving information is decoding. Having perceived and recognized the signal, the operator must assess the state of the controlled object, i.e. transform the image of the first into the image of the second, or create a “conceptual model” (A. T. Welford’s term). This transformation can be carried out either as a translation of a perceptual image into a representation based on the mechanism of associations, or through more complex transformations at the level of speech and mental processes. The nature of the transformation is ultimately determined by the problem that the operator must solve.

Obviously, the speed, accuracy and reliability of the transformation depend on the relationships that are established between the signals and the objects displayed in them. In this regard, first of all, the question arises about the relationship between the number of features of an object and a signal. Available experimental data show that the optimal coding system is one in which the ratio of the number of signal features to the number of object features is equal to one. In this case, a strict subordination of features and, in accordance with it, the degree of their distinguishability must be observed.

Other no less important question The same problem concerns the relationship between the characteristics of a signal and an object in terms of quality and nature.

All signals that a person deals with can be divided into image signals, in which the properties of the signal in one way or another reproduce the properties of the object, and symbol signals, which denote only the properties of the object, i.e., they are their conventional signs. The degree of completeness of the reproduction of an object in an image signal can be different: from a more or less complete picture (such as a television color three-dimensional image) to a diagram (contour drawing, drawing).

In operations of receiving information transmitted using image signals, the processes of perception and decoding are, as it were, merged due to the action of the mechanism of association by similarity, which - as experiments show - leads to a reduction in transformation time. When using symbolic signals, these processes may diverge, which naturally requires additional time to transform the signal image into a “conceptual model.”

However, this does not mean that the image signal is always the best. The use of signals of this type achieves gains in speed and noise immunity of information reception, but reduces accuracy (the latter here is completely determined by the capabilities of the measuring function of the analyzers). When choosing a signal type, you should ultimately proceed from the tasks solved by the operator. In the majority modern means display uses signals that combine moments of the image and symbol.

IN Lately The idea of ​​developing a special type of signal-symbols that display various features of the control object in the form of an integral spatial structure (“spatial coding”) has attracted much attention. These include, in particular, graphic display, which is one of the economical ways transmitting information to a person about physical quantities(diagrams, graphs, nomograms, etc., obtained using electronic means based on the processing of primary information in information-logical machines). A graphical display that allows you to convert almost any measured quantity (including time, force, speed, voltage, etc.), as well as directly unobservable dependencies between them into a spatial diagram, is not an image in the true sense of the word. It does not reproduce the properties of the object; it displays various features of the object in the form of a holistic conventional picture.

There is reason to believe that replacing the mass of individual devices that discretely transmit information about individual parameters controlled object, a holistic spatial diagram (conventional picture), changing its configuration in accordance with interrelated changes in parameters, will significantly increase the speed and reliability of information reception by a person. This kind of integrated coding system is designed for a natural, simultaneous way for humans to evaluate a large set of parameters.

The considered aspects of the problem of transmitting information to a human operator concern some general principles optimal coding. The results of research conducted in these areas can serve as a starting point for the development of display tools.

Subject and basic concepts of engineering psychology.

Engineering psychology– a direction that arose on the basis of the study of labor psychology and technical sciences. Engineering psychology studies issues of interaction, mutual coordination of human capabilities and modern technology within the framework of a unified “man-machine-environment” system (MHMS). The coordination of a person with technology occurs at different levels, and different disciplines study it accordingly (See Diagram)

As we see, at first man used his muscular strength to control technology. Required: physical strength, high coordination of movements, dexterity. It was important: the shape of the tools, the influence of work activity on the state of the body...

At the beginning of the twentieth century, new types of work activity appeared (driving a car, an airplane), which required taking into account not only the anthropometric and physiological qualities of a person, but also mainly his psychological qualities - reaction speed, characteristics of memory and attention, emotional attitude, etc. The change in the nature of human activity and technology led to the emergence of labor psychology. She studies the psychological characteristics of a person’s work activity and the formation of professionally important qualities in him to increase labor productivity.

Finally, the widespread introduction of automated control systems (ACS) in various industries has forced psychology to pay attention to the human operator.

Engineering psychology solves the following tasks: 1. rational organization of human activity in “man-machine” systems designed for managing and processing information;

2. appropriate distribution of functions between the manager and service personnel and technical means of automation;

3. optimization of information support and decision-making processes.

In solving these problems, engineering psychology is based on data from related sciences, such as personality psychology, work psychology, etc., and also closely interacts with systems engineering and engineering disciplines.

Ergonomics- (from the Greek érgon - work and nómos - law), a scientific discipline that comprehensively studies a person (group of people) in the specific conditions of his (their) activity in modern production. Therefore, when designing new and modernizing existing equipment, it is especially important to take into account in advance and with the greatest possible completeness the capabilities and characteristics of the people who will use it.

The “man-machine-environment” system consists of:

    machines (M) - everything that is artificially created by human hands to satisfy their needs ( technical devices, information support, etc.);

    human (H) - a human operator who, when interacting with a machine, performs certain control functions to achieve the goal;

    environment, which can be divided into two types - the environment (ES) and the social environment (SS).

    The environment is characterized by such basic parameters as microclimate, noise, vibration, illumination, dust, gas pollution, etc.

    The social environment is characterized by socio-economic and political relations in society.

A person and a machine, in their interaction, constitute a subsystem within the framework of the human-machine system, which is called the “man-machine” system - the human-machine system.

The classification of SFM is based on four groups of characteristics:

    purpose of the system;

    characteristics of the human element;

    type of machine link;

    type of interaction between system components.

According to their intended purpose, MSM are divided into:

    managers, in which the main task of a person is to control the machine;

    servicing, in which the human task is to monitor the condition of the machine;

    training - development of certain skills in a person;

    informational - searching, accumulating or obtaining the necessary information;

    research - analysis of certain phenomena.

According to the characteristics of the human link, HMS are divided into:

    monosystems, which include one person;

    polysystems, which include a whole team and a complex of technical devices interacting with it.

Polysystems can be divided into parity and hierarchical (multi-level).

    In parity systems, there is no subordination or priority between team members.

    In hierarchical HMS, an organizational or priority hierarchy of human interaction with technology is established.

Activities of a human operator.

Activities of a human operator is a process of achieving the goals set for the HMS, consisting of an ordered set of actions performed by it. Peculiarities operator activity:

    A man must control everything a large number objects, which complicates the assessment of their conditions, the organization of control and management.

    A person is increasingly moving away from controlled objects and processes and cannot perceive them directly. Therefore, he communicates with images or information models that imitate them. It must constantly decode information.

    Demands are increasing for human performance and at the same time for the reliability of his work.

    From a physiological point of view, operator activity is qualitative the new kind activities. The main function of the operator is to analyze the situation and make decisions.

    The degree of responsibility for the actions performed is growing.

    The usual working conditions of a person are disrupted. Decreased muscle work. Use of small muscle groups. Social isolation.

    High preparedness for emergency action is required. At the same time, processing large quantity information in a short period of time. This leads to overload and stress.

There are severaltypes operator activity:

    operator-technologist - a person directly involved in the technological process;

    operator-manipulator – the main role of human activity is sensorimotor regulation (control of manipulators, trains, etc.);

    operator-observer – classic type operator (transport system dispatcher, radar station operator, etc.);

    operator-researcher – researchers of any profile;

    operator-manager - organizers, managers at various levels, responsible decision makers.

Based on the type of machine link, two types of characteristics can be distinguished:

      information - machines that provide information processing and problem solving spiritual plan;

      material – machines that process material media.

Based on the type of interaction between system components in the MCS, there are two types:

    informational – interaction caused by the transfer of information from machine to person;

    sensorimotor – interaction directed from a person to a machine to achieve a given goal.

Originated in the 40s. last century. Its founders are considered to be D. I. Mendeleev, meteorologist M. A. Rykachev, scientists I. M. Sechenov, V. M. Bekhterev. A.K. Gastev and I.P. Pavlov. It was I.M. Sechenov who was the author of scientific works about man and his role in the rationalization of work activity and psychological processes. Engineering psychology, or rather only its foundations, were also formulated by I.M. Sechenov.

His statement about human active leisure as the best way improving and especially maintaining performance, have not yet lost their relevance and are successfully used in practice.

What is engineering psychology?

This is a science, or rather a branch of it, which in modern high-tech society is becoming increasingly important, because the number of questions studying “man-machine” systems in the modern, rapidly changing world is becoming more and more numerous.

What is its essence and what are the foundations of engineering psychology? She studies current relationships and characteristics of work modern man in its production and

The result of this research is the optimization labor process people, which is necessary when creating latest technologies and, of course, directly new technical means. Thanks to them, management systems are improved, and the basic characteristics of the modern labor process are improved.

Engineering psychology examines, in particular, current and numerous problems of human interaction with computers. The consequence of this is the establishment of certain requirements for both participants in this process. The following concepts are used as indicators: reliability, efficiency, speed, accuracy.

The foundations of engineering psychology are very close to another science - ergonomics, which studies humans, the creation of safe workplaces, and objects of work. Based on the findings obtained, new ones are modeled computer programs. Their goal is to create more favorable conditions labor that would increase its efficiency. The entire system takes into account the physical and mental characteristics human body, based on the psychology, anatomy and physiology of the individual.

In turn, engineering psychology is the most important part of ergonomics. IN modern world, which is characterized by the rapid pace of development of high technologies, complicated production processes And the latest equipment radically changed human functions in production.

A different level of tasks, an increase in the flow of information and high-tech equipment pose new tasks for the individual and require higher loads from him. Physical effort is generally reduced, and the individual becomes a less important link in the “man-machine” partnership. The reason for this is precisely why there is a need to ensure complete safety of personnel in modern production.

Engineering psychology combined with ergonomics can solve this problem. Thanks to the knowledge obtained as a result of research conducted by scientists in these industries, the successful functioning of technology is determined.

Engineering psychology and ergonomics also play a role main role in optimizing working conditions. Such an essential indicator as ergonomics is the most general criterion for the properties of technology and characterizes the degree of comfort that corresponds to certain types of devices and mechanisms.

What are engineering psychology and ergonomics used for? They explore such areas as the creation of new jobs, their design, provision Maintenance machines, are studying the equally important issue of personnel selection and vocational training.

Engineering psychology and ergonomics have become the most promising sciences in development and they are entrusted with enormous responsibility in connection with the progressive development of society.