Levels of productivity of pedagogical activity. Age in cultural consciousness: the experience of system modeling

In terms of performance, each teacher can be assigned to one of the following levels, while each subsequent level includes all the previous ones:

Reproductive level: the teacher can and knows how to tell others what he knows himself;

Adaptive level: the teacher is able to adapt his message to the characteristics of the audience;

Local modeling level: the teacher owns strategies for teaching knowledge, skills and abilities in individual sections of the course, is able to formulate a pedagogical goal, anticipate the desired result and create a system and sequence for including students in educational and cognitive activities;

System-modeling level: the teacher owns the strategies for the formation desired system knowledge, skills and abilities of students in their subject as a whole;

System-modeling activity and behavior level: the teacher has strategies for turning his subject into a means of shaping the personality of students, their needs for self-education, self-education and self-development.

The semantic hierarchy of interests of the participants in the pedagogical system, which regulates the actions and deeds of the teacher, is called his personal centering in the pedagogical system. The main types of teacher's centering are: centering on one's own interests; in the interests of the administration; in the interests of parents; in the interests of colleagues; in the interests of the subject; for the benefit of the students.

The teacher's centralization is not just his orientation, but also his interest, concern for the interests of the participants in the pedagogical system. It seems necessary to decentralize educators from all interests that do not coincide with the interests of children. The main way of such decentration is for the teacher to gradually master the value and technological aspects principles of humanization of pedagogical interaction.

Pedagogical excellence is a high and constantly improved art of education and training, available to every teacher who works by vocation and loves children. Striving for mastery, the teacher practically works out the skills of organization, communication, relationships and interaction with children. Improving skills requires the educator to consciously control their mental states, actions, a thorough analysis of events, the development of pedagogical intuition, the ability to quickly assess the situation, feel the state of the child, make prompt decisions.

Pedagogical excellence is primarily expressed in the ability to organize the educational process in order to achieve the required level of upbringing, development and knowledge under all, even the most unfavorable conditions. The art of the teacher is especially manifested in the ability to teach in the classroom. An experienced teacher makes students learn program material right in the classroom. An important indicator of mastery is the ability to activate students, develop their abilities, independence, inquisitiveness, make children think in class. The ability to effectively carry out educational work in the learning process, to form a high morality, a sense of patriotism, diligence, and independence in a student is also an element of pedagogical skill. The teacher-master needs high level pedagogical technique (a set of knowledge, abilities, skills necessary for a teacher in order to effectively put into practice the methods of pedagogical cooperation chosen by him).

Certification of teachers - a comprehensive assessment of the level of qualifications, pedagogical professionalism and productivity of employees of educational institutions.

The purpose of certification is to stimulate the growth of qualifications and professionalism, the quality of pedagogical work, the development of creative initiative, as well as ensuring the social protection of teachers in market conditions. economic relations through wage differentiation.

Certification principles - voluntariness, openness, consistency and integrity expert assessments providing an objective, correct, careful and friendly attitude towards teaching staff.

The success of pedagogical activity depends on the complex of the teacher's abilities. High achievements in the same activity can be provided by a different combination of abilities, so we can talk about their different types. The presence of different abilities allows us to speak about the possibility of compensating some abilities by others, as a result of which the relative weakness of any one ability is compensated by another.

Ability is opportunity. The achieved level is a reality. In terms of performance, each teacher can be assigned to one of the following levels, while each subsequent level includes all the previous ones:

1) reproductive level: the teacher can and knows how to tell others what he knows himself;

2) adaptive level: the teacher knows how to adapt his message to the characteristics of the audience;

3) local-modeling level: the teacher owns strategies for teaching knowledge, skills and abilities in individual sections of the course, is able to formulate a pedagogical goal, anticipate the desired result and create a system and sequence for including students in educational and cognitive activities;

4) system-modeling activity and behavior level: the teacher has strategies for turning his subject into a means of shaping the personality of students, their needs for self-education, self-education and self-development.

Teachers at the first two levels do not have special pedagogical abilities. Only when moving to the third level does the teacher show pedagogical abilities the more, the higher his level.

All considered levels are interconnected. The teacher in the process of mastering professional knowledge and skills, in the course of activity moves from one level to another, and the structure of his abilities changes accordingly. As the teacher reaches a higher level, he becomes more able to discover something new, to create something original. What is the ultimate result of his efforts?

There are three main outcomes of communication:

a change in the recipient's knowledge;

changes in recipient settings;

changing the explicit behavior of the receiver.

Patterns and mechanisms for the development of pedagogical abilities

The question of abilities should be merged with the question of development, the question of pedagogical abilities with the question of the teacher's professional activity and personality. It is in the process of overcoming professional and personal difficulties that the development (as a spontaneous change) of pedagogical abilities takes place, and their formation (as a purposeful change) is carried out in specially organized conditions of the system of university and postgraduate training of teachers.

The development of a person, in contrast to the accumulation of “experience” in mastering knowledge, skills, skills, is the development of his abilities, and the development of abilities is what defines development as such, in contrast to the accumulation of knowledge and skills. In his book "Man and the World" S.L. Rubinstein formulates the basic rule for the development of abilities, which is that development takes place in a spiral: the realization of an opportunity that represents the ability of one level opens up new opportunities for further development, for the development of abilities of a higher level. A person's giftedness is determined by the range of new opportunities that the realization of available opportunities opens up.

The main idea of ​​A.N. Leontiev: all mental functions and abilities inherent in a person as a social being develop and are formulated as a result of mastering the experience of previous generations. Mastering the achievements of social development, "translating" them into "one's own" abilities occurs through other people, i.e. in the process of communication, where the child, the person and learns adequate activities. Thus, this process is in its function a process of education.

Developing the problem of abilities, B.G. Ananiev emphasizes the role of the active activity of the individual in the assimilation of social experience. Abilities are a manifestation of the creative development of the mind, and not a simple accumulation of knowledge. Consequently, abilities are a manifestation of the creative application of accumulated knowledge, the innovative position of the person himself in relation to the knowledge that he assimilates, his independence and consciousness. Thus, it is assumed that the ability is not a simple accumulation of knowledge.

According to L.S. Vygotsky, abilities develop initially as an imitation of a cultural pattern of thinking and activity; then there is a change in the original sample, followed by reflection and fixation of the differences between one's own mode of activity and the cultural one.

Without knowledge of psychological patterns and mechanisms, it is impossible to determine the strategy, general direction formation and development of pedagogical abilities and professional activity of the teacher in general. In order to become a creator, V.N. Druzhinin, you need to master a certain level of culture, enter a certain sphere of life with the help of another person - a “model of creativity”. The presence of imitative ability provides "ease of entry", creative ability (creativity, imagination) determines productivity and originality.

The positive impact of the teacher's professional activity on the development of his pedagogical abilities is due to the following conditions: 1) the activity should evoke strong and stable positive emotions in the teacher; 2) the teacher's activity should be as creative as possible, and not just reproductive; 3) it is important for the teacher to organize his activities in such a way that he pursues goals that always slightly anticipate his available capabilities, the level of performance he has already achieved.


Local- local, peculiar to this place.

In the activities of teachers of different levels of productivity, perspective and operational design are correlated in different ways. Hence, it is so important, when starting to design the pedagogical process, to see the place of each pedagogical task, whether it be a lesson or an educational event, in the structure of a holistic pedagogical process. For teachers of the highest, system-modeling level of activity, design activities are dominant, i.e. long-term, technology. Fundamental difference the activity of teachers of the reproductive, adaptive and locally modeling levels of activity lies in the fact that they are dominated by lesson technology, and not the subject as a whole; educational event, and not the pedagogical process as a whole.

If the teacher is sufficiently focused on the requirements for students, i.e. to the final goals, then he does not experience any particular difficulties both in designing a holistic pedagogical process, as well as individual lessons and educational activities.

See also:

And pedagogy, and psychology originally existed in the bosom of philosophy, from which it first spun pedagogy and then psychology.


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Freud A. Psychology and protective mechanisms: Per. from English. - M.: Pedagogy, 1993. To section II. Atkinson R. Human memory and learning process.


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Kantor I.M. Pomoigisho-terminological system pedagogy: Logical and methodological problems. - M.: Pedagogy, 1980


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N.V. Kuzmina distinguishes the following levels of productivity:

I level - (minimum) reproductive; the teacher can and knows how to tell others what he knows himself; unproductive.

II level - (low) adaptive; the teacher is able to adapt his message to the characteristics of the audience; unproductive.

Level III - (medium) locally-simulating; the teacher owns the strategies for teaching students knowledge, skills, skills in individual sections of the course; medium productive.

IV level - (high) system modeling knowledge students; the teacher owns strategies for the formation of the desired system of knowledge, skills and abilities of students in their subject as a whole; productive.

Level V - (highest) system-modeling activity and behavior students; the teacher has strategies for turning his subject into a means of shaping the personality of the student, his needs for self-education, self-education, self-development; highly productive.

Professional self-concept of a teacher

o "actual self" - how the teacher sees and evaluates himself at the present time;

o "retrospective self" - how the teacher sees and evaluates himself in relation to initial stages work;

o "perfect me" - what the teacher would like to be or become;

o "reflexive self" - how, from the point of view of the teacher, he is viewed and evaluated by others in his professional field.

Self-assessment in the structure of the teacher's professional self-concept

In the structure of professional self-assessment, there are: a) self-assessment of the result and b) self-assessment of the potential.

Self-assessment of the result associated with the assessment of what has been achieved and reflects satisfaction / dissatisfaction with the achievements.

Self-Assessment of Potential is associated with an assessment of one's professional capabilities and thus reflects self-confidence and self-confidence.

The concept of pedagogical orientation

Pedagogical focus - dynamic tendencies that, as motives, determine the professional activity of a teacher, themselves, in turn, are determined by its goals and objectives.

Classification of motives of pedagogical activity

Three groups of motives (according to A.K. Baimetov):

1) motives of duty;

2) motives of interest and enthusiasm for the subject being taught;

3) the motives of dedication to communicating with children - "love for children."

Pedagogical abilities

Pedagogical abilities called a set of individual psychological characteristics of a teacher's personality that meet the requirements of pedagogical activity and determine success in mastering this activity.

Classification of pedagogical abilities, according to V.A. Krutetsky

1. Didactic ability- the ability to transfer students educational material, making it accessible to children, presenting the material or problem to them clearly and understandably, arousing interest in the subject, arousing active independent thought in students.

2. Academic Ability- ability in the relevant field of science (mathematics, physics, biology, literature, etc.).

3. Perceptual abilities- ability to penetrate inner world student, pupil, psychological observation associated with a subtle understanding of the personality of the student and his temporary mental states.

4. Speech abilities- the ability to clearly and clearly express their thoughts, feelings through speech, as well as facial expressions and pantomime.

5. Organizational skills- this is, firstly, the ability to organize a student team, rally it, inspire it to solve important problems and, secondly, the ability to properly organize one's own work.

7. Communication skills- the ability to communicate with children, the ability to find the right approach to students, to establish with them expedient, from a pedagogical point of view, relationships, the presence of pedagogical tact.

8. Pedagogical imagination (or predictive ability)- this is a special ability, expressed in anticipation of the consequences of one's actions, in the educational design of the student's personality, associated with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the student will become in the future, in the ability to predict the development of certain qualities of the student.

9. The ability to distribute attention simultaneously between several types of activity; is of particular importance for the work of the teacher.

Styles of pedagogical activity

Activity style is an interconnected set individual features, methods and nature of the implementation of certain activities, as a rule, involving interaction with people and acting as a dynamic stereotype.

Democratic - the teacher relies on the team, stimulates the independence of students. In organizing the activities of the team, the teacher tries to take the position of "first among equals".

· Permissive (liberal). Characteristic is the leader's self-removal from the educational and production process, the removal of responsibility for what is happening.

Additional classification

Emotional improvisational style. Assumes an orientation mainly on the learning process, and not on the result: an interesting selection of material, but little attention is paid to repetition and consolidation.

· Emotional-methodical style. It assumes orientation to the process and the result of education, adequate planning of the educational process, high efficiency, some predominance of intuitiveness over reflexivity.

· Reasoning-improvisational style. Assumes orientation to process and result of training, adequate planning of educational process. The teacher does not show great ingenuity in the selection of teaching methods, is not always able to provide a high pace of work.

Pedagogical acmeology

Pedagogical acmeology is the science of ways to achieve professionalism and competence in the work of a teacher.

One of the central concepts of pedagogical acmeology is the concept professionalism of the teacher.

Criteria for professionalism of a teacher:

o objective criteria: the effectiveness of pedagogical activity (its main types - teaching, developing, educational, as well as auxiliary in the work of a teacher - diagnostic, correctional, consulting, organizational and managerial, self-educational, etc.);

o subjective criteria: stable pedagogical orientation (desire to remain in the profession), understanding of the value orientations of the teaching profession, positive attitude to himself as a professional, job satisfaction;

o procedural criteria: the use by the teacher of socially acceptable, humanistically directed methods, technologies in his work;

o performance criteria: achievement in pedagogical work of the results demanded by society (the formation of personality traits of students that ensure their preparedness for life in a rapidly changing society).