Is it possible to paint plastic? How to paint plastic: rules, materials and tools, stages of painting. Liquid paint painting process

There are situations when motorists and owners of houses or apartments decide to change the usual interior and color of a room or car, as a result of which they are faced with an interesting question: how to paint plastic and what materials can be used for this?

Painting plastic

As a rule, the technology for performing painting work for any surface remains the same. But besides general requirements, there are also some subtleties without which to perform high-quality finishing It's simply impossible. That's why such additional information It's worth taking into account.

Types of paints for PVC products

Painting plastic

Today, the market for paints and varnishes offers a huge variety of paints that can be used for high-quality coating. pvc structures. They can be either in the form of an aerosol or spray, or in the form of conventional paint for application with a brush or roller, which can be either matte, glossy or pearlescent.

Technical characteristics of paints suitable for plastic are given in the table.

  1. Maraplane is a wonderful example for working on PVC structures.

Finishing work with this paint is carried out using a roller, sponge, brush or spray. If such paint on plastic is applied at a temperature of 20 o C, then after 20 minutes you can begin applying a second layer, and after another 4-5 hours the product will be absolutely ready for use. Maraplan paint is very resistant to ultraviolet rays and is also resistant to mechanical damage. But it is better not to subject the film to mechanical overload until the coating has completely dried.

  1. Rainbow-180 is an absolutely white glossy coating for PVC sheets.

This plastic paint is used to decorate windows, window sills, baseboards and other hard plastic, which can be used for both exterior and interior finishing. In addition to PVC, the aerosol is also suitable various surfaces, as well as putty and wood. You can work with this paint at 15-75 o C, and the next layer can be applied after 1-2 hours. This paint is great for exterior decoration.

  1. Snezhka is an acrylic-based enamel for decorative framing of hard PVC and other materials.

According to advice experienced craftsmen, it is better to apply this coating in 2 layers. After applying the paint, the surface of the plastic will be matte after 5-15 hours, and this coating can be used for both external and internal work.

  1. Akmilight is a coating that can glow in dark room blue or green.

We paint plastic with our own hands

This paint is widely used for work on PVC, ABS, polystyrene and polypropylene. It has an increased level of strength and weather resistance. This paint has proven itself well in the restoration of pots, furniture, souvenirs, window and door blocks using a spray or by dipping from 1 to 3 layers, as indicated in the instructions for use of the material. Before starting painting work, as well as during the painting process, the paint must be thoroughly mixed all the time, because additives tend to settle, and the drying time for the finish varies between 2-4 hours.

  1. Gamma – acrylic paint, presented as an aerosol.

In the palette of this finishing material There are about 25 shades that can be applied to plastic, wood and steel, and it is also great as a spray for applying graffiti. The decorative coating obtained in this way will be weather-resistant, have a deep color and a muted shine. For achievement best result better to choose white base(If we're talking about about the fluorescent version - this requirement is mandatory). Sometimes it is necessary to apply the material in 2 layers to increase contrast and enhance color, but reapplying the material is allowed only after 30 minutes, so that the bottom coating has time to dry properly.

It is also worth highlighting a separate category of paints that contain chromium. Chrome is also called “mirror paint” and is most appropriate in mechanical engineering. To apply chromium to the surface of a product, both an aerosol and a galvanic method are used, the difference will be almost imperceptible.

Today, finishes such as chrome (especially in aerosol form) are becoming increasingly popular. Chrome, in its own way mirror features, captivates the eyes of passers-by, which is why motos and car enthusiasts love to use it.

In addition to high strength, chrome can withstand high temperature changes, and it does not matter whether an aerosol is used for application or whether the painting was done at the factory.

Chrome can be gold or silver in color, which can also be an interesting detail when decorating the interior of your apartment. In addition, chromium has excellent physical and chemical properties and an affordable price.

How is painting work done?

Before starting painting work, the plastic must be pre-cleaned and dried, because it is allowed to be painted only when good level adhesion, which can only be achieved on a fat-free and purified base.

To prepare the surface and clean it, under no circumstances use familiar solvents or the familiar white spirit. Today, the market offers a wide range of specialized compounds for cleaning plastic.

Please note that not every plastic needs a primer, and sometimes it happens with precision, and, on the contrary, it is impossible to do without it. To understand how to act in specific situation, there are 2 simple verification methods:

  • Buoyancy

To do this check, take a piece of plastic and put it in water. If it starts to sink, you won't need primer. If, on the contrary, the material lies on the surface of the water, there will be no need for a primer.

  • Combustion

If during arson the material begins to smoke, there is no need to apply a primer, but if it burns “cleanly,” applying a layer of primer is inevitable.

If you need to paint a part that is not new, it may need to be sanded, which will require sandpaper number 320-400 and water to remove cracks and cracks.

We paint plastic parts ourselves

When painting, paint is applied to the surface with brushes, paint rollers on a wool or mohair base. Aerosols and sprays can also be used for small-scale production.

Painting plastic, in particular PVC (PVC) plastics, is not a trivial task. Quite hard to find suitable solution among a variety of paints and varnishes. The main problem when painting various plastic polymers is achieving the necessary adhesion of the coating to the substrate.

When using most non-specialized paints, the coating literally “peeles off the skin” from the plastic or collects wrinkles. As a rule, in addition to paint, you need to buy a special primer for plastics. But it becomes more complicated technological process painting plastic products, which means time, money and labor costs increase.

One of the strongest areas of our company is the production of single-layer primer enamels for PVC and other common plastics used in the electrical, automotive, furniture industries, construction field. As well as the production of paints and primers for plastics that are problematic in terms of coloring (PP - polypropylene, porous plastic, PA-6 - polyamide 6, GFK - fiberglass, EPDM, etc.).
The use of primer enamels for PVC and other plastics is possible without prior priming. Strong adhesion on plastic is achieved due to special components that etch the surface and penetrate deep into the base (while the plastic does not collapse or corrode). Lankwitzer plastic paints are highly elastic and do not require additional plasticizers during application, which also reduces the cost of painting. The appearance of cracks and chips is excluded. Paint for plastic can create a different tactile effect: a smooth glossy or matte surface, a velvety “soft-touch” surface or a textured “shagreen leather” surface. paints and varnishes Lankwitzer for PVC and other plastic polymers are not very demanding on the degree of surface preparation and, in general, are a very simple and economical solution.

Paint schemes for PVC and other common plastics with different coating requirements:
- Schemes for smooth painting PVC plastic;
- Painting of PVC and other plastics with different effects and coating properties: with a tactile effect or a structural surface, with increased wear resistance and etc.
Lankwitzer specialists have also developed painting schemes for many other plastics (ABS, PS - polystyrene, PC - polycarbonate, etc.) and problematic plastics (PP - polypropylene, porous plastic, PA-6 - polyamide 6, GFK - fiberglass, EPDM, etc. .).

Schemes for smooth painting of PVC plastic
PVC products have a fairly smooth surface, which reduces the adhesive properties of most plastic paints. To solve this problem, our specialists have created a modified two-component primer-enamel for PVC, EvoProtect 240. Special adhesive additives improve paint adhesion to PVC and its derivatives. PVC paint EvoProtect 240 is used in the electrical industry (painting PVC boxes, PVC junction boxes), as well as construction industry(coloring PVC profile: windows, siding, facades).

High abrasion resistance of the coating, as well as resistance to ultraviolet radiation, high humidity and condensation allow this paint for PVC to be used outdoors in all climatic zones our country.

PVC paint is made on the basis of non-aggressive solvents, which allows you to repair previously painted PVC products powder materials or liquid paints.

Also for PVC siding, two-component primer-enamel EvoClear 295, modified with adhesive additives, is used. Paint for PVC siding EvoClear 295 gives the surface a high-gloss shine and an optimal balance of hardness and ductility. Excellent spread of paint on PVC siding creates an exceptionally smooth surface on which particles contaminating the surface do not linger: dust, soot, soot, salts. The PD 95 coating belongs to the class of anti-graffiti paints, which allows the use of caustic substances to wash off the applied graffiti paint.
Polyurethane-acrylic primer-enamels for PVC: EvoProtect 240 and EvoClear 295 provide long-term external protection for at least 10-12 years.
Also in the range of Lankwitzer coatings there is a one-component alkyd primer-enamel for PVC, used for protection internal surfaces from PVC for 10 years and external surfaces from PVC for at least 5 years: EvoProtect 336. Manufactured on the basis of a modified alkyd polyvinyl chloride resin. Characterized by ease of preparation and application of the material.

Tactile paint with a tactile effect"Soft- touch"
To give the painted surface a velvety effect, two-component polyurethane-acrylic paint for plastic EvoCor 289 is used. This type found paints for plastic wide application in the automotive and furniture industries, as well as in manufacturing household appliances and electronics.

Structural paint for plastics (PVC, ABS, polycarbonate, etc.)
Used to hide casting defects or damage to plastic, as well as to create a structural effect on smooth plastics. structural paint for plastic EvoProtect 239, EvoProtect 248 with a high degree of thixotropy, allowing you to create a durable structural silky-glossy coating. The coating is highly resistant to mechanical loads and the effects of cleaning chemicals.

Paint for plastics with increased wear resistance
When painting plastic products made from ABS, PS, PC, PMMA, PPO, SAN and subject to constant mechanical and chemical loads, plastic paints EvoDecor 216, EvoDecor 234, EvoClear 295 based on polyurethane-acrylic resin are used, forming a hard, high-gloss coating. Paints for plastic EvoDecor 216 and EvoDecor 234 are supplied only from Germany, paint for plastic EvoClear 295 is tinted in the Russian Federation from German components.

Paint for plastics: ABS,PS- polystyrene,PC- polycarbonate
For painting household electrical products, as well as furniture fittings acrylic paint for plastic LD66 is used, which does not require preliminary priming when applied to the following types of plastics: ABS, PS, PC, PMMA, PPO, SAN, i.e. combines the properties of primer and enamel, has reliable adhesion and does not corrode plastic.

Primer for plastics with weak adhesion (PP- polypropylene, EPDM,PA-6- caprolon)
Some types of plastics require preliminary priming or special surface preparation before painting. Primer for plastic EvoPrime 320 allows you to paint polypropylene (PP) and ethylene-propylene rubber (EPDM), without preliminary surface preparation.
For painting plastics of the indicated brands, as well as for polyamide 6 plastic (Caprolon or PA-6), it is recommended to use a modified primer with enhanced adhesion EvoPrime 322.

Primer for plastics with a porous surface, uneven plastics
Primer for plastic EvoPrime 367 has excellent filling ability and effectively smoothes out surface unevenness. EvoPrime 367 Acrylic Primer is also an adhesive primer, allowing low quality plastics and recycled materials to be painted.

Polyurethane primers for plastic EvoCor 243, EvoCor 273 are recommended for painting parts made of fiberglass (GFK) in the automotive industry.
Primers for plastics perfectly smooth out unevenness and sand well, have reliable adhesion and resistance to aggressive influences during equipment operation. Primers on plastic are covered with enamels based on alkyd, acrylic or polyurethane resins.

Lankwitzer plastic paints have an excellent decorative appearance, high resistance to abrasion, moisture, alcohols and detergents. At the same time, the presented primers, enamels and primer-enamels are technologically advanced and easy to apply. Depending on the type of plastic, it is selected optimal composition resins and adhesive additives that provide sufficient adhesion to the material being painted. It is possible to produce paints in any color design.
Contact us to buy paint and primers for plastic or get a free consultation.

Advantages of purchasing plastic paints from Lankwitzer

The main arguments in favor of buying plastic paints from Lankwitzer Lakfabrik are: optimal price and excellent performance properties of coatings. An additional reason to contact the company is European level related services. A well-established process of interaction with the buyer, polite attitude and information support focused on the needs of the partner helps to increase the effectiveness of the partnership. You can purchase paints for plastic or obtain information about the availability of products in stock by contacting the head or regional office of Lankwitzer Lakfabrik. The “Contacts” section contains all the necessary data for this.

Production is certified in accordance with quality standards ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004.

Automotive plastics quite often require painting, be it an interior element, a bumper or external body kits. This is due to many reasons. It happens that a car manufacturer, even a premium one, does not pay enough attention to the aesthetics of plastic interior parts, covering them insufficiently (or not at all) with varnish. But most often the reason for the loss of their appearance is operational flaws. To restore aesthetics, such a part needs to be painted.

Features of painting car interior plastic

At first glance, painting car interior parts made of plastic looks like a simple task. There are certain nuances in this process that you need to know in order to get a high-quality and beautiful coating and get rid of defects.

Painting plastic parts in a car requires careful preparation.

Painting plastic is a multi-stage process that has the following features:

  • first of all, it is necessary to dismantle the required part without breaking off the latches and without losing its small parts;
  • Before painting the plastic elements of the interior trim, they must be degreased and cleaned of remnants of factory varnish and paint;
  • tinting of paints with the selection of the desired shade is carried out at least an hour before their application;
  • for better adhesion, priming and painting of parts is carried out layer by layer with completely dry previous layer;
  • when using polyurethane water paint, you need to add a hardener into it.

Some plastics used for the manufacture of car interior elements do not need to be primed. This is determined by a simple test. You need to place a piece of such material, cleared of paint, into water. If it sinks, you can do without a primer, but when it remains afloat, you must apply primer.

How to paint interior plastic, painting plastic from a spray can

Attention! When painting plastic parts of a car interior it can be used various instrument, including a brush, pneumatic spray gun or aerosol can with paint. The main thing is that the paint is applied in a thin layer, no thicker than 60 microns. A thicker layer of paintwork will take longer to dry, and the quality of the paint may noticeably deteriorate.

When painting, spray paint for plastic is best; some parts are more convenient to paint with a brush.

For execution painting works The following types of coatings are used:

  • a special primer for plastic, which is called a primer or adhesive primer - its purpose is to ensure reliable adhesion of the paintwork to the plastic;
  • filler primer or secondary, acrylic primer;
  • dye;
  • clear acrylic varnish.

Most often painting plastic products performed with the following types of paints:

  • acrylic;
  • polyurethane enamels;
  • powder paints (used for thermoplastics - polyamide, polyethylene, polypropylene and polyurethane);
  • polymer coatings such as liquid plastic;
  • nitroenamel in an aerosol can.

When using a can of nitro enamel to paint car interior elements, you need to take into account the aggressiveness of the solvent included in its composition. Therefore, the paint should be applied in a thin layer, having previously treated and primed the surface.

Do-it-yourself painting of plastic can be done using a brush or an aerosol can.

Painting plastic with chrome

IN Lately It has become fashionable among car owners to repaint plastic interior elements to look chrome. Basically, this painting is not much different from the usual one. This especially applies to the surface preparation process. There are two methods of chrome plating. The first of them involves performing the following sequential steps:

  • applying black paint;
  • polishing the painted product after drying to a mirror finish;
  • wiping the polished surface with special alcohol;
  • heating the painted part with a construction hairdryer;
  • chromium spraying;
  • polishing after drying.

Important! Chrome plating is done using a spray gun with a small amount of paint applied under high pressure.

The second method involves initially using a regular varnish coating. After 15 minutes of drying you need to:

  • perform polishing;
  • apply several thin layers of chrome with a spray gun;
  • Dry the part thoroughly in a special chamber at a temperature of about 600 C.

Today there are also various ways painting car plastic like wood and metal, aluminum and gold, crocodile and snakeskin.

Do-it-yourself painting of plastic car parts

In order to efficiently paint plastic parts of a car interior, you need to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions, and first of all, correctly prepare the surface for painting. To do this you need:

  • Remove the part and, before degreasing, rinse it thoroughly, inspecting it for cracks and other defects.
  • Using solvent or white spirit, remove grease and oil stains, as well as other contaminants.
  • Treat the surface with an antistatic agent to prevent static electricity from attracting dust.
  • If there are defects, you need to eliminate them with a special putty for plastic and give the surface time to dry.
  • Sand all rough spots with sandpaper. In this case, you need to sand “wet”, using abrasive P300 or P400.
  • Rinse, dry thoroughly and degrease the product again.

Painting plastic parts of a car with your own hands is a matter for the patient; you must strictly follow the technology
  • Apply thin layer adhesive primer and 1-2 layers of acrylic primer with an interval of 10-15 minutes for each layer to dry. If you want to get a structural surface, use a texture primer in the last layer.
  • After the primer has dried, clean the primer with abrasive sandpaper P400–P500.

The surface is completely ready for painting. At home, if you don’t have a spray gun, you can use a can of aerosol paint or an ordinary brush. The paint is applied in 2-3 layers with an interval of 15-25 minutes, and the parts are allowed to dry thoroughly. Only after this can the surface be varnished and polished with a special paste.

Painting plastic products is not an easy task, because a smooth surface causes paint to run off. But it’s actually not difficult to deal with if you properly prepare the area to be treated and use the appropriate application method. decorative covering. We’ll tell you how to paint plastic in this article.

General rules for coloring plastic

First of all, it’s worth finding out which plastic surfaces can be painted and which cannot. Plastic material It happens different types depending on the raw materials used in the manufacturing process. Each of them has certain characteristics, which is due to unique properties polymers.

If you need to paint plastic based on polypropylene or polyethylene (PE), then you should not waste your time. The coloring composition will flow down the surface without changing color. For example, metal-plastic ones are made from such raw materials. When purchasing them, you need to immediately select the appropriate tonality.

Various parts made of plastic are suitable for painting. Such surfaces are divided into two types:

Read also: Do-it-yourself primer: savings and confidence in quality

Those in need preliminary preparation(PVC, ABS);

Requiring no treatment before applying paint.

Determine the need preparatory work you can do it yourself. To do this, use one of the following methods:

A plastic part is lowered into a container with water; if it does not sink to the bottom, a primer is needed; when drowning, no pre-treatment is carried out;

If there is such a possibility, then a piece of plastic needs to be set on fire; the presence of soot and black smoke indicates that the material is ready for painting, and if a clean and even flame is detected on a burning fragment, a primer must be applied to the surface.

Materials and tools

To carry out painting work you need to prepare everything you need:

Primer composition;

Colored coating;

Fine sandpaper;

Masking tape;


Coloring stages

When painting a plastic surface, the following sequence is observed:

The work surface is cleaned of old protective coating, if there is severe contamination, then it should be washed with soapy water;

After drying, clean the plastic part with fine sandpaper, removing small scratches and other flaws;

Read also: Learning to paint walls

To improve surface adhesion, you need to remove dust with a dry rag and degrease with an alcohol solution (acetone solvent is also suitable);

It is recommended to cover those areas that cannot be painted with masking tape;

Apply the primer to the plastic using a brush (the composition is selected based on acrylic);

After drying, apply paint to the surface using a brush or spray.

Drying is carried out naturally or by force (using a hair dryer). Temperature drying - 18-60 degrees with a humidity level of up to 80%. Polymerization of the applied layer will be completed after a week, so it is not recommended to use the painted part for its intended purpose before this period.

As a primer, you can use primer for plastic, which is sold in car dealerships.

When preparing the surface, you need to thoroughly clean it from dirt and dust. It is equally important to remove oily stains. This can be done using a solvent.

There is no need to apply a primer layer if you plan to use acrylic-based paints for painting.

Many novice builders think about how to paint plastic correctly. And this question is quite natural.

The fact is that before applying the paint of your choice you must:

  • firstly, carry out certain manipulations;
  • and secondly, choose the right paint, because different types of plastic require different paint coatings.

The answer to the question of what paint is best to paint plastic with is very important. After all, it often happens that you carefully applied the coating, and it even lay down evenly and smoothly, but after the product dries, it turns out that the paint is cracking or crumbling.

So, in order to understand what kind of paint can be used to paint plastic, you must first decide what type of product you are covering.

Types of plastic

Understanding exactly what type of material you need to tidy up is very important. After all, not all plastic, in principle, can be painted. For example, if you decide to change appearance heating pipes, then failure awaits you. Complexity this process is that it is plastic like polypropylene or polyethylene, and it cannot be painted.

Car products can be divided into two types:

  • Requiring primer application;
  • No primer required.

In order to determine which type you need to change, you need to:

  1. Small piece of this product immerse in liquid (it is best to choose for this plain water), and look at the changes. If a piece of a part has sunk, there is no need to prime the plastic before painting. If, on the contrary, the part remains afloat, then it needs a primer before painting.
  2. You can burn a small part of the material (the smallest piece is enough, breaking it off will not damage the part itself and you can use it in the future). So, if you set fire to a piece of a product, and it burns cleanly and evenly - without black soot, then such a product needs to be primed. If you see a large number of soot, then there is no need to prime.

Once you have decided on the type that needs to be processed, it’s time to figure out how to clean the plastic from the paint that was previously coated on the product.

Cleaning the surface of the part

There are several methods for removing paint from plastic.


  • Thermal method (using a hair dryer);
  • Chemical method using:
    • Acetone;
    • Solventa;
    • Solvents sold at any hardware store.
  • Mechanical - using banal scraping.

And only after we clean the entire surface or product from old paint you can start covering it with a new layer. Here are instructions on how to properly paint plastic with your own hands:

Painting process


Understanding the question of how to remove paint from plastic is not enough to carry out the procedure efficiently. It is necessary to carry out a number of mandatory actions after cleaning. First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly degrease all parts.

For this you will need:

  • Cotton wool.
  • Cleaning agent:
    • Alcohol;
    • Acetone;
    • Special products, for example – Nefras S2 80/120.
  • Gloves.

If after the degreasing procedure the part still seems greasy to you, try sanding it.


Everything is simple here - choose the primer based on what material the surface is made of, and apply it in an even layer. Let it dry and repeat the procedure again. After last layer When the primer dries, do not forget to apply an acrylic-based primer.

If the surface of your part is perfectly flat, or you decide to paint a new part, then the priming process can be neglected.
In this case, you can only use acrylic primer.

And finally, last step– soil grinding. In order to properly complete the priming process, take sandpaper and carefully clean the entire surface.

After we have figured out how to remove paint from plastic and prepare it for painting, we can proceed to the most important, final stage.

Painting plastic

First of all, you need to determine for yourself what kind of paint you will use. To do this, you need to understand what kind of paint can be used to paint plastic, and which one is better not to use. After all, today there are a lot of offers on the market, and making a choice is not so easy.

In order to commit right choice, you should know some nuances. After all, paint, for example, for plastic skirting board and for a window of the same material may differ. Can choose oil paint, on water based, and others.

But, it is extremely undesirable to buy acetone-based paint, even if it has attractive price. Acetone can corrode plastic, and for an even coating the surface must be perfectly flat.

After you decide what paint to paint the plastic with and have purchased it, it’s time to prepare for the painting process itself.

For this you will need:

  • (experts recommend using the latter, since in this case you can be guaranteed to paint the surfaces evenly);
  • Mask (not required, but highly recommended);
  • Gloves and old clothes(also not a mandatory accessory);
  • An old piece of fabric or newspaper, if the product is not very large (this will help protect floors, tables and walls from paint).

The procedure itself is not complicated. In essence, it is no different from any other painting work. It is important to apply the layer evenly paint coating and let it dry well.

If time allows, leave the product to dry naturally, without additional heating - this will improve the quality of the work.

Important nuances

  • It is important that it be the same. Only in this case can the surface be painted evenly and efficiently.
  • It should be painted in one layer, the width of which does not exceed 60 microns. Otherwise, the coating may not adhere well to the plastic and will quickly crack and peel.
  • A freshly painted product should dry for at least 5-7 days. And if the room is humid or cool, then this period increases. Optimal temperature for drying it is 18-60 degrees.


As you can see, there is absolutely nothing complicated in the process of painting plastic parts. Even a novice master can cope with it. And the video in this article will help you understand all the nuances in more detail.