DIY staircase to the second floor: photos and drawings with dimensions. What types of wooden stairs can you make with your own hands Do-it-yourself wooden stairs to the second floor

If your a private house or a multi-level apartment contains more than one floor, then the issue of constructing a staircase will arise at the very beginning of the renovation. When choosing a design and material for making a staircase, it is important to be guided not only by your stylistic preferences, but also not to forget about safety and ergonomics. Let us highlight several criteria by which the choice of staircase design and materials for its manufacture is made:

  • The location of the staircase is of particular importance - the front staircase in the center of the hall, living room or the secondary one at the back of the home;
  • location future design regarding the room, its size and quantity square meters allocated for the direct construction of the staircase;
  • the level of safety of the structure will depend on whether small children and elderly people live permanently in the house - some modern models stairs may be unsafe;
  • the thickness of the walls to which the structural elements will be attached;
  • interior of the premises in which the structure will be located.

A staircase in a private house or apartment is not only a structure that helps you get to the upper level, but also important element interior, influencing it appearance, arrangement of furniture and decor. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the choice of a staircase model with all seriousness, weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of each model and the material for its manufacture.

Staircase options for private houses

All staircases can be divided into marching and spiral (spiral) staircases. Most often in modern homes It is the marching structures that are used, which in turn are divided into the following subtypes:

  • structures on stringers - consist of beams that are separately attached to the base (made of wood, metal and concrete);
  • Stairs on bowstrings - steps are attached to the inside of the beam. The structures have a complex design and can be made of various materials;
  • structures on rails - all structural elements are connected with bolts (there are metal and wooden).

Let's take a closer look at each of the options for marching stairs.

Staircases on stringers

One of the most common options for constructing stairs in private houses are structures on stringers. Among the advantages of such models are the following:

The method of fastening the steps in such structures will depend on the number of beams attached to the base - two or one. Stringers, in turn, can be straight, broken or screw.

This type of staircase is available in various variations, you can create a truly individual design structures based on the traditional model.

The use of glass or plastic transparent railings in the form of screens allows you to create a lighter image of the staircase for modern interior. The only drawback is the lack of railings in the idea, which we are used to, and the inability to lean on the fastenings. But with such short marches, this disadvantage is insignificant, unless there are elderly people in the house with mobility problems.

Designs on bowstrings

Stairs on bowstrings have a sophisticated appearance that will look most harmonious in classic style interior and derivatives from this stylistic direction. The steps in such structures are attached to a support beam with inside. The complexity of the design and excellent appearance do not prevent the structures from having incredible high level convenience, safety and comfort of movement.

Such structures can be made of metal and wood, or act as combinations with other materials.

Structures on the highways

As a rule, ladders on rails are made of metal (this is due to the peculiarities of fastening the elements of the structure), but they can also have a combined composition of manufacturing materials. Due to the fact that all elements are connected using pins and bolts, the structures have a fairly simple and laconic appearance, but are incredibly strong and durable. Structures can support high weight. The fact is that the support beam is mounted to the ceiling, wall or floor with metal rods.

The main advantage of this design is the ability to disassemble for repair or reconstruction. The steps in such stairs can be open or closed, have different shape and execution sizes.

Due to the fact that such stairs do not have a base, the space under them can be used for the benefit of the household by arranging a place to relax, a reading corner with a small library.

Spiral staircase - exclusive interior

Spiral staircases are especially popular in private homes, where little usable space is allocated for the arrangement of the structure. Spiral stairs consist of steps, handrails and a post (base). This is surprising, but spiral staircases can be not only round, but also octagonal and square. In homes with small children or elderly people with mobility problems, it may not be worth using such original models, but in other cases, spiral staircases can decorate any interior, not to mention practical side question.

Most often, such structures have a metal frame, but there are also options made entirely of wood. Combined designs look very impressive, not inferior metal structures in strength and durability.

Materials for making stairs

Currently, various materials are used for the manufacture of stairs; we will highlight the most popular of them:

The most popular, as many years ago, are metal and wooden stairs, due to their environmental friendliness, strength, durability and relatively low cost of structures. But depending on the interior style of the room in which the staircase is installed, various combinations of these materials with glass, natural or artificial stone and even plastic are used.

For many years, wood has proven itself to be strong, durable, wear-resistant and environmentally friendly material, continues to be one of the most popular options for construction raw materials for the manufacture of stairs. Such stairs can be of three types:

Sometimes there are designs that combine two options for fastening degrees within one structure. Some rooms require this design features space, in others it is simply a design method of bringing originality to the interior.

Wooden stairs with metal railings, decorated with forged decor, look traditional, impressive and safe. Such structures will organically fit into many interior styles.

The combination of metal and wood provides many variations for the design of a durable and reliable staircase that will fit seamlessly into modern style interior, loft or country style.

Stone stairs are durable and strong, but require an impressive foundation due to heavy weight main structure. More often natural stone it is used only for the manufacture of steps and risers, but even in this case the weight of the structure will be impressive. Artificial analogs have fewer requirements, but the strength and durability of such materials is significantly inferior to natural raw materials. But the appearance is difficult to distinguish from natural material, but it's worth it fake diamond significantly cheaper than natural.

Stone stairs with wrought iron railings look luxurious. This is surprising, but the classic image of a staircase will be relevant not only in traditional styles interior, modern style favorably accepts the integration of such structures.

The stairs, the steps of which are made of untreated stone, look impressive, durable and safe. The rusticity of such a structure is added by original railings made of flexible branches, which at first glance have not undergone any treatment.

Concrete stairs are one of the most budget options. They are quite strong and safe, but unfortunately not as durable as their counterparts made of metal, stone or wood.

Stairs that use glass to make steps look incredibly light, even airy. For such structures, specially tempered glass is used, the strength characteristics of which are increased. In combination with the chrome-plated surfaces of the frame, a staircase with glass steps will effectively complement a modern interior style, hi-tech, pop art or loft.

Staircases with original design

Some staircase models represent a designer's flight of fancy. Such structures can raise the bar for the uniqueness of your interior to sky-high heights, but in pursuit of unusual design ideas, it is important not to forget about the safety and ease of use of the structure.

You can add uniqueness to even the most traditional staircase by decorating the railings or the space under the steps in an original way. For example, facing risers with ceramic tiles with a bright ornament allows you to bring not only uniqueness to the interior of the room, but also a positive attitude and festive appearance.

A staircase with a curved base, which is not a spiral, but at the same time has smooth shapes, looks more than impressive. The steps are attached to the center of the base, which has a curved shape. Of course, with such a staircase design it will be difficult to do without railings. Such a structure does not take up much space and does not require a massive base - support.

A staircase with one turn of flight is most often used in multi-level apartments to provide access to the upper level; sometimes similar structures are found in private houses. If there are no small children or elderly people in your home, then you can limit yourself to a design without railings.

In rooms decorated in country style you can often find rustic elements in the design of stairs. As a rule, rusticity affects elements of railings, sometimes supports.

Staircase lighting - an element of safety and decor

Illuminating the steps or space near the stairs can not only become an element of security for your home, but also add originality to the interior, giving you the opportunity to create different atmosphere options depending on the use of a particular type of lighting.

Illuminated steps look impressive and allow you to safely move between floors of your home at night.

The space under the stairs - practical and aesthetic use

There are never too many storage systems. This thesis is familiar to all homeowners. That is why the most popular use of space under stairs is arrangement various types cabinets, shelves and even entire racks.

By building a bookcase under the stairs and placing it next to it comfortable armchair And floor lamp, you will provide your household with the opportunity to read a book and relax in privacy, without using the useful space of the rooms, which is often simply not enough for such functional areas.

Sometimes it is possible to mark under the stairs workplace or even a full-fledged office with desk, chair and storage systems for books and stationery.

Some homeowners prefer to install the space under the stairs under wine cabinet. In addition to the functional background, such storage systems look impressive and modern, becoming the highlight of the interior.

Sometimes you can see the use of the space under the steps as storage systems for stairs, limited on both sides by walls. But with such a structure drawers It is important to remember that you should not overload the containers; the safety of moving up the stairs will partly depend on this.

In some houses (depending on architectural features premises) it turns out to rationally use not only the space under the stairs, but also the territory landings between marches. Soft spots for sitting by the window will help organize an area for reading or conversation.

Staircase to the second floor - modern, safe and attractive design

A staircase is an important functional element not only for multi-story buildings, but also for houses with attics and basements. In order for the structure to be comfortable and reliable, its dimensions must correspond to SNiPs, and the material and shape must correspond to the type of structure. How to assemble the structure with your own hands and what nuances should be taken into account - read below.

They are considered the most durable and strong metal stairs. But, firstly, in order to collect them you need to have experience working with welding machine. And, secondly, the metal frame does not always fit into the interior of the room (“bare” metal stairs would be appropriate in loft, hi-tech, minimalist interiors).

The easiest way to make a structure on a metal frame with your own hands is to purchase a modular device with fasteners included, which is assembled like a construction set. The convenience and durability of this design is evidenced by numerous positive reviews on the Internet. In private wooden houses and cottages you can often find wooden stairs, which are distinguished by their spectacular appearance, reliability and lightness (which is important for wooden house). In addition, wood should also be chosen for stairs in new buildings made of timber (due to shrinkage of the material).

According to regulations fire safety, in houses with two or more storeys, metal stairs should be installed that can guarantee evacuation from the upper floors in the event of a fire.

Simple staircase shape

The shape of both metal and wooden stairs can be any: from straight structures to spiral ones. Standard straight single-flight stairs are considered the easiest to assemble with your own hands. The disadvantages of the structures include the fact that due to the angle of inclination (if the staircase is designed taking into account all SNiP) they take up quite a lot of space on the lower floors.

Therefore, in a room of limited size, two-flight structures should be placed. The advantage of such stairs is that they can be used to save space in small space: for example, the intermediate platform can be used as a “box” for storing household equipment and tools, and under the flight itself you can place a closet or sanitary unit.

A simple staircase in the house: basic requirements

Regardless of the material of manufacture and shape (straight or rotary), the simplest stairs are divided into the following types: with one or two stringers; open (without risers) and closed. The most comfortable and reliable designs are those with two bowstrings and risers.

In addition, for maximum safety and convenience, the design must:

  1. It was designed for a load exceeding the weight of a person with an average build.
  2. It had handrails and balusters with a height of at least 900 mm, located at a distance of no more than 15 cm (if there are small children in the house, then you can fence the stairs on the sides using plexiglass or mesh).
  3. It was tilted at an angle of 35-45 degrees (for stairs in utility room the angle of inclination may be greater).
  4. It was equipped with steps with a width of 25-35 cm and a height of 15-20 cm.

In addition, a comfortable staircase should be well lit, have upper and lower frieze steps, and a passage height of at least two meters.

When designing a staircase, it should be taken into account that the height of the passage should be 50 mm greater than the height of the tallest family member.

Dimensions of a simple staircase

The dimensions of the staircase determine the level of its convenience and safety. According to fire safety rules, structures with a march width of 1.25-1.50 m are considered the safest (for garden house this value can be reduced to 800 cm provided that a simple structure is located along the wall). The height of the stairs is calculated according to finished floors upper and lower floors. The number of steps in a flight is calculated by dividing the height of the stairs by the optimal riser height.

There are two ways to calculate the length of the stairs:

  1. Using the Pythagorean theorem (the length of the structure will be equal to the sum of the height of the room and the length of the projection of the stairs onto the floor in a square).
  2. By multiplying the number of treads by their depth.

Using the second method, you should remember that the last treads and steps in front of the winder are not taken into account.

DIY simple metal staircase to the second floor

An ordinary staircase on a metal frame is durable and durable design, which allows you to quickly and safely climb to the second floor.

Assembling a staircase on a metal frame with your own hands involves the following procedure:

  1. Calculation of all components of the staircase: from parts of the metal frame to the height and width of the steps (made of wood, plasterboard, glass, etc.).
  2. Cutting metal and selected material for steps. You can do it yourself or in hardware store.
  3. Making fillets from metal corners - elements on which the steps will be installed. The size of the fillies is calculated individually for each design. The elements are welded with the shelves down and inward.
  4. Installation of fillies on stringers using welding.
  5. Installation of metal crossbars across each pair of corners and holders for steps.
  6. Installation of stringers.
  7. Sanding irregularities and joints in welding areas.
  8. Priming the metal frame and painting it with waterproof paint.
  9. Installation of steps from selected and prepared in advance material.
  10. Installation of balusters, railings.

Balusters can be installed on the base by welding or to the end of the step using bolts.

Do-it-yourself wooden ordinary staircase

It is easier to assemble a staircase made of wood: lumber can be cut to order at a hardware store, and to install the elements, most often, a regular screwdriver is used.

When choosing lumber for stairs, you should focus on hard types of wood: for example, a 4 cm wide pine board for stringers. You can also make steps from pine, and risers from pine needles.

A wooden staircase is assembled from the installation of a winder platform (if the staircase has two flights): a frame is made from timber, reinforced in the middle with stiffening ribs, on which a wooden rectangular flooring is mounted. Simply put, the assembled platform should resemble a stool in appearance.

Next comes the assembly flight of stairs(bottom first - up to the platform): steps and risers are installed on the stringers using nails and self-tapping screws. There is another installation method - the steps cut into the bowstrings. Anchors or studs are used to install balusters and fence posts. Afterwards, handrails are installed.

To give the structure additional strength, after installing the steps, the stringers are tightened with metal ties installed on the threads at a distance of 2-3 steps.

Upon completion of assembly, the structure is sanded and puttied, painted desired color and covered with several layers of varnish.

Construction of a simple staircase (video)

A staircase is an important architectural component of any building, which allows you to move freely between the tiers of the building. The simplest design can be made both on wood and metal frame. Which option to choose depends on the wishes and skills of the master. The main thing is that the stairs are assembled taking into account building codes and rules. Then the device will be as convenient and safe as possible!

During construction frame house sometimes the question arises how to build wooden stairs? Most projects imply the presence of a second or attic floor. Stairs come in a wide variety of materials.

But wood is the most popular and simple material, as well as environmentally friendly and convenient. Anyone can handle this material. Building and installing a staircase with your own hands is a significant cost savings.

There are two main types of wooden stairs - spiral and marching.

Marching stairs are the most common and simple, and if you are new to construction, choose this type of stairs.

As a rule, such schemes are drawn up in in electronic format. There are special computer programs and applications that will allow you to create such models. Professional programs For construction organizations have a 3D function. Although, for the construction of a flight of stairs this is not at all necessary, the usual on paper will be enough.

Standard interfloor wooden stairs are installed on stringers or strings. The difference is this: the bowstrings are located on the side of the steps, and the stringers are located under the steps.

A flight of stairs usually has two side strings. Its steps are attached on both sides. Let's consider the installation and installation of stairs using this technology.

Installation of a flight of stairs

Initially we compose detailed diagram for stairs and its parts. We first cut steps from the boards, make 2 bowstrings and special supporting bars. Next we connect the steps with the bowstrings. We make a supporting block under each step. We mount all bowstrings to the floor and walls.

Bowstring and bowstrings

Spiral interfloor wooden staircase

Oak spiral staircase

If you can’t build a staircase with your own hands, then you can opt for a ready-made spiral staircase wooden structure. The advantage of this staircase is that it will significantly save space in the house.

Important to consider during construction spiral staircase its angle of inclination. If it is too steep, it can be hazardous to health, especially if there are children and elderly people in the house.

A simple way to install and assemble a spiral staircase is to purchase a ready-made, measured structure. installation will also bring you significant benefits.

A spiral wooden staircase consists of three main parts: a counter, a railing and steps. When choosing wood for your steps, choose oak. Not only is it one of the most durable materials, but it also differs beautiful view and excellent characteristics.

Before buying a spiral staircase, measure the dimensions in detail to choose the desired design exactly for your home. There is another option - to hire a specialist who will take all the measurements himself, and after that place an order for the stairs. If you have construction skills, you can make the steps yourself, ordering only the post and railings. Usually posts and railings are made to order, turned, although they can also be rectangular.

Spiral staircase design

  • On one side, the steps are attached to the rack, and on the other they have holes for railings.
  • The stands are most often metal. They have a flange to which the steps are attached.
  • The most common staircase design is “duck step”. It involves a special shape of steps.
  • The rack is mounted between floors. It is secured to the floor using anchor bolts.

  • After installing the rack, the steps are installed. The distance between steps should not exceed 20 cm. This is necessary for your safety. When assembling and installing steps, make sure that the last step of the stairs fits exactly to the floor of the second floor.

The spiral staircase, like the marching staircase, has many decorative elements and details. And each set has its own decorations and different parts and fastening elements. When installing and assembling a simple flight of stairs, the calculation is different; the geometry of the opening here is rectangular. The opening at the spiral staircase is a circle.

If you decide to order a ready-made wooden staircase, then contact a proven and reliable company, with good reviews. It’s up to you to buy a ready-made wooden staircase or make it yourself.

Painting the stairs

Painting the stairs

Painting the stairs is divided into three main parts:

  1. preliminary preparation of all parts of the stairs;
  2. painting the stairs and its parts;
  3. painting the stairs with a protective varnish layer.

Before starting work, we need to prepare each element of our staircase for painting. And this means: and. Puttying must be done with special mixtures for wood. The use of compounds not suitable for wood is strictly prohibited.

When the putty layer has dried, we begin sanding the surface. Grinding takes place in two stages. The first stage is rough, also called superficial. After that you need to wait a few days. You will notice that lint forms on the surface of the wood. Blow them with air before the second sanding.

After completing the sanding work, the board will become perfectly flat and smooth. Now feel free to start applying the first coat.

Before you start painting, apply a coat of primer to the wooden stairs. And it’s better to choose a primer that matches the paint.

When choosing paint, focus on alkyd or urethane types of coating. These paints are ideal for a flight of stairs. From color range choose lighter colors.

If desired, instead of paint, you can use, or use stain or varnish. The advantages of stain are that it perfectly emphasizes and highlights the unique grain of wood. Your staircase will look perfect. Choose a stain along with a varnish. And don’t skimp when purchasing. The better the quality of the coloring composition, the longer the staircase will last you. Wood stain is not only decorative finishing, but also protection from various factors.

After the paint has dried, apply finishing layer varnish Choose matte or semi-matte varnish. Varnishing is carried out in three stages. Moreover, before each subsequent application, the previous layer of varnish must dry. If air bubbles form on the varnish, simply sand them down after painting.

Video on making a straight staircase

Video on making a spiral staircase

Today, the construction of a private house is not limited to one floor, so it is necessary to build a staircase to the second floor in order to be able to get easy access. It is quite possible to build a staircase from various materials yourself, the most important thing is to carefully carry out all the required calculations, since otherwise this design can become dangerous and unreliable.

Construction of an internal staircase in a private country house– the process is quite complicated, but quite doable.

When constructing a staircase you must:

  • Consider the interior of the house;
  • Make all required calculations;
  • Choose a design that will suit all parameters.

To easily select the most appropriate option, you should first schematically draw the staircase that should be in the house or find a ready-made option that will best suit all your needs and then adapt it to your needs. Before choosing a staircase model for a private home, it is important to correctly calculate all the available design parameters. Many people wonder what better stairs do.

Most often, stairs in a residential building are made from materials such as:

  • Tree;
  • Concrete;
  • Metal.

According to its configuration, the staircase can be straight, spiral or rotary. In addition, there are also combined options. Concrete products are considered the most durable and durable, however, it takes quite a lot of time to prepare a solid base and manufacture the structure. Metal structure can be made quite simply, you just need to know the rules of working with welding, and a wooden staircase can be made very easily yourself, the most important thing is to read the step-by-step instructions for its manufacture.

The easiest way is to make a straight line staircase, since it has a small number of parts and takes up absolutely little space. Screw designs are characterized by the fact that they require a small area; they look very elegant, however, they are not always convenient to use.

A staircase of several flights is considered a rather complex structure, which is problematic to build. This design is ideal for a home where there is a significant distance between floors.

Instructions for making a simple wooden staircase

The simplest design is considered to be a simple one-flight staircase.

It consists of:

  • Kosourov;
  • Railing;
  • Tread;
  • Riser.

To calculate the height, you need to take the distance between floors and add the thickness of the floors. In order to quickly calculate what the length of the span and base should be, you should initially decide on the parameters of the steps. If there are small children living in the house, optimal height steps will be 15 centimeters, and in all other cases it should be equal to 20 centimeters. It is not worth making the risers higher, as the rise will be less comfortable.

The optimal width of the steps should be 20-30 centimeters, since if they are wider, the entire structure will take up much more space, which may not be entirely convenient.

Exists step-by-step instruction manufacturing a staircase, which must be adhered to, as this will allow for fairly high-quality and robust construction. To make a staircase, it is necessary to select durable and strong wood, since all elements of the staircase must withstand not only total weight structures, but also people. It is necessary to cut out a template from durable cardboard that will correspond to all the parameters of the future staircase, and then make it using this template wooden elements for the stairs. Then you need to collect all the elements of the staircase and treat them with antiseptic solutions, coat them with paint or varnish.

How to make a staircase quickly and easily from concrete

If the house has concrete floors second floor, then you can arrange a concrete simple stairs, which will be durable, and with correct processing will look very beautiful. You can make a completely concrete staircase in the house, or fill only the stringer with concrete, and make everything else from other materials.

To produce such a staircase you will need:

  • Waterproof plywood;
  • Durable timber;
  • Fittings;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Concrete solution.

Construction concrete stairs requires special attention, so everything must be carefully calculated, since the base must be very strong. You need to start by assembling the formwork, which must be done according to all available drawings and taking into account the fact that there should be absolutely no gaps.

The finished formwork must be placed between floors and secured with wooden beams. After this, it is necessary to lay reinforcement inside the frame and fill the prepared base with concrete mortar.

It is necessary to fill the frame with mortar immediately, otherwise the solidity of the finished structure may be damaged. When the concrete has hardened well enough, the formwork can be removed and the steps can be periodically watered with water to avoid cracking of the concrete. The structure must dry thoroughly and then you can begin finishing the stairs. You can decorate the finished structure with a variety of materials, in particular you can use wood, stone, tiles and many other materials.

Quick and easy: building a staircase in a private country house made of metal

Homemade ones look quite interesting and original, however, to make them you need to put in a little effort and take into account all the features of working with this material. To install a metal staircase, you must first prepare some materials and tools.

In particular:

  • Steel channel;
  • Metal corners;
  • Welding machine;
  • Sheet metal;
  • File.

Forged stairs have excellent aesthetic and performance properties. Read more about forged stairs in the material on our website:.

To build a staircase, you must begin by cutting the channel into pieces and assembling the frame from them. Weld corners to the side edges of the frame at equal intervals, which will be equal to the height of the steps. All corners must be located strictly parallel to one another. The upper ends of the frame are firmly fixed and attached to the ceiling of the upper floor, and the lower ends are secured to the floor. Then the steps made of sheet iron are welded, as well as the railings. At the final stage finished design treated with special anti-corrosion mixtures. In order not to redo the structure, it is necessary to carry out all stages sequentially and strictly follow all the rules of its construction.

Tips on how to make your own staircase in a private country house: screw-type construction

The spiral staircase, which takes up very little free space, looks quite interesting and original. This is a compact design that can be placed even on small area. The spiral staircase can go from the first floor or from the garage, which is very convenient. The most famous and widespread method of installing spiral staircases is step-by-step stringing of steps onto a central base. The steps can be triangular or trapezoidal.

To build a spiral staircase you need to take:

  • Steel pipe;
  • Wooden slats;
  • Welding machine;
  • Corners for steps;
  • File;
  • Primer.

The pipe will act as a central post, so its length must fully correspond to the existing distance between floors. For greater stability, it is necessary to concrete the pipe near the base. To make steps it is necessary to use templates made from wooden slats. They must be glued together in such a way that they form steps with the given parameters. Each step must be attached to its own pre-prepared cylinder, carefully sanded, primed and painted.

If necessary and for greater convenience, the spiral staircase can be converted to a straight structure. Before installing a permanent staircase, a temporary structure is installed.

What types of construction can there be?

If you have firmly decided to build a staircase in a private country house, you should initially determine what kind of design it should be.

In particular, it is quite possible to distinguish such types of structures as:

  • On stringers;
  • On pain;
  • Screw.

Staircases on stringers are the most popular, as they are suitable for various sizes and stylistic decision premises. This device is very durable and guarantees safety during its operation. Many people prefer to make a staircase on rails, the peculiarity of which is that all structural elements are fastened together using special bolts and pins. If necessary, you can very easily repair it and completely disassemble it.

DIY staircase to the second floor (video)

It is quite possible to make a staircase in a private country house yourself, the most important thing is to strictly follow all the rules and requirements.

Details: do-it-yourself staircase to the second floor (photo examples)

The second floor allows you to significantly increase the area of ​​the house without increasing the space it occupies, but without a staircase it is impossible to get to the second floor. In this article we will talk about various options staircases that are used in brick, stone, block or wooden houses, and we will also describe the sequence of actions for building a simple but beautiful single-flight staircase with decorative railings.

Types of stairs

All stairs connecting the first and second floors can be divided into:

  1. Type of spans:
    • single-march;
    • multi-march.
  2. Shape:
    • straight;
    • screw;
    • corner;
    • curly.
  3. Material:
    • wooden;
    • metal;
    • combined.

Choosing the type of staircase

The choice of staircase type is influenced by many factors, such as floor height, ability to create complex designs from various materials, availability free space around the future staircase and many others. If you decide to make a ladder yourself, then first of all you should evaluate your skills as a carpenter and welder; this will help you choose the material from which the ladder will be made. If you are a good welder, you can make a ladder of any complexity from metal and any other materials. If you are a good carpenter, you can build a wooden staircase of any complexity. Not all people have such talents, so don’t despair if you don’t really know how to cook or carpenter, this won’t stop you from creating a simple, but beautiful and reliable staircase connecting the first and second floors.

Having decided on the material from which you will build the staircase, proceed to choosing its design. Below we provide a list of basic requirements that must be taken into account when choosing the type and size of a staircase; this will allow not only to build it, but also to make the staircase comfortable and safe:

  • staircase angle 30–45 degrees;
  • if there is a cover above the stairs, then the distance from any step to it should be the same and be 2–2.2 meters; if there is no cover, then the distance to any obstacle at any point should not be less than 2 meters;
  • the railings must be rigidly fixed and their height is 80–100 cm;
  • the optimal width of the stairs is 1 meter;
  • optimal step depth 30 cm;
  • optimal step height 15 cm;
  • There must be sufficient free space in front of the lower and upper steps of the stairs (at least 2 m²).

One of the main parameters that influences the choice of the type of staircase is its elevation angle, which is 30–45 degrees (optimally 40 degrees). At an angle of 45 degrees, the length of the space is busy with stairs, will be equal to the height of the floor plus 1–2 meters. The additional distance is necessary to make the stairs convenient to use, because you will not only have to walk on them, but also carry furniture. If there is such free space - optimal choice- single-flight staircase. Its advantage is its small width - with a step width of 1 meter, the width of the stairs is outside the railing does not exceed 120 cm. If there is no free space of this length, you will have to build a multi-flight, screw or corner staircase, which are much more difficult to manufacture. In addition, the width of the free space for screw or multi-flight stairs is approximately 2.5 times the width of the steps, and the length of each flight with spans reaches the height of the floor. The width of the spiral staircase is 2.5–3.5 meters, this is due to the need to use wider steps, and it is also the most complex and expensive to manufacture.

Construction of a wooden single-flight staircase

Below we will describe the construction of a staircase with a step width of 1 meter, an elevation angle of 45 degrees and a height from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second floor of 3 meters. This staircase provides a comfortable and safe climb to the second floor, looks very beautiful and is relatively easy to manufacture. It can be installed either in brick or stone, or in wooden house With wooden floors first and second floors. You can purchase all the materials for its manufacture at the nearest construction or hardware store, and there you can also buy all the necessary tools.

Tools and materials

For work you will need the following materials:

  • planed board 50x250 mm (two pieces of 5 meters each);
  • block 50x50 mm (12–15 meters);
  • bolts 11–13 cm long, 5–8 mm in diameter, nuts and 2 washers for each (108 pieces of bolts and nuts, 216 washers);
  • planed board 35x150 mm (40 meters);
  • planed board 35x115 mm (22 meters);
  • turned balusters 100–110 cm high and 50 mm in diameter (26–32 pcs);
  • support pillars with a cross-section of 10x10 cm and a length of 100–110 cm; you can use balusters of appropriate size (4 pcs);
  • straight embossed railings 50–80 mm wide (15 meters);
  • steel corners with shelves 10 cm long (12 pcs);
  • anchor bolts, nails and screws of various sizes;
  • wood putty;
  • parquet varnish;
  • acetone or solvent;
  • wood glue.

You will also need the following tools:

  • jigsaw;
  • sander;
  • screwdriver with a cross-shaped bit;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • drill with perforation mode and a set of drills;
  • feather drill with a diameter of 20mm;
  • hand cutter or milling machine;
  • set of chisels;
  • wrenches corresponding to bolts and nuts;
  • square;
  • protractor;
  • pencil;
  • roulette,
  • hammer and mallet;
  • sandpaper;
  • brush;
  • rubber gloves, respirator and safety glasses.

Manufacturing and installation of stairs

When planning to install a staircase, make sure that the floors of the first and second floors do not require repairs, because otherwise they may not withstand the load and collapse, causing not only the staircase to fall, but also the person on it. Then measure the exact distance between the floor of the first floor and the floor of the second floor, then use the Pythagorean theorem to find the length of the stringer (bearing board) of the stairs. With a height of exactly 300 cm, the length of the stringer is 424 cm. If you are not satisfied with the angle of 45 degrees, then carry out the calculations yourself; school knowledge is enough for this. After all, the staircase forms a right triangle, where the vertical leg is the height, the horizontal leg is the space occupied by the staircase, and the hypotenuse is the length of the stringer.

After this, calculate the number of steps.

Remember, if there are more than 18 steps, it is advisable to use a different staircase design, because a stringer without supports will not be able to provide the required rigidity.

Having decided on the calculations, mark the stringer boards, the angles of which should correspond to the angle of installation of the stairs, taking into account the total length of these parts. Make no mistake, because if you make a mistake, you will have to either increase the angle of the stairs or buy new stringer boards. Having marked and double-checked everything, cut the ends of the boards and apply them to the installation site of the future staircase to make sure that you have not mixed up anything. Both boards must be at the required angle and adjacent to the surface of the floor of the first floor and the end of the floor of the second floor without gaps.

Remove the stringer boards and start marking the steps. We offer the simplest method of attaching steps, which does not reduce the strength of the stringer and does not require special carpentry skills, just enough attention, caution and diligence. Steps made from two 35x150 mm boards will be supported by 50x50 mm bars attached to the stringer, and in front of the steps will be covered by risers - vertical boards size 35x115 mm. The steps will be attached using self-tapping screws, and the risers using nails. If you don’t mind self-tapping screws 70–80 mm long, then the risers can be attached to the stringer with their help. As a result, the steps are 26.5 cm deep and 15 cm high, which ensures high comfort when ascending or descending the stairs.

Before you start marking, imagine the structure of each stage, then sketch it. If you were able to imagine and sketch them, start marking them. Determine the length of the bars so that they do not interfere with the risers and do not protrude from the back side of the stringer. Then mark the position of the bars taking into account the height of the steps. Remember, the first step should start with a riser resting on the floor. Once you've finished marking, make a template for drilling holes in the stringer and the bars, or mark all the holes manually on both the stringer and the bars. Set aside all work on the stairs for 1-2 days, then double-check all markings; if there are no errors, drill holes for installing bolts in the stringers and bars. When all the holes are ready, with outer surface Drill holes for the washers on the stringers so that the bolts do not protrude above the surface of the board. This will not only increase the safety of the staircase, because no one will be scratched by protruding bolts, but will also make it more beautiful.

Despite the fact that many carpenters assemble stairs of this design using nails, we recommend using bolts and nuts. Nails required size(120–150 mm), if handled improperly, the bars often split, which is why they have to be changed frequently. This especially often occurs when bending nails from the side of the bars. If you hit nails from the side of the bars, bending them onto the stringer, then the latter will have to be sheathed with veneer or plywood, which increases the complexity and cost of the work, because unlike smooth round holes, bent nails are very difficult to putty. Having finished installing the bars, begin marking the boards of the steps and risers. The length of the riser and back board is 100 mm, the length of the front board is 110 mm. This is necessary so that the steps look embedded into the stringer, because such a design looks more beautiful and reliable. All boards must be cut at a 90 degree angle.

Having finished cutting, milling machine or hand cutter Finish the top front edge of the front board to give it a rounded or curly shape, as a step with a clearly defined top front corner is unsightly. If you are unable to carry out this work yourself, contact your nearest carpentry shop or furniture workshop, for a small fee everything will be processed quickly and easily for you necessary boards. After this, mark and cut the outer boards so that they evenly protrude above the stringer. The next stage of work will be the installation of balusters and railings on the stringer; for this, round tenons with a diameter of 20 mm and a depth of 3–5 cm are cut at the ends of the balusters, and corresponding holes are drilled in the stringer and the underside of the railing. All holes and tenons must be made taking into account the angle of inclination of the stringer. When everything is ready, the stringer, balusters and railings are assembled into one structure, first dry, then, if everything is fine, they are assembled with glue. Next stage– installation of stringers and adjacent end balusters. For fastening to joists and floor surfaces use metal corners and powerful screws. Then risers and steps are installed and secured. When the entire staircase is ready, the horizontal parts of the railing are installed, then the entire structure is sanded, cleaned of dust and varnished in several layers.