How to make a table for the garage with your own hands. Workbench in the garage: types of designs and their features Folding table in the garage

The functions of a garage often go beyond the banal parking of a car. At the same time it serves as a workshop. Repair or creative work requires a place equipped with tools and equipment. Let's look at how to make a workbench in the garage in a similar way.

Types of workbenches

The workbench vaguely resembles a desk, only large sizes. All structures are divided into two types - metalwork and carpentry. The main difference is in the material used to make the countertop. If it is wooden, the workbench in the garage belongs to the carpentry structure; the metal surface automatically moves it to the group of metalworking equipment.

The wooden surface of the workbench is not intended for working with metal parts. Chips or sharp edges of objects will regularly scratch the wood, and machine oil will leave stains that cannot be removed. As a result, the tabletop carpentry workbench will quickly become unusable.

It is much more practical to make a metalwork structure in the garage, which is considered universal and suitable for all types of work. On it you can:

  • to nag;
  • sharpen;
  • cut;
  • grind.

The metal workbench frame is more durable and convenient when working with heavy objects. The design is more stable and will not sag under strong pressure on the tabletop. If the garage serves as the main place for spending time and there is enough free space, you can make two structures for work - metalwork and carpentry.

Comment! In the immediate vicinity of the workbench in the garage, shelves are usually equipped where numerous tools and other devices for repairs or favorite creative activities are stored.

Design options

The functionality of a garage workbench depends on its design. For convenience, it is equipped additional elements. Depending on the type of occupation, workplace in the garage includes:

  • Frame with legs. Performs a function load-bearing element, on which the remaining parts are held.
  • Tabletop. The surface chosen is powerful, capable of withstanding hammer blows and the weight of placed objects. Can be made from a thick board or sheet metal, the combined design is relevant.
  • Nightstand. Equip one or two compartments along the edges of the workbench. Internal filling may consist of shelves and drawers designed to store small tools in the garage.
  • Additional shelf. Located on the wall in front of the workbench, its function is also to store available tools.

Comment! High quality lighting workplace - an indispensable condition when setting up a workbench in the garage.

For work, it is better to choose a table or wall lamp with the ability to adjust the direction of light. There must be an outlet near the desktop, which is designed not only to provide lighting, but also to operate all power tools.

The idea of ​​making a folding workbench in the garage with your own hands is not very practical. The main purpose of the folding structure on two legs is to save free space in the garage. In this case, the tabletop will be attached to the wall and will be in a raised state when it is not needed. But the essence of a workbench is a well-equipped workplace, when everything you need is at hand. And with folding table If you have one, the space under it should be free; there can be no talk of any bedside tables or shelves. This option is acceptable for garage owners who have limited space and who rarely need a workbench.

Wood or metal, which is better?

There are several options for manufacturing a desktop regarding the choice of material:

  • completely wooden model;
  • the previous copy is supplemented from above metal sheet;
  • the wooden frame is covered with a metal tabletop;
  • The desktop is completely made of metal.

Each method has its own weaknesses and strengths. Let's look at the characteristics of individual models, and the garage owner will decide for himself which option is best for him:

  • It is difficult to make a metal table with your own hands. Availability of a welding machine and experience in welding work is required.
  • Metal construction is the most durable and durable, and has greater stability.
  • Do wooden table somewhat simpler, a jigsaw and a grinder are the main assistants. In their absence, an ordinary hand hacksaw will save the situation.
  • A carpenter's table is less practical when working with metal. Its service life is shorter.

The conclusion is to combine a wooden structure with a metal sheet, which will do an excellent job with protective function table surface.

Preparatory process

After determining the material of manufacture and the installation location, they proceed to drawing up a drawing of the workbench, which will become the basis for arranging a functional workplace in the garage. To begin with, determine the dimensions:

  • Length. Depends on the type of activity of the garage owner and the available space. Average values ​​vary within 2 m.
  • Width. If the workbench will be located near the wall, it is important to provide easy access to the tools on the shelf. Therefore, it is impractical to make the workbench wider than 0.6 m so that the hand can reach necessary items. Placing it in the center of the garage allows you to make the width larger if necessary.
  • Height. The meaning is strictly individual. Depends on the height of the master and the position in which he is used to working. Standard height a table of 0.8 m is not enough for working in a standing position; your back will get tired quickly. Owners of workbenches often increase the height of the structure to 1 m.

A pose with your elbows bent will help you navigate the height of your work table in the garage. Mentally leaning on the future workbench, measure the distance between the floor and elbows.

Advice! In case the design is designed for a standing position, and sometimes you have to sit, stock up on a comfortable wooden stand, on which you can place a chair. A low wooden rack will be needed in cold weather to prevent your feet from freezing from the concrete floor of the garage.

One side of the workbench is intended for installing an electrical cutting tool. For easy fixation of a jigsaw or circular saw the edge of the tabletop should protrude beyond the frame by 0.2-0.3 m.

The set of materials and tools for making a workbench for the garage with your own hands depends on the chosen design. It is optimal to choose a sheet for the tabletop from stainless steel with a thickness of 1.5-2.0 mm. If this seems expensive for the garage owner, you can get by with 1.5 mm steel.

Making a wooden workbench

If you lack experience, it is better to choose a model of a wooden workbench for your garage to make with your own hands. Making a structure from timber using a drill and a jigsaw is much easier than welding a steel corner.

To assemble a wooden workbench for the garage you will need:

  • Wooden beam. Pine and oak blanks are particularly durable. Depending on the design of the workbench, a length of 15 m should be sufficient. The cross section depends on the planned loads.
  • Edged board for workbench table top. Select specimens 2-3 cm thick, without surface defects and knots.
  • An additional shelf is often placed between the desktop cabinets in the garage. Sheet plywood with a thickness of 6-8 mm is suitable. It is better to take 3 sheets of 0.6x2 m.
  • Self-tapping screws for woodworking and steel angles for assembling individual workbench elements.

To obtain straight lines of workpieces after cutting, use a stationary circular saw; in extreme cases, turn to a manual analogue. The edges of the boards or timber are cut with a jigsaw.

First you need to make a frame for a desktop in the garage, taking into account the dimensions included in the drawing. The timber is cut into pieces, it should look like this:

  • 4 leg stands;
  • 4 beams that will be located horizontally;
  • 5 cross braces.

If the length of the workbench in the garage is no more than 2 m, a beam with edges of 7 cm is suitable for work. As a result of cutting vertical racks You should get 2 blanks of 0.9 m each and 2 parts of 1.5 m each, which will be located near the wall of the garage. The difference of 0.6 m is intended for further fixation to the plywood screen supports for storing tools.

Horizontal beams connect the legs of a workbench in a garage. For fastening the support posts in the lower part, the length is 1.5 m. The tabletop is fixed with a beam 2.0 m long (according to the size of the workbench indicated in the drawing). Spacers 0.6 m long are prepared from the remaining timber. All parts are connected with steel angles and self-tapping screws.

When the frame of the desktop for the garage is ready, we begin to design the tabletop. For a carpentry-type workbench, it is assembled from boards and plywood sheet. The aligned and adjusted canvas is coated with wood glue, the two workpieces are clamped with clamps and held until the glue is completely dry and the canvas gains strength. Finally, the tabletop is fixed along the contour with self-tapping screws.

The wooden canvas is connected to the workbench frame with self-tapping screws, the surface is sanded using an electric drill equipped with an emery attachment. On final stage install the screen and treat the structure with varnish. High humidity in the garage - an everyday occurrence, protective film varnish will prevent deformation of the wooden structure.

Comment! Fixing the rear pillars to the garage walls using anchor bolts will help add additional rigidity to the desktop.

Design of a steel angle structure

The design of a metal structure in a garage is done using a steel corner. Main helpers - welding machine and Bulgarian.

Main process steps:

The corner guides need careful sanding or plastic strips. Such protection measures will prevent damage to the workbench drawers in the garage. Otherwise, after a short period of time, simple extension actions will require significant effort.

At the end of the work, the welds are thoroughly cleaned and coated with a phosphate primer. Then metal structure the workbench in the garage is primed and painted. Working surface The countertops do not need to be painted; if desired, they can be treated with an acid stain or polished.


Making a convenient workbench for your garage is a doable task. Even if you purchase all the materials final cost will cost significantly less than installing a ready-made copy. Undeniable dignity DIY design - the ability to choose the optimal dimensions in accordance with the size of the garage and your own height.

To make the operation of the garage as comfortable as possible, its arrangement should be approached with full responsibility. Most car enthusiasts spend a lot of free time in the garage.

To create a convenient and comfortable environment, it is worth building a folding one in the room. This type of furniture design is especially relevant for a small garage.

Every car enthusiast should have a well-planned workplace in the garage. A table with a folding mechanism will help not only to properly organize free space, but will also delight you with functionality. It can be used as:

  • workplace. This product can be used for minor car repairs;
  • tea table;
  • laptop stands. Quite often, car owners resort to this method when repairing a car when the Internet is needed.

If you are planning to make a compact and convenient table for the garage, decide in advance on its location. Firstly, at the place of its installation there must be good lighting. Secondly, the product should not block the passage.

Advice: when constructing a folding model, numerous drawers and shelves can be built next to the wall for laying out accessories and necessary things.

In any case, the folding table will delight you with its functionality, ergonomics and ease of use.

What is it made of: wood or metal?

As for the choice of manufacturing materials, several options are allowed here. The main thing is that the material you choose has:

  • resistance to negative factors. The table should not deteriorate due to sudden changes in temperature and high humidity;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • long service life;
  • strength and reliability. The furniture you build must cope with various loads.

You can build a table for the garage from:

  • metal;
  • combined materials.

TO benefits wooden models include:

  • easy processing with hand and power tools;
  • affordable price;
  • aesthetic appearance.

But such a product is not able to cope with heavy loads, and its service life, unlike metal models, will be significantly shorter.

Important: metal table, despite the complexity of its manufacture, will cope with higher loads.

It’s worth noting right away that there are many more options for making a desktop for the garage. Some car enthusiasts prefer to make completely wooden models, others reinforce them with a metal sheet on top. Someone chooses wooden frame and metal, but some people prefer a completely metal product. There are no special requirements when making a folding table for the garage. The main thing is that the owners feel comfortable working and caring for it.

But keep in mind:

  • fully hardware It's quite difficult to do on your own. If you have a welding machine and you know how to work with it, then you can try to make such a complex structure;
  • fully wooden product Even a beginner in this field can do it on his own. To do this, you should arm yourself with a grinder, a grinder or a regular hand hacksaw.


Attention: before you start manufacturing and assembling a folding table, make a competent drawing. It must indicate the dimensions of the product and its materials of manufacture.

The finished drawing can be found on the Internet and modified to suit your needs.


To make a compact and convenient folding table for the garage, you will need to prepare the following consumables: materials:

From tools we will need:

  • welding machine;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver

How to make a folding table?

So, the manufacture of a piece of furniture begins with its detailing. According to the pre-drawn drawing, we cut out the elements we need:

That's the whole simple process of making a folding table in the garage. On such a product you can perform different kinds works: drilling, sawing, cutting, grinding. In other words, a durable folding table can completely replace a workbench.

Advice: after making a durable and reliable desktop, the area around it must be equipped with sockets and additional lighting using wall lamps. You can make additional shelves on the walls for storing tools.


After making the table, it should be processed various materials. If the product is made of metal, it is processed anti-corrosion agents.

If the table is made of wood, it is processed primer and paint and varnish materials . This not only improves the appearance of the product, but also increases its service life.


Depending on the materials used and the tasks being solved, the result may be surprising:

Useful video

A detailed description of the manufacturing process can be seen in the following video:


In conclusion, it is worth noting that making a practical and reliable folding table for the garage on your own is quite possible. The main thing is to correctly select the type of design you need, make a thoughtful drawing of the product, prepare Consumables and tools. As a result, you will get a piece of high-strength furniture that will fully comply not only with your personal requirements and preferences, but also with the dimensions and features of the room.

In contact with

Everyone needs a garage first and foremost to store their car. However, experienced, competent drivers use the technical inspection room, repair work, machine maintenance. And they know how to not only fill in oil, but even do some rather complex work from a technical point of view, repairing their favorite car. As a result, the garage turns from simple storage into a real workshop. And here you should already have all the equipment necessary for the work. In this case, a workbench in the garage is simply necessary.

Why is a workbench so useful, what is it? The fact is that a workbench is a special desktop with many functions. It allows you to effectively carry out electromechanical, installation and plumbing work in convenient conditions. This table is perfect for processing all kinds of materials. At the same time, everyone, if they approach the task responsibly, will be able to make a reliable workbench for the garage with their own hands.

Let's take a closer look at the workbench. It is often compared with desk. It maximizes human capabilities because it provides an excellent opportunity to effectively use durable surface for work. At the same time, there is also sufficient quantity sections for storing necessary items, tools and parts. It is this kind of real workbench, complemented by numerous shelves and drawers, that is most effective and convenient for working in the garage.

Let's list the main structural elements workbench.

  • The frame with legs is a load-bearing base. It is this that becomes the base on which all the steel parts are already fixed.
  • The countertop should be powerful, thick and durable. She will have to withstand severe mechanical loads, such as hammer blows. It is customary to make a tabletop from a thick wooden board or metal.
  • Nightstands are usually located at the edges. It’s great when there are a lot of drawers and shelves. In such sections it is convenient to store the necessary parts, compact spare parts, and small tools.
  • An additional shelf usually takes up space directly under the countertop. It is most logical to place there those objects, tools, parts that are most often used directly while working on the workbench. It will be very convenient to take them: everything you need will be in the free access area.

pay attention to important point. When you put a table in the garage, you need to take care of the light level. Consider alternative lighting for the work area in advance. For example, you can use different types lighting fixtures. Install on the ceiling additional source light, and attach a rotating lamp with a directed beam of light to the wall or table. For more efficient work, as well as compliance with safety regulations, good lighting is necessary.

Types of workbenches

Before installing a specific workbench in the garage, it is worth understanding what types of such workbenches there are. It is customary to divide workbenches into metalworking and working ones.

The carpenter's workbench has wooden table top. The frame can be made of wood or metal. Of course, a wooden tabletop, no matter how thick it is, is still very vulnerable. It is inconvenient to work on such a workbench with metal parts. The surface of a wooden tabletop is damaged by metal shavings, making it difficult to remove numerous marks from it machine oil. Unfortunately, the service life of such workbenches is short.

More suitable metal workbench in the garage. It attracts with its reliability, durability, increased wear resistance and versatility. Main secret– durable metal tabletop. You can comfortably work on it with parts made of any materials, in particular metal. They grind and cut, sharpen and saw on metalwork benches. The advantage of a workbench is also its stability, because when working with metal parts, a lot of pressure is sometimes placed on the tabletop. It is better to store tools on shelves, drawers workbench.

Materials: wood and metal competition

Do you want to make a workbench for your garage yourself? Then you will need to choose the main material: such tables are made of metal and wood. As a result ready-made designs differ in the level of reliability and stability. Undoubtedly, metal workbench more functional, stable, durable.

Let's pay attention to the main features of workbenches made of different materials.

  • In the process of making a workbench, it is easier to work, of course, with wood. It is enough to stock up on a hammer, jigsaws, screwdrivers and a grinder or hacksaw to quickly make a wooden workbench.
  • It is much more difficult to make a metal work table, since you need to be able to process metal, as well as carry out welding work. Working with iron blanks is quite difficult. It is advisable to have at least minimal skills. In addition, special equipment will be required.
  • When experts compare metal and wooden workbenches, they note: a wooden table is less durable, but a metal table is too heavy and not so convenient to use.
  • The optimal solution is combined workbenches. You can make a wooden tabletop, and then additionally cover it with a metal layer. And then you can safely work with metal and use a vice.

Do you want to have your own workbench in the garage, want to make it yourself, but don't intend to use it very often? Then it will be for you the best option traditional wooden desk. Just make the tabletop thicker and more reliable. It is very important to ensure resistance to mechanical stress.

Preparatory process

Let's learn how to make a workbench in the garage with your own hands. First you need to prepare for work. First of all, determine optimal design, size and shape of your future workbench. Let's say that sometimes the best option is to place a workbench in the corner of the garage. This will allow you to rationally use space and create a comfortable work area.

  • Choosing a place to install a workbench is one of the most important tasks. Great importance has the level of illumination here. Think about what it will be like daylight. The best option– when the light falls directly or from the left side. When we're talking about about artificial lighting, everything needs to be organized correctly. It is advisable to make an overhead light, as well as install an additional source of directional lighting for the work area.
  • The productivity of work on a workbench and the level of comfort largely depend on the height of the tabletop. It is necessary to calculate the optimal height in advance. Just stand straight and bend your elbows. Imagine that you are leaning on a workbench. This is exactly the distance between your hands and the floor optimal height workbench.
  • There is no need to make the width too large. It’s great if a person can freely reach the opposite edge of the tabletop. Good size– 50 cm wide. The length can be made much longer. How longer table, the more parts and large tools can be laid out on it.

A good solution is to equip a workbench the right tools. For example, they attach a jigsaw or a circular saw to the tabletop.

We select tools and materials

Let’s immediately clarify the list of materials and tools. To work you need a drill and a welding machine, a tape measure and a level, a grinder with electric jigsaw. Be sure to stock up on the following materials.

  • Steel strip and angle. The thickness should be 4 mm.
  • Anchor bolts, screws and self-tapping screws.
  • Square pipe with a thickness of 2 mm.
  • Steel sheet to make drawer holders and a tabletop. Optimal thickness– 2 mm.
  • Need drawer guides.
  • For the tabletop you need to take a massive one wooden board with a thickness of 50 mm.
  • The walls of the drawers and tables are made of plywood with a thickness of 15 mm.
  • To decorate and improve performance properties, you also need paint for wood and metal.

If you make a workbench from these materials, it will be very strong, durable and stable, easy to use.

We assemble a workbench for the garage with our own hands

Let's look at the algorithm for making a workbench for a garage.

  1. First take four supports. They are made from angle steel. The legs are fastened at the top by welding.
  2. Stiffening ribs are needed. At a distance of 12-15 cm from the floor level, small fragments of the corner should be welded.
  3. To secure drawers and shelves, additional racks are welded.
  4. Then it’s time to make the countertop. You can take oak boards. They must be tightly secured to the frame. The best option is to make holes for bolts around the perimeter of the frame in advance.
  5. The boards also need to be drilled. The bolts should fit well into the holes.
  6. Already secured the lid? Now it's time to sheathe it with metal. It is advisable to use galvanized iron. It is fixed with self-tapping screws.
  7. File the edges of the metal.
  8. Make shelves and tabletops separately.
  9. Assemble the entire workbench completely.
  10. At the final stage you need to process wooden elements special compounds to prevent the formation of fungus and mold, as well as fire retardants. You can further decorate your desktop using .

When you want the workbench to stand as securely as possible, you can attach it to the floor by welding metal corners to the legs.

If you approach the task as responsibly as possible, follow the technology and use useful tips, your workbench will be in no way inferior to ready-made workbenches from the store.

Video: learning the process of making a workbench for the garage

Do you want to see everything clearly? key points, algorithm of work in the manufacture of workbenches for the garage? Now you have a great opportunity see all useful information on video.

Here you will simply feel like a direct participant in the events! It will be possible to evaluate the complexity and order of work. The videos focus on all the most significant nuances. After watching, if you take the matter responsibly, you will be able to install such a functional desktop in the garage with your own hands.

Good luck to you! Have a reliable, efficient workbench in your garage. With him, work will turn into pleasure.

Most car owners use the garage as a place to store their car, preferring to have their car repaired in special services. However, there is a category of citizens who like to work on their cars themselves, repairing and modernizing them. To do this, you need a workbench indoors that is convenient for repairs. different mechanisms vehicle. How to make a folding table in your own garage so that it doesn’t take up much space, we’ll figure it out below.

The folding table has many features that distinguish it from the usual design:

  1. A folding table installed in the garage does not take up free space and is folded out only when necessary.
  2. Performs various functions that would be difficult to implement without it. On a folding table in the garage you can fix a broken part, have lunch and lay out drawings or diagrams needed when repairing a car.
  3. Fits beautifully into the interior.
  4. You can assemble it yourself.

Note! Next to the folding workbench, you can organize a rack with tools, which will increase the convenience of work.

Material selection

The folding table is made from the following materials:

  • metal;
  • tree;
  • combination of metal and wooden parts designs.

The advantage of wooden folding tables made in the garage with your own hands:

  • low cost;
  • wood is easily and quickly processed, taking the required form. For creating simple designs no special tools required;
  • wooden products give the atmosphere a homely atmosphere, diluting a large number of metal that surrounds you indoors.

A metal folding table mounted on a wall in a garage has the following advantages over wooden structures:

  • the durability of the metal is much higher;
  • metal sheet is more difficult to damage.

Disadvantages of metal:

  • hard to do alone;
  • special tools will be required;
  • Some tools require some skill to use. For example, it is not enough to have a welding machine, you need to know how to use it;
  • more expensive than wooden models.

Many owners prefer to combine materials. It makes it easier total weight design and reduces the final cost.


Design is the main and most difficult part in creating a folding table in the garage with your own hands. Without a well-prepared drawing that indicates the main structural elements, you will not be able to properly purchase materials and prepare the necessary set of tools. The drawing is made independently or downloaded from the site and subsequently modernized to the needs of a specific owner.

Important! Do not neglect the design stage, otherwise after assembly it will turn out that the design is inconvenient and only gets in the way instead of being useful.

Required Tools

For wooden structures you will need:

  • wood hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • screws;
  • roulette;
  • corner;
  • pencil for marking.

While creating metal model you will need:

  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • chalk for marking;
  • screwdriver;
  • set of screws;
  • corner;
  • roulette.

Depending on the complexity of the selected drawing, an additional set of tools may be needed.

How to make a folding table for the garage with your own hands

The folding workbench is made according to the following algorithm:

  • assembling the tabletop;
  • we make supports that will support the structure when disassembled;
  • We attach it to the wall at the height of the legs wooden beam or metal corner. Hinges will be attached to it, combining the timber and the tabletop into a single structure;
  • we attach the supports.

Note! Don't forget to set up a work area around the workbench with electricity and adequate lighting.

A do-it-yourself work table in the garage is an indispensable piece of equipment for most car enthusiasts, especially if it is heavy and durable enough. It can be used to process wooden or metal parts, assemble car components, repair them and much more. The article will tell you how to make a garage table with your own hands.

Features of garage equipment

For most car enthusiasts, the garage is a shelter for their car and a second home where they can spend quite a lot of time. This also requires a special approach to the equipment of the room. If you neglect this issue, the useful life of the vehicle can be significantly reduced, and carrying out repairs in a poorly equipped garage is very inconvenient.

First of all, when arranging a room you need to:

  • Ensure a minimum level of moisture in it and maintain the desired temperature. Even in fairly severe frosts, the car should not freeze too much.
  • Create comfortable and pleasant working conditions for the owner.
  • Provide sufficient space for convenient storage spare parts At the same time, access to them must be made as convenient as possible.
  • Provide the ability to quickly warm up the garage And reliable protection it from the penetration of criminals.

The correct one is of particular importance for the car owner.

Here you need to have:

  • Various racks and shelves for storing tools and spare parts.
  • Workbench or table in the garage.
  • Welding machine.
  • Compressor (see).
  • Water and oil separator.

Every car owner can install many things in his garage. additional accessories and equipment at your discretion.

How to make a comfortable table for the garage

The work place should be:

  • Convenient for work.
  • Cozy.
  • Ergonomic and practical.
  • Everything you need should be here.

Advice: You should start arranging a place to work with your own hands, based on your own preferences. Each person has his own preferences, some here will carve their favorite landscapes on wood, some will assemble radios, and others would prefer to modernize garden tools.

The first thing you need to do is assemble the table with your own hands for the garage.

He can be:

  • Wooden.
  • Metallic.
  • Ready workbench for the garage. On the table you can draw projects and plans, make crafts, and do other favorite things.

A properly equipped desk should be equipped with drawers for storing small work supplies:

How to make a folding table

Tip: Before you start assembling the table, you should decide what it will look like and what it is intended for.

  • If there is a curved floor, it should be leveled. It is not necessary to level the entire area, just the area where the folding garage table will be placed is enough.
  • The tabletop is made by gluing boards together. You don’t have to make it, but simply tear off the tabletop from the already unnecessary table or use old door. The main thing is that this item is not too heavy, otherwise it will be very difficult to unfold and then fold the table.
  • Legs are cut from any boards or bars. The main condition is their strength.