Interesting DIY crafts for the home. What homemade items you can make for the household with your own hands. Forge from a balloon

A summer cottage is an area where you can give yourself the freedom to conduct numerous experiments and dream to your heart’s content. This manifests itself not only in interior design, but mainly in the design of a garden or vegetable garden. Inquisitive and inventive owners have long been no longer guided by expensive and standard methods for arranging their plots, since there are many alternative solutions in fact for all areas of activity.

There are several types of vertical beds that allow you to optimize the use free space. Non-standard designs – a great opportunity create interesting design garden, vegetable garden, summer cottage.

This type of beds is in most cases used for growing ornamental plants or herbs.

Materials for production:

Length drainpipes regulated in accordance with the wishes of the owner of the site. However, you should not make bulky beds, as they can complicate movement around the area.

Creating a bed

Stage 1. Create a container. To do this, take a drainpipe, cut it in half lengthwise and put special plugs on both sides.

Stage 2. We take the prepared metal holders and put them on the resulting frames for the beds.

Stage 3. We make holes in the pipe. They are made in those places where metal fasteners will be located.

Stage 4. We pass a cable or strong rope through the holes made.

Stage 5. Fix the cable/rope using fasteners.

Stage 6. Fill the resulting beds with expanded clay and soil.

Stage 7. Plant the plants in the beds.

Stage 8. We hang the pipes to the selected location. Sometimes a special wooden crossbar is installed for this purpose, or rather a structure in the shape of the letter “P”.

Step 9: Alternatively, a special design can be made for the pipes.

Important! A bed made of drainpipes is not resistant to strong gusty winds, so you should choose a place for it that is not blown from four directions by winds. Otherwise, the frame will quickly collapse, nullifying all your efforts.

A bed made from a plastic bag is another modification of vertical beds. It is extremely compact, functional and interesting in appearance. You can make such a bed in a couple of hours.

Materials for production:

  • durable polyethylene film;
  • sewing machine;
  • priming;
  • seedling.

In order for the bed to be strong, it is recommended Special attention pay attention to thickness polyethylene film, which in this case will act as the “framework” of the structure. Minimum thickness films - 0.2 millimeters.

The process of creating a polyethylene bed

Step 1 . We cut out 2 rectangular pieces of film, the size of which corresponds to the size of the bed being created. An allowance of one and a half to two centimeters should be left on each side. The recommended diameter of the bed is twenty centimeters.

Step 2. Sew the rectangles together, leaving only the top part bag.

Step 3. We sew a handle to the future bed, the strength of which will allow it to withstand the weight of the bag filled with soil. It should also be taken into account that when watering the weight will increase.

Step 4. Fill the bag with fertilized soil.

Step 5. We make horizontal cuts on the bag in increments of twenty centimeters. They are necessary for planting seedlings in the garden bed.

Step 6. Plant seedlings.

Step 7. Regularly water the soil and add the necessary fertilizers.

With these simple steps you can get a cheap and useful garden bed.

An integral element of every summer cottage is a compost heap. This is the place where all sorts of biochemical reactions take place to create fertilizers.

To create fertilizers that will satisfy all the requirements placed on them, several key steps should be carefully considered: creating the container and directly correct production the compost itself. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Stage 1. Take eight support posts of the same length.

Stage 2. Treat the bottom of the wooden posts with motor oil or tar.

Stage 3. We dig the posts into the ground so that they are reliable and stable. If compost bin will be located next to the fence, then 4 posts (that is, one side) can be attached to the fence. This will avoid having to dig 4 holes.

Stage 4. Between each two adjacent posts we nail the crossbars so that we end up with three independent sections. Be sure to leave gaps that will serve as ventilation holes.

Stage 5. In two sections, we nail the boards horizontally to half the height of the pillars. In these places it is planned to create two small doors.

Step 6. The remaining section will have a large door, so only one board should be nailed. It should be located at the very bottom in a horizontal position, that is, like a regular crossbar.

Stage 7. Install the covers. To do this, you can use one large solid board.

Stage 8. Install the pre-prepared doors.

Stage 9. We provide the doors with handles and latches.

Stage 10. We process the wood using special impregnations.

Stage 11. Paint the box in any color that suits your preferences.

Many gardeners mistakenly believe that any components can be dumped into a compost heap. In reality, to create the right biofertilizer, the “ingredients” must be carefully selected.

Among the required components compost heap the following components:

  • peat;
  • ash;
  • needles;
  • tree branches;
  • leaves;
  • hay or grass;
  • wood ash;
  • plant roots;
  • raw vegetables and fruits, etc.

All elements are randomly mixed in a heap. To speed up chemical reactions It is recommended to cover the pile with a tarpaulin (this is especially true if there is no box).

Trips to the dacha with the family require the presence of entertainment elements on the site that will delight children. The most common way to keep young summer residents occupied is a swing.

Building a swing yourself is not an easy task, but it is quite doable. Of course, you can always take a stick, tie it with a rope and hang the structure on a tree, but this can hardly be called a full-fledged swing. Real craftsmen prefer to build convenient designs with a comfortable seating area.

Structural components:

  • two logs;
  • strong rope.


  • log diameter – 85 mm;
  • log length – 700 mm;
  • distance between ropes – 500 mm.

Making a swing

Stage 1. We stretch the ropes between the logs.

Stage 2. Wrap ropes around each log.

Stage 3. Let the ropes out.

Stage 4. Tighten the ropes to 3 knots.

Stage 5. Attach the swing to the tree.

Important: this swing is designed for only one person.

Garden path from scrap materials

There are several types of garden paths that you can easily make with your own hands.

Step 1. Remove the sidewall from the tire using a knife or saw.

Step 2. Cut the tires.

Step 3. Line the space with corrugated stripes.

Step 4. Paint the path with paint.

Step 5. Sprinkle with stone chips.

This economical option for those who don’t want to rack their brains and waste time on a full-fledged garden path. Tire paths are usually used for vegetable gardens, as they are easily laid in the ground.

Stage 1. Paint the corks in different colors.

Stage 2. Dig a small trench.

Stage 3. We drive in supports to strengthen the future path.

Stage 4. We construct the formwork using boards.

Stage 5. Install spacers along the edges of the trench.

Stage 6. Place crushed stone deep into the trench and compact it thoroughly.

Stage 7. Make a solution from sand, cement, glue and water.

Stage 8. Pour the solution into the trench.

Stage 9. Press in the plugs in random order. Smooth multi-colored stripes look interesting.

These are the simplest and quick ways make a garden path without purchasing expensive materials.

DIY tools

The expression “everything is useful on the farm” turns out to be more relevant when we're talking about about canisters. From this plastic container You can make a large number of indispensable tools that are actively used in the process of summer cottage work.

To make this tool, we only need a sharp knife and the container itself.

Stage 1. Cut off the bottom of the canister.

Stage 2. Mark a cut line for the scoop on the container so that the handle of the canister is the handle of the future tool.

Stage 3. Cut off excess material.

As a result of these simple steps, we get an excellent scoop with a comfortable handle.



Step 1. Wash the canister thoroughly so that no odor remains in it.

Stage 2. Cut the canister vertically into two parts.

Stage 3. We make a groove on the board using a woodworking machine.

Stage 4. Apply glue to the plywood and insert it into the bottom of the canister.

Stage 5. Paint the resulting shelf using a spray can.

Of course, such a design will not withstand heavy weight, however, it is quite suitable for storing small parts.


  • 40 cans;
  • scissors;
  • rope;
  • paper;
  • marker.

Stage 1. Pierce the top of the canisters with a knife.

Stage 2. Make a stencil from paper.

Stage 3. Apply it to the canister and outline it with a marker.

Stage 4. Cut out large holes using scissors.

Stage 5. We stack the prepared canisters in several rows, tying each row by hooking a rope under the handles of the containers.

Stage 6. We tie all the rows around the perimeter for greater strength.

Stage 7. If you plan to lean the cabinet against the wall, then drill it to the surface.

Stage 8. Place heavy objects - stones or bricks - in the bottom row.

The result is a fairly spacious and functional rack that will help get rid of the problem of storing many small parts.

Be resourceful and bold in implementing your ideas. Good luck!

Video – DIY crafts for a summer cottage

Video - We do it ourselves for the dacha

Homemade products will help you make your home cozier and more comfortable. household. Self made fixtures and decorating old household items will allow you to give things a second life, which will significantly save your budget. This will also allow you to decorate the environment and make the interior more creative. Some homemade products for the household will visually increase the space and create comfort.

Folding chair

It is not always possible to financially purchase some furniture in a store. You can successfully get out of this situation if you make crafts with your own hands. For example, it is enough to simply make from and

The folding part (chair legs) is attached using hinges or mounted on a metal pin, which is secured at the edges with nuts. The tarpaulin is cut into two rectangles, with grooves for the bars sewn on the sides. The side parts of the top of the chair (back frame with armrests) are made in the form of the letter “b”. They are connected with bolts or self-tapping screws. It should be remembered that the folding lower part must be fixed in the working position. Therefore, not far from the connecting pin on the legs of the chair you need to attach a metal hook - it will firmly close this structure.

Who cooks porridge in the little house, gathers guests

Craftsmen familiar with saws and drills can even small apartment make a children's room. To do this, you need to build something like a screen with doors and windows from plywood or other fairly light material. Corner connections the slabs will imitate the corners of the house. Having painted the homemade screen accordingly, the master will turn it into a miniature children's mansion.

You just need to make sure that this screen can be firmly attached to the walls. After all, the safety of children is paramount! And they will fit quite well inside children's table, and a crib, and a box with toys.

Or you can even sew it. For such walls, any bright fabric that can simply be hung on a rope, wire or solid cornice is quite suitable.

Knitted furniture

Today it has become extremely fashionable to make benches. They use such homemade products for the household, storing various items inside: toys, bedding, pots, cereals. They can be placed in the kitchen, nursery or living room. They are also very convenient for relaxing both in a city apartment and in the country.

To make furniture with storage drawers, you must first make a frame for it. The bench consists of a rectangular box mounted on legs. The soft part is knitted in the form of a rectangular parallelogram without one base and put on the lid. You can insert an elastic band into the lower part so that the elegant “upholstery” is pulled together at the bottom of the bench.

The pouf can be given both square and cylindrical shape. To do this, around the circumference of the lower wooden base stuffed vertical racks, which are then connected at the top with thick wire. Plywood shields are stuffed between the racks to prevent things from falling out of the “storage.”

The upper round base is cut out separately. The soft part is knitted in the form of a cylinder and secured to the top part of the pouf. It is placed on top of the pouf like the lid of a hat box.

Using used clothing in homemade crafts

Who has a collection useful tips for the household, you must make the following entry in it: “Do not throw away an item until you are convinced of its complete disrepair. Try to give every item a second life!”

From old clothes, for example, you can knit or weave creative upholstery. Unnecessary tights are widely used, which are cut into a spiral and slightly stretched to twist the strip into a tube. You can use other material, also cutting it into strips and sewing them together. The “yarn” is wound into a ball, from which it is then knitted with fingers or woven into fabric.

Knitting without knitting needles repeats the algorithm of regular knitting. Only the loops are held directly on the fingers. And they also pull the thread.

For weaving, you can use a frame, along the edges of which nails are stuffed. The thread is first laid crosswise, wrapping around symmetrically located nails. They should all cross themselves at one point in the middle of the frame. Then the end of a thread of material is tied to the center and they begin to weave the fabric in a circle.

And the old refrigerator is in use

As a homemade item for the household, you can use used large household appliances. And then, instead of the tedious pulling out washing machine or a refrigerator in the trash, a creative, necessary thing may appear in the house. It will be both beautiful and useful.

The technique of converting refrigerators into incubators has long existed. However, such a thing is required only for those who are engaged in poultry farming and live in rural areas. And here they are original homemade products for home and dacha from refrigerators, like chests tied with fabric threads, will decorate your home and allow you to hide many useful things in them.

To make this piece of furniture, you need to remove the motor of the device. If you now put the refrigerator with the door up, then the frame of the chest is almost ready. All that remains is to knit the cape and sew a foam pad on its upper part, cutting out a hole in it where the handle will hide.

The cape should be made in the form of a rectangular parallelogram without a lower base. To make it easier to use the chest, you can sew a zipper lock into the side.

It's a matter of painting - everything will be like in a fairy tale

Non-working refrigerators can also be easily converted into cabinets. You just have to work some magic on their decor. You can make a creative piece of furniture in a cartoon style for a nursery or a fantasy style for a hallway, an antique style for a living room or a musical style for an office. It all depends on the imagination of the master.

Although a working refrigerator will become more creative if you paint it or stick an original film sticker on the casing. This will also protect the surface of the unit from scratches and corrosion.

Kitchen appliance decor

You can simply decorate not-so-new household items with stickers, appliqué, or paint pictures on the trim using paints for metal surfaces. The thing will again please the eye and sparkle with fresh colors. In just a few hours you can completely change the look of your kitchen, without even making homemade items for your household from scratch.

Microwave ovens, washing machines, cabinets and pencil cases are decorated with both pictures and drawings, and 3D decorations are glued onto them.

Each person, with his skillful hands, can create unique and even luxurious items for his home. You just have to think a little and make an effort.

Nothing brings joy to the house more than something made with your own hands. And it's true various homemade products for the home not only fill life bright colors, but also give the interior uniqueness and some zest. And it’s certainly impossible to forget about such a thing (even if it’s a small trinket). Moreover, it is not so important that these are homemade products made from wood for the home, from paper or plasticine. There are millions of options and methods for making various gizmos, and today we will look at several of them. So how to do it interesting homemade products for home?

Shelf made of tin cans

It would seem that such a trifle is a coffee jar. However, even from it you can make a beautiful, convenient and useful shelf for storing household items. Often, various souvenirs and memorable photographs are stored in such containers. There is little practical benefit from this homemade product, but such jars look very harmonious.

Details about the procedure for making this craft

1. First, holes are made in the jars using a drill or a special knife-ripper (in the top and bottom - 3 points, and in the walls of all the rest - 2 points).

2. Next, the jars are fastened together. Small nuts and screws are used as fastening elements. By the way, to get the desired (beautiful) result, you will need to have at least 5-6 of these jars.

3. Afterwards, a hole is punched in the containers for screws. 1-2 holes are made in the bottom of the jars located in the upper part of the structure to attach the shelf to the wall. The finished homemade product is screwed on with a screwdriver or screwdriver. To do this, dowels are first driven into the wall.

That's it, now homemade products for the home are being introduced. Rest assured - various small items will definitely not get lost in such jars. Thus, you kill two birds with one stone - decorate the interior and get rid of clutter in the house.

Homemade crafts for home - how to make a clock on a CD/DVD?

The clock on the CD is also very interesting and original version interior decoration.

As you can see, the design of this device is very original, and therefore it will look organically against the background of any interior (perhaps it will become its highlight). Such “smart” homemade products can be made for the home in a matter of minutes. We will tell you in more detail about all the stages below.

So, how to make a homemade watch with your own hands? First, you will need to prepare the appropriate materials - a CD/DVD (you can choose the design of its front part at your discretion) and a cover-case for it (the distance between the walls should be at least 0.05 centimeters). It is very important that the last part does not have any chips or scratches. To make the work easier, you can purchase a ready-made watch and then simply replace the standard dial.

It must be a pointer, otherwise you won’t be able to make a homemade product. You should also do the numbers. There should be a total of twelve of them. These can be cardboard, paper or plastic circles. Their thickness should not exceed two millimeters. Rhinestones can be used as decorations. You also need to prepare about 30-40 centimeters of wire, a piece of leather or fabric and “Moment” type superglue. The core of this entire design will be the CD. We will redo it first.

First you need to mark the disk by twelve equal parts and glue the numbers to the marked dots. In this case, the sectors should not go beyond outside diameter devices. How do you make homemade products for your home? After the sectors, we proceed to the clock itself - remove the arrows and place them exactly in the center of our disk. By the way, before attaching them, you can stick some kind of interesting photo, which will make the watch design even more original.

To increase the size of the arrows, use thin metal strips. To achieve the desired result, it is enough to apply glue to them and carefully position the part evenly over the entire surface of the guiding elements. The arrow mechanism itself is attached to back side disk.

What to do next?

So, the base of the watch is almost ready. The next step holes will be made in the device along the contour of the arrow mechanism. The field of this disc is installed in a case. The mechanism itself is brought out through the hole and closed tightly. Now, with the help of wire, an emphasis is made, which is glued to back cover. To make it more durable, glue a piece of fabric or leather on top of it. This will make the stop not only strong, but also beautiful, since the excess part of the wire will no longer gape on the watch as before. That's it, the homemade watch from a CD has been successfully made. All that remains is to insert the AA battery and set the time. By the way, you can also make a battery yourself.

How to make a source of energy from a lemon?

As we know, this fruit contains a lot of acid, accordingly, when correct actions A lemon can be turned into a real mini-battery.

Of course, the charge from such a “battery” will not be enough to work household appliances, however, for operation or charging mobile phone this current is quite enough.

Making homemade crafts for the home - preparing tools to turn lemon into a source of constant energy

During the work you will need tools such as a knife, soldering iron, drill, iron pin, as well as several pieces copper wire in isolation. Among other items, it should be noted the need for one glass or shot glass, a pair of wooden sticks and the same number of push pins. And, of course, our main source of energy will be lemon. You can also use orange, but it contains much less acid, so the charge from it will be minimal.


First, cut the lemon in half. This is necessary so that it gives more acid necessary for the Lemon to be fixed in the glass so that it does not roll around the table. Next, copper and iron pins are inserted into its flesh along the entire perimeter at a distance of 0.5-1 centimeter. Our “minus” will be iron, and our “plus” will be copper.

Pieces of wire are attached to all the pins using a soldering iron. They will serve as a connector for the power supply. All elements are connected in series.

At the final stage, sticks are inserted into the battery compartment. It is important to observe polarity here. The contacts are pressed against the contact group. The container remains open throughout the entire charging process of the device.

So we figured out how to do useful homemade products for the home with your own hands. Good luck in your endeavors!

Homemade products for the home are not very popular among city residents.

After all, today the market for all kinds of goods is presented the widest range, among which it is easy to choose something suitable for yourself.

However, in order not to spend extra amounts of money on trifles, as well as to improve your own craftsmanship skills, you can create all these items with your own hands.

Among the useful homemade products you can find are:

  • design elements that will fit into your interior the best way, because you will create them based on your own wishes;
  • household items you no longer have to buy at the store;
  • homemade crafts for the home will become decorations for appearance apartments or .

Homemade crafts

DIY crafts can be very different. From beauty to practicality there can be one step in their development, and proof of this is interesting shelves from tin cans from under the coffee. For this craft you will need:

  • several tin cans (at least 6 pieces);
  • glue;
  • a drill or other tool that can be used to make holes in cans.

Let's start creating homemade shelf from making holes. On the back (bottom) of each jar you need to make a hole, which will serve as a fastener to the wall.

However, it is not at all necessary to make a hole in each jar, but if your shelf has big sizes, there must be at least 2 of them.

Instead of glue, you can use a drill and drill a hole in each can, which will be fastened together with nuts and screws, but with glue, of course, it’s easier to work with.

To prevent your homemade project from unexpectedly falling apart while still on the wall, you should use very strong glue, such as the one used in shoe repair. can consist not only of tin cans, but also of glass.

Glass jars can be a useful homemade product for storing small items.

Useful homemade crafts for the home - a house for a cat

If you have a pet in your house, and somewhere in the pantry or on a mountain there is an old monitor collecting dust that has not worked for a long time or will never be used, you can quickly turn it into a house for a cat.

To do this, simply unscrew the screws of the device, remove the case and separate it from the inside, including the screen. Next, we connect the body parts with the same screws, thoroughly wipe the monitor from dust and begin decorating.

As a decoration for a cat house, you can use regular paint, which covers the entire surface of the house you created. But there is another way: take watercolors and decorate the former monitor with patterns of your choice.

Hanger - homemade do it yourself from buttons

For button hangers we need:

  • homemade buttons;
  • spray paint;
  • Super glue;
  • hanger.

You can cover the hanger with fabric and sew buttons on the fabric, it also looks quite beautiful.

Thread hangers

This is the hanger itself. You need thick threads with which you will wrap the hanger and get a wonderful homemade product made with your own hands.

To secure the threads, first apply PVA glue to the hanger.

All homemade products for the home are very useful, as they give new life old things and bring beauty and creativity into your home.

In any private household plot or peasant farm you can find different kinds techniques that are used to make work easier and increase productivity. Mini equipment for a personal farmstead is used for cultivating land, caring for livestock and poultry. It is used to transport crops and fertilizers.

Not every farmer has sufficient quantity financial resources for the purchase of equipment with high power. In a personal farmstead you have to make do with little effort. Properly selected mini equipment is capable of performing a wide range of agricultural work. She may be:

  • portable;
  • pedestrian;
  • sledding;
  • stationary.

Portable equipment includes power tool, which is held by hands, hung on the shoulders or mounted on road wheels. The power of such devices does not exceed 3 kW. This amounts to approximately 4 hp.

Pedestrian equipment – ​​walk-behind tractors, walk-behind cultivators, walk-behind mowers, walk-behind cultivators, etc. It is driven by hand pull. The power of this type of equipment can reach 10 kW or approximately 13 hp.

The power of the driving equipment reaches 18 kW or 22 hp. This group includes mini tractors of traction class 0.2 and walk-behind tractors with a trailed trolley.

Stationary equipment – ​​sprayers, pumping stations and so on. Device power up to 10 kW. This amounts to 13 hp.

Mini tractors

The basis of the line of mini tractors on Russian market represents equipment from Belarusian, Chinese, and South Korean manufacturers. A small part of it consists of European, American and Japanese brands. The latest types of equipment have not gained wide popularity among Russian farmers due to the complexity and high cost of maintenance.

Domestic manufacturers are represented on the mini tractor market with equipment that consists of large-unit assembly products from well-known brands. Russian farmers buy the most mini-tractors made in China. Behind last years Their build quality has improved significantly. A good technical base has been created for them in the country, on which repairs and maintenance are carried out.

Rules for choosing a mini tractor

When choosing any type of equipment, each buyer is guided by his own financial capabilities. They determine the limit of possibility within which a suitable mini tractor is selected. There are a number of criteria that help you make the right choice. It is important to choose the best technology option for yourself and not overpay for it.

Before purchasing a mini tractor, determine the list of jobs for which it is planned to be used. This helps determine the required power of the equipment. Budget mini-tractors with a power of 16-20 hp can handle cultivating small plots of land. Other parameters to consider when purchasing include:

  • type and consumption of fuel;
  • type of drive;
  • shaft speed.

Only all-wheel drive allows the mini-tractor to move freely across the fields. The heavier the equipment, the more stable it is. Required condition purchase is a test drive. The equipment should be easy to operate. All modern models mini tractors have steering. People who know how to drive cars easily master this technique.

Each mini tractor has special mounts for attachments. It is better to buy it complete with the main equipment. This will allow you to avoid future problems with docking different nodes. You need to buy mini-tractors from trusted manufacturers.

Which mini tractor is better to buy: characteristics, capabilities

When purchasing a mini tractor, it will never be superfluous to consult a specialist or reviews from other buyers.

Table. The best-selling mini tractors in Russia

Mini tractor modelCharacteristicsPeculiarities

Diesel engine power 22 hp. Maximum speed 27.35 km/h. Fuel tank capacity 8 l. The transmission is rear-wheel drive. The turning radius of the front wheels is 3.9 m. The gearbox is 6 gears. The engine is started using an electric starter. Weight without attachments 960 kg.The mini tractor is assembled in Russia from non-original parts. This does not reduce the reliability of its operation.

Diesel engine power 24 hp. Weight without attachments 1040 kg. The transmission is rear-wheel drive. The gearbox has 8 steps. The engine is started using an electric starterMini tractor without closed cabin. Complete Chinese assembly.

Fuel tank capacity 6 l. Diesel engine power 22 hp. The transmission is rear-wheel drive. Gearbox – 6 steps.The mini tractor is assembled in Russia under a Chinese license.

Motor cultivators and walk-behind tractors

Motor cultivators and walk-behind tractors have a lot in common. Their main difference is power. For walk-behind tractors it is much higher. The equipment can run on electricity and liquid fuel. Its main purpose is land cultivation. The favorites in sales in Russia are models German manufacturers. Following them in this segment of agricultural machinery are Japanese and American brands.

Unlike mini tractors, walk-behind tractors and walk-behind cultivators are relatively light in weight. When choosing equipment of this class, pay attention to the type of their engine. For processing remote from the electrical power source land plots Appliances running on gasoline or diesel fuel are suitable. You can cultivate the land near your house using a motorized cultivator and walk-behind tractors powered by electricity.

When purchasing walk-behind tractors, you need to pay attention to their power and weight. The equipment produced is divided into 3 classes, each of which is designed for specific operating conditions:

DIY agricultural machinery

In any farm there is always available material suitable for the manufacture of agricultural machinery. Engineering knowledge and design skills will always find application in subsidiary farming. For example, they will help you turn a walk-behind tractor into a mini tractor.

Step-by-step instructions for converting a walk-behind tractor into a mini tractor

The big disadvantage of walk-behind tractors is manual traction. It is compensated by prices that are lower than the cost of mini tractors. Skilled hands in a short time can turn a walk-behind tractor into a mini tractor with minimal costs. The process of remaking a walk-behind tractor begins with drawing up calculations and design drawings. In the absence of design experience, it is better to use other people's developments.

Step 1. From metal sheets, profiled pipes and angles, the frame and body for the mini tractor are welded. Their mass must be calculated taking into account the engine power. If the design uses a walk-behind tractor with a powerful unit, then in its design you can use car trailers. Two-wheeled carts are best suited for adapting a walk-behind tractor to a mini tractor.

During the manufacture of the frame, it is necessary to provide fastenings for hanging equipment. Special holes are made along the contour of the frame for future installation of cabin and body elements.

Step 2. Components are selected for the prepared frame of the future mini tractor. Motorists can find many useful things in the garage for these purposes. From a VAZ passenger car you can take pedal control units and drum brakes for the drive wheels. For pennies necessary details can be found at car wrecking yards.

Step 3. Installation of bridges
The nodes are assembled from various elements. You can take them from old ones passenger cars or agricultural equipment. Bridges are made independently from:

The rear axle can be used from an old UAZ. It will have to be shortened slightly. To the shortened version rear axle Short axle shafts will do.

Step 4. Installing wheels

When selecting wheels for a mini tractor, you need to take into account the fact that they have a direct impact on the controllability of the vehicle. When turning, wheels that are too large force the driver to exert great effort to control the vehicle. Small wheels bury the tractor into the ground. Optimal size wheels for the front axle - 12-14 inches.

Tires on mini tractors must be installed with lugs. They significantly increase the maneuverability of equipment.

Step 5. Installation of the control system and driver's seat

Control systems begin to be built after installing the chassis. In the installation sequence, the steering wheel follows the installation of the driver's seat. The height of the steering wheel is adjusted using it. It should not hinder the driver when operating the equipment.

Step 6. Installing the engine and body

Installing the engine and debugging its operation are final stages mini tractor assembly. Installation of the engine begins after it is assembled chassis. The unit is installed on a special plate. It must have grooves for fastening. After installing the engine, installation is carried out electrical circuit and connecting the steering system and instrument panel.

At the final stage of converting a walk-behind tractor into a mini tractor, the cabin trim is done.

Video - Converting a walk-behind tractor into a mini tractor

What can you use to make an irrigation system for your garden?

Watering plants in the garden can be considered labor-intensive work. It takes a lot of time and physical effort. You can make the task of caring for your garden easier by making an irrigation system from scrap materials. The design of the system depends on the water source. It could be:

Water is taken from a well, natural reservoirs and containers using a pump. The best option pump for the garden - “Baby”. Him:

For drip irrigation hoses with holes are laid around the garden. The water from them should get under the root of the plant. When taking water for irrigation from the water supply, the hoses are connected to the tap. If a pump is used, the hoses are connected to its outlet nozzle.

Among the advantages of drip irrigation:

  • saving water consumption;
  • mechanization of manual labor.

More information about the manufacture of equipment for watering a garden can be read in.

What can an old washing machine be useful for in a farmstead?

There is never any need to rush to scrap an old washing machine. From it you can make various devices for subsidiary farming. For example, adapt it for washing vegetables. To do this, the machine is installed above the drainage system. She plays the role local sewerage. Vegetables are loaded into the laundry hatch and placed. Water is supplied to the machine using a portable hose. Waste water flows out of the washing machine by gravity drainage system. This vegetable washing system works on the principle of a colander.

You can make it out of an old washing machine original flowerbed, grill or smokehouse. The drum and electric motor are used to make a grass chopper, grain crusher and other devices.

Circular grinder

The easiest way to turn an angle grinder into a saw is to replace the standard blade with one designed for wood. Such a device has a limited range of action. It can cut slats or thin bars. A protective cover is put on the grinder. The handle is made a continuation of the body.

For cross cutting of lumber it is required Miter saw. You can make it from a grinder by attaching the tool to a rotating bar. For cutting large quantity lumber using a circular saw. With its help you can cut a board or bar of any size. Manufacturing circular saw requires certain knowledge. The saw blade on a circular saw is mounted on a table mounted on a frame. For its manufacture, a 50*50 corner is used.

The sawing table is made of plywood or boards. The control button and switch are located on the side. You can figure out how to make a circular saw from an angle grinder with the help of a video.

Video - How to make a circular saw from an angle grinder

Homemade products for the garden

The fantasy of summer residents knows no bounds. From scrap materials they make a variety of devices that make their work easier in the field, garden or garden.

Long-term storage of root vegetables requires compliance with certain storage conditions. After digging, the potatoes are sorted, cleaned of dirt and dried from excess moisture. It is better to store tubers in boxes. It happens in such a container natural ventilation potatoes, which significantly reduces the percentage of their rotting.

To make a box, use 15*20 slats, 40*40 or 50*50 timber, and 8-10 mm thick plywood.

Grape press

You can make a press yourself from a barrel, a filtration mesh and a screw mechanism. You can replace the barrel with a mesh cylinder, or in the screw mechanism with a regular jack. When using a barrel, its sides are expanded due to the slots that are made between the side slats. The width of the slots is 2-3 mm. The barrel is installed on a frame made of metal profile. The grapes are placed in a barrel, which is closed with a lid having a diameter corresponding internal size containers.

Using a screw mechanism or a jack, pressure is applied to the cover. Under its influence, the grapes produce juice, which flows out of the barrel through the cracks. To collect it, a collection tray is installed under the bottom of the barrel.