DIY chipboard facades. Making a glossy facade with your own hands. Production of solid facades

In order to save money and time on searching the desired model Users with construction or carpentry skills can make their own furniture.

What should you take care of before making furniture?

When assembling furniture with your own hands, you need to think in advance about the appearance of the object and decide in which part of the apartment it will be placed. This data will allow you to determine the most suitable materials and accessories. Drawings are another important component of the process. After creating sketches with parameters and purchasing tools and building materials, you can begin the actual installation. It is better to strictly adhere to the original idea and pay attention to all calculations, otherwise furniture made by yourself may turn out to be sloppy.

The most important thing in furniture making is the drawing.

Step 1 – tools for furniture assembly

You don’t need a special room or expensive equipment for the work, but before assembling furniture with your own hands, you should still stock up on tools that may be useful during work. Recommended minimum for beginners:

  • electric screwdriver;
  • drill for hinges with a diameter of 2.6 cm;
  • nozzle or key, as well as a special drill for confirmations;
  • drills with diameters of 4.5, 7.5 and 10 mm;
  • awl, tape measure, ruler, pencil;
  • rubber or wooden mallet;
  • sandpaper (fine-grained).

For those who have extensive experience in making furniture with their own hands, it would be useful to purchase electric drill, electric jigsaw, hair dryer and iron, professional router, stationery knife, jamb knife and Forstner drill with a diameter of 15 mm for drilling holes for minifixes.

Step 2 – selection of materials for the future furniture design

Today the market offers a wide range of products, including various price categories. Natural solid wood are now considered expensive luxury materials, they have given way to modern stoves consisting only partly of wood. There are several most popular options for.

Furniture made from laminated chipboard

Laminated chipboards have taken a leading position as the main material for making cabinet furniture with your own hands. They are a relatively cheap composite material obtained by hot pressing of wood chips. Standard thickness such slabs are 16 mm, but you can find 1 and 22 mm. Decorative elements and main parts of cabinets and bookshelves where high flexural strength is required.

Processing of chipboard boards is usually carried out on special machines. You can resort to a jigsaw and try to cut them at home, yourself, but you won’t be able to do it smoothly: unevenness and chips will be visible on the parts. Such defects will subsequently be very noticeable and will have to be masked. For this reason, it is better to entrust the production of parts to professionals.

Fiberboard furniture

Fiberboards are a lower quality and aesthetically attractive material compared to laminated chipboards. IN furniture production it is used for decoration rear walls and as a bottom drawers. The thickness of these sheets ranges from 3–5 mm. The slab has two surfaces: smooth and rough. One of the rules for making furniture with your own hands: smooth side the sheet looks inside the drawer/cabinet. The color should be as close as possible to the shade of the main furniture material (chipboard).

It is not recommended to attach fiberboard sheets to furniture stapler, since such a structure will turn out to be unstable and will become loose over time. The bottom of furniture drawers can be mounted in a groove prepared with a milling cutter if all dimensions match down to the millimeter. The most popular fastening method is self-tapping screws or nails.

MDF furniture

A slab consisting of fine chips compressed under high pressure and temperature. Pliable material, easy to process with a milling cutter, often used as a furniture facade (external part). Basic characteristics:

  • high density;
  • good moisture resistance;
  • flexibility;
  • ability to withstand temperature changes;
  • immunity to damage by microorganisms.

The thickness of MDF boards varies from 3 to 38 mm.

Assembly of furniture from natural wood- not the best practical idea, because solid wood costs several times more than the above price categories. It is better to entrust work with this material to specialists.

Furniture fittings

The fittings are small, but important elements, without which the furniture will not be able to perform its functions. You should not save on this part, since the service life and overall level of performance depend on the quality of the purchased fittings future design, assembled with your own hands.

Furniture handles are attached with screws. Guides (roller and telescopic, or ball) play an important role when assembling drawers, because they give right direction movements.

To soften the impact when closing and reduce the noise level, silicone dampers are installed on the inside of furniture doors (or the end). Legs are an optional detail, but in some cases they can greatly extend the life of furniture and adjust its optimal position on an uneven floor.

Hinges affect the degree to which drawer doors open. The standard is 180° for opening and 90° for closing. If the manufacturer has not made additives (cutouts for hinges), then they can be added in any furniture workshop. For doors made of glass, you need to purchase special hinges that can hold it without drilling holes.

Furniture fasteners

Fasteners and their types require special attention. This hardware, which ultimately are of decisive importance for furniture, since they are the ones who ensure its strength, geometric correctness and stability.

Wooden dowels

They are used for preliminary and intermediate fixation and to increase the shear load. Dowels are inserted into drilled holes in both fastened furniture parts. Later, the parts are attached using a more reliable method.

Iron corners

A slightly outdated mounting system that fully justifies its cheapness by being unattractive appearance, bulkiness and loosening after some time.

Confirmat, or furniture screw

Modern fastening element, which has replaced conventional self-tapping screws due to its large thread: because of this, the screws hold tighter in the chipboard. The main disadvantages of this type is the need to use a special drill with different diameters for threads, the head and neck of the Euroscrew, as well as heads that remain visible. The master will have to select plastic plugs to match the color of the furniture body.

One of the most popular fastening methods today. The main advantage of eccentric couplers is that they leave drilling marks only on the inside of the product. For this fastening you will need the aforementioned Forstner drill. The method is labor-intensive and perfect for sliding furniture doors. In other cases, it is worth focusing on simpler and less expensive options.

Selection of edges and furniture fronts

These elements perform an aesthetic function, so you need to choose them wisely. Making beautiful cabinet furniture that will look expensive is not difficult if you carefully select decorative parts.


The protection of the cuts of the body slabs, and, consequently, the strength of the furniture depends on the correct choice of this part. If you do not take care of high-quality insulation, moisture can easily penetrate the furniture structure and destroy it from the inside.

There are several options, one of the best for making furniture with your own hands is PVC edging. This finishing does not require special skills or professional equipment. Standard sizes: 0.4 and 2 mm. To save money, a thin edge is glued to the ends that are inaccessible to the eye, and a 2 mm edge is glued to the outer edges, which will be subject to heavy loads and friction.

Other advantages of this type of furniture finishing:

  • Melamine edging: cheap but impractical option. Glued using a regular iron.
  • ABS is similar to PVC, but made from an environmentally friendly material.
  • The overlay U-profile is glued to liquid nails. Impractical due to the accumulation of dirt at the joint, but helps hide the defects of a bad cut.
  • Mortise T-profile - rarely used, inserted into a groove made by a milling cutter.

Front part of furniture

Kitchen fronts and the doors of the drawers are the “face” of the furniture, so they should look much more presentable than other details that are not so striking. Making this element yourself means saving time, since such things are usually made to order, and the wait can take several months.

Concerning technical subtleties, then the facade part is standardly made 2 mm smaller on each side of the main body. So, for furniture with a width of 600 mm, a façade whose width is 596 mm is suitable. The raw materials of the decorative part are different from those of the main body.

Among the cheapest facades are laminated MDF panels with a short service life. Mostly wood finishes are found. Softforming, which is gaining popularity, is similar to MDF, but differs in a two-color layout and relief on both sides of the panel. Such furniture is suitable exclusively for dry rooms (bedroom, living room). You can often see non-standard facades with curly stained glass cutouts. Glass is usually mounted on a cover plate with inside doors.

This is the implementation of high-quality, durable decor. It is distinguished by the severity of its forms and is performed without aesthetic frills. The basis is MDF or chipboards, which are covered with thin, seamless plastic. Plastic facade- another expensive, but extremely practical option.


  • smooth surface (glossy, matte);
  • laconic design;
  • ABS edge or aluminum profile.

At the peak of popularity now are super-glossy acrylic panels for making furniture with your own hands.

Wood and veneer

Expensive, but natural materials. There is an opinion that from an environmental point of view, the option loses, since it contains a lot of varnish and impregnations. Painted facades “like enamel” are becoming increasingly rare. The rich color, which was so valued before, has also appeared in competitors, for example, acrylic. A significant disadvantage of such furniture is that it is not resistant to deformation and scratches.

Aluminum-glass facades

The optimal method for making furniture with your own hands in high-tech style.

Preparation of drawings for furniture manufacturing

Assembly drawings are a personal guide during the work process. If you pay due attention to this part at the preparatory stage, then the master will not have to frantically make calculations and be afraid of attaching something in the wrong place. You can make the assembly task easier for yourself by sketching everything out on a simple sheet of paper by hand or using.

It should be remembered that the drawing must be clear and readable at least for the person who will be assembling the furniture.

Calculation and detailing

It is impossible to make cabinet furniture with your own hands without taking into account the consumption of materials. This stage requires drawing up detailed list what material each part will be made of, indicating its parameters. The sheet is sent to the nearest accessible workshop, where all elements will be sawn and initially processed (edge).

The list should include Consumables on the body, fittings, fasteners. This way you can easily calculate the final cost of the furniture, taking into account the services of the workshop. The price of an item made with your own hands at home is 30–35% less than the retail price in stores.

Furniture assembly technology

You should start constructing any furniture with your own hands from the main frame, that is, from the largest parts, gradually adding small ones. An example of assembling a bookcase:

  1. After preparatory stage The side, top and bottom walls of the frame are connected and the diagonal is aligned.
  2. Then the fiberboard back is attached using self-tapping screws.
  3. The third stage is fastening the shelves. Confirmats guarantee a stronger connection.
  4. Places on the side walls damaged by hardware outside can be decorated with matching color caps.
  5. Now it's the turn of additional internal parts, for example, shelves may have drawers (additional partitions).
  6. The last to be installed are the decorative parts (linings, façade, etc.).

The beds are assembled according to the same scheme, kitchen cabinets, wardrobes and other home furniture. When using a traumatic electrical equipment generally accepted safety measures are observed.

In order to make furniture yourself, you need to have the desire, a little care, time and basic knowledge in the field of construction. If everything is done correctly, the end result will be an exclusive and functional piece of decor that will last for many years and will fit perfectly into the interior of the apartment.

The kitchen set is considered one of the simple types hand-assembled furniture for inexperienced craftsmen.

Furnishings for a relaxation room and hall, as a rule, require a professional approach and the use of extraordinary materials.

Today we’ll talk about how to assemble furniture with your own hands.

The use of laminated chipboard as the main building material

Today, natural wood in its pure form is almost impossible to find in the environment. After all, headsets from natural wood are considered expensive and quite elite pieces of furniture. Therefore, the array is replaced with an affordable material such as chipboard.

In most cases, the thickness of these plates reaches 16 mm. Sheets of greater thickness are also sold. The material is cut on machines.

You can do the work at home using an electric jigsaw, but unevenness and chips cannot be avoided. After all, it is almost impossible to saw off laminated chipboard evenly at home with a jigsaw.


One of the weak points of this material is considered to be the saw cut, since it is through it that moisture passes inside most easily. In this regard, due to poor quality protection, swelling of the ends is possible. Therefore, it is preferable to cover the ends with edges, as in the photo of the furniture you made yourself below.

There are several types of edges on the modern market:

  • Melamine. This is the most affordable edge of excellent quality. You can glue it yourself using a regular iron.
  • PVC is an excellent choice for edging. Its gluing is only possible on the machine.
  • ABS edge, similar to PVC edge, but created from a natural material.


The façade and doors of furnishings, including DIY garden furniture, are made from the best quality material.

The facade is considered a separate piece of furniture and, as a rule, is made to order.

In cases where facades have unusual shapes, they can be produced over a long period of time.

Types of facades

Since the main function of the facade is decorative, it is accordingly offered in a wide variety. The façade differs in material, as well as in appearance.

Laminated MDF is a pressed and fairly moisture-resistant material. Usually the surface is treated like a natural array.

However, even the most durable film will crack and peel off after a certain period of time. The main advantage of this material is its affordable cost and speed of production.

In addition to blind-type facades, there are options for a figured look like stained glass. The glass part is fixed to a special plate.

Wood facades will appeal to fans natural materials, however, their cost is quite high. In addition, environmental friendliness is also controversial.


Painted façade to look like enamel. It has a significant disadvantage - chips and deformations often appear on the surface.

It was once exploited because of its attractive, catchy shade, but with the advent of shiny plastic, everything changed radically.

Glass facades made from aluminum are suitable for kitchen space in high-tech style. They look fashionable, but are quite problematic to manufacture and install. Unusual fittings are used for fastening.


There are many methods for making cabinet boxes, as well as DIY pallet furniture. One of the simplest is considered to be assembly around the perimeter using laminated chipboard.

If it is necessary to create an original facade, it must be screwed onto the frame main part from the inside.

In addition, the facade is often attached to eccentrics in the form of one of the walls of the box. In this case, the main task is not to assemble the necessary box, but to secure it correctly.



There are built-in wardrobes and free-standing ones. Internal filling It happens at the discretion of the owner; it is possible to carry out restoration of furniture with your own hands.

The main element of each cabinet is sliding type door leaf. It is not recommended to save on this part; it is important to purchase good quality fittings.

Basically, the closet is equipped with several doors, consisting of a frame into which decorative elements are inserted. Door leaves can be assembled from several materials, separated by an aluminum profile.

The movement of the canvases is carried out along special guides, which are installed with your own hands, just as you create furniture from cardboard yourself.


If you approach the issue of creating and installing pieces of furniture with all responsibility, then the furnishings will be not only of high quality, but also affordable, distinguished by exclusivity and specialness.

DIY furniture photo


Finished price kitchen furniture consists of the price of materials, facades and furniture fittings. Almost half of the total cost of building a kitchen is the cost of its production. And if the kitchen is non-standard, has more than four walls or they are not located at an angle of 90 degrees, then you will have to pay extra for the development of a special project.

Obviously, it will be very profitable to make the kitchen yourself. The advantages of this solution are obvious: significant savings in the cost of workers’ services and the opportunity to choose the style and design of the kitchen project yourself and create an interior for a room of any size and shape according to your taste.

Chipboard is one of the most common and affordable materials; it is perfect for your future kitchen.

A kitchen made with your own hands from chipboard will not only allow you to take into account the wishes of all family members when planning it, but will also not put a big dent in your pocket.

Kitchen project

The start of any work is preceded by a project, which includes drawings of the future kitchen with the specified dimensions. In the photo below you can see one of the kitchen projects made from chipboard.

Furniture facades have their own standard sizes. They are presented in the table below (the cross at the intersection of the values ​​means the standard size).

Step-by-step instruction

When assembling furniture with your own hands, you must follow a certain procedure:

  1. Order a tabletop, glass facades, a slab with cutting.
  2. Purchase accessories.
  3. Pick up glass facades and other parts.
  4. Edge the ends of the parts.
  5. Attach the guides to the sides of those cabinets that will have drawers.
  6. Attach hinges to doors.
  7. According to the drawings, assemble the boxes using confirmations.
  8. Hang doors, assemble and insert drawers.
  9. Arrange the lower cabinets, install the tabletop and attach it to the cabinets using 4*30 screws; the cut corner must be processed with a tabletop edge.
  10. For the upper cabinets, a mounting rail is attached, calculating so that the bottom of the cabinet is at a distance of 140-150 cm from the floor.
  11. Hanging cabinets are tied together with sectional ties.
  12. Cut holes for work surface and sink, install them.
  13. Cut and install the wall profile to the tabletop using 3*25 screws.
  14. Adjust the gaps in the doors.
  15. Install the plinth.

In addition to the general kitchen plan, you will need diagrams with the dimensions of each individual element. Below is an example of cutting out a kitchen cabinet.

Before starting work, pay attention to the points that should be taken into account:

  1. Leave 4 cm behind the cabinets free space(for communications and as protection against crooked walls).
  2. The front cabinets are attached in one line.
  3. Buy supports only with a clip, and make the base removable.
  4. It is better to install the guides for the drawers before assembling the cabinet.
  5. It is recommended to install the mounting rail without breaks along its entire length.
  6. The wall profile is sealed with silicone.

The history of glossy facades is relatively young; only a few methods or types of manufacturing such facades are widely practiced - these are film facades, PVC film is applied by hot pressing in a vacuum environment. Painted facades - by gradually applying paint in several layers, and then in the same sequence of varnish coating and further polishing. Acrylic facades - by applying glossy acrylic plastic to MDF. Postforming - application of paper-laminated plastic (HPL) to the base in a press under high pressure and corresponding temperature.

All of the above types are of little use for self-made at home, either high-tech equipment or a specially equipped room is required. I want to talk about more in a simple way how to make a facade with a high degree of gloss and perfect flat surface do it yourself using simple hand tools.

We will use Kamellit acrylic plastic as a glossy coating. The plastic is 4mm thick so it doesn't need to be perfect clean room or an expensive press. Due to the thickness of the plastic, debris may inadvertently get in when applying the glue or uneven application itself adhesive composition will not affect the evenness and smoothness of the surface of the coating, which cannot be said when working with materials with a thickness of 1 mm or less, even a very small speck or a layer of glue applied even by spraying will manifest itself on the front part of the facade in the form of swelling or ripples, the irregularities are especially noticeable on dark colors. When working with our material, you don’t have to be afraid of this, the glue will be contact, I prefer to work with Solupren glue, in our case it can be applied with a roller, brush, or just with a swab made of fabric, polyurethane foam (sponge) and there is no need to clean it workroom to the state of a surgical operating room.

To begin with, I would like to show several of our works in which facades were made using the proposed method.
It should be noted that this material is much superior in strength and also has higher dirt-repellent properties than generally accepted ones. classic materials and coatings used in the manufacture of facades in modern furniture.
There are also similar acrylic plastics with a pearlescent effect, Grandsilk. The properties are more unique, for example, handprints are practically invisible even with careful examination. Materials Kamellit And Grandsilk easy to process, cutting is done using circular saw, milling with conventional cutters. But if you try to bend it, you will have to sweat, the material is heat-resistant and to make a radius (bent) facade you need to heat the plastic to 160-180 degrees, with artificial stone much simpler, it is more thermoplastic, although it should be noted that the processing technology of these materials is almost identical.
There are three methods for making facades and decorative panels, at least I describe which I use myself: this preliminary preparation panels with gluing a single sheet of plastic onto a sheet of MDF or chipboard, however, it is not entirely convenient, the format of the plastic sheet is Kamellit 3050×2030×4, Grandsilk 2020×1320×4 i.e. vary from the sizes of MDF and chipboard sheets, laminated chipboard. Then the prepared panels are cut to the required size; this is convenient because the ends of the parts are already prepared for gluing the edge material; there is no need for additional operations associated with milling and fitting the ends. The second method is cutting plastic to the size of the part, gluing it to the part, processing the ends (removing overhangs) and gluing the edges. The third method is gluing the edge, gluing the plastic, milling (rounding the edge of the plastic).

I have shown a third method: first, we apply a 1-2mm PVC edge to the ends of the future facade, preferably glossy and matching the color of the acrylic plastic being glued. On the back side of the facade, we round off the edge chamfer using a 2-3mm milling cutter.
Shown is the back side of the facade with a processed edge.
On the front side, we mill the protruding edge (remove the overhang) under the face with the plane of the facade detail.
Next, we use a sanding machine to adjust it to an ideal, even plane, and at the same time we sand the lamination, which promotes better adhesion when gluing the plastic and the facade panel.
We clean it from dust, wash it with alcohol or a non-greasy solvent.
We move on to the stage of gluing the plastic. Apply contact glue to both surfaces to be glued, let dry and press tightly. The better you press, the better and stronger it will hold, the main and probably the most important requirement when working with contact glue. And another important point is that you need to accurately determine the drying time of the applied glue before gluing (joining the surfaces to be glued together). Personally, I have been working with this brand of glue for a long time, I determine readiness by the change in color of the drying layer, you can check by touching the back of your hand, there should be no sticking and the glue should not stick and remain on the hand. The manufacturer recommends a certain drying time, but at different room temperatures, the presence of air movement, sometimes blowing is used, or simply due to the shelf life of the glue (during long-term storage, the viscosity of the glue composition changes), the drying time of the adhesive layer varies greatly. In a word, the quality of gluing also depends on the correct pre-drying time of the glue.
Next we work with the plastic itself, first removing the overhangs using a copy cutter.
The cutter has a support bearing, the end of the part serves as a template. Milling occurs precisely along the contour of the facade.
Next, we round off the sharp edges of the plastic with an edge cutter, the shape cutting knives cutters may be different.
AND the final stage polish the rounded areas, use polishing paste. If desired, it can be done without polishing.

As you can see, everything is quite simple, you just need a little patience, the process is quite time-consuming.

P.S. I have been using this technology for a long time, I only see positive sides, there is only one minus - the expensive cost of acrylic plastic Kamellit.

Making kitchen facades with your own hands is good way save on your purchase kitchen set. Old furniture You can give it a different look by replacing the doors of cabinets and cabinets, installing doors that open upward, and adding fashionable details and beautiful fittings to the set. And even the furniture facades themselves can be made by hand from relatively cheap and affordable materials.

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Replacing kitchen facades is a great way to update your kitchen set

The furniture facade is the face of the kitchen and the main component of its style. Decorating the headset with homemade parts should only be done when there is great desire perform the work efficiently and accurately, because incorrect assembly can ruin even the best materials.

To independently manufacture facades from solid wood or shaped bent doors, you will need skills in working with wood, MDF or chipboard, as well as the availability of special tools.

In more simple version Do-it-yourself kitchen renovation furniture facades limited to taking measurements and installing updated doors and drawer panels in their intended locations. Ready-made parts can be purchased and ordered in furniture stores. There is also a service for sawing and edging selected MDF or laminated chipboard panels. It is difficult to carefully cut laminated boards at home without a special tool.

But even buying or ordering panels in a store will cost less than purchasing ready-made cabinet furniture. Therefore, updating the kitchen by replacing facades is a common design technique.

Manufacturing options from different materials

Most often, do-it-yourself kitchen facades are made from wood. This is an easy-to-process, accessible and cheap raw material for the production of materials for the furniture industry. Kitchen facades must be resistant to exposure detergents, temperature and humidity, and wood and laminated panels meet these conditions.

It is easy to make facades with your own hands from the following materials:

  • solid wood;
  • plywood;
  • pressed (chipboard, chipboard, MDF).

To work with listed species Furniture raw materials do not require complex equipment; wood can be cut with a jigsaw or a hand hacksaw.

Plywood facades resemble massive ones: upper layer Birch plywood has a distinct wood structure; some types of material have a moisture-resistant coating that gives smoothness and a slight shine. To make plywood facades, it is better to choose thick varieties (2-3 cm). This will allow you to install mortise hinges for furniture, and the doors will be strong. Cover the edges of the facades with a special tape, matched to the tone of the wood on the front side.

If thick plywood is not available, beautiful facades can be made using panel door technology. In this case, a board about 2 cm thick is used for the frame, and the inserts are made of plywood.

With the help of additional decor (molding, painting, patination or staining) you can achieve good result, having made updated facades for kitchen furniture with our own hands.

From MDF

The simplest option for making a facade from MDF is to take the dimensions of the doors and panels and order the products from a furniture store. Having chosen panels with a coating of the desired color, the measurement results must be given to the master. On professional equipment The material will be cut and the edges will be glued on. The customer will only have to pick up the facades prepared for installation and hang them with his own hands.

When cutting laminated MDF panels yourself, you will not be able to avoid chipping the coating along the cut line. Therefore, when cutting, you need to make an allowance of 2-3 mm around the entire perimeter of the facade. After sawing, sand the edges, cleaning the cuts.

For sticking edges with your own hands, it is better to use PVC tape the desired shade. The material can be easily secured to the edges of the facade using a hot iron, ironing the tape through thick paper. If it is possible to use a router at home, you will be able to perform edging with a tenon tape.

The choice of materials for the kitchen must be approached responsibly: the plastic coating does not protect against water, and in conditions high humidity such facades quickly lose their shape. When using this type of panel, it is necessary to perform high-quality edging, so it is better to entrust the work to a professional.

Chipboard facade

When choosing a cheap uncoated chipboard, you also need to buy a film for finishing the facade. You can cut a simple chipboard with a jigsaw, and ready-made facades cover with film.

Laminated chipboard has a wood-like coating valuable species or painted in different colors. It is better to cut such material in a workshop, providing the master with the dimensions of the panels and the location of the hinges. When cutting facades yourself, proceed as follows:

  • draw a contour line on front side laminated chipboard;
  • Use a sharp knife to cut through the laminated layer of material along a ruler;
  • cut the chipboard using a jigsaw along the cut line.

Edging a façade made of chipboard is carried out in the same way as processing MDF.


Glossy facades belong to the MDF group. To cover such models use:

  • PVC film glued to vacuum equipment on a panel with or without milling;
  • acrylic plastic with PVC or aluminum edge;
  • special technology of painting with enamel and varnish.

It is impossible to make such a coating at home. To make a fashionable glossy facade for kitchen furniture, you need to purchase ready material. It is better to order cutting and gluing of the edges in a workshop, because when sanding with your own hands, the shiny layer will be damaged, and the facade will not look as elegant as in advertising photos.

When using glossy facades, careful attention to the products will be required. The slightest dirt or fingerprints are clearly visible on the shiny surface. The surface is easily damaged by minor mechanical impact, and the film coating is unstable and resistant to high temperatures.

Handles are not only a functional piece of furniture. They complement and decorate the facades. In styles with strict lines (minimalism, hi-tech), handles sometimes serve as an emphasizing element: large, shiny, but simple in outline fittings are used. Such handles resemble roof rails and are located both vertically and horizontally.

It is better not to weigh down the lightness of fashionable sets with glossy facades or made in the Art Nouveau style with additional fittings. For such kitchens, methods have been invented to open without the help of handles, when you press the door. But sometimes such cabinets are equipped with special fittings, disguising the handle as an aluminum edge.

For villagers and luxury styles It is customary to choose antique handles, with a coating that imitates old bronze or made of non-ferrous metal. These are elaborate cast products that should be combined with the decor of the facade.

The handles must be installed after hanging the facades on the cabinets. To ensure that the entire line of handles is placed at the same height above the floor, you can stretch the cord along the entire front of the lower tier. Along this line you need to make marks for installing the handle on each door. The same applies when installing handles on drawers or wall cabinets.

How to correctly install handles on the facades in each individual case is written in the instructions for these products. Holes for their installation can be made different ways: through in the plane, closed at the ends or in some other way. When purchasing handles, it is better to purchase several pieces for repairs during use, since these products may be discontinued, and it will be difficult to find a replacement if necessary.

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