What is included in potassium humate. Potassium humate liquid - application, benefits, dosages for different types of plants. Potassium humate: description and composition

Potassium humate is an organomineral fertilizer that is produced from peat, river silt, brown coal, as well as alcohol and paper production waste. To make humic fertilizer, silty sediment accumulated at the bottom of freshwater ponds and lakes is also used. The main condition for obtaining sapropel (as multilayer deposits are called) is the presence of standing water and the absence of oxygen. Then all layers will be saturated with the remains of living organisms and plants and will bring the greatest benefit to the fertilized soil.

Essentially, potassium humate is a salt of concentrated humic acid. In nature, humic acid is one of the main chemical components of soil. But since we constantly work with the soil, plowing it, irrigating it, digging it up, introducing various chemicals and fertilizers, humates cannot be formed in the required concentration. As soon as the amount of humic acids reaches a minimum level, the fertile properties of the soil are reduced to zero.

The harvest on such land is poor, even with abundant irrigation of plants with complex fertilizers. Problem with poor growth vegetable crops It cannot be solved only by treating bushes and leaves. First of all, it is necessary to saturate the soil with minerals and acids and restore its original properties. Humic fertilizers are ideal for this, because it is almost impossible to oversaturate the soil with humus.

Some advanced farmers organize special compost pits, constantly producing humus with which they fertilize the beds. But since many people do not have very large plots and there is no opportunity to allocate special places for humus, they give preference to specially created industrial humates.

Humic fertilizers are also divided into ballast and non-ballast. The first group is the mixture itself, which has not been purified from natural impurities and has retained its original composition. It is mined as carefully as possible and they try not to destroy the layers formed over many years. Ballast-free humate is more suitable for improving plant growth due to the fact that it contains a much larger amount of active substances. That is, ballast-free humates go through the saturation stage additional elements, which makes them even more effective. It’s not for nothing that ballast-free humates are called growth activators.

The use of humates is useful on alkaline soils, which have a low iron content. Such soil will gratefully accept fertilizer and respond to it by increasing productivity several times.

But if you have rich black soil on your plot, then it will not react to this fertilizer in any way, even if you fill every centimeter of your garden with it. Before starting the spring planting of vegetable crops, try to analyze the soil and determine its acidity, so as not to wastefully fertilize the soil if there is no need for it.

People began using potassium and sodium humates as fertilizers back in the days Ancient Egypt. True, the land was most often fertilized without their direct participation. The Nile River overflowed its banks and overflowed for many kilometers. When the water receded, the peasants discovered a dense black layer of substance on their arable plots, which they could not name. Time after time, the Nile came and flooded the land, and then people began to pay attention to the fact that the harvest became more abundant after the river overflowed its banks. Then the peasants themselves began to bring humate to their plots and fertilize the land with it.

And at the end of the 19th century, scientists, through their scientific works, confirmed the usefulness of using humates as fertilizers. It turned out that they can not only accelerate the growth of plants, make them more resistant to weather conditions, but also prevent heavy metals and radionuclides from being absorbed into the roots and remove the consequences of treating plants with pesticides from the fruits.

And only after scientific recognition, potassium humates began to gain wide popularity among gardeners and farmers. Now potassium humate is known to every person who has own plot and growing various vegetables and berry crops. Humate is sold in any agricultural store and costs very little money.

How to properly dilute potassium humate

Potassium humate is available in several forms, among which you can choose a more convenient option for yourself:

  • dry powder
  • liquid concentrate
  • paste
  • prompter.

Before you start working with any of these products, you should carefully read the instructions and find out how to properly dilute the fertilizer. Do not forget about safety precautions when working with any fertilizers!

Dry powder

Fertilizer in powder form can be used either dry or diluted in water. The dry form may be more convenient in larger spaces where it can simply be sprayed on. Humate penetrates the soil, improves its fertile qualities and is able to increase the content of useful components in the soil several times.

It should be understood that a universal scheme for diluting humate cannot exist, if only because this fertilizer is produced absolutely different companies and the information in the instructions may differ from each other. It all depends on the concentration in which the powder is produced.

Let's look at one of possible options diluting the dry powder so that you understand how to work with it.

Breeding for soaking seeds and sprouts

Take 0.5 grams (about a third of a teaspoon) of fertilizer and stir it in 1 liter of water. Dip the plant seeds into the resulting solution and leave them there for 8-12 hours. And the sprouts are lowered into the liquid by 2/3 of their length and left for 14 hours. Soaking in such a liquid makes future crops much more resistant to various diseases and saturates them with all the necessary nutrients.

Using fertilizer for spraying and watering

Dilute 3 grams of humate per 10 liters of warm water at about fifty degrees. Stir the liquid thoroughly until all granules are completely dissolved. If possible, use filtered water.

The resulting solution can be used to treat plant leaves. Try not to overdo it with spraying, as too much does not lead to anything good. You need to spray the area in this way three times at intervals of two weeks. The consumption of the resulting solution is approximately 1 liter per 10 square meters when spraying. And when watering, 10 liters of liquid are consumed per 10 square meters.

To determine whether the solution is externally ready for use or not, take a closer look at its color. The finished liquid has the color of weakly brewed tea. The solution must be clean and not contain any impurities or suspended matter. If it seems to you that something is floating in the bucket, then it is better to strain the solution through cheesecloth.

Soil treatment before sowing

Mix humate with sand and spread evenly over the area. 50 grams of product is enough to treat 10 square meters of soil. Then go over the entire area with a rake and loosen the soil. If there is a lot of precipitation in winter, then by spring there will be a lack of useful microelements in the soil. That's why this important place takes up fertilizing the land in early spring, just before planting begins.

When the conversation turns to dry humic fertilizer, we cannot ignore the most popular representative of this species.

Gumat +7

Humate +7 is a natural fertilizer based on humic acids, additionally enriched with seven microelements:

  • iron
  • molybdenum
  • manganese
  • copper.

The addition of elements to the composition made the product even more versatile: it could be used both as a growth stimulator and as a fertilizer.

The instructions for breeding Humate +7 are very simple. One package weighing 10 grams is enough to prepare a solution with a volume of 200 liters.

In the case when you want to cultivate the soil before the start of the gardening season, calculate how much humate you will need. One sachet of Humate +7 weighing 10 grams is enough to treat 3 square meters of soil.

Soaking seeds and tubers in humic fertilizer is very useful, but just keep in mind that different plants should be in the solution different time. For example, large-seeded species can remain in liquid for about three days, and all other crops can last no more than a day.

If you want to use Humate +7 for watering your beds, then maintain a frequency of at least two weeks between treatments.

Humate +7 is compatible with nitrogen and complex fertilizers, but is absolutely not friendly with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, so you should not treat the soil with them at the same time.

Liquid concentrate

The liquid form of humate is a concentrate, which consists of 80% active substance. The liquid has dark brown color and a rather specific smell.

In order to soak the seeds in humic fertilizer, make a solution at the rate of 20 ml of concentrate per 250 ml of water. Leave the seeds and seedlings in this liquid for about 12-15 hours to get maximum positive results.

If you are going to spray fertilizer or water the garden, then make a solution at the rate of 50 ml of concentrate per 10 liters of water.

In the case when you are going to introduce another product into the soil together with humate, for example, phosphorus fertilizer, then it is better to refrain from doing so. The fact is that humate interacts very poorly with phosphorus and your beds will not benefit from such a union.

If you suddenly doubt whether it is worth treating the soil with two different fertilizers at the same time, then try mixing them and see the reaction. If no precipitation occurs, then everything is in order and you can continue your agricultural experiments.

In terms of its active ingredients, the liquid form is no different from the dry powder, and both options cope with their tasks perfectly.

Paste and gel

Release forms such as paste and gel appeared on sale relatively recently. The manufacturer claims that in this form the fertilizer dissolves much better in water and is used more economically than the dry or liquid form of humic fertilizer. Also, in one small jar there is a much higher concentration of microelements and potassium than in other forms of fertilizer release.

Humate is mixed in proportions of one tablespoon per 10 liters of water. 1 liter of this solution can be sprayed on approximately 1 hectare of garden. With a simple calculation, it becomes clear that the gel and paste actually help to treat a much larger area with less consumption.

Gumat Prompter

This type of fertilizer is obtained from humic sapropel and contains maximum amount organic substances and a number of valuable microelements. It is the Prompter that is considered to be the universal version of humate.

It is suitable for both processing indoor plants, and for fertilizing vegetable crops. The prompter is sold in a concentrated liquid form of a dark brown color.

In winter, treatment of indoor plants occurs no more than once every 1.5 months, and during the flowering period, some gardeners prefer to treat their beds with fertilizer every week. There will be no harm from such regularity of processing, but it will not be possible to obtain greater benefits than the fertilizer can provide.

Humate not only increases plant resistance to various kinds negative factors affecting their growth and development, but also improves even appearance the resulting fruits. They are significantly larger than their untreated counterparts and look equally beautiful and glossy.

Fertilizing potatoes with potassium humate

Potatoes are rightfully one of the most popular vegetables. It is included in the diet of all people without exception, and farmers are ready to go to great lengths to get a rich harvest in the fall.

Treatment with potassium humate is the safest and in a simple way improving the condition of vegetables. First of all, you need to soak the tubers themselves before planting them in the ground.

To do this, dilute a concentrated fertilizer solution in water at room temperature (we wrote how to make such a solution a little higher) and place the potatoes in it for 10-12 hours. This time is more than enough for the tubers to get all the nutrients they need.

After the tubers have sprouted and the first leaves have appeared on the sprouts, it is time to start watering and spraying the bushes with humate.

If suddenly you are going to treat potatoes with fungicides or insecticides, then it is better to use humate after them. Since it will help reduce the damage caused to plants from chemicals.

During the growing season, it is better to treat potatoes with humate twice, the second time during the period when the first buds began to appear on the bushes.

Beneficial and harmful properties of humate for plants

ABOUT beneficial properties We have said potassium humate more than once in this article, but let’s try to systematize all the advantages that appear when using this type of fertilizer.

  • Humate is an absolutely natural fertilizer, the effectiveness of which has been proven not only scientific works scientists, but also many years of use by gardeners.
  • This type of fertilizer is universal: it can be used to treat the soil, the plants themselves, as well as seeds, tubers and seedlings before planting in open ground. Few products can boast such versatility.
  • Humate improves the soil, saturates it with microelements, and helps reduce the amount of radioactive components and heavy metals.
  • With this fertilizer, the amount of harvest increases in some cases from twenty to fifty percent.
  • Humate increases the resistance of plants to diseases, helps them tolerate chemical treatment more easily, and quickly recover from pest invasions.

  • Vegetables and berries treated with humic fertilizers ripen faster and look glossy and beautiful.
  • This product can be used not only to treat plants planted in open ground, but also to nourish home flowers.
  • The cost of humate relative to other fertilizers is very low and therefore, even when processing a large area, you will spend a very small amount of money.

Such an impressive list positive qualities it turned out from gumate, but what kind harmful properties does he have? And are there any at all?

  • Humic fertilizers can cause harm if you use them uncontrollably. Follow all the instructions indicated on the packaging and do not try to fill every inch of soil with fertilizer in pursuit of a good harvest.

  • If you do not cause any harm to the chernozem with potassium humate, then the soil with a predominant amount of salts does not need humates. You will only further disrupt the balance of microelements and worsen the condition of the earth.
  • Harm from potassium humate can also occur if you bought the fertilizer from an unscrupulous manufacturer who, instead natural remedy sold you an incomprehensible chemical mixture. Try to give preference to trusted fertilizer suppliers and do not buy goods from non-specialized stores. Spare your harvest and nerves.
  • Humic fertilizer is not a panacea for all diseases and cannot fill plants with maximum useful substances. Sometimes gardeners place too much hope on it and do not feed their beds with anything else. They are not as happy with the end result as they could be. To avoid such disappointment, alternate humate with other nitrogen fertilizers.


In the event that you have made a solution with the wrong ratio of humate and water and suspect that your indoor plant has received excess minerals, then correcting this situation is quite simple. Wash the top words of the turf clean water and repeat this procedure several times so that the water comes out of the holes in the pot. When the water passes through the entire soil several times, the excess humate will be eliminated.

Gaining increasing popularity among farmers organic farming. Many specialists in agriculture and private gardeners and flower growers are switching to growing natural crops without the use of various chemical additives and fertilizers. A big role in these modern technologies Humates play a role, and in particular potassium humate.

About six decades ago, the famous professor Lydia Khristeva showed in practice the effectiveness of humates. Having isolated humic acids from the soil, which were represented by a solution of sodium salts, she used them to water the plants. This solution contributed to the accelerated growth and development of crops. Nowadays, preparations based on humates are used and manufactured in many countries and are used in great demand in agriculture. This industry is being reborn every year into the production of environmentally friendly and healthy products. Farmers began to massively use humates in their activities.

What are humates?

Humates are a variety of preparations that are made from salts of humic acids, which are easily dissolved and converted with effective solution for use in various industries. Potassium and sodium salts are the basis and concentrate of humus, which directly controls the biochemical processes in the soil. Numerous groups of such drugs are used to restore the debilitated and poor land plots, when drilling land, in environmental practice, in crop production and livestock farming, as well as in construction and medicine.

Benefits of humus

Humus is formed during the decomposition of organic products and their waste. The more organic matter and less oxygen, the more efficient the process of humus accumulation occurs. Useful biochemical processes in soil under the influence of humates occur only with three main components - soil, water and plants.

  • Humates help improve the composition of the soil and fill it with nutrients, stimulate the growth of crops and protect them from toxic products and heavy metals.
  • Humus helps warm the soil, as it turns it dark.
  • Humus is able to maintain the necessary soil moisture, as it can hold water in large quantities.
  • Using humus you can change the composition of the soil. For example, sandy crumbly areas with humus become cohesive, and viscous clay soils in combination with humus they turn into loose ones.
  • When using potassium humate, plants absorb nutrients from soil and water at an accelerated rate.

Impact of potassium humate on various crops

Different crops react to this fertilizer individually, so they can be roughly divided into groups according to effect and degree of impact:

  • A strong reaction occurs in vegetable crops.
  • Corn, alfalfa, wheat and millet have a good reaction.
  • The reaction is weak in legumes.
  • Minimum impact on sunflower and pumpkin.

Potassium humate resembles in appearance ground coffee. It has the same color and similar flowability. It is used as a fertilizer for indoor plants and flowers. open ground. This universal fertilizer can change crop volumes by better side, despite various unforeseen situations and unexpected weather conditions.

With correct and timely use of humates good harvest guaranteed. In principle, fertilizer can be applied at various stages of plant development and growth. It is only necessary to take into account the difference in application between annuals and perennials. An annual plant really needs fertilizer in the initial stage of development and before the formation of reproductive organs. Perennial crops need fertilizing after planting or transplanting to a new location to strengthen and maintain the root part of the plants.

Fertilization with humates is carried out in several ways:

  • When soaking seeds before sowing or for processing other planting material.
  • When watering.
  • For foliar treatment (for example, when spraying).

Each type of crop has its own fertilizer application rate, which is indicated in the instructions for the product. Violating these recommendations to a lesser or greater extent is strictly prohibited, as the result will be a negative result. Plant growth and development may slow down, which will subsequently lead to low yields. It is recommended to distribute the preparation so that a small part is used for soaking seeds and spraying, and the larger part is used for watering at the root, that is, to nourish the root part of the plant.

To increase the yield coefficient, humates can be used in combination with other mineral components and microelements. The number of components of each individual complex fertilizer depends on the specific crop and the selected fertilizers. For example, you can use humus in combination with compost, manure and humus. Manure and compost promote the rapid growth of microorganisms if they are treated with a humate solution approximately 2.5-3 months before use. For 10 kg of compost or manure you will need 10 grams of humate. This complex fertilizer is applied to the soil by digging or in liquid form when watering.

The drug consists of 80% of the main substance and is a concentrated dark brown liquid with a growth-stimulating effect. During the processing of natural peat, many useful substances were extracted that are used in the preparation. These are potassium, numerous trace elements, as well as nitrogen and phosphorus. All these active organic matter are excellent plant nutrition and natural protection.

This fertilizer can be used at all stages of plant development and applied in any way. The liquid must be diluted with water according to the attached instructions (for a particular crop) and used for soaking planting material, spraying and applying under the root, soaking seedlings.

Peat potassium humate has an excellent effect as a soil nourishment. It helps increase organic components by plot of land. It must be applied in the form of a concentrated solution, using the manufacturer's recommendations. In combination with organic, chemical and mineral fertilizers the effectiveness of the drug increases several times. There are no prohibitions on combining humate with potassium and nitrogen, but mixing it with phosphorus preparations is not recommended. Newly formed compounds will not be able to dissolve during such mixing. Preparations containing phosphorus must be applied separately from other fertilizers.

Mixing organic and chemical substances should be carried out carefully if you are not sure of the final result. When mixing small doses various elements you can easily monitor their reaction. If a homogeneous liquid is formed, the fertilizer can be used, but if sediment forms, it cannot be used.

The method of foliar treatment with complex fertilizers (with potassium humate, pesticides and minerals) not only has a beneficial effect on the development of plants, but also significantly reduces the amount of nitrates and toxic substances in their composition.

Use of the drug potassium humate "Prompter"

This universal preparation is distinguished by its composition in that it combines mineral and organic substances. The main advantages of potassium humate “Prompter” among other drugs:

  • Significantly reduces the ripening time of crops.
  • Increases plant immunity and increases resistance to many diseases.
  • The germination energy of seed material increases significantly.
  • It is an excellent conductor of nutrients from the soil to the plant.
  • In a short time it can restore soil fertility and improve its composition.
  • Promotes the formation of a healthy and strong root system.
  • The resistance of plants to climate and weather changes, and to any adverse weather conditions, increases many times over.
  • The quality of the harvested crop increases and its shelf life increases by extending its shelf life.

Most often this fertilizer is used for feeding indoor flowers. Strictly observing the dosages recommended in the instructions, it is recommended to use the fertilizer 2 times a month from March to October and 4 times from November to February.

Application of peat potassium humate (in powder form)

The advantage of the drug is as follows:

  • Helps reduce toxic substances and nitrates by 2 times.
  • Strengthens the immune system and increases resistance to pests and diseases.
  • Promotes rapid growth and maturation.
  • Promotes the formation and strengthening of the root part of plants.
  • The amount of nutrients and vitamins increases significantly.
  • Promotes the formation of high-quality humus due to the rapid development of microflora.
  • Restores soil fertility.
  • Increases plant resistance to drought and cold.

Humic fertilizers are organic matter of natural origin that does not harm the soil and plants. On the contrary, humates improve taste garden crops, increase their yield and shelf life. These are universal fertilizers that are suitable for all types of plants.

What are “humates”?

Humic acids (another name for humates) are produced from peat, lake silt, and brown coal. Peat is most often used. Humic acids are extracted from it using alkali. Then comes the removal of impurities, neutralization and preparation of dry or liquid organic fertilizer.

Due to the high content of macro- and microelements and vitamins, many gardeners consider them first-class fertilizer. In addition, humates are a natural stimulant for the rapid growth of garden and household crops.

Once in the soil, these substances activate the activity of soil microflora. As a result, there is an improvement in the soil structure and its quality characteristics.

Beneficial features

Humates have a positive effect on the growth and development of garden crops, as well as on the structure and qualitative composition of the soil:

  • Normalize cellular metabolism, accelerate protein production.
  • They simplify the survival of seedlings in open ground and promote the development of a powerful root system.
  • They increase the immunity of garden crops, allowing them to more easily withstand unfavorable growing conditions: droughts, the scorching sun, prolonged rains, hail, frosts.
  • Suitable for any type of soil, reduces the level of heavy metals in the soil.
  • They allow you to save on other fertilizers and enhance the effect of herbicides and insecticides.
  • They do not harm the environment and allow you to grow environmentally friendly fruits.

What are they?

Potassium or sodium humate is used to feed garden crops. They vary in composition, properties, and application features.

Potassium humate

This organic fertilizer is widely used in crop production. Particularly relevant for preparatory stage– seeds, potato tubers, cuttings are treated with potassium humate garden plants, shrubs, flowers. Thanks to its powerful stimulating properties, this substance promotes the rapid rooting of seedlings and the emergence of rapid seedlings.

Specialized stores sell both pure potassium humate and additionally enriched with essential microelements.

Sodium humate

Improves the immunity of plants, thanks to which they grow more productively and withstand unstable weather conditions. In addition, sodium humate inhibits premature leaf fall and prolongs the flowering period of perennials and annuals.

Important! Sodium humate, unlike potassium humate, is not suitable for alkaline soils.

Release form

Available in the form of granules and liquid concentrates. The former need to be dissolved only in warm water(26-27 degrees). 5 g of granules are enough per bucket. Liquid ones are simply diluted according to the instructions on the package, taking into account the type of soil and the characteristics of specific crops.

Gardeners usually prefer liquid concentrates. They are easy to use, affordable and very economical. Liquid humates are used at all stages of development of garden and indoor crops: from soaking seeds to pre-winter soil preparation for future beds.

When diluting humates, follow the instructions on the package. Increasing the concentration of the nutrient composition will cause burns and negatively affect the development of plants. It is better to use the prepared composition immediately; its shelf life is up to 7 days.

Instructions for use

Humates are somewhat different from the usual organic fertilizers. Their application has its own characteristics and specifics.

For indoor flowers

Fertilizing activates the growth of house plants, ensures abundant and long-lasting flowering, and a presentable appearance. They are applied by root method, as well as by spraying.

To prepare the basic composition of the fertilizer, take 50 ml per bucket or the entire bottle per 200-liter barrel. Fertilizer is applied once every 14-30 days. Depending on the condition of the plant. The most popular humate for indoor flowers is “Prompter”.

For tomatoes

Tomatoes are fertilized at least 4 times per season: at the 2-leaf stage, during budding, further flowering and immediately after fruit set.

Potassium humate is especially useful for tomatoes. Potassium is necessary for the culture to bud and abundant flowering. In addition, this macronutrient has a positive effect on taste characteristics tomatoes - makes them sweet and meaty.

For cucumbers

These crops are also treated 4 times: at the stage of the appearance of the first leaves, and then every 14 days.

Cucumbers also love potassium humate. It promotes education large quantity ovaries on one plant. Cucumbers grown on humates have a rich taste and are free of voids and bitterness. Feeding is carried out throughout the season with an interval of 2 weeks.

For onions and garlic

These crops are very responsive to the addition of humic acids. Thanks to their use, onions and garlic receive all the nutrients and vitamins necessary for full growth. The latter are in an optimal ratio, and therefore do not harm either plants or soil.

The nutrient solution is prepared only once during the entire season. If the dosages (indicated on the packaging) are observed, it is possible to obtain a consistently good harvest of these crops.

For fruits and berries

Berry and fruit trees are watered with the prepared solution 4 times per season, starting from the end of flowering. The concentration of the composition depends on the condition of the plants and the degree of soil depletion. If the soil is not fertile, the application dosage is slightly increased.

The grapes are processed three times: at the time of bud formation, after flowering, and during the growth of the berries. The application dosage should not exceed that indicated on the packaging.

Features of fertilizers

There are many brands on the market from different manufacturers. They all differ in composition, purpose and application features.


Available in different types: for vegetables, green crops, fruits and berries, home and street flowers. They have different composition taking into account the individual needs of each plant species. In addition, you can purchase universal composition, which is suitable for all plants without exception.

The drug is available in bottles of 250 and 500 ml. Distinctive feature This humate is in the ability to revive drying plants after transplantation, in increasing the shelf life of fruits, improving their taste, and protecting them from diseases.

"Barrel and Four Buckets"

A preparation based on potassium humate. Used for fertilizer fruit trees, vegetable crops, all types of flowers, berries. For each specific type plant manufacturer has developed its own unique composition.

It is characterized by rapid consumption by plants, since all nutritional components are in a form convenient for absorption. The drug is economical - one bottle (250 ml) is enough to prepare 250 liters (barrels) of fertilizer. Used in open and closed ground.


The drug contains humates and active microorganisms. It has a special effect on improving the quality characteristics of the soil and helps increase its fertility. To a greater extent, this occurs due to beneficial microorganisms that restore the structure of the soil.

The drug has an unlimited shelf life and is available in 250 ml bottles.


Based on a combination of potassium humate and essential microelements. Fights the loss of soil fertility, improves the growth and development of garden crops. Release form: 500 ml bottles. The diluted solution is used immediately, but it can also be stored (exclusively in a closed container).

The drug blocks the absorption of heavy metals from the soil by plants, improves the immunity of garden crops, and allows them to withstand adverse weather conditions.


Produced on the island. Sakhalin. Its basis is hydrocarbon shale (leonardite), containing humic acids and beneficial bacteria in high concentrations. It acts as a powerful growth stimulator for any plants and improves the condition of the soil. Perfectly suited for regions of so-called risky farming.

The drug reduces the loss of potential yield under conditions of deficiency or excess moisture, attacks from pests.


Humates serve as an excellent alternative to traditional organic fertilizers. They not only increase the yield of garden crops, but also restore the structure and quality of the soil.

Organic farming is becoming increasingly popular among farmers. Many agricultural specialists and private gardeners and flower growers are switching to growing natural crops without the use of various chemical additives and fertilizers. Humates, and in particular potassium humate, play a major role in these modern technologies.

About six decades ago, the famous professor Lydia Khristeva showed in practice the effectiveness of humates. Having isolated humic acids from the soil, which were represented by a solution of sodium salts, she used them to water the plants. This solution contributed to the accelerated growth and development of crops. Nowadays, preparations based on humates are used and manufactured in many countries and are in great demand in agriculture. This industry is being reborn every year into the production of environmentally friendly and healthy products. Farmers began to massively use humates in their activities.

What are humates?

Humates are a variety of preparations that are made from salts of humic acids, which are easily dissolved and converted into an effective solution for use in various industries. Potassium and sodium salts are the basis and concentrate of humus, which directly controls the biochemical processes in the soil. Numerous groups of such drugs are used to restore depleted and poor land plots, during land drilling, in environmental practice, in crop and livestock production, as well as in construction and medicine.

Benefits of humus

Humus is formed during the decomposition of organic products and their waste. The more organic matter and less oxygen, the more efficient the process of humus accumulation occurs. Beneficial biochemical processes in the soil under the influence of humates occur only with three main components - soil, water and plants.

  • Humates help improve the composition of the soil and fill it with nutrients, stimulate the growth of crops and protect them from toxic products and heavy metals.
  • Humus helps warm the soil, as it turns it dark.
  • Humus is able to maintain the necessary soil moisture, as it can hold water in large quantities.
  • Using humus you can change the composition of the soil. For example, sandy crumbly areas with humus become cohesive, and viscous clay soils in combination with humus turn into loose ones.
  • When using potassium humate, plants absorb nutrients from soil and water at an accelerated rate.

Impact of potassium humate on various crops

Different crops react to this fertilizer individually, so they can be roughly divided into groups according to effect and degree of impact:

  • A strong reaction occurs in vegetable crops.
  • Corn, alfalfa, wheat and millet have a good reaction.
  • The reaction is weak in legumes.
  • Minimum impact on sunflower and pumpkin.

Potassium humate resembles ground coffee in appearance. It has the same color and similar flowability. It is used as a fertilizer for indoor plants and for flowers in the open ground. This universal fertilizer can change crop volumes for the better, despite various unforeseen situations and unexpected weather conditions.

With the correct and timely use of humates, a good harvest is guaranteed. In principle, fertilizer can be applied at various stages of plant development and growth. It is only necessary to take into account the difference in application between annuals and perennials. An annual plant really needs fertilizer in the initial stage of development and before the formation of reproductive organs. Perennial crops need fertilizing after planting or transplanting to a new location to strengthen and maintain the root part of the plants.

Fertilization with humates is carried out in several ways:

  • When soaking seeds before sowing or for processing other planting material.
  • When watering.
  • For foliar treatment (for example, when spraying).

Each type of crop has its own fertilizer application rate, which is indicated in the instructions for the product. Violating these recommendations to a lesser or greater extent is strictly prohibited, as the result will be a negative result. Plant growth and development may slow down, which will subsequently lead to low yields. It is recommended to distribute the preparation so that a small part is used for soaking seeds and spraying, and the larger part is used for watering at the root, that is, to nourish the root part of the plant.

To increase the yield coefficient, humates can be used in combination with other mineral components and microelements. The number of components of each individual complex fertilizer depends on the specific crop and the selected fertilizers. For example, you can use humus in combination with compost, manure and humus. Manure and compost promote the rapid growth of microorganisms if they are treated with a humate solution approximately 2.5-3 months before use. For 10 kg of compost or manure you will need 10 grams of humate. This complex fertilizer is applied to the soil by digging or in liquid form when watering.

The drug consists of 80% of the main substance and is a concentrated dark brown liquid with a growth-stimulating effect. During the processing of natural peat, many useful substances were extracted that are used in the preparation. These are potassium, numerous trace elements, as well as nitrogen and phosphorus. All these active organic substances are excellent plant nutrition and natural protection.

This fertilizer can be used at all stages of plant development and applied in any way. The liquid must be diluted with water according to the attached instructions (for a particular crop) and used for soaking planting material, spraying and applying under the root, soaking seedlings.

Peat potassium humate has an excellent effect as a soil nourishment. It helps to increase organic components on the land. It must be applied in the form of a concentrated solution, using the manufacturer's recommendations. In combination with organic, chemical and mineral fertilizers, the effectiveness of the drug increases several times. There are no prohibitions on combining humate with potassium and nitrogen, but mixing it with phosphorus preparations is not recommended. Newly formed compounds will not be able to dissolve during such mixing. Preparations containing phosphorus must be applied separately from other fertilizers.

Mixing organic and chemical substances should be done carefully if you are not sure of the final result. By mixing small doses of different elements, their reactions can be easily observed. If a homogeneous liquid is formed, the fertilizer can be used, but if sediment forms, it cannot be used.

The method of foliar treatment with complex fertilizers (with potassium humate, pesticides and minerals) not only has a beneficial effect on the development of plants, but also significantly reduces the amount of nitrates and toxic substances in their composition.

Use of the drug potassium humate "Prompter"

This universal preparation is distinguished by its composition in that it combines mineral and organic substances. The main advantages of potassium humate “Prompter” among other drugs:

  • Significantly reduces the ripening time of crops.
  • Increases plant immunity and increases resistance to many diseases.
  • The germination energy of seed material increases significantly.
  • It is an excellent conductor of nutrients from the soil to the plant.
  • In a short time it can restore soil fertility and improve its composition.
  • Promotes the formation of a healthy and strong root system.
  • The resistance of plants to climate and weather changes, and to any adverse weather conditions, increases many times over.
  • The quality of the harvested crop increases and its shelf life increases by extending its shelf life.

Most often, this fertilizer is used to feed indoor flowers. Strictly observing the dosages recommended in the instructions, it is recommended to use the fertilizer 2 times a month from March to October and 4 times from November to February.

Application of peat potassium humate (in powder form)

The advantage of the drug is as follows:

  • Helps reduce toxic substances and nitrates by 2 times.
  • Strengthens the immune system and increases resistance to pests and diseases.
  • Promotes rapid growth and maturation.
  • Promotes the formation and strengthening of the root part of plants.
  • The amount of nutrients and vitamins increases significantly.
  • Promotes the formation of high-quality humus due to the rapid development of microflora.
  • Restores soil fertility.
  • Increases plant resistance to drought and cold.

Potassium humate in the country. How to improve the structure of a saline area (video)

Potassium humate is a widely known and very popular drug. It is used to improve the composition and structure of the soil, increase yield, combat plant diseases, and accelerate growth. The drug prolongs the fruiting period, shortens the ripening time, and stimulates the formation of the root system necessary for the development of the plant. With its help you can provide care for home and garden flowers. A solution of the drug or a dry mixture is used to detoxify the soil.

Popular fertilizer

The raw materials for its production are humus, compost, coal, river silt, peat and its extracts, lingosulfate, sapropel, etc. In addition to humic acids themselves, the composition may include enzymes, amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, natural growth stimulants, folic acids . Its use reduces the amount of nitrates, toxins, and the content of nitrogen salts. In fact, it is an environmentally friendly humus concentrate that does not pollute the soil.

Due to its availability, low price and ease of use, as well as a wide range of applications and effectiveness, potassium humate is popular among both professionals and beginners. It is used for soil preparation, seed and seedling treatment, and is useful for feeding by watering and spraying seedlings, trees, garden and house flowers. It is believed that the effectiveness of 1 kg of humate is equal to 1 ton of humus.

Along with it, sodium humate is no less known, as well as mixtures of the two fertilizers. These compounds are considered interchangeable, but the sodium version is slightly more acidic, which limits its use for alkaline soils.

Release forms:

  • pills- dosed portions, convenient to use;
  • powder- instant, inexpensive form, convenient for maintaining proportions;
  • liquid solution- convenient for use on large areas.

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It is very simple to prepare a humate solution. The basic rule is to follow the manufacturer's instructions. Substance concentrations may vary. Thus, the produced grade “B” is a more concentrated solution. Some manufacturers produce formulations or solutions that can be immediately used for their intended purpose.

When using the drug, it is important to maintain proportions - a higher concentration will only harm the plants. For small volumes when preparing a solution from a liquid concentrate, a regular medical syringe will be convenient; for greater accuracy, an insulin syringe. It is useful to use potassium humate in combination with other fertilizers, in particular nitrogenous ones. Among other things, its effectiveness in combination with mineral and organic additives has been noted.

Features of using the solution:

To process organic compounds, use 10 g of fertilizer per 10 kg of organic matter. To restore plants damaged by frost, a 3% solution of the substance is used. In such cases, watering is used twice a month.

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Features of use

Instructions for using potassium humate in various forms releases may vary depending on the manufacturer's brand. There may be differences in the preparation of the solution due to different concentrations of the substance and the purpose of use (see the label “potassium humate, application” or “potassium humate, hardening”). Annual plants It is recommended to use it for feeding during the period of bud formation and flowering. For perennials - in early spring, the second time - after 3 weeks, then after the formation of buds and flowering. In addition, fertilizing is useful when transplanting and planting them.

Feeding methods depending on the type of plant: