What can you glue with pva. Technical characteristics and composition of PVA glue. Chemical composition of PVA glue

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PVA glue is an essential product that first appeared on the market around 1914. It is used in every area of ​​human life and still has no worthy analogues, because the technical characteristics of PVA glue are amazing in their performance.

Types of PVA glue

95% PVA glue consists of polyvinyl acetate, to which plasticizers, thickeners and various targeted additives are sometimes added. The composition of such a product usually depends on its purpose.

Today there are several main types of glue:

  • Wallpaper. It is intended for fixing paper and washable wallpaper on any type of surface;
  • Universal. This type of glue is intended for gluing all types of surfaces: wood, cardboard, paper, leather;
  • Building. High-quality PVA construction adhesive is usually used during installation floor coverings, during cladding ceramic tiles and for fixing various decorative elements;
  • Clerical. This type of glue is used for gluing photographs, paper and cardboard;
  • Carpentry. The composition of PVA glue for carpentry purposes usually includes various additional substances that enhance its properties and water resistance.


The scope of application of PVA glue is very wide. It is used almost daily in everyday life, at school, at work, on industrial enterprises and warehouses, factories and offices, construction sites and during repair work.

Technical characteristics of PVA glue

PVA glue is universal remedy, which has amazing indicators:

  • Low consumption level, depending on the type of work varies from 100 to 900 g/m2. As evidenced by reviews of PVA glue, one bottle of such a product can last for a whole year, but, of course, everything will depend on the scale and type of work for which it will be used;
  • Complete drying occurs after 24 hours;
  • High adhesive capacity - 450 N/m;
  • Fire safety;
  • Explosion safety;
  • Non-toxic;
  • Elasticity (i.e., when hardened, it does not become too brittle, so it can fill gaps several millimeters thick);
  • Shelf life - from six months to one year;
  • Frost resistance - more than four cycles.


The main advantages of PVA glue are its affordable cost, excellent technical characteristics and versatility. As noted above, this product can be easily used on absolutely any surface! In addition, this glue is fireproof, so it can easily be used in any room and for any materials.


The main disadvantages of PVA glue are its low water resistance and long drying time. However, such shortcomings are now eliminated with the help of special additives.

How to use PVA glue correctly?

In order for you to fully appreciate all the benefits of this product, you need to choose it wisely. PVA glue should have a thick structure, White color and homogeneous mass. You can see a photo and video review of PVA glue right in this article! You also need to remember that a high-quality product cannot cost mere pennies.

By selecting good glue, do not rush to use it, because for this you need to prepare the surface very carefully. Working surface must be completely free of dirt and all kinds of dust. If the surface has a porous and uneven structure, then it must be carefully treated with a primer or sandpaper.

Before application, the glue should be shaken with a brush. It applies very thin layer, and then the surfaces are carefully pressed against each other. As already noted, the deadline completely dry- 24 hours, so for good result The surfaces should not be touched for 24 hours.

When you hear the word “glue” mentioned, the first thing that usually comes to mind is PVA. It was this type of glue that became the real symbol of this word; all of it has become universal and irreplaceable species adhesive - it is used both by schoolchildren and children to make crafts, and by carpenters, masons and other builders for use in their field. The secret to the popularity of this glue is very simple - it is quite easy to use, very affordable, and also has no toxic emissions. And all this because the composition of this substance consists of polyvinyl acetate, as well as an aqueous dispersion.

In this article we will take a detailed look at the properties and composition, technical characteristics and other parameters of PVA glue. After reading this article, you will know everything about this legendary adhesive.

PVA composition

Back in 1912, for the first time, the German scientist F. Klatt obtained a substance - polyvinyl acetate, and a few years later, the idea of ​​​​the substance was picked up by another German entrepreneur, starting the production of PVA glue on a large scale. In fact, PVA glue is over 100 years old, and even today, this type of glue remains one of the most popular and widespread.

But, let's return to the substance that is part of PVA. Polyvinyl acetate is present in the adhesive in an amount of 95%. To obtain it, you need to mix in strictly specified quantities substances such as vinalon and synthetic fiber based on the so-called polyvinyl alcohol. But the variance is obtained based on the purposes for which it is needed. So, it can consist of plasticizers that will provide plasticity and frost resistance to the film of dried glue. This may also include substances such as:

- d isobutyl phthalate;

- T rickresyl phosphate;

- Eh DOS and other chemicals.

Technical characteristics of PVA

Among the technical characteristics of PVA glue, the following features should be highlighted:

- uh then low glue consumption, which of course depends on the work, but in general it is approximately 100-900 g of glue per 1 sq.m. surfaces;

- To the pouring capacity of PVA is about 450 N/m;

- V The time for complete drying of PVA is up to 24 hours (depending on the surface area and volume of glue);

- With The shelf life of PVA glue is about 6 months (may vary, depending on additional components).

The PVA glue dispersion is absolutely explosion-proof and also fireproof, so the use of this chemical is safe. However, when using PVA glue based on plasticizers, a small amount of acetic acid and other chemical elements may be released into the air.

Using PVA at home

Today, PVA is used very widely - for example, it is used in a wide variety of fields of activity. If we take repairs or construction, then PVA is used as a means for wallpapering walls, as well as for laying ceramic tiles. Not infrequently, PVA glue is used for gluing wooden surfaces, so it is used both in carpentry and in construction. Of course, it is worth remembering that PVA is used in clubs, labor lessons and other extracurricular education activities - in this area, it is, in fact, the only glue used for this (superglue is used a little less).

Well, if we put together the entire range of uses of PVA glue, we get the following picture:

- To PVA glue is used as wallpaper glue, which is used for washable and paper wallpaper with various surfaces;

- y universal PVA, which is used for gluing wooden and cardboard surfaces, leather products, and also included in putties or primers;

- ToPVA lay, which is used for installing floor coverings, as well as covering surfaces with ceramic tiles;

- Tostationery PVA, which is used for gluing cardboard and paper, photographs and other items;

- With carpenter's PVA glue, which has high adhesion to wood materials, this glue is very waterproof;

- G homopolymer dispersion of PVA glue, which has a very high adhesive force and is used in the porcelain and glass industries;

- P VA glue, which is used during the installation of parquet or laminate.

PVA construction adhesive

Among the listed types of PVA glue, construction adhesive deserves detailed attention. It is used by both professionals and novice builders and craftsmen. When using this glue, the main and mandatory rule is to degrease the surface before applying the glue. In addition, it is also better to pre-clean the surface of objects from dust and other particles that may interfere with gluing.

This glue is applied with a roller or with a notched trowel, but not with a brush. After gluing the two surfaces, they need to be pressed very firmly together for up to 2-3 minutes. This, in turn, will ensure very good adhesion and further bonding quality.

Among the advantages of this type of PVA glue, it is worth noting affordable price and environmental friendliness. This glue is non-toxic, so when using it there are no restrictions on the worker being in the same room with the glue, or any other restrictions. It is for this reason that this glue is so popular among the population. Let us note that today there is not even a need to invent other types of construction adhesives, since PVA copes with this task very well, plus, it has the ability to be improved, which can be done if necessary.

Tips for working with PVA construction adhesive

So, if you decide to use construction PVA to cover the surface of the walls with wallpaper, for example, you should know how to properly apply the glue. As we said earlier, the glue needs to be applied with a roller or with a notched trowel, but if you don’t have either, you can also use a brush, although in this case the work will be somewhat inconvenient.

Also, you should know that the glue mixture is correctly applied in the direction from the center to the edges of the wallpaper, and not vice versa (although everyone does it in their own way). To increase the adhesive bond, you can press the surfaces not for a short time with strong pressing, but with long-term pressing and a little force. Here, you need to proceed from how much time you have for this. To get rid of any air bubbles that form, you need to smooth the wallpaper with a roller or a dry piece of cloth. It’s even better if you do this through a sheet of paper - then the bubbles will come out much faster and new ones will not form.

Humanity has not yet come up with a more versatile adhesive than PVA. Of course, there are a lot of adhesives, but only PVA has such a wide range of applications. But what lies behind this name - PVA glue, what technical characteristics and features does it conceal, is it harmful to health?

Polyvinyl acetate - what lies behind this word?

Polyvinyl acetate does not belong to that group of polymers (polyethylene, polystyrene) that are always in the foreground. PVA is content with an inconspicuous, but very important role - we will find it in paints, between glued boards of furniture, on a shiny coating of paper, in concrete or plaster. But not every building material of such popularity will have a centuries-old history - PVA was first obtained back in 1912, and within a few years its production on an industrial scale was established.

Today, polyvinyl acetate can be found both in a carpenter’s workshop and in a schoolchild’s pencil case. Like more than a hundred years ago, this material is accessible, easy to use and non-toxic, so manufacturers are following the logical path - improving proven polyvinyl acetate and compositions using it. PVA glue is one of these compositions, what is called a dispersion, or, simply put, a solution of polyvinyl acetate.

PVA glue - composition and technical characteristics

Global production of PVA glue exceeds the million-ton mark annually. In its composition, the dominant role is occupied by polyvinyl acetate - 95%, and the remaining 5% remains for all kinds of plasticizers, which give the compositions plasticity and good frost resistance, as well as additives that improve adhesion.

Specifications universal PVA glue lies in its low consumption - depending on the type of work from 100 to 900 grams per square meter. The station wagon dries within 24 hours, withstands 4 freeze-thaw cycles, and is stored, on average, for about six months without changes. PVA solution is not flammable or explosive when used harmful substances does not release into the air.

PVA glue is suitable for gluing most different surfaces. However, by adding certain components to classic PVA, manufacturers have developed special compositions that are effective in different areas applications. For example, they produce specially for wallpapering, which provides adhesion between wooden or concrete wall and paper.

Glue labeled “Super” is applicable on a different scale - it is used to glue not only wallpaper, but also linoleum, and even facing tiles. “Super” glues porcelain, leather, fabric, and provides adhesion to surfaces such as chipboard. Universal adhesive suitable for gluing different combinations surfaces, for example, when you need to connect wood and tiles, cardboard and metal, linoleum and concrete. Joiner's PVA is used for gluing furniture elements into a single frame. This composition is characterized by the fact that when it hardens, it forms a translucent solid layer that tightly adheres to wooden surfaces.

For greater strength, elements lubricated with glue are clamped in a vice for at least several hours, and sometimes for a day.

Construction PVA is a dispersion designed to be added to a wide variety of mortars and compositions. To increase elasticity and durability, it is added to cement and lime mortars, plaster, and primers. Sometimes it is used as a primer, but this solution is only suitable for cheap repairs, for example, in a utility room.

TO separate type PVA also includes a homopolymer dispersion, which differs in the most high strength gluing. This dispersion is used in textile production, glass and porcelain industries, in the production of materials intended for repair and construction. “Moment” should also be included in a separate category - a type of glue that tends to set quickly in air. Most often, this is used when installing laminate or parquet.

PVA is used in the tobacco industry - it is one of the components of the material from which cigarette filters are made. In the textile industry, emulsions with a low concentration of polyvinyl acetate are used to impregnate fabrics and linens, which are then used for tailoring - this gives them greater wear resistance, density, and elasticity. Water-repellent mixtures are made based on PVA emulsions, which are also used to impregnate fabrics.

PVA has been an element of paint compositions almost since its invention. PVA-containing paints are highly elastic, wear-resistant, and cover surfaces made of stone, concrete, wood, plaster, and metal well. And in combination with plasticizers, such mixtures form a glossy film with increased tensile strength. Even pencils and corks are made using this glue, and the popular children's toy “smart plasticine” is nothing more than polyvinyl acetate with additives from dyes and sodium tetraborate.

It would seem that working with PVA glue couldn’t be easier. The material is non-toxic and harmless to the skin and eyes; you will only need protective equipment from accidental splashes. However, there are nuances in any business, and ignorance of them can significantly ruin your life. Most often, problems arise with paper surfaces that need to be glued together, for example, wallpaper or gluing photographs into a family album. Exists general rule– glue should be applied to a less porous surface, since it absorbs the composition more slowly.

For work you will need (depending on the volume): a roller, a brush or a foam sponge. If the glue needs to be applied pointwise, but there is no special nozzle on the glue container, or it has become unusable, use a regular syringe (without a needle) or a pipette. After use, they can be washed with water and used for other purposes. Apply the adhesive composition from the center to the edges - this way you will less stain the inside with glue. You need to work quickly because the glue on paper dries faster than on other surfaces.

To remove any air bubbles from underneath the surface, place a sheet of wax paper on top and smooth with your hand or a firm roller from the center outward. If the thickness of the surfaces is different, smooth out those that are thinner. For even, strong gluing, the materials should always be pressed against each other, or even better, put under a press or clamped in a vice, as is done when gluing wood. Holding the glued surfaces under pressure will also prevent the materials from deforming.

When gluing paper, a very important factor is the so-called “archival quality” and acid-freeness. Conventional polyvinyl acetate-based glue may turn yellow after a few years - it’s unlikely yellow spots Gluing in places will decorate your family album. There are not many such compositions among PVA-based adhesives; one of them is wallpaper glue. Of course, there is no need to paste such photographs into an album; there are also stationery adhesives acid-free and “archival”, although they are quite difficult to find.

When gluing, you may encounter this situation - one of the layers begins to bend under the influence of the tension of the second. For example, thin sheet got wet and, when drying, contracted, bending the denser sheet on which it was glued. In this case, the solution is quite simple - glue it on reverse side a thick layer of the same thin sheet that will serve as a counterweight.

None finishing work can't do without a good adhesive. It must meet the requirements of quality, safety and ease of use. PVA construction adhesive is what you need for a variety of indoor repairs: wallpapering, installing parquet, ceramic tiles, etc. What does PVA consist of, what are its advantages and disadvantages, how to properly use the composition for construction purposes? All answers are further in the article.

Description, composition

PVA glue is one of the most popular compositions for various purposes: construction, office, creativity, household. PVA first comes in handy in childhood; as a rule, it is a stationery option. It is used for paper and cardboard crafts, appliques, etc. The construction type is somewhat different from the stationery type and has certain advantages. This composition holds together a much wider variety of materials and has better adhesion.

Polyvinyl acetate, or PVA for short, makes up 95% of the glue of the same name. The remaining share is occupied by water, plasticizers, various solvents, fillers and thickeners. Stabilizing components impart certain properties to the entire composition: water resistance (acetone), plasticity (glycerin), adhesion strength of surfaces (kaolin, chalk, talc), drying speed (glass, porcelain).

Advantages and disadvantages

PVA construction adhesive has good technical characteristics that allow it to be used for various purposes. Strengths material:

  1. Low consumption. Basically, the amount of glue used depends on the type of work, but the average consumption varies from 100 to 900 g per 1 sq.m.
  2. A good indicator of adhesive ability is 450-550 N/m.
  3. Dries quickly. On average, complete hardening of the glue takes no more than 12-24 hours, although the indicator depends on the surface area, temperature and other factors.
  4. The composition is resistant to water.
  5. Does not collapse under the influence of sunlight.
  6. Frost-resistant, withstands up to 5-6 cycles of freezing and thawing.
  7. Dries with minimal shrinkage. Does not deform the product during the drying process.
  8. Fills cracks and gaps well.
  9. Non-toxic. You can work with the adhesive in any conditions; it is not necessary to ventilate the room, which is a huge plus for wallpapering. PVA is also safe in contact with skin, just wash off the substance warm water with soap.
  10. Affordable price. PVA is the cheapest among analogues.
  11. The adhesive base is very stable when working with various materials technical specifications do not change.
  12. A popular product, always on sale in construction stores.
  13. Sold in different containers and volumes.
  14. Storage temperature - up to +50 degrees.
  15. Provides a good basis for building mixtures(primers, putties).

Advice! Can construction PVA replace it? PVA dispersion, although it has much greater adhesion, is quite suitable for wood, paper, cardboard, textiles - suitable for crafts.

The disadvantages of the substance include the following properties:

  1. Short shelf life - from 6 months to 1 year. For prolongation, various inhibitors are sometimes added to the composition.
  2. It is a flammable substance and requires compliance with fire safety regulations.
  3. If the composition contains plasticizers, the adhesive may release small amounts of chemicals (acetic acid) into the air.
  4. Leaves marks on surfaces, so requires careful work.

How to use

PVA glue is preferred by both neophytes and construction professionals. Substance in pure form Glues well such materials as paper, cardboard, fabric, leather, porcelain, chipboard, glass, metal. As an adhesive composition it is used for the following repair work:

  • installation of ceiling tiles;
  • installation of ceramic floor tiles;

The use of PVA also extends to the creation various mixtures, first of all, their compaction:

  1. It is added to cement mortar in order to increase waterproofing, adhesion to the surface, and plasticity of the composition. The standard proportion of PVA glue in cement mortar is 5-10%.
  2. Plaster mortar would benefit from the inclusion of construction adhesive. To prepare, mix cement and sand in a ratio of 1:3, then add water. After obtaining the desired consistency, PVA is added to the solution in an amount of 50 to 70 g per 10 liters. Plaster with glue adheres better to the surface and sets faster.

Wallpapering with PVA

PVA construction adhesive is suitable for finishing walls with some types of light wallpaper. Everyone who has dealt with repairs agrees that this option is best used only if there is no alternative. Why?

Disadvantages of PVA when installing wallpaper:

  • the composition glues the canvas tightly, so that during subsequent repairs, peeling off the wallpaper will be difficult and time-consuming;
  • for the same reason, it is almost impossible to adjust the position of the strip during operation;
  • sometimes, over time, yellowness begins to appear from under the wallpaper.

Where construction PVA is ideal is in gluing loose corners and edges, including after adjusting joints.

How to properly hang wallpaper on PVA:

  1. Smooth walls must be covered with putty, rough walls with primer.
  2. The glue must be diluted with water to enhance fluidity.
  3. The composition is applied to walls or wallpaper with a roller or notched trowel. It is quite inconvenient to work with a brush, especially on large surfaces.
  4. The movements go from the center to the edge of the wallpaper.
  5. If bubbles form during gluing, they are carefully smoothed out with a dry, clean cloth or roller. It’s even better to use a sheet of paper: this way the bubbles will come out faster and new ones will not form.
  6. If glue gets on front side Wallpaper must be removed immediately with a slightly damp cloth or anti-glue.

PVA construction adhesive opens to its maximum with best sides only if you follow some rules:

  1. Apply glue only to a surface that has been previously cleaned of dust and dirt. It is also recommended to degrease it.
  2. The surface must be dry before applying glue.
  3. It is recommended to spread the glue over only one surface, as applying it to both parts to be glued will only reduce the effectiveness of the glue.
  4. Usually the packaging indicates whether the material needs to be diluted and in what proportions. Construction adhesive in its pure form is rarely used, mainly for gluing certain types of wallpaper.
  5. The thickness of the applied layer is no more than 2 mm.
  6. Before use, it is recommended to thoroughly mix the diluted glue.
  7. Work with the composition is carried out at a temperature not lower than +10 degrees and a relative humidity not higher than 80%.
  8. For gluing, it is usually advised to firmly squeeze the surfaces and hold them for about 2-3 minutes. In fact, for better results it is necessary to fix objects with less force, but for a longer time.
  9. There is no need to disturb the bonded surfaces during drying.

Polyvinyl acetate-based adhesive successfully fulfills its assigned tasks. First of all, it is indispensable when mixing putty and compacting cement. Its composition is constantly being improved, thanks to its excellent technical characteristics, ease of use, accessibility and environmental friendliness, PVA construction adhesive is a leader in construction market.

PVA glue was invented back in 1912 in Germany, quickly came into human use and is now used in a wide variety of fields. The popularity of the product is due to its versatility and lack of harm to health, especially since the chemical composition of the glue is constantly being improved, and this gives it new properties.

PVA glue: decoding and composition

PVA glue is a product of the chemical industry with excellent adhesive properties. The decoding of the abbreviation is simple: the letters indicate the active substance - polyvinyl acetate, it contains about 95%. The remaining adhesive formula looks different depending on the specific type of product. May contain:

  • DOS (stands for dioctyl sebacate);
  • dibutyl phthalate;
  • other plasticizers;
  • tricresyl phosphate;
  • acetone;
  • esters;
  • stabilizing additives;
  • preservatives;
  • water.

Some people try to make PVA with their own hands, using recipes based on flour and starch. In fact, these substances have nothing to do with the real glue base. Polyvinyl acetate is produced by polymerizing vinyl acetate monomer. The finished substance cannot be dissolved in water - it only swells, and behaves similarly in oil solutions. PVA is resistant to temperature changes, inert to action air environment, non-toxic, not harmful to humans.

According to GOST, polyvinyl acetate-based adhesive must meet the following requirements:

  • absence of pronounced or unpleasant odor(this indicates a fake or expired glue);
  • appearance - a homogeneous milky-white mixture, sometimes beige or slightly yellowish;
  • the adhesive seam becomes a viscous translucent film after drying;
  • the strength and elasticity of the seam are at a high level.

Depending on the user's needs, the properties of the adhesive can be changed by adding other substances to its formula. For example, some construction PVA consists not only of polyvinyl acetate and plasticizers - kaolin, talc, and chalk help thicken the solution. To increase water resistance, gasoline is added to the composition; to increase elasticity, PVA is made with the addition of oils and glycerin, but this reduces the strength characteristics. Other possible additives to the adhesive composition:

  • defoamers;
  • cellulose;
  • metal chips;
  • glass chips;
  • nitro compounds;
  • styrene;
  • polysilicates of sodium, lithium, potassium.

Manufacturers of PVA hard adhesives in the form of pencils have to replace polyvinyl acetate with PVP (can be interpreted as polyvinylpyrrolidone) or combine the two components. This substance is thicker and has high adhesive properties.

Advantages and disadvantages

The glue is very convenient to use, easy to apply and does not spread. When it is thick, it can be diluted with water, however we're talking about not about all varieties of PVA. How long does it take for the product to dry? Drying time depends on temperature environment, application area and is 12-24 hours, which is a low indicator for adhesives.

Other advantages of the composition:

  • does not include substances harmful to the body, approved for use by children from 3 years of age;
  • safe in contact with skin, you can use the product even without gloves;
  • is not flammable or explosive;
  • resistant to mechanical stress;
  • plastic, elastic, so the adhesive seam does not deteriorate under dynamic loads;
  • withstands several cycles of freezing and thawing;
  • can be used even in indoors due to the absence of unpleasant odor and harmful fumes;
  • has low consumption - 100-500 g/sq.m. m;
  • has excellent adhesive properties - up to 550 N/m;
  • does not collapse under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • perfectly fills all cracks, cracks, gaps, holes;
  • sold in a variety of packaging sizes;
  • can be used independently or as a base for primers and putties;
  • dried glue does not shrink and does not deform the glued product.

It is not difficult to wipe off glue stains from different surfaces. Despite its solubility only in chemicals, PVA is washed off with plain water. The product also has disadvantages. The glue is not stored for too long - up to 6-12 months, after this time it can deteriorate irrevocably. If there are additional chemical components, the degree of safety may vary, and you will have to use personal protective equipment to work with the glue.

Area of ​​use

The product is most widely used in children's creativity. PVA is very popular in schools, kindergartens, clubs, and development studios. Your child will not need special clothing to work with it. You can remove stains using regular washing machine. The glue will easily hold paper, cardboard, thread, fabric, etc. When mixed with gouache, glue is used to paint on canvas, because such paint will be durable and will not fade.

PVA is used in construction work: from wallpapering to installing parquet, laminate, tiles. The glue is suitable for impregnating wood in order to give it water-repellent properties. By adding 5-10% PVA to a regular cement mortar, the latter's waterproofing ability seriously increases, as does its ductility and adhesion to the base. 70 g of PVA per 10 liters of base mass is added to the plaster. This helps the coating dry quickly and also allows the mortar to adhere better to the wall.

Types and characteristics of PVA

There are several types of PVA glue, and its technical characteristics and scope of application depend on the specific form. The product is popular in everyday life and construction, among schoolchildren and housewives; it is only important to choose it correctly for each individual case.

Household PVA glue

It is usually recommended to use it instead wallpaper glue for gluing heavy canvases - vinyl on a non-woven basis, fiberglass, photo wallpaper, fabric. It gives a good degree of adhesion to surfaces such as concrete, drywall, brick and plaster.

Household glue is excellent for working with cardboard, paper, foam rubber, textiles; decoupage with PVA is possible. Its consistency is moderately thick, it looks like a milky-white liquid, sometimes with yellow tint. The glue is frost-resistant, can withstand freezing down to -40 degrees and retains its properties after defrosting. When the expiration date expires, household PVA may become clumps floating in a clear liquid. Most often, glue is produced in large jars and buckets.

The most popular brands of this type of PVA:

  • Big (Big);
  • Attomex (Atomex);
  • "Profilux";
  • White House.

Stationery PVA glue

This type of glue (PVA-K) is similar to the previous one. Stationery PVA is also used for household needs, usually for crafts and children's creativity. It is available in liquid form in bottles, small jars (50-250 g), and also in the form of a dry adhesive stick. To make the pencil glide across the paper, manufacturers add a little glycerin to its composition.

The choice of such funds is the largest. The most well-known adhesives from such companies are:

  • "Ribbon";
  • Erich Krause (Erich Cruiser);
  • "365 days";
  • "Ray";
  • Office Space (Office Space);
  • Attache (Attache);
  • Adel;
  • Bic (Bik) White Glue;
  • Dolce Gusto (Dolce Gusto);
  • "Centrum";
  • Deli (Delhi);
  • Berlingo.

One of the most quality adhesives This group is considered to be the American Elmers. It is this colored PVA that is used to make “lizun” toys mixed with sodium tetraborate. Making slimes at home is not difficult - you just need to combine PVA and sodium tetraborate in equal quantities. In order not to purchase a fake, when purchasing Elmers glue, you need to request a certificate of conformity and specify the HS code.

Universal PVA glue

Universal adhesive is designated MB. He can stick different types materials, used for fastening products made of cardboard, wood, glass, leather. You can glue linoleum, serpyanka, carpet with glue, and cover the products with gold leaf. The product is often added to construction mixtures based on water dispersion. The glue is moderately frost-resistant and can withstand temperatures down to -20 degrees.

On sale you can also find a modification of PVA-MB, called PVA-M. It differs from the previous version in its low price, but the quality is also reduced. It is not recommended to use this product on materials other than cardboard, fabric, and paper. The best brands universal adhesives:

  • "Lakra Extra";
  • "Tex Universal";
  • "Comus";
  • Schreiber;
  • "Navigator";
  • "Omega";
  • PVA-801;
  • Brauberg.

PVA superglue

This product contains special additives that, after drying, make the adhesive seam very durable. Super-PVA can be used not only for wallpapering and household needs, but also for repairing tiles in the bathroom and kitchen. It will help restore damaged areas, glue fallen elements, and replace cement mortar when tiling small floor coverings. The composition is moisture resistant (D3-D4), can withstand freezing down to -40 degrees, therefore can be used in unheated rooms, for street work. Popular brands:

  • Akron;
  • "Novokhim"
  • "Moment Joiner Super-PVA";
  • White House.

PVA construction adhesive

Household adhesives are not resistant to moisture and are not recommended for use in areas where the humidity level is high. Therefore, professionals prefer to use PVA construction adhesive - a waterproof composition (D3 or D4) in the form of an emulsion that contains special polymerizing particles. Due to the special composition, the level of adhesion to substrates increases. PVA dispersion is also added to various construction mixtures, primers, and paints as a thickener and plasticizer. Further, such mixtures are used when laying bricks, installing tiles, and pouring screeds.

Wood glue is considered a type of construction glue - it is used on wood, veneer, chipboard, fiberboard and other wood derivatives, particle board materials. Wood glue is often called furniture glue - it is widely used in the production of furniture and components.

The moisture resistance of such products is marked with the letter D and a number from 1 to 4. The color is usually transparent, the viscosity is increased. Frost resistance is also high (up to -40 degrees), the adhesives are suitable for outdoor use. The advantages of construction PVA are also low consumption per 1 m2, resistance to UV radiation, high strength, no shrinkage, and quick drying.

Popular Russian and foreign manufacturers who produce PVA of this group are as follows:

  • "Titanium";
  • "Contact";
  • "Lakra Lux";
  • "Tex";
  • "Moment".

Factors affecting drying time

Sometimes it is necessary to speed up the drying time of PVA, because at a cool temperature in the apartment it can take about a day. This also happens when the glue is applied to a large area or the seam is too thick (under standard conditions, two pieces of paper glued together will dry out in 15 minutes). To quickly start using the product, you must follow these instructions:

  • thoroughly prepare the base in advance - remove dust, debris, degrease with acetone (degreasing will also help to cover the product with a uniform adhesive layer);
  • To apply glue, use a roller rather than a brush - this will result in a thinner layer;
  • ensure tight compression of the surfaces, for example, place the objects to be glued under a press, clamp them with a vice;
  • raise the temperature moderately - you need a hair dryer or a regular household hair dryer or place the item in the microwave for a few seconds.

When heating, it is important not to overdo it: if the temperature of the adhesive joint is more than +100...+120 degrees, the PVA will begin to collapse.

Reasons and rules for dilution

Which better method apply if the glue has thickened? The easiest way is to dilute it with water, adding it literally gram by gram, so as not to make the composition too liquid. Water will not deteriorate the properties of office and household adhesives. All other types of PVA, especially construction grade, are strictly prohibited from being diluted with water; they will lose their adhesive function. How to dilute this composition is indicated on the packaging; acetone is usually suitable for this.

If you make the composition more liquid, its consumption will decrease. You can also dilute PVA to obtain a primer. It is most common to add 1 part glue to 5 parts water to create a high quality primer for walls and ceilings. Sometimes it happens that the glue, on the contrary, needs to be thickened to enhance its adhesion to the surface or to prevent deformation thin materials. The composition is easily converted into a thicker state: you just need to leave the jar open for a day, and excess moisture will evaporate.

To really get quality connection details, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • Stir the glue well before use;
  • work with the composition at temperatures from +10 degrees, humidity up to 80%;
  • always apply the product to clean substrates;
  • ensure surface dryness;
  • lubricate one part with glue; an excessively thick layer will only reduce the adhesion of the composition;
  • maintain the thickness of the adhesive film to 2 mm;
  • do not touch the product until completely dry.

Despite its low cost, PVA has excellent performance characteristics, therefore it does not lose popularity in everyday life, at construction sites. The environmental friendliness and effectiveness of the product allows it to be on the list of leaders, which is also facilitated by the availability of glue for any user.