How to line the walls in the bathroom for tiles. Methods for leveling bathroom walls under tiles. Alignment of DSP walls

Any repair must meet the requirements of durability and be aesthetically pleasing. Treating the walls in the bathroom is the key good repair. It doesn’t matter what material is chosen, but the surfaces must be carefully leveled before installation. Most apartments cannot boast such walls, and even in new buildings they can be crooked or cracked.

Any tile, based on the rules, is placed on a prepared surface, because it can crack or fall off. Due to its advantages and characteristics, this material is today considered the most popular when decorating bathroom walls.

Decorating bathroom walls with ceramic tiles

If you develop the style and design of the tiles well, combine several colors and add patterns or geometric elements, the renovation will look quite impressive. However, before installing it, it is necessary to level the walls under the tiles in the bathroom. Unfortunately, there are no houses where absolutely all the floors will be perfectly level, which is why the owners have to level them themselves.

How is alignment carried out?

If renovations in the bathroom are done without the involvement of specialists, you should study in advance all the rules and features of this process so as not to redo the work in the future. In addition, after choosing materials, you need to know their characteristics and installation rules. But before you understand how to line the walls in the bathroom with tiles, you need to learn a lot about the type of construction and the nuances in the structure of the rooms.

The process of preparing walls for laying tiles

Old brick houses

They were built a very long time ago. The houses consist of only one load-bearing partition, and the rest of the structure consists of floors. In these buildings they were plastered over a metal mesh. Because of this, in many areas there may be visible differences in height by even 10 centimeters. During the initial renovation, preparing the wall for tiles in the bathroom includes the following techniques:

1. Identify areas where the old plaster is weak. It needs to be removed, the wall cleaned and re-treated with this solution.

Plastering a wall

2. When all previous coating is removed, the surface must be treated with coating insulation even before finishing work begins. This technique is necessary to protect the brick wall from collapse due to exposure to moisture.

If with brick partition remove part old plaster is not difficult, but for a wooden one it is impossible. It is easier to demolish the entire wall and erect a plasterboard partition in its place.

Features of panel houses

When such a house is built, on strong iron concrete floors lowered by crane solid blocks. They resemble a cube and are also made of reinforced concrete. This design ensures completely smooth walls, without bulges or depressions. The only reason for the unevenness may be the initially crooked installation of such a cube.

How to line the walls in the bathroom with tiles in such a structure? It will be too difficult to break such a wall and build a new and even one, because the structure itself is very strong. Dismantling is done extremely rarely. The best solution There will be leveling the surface of the wall, plastering it according to certain marks and level, or using drywall.

The process of leveling walls panel house

Drywall for leveling

This technique should be used only when the size of the room allows it to be reduced, because the thickness of the walls will increase by a certain number of centimeters. Finishing the ceiling with plasterboard is very easy, inexpensive, and simply necessary for a beautiful renovation.

Leveling the walls in the bathroom with plasterboard under the tiles requires compliance with the rules of hydro- and thermal insulation. This means that you should purchase moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets for sheathing. On the market they are sold in green color with a dense, rough surface. The presence of antimicrobial components in them helps prevent the occurrence of black mold and mildew in the bathroom.

Leveling a wall using plasterboard for laying tiles

In addition, plasterboard sheets are a hydrophobic material that can allow air to pass through. Thanks to their durable texture, they are guaranteed to withstand heavy weight ceramic tiles installed on them. If the vertical wall is not too crooked, it can be straightened with plaster and the sheets of drywall can be secured with special glue. Otherwise, they are attached to the installed frame. Insulation can be placed in the gap between it and the wall or wiring, pipes and other structural elements can be laid.

Other alignment methods

The question often arises, how to level the walls in the bathroom for tiles other than drywall? At concrete walls instead of it, PVC panels can be laid in the house. They also do not cause installation difficulties, are placed on a frame and are slightly cheaper than drywall.

Installation wall panels PVC

However, its significant disadvantage is that PVC can accumulate water and emit a strong chemical odor. It also has poor fire safety ratings.

Nuances of monolithic house designs

The peculiarity of such houses is that the walls in them are made of different materials. In the bathroom, one of the partitions will be concrete, and the rest will be foam concrete. Sometimes they use it instead tongue-and-groove blocks. In this case, preparing the walls in the bathroom for tiles requires plastering works.

The process of plastering walls during renovation

Leveling walls with plaster

This process is quite lengthy and requires special tools.

To take measurements you need:

  1. Roulette.
  2. Plumb which you can do yourself. It is enough to tie a heavy weight onto a long thread.
  3. Pencil.

To mark beacons and set levels you need:

  1. Alabaster(can be replaced with plaster).
  2. Several perfectly straight slats or beams with different lengths.

For direct plastering work you will need:

The whole process can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Installation of wiring and communications in special grooves pre-cut into the walls.
  2. Preparing the walls, cleaning them from dirt and dust, eliminating too noticeable irregularities.

Anyone can plaster, because many people know how to prepare walls for bathroom tiles using this method. Sometimes this process requires additional work:

  • cutting on brick walls make seams 1 cm deep using a chisel;
  • filling shingles with wooden walls in the room, it looks like a diagonal grid;
  • applying grooves or small notches to concrete walls.

After any of these manipulations, the wall should be treated with a primer and allowed to dry thoroughly. This will provide a layer of plaster long term operation and reliability.

It is advisable to apply primer in the bathroom using a composition such as “Betonokontakt”. If the wall structure is block, then the primer layer must be applied 3 times.

The procedure for installing beacons

When there are several on the wall large differences according to the level, you cannot do without the use of beacons.

Installation of beacons for wall alignment

They are installed this way:

  1. Divide the wall into several sections.
  2. In all designated areas, determine the highest point. A strip is attached to it, the thickness of which corresponds to the level of the plaster layer.
  3. Install such slats on each section of the wall. In any case, all these beacons must be located in the same plane. The slats are attached to a special mixture using a level.

The first beacon should be placed at a distance of 10 cm from the corner. It will be the first to be installed. The distance between the corners and other beacons should be about 1.5 meters. When the mixture under the corner beacons has hardened, threads need to be stretched between them, thanks to which intermediate slats will be installed in the future.

Fastening beacons with mortar

When the beacons are firmly attached to the walls, the threads can be cut and you can begin laying the plaster.

Preparation of the solution

Compliance with the rules and instructions from the manufacturer written on the plaster packaging is very important. This will ensure not only that the correct solution is obtained, but also that the wall is completely leveled in general. You need to pour water into the solution very gradually. If there is a lot of it, the plaster may dry out when it shrinks on the walls. There is no need to prepare the entire package at once, as the solution must be used within a maximum of 25 minutes. After this, it is better to prepare a new solution. The mixed plaster is transferred to the wall using a spatula.

Preparation and application cement mortar

The still uncured solution is distributed over the wall and beacons using a rule, slowly passing it over the surface. The density of the plaster layer is up to 2 cm. To increase the thickness, the mixture is laid in several layers. Each of them must dry well before applying the next one. The solution should be leveled as a rule only after last layer will begin to dry out.

Craftsmen and plasterers usually leave beacons in the walls, but owners prefer to take them out and use them again later. This must be done before the plaster has completely hardened. To remove the beacon you will need a trowel. The voids that remain after this are filled with plaster solution.

The final stage leveling the wall with plaster

The dried surface must be coated with a primer.

This leveling method will provide an excellent surface suitable for installing tiles. The main thing is that it is extremely easy and accessible to carry out, which means that there is no need to use the expensive services of specialists.

Each owner must determine the best way to level the walls before installing ceramic tiles. Any method will be effective, however, the choice depends on design features houses and, of course, with the financial situation of the owners.

The process of preparing walls for laying tiles Leveling the wall using plasterboard for laying tiles The process of leveling walls in a panel house Installing beacons for leveling walls Fastening beacons with mortar Preparation and application of cement mortar Plastering the wall The process of plastering walls during repairs The final stage of leveling the wall with plaster Leveling the wall using the rule plastering Installation of PVC wall panels Finishing bathroom walls with ceramic tiles Preparing surfaces before tiling Aligning walls for tiles in the bathroom according to beacons Tiling walls in the bathroom with tiles

The quality of repair depends on many factors. It is very important to use quality materials and tools, know what technology to use, consider surface quality and room conditions. Very often, users ask about how to level a wall under tiles. Tiles are one of the most common materials for finishing walls and floors in the bathroom and kitchen. In order for the tile to be securely attached, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface before laying it.

Those who are not doing renovations for the first time know how important it is to prepare the surface before finishing. To prepare the wall for installation, you need to remove old layer coverings. The goal is to get to a base that will be suitable for further processing.

If the previous finishing was also done with tiles, then it must be removed, not forgetting about the adhesive solution.

To make the process of removing the slabs easier, you need to thoroughly clean the seams, wet the entire wall well with water and leave it to soak for a couple of hours. Using a chisel, you need to pry off the outermost tile, then tap the chisel with a hammer so that the tile comes away from the wall. The tiles can also be removed using a chisel, but then the safety of the tiles is not guaranteed.

How to remove paint, whitewash and decorative plaster:

  1. Remove old paint with a sanding disc. The layer must be removed completely to get to the base. You also need to remove the plaster. If for some reason the surface cannot be removed. Deep notches are made on it - this improves adhesion to the new coating.
  2. Whitewash is not intended to be applied to the solution - it simply will not stick. Therefore, it should be washed off thoroughly. To soften the layer, you can use spray bottles and a scraper. It is important to remove all stains. To do this, use a rag or sponge.
  3. It is not possible to lay tiles on decorative plaster. She needs to be knocked off the wall. To do this, it is best to use electric tools.

Today, kitchens and bathrooms are rarely wallpapered. But if this type of finishing is in the room, it must be completely removed and the wall washed of glue. It is important to remember that the slightest remnants of old material can impair adhesion strength.

How to level walls for tiles

Several methods can be used to level the surface. The first is to putty. To do this, the wall is completely cleaned of dust, degreased and primed. After this, you need to install beacons and calculate the amount of materials that will be needed.

You can do without putty, or putty in one layer, only if, when measuring the differences, it turns out that they are less than 1 centimeter.

It is better to plaster walls using cement-sand mortar. If puttying is done in the bathroom, pay attention to high humidity. That is why they choose putty with reduced level water absorption. You can level the putty using a spatula. It is not at all necessary that the surface be perfectly flat.

How to straighten a wall with a strong curvature:

  • Purchase sheets of drywall that are resistant to moisture.
  • Attach the slabs to the wall with metal profiles.
  • Foam or plaster the joints with honey slabs.

This leveling method is quite simple, fast and least expensive. In order to lay the slabs on the prepared surface, it must be properly processed. This should be taken seriously, since poor surface preparation will certainly lead to the fact that the tiles will sooner or later fall off or swell.

Recommendations: how to prepare walls for laying tiles

The surface on which the tiles are laid, no matter where: in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet, must be strong and durable. It also doesn’t matter what kind of tiles will be laid: lightweight ceramic or granite. But the preparation of the wall will be different if the tiles are laid outside rather than indoors.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the type of surface - the stages of work and the amount of time to complete them depend on this.

If you are preparing to lay tiles wooden surface, is attached to it metal grid, which is then plastered. Plastering of concrete and brick walls is possible. You can refuse plaster if the base is plasterboard or ceramic brick.

Tips for surface preparation:

  1. Take off old tiles You need the whole thing from the wall. The fragments will only slow down and complicate the preparatory process.
  2. If you are removing tiles with a hammer drill, you should wear safety glasses to protect your eyes. Pieces of tiles will fly into different sides, so you need to be extremely careful.
  3. Old paint is removed using a spatula. It is better to wet the adhesive paint first - this will greatly facilitate the process.
  4. When deleting old decoration It is better to use a respirator and protect the floor with perforated cardboard.

If, after removing the plaster, cracks and swellings remain on the wall, they should be repaired. After deleting old finishing materials, you can start leveling the wall. Many people wonder whether it is necessary to level the walls perfectly, or whether it is possible to lightly plaster the surface. The answer can be found in the next section.

Do I need to plaster the walls before laying tiles?

To perform capital and high quality repairs surfaces in any room, it is imperative to plaster the walls. This stage of work involves additional material and time expenses, but also significantly increases the service life of the tiles.

For durable, reliable and high-quality repairs, the wall must be plastered with cement mortar.

It is not recommended to cover walls with gypsum mixtures, as they quickly crumble when exposed to moisture, lose strength and become damaged. Gypsum plaster Great for wallpapering, but absolutely not acceptable for laying tiles. Putty must be carried out carefully, calculating the size of the room, taking into account deviations from the level. The use of beacons is recommended.

Why do you need plaster:

  • For uniform distribution of the tile adhesive layer;
  • Correct load distribution, which will lead to high-quality installation slabs;
  • Compensate for uneven walls.

Plaster makes it so that glue mixture can be applied in an even layer, avoiding excess. A large layer of glue can significantly slow down the workflow and reduce quality tiling. Plaster will make laying tiles easier, faster and cheaper.

Leveling walls for tiles (video)

Before execution repair work on laying tiles, you need to familiarize yourself with necessary list preparatory work. It is important to prepare the surface for laying tiles, no matter whether it is a kitchen, bathroom or toilet. The tile will hold strong and reliably if preliminary preparation of the surface is carried out, especially if we're talking about on the preparation of concrete or brick walls. It is necessary to level the surface - this will improve the quality of applying the mortar for laying tiles and speed up the completion of repair work. Plaster – important stage, avoidance of which may result in the tile simply falling off in the near future.

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Hello to everyone who is thinking about starting a difficult Apartment renovation. In this article we will try to teach you the craft of plastering and leveling walls. The quality and beauty of further repairs will directly depend on your walls, that is, on their surface quality.

If it is necessary to lay a screed on the floor, this is done as follows. The screed itself consists of ordinary sand-cement mortar. It is mainly intended to level the floor. The thickness depends directly on what type of floor the screed will be laid on. If the floors are concrete, then 15 - 20 millimeters will be enough.

If you are going to lay the screed on insulating materials, then first you need to lay the reinforcing mesh and only then pour in the solution, the thickness of which should be at least 40 millimeters. Of course, for the most even effect, it is necessary to install beacons. How to do this, look at the photo. I think everything is clear to you here, so let’s move on to plastering the walls. More details about and.

We plaster and level the walls with our own hands

For plastering walls under tiling, it is also necessary sand-cement mortar, which is ideally suited for later ceramic tile cladding. Moreover, the ingredients needed for this are the cheapest, and sand is generally a free gift from our Mother Earth.

To carry out the work, we need: a large basin in which we will mix the mortar, a plaster ladle, a trowel and, as a rule, this is the lath from which we will remove excess mortar. You can also make a so-called blank yourself to get close to the places where your pipes run. In order to check the quality of the work after completion, you need either a 2-meter level or a flat rod. Having prepared everything in advance, we proceed directly to work.

How to mix the solution correctly and well

For plaster, the ideal ratio is 4 to 1, namely four buckets of pitch and one bucket of cement. Gradually stirring, add water. Do not pour a lot of water at once, as the mixture may turn out to be too liquid; you cannot rush here, we do everything gradually.

I would like to add that quarry sand is best suited, as it contains particles of clay, which makes the solution elastic and plastic. If there is no clay, then you can add 2 or 3 tablespoons of washing powder to one bucket of water. It will be most convenient to knead in a wider trough, which has low walls.

Applying mortar to a wall or brickwork

In order for your plaster to adhere perfectly to the wall, be sure to wet it well. brickwork water. This is important procedure, especially for red brick walls. It instantly absorbs moisture, and the plaster will simply dry before your eyes and will not be easy for you to work with. On silicate white brick You can first apply a thin solution like sour cream, and only after it dries, apply plaster mixture.

White brick has such a structure that the applied plaster mixture slides a little, and after pre-treatment of the walls, this will not happen. After you have applied a thin first layer, let it dry a little and move on to another wall. After about one and a half, two hours, apply the second layer. If you need to apply a thick layer of plaster, it is best to spread out this procedure over 2 or 3 days.

The very principle of applying plaster is the same. We take the solution into the ladle and throw it onto the wall with a sharp wrist movement. Of course, you need to adapt a little to the ladle; you can also use a trowel for this. Let me tell you that this procedure requires a little experience. For those who are doing this for the first time, there is an opportunity to practice and practice and little by little you will become a real professional in this matter. And here it doesn’t matter at all how many mistakes you make, firstly, you are doing it for yourself, secondly, it’s saving money, and thirdly, it’s always nice to do something with your own hands.

When you have reached the point that the layer of plaster you applied begins to protrude beyond the previously installed beacons, take the aluminum lath in your hands and begin to slowly remove the excess mortar. We adjust the river to the beacons and, gently pressing, begin to stretch it from the bottom up along small areas. Thus, we begin to align the wall with the beacons. We dump all the excess plaster that has collected on the lath into a bucket. And so we gradually move from wall to wall.

Having stretched the lath across all the walls, you can see that there are small depressions and pits in the layer of plaster. We also throw them in with a ladle or a spatula, or with a trowel - you choose it yourself. And again we begin to remove all the excess plaster mixture from the wall with our lath. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that again this must be done from the bottom up. So that the plaster solution does not drag behind the lath, but is cut off, we do this all together with light movements to the right and left.

We cover all the small errors that remained after the second pass of the slats with a thin solution and again begin to cut off the excess. And we do this until we reach the top of the wall. Please note that it is not necessary to work on the entire wall at once. By making a section between some beacons, we thereby give time for the other section to dry and set. It is better to do all the places that remain under the ceiling the next day, since when working on leveling and cutting off excess mortar, the lath must be held strictly vertically, pressing it against the dried plastered wall.

How to properly plaster walls in difficult places

Yes, I think that many have encountered the problem of how to plaster evenly and beautifully near and under pipes. All these places are called problematic and complex. Now I’ll tell you what to do and how to plaster in these places. First make a template, without it you won’t succeed. It can be made from flat piece boards, metal or tin. In general, whatever will be easier for you.

Under the pipes, if there is a distance of a couple of centimeters, then you can use a small corner. Because it is very difficult to get there.

Plastering and leveling corners

Here I want to say the following: “Smooth and nice corner“It’s a decoration for the entire room, and if it’s made with your own hands, then it’s also self-respect and pride for the owner of the apartment.”

At the end, we place the strip in the very corner and lightly rub it up and down. This will give you a clear line of the angle, and most importantly it will be perfectly straight. And this will be the final action in working with angles. After completing the work, we put the slats against the wall and see that you have no unevenness or deflections, which means that you did everything right and you can start to be proud of yourself.

Friends, at the end I just want to add that there is nothing complicated in repairs. The main thing is to tell yourself that I can do it - I will do everything. Well, we will constantly advise you and will always try to help you with this. When repairing yourself, repair with us!

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Covering “wet” areas with ceramic tiles is the most correct and therefore very popular way of finishing a bathroom. There is a huge range of tiled cladding on the market, thanks to which the apartment owner can create a unique, original interior, completely consistent with it individual requirements and opportunities. But in order to carry out repairs correctly, you should prepare the walls of the room in advance for final finishing, which will be discussed below.

Requirements for walls for tiled finishing

Considering the benefits tiles, professionals are sure to note minimum requirements to the condition of the surface being coated. Leveling the walls in the bathroom for tiles may be required only in two cases: if the surfaces are very uneven and have many defects, and also in cases of use mosaic tiles for decorating a room that places high demands on the evenness of the surfaces being coated.

To make sure that it is necessary to level the partitions under the tiles before repairs, you must first check the verticality of the walls. Ceramic tiles installed exclusively to perfection vertical surfaces. When attempting to install on a surface with significant unevenness and other imperfections, it may be necessary to pre-cut the cladding, which will negatively affect the attractiveness of the interior.

To check the wall for verticality, use a standard plumb line. To do this, a nail is fixed at the top of the wall, after which the position of the thread next to the floor is checked. If the distance from the thread to the wall at floor level is exactly the same as next to the fixed nail, the wall is considered level and vertical. Leveling the walls for tiles is required if the vertical slope is more than 1 cm.

After checking the verticality, you need to make sure that there are no irregularities in the wall. This can be done with a long rod or a rule: you need to apply the tool to the surface and evaluate the presence of depressions and significant protrusions on it. The check must be carried out multiple times, different areas walls, the more surface is checked, the more accurately its condition can be determined. A large number of defects leads to the need to level the surface using plasterboard sheets. The type of gypsum board fastening is selected taking into account the size of the protrusions on the wall. If they are more than 2 cm, then the sheets should be attached to the sheathing; to eliminate minor defects, you can level the surface with plasterboard, securing the sheets with self-tapping screws or glue directly to the wall.

If there are significant depressions and potholes on the wall, they will first have to be filled. In each individual case, an individual set of preparatory work is required before final finishing using tiles. To find out how to level the walls in the bathroom, you need to take into account all the identified surface defects. Only large peaks and valleys and vertical deviations require alignment. In the presence of minor defects and cracks, the wall can be covered without prior preparation.

Leveling walls in “wet” areas with cement mortar

The method of leveling surfaces with cement mortar is suitable for eliminating almost any imperfections. Before starting repairs, you should purchase the required amount of cement and sand. There is no need to be afraid to buy a little more mixture than required, good cement It will definitely come in handy on the farm more than once, especially since it can retain its technical characteristics for a long time.

For repairs you will also need plaster, rope, tape measure, plumb line, level and slats for beacons. Having everything necessary tools, you can deal with the most significant defects of the walls, which are vertical deviations. If the wall is not only tilted, but also has significant potholes and depressions, the repair procedure will be even more difficult.

So, in order to level the walls in the bathroom, you need to first evaluate the surface for the presence of crumbling areas. If they are found, they are carefully removed with a construction hammer. Now you need to prepare some cement mortar according to the manufacturer’s instructions and install beacons along the wall. The first beacon is mounted at a distance of up to 300 mm from the corner; the distance between several beacons should be less than the total length of the rule used.

To install a beacon, you need to sketch vertical stripe cement mortar to the entire height of the wall. The lighthouse batten is sunk into this solution and its verticality is checked with a level. If the rail is not initially vertical, it is adjusted by pressing in the right places. The second beacon is installed in exactly the same way at a distance from the first slightly less than the length of the existing rule. When the beacons are installed, you need to give them a little time for the solution to completely harden, usually no more than 3-4 hours.

You can level the walls in the bathroom under the tiles using cement mortar only by throwing the mortar onto the wall. If the mixture is simply spread on the surface, its adhesion will be unsatisfactory, which is very important, considering big whole ceramic tiles.

You can use a trowel or ladle to apply the mortar. It's very important to throw cement mixture so that it lies in even rows on the surface to be treated without gaps. In the process of filling the distance between the beacons with solution, you will definitely learn how to do this simple work which only seems complicated.

The mass is thrown onto the surface from bottom to top, trying to maintain a layer thickness of no more than 1-2 centimeters of the thickness of the slats used for beacons. Every 50-60 centimeters of the wall covered with mortar, excess cement must be removed as a rule, leaning it against the beacons and moving it from the bottom up. The excess remaining on the rule can simply be dumped back into the bucket with the solution.

When one section of the wall is sealed with mortar, you can move on to the next section. You should not be afraid of throwing on too much concrete, even if it cracks a little after drying, this will not have any effect negative influence on the quality of adhesion of the final layer of cladding to the surface being treated.

Leveling the wall in the bathroom with plasterboard - features and difficulties

The second method of preparing a tiled surface for repair involves installing moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets over the entire wall area. This method allows you to effectively level the wall, even if it has very serious defects and protrusions. First you need to mark the wall for installing horizontal metal profiles. They should be spaced 60 cm apart when using plasterboard sheets standard size. Professionals also recommend installing vertical profiles. It is not necessary to attach drywall to them; the main thing is that they will not allow the sheets being mounted to sag towards the wall. To prepare metal profiles suitable for the length and height of the room, they are first cut with metal scissors.

The guide profile is fixed on the floor with dowels, and on the wall - suspensions at a distance of up to 60 cm from each other. It is very important that all installed hangers are located on the same vertical line. Now the outer profiles are installed, the evenness of which must be controlled with a level. After setting the profiles, they are secured with self-tapping screws, and the long perforated tapes bent so that they do not interfere with the installation of hyposarton.

Ropes are pulled between the outer profiles to install vertical profiles. When installing gypsum boards of a standard size of 1.2 m, the axis line of the vertical profiles should be located on the edge of the sheet. The distance between individual profiles in the middle of the gypsum board may vary depending on the configuration of the wall and the thickness of the material used.

When all preliminary work will be completed, all that remains is to secure the gypsum boards to the profiles with self-tapping screws. Screw in the screws slowly and carefully. Drywall is a fragile material, and with a high torque, the head of the screw can push through the slab. The joints of all slabs should be located along the axes of the profiles, while there should be enough space on the profiles for installing the second, third and all other purchased plasterboard slabs on the wall.

When deciding how to line the walls in the bathroom with tiles, you should not even consider the option pre-finishing surfaces with plaster. This material is not durable and may simply not withstand the weight of the tiles installed on top of it. If installing gypsum boards on the sheathing seems too complicated, and the wall does not have protrusions larger than 2 cm, drywall can be installed directly on the wall, securing the sheets with self-tapping screws or special glue.

One of the most important and at the same time quite labor-intensive stages of bathroom renovation is leveling the walls. The choice of means by which this process will be carried out depends on what the surface is made of and how large the deviation of the angles from the vertical is.

When found minor irregularities On the walls, after they have been cleaned of the old coating, plaster is usually used for leveling. If serious distortions are observed, installation of plasterboard structures will help. Each method will require its own tools and materials.

Materials and tools

Careful preparation of tools and selection required quantity materials are the key to a successful result in the process of leveling walls in the bathroom. So, you will need the following tools:

  • a level that allows you to identify the degree of deviation of surfaces from the correct vertical and horizontal directions;
  • a plumb line, which is a weight suspended on a thread or cord;
  • wooden slats or bars;
  • guides along which direct alignment will be carried out - the so-called “beacons”;
  • plaster or alabaster for attaching beacons to the wall surface;
  • dowels, screws, nails - depending on the base material;
  • tape measure, pencil for marking the locations of beacons or drywall profiles;
  • protective equipment - gloves, glasses, which will protect the organ of vision from accidentally flying pieces of old coating or drops of solution.

If you plan to achieve smooth walls using plastering, you should prepare:

  • container for plaster;
  • ladle;
  • grater;
  • rule.

A wall with a “loose” structure should be reinforced with a reinforcing mesh - it will not only add strength to the base, but also improve adhesion (the ability of materials to interpenetrate). It is attached to the wall surface with nails or screws.

Leveling walls with plasterboard requires:

  • metal profiles of various types;
  • grinders or hacksaws for metal;
  • drills;
  • screwdrivers;
  • hammer.

It is logical to assume that the materials required for each leveling method will be different. For plastering - a mixture of grade 400 or 500 cement, fine sand and water. For installation of drywall - accordingly, sheets of suitable sizes.

In the bathroom with high humidity You should use not ordinary, but moisture-resistant drywall.

Leveling with plaster along beacons

One of the most common and effective ways level the walls in the bathroom - plastering them according to the beacons. It is suitable for treating premises in panel or monolithic houses, where the surface is more or less flat.

First, the walls are thoroughly cleaned of old coatings - paint, tiles. Then they need to be treated with a primer and an antifungal agent, since a room with high humidity is too susceptible to fungus or mold. It should also be dismantled if possible. plumbing equipment to provide easy access to the walls.

On next stage Large cracks are treated: they are artificially widened and filled with a cement-sand mixture.

Using a level and a plumb line, the locations of the beacons are marked, then the guides are attached to the wall surface with alabaster or plaster.

The distance between the beacons should be equal to the width of the plaster rule.

The next step is to throw plaster onto the walls with a ladle and gradually level the mixture over the surface of the wall using the rule. The slightly hardened and already leveled mortar on the walls must be treated with a trowel.

The process of leveling the walls in the bathroom is presented in detail in the video instructions, where the master demonstrates how to work with a ladle and a rule.

Leveling the walls of the bathroom with plaster along the beacons is ideal for subsequent tiling of the surface.

Preparing bathroom walls for painting

The "lighthouse" method is preliminary stage preparation wall surfaces in the bathroom for painting.

After covering the walls of the room with plaster, the composition must be completely dry and floated. Next, apply an even layer of putty and allow it to dry.

Bathroom putty must have moisture-resistant qualities.

Manufacturers of building materials offer a choice of several putty options suitable for treating walls in rooms with high level humidity. This:
  • cement-based putty;
  • gypsum putty;
  • polymer putty.

The first type has high water resistance, but has a pronounced granular structure and takes a long time to dry. In addition, the dark gray color of the material can appear under one or two layers of light-colored paint.

Gypsum putty is light and smooth, but does not tolerate sudden temperature changes. Therefore, if the walls in the apartment freeze in winter, the material may begin to collapse along with the layer of paint.

The best option for the bathroom is a polymer putty that dries quickly and lays down in an even layer, perfectly coping with the negative effects of moisture on the walls. Disadvantage: during repair work, material containing allergens can cause skin itching and sneezing, so a respirator and gloves will be required.

After the putty surface has completely dried, the walls are cleaned with sandpaper, dust is removed, and only then the painting process begins.

Even corners are important!

Leveling the walls in the bathroom and bringing the angles to 90 0 – necessary condition and for high-quality masonry tiles, and for placing plumbing fixtures. Distortions lead to the formation of gaps between the edges of the bathtub, sink and walls, and between the cladding elements.

The more carefully measurements are taken and marks are made for beacons, the less likely problems with subsequent installation are. finishing coating walls To do this, you can use either a professional laser axle builder or improvised means - a large square and a level. The process is described in detail in the video:

Simpler, but no less effective method leveling the corners - using starting putty, a spatula, a counter-scraper and a level.

A thick layer of putty is applied to the corner, then a counter-shultz is applied to it with force ( perforated corner), constantly checking the level. In some places you will have to press harder top part instrument, in others - the lower one.

After this, excess putty is removed from the sides of the corner and the mixture is allowed to dry.

If the angular distortions are not too great, the counter-shultz can be replaced with a special angular spatula. It is moved over the putty that has just been applied to adjacent surfaces, periodically wetting the tool for easy sliding. At the end of the process, the angle is checked with the level and, if the result is achieved, wait for the surface to dry.

Leveling bathroom walls with plasterboard. Step-by-step instruction

Bathroom wall cladding plasterboard sheets for their alignment it is used mainly in old brick houses or rooms with significant curvature of surfaces.

The only drawback of this method is a noticeable reduction in space, and therefore plasterboard structures It is not advisable to install it in small bathrooms.

The work is being carried out in stages. The walls are cleaned in advance old paint, tile residues, primed and treated with an antiseptic. After this, assembly begins metal frame for installation of plasterboard sheets. Step by step it looks like this.

  1. Fastening the UD profile to the floor around the perimeter of the bathroom.
  2. Installation of the UD profile in a vertical position on the walls with a connection with dowels to the lower base of the frame.
  3. Fastening the UD profile under the ceiling, also connected to vertical guides.
  4. Installation of U-shaped brackets vertically in increments of 40 to 60 cm.
  5. Installation of CD profiles in the lower and upper guides, connected using self-tapping screws to the brackets.
  6. Covering the prepared frame with plasterboard sheets or gypsum fiber.

You can level the walls in the bathroom different ways. Their choice is determined by the initial state of the surface being treated, the availability of skills in working with certain materials, and stylistic preferences. The success of renovation work largely depends on careful preparation and a serious approach to the implementation of each stage.