Why do you need a sewer pipe? Fan sewer riser. The exhaust pipe exits through the roof: how it is done and what the height should be

When it comes to installing (or replacing) sewer lines, errors in planning or installation can lead to unpleasant odors. To avoid this, it is necessary good ventilation sewer riser.

This is implemented using fan pipe.

What is a sewer drain pipe, and how does this system work?

Fan pipe - section of pipeline that connects the sewerage system to the atmosphere(goes up through the roof). It branches off from the sewer riser and goes up through the entire house.

At the top (on the roof) it is covered with a fungus (head, umbrella) - so that precipitation and debris do not fall from above.

The waste flows through the sewer pipe from top to bottom. If you open the drain at one point (for example, drain the water in the toilet), then the water will problems will pass according to the system. If at the same time water drains from several plumbing points (toilet, bathroom sink, bathtub, shower, washing machine), then the riser will be filled to its full diameter.

This will create a vacuum, which will “pull” water out of the water seals, causing water to appear in the bathroom. bad smell- if there is no drain pipe in the house.

If there is one, then air will be sucked in from the atmosphere through its hole, and the pressure in the system will equalize. Thanks to this, the plumbing seals remain in place and do not allow the smell to penetrate from the pipes into the room.

Another solution to the problem is . It can be installed instead of a drain pipe, or it can complement it.

More information about the operation of the sewer system (video)

Why is it needed: purpose and functions

Now let's look at why such a scheme is needed:

    Removing gases that accumulate in the sewer system (they are removed upward through the pipe and released into the atmosphere).

    Maintaining pressure in the sewer system (equalization when draining a large amount of water).

    “Protection” of water seals (preventing them from being sucked in).

In general, the fan pipe ensures normal operation sewer system.

Where is a vent pipe needed, and where can you do without it?

According to SNiP, in low-rise construction (in one-story and two-story private houses), the sewerage system does not necessarily have to have a drain pipe. The reason is that in such houses the volume of simultaneously drained wastewater is small, and in rare cases it can completely block the diameter of the sewer riser.

In a private house, there is a need for such a ventilation duct if:

    the house has two or more residential floors, and both (or more) floors have a bath and toilet;

    the house will have 2 or more bathrooms that can be used simultaneously;

    the house has a swimming pool (or any other source of a large amount of waste, for example a jacuzzi);

    the diameter of the sewer riser is small (less than 100-110 mm);

    There is a septic tank (cesspool) located near the house.

If you are building a house of 1-2 floors, in which there will be 1 toilet and a bathtub (sink, shower), you can do without a ventilated riser, or limit yourself to installing a sewer valve. This is true for dachas and small cottages.

Is a drain pipe needed in an apartment in a multi-storey building? Yes, it is needed, and it is always available. The reason is that in apartment buildings the volume of wastewater is always large (especially during the hours when people are in the apartment: in the evening, early in the morning, on weekends).

How to choose the right fan pipe?

Before installing a riser or replacing it with a new one, you must select the right pipe. An incorrect choice may result in system malfunction.

The main parameters when choosing are:

  1. Length (you need to know what the full line height should be).


What should the diameter of the drain pipe be?

The diameter of the drain riser is the main characteristic that must be taken into account when choosing and designing a system (especially in Khrushchev, since in apartment buildings there is a large number of drains).

The basic rule for choosing a size: minimum diameter must be no less than the cross-section of the sewer riser(if the riser has a diameter of 250 mm, then the drain pipe should have the same size).

Common sizes during construction are single- and two-story cottages are pipes with a cross section of 50-90-100 mm. This is enough if the house has:

    sewer riser with a diameter of 100 mm;

    sink (kitchen sink) with drain pipe in 50 mm;

    shower drain;

    washing machine.

Selection by material

To lay a sewer riser, pipes made from the following materials are usually used:

    PVC. Plastic products are easier and faster to install and are cheaper in cost. Plastic is gradually replacing cast iron - new systems are usually made from this material.

    Metal (cast iron). Cast iron pipe is an outdated solution for sewer systems. Cast iron is strong and durable, but it is much more difficult to work with: cast iron products weigh a lot, they are more difficult to cut and connect, and during operation they become dirty faster.

If necessary (if repairs and replacement of the system or its individual sections are carried out)You can connect plastic and cast iron pipes. Insertion into each other is carried out using special adapters (cuff).

How to check if there is a drain pipe in the house?

If you are not building a house, but buying finished building- it is advisable to find out if it has a fan riser.

To do this, you need to flush the toilet and listen to sounds from the sink or bathroom. If you hear a squelching suction sound, the pipe is either missing altogether or is clogged and requires cleaning.

Installation rules

To properly install a fan riser, you must comply with the following requirements:

    The outlet of the riser should not go into the attic, but into the street. If sewer gases escape into the attic, it will smell bad and the humidity will increase (which will lead to mold).

    The diameter of the drain riser must be no less than the diameter of the sewer riser. More is acceptable, but not required.

    The pipe outlet should not be located close to a wall or near other structures (windows, balconies). Otherwise, stains from gas emissions may appear on the wall, and an unpleasant odor will be felt in the rooms near the outlet.

    The outlet should not go under the roof overhang, otherwise in winter the pipe may be damaged (due to ice or melted snow).

    For private houses, it is enough to use 1 vent riser. Lines from all plumbing points must be cut into it using tees, crosses and adapters.

    Between the bottom and top points pipelines there must be a temperature difference (it’s warm at the bottom, cold at the top).

    Fan boner can be laid in ventilation shaft, in one box. However, it should not be connected to ventilation ducts leading to residential premises and chimneys (according to SNiP).

    It is permissible to connect several sewer pipes to one drain riser.

Installation rules (video)

In the ides of the scheme

According to the “direction” of the output, there are 2 options for laying:

    Horizontal - whenthe pipe does not exit through the roof, but through the wall. The method is relatively rare and can only be used in private construction, in cases where for some reason the output cannot be made through the roof. In this case, a grille is installed on the hole, not a deflector.

    IN vertically - the most common option: the riser is led up through the roof.

Vertical passage, in turn, is divided into 3 more subtypes:

    An outlet with a slope of 90 degrees: a branch is made from the riser at a right angle, from which there is then another branch, and from this there is a straight section extending above the roof.

    An exit with a slope of 45 degrees: a branch is made from the riser at an angle of 45 degrees, another branch is made from it, and from this there is a straight section extending above the roof.

    Vertical outlet: The riser simply continues until it exits above the roof.

The exhaust pipe exits through the roof: how is it done and what height should it be?

U The fan riser section, located outside, above the roof, must meet certain requirements:

    Height above roofing material The roof in use must be at least 3 meters high.

    The height above a flat roof that is not in use must be at least 30 cm.

    Height above pitched roof must be at least 50 cm.

    Horizontal distance between terminalpipes and the nearest window (balcony) must be at least 4 meters.

    The outlet should be covered by a deflector on top. It is needed to prevent debris, insects, birds, and precipitation from getting inside.

If it is possible to draw a line through the pediment, it is better to implement this option rather than passing through the roof. In this way, you can save yourself from troublesome work with roofing material and further sealing.

How is the output through the roof made? (video)

Installation errors

The installation of a ventilation riser for a sewer system may be carried out with errors. Of the most common:

    Dismantling the riser (intentionally or unknowingly) in apartments (multi-storey buildings).

    Output under the roof overhang.

    Using pipes different diameters when creating a sewer system.

    Output of the riser to the attic.

    Mounting the riser external wall the buildings.

Do you need soundproofing for a drain pipe?

Soundproofing needed if the pipe passes through living rooms. In this case, the noise of water and air will be heard in the rooms. The pipeline itself will also make noise due to vibration and resonance.

Sound insulation of areas passing through non-residential premises- not required.If the riser is laid inwall, and the thickness of the partition is small - then at the construction (repair) stage it is recommended to perform at least “light” sound insulation.

IN Ideally, the issue of sound insulation should be resolved at the design and construction stage of the building. The riser needs to be “hidden” in a separate box (shaft), or planned so that it does not pass through the living quarters.It is also recommended to use special “silent” pipes(thick-walled polypropylene products).

The soundproofing process itselfcarried out using “shells” or roll insulators that are wound onto the pipeline. The thicker the layer, the more effective the insulation will be.

A sewerage or ventilation pipe is a necessary attribute of any drainage system Wastewater and in multi-storey building, and in a private cottage. What is a vent pipe needed for? Installing such a pipe simultaneously solves two problems. Firstly, gases are removed from the pipeline network through ventilation. Secondly, ventilation is needed to maintain constant pressure in the pipe system, since when a large volume of water is discharged into the sewer, a vacuum of air occurs.

What is a fan pipe? The pipe that connects the sewer riser to the atmosphere is usually called a fan pipe. The presence of such a pipe prevents the occurrence of vacuum in the system, which, in turn, prevents the operation of the water seals from being disrupted.

In the absence of a drain pipe, when a large amount of water is released, the water seals in all devices located above may break. And through empty siphons, an unpleasant sewer smell will begin to enter the premises.

The need to use vent pipes

According to building regulations, a sewerage system without a drain pipe can be built in a one-story house. This allowance is based on the fact that small houses cannot generate a large volume of wastewater at the same time.

However, a drain pipe for sewerage in a private house will not be superfluous in a low-rise building. Installing a pipe is necessary if, when draining a large volume of water at the same time, the cross-section of the riser pipe is completely blocked.

In most cases, the size of the hole in the flush cistern is 70 mm, and the drainage from the toilet is carried out using a pipe having a diameter of 110 mm. The bath outlet is assembled from pipes with a cross-section of up to 50 mm. Thus, when using only one piece of plumbing, the riser cannot completely fill.

Small-diameter sewer pipes are connected to the remaining plumbing fixtures. Therefore, their use does not have a significant impact on the total volume of simultaneous discharge. Therefore in one-story houses Installation of a drain pipe is optional.

Advice! As a rule, the most a large number of wastewater is formed when water is drained simultaneously from the toilet and bathtub.

A house with two floors or higher is a different matter. Of course we're talking about about those cases when bathrooms are located on each floor. In this case, several people can use the water supply at the same time.

And when water is simultaneously drained from two toilets, the cross-section of the riser will be completely blocked, so in such houses the installation of drain pipes is mandatory. In high-rise buildings, normal functioning of the sewerage system without a drain pipe is impossible, since in such a building a large number of people can use the sewerage system at the same time.

Consequently, the likelihood that the entire section of the riser will be occupied by drains increases many times over. Thus, it is imperative to include waste pipes in the system if:

  • To construct the riser, a pipe with a cross-section of less than 110 mm was used.
  • The house has several bathrooms and it is possible that they will be used at the same time.
  • If the house has a device that can provide a significant amount of wastewater at once. Such devices include, for example, a swimming pool.
  • The house is equipped with a local sewerage system and a sewage treatment plant is located a short distance from the house. In this case, ventilation from sewer pipes helps prevent the smell of gases formed during the decomposition of organic matter in the septic tank from entering the premises of the house.

Installation and repair of drain pipes

The sewer pipe can be made of either plastic or cast iron:

  • Metal pipes. This is a traditional solution, since 50 years ago domestic sewage systems were assembled exclusively from cast iron. The material is durable, but it is very inconvenient to work with because it has significant weight.

  • Plastic. This is the most popular material for sewer assembly. Many owners replace their old cast iron sewer to plastic, and when building new houses, this material is the most in demand. Plastic pipes are lighter, more cost effective and more aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, today cast iron pipes are used much less frequently.

Advice! When installing or replacing a drain pipe, if necessary, you can join parts made of cast iron and plastic. The main thing is that the diameters of these elements match. A narrowing of the diameter in the fan pipe should not be allowed, otherwise it will not function fully.

In addition, there are conditions that must be observed regardless of what material the pipes are made of:

  • The diameter of the drain pipe must be equal to (or greater than) the diameter of the sewer riser. Use a smaller pipe building codes prohibited.
  • The drain pipe, as a rule, is led to the roof. It should not be installed near windows or balconies. Minimum distance from the surface of the roof ridge - 30 cm.

Rules for installing vent pipes

When installing a fan pipe, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations set out in SNiP.

  • When purchasing material, you need to make sure that the diameter of the fan pipe is not smaller than the diameter of the riser.

Advice! In private construction, most often, for the construction of risers and, accordingly, fan pipes they use plastic pipe with a cross section of 110 mm.

  • The starting point of the sewer system must be in a heated room. But its end point, on the contrary, should be located in a cold place. This will provide the necessary difference in temperature and pressure and allow ventilation to effectively remove gases.

  • The sewer ventilation pipe is actually a continuation of the riser, so it is made of the same material as the riser itself.

Advice! Sometimes the constant presence of an unpleasant sewage odor in the premises is due to the fact that siphons of insufficient volume are installed under the plumbing fixtures. If you do not use the appliances for several days, the water plug will simply dry out and unpleasant-smelling gases will penetrate into the rooms. Installing a drain pipe will help solve this problem. The air in the house will remain fresh, even if the plumbing is idle without use.

Ventilation outlet to the roof

Rules for installing a drain pipe:

  • The outlet of the ventilation pipe to the roof should be at a height of at least 30 cm, and preferably 50 cm, from the ridge. However, if the roof is a used object (for example, a summer terrace is installed on it), then the height of the outlet can reach three meters.
  • If there are several risers installed in the house, then they can be equipped with one drain pipe.
  • The horizontal distance from the windows and balconies of the building to the outlet of the waste pipe must be more than 4 meters.

When constructing sewer ventilation, it is strictly prohibited:

  • Lead the vent pipe to the attic, not to the roof.
  • Organize the exhaust pipe outlet together with the chimney outlet and the ventilation duct.
  • Route the drain pipe under the roof overhang, since in winter, when snow and ice melt from the roof, the pipe may be damaged.

Some homeowners, trying to improve the performance of sewer ventilation, try to install additional exhaust devices. Such as deflectors, weather vanes, etc.

In fact, such devices not only do not give the desired effect, but can also cause condensation to accumulate in the system. And in the cold season, moisture can freeze and block the paths of air and gases.

Check valve installation

A check valve must be installed on the drain pipe. Place a valve on the sewer drain pipe immediately after installing the toilet. Valve operating principle:

  • When draining water from cistern The valve cover opens to allow the waste to flow through.
  • If there is no liquid coming from the house, the valve cover is tightly closed. Moreover, it has such a design that it can be opened with reverse side impossible.

That is, installing a valve helps to avoid such an unpleasant situation when drainage from an external pipeline (for example, as a result of a blockage) penetrates the house, flooding the premises with dirty water.

So, a drain pipe is an element of the sewer system that is used to ventilate the pipeline and maintain normal pressure. The installation of the drain pipe must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of building regulations.


Each multi-storey building is equipped own sewerage. Its function is to drain sewage and other wastewater into a city-wide highway or other treatment facility. To prevent the spread of unpleasant odors indoors, use.

This device, which is a continuation of the riser, is carried through the roof to the outside of the building. It removes gases from and stabilizes the pressure in it.

In this article you will learn a lot useful information about this device and you can see its photos.

General information

The mass of sewage that arises during the flushing of wastewater into the system, entering the main line, acts like a pump. Before the drain, the pressure indicator increases, and after them it decreases.

If the ventilation section of the line is not provided during use, the water seal will fail. Air mass is sucked through the drain hole of plumbing fixtures. The effect allows gases to enter the building.

This problem happens with devices with a weak water seal. But sometimes a breakdown occurs in several areas at once. It is accompanied by characteristic gurgling sounds appearing in the drain holes.

If the line is equipped with a ventilation section, air enters the line absolutely freely.

Due to this, the pressure indicator stabilizes. There is no failure of the water seals. Accordingly, the smell of sewage does not penetrate into the room.

Design standards

The design in question is a continuation of the riser. Therefore, it is constructed from the same channels. Their most popular cross-section is 110 mm. Top of the structure. It is needed to prevent rain or snow from entering the riser. IN general view the basic standards are indicated in.

To properly install a fan channel, follow these rules:

  • do not select the device diameter indicator smaller size riser sections;
  • the part is mounted on the roof at a height of no less than thirty centimeters from the ridge;
  • it is prohibited to connect the ventilated system with other ventilation systems in the house;
  • the part is located away from windows;
  • part of the channel passing through the attic must be insulated;
  • It is strictly forbidden to install the structure under the roof overhang, as this will lead to its breakdown in the winter.

To install a fan channel, prepare its diagram. Below you can see a general example of it.

Check out the parts of the diagram:

  • A - section 100 mm (toilet and bidet);
  • B - size 50 mm (washer, sink, bathtub, shower);
  • C - section 50 mm (dishwasher and sink).

You can prepare a fan structure project on your own. To cope with the task you need to have minimal engineering knowledge and carefully study the requirements of SNiP 2.04.01-85. Below we will talk in more detail about what needs to be taken into account at the project preparation stage.

Slope indicator internal sewerage, according to SNiP 2.04.01-85, should be:
  • for channels with a cross section of 50 mm - three centimeters per meter;
  • for structures 85-100 mm - two centimeters per meter.

The slope value for branches up to one and a half meters in size is fifteen centimeters per meter. The channels must be installed straight. There should be no slope of the horizontal part. The directions of the channels can be changed using special fittings.

To combine several risers, it is allowed to use one fan riser. Change the direction of the channels above the area where the last plumbing fixture connected to the riser is located.

To connect 2-3 channels, use . It is mounted at an angle from forty-five to one hundred thirty-five degrees. It is necessary to change the direction of the channel only by means of a special bend placed at an angle of one hundred and thirty-five degrees.

It is advisable to place the lower part of the fan structure in a warm place, and the upper part in a cold place. This will make the traction level optimal.

The cost of installing a ventilated duct in a multi-story building depends on many factors. First of all, on the quantity necessary materials, their quality, and the complexity of installation. Installation of a fan structure costs on average 5-7 US dollars per linear meter. The cost of performing the work may include the creation of grooves, installation of clamps and dismantling of old structures.

Fan channels may need to be cleaned if dirt or precipitation has entered them. It's easy to prevent this. As we already wrote above, part of the structure on the roof needs to be equipped with a special fungus.

Installation errors and repairs

During installation ventilation ducts inexperienced craftsmen make mistakes. They are usually associated with the desire to get the job done quickly.

The most common mistakes are:

  1. The outlet of the fan channel is not on the roof, but in the attic. Over time, gases will accumulate in large volumes. Finding no way out into the atmosphere, they will begin to penetrate other rooms of the building.
  2. Installation of the device with outside load-bearing walls. This will lead to condensation and subsequent troubles.
  3. The use of decorative fungus on the upper part of the channel leads to a decrease in traction. As a result, the device does not perform its function. This leads to the spread of gases inside the building.

Repair of fan structures often involves replacing old ones with new ones. It is advisable to perform this procedure under the guidance of experienced specialist. quite heavy. Moreover, they are characterized by a fragile structure. Careless handling will cause them to break. You need to work with it very carefully. Otherwise, you can cause damage to any elements of the structure and your own body.

If you need to replace ducts in a multi-story building on the ground floor, choose only quality products to replace. It is important that new polymer structures can withstand the existing pressure in the system.

For repair work needed various instrument. You will need a drill, an angle grinder and a sledgehammer. To solve the problem, you may also need other tools. Since replacing cast iron products is a rather complex and time-consuming operation. After dismantling the old channels, install new ones. You already know how to do this.

Is a vent pipe needed in a one-story house?

All multi-storey buildings must be equipped with drainage channels. Without them, it is impossible to solve the problem of gas distribution. Sometimes the use of this element is also relevant for private houses.

If the building contains several plumbing units, used simultaneously. If the riser has a cross-section of fifty millimeters, even a small mass of waste can break the water seal. Therefore, in this situation, a fan channel is also needed. If on the site of a private house the septic tank is located near the building, you need to equip it with the ventilation devices in question.

To quickly connect the washing machine to the drainage system, install a separate siphon with a channel for it. Ventilation of the riser will be required if the main line is constructed incorrectly.

Check valve

To ensure fluid flow in one direction there is a device called reverse. The most popular channels for sewer circuits have a cross-section of 110 and 50 mm. Therefore, the part in question has the same dimensions.

The component is placed at the junction of the channels or an insertion is made with a threaded joint. There are models where a “plate” is used as an element that blocks the flow of liquid. This component is located inside the device.

Pressure is applied to it from the desired side, and it opens. If impurities begin to move in the opposite direction, the component in question blocks them.

Ball models are more popular.

They work on a similar principle. But instead of a “plate” they are equipped with a ball element. These products are characterized by greater reliability.

There are flange and coupling type parts. Each of them has its own characteristics. Parts of the first type are created for highways installed both horizontally and vertically. Devices of the second type are installed only on vertical channels.

To equip toilets, valves with a cross-sectional area of ​​110 mm are used. Products with a cross-sectional size of 50 mm are mounted on the internal pipeline.

Check valves are made from:

  • cast iron;
  • plastic;
  • become.

You need to choose a device based on. If they are, then the device must be made of plastic.

The installation of the parts in question is carried out in different ways. Models with significant throughput are installed on public highways. They can be used to equip small private houses. They are not recommended for installation in apartments in multi-storey buildings.

Installing the device at all drain points reduces the possibility of accidents. This is important for those homeowners who live on the first two floors of multi-story buildings. After all, they are the ones with the greatest risk of an accident. To get acquainted with the device in more detail check valve and the method of its installation, read this article.

The autonomous sewage system of private houses is quite complex design, which must comply with all established standards. Otherwise, it will not work effectively or will have to be carried out frequently. restoration work. An example would be a situation where a vacuum is created in a pipe. Let's look at the installation features fan sewer in a private house for more details.

  1. When draining wastewater vertical pipe a rarefaction process occurs, which can be partially compensated by the remaining wastewater in the siphons. In such cases, problems with the operation of the sewer system do not arise.
  2. With a one-time burst release, a sewer vacuum is created. This problem has quite widespread in case a fan riser is not installed.
  3. Fan sewage eliminates the possibility of a vacuum, in which the smell and the drains themselves can flow back into the room.
  4. If there is an outlet into the atmosphere, the resulting vapors and gases naturally flow upward. As a result, vapors and gases do not enter the outlet pipes located at an angle, that is, the problem is solved.

It is worth considering the fact that building codes determine that there is no need to install a background riser due to a small one-time release of wastewater. A vacuum occurs when wastewater fills the entire cross-section over a sufficiently long period, which is only possible when choosing a pipe of small diameter or with a large one-time discharge back from several sources.

In general, we can say that the system under consideration is technically simple. The pipe, represented by a riser, also performs a drainage function. The main thing is to comply with all the requirements for creating this system.

Fan pipe design

First, let's pay attention to the cases in which it is necessary to create a sewer system:

  1. In the case where a riser or a large area sewer pipe has a diameter of less than 0.5 cm. Even for a house that has only a few sources of wastewater, such a cross-section is quite small.
  2. Using autonomous system sewer closed type, for example, septic tanks into which oxygen is not pumped. If wastewater is discharged into semi-open wells, then the vacuum in the system occurs partially. Septic tanks are built in such a way that they are completely isolated from the outside world. This way, the possibility of an unpleasant odor spreading throughout the area is eliminated.
  3. In the event of a high probability of a salvo release of a huge amount of water. If the house has several bathrooms and showers, swimming pools, artificial reservoirs, as well as a large number of equipment that uses water in their work, then a fan drainage of vapors and gases should be provided, since the volley discharge will be significant.

When designing a vent pipe, the following points are taken into account:

  1. The diameter of the drain pipe and the sewer riser must match exactly. Only in this case can effective discharge of the sewer system be ensured to eliminate the possibility of vacuum formation.
  2. The location of the exhaust pipe relative to windows and balconies should also be taken into account, since unpleasant air will enter the room.
  3. The fan pipe must be positioned strictly vertically, otherwise its efficiency decreases significantly. Therefore, when creating a project, you should take this point into account.
  4. In case the house has attic floor, it is necessary to provide for the location of the discharge pipe near walls and other communication elements. That is why, when constructing a private house, its design is created with a background sewer system.
  5. All information is applied to the design drawings of the structure, which avoids problems.

When choosing a pipe type, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. To solve this problem, a PVC version is also suitable. Such pipes have a lot of advantages, among which we note their low cost and weight. Lightweight ones are easier to secure and require no maintenance. Modern autonomous sewer systems are often created using PVC versions.
  2. Cast iron pipes can also be installed, which Lately are not very popular. There are quite a few disadvantages: high cost, heavy weight, difficulties in carrying out installation work and so on.
  3. More recently, when creating a sewage system, they used ceramic pipes, then today they are extremely rare. The reasons are high cost and fragility.

The above information determines that it is quite important to create the project in a timely manner and implement it.

Requirements for the fan riser

When considering the requirements for a fan riser, you should understand the operating principle of the system. Bad odor may come from pipes or installed septic tank. The resulting vapors have a specific gravity less than atmospheric, as a result of which they rise upward through the system.

There are not many requirements for the fan riser:

  1. He must be straightforward. Vapors rise naturally. This moment determines insufficient traction. Therefore, only straight sections of the system should be installed.
  2. When creating a riser, a pipe of the same diameter must be used. Otherwise, the generated thrust will not be enough. You should not use different adapters, as this significantly reduces traction.
  3. When positioning the riser, you should take into account the fact that an unpleasant odor will come out of the pipe and be carried by the wind throughout the area. It will be almost impossible to avoid this, so the location of other living spaces should be taken into account.

Requirements depend on the complexity of the system and many other factors.

Alternative to a drain pipe

It is possible to solve the problem under consideration associated with the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the house from the sewer system by installing:

  1. Non-return sewer valve. Such a design can prevent wastewater from flowing in the opposite direction. The locking mechanism can also be used to eliminate the possibility of bad odors entering the room.
  2. Gates located in siphons. This mechanism is installed in the areas where the pipes exit to the riser. They are represented by various valves that can be closed manually.

However, the system under consideration does not have high efficiency in the event of a volley release of sewage, when a vacuum is created.

Installation of a drain pipe and connection to the roof

The above information indicates that a vent pipe may be needed quite often. You can install it yourself if you have available materials.

  1. First you need to deal with the existing sewer system. The first step is to replace old pipes, which are best replaced with plastic ones. Cast iron products are becoming less and less popular over time, since they are not practical to use, the surface has a high roughness, which causes the formation of severe blockages. Conduct dismantling work can be done quite quickly and simply: the pipeline is disconnected from the riser, after which disassembly is carried out in stages. With the old ones cast iron pipes significant problems may arise.
  2. It is recommended to install vent pipes from the lowest point of rigidity. As a rule, it is located in the main riser. If work is carried out in country house, then it is recommended to start installation from the beginning of the foundation. The work involves creating holes in load-bearing structures, after which the pipe is installed and temporarily secured with clamps. After installing all the plumbing, a drain outlet is connected to the source of waste, for example, to the toilet.
  3. If difficulties arise when creating a flexible sewer pipe when the pipes do not fit into each other, you can use soap or silicone. These substances lubricate the sealing rings. Do not apply heavy loads, as PVC pipes and O-rings may be damaged.
  4. When installing a drain pipe, it is recommended to use exclusively metal clamps. This type of fastening is the most reliable. The studs on a standard clamp, which is made of metal, have a screw structure. This moment allows you to precisely adjust the characteristics of the connection.
  5. Installation work must also include insulation of the structure. Special attention is given to the area of ​​contact between the pipe and other elements of the structure. Of course, PVC does not react to impact environment, but still care should be taken to protect the sewerage elements. Despite the many advantages of PVC pipes, there is also a significant drawback, which is poor insulating qualities. Due to the small thickness of the walls, the sound of falling wastewater can spread throughout the room. This problem can be avoided by insulating wastewater or vapor outlets with foam. You can also use mineral wool in the form of rolls.

If repair work is necessary, we will pay attention to the following points:

  1. As previously noted, the fan pipe must have a diameter equal to the diameter of the riser or have a larger one.
  2. The end of the outlet must not be bent or narrowed. However, you can install special caps that will eliminate the possibility of rainwater and snow getting into the system.
  3. It is recommended to lay most of the pipe in a warm area, and only the ends in a cold area. In order to create additional thrust, the required pressure drop is created due to a sharp change in temperature. In any case, part of the pipe will be located in the cold part of the room.
  4. The number of risers in the house also determines the number of fan pipes. Therefore, when designing an autonomous sewage system, you should avoid significantly increasing the number of risers in the room.

At the design stage, you should pay quite a lot of attention to the fan pipes and their locations. Often the design of the house is related to how many exits there will be, since they will be located on the roof or attic floor.

In conclusion, we note that when installing a fan riser, you should replace elements already existing system. This is due to the partial completion of installation work.

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Should the sewer system “breathe”? Let's figure out why the sewer pipe is installed on the roof

I’m willing to bet that even if you paid attention to the roofs of modern two or three-story cottages, you were only surprised by the abundance of pipes removed, without even suspecting that among them there was also a sewer pipe. And if its purpose is a mystery to you, then you will probably want to know about its feasibility, and in general, for what purposes it is intended.

What it is

Of course, the website is not an encyclopedia, and you will probably want me to support my story with links to those regulating its purpose regulations. And this is quite understandable, because today construction marketers sell so many unnecessary products and additional elements, that a logical question involuntarily arises: is this sewer pipe not one of them? Maybe you can do without it?

No, there's no way around it. This is really important and required element sewer system of any high-rise building. Essentially, the sewer drain pipe is not designed for water movement. Its purpose is to connect the sewer system with the surrounding atmosphere.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. You know from your school physics course that draft occurs in any vertical pipe. As the pressure in its upper part increases, air penetrates into the living spaces through leaky connections, and, as you understand, it does not smell like flowers;

A water seal is not a panacea, since the sewerage system has vulnerabilities in the form of connections of the sewer comb (indoor sewer system) and the siphon elbow, the tightness of which is far from ideal.

  1. Massive discharge of water, which is not uncommon in high-rise buildings, leads to the filling of the riser, as a result of which an air front with excess pressure is formed in front of the water flow. This phenomenon can be neutralized by inspecting the basement sewerage system (if this is a private house– then excess air escapes through the septic tank drain pipe);
  2. At the same time, a vacuum is formed behind the downward moving mass of wastewater, the force of which is sufficient to suck out the water seals (from the toilet, from the elbow under the bathtub and sink). The residues are unable to retain air and the rooms are filled with unpleasant odors.

Captain Obviousness suggests: it is possible to solve the described problems, both at the same time, with the help of a jumper between the atmosphere and the sewer system.
During a volley discharge of water, odors will escape through the sewer riser, and the water seals will remain intact.


SNiP 2.04.01-85

This condition is realized through risers, in which the exhaust part must exit through the roof or through a ventilation shaft.

The height of the riser depends on the type of roof and is indicated in the table:

The permissible distance from the exhaust part of the riser to the balcony or nearest window is 4 meters.
Why the instructions require this is hardly necessary to explain.

SP 40-107-2003

Another set of requirements under the number SP 40-107-2003 stipulates the case of a drain pipe leaking on an existing roof. In particular, paragraph 4.8 states that the exhaust part of the riser must be equal to 3 meters. But at the same time, it is permissible to combine four or more risers within a technical floor.

It is worth noting that such a system works quite well.
But the slightest leak in any joint will lead to the fact that the owners of apartments on the upper floors will inhale “aromas”, since there is no escape from the draft created in the risers.
The narrowing at the top helps create excess pressure in them.

Installation highlights

Fan pipes still need to be installed correctly:

  1. Underestimating the diameter of the exhaust part of the pipe is extremely undesirable. Diameter transitions from 110 to 50 mm reduce throughput by 5 times. And it is quite expected that it will simply not be enough to compensate for the drop in pressure;

  1. The horizontal part of the sewerage system must have a slope of 2 cm per linear meter. Its presence prevents the formation of air and water locks;
  2. Removing sewer risers that open into the attic will not lead to anything good. And not only because of the smells, high humidity will quickly saturate the thermal insulation with dampness, which in turn will lead to rotting rafter system(wooden or metal trusses);
  3. When installing a vent riser on the roof, it should be equipped with a deflector, thanks to which neither debris nor precipitation will get into the pipe. Among the advantages of the deflector, we also note increased traction in windy weather, which increases the efficiency of the entire system.

If after meeting regulatory requirements If you are still full of doubts as to whether you need sewer system ventilation or not, we offer simplified explanations:

  • If you are designing a house, then know that the district architect will not approve your project without drain outlets if the future building has more than 2 floors;
  • If the number of floors is 1-2 floors, then the number of toilets and bathrooms matters. Fan output not needed if there is only 1 of them.

But that’s not all - even if your project includes only 2 floors with one bathroom and one bathroom, their location will play a role:

  • A drain pipe is needed if the toilet is located at different levels;
  • A connection to the roof is needed if a pipe with a diameter of less than 100 mm will be used to lay the sewer;
  • A connection between the sewer system and the atmosphere is required if there is a swimming pool in the house;

Unforeseen moments

Let's go back to apartment buildings, where in last years There is a negative trend - during sewer repairs, residents of the upper floors unknowingly (or perhaps deliberately) dismantle the sewer riser leading to the technical floor.

If you ask about the reason for such “innovation”, then most of the answers will be typical - “who needs it?” But this intervention does not go unpunished - after a couple of weeks, a persistent and unpleasant odor appears in all apartments upstream of a given sewer riser.

In such situation the best solution a sewer valve will be installed to replace the removed section of the system. This device Structurally, it is a “block post” - allowing air only inside the pipe, and not releasing it into the room.

Let's simulate a situation in which residents have installed a sewer valve:

  • In normal mode, thanks to the emerging traction overpressure is formed at the top of the riser. It prevents moist and unpleasantly smelling air from the sewer from entering the room;
  • The vacuum that occurs during a volley of sewer discharge activates the valve, through which air is sucked into the system and the pressure is equalized.

Described by me vacuum valve is not a 100% guarantee of odor protection.
This can only be achieved by completely sealing all connections.

Author's remarks

I allow myself the rights personal experience add some useful and practical tips to the standard recommendations:

  1. My own house, having 2 toilets and 2 baths located on different floors, was built without drainage. And at the same time, no odors were observed inside the room, since the simultaneous use of two or more outlet points is a rather rare event;

  1. In the house of our friends, similar to my home, we designed and installed a vent outlet. At the same time, we were guided by the requirements of SNiP 2.04.01-85, in the part where the prevailing wind direction is described. It is not worth increasing the exhaust part of the riser by more than 4 meters, since it can freeze in winter;

The probability that the pipe will be heated by someone rising from the house warm air, falls with every extra centimeter of its length.
A couple of days of cold weather - and inside it will definitely form ice plug, and along with it, odors will appear in the apartment or house.

  1. We did not install the fan outlet through the roof, but mounted it ourselves through the gable. A definite plus is a minimum of work with roofing material and subsequent sealing.


I hope that in this publication I was able not only to add to your construction glossary, but also to professionally explain how the sewage system functions in your home. And if you are a resident of the upper floors, then warn you about possible consequences unauthorized interference in its work.

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