Water heating convectors: selection, principle of operation, installation. We create convector heating for heating a house. Setting up a heating system equipped with convectors.

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Sometimes using an electric convector is the only acceptable way to heat a private home.

At the same time, work may require high flow rate electricity.

The reasons for this may be:

  1. Wrong choice of device- if the room area is large, the power is too low, the convector works constantly, without interruptions. This situation threatens rapid failure of the device.
  2. Lack of operating mode controller. There are models that do not have the ability to adjust the temperature and operate constantly at maximum mode.

Both situations are extremely inconvenient for the user, since you have to periodically turn off the device manually to prevent overheating of both the device and the room. If there are many such devices, then you have to constantly turn the convectors on and off, which is inconvenient and requires the use of some kind of control unit. The solution to the problem can be energy-saving electric convectors.

Thermoregulator (thermostat) is a device that automatically turns off or turns on the convector when the set temperature limits are reached. The operation of the thermostat, depending on its design, can be fully or partially automatic. Some models have the ability to precisely program temperature, start time and operating mode.

There are situations when maintaining a precise temperature regime is necessary - for example, if there are indoor plants in the room that require a certain humidity and temperature regime. At the same time, there are more simple devices, allowing approximate step-by-step temperature control or not having such a function at all. They have a lower price and are used as auxiliary devices for local or household purposes.

The operation of the thermostat allows you to set a certain mode. Different models have their own modes or programs, the most common of which are::

  1. Economic mode. It operates in a minimum temperature range, heating is performed only to maintain life functions.
  2. Comfort mode. Provides the most convenient and pleasant heating for a person.
  3. Maximum mode. The most powerful heating, used to quickly heat rooms after a long absence or during severe frosts.

In practice, the list of modes is much wider; they vary greatly on different devices. The better and more expensive the model, the more accurate the temperature setting and the more options for setting the thermostat.

Types of thermostats

Controlling the operation of an electric convector is an important task that requires the use of reliable and accurate devices.

The development of such devices began a long time ago, even before the advent of electric convectors.

Currently used Various types thermostats that have varying degrees of accuracy, reliability and operate on different principles.

The following types of thermostats are used for electric convectors::

  1. Mechanical. Electric convectors with a mechanical thermostat - the simplest design, uses the principle of a thermocouple or others mechanical methods shutdowns. The adjustment is mainly stepwise, but there are also devices with smooth adjustment. The most affordable, they do not have the ability to program or accurately set the temperature.
  2. Electronic. An electric convector with an electronic thermostat is controlled using an electronic unit that allows precise temperature setting, a choice of operating modes, etc. Depending on the model or manufacturer, such thermostats are relatively expensive, but they have a number of capabilities that are not available for mechanical ones thermostats.
  3. Programmers, control units. Additional devices that allow you to combine several convectors into groups with a single control. They have the ability to program several days or weeks in advance.

Most good choice is an electric convector with an electronic thermostat, which has high accuracy of temperature setting and a lot of possibilities for providing the most comfortable heating mode for the house. For models that do not have thermostats, you can, if necessary, purchase a separate control module, connecting to which will switch the operation of the device to automatic mode.

Advice. The choice of device should be based on the purpose of the device - constant or periodic heating, local or part of the system. For periodic additional inclusions you can get by with simpler and cheaper models.


You can also purchase an electric convector with a fan.

The fan is used in some convector models to perform the following tasks:

  • increased air flow, making the convector more efficient;
  • cooling of the heat exchanger, reducing the risk of burns from accidental contact;
  • cooling the heater, increasing its service life.

These functions allow you to make the convector work more intensively, but for a short period of time. That is, the temperature of the heater can be increased because it is cooled by the air flow from the fan blades, warm air has a higher output speed, which requires much less time to heat the room to the desired state.

Therefore, with the same results, the time of one period of operation of a ventilated convector is significantly reduced compared to devices using natural convection.

Attention! The use of fans makes the device somewhat noisier, which may be noticeable at night.

Energy saving

The operation of the thermostat is aimed at solving two problems:

  1. Ensuring the most comfortable room temperature.
  2. Energy savings due to the periodic nature of operation.

If the initial heating of the room requires the use of the maximum mode, which allows the temperature to rise to acceptable values ​​in a short time, then to maintain a comfortable mode you only need to periodically turn on the devices and slightly warm up the air.

Therefore, with long-term use of the convector, electricity consumption does not increase like an avalanche, but has a fairly even character.

To guarantee energy saving, it is necessary to choose electric energy-saving heating convectors of sufficient power so that they can be switched off periodically and do not constantly consume energy at maximum speed.

Energy consumption can be calculated based on the power of the device. That is, if the convector has a power of 1.5 kW, then per hour of operation in maximum mode it will consume 1.5 kW/h. But this is the maximum possible energy consumption; in practice, this does not happen. In fact, the device only works until the set temperature is reached.

It's time for different models may differ, so it’s easier to proceed from the generally accepted formula: energy consumption at an outside temperature of -20°C is about 70-80% of the calculated value, i.e. at 100 W of power per 1 sq. m. area.

Thus, the consumption per 20 sq. m. at -20 degrees outside will be 1.4-1.6 kW. Some sources indicate much lower values, claiming that intermittent operation saves 40 to 70% energy. It’s difficult to argue with this, but it would be more correct to accept higher value to avoid spending more than planned.


When purchasing electric heating convectors with a thermostat: the price and quality of which are at the proper level, you should take into account some points.

For example, prices for electric convectors have a wide range, from the most budget to very high.

At the same time, the dependence of price on the quality of the device is not always maintained; the main criterion in pricing is the country of origin and brand. It is best to purchase a device from large companies or stores that have a warranty on the device and do not sell models from dubious companies.

The cost of an electric convector depends on such factors:

  • manufacturer level;
  • heating device power;
  • complexity of the device design;
  • type of thermostat.

Models with mechanical thermostats have more low prices starting from 1,000 rubles and above. To purchase a convector with electronically controlled you will need from 2500 rubles or more, depending on the characteristics of the device. Buying a convector is a serious matter, since the right model will help save money spent on heating, providing complete coziness and comfort in your home.

When choosing a device, you should take into account the number of devices for complete heating of the house, their power and operating conditions. When selecting power, it applies reverse rule: more power - less operating time and, as a result, energy costs. However, purchasing devices with too high specifications can exceed the load on the network and have undesirable consequences.

Attention! When purchasing you should adhere to general principle- you should not purchase the cheapest and most expensive models. The rule of the “golden mean” has never failed.

Useful video

The possibilities of heating a house using convectors are further described in the video below:


The thermostat of an electric convector is a necessary and useful element of the heater design, which allows you to automate the operation and control of devices. At the same time, the main problem remains - dependence on the presence of voltage in the network, which requires attention and is solved by using thermostats with the function of automatically starting the device when the current is temporarily turned off.

Electric convectors with thermostats ( mechanical regulators) are used for local auxiliary heating, they should not be used for full heating of the house, since the failure of one thermostat can lead to a failure of the entire system or the operation of one device at full power, which means high costs. It is most convenient to combine devices into groups with general management to avoid tedious adjustment of each convector separately.

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Trench convectors are used where traditional ways heating is ineffective. An example would be rooms with a large glass area: French windows, balconies, loggias. In such cases, it is possible to place batteries in unconventional places - on the side walls of rooms, but the quality of heating will leave much to be desired. In addition, installing the radiator on the wall, and not under the window (its usual place), limits the space for placing interior items.

The situation can be corrected by a heated floor, but its use is quite expensive and undesirable if we're talking about about wooden coverings. In conditions where it is impossible or difficult to use other options, convectors installed in the inner part of the floor and covered with a decorative grille are the best solution.


In-floor heating convectors have this name based on the principle of convection used in their operation. When cold air is directed to the convector heat exchanger, its temperature increases and density decreases. Thanks to this effect, the air is directed upward - through the decorative grille into the room. The place of the air leaving the working channel is taken by colder air, and the process is repeated.

The convector body is made of stainless steel or galvanized. Such materials provide excellent resistance to rusting of equipment. A heat exchanger made of a copper tube bent in the shape of a horseshoe is installed inside the housing. Aluminum fins are used to increase the surface area of ​​the exchanger. Decorative grilles can be made from different types material, including aluminum, steel or wood.

The performance level of the device depends on the temperature of the coolant, as well as on the power of the air flow. Temperature Range, at which the convector operates, can vary from 45 to 90 degrees.

To increase the heat transfer performance, a tangential fan is built into the convector, thanks to which a powerful air flow is achieved.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of in-floor systems is the ability to integrate them into the floor in such a way that the equipment does not create any inconvenience for the residents of the house. The convector is invisible from the outside, but its work is noticeable and useful for all residents.

The only visible element of the device is the decorative grille or panel. Both devices can be made in different styles, so you can choose them based on design solution for the entire room. However, it is worth noting: required condition for the materials used in the manufacture of the grille or panel - high strength, since these elements experience significant loads during operation. Best material for the manufacture of this decorative part - steel.

Note! In the manufacture of a convector, many materials are used, not only steel. In particular, metals such as aluminum and copper are used. For example, KZTO in-floor convectors are equipped with a copper-aluminum heat exchanger.

Other advantages of convectors:

Convectors are not without their disadvantages:

Equipment power

The choice of power for an underfloor heating device is carried out based on the principles used when choosing a conventional radiator. The number of required convectors and their dimensions are calculated taking into account the needs for thermal energy. In this case, potential heat losses are taken into account.

In-floor radiators can operate in heating systems with standard characteristics that are used in panel radiators (pressure indicator - up to 1 MPa, temperature level - up to 90 degrees above zero).

Power adjustment

The convector is controlled using shut-off and control valves. Apply Ball Valves, cone valves, thermostats with remote sensors, as well as thermostats with servo drives.

Using the device has both pros and cons.


  • high reliability and simplicity of design;
  • small sizes;
  • maintaining the cross section of the valves;
  • ease of use.


  1. Inability to use an intermediate position, because The valve is operated only in the “open” or closed position.”
  2. Possibility of water hammer when the tap is opened abruptly.

Cone valves


  • smooth connection;
  • possibility of precise regulation of heat transfer.


Thermostat with remote sensor

The remote thermostat is equipped with a capillary tube, the length of which can vary between 2 and 5 meters. The tube is placed in a protected channel to avoid damage. Thanks to the use of a thermostat with a remote sensor, the service life of the convector is significantly extended and the costs of its operation are reduced. The device is controlled automatically.

Thermostat with servo drive

The servo-driven device operates with virtually no noise. The thermostat is compact and has the ability to automatically maintain a uniform temperature in the room. The device is connected to one of the convector modules. Internal thermostats (connected inside convectors) and external ones are produced.

Installation location

A niche in the floor is used to place the convector. It is recommended to think about the placement of equipment at the stage of creating a heating scheme - in this case, the cost of the work will be significantly lower. In addition, a pre-designed niche will remove whole line structural safety issues. However, you can also create a niche in an existing building. In this case, you will have to take care to maintain the integrity of the base and the adjacent waterproofing layer.

Note! When installing equipment, you must correctly position the feed and return pipe, as well as create a weir and the possibility of pumping in case of air penetration into the system.

When installing equipment in interfloor covering it is necessary to provide for its reduction. The finishing option is selected taking into account the direction load-bearing beams and type of overlap. If the convector is installed along the beams, installation is greatly simplified.

Note! The performance level of the convector is directly dependent on the depth at which it is installed. Therefore, if equipment is installed in a ceiling, care must be taken to strengthen its strength.

Combination with heated floors

In some cases (high heat losses) the combined use of the system is justified heated floors and in-floor channel convectors. To ensure stable operation of panel batteries, floor radiators, convectors and heated floors, it is used automatic system management.

Equipment service

The operation of a convection device is based on the movement of air flow, as a result of which a lot of dust and debris accumulate on and around the equipment. In addition, contamination of mechanisms is largely due to the location of the unit itself - below the floor surface level. To ensure proper operation under intensive operating conditions, in-floor heating convectors must be cleaned annually of accumulated debris and dust.

Duct convectors are an excellent organization option heating system in cases where there are certain restrictions. It should be noted that installation of heating equipment of this type requires high qualifications. It is strongly not recommended to do such work with your own hands; it is better to entrust the installation to professionals.

Connection of convectors and regulation is an integral part of every heating system and has a significant impact on the overall parameters of the heating system. IN electrical systems As for heating, this is doubly important; poorly adjusted regulation can have a huge negative impact, first of all, on the cost of operation.

Although standard direct heating convectors are equipped with thermostats (electronic or electromechanical), the built-in thermostats require time programming, and without appropriate higher-level regulation they only interfere with the overheating of the room. Without higher-level regulation, the convector operates almost continuously, regardless of the presence or complete absence of inhabitants in the house.

A practical example is the situation that developed in 1990-1994, when there was a powerful campaign in support of electric heating, which also “guaranteed” low prices for electricity. The campaign led to the mass installation of direct heating heaters, but in the vast majority of cases without appropriate regulation. An unexpected increase in the cost of electricity affected such heaters with a significant increase in the costs of their operation, which logically led to the opposite effect, that is, to a massive abandonment of direct heating systems with convectors.

Ultimately, electric heating for a long time undeservedly gained a reputation as a comfortable, but disproportionately expensive heating system.

Currently, not only the technical level of buildings and structures is constantly increasing, but also the awareness of builders in these issues, and accordingly, the share of electric heating systems in finished buildings is constantly increasing. Direct heating convectors belong to convection heating systems, therefore regulation is based on the air temperature in the heated room.

Since direct heating convectors cannot quickly change the power, but can only alternate between on/off modes, in this case regulation in relation to the outside temperature does not matter. This is the so-called equithermal control is only suitable for heating systems that can change their output depending on demand - a typical example hot water system, in which, depending on the outside temperature, the temperature of the heating water is set by mixing. In practice, regulating the operation of convectors in accordance with the indoor temperature can be done in two ways:

a. Regulation via room thermostat

b. Setting the attenuation mode using the control wire

Controlling the convector using a room thermostat

This method of regulation in the Czech Republic is one of the most common and familiar. A digital room thermostat is installed in the heated room, which records the air temperature and, in accordance with the configured program, turns on or off the connected heater, maintaining the desired temperature in the room.

Since the temperature in the room is fixed by a higher-level thermostat, the connected convector must be in the on mode throughout the entire heating season, and the thermostat built into it must be set to maximum so that both adjustments do not mutually influence each other. When applying this type of regulation, some basic rules must be followed.

  1. digital programmable control is used, which allows you to select an operating program. Correctly configured operating mode, i.e. when to bring the heating to a comfortable temperature, and when to just maintain it, determines the path to economical heating. Using analog thermostats without the ability to program the mode does not make any sense, since they perform the same function as the thermostat built into the convector, and thus its installation is unnecessary.
  2. Each room should have its own thermostat (or central control sensor), which is regulated separately. A single thermostat system that records the temperature in a control room (usually used for gas boilers) and, based on the measurements obtained, turns on/off the heaters in all other rooms, for combination with electric heating absolutely unacceptable.
  3. The placement of the thermostat/temperature sensor must meet the accepted temperature control requirements, i.e. The thermostat/sensor should be installed on an internal uncooled wall, at a height of approx. 1.2 m above floor level, without possible influence of direct solar radiation or other source of heat/cold
  4. The value of the closing contact in a programmable thermostat should not be exceeded and, as a rule, (if technically possible) it is more advisable to use the thermostat to close only the power contact in distribution box(contactor). This extends the life of the thermostat and battery for program backup, and the thermostat operates more accurately, since it is not heated by the current flowing through the closed contact. Regulation of the attenuation mode through the control wire

Regulation of convectors using the so-called. control wire is used mainly abroad, in particular in France, where there is a long tradition of production and use electric convectors for heating purposes.

In essence, we are talking about central regulation, in which convectors are regulated from one center, but at the same time each room maintains its own temperature - from this point of view, this is one of the simplest and at the same time the cheapest methods of central regulation.

The principle of central regulation is that the room temperature is adjusted and maintained using a thermostat built into the convector. Built-in thermostats, having received an impulse through the control wire, are capable of reducing the room temperature by 4°C without the help of personnel (in the so-called damping mode) compared to the set comfort temperature. With a second impulse, the thermostat returns to the comfort temperature.

Thus, in convectors in each room the temperature is set corresponding to its purpose and consumer requirements.

The control wires from all convectors will be connected to attenuation mode regulators (essentially, temporary switches), in which the time of sending an impulse to lower the room temperature to the energy-saving mode temperature is set, as well as the time of sending the next impulse to return to the comfort temperature. Attenuation mode regulators, as a rule, allow you to divide the heated object into two or three zones, and set your own time mode for each zone.

Control wires from convectors located in rooms in which it is necessary to simultaneously achieve a comfort temperature (zone) are connected to one output of the attenuation mode regulator, and heaters in rooms with a different time mode (second zone) are connected to the second output.

In practice, this means that the premises on the first floor of a family cottage (office, dining room, kitchen, corridors) can be heated to a comfortable temperature at a time different from the heating time of the premises on the second floor ( living rooms, children's rooms, bedrooms), where the inhabitants of the house will move in the evening.

Switching between two temperature values ​​is also sufficient, and setting the temperature decrease by more than 4°C in principle does not make sense, since to then achieve a comfortable temperature in the facility will require much greater energy costs than the costs of maintaining it throughout the entire time at a slightly higher temperature level.

Modern new buildings, in addition, have such good thermal and technical characteristics that if the consumer does not specifically “ventilate”, then in normal operation the temperature cannot spontaneously drop by more than 4°C. When regulating the attenuation mode through the control wire, the advantage of convectors with an electronic thermostat increases fundamentally.

Unlike convectors with an electromechanical thermostat, they are not only more accurate and silent, but thanks to precise switching, the temperature of the exhaust air is lower, which allows for more economical operation and reduces the risk of ignition of dust particles. The surface temperature of the convector is also lower, which increases its service life.

When planning to create heating in our home, we want it to be economical and efficient. Convector heating has precisely these characteristics - it is based on convectors powered by bottled or main gas, water systems or from electrical outlet. Let's see what convectors are, how they work and how they differ from each other. We will also look at the main features of convector heating of residential premises.

What is convection

Convective heating uses the simplest laws of physics, according to which heated air becomes lighter and rises. Each one is built on this principle. heating convector, no matter what it's powered by. As practice shows, such a scheme has high efficiency– living quarters become warm, and relatively quickly.

Convector heating allows you to heat rooms for any purpose - these can be living rooms, children's rooms, corridors and foyers, kitchen premises, bathrooms and toilets, covered balconies and loggias. It heats using heated air, quickly saturating the heated rooms with heat. Let's see how the warming up process occurs:

All convectors work on the same principle - they create air circulation in the room, gradually warming it up.

  • Having a large area work surface, the heating element heats the air around it;
  • Warm air masses rise upward, leaving the equipment (or simply going upward if convector-type heating radiators are used);
  • Cold air masses replace the air that has gone up.

The process is repeated until convector heating warms up all the air in the rooms.

Heating elements can be powered by electricity or by combustion gas fuel. Convector-type heating batteries operate due to the coolant entering them. By the way, the batteries do not have housings, unlike the same electric and gas convectors. But their operating principle is similar - heating is carried out due to the heating air, and the thermal radiation from them is very weak.

Advantages and disadvantages of convector heating

Let's take a look at what the main advantages of convector heating are and try to present all the advantages in the form of a list:

Installation of electric convectors is one of the most quick ways organize constant heating of a private home.

  • Possibility of heating premises for any purpose;
  • No impact on air (convector heating does not burn oxygen);
  • Low impact on air humidity;
  • Ease of installation of equipment (typical for electrical appliances);
  • Absence negative influence for your well-being(this is how a convector differs favorably from an IR heater);
  • Large selection of heating equipment.

There are also certain disadvantages:

  • Convector heating has little effect on air humidity. However, this is typical for many heating devices;
  • Some people don't like the feeling of overheated air;
  • Low efficiency in rooms with high ceilings;
  • High temperature difference in the lower and upper parts of the rooms.

If we take into account electric convector heating, it is characterized by another disadvantage - high cost. But if the house does not have a gas main, and you want the heating system to be inexpensive and easy to install, then you cannot do without convectors.

Types of convectors

Let's see what you need to create convector heating in your home. The finished system can be:

  • Water - using convector heating radiators, with pipes and a boiler (electric, gas, solid fuel or liquid);
  • Electric – here we mean the installation of electric convectors;
  • Gas - special gas convectors are installed in the rooms, most often powered by bottled gas.

Let's talk about these convectors in more detail and find out the distinctive features of certain convector heating systems.

Convector heating radiators

Many people remain committed classical systems heating, laying pipes in houses and installing boilers. If there is gas in the house, then this is even a plus - after all water heating based on gas boiler, is the most inexpensive and economical. Approximately the same can be said with regard to heating based on boilers running on liquefied gas. The next leader in terms of efficiency is solid fuel equipment.

Solid fuel boilers can work completely free of charge if you prepare firewood in advance from the nearest forest. If there are no clearings nearby, you can limit yourself to purchasing fuel in bulk - it will be cheaper.

Convector water heating involves the use of radiators connected to pipes laid throughout the house. The hot coolant entering the batteries heats up the metal, after which the heat is transferred to the surrounding air. It rises up, and cold air masses take its place. Temperature control in such heating systems is carried out in general procedure(regulated by the boiler) or privately (using taps and valves on batteries).

Considering the complexity of conducting installation work, we recommend the use of water convector heating in buildings with a large number of rooms - here the installation of dozens of autonomous electric convectors is not justified. It is also recommended for homeowners connected to gas mains and those who have access to inexpensive solid fuel.

Electric convectors

It is very easy to build convector heating based on simple electric convectors. The entire installation process boils down to the following steps:

  • Brackets are mounted on the wall;
  • Convectors are hung on brackets;
  • The equipment is connected to the electrical network.

If we have a miniature country house with one room in front of us, then installation work will take a maximum of half an hour - it is more difficult to extend an outlet to the installation site than to connect a convection device.

Electric convectors operate from the electrical network. Unlike the convector heating batteries described above, they do not contain coolant or any other liquids. Heating here is carried out by finned heating elements installed in the lower part of the heating devices. Air is taken in through the lower slot openings and removed through the upper ones.

The operation of convector heating is controlled by automation - it can be mechanical or electronic. Mechanical thermostats operate on the principle of a bimetallic plate. As soon as the temperature reaches the set value, the plate will bend and open the contact groups. If the air cools down, the opposite will happen - the contacts will close and the heating element will continue to operate. Here it is not the temperature that is set, but the degree of heating (for example, using numbers from 0 to 9).

Electronic thermostats are built on the basis of control modules with sensors, microcircuits and other electronics. They carefully control the air temperature, giving commands to turn the heating elements on/off. This work scheme has the following advantages:

  • Convectors receive additional functionality - timers, anti-freeze, program operation, etc.;
  • Economical – electronic convectors provide up to 5-10% energy savings;
  • Ease of creating a comfortable atmosphere - the temperature can be adjusted with an accuracy of 0.5-1 degrees.

Convector heating based on electric convectors is recommended for use in small and medium-sized non-gas houses. Its main disadvantage is the high cost - for heating even the most small house within a month you will have to pay several thousand rubles.

Gas convectors

We come to the last equipment from our review - gas convectors. They can operate on both main and liquefied gas. The principle of their operation is very simple:

  • A gas burner burns gas to produce heat;
  • Under the influence of the flame, the metal radiator begins to heat up;
  • The ribbed radiator begins to heat the air;
  • Then the simplest convection works - we considered this principle at the very beginning of the review.

Convector heating based on a gas convector cannot be called the most common heating approach residential buildings. Rather, this is the rarest option, since such units are not widespread.

Used in such devices gas-burner requires the removal of combustion products - for this they are equipped with coaxial chimneys leading directly outside the wall. Accordingly, there are as many chimneys as there are devices in the house. This approach cannot be called optimal, but if the task is to heat a small country house or country house with 1-2 rooms, then it will be best option. For heating big houses such equipment is not suitable.

The most commonly used fuel here is liquefied gas, connected via a flexible hose. If convector heating involves installing several gas appliances, we recommend laying a small gas line above the floors to distribute fuel to all convectors. This scheme will allow you to power several gas appliances from one cylinder.


Water heating convectors are becoming more and more common today. Besides the fact that they are more effective standard options heating, they have a presentable appearance and reasonable cost. In stores, there are increasingly devices that are completely different from the usual ones.


The essence of convection is the distribution of heat from a heating device through the air. According to all known laws of physics, heated air rises from the radiator and mixes with cold air, after which it cools and returns. The process is constantly repeated and maintains in the space of the room set mode temperatures While the wall convector is operating, a stable process of air mass exchange occurs.

Previously, there was a fairly large temperature difference in the lower and upper parts of the room when using such systems. AND? Thanks to the efforts of designers who tried to create a new device that would reduce this difference, such a device arose. It is assigned the following functions:

  • complete cutting off of cold air flows from window openings;
  • formation of a comfortable temperature regime in the room;
  • preventing condensation on glass;
  • uniform and efficient heating of the entire volume of the room.

If you pay attention to the structural elements of the device, it will become clear that it has a fundamental difference with a radiator.


Water ones (made in Russia) can be used in premises for any purpose, despite their small dimensions and original design. The design is extremely simple, which ensures ease of installation and maintenance, and their cost is lower compared to conventional radiators.

The air in the room is uniformly heated with low coolant consumption, which makes it possible to save money. It is possible to create a coherent scheme by combining several convectors to provide uniform heat throughout the entire house.

The temperature range near the ceiling and floor does not exceed two degrees. This indicator for a traditional radiator is about +7C.

The convector, whose average price is 3 thousand rubles, has a built-in special heat sensor and thermostat, due to which the quality of the device’s operation is improved. The maximum heating level for some options can reach +80C, but few people need such a temperature.

The device is completely safe for small children, since it is impossible to get burned on it, regardless of its location.


Water convectors are divided according to the following indicators:

  • fastening method and location option in the room;
  • the type of convection used, divided into tiers;
  • Availability additional devices for regulation and control;
  • design;
  • power that increases with increasing device dimensions;
  • height of the device.

In today's market greatest distribution I purchased a wall-mounted water heating convector with forced and natural air circulation. In the latter option, the air flow, in accordance with physical laws, itself enters heating elements, thus ensuring natural circulation.

Another type is represented by devices with fans built into the design. They provide an increase in the total volume of air entering the heating device. This improves the quality of the system itself. Safe Operation guaranteed by the voltage required to operate the fans, which is 12 volts.

Wall devices

Due to their light weight, installation of this type of convectors is possible on any wall structures. Even a thin, small partition made of single-layer plasterboard material can easily bear such a load.

Wall units are compact in size, and when installed under window openings, are not inferior to any heating battery, since the unit has sufficient power due to the high speed of movement of the coolant. The design of such models usually includes special fins to increase heat transfer.

The Ballu home convector has the ability to be both wall-mounted and floor mounting. Among the advantages, it is worth noting the presence of a remote control, special wheels for easy movement, as well as a frost protection function and automatic shutdown when overheating. According to customer reviews, such a device is excellent for heating bathrooms and is completely safe for children, since, due to the use of glass ceramics, front side almost doesn't heat up.

Built-in models

This new approach solves two problems at once - design and heating. Installation requires some construction work to ensure that the device is not so noticeable. Possible construction small niches under the windows or installing special channels in the floor. In any case, the prepared structures hide the parts of the convector.

Correct determination of the power required to heat a space of any size will allow you to form effective system, which will work regardless of environmental conditions. For example, large gyms or swimming pools can be heated in this way.

Built-in water heating convectors Itermic ITTL have minimum dimensions and are based on the principle of natural air flow, due to the temperature difference between cooled and heated air. Most buyers noted the high-quality assembly of the convector, silent operation, which is especially important at night, and the absence of the need to use a humidifier, since the device does not dry the air.

Floor convectors

The fastening method is main feature such devices. They are not installed on wall and other structures of the house, but are mounted anywhere on the floor - mainly next to front door or under the window.

Floor convectors have practically no external differences from wall version. The same significant heat transfer power with a small amount of coolant used, non-standard shape and small dimensions. The installation method is the only difference. Instead of brackets, the structure is equipped with special stands.

Floor device Electrolux ECH It has a moisture-proof housing and a multi-stage air purification system. Based on consumer reviews, it is worth noting the quick heating of a medium-sized room and the intuitive display. Among the shortcomings, the majority identified too bright backlight screen and smell when first turned on.

How to choose

First of all, you need to pay attention to power indicators. They are the same for all options and amount to 1 kW per 10 sq. m of space, while the ceiling height should be no more than 3 meters. For each window opening in the room, 0.2 kW is added. This rule does not apply to continuous glazing. When choosing a more powerful convector, the price will be higher than average and will be approximately 5-7 thousand rubles.

For a unit with an installed fan, space is provided for mounting a reduction transformer device and the possibility of connecting to the electrical network alternating current. It is recommended to prepare a special place for the transformer next to the convector.

It is necessary to pay attention to the height of the device Special attention. When installing in a floor niche, you must first compare its dimensions with the dimensions of the channel. The average parameter is about 30 cm. The material used to make the case also plays a role. The floor-mounted box must be made of high-quality anti-corrosion alloys.

Wall-mounted water heating convector: design

The basis of the device is a heat exchanger; in addition to it, the design includes a casing and additional elements. The heat exchanger is copper tubes with coolant moving through them. Aluminum fins are attached to them, which improves the quality of heat transfer. The distance between them has a direct impact on work efficiency - it should be of medium size. The number of ribs also plays a role, but not as important as the free space between them.

For built-in options, an addition is used in the form of decorative grilles used to hide the device. The choice of grille is of particular importance - so as not to interfere with the outgoing heat. air flow it should contain gaps or holes with a large area.

The valve is a mandatory component; it has a direct connection with the thermostat and is used to regulate the degree of heat transfer. It is possible to add an air vent to the design. The power of the unit is also regulated by installing additional heat exchangers.

Each part of the convector is made of metal with a high degree of heat transfer to increase efficiency and reduce the time required to heat the device. It is worth noting that there are two connection options - end and side.

Installation features

If the garden convector is connected to common system heating, installation should be carried out taking into account the nearest location of the heat exchanger. At the bottom of the case you can find special adjustment bolts. They are used to align the unit horizontal level and height.

If it is necessary to use it as a thermal curtain, the box should be as close as possible to the window opening.


Modern heating techniques are quickly gaining the attention of consumers. The thing is that today when using utility networks key point became the economic side. Therefore, devices being developed that allow saving on heating costs are always of interest. A wall-mounted water heating convector falls into this category.

Installation of wall and floor options Can be done by any person who has dealt with plumbing fixtures.