Installation of water meters. DIY water meter installation: water meter installation diagram. Where to install the meter

Pipelines centralized water supply passing through an apartment or along the territory near a private house are the property of the owner of the home or personal plot. Therefore, when you need to install water meters, you can easily do everything yourself and not take any permits. But along with the right there is also responsibility: the procedure must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of the law and current standards. Let's look at how to install water meters and complete the paperwork correctly in order to register with the local water utility.


First, a few words about whether it is necessary to install water meters. We answer right away: no, not necessarily. But having flow meters officially registered with the management company provides undoubted advantages:

  • a clear scheme for calculating the cost of services: cubic meters consumed monthly are multiplied by the current tariff;
  • the opportunity to save money through careful use of water and working plumbing fixtures (no leaks);
  • no need to pay money when in fact there is no consumption of hot and cold water during your absence.

Reference. If water meters are not installed in the home, the supplier organization charges payment at standard rates. According to statistics, a family of 4 people on average consumes about 7 m³ in 1 month, and according to the norms they have to pay for almost 12 cubic meters. That is, accrual based on metering devices is more profitable.

The procedure for independently installing water meters is divided into the following stages:

  1. Visiting the management company to obtain technical specifications.
  2. Selecting a meter and purchasing related materials.
  3. Do-it-yourself installation and connection of a water meter unit.
  4. Sealing of the device and registration with recording of initial readings and conclusion of an agreement.

Contacting your local water utility

This step must be taken before purchasing and installing water flow meters. Why is this particular procedure important? Firstly, the management company is obliged to provide its requirements for the metering device and its installation diagram. Secondly, you or your apartment may belong to a preferential category of subscribers for whom meters are installed free of charge.

Advice. In some cases, representatives of the supplier organization prohibit residents from installing water meters themselves and impose services various companies. Remember that this type of activity does not require a license and you have every right to install a water metering unit in any suitable way.

On the technical side, water utilities in different regions and cities may put forward the following requirements:

  • put the device model with additional functions– with pulse transmission of signals or taking into account hot water at different rates depending on temperature;
  • mandatory introduction of a separate check valve into the circuit;
  • instructions on the location of the metering unit and the possibility of access to it.

Armed with comprehensive information from the management company, proceed to the purchase of components.

There are 4 types of devices that record the volume of flowing liquid per unit of time:

  • mechanical type (tachometer);
  • electromagnetic;
  • vortex;
  • ultrasonic.

For commercial accounting For water supply to apartments and private houses, the first type is usually used - tachometer water meters. They are characterized by a reliable and inexpensive design that meets the requirements for accuracy of readings.

Mechanical water meter device

The principle of operation is simple: the flow of water rotates the impeller, and it turns the digital sections of the flow meter through a system of gears. There is no point in considering other types of devices, since they are used extremely rarely in private homes due to their high price.

When choosing an apartment or house water meter, consider the following recommendations:

  1. Don't buy too cheap products. Good device must serve for at least 12 years and undergo verification at least twice during this period.
  2. Don’t forget that cold and hot water require different units (in the latter, the mechanism is designed for contact with water up to 100 °C, and in “cold” ones - up to 40 °C). There is an option to purchase universal water meters, but they are more expensive.
  3. The passport must contain the product number, which matches the inscription on the case, and the value of the verification interval (4 or 6 years). Pay attention to the date of the factory seal - perhaps the device has been in the store for a long time and half of this period has already passed.
  4. The presence of a built-in check valve is not necessary; it is better to install it separately. Due to an element hidden in the housing, water utility representatives may reject your application because it is simply not visible.
  5. Purchase certified water meters included in the relevant state register.

Reference. The sizes of connecting fittings for household products are 15 and 20 mm (1/2 and 3/4″). According to reviews from apartment residents, the most common flow meters are from the brands Betar, Valtec, Triton and Aquatechservice.

To install a water meter, additionally prepare the following materials and fittings (per 1 water supply line):

  • ball valve;
  • filter – mesh mud pan;
  • poppet type check valve;
  • metal-plastic pipe with compression fittings;
  • FUM tape, flax or thread for wrapping joints.

Advice. Choose high-quality taps, don’t go for cheap ones. A broken or cracked valve on your water supply will cause you a lot of trouble. If docking with steel pipes, buy special crimp adapters, for example, from the Gebo brand. More details about such connections are described in the video:

Installation instructions

When we're talking about When installing a water meter in an apartment, the first thing you need to do is cover the risers. There are 2 ways: contact a house plumber or turn off the water supply yourself by going down to the basement. If the bathroom has already been done correct connection and there is a main valve in working order, then there is no need to shut off the water supply.

Advice. Warn your neighbors in advance about the time and approximate duration of the work, and hang a warning sign in the basement so that no one opens the tap and floods your apartment.

To assemble a small circuit with a meter, it is advisable to allocate space for horizontal installation of the section. When this is not possible, install the unit vertically, the main thing is that the device does not hang upside down.

Vertical installation of metering devices

The assembly technology is as follows:

  1. Disconnect the house water supply pipe from the main tap. Steel pipeline you will have to cut it with a grinder.
  2. As a rule, old valves in apartments jam or leak and therefore must be replaced. Unscrew the tap from the pipeline gas wrench and replace it with a new locking element.
  3. Pack the threaded part of the valve and screw it strainer. If both elements have internal thread, you will need a transition piece - a footer.
  4. Install the meter, observing the direction of flow. To do this, the fitting with the union nut (American), included in the kit, must be connected to the mud trap (don’t forget to put the nut on!), and then screw on the device itself.
  5. The last detail - check valve. Connect it to the second terminal of the flow meter, also maintaining the direction of the water, it is indicated by the arrow on the valve.
  6. Cut the pipe to size and connect it to the valve using a compression fitting.

Typical wiring diagram

Note. Installation of a water meter in a private house is carried out in the same order, only in some cases the water meter unit is installed in a dry well.

After assembly, smoothly open the main tap and supply water, making sure the connections are tight. If necessary, tighten or repack the leaking joint. How a master plumber performs installation work, watch the video:

Legalization and sealing

For execution last stage you need to call the inspector or technician-supervisor of your housing office. He will inspect the water meter assembly and put a seal on the meter by threading a special thread through the eyes in the body and the upper union nut (and sometimes the lower one). Acceptance will go smoothly if the device is installed without violations of the rules and has a factory passport with a note indicating the date of the next verification.

Reference. It is important that access to the water meter is provided, the unit corresponds to the diagram, and there are no taps into the pipeline in front of the flow meter.

After sealing, the current meter readings are entered into the documentation and a new contract is drawn up (or the old one is adjusted). Next comes operation, during which you check the water meter readings and periodically clean the strainer.


Central water supply is not gas pipelines, where only licensed firms and trained specialists are allowed. However, pipelines and fittings operate under a pressure of 2-6 atm and therefore must be installed efficiently and without leaks. Otherwise, installing water meters is not difficult and does not require much experience in the plumbing field.

Design engineer with more than 8 years of experience in construction.
Graduated from Eastern Ukrainian National University them. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronics Industry Equipment in 2011.

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Reforms in the housing and communal services sector are evidenced by the widespread use of metering devices - meters for gas, electricity, water. Since the choice of device remains with the service consumer, it is worth figuring out how to choose optimal model and how to install a water meter in an apartment.

Purpose of installing the meter

Almost a quarter of the monthly expenses for public utilities accounts for the payment of hot and cold water supply. If there is no water meter in the apartment, payment is made according to the average water consumption per person per day: 190 liters of cold and 130 liters of hot water.

This norm significantly exceeds the volume used by consumers, so apartment owners are interested in whether it is profitable to install a water meter. Calculation standard flow is carried out according to the number of people registered in the apartment, and their age and whether they actually live at this address are not taken into account at all.

As a rule, two metering devices are installed in an apartment: for hot and cold water. It is easy to roughly calculate the costs of cold water and sanitation in a metropolitan family of 3 people without a meter and with its installation:

Without counterWithout counterBy meterBy meter
Standard – 6.935 m3/person
Tariff “cold water” – 35.4 rubles.
Standard for water disposal: 11.68 m3/person;
tariff: 25.12 rub.
Average consumption of cold water according to the meter for a family of three: from 6 m3 to 9 m3.Average meter readings: 18 m3.
Cold water: 6.935 m3 x 3 people = 20.805 x 35.4 = 736.50 rub./month.Water disposal: 11.68 m3 x 3 = 35.04 x 25.12 = 808.80 rubles/month.Min. amount for cold water 6x 35.4 = 212 rubles/month.
Max. amount for cold water 9x35.4 = 318.6 rubles/month.
Average water consumption fee:
18x25.12 = 452.16

When calculating according to standards, the volume of water used is divided by the number of registered residents, regardless of the number of people living in the house. There may be many more residents, so someone has to pay other people's expenses out of their own pocket. That is why, by installing a meter, the owner or tenant of the apartment will pay only for the water actually used.

Legal regulation of meter installation

Legislation regulating the installation of water meters was developed in accordance with the Federal Energy Reserve Conservation Program. Based on established standards, each resident can control water consumption, save resources and reduce utility bills.

Legislative acts also stipulate whether it is mandatory to install water meters in apartments in 2019.

The installation of hot and cold water supply meters is regulated by the following regulatory documents:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354 On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2014 No. 1190 On the Rules for determining the amount of payment for utilities paid by tenants of residential premises in dormitories included in the housing stock of organizations carrying out educational activities, under rental agreements for residential premises in a dormitory;
  • Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261 “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 No. 306 “On the establishment and determination of standards for the consumption of utility services and standards for the consumption of utility resources for the purpose of maintaining common property in an apartment building”;
  • Law of the Russian Federation dated December 7, 2011 No. 416 “On water supply and sanitation.”

Having familiarized yourself with these laws, you can understand whether it is necessary to place communal apartment counter.

A water meter is a device that allows you to reduce payments. If the neighbors manage to agree, they can choose one of two payment methods:

  • by the number of registered;
  • by the number of people living in the rooms.

If you have a water meter, residents will not have to pay for utilities:

  • during the absence of water supply;
  • when carrying out preventive and repair work;
  • in case of emergencies.

How to choose a water meter

Choosing apartment meters water, should be taken into account performance characteristics devices and features of their installation. All counters are divided according to the principle of operation into several groups:

  • tachometer - equipped with an impeller that rotates under the influence of water;
  • vortex – record the frequency of vortices of the water flow;
  • electromagnetic - record the speed of liquid passing through the meter, inducing a magnetic field;
  • volumetric devices - count even the weakest flow of water;
  • ultrasonic – analyze the acoustic effect.

Tachometer meters and electromagnetic devices. Tachometer meters and electromagnetic devices are considered optimal for residential premises.

Meter installation procedure

Having calculated the savings on utility bills when installing an individual water meter and having decided to purchase a meter, the consumer needs to contact the local Vodokanal branch. There they will tell him how technical requirements The device must match, and they will explain how to correctly install the water meter.

It is advisable to purchase equipment from a specialized store. Since water meters for cold and hot water have different design and complete set, they are accompanied by technical documentation indicating the serial number of the model and a mark on passing the initial verification.

The regulations do not directly indicate the need for preparation project documentation installation of a water meter. The legislation does not mention at all whether a project is needed for installation or whether it can be installed independently. Still, you should comply with all technical conditions imposed by the regulatory organization and buy a device that meets the characteristics and metrological requirements established by law.

The undoubted advantage for a water meter is:

  • accuracy of measurements;
  • quick dismantling for verification;
  • long service life.

Many consumers do not know where to start or what the installation procedure is. Unlike other metering equipment, water meters can be installed either with the help of specialists or independently.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354, only metering devices are allowed for use established type and have passed verification.

Before installation, the water meter must be submitted to the Vodokanal instrumentation service. The employee will put the institution’s stamp in the water meter’s passport, fill in the required fields and put a mark on the meter, which must remain intact throughout the entire verification period.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain the time frame within which a device that has passed verification must be installed, therefore, before carrying out installation work You should take your time to think about where exactly it is best to mount the device.

Typically, the place for the meter is allocated closer to the entry of the pipeline into the room. In practice in apartment buildings Most often, individual water meters are installed in bathrooms, less often in bathrooms. However, the main condition is to comply with all installation requirements.

To utility company switched to performing calculations using a new meter, and not according to established standards, the consumer must immediately after installation contact Vodokanal to put the equipment into operation.

The employee will seal the device and draw up a report. It is this document that is considered the basis for switching to paying for water according to meter readings.

Often homeowners are interested in who should install individual water meters in a privatized apartment. According to paragraph 3 of Art. 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency”, installation of metering devices is carried out at the expense of the owners of residential premises.

Since the owners of privatized apartments are citizens, they are responsible for purchasing and installing equipment.

Manufacturers of water meters promise that the costs of purchase and installation will pay off after just a few months, and the right approach and saving resources, this period will be halved.

Device installation rules

Vodokanal representatives will seal the device and allow its operation if the consumer takes into account the basic rules for installing water meters in the apartment:

  1. Examines the condition of the pipeline and replaces elements that have become unusable.
  2. Select the installation location and check the completeness of the device: union nuts, coarse filter, check valve and counter.
  3. For self-installation, prepare the following set of tools: keys, an iron for forming joints and scissors for cutting plastic pipes.

This is the most simple circuit connecting a water meter in a residential building or apartment. Upon completion of installation work, the system’s functionality is checked and a representative of Vodokanal is invited.

Preliminary activities

Even before purchasing a metering device, the apartment owner must prepare a package of documents for transmission to the resource supplying organization:

  • application, copies of passport pages;
  • document confirming ownership;
  • site plan;
  • the consent of all residents of communal housing, because water meters in communal apartments are not installed without the consent of the owners;
  • technical passport of the meter;
  • verification certificate;
  • agreement for installation of the device and its maintenance.

Since the water meter is installed directly on the pipes, you need to check them before installation technical condition. Unstable pressure and air jams in systems central water supply will negatively affect the operation of the equipment and lead to rapid wear of its moving parts.

It is strictly not recommended to install metering devices on an old pipeline. Before connecting a water meter in an apartment, experts advise updating communications by replacing metal pipes with products made from modern materials, depending on the:

  • water quality;
  • pressure in the water supply system;
  • type of connecting and shut-off valves used.

Self-installation of the meter

If the consumer is confident in his abilities, he can install the water meter himself. Before starting work, you should carefully study the technical documentation supplied with the device, and then proceed with installation. In this case, you should take into account:

If water meters have already been installed, but consumers want to transfer water meters in the apartment with their own hands, they need to use equipment with a diameter of up to 15 mm.

The water meter is mounted horizontally with the dial up, in a place accessible for taking readings. In addition, the device must not be subject to mechanical influence from other equipment.

How to choose a contractor to install a meter

It is not established by law who can install a water meter in an apartment, but since the contractor in this case is responsible for the correct performance of the work and the suitability of water meters for use, the organization must develop an installation scheme in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities.

There are many companies that offer water meter installation services. You need to choose who installs the meter from among the companies that have a license and are equipped with the necessary equipment.

The contractor must document the completion of all work and ensure that the consequences of incorrect installation are eliminated.

Water meter sealing and documentation

The use of unsealed water meters is prohibited by Law of the Russian Federation No. 102 of June 26, 2008 “On ensuring uniform measuring instruments,” therefore, immediately after installation, you must contact Vodokanal in writing with a request to seal the meter.

This procedure is necessary in order to prevent outside interference with the operation of the device. It is described in more detail in the presented video.

The specialist checks the correct installation, absence of damage and documentation for the water meter, and then issues a commissioning certificate.

In accordance with Art. 20 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 416 of December 7, 2011 “On water supply and sanitation”, during the initial installation of equipment and repair work sealing is performed free of charge.

Water meter registration

After installation and sealing, the meter must be registered. To do this, the consumer submits documents to management company or to the Unified Information and Registration Center so that the following information about the equipment is entered into the common database:

  • initial meter data;
  • serial numbers and year of production;
  • water meter installation date.

Only after registration and receipt of the appropriate act, the use of the meter is considered legal.

Who pays for the installation of meters

Low-income citizens are interested in how to install water meters in their apartments for free. The answer to this question is contained in a number of regulations: housing is provided with metering devices at the expense of the owners.

In apartments owned municipalities and provided under a social tenancy agreement, installation of water meters is carried out free of charge based on the obligations of the parties specified in the agreement. Standard option This document does not oblige the employer to pay for the installation of metering devices, so installation is paid for from municipal funds.

In a communal apartment, each owner and tenant has their own personal account, everyone runs separate households and pays for utilities separately. Therefore, there are no problems with installing a water meter in a communal apartment. It is enough just to obtain the consent of all property owners/tenants and contact the resource supply organization.

The legislation also identifies categories of persons who enjoy benefits when installing water meters:

  • WWII participants, home front workers and rehabilitated people;
  • the poor;
  • disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • widows of WWII participants.

Installation cost

The price of installing water meters includes the cost of purchasing a water meter and its installation. Device costs depend on:

Equipment installation can also be done in different ways: on your own or with the involvement of organizations. The cost of the contractor’s services depends, in particular, on which pipes the device is mounted on.

To calculate the total amount of expenses you need to know all of the above aspects.

Possible meter malfunctions

A malfunction of the water meter is indicated by the lack of response to water consumption or the constant movement of numbers on the display while no one opens the tap.

There are several common reasons why the meter breaks:

  • low water pressure or clogged pipes;
  • improper installation or depressurization of the device;
  • water temperature for which the device is not designed.

In all cases, the water meter readings are incorrect. It is impossible to make calculations based on them.

As practice shows, most often the consumer is interested in what to do if the hot water meter does not change readings. This happens due to exceeding the permissible temperature standards when hot water is supplied.

This type of malfunction can be prevented by periodically checking the maximum temperature threshold. It should not exceed 90°C.

How to properly take and transmit readings

There are 8 numbers on the water meter display. Red indicators indicate liters, black indicators indicate cubes. To calculate water consumption, it is the cubes that are taken into account, so when taking monthly readings, you need to take into account only the black numerical values.

The frequency of reading water meter readings is once a month. Typically, the exact date is specified in the utility contract.

The data obtained is multiplied by the water payment tariff. The amount received is indicated on the receipt.

You can submit readings to Vodokanal in various ways:

  • by phone;
  • via SMS;
  • through a mobile application;
  • on the city services website.

How often should verification be performed?

It is the responsibility of the consumer to monitor the correct operation of the water meter and submit it for verification within the established time frame. During testing, the functionality of the device and its accuracy are confirmed.

The verification interval established by law is 6 years for a cold water meter and 4 years for a hot one.

In order not to miss deadlines and prepare documents correctly, read the material


Experts have plenty of tips on how to save money on your utility bills. The most effective of them is to purchase a water meter to measure hot and cold water. In order to independently regulate water consumption and pay only for the cubic meters used, you need to install meters in your own or municipal apartment, even if it is not privatized. Manufacturers offer a wide range of equipment, so choosing a reliable device is not difficult, and it will pay for itself quite quickly.

What to do if the water meter breaks down: Video

Lawyer. Member of the Bar Association of St. Petersburg. More than 10 years of experience. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University. I specialize in civil, family, housing, and land law.

The owner of an apartment or house independently decides whether to install water meters with his own hands, or whether to use the services of professionals. There is no legal prohibition on installing appliances yourself. Only preliminary verification of the device and its sealing after installation are mandatory. Otherwise, the device indicators will not be taken into account.

You can often find a list of situations in which installing water meters is beneficial or, on the contrary, economically infeasible. In particular, the following data is provided: when the same number of people live in an apartment as are registered, the savings in paying for water supply after installing meters will be about 20-30%.

Unfavorable situations include housing more people than registered, as well as an unsuccessful water supply scheme. When introducing separate flows into the kitchen and bathroom into the apartment, you will need to install four meters (two for hot water supply pipelines and two for cold pipes). If there is a separate supply of fluid to the toilet (this is also common in old-plan houses), five meters will be needed.

By by and large all these arguments are not so significant, since their installation is mandatory, which means that this will have to be done in any case.

Counter selection

There are several options for water flow metering devices on the market. The rules for installing water meters in an apartment with your own hands do not include an exact indication of the type of devices, so the choice remains with the homeowner.

Regardless of the design and operating principle, be sure to take into account following features devices:

  • recommended location of the meter (there are models for vertical and horizontal pipelines, as well as universal products that can be installed in any position),
  • the diameter of the connecting pipes, which must correspond to the diameter of the pipeline (the most common models are DN15),
  • permissible ambient temperature (theoretically, hot water meters can be installed on cold pipelines, the main thing is that the water temperature does not exceed the permissible value, that is, models for hot water supply pipes must be selected with special care.

All water consumption meters can be divided into two categories: non-volatile and connected networks. The first are the simplest and most reliable mechanical products having an impeller. As the flow passes, the blades rotate and the number of revolutions is counted.

Volatile meters can be of the following types depending on the operating principle:

  • vortex (the device counts vortices formed when the flow passes through a special element installed inside),
  • electromagnetic to determine flow rate influence the flow electromagnetic waves(models are highly sensitive to water composition),
  • ultrasonic ones use vibrations to determine flow.

If the counting mechanism is isolated from the water flow by a special partition, such models are called “dry”.

Dry type water meter

Products with non-insulated counting mechanisms are “wet”.

The procedure for installing water meters in an apartment is the same for all models.

The meter must be purchased in a store, not on the market, and when purchasing, not only pay attention to the presence of a passport, but also carefully check the number indicated in the document with the number on the meter itself. This check will allow you to ensure that you are purchasing a certified device that is fit for use.

Choosing an installation location

Before installing water meters in an apartment, you need to know that the following requirements are imposed on the installation site of the meters, which are common for both private houses and apartments:

  • temperature above 5° C,
  • availability of lighting (natural or using lighting fixtures),
  • accessibility for inspection, maintenance and repair.

In any case, the meter should be installed as close as possible to the entry point, but for apartments the rules are somewhat more flexible. Usually the metering device is installed in the toilet, and if the communications are inconveniently located (under the floor), installation in the bathroom is allowed.

Installation of a water meter in a private house is required no further than 20 cm from the input. If a well is installed, its lid is equipped with locks and sealed after the meter is sealed. Opening is permitted only in exceptional cases - in case of fire or accident.

Preparing for installation

Experts who know how to install water meters in an apartment recommend, first of all, check the package contents of the purchased device and prepare necessary materials and tools. First of all, experts advise purchasing gaskets (rubber for cold pipelines, paronite for hot ones). It may also be necessary plumbing tow and special sealing pastes. As an alternative, synthetic threads that already have silicone lubricant can be used.

Kit necessary tools depends largely on the type of pipes available. Please note that you will have to cut specific area, so you will need a hacksaw or appropriate tool for plastic.

  • If the pipes are metal, to install the assembled unit (meter with additional accessories), you need to cut the thread (stock up with the necessary tools).
  • If communications are made of plastic (polypropylene), purchase connection fittings, scissors for cutting plastic pipes and a special soldering iron.

To tighten the connections, you can use adjustable or spanner wrenches of the appropriate diameter; it is just important not to be overzealous and not to “tighten” the threaded connections.

When checking the completeness of the meter, you can arrange all the elements into flat surface in the direction of water flow:

Important: When laying out the elements of the future meter block, pay attention to the arrows indicating the direction of the water. They should all point in the same direction.

Before installation begins, you will need to shut off the water supply. IN multi-storey building you will have to turn off the entire riser, which can only be done by utility workers.

Sequence of work

1. Installing a water meter yourself begins with the so-called dry assembly. When assembling the circuit “roughly”, count the turns and note on which of the turns the circuit element takes the required position. After this, all connections are disassembled and reassembled using winding, plumbing grease and gaskets. At this time, it is important to ensure the required position for each element.

When this “chain” is placed horizontally, they “look” up:

  • faucet or valve handle,
  • dial (numerical panel) of the counter.

Down turn:

  • impeller,
  • filter sump (in this position it is easy to clean).

2. The second stage is cutting out a section of the pipeline for installation of the system. The installation diagram of a water meter in an apartment requires exact matching of the parameters, so it is important to measure the length of the assembled sequence with a minimum error and mark the corresponding distance on the existing communications. Before cutting out a section of pipeline, place a basin or tray to drain the remaining liquid in the system.

3. Installation of the assembled unit on metal pipeline will require threading at the cut points. It is easier to work with plastic pipes - in this case it is enough to use special fittings.

Conducting self-installation water metering devices, it will also be important to know where to go for this and what the cost of the procedure is.

Read about kitchen siphons, their types and installation.

You will find a review of water filters at this address. And reviews from owners can help when choosing.

Checking the quality of installation

To check the quality of the meter installation, it is necessary to connect the general water supply, then smoothly turn the tap handle or valve and carefully inspect assembled block to ensure there are no leaks.

If everything works flawlessly, you can call a representative of the utility service or water utility to inspect, check and seal the meter. Only after he makes the appropriate marks in the device’s passport and issues a document confirming the fact that the meter was put into operation will you be able to pay for water supply in accordance with the readings received.

In the whole process, the difficulty, in fact, is not how exactly to install water meters in the apartment, but the process of obtaining permits and registration documents, agreeing to turn off the water supply and other organizational hassles. However, by implementing self-installation water meters in an apartment - the cost of savings can be approximately 1500-2500 rubles for the installation of each measuring device.

The advantages of installing a water meter are obvious. This is not only significant financial savings, since you don’t have to overpay for unused cubic meters, but also the ability to control costs and calculate approximate cost upcoming utility payments. Installation will not take much time and effort, the main thing is to know how to register water meters.

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This procedure can be divided into several stages:

  1. Call a specialist to compile a list of necessary components.
  2. Purchase or selection of counters by a master.
  3. The process of installation and connection to central communications.
  4. Preparation and registration of a package of documents.

Let's look at each stage in more detail. It is very important to comply correct order registration of water meters.

Preparatory work

If you decide to install a water meter, you must submit an application to the district DEZ(an organization that deals with municipal orders), management company(Housing Office) or another organization that has the right to carry out such work. In just a few days (it all depends on the number of applications), a technician will come to you, who will analyze the condition of the water supply system and determine the equipment and type of meter that is right for you.

The specialist may offer to purchase everything you need yourself. But you have the right to refuse and make your own choice, guided by recommendations and the necessary characteristics. This way you can save money and buy a better quality meter.

How to choose a water meter?

Before you buy a meter, you should understand their classification, properties and purpose. It should be remembered that the meters for cold and hot water are different! They differ in the materials used for the system elements, although the principle of operation is the same. For cold water measuring device designed for temperatures not exceeding 40 degrees. For hot - 150 degrees. There are also universal meters.

Based on the type of power supply, devices are divided into volatile (powered by the mains) and non-volatile (do not require a power source).

According to the operating principle, the meters are divided into 4 groups:

  1. Electromagnetic— the magnetic field is induced in proportion to the speed of the passing fluid.
  2. Vortex— a part is placed in the water flow that displays the flow speed. The counter records the frequency of these vortices.
  3. Ultrasonic- ultrasonic vibrations that appear during the passage of water flow are recorded sound system counter.
  4. Tachometer— a rotating turbine is placed in the flow, which is connected to a mechanical counting device of the meter.

The device can be household or industrial use. Electromagnetic or tachometer devices are most often installed in apartments.

You need to buy a meter only in reliable places that have a license to operate. Check all documents to ensure that the serial numbers match and there is a registration certificate.

Installation of water consumption meters

Naturally, it is better to entrust this important step to a specialist. But if you think you can handle it on your own, or just want to know all the intricacies of the upcoming work, here is an approximate sense of the actions:

  • From "risers" ( central pipes water supply), which most often pass through the bathroom, come off two smaller pipes - bends, on which valves are located that shut off the water;
  • After the valves, the foreman cuts the pipe in order to install the mounting unit;
  • the unit consists of 7-12 components (coarse water filters, check valves, meters themselves, inserts, etc.);
  • the system is connected.

Registration procedure

When everything is installed and summed up, the most crucial moment comes - collect and take the documents to the place where you must register water meters. The company that carried out the installation is obliged to provide you with a complete package of documents. Based on them, the DEZ registers an act on the acceptance of metering devices into operation.

Next, with these documents you need to go to the Unified Information and Settlement Center ( EIRC) and enter into an agreement according to which you undertake to pay for water supply services. Registration of water meters in the EIRC usually does not take long; the time depends only on the number of available visitors.

That's all, now you can pay only for the amount of water you consume, and not according to standards.

Documents for registering water meters:

  • agreement with a service organization for installation of devices;
  • act of acceptance of completed work;
  • certificate of commissioning of the meter (3 copies);
  • passports for hot and cold water meters (serial number and readings at the time of installation are indicated).

During registration, the following information is entered:

  • year of manufacture of devices;
  • serial numbers of meters;
  • installation date;
  • starting indicators.

If you are concerned about the question of how to register water meters that you installed yourself, the answer is simple. You also contact DEZ or another organization that deals with this. A technician will come to you, check that you have installed everything correctly, seal the meter and issue the documents necessary for registration.

Many people try to save money on utility bills. Water meters (hot and cold) operating in the apartment can become effective assistants in this. You can install such meters yourself.

The massive installation of gas, water and electricity meters in the housing stock is caused by the regular increase in tariffs for these resources. Meters allow users not only to monitor the consumption of natural resources, but also to seriously reduce payments for its use.

Consumption rates, for example, water, do not correspond to the amount of liquid consumed in real life. Without a meter, each resident must pay monthly for 5.5 cubic meters of theoretically consumed water. However, having installed a water meter, you can analyze and notice that the actual water consumption of one person who does not limit himself is about 3 cubic meters. For those who intend to strictly save and consume this natural resource in minimal quantities, monthly expense will not exceed 2 cubic meters.

And this indicator differs significantly from the standards. In this state of affairs, installing a water meter is very useful, since it will lead to rational disposal family budget. If you plan to do the work yourself, you should first learn how to properly install a water meter .

The installation sequence of a water meter can be divided into two phases: installation of all its components and, in fact, installation.

Installing a water meter

For high-quality work, in addition to the meter, it is necessary to install a coarse water filter, which sifts out all mechanical impurities from the water, for example, sand or rust. The check valve must be installed based on the technical specifications developed by Vodokanal enterprises. In this way, it is intended to prevent cases of meter reading fraud. These components should be mounted in one unit, which will perform the functions of monitoring water consumption. It is necessary to fasten nuts (snap nuts) to the filter and check valve so that there are no difficulties when dismantling the meter.

For successful operation of the counter, it is important to select right direction installation of components. The manufacturer always puts specific arrow-shaped marks on the device; they set the direction of water flow through the device. Using your imagination, you need to imagine the process of water moving through the meter, which will significantly help to rationally install the device.

Union nuts are attached to the filter from the point of the arrow, to the check valve, on the contrary, from the end of the arrow. Tow, like other similar windings, cannot be used. It is necessary to use paronite gaskets, selected strictly according to size.

Full operation of the meter depends on the direction of water flow. The manufacturer also put an arrow on it to facilitate the installation process. The arrow should point towards the shut-off valve located on the riser.

If the direction of the arrows is strictly observed, it is necessary to fasten the meter to the filter and check valve using union nuts and paronite gaskets. Violation of the sequence of arrows will lead to incorrect operation of the counter. This may manifest itself in the fact that the meter will spin in the opposite direction, or water will not flow through the meter to the taps at all. Not a single Vodokanal employee will allow such a meter to be put into operation and will not install seals on it.

Counter insert

The difficulty of inserting a water meter into the system depends on the technical characteristics of the water pipes. The most difficult process will be the insertion if water pipes metal. In this case, a metal saw and a machine for making threads will come in handy. As the first connection point, you can use a shut-off valve with a ready-made thread; the second counter thread must be made additionally.

If the water pipes are propylene or metal-plastic, it will be much easier to install the meter. You can cut such pipes with a regular knife. A specific soldering iron and soldering skills may be useful if the pipes are made of polypropylene.

To insert a water meter, the pipe must be cut, and the fully assembled water meter unit must be attached to the shut-off valve located on the riser using tow. Then you should firmly attach the meter to the tap, determine the point for making the counter thread, and cut off the excess pipe. At the selected point, a thread is made or a fitting of the metal-plastic system is soldered (attached).

Then the check valve and union nut are unscrewed from the mounted meter, and the valve is attached to the newly made thread using tow.

Next you need to fasten union nut with the meter, open the shut-off valve and carefully examine all connections made to ensure there are no leaks. If necessary, eliminate existing leaks, after which the water meter can be put into operation.

It is advisable to once again carefully follow the direction of the arrows on the device; they should all point in the direction opposite to the shut-off valve. Then you need to invite a specialist to seal the water meter.


For instructions on installing water meters, see the following video: