Installing an interior door to a perpendicular wall. Installing interior doors with your own hands: nuances of the process and execution algorithm. How to install a door in a crooked opening

  1. Opening measurement
  2. Door selection
  3. Step 3: assemble the box
  4. Step 4: marking for hinges
  5. Step 5: Installing the Box
  6. Step 6: secure fit
  7. Step 7: attach the hinges
  8. Step 8: hanging and cladding

Replacement interior doors– the process is not as labor-intensive and complicated as it seems. You can fill a double or single opening yourself without the help of a specialist. Of course, you won’t save time, but you will save money and acquire new skills when renovating an apartment or house.

How to install an interior door: in this article we will tell you how to choose a good door leaf, what the block for filling the opening is made of and how to install it.

Opening measurement

Making a mistake at the stage of measuring the doorway is unacceptable: if you purchase a system of large dimensions, you will not be able to insert it, and if you purchase a smaller one, you will not be able to fix it well.

It is better to measure the doorway after dismantling old door when access to the bare wall became available. This way you can assess the situation and make correct measurements. Removing them is simple: take a tape measure and determine the height and width of the entrance along the wall in the very bottleneck(relevant for buildings where the vertical structure of the structures is poorly observed). With this data, go to the store for a new door.

Manufacture of the product according to custom sizes not required: in houses with apartments, builders initially lay out standard openings, and fillings for them are always available for open sale.

Interior doors in private wooden house may differ from the standard ones, then you will have to order new ones and wait for their production.

Door selection

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing canvas and boxes is the material they are made of.

The ideal option is to purchase a box and canvas made of the same material. You should not give preference to wood fiber board; doors made from it are short-lived; they are installed on construction sites so that new owners can replace them with permanent ones made of more durable materials. Ideally, it is worth acquiring a solid solid wood as a door filling; to reduce the cost, the canvas can be replaced with MDF, which is also a durable raw material for the manufacture of a cheaper door frame.

Additional strips and trims can be made of fiberboard, wood or MDF. They do not carry a load, they only decorate gaps and disguise connections.

Double doors are often chosen for large rooms and halls, single-leaf blocks are installed in bedrooms and kitchens. In any case, the size of the box and the number of panels are determined by the size of the opening.

Step-by-step instructions for installing from scratch

Installing interior doors with your own hands will not take much time, just stock up the right tool, purchase required material and you can start working. Follow detailed step-by-step instructions and your success is guaranteed.

This plan is valid for installing swing doors; sliding doors are mounted slightly differently, but in a similar way.

Step 1: prepare tools and material

To install an interior door you will need:

  1. Drill or hammer drill;
  2. 3 and 4 mm drills for wood;
  3. Drills 4 and 6 mm for concrete;
  4. Saw;
  5. Screwdriver;
  6. Wood screws;
  7. Level/plumb;
  8. Polyurethane foam;
  9. Roulette;
  10. Pencil.

In addition, a door block must be purchased in advance.

Step 2: determine action tactics

Installation of wooden doors is carried out according to standard scheme shown in the photo.

  1. Door frame;
  2. Door leaf;
  3. Nail/screw;
  4. Polyurethane foam.

First, we assemble the box, then insert it into the opening and hang the door.

Step 3: assemble the box

There are 2 options for assembling the box under the canvas.

To understand whether the excess parts of the wood have been cut correctly, assemble the box on the floor like a mosaic: everything should fit together perfectly. Then we fix the planks with self-tapping screws on the side of the wall.

For the threshold, you also need to determine the place by attaching the canvas to the box assembled along the top. Step back 2.5 mm from it and make a risk. Attach the bottom bar - the threshold - to this mark.

Step 4: marking for hinges

At the stage of assembling the box, it is worth determining the places where the hinges are attached. To do this, measure 20-25 cm from the top and bottom on the side stand, attach loops and make marks with a knife or pencil. Screw the product with self-tapping screws, thereby determining the future location of the loop, which will facilitate its fastening. Now insert the canvas, measure the gaps to the side edges and make marks on the canvas. In the same way, make several fasteners so as not to lose their location later.

Remove the screws and the hinge; they will need to be fastened after installing the box in the opening.

The box is ready for installation. More detailed process demonstrates the author of the video.

Step 5: Installing the Box

Now it’s time to install the doors yourself, and it starts with installation assembled box. To do this, you need to place the structure on the threshold and align the vertical. For verification, use a plumb line and level. To prevent the box from falling during verification, secure it with spacers or temporary wedges made from scraps of wood.

Now you can check the canvas: will it open or not. To do this, you need to insert it into the installed box, focusing on a flat wall. If opening does not occur or is not fully realized, it may be necessary to adjust the spacers and adjust the position of the rack and cross bars.

If you managed to install everything correctly and the canvas fits well into place, you can fasten the box. How to do it:

  1. Wedges are driven in on the sides of the upper cross member, then above where it is attached to the racks;
  2. Drive wedges along the entire height of the opening, constantly checking the evenness of the installation and the absence of displacements in any plane.

Step 6: secure fit

The delivered and verified box must be finally secured so that it can accept the canvas. There are 2 solutions:

  1. Screw the box to the side walls with screws. This reliable way, to implement it, a few wood screws or self-tapping screws are enough. Choose inconspicuous places for fastening; they mainly use areas under door hinges and under the lock plate. They take a concrete block and make a hole for a screw. Now tighten the fastener so that its head does not remain above the plane of the wood. If this amount of fasteners is not enough, you can drill through holes in other places and also install self-tapping screws, the heads of which are covered with plugs to match the surface.
  2. The second method is to use hidden plates. The peculiarity of the method is that there is no need to drill the frame and wall.

After this, fill the space between the opening and the box with mounting foam to 2/3 of the total thickness. To prevent the structure from being squeezed out, install spacers inside the passage contour while the foam polymerizes.

Step 7: attach the hinges

When installing interior doors correctly, the hinges are attached only before directly hanging the door leaf. Screw the parts for the box to the previously marked places, repeat the steps for the canvas.

Step 8: hanging and cladding

The hardest part is over, now you can hang the canvas and cover the joints with platbands. The master clearly explains in the video how to install an interior door.

As you can see, it is quite possible to replace or install a new interior door yourself, following a clear procedure. The technology is described in detail and shown in the accompanying videos, so understanding the issue will not be difficult.

Wanting to install an interior door with their own hands, many overestimate their strength. Without availability the necessary tool and certain skills in working with the material can hopelessly ruin an expensive product. If the decision is made, you must first familiarize yourself with the installation rules and scrupulously follow the recommendations of professionals.

Installing interior doors with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

The process of manually installing doors between rooms begins with performing certain actions. Let us describe step by step the stages of the work being performed:

  1. Remove the old door from its hinges, then tear off the cash. You can use a hammer and a wide chisel or a small hatchet for this. Using a bent crowbar, you should dismantle the old box.
  2. Then you need to prepare an opening for the door to be installed. If its dimensions are suitable, everything remains as it was. If it is necessary to enlarge the opening, use a hammer drill. The width of the opening must exceed the dimensions of the door leaf by 10 cm, and the height by 5 cm.
  3. To fit the box you need to use a clean and level surface. First, adjust the upper horizontal part. You can calculate its length by adding to the width of the doors twice the thickness of the vertical posts of the frame and 6 mm as the necessary gap to ensure free movement of the door leaf. Then you need to adjust the height of the vertical posts. It should be taken into account that for a door without a threshold the length should be increased by 10 mm. Another 3 mm must be left for the top gap.
  1. After this, they begin to cut the loops onto the canvas and the box. To do this, at a distance of 200 mm from the edges of the canvas, you need to hollow out recesses. The insertion of loops begins with their application to the canvas to mark the boundaries of the recesses. The work must be done with a router or chisel. It is advisable to treat the resulting recesses with varnish, otherwise the wood will dry out over time. Then you need to put a loop in the prepared bed and mark the places for attaching the screws. It is best to pre-drill them using a drill bit with a slightly smaller diameter than the thickness of the screw. After this, you can screw the hinges with screws, attaching their halves with a protrusion to the frame, and those with a hole to the door.
  2. Now you can finally assemble the box, connecting its parts at an angle of 45°. You can fasten the box with self-tapping screws.
  3. Carefully lift the box and begin installing it inside the opening. Carefully check the verticality of the product with a level, the perpendicularity of its components and the horizontalness of the bar from above. The gaps formed in the opening should be eliminated using wooden wedges and then polyurethane foam.
  4. After installing the box, it must be secured with dowels.

Here are the steps you need to take. The video “How to install an interior door with your own hands” will help you finally understand all the details:

Installation of sliding interior doors

There are many all sorts of options sliding doors. They differ in material, appearance, other characteristics, although the principle of operation and design remain unchanged. Any such system has a canvas, rollers and guides.

Important: Do-it-yourself installation of sliding interior doors is carried out in different ways, it all depends on the purpose for which it is installed sliding door. It is usually installed to save space, since it frees up the space needed to open the swing door.

Schematically, the installation of the structure is divided into the following stages:

  1. Installation of guides.
  2. Attaching holders and fittings to the door leaf.
  3. Door installation.
  4. Installation of closers and limiters.
  5. Fastening the extensions and platbands.
  6. Final adjustment.

Detailed installation of sliding interior doors with your own hands is shown in the video:

Installation of interior doors with extensions

If the thickness of the existing opening exceeds the width of the box, then to add aesthetics it is necessary to use extensions, attaching them directly to the block. The advantage of such components is the uniformity of all structural elements and quick installation. Before fastening, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the extensions. To do this, measure the required width of the plank by inserting a box into the opening and measuring the uncovered width of the opening.

Important: Door access Can be cut to size with a circular saw.

To secure the extension, you need to screw it on the reverse side mounting strips and connect them to the box.

It is enough to use three fasteners on each element. Then you should install the box with the addition into the opening and secure it. After this, you need to go through all the existing cracks with professional foam.

Two ways to install interior door panels with your own hands in the video:

Installing butterfly hinges

Overhead loops called "butterflies"– do not require insertion, they are easy to install. It is enough just to attach the product to the door end and to the frame, screw it with self-tapping screws, so that the door is ready for use.

Let's take a closer look at this process:

  • We apply a hinge to the door end, maintaining a distance of 20 cm from the edge.
  • We use an awl to mark the points where we need to make holes for the screws.
  • The inner part of the hinge is attached to the door, and the outer part is attached to the frame.
  • Drill holes according to the marks.
  • We fasten the hinges.

Installing a lock and handles in the door leaf

To install a lock on an interior door with your own hands, you should follow these procedures:

  • Measure 90 cm from the floor and attach the lock body to the resulting point.
  • Mark the place where the handles will be attached.
  • Use a drill to make a through hole in the place where the handles are attached.
  • Mark the boundaries of the lock mechanism niche on the door end, then use a feather drill to drill a recess for it.
  • Check the depth by inserting a lock into the recess. Then use a chisel to perform small niche, into which the fastening strip of the lock mechanism will fit.
  • Apply varnish to all recesses.
  • Secure the lock with screws and attach handles to it.
  • Install the counter part of the lock mechanism in the same way.

Cash fasteners

Are ending installation work for installing doors between rooms with casing fasteners. This process is not difficult.

Interior doors can be used for years, but sometimes situations arise when they need to be replaced. The technology for installing interior doors has not changed since the invention of hinges. In order to install doors, their owners often turn to professionals for help, but this procedure can be carried out yourself, and the money can be spent on something more useful. Of course, you will need some knowledge, patience and work, but the result will be a worthy reward.

Of course, the door itself is not some kind of high-tech system, but it is also not a simple board closing the entrance to the room. The canvas should open and close easily, not creak, and be strong enough to “take a hit.”

To ensure the strength of the structure, the master must correctly assemble the box, which is the basis of the entire structure, install fittings on the canvas and the box - hinges, handles, latch, lock, fasten the box, hang the canvas evenly, adjust the mechanism as a whole, and complete the picture by installing extensions and trims. The first two steps can be performed in any order, but all other steps are performed sequentially. Depends on correct installation interior doors.

Installation procedure

Installation options may vary depending on the type of interior doors. Some are plastic as well metal-plastic doors are delivered to the buyer fully assembled. Let's not focus on them. An interesting option is when the box has not yet been assembled and consists of a series of wooden blocks of various lengths, the canvas is not decorated with fittings, and the trim strips are not cut.

Box assembly

The most complex and painstaking process is assembling the box. Any errors and inaccuracies in the work may lead to subsequent difficulties in operation, and in the worst cases, the need to purchase a new product. You should not be lazy, be sure to pay due attention to all measurements - “measure 7 times, cut once!”

The installation of doors is fully regulated, good producers interior paintings always is detailed instructions for the procedure.

First of all, you should connect the box with the letter P. To do this, take bars (three pieces). If you need to build a threshold, you will also need a bottom beam. In this case, the box will be four-sided.

The main task is to ensure the accuracy of measurements of the size of the opening, as well as the canvas, racks, lintel, taking into account all the gaps, even cutting of the bars at the points of their mutual connection, and high-quality assembly. It should be noted that the thickness of the beam should not be less than the thickness of the door leaf. Measurements should be taken using a tape measure, separately measuring the right and left sides of the opening and the canvas (they may not be mirrored). All the slightest deviations must be taken into account in further measurements.

It is imperative to leave a gap with external parties timber for polyurethane foam(at least 10 mm). On the inside, the gap may not be so significant, up to 5 mm. It is important to ensure there is clearance around the entire perimeter. In addition, you should leave a gap between the canvas and the floor, depending on the type of floor covering. If it is linoleum - then about 10 mm, if it is carpet - 15 mm, for laminate - 10 mm.

The technology for installing interior doors requires cutting down timber for the frame. To make cuts correctly and evenly, you should use a special machine (trimming machine). If you don’t have a machine at hand (as happens in most cases of self-installation), a miter box with a hand hacksaw will do.

Let's look at two ways to connect parts of a door frame into one.

The first one was washed at an angle of 45 degrees. Not the easiest way for a non-professional. It requires increased attention to cutting accuracy. On the other hand, there is a reason to choose this option - a well-joined box, with this type of joint, looks great. In order to connect the components of the box, self-tapping screws are used, the holes for which are drilled through. It is necessary to drill perpendicular to the cut made. It should be noted very important nuance– holes are pre-drilled to prevent damage decorative surface. A drill is used, the diameter of which is equal to ¾ of the diameter of the screws. Cutting with self-tapping screws must be done along the entire length.

The second option is to cut at an angle of 90 degrees. This is a very simple, but less aesthetic way. To complete the procedure, you can use a regular wood saw. For fastening, as in the first option, self-tapping screws are used. When calculating the size of the lintel crossbar, you should be aware that it is necessary to leave a distance between the false and hinged beams, which is equal to the sum of the width of the canvas plus 6mm for gaps. If the door has a threshold, the timber should only be cut at a right angle.

The box should be assembled on a level horizontal plane(can be on the floor or in the entrance). On flooring Cardboard or plywood is placed.

Installation of fittings

The next step is to install the fittings on the canvas and the box. Rules fire safety suggest the need to open the doors outwards. Loops can be left or right, but most often universal ones are used. In our time of high technology, hinge designs have appeared that do not require cutting off the part of the door surface necessary for their installation.

The space at the top and bottom is measured with a tape measure; it usually ranges from 15 to 25 cm. If the door is equipped with a third hinge, it is installed 50 cm from the top border of the door leaf. Also take into account gaps of 0.3 mm.

If necessary cut seats for hinges, you should know that the cutout should allow the flag to be installed flush with the box and canvas (flush). The cut is made using a milling cutter and finished using a chisel. If you don't have a router bit, you can finish the job using just a chisel.
The correct installation of hinges for interior doors is captured on video.

Most people find that it is much more convenient to secure the fittings at the initial stage, before assembling the box. Meanwhile, there is no particular difference in the order of these actions.

Where the door handle should be located is decided by the owner of the room. The standard distance used is from 90 to 120 cm from the floor. It is attached depending on its type and the presence or absence of a lock. In all cases, a fastening tool is used, which is included with the handle.

Securing the door frame

Three good screws are enough for fastening. Polyurethane foam will serve as a good addition to secure the structure more firmly. It must be remembered that before screwing in the screws, you should first drill holes for them.

It is better to secure the door frame with two people. It rises from the floor and is located in the opening, leaving the necessary gaps for the polyurethane foam. The door is leveled using wedges both horizontally and vertically. A level is used for measurement accuracy. If everything is correct and level, screws are screwed in to secure the box.

After installing the frame, the door leaf is hung and the door movement is checked. Uneven gaps and distortions are not allowed. The box is sealed with tape, and cardboard is inserted into the gaps around the canvas. Next, the door is closed, and foam is used to fill the gaps. You should not foam the entire space at once; it is better to approach it in several approaches.

Do not touch the door until the foam has completely hardened. If everything worked out, we can consider that the installation procedure is completed. Finishing touch– cleaning the space from construction waste and installing platbands.

So, the procedure for installing interior doors is clear. Self-installation– great experience and savings Money. They value golden hands in any man and are proud of his skills and knowledge. Installing doors yourself is a way to prove your competence and skills to all your family and friends!

Today, do-it-yourself installation of interior doors is done in most cases. Manufacturers strive to simplify the installation of their products as much as possible, so almost anyone can handle this. Next, we will consider this procedure in detail.

Before you install the interior door yourself, you will need to choose suitable model. According to the opening method, they are divided into the following categories:

  • Foldable. Such models consist of several doors at once that move along a guide. They are divided into two subgroups: books (consist of 2 sections and are durable) and accordions (an alternative to screens).
  • Coupe (sliding). Have greatest number modifications: 1 and 2 doors, opening inward or along the wall, left- and right-handed, etc. The main advantage of such structures is space saving. At correct installation they also provide high level soundproofing.
  • Swing. The last variety is the most popular. Installing doors of this type is much simpler, and can be done by people without carpentry skills (which cannot be said about other categories). In addition, their cost is much lower. The main disadvantage of such structures is that they take up a lot of usable space.

Installation of the first two varieties is carried out according to various techniques, which have significant differences. In this case, the master will need the skills of a carpenter, otherwise it will be impossible to achieve positive result. Therefore, our step-by-step instructions will cover the installation of swing doors.

A few words about choosing a canvas and calculations

Technical characteristics must be selected based on room conditions. First, we decide on the dimensions of the canvas, so we measure the opening. Don't forget about the need to leave a gap. Between the racks and the original surface 10-12 mm, between the canvas and the timber 3-5 mm. This is necessary to avoid the door jamming. It may appear due to swelling of the fabric (from temperature fluctuations and high humidity). The standard width ranges from 60-100 cm, height 180-220 cm.

Remember: the finished canvas cannot be adjusted, and expanding (narrowing) the opening is a labor-intensive task. Therefore, select the dimensions as accurately as possible - the complexity of installation will depend on this.

The technical clearances (12-15mm) and the width of the box are subtracted from the size of the opening and multiplied by 2. The resulting number is subtracted from the width of the opening. Calculation example:

  1. We have an opening 78.5 cm wide.
  2. 78,5 - (1,2 + 2,5 + 0,3) *2 = 70,5.
  3. This means that a model with a width of 70 cm suits us.

The standard door length is 200 cm, so you will have to adjust the opening to fit it. To calculate the required height, to two meters (or another figure if we are dealing with a non-standard model) we add the thickness of the box, the size of the technical gap and 1 cm (the distance between the canvas and the floor). If you plan to install a threshold, then add its thickness.

In addition to the dimensions, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the material from which the canvas is made. This is not so important, but you should not ignore this aspect. Remember a few simple tips:

  • In rooms with high humidity It is not recommended to use models made from materials that are not resistant to moisture (chipboard, pressed sawdust, etc.). In a few years they will swell and lose their original appearance. In such cases, it is recommended to install laminated doors.

Advice: if there is a need to install this type, leave a technological gap 2 times larger, because such a canvas will swell much faster and more strongly.

  • If there are small children or large animals in the house, it is better to avoid models with glass inserts.

Another important point- for newly built wooden houses When installing the box, it is recommended not to screw in the screws completely. This will allow her to easily survive shrinkage.

Where to start - preparatory manipulations

First, you will need to perform several labor-intensive and important operations.

What we need - study the tools

Tools for installing interior doors are not expensive or complicated. To complete all the manipulations you will need the following:

  • A hacksaw with a miter box (it must be of a suitable size so that the box fits completely into its grooves, otherwise it will be very inconvenient to saw). You can use a circular saw.
  • Building level. Ideally, laser - it gives maximum accuracy. However, there is no point in purchasing it for a one-time job - it is quite expensive.
  • Drill with cutter.
  • Pencil (or marker), tape measure.
  • Hammer.
  • Screwdriver or furniture screwdriver.
  • Polyurethane foam with a gun.
  • Fastening materials: finishing nails (usually included in the kit), self-tapping screws, dowels, screws (80×5), wedges.
  • Two spirit levels (180 and 50 cm).

The first procedure is dismantling

This is the most difficult, and most importantly, the dirtiest stage of work. Self-installation of interior doors begins with dismantling the old ones. Let's look at everything step by step:

  • During operations, an incredible amount of dirt and dust will appear. Therefore, immediately remove all furniture, carpets and other items from the room. We cover anything that cannot be moved with something. Don't forget about PPE (goggles, gloves, respirator).
  • We remove the old door from its hinges. To do this, unscrew the screws that hold them. If the hinges are of the “male-male” type (that is, when one part is inserted into the other), then simply open the door and pull it up at a right angle. If the hinges are not lubricated, you will have to put in a lot of effort, so we do the work with a partner.

Tip: if you no longer plan to use the old canvas, you can simply tear it off if you have sufficient force. This is the most radical and fastest way.

  • Next you need to dismantle the box. First of all, remove the mortar that holds the frame.
  • Then in upper parts Cuts are made on both posts. This will make the extraction process easier: insert a pry bar into the holes made and just pull it hard. different sides.
  • As a result, they will become loose and can be easily removed from the opening.

Preparing the original surface

The next step is to bring the opening into proper shape. The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • We dismantle the insulation (if any). We do this with gloves, because this group materials irritate the skin.
  • We remove construction garbage, after which we carry out a thorough audit.
  • If there are materials that peel off easily, remove them. We also remove all fasteners (hinges, nails, etc.).
  • As a result, we should get bare concrete (brick, timber - depending on what the walls are made of).

After such procedures, the evenness and integrity of the surface will most likely be compromised. Therefore, it will need to be leveled. There are several methods, but the simplest is plastering.

If, after cleaning operations, the width of the opening has increased (for example, the surface layer of plaster has fallen off), then installing extensions will help. These are wooden (in most cases) planks 6-30 mm wide. They are installed when it is necessary to “increase” the size of the opening. A more durable option is cement mortar.

Main scope of work

The order of installation of interior doors must be strictly observed, so all further manipulations are presented in the correct sequence.

Assembling the box correctly

Once again, making sure that the original surface is even, we begin assembling the box. It is sold in the form of bars of various lengths. It is necessary to make a U-shaped structure from them (if a threshold is to be installed, then rectangular). The second option is used mainly for toilets and bathrooms.

If you ordered the frame along with the door, then most likely it will be ready - you just need to assemble it (using long screws or nails). If purchased separately, it will have to be adjusted to size. This is the most difficult process, which will require maximum accuracy, because in case of the slightest inaccuracies the door will receive a slope, which will affect its operational characteristics.

Consider the assembly of a U-shaped structure:

  • We lay two vertical posts on the floor, making sure it is perfectly level.
  • We mark on them the height of the opening from the inside.
  • From these points downwards we make a cut at an angle of 45 degrees, a miter box will help you with this.
  • On the third rack (horizontal) we mark the width of the opening at inside. From these points we make a 45 degree cut in different directions. Do not confuse the direction, these three elements must be assembled into a single structure, so make a fitting with each new cut.
  • Then we mark the places for the hinges and the lock. This can be done later.
  • We assemble the resulting structure and connect it with large self-tapping screws. For each joint we use at least 3 fasteners.

Attention! Make sure that the self-tapping screw is vertical when tightening, because at the slightest deviation it will pierce the post.

For a rectangular structure, the assembly will be identical, only with the addition of a second horizontal post.

How to set the loops correctly

The awnings will determine how comfortable closing and opening will be, so perfect precision is required. Most people believe that two loops are enough for normal operation. We recommend using three (one placed exactly in the middle). In this case, even if long-term operation you will avoid distortions. So, you need to do the following:

  • We apply loops to the applied markings and trace them with a pencil (marker).
  • Along the drawn lines we make two grooves (on the door and the canopy) - to the depth of the canopy. A chisel will help us with this. The loop should be flush with the main surface.
  • Having made the adjustment, we screw the canopies onto the self-tapping screws middle length(at least 3.5 cm) first to the canvas, and then to the racks.
  • If necessary, we make adjustments: we place the structure on the floor and begin to open (close) - if the movement is not smooth, tighten the screws.

Insert the box into the opening

The next stage is installing the door frame. We do everything in this sequence:

  • If the hinges are of the male-female type, then take out the door - this will make the work easier. Otherwise we leave it as is.
  • Level all three posts. Achieving perfect verticality!
  • We split the top crossbar with wooden wedges.
  • We level it again and, if necessary, use linings.
  • Drilling side racks through a drill.
  • Insert dowels into the resulting holes in the wall.
  • Using long self-tapping screws, we secure the box.
  • We carry out final revision and alignment.

Final chords - handles, trims

Having made sure of perfect evenness, we perform the final manipulations. First, the handle is installed on the door. To do this, a through hole of the appropriate diameter is drilled in the canvas (If you purchased full set, then you won’t have to do this). Then the two parts of the handle are connected. In most cases this is not difficult.

At the end the platbands are displayed - decorative elements, hiding all irregularities and forming the integrity of the structure. They are glued around the entire perimeter using special liquid nails. The joints are also formed using a miter box.

Have you bought a new home, or is it time to renovate your old one? You cannot do without restoration, replacement or installation of a new interior door. There is no talk of restoration today.

Let's talk about installation new door. You can entrust this kind of work to specialists, but we do it ourselves. Installing an interior door with your own hands will save your budget and will give you pleasure if you are a real man.

The construction market is replete with offers. Interior doors are no exception. Choose whatever your heart desires, within your pocket. But don't rush into buying. It is necessary to take into account the specific layout of rooms in a house or apartment, the size of the doorway, and the specifics of opening doors. Interior doors are:

  • swing single-door or double-door;
  • sliding compartments (built into the wall or on top of the wall);
  • harmonic;
  • secret.

Each has distinctive features, requires individual approach to installation, accessories. Handles can be installed on the surface of the canvas or recessed inside; rotary or push.

Loops for different types your own interior doors. Most often they consist of two parts: one is attached to the canvas, the other to vertical rack boxes.

Swing double door design.

A system of upper/lower guides is provided for compartment interior doors. Knowing the features of installing different types of doors, doing everything yourself will not be difficult. Now let's talk about everything in order.

Determining the size of the future door structure

Let’s take as a basis a single-leaf swing door. Understanding the calculations overall dimensions With this design, it will not be difficult to figure out other options.

  1. We measure the interior opening in height and width. We take the size of a clean space without an old door, if there is one. There should be no inaccuracies in the calculations - this will affect the quality of the installation of interior doors with your own hands.
  2. If there is an old structure, dismantle it and level the surface.
  3. The width of standard interior doors varies from 700 mm. There may be smaller sizes, but this is only for some utility rooms. Because it will be difficult to pass through such an opening, much less bring large objects.
  4. For a door with a width of 700 mm, the opening must be at least 790 mm. It is necessary to take into account the thickness of the frame, the door leaf and the technological gap for comfortable opening of the sash. Typically, a gap of 30 mm is left on the right and left sides inside the box.
  5. Let's move on to heights. Standard canvas door corresponds to a height of 2000 mm. Larger size made to order. We add to the height of the door leaf the thickness of the top strip of the frame and the opening gaps.
  6. The design can be with or without a threshold. This must be taken into account when purchasing a door. Average height interior openings is 2100 mm. If the space is a little larger than the standard, don’t worry. During the installation process, the remaining space will be hidden by foam casing around the perimeter.

Dimensions standard door and boxes.

What to buy at a hardware store to install interior doors yourself?

  • door leaf the right size, type - 1 pc.;
  • timber for the frame, if not included with the door - 3–4 pcs. (depending on the type of box);
  • extras (if necessary);
  • cash, if not included;
  • hinges of a certain type (consult the salesperson in the store or read the information on choosing door hinges);
  • door knob;
  • screws for the box;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • masking tape;
  • tools, if not available household, or rent it.

What tools do you need to prepare:

  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • hacksaw or miter saw;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • miter box;
  • mallet;
  • spray foam gun;
  • wedges and bars for spacers.

All parts have been purchased and prepared. Let's move on to installing the interior door with our own hands.

Preparing the door leaf and frame with your own hands

Each master has his own methods for installing interior doors. You can mount the box and the panel separately in the opening, or you can assemble it into a single set and install it in the opening. The main thing is that the result is positive. Step-by-step instructions will help you avoid mistakes.

DIY box assembly

Let's consider a technology where the box is assembled on the floor and then installed in the opening.

Initially it is important to install correctly door frame.

Knowing the size of the product, we cut it off desired length vertical slats. To do this, take a tape measure, take a measurement, mark a mark with a pencil, and saw off the excess length.

There are two ways to cut timber:

  • at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • at an angle of 90 degrees.

Assembly with the first option is not available to every craftsman. We need clarity of action steady hand and a miter saw. At an angle of 45 we cut out not only vertical strips, but also horizontal ones. We connect the elements with self-tapping screws, tightening them deeper.

There are no difficulties with the second option. We saw off the required length and connect the parts at an angle of 90 degrees. We make a small recess on the top of the vertical bar for the upper vertical part of the box, a kind of groove. It will help to connect the timber parts more tightly with self-tapping screws.

Before tightening the fasteners, make holes with a drill to avoid cracking the planks and damaging the workpiece.

It will help you understand the technique of assembling a box with your own hands. step by step video instructions in this article.

We considered the option when the assembly interior box comes from special blanks for the door structure. They are recommended when an additional rigid frame is needed in the opening. For example, in a wooden house, a box made of timber will act as a frame and will not allow the doorway to open when the frame shrinks, or disrupt the geometry of the door. The thickness and width of the timber is selected according to the type of door: solid wood, MDF, panel or other. Everyone has their own thickness. Choose the option you like for assembling the support frame and move on to assembling the canvas.

Assembling the canvas with your own hands, installing accessories

Assembling the door leaf involves attaching the necessary fasteners to the door leaf. Sometimes manufacturers make notches on the intended attachment points for hinges or handles. These are more exclusive and expensive models.

All fittings for the door leaf must be installed before the door hangs into the frame.

Often sash interior design universal, i.e. the product can be installed in the interior opening both on the right and on the left. Our instructional hint will help you understand this issue.

Advice: for fire safety reasons, any door should open outward in the direction of travel. Neither the handle nor the blade should touch other objects so that there is no rebound from the blow back. It can be traumatic.

Try to ensure that adjacent doors do not interfere with each other when opening. Sometimes the corridor space is narrow, but separates several rooms that need to be isolated with interior doors. If you choose the wrong opening option, there will be a problem with one door hitting another or one of the doors may block the other. Architects do not always think through this point, especially in small apartments. Therefore, consider all the nuances so that the use useful item the interior was not deplorable. A sliding door would be a good solution.

Installing hinges yourself

We figured out the opening direction. Let's move on to installing interior door hinges with our own hands.

Apply markings on the canvas and vertical bar load-bearing frame. According to the standard, two loops are secured. If the door is heavy, for example solid, a third hinge will be required.

The hinges are attached to the door exactly according to the given pattern, observing the dimensions.

From the top and bottom we retreat 150–200 mm from the edge and make the first notch. This is one edge of the hinge strip. We mark the second mark - this is the other edge of the bar. We find out the size by measuring the length of the loop with a tape measure or applying the loop itself to the first mark. We perform the same actions on the vertical stand of the box.

Modern hinges may fit tightly to the ends of the product or require additional recess into the edge. To do this, take a chisel and select the required gap from the canvas and timber. Thus, the seats for the upper and lower loops have been outlined.

We secure the fittings with self-tapping screws, having previously drilled holes for them with a drill.

Some experts recommend securing the hinge to the canvas and box before installation. Other craftsmen advise placing the box and then screwing the canvas together with the hinges in a standing position. What to choose is up to you. It’s easier to immediately attach the hinges to the frame and the sash in a lying position, and then install it in the opening. But adjustment difficulties may arise if the door connection is not symmetrical around the perimeter of the opening.

Installation and assembly of the handle

Let's move on to the handles. Step-by-step instructions for installing handles will help you do everything correctly. Although door handles are presented in a wide range, their installation is carried out according to a certain algorithm. Latch handles are often used, which contain a locking element in the design that allows you to close the door with a key or latch:

  • we measure the height where we will attach the handle and lock, according to the standard 90–120 mm from the floor;
  • At the end of the blade, a hole for the locking strip is drilled with a large drill;
  • insert the bar into the hole, mark its contours at the end of the canvas;
  • we take out the lock and make a recess with a chisel so that the lock plate is flush with the surface;
  • on the surface of the product we mark the place where the handle is attached, applying the lock plate from the outside;
  • drill a hole for the handle;
  • insert the lock back into the end and secure it with a handle;
  • We will install the counter plate on the frame after hanging the door in the opening.

You can figure out how to fix the handles on the door with your own hands by watching the video instructions:

Installing a door in an interior opening

Let's move on to next stage- installation of the product in the interior opening. Let's make a small digression. If the door is installed in new apartment, then it is enough to check the evenness of the opening and correct unevenness using plaster and a trowel. Sand the surface, prime it and begin installation. door design. But if the renovation is carried out in an old room, then it is necessary to dismantle the old door or interior frame. This requires time, effort, and skill.

The entire space around the box is foamed with polyurethane foam.

Do the dismantling in advance so as not to spray and prolong the installation period of the door. We are doing this with our own hands and for the first time. Finishing work walls and floors must be completed before the doors are installed, so that later there are no inconsistencies. This requirement applies both to the installation of a U-shaped box and along the entire perimeter with a threshold. It is difficult to push linoleum or tiles under the door and maintain the ability to open correctly.

Correct installation of the door with your own hands requires the presence of an assistant. There are two options for installation in the opening, but in each of them it is difficult to do all the manipulations alone.

First way. Installing the box separately from the canvas

After checking the evenness of the frame with a level, we install it in the prepared interior opening. Accompanying each action with a level and plumb line, we set the frame level. It should not have even the slightest slope. This will affect the opening of the sash.

Installing the door frame separately from the door leaf.

We install wedges or bars to pre-fix the box. Don't forget about the gap between the jamb and the slats.

We drill holes in the vertical strip and screw self-tapping screws into the holes. They must pull the box towards the door frame. If the house is wooden, a long self-tapping screw will easily fit into the log. If the house is made of brick, you need to make a preliminary hole in the opening and insert a plastic dowel under the screw. The fasteners must be recessed into the bar so as not to interfere with the opening/closing of the sash.

We check all surfaces with a level.

There are situations when the box cannot completely cover the joint. Decorative additions help hide the opening. They are attached directly to the jamb or attached to the frame before installation. Select right size add extras or cut them in place. Such extensions are secured into the groove using foam.

The box is fixed. Let's move on to hanging the canvas. If the hinges are collapsible, then hanging the sash is not very difficult. The hinges are installed symmetrically on both parts of the product. We insert one part of the loop into the other and check all the gaps. They should be the same around the entire perimeter.

Second way. Installation of the assembled product

Before installing the kit in the interior opening, we place cardboard spacers between the canvas and the box. This will maintain the gaps and symmetry of the kit.

  • Carefully lift the product and install it in the opening.
  • Align along the perimeter using a level and plumb line.
  • We install wedges or bars around the perimeter to maintain gaps and space for foam.
  • We move on to foaming the space around the perimeter. This process is similar in both the first and second installation methods.
  • Before applying foam in between, front sides closing the boxes masking tape to avoid foam getting on the product. It is quite difficult to clean it. Use a foam gun. The gun will reduce material consumption and the work will be done accurately. Take your time. Apply layer by layer from top to bottom.

After foaming the space, it is advisable to leave the door closed for a day. There will be no deformation at rest, and the cardboard placed between the box and the canvas will maintain gaps and will not allow the beam to bend when the foam expands.

Door leaf Can be installed separately from the box or together.

After drying, cut off the excess foam and remove the masking tape.

All that remains is to secure the lock strike plate at the end of the box and install the decorative parts - trims.

installing an interior door with your own hands is the final process

At closed door We apply a notch to the place where the lock strike plate is attached. Use a chisel to select a hole for the plank. It should be recessed flush into the timber. We fix it with self-tapping screws. We check the operation of the lock and handle.

The final work is finishing.

The final step is to install the trim on the sides and top of the interior door. Platbands can be connected to each other at an angle of 45 degrees or at a right angle. It depends on the design of the product. Sometimes parts are sold ready-made or need to be filed. The cut is made with a miter saw. Connect the elements in place, secure with liquid nails or using nails without heads, driving into drilled holes.