Caring for ornamental plants. A buried package can lead to cancer


You can plant the most beautiful flowers in your flower garden, but without regular proper care it will not be pleasing to the eye.

How to care for a flower garden?

Watering. After planting, plants are watered deeply and continue to be watered every other day for the first week. Then watering is reduced to once a week, or even less often. The frequency of watering is determined by the species’ need for moisture, weather conditions and agrotechnical practices. During different periods of growth, plants need different amounts of water. During the period of rapid growth, budding, flowering, fruiting and growth of vegetative organs of renewal, more moisture is required.

Vegetative (Latin vegetativus - plant) organs of renewal are renewal buds located on rhizomes, corms, bulbs or other overwintering plant organs, from which new shoots appear in the spring.

The optimal time for watering is evening. When watering, wash off the dust that has settled on them from the leaves. Flower beds need to be watered abundantly - 20-30 l/m2. Insufficient watering, when moisture does not wet the root layer, does more harm than good, and watering during the hot part of the day leads to the formation of a crust on the soil surface. In addition, in hot weather, plants close their stomata in order to evaporate less moisture, and when watered, the stomata open and increased transpiration begins. At surface watering the soil dries out quickly, evaporation due to watering increases, and the plants wither even more.

Transpiration (from Latin trans - through and spiro - breathing, breathing, exhaling) is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation through the external organs of the plant: leaves, stems and flowers.

After watering, it is useful to scatter the natural soil enricher Mulch-Lowering Mother Earth in a layer of 1-2 cm. Mulch acts comprehensively: it improves the soil structure, protects against overcompaction, weed germination, crust formation after watering and helps retain moisture. For 1 m2 you will need 5-10 kg, mulch 2-3 times per season.

Loosening the soil. The soil becomes compacted from watering, so they weed and loosen to a depth of 5-6 cm 3-5 times during the summer. Loosening creates a favorable water-air regime in the soil, which promotes the growth of the root system and the development of renewal organs, and therefore the development lush bush with many flowering shoots. Loosening is called “dry watering” because the loosened upper layer prevents moisture evaporation. They are loosened after rain or watering, as well as for incorporation of fertilizers. Areas with annuals flower plants loosen until the bushes close.

Formation. Trimming is necessary for carpet plants and most border plants. Borders and edges of flower beds should be smooth. The haircut is done with large garden shears once every ten days.

When cutting kochia (photo), cosmos (photo), perilla, cineraria (photo) and some other plants, beautiful, even borders are obtained. It is especially important to keep smooth edges in arabesques (photo). Ageratum (photo), snapdragon (photo) and other types of flowers often grow separate shoots that violate the strictness of the flowerbed. These shoots are also pruned.

Alyssum and some other plants that bloom profusely with small flowers quickly fade. To prolong flowering, plants need to be cut at the beginning of flowering, and they will quickly gain new buds. To prolong the flowering of other species, fading flowers are cut off, preventing the formation of seeds.

If individual specimens die, or when specimens of a different color are mistakenly planted among flowers of one color, the seedlings are replanted. The survival rate of seedlings is not 100%, therefore experienced gardeners keep seedlings in reserve for replanting (15%).

Weeding and feeding summer flora. Weeding is always required, but it is especially necessary before the plants close together in the rows. It is recommended to water the flower beds before weeding.

During the period of intensive growth, the summer plants are fed with the soft fertilizer NITROGEN UREA - Gumi-OMI (50 g/m2), during budding and flowering, the complete fertilizer Garden Flowers UNIVERSAL - Gumi-OMI (100 g/m2) is applied.

To combat diseases and increase the number of buds during the flowering period, spray with Fitosporin-M 1-2 times.

Autumn work in the flowerbed

Autumn cleaning of flower beds begins after the first frost. The flyers are uprooted and stored in compost heaps and watered with compostin - an accelerator for compost maturation. The flower beds are replanted, leveled with a rake, and the edges of the lawns are trimmed.

Queen plants and other greenhouse flowers are put away in greenhouses or rooms; dahlia tubers, canna rhizomes, and gladioli corms are taken to cellars.

What are queen cells?

Many flowers grown as annuals are classified as biological perennials and, given the right conditions, grow and bloom for 5-10 years or more. In large flower farms, flower species with small seeds and a long growing season are stored in pots and boxes as mother plants, and cuttings are taken in February.

Biological perennials include petunias and its relatives: surfinia and calibrachoa; arctotis, alternanthera, evergreen begonia, verbena, gatsania, heliotrope, hybrid balsam, pelargonium, coleus, fuchsia, snapdragon, cineraria maritana, Chabot carnation, kufeya, catharanthus, diascia, scaevola, and others.

In September - early October, the mother flower you like is cut at a height of 3-5 cm above the soil, transplanted with a lump of earth into a pot and placed in a cool, bright place. For planting, Mother Earth FLOWER-UNIVERSAL is best suited.

Immediately after transplantation, to restore the root system, water with KorneSil solution, which stimulates root formation, improves survival rate and promotes intensive development of the root system. To do this, dissolve two caps of the drug in a liter of water and water the mother plant with the resulting solution.

KorneSil Gumi-20 (liquid for root formation of cuttings, seedlings, seedlings, bulbs) should be in the arsenal of every gardener. This is a natural universal humus elixir of fertility, a growth vitamin, a powerful natural mild anti-stress preparation that is suitable for all types of crops and is indispensable for rooting, soaking seeds and bulbs.

The ideal temperature for queen cells is about 10 °C. But it is impossible to create such conditions in an apartment. Therefore, they use lighting with a 3-harvest LAMP PHYTOSPECTRUM OJZ + SUN VITAMINS or a 5-harvest Phyto-Lamp. With additional lighting and when feeding the plant with Gumi-20 fertilizer for flowers and indoor plants(1 drop per 100 g of water) they will bloom almost all winter.

In January, to obtain side shoots, the buds are removed from the queen cells and the tops of the shoots are cut off. To obtain a lush bush and rapid growth, every two weeks they are fed with organomineral fertilizer UNIVERSAL garden flowers - Gumi-OMI, diluting 10 g of powder in 1 liter of water.

From mid-February to early May, shoots are cut for rooting. To improve root formation during cuttings, use the CorneSil solution: two caps of the drug are dissolved in a liter of water and the cuttings are kept in the solution for 10-12 hours.

To prevent fungal diseases, water seedlings, VEGETABLES, BERRIES, FRUIT with Fitosporin-M monthly (10 drops per glass of water).

Rooted cuttings are pinched after the 3-4th leaf, and in early June they are planted in pots or in open ground. After a week, pinch again for better tillering.

Plants bloom all summer, and in the fall you can again select the most beautiful bushes and use them as mother plants.

Head of the decorative floriculture sector of the Tatar Research Institute Agriculture Maryam Chinaeva shared with KP readers simple and effective rules care

Every owner of a luxurious garden dreams of her flower beds blooming every year, and at the same time the costs are minimal.
The employees of the most beautiful sector of the research institute have in their collection more than 350 species of herbaceous and woody plants, among which there are quite rare ones: mountain pine, macaroni tree, spirea Wangutta, Nippon and Japanese, and many perennial flowers. Therefore, they know exactly how to grow a healthy, colorful flower bed and garden tree decor.
Bare land is dead land
If you want your peonies, daffodils, irises, petunias and trees to bloom lushly every year, then be sure to fertilize the soil from above (mulching). Moreover, it is important that the entire land is covered, and not just individual areas. Then the fruits will grow larger volume and several times larger, young shoots will be healthier receiving such support. They begin to actively reproduce in the litter earthworms, which make numerous tunnels, thanks to which the plants receive the necessary air and water. Peat, humus, semi-rotted or rotted green manure (organic green fertilizers) are best suited for mulching. According to Maryam Chinaeva, even finely broken twigs and dry grass will do.
“Look at the soil in the forest - it’s all covered in old grass, needles, and other organic matter,” the specialist shares with KP. - And the trees are tall there. Tall, lush wild flowers form entire glades, because nature smarter than a person, I thought of everything. At your dacha, you should follow the dictates of nature and be sure to cover the soil so that it receives all the necessary microorganisms, minerals and useful material. And so that your fertilizers begin to turn into humus faster, it is better to water them with a weak nitrogen solution and keep them moist. It is important that the mass of the earthen covering is loose; you can even use a special pitchfork to periodically loosen the fertilizers so that both rain and sun have free access to the soil. It is worth noting that mulch prevents the evaporation of moisture from the soil, this is especially valuable in the heat. In addition to mulching, young shoots will benefit from feeding mineral fertilizers. It’s just important not to overfeed the plant - this contributes to excess salt deposition.
You also need to water wisely
For some reason, many gardeners still believe that the more often you water ornamental trees and medium and tall shrubs, the better. Constant watering in small quantities will definitely not make this type of plant grow faster or more abundantly. Trees should be watered so that the water wets the soil to the depth of the main roots, on average, two to three times a month. Low shrubs can be watered more often and in small quantities. There is also a myth that it is necessary to water strictly under the center of the tree, while the main roots that need nutrition are left without moisture at a distance of 30 - 40 cm from the tree trunk. It is best to water in special circular furrows, palm deep, around the tree. So yours decorative tree will receive the most competent hydration. With flower beds everything is about the same: it is better to water rarely, but intensively. The depth of moisture should reach 40 - 50 cm. Before watering, it is important to loosen the soil around the plant so that the flower is in the hole (plant in the middle). In this case, the water will flow to the entire root system, and will not spread over the top layer of dry soil. If the weather is very dry, then you should moisten the soil more often, especially if you notice that fresh buds and leaves suddenly become lethargic and begin to droop. If you do not water in time, the plant will begin to dry out, and then may even die. Therefore, urgent resuscitation is important here, then the flower will be able to regenerate and the lethargy will disappear. Treacherous rain
Another popular myth among summer residents is that there is no need to water the garden after rain. This is partly justified, but only under the condition that it was a long and heavy rainfall that managed to wet the ground sufficiently. To check, just stick your finger or palm into the ground, and you will immediately understand everything. Most roots, especially those of large tall crops, are located quite deep, and light rainfall will not be able to properly water the soil. Rainwater It will definitely do good if you simply collect it in a barrel or buckets left in the yard during a rainstorm. This water is much healthier than regular water from a hose. With it, you can, taking into account all the features of irrigation, independently moisten the soil of different crops.
A buried package can lead to cancer
Many summer residents, instead of throwing away old plastic bags or film, bury them on their own land. Such proximity is especially dangerous next to edible crops: fruits, berries, vegetables. When decomposing in the soil, the “chemical concentrate” seriously poisons the earth. And if you constantly eat “plastic” fruits, there is a risk of developing cancer and other dangerous diseases.

Exotic and widespread, demanding and unpretentious, decorative leafy and flowering - whatever your plants are, they need care, care and love. There are no universal rules of care that apply in any conditions and to all house flowers without exception. Each of them is unique, with its own character, needs and desires, which you must learn to recognize and fulfill in time. Proper care and the maintenance of domestic flowers involves their timely watering, fertilizing, replanting, pruning, creating the required conditions for growth and development, reliable protection from pests, as well as (if necessary) correct treatment. Only by feeling love and comprehensive care will plants grow and bloom, fill your home with freshness and aesthetic beauty, allowing you to create a real green oasis in urban environments.

Comprehensive care for flowering indoor plants: trust the professionals!

How much care do indoor flowers need? Care potted plants in a work environment is not as simple as it may seem. In addition to regular watering, indoor (office) plants need a whole range of measures that ensure their proper growth and harmonious development. We fulfill a large number of plant maintenance activities:
  • Planting and replanting ornamental and indoor plants, taking into account the season, age and its characteristics;
  • Spraying and watering flowers;
  • Pruning damaged branches, removing faded flowers and yellowed leaves after the end of the flowering period;
  • Feeding roots and leaves, fertilizing the soil;
  • Crown formation;
  • Removing salts from the soil surface and aerating it;
  • Polishing leaves, cleaning them from dust;
  • Cleaning and tidying up pots and pots;
  • Soil replacement and restoration;
  • Regular preventive examinations to identify diseased plants;
  • Treatment of flowers using our own special medicinal products;
  • Consultations on placement, maintenance, purchase and care of plants of any kind.

Caring for house plants in winter

Winter care for indoor flowers requires special knowledge and preparation, because this is the time that is considered critical in the life of “green pets”. With the onset of cold weather and shortening daylight hours, many decorative flowers enter a dormant period when they are most vulnerable to drafts, cold, wind and dry air. At this time of year, when there is little light and the balance of temperature and humidity is disturbed, you need to care for plants especially carefully. Transplanting and planting, caring for indoor flowers, watering, fertilizing - all this must be carried out under certain conditions, in strict accordance with the “wants” and needs of the plant and requires certain knowledge, experience and skills. Amateur gardeners are not always able to take into account all the nuances and provide each flower with the proper comfort that will allow it to endure this difficult period for it. By contacting the gardeners of our company, you can be sure that you are giving your green “pets” to reliable hands. We will be happy to come to any site: be it a park, winter Garden, a private house, apartment or office, to take care of the comfort, safety and well-being of your plants. Have no doubt, our gardeners will find the “key to the heart” of even the most exotic and fastidious flower. We don't just do our job, we truly love what we do. For summer period, the Lechuza self-watering planter is perfect

We offer three plant care service options:

One-time plant care services Comprehensive plant services Plant consulting services
  • Consultation on plant care
  • Plant transplantation, selection the right pot
  • Pest treatment
  • Recommendations for proper watering and feeding
  • List of care products for plants and indoor flowers
  • On-site visits weekly
  • A set of measures for caring for house plants (watering, fertilizing, arranging)
  • Prevention and treatment of pests and diseases
  • Trimming, dusting, polishing and spraying leaves
  • We guarantee excellent appearance your plants and change plants in case of death due to our fault
  • On-site visit once a month
  • A set of plant care measures together with your specialist
  • Development of a monthly plant care program
  • Employee support over the phone
  • Control visit of a specialist in indoor flowers in 2 weeks
  • We guarantee the fresh appearance and health of your plants by strictly following all the recommendations of our specialist.
departure upon request 4–8 times a month 1–2 times a month
consultation: 40 BYN care work: from 40 BYN from 400 BYN per month from 100 BYN per month

Cost of services for transplantation (transshipment) and treatment of plants

Name of works

Unit change

Cost BYN

Cost of services for planting and replanting indoor plants and flowers: (including the cost of material)

First visit of a specialist to the site, inspection, consultation <>
Replanting - planting a plant with a diameter of up to 20 cm. PC.

Transplantation - planting a plant with a diameter of 21 to 28 cm.


Transplantation - planting a plant from 29 to 35 cm.


Transplantation - planting a plant from 35


Cost of services for treating indoor plants and flowers: (including the cost of material)

The first visit of a specialist to the site, inspection, analysis of the condition of the plant


Plant treatment, pest control, plant nutrition.

Transport and overhead costs <>

5% of the estimated cost

Every gardener at least once in his practice made mistakes in selection, planting or care that led to the death of the plant.

And every gardener, of course, learns from his mistakes and tries to prevent their repetition in the future.

But it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes and know in advance what to watch out for when carrying out work on a summer cottage.

In this article we tried to collect the most common mistakes made by gardeners and gardeners. How to avoid mistakes when carrying out work on garden plot, when planting and caring for plants.

Therefore, read the recommendations below carefully and try to keep them in mind.

How to avoid making annoying mistakes at your summer cottage:

  • do not buy low-quality and weak planting material;
  • prepare the soil thoroughly before planting;
  • Compact the soil around the roots of planted plants with an open root system and tie them up to avoid swaying by the wind;
  • When planting container plants, do not destroy the earthen ball under any circumstances;
  • - this contributes to the damage of plants by fungal diseases;
  • remember that in the first year after planting, plants need abundant watering;
  • do not be late in planting shrubs with an open root system;
  • at autumn planting make sure the plants have finished growing for the season;
  • when planting in autumn, apply only phosphorus fertilizers;
  • do not neglect such a technique as;
  • protect plants from frost in a timely manner;
  • protect conifers(especially those that were planted recently) from winter and spring needle burns;
  • Inspect your plants regularly to begin combating pests or diseases in a timely manner.

Winter damage to the bark of ornamental shrubs

Newly planted or not completely frost-resistant shrubs may suffer frostbite in winter, and evergreen shrubs may suffer leaf damage. The following will help avoid this: cardboard shelters filled with dry sheets, or a shelter non-woven material and covering with spruce branches on a dry leaf.

Leaves and needles with moisture frozen out in winter cannot withstand the bright sun, so in winter and in early spring in clear sunny weather, conifers and evergreens can get severely burned.

Do not forget to cover coniferous and evergreen plants with non-woven material or install reflective shields on the site in a timely manner. Measures to prevent burns should begin no later than February. Covers are usually removed in April, when the roots of the plants begin to function and fill the leaves and needles with moisture.

From the strong winter frosts The bark of many shrubs is cracking. Cracks can also appear at any time of the year due to unfavorable growing conditions. To prevent pathogenic microorganisms from entering the plants through damage, clean the edges of the cracks and cover them with garden varnish. To help plants weakened by cracks, apply appropriate fertilizer and mulch the tree trunk circle.

Variegated or bordered forms of shrubs and conifers may suddenly lose their decorative look. The pattern on the leaves first fades and then disappears completely. The reason for this phenomenon often lies not in the lack nutrients, as many gardeners think, but in a basic lack solar lighting. Plants transplanted to a more illuminated place gradually restore their decorative appearance.

However, there is also such a phenomenon as the appearance of powerful shoots with green foliage among variegated branches. Such shoots must be cut out immediately so as not to lose their variegated decorative shape.

Nutrient deficiency can be determined by untimely changes in leaf color:

  • nitrogen deficiency - leaves become red or yellow;
  • potassium deficiency - the edges of the leaves are dry, similar to burnt;
  • magnesium deficiency - browning of the leaf blade between the veins;
  • iron deficiency - yellowing of the leaf blade between the veins.

Control measures: application of fertilizers. Fertilizers are absorbed most quickly when liquid fertilizer is applied to the leaves. If there is a pronounced deficiency of magnesium or iron, water the plants with solutions of salts of these elements. In the spring, be sure to incorporate complex fertilizer into the soil around the plants.

How to plan and arrange country cottage area. 500 practical advice Filatova Svetlana Vladimirovna

Care ornamental plants

In the first year of life, ornamental plantings are exposed to a whole range of unfavorable factors. After transplanting into open ground from greenhouses and containers, they experience a lack or excess of lighting, they are affected by the drying force of the winds, the accelerated process of evaporation of moisture from the surface of the leaves, denser soil and gas pollution environment. For this reason Special attention devoted to watering, loosening, weeding and other work.

In the 1st week after transplantation, the plants are watered daily, and then for a month - 2 times a week. Use warm water temperature from 15 to 22 °C. Watering is carried out before 11 o'clock in the afternoon and after 18 o'clock in the evening. During the growing season, plantings are moistened 7-12 times. Sprinkling is also used, which quickly removes dust and dirt from the crowns. It is recommended to do it 2 times a week. For coniferous trees Such work can be carried out throughout the year. During the growing season, watering is combined with fertilizing with nitrogen, and then with the full introduction of mineral fertilizers.

Weeding and loosening are an essential part of caring for ornamental plants. tree trunk circles, which facilitates oxygen access to the root system. The depth of loosening should not exceed 6 cm.

Such crops are usually protected from domestic animals by installing a wooden frame around the trunk.

To protect from sunlight in late February - early March, coniferous plants are shaded with covering material white, leaving a small gap between it and the crown.

Normal survival is indicated by the appearance of new shoots, strengthening of roots, development of leaves and ripening of wood.

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