Profession "Electrician for power networks and electrical equipment": training, responsibilities, job description. Job responsibilities of an electrician of the 2nd category Job description of an electrician of the 2nd category

Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, 2nd category. Characteristics of work. Performing individual simple repair and maintenance work on electrical equipment under the guidance of a more highly qualified electrician. Installation and repair distribution boxes, terminal blocks, safety panels and lighting fixtures. Cleaning and blowing with compressed air electrical equipment with partial disassembly, washing and wiping of parts. Cleaning contacts and contact surfaces. Cutting, splicing, insulating and soldering wires with voltage up to 1000 V. Laying installation wires and cables. Maintenance and repair of solar and wind power plants with a capacity of up to 50 kW. Performing simple plumbing, installation and carpentry work when repairing electrical equipment. Connecting and disconnecting electrical equipment and performing simple measurements. Working with pneumatic and electric tools. Performance rigging work using simple lifting equipment and cranes controlled from the floor. Checking and measuring with a megohmmeter the insulation resistance of distribution networks of stators and rotors of electric motors, transformer windings, cable inputs and outputs.

Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, 2nd category Must know: the structure and operating principle of electric motors, generators, transformers, switching and control equipment, batteries and electrical appliances; main types of electrical materials, their properties and purpose; rules and methods for installation and repair of electrical equipment in the scope of the work performed; name, purpose and rules of use of the working and control and measuring tools used and basic information about production and organization of the workplace; techniques and methods for replacing, splicing and soldering low voltage wires; rules for first aid in case of injury electric shock; safety rules for servicing electrical installations in the scope of qualification group II; techniques and sequence of rigging work.

Work examples.

Lighting fittings: switches, sockets, sockets, etc. - installation with network connection.

Cable inputs and outputs - checking the insulation resistance with a megger.

The parts are simple - coil springs, brackets, jumpers, lugs and contacts - fabrication and installation.

Illumination - installation.

Cables and wires - cutting ends, crimping and soldering lugs.

Manufacturing and installation of structures made of steel and other metals for electrical appliances.

Contactors, relays, controllers, command devices - checking and tightening fasteners, cleaning and filing contacts, replacing and lubricating them, replacing arc extinguishing devices.

Household electrical appliances: stoves, irons, etc. - disassembly, repair and assembly.

Wires and cables (aerial) - installation, dismantling, repair and replacement.

Welding transformers - disassembly, simple repairs, assembly, installation of terminal board.

Electric lamp sockets - soldering ends.

Switchboards and distribution boxes - replacement and installation of fuses and switches.

Power or lighting boards with a simple circuit (up to eight groups) - manufacturing and installation.

Electric motors and generators - partial disassembly, cleaning and purging compressed air, lubrication, brush replacement.

Grounding electrodes - installation and driving.

Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, 2nd category. Characteristics of work. Performing individual simple repair and maintenance work on electrical equipment under the guidance of a more highly qualified electrician. Installation and repair of distribution boxes, terminal blocks, safety panels and lighting fixtures. Cleaning and blowing with compressed air electrical equipment with partial disassembly, washing and wiping of parts. Cleaning contacts and contact surfaces. Cutting, splicing, insulating and soldering wires with voltage up to 1000 V. Laying installation wires and cables. Maintenance and repair of solar and wind power plants with a capacity of up to 50 kW. Performing simple plumbing, installation and carpentry work when repairing electrical equipment. Connecting and disconnecting electrical equipment and performing simple measurements. Working with pneumatic and electric tools. Perform rigging work using simple lifting equipment and cranes controlled from the floor. Checking and measuring with a megohmmeter the insulation resistance of distribution networks of stators and rotors of electric motors, transformer windings, cable inputs and outputs.

Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, 2nd category Must know: the structure and operating principle of electric motors, generators, transformers, switching and control equipment, batteries and electrical appliances; main types of electrical materials, their properties and purpose; rules and methods for installation and repair of electrical equipment in the scope of the work performed; name, purpose and rules of use of the working and control and measuring tools used and basic information about production and organization of the workplace; techniques and methods for replacing, splicing and soldering low voltage wires; rules for providing first aid in case of electric shock; safety rules for servicing electrical installations in the scope of qualification group II; techniques and sequence of rigging work.

Work examples.

Lighting fittings: switches, plug sockets, cartridges, etc. - installation with network connection.

Cable inputs and outputs - checking the insulation resistance with a megger.

The parts are simple - coil springs, brackets, jumpers, lugs and contacts - fabrication and installation.

Illumination - installation.

Cables and wires - cutting ends, crimping and soldering lugs.

Manufacturing and installation of structures made of steel and other metals for electrical appliances.

Contactors, relays, controllers, command devices - checking and tightening fasteners, cleaning and filing contacts, replacing and lubricating them, replacing arc extinguishing devices.

Household electrical appliances: stoves, irons, etc. - disassembly, repair and assembly.

Wires and cables (aerial) - installation, dismantling, repair and replacement.

Welding transformers - disassembly, simple repairs, assembly, installation of terminal board.

Electric lamp sockets - soldering ends.

Switchboards and distribution boxes - replacement and installation of fuses and switches.

Power or lighting boards with a simple circuit (up to eight groups) - manufacturing and installation.

Electric motors and generators - partial disassembly, cleaning and blowing with compressed air, lubrication, replacement of brushes.

Grounding electrodes - installation and driving.

\Standard job description for electrician, 2nd category

Job description Electrical fitter 2nd category

Job title: Electrical fitter 2nd category
Subdivision: _________________________

1. General Provisions:

  • Electrical fitter of the 2nd category is directly subordinate to...................
  • Electrical fitter 2nd category follows instructions.................................................... ..........

  • (the instructions of these employees are followed only if they do not contradict the instructions of the immediate supervisor).


  • Electrical fitter of the 2nd category replaces.................................................... .......................................
  • Replaces electrician-fitter of the 2nd category.................................................... ....................................
  • Hiring and dismissal:
    An electrical fitter is appointed to the position and dismissed by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.

2. Qualification requirements:
    Must know:
  • basics of electrical engineering in the scope of work performed
  • device and operating principle of simple electric machines power up to 50 kW, instruments, starting equipment and technical specifications for their installation
  • methods of working with pneumatic and electric drills and on drilling machines
  • purpose of materials used in the work
  • solder and fluxes used in soldering, and soldering rules
  • methods of laying wires in gas pipes, on casters and cable suspensions
  • rules for switching on electrical machines
  • plumbing and instrumentation tools, fixtures and equipment used during assembly and installation.
3. Job responsibilities:
  • Assembly of simple units and devices using universal fixtures and tools.
  • Installation and installation of AC and AC electrical machines direct current power up to 50 kW and welding machines power up to 30 kW.
  • Testing of mounted machines and equipment after installation.
  • Assembly and installation of medium complexity components and equipment using special devices and templates.
  • Manufacturing of parts, assembly of fixtures and templates.
  • Manufacturing of parts, assembly, testing and installation of simple electrical structures of low-voltage equipment, as well as electrical appliances and ballasts.
  • Installation and soldering of conductor lugs.
  • Painting of conductors in specified colors.
  • Assembly and installation of lighting panels up to eight groups couplings, tees and boxes.
  • Assembling wires of simple circuits.
  • Preparation of the panel, installation of communication equipment and installation of the power station.
  • Laying light, power and signaling networks.
  • Punching nests in brick and concrete walls with a bolt and pneumatic tool.
  • Drilling, reaming holes, cutting threads manually and on machines.
  • Tinning cable ends.
  • Assembly, installation and testing of more complex products and electrical machines under the supervision of a more highly qualified electrical fitter.
page 1 Job description Electrical fitter
page 2 Job description Electrical fitter

4. Rights

  • An electrical fitter has the right to give instructions and tasks to subordinate employees on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • An electrical fitter has the right to control the implementation of production tasks and the timely execution of individual assignments by employees subordinate to him.
  • The electrician has the right to request and receive necessary materials and documents related to his activities and the activities of his subordinate employees.
  • An electrical fitter has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • The electrician has the right to get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning the activities of the Division.
  • The electrical fitter has the right to submit proposals for improvement of work related to the duties provided for in this Job Description for the manager’s consideration.
  • An electrical fitter has the right to submit proposals for consideration by the manager on rewarding distinguished employees and imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • The electrical fitter has the right to report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
5. Responsibility
  • The electrician is responsible for improper performance or failure to perform his job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits specified labor legislation Russian Federation.
  • An electrical fitter is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.
  • When transferring to another job or being released from a position, the Electrical Fitter is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of work to the person taking up the present position, and in the absence of one, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.
  • An electrical fitter is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The electrician is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The electrical fitter is responsible for compliance with current instructions, orders and regulations for maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
  • The electrical fitter is responsible for compliance with internal regulations, safety and health regulations fire safety.
This job description has been developed in accordance with (name, number and date of document)

Head of structural

It is difficult to imagine the modern world without machines and mechanisms powered by electricity. The quality of its presentation is also improving. For example, aluminum conductors were replaced with copper ones, and non-flammable insulation was invented. Production facilities began to be divided into zones based on fire safety principles. The idea is simple: a fire that starts in one zone cannot spread to another. The need for qualified specialists who keep up with the times is growing at the same speed. What should an electrician know?

What is an electrician?

A specialist who has received a special education and works in the field of electronics is called an electrician. That is, this is an employee knowledgeable electricians whose main occupation is installation, repair and operation electrical equipment. Repair and installation work can be carried out not only indoors, but also outdoors, including at height. In addition to basic skills, an electrician can always provide first aid to a victim of an electric shock.

The main task of an electrician specialist is to organize uninterrupted operation electrical networks. Both in industrial or residential premises, and on the streets or in production processes.

The main professional qualities of an electrician are accuracy, responsibility, vigilance, caution, attentiveness and concentration.

Professional Responsibilities

This profession is quite common in our country, and job descriptions are formed quite clearly:

  • carrying out electrical wiring or power cables;
  • connecting electrical equipment with by preliminary calculation cables;
  • drawing up a plan for the electrification of industrial or residential premises;
  • installation of new electrical networks, repair and dismantling of broken ones, etc.

The studied basics of electrical engineering enable a specialist to install control or protection devices, insulators, mark out equipment installation points, and troubleshoot short circuit, laying cable channels. And also measure the resistance of insulating materials, carry out preparatory work Before turning on the mechanisms for the first time, install and dismantle alarm or protection systems, connect wires, cables, couplings, etc.

Electrical Basics

The work of an electrician requires a large amount of knowledge. Elementary course: “Electrics for Beginners” provides the opportunity to study:

  • basic concepts and quantities used in electrical engineering;
  • symbols used in electrical circuits;
  • materials and their electrical conductivity;
  • cable markings, electrical circuits and wires;
  • ways and wires;
  • methods for obtaining contacts and other connections;
  • rules for design and protection of electrical installations;
  • methods of connecting generators and engines;
  • procedure for protecting against overloads of electrical circuits;
  • existing types of electrical wiring and methods of its installation;
  • basic safety precautions when carrying out electrical installation work;
  • rules for providing first aid in case of electric shock.

So, what does a novice electrician need to know? The basics of electricity are the basic foundation of the future electrician. But besides this, it is necessary to have a good command of the basics of applied mechanics, automation and electrical engineering.

Required level of knowledge

Electrical basics are the bare minimum that an electrician needs to work. Here are a few categories that a modern electrician must have information about.

  1. Direct purpose of the device or mechanism that needs repair.
  2. Frequent problems that occur with a specific device.
  3. Rules for operating a non-working mechanism or device,
  4. Fundamentals of safety precautions when carrying out electrical work.

If there is a need to repair the wiring, the electrician must know and present its diagram in detail, and also be able to diagnose the causes of failure.


Training to become an electrician instills the techniques necessary for the job. Specialist learns to read circuit diagrams and assembly, expect to work with measuring instruments, independently assemble simple electrical circuits, assemble contact connections by soldering or twisting.

Main tool

The necessary equipment for an electrician's work is divided into four categories:

  • hand tool;
  • power tools;
  • measuring instruments;
  • consumables and accessories.

Kit hand tools individual for each electrician. But there is the necessary base. Having completed training as an electrician, the young specialist will be familiar with how to work with pliers (nippers), assembly or utility knife, a set of screwdrivers and wrenches, hammer, chisel, construction tape, stripper and electric soldering iron.

If production electrical installation work requires more serious intervention, you will definitely need a hammer drill with an adapter chuck and a set of attachments, a grinder for cutting steel angles for a grounding system or laying grooves under cables. You will also need an electric drill, which can work as a screwdriver if necessary.

As follows from the course “Electricians for Beginners”, measuring instruments today perform many functions and they are necessary in work. One of the main ones is the phase presence probe in electrical network. It looks like a screwdriver, but the body is not durable, since the device has a different purpose. More information can be read from a universal multimeter. In addition to basic measurements, it is able to check the correctness installed equipment or laid networks. make it possible to connect without interrupting the network and take measurements.

Auxiliary devices are not included in the list of mandatory ones, but they greatly facilitate the work of a specialist. This could be a stepladder, a carrier, an autonomous light source, markers, construction pencils, levels, calipers, etc.

A 2nd category electrician for servicing electrical equipment and networks must be able to: 1) service power and lighting electrical installations with simple switching circuits; 2) perform simple work at departmental power plants, transformer power stations with their complete disconnection from voltage under the guidance of more highly qualified electricians; 3) carry out inspections and scheduled preventative repairs of serviced equipment; 4) determine the cause of the malfunction and eliminate simple damage in power and lighting networks, control gear and electric motors; 5) cut, splice, solder and insulate wires for voltages up to 1000 V; 6) charge, install simple lighting fixtures (normal and dust-proof with incandescent lamps), switches, plug sockets, wall sockets and industrial spotlights; 7) check the insulation resistance of electrical installations with a megger; 8) install and adjust electrical devices alarms; 9) properly organize and maintain workplace, use materials, tools and electricity sparingly; 10) comply with safety regulations, occupational health, fire regulations, inner order rules; 11) apply when maintenance electrical equipment the most appropriate and modern methods labor organization. A 2nd category electrician must know: 1) the basics of electrical engineering; 2) the operating principle of electric motors, generators, transformers, control equipment and measuring instruments; 3) electrical materials, their properties and purpose; 4) methods of splicing and soldering low voltage wires; 5) rules for turning on and off electric motors; 6) rules for providing first aid in case of electric shock; 7) power supply diagram and equipment location. on the serviced area; 8) general information about relay protection and types of relays; 9) rules for charging and installing lighting fixtures; 10) purpose and conditions of use of the most common universal and special devices, instrumentation; 11) the basics of organizing the economics of production and NOT; 12) Basic information on standardization and product quality control; 13) reasons for marriage; measures to prevent and eliminate it; 14) safety regulations, fire safety and internal regulations; 15) rules of occupational hygiene and industrial sanitation.
Requirements for certification of electricians for the maintenance of electrical equipment and networks for the 3rd category
An electrician of the 3rd category, in addition to the requirements stipulated by the qualification characteristics of an electrician of the 2nd category, must be able to: 1) service power and lighting electrical installations with switching circuits of medium complexity; 2) perform simple work at departmental power plants and transformer substations with their complete disconnection from voltage; 3) carry out operational switching in electrical networks, inspection of transformers, switches, disconnectors and drives to them without disassembling structural elements; 4) regulate the load of electrical equipment in the serviced area; 5) check the condition of the insulation with a megohmmeter and measure the value of its resistance in electric motors, transformers and cable networks; 6) identify and eliminate faults and damage to electrical installations; 7) cut, splice, insulate and solder wires with voltages above 1000 V; 8) maintain, install and turn on electrical measuring instruments and electricity meters; 9) maintain and repair electric motors with power up to 100 kW, control gear distribution devices voltage up to 1000 V; 10) charge and maintain complex lighting fixtures (explosion-proof) with incandescent lamps and install fluorescent lamps.
An electrician of the 3rd category must know: 1) the design of serviced electric motors, generators, transformers, switchgear equipment, electrical networks and electrical appliances, oil switches, fuses, contactors, batteries, static capacitors, controllers, rectifiers; 2) rules and regulations for testing winding insulation with a megohmmeter; 3) techniques and methods for splicing and soldering wires high voltage; 4) basic requirements for relay protection; 5) techniques for finding and eliminating faults in electrical networks and electrical machines; 6) principles of operation of rheostats, autotransformers, electric drives with semi-automatic control; 7) definition permissible loads for transformers, electric motors, cables and wires; 8) arrangement of universal and special devices, simple and medium complexity instrumentation.

Electrical installation personnel training

Personnel servicing electrical installations, before being assigned to independent work or when transferred to another, are required to undergo on-the-job training. This also applies to personnel who have had a break in work for more than 6 months. Classes are conducted by an experienced employee from the electrical engineering staff of the enterprise to whom the student is assigned by order or directive for the enterprise, workshop, or site. After completing the training, the student undergoes a knowledge test according to the rules in a special commission technical operation, technical safety rules, job and operational instructions, technical minimum for serviced equipment.
After testing their knowledge, each employee of the operational and maintenance personnel must undergo an on-the-job internship for at least 2 weeks under the supervision of an experienced employee. This is not required for maintenance personnel.
Periodic testing of knowledge of PTE, PTB and production instructions produced once a year - for personnel directly servicing existing electrical installations, carrying out adjustment, electrical installation, renovation work or preventive tests, as well as personnel drawing up orders and organizing these works.
Persons who have violated the PTE, safety regulations or production instructions are subject to an extraordinary knowledge test.
If the assessment of knowledge of PTE, PTB is unsatisfactory, a re-check is carried out within the time frame established by the qualification commission, but not earlier than after 2 weeks.
Personnel who show unsatisfactory knowledge during the third inspection are transferred to another job not related to the maintenance of electrical installations.
If the expiration date of the certificate occurs during vacation or illness of staff, it is allowed to extend the validity of the certificate for 1 month. without special design.
The validity of the certificate of a person who re-passes the knowledge test in connection with receiving an unsatisfactory assessment is extended by the qualification commission until the period appointed for the second or third check, unless there is a special decision of the commission on the temporary removal of this person from working in electrical installations.
Testing the knowledge of PTE and PTB by electrical technical personnel of small enterprises is carried out by a commission created at a higher organization, with the participation of the head of the enterprise, organization, institution where the person being tested works.
Each employee who successfully passes the test is issued a certificate (Form 1) with assignment of a qualification group
on safety (II-V). The certificate gives the right to service electrical installations.
Page 1 Form 1
Certificate of testing knowledge of PTE and PTB during operation of consumer electrical installations
Business name................................................ ........................................................ ..
Page 2 Certificate No.
Comrade................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ .....
Job title........................ ......................... ........................................................ .........................................
Approved for work in electrical installations with voltage.................................................... ...............
Shops, departments................................................... ........................................................ .................... . . . . .
As................................................ .staff........................................ ......................
Date of issue................................................ ........................................................ ........................................
m. p. Person responsible for electrical equipment.................................. Signature. . . .
Page 3. Knowledge test results

Page 4. Certificate of right to conduct
special works

Page 5. Memo. Knowledge testing is carried out at least once every 3 years.
Without a seal and marks on the results of verification and signatures, it is invalid.
Admission to independent duty or independent work in electrical installations they are drawn up by a special order for the enterprise, workshop, site.
In order for staff to master the most advanced work methods and increase knowledge of the design and operation of equipment, the following is organized:

  1. course (group, individual) training for advanced training;
  2. study of PTE, PTB, PUE instructions and other rules related to the operation of these installations;
  3. carry out emergency training on-the-job training for operating personnel the best ways and techniques for quickly preventing and eliminating problems and accidents;
  4. periodically (at least once a quarter) conduct production briefings directly at the workplace to train personnel in the correct and safe care of equipment and rational work methods.