Painting plasterboard ceilings - technology. How to paint plasterboard ceilings Plasterboard ceiling painting in different colors

Drywall in Lately is one of the most popular finishing materials. This means that it is useful to study certain nuances regarding this coating. This article will discuss painting a plasterboard ceiling.

Choosing paint

Modern technologies offer consumers a huge number of different paint and varnish materials. Consumers have the opportunity to choose, taking into account their preferences and desired renovation budget.

So, painting plasterboard ceilings can be done with the following materials:

  • alkyd enamel paints;
  • water-based compositions;
  • water-dispersion paints.

For reference:

  • Water-based paint consists of two liquids. In it, the oil is diluted in water in the form of tiny particles, but is not completely dissolved.
  • Water-dispersion paint is a suspension of hymens, various fillers and special additives, which are dissolved in a dispersion of aqueous polymers.

It is worth understanding that painting for plasterboard ceilings has its own characteristics. This means that you need to make a choice of coloring matter, taking into account several factors. So, you should know that matte paint hides surface defects, while glossy paint, on the contrary, accentuates them.

In the absence of a stepladder, you can simply lengthen the roller

Still, the best option, according to experts, is water-based paint. With its help, you can not only paint plasterboard ceilings, but also walls. Therefore, this article will discuss the use of this type of paint.

Before painting a plasterboard ceiling, you need to dilute the paint. First, you should read the instructions on the plastic jar and find out the required consumption. In most cases, you need to add 5-10% water to the paint.

Preparatory operations

Having selected and diluted the paint, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory manipulations.

  • Before painting the plasterboard ceiling, it is necessary to fill all the seams resulting from laying sheets. Only when the putty layer is completely dry can you proceed to the following operations.
  • Next, you need to wipe the surface with some abrasive material.. You can use fine sandpaper. This procedure is mandatory, since it is possible to properly paint a plasterboard ceiling only when the surface becomes perfectly smooth.

Tip: if you are a true putty ace, you will probably be able to perform this operation so well that sanding will not be required. If you do not have such skills, then you should not neglect this procedure.

  • Please note that special electric graters are sold today, which significantly speed up the work. However, experienced specialists do not trust these devices too much. In their opinion, preparing a plasterboard ceiling for painting should be done manually.
  • During the sanding process, do not forget to wear safety glasses and a respirator.. Remember that substances that fall from the ceiling can be harmful to health.
  • At the end of this stage, you may find that a lot of dust has formed on the ceiling. It must be removed with a brush. After which the surface is thoroughly primed.

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Painting the ceiling

When the drywall is ready for painting, you can begin next stages. First you should familiarize yourself with three very important rules painting.

Three important nuances

In order for painting a plasterboard ceiling to give a beautiful and lasting result, it is necessary to apply the coloring agent evenly

  • Under no circumstances should the painting process be interrupted. This will most likely disrupt the drawing. The result will be an unevenly colored coating, which will significantly worsen appearance ceiling.
  • Remember that each brush or roller has its own unique “pattern”, a decorative layer. And therefore, changing the tool, in any case, will affect the final result. It is highly not recommended to change the tool.

Tip: If you are using a brush, paint on one specific side. This is due to the fact that on different sides One brush can have different decorative layers.

  • It is strictly forbidden to return to a painted surface area that has begun to dry out. This will compromise the paint's even application and will cause a noticeable stain when it dries.

Let's start painting

Painting of plasterboard ceilings should be done in the following sequence:

  • First of all, you need to paint the corner areas of the room. To perform this procedure, you can use a small brush. You need to paint around the entire perimeter, maintaining a margin of 3-5 cm (it is needed for, a kind of safety net, against possible contact with the wall).

  • Next, you need to use a roller, dipping it into a reservoir of paint. It is necessary to do this in such a way that the roller is completely covered with paint, and not partially. If any points are unclear, you can watch the training video at the end of this article.
  • To distribute the paint on the roller as evenly as possible, roll it out in a “bath” or mesh designed for this purpose. This operation should be repeated regularly during the painting process. Otherwise, the final pattern may turn out uneven.
  • Painting should be done as carefully as possible to prevent paint splashes. Movements must be uniform and smooth, otherwise stripes may appear that are almost impossible to remove.

It's better to stock up on several types of brushes

You can apply a new layer only after completely dry previous! It is better to stock up on several types of brushes.


This article described in detail how to properly paint a plasterboard ceiling. It is safe to say that this operation is not difficult even for an inexperienced person. The main thing is to do everything as carefully and carefully as possible.

Finishing residential premises with plasterboard is very common and practically inseparable from the concept of European-quality renovation. In order for the appearance of surfaces finished with plasterboard to be complete and aesthetic appearance requires it finishing. For this purpose they use various methods: wallpapering, varnishing, tiling, applying paints, etc. In this article we want to talk about what you can use to paint drywall, what paints or enamels are suitable for this and what tools you will need.

To begin with, we note that in order for the painted surface to turn out ideal, it is necessary to carry out a series of preliminary work for preparing plasterboard surfaces.

So first you need to putty the seams, the places where the drywall is attached to the screws and the corners plasterboard construction. This is done using various types of starting putties. To align the corners, special perforated corners are used.

The next step is finishing the drywall surface. This is done using finishing putty. It is applied to the entire surface of drywall thin layer, and after drying it is carefully rubbed with sandpaper.

The result should be a very smooth surface.

If you don't perform well enough this type work, it’s not worth taking on coloring at all. A painted surface will never be beautiful and you will have to redo everything - for example, paste wallpaper on top.

Before applying paint, apply a primer to the surface. This is necessary so that the paint adheres well to the wall surface and does not lag behind during use.

So, all defects on the wall surface have been eliminated and we can decide on what composition we will paint.

How to paint drywall

Choosing the type of paintable composition for drywall is not difficult.

With proper preliminary preparation for painting a plasterboard surface, any paints or enamels are suitable for painting. There are no contraindications. It will all depend on your preferences, knowledge of paints and their applications, and how much money you can spend on paint. Drywall can be painted with any tool: brush, roller or spray gun.

Used for painting drywall three types of paints:

1. Water-based paints

Firstly, it has many positive qualities that are in demand by consumers. Thus, the surface painted with water-based paint has a pleasant velvety, matte surface.

It is also worth noting the unlimited number of colors of this material. When using these paints, you should remember that they lighten several tones during the drying process.

In general, water-based paint is produced in white color, and the color range is given to it using various colors, sold separately.

Accordingly, you can create any color or shade. When adding color, remember that its content should not exceed 5%. The positive qualities of these paints include the ease of application, as well as the fact that they are easily washed off, and do not require special liquids or solvents.

Two disadvantages of this composition should be noted:

Water-based paint has a significant consumption compared to others and this paint is not suitable for painting walls in rooms with high humidity.

Oil paints

These paints are suitable for any room. They adhere well to drywall, resulting in a durable, glossy surface. Oil paint coatings are extremely resistant to moisture and aggressive environments.

They are also very economical in consumption. One of the disadvantages of oil paints is that they contain many chemical components that are dangerous to humans.

Painting drywall with these compounds is only possible in well-ventilated areas.

3. Enamels

These types of materials are also great for painting drywall. After drying, enamels create a beautiful, smooth and durable wall surface. One of the advantages is the wide variety of colors and shades. Enamels can be selected both glossy and matte. After the enamel has dried, we obtain a durable, moisture-resistant film.

Like oil paints, enamels have a small consumption per unit area. Compared to oil paints, enamels dry faster.

Methods for painting plasterboard ceilings

Ceiling decoration with plasterboard allows the interior to become unusually attractive and unusual. But without further processing or painting, even the most original ceiling will look unsettled. The techniques used to paint drywall ceilings are slightly different from painting wood or concrete, so don't be quick to color without familiarizing yourself with them. Only the right painting will make your ceiling flawless, and you will learn all the nuances and secrets of this process in this article.

What colors are suitable for drywall

The finishing materials market now offers a huge selection of colored materials, but not all of them are suitable for materials such as dry cleaning.

You can use these colors:

  • alkyd enamel;
  • dispersible water;
  • water emulsion;
  • acrylic;
  • silicate or silicone.

However, oil paint cannot be used on dry walls. All types of dyes listed are completely grouped with gypsum board, but the most popular in this regard is paint on water based.

It is easy to apply, dries quickly, covers the ceiling in a flat, thick layer and maintains it well.

Another important shade: for drywall tops, you should choose a matte color light shades. Firstly, matte colors perfectly hide small unevenness on the ceiling, while glossy color emphasizes only any bulge or lameness, even the most discreet one.

Secondly, bright colors make the room more spacious, add comfort and lightness. So, if you have already decided what color the plasterboard ceiling will be, you can move to the next level.

Ceiling preparation

After plastering the plasterboard structures on the ceiling, the entire surface must be properly prepared for painting.

Often on such ceilings it is located between the parts that are processed by whales, and then they are immediately painted. The consequence of this is that a white line appears through the color, giving the ceiling a very subtle appearance. So don't do it.

If you want a high quality image, first check the entire ceiling for bumps, scratches, unevenness and other defects. All this must be carefully sealed by the whales. Once the covered areas have dried, the entire surface should be well coated. Preparation is necessary even if the drywall is completely flat and you have not found any errors.

This is necessary for uniform color absorption. Untreated plaster cards absorb dyes differently and then on the ceiling.

After applying the powder, wait until it dries completely.

And now you can start drawing the plasterboard ceiling.

Correct ceiling image technology

High-quality visualization requires care and compliance with technology. First of all, you must prepare everything that you may need in your work:

  • color;
  • color bath;
  • reliable ladder;
  • more brushes of different widths;
  • small tray for images;
  • sprayer or cylinder;
  • work gloves.

If the color is too strong, it should be diluted according to the instructions.

Choosing white color for the ceiling is only a color color, but if you want to be a color ceiling, you need to add the desired color color. Mixing is necessary until the paint is completely homogeneous, otherwise ugly stains will remain on the surface. In addition, color is also recommended for filtration to get rid of possible lumps. It often happens that films appear on the screen. Then you cannot mix the contents of the glass: the film will break into small pieces, which will remain on the ceiling and hopelessly condemn the entire appearance.

Painting a plasterboard ceiling

When everything is ready, continue using the first layer.

Please note that the start of this process cannot be interrupted: irregular drying will create unwanted patterns on the ceiling.

How to properly apply drywall drywall

In addition, you cannot change the cylinder while working or replace it with a brush, otherwise it will be noticeably reflected on the finished surface and the ceiling will be painted. For the same reason, you cannot return to painted areas. Each layer is uniform, in one direction, with one tool.

Starts painting the plasterboard ceiling with a small brush from the corner areas.

Go to the periphery, draw them in these areas, and then lower it again with a small roller to the periphery and remove a few centimeters. Now when you paint a big roller or spray gun, don't hit the wall.

The cylinder is evenly saturated with paint, so don't be afraid to completely submerge it in color, as any excess can be cleaned up in a color bath.

Pull the cylinder into the tray, start painting the ceiling even in parallel stripes. The width of these belts can be from fifty centimeters to one meter and to avoid the formation of joints between them, one strip should pass to the other about ten centimeters.

After painting the entire surface, allow the color to dry. Thus, during drying, dust does not sit on the ceiling; the space should be tightly closed. Also, make sure there is no cylinder villa on the surface to be painted. All this can slightly damage the appearance of the ceiling.

The next layer is also used. But the direction of the stripes should be perpendicular to the previous layer. In this way, you can completely paint the plasterboard ceiling. If you need a third layer, it is used the same way.

As you can see, the visualization process does not contain any specific problems, the main thing is to follow the recommendations.

If some points are not entirely clear, a video about the color of a plasterboard ceiling will help you understand the details. Even the most difficult ceilings made of gypsum boards to construct can be painted independently and with high quality. Remember safety while working - the ladder must be strong, stable and secure.

A properly painted ceiling will give you a long lasting, seamless and attractive appearance, creating a pleasant ambiance in your room.

Along with this material it also reads:

How to paint the ceiling and walls correctly

In order to evenly paint the ceiling and walls, you need special paint and rollers.

First, choose the paint. The paint must be for walls and ceilings, paint that is only for ceilings - often stains (like whitewash) and is of poor quality. The types of paints are either acrylic paint or water-based paint.

There is no difference in these paints in terms of work.

The paint should be liquid like (for example) kefir. If the paint is thick, it should be mixed with water using a drill and a construction mixer. Also, before painting, you need to shake it with a construction mixer, because... The paint has sagged and there is sediment at the bottom. Stirring by hand (with chopsticks, etc.) will not work, because... you will not be able to mix the paint well and make it homogeneous.

It is better to use a velor roller with a pile of up to 6 mm.

Only such a roller is capable of applying paint evenly, without smudges or other defects.

Not suitable for painting wallpaper foam rollers and rollers with a fur coat.

Pour a little paint into the paint tray (tray) and, dipping the roller into it, roll it on the ribbed surface of the tray so that the paint lies completely on the roller and the excess paint is removed from it.

Apply the first layer of paint on the ceiling parallel to the window, and the second layer perpendicular to the window.
The walls are painted from top to bottom, also 2 layers.

How to paint a plasterboard ceiling: a step-by-step guide

The 2nd layer is painted after the 1st layer has completely dried.

Despite the fact that wallpaper manufacturers allow you to repaint wallpaper up to 15 times, I would not recommend doing this more than 10 times. Moreover, if for the first painting of wallpaper it is enough to apply 2 layers of paint, then then you will need to apply 3-4 layers. This is due to the fact that you cannot repaint with 2 layers new color wallpaper, if only old color very similar to new.

Painting walls or ceilings in two colors

Painting walls or ceilings in two or more colors is a painstaking process that requires extreme care and attention.

And so, when your walls are ready for painting (putty and primer), we proceed to marking the surface for painting in two or more colors. Draw the necessary areas of painting with a pencil.

The pencil should not be too soft and should not leave a too greasy mark, this is necessary so that it can be painted over.

Carefully, along the pencil line, glue the tape on one side. This is necessary so as not to accidentally get paint of one color onto a surface intended for another color, as well as to obtain a clear boundary between two paint colors. The adhesive tape should not be very sticky, otherwise you will remove it with a layer of paint or putty that will stick to it, the best adhesive tape is used for auto airbrushing, it is expensive (400 rubles), but it sticks perfectly and is removed, this is important when You glue it onto a painted surface.

Then paint the pasted surface.

If you use regular masking tape, then it is not advisable to leave it on the glued surface for more than 2 hours, otherwise it may damage the glued surface of the wall or ceiling when torn off.

Then, also carefully and precisely, along the painted border, stick the tape onto the painted surface and paint again.

Sometimes it happens that you removed the tape, and in several places there is not a clearly straight line, somewhere it was poorly painted or there was an overflow of other paint. Take a small (art) brush, something smooth and thin (for example: a blade from a stationery knife or a spatula) and carefully tint, pressing the blade tightly along the border of two paint colors.

Video of painting walls in two colors

Colors are divided into three groups - warm, cool and neutral. The first group includes yellow, red, orange, the second - blue, cyan, violet, green, the third - black, white and gray.

It is better to paint the walls of rooms facing north in warm and light colors. Then they will reflect more light, creating the feeling of the presence of the sun. Cold colors are suitable for southern rooms. For example, make a long narrow room visually wider.

To do this, you need to paint the end walls in warm color, and longitudinal ones - in the cold. Or push the boundaries of a cramped space by painting the walls beige, white, light gray, yellow. It is also necessary to take into account the influence of color on a person and choose it depending on the purpose of the room.

Thus, white creates a feeling of spaciousness and “air”, red activates and uplifts the mood, but with prolonged exposure it irritates and reduces performance. Blue gives the impression of spaciousness and freshness, calms, and increases concentration. Green calms, and orange warms and uplifts.

Yellow tones and has a positive effect on the nervous system. Purple relaxes and relieves tension.

That's all, paint your walls to your taste, but don't forget about the tips you read above.

One of the common and popular, as well as economical ways to add freshness and renewal to a room is to paint the ceiling in some rich and fresh color. In addition, due to the development of paints and varnishes, many people use the technique artistic painting on the ceiling.

  1. Preparing the ceiling for painting
  2. Leveling the ceiling before painting
  3. Ceiling surface priming

Painting the ceiling

Thus, you can gracefully and beautifully decorate any room and add originality to your home.

However, in order to implement such an idea, you will need to make considerable efforts. This article describes how to properly prepare ceiling surface for painting, how to eliminate surface defects, as well as how to treat the surface with a primer.

Preparing the ceiling for painting

The stage of preparing the ceiling surface for painting.

The first priority at this stage is to remove all things from the premises. This is necessary in order to have access to any corner of the ceiling. In addition, you need to cover the floor surface with some kind of protective material.

How to paint the ceiling yourself?

As a rule, newspaper is placed on the floor for this purpose.

How to paint a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands?

This is necessary so that if paint drips from the ceiling, a chaotic stain does not form on the floor. Otherwise, you will also need to repair the flooring.

Red plain painted ceiling

Having completed the above work, you can begin to clean the surface from dirt, dust, and old finishing coating.

If paint has already been applied to the ceiling, it can be removed using a hair dryer. If the ceiling was whitewashed, then to remove the whitewash you will need a bucket, a rag and water.

Leveling the ceiling before painting

Stage of eliminating defects and leveling the ceiling.

Having completed the preparatory work and removed the old finishing layer, it is necessary to begin eliminating defects in the ceiling and its leveling.

Using a spatula, you need to clean out all the bulges in the ceiling. After this, you need to mix a portion of putty and hide all the chips and cracks on the ceiling surface.

Painting the ceiling yourself

If the ceiling is skewed up to one centimeter, then using a building level, apply a layer of plaster over the entire area of ​​the ceiling.

Thus, the ceiling is leveled and put in order before painting. Please note that after applying a layer of plaster, it needs time to harden. As a rule, two days is enough for hardening.

Painting ceilings

Ceiling surface priming

The stage of applying the primer mixture.

After the plaster has hardened, a layer of primer must be applied to the ceiling surface. A primer is necessary for stronger adhesion of paints and varnishes to the surface, as well as to reduce paint costs.

To do this, pour the primer from the eggplant into a prepared container and moisten a roller or brush with many bristles in it.

After this, the mixture is applied with sweeping movements to the entire surface of the ceiling. It is highly recommended to apply the mixture three or even four times.

Blue painted ceiling in a children's bedroom

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How to cover a plasterboard ceiling

How to paint a plasterboard ceiling?

If the installation and preparatory work has already been completed, then the last, no less important stage remains.

The correct choice of coating for a plasterboard ceiling will not only ensure the decorative and aesthetic appearance of its appearance, but will also protect the structure, allowing you to change the decor of the room more than once.

How to paint a plasterboard ceiling?

Painting is considered the best option for the ratio of spectacular appearance, effort and price.

  • Oily.

    It is used in technical rooms with good ventilation, since the waterproof film of this coating retains moisture, acid fumes, etc.

  • Water dispersible. A type of such paint is acrylic. Excellently retains its appearance for a long time and allows for wet cleaning.
  • Silicate.

    Ideal for rooms with high humidity. Does not require the addition of antiseptics.

  • Silicone. Prevents the development of fungus at high humidity.
  • Water-based. This paint is deservedly popular, as it is easy to “lay down” on the surface and, thanks to wide choice the color palette does not require additional coloring.
  • Latex. Ideally hides small cracks and other minor defects.

Do not forget that the use of several paint colors helps to emphasize the details of the interior or allows you to zone a room with a large area.

How to cover plasterboard on the ceiling?

There are no fewer options for ceiling coverings made from HA than conventional ones, and the ideality of the surface will allow you to spend much less effort on finishing.

It should be noted that paint or wallpaper requires full volume preparatory work– puttying, sanding and priming, while gluing with synthetic tiles successfully hides minor defects.

  • Painting.

    The structure of drywall has endowed it with the property of being hygroscopic. Oil paint forms a dense film that does not allow the drywall to “breathe”, which disrupts the microclimate in the room, and the ceiling surface is at risk of fungus. The best option would be a water-based coating dispersion paint and water-based.

    Silicone and silicate compounds also performed well.

  • Wallpapering. The technology for gluing wallpaper on GC is identical to working with any other type of surface. You just need to carefully consider the choice of glue, depending on the wallpaper material.

    Non-woven ones can be either plain or contain ornamental elements, while vinyl ones can also have a relief structure. If you plan to change the color in the future, then it is better to use a matting.

  • Expanded polystyrene or cork tiles.
  • Decorative stucco molding.

How to decorate drywall with polystyrene foam tiles?

Expanded polystyrene is a lightweight, moisture-resistant material of a synthetic nature.

Such tiles can be glued end to end or have joining grooves on the side faces.

Its advantages include a fairly diverse palette of colors or the possibility of painting with water-based paint. If desired, you can purchase tiles with decorative bas-relief on the front surface.

An advantage of using polystyrene foam is additional thermal insulation.

Having previously taken measurements from the ceiling surface, it is worth making a calculation based on the dimensions of the tiles so that they lie symmetrically. After removing the packaging, it is advisable to leave the material for 1-2 hours to avoid subsequent deformation.

Polymer adhesive is applied pointwise along the edges and center of the tile.

If its side faces contain grooves, then it is enough to wait enough time for the glue to harden on the first glued square.

The rest will be held until completely glued due to the joining grooves.

If they are not there, then you will have to use masking tape.

There should be no drafts in the room when working. Joint seams can be masked using putty. Such a ceiling should be painted only after allowing the time necessary for the glue to dry.

Extravagant shape and interesting solution in terms of lighting - this is only one of the facets of creating an exclusive ceiling from HA.

Another and very important aspect is the choice of coating that harmonizes with the style of the interior.


Plasterboard ceiling finishing options

Plasterboard ceiling is one of the popular finishing methods. Drywall as a finishing building material is easy to use and inexpensive. Finishing finished ceiling covering It’s possible to do it yourself, the main thing is to decide how to finish the plasterboard ceiling.

Finishing the plasterboard ceiling is the final stage, which this article will talk about.

Drywall installation

How to finish a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands?

The first step is to cover the old coating with plasterboard; for this you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Hydraulic level
  • Level
  • Chop cord
  • Screwdriver
  • Drill
  • Stationery knife
  • Spatula
  • Abrasive mesh for grinding
  • Metal profiles
  • Suspensions
  • Self-tapping screws
  • Starting and finishing putty
  • Primer

Using a hydraulic level, markings are measured and drawn along the perimeter of the room using a tapping cord; a metal profile frame is assembled along the line using profiles.

A suspension is attached to the existing ceiling, and the profile is fixed to it.

The frame structure is sheathed with plasterboard sheets using metal screws 25 mm long. The gypsum boards are attached so that there is no gap between them.

After covering the gypsum board, the seams and screw heads are covered with putty.

After the surface has dried, it is primed and puttied. When the surface dries, it is sanded and primed. The gypsum board ceiling is ready for finishing.

Sheathing with plasterboard is not a difficult job, but it requires knowledge.

Types of finishing

After installing the gypsum board, the question arises of how to cover the plasterboard ceiling in the room so that it is beautiful and practical.

There are many options finishing plasterboard surface, but most often used:

  • Painting
  • Wallpapering
  • Decoration with decorative plaster

Decoration methods can be combined with each other to create original design rooms.

The coating should be decorated after careful preparation.

There should be no visible seams between the gypsum boards, the surface should be smooth.


Painting the ceiling covering is a popular type of finishing; it is used more often than others.

To start painting a plasterboard ceiling, prepare it:

  1. Putty;
  2. Sand with an abrasive mesh;
  3. Prime and wait until dry.

To paint plasterboard ceilings, water-based paint is used.

The tools you will need are rollers and brushes. various sizes and a paint tray.

Before starting to paint the entire area of ​​the ceiling, use a brush to paint the joints of the corners and walls with the ceiling.

Water-based paint is poured into a special tray, the roller is dipped and lightly squeezed on the elevated side of the container.

The ceiling surface is usually painted twice, but sometimes it is necessary to cover it in five layers.

The amount depends on the coating underneath the paint.

The next layer of paint material is applied only after the previous one has dried.

Tip: to cover the surface with paint, choose a roller with a wool coating; when painted, it leaves a bubble mark, which, when dried, forms an even coating and shade.

If ceiling paint in several shades; for the border between them it is good to use masking tape, which can be easily removed after the paint composition has dried.

Advice: if the surface is painted, do not White color color is added to the water emulsion.

It is better to immediately dilute the composition with a reserve, because if there is not enough paint for the area to be painted, it will not be possible to make the same color a second time.

Wallpaper finishing

The second popular way of decorating a surface made of plasterboard sheets is wallpapering. Both regular paper and paintable wallpaper are suitable.

It is necessary to purchase the selected type of wallpaper and special glue. Using the tools, prepare a roller for applying glue to the surface of the ceiling and a rubber roller for smoothing the sheet of wallpaper on the ceiling.

You can’t handle this process alone; you need an assistant to hold the sheet of wallpaper while you glue it.

Decorative plaster

If you are already tired of painting, the wallpaper seems to you from the last century, and the room needs updating, you can decorate the ceiling with decorative plaster trim.

Decorative plaster is rarely used as a final finish for plasterboard ceilings; many do not know that it can be used to cover not only the walls inside and outside the building.

Decorating a room with decorative plaster is a lengthy job and is not suitable for those who need to make repairs in a short time.

To finish the ceiling with plaster yourself, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • Roller
  • Brush
  • Bucket for mixing solution
  • Drill with mixer attachment
  • Spatula
  • Half rub
  • Kelma

The plaster mixture is applied to the ceiling using a spatula and stretched over the surface.

The roller is immediately rolled over the composition for leveling. Leave to dry for 24 hours.

After this, grout is done using a trowel and primed.

If there is no color in the decorative putty desired color, then the final stage will be painting.

The process of decorating a ceiling covering with decorative plaster is almost no different from applying it to walls.

Important: the plaster mixture is used for finishing only when the coating is made of moisture-resistant plasterboard.

There are different ways to decorate a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands; everyone chooses which one to choose for the design of their room personally.


How to beautifully decorate a plasterboard ceiling?

All the beauty of the interior of a house or apartment can easily be ruined by uneven ceilings.

One of the most simple ways To prevent such a situation is to install suspended plasterboard ceilings.

They are environmentally friendly, fire resistant, have excellent sound, thermal insulation properties and affordable price. Due to the fact that this structure has a perfectly flat surface, there are many ways to finish it.

Installing a plasterboard ceiling

At the very beginning of finishing the ceiling with plasterboard, markings are made in order to install guides.

They will be installed in the upper perimeter of the wall, with some distance from the main ceiling.

This requires the use of laser or building level(length should be 1.5-2 m).

Used as guides metallic profile(PN 28*27 mm).

The profile is pinned to concrete wall on dowel-nails, in wood - on self-tapping screws. After this, the ceiling profile PP 60*27 is installed (the axial pitch is 600 mm) so that the sheet seams are in the middle of the profile. Fastening the ceiling profile to the guide with a self-tapping screw and a press washer is done using a screwdriver.

For the convenience of future design of the ceiling with plasterboard, mark with a pencil the middle of the profiles, as well as the places for arranging the transverse profiles that will form cells (step - 500-600 mm).

Installation on U-shaped hangers

To secure the ceiling profiles, you need to prepare a special U-shaped suspension (step - maximum 1 m).

The cord attached to the outer profiles is used to level the others to obtain an ideal surface.

  1. The hangers are attached using self-tapping screws with washers to the profile. Unnecessary parts of the suspension are bent in the other direction.
  2. In order to secure the transverse posts, a bracket or “crab” is required.

    If it is missing, you can use a piece of a guide post (size 100 mm), which is first attached to the edge of the ceiling profile, and then a transverse post is attached to it.

  3. “Crabs” are installed on the marking lines and connect them to the transverse profiles. The cells should be 600*600 mm. This ensures the rigidity of the frame.
  4. Frame parts are checked and materials are prepared required sizes for finishing the ceiling with plasterboard.
  5. The plasterboard sheet is installed on the ceiling and then secured to the guides using self-tapping screws (steps up to 250 mm).

Installation of plasterboard slabs is done with a slight offset.

This improves the rigidity of the structure. It is important to remember that finishing a room with plasterboard reduces the height of the room.

Finishing methods

After the ceiling is installed, you need to finish it in a way that is most suitable for a particular room. At the very beginning, you need to putty all the seams.

To do this, use the starting and finishing mixture, different from each other different diameters grains

After filling the seams with the starting mixture using a serpyanka or paper tape they are reinforced.

After the solution has dried, sanding is done using sandpaper on a sander.

At the end of the work, the starting putty is covered with the finishing putty. The entire sheet is also completely covered, and the surface is leveled using a wide spatula.


The best option for painting drywall surfaces is water-based paints.

The most common ones include acrylic ones, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

Matte paint is usually used to paint a ceiling that has not been plastered or puttied. In this case, as a rule, several layers are applied. Glossy paint is applied to a prepared ceiling without visible defects. In any case, it is advisable to treat the surface with a primer before painting.

When painting the ceiling, you need to make sure that there are no drafts in the room.

You should also avoid direct sunlight. After processing the seams for two days, the humidity and temperature in the room should remain constant.


This is a long-familiar method, which can also be quite successfully used to decorate a plasterboard ceiling.

To do this you can choose paper wallpaper or non-woven for painting.

Before carrying out the main work, the plasterboard sheets must be plastered. In this case, wallpaper that is boring can be removed without much difficulty. If you ignore the plaster, then when you remove the wallpaper, the cardboard will also come off, and this can lead to the ceiling being replaced.

You also need to choose the glue that matches the given type of material.

From the instructions you can learn about the correct use of it. The process itself is quite simple - it’s easy to glue wallpaper onto a flat surface.

Of course, it is more convenient to do the work with a partner. As for the tools, you need a roller to apply glue, a rubber roller to smooth out the wallpaper, a container for glue and a stepladder.


There is another interesting option for finishing a plasterboard ceiling - decorative plaster.

If you become familiar with the intricacies of this work and do everything correctly, the interior of the room will change significantly. The cost of such plaster is low, so savings on materials are possible.

This method is very good to use when there are visible defects in plasterboard sheets - dents or curvature of the surface. But if the surface is strongly curved, then decorative plaster is not able to correct such a defect.

Moreover, heavy weight will provoke additional deformation.

There are three basic rules of operation:

  • decorative plaster should be used exclusively on moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets;
  • the use of a primer before using the material is mandatory;
  • The plaster should be applied in thin layers several times.

How and with what to paint a plasterboard ceiling

Ceilings covered with whitewash or paint have been replaced by suspended ceilings made of plasterboard.

The material itself is nothing special. What’s attractive about it is that it allows you to create a variety of designs on the ceiling space. They are lightweight, easy to install, attract the availability of materials and are relatively inexpensive.

Moreover, the drywall can be additionally decorated, embodying any design fantasy.

Moreover, during the installation process you can do it yourself, without using expensive equipment and hiring outside workers. At the same time, drywall is safe and environmentally friendly. pure material. The easiest way to finish a ceiling made of plasterboard sheets is wallpapering. But the option looks much more interesting when the suspended ceiling is painted with multi-colored paints.

What paints are best to paint drywall?

Almost everything is suitable for painting drywall paints and varnishes existing in the construction market today.

The only exception is oil paints. They form an airtight film on the painted surface, which does not allow the drywall to “breathe”. 5 years after use, oil coating may begin to peel off, the ceiling will become covered with cracks.

The best option would be water-based, water-dispersion or acrylic paints. They are attractive due to their environmental friendliness, smooth coating, and wear resistance. The basis of such paints is a water emulsion to which acrylates, silicone, latex and colored pigment are added.

Paints are diluted with water or special water-based solutions. This distinguishes them from oil paints, which are diluted with solvents and drying oil.

The paint dries quickly, even in winter, without emitting an unpleasant, fetid odor during the drying process. Often the oil paints that were used in the past caused poisoning. Toxic components were released during the drying process of the painted surface.

Water-based, acrylic or water-dispersion paints dry completely when aired within a few hours.

The coatings have a pleasant-to-touch surface and a beautiful glossy shine.

A suspended ceiling coated with paint visually enlarges the room and the height of the ceiling, and hides minor defects.

Preparing drywall for painting

He's not afraid wet cleaning and dry abrasion.

A plasterboard ceiling coated with enamels acquires a richer gloss. The disadvantages of the coating are toxicity and high price compared to other paints.

Preliminary preparation of the ceiling for painting requires care and attention. If the drywall sheets have unevenness and cannot be corrected at the preparatory stage, then the final finishing with enamel will further emphasize the defects.

Technology for painting plasterboard ceilings

You can apply paint to a plasterboard ceiling using a paint roller with long pile or a spray gun. Everyone chooses what is more convenient. It is unacceptable to use foam rollers. When drywall comes into contact with foam rubber, tiny bubbles are formed, which will provide the surface with an uneven “bubble” coating.

A velor roller is also not suitable; it can leave unpainted areas and stains on the drywall, which is unacceptable.

Start the painting process from the corner located near the window. Paint the ceiling in strips 0.7-1.0 m wide, moving from the window towards the opposite wall. Place the next strip overlapping the previous one. The overlap width is 7-10 cm. Continue the process until the ceiling is completely painted. Paint the corners separately, applying the paint with a wide brush.

Subtleties of painting a plasterboard ceiling

In the process of painting a plasterboard ceiling, craftsmen are advised to adhere to the following rules:

  • In order for the paint to lay down in an even layer, the roller must be well saturated with paint.

    To do this, at the very beginning you need to dip it well into a container of paint, then roll it on an unnecessary piece of drywall several times. This will completely fill the roller with paint and allow you to properly cover the surface of the ceiling.

  • During the painting process, you need to periodically look at the ceiling in good lighting from different angles.

    This will avoid unevenness of the coating and “spotting” of the ceiling.

  • Do not drag out the painting process for a long time. Water-based, acrylic and water-dispersion compositions “set” after 20 minutes, so the process cannot be delayed. The coating is usually applied in 2-3 layers. This will provide him long-term operation and guarantees high quality staining.

When choosing what to paint a plasterboard ceiling with, the main thing is not to skimp on quality. Paints for ceiling structures must really be from trusted manufacturers and, most importantly, suitable for finishing plasterboard surfaces. Only in this case can you be sure that at the final stage of finishing no unresolvable problems will arise.

How to choose paint for a gypsum board ceiling?

In fact, there is nothing difficult about painting a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands when you have selected the right material for the work. correct paint. The main criteria are that the coating must be combined with plasterboard sheets and correspond to the purpose of the room, taking into account the characteristics of the microclimate.

The technology for processing plasterboard ceilings also has its own characteristics. For example, before painting, it is important to carefully prime the surface, treat it with putty mixtures and rub it to obtain a perfectly flat and smooth surface.

Suitable options for gypsum board ceilings are water-based and water-dispersion paints. It is strictly forbidden to use oil-based formulations.

Water-based paint for plasterboard ceilings is presented in a wide range color scheme, easy to use, practical and reliable, suitable for finishing ceilings in the hall, bedroom, corridor.

Water-dispersion paints are more durable, protect the ceiling from moisture, retain color saturation even after many years of use, and are mainly available in white. The compositions are ideal for finishing surfaces in rooms with an unstable microclimate, such as kitchens or bathrooms. Water-dispersion paints have some features:

  • require minimal drying time;
  • practically odorless;
  • safe;
  • they are simply renewed due to the property of forming a durable film on the surface of the ceiling.

Water-based paint for plasterboard ceilings is also available in the following types:

  • silicone;
  • silicate in mineral composition;
  • acrylic with latex.

Silicone compounds are a mixture of silicate and acrylic paints. The mixture is elastic and is excellent for treating uneven surfaces due to its ability to bridge cracks up to 2 mm thick.

A ceiling treated with paint exhibits moisture-repellent properties, so it is worth considering this option for finishing surfaces in rooms with high levels of humidity: kitchens and bathrooms. The silicone coating is resistant to dirt, fungi and mold and does not require special care.

For ceilings in rooms with high humidity and temperature changes, the best paint is silicate paint with a mineral composition. The composition reliably protects the ceiling surface not only from moisture and dirt, but also from microorganisms, and does not require the additional use of antiseptics.

Acrylic paints come in both latex-based and pure acrylic paints. The first option is more expensive than other compositions, partly due to increased resistance to dirt, vapor permeability and easy care. Using latex paint it is possible to cover cracks up to 1 mm thick.

It’s just that acrylic mixtures are also wear-resistant and are suitable for finishing premises of any type of purpose.

Based on information about the main types of mixtures for gypsum plasterboard, you can decide which paint to choose for finishing. All of the listed options are presented in different colors and shades and require adherence to the application technology, according to the instructions. Standardly, for finishing a plasterboard structure, three layers of the mixture are applied with domestically produced paints, and two layers of a foreign one are applied, waiting for the previous one to dry.

Matte or glossy - what are the differences?

When choosing what paint to paint a plasterboard ceiling, you need to pay attention not only to the manufacturer, colors or type of mixture. The degree of gloss of the coating should also be taken into account. There are two main mixture options available: glossy and matte. There are also so-called intermediate options: semi-matte and semi-gloss.

Traditionally, glossy paint that is resistant to dirt and requires simple maintenance is selected for finishing gypsum boards. A ceiling painted with such mixtures seems perfectly even and smooth; it is easy to wash and renew over time.

But painting a plasterboard ceiling with matte paint opens up more possibilities for experiments with design transformations of the room. The coating allows you to visually “raise” the ceiling, making the room spacious, giving it a complete harmonious look.

Just like glossy, matte mixture helps hide surface defects. Regarding maintenance, matte painted plasterboard ceilings They are more difficult to clean and do not retain their appearance as well during use as glossy ones.

Matte paint on plasterboard ceiling

Wanting to combine positive traits Both composition options, it’s worth taking a closer look at semi-gloss and semi-matte paints.

Painting quite often two-level ceiling performed using enamel. This type of coating dries quickly, does not deform under the influence of moisture, is practical and aesthetic. The disadvantages include the high cost of enamel with a fairly high percentage of consumption per 1 square meter surfaces.

Preparing for painting: materials and tools

As soon as you manage to decide on the choice of paint for finishing the ceiling covering, you can proceed to preparation necessary materials and tools. To carry out the work you will need:

  • dye;
  • construction mixer for mixing;
  • mixing container;
  • spray gun or roller;
  • brushes of different widths;
  • safety glasses, gloves.

With a ready-made set of tools and materials, they begin to prepare the ceiling surface. In the case of plasterboard sheets, this is not difficult to do. The main task is to seal seams and cracks, prime and putty the surface in several layers, followed by sanding to obtain an ideal result.

Immediately before painting, the ceiling is re-primed for better adhesion, as well as to avoid the appearance of cracks and stains on the surface. plasterboard sheets with the property of absorbing moisture. It is important to apply each subsequent layer of the mixture (primer or putty) to a completely dry surface.

How to properly apply paint to a surface: algorithm

Regardless of the chosen type of coating, you need to paint the ceiling in several layers - this is a mandatory requirement. Two or even three layers will allow you to achieve the effect of a uniformly painted surface without bald spots or shade differences. Painting work is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The paint is mixed using a construction mixer or a drill with an attachment, and if necessary, diluted with water.
  2. Prepare a brush, it is better to choose one with a width of up to 80 mm. With its help, the initial painting of the plasterboard ceiling with water-based paint is carried out around the perimeter of the room in the areas where the walls adjoin the ceiling. This is necessary for the convenience of working with a roller in the future.
  3. The paint is added to the painting tray using a roller, and the composition is evenly distributed over the surface of the ceiling in the direction opposite to the window.
  4. After the first layer of paint has dried, apply a second one perpendicular to the first.

Compliance simple rules performing painting work will allow you to paint the ceiling correctly even for those who are doing it for the first time. Experts recommend:

  • paint a surface of more than 40 meters in square strips with a working width of up to 80 cm;
  • do not touch the areas where the paint begins to dry out with the roller;
  • start each new layer by finishing the joints of the walls and ceiling around the perimeter.

You can evaluate the result of the work carried out just a few hours after the last layer has dried. A flashlight or portable lamp is suitable for this. By illuminating the surface at an angle, even minor flaws can be seen. Especially obvious ones will require correction with localization and repainting of the surface in problem areas.

The choice of ceiling color - what dictated it?

Understanding how to choose paint for finishing the ceiling and what the algorithm for its application should be, all that remains is to decide what color to paint the surface so that you don’t regret the decision for several years. The choice of color should first of all be dictated by the purpose of the room, the features of its design and the personal preferences of the owner. It must be taken into account that colors have a direct impact on a person’s mood.

For example, a bright red color for a bedroom is not the best The best decision. In a room where you need to achieve a state of peace and comfort, it will become an irritating factor.

However, the main rule modern design- finishing without cliches. Therefore, if a red ceiling is what the bedroom owner has long dreamed of, then the designer’s task is to play with it in such a way that the functionality and style of the room will only benefit from it.

Classic colors - based on the palette of bed tones. White, beige, gray, light brown ceilings are always relevant and, what is important, will suit almost any interior design. In the quest for exclusivity, you can experiment with poisonous colors, if possible combining them with calmer shades, correctly placing accents.

Choose interesting options The thematic video selection below will help you get ideas for painting modern plasterboard ceilings, both simple single-level ones and those based on several tiers.

Applying paint to the surface of plasterboard ceilings, despite the simplicity of the process, is not so simple technology finishing. It is worth choosing the appropriate color, giving it the desired color, and also applying it in layers without any flaws. In addition, you will need to select tools and carefully prepare the surfaces. How to paint a plasterboard ceiling without making serious mistakes, and do everything at the proper level of quality?

More than 50% of success in painting plasterboard ceilings depends on choosing the right color. He must have everyone necessary qualities to create a reliable coating.

What criteria should you use to choose paint for interior works?

  • Uniformity and durability of the coating;
  • No toxic compounds in the composition;
  • Acceptable smell;
  • Drying speed;
  • Possibility of application to various surfaces.

Today for interior work the best views The following paints are considered:

Enamels with alkyd base

They allow you to get a very durable coating on plastered surfaces, but have a sharp bad smell, which is not entirely suitable for working in an apartment or house.

Water-emulsion and water-dispersion

The basis of this color is water. This is one of the most acceptable options. The water-based emulsion dries quickly and has virtually no odor.

Acrylic based paints

Most often, water-based samples are used with acrylic resins as a basis. The coating is resistant and durable, it can be washed, and the color properties are not lost in a short period of time.


Silicate additives in this paint make the coating hydrophobic. That is, resistant to moisture. This the best option for painting ceilings in the kitchen or bathroom. Most often, water-based paint with acrylic or silicone bases is used to paint plasterboard ceilings. But, in addition to composition and properties, one of the main criteria for coating is color, as well as gloss.

All modern paints used for interior work are mainly sold in white colors. You can get the desired range by adding a certain amount of dye. Manufacturers indicate on the packaging the necessary proportions of both components so that the result is one or another color shade.

The tinting of the composition is quite difficult process, therefore, when buying a painting material, you should immediately calculate the required volume. It is very difficult to obtain the same shade in two different batches.
Another property of paint that people pay attention to when purchasing is gloss. This property is divided into 4 types:

Matte. The tone perfectly masks minor roughness and imperfections made during finishing. However, such coatings are very difficult to care for, especially to wash.

Semi-matte. It differs from the previous version by a subtle shine. Good example- eggshell.

Glossy. A shade of paint with a pronounced shine. The coating can be easily cleaned by washing. But, applying such paint requires perfect flat surface, otherwise the defects will stand out clearly.

Semi-gloss. This option is best for kitchens or bathrooms with high level moisture and contamination. Moderate shine will hide imperfections in the finish; cleaning the surface will not take much time.

There is also a so-called satin effect, which combines quality matte paint mask defects in certain areas, and easier maintenance as with glossy coatings.
Having decided on the type of paint, its color, and gloss, you need to calculate the required volume. Typically, all manufacturers indicate material consumption per 1 m² in grams. To understand how much color you need to purchase, divide the ceiling area by this data, plus you need to add 10% as a reserve.

But, having chosen the material, before directly painting the plasterboard ceiling
with your own hands, it must be carefully prepared.

Features of painting plasterboard ceilings

The list of all painting equipment is adjusted depending on the method of applying the material to the surface. Manually, the coating is formed traditionally with a roller and brushes. A longer and more scrupulous process that requires more material.
Using a spray gun, the composition is sprayed onto the ceiling, spreading evenly over the entire surface. This application allows you to save on consumption due to a thin layer.
But, using a spray gun requires experience in working with equipment, which is also not always available. Therefore, the classic technique of hand coloring is most often used.

What you need for hand painting

Tools for painting the ceiling can be divided into basic “working” and auxiliary ones. The first are those that directly carry out the entire process:

However, before you start painting, you should first prepare the surfaces intended for this.

Preparing a plasterboard ceiling for painting

The paint is not applied directly to the gypsum board itself. After all main feature material in its ability to absorb moisture. In addition, after installing the casing, the joints between individual elements and attachment points will be clearly visible.
Therefore, before painting a plasterboard ceiling, it must be prepared. At this stage it is worth doing the following types of work:

In the case where an already used ceiling is being prepared for painting, preparatory stage carried out according to a slightly different algorithm:

  • Cleaning of previous finishing material;
  • Leveling with putty and repairing possible damage;
  • Dust removal;
  • Padding.

The best option for putty would be a dry gypsum mixture; it is used for complete plastering and in repair and restoration work with drywall. In addition, if necessary, you need to open the seams between the sheets and seal them with putty with reinforcement. Recovery using gypsum plaster All minor cracks, dents and chips are subject to repair.
The ideal option, when preparing a ceiling to be used, is to clean the already painted ceiling of the old finish and apply putty with a thin layer of 1-2 mm! All damage must be reinforced using sickle tape for cracks and fiberglass mesh on large areas! Sanding is best done using a machine with a mesh or sandpaper (fine-grain fraction p120-160).

It is prohibited to use a grinder, since the high-speed working part will leave marks on the surface, and it will not be possible to obtain an ideal plane.
Priming plasterboard ceilings before painting is almost the same as laying the foundation for building a house. Treatment with such compositions increases adhesion (penetration), and hence the “adhesion” of the paint to the surface. In addition, the primer glues together the smallest dust particles, preventing them from peeling off with the applied coating.
Apply this mixture with a roller in several approaches, taking breaks between them from 30 minutes to 4 hours. The minimum number of layers of primer before painting a plasterboard ceiling is 2-3. When the last primed areas have dried, you can begin painting. How to carry out the whole process correctly?

Painting process

Features of the process of applying color to the ceiling plane manually are as follows:
Be sure to start by applying coating in corners and bends. In such places, the material is applied with brushes before painting the ceilings.
A high-quality coating should have at least 2 layers, and preferably 3.
You need to apply paint to the ceiling according to the following scheme: 1st layer along the windows of the room, 2nd across, 3rd along.

When applying the first ball of coating, the roller is rotated in a zigzag pattern, each next row should overlap the previous one by 50-100 mm.
It is important to control the smoothness of the tool and the pressure during the process. There is no need to put too much pressure on the roller, or roll it with sharp, choppy movements.

After applying the first layer, the ceiling is left to dry, and only after a few hours can you begin further painting.

During work, it is worth monitoring how the coating lays down. Periodically, when painting plasterboard ceilings, you need to inspect their surfaces under different angles. Any missing areas that are found should be painted over immediately.